Maybe The TeeVee Set At MRC Is Busted
Posted on September 22nd, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Rich Noyes, Imam Muomar Al-Bozell’s Newsblusters
No Obama Softballs: MRC Study Finds Morning TV Hits GOP Candidates With Hostile Liberal Agenda
- What is this Fox News that you talk about? It is something on morning TV?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Tintin, they need no TeeVees to make shit up!
Rich Noyes has a purty mouf.
Weak sauce- his definition of a “liberal” question is “Why aren’t tax increases on the table?”
Weak sauce- his definition of a “liberal” question is “Why aren’t tax increases on the table?”
Facts have a known liberal bias
Sounds to me as the Noose Blusters is admitting that Faux Spews is not actually a news network.
Weak sauce- his definition of a “liberal” question is “Why aren’t tax increases on the table?”
Or asking Romney to explain why his plan shouldn’t have been implemented on the national level. Wow, how harsh.
Sounds to me as the Noose Blusters is admitting that Faux Spews is not actually a news network.
i find it downright bizarre that they received no mention…of course, my eyes glazed over before the jump and i couldn’t be bothered to read the rest of this empirically correct study…
Or asking Romney to explain why his plan shouldn’t have been implemented on the national level. Wow, how harsh.
also, too…how dare the liberal media ask the goopers about the VERY SAME THING THEY KEEP SCREAMING ABOUT…
My Hostile Liberal Agenda: let me show you it.
I think the umpire is blind.
Clearly, Kathie Lee and Hoda are socialists.
Shorter Rich Noyes:
“Asking” “questions” is “liberal”
Clearly, Kathie Lee and Hoda are socialists.
Well one of them is uppity
And the other is Hoda
“Asking” “questions” is “liberal”
No. Not all.
“Mr Perry, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
“Asking” “questions” is “liberal”
No. Not all.
“Mr Perry, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
“Mitt Romney: Great candidate or greatest candidate?”
Why can’t all journalists be like J. Jonah Jameson?
“Mr Perry, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
Hey now, people, people!
Hating on Kathie Lee…
is ALWAYS alright!!!!
Has anyone started the therapy/ emancipation fund for that poor kid of hers? “Oh, he’s so cute, him and Frank share the same brand diapers…”
Shorter Flax and Friends
“Poep Governor Perry, you’ve taken a great deal of pleasure in the fact that it takes a mighty set of balls to execute an innocent man. May be see them, worship them, take them in our collective mouth, as it were?”
“Megan, there must be a eloquent way to express that last idea. Get the Doocysaurus…”
Love his methodology: questions which do not reflect our ideology are “liberal.”
Love his methodology: questions which do not reflect our ideology are “liberal.”
And out of bounds, natch.
We can show them our disgust with the media the day after we take our country back from the liberal, socialists that lied to get elected. They told us to “go to hell”. So, let’s show them the way. Hell is standing in line for food, while the elected servants are eating caviar & $16.00 muffiins. Hell is doing without necessities, while they spend us into oblivian.
The day after Perry is elected (AS IF) this would all go away and the right of the GOP leaders to their just due rewards will be enshrined as the natural divine right of kings.
Bootlicker are bootlickers.
I think the term you’re looking for is “gargling”
We can show them our disgust with the media the day after we take our country back from the liberal, socialists that lied to get elected
I’m trying to remember which state Barry’s brother governs that got him elected….?
I’m trying to remember which state Barry’s brother governs that got him elected….?
That one’s gonna leave a mark
Roy rips Goldberg a new one
I know! Its Kenya, right?
OMG teh MSM is jamming its HLA down conservative throats, AGAIN!
Alternate shorter: “Did you know that newspeople can’t be forced to literally bow down before Rick Perry and proclaim him god-king? Fuckin’ liberal-controlled media, amirite?”
The only question a reporter needs to ask a Republican is “Permission to suck?”
Wow. Just wow. Elizabeth Warren is my new hero.
Hell is standing in line for food, while the elected servants are eating caviar & $16.00 muffiins. Hell is doing without necessities, while they spend us into oblivian
what does it matter to starving foodline guy what they spend? living off the government teat is socialism, isn’t it?
Feel free to AHEM me Tintin but I swear I posted it before reading Roy.
Hell is doing without necessities, while they spend us into oblivian.
I hear Oblivian is nice this time of year. The water’s good, too.
they’re already talking about doing away with public roads, and think the fire department shouldn’t save your house if you don’t pay them a fee.
okay, this has already been discussed in my neck of the woods…we have a bunch of tiny towns (pops. of 132 and under) whose post offices may have to close. someone is already floating the idea of ‘private’ post offices where someone would own it and provide the very basic of services…down south where my mom used to live in an un-incorporated town in alabama, they used the paying a fee for fire and ambulance service model…of course as more people retire to this location, that ain’t gonna work…i can just see a massive clusterhump if any of this comes to pass…yesterday, twin cities radio host was opining that the whole liberal agenda hinges on things being ‘new’…the old ways work, so why mess with them? i believe that means the rich are getting richer off the way we are doing things so fucky you get your own…
Elizabeth Warren is my new hero.
She’s basically quoting Buffett.
No “Ahems” Pup
Elizabeth Warren is my new hero.
That quote, captioning a picture of her, is my Facebook status.
Hmm, this sounds like it has good mangos. One sec, splash, splash, splash, wait, this isn’t water, okay, don’t think about it, don’t think about it, now what do we have here?
This is why America is fucked at the moment. Experiencing reality through a television screen and being exposed to our bought and sold failed media experiment. I won’t bother with the statistics that show that people are less informed by watching these shows, especially the Fox News ones.
He then decides to limit his comparison to network morning shows for some reason. Supposedly because of the interviews. Which of course also conveniently ignores the fact that the interviewees are always overwhelmingly Republican and also conveniently cuts out cable shows where Fox always brags about being number one. Also, love the ad selling a get-rich-quick scheme based on stealing money through the stock market through the whole investment tricks the big investment companies have invented. It’s labeled “get rich through Obama’s mistake”. So yes, they openly blame Obama for not stopping them. Self awareness, what is that?
Uh huh. Do we ever see an example of these rigorous “methods”? Ha ha ha ha, oh, my you are a naive one, aren’t you? Also, not mentioned is the overwhelming number of conservative analysists called on as guests to analyze the “optics” of every issue and why its good for Republicans, nor the fact that Democrats aren’t asked “ideological questions” because they are only allowed on these shows if they are spouting Republican talking points.
Snrk. That is all.
Actually, also, let’s circle and highlight the desperate request by the Republican base to be told directly who to vote for. Actually parsing their ability to defend their ideology from the meekest of softball questioning and who most thoroughly makes themselves look like a monster/harsh daddy ready to punish them for their sins is just to hard (oh my) now a days. The Authoritarian transformation is complete and now they just want to be told who to vote for and they’ll rationalize later.
What are some of the examples of liberal questioning?
Oh hey, someone woke up from gobbling Reagan cock for the last 30 years and has noticed that the whole deficit question kinda has two aspects: money received in the form of taxation and money spent in spending and since every “spending cut bill” that conservatives have put out has been a fucking joke in terms of how they want to “balance the budget” usually involving entirely fictional savings they want to give away immediately in a lowered tax burden on the rich.
So apparently liberal questioning means ocassionally our trained hacks stir for a couple of seconds and actually point out basic economics. Apparently this is unforgivable because the current crop of wingnut candidates is unused to any pushback whatsoever and expected nothing short of continual blowjobs.
Hey, they’re focusing on your debt ceiling bullshit, aren’t they? As if that was more important than jobs, a functional health care system, or the number of people starving to death in poverty or the way our numbers game on the unemployed means there is a phantom homeless population out there who are barely surviving by bouncing from couch to couch or sleeping in cars parked in a friend’s driveway.
As was noted before, he is complaining that facts have a liberal bias.
Also it is apparently completely unfair to bring up the past to a conservative candidate this year. No one is allowed to look at what they’ve said or done or supported or tried to fight against in order to understand how they’d run the country. Instead we are supposed to just think “9/11 freedom Jesus America” and pull the R tab…well, have the R tab pulled for us by the huge increase in open and unashamed vote stealing now that the Republicans have realized they can get away with it and feel they have nothing to lose. And of course the “thinking liberals” will blame the “left” because they must not have showed up to vote, even if numbers show its the more moderate liberal voters who stayed home.
But yeah, notice also the example of a conservative question:
Uh huh.
Overall, though, the real flaw is the examples. They are trying to argue “liberal bias” but anyone who isn’t desperately spinning their confirmation bias anyways and would have been just fine with a few dog whistles about the jewish…i mean liberal media, can see that the questions revolve around a wholesale accepting of conservative ideology. All the questions about the debt ceiling for instance instead of pointing out that its a bullshit distraction or otherwise trying to work with Republican talking points and allowing the candidate look like a better wingnut. So yeah, it really is “facts have a liberal bias” combined with incredibly lowered expectations because I don’t see a single liberal ideology mentioned in any of those questioned. No, “since the allowance of gay marriage in your state, we’ve seen none of the things conservatives have argued would happen with legal same sex marriages, why do you think that is” or “the debt ceiling debate is a farce, why do you care more about them and tax cuts for the wealthy while millions continue to suffer in unemployment and poverty?” or “we noticed that the Republican caucus has prevented any positive thing for this country in the hopes of aiding your 2012 chances, why are you such unamerican fucknozzles?”
Sigh, I guess, not really worth soaking myself in god knows what for these. It just serves as a reminder why they need to avoid facts in everything and just use dog whistle, innuendo, and so on, because when they don’t, their arguments look exactly as dumb as they are.
Because facts have a liberal bias. Now, I’m off to soak myself in turpentine and bleach.
When you ask questions that means you don’t have answers = Librul
BWAHAHAHAHAHA Just as it looks like the GØP Buffett tax form birthers are just starting to get something going, BAM! BWAHAHAHAHA Looooooooosers!
And is it just me or has there been this real increase in pushback on the idea that we are allowed to even really interact with our God King conservative leaders in anyway.
I mean, there’s been all the pushback on how remembering direct statements by candidates in recent history was the peak of liberal bigotry and hate and something that everyone should be really ashamed of. Then the pushback against noticing the current statements and actions of candidates and their followers which was also deemed gauche and off-limits. And now the cry that asking candidates questions on their ability to defend conservative ideology and promote conservative talking points while the media pushes a conservative meme as hard as they can is even off-limits.
Add that to things like the Koch Brothers just up and buying Wisconsin to use as their toilet bowl and openly having their operatives steal elections for their chosen hacks and Rick Perry arguing that we should go back to having States elect Senators and it seems the wingnuts are going all in on creating a literal Feudal state rather than the de facto one we have now.
I will further note that there is probably no bottom on this. They pushed back to go back to the 50s, then they pushed for the 1850s and when they won some victories there, they pushed back for the 1350s. If given the chance I fully expect they would push for the time that mankind crawls back into the origin of its speciation and disappears.
And is it just me or has there been this real increase in pushback on the idea that we are allowed to even really interact with our God King conservative leaders in anyway.
You read my blog today, I see.
Why can’t all journalists be like J. Jonah Jameson?
Spider-Man is evil; he wears a mask after all.
Elizabeth Warren is my new hero.
I so want to say this, but I know in 6-8 months she’ll say/do something to piss off one “liberal” and it’ll be “EW sold us out!” blog posts for the rest of that week.
I so want to say this, but I know in 6-8 months she’ll say/do something to piss off one “liberal” and it’ll be “EW sold us out!” blog posts for the rest of that week.
Oh great, thanks a lot MISS FUCKING SUNSHINE!
As of this morning she is most searched person on Google.
Bring back Jeff Gannon!
I got yer hostile liberal agenda right here buddy….
Plainly ANY question that wasn’t itself written by the person being asked it is, by definition, guilty of liberal bias by default … but perhaps first we should see if the questions are heavier than a duck.
In stock?
Sadly, no.
Yay! New thread!
I gave up on the last one when I got a few hundred posts behind. I shall be more vigilant this time, I swear it.
I so want to say this, but I know in 6-8 months she’ll say/do something to piss off one “liberal” and it’ll be “EW sold us out!” blog posts for the rest of that week.
Welcome to being a liberal where almost always our heroes will eventually disappoint us. Luckily it helps that we’re much better at acknowledging flaws in our heroes and respecting certain elements while criticizing others than our conservative counterpoints.
Sadly, that rarely seems to help with the initial bout of disappointment. Stupid Richard Dawkins and his stupid comments about Elevatorgate.
Yeah, I really thought Dawkins was one of the good guys before that. I mean, he had said some pretty questionable and problematic things, but I genuinely thought his heart was in the right place. His statements revealed a certain callousness and lack of self-reflection that has really put a black mark on him in my eyes.
Oh, I chuckled.
Tee hee.
Wait a sec., who “blinked & folded?”
I know this was said upthread in various permutations, but I just have to blather on about what I immediately noticed about this hard-hitting piece:
1.) Apparently Fox is not considered a news organization and
2.) Questions about taxes are liberal
Weak sauce- his definition of a “liberal” question is “Why aren’t tax increases on the table?”
Silly Rumbold, anything asked of a Republican in any language other than slurps is liberal bias.
I wish this were a text generator where you could put in your own text, because it would be so funny to run some NewsBuster stuff through there.
Cerberus–let me just say I enjoy your long rants immensely, and I’m glad you post here so prolifically. I Checked out your blog and noodled around a bit and it is as I expected, more of the same, only even longer, snarkier and more thought out. I just wish you would post there more than the 1 or 2 a month you seem to generate. Better yet, maybe you could work out a deal with the overlords of the SadlyRanch to take you on in place or HTML or Gavin, or someone whose postings here have been a bit anemic of late…
I can sort of see the point of only doing the broadcast networks, as they still have a tremendous audience size advantage over the cable news networks, but really I’m not labouring under the impression that a sincere methodological or statistical concern is why they did that.
They can’t include cable news because aside from Fox, MSNBC has 3 hours run by a certain class of 1994 former Republican congressman, who festoons the show with right wing hacks, yet strangely is never mentioned by those who equate MSNBC as the liberal version of Fox.
Ah thanks.
I’d be down if they were.
And yeah, I know, I need to post more on my blog. I’ve got some side projects in the work that should be adding more content to my site soon, but they aren’t necessarily politics focused.
Ya hear that sadlords? Have your people call his people.
What Steerpike said. All of it.
Bacon Ipsum.
Might still be in stock
Bring In Da Noyes, Bring In Da Fuck’d!
Damn libruls and their by-asses. Republicans must be given the kind of media deference that their ownership status demands. A doleful nation seeks a modern Goebells or Riefenstahl to show the way.
Does this shop make my ass look worn?
Might still be in stock
Original version seen here.
Does Maureen Dowd need to get laid or is she hooked on Oxy’s?
I mean, seriously. Every paragraph has little cringe inducing word choices and creepy imagery.
It sounds to me like Ms Dowd is hoping for the President to shove an enormous stimulus package down the nation’s throat.
Does Maureen Dowd need to get laid or is she hooked on Oxy’s?
Tranq Zombie. Watch her occasional appearances on MSNBC, it’s like watching Dean Stockwell in Blue Velvet.
And watching Andy Breitbart is liking watching Frank Booth.
No, that’s not right. Andy talks tough but he’d shit his Dockers if he ever encountered Frank.
A Facebook friend assured me about a month ago that Maureen Dowd is a liberal and that her scribblings were to be taken seriously (this was around the time of her “rah rah dead Bin Laden” column). Said that I didn’t understand that she was “a tough cookie” like “Tina Fey” and that she held Democrats to “a higher standard” blah blah blah.
Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
More sounds like she wants an executive threeway with Secretary Clinton and the President.
It is simply amazing how many of our media class seem to have deep and abiding sexual issues that form the summation of their political philosophies.
For the men it is always about having a strong leather daddy tell them they are worthless while degrading them and making them lick their boots and for the few women the media seems to let in, well, we get the weird shit like this.
Probably why Rachel Maddow is the best news anchor out there. She’s getting what she wants regularly and so doesn’t have to sublimate her urges before a national audience.
Andy talks tough but he’d shit his Dockers if he ever encountered Frank.
Should someone let Andy know that “Internet Tough Guy” doesn’t work in real life?
DOOD. He’s got people “high up” in the military to back him up. I know it ‘cuz he said so!
And watching Andy Breitbart is liking watching Frank Booth.
I think Andy IS the biggest douchebag on the planet. I don’t know if it’s possible to be more annoyed by a guy.
DOOD. He’s got people “high up” in the military to back him up. I know it ‘cuz he said so!
Friends in high places, eh? Well let’s see ’em!
“And watching Andy Breitbart is liking watching Frank Booth.
I think Andy IS the biggest douchebag on the planet. I don’t know if it’s possible to be more annoyed by a guy.”
I abhor violence…but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face.
Isn’t Msr. Responsible for Half the Travesties of Journalism in the Last 2 Years, the fucker who was so strung out on meth that he flipped out during a dinner with his beard…I mean wife and started ranting and flipping off a protest of child-soldiers because his brain started frothing when he saw liberals marching down the street and thought they were coming to steal his freedoms or something?
Ah, yeah, thought so.
You know, I don’t think I read anything random druggies being given a prominent position in the media back in the 60s (Hunter S Thompson being the notable exception). Maybe I’m wrong and Timothy Leary was considered one of the top go-tos on every issue under the sun, but somehow I suspect not.
I abhor violence…but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face.
I totally agree. I only abhor violence against innocents. Andy does need his fucking bigass teeth kicked down his fucking pukehole. So does every other scheming fucking liar that manipulates stupid people into acting against their own interests. We used to call that fascism.
but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face
As the bass player I’m usually the one that is called on to deliver punches to the face. Wasn’t always that way, I once played in a band with a vegan poet bass player. Face punching duties were shared between me and the drummer. One of the bands I play with now has a banjo playing face puncher.
That last thread that mentioned ‘things you only see by doing enough gigs’ has had me thinking.
In this kooky new world, only liberals are fascists now.
As the bass player I’m usually the one that is called on to deliver punches to the face.
I was the self-appointed face puncher, but never had to actually pull the trigger, thankfully. Or sadly, depending on one’s perspective.
Our bass player would probably have found some poor female bystander to punch instead. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed if ya know what I mean.
Also, too, by the way, if any of you is considering waiting about 6 years to see the dentist DONT FUCKING DO IT.
I spent 2 hours in the chair getting all that stuff chiseled off my long-suffering chompers. They had to numb my with shots. They only got one side done. Next Thursday I get to do it all over again. yay.
This result is almost certainly erroneous, but the science fiction geek in me is freaking the fuck out right now.
So you guys were like your own bouncers. Novel. OK, but did you ever have to fight and play at the same time?
LC, I already told MBouffant I’m going to meet aliens in my hover-space-car.
but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face
There is supposedly a German phrase that translates to “The face that begs for a fist in it”.
I need that word.
Google translate suggests:
Literally “fist begging face”, which I think is good enough to go on with.
This result is almost certainly erroneous
I am concerned about journamalists who feel obliged to tell the reader THREE FECKIN’ TIMES that Einstein invented the “1905 special theory of relativity” which is “the famous E (equals) mc2 equation”.
VS, your wish is my (or the Yahoo search engine’s) command –
There’s a French equivalent too that loosely translates to “a face for slapping.” (Tête à claques).
There is supposedly a German phrase that translates to “The face that begs for a fist in it”.
I’ve heard about that but don’t remember the (compound) word. Alternate translation: The face that’s hitting on my babe. That’s how they use it anyway.
I only abhor violence against innocents.
As no one is innocent, this sounds good to me.
tsam, ask for nitrous next time. You’ll want to order a tank once you’ve had it.
“Backpfeifengesicht” is the word Major Kong seeks. Though its use is limited to English; the only example I can find of it actually being used in German is in a song by Die Ärzte.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it entered colloquial German as a borrowing from English.
There’s a French equivalent too
French just isn’t the best language for cussing someone out. It still comes out sounding like love poetry.
If someone cusses you out in German you know you’ve been cussed out.
Cerebus said:
This is why America is fucked at the moment. Experiencing reality through a television screen and being exposed to our bought and sold failed media experiment.
I read that as “bought and soiled”. I think either reading is correct.
The service here is GREAT!
tsam, ask for nitrous next time. You’ll want to order a tank once you’ve had it.
I did, and I did want to order a tank. Apparently, it’s like “illegal”. Whatever.
I’m just saying that this was completely unnecessary but a fitting punishment for neglecting my health like that.
French just isn’t the best language for cussing someone out. It still comes out sounding like love poetry.
The writers, director and stars of Bon Cop/Bad Cop say AHEM!
Apparently, it’s like “illegal”. Whatever.
Well, yes. But sold in little capsules at restaurant supply stores and (at least in the old days) head shops. I find the little empties in the alley behind my house all the time. – Oddly, I didn’t put them there.
And such large portions!
“And such large portions!”
Are you calling us fat?
but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face.
A visit from Junkpuncho.
I believe you can get tanks of nitrous oxide at speed shops (places that sell parts for hot-rods/race cars).
A lot of street racers use nitrous as a horsepower booster.
In this kooky new world, only liberals are fascists now.
And feminists are the actual gender-haters.
Between this place, and Manboobz, snark and mockery is the only way I survive.
Well, that and the booze, of course.
French just isn’t the best language for cussing someone out. It still comes out sounding like love poetry.
If someone cusses you out in German you know you’ve been cussed out.
Hell, if someone expresses undying romantic love to you in German, it sounds like you’ve been cussed out.
French just isn’t the best language for cussing someone out. It still comes out sounding like love poetry.
It may yet surprise you – there are ghetto versions of French, believe it or not, and they can sound pretty hardcore.
If someone cusses you out in German you know you’ve been cussed out.
That, I can’t argue with.
Russian, also, too.
If someone cusses you out in German you know you’ve been cussed out.
Offer only available in Plattdeutsch.
Someone swears at you in Swabian, it sounds like they’re choking on Spätzle.
No one has been truly cursed until they have been cursed in the original Klingon.
I believe you can get tanks of nitrous oxide at speed shops (places that sell parts for hot-rods/race cars).
A lot of street racers use nitrous as a horsepower booster.
Someone swears at you in Swabian, it sounds like they’re choking on Spätzle.
If you don’t like that, don’t even touch the Swiss-German…
It never ceases to amaze me the disconnect in the media, that the indifference to the reality of American ‘life’ so enhances the egregiosity (goddam, that’s a purty word) of the Rightwing LizardKings. This just might be the last election we’ll see for a long time, if the Ownership class gets its way. I thought ’72 was the end, but Dick got caught., and well, it turned out alright. Except for the larvae that escaped and flourished under Raygunz and King George the First (aka the Lesser) and his simpleton progeny. BrightFart is just a court jester to these oxygen thieves, and deserves whatever misery he ends up with- I figure a wooden liver or getting shot by a real gangbanger for ‘looking at him like that!’ The rest of the nooz clowns are sad imitations of humans. They’re like the fuckboys that stay in the bathhouse, waiting for the next big-dick crank freak to offer them a hit and a fuck. No aspirations at being anything other than a plaything for someone ‘better than they are,.
I abhor violence…but tell me that guy does not need a punch in the face.
With a fucking utility pole auger.
In this
kookybrave new world, only liberals are fascists now.HOLY SHIT!!!!.
Tachyons everywhere are saying “meh.”
I am concerned about journamalists who feel obliged to tell the reader THREE FECKIN’ TIMES that Einstein invented the “1905 special theory of relativity” which is “the famous E (equals) mc2 equation”..
More importantly, they don’t mention that the results, if true, only contradict special relativity, general relativity already allows (sort of) for such things as I note above.
The Houston Astros are the Absolutely Suckiest team in baseball (currently .342). The Astros lost their 100th game last Saturday.
Their centerfielder is (Jason) Bourgeois.
More proof that socialism roolz!
GOP debate: crowd boos question from active duty soldier asking if DADT would be repealed.
Ah, you beat me to it. I was going to say “Conservatives LUV Our Glorious Troops! Unless they’re filthy faggots, of course.”
Mark Twain would take issue with you on that, and to my way of thinking that tends to make you wrong.
I knew a guy many yrs. ago who claimed to have ordered a large tank from a surgical supply house, but that was a more innocent time.
Is no one watching the droolers “debate?”
Yah, The Ho insisted on watching the wankfest. Crazyland. I kept hearing “let him die!”
Well, the thing with the media in that regard is like you’re being set up for blind dates constantly by people with really ruthlessly specific tastes. And you keep on trying to tell them you don’t find big, strong Texan daddies with a mean and dumb streak attractive, but thery don’t listen. It’s a clever joke, or you’re being weird, and then by the time things cool off they’re sending you more of their rejects and you can’t bring it up again. And you finally work up the courage and tell them to knock that shit off, and then they tell you how blind they’ve been and agree to the error of their ways, and next thing you know they’re screaming at you, literally screaming in literal fury, that you turned down that Yale boy who only pretends to be a Texan peckerwood, and then they’re on the phone to the nice environmentalist’s weird controlling Jewish mother and the next thing you know you’ve killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians.
Wow, that one kind of got out of hand, didn’t it?
Seriously, folks—don’t breathe automotive-grade nitrous. In addition to being less than pure to begin with, they deliberately add sulfur dioxide to it to prevent recreational use.
Well, it has performance effects, but they do in fact do that. Food nitrous chargers are great, though.
The trick to get more out of them than just sucking in unbreathable air is finding just the right amount of air to leave in the balloon/bag/whatever. I’m stuck with a horrible worthless little plastic thing, so I’m pretty much obligated to use garbage bags – not the end of the world, though.
I’m stuck with a horrible worthless little plastic thing, so I’m pretty much obligated to use garbage bags
I think you meant to leave that comment on one of those Mens Rights blogs.
I was wondering why I could never find a good conversation about ladder theory to jump into.
9/22 – Nevar Forget.
I wonder if c itself isn’t subtly changing … or if this might be the conctrete proof of dark matter/dark energy everyone’s been looking for.
Also: if the neutrinos are going X nanoseconds faster than c, wouldn’t they show up on their detectors BEFORE they were emitted?
The Houston Astros are the Absolutely Suckiest team in baseball (currently .342). The Astros lost their 100th game last Saturday.
Their centerfielder is (Jason) Bourgeois.
More proof that socialism roolz!
Little love for my Mariners, please. They just hit 90 losses.
Wow, that one kind of got out of hand, didn’t it?
Little love for my Mariners, please. They just hit 90 losses.
Sympathy. Been there.
Inexplicably, it looks like the Brewers are headed for the post-season.
Little love for my Mariners, please. They just hit 90 losses.
fricking twins finally won today!!!
We always called the nitrius shots “whipits”, cuz they charged the whipped cream cans. Bet they have to account for every one at S’bucks. Whipit! Whipit good!
nitrous. brain damage.
OK so. I watched the debate and then I stupidly went to both FDL and Balloon Juice looking for I dunno: serious political discussion??. Somebody say something nice to me. Otherwise I am moving to Ireland. Wanna come?
You’re going to want to see if the public furor at the impotence of the Fine Gael government breaks for Labour or for a new and improved Fianna Fail, surely, and even then you’re going to have to learn to use ‘fuck’ as your main word.
Better to go with the sea. She is a harsh mistress, but fair.
I have always heard ‘whippets’, on account of it is hilarious to get a dog high.
Somebody say something nice to me. Otherwise I am moving to Ireland.
Hi there! Pleased to meet you!
Wanna come?
Sorry, Pittsburgh is calling me.
Oh hi again, Helen!
Honestly, good luck on the move to Ireland if you’re serious with that. Sorry to say I’ve never been there myself (England’s as close as I got), but it’s on the list of places to go.
OK so. I watched the debate and then I stupidly went to both FDL and Balloon Juice looking for I dunno: serious political discussion??. Somebody say something nice to me.
You’re a better person than I am. Or more masochistic, in which case I hope that’s what you like. If not, you deserve a drink.
I have spent the night messing around with preliminary survey information, drinking Cuba Zombres, , and listening to Bloodshot Records “The Executioner’s Last Songs” records that benefit the National Coalition Against The Death Penalty, for obvious reasons. The records are more awesome than should be allowed (Neko Case, Jon Langford, Steve earle, Dave Alvin, Mark eitzel, Otis Clay, Rhett Miller, The Sundowners, Sally Timms doing “Gary Gilmore’s Eyes”, too many more to mention) and y’all should go right out to the Bloodshot site and buy them-they cheap!- because we apparently need to keep fighting state-murder.
Sorry, Pittsburgh is calling me.
Good FSM, how fucked up IS your karma?
serious political discussion
also…I hope you didn’t come here looking for that. I mean, there is SOME, but mixed in with alarmingly high level of POOP, PENIS, and motherfucking.
And the occasional drunk zombie.
Good FSM, how fucked up IS your karma?
Don’t ask. Just don’t even ask.
Hi Alec – I know that. I am stupidly thinking I do not care what goes on there. For the first 6 months that may be the case. And then I will hate those politicians too (by the by – I can do Britian too, Mom was born in Belfast, but we (really they (not me) are Catholic) so I have a choice.
Hey Chris Hi to you again too. When you get to Ireland on your list please come visit. It is as green as the pictures.
Could be worse. Could be Kansas City, Missouri.
Oh Alec – My main word now is FUCK. I actually got fired for saying it. By a new guy from Ohio. I shit you not.
I PENISed in the wrong thread.
Oh Alec – My main word now is FUCK. I actually got fired for saying it. By a new guy from Ohio. I shit you not.
Golf claps, Helen. Golf claps.
If more corporate weasels had people yelling FUCK at them, perhaps they might re-consider their trending toward oligarchy.
I PENISed in the wrong thread.
You can catch a Social Disease that way, Hogeye.
True story: my parents were there for a conference my dad was at a year or two back, and I asked them if what I had heard about the Irish and the F-word was true. They insisted they hadn’t heard it at all.
When they got back, they told me that no sooner had I called than they actually made it out through the accent, after which they noticed it everywhere.
And why not? I’m not saying I’m Ezekiel, but what I have to say about this world doesn’t quite add up to ‘for she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses’, either.
Hey Zombie – drunk? Check. And the death penalty? OMG could I tell you stories. Real life honest to the goddess stories. Got a minute?
I got nothing but time, too much in this wonderful New Economy, Helen, and it is Sadly-Late Night.
Will I need to freshen my drink, though?
Also, among the Sadlyscenti, I am usually known as ZRM. Easier on the typing.
I’d really be in a pickle then, wouldn’t I.
Refresh your drink. I just did
I like you, Helen. I can tell already. You enable me.
And you, I. I may be in like (once again) Here is my absolutely true, horrible, please save him story.
Helen, I live in Milwaukee, home of Jeffrey Dahmer. I remember coming home from work, to my wife telling me that there was a serial killer…
But Wisconsin doesn’t have the death penalty; I am of the (admittedly poorly-founded) opinion that the sentencing was intended as a de-facto death penalty.
I’d really be in a pickle then, wouldn’t I.
you would be kind of small if you were in a pickle.
Unless it’s some weird sexual thing, in which case, eww. And send pictures.
Are you joking? Please stop it. I have been on the fence about the Death penalty. Not really thinking about it. If America wants it fine. And then my nephew, my godchild, (not that I am Catholic – I am an atheist, but don’t tell him) Alexander Charles Ernandes, who I Ioved with all my heart, age 19, was murdered (just 8 months ago) by his “friend.” Gunned down in a stupid Stupid dispute (do not get me started on guns). So you would think: “Well NOW she’ll be for it” But ya know what? NOPE. I have had enough young death in my life to know that here is no closure. STOP THE KILLING!!
Helen, I don’t mean to be too light. I am ardently anti-death penalty. I don’t find it fine that most of my countrymen seem to feel revenge-killing by the State is fine. And these are quite often people also screaming opposition to Big Government and Fascism.
I am not on the fence about the death penalty.
Killing another young person will not bring the first young person back.
Barbarism begets barbarism.
Helen; I just googled that name.
I weep at the pictures.
No, killing another kid is not going to solve anything.
I don’t think Dahmer should have been killed. He also shouldn’t have been relegated to a prison where his murder by other inmates was nearly a given, and the inmates responsible were not punished.
Condolences, Helen. Good thoughts.
Good music. I am now hearing Ray Davies and Mumford and Sons doing “Days”. Which seems appropriate.
The main European progenitor we have a name for on one side, von Gosic or whatever – family legend holds he was some kind of Prussian aristo or something, but I kind of suspect he was a Duchy of Warsaw kraut with delusions of grandeur – ostensibly was offered a commission in Nicholas I’s army, refused, then had to run to America when they killed his family.
Granted, he might have been a Napoleonic officer or something who just didn’t want to work for the Tsar, but more likely he was a jumped-up draft dodger. The whole thing where they killed everyone he knew that they could lay hands on – now that’s probably true.
And that’s what I think about the death penalty.
a jumped-up draft dodger
so you come from good rabble-rouser lineage.
A zombie who is anti-death penalty.
Alex? yeah. I told you his name because I thought you would think I was lying. Google his Aunt. That would be me.
And I am sure you know this but see Nick Broomfiled’s doc about Aileen Worenous. That woman was crazy. But no one cared. That’s when I thought, HUH?
Little love for my Mariners, please. They just hit 90 losses.
And the Mariners are tied with the Oreos at .423 after Thursday’s games! Here are the current standings in the World Sewers:
.423 Baltimore*
.423 Seattle
.387 Minnesota
.346 Houston
*Baltimore would be #1 seed, due a 4-2 head-to-head record against Seattle.
YAY Baseball, Fenwick. And you are talkin to a Mets fan.
Alex? yeah. I told you his name because I thought you would think I was lying.
Gosh, you have a low opinion of zombies.
just kidding. I had to close the window of the article, cus it was so disheartening. Kids. Guns. Not a good mix.
Actually, I kind of think humans and guns are not a good mix.
Aileen Wuornos, of course I know. GWB mocking her. Texas being the shitstain on this country, yet again.
YAY Baseball, Fenwick. And you are talkin to a Mets fan.
How do you feel about the Brewers?
Don’t spare me.
No clue about the Brewers. They are AMERICAN league. Ewe, get that stench off of me.
Doesn’t have much to do with the death penalty, but somewhat to do with young people dying. I am drunk enough to put this out there.
My wife’s sister was not able to conceive for some time; she and her husband adopted an infant, Mike. He was awesome in so many ways. As aunt and uncle, we loved him so much. he was so smart.
And because the lived in a very small community, he had no chance to actually use those brains. we offered, more than once, to let him spend summers with us in Milwaukee, going to college outreach programs, but it never happened.
And he ended up dulling that intellect, because in that environment, smart kids were ostracized. And so he ended up going to a tech school, rather than a college; washing out of that; going through a series of crappy mcJobs and brushes with Law, debt and jail; and finally giving his mother an envelope, and then walking into the backyard and blowing his brains out.
When he was 22.
It wasn’t a death penalty, but it might as well have been.
I lurves da baseball!
I’m also sorry about your loss. The death penalty is one of the issues I’ve ever so slowly changed my views on over the course of my life. It was like turning around an ocean liner, very slow, but I now oppose the death penalty completely.
I am, however, for unusual punishment. Not cruel punishment. Unusual punishment. Don’t ask me to esplane, ’cause I’m about to pop in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which I’ve never seen.
Remember who the Miracle Mets beat? It was a sad, sad day in Clam City…
No clue about the Brewers. They are AMERICAN league. Ewe, get that stench off of me.
Well, they used to be. Then idiot MLB let them go to the NL, so that now there are 14 AL teams and 16 NL teams. WTF?
Really liked the Brewers in the AL: Cecil Cooper at 1B … Gantner at 2B … Yount at SS … and Molitor at 3B. One of the best freakin’ infields of my lifetime. Man, could that infield throw leather.
Okay, off for my movie.
No clue about the Brewers. They are AMERICAN league. Ewe, get that stench off of me.
I have POLITICAL reasons to hate the Brewers, but more specifically, Selig. I have been struggling with that stench ever since they built that stupid folding roof monstrosity at 500 million on the public dime, a year after $100 million to be spent n public schools JUST TO MAKE THE AGING BUILDINGS USABLE was voted down.
He pilfered from the team to make himself and his daughter richer. And gave not one fuck about the team’s actual performance.
Not a coincidence that since he has moved on, the management has taken a damaged system and consistently brought it up.
Fuck Bud Selig. With ALL of Dragon-King’s mom’s strap-ons, including the ones with electrical probes.
oof. That thing about my nephew was hard. after several years, still hard. Need more drank.
Oh zombie – so, so sorry. Imagine if every single child was told how beautiful, how smart, how funny, they are? Imagine if they were told that every single thing they did was unfuckingbelievably fabulolus?
Well. What a wonderful world that would be.
The Miracle Mets? Fenwick? Do not get me started. I may be aging myself, but, which miracle? The Koosman and Tom Terrific Mets? Or the Mooky and OH MY GOD Keith Mets?
Thx Helen, and same back at you, because your hurt is so much more recent.
But I think about this one line by Gaslight Anthem in their song “59 Sound”:
young boys, young girls,ain’t supposed to die on a Saturday night.
But they do.
Hey zombie? You are in Milwaukee? As in, Wisconnsin? Do you know that all of us dirty effing hippy tree hugging liberals (in NYC) are counting on you to defeat Scott Walker? No pressure, though.
Makes sense. Waste of braaaaaaaaains.
re counting on you to defeat Scott Walker? No pressure, though.
oh dear. check my blog.
I have been opposing Turdwaffle Walker since he was County Executive, and all he could do was destroy our county park system and kill the public transit.
Working on it. We have to deal with the Posse Comitatus Reactionary sections of the state though.
A zombie who is anti-death penalty.
Makes sense. Waste of braaaaaaaaains.
Actually, I kind of like ’em fried.
But I don’t want the State to do it.
Yep on no state. State meaning the government. I wish every American would read the 10th amendment. Cuz guess what? Read it!!!
Also, too.
This is all I need to read about the
ongoing hatefest roadshow“debate”.Pimpin’ is hard.
and listening to Bloodshot Records “The Executioner’s Last Songs” records that benefit the National Coalition Against The Death Penalty, for obvious reasons
The main lesson I learned from the most recent executions from the US is that if you want to kill a black dude for no better reason than to maintain the authority of the established power structure, it is safer to do it by drug overdose than by dragging him along behind a pick-up truck.
Ewe, get that stench off of me.
This is a request one seldom hears outside of New Zealand.
oooo am off to bed. g-night.
Do you know that all of us dirty effing hippy tree hugging liberals (in NYC) are counting on you to defeat Scott Walker?
We’d settle for a little nomming
This is a request one seldom hears outside of New Zealand.
So NZ:Australia::Red States:America?
So NZ:Australia::Red States:America?
I believe that Australia has its own Red-State equivalent [cough coughQueensland*cough] and does not need NZ.
* Queensland, the State so backward they had to bring in a Kiwi to govern it.
Oh. That last comment was me.
I always thought the uber-christians did a very poor job of selling their
mythologyreligion…because their god is SO VERY MEAN.I believe that Australia has its own Red-State equivalent [cough coughQueensland*cough] and does not need NZ.
Except for the bestiality.
Hey, Smut? Is your Deep South to the North? You guys are all upside down and all…
I always thought the uber-christians did a very poor job of selling their mythology religion…because their god is SO VERY MEAN.
It always cracked me up how they would hold Jesus up as some sort of justification for being a dumbfuck tax rebel.
I like how their god vascillates between being all like hippy time benevolent to “I’LL SEND YOU’RE ASS STRAIGHT TO HELL WHERE YOU’LL GET NO MORE BIRTHDAYS!” guy.
And I had killed you. Because of that fuckface “Anonymous” copy-pasta troll that was plaguing us awhile back.
Imagine if they were told that every single thing they did was unfuckingbelievably fabulolus?
Regretsy would have material right up to the heat death of the universe?
And I had killed you. Because of that fuckface “Anonymous” copy-pasta troll that was plaguing us awhile back.
OUCH. Quit it.
I like how their god vascillates between being all like hippy time benevolent to “I’LL SEND YOU’RE ASS STRAIGHT TO HELL WHERE YOU’LL GET NO MORE BIRTHDAYS!” guy.
Well, in fairness, one’s a Dad, the other is the rebellious hippie liberal Jew.
I’m trying to picture the discussions between God and Jesus when he was a teen (remember, that’s not covered in the Bible so this could actually be true)
God: Cut your hair, you Me-damned hippie freak!
Jesus: You’re not the boss of Me!
Well, in fairness, one’s a Dad, the other is the rebellious hippie liberal Jew.
I think the dad inspired Red Foreman on That 70s Show.
We have to deal with the Posse
ComitatusComatose Reactionary sections of the state though.FTFY
Hey now. Red was against Ford’s pardon of Nixon.
When you scratched the surface, Red was really an honorable, stand-up guy. Nothing like your modern conservative.
Red was really an honorable, stand-up guy. Nothing like your modern conservative.
…all bent over and dishonored….
BTW, if you’ve got 45 minutes to spare, check out this video of a program I was watching this morning on Free Speech TV: The Codes of Gender
It goes a lonnnnnnnnnng way to explaining a lot of mass-media creations.
Well, now that’s just special!
Oops. That requires clarification before someone assumes I mean “self-proclaimed”…
Thank you for sharing! I’m excited about watching it!
So, I asked Bob Owens why he–who advocated violent revolution after the passing of ObamaCare–gets to lecture the left for its supposed love of “cop-killers.” Here’s what his commenters offered me:
No one accused Bobo Wens or his cellmates of clear thinking, Andrew.
*Trigger Alert – On Topic Comment*
Of course, if the MRC are REAL oldschool conservatives, one speculates that logically, they’ll be eschewing the b00b tube altogether in favour of the faith-based-initiative deal with the hoicked-out pigeon bits in a big silver platter.
discussions between God and Jesus when he was a teen
Iesus – Dad, why are you always such a heavy hater?
Yahweh – Nu, so even from my own kid I’m getting this now?
Iesus – Bite me.
Since the ascension of Mr. Obama
He spells “election” funnay. And seriously, dude, you don’t like Obama work to get your dude elected, but don’t try to pretend advocating the murder of the rightfully elected president is anything other than treason, America-hater. And also too OMG I hope every EPA hater chokes to death on hazardous waste.
I wonder how your head feels under something like me
Iesus – Bite me.
This is my body…
And also too OMG I hope every EPA hater chokes to death on hazardous waste.
You ever wonder what it would be like if we just let the little babies have their rattles?
Honestly, good luck on the move to Ireland if you’re serious with that. Sorry to say I’ve never been there myself (England’s as close as I got), but it’s on the list of places to go.
helen…i am totes with you if you go…i’ve been there and have decided that’s where i want to live…been to england too, and while i love that place, ireland is much, much cooler…when asked by the locals if i had been overseas before and i would reply ‘to england’ i would invariably hear “FOOK the FOOKIN BRITS!!!’ and then a multitude of swears that i could not decipher…
You ever wonder what it would be like if we just let the little babies have their rattles?
as a parent, you should know the answer to this one…they would be fine with their rattle for about two seconds and then would start screaming for something else…or worse, just drop the rattle and stare at you until you pick it up and give it back to them…only to drop it again…
I loved Ireland when I was there, and would move there if I had to, but I’d prefer someplace warmer and sunnier.
as a parent, you should know the answer to this one
Well, here’s my thinking: we build the A-Ark, tell them, “fine, lower taxes, yadayadayada, enjoy the next century,” then come back and fix everything once they get it all out of their systems.
your brand-new leopard-skin pillbox hat said,
September 23, 2011 at 19:47
I wonder how your head feels under something like me
I loved Ireland when I was there, and would move there if I had to, but I’d prefer someplace warmer and sunnier.
well, yeah warm and sunny is always optimal, but i’m from the hinterlands of minnesota, so ireland WAS warmer…also, that place just kicks ass…
I stayed near Dublin, altho I did visit Newgrange. I can’t say I disagree with you. It was February and they had temperate palm trees growing. I was impressed with the climate.
Still, I like to be naked outside…
holy crap…this was a long thread to catch up with (some of us DO have to do some sort of work ya know)…
i also find that i am finding this country to be a really scary place right now if people like bobo wens and his followers are really truly serious…i mean, holy eff! talk about sucking the hot rod nitro…they are really and truyl messed up, aren’t they?
but this makes me worried about myself…i absofuckinglutely cannot get anything done at the dentist without a shitton of nitrous…my old dentist, who called me ‘button’ even when i was in my late 30s (r.i.p.) used to just let me suck that crap for all i was worth: him: can you smell anything now? me: (inhaling for as long as possible) nope him: (turning the knob)* okay, how about now? me (inhaling for as long as possible) nope…
pretty soon i would be giggling for about half an hour and then i would pass out…good times…
shorter me: are confederate yankees more fucked up than me stone off my tits on nitrous?
Still, I like to be naked outside…
I stayed near Dublin, altho I did visit Newgrange. I can’t say I disagree with you. It was February and they had temperate palm trees growing. I was impressed with the climate.
we did the whole country during september and it was fricking gorgeous…dublin was my sister’s fave…i fell in love with killarney (possibly cause holy jesus did i get hit on there!), but could easily live anywhere there…except limerick…ick is right…
pretty soon i would be giggling for about half an hour and then i would pass out…good times…
Ever wake up with mysterious bruises around the breastses?
Still, I like to be naked outside…
Oh hell, they’re all around the internet. Just Google “naked dwarf outdoors”
Ever wake up with mysterious bruises around the breastses?
zomg! AFTER i got my wisdom teeth surgically removed as a teenager, we found out that the surgeon was up on misconduct charges…srsly, i did wonder why i was not wearing my cardigan when i woke up…i believe he was cleared on those charges, but this was not much comfort for number one son when HE had to get his out by the same doc…i told him to wear multiple pairs of undies…
I loved Ireland when I was there, and would move there if I had to, but I’d prefer someplace warmer and sunnier.
Just Google “naked dwarf outdoors”
hawt…who’s your friend?
Ever wake up with mysterious bruises around the breastses?
also, too…no…but my jaw was usually sore and i had a funny taste in my mouth and such?
hawt…who’s your friend?
Oh, he’s just a little Happy…
Posted by: Mike Mc at September 22, 2011 09:27 PM
Shorter Mike Mc: It’s OK for white people to shoot cops, because CONSTITUTION!. It’s not OK for black people to shoot cops, because SOCIALISM!
At this point, if you could dig up poor George Orwell, he’d just shake his head and ask to be put back in the ground.
At this point, if you could dig up poor George Orwell
Great! Now I’ve got a Wham! song earworming….
“Dig me up, before you go-go”?
Just saw this status update at Facebook a few minutes ago:
Well, here’s my thinking: we build the A-Ark, tell them, “fine, lower taxes, yadayadayada, enjoy the next century,” then come back and fix everything once they get it all out of their systems.
You saw the warming models, the self accelerating systems (methane releases from under the ice caps)
There won’t be anything left to fix. I would doubt that what would be left would be inhabitable by the human at this stage of his evolution.
Funny, this makes me a conservative too.
He’s the kind of conservative I grew up with. Him, I can deal with. There’s compromise to be found with his kind.
This is where the writer loses me:
These people are not conservatives; they are dangerous, bomb-throwing radicals, and if Joe McCarthy were around today he would drag them before HUAC.
McCarthy was every bit the dangerous, bomb-throwing radical is the people the writer decries. Sorry, dude, you got fooled for the past thirty years, it’s nice to see you woke up, but you did nothing to stop the downward spiral.
What makes me a conservative, as opposed to an anti-american radical, is that I understand government is the necessary path to those things. Strong public schools, progressive taxation, judicious regulation, muscular infrastructure, minimum wage, unions, social security, and the occasional protective tariff; these things are the bulwarks of the american high-wage working class.
Conservative? Sure sounds like a commie to me. Or maybe a fascist. I heard they were the same.
New fred!
Andrew said,
September 23, 2011 at 18:38
I’m always impressed, in a “Jesus, this is really sad” kind of way, by the sheer volume of writing conservative bloggers and commenters manage to do that’s based on pure fantasy and bullshit. It’s like those people who manage to have encyclopedia-length conversations on fan forums about the nature of this or that thing in Middle Earth, or the Star Wars galaxy, or the world of Twilight, except conservatives actually think everything they’re talking about is real, which makes them far more deluded than even the most hardcore sci-fi/fantasy nerds.
Or maybe, as someone else on S, N! once said, they just figure that because they can keep talking, they must be saying something important.
Damn, actor. Thanks for the facebook thing, I really enjoyed it. Would that there were more conservatives like him: seems to me those guys are mostly the Northeastern moderate kind that the GOP stopped paying attention to decades ago and who keep bleeding away to the Democrats.
Or maybe, as someone else on S, N! once said, they just figure that because they can keep talking, they must be saying something important.
Sounds like my last date…
You mean your date with the concern-troll-that-shall-not-be-named on the last thread?
You mean your date with the concern-troll-that-shall-not-be-named on the last thread?
That was more of a four hour session. I think I tip too well
Apparently the answer is compartmentalization. That and IOKIYAR.
One thing also is the assumption of guilt on the kid, when the fact that that was heavily unlikely and probably fictitious was the whole point of the controversy.
But hey, wingnuts and their love of death, but it brings up something that isn’t checked enough. That is the oft-repeated meme of how liberals love criminals when they want the death penalty off the table and when they want the justice system to work.
I mean, killing an innocent man and refusing to open old cases because “you have someone and that’s good enough” is what coddles criminals. It says that if you can frame someone for a lazy police department, you can walk free as a criminal and no matter what evidence comes later you are absolutely free and clear. Target someone poor and black and they probably won’t even do a DNA test so you’re free to drop hair and blood all over the place.
Having a stronger justice system that cares more about being accurate than being about punishment is the system that is “tougher” on criminals, because it ensures that criminals can’t get away with it simply because the cops are lazy. Suddenly the criminals who think they get away with it could at any time be picked up by a future investigation into the case to check the facts. These sorts of systems not only protect the innocents, but ensure that the criminal for each crime is the one behind bars.
And well, evidence bears this out. A number of death row cases found to have shit for evidence that were forced to reinvestigate in states that gave a damn about not killing innocent people were able to find the real killer within days using modern methods.
Not to mention that pressure to punish anyone also leads to the rushed investigation in the first place and the habit of picking up whatever undesirable walks off the street instead of doing an actual investigation in order to get the public off their back and look “competent and strong”.
So yeah, the real question is why do these “law & order” types love criminals and hate the justice system so much.
And well, evidence bears this out. A number of death row cases found to have shit for evidence that were forced to reinvestigate in states that gave a damn about not killing innocent people were able to find the real killer within days using modern methods.
This is, I believe, the single largest justification for the Innocence Project: Let them impartially review whatever forensic evidence is available in all capital cases.
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