And You Can Buy His Fingernail Clippings In The Gift Shop
Posted on September 15th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Clay Waters
Shorter Clay Waters, Imam Muomar al-Bozell’s Newsblusters:
NYT’s Nagourney Disappointed in Lack of Reagan Criticism at Reagan Library
- Silly liberal! The Reagan Library is a shrine, not a museum.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The Reagan Library is a shrine
So the staff all wear fezzes and ride miniature cars?
There’s no criticism of Saint Ronnie because there’s nothing to criticise. Simple as that.
ROFL @ Spongebob hat.
Although nobody ought to care, I have to share: my little guy is rattling off an epic nap. Hasn’t done that in days and days. I keep hovering over him to make sure he’s breathing. (Yes, I do that. Is it weird that I love it when he snores?)
Yes, I just set y’all up for about 50 awesome jokes.
Fingernail clippings, used tp?
When will the dingleberries go on sale?
Who cares? I’d rather talk about Sarah Palin’s lust for big black dicks.
I’m holding out for the petrified earwax collection, you dilletantes.
Spaghetti, you ARE super-classy.
Spaghetti, you ARE super-classy.
Aw, crap, I gotta fix that. Um…I hear there’s a plaster cast of Nancy giving him a blowjob.
imma buy the ronnie and nancy bobble heads…
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
So a reporter makes note of the fact that, like all Presidential libraries, Ronnie’s neglects to mention his treaonous acts of coddling terrorists, and somehow the Reagan-sniffers have a problem with this?
Interesting. Since when did a President deserve such hands-off treatment?
Who cares? I’d rather talk about Sarah Palin’s lust for big black dicks.
Spaghetti, you ARE super-classy.
Yea, but I still prefer Jennifer’s Mandingo obsession.
“nancy bobble heads…”
That’s what Spaghetti was SAYING.
Band-Aids! Get your Reagan Band-Aids!
Used jellybeans.
I hear there’s a plaster cast of Nancy giving him a blowjob.
Look, the plaster’s all cracked and wrinkly….
Wait…that’s. Not. Plaster.
It’s hanging up in the Smithsonian.
It’s hanging up in the Smithsonian.
Under old fossils
Why is spongebob wearing such a shitty-looking beard?
Why is spongebob wearing such a shitty-looking beard?
Because Patrick refused to move to New York to marry him.
Interesting. Since when did a President deserve such hands-off treatment?
and the comments are all: buuuut, buuuut…clinton and obama and hillary!!!
clinton and obama and hillary!!!
Oh, my!
Poor Newsbusters: They’re having a hard week
To replicate the Reagan Experience (TM), all visitors are dealt a sharp blow to the head at the exit so as to completely forget everything they just saw. Hel-LO, repeat customers!
Used jellybeans.
They labelled them “pre-chewed”
Interesting. Since when did a President deserve such hands-off treatment?
Since he became the First Fuhrer of the Theocratic Party.
What?!? Yeah, I know its a Godwin, but the reason he has been transformed into saint above criticism is that he’s seen as the portal by which “real conservatives” were to be granted total and everlasting control over America. it’s why they freak out and assume it to be anti-democratic if they ever fail to get their way, democracy be damned.
Reagan was the First King of Jesus and was set to rule over an annointed time where the sins of the 60s and 70s (acknowledging that people other than rich white men had a right to exist) were washed away and all that was left was a sparkling suburb where the rich white and male could pretend away all the real problems that occurred far away and weren’t important anyways. And they could prepare for the end of the world on Reagan-Jesus’s right hand, never more to live in a world of unfulfilling sex and bland meaningless lives of repression and quiet desperation.
And for the people pumping the rubes, it’s about making tax cuts, deregulation, and unlimited welfare for the rich into religious positions more important than that stupid religion the rubes go to every Sunday. If you train the frightening mob to chant Reagan’s name like good disciples, then they are unwilling to change any policies of his even when they are repeatedly draining them dry and driving their unfulfilled wives to walk the streets for DKW.
Oops. Left something for you at the butt end of previous thread, vs.
Eeewww, vs is a girl! I just squicked myself out.
They labelled them “pre-chewed”
Are you sure you weren’t hearing the noises coming out of the interactive “Arm Your Own Salvadorans” exhibit? Pre-chew, pre-chew! Take that, you commie nuns!
“Arm Your Own Salvadorans” exhibit?
no such exhibit…the contra scandal was NOT a scandal cuz st. ronnie and bush 1 were not voted out of office or nuthin…so it was no big deal…
Interesting. Since when did a President deserve such hands-off treatment?
Especially since the guy in the original article newsbusters is sniffy about specifically contrasted the Nixon library with the Reagan.
Do they sell the astrology charts drawn up to make those Preznitial decisions?
I find the projection term “dear leader” apt for this situation.
Ronald Wilson Reagan (666): warmed over Randism, delivered by a professional pitchman.
And nothing more.
Mangogram for Mongo! Mangogram for Mongo!
The esteemed douchebag responding to a side note noting that there is no plan to mark the 25th Anniversary of the central scandal to the Reagan Administration (and where he got away with treason by basically crying “politics” and pretending like he couldn’t remember last Tuesday.
I mean, GAWD, didn’t we like bury that in the anus of history like decades ago. Why you always got to be on about that? Why can’t we just pretend it never happened and didn’t affect anything so we can continue to get away with openly committing terrorism and conspiring with “enemy states” so we could steal American elections from one of the few presidents who actually tried to do the hard unpopular things we needed to do to prevent future collapse.
Can’t we just like, pretend, that Reagan’s presidency was every warm nostalgic memory of childhood (minus all the times daddy was drinking and Uncle Touchy wanted a sleepover) and a general fart of “good feelings” that make our unlubed raping of the middle class and poor continue to look like a good idea long enough to steal every last cent and make our escape to Monaco?
I mean, geeze, you act like there were unresolved criminal actions that have been stonewalled for 25 years by unrepentant fetishists who hide behind “Reagan was popular” to try and get a free pass on their 30 year long attempt to reduce America to a Banana Republic theocracy.
On the whole post, it really is amazing how pissy he is about someone just pointing out comparisons and trying their damndest to be as undeservingly sympathetic to the Reagan-fetishists.
This isn’t some minority group justifiably ranting about the evils of Reagan that are being buried and glossed over as part of a general war on history on part of the Reagan-fetishists and conservatives in general or noting that conservatives seem to try and make their libraries a post-mortem propaganda campaign because there isn’t enough good in their legacies to long survive the scrutiny of even the most brain-dead of visitor.
Nope, it’s a guy who notes that it takes a different tack than the Nixon library and seems to be desperately hiding any aspect of Reagan that may look human, fallible, or you know like the criminal he was. And he does it without saying it.
But the Reagan-fetishists are on such a passive-aggressive trigger that only complete denial is sufficient. Damnitt, if it isn’t in the official shrine, it didn’t fucking happen and anyone who says differently is a nasty liberal who must be stopped.
Or shorter, they are acknowledging they are a cult worshipping a fictional idea of a created saint, but want everyone to play with their delusions.
I suspect this mission will continue to deteriorate the longer we go. As more of his legacy becomes inescapable in their evil and as those for whom the decade-long brainwashing to wear ugly clothes and love Reagan was too early continue to pour into the voting age, we’ll eventually see the tide of history give its final damning condemnation on Reagan’s legacy.
These libraries are mere attempts to fight against a force that will destroy them, like with all conservative fights against history. Their actions are non-erasable in this modern age of databases and free information and everyone is becoming more and more aware of just what they have always done.
Who cares? I’d rather talk about Sarah Palin’s lust for big black dicks.
You know, there’s a lot of things to criticize Sarah Palin for, and many more to mock her for, but she was single and and adult, so she jumped a guy. I don’t figure there’s anything wrong with that.
Actually, perhaps if she had done it more, things might be different.
pretending like he couldn’t remember last Tuesday
Except it turns out he wasn’t pretending. My mom’s feeling about Reagan’s responses to questions concerning Iran/Contra was “this guy has Alzheimer’s disease”. Turned out she was right.
But this is the person who spent a lot of time watching Pat Robertson way back when and when asked “why are you, a Jew, watching a two-bit Christian Televangelist?” responded “this guy is very dangerous and will become too powerful one day”.
Suffice it to say, I generally did listen to my mom as a kid, given her track record.
Who cares? I’d rather talk about Sarah Palin’s lust for big black dicks.
You know who else lusted after big black dicks? Yeah. Don’t act like you don’t know.
zrm – I also don’t figure there’s anything wrong with that, either.
The hilarity ensues when you realize that it’s all the people she’s been grifting who DO figure that there’s something very, VERY wrong with that. She’s been pandering to racists for the past 3 years, and now it’s revealed that this paragon of white womanhood was “defiled” – willingly – by a black penis? Sorry, but that’s just…delicious.
Also, too: I get the feeling that Taaaaahhhd is probably learning about this for the first time.
OT: Matthew Vadum: still a dumb motherfucker.
Also, too: I get the feeling that Taaaaahhhd is probably learning about this for the first time.
yeah. You know, us liberals would shrug it off and say “you know, it was before I was in the picture, no biggie.”
But an Alaska Firster? Yeah, not a racist bone in his body.
Oh yea, I left that one there for all you perverts to play with.
Yeah, I’m curious whether the Teabagging Horde will complete its eventual turn on her and cast her out as “not a real conservative” and decry her as yet another example of filthy liberal values or will just go into full defend Mommy McGrizzly mode and whine about how the mean liberals are making things up and besides the liberals are racist for focusing on it and sexist and homophobic and transphobic and whatever the words are and she only likes big white dick like Todd much like they did over all the other little picadillos and failures to live up to conservative ideals that define her.
And if the former, I’m curious if they’ll jump on one of the replacements like Bachmann or use it as the convenient point to sever the “girly” connections once and for all and let the rhetoric return to only prasing sweaty grunting men again.
And it’s one more recognition of something most of liberals have known for awhile. That aside the desperate need for denial, we’re pretty much similar in who we are deep down, underneath the neuroses and terrible cultural or tribal messaging. Especially sexually. The number of people that naturally desire the type of lifestyle that conservatives want everyone to try and shove themselves into could probably be counted on one hand and one thing the Palin Circus has demonstrated is how universal that is.
Here is someone who has tried very hard to force herself into the conservative dream, so much so that she is heralded as heroine and martyr and yet her kids continue to desire to fuck, expensive fucked up diseases crop up in the family despite her prayers to Jesus, her kids are still doing drugs despite being white and rural, and she has still lusted after Teabagger forbidden penises because really who gives a shit what old repressed white racists think about your libido?
Sadly she has spent her life trying to make other people’s humanity a thing deserving of punishment, to make it so others have a harder and harder time exploring their selves.
But she illustrates the hypocrisy that is obvious to anyone who isn’t actively committed to the lie.
That is, that the illusion of “conformity” changes at all who you are or what you do in the privacy of your home and why the law needs to protect the diversity of who we really are, not who we try and pretend to be.
Has there ever been a case before where one side was so loud and so angry that the organization they defamed, who committed no crime, but had been punished unfairly by the slanders of the aforementioned side, had not been completely destroyed and that the punishment that should have been theirs wasn’t more strenuous and violent.
Dudes, you don’t want us talking about ACORN. If we do, we might continue actually looking into what ACORN was doing and put two and two together about the real reason it was focused on and eventually even our myopic media might be forced to do its job instead of joining in on a good “nothing with niggers in it is any good” racist binge.
This is like when you guys rant on and on about “voter fraud” leading people to remember who exactly has been behind the most recent incidents of voter fraud.
OT: Matthew Vadum: still a dumb motherfucker.
Holy crap, that guy chooses to look like that.
Yes, I am a horrible looksist but HOLY FUCKING CRAP.
Among the mangoes nobody has mentioned, apparently Chris Matthews has been saying the Republicans foster ignorance and are anti-science. For some reason, this is a controversial thing to say, despite it’s being bleeding obvious.
Oh for…its dammit. its. I blame Glen Rice.
Reprise from the bottom of the last thread since I was unaware of the new threaddiddly:
Speaking of turning whole groups into monolithic cartoon bad guys, the FBI is on the case, and not in a good way.
I have no snark for this.
You know, there’s a lot of things to criticize Sarah Palin for, and many more to mock her for, but she was single and and adult, so she jumped a guy. I don’t figure there’s anything wrong with that.
It’s inappropriate for a reporter to hook up with the subject of her reporting.
Not that it matters. No one could start with a career in small-market sports broadcasting and go on to become president of the US, right?
Actually, given the fact that he was something like 214 years old, perhaps pre-gummed.
Also, @Cerberus,
You know who else Godwinned threads…
Your mom. She single? Or at least open-minded?
(BBM, 2.5 in, cut.)
(BBM, 2.5 in, cut.)
I hope you’re talkin’ girth, there.
And it’s one more recognition of something most of liberals have known for awhile. That aside the desperate need for denial, we’re pretty much similar in who we are deep down, underneath the neuroses and terrible cultural or tribal messaging. Especially sexually. The number of people that naturally desire the type of lifestyle that conservatives want everyone to try and shove themselves into could probably be counted on one hand and one thing the Palin Circus has demonstrated is how universal that is.
I had a liberal friend who went to a Christian Bible study/small group run by conservative evangelicals for a while, and commented that not one of them had their house in order as far as that went – weird fetishes, porn addictions, self-gratification (a really big deal apparently). Based on my experience with the same demographic, that sounds about right.
It’s part of the reason for their fascination with “faith, not acts.” The fundie brainwashing they’ve had since they were wee little babies tells them that they’re disgusting, debauched and worthless, so the Jesus lifeline becomes that much more important. The fact that they’re on the right side of the Jesus/Evil binary equation is the only thing that allows them to have any self-respect.
She single? Or at least open-minded?
I think maybe it’s dad who needs to be open-minded.
“Is anyone on Planet Earth actually anticipating that anniversary?”
Well now, just a cotton-pickin’ minute there, young man. Don’t you go jumping to any conclusions now! You know, Nancy & I used to celebrate it together faithfully every year back when I hadn’t yet Ascended … & I can promise you this: the dear old girl still follows the old ways to this very day.
Of course, you know how old folks get – Nancy’s upper-body strength isn’t what it used to be, so for the last, oh, well, golly gee, by now it’d have to be the last twelve years or so at least, she’s had to have some of the servants impale Nicaraguan infants on bayonets FOR her … so sad.
But that nice Mr. Cheney has some Secret Teams of his own, heh heh heh, & he’s graciously offered to re-activate one of them so’s to let her pick a Managua water-treatment facility to hit with RPGs & napalm for the 25th!
weird fetishes, porn addictions, self-gratification
Or as I refer to it: days that end in Y.
It’s inappropriate for a reporter to hook up with the subject of her reporting.
See, now THAT’S a point.
I was just saying that the jumping of a black guy, pre-marriage, is not by itself wrong.
It’s the hypocritical moralizing after the fact.
Gumming the jellybeans.
It’s inappropriate for a reporter to hook up with the subject of her reporting.
A SPORTS reporter? LOL. I love sports, but let there be no illusion that anything involving sports reporting requires any sort of journalistic ethics. Try as they might, it still comes down to running highlights and former athletes saying incredibly dumb shit on TV.
I must not be cool anymore. The very sound of South Park makes me violently angry. I HATE that fucking show.
journalistic ethics
Passenger pigeons.
I must not be cool anymore. The very sound of South Park makes me violently angry. I HATE that fucking show.
Crude humor?
Annoying characters?
All of the above?
I think it’s important to remember that Sarah Palin is NOT a conservative. She plays one on TV. If it were fashionable and profitable to be a flaming homo liberal, Sarah would be the dumb and loud version of Janeane Garofalo.
She’s a greedy, opportunistic nihilist, completely devoid of substance or conviction.
So to find that she slept with a great big musclebound athletic black man back in the day came as no shock to me at all.
I feel no outrage about it, and I predict that the teabaggers will forget it happened or blame Rice for it–you know, bend it into a rape, because we all know wholesome white gurlz don’t like black dick.
Not a fan of their 1 inch deep politics and hypocritical preachy bullshit.
Crude humor?
And not redundant or repetitive or predicatable or redundant.
At least we’re GOOD at poop and penis jokes. We’re not even professionals.
annoying characters
Good lord. YES.
In fact I’m doubling down on my prediction here–I’ll bet we’ll see some wingnut post making spurious claims (SHUT THE FRONT DOOR) about how Rice manipulated Sarah into sleeping with him…
I must not be cool anymore. The very sound of South Park makes me violently angry. I HATE that fucking show.
The way it sells itself as “edgy”, “risky” humor by repackaging middle of the road “both sides are bad” or “here’s a common stereotype about X minority group” tired ass “jokes” with a whole bunch of curse words?
South Park is exactly like recess in 5th Grade, but more television-y.
A million-dollar cartoon with a 25$ graphics budget = not actually very edgy, no matter how many times someone on it screams “FAGGOT” or has a torrid tryst with a love-doll.
Sorry, I must somewhat disagree. South Park has its moments. The episode where the kids were all ninjas was awesome. And I still love Towlie. The nihilism can be grating, but even so…you gotta love the Super Best Friends and the Underpants Gnomes. There’s some good stuff there buried in all the annoying shit.
Cherries jubilee, bitches!
Goddamit . I’m sick of this shit!!!!!
In fact I’m doubling down on my prediction here–I’ll bet we’ll see some wingnut post making spurious claims (SHUT THE FRONT DOOR) about how Rice manipulated Sarah into sleeping with him…
Here’s how it will go down, libs.
First there will be denials, claims that the story is “just a rumor” and “that reporter just trying to make Sarah look bad.” That ought to hold ’em for a couple weeks.
Then there will be the admission that yes, it happened, but the dude probably got Sarah really drunk and maybe gave her a rape drug. This will draw out the story to over a month.
Then some other shiny thing will inevitably have happened and the horde of reporters, will run off like six year olds playing soccer, all clustered around the ball, and poof! this story will slide gently down the memory hole.
All Sarah has to do is lay low for six weeks or so and she can come back all bright and shiny to her sinecure at Faux Noise and make headfakes about maybe running to keep the rubes sending in the cash.
P.T. Barnum was right.
As to South Park, yeah it sorta irritates me that these glibertarian jerks get all these accolades for their washed-out (dare I say “shopworn?”) jokes and their “both sides are just as bad” bullshit.
However, I’ll get a guffaw out of just about every episode and it is kind of fun to see who they’ll rip this week. Overall: meh. Not exactly Must See TV but I will watch the new episodes.
Ok, 1 in 5 episodes being good is too slow for me and my short atten
Also, Family Guy and The Simpsons completely destroy these meatheads.
Here’s how it will go down, libs.
Meanwhile, Sarah will be on teh Faux being all stoic and above it all with that self righteous little smirk she must spend hours perfecting in front of the mirror.
From Whale Chowder’s link on the FBI’s “all muslims are violent” “training” program:
Yes, we have some WingNutDaily nutjob with only a cursory understanding of reality designing large amounts of training material for our national security apparatus. We have also employed Moe Howard and Company to prep all of our Seal Squadrons on proper safety protocol.
Oi, really though, it’s another reminder that it will be decades before we are able to even begin dismantling the many incompetent timebombs that Bush gave us in his deliberate flooding of the governmental bodies with “good conservative soldiers”.
Even longer now that the right-wing has found they can get away with blocking any appointments a democrat would attempt to make while claiming that staffing people who know what they are talking about is “politicizing high office”.
Sadly, the right-wing may get their wish and it may become necessary to destroy and rebuild these organizations rather than let them continue to rot from the inside.
Another bit from the piece:
Real unclear how a complete ideological tool with no real FBI training and a complete lack of awareness of basic reality was given a prime assignment to do lasting damage during a time when the President was doing one of the most ideological overhauls of the federal government in our long nation’s history.
Especially seeing as how every conservative with a brain knew that the attacks gave them a perfect opportunity to set in motion long-term conservative goals that would be impossible in other times and would be nearly impossible to dismantle without someone looking “as bad” as their conservative predecessor.
He must have just walked in on “Fuck with our nation’s ability to adequately handle Islamic terror in the hopes that they attack us again” Day and won a free chance to rewrite all our training material.
How do you fucking think it happened?
Also love this bit of desperate face-saving:
This is Bureaucrat for “FUUUUUCCCK, you caught us good didn’t you? Hmm, umm, Ignore your lying eyes?”
And yeah, I’m stuck repeating that we’re going to continue uncovering these various time bombs from the many Bush minions that were hired from WND, Liberty University, and the Cato Institute for a very very very long time.
Wait…isn’t Janeane Garafalo the dumb and loud version already?
From Whale Chowder’s link on the FBI’s “all muslims are violent” “training” program:
SRSly, this is nothing new for the FBI. Competence has always been low on their list of priorities.
If you believe their publicity, the infallibility of FBI Personality Profiling trainees is the only thing standing between the average American and the Serial Murderer Menace. In practice, the theoretical basis of their profiling work was written by a couple of fruitcakes with major control issues who chose “serial killers” as a group on which to project their own personality features, and their success rate is up there with self-designated “psychic detectives”.
My pet peeve, let me show you it.
Smut, it’s not healthy to bottle up your feelings like that.
“Wait…isn’t Janeane Garafalo the dumb and loud version already?”
Do you know who Janeane Garafolo is? Ever heard her speak? She’s extraordinarily bright and rather soft-spoken.
My pet peeve, let me show you it.
YOU MONSTER! Peeves are meant to be wild, untamed, roaming free to annoy as they see fit.
Born free
As free as the wind blows
As free as the peeves grow…
VS –
Don’t you know that all liberal women are, by definition, dumb loud hairy sluts?
Conservatives’ love for big black cocks… AKA “the love that dares not speak its name”.
South Park: while Tsam, Cerberus and Jim are completely right, I nevertheless manage to enjoy it every now and then. Small doses.
SRSly, this is nothing new for the FBI. Competence has always been low on their list of priorities.
Most of what I read or hear about the FBI comes from the foreign policy community (CIA or State Department especially), admittedly a pretty biased source. They don’t have a low opinion of the FBI per se, but they have a pretty low opinion of its attempts to move onto their turf, because they really don’t know what the hell they’re doing. All those Central American governments waging a war on gangs with absolutely no success? FBI advisers. Yeah…
I’d kind of hoped that inside the country, though, on what’s supposed to be their turf, they’d have become more professional since J. Edgar Hoover died, but I guess that didn’t happen. One of my first thoughts when reading about the Muslim thing was “damn, Hoover would’ve loved that manual.”
Hey, I’m am not hairy. Not too, anyway.
You have to admit that you’re kind of army, tigris.
Yes, but I shave under each and every! I also go through a stick of deo a week. YOU’RE WELCOME.
Hey, I’m am not hairy. Not too, anyway.
ha, ha…the only bright spot of impending winter here means women can get by without shaving every day…keeping warm is a necessity and we need all the insulation we can get…
Cherries Lube-a-lee, bitches!
You have to admit that you’re kind of army, tigris.
Durga is packing some serious artillery.
Don’t you know that all liberal women are, by definition, dumb loud hairy sluts?
the smart hairless quiet ones too.
South Park was fairly amusing and passed for edgy its first couple of seasons or so. Maybe, let’s say, up to the movie. It sort of made comic sense in the 90s. Or maybe I was just younger and dumber.
Then the politics became increasingly abjectly glibertarian and misogynist. And the whole thing tired and tending to unintentional self-parody and irrelevance (see “The Simpsons”).
I was just saying that the jumping of a black guy, pre-marriage, is not by itself wrong.
It’s the hypocritical moralizing after the fact.
I don’t swing that way myself, but it’s hardly out-of-bounds now or in 1987. (Offer may not apply in all areas.) Since dinging Palin’s reputation isn’t sporting anymore, this story has legs more in the darker corners of cyberspace than liberal political sites. I can hear the howling (and dueling banjos) from here.
Hypocritical moralizing after the fact won’t shake any Palin dead-enders off her leg (makes her more relatable), and if any liberal says anything negative about the encounter it’s because liberals are the real racists.
Where da white women at?
That photo, migod….
I’ve never seen a pineal gland that big!
Sarah Palin proved them all wrong! She did go back!
Sarah Palin proved them all wrong! She did go back!
Wait…Todd’s not black? But she called him First Dude!
It’s inappropriate for a reporter to hook up with the subject of her reporting.
See, now THAT’S a point.
I’ll have you know that the only psychic detective worth mentioning solves one case every week, and usually one around christmas.
AdNags is a liberal?
good articles thanks for sharing .