How’s That Again?
Posted on September 9th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: James Tarantoad waiting for a date
Shorter James Tarantoad, The White Street Journal
Why They Cheered
- The GOP debate audience cheered Rick Perry’s death penalty line because capital punishment proves that we have more freedom than Europe.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Now that is a face tailor-made for being hit repeatedly with a claw hammer.
Only a morally bankrupt weaselprick would make this argument:
“No jurisdiction in America employs torture as a criminal penalty,” the week after Cheney released his book extolling the virtues of black sites and torture committed by or on behalf of Americans, glibly eluding the obvious reference and knowing, after all, that the reference was correct.
These same batshit crazy douchebags cheered at the earlier event when the GOP candidates screamed that they would expand Gitmo and waterboard more detainees.
Brian Williams was far from alone in being vexed by the audience’s applause. “That crowd cheering for all of Rick Perry’s executions was truly creepy,” tweeted Glenn Greenwald, an expert on creepiness.
What is that supposed to mean? Is that a “he’s gay” jab?
Ok, this is just base sophistry:
“This is the crowd that believes in torture and executions.” (Sullivan is hallucinating again. No jurisdiction in America employs torture as a criminal penalty.)
Where does sullivan claim they believe in torture as a criminal sanction? I rather suspect they do, but we know for a fact they do support torture as part of anti-terrorism military and intelligence activities.
Wow. That was a blogwhore totally wasted.
OK, I’ll try it again in this thread.
OT: I have a couple of blog entries up about guilty pleasures. Come on by and share yours IF YOU HAVE THE OVARIES.
Capital punishment draws strong emotional reactions on both sides, doesn’t it? And whatever one thinks of the death penalty or the audience’s behavior last night, the harshness, self-righteousness and simple-mindedness of these responses belie the left’s self-image as intellectually sophisticated and tolerant of other viewpoints.
Shorter Taranto: “Even though it was a bunch of right wing lizard brains actively cheering the act of executing humans, the left are the real simpletons for objecting to that”
In fact, opinion polls show that Europeans and Canadians crave executions almost as much as their American counterparts do. It’s just that their politicians don’t listen to them.
That part’s bullshit. Europeans wear the lack of a death penalty as a badge of pride if only because it sets them apart from the barbarism of the legal system on the other side of the Atlantic. (Much like universal health care).
I always love it when conservatives claim to know what Europeans are really thinking, based on the thoughts of their few buddies in the BNP and assorted parties…
In other words, if these countries’ political cultures are morally superior to America’s, it’s because they’re less democratic.
But America is NOT a democracy, we’re a REPUBLIC, God you are SO STUPID, maaaannn!!!
“Canadians crave executions almost as much as their American counterparts do.”
Sadly, no:
More Canadians oppose the reintroduction of the death penalty than support it. And the numbers are improving: the split was almost even in 2003.
The fact is, but liberals are eleitsits and think killin g innocent babies is OK while spitting on victim familys graves, and God who said vengence is mine. This is why God needs to be back in Government, not Allha or Satan..
You know who else liked executions?
No jurisdiction in America employs torture as a criminal penalty,,,
With apologies to our gracious hosts and overlords, Sadly, No!
pdf warning
We really are just one more terrorist attack or economic crash away from the first Republican state government actually making a “Running Man” style reality TV execution sporting show as a money maker.
Fucking psychopaths. How do they work?
vacuumslayer said,
September 9, 2011 at 15:27
Wow. That was a blogwhore totally wasted.
OK, I’ll try it again in this thread.
OT: I have a couple of blog entries up about guilty pleasures. Come on by and share yours IF YOU HAVE THE OVARIES.
I have the ovaries…in a jar on the shelf. Wait…I’ve said too much.
(OTing already):
Re the conservatives-don’t-have-a-Golden-Rule thing from the last thread, thought this post from BJ was worth reproducing:
The only good execution is a dead execution.
Say what, now?
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
Colbert had it right: they cheered for the same reason the Daily Show audience cheers “pot”.
A modest suggestion to myself, Tintin?
“James Tarantload”
Come on by and share yours IF YOU HAVE THE OVARIES.
Can I borrow yours? Mine are in the ball-washer on the 18th tee…
Europeans wear the lack of a death penalty as a badge of pride if only because it sets them apart from the barbarism of the legal system on the other side of the Atlantic.
Y’know, it MIGHT have something to do with the invention and first uses of the guillotine. Or the Tower of London. Or the unexpected Spanish Inquisition.
You know, history forms culture…
Now that is a face tailor-made for being hit repeatedly with a claw hammer.
Waste of a perfectly good claw hammer. Let’s find the sledge.
Capital punishment brings out the worst in the liberal elite.”
This is the tagline. LOLwut? The troglodytes in the audience cheered Rick Perry’s deathiness, but somehow it’s the LIBERALS who look bad? Omfg.
The troglodytes in the audience cheered Rick Perry’s deathiness
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
I’m trying to log into the piece to comment: “Does Jesus know you’re such a murderous douchenozzle, Jimmy?”
Fuck the hammer, I could go to work on that jowly thing with my bare hands, and actively wish I were.
I mean, really, the death penalty debate amongst the Christian white is really simple:
Thou Shalt Not Kill.
I mean, there isn’t even a “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” clause to muddy the waters.
Fuck the hammer, I could go to work on that jowly thing with my bare hands, and actively wish I were.
You might need a chain, a la Jabba the Hutt.
He didn’t say that — that was Moses’ trick, going up into those mountains with the concealed hammer and chisel.
Oh, so that’s way they were cheering. I thought it was because they were a bunch of brown-shirted fucking Neanderthals who enjoyed the thought of marching hundreds of darker people to the gas chambers.
Silly me.
Swoboda4 😛
Lotsa people support the death penalty. It takes an asshole to cheer for it. People are just as fascinated by the mortality of others as they are fearful of their own. Do you think we’d have more than a handful of christians if their religion didn’t promise them immortality and perpetual torment for all others? Do you think a message of loving your neighbors would do it for them? No, we love the horrible deaths of our enemies. Call it a sense of justice or simple reciprocity but americans love it when that guy who needed some killin’ gets hisself kilt. I don’t feel that way except when I’m at the movies.
“I have the ovaries…in a jar on the shelf. Wait…I’ve said too much.”
Silly. Those are canned peaches.
In fact, opinion polls show that Europeans and Canadians crave executions
I fully expect our liver-lipped prime-minister, now that he’s worn down vast legions of
hosers in snowmobile suitslow-information voters and finally got his majority, to put CP back on the table in the next couple of years.BTW, WordPress, where’s mah preview??
BTW, WordPress, where’s mah preview??
In yer eyes, copper.
So I got outta teh boat. That quote about Canada and support for teh death penalty? From Talking Pants Marshall. Eleven years ago. Here’s the actual quote:
And in through teh 90s this was close to true. Depending on if you think 60 to 70 percent is “slightly lower” than 75 to 80.
The year after that article was published, support had dropped to 52% (from 69% in ’95) and is continuing to drop. In teh US it was around 67%. So Josh’s statement was arguably right at teh time, but almost immediately obsolete after he made it.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I’d be willing to bet everything I have at 1-5 odds that every single one of those people who cheered consider themselves “pro-life”.
Do you think we’d have more than a handful of christians if their religion didn’t promise them immortality and perpetual torment for all others? Do you think a message of loving your neighbors would do it for them? No, we love the horrible deaths of our enemies.
Christianity preaches a message of love and forgiveness, but becomes a prime vehicle for hate and murder, in effect becoming what it was supposed to stop…
Huh. Could I list that under “regulatory capture,” ya think?
The year after that article was published, support had dropped to 52% (from 69% in ’95) and is continuing to drop. In teh US it was around 67%. So Josh’s statement was arguably right at teh time, but almost immediately obsolete after he made it.
Same thing happened in France, more or less. A lawyer stood up against the death penalty, his “judicial activism” eventually caused it to be overturned at a time when most people still supported it. Support started dropping after that and has been a minority view for a while now.
Just so’s we’re clear on this – Taranto quotes an eleven year old article by TPMarshall, who at teh time was a couple years away from being an Iraq War supporter – to present an idea that is now painfully not even close to correct. We have to look at a slightly different question since asking americans about reinstating capital punishment is nonsensical, but here is teh current polling on it.
Canada went through a very high profile string of wrongful-murder conviction cases in the past couple decades.
I think the fact that we don’t have the death penalty has helped these cases actually get to the point of realizing these men were wrongfully convicted, because we didn’t kill them before the truth could come out.
I’m hopeful that eventually cases like Cameron Todd Willingham have that effect in the US, but the reaction of the right wing base (“It takes balls to execute an innocent man” one Tea Party subhuman was quoted as saying) suggests nothing will ever curb their love of death, violence and vengeance.
Still, they’re 20% of the population, and if the other 80% can find sanity, better things can still happen.
It’s not just that they were cheering the death penalty as an abstract concept, harsh but deserved retributive justice, they were cheering a man who has used it to kill an innocent man, a man who knew the man he was killing was innocent, a man who blocked attempts to prove that innocence and punished those who pointed this out. Maybe conservatives’ ghoulish delight in the willful murder of an innocent man really does make liberals look bad in Taranto’s eyes, but to be despised by the despicable is a badge of honor.
From the article:
Bold text inserted for lulz.
Support started dropping after that and has been a minority view for a while now.
There were some circumstances leading up to 2000 that might have had an influence on popular opinion in Canada. Those three names were pretty much strung together at the time, so that when anything happened to one, the other two popped up to remind us all that miscarriage of justice is not a one-time sort of thing. Indeed, let us quote from teh Conclusions of teh Kaufman Report:
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I left that hanging curve out there for someone to put out of the park. Thanks, Dave!
Still, they’re 20% of the population, and if the other 80% can find sanity, better things can still happen.
The other 80% need to start speaking up.
Even a soft-voiced 80 can drown out the loudest 20
And whatever one thinks of the death penalty or the audience’s behavior last night, the harshness, self-righteousness and simple-mindedness of these responses belie the left’s self-image as intellectually sophisticated and tolerant of other viewpoints.
I know someone already pointed out the incredible mendacity of this sentence but my bog that’s horrible. “Yeah, the Republican audience at the Republican primary debate cheered at the execution of hundreds of human beings, but it’s the left who is bad because they pointed out what kind of horrible people they were.”
Fuck me, that’s terrible.
Fuck me, that’s terrible.
You’re a horrible person for pointing that out.
Of course, as a liberal who’s pointing out how horrible you are, I’m now even a bigger horror.
It becomes synedochal.
Who in the hell said the left had to be tolerant of other viewpoints? There are entire swaths of viewpoints it is entirely appropriate to be be intolerant of. Fascim and racism, are just two of the viewpoints it takes all of the intellectual sophistication of a cranky four year old to identify as damaging. You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to notice that some viewpoints are so selfish and vicious, that tolerating is a big mistake with horrible consequences. The only people pushing these ideologies are people who are either hateful and petty, or those soulless enough to exploit the hateful and petty to make a fast buck.
tolerant of other viewpoints
Tolerance of outright intolerance is the equivalent of intolerance. I don’t make a moral distinction on this.
Who in the hell said the left had to be tolerant of other viewpoints?
Tolerance of outright intolerance is the equivalent of intolerance. I don’t make a moral distinction on this.
It’s the whole “but you liberals are all about tolerance, except for us, so you’re hypocrites!” thing. Popular talking point on the right.
From the previous thread: hops are easy to grow but their quality for use in beer will vary greatly depending on your climate. You can grow plenty of hops in New England, frinstance, but they will have very low alpha acid content and, hence, bittering potential. I’ve used lots of Maine grown hops for aroma and flavour but will buy hops from the NW or Canada for ales where hopping is crucial. Also, in New England there is a moth whose caterpillars specialize in hops and will make your attractive hop vine arbor into a lace work of stems in a week. Plus heavy falls of caterpillar POOP.
It’s the whole “but you liberals are all about tolerance, except for us, so you’re hypocrites!” thing.
Nut up and deal with it, turds.
Was it just me or did the people in the audience almost realize they were rotten scum as they started to clap. Then, in usual wingnut form, doubled-down on the scumbaggery because IT CAME FROM THE GUT!
I’d be willing to bet everything I have at 1-5 odds that every single one of those people who cheered consider themselves “pro-life”.
This. Times a million.
Question: What if one of those fetuses ends up being a murderer. A gay murderer. A GAY, MUSLIM MURDERER.
Sometimes I scare even myself.
Tolerance of outright intolerance
Intolerance of intolerance is theft!!
Alternative shorter Taranto: “Conservatives like to execute people because it pisses off the liberal elite.”
My favorite non-sequitur from the article:
He quotes Tai Nahisi-Coates: “This is still the country where we took kids to see men lynched, and then posed for photos.”
And then delivers this stinging rebuttal:
But mob justice would still be injustice if the punishment were life in prison.
Can anyone figure out WTF he might have meant by that?
Alternative shorter Taranto: “Conservatives like to execute people because it
pisses off the liberal elitemakes them feel good.”This works too.
are rooted in systemic problems, as well as the failings of individuals
Specifically, DKW, the absolute stubborn refusal of police and prosecutors to veer from their decisions once they’ve been made, even in the face of daunting evidence.
Alternative shorter Taranto: “Conservatives like to execute people because it pisses off the liberal elite.”
I’d say that’s what he really wanted to say, but realized even that sounded too petty.
But mob justice would still be injustice if the punishment were life in prison.
Can anyone figure out WTF he might have meant by that?
I assume he means that there’s nothing good on the TeeVee anymore.
Can anyone figure out WTF he might have meant by that?
The fact that it was a mob dispensing “justice” is the problem, in his view, and would still be a problem if they only imprisoned a darkie instead of killing him.
Of course, the guy doesn’t seem to understand the concept of “mob justice.” If you’re motivated enough to mob somebody, it’s not so you can politely escort him to his prison cell.
You can see the desperation on the hacks as the base has let its freak flag fly high and have hijacked the “proper channels” instead of being good little authoritarians and waiting to get orders.
No longer can the “moderate conservatives” and “reasonable conservatives” hide and its much harder to try and sell the wingnut id as anything other than it is.
You can see their wheels spinning as they go. Fuck, the cheers for open death really hurts our long standing “pro-life” campaign about how we’re totally compassionate and shit and aren’t all about pointless cruelty. Um, gotta think, how do I make this all liberals fault for over-reacting. Bam.
I’d have sympathy if a) they actually had a limit to what they were willing to defend or b) they stopped fucking doing it. I mean, it’s not like someone’s putting a gun to their head and forcing them to defend the indefensible, they chose this career for the easy money and the cognitive dissonance. This is their dark reward.
motivated enough to mob somebody
Courting the mob.
Also, hey, Sadlies with wingnut partners, how do you handle that? My partner isn’t a wingnut but thanks to some terrible decisions on her part and an over-active guilt complex she has been acting like a wingnut complete with desperate attempts at false equivalence, mounds of projection, and trying to actively rewrite recent history.
I was wondering how others deal with things like that when its in your home and you can’t just bop them on the head and call them a complete waste of humanity.
I don’t have a wingnut partner, but with others I’ve found that pointing out the exceptions that they would make in X circumstance can equal a change in opinions. A field trip to the food bank is nice.
Dumbass wingnuts, let me explain something to you.
You do NOT respect an opinion or viewpoint that is antithetical to the concept of liberty and justice for all. The fact that the death penalty pretty much guarantees that innocent people will be MURDERED means it’s not a respectable viewpoint.
Against gay marriage? You’re wrong. That’s not an alternative viewpoint, it’s WRONG. It’s an indefensible, untenable argument and has absolutely no basis in anything other than a silly fucking superstition and bigotry. Therefore, it is wrong and not worthy of consideration.
So yes, we ARE intolerant of your fucking moronic anti-freedom, anti-intellectual, subhuman belief systems. We are now and always will be. Two options for you: quit crying about it and get on the right bus or go to hell and die.
So yes, we ARE intolerant of your fucking moronic anti-freedom, anti-intellectual, subhuman belief systems. We are now and always will be. Two options for you: quit crying about it and get on the right bus or go to hell and die.
Continuing the wingnut impersonation:
Of course, if you say that, they’ll seize the opportunity and go “Yes! Yes! So why don’t you hate Islam? Muslims are moronic and anti-freedom and anti-intellectual and subhuman! Why don’t you hate socialists? Why don’t you…” etc, etc, etc.
I don’t have a wingnut partner but a large portion of my family are rightwing, militaristic, Xtians who thought McCain should have won the presidency purely on the fact that he was a veteran.
I’ve even gotten into fisticuffs with a cousin of mine. I was explaining that I believed the “war” in Iraq was pointless; he took that as I thought was his brother (my other, cool-motherfucker cousin) was pointless because he’s an AirBorne Ranger stationed in Iraq. That’s not what I said, obviously. I have all the respect in the world for our troops. But, he threw a punch and missed and I pushed him over a stool and started laughing. I was laughing because it was pure wingnut rage: He heard something I didn’t say and the only way he could get his point across was through violence.
Lurking Canadian:
That comment is priceless enough as it is.
My word, they argue that there is some contradiction between being “pro-life” and gleefully turned on by the idea of capital punishment. Yeah, that’s totally a liberal problem.
Ironically, enough, he is actually correct. There really is no contradiction between being “pro-life” and being pro-death-penalty, because “pro-life” couldn’t give a fuck about life. It’s about control and sadistic unnecessary punishment, just like capital punishment. The point is that people you don’t like are suffering immensely for doing something or more usually, being something the sadists don’t approve of. As always, members of the tribe aren’t held to the same standard. The same worldview supports both positions and they even share the same false nobility. “Pro-life” blames the sadism on teh BABIEZ! Capital Punishment blames it on supposed “respect for victims’ rights”. Both of which are obvious lies. It’s about the sadistic unnecessary punishment.
Also, lump their support for torture in the same impulse. It’s why they support it. They really couldn’t care less about efficacy or legality or innocence, because the important thing is that someone who dared live a brown non-christian life is getting horribly punished for it.
See also the way their religions fixate on Hell.
It’s all the same impulse.
At first, I was thinking you were coming down pretty hard on poor D-KW by singling him out like that. Then it occurred to me that he probably deserves it. What with running around Canada doing all those prosecuters’ and judges’ moms must have had an adverse affect.
Of course, if you say that, they’ll seize the opportunity and go “Yes! Yes! So why don’t you hate Islam? Muslims are moronic and anti-freedom and anti-intellectual and subhuman! Why don’t you hate socialists? Why don’t you…” etc, etc, etc.
Yeah, I know. You can’t use persuasive arguments with people who don’t give a shit about reality. But I will respond in kind when it comes to their arguments. I don’t give a fuck if they get all butthurt about it, in fact I kind of like it. They are wrong. They are consistently on the wrong side of everything from economics to basic human rights. Fuck–you’d think we could at least agree that torturing people is wrong based on the idea that if we don’t set a standard we put our own soldiers/intelligence agents at serious risk of being tortured, but NO.
So it doesn’t really matter what the source of the argument is anymore. There is no intellectual conservatism. That is an oxymoron. I have given up on trying to show them the error of their ways. Now I just laugh at them and say “LOL you’re an idiot”
Ironically, enough, he is actually correct. There really is no contradiction between being “pro-life” and being pro-death-penalty, because “pro-life” couldn’t give a fuck about life. It’s about control and sadistic unnecessary punishment, just like capital punishment. The point is that people you don’t like are suffering immensely for doing something or more usually, being something the sadists don’t approve of. As always, members of the tribe aren’t held to the same standard.
Following off of this one and the pro-life train – as John Scalzi put it, “Let a swarthy day laborer impregnate their daughters and find out how many of them are really pro-life.”
There is no intellectual conservatism. That is an oxymoron. I have given up on trying to show them the error of their ways. Now I just laugh at them and say “LOL you’re an idiot”
Yeah, I’m pretty much there as well.
Can anyone figure out WTF he might have meant by that?
Trying my best to think like a four year old, all I can muster is this is Taranto’s attempt at using an argument for which any liberal would be sympathetic. I have looked at those lynching photos and the vermin standing around and longed to be standing there with an M16. I would seriously gun them all down.
I guess he’s trying to make the false equivalence between the murderous anger one feels at the sight of such things, and the state going through due process, fair trial, etc, then killing the guy, which apparently, is not cruel or unusual. ???
And whatever one thinks of the death penalty or the audience’s behavior last night, the harshness, self-righteousness and simple-mindedness of these responses belie the left’s self-image as intellectually sophisticated and tolerant of other viewpoints.
Huh. That might be one of the closest “I swear I iz serius thinker” doublespeak to the age-old wingnut chestnut “You iz intolerant of my intolerance”.
Also, love the continued inability of any wingnut to understand what “hateful” means. It means bigoted, you fucking idiots, it doesn’t mean appalled or genuinely angered by awful behavior. It means deliberately erasing the humanity of other living beings to support hideous policies or attitudes towards them. So when someone goes, “My fucking god, how fucking evil are you sick fucks”, that doesn’t actually makes them hateful. Just like you can be “hateful” while smiling a crocodile smile and talking about “love” every three seconds.
I swear wingnuts are the reason that so much television has to literally spell out every plot point and action taken by everyone as if people are idiots.
Ah, natch, actor got to it way before me. You may AHEM at will.
Another thing about the whole “tolerance of intolerance” thing is these are also the same fucks who try and argue that liberals are appeasers like Chamberlain every time we look at an imperial invasion of choice and go, “um, this seems like a terrible idea that will end in tears”.
So they get the notion that not being tolerant towards the indefensible is a good thing.
But yeah, actor is right. They are intolerant and liberals are tolerant, thus liberals must be tolerant of everything which would be a bad idea and because they would be tolerant of everything they would be tolerant of Hitler who must thus be a left winger despite his infamous intolerance and well-publicized right-wing views. Thus all tolerance is bad and liberals shouldn’t be allowed to point out bigoted and intolerant beliefs towards everyone not white, male or straight in wingnut beliefs.
Ah, the wormhole logic of wingnuts.
Specifically, DKW, the absolute stubborn refusal of police and prosecutors to veer from their decisions once they’ve been made, even in the face of daunting evidence.
No doubt. I’m going back to the Kaufman Report because that’s moar local for me. From the Executive Summary [with comment] regarding Tunnel Vision:
This is AFTER he had been cleared by DNA testing. As in, even after the fundamental “fact” surrounding their extremely contrived world view was scientifically proven to be false, all teh accoutrements of their fantasy world were somehow still perfectly fine.
And as always, there are jailhouse informants in this case. One had a criminal history filled with dishonesty and fraud. He later recanted his testimony and then recanted his recantation. He’s currently registered as a dangerous offender and was called an incurable liar when designated as such.
So a pathological liar twice changes his mind about his testimony which is directly contradicted by physical evidence. Guess how the prosecutor and investigating detective feel about that?
And it’s not just prosecutors and investigators. As TTF @ 7:01 reminded me (also local to LEAFS SUCK) – Charles Randal Smith.
In fact, opinion polls show that Europeans and Canadians crave executions almost as much as their American counterparts do. It’s just that their politicians don’t listen to them.
… which is why Canuckistan’s Parliament put this cutting-edge issue to a vote as recently as teh1980s, when we shot that shit down in flames … not because our pols are any less venal & soul-challenged, but because they knew us serfs would fire their asses without compunction or mercy if they caved to the barbaric assholes who slouch ever among us & who kept pushing for it. Brian “Catch Me Once, Lawsuit’s On You, Investigate Me Twice, Not Fucking Likely” Mulroney was a venomous corporatist scumfuck, & even HE stood against it, as too I believe did Kim “I’ve Got Tanks” Campbell, the ex-SoCred psycho-MILF who later replaced him for about 17.5 seconds.
PROTIP: Killing does not magically stop being evil when you use a government to do it.
Another thing my partner does ala wingnut, “all-or-nothing thinking”. It’s either all one thing or absolutely nothing. So pointing out that she did something that hurt me is me saying that she never does right by me and is a horrible person who should be consumed by guilt and letting her off the hook somehow means that nothing ever happened so how could I have said so many mean things about how she never does right by me.
I think this is the universe’s way of getting back at me for slagging on wingnuts so much.
OT, but I have to relate this story. I work at an airport. Security has been increased somewhat as we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11. There is a large deisel pick-up truck that I have seen around town several times in the last ten years. It is all painted up in eagles, flags, NYPD and NYFD logos and of course the words “Never Forget” in large letters. I just watched this pick-up pull up to the curb, the driver get out and head into the terminal. The police immediately stopped him from entering the terminal and told him he could not leave his vehicle unattended on the terminal curb. The driver just could not understand why he couldn’t just leave the truck there “for a few minutes” and go in and pick up his wife. It would seem the guy who drives the “never forget” truck has completely forgotten.
It’s either all one thing or absolutely nothing.
And yeah, agree with those who pointed out the weasel dodge on the “heh, no court uses torture, bringing it up is absurd” bit.
Yeah, we both know what Sullivan was getting that. Even though Sullivan was Captain Whatever You Want to do to Darkies is Okay by Me back in the day, he does seem to have enough remaining faculties to note that the same base who is clamoring for death penalties has also been the strongest supporters for Guantanamo Bay and been the same group that supports torture when polled on the issue. I know that, he knows that, and Jimmy McWeaselton certainly knows that. Hence the dodge.
Also, did anyone note that the sign of the “left” being intolerant where mellow rebuttals from Andrew Sullivan and ED Kain, two very strong conservatives who are only occasionally lucid?
Yes, noted liberals John McCain and Ronald Reagan did once say something…
I mean, wow.
And I’m only giving him partial credit on Glenn “I’m one of the good libertarians” Greenwald.
And yeah, I don’t know either what he thought his response to TNC was. I think he knew he had to make some rebuttal, but knows as well as the rest of us that a good number of the Teabaggers probably were the young smiling faces seen in those old lynching photographs and basically just fizzled out with something to sound like a rebuttal.
My favorite mango:
Especially the bolded portion which is his summation of his “argument” to be charitable.
His conclusion?
Well, death penalty is popular so why shouldn’t everyone cheer. If the majority support something it must be the best decision and everyone should show their support by enthusiastically supporting it, because that’s what democracy is about. That is, hiding your real opinions until you know what the loudest people are thinking and then adopting their worldview wholesale.
I just love how that’s supposed to work. Yeah, okay, capital punishment is barbaric and every first world nation but us has long since abandoned it and its most ardent supporters are inhuman monsters who are in it for the death rather than any real belief in justice…Hmm, how do I spin this, how do I spin this.
Ah! I know. Those people weren’t cheering because they were monsters, but because they love democracy so much and wanted to applaud all popular ideas in our culture. This is why they support and applaud a woman’s right to choose, gay people getting married, the end of torture, the end of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, universal socialist health care, a robust safety net, a generous minimum wage, the return of a 90% top marginal tax rate and the closing of loopholes on capital gains tax, not to mention support for addressing global warming, extensive environmental actions, and alternative energy that isn’t fucking nuclear power, not to mention overwhelmingly applauding our black president who strongly won the popular vote and election unlike their own chosen president in 2000.
Also, why they welcome with open arms the idea of brown people and students voting and aren’t working hard to try and disenfranchise as many people as possible for 2012.
That, my friends, is a Grade A whopper, a fib so hard it leaves crack marks in the pavement when it comes down. Yup, the cheered because they love democracy. The same people who have proven their hatred of democracy and their love of violence.
But I suppose that’s the only way to end a post when you try and defend the most softball objections from not-even-liberals and find yourself unable to respond to a single one in any coherent honest way.
How else do you end when every other paragraph was a half-hearted dodge from the point or a pathetic attempt at a concern troll?
You really can’t and so, when in doubt for conservatives, just claim you love America and apple pie.
And they wonder how patriotism managed to turn into a bad word in this country.
Thread Bear, great story.
I think “never forget” for some people means “never forget to exploit a tragedy and use it to demean the other side.”
cerberus = on a roll
by the way you convey your thoughts here I expect your partner will be a dfh any day now.
The driver just could not understand why he couldn’t just leave the truck there “for a few minutes” and go in and pick up his wife. It would seem the guy who drives the “never forget” truck has completely forgotten.
I’m sure he remembers just fine. For him NEVER FORGET subsumes the elided rest of the sentence WHAT THOSE NO GOOD BROWN-SKINNED WRONG-PRAYERS DID.
It would never occur to him that security measures should apply equally to everybody. Security measures are for making sure Those People can’t hurt him anymore. That’s as far as it goes.
Ooh, comment mango:
Wow. Just wow. Yeah, it’s liberals fault they are “personalizing” executions when an official fought hard to execute people and did everything in their power to prevent the justice system from working and freeing innocent men wrongly accused, imprisoned and tried including directly interfering with justice so that the execution of a known innocent man would go through as scheduled.
Yeah, when you are governor, the wrongful deaths are kind of on you because you have a lot of power over that. No one’s really slagging the executioner or the prison guards saying they should have refused to do their jobs to prevent an innocent man from being killed, but a governor literally chooses life or death, is the final say on whether or not a man is taken from this world or not.
Yeah, that does become personal. Just like the “personal” decision by Bush and Cheney to set up multiple fucking torture camps around the world or the staff of Abu Ghraib “personally” decided to go the extra fucking mile on being sadistic assholes.
Again, if we were slagging on Joe Executioner, he might have a point, but we’re not.
Also, seriously? We’re getting a lecture on “personalizing politics” from the makers of “Obamacare” and 40 years of scare ads focused on Ted Kennedy like he fucking was the Senate? Really?!?
A governor can stay an execution. What myopic doesn’t realize that when you neglect to stop injustice you own that injustice?
OH I KNOW! A fucking conservative.
Though egads, don’t go wading in too far. The comment section is stereotypical newspaper comment section, i.e. makes YouTube comment threads look like a UN debate among the world’s best and brightest.
And boy howdy does the id fly high. Lots of “lieberals are Evul” and “liberals are tolerant of evil but don’t tolerate us poor conservatives” and “Let me spout off some bullshit that 5 seconds on wikipedia could disprove and then get really angry when it is” and “uh uh, I want the world to work this way, so it does, therefore you’re the idiot for thinking it works like it really does”.
Leave the jungle be, there be tigers.
Fixed to better match what republitards actually believe.
(We’ll see if the formatting makes it through since there’s no preview feature any more.)
Also, hey, Sadlies with wingnut partners, how do you handle that?
Not a partner, but I fuck the slut until she can’t talk, then tie her up and make her watch old newsreels from the FDR years.
Ah, natch, actor got to it way before me. You may AHEM at will.
You probably said it better than I did.
Slavery used to be popular.
Burning witches and heretics used to be popular.
Hilter was pretty popular in Germany for a while.
I’m sure I don’t have to explain that popular support doesn’t mean something is morally acceptable.
It’s not so much that she has the wingnut social philosophy (she’s more moderate liberal), it’s just that her complete inability to handle guilt is causing her to engage in wingnut tactics to try and either make things “fair” or “my fault” or completely disappeared and forgotten and usually all of the above because she just can’t handle the way she looks to herself. And that stress is preventing her from just doing what would be the obvious solution and fixing what she sees as unpleasant in herself and stop doing that.
Actually, it does lead me to a greater understanding of how people get started on the reflexive centrist/wingnut state of mind. I’m especially reminded of the number of people who respond to privilege or knowledge of oppression with “hey, wait, that’s not my fault, you can’t make me feel guilty, and besides it isn’t real, and it’s actually your fault, yeah, what about reverse Xism, huh, yeah, you’re the one oppressing me and that’s not fair, I demand an apology”.
Because that’s pretty much what she has been doing with me.
It’s a tricky problem because I want to save the relationship and ideally also make her stop acting like a total prat, but there’s so little I can do because well, it kind of really is all in her head (she’s torturing herself with the guilt and that’s leading her to lash out at me to try and justify or escape it) and she refuses to acknowledge that, because it makes her feel “broken” or weak or worse make her face up to the fact that she hasn’t always been at her best and would have to improve and stop being a prat but without just pummeling herself with guilt until she lashes out.
In fact, opinion polls show that Europeans and Canadians crave executions
crave executions? Seriously, crave executions?
Isn’t “crave” a verb that implies you want to either possess it or have it happen to you? What a bizarre usage of the word! Who is this nutcase?
I have been, at various times in my life, a supporter of the death penalty and also an ardent opponent of same. to be honest, But i was so much older then, I’m younger than that now. I am pretty firmly opposed anymore, for reasons both logical and ethical. Point is, what makes us different from them is that we can talk about it reasonably, we can consider the arguments from
bothall sides. In short, we discuss the issue, they have an ideology. I should say they have many ideologies, many of which stand in contradiction to each other but they seem incapable of experiencing cognitive dissonance.tsam-
It seems to be the well they like to return to, even when their viewpoints actually do become politically unpopular (then they are popular with “Real Americans” who are the only ones who count or the hordes of the “moral majority” who would totally speak out or vote if they weren’t intimidated by black and gay thugs trampling their civic rights).
I guess when you’ve made a political ideology out of defending the indefensible, that’s really all you can really muster in one’s defense.
Well, that and the fact that all conservatism everywhere is basically just the psychoses of a high schooler trying to find the right outfit to hang out with the cool kids and “just be normal” to try and avoid being singled out and beat up or ostracized. The urge to conform for manufactured fake safety and hide in the safety of the perceived majority.
It’s one more way that liberals are better in every way. We have the genuine strength of our convictions and the will to fight even when said convictions are unpopular or viewed as “dangerous”.
Sadly, wingnut protestations to the contrary are one more example of the universality of the Greater Projection Theory.
Preview is dead. Long live preview.
Aww that’s sweet. The fReichtards want our unconditional love.
It would seem the guy who drives the “never forget” truck has completely forgotten.
No, he just thinks the rules don’t apply to him. The fact that he’s flaunting a visible “badge” that claims that is just icing on the cake.
It’s part of the illogical logic of profiling – “I’m not a brown-skinned man in a turban, so I shouldn’t have to go through security.” Dumbshit. If you give grannies and three-year-olds a pass, the natural evolution of terrorism is expect to see some grannies and three-year-olds with suicide vests or exploding teddy bears.
I’ve always wondered at the wingnut logic that supports things like the Voter ID law and the Arizona “show me your papers” law. Don’t they understand that this means that THEY will have to be able to show papers, too? That THEY will have to show ID to vote? I’ve been in checkout lines where certain folks bristle at having to show IDs to use credit cards. Do they really think their stricter credential-checking rules are going to except them?
For a long, long time Mr. Marion in Savannah would get all kinds of defensive and weird whenever I got angry at anything. (Don’t ask me why his default assumption was that my anger was ALWAYS directed at him… never could figure that out.) It took a while, but after I carefully explained what I was angry at (not him, a situation at work or maybe the damn cat) and that my anger did not have a default setting directed at him it’s gotten better. There are still times when he rolls his eyes, lays his ears back and bucks a bit like a skittish colt, but as long as I make sure to say “GODDAMN IT, YOU EFFING CAT” he settles right down. Sometimes people just defy understanding…!
Krugman on Obama’s speech:
Shorter rest of Krugman: Republicans hate Americans
But i was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.
Byrd is the wyrd
America still has the death penalty because it is less authoritarian than Europe. Thus whenever someone makes that argument, we feel a tinge of patriotic pride. We believe a similar sentiment lay behind last night’s applause.
We live in a country where the legality of the state killing innocent people is popular enough that people cheer for it and assholes get paid to tell us how patriotic that is. USA fuck yeah!
I oppose the death penalty, on two grounds:
a) the state should not be killing anyone (I oppose war, too), and
b) Anyone ought to be able to choose the outcome of their lives. You’ll note that this includes a woman’s right to choose.
Now, you can make the case that a criminal can choose not to commit the crime, this is absolutely correct, in my view. So I can fathom why the death penalty might be imposed in some circumstances. I trust my fellow citizens to make rational decisions and if the majority feel I’m wrong, I’ll live with that (pun intended). It just means I need to make my arguments stronger.
But that people applaud the death penalty? That’s perverse. That’s sick. That’s not an America I would choose to live or die in
Wanna know why I oppose the death penalty (among other reasons)?
Here ya go:
HIs execution has been scheduled.
the death penalty is one area where my spouse and I cannot meet. I’m firmly opposed and she just has this incredibly vindictive mean streak (which I actually sometimes admire in other situations) about that kind of thing. We’ve gotten into some pretty detailed discussions and I’ve brought to her attention cases (like in TX) where innocent people were executed and then she starts to crack a bit, like any reasonable person would.
I think most supporters approve in the abstract “f’em I don’t want my tax dollars supporten no murderer for the rest of his life bargleblatt!!!” and I would guess that if one of their loved ones was wrongly convicted and executed they might change their stance. or not.
probably not.
It would seem the guy who drives the “never forget” truck has completely forgotten.
Which reminds me of something …
I think most supporters approve in the abstract “f’em I don’t want my tax dollars supporten no murderer for the rest of his life bargleblatt!!!” and I would guess that if one of their loved ones was wrongly convicted and executed they might change their stance. or not
Tell ’em it costs more to execute them than to stick ’em in jail for the rest of their natural born.
Then stand back. Heads exploding gets messy.
lieberals are elitists!
More like “Shits”
I oppose capital punishment.
Not because of the systemic issues with criminal justice. Not because of widespread police and prosecutorial misconduct. Not because so very often innocent people find themselves convicted of the most serious of crimes. Not because those most likely to suffer from that fate are the poor and the disenfranchised, the ones already suffering society’s discrimination, the ones that we should be doing more to help.
I oppose capital punishment because it’s wrong.
My only conflict about it is that in the few remaining places on Earth where capital punishment is still practiced, the penal systems are broken beyond my comprehension. The alternative of decades of torture and inhumane treatment seems as bad or worse.
Reading that article…could the “impresario” be anymore clueless? Springsteen writes about the venom of a nation whose people sends a man off to war then refuses to support him when he comes back.
You know, like the unemployed vets now that Obama is trying to get hired?
Did anyone else notice that all the people who applauded Perry were still alive?
I was a firm opponent of the death penalty, until I happened to be the mother of a 3 year old kid in Washington State when this person killed three young boys and was caught going after another.
Perhaps it was just how strongly it resonated with me as a mother, within a few hours drive of him. I reluctantly came to believe that sometimes, with some people, there is simply no other choice.
But I sure as heck didn’t rejoice.
Whoops, linky no happen.
[ popculturetrivia ]
Romanticizing violence is the limbic gateway drug to romanticizing torture or killing.
Sadly, some fuckers never learn how to JUST SAY NO.
It’s not that I don’t think those guys “deserve” to live but that a state apparatus for killing its citizens shouldn’t exist, as errors necessarily happen. I certainly have more sympathy for those who wanted to see Dodd dead than for Dodd.
We still have a problem.
stay classy!! paul ryan
I finally read the transcript of the preznit’s speech — I couldn’t stand the idea of watching it with all the posturing applause and shit.
There was a surprising lack of direct hippy punching, although I felt a few jabs whizzing by my chin from his eagerness to begin to destroy medicare. (Yeah, I said begin to destroy — if he starts it, it’ll never end, and after the Rs succeed in killing it they’ll successfully blame the whole thing on Dems.)
Other than that, if he succeeds in getting congress to do most of the stuff he talked about, the country might be better off. That’s why none of it will be allowed to happen, the Rs will refuse to do anything before the election. Or maybe even after. It’s not in their interest to try to improve the country, they’re only interested in improving their elective prospects, and for their utterly-insane base, that means doing nothing or actively subverting the country. It’s disgusting, but I don’t see anything happening unless a whole bunch of Rs suddenly grow a conscious.
You can substitute either “Republicans” or bbkf’s banned word wherever you see “Rs” above, as your predilections allow.
Where did you find the transcript, OBS? I didn’t see or hear the speech, just heard the after-discussion.
grow a conscious
or conscience, either one works
I had a feeling I speeled that rong, I are dum.
Here you go g.
Thoughful. That’s what kind you fucking automaton.
There weren’t any patriotic, pro-America hard rock bands.
Wow, really? And did he think, “Hmmmmmmm, maybe there’s no market?” or “Hmmmmm, maybe I need to rethink my positions, because maybe I’m out of touch?” or even “Hmmmmmmm, maybe I’m overstating the case, since there are several patriotic C&W acts who almost count as rock?”
No, his thought process was “PROFIT!”
Luckily, he’ll fail here too.
Where did you find the transcript, OBS?
The NY Times always publishes transcripts of every president’s speech.
obs I’d like to solicit your opinion on the oktoberfest style. I’m asking because its one of my faves and I tend to prefer the germans like Ayinger and Weihenstephaner (even Spaten) over some of the american versions I’ve tried. I’ve had Three Floyd’s Munsterfest which was outstanding but not many others. Any suggestions?
Oooh, tagfail of the worst kind…
I’m not really an authority on Oktoberfests, but I’d say stick with the Germans, they know their Oktoberfests.
Off the top of my head I don’t know of an American version I like (I haven’t had the one you mention). I know the Sam Adams one is awful (like most of their beers).
Meet Madison Rising. Yes, they’re named after that Madison. Kinda beats Def Leppard, no?
This fucking piece of living shit murdered a good friend of mine. I knew him. His victims were a young man and woman, both college students, opening a restaurant in the morning. He bludgeoned them with a fire extinguisher, then used a serrated sandwich cutting knife to saw at their necks until they were nearly decapitated.
If I saw this man in life, I would kill him in a most vicious and brutal manner. He would know from penitence.
He was on death row, now he’s not. I dont’ feel any differently about the death penalty, his victims, or my own feelings. His death would not have brought closure or changed a goddamn thing. It would just be another death. It would have been a death in the name of the people of Washington State. It still changes nothing.
If a murder victim could speak out about the notion that an innocent person would be killed as punishment for his or her murder, what do you suppose he or she would say?
Give Ayinger a shot. Its tastes wonderful and is a nice break from the hop bombs I usually drink.
Well, I’ve got around 1.5hrs left at work and I’ve been dreaming about beer for an hour so I guess its a pretty typical friday.
Note that Pirtle talks only of himself. Barely a mention of his victims.
His take in the robbery, in the neighborhood of $ 2,100.00.
For that, two young lives were ended. They weren’t ended quickly or mercifully either. This was in 1992. It still haunts me today. (I saw the scene the next morning).
I still can’t justify hanging or drugging him to death.
Meet Madison Rising.
Thank you kindly TB for linking anything other than “Soldiers of America”, but I stumbled across it before I saw your comment.
And if I had to listen to teh whole damn thing, Imma give all y’all teh same opportunity.
WARNING: That wasn’t a RickRoll, but you’ll wish it was.
Some of the commenters at the article basically say “who cares about the politics, these guys suck” !!!!
I don’t see anything happening unless a whole bunch of Rs suddenly grow a conscious.
Or unless Obama starts calling them on it, but that’s even less likely.
Since Teh Emperor has been slacking, I’ll provide some food pron for you:
For lunch I just had leftovers of a version of the red sauce I mentioned the other day, but this time instead of ground beef I used basil-and-sun-dried-tomato-chicken sausage, and instead of pasta I served it over gnocchi. It was super yummers. I wish I had more.
whoa there partner, lets not start talking crazy talk. we’re striving for comity here
Yeah, I like the Ayinger, it’s good stuff. I am definitely going to brew up some sort of malty something-or-other soon, I’ll want it ready for when the weather starts to change. Just brewed a fresh-hop pale ale last weekend that will definitely be a “hop bomb” but it was fun to do.
The Mad River tasting was good yesterday. The Steelhead Extra Pale was the perfect refreshment after the bike ride down there, but I preferred their double IPA and Jamaican Red ale after that. Their Red was a nice surprise — good malt but balanced with a really nice hop hit, very tasty.
And I’m off work today, but I’m trying to not start drinking yet, because the rest of the day would go to hell pretty quickly, and I’ve got shit to do around the house.
He was on death row, now he’s not. I dont’ feel any differently about the death penalty, his victims, or my own feelings. His death would not have brought closure or changed a goddamn thing. It would just be another death. It would have been a death in the name of the people of Washington State. It still changes nothing.
If a murder victim could speak out about the notion that an innocent person would be killed as punishment for his or her murder, what do you suppose he or she would say?
I had a psychologist friend who speciallized in grief counselling and worked with a lot of murder victim’s families. According to him, the families that did best were those who did not clamor for the death penalty. In fact, he said that the execution NEVER brought closure, and that those victims who craved* the DP spiralled into further problems after the deed was done. They found no closure but drifted further into the anger thing.
*Seems to be the right word.
Last beer-related thing from me for a while: Any Oregon sadlies around next week should consider visiting Corvallis during beer week.
Why you hate America?
There weren’t any patriotic, pro-America hard rock bands
Really? So we’re not counting Ted Nugent here? Or are we now defining “patriotic, pro-Americans” as something other than the usual right-wing douchenozzles?
Aw, never mind. We’re not.
obs, did you make the sausage yourself? we recently dehydrated a bunch of our garden tomatoes. never thought of putting them in sausage….
also, we don’t normally grow too many heirlooms but we’ve somehow made brandwine a yearly tradition and OMG are they amazing.
And if “craving the DP” ain’t ripe, I don’t know what is.
The big “trump card” argument death penalty supporters always like to trot out (like they did with Dukakis, you may recall) is along the lines of, “What if it were your wife or daughter who was brutally raped and murdered? Wouldn’t you want to see justice done?” And the answer should be: “No. I would not want justice; I would want vengeance, which is different.” This is exactly why the father, husband, relative or friend of the victim, or even someone in the same community, cannot be allowed to serve on a jury. Justice is the sane, humane, rational balancing of all factors in a crime: the circumstances of the crime, mitigating and aggravating factors, and the best combination of punishment, deterrence, rehabilitation, mercy and yes, vengeance that are appropriate for a given situation. “Off with his head!” may be a satisfying feeling, but it is not justice.
Sadly, no.
That was supposed to be a link.
The big “trump card” argument death penalty supporters always like to trot out (like they did with Dukakis, you may recall) is along the lines of, “What if it were your wife or daughter who was brutally raped and murdered? Wouldn’t you want to see justice done?” And the answer should be: “No. I would not want justice; I would want vengeance, which is different.”
As soon as Dukakis gave his pat campaign trail answer, I cringed.
“First, Bernie, how DARE you ask a question like that? Have you NO shame?
Yes, I’d want to see the miserable cur dead, but we are a nation of laws. He would stand trial and face whatever punishment the judge thought appropriate after he was convicted.”
That was supposed to be a link.
Psst! Try these.
The big “trump card” argument death penalty supporters always like to trot out (like they did with Dukakis, you may recall) is along the lines of, “What if it were your wife or daughter who was brutally raped and murdered? Wouldn’t you want to see justice done?” And the answer should be: “No. I would not want justice; I would want vengeance, which is different.”
I know her parents just wanted him away from society where he couldn’t murder anymore kids. That’s all.
Yes, I’d want to see the miserable cur dead, but we are a nation of laws. He would stand trial and face whatever punishment the judge thought appropriate after he was convicted.”
Exactly. Him and me alone? I would perfect torture methods that would make Dick Cheney say “you’re loco, dawg”. Where it comes to what we want the state to do in our name? Not so much. Lock him up, make sure he can murder no one else, treat him with some basic human dignity and nothing more.
actorTinTin, I’ve had those and they’re good too. The ones I linked to were on sale for like a buck or something though.The ones I linked to were on sale for like a buck or something though.
I and I use dem for da bongs, bro.
Lock him up, make sure he can murder no one else, treat him with some basic human dignity and nothing more.
Another good comebacker is along the lines of, “Yeah, I want that sumbitch to live a long, long life, and to wake up every day of it in a 4X6′ cell and think about his crime, his shame, and the long, empty years still stretching out ahead of him in that same cell. Killin’s too good for him.”
Human depravity. There is no bottom.
“Yeah, I want that sumbitch to live a long, long life, and to wake up every day of it in a 4X6? cell and think about his crime, his shame, and the long, empty years still stretching out ahead of him in that same cell. Killin’s too good for him.”
I honestly agree with this. I have been locked up in a cell. When, where and for how long shall remain a secret. Anyway, the most torturous part of that was not being able to go see a movie or go to the store, or grab something to eat from the kitchen when you feel like it. If anyone thinks life in prison has any enjoyable or easy aspect to it whatsover, they’re just plain fucking stupid.
Guh. WTF?
If anyone thinks life in prison has any enjoyable or easy aspect to it whatsover, they’re just plain fucking stupid.
My husband is not a wingnut but he sometimes picks up some spoor from work. Couple weeks ago we had an argument because he insisted that Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck were the same thing-just on opposite sides. I sat him down and told him the story of the Tides Foundation. I ended with “Whatever you might think of Rachel, nobody ever finished watching her show and headed out to shoot a bunch of people.”
And he said “Yet!” but he was kidding.
I’ve been slacking in the culinary department lately. Just can’t be bothered to put too much effort into it – too hot, too much gin, whatever. The other day I stewed some onions, garlic, green beans, zuchini. nice tomatoes. Braised a pr0k butt in milk. Was very good served with polenta.
For Labor Day I just seasoned and grilled a Flintstone-type strip steak along with some asparagus. Baked spud with sour cream and chives. But the bearnaise, OMFG can I make a KICK FUCKING ASS bearnaise! And PUD (Pineapple Upside Down) cake. Iceberg wedge with blue cheese. It was the perfect Labor Day dinner.
If anyone thinks life in prison has any enjoyable or easy aspect to it whatsover, they’re just plain fucking stupid.
But they have cable!!!!
You use that word…I do not think it means what you think it means.
“September 9, 2011 at 22:50
Human depravity. There is no bottom.”
I wish I hadn’t clicked.
Speaking of depravity, I give you On Knees for Jesus
Oh i know what it means. It’s just too fun to call it anything else.
But they have cable!!!!
Not where I was, we didn’t.
I wish I hadn’t clicked.
Me too.
Speaking of depravity, I give you On Knees for Jesus
Or that one. Seriously, the “it doesn’t get better project?” Go ahead and kill yourselves, kids, we’ll always be here to bring the hate FOR JESUS! I almost wish there were a god because I’d love to see this brass-plated mofos face when god pulled the old sheep/goat thing on his smirking ass.
Pulling the ol’ Sheep/Goat thing…
This is old news, but somehow I missed it the first time around. So apologies if you are all already aware that dog pee can’t stop santorum.
Sheep go to heaven; goats go to hell; comment threads just fade away…
I still can’t tell if that site is phony. Luckily, I have a short attention span and have already lost interest.
For me, support for the death penalty isn’t a dealbreaker like, say, being anti-gay marriage is. I think that a rational person can come to the conclusion that the death penalty is philosophically acceptable (the errors that come about in actually running it are a different and much bigger problem), up to a point. I myself am anti-death penalty in most cases-when something like the Norway attack happens, that’s when I start clenching my fists. But the point is that Perry, Taranto, and the various wingnut asslickers aren’t supporting it for any philosophical this or that: they’re supporting it because it pisses off liberals, and what I do think is that ignoring the severity of the death penalty to just use it as a cheap political tool is a dealbreaker.
I love this photoshop, Tintin.
However, I would love it even more if it included these <A HREF = ""Hello Kitty urinal cakes. And I would love it even MOAR than THAT, if it featured Taranto munching on one of said Hello Kitty urinal cakes.
Goddamn it.
…these Hello Kitty urinal cakes.
Hey Jennifer, what happened to your Taiwan connection? AFAF.
opinion polls show that Europeans and Canadians crave executions almost as much as their American counterparts do.
Useful map here. Developed countries with a general support for capital punishment are shown in red. The map is overwhelmingly blue.
Even in the UK it’s down to less than 50%. Not correcting for the fact that newspapers tend to commission opinion polls only after well-publicised murder cases they can cash in on.
Europeans wear the lack of a death penalty as a badge of pride […] it MIGHT have something to do with the invention and first uses of the guillotine.
For historical reasons of their own, Germans have bad associations with the “hang them from a meathook” punitive approach.
For historical reasons of their own, Germans have bad associations with the “hang them from a meathook” punitive approach.
Ah, the Germans. Bad history, but in the present day, lots of good stuff there.
Here’s ONE problem with the Death Penalty for Vengance (eye for an eye) argument:
Why do we stop there? Why, for example, isn’t the penalty for rape a State Performed Rape*? People are convicted of assault don’t receive a beating from Government Bruisers. I know the government will seize the property of drug dealers and people who defraud the government, but I’ve never heard of a burgular having to fork over cash property equal to the value of what he has stolen.
Hell, if you really think X did Y to A so the State will do Y to X is justice, we could clear out a lot of jails in days.
*I know, I know. It would become even HARDER to get a conviction than it already is. Although I think people who assault kids are FINE candidates for the DP.
Subby – I dunno. I wasn’t looking to go immediately, so I’m busy doing as much as I can do with my business at the moment. But I haven’t forgotten about it.
For me, support for the death penalty isn’t a dealbreaker like, say, being anti-gay marriage is.
For me, acceptance of the death penalty means acceptance that somewhere along the way, somebody will die for a crime he/she didn’t commit. As far as I’m concerned, one person is all it takes to make it not worth it. There are enough tragic, needless deaths going on in the world without the aid of a bloodthirsty “justice” system.
I see your point, but it’s right on the dealbreaker line for me. Maybe even over it. As I said earlier, I would gladly pull the trigger myself and execute some people in this world. But not without unshakable proof that I’ve got the right person.
The new Georgia immigration enforcement board is made up entirely of white men. It’s all good, though, the gov’s spokesman says they’re “diverse“.
Why don’t people are convicted of assault receive a beating from Government Bruisers?
And I know the quick answer is anything involving violence would be C&U punishment, but I don’t think that’s a deal breaker for the people who banged their paws together for Perry.
The new Georgia immigration enforcement board is made up entirely of white men. It’s all good, though, the gov’s spokesman says they’re “diverse“.
I’m going to go out on a very uncertain limb and guess that there aren’t too many Democrats in the group either.
They found no closure but drifted further into the anger thing.
Why would they have “found closure”? It’s a term from literary theory, not a psychological phenomenon.
However, I did my share of head-against-desk banging back in the days when media airheads picked up on the term and passed it on to an equally airheaded public (along with its implicit misunderstanding of Gestalt psych), so no need to do any more now.
Back in 2001, to celebrate the execution of Tim McVeigh, some media nimrod was interviewing some relative of a victim of the OKC bombing. “Do you feel closure?” the nimrod predictably asked. “No…” said the relative, in tones of bemusement and dispossession, evidently feeling robbed of a feeling that the media had promised her.
“Capital punishment brings out the worst in the liberal elite.”
Good thing “the worst” doesn’t include state sponsored murder then.
To address a post I read upthread hours ago: I’m not for the the death penalty for all the reasons DK-W dismissed. I actually have no problem with some people dying, but as soon as one innocent person dies, it corrupts the entire justice system, so it’s a no-go for me. And, yes, I am a MONSTA.
I think people who assault kids are FINE candidates for the DP.
I’m just going to go ahead and assume you mean Death Penalty here.
Although the other reading of DP could work in the eye-for-an-eye sense.
That was supposed to be a link.
No-one laughed at OBS’ sausage joke.
This is the biggest bunch of bullshit on the death penalty since George Will wrote a column who knows when saying that DP opponents show “a self-indulgent humanitarianism” and the DP is all about “vengeance.”
The word is vengefulness, asshole, and if it’s not self-indulgent, what is?
OT: Howcum comment no show at bottom while you write anymore?
Yer doin’ DP rong.
Yer doin’ DP rong.
Depends on the object being used for the DP, dunnit?
Maybe this is the vodka talking, but I’m confused.
No-one laughed at OBS’ sausage joke.
Making fun of people for their physical characteristics was discussed earlier.
That was supposed to be a link.
No-one laughed at OBS’ sausage joke.
It was the wurst.
You so silly. Zombies want their branes, gays are interested in a completely different organ.
It was the wurst.
Stuff it, brat.
It occurs to me that when Dudeskull starts talking he will be a dadaist.
This is basically the gay activists kidnapping the brains of kids…
Worst remake-of-an-original-Star-Trek-episode EVAH.
“Spock’s Brane” mashed up with “And the Children Shall Lead”.
the liberal elite.
This pairing of words is doing all the hard work in Taranto’s argument. They’re like drug mules, smuggling in all his hidden assumptions and taking all the risks without getting any of the credit.
Stuff it, brat.
I Kielbasa you!
“Don’t you realize, death is no object to most of the enemies we deal with?
Quite frankly, as an alternative to some of the super-punishments we’ve had to devise over the years–
–executions are a walk in the park.
These ‘no-nonsense’ solutions of yours just don’t hold water in a complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel.”
Ron is not remembered fondly in Baltimore. Wiki:
Also, I wantz preview back. Clearly this is work of Hiltre.
I doubt it, since I’m home attending to his every whimper and he’s starting to fade by the time Mr. Slayer gets home. If he’s not a mamaist, I may take off.
>>BTW, WordPress, where’s mah preview??
> In yer eyes, copper.
Can the wisecracks, peeper.
You’re lucky I didn’t burn you on the Anselmo pederasty case.
Interestingly enough, “mama” is usually a baby’s first word because it’s the easiest thing for them to say. They have no idea of its meaning.
In fact, we gave it that meaning because “ma-ma” the first recognisable repeated sound babies spew out. And because of how household duties have been divided up over the centuries, mothers are more likely to be around when the baby begins putting sounds together.
“Dada” and “Papa” come from the same sort of thing. These are all just gibberish words that we’ve assigned meaning to.
There is no intellectual conservatism.
Yeah, time to blogpimp… conservative cognitive function is best described as idtellectualism.
Stuff it, brat.
I Kielbasa you!
Doo doo doodoodooDOOO
How come you taste so good?
Tonight I had a beef, veal, pork mixture I had no idea what to do with. So I added in some (obviously uncooked) Italian sausage and some seasonings typically found in Italian sausage and made them into patties. Next I made a sauce for the burgers made of onions and baby bellas and diced salami sauteed in olive oil and red wine. I added in some tomato sauce and simmered until it reduced to almost a pasty consistency (so it would stay on the burgers.)
I topped the burgers with the slices of provolone cheese, the sauce and fresh basil.
I roasted some Idaho and sweet potatoes with smoked paprika, ground fennel and a pinch of cayenne to go alongside.
Yes, everything was delicious…and I did it on all while running on fumes.
You know that scene in Inglourious Basterds where some of the Basterds are in a bar with a bunch of Nazis, and they manage to pass as Germans until one of them accidentally gives away the game by ordering his drinks slightly wrong?
You can do that in your death penalty articles, too:
It’s like a shining beacon saying “nothing I wrote before or after this means anything”.
The counter-trump I always go to is “What if it were your innocent wife or daughter who was killed by the government, and there was nothing you could ever hope to do to bring her killers to justice?”
If you’re arguing for the death penalty on that ground of “An eye for an eye” then you’re saying one of two things:
A) The government can be trusted to never make a mistake in its administration of the death penalty. I find this to be self-evidently absurd, and also an extremely odd position for Republicans, who are generally unwilling to trust the government to tie it’s own shoes.
B)You support a system that will inevitably commit a crime that you yourself argue is completely unforgivable.
I’m not god, and I’m not a philosopher. In an ideal world, where we only executed the guilty, maybe the death penalty would be just; I don’t know. But that’s the same world where our government is run by a benign dictator and everything is paid for on the honor system. In the world we have, it can’t possibly be just.
I’d really like to know what it is, psychologically, that makes people terrified and furious at a random person killing their loved ones but completely calm about the government doing the exact same thing.
Moar pr0n:
The other night I had a flank steak I was kinda fumbling for something to do with. So I browned it in my pressure cooker (which has a browning feature) then cooked it in a sauce of tomatoes, chipotle peppers, a buncha spices, bell peppers and onions.
I cut up the beef (which was…omfg tender and so fucking flavorful) and served it in corn tortillas with green onions, avocado, queso fresco, and a squeeze of fresh lime juice.
Dada” and “Papa” come from the same sort of thing. These are all just gibberish words that we’ve assigned meaning to.
Being married to a Russian confuses things further. Is Mini__B trying to say “dada” or “yes, yes”?
Well you know how it is. Kidnapping the entire child is so much trouble. Whereas brains are small, easy to transport and you can stuff a whole bunch of them in a duffel bag.
Interestingly enough, “mama” is usually a baby’s first word because it’s the easiest thing for them to say. They have no idea of its meaning.
Caption for B4’s blog pic:
“I will FUCK you up, muthafucka”
I like that look.
Shorter Wingnuttia: Snarking on us for applauding death makes liberals the REAL fascists! Bloodlust is as American as Mom, apple pie, baseball, smallpox-infected blankets or intentionally-infected syphilitic black inmates! Who will stand up for the lynch-mobs???
the harshness, self-righteousness and simple-mindedness of these responses belie the left’s self-image as intellectually sophisticated and tolerant of other viewpoints.
TRANSLATION = Don’t hurt barbarians’ fee-fees, don’t feel good about yourself for not cheering over death, & don’t use simple logic to refute the horseshit used to justify an obsolete policy (that fails anyway: Britain kept creating more & more capital crimes until they got to the point of hanging people for mean looks, excessive BO or swear-words … & their crime rates never stopped rising the whole time).
Also, positive social principle though it is, tolerance is not an absolute – nor is playing on base emotions or fetishizing the (more primitive & ignorant) distant past “intellectual sophistication.” Odd that libtards are supposed to tolerate everything (no matter what they themselves say or do) yet are also supposed to worship total intolerance for any & all viewpoints not their own.
Truly, Dark Lord SOROS (PBUH) moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
opinion on the oktoberfest style
I quite like the Gordon Biersch Marzen
Well you know how it is. Kidnapping the entire child is so much trouble. Whereas brains are small, easy to transport and you can stuff a whole bunch of them in a duffel bag.
Arky, are you a gay d00d, or are you a mi-go?
I like that look.
Thanks! The one time I “bounced”, as a favor to a friend, some really young dude asked me what I’d do if his friends did a bum rush. I simply said, “I’m not as wimpy as I look.” Kid behaved himself.
vs wins as culinary surrogate. mmm…fumes
joel : thanks! I’m all over it. I cannot get enuf of the marzen (even though its september)
I’ve just started re-reading the Gormenghast series, from whence, as most of you know, cometh my own inimitable nym. I needed the break: I just finished (on the same morning!) 2 very good, but rather depressing books, War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning by Chris Hedges, and The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It was either take on a beloved perennial favorite, or else insert a bullet in my brane. What do my fellow Sadlys, I wonder, read when they need a refreshing soul-rinse?
Jill, another good response to the Maddow = Beck slur is to ask how many of her viewers Maddow has tried to scam.
What do my fellow Sadlys, I wonder, read when they need a refreshing soul-rinse?
Old-time space opera, especially Edmond Hamilton.
I love Mervyn Peake’s descriptive flair. One of my all-time favorite lines is (I paraphrase), “There was enough blood in him to revitalize an anemic army, with enough left over to cool the guns.” Damn, that’s good!
One of my favorite reads is Charles Portis’ Masters of Atlantis. I still crack up at some of the vignettes in that book.
“But i was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”
Byrd is the wyrd
Lyrics by Dylan [on ‘Freewheelin’]. Byrds do a great cover. Tonight in the car, I was listening to their 18-minute live version of ‘Eight Miles High’ [from ‘Untitled’]. The great Clarence White trading licks on six-string with McGuinn on 12-string. S-o-o-o fine.
Now you kids get offa my ancient rock-n-roll lawn!
Hello Kitty urinal cakes get no response?
If that ain’t jaded then I don’t know what is.
Hello Kitty urinal cakes get no response?
Piss on ’em, I say!
<There weren’t any patriotic, pro-America hard rock bands. …so their name is “Soldiers of America”.
Even Joey thinks that’s a Really Sucky name for a band.
“craving the DP”
Well, it HAS gotten a lot of pitchers out a jam….
I’ve got to give up. I’ve been diligently trying to catch up the thread, but you people are posting like bunnies in heat. I’ll try it later in the Night Hawk hours….
Just read the last 20 entries, and start posting like a madman.
Although the other reading of DP could work in the eye-for-an-eye sense.
Yer doin’ DP rong.
Candy, by T. Southern. Mantis penis. One per eyeball.
Britain kept creating more & more capital crimes until they got to the point of hanging people for mean looks, excessive BO or swear-words … & their crime rates never stopped rising the whole time).
Heard that even after the Lime-bags made purse-cutting a capital offense, there would be cut-purses working the crowds of ghouls who showed up for hangings.
Hurricane hunter airplane finds Tropical Storm Maria remains poorly organized
Nice try but I’m staying on the dry side of the transom.
I find this to be self-evidently absurd, and also an extremely odd position for Republicans, who are generally unwilling to trust the government to tie it’s own shoes.
They trust it just fine whenever it involves killing people. These people also more or less believe that the military, police and most of the feds (with the possible exclusion of the ATF, which is antithetical to their ideas) never make mistakes, and that even when they do your reaction should be to support the troops because the people who paid the price for those mistakes were all on the other team anyway.
It’s only when the government tries to help people that they revert to the “oh, but they can’t tie their own shoelaces” argument. The power of life and death? They’re fine with that being in the feds’ hands.
Oh, no!!
Because it’s been really hot here, we’ve been putting our dog in the one air-conditioned room in our house – spouse’s office – when we’re gone during the day, and closing the door. We make sure he’s walked and has water. It’s usually about 6-8 hours all told. Whoever gets home first lets the dog out and gives him an evening walk.
But today something weird happened, timing wise. I walked the dog and went to work, but spouse was staying home today. So about 10 am spouse went out to do some errands, for several hours. Then I came home, and we had dinner and watched TV.
I figured since spouse was home, he’d let the dog out, and the dog was out on the deck where he likes to spend the evening.
So just a few minutes ago, spouse says, “Hey, where’s dog?”
I said, “I don’t know, on the deck?”
Or did he go off and ramble (like he can do?) So we call out. No dog.
Um…..did you check the office?
“He’s not in the office, I’ve been home since….Oh.”
Dog was locked in the office. Dog also had pooped and peed in the corner. You could tell he had been distressed to do it – it was way in the corner, hidden away, and Dog was very anxious to get out of there.
I just got done crawling all over the floor mopping poop and pee up from the carpet and dousing the place with “Nature’s Miracle”, then jumping in the shower to clean my ownself up.
Poor dog. He didn’t mean to, he just got locked in.
“craving the DP”
Well, it HAS gotten a lot of pitchers out a jam….
It’s also gotten a few catchers into a jam. Too.
Poor dog. He didn’t mean to, he just got locked in.
He’ll get over it. So will you. At least he was cool all day.
(ooh, preview is back!)
Didn’t dog howl, moan or scratch at the door?
(ooh, preview is back!)
W/ a number, but not my WP actual avatar.
I don’t like change.
Randy Thomasson, head of the Christian conservative group Save California, says gay activists are kidnapping childrens’ brains.
I read this as ‘Slave California’.
((Preview is back. Thanks, Sadly Overlords, if you are responsible. On general principles: Fuck You WordPress.))
And now Preview is gone again! WTF?
Also there is a ‘1.’ in front of the avatar silhoutte. I don’t recall ever seeing that.
Can anybody esplane to ol’ Luddite Fenwick what’s going on? Also my script is running slow for some reason when I key things here. This SUX. I’m going to close down ans re-open everything.
Zombies want their branes, gays are interested in a completely different organ.
What if they’re gay zombies?
What if they’re gay zombies?
Then they get stuck in a Bruce La Bruce movie.
Oh yea, and here’s another American man who hates you American women even more than I do:
We still want head.
So I noticed right away that you two fat losers talk all kinds of shit about how ugly all these women are, even posting pictures of them on your “Oh god I hate women because they won’t overlook the smell” blog. Yet I see no pictures of him or you on there. What a surprise.
Clearly you haven’t developed the loving relationship with your hand that your ugly ass face requires. I’d work on that if I were you.
Wait a minute…your nym. John Rambo. Big manly tough guy nym, talking shit about hating women…
Just come out already. Hating women won’t make it less dark and stuffy in there.
Why am I feeding the troll? Maybe because I woke up at 0612 with a headache that feels like that hatchet I lost somehow wound up buried in my skull.
Ooh, sorry, tsam.
Yeah, that blog is funny. If they didn’t care so desperately about women, they wouldn’t be SO ANGRY.
Yeah, that blog is funny. If they didn’t care so desperately about women, they wouldn’t be SO ANGRY.
I think they want to be the James Bond type guys, getting laid whenever they want and disappearing. But the truth is that women usually don’t go for that hit-em-and-fergit-em bullshit, and you can’t knock down all that poontang when you look like you live under a bridge. They do care about women, but they’re mad because women won’t play along with their phony pop-culture generated image of a male/female dynamics that put the man squarely in charge and bitches and hos in dey PLACE.
You know, morons.
I was going to ask what you’re doing up so early, but that would be kind of a dumb question, wouldn’t it?
Well, it’s almost 10 here, but we’ve already had 2 feedings and a stroll. I do a lot of shit in the morning.
But, about those guys, I dunno. I think there are several things at play here. I’m sure some of them are just super-pissed they can’t get all the hot pussy they think they’re entitled to, but I also think a lot them are just unsuccessful with women or have been dumped by a woman and instead of looking inward to see what’s going on or perhaps chalking things up to a bad experience, they have to blame everything that’s bad in their lives on EVIL WOMEN.
But…that blog is funny because the author complains of that woman being illiterate but writes like he’s around, oh, 13.
And he’s not for marriage, I think, because no one wants to marry his sorry ass. LULZ.
It’s not really my thing usually, but I have no problem with one-night-stands, so long as both parties are aware that it’s something that’s going nowhere.
Good morning all, Wow, is that Me Man Woman-Haters Club thing some kind of parody? That guy makes Mel Gibson look like Alan Alda!
It’s not really my thing usually, but I have no problem with one-night-stands, so long as both parties are aware that it’s something that’s going nowhere.
I get that. But I’m pretty sure that you would only do that with somebody with whom you were at least aquainted enough to feel safe.
I think these fat hairy gorillas sit in the bar and make lewd comments at women half their age and then get all butthurt and bitchy because they don’t drop and start sucking immediately. I’ve met assholes like these fuckers before. All the same. Bitter, angry and FUCKING UGLY and OH LOOK PREVIEW IS BACK. Hi, preview.
I get that. But I’m pretty sure that you would only do that with somebody with whom you were at least aquainted enough to feel safe.
Holy shit–this was a horrible sentence. I apologize to all my fans.
I would only go home with a guy who stared with hate in is eyes at my Steelers t-shirt. 😉
Has everyone read this?
It’s review for most of us, but it’s an insider validating the cynical psychosis of all things GOP.
I would only go home with a guy who stared with hate in is eyes at my Steelers t-shirt. 😉
Is it “Goodbye to all that”?I was gonna link to that too. Get out of my delicate, pink ladybrain!
I promise I won’t copypasta you to death, but this paragraph can’t go without a share:
Get out of my delicate, pink ladybrain!
The temptation–TOO MUCH TO RESIST!
And yes, it is “Goodbye to All That”.
Excuse me for about 10 minutes.
Oh yeah, and that piece is paragraph after paragraph of awesome.
David Brock, John Cole, and now this guy. It gives one hope to see that some Republicans can be re-ensouled.
And speaking of paragraph after paragraph of awesome, this recommendation by Dr. Atta J. Turk was exceptional (especially with Google maps open on Lower Manhattan)
9/11 photographers stories
It gives me hope too, although I have ZERO hope that it will inspire Democrats to quit being the 98 lb weakings with the suffering hero complexes and start fucking leading.
Obama jumping on the “reform” Medicare bandwagon did NOT GO UNNOTICED, BARRY, YOU FUCKING PRICK.
One more and then I’ll shutup. FINALLY somebody sees the Rand paradox:
Unfortunately the Democratic Party these days is a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Finance. One would think a fire-breathing populist would have a clear and fertile field, but between the oligarchy’s old on big media and the myriad unfocused voices of little media such a person may be effectively barred from view.
We need a Teddy Roosevelt (minus the Big Stick).
edit: oligarchy’s hold on big media
Surprise Factor Zero.
The TalEvan doesn’t bother to think about, much less explain the stark contradiction between their belief that the only way into Heaven is through Jesus Christ and their belief that you can get into Heaven if you behave in a way that is directly, even defiantly in opposition, every single fucking thing he ever said.
TalEvan–that is MAGNIFICENT.
Did you come up with that?
LittlePig, the people who control the Democratic Party are solely interested in competing with the Republicans for big corporate payola.
As such, they’re determined to prevent populists from getting anywhere in the party.
Note Obama’s craven subservience to Wall St.
Tsam’s link,
One: it helps that the Old Testament has a morality that’s often as cruel and vindictive as anything Ayn Rand wanted to visit on society. The New Testament was supposed to change things, but plenty of Goopers still love them some fire and brimstone, hence the affinity with Ayn Rand. Yeah, she’s not coming at it from the right angle, but she’s got the right ideas.
Two, I don’t think they’re “ignorant,” a lot of them just don’t care. To the extent that Christianity matters to them, it’s as a tribal identity marker (the doctrine of “faith not acts” is popular precisely because it reduces “good” and “bad” to simply whether or not you’re one of the Chosen). The religious right is the “respectable” version of those gang members you see wearing rosaries, or those Mafia dons who go to church every Sunday: in many cases (possibly most), it’s all just for show.
The religious right is the “respectable” version of those gang members you see wearing rosaries, or those Mafia dons who go to church every Sunday: in many cases (possibly most), it’s all just for show.
Heard the following words spoken about GW Bush:
“The Iraq war is troublesome, I don’t understand that. But we need a good, christian man running this nation.”
The use of the word ‘man’ by this woman was no accident. This statement, I believe was how most christians overlooked Bush’s fanatical military ambitions. He SAID that God told him to invade, and who am I to question the Lord?
I can’t feel anything but disillusioned that in a supposedly civilized nation in 2003, people would still fall for that ‘divine right’ bullshit.
Marginally relevant: Talk of the Nation was taking calls yesterday with reflections on 9/11, where we’ve come since then, how it’s changed us as a society, etc…
The more I focused thought on the causal strains of the post 9/11 hysteria, the ashamed I became of who we’ve become. When a group of presidential candidates, in order to pass a fucking imposed litmus test, will stand on a stage and bash a single religion, then what does that say about a nation the cites religious freedom as one of the fundamental reason it exists in the first place?
and why am I writing like English is my second language today? Oh yeah, headache and codeine.
My apologies for teh st00pit.
tsam – Aw shucks. Twarn’t nothin’.
Like everything else they read (or claim to have read), they’ve given the Constitution their own interpretation. I’ve heard the arguments several times now:
1. That the Founding Fathers meant the U.S. to be a Christian nation. (Therefore any mention of religion = Christianity.)
2. The 1st Am REQUIRES the state to support Christianity. (Anything less means religious freedom is being restrained.)
I suppose it MIGHT work, if it weren’t for the fact the population includes people who aren’t Christian, aren’t THAT kind of Christian, aren’t religious at all or don’t believe in God.
And no one tell them this, but none of my friends who happen to be Jewish buy that “Judeo-Christian” crap they’ve started spouting. In fact, it freaks some of them out a bit.
Post-baby, that’s pretty much how all my posts are now. Yeah, the baby, that’s it…
OK, now I’ve given myself an excuse to post a link to my little guy.
“You say you aren’t my dream girl, but you totally are.”
Yeah, you can make them read the Tripoli Treaty
, which by dint of endorsement by the Senate became the law of the land, but facts just bounce off their eyeballs.
except for the part about Justin Timberlake. But with just a little bit of TLC, you could be brought around to the way of The Poppy Family.
My words – somehow they reappear underneath my comment!
OK, now I’ve given myself an excuse to post a link to my little guy.
And no one tell them this, but none of my friends who happen to be Jewish buy that “Judeo-Christian” crap they’ve started spouting. In fact, it freaks some of them out a bit.
1–It’s an integral part of the war on Islam which is totally not what they’re doing
2–The jews seem pretty capable of taking care of themselves. They dont’ need xtian persecution delusions projected on them.
3–Christians should not be talking about persecution around jews. A bit disingenuous and unseemly, I think.
It’s funny, you know. Imagine if a jew was trying to say “this is a jewish nation” and gave all these dumbass arguments to try to prove it. Fucking xtians would be howling day and night. But they dont’ see the parallel.
Most frustrating: Here’s the most important thing any citizen in a free society will heed and practice: If you wish to protect your own rights, you will defend those same rights for others.
If this fails, the whole system fails. I believe it is failing now. The question is whether we can turn it around or not. At this point, I’m not optimistic.
Awww, shucks.
Most frustrating: Here’s the most important thing any citizen in a free society will heed and practice: If you wish to protect your own rights, you will defend those same rights for others.
If this fails, the whole system fails. I believe it is failing now. The question is whether we can turn it around or not. At this point, I’m not optimistic.
“I protect my right to be a Catholic by preserving your right to believe as a Jew, a Protestant, or non-believer, or as anything else you choose. We know that the price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that they might some day force theirs on us.”
– Mario Cuomo, old governor of New York.
The kind that takes a sick pleasure in pointing out your failures!
Wimmin did it!
Know what?
Chicken butt.
Wimmin did it!
Don’t I know it!
vs, in reference to something from way up, and for future reference, veal+pork+beef=yummy, yummy tourtiere. There’s no need ever again to worry what to do with such a mixture.
I call it meat loaf. En croute.
Don’t let your meat loaf. Nyuk.
Attractive women don’t automatically strip down to their birthday suits and suck my cock upon seeing me. Clearly, us straight white heterosexual males are the real oppressed victims in this society.
“yummy, yummy tourtiere. There’s no need ever again to worry what to do with such a mixture
I had to google that.
What am I, some Limey?
I think veal, pork and beef are the ingredients in tomato sauce favoured by a certain New Jersey subculture.
Me, I prefer to cook vegetarion. That way, the shrimp I think I’d better use up before they go bad will not destroy a huge pot of tomtato and leek sauce I had spent an entire Sunday making because they had allready gone off.
This hardly ever happens with olive oil, chiles, tomoatoes, and eggplants and peppers and such.
Hey, this Southern girl will attest that there’s nothing wrong with good old-fashioned meatballs and spaghetti. Not that I would balk at eating some Shrimp Fra Diavolo.
“Step one, buy a van.
Step two, buy a puppy.”
‘Good I see that you have all brought your puppies.’
After the 20,000th picture of something horrible written on church reader boards all across this nation, I submit that the problem is decidedly Freudian.
That actually made me laugh out loud. Actually, it was just a weird noise, but it was an approximation of a laugh.
Finally, a little truth in advertising.
Since it’s slow here and somebody already brought some very manboobzish stuff over here, here’s what’s going on at man boobz right currently:
You can read about the roots of feminism (as told by MRA’s) here
Or, in the current, entry, you can learn a lot about how snails reproduce. It’s pretty hot.
If you follow the first link, look for my posts at the beginning of the comments. I AM HILARIOUS.
Ms. Slayer, ma’am: I was a rad-veg when I left home, so I never learned to cook beast of any kind. Not counting bbq, of course, over an open fire in the woods, which is genetic in Canadians. We know instinctively, for example, to open the can of pork and beans before putting it in the fire. Well, after the second or third time, anyway.
I should have suspected southern roots on account of the gothic banner on your blog….never checked it out before today.
I suggest that you make a traditional French Canadian dish with a heritage centuries old and somehow that makes you a limey?
Actually I suggested it so I could tell the following anecdote from a few Christmas Eves ago, which I swear I am not making up:
Mother in law: what are you making for dinner?
Me: tourtiere
MIL: what?
Me: tourtiere
MIL: what’s that?
Me: it’s like a meat pie. It’s a tradition in Quebec for Christmas Eve.
MIL: oh. Is it like tourtiere?
Me: ummm yes. Very similar.
Well, aren’t meat pies kinda popular over in Jolly Old?
PIGL–I’m down with vegetarianism and veganism. I have no interest in converting, but have eaten tons of amazing vegetarian food.
vs, I went to your link. Did the unicorn come from Athena’s ladybits too? I gotta think the horn hurts on the way out.
You know, I actually did once get scolded for holding the door for a woman. She said, in a stern voice, “I can open it myself!”. I said “Okay” and went about my business.
For some reason I did not spend the next twenty years building this incident into a theory of persecution. I just kept holding the door for the person behind me. There must be something wrong with me.
HA. They seem to be ok when I do it.
If a chick scolded me for holding a door, I’d make sure she got hit with the door. I don’t LIKE it when my acts of politeness are rejected.
Also, if you think my holding a door open for you is some display of dominance or some shit, maybe you should just stay home and hate stuff instead of walk near doors where I might be.
In other words, scolding a man for holding a door for you is just being an asshole.
HAHAHAHA! This almost has enough win in to break the internet.
Holy shit.
“September 10, 2011 at 20:51
In other words, scolding a man for holding a door for you is just being an asshole.”
Well, beyond that I think it’s just SILLY. What a silly thing to be uptight about.
Oh Killer of the Void, no vegetarian, I. That was long long ago, in the days when mohawks roamed the streets, and more than two earrings was transgressive. I eat meat now and then, just can’t cook it very well. So when I feel the need for beast, I go pay someone to cook it for me…..
What does it take to be transgressive now, I wonder? Cannibalism (actual downright) is about all that’s left.
For some reason I did not spend the next twenty years building this incident into a theory of persecution. I just kept holding the door for the person behind me. There must be something wrong with me.”
Yes, you’re a normal, well-adjusted person. Now, what can we do to remedy that?
Well, beyond that I think it’s just SILLY. What a silly thing to be uptight about.
No shit. Also, the other day, I smack this chick’s ass in the grocery store, and SHE gets all bent out of shape about it. I was just trying to tell her what a nice ass she has. WTF? Threatened to call the cops and shit. But you should have seen the jeans she was wearing. She was asking for it.
Feminists. Their philosophy is darkness. How do they work?
Yeah, well what about all the men who get all bent out shape when I grab their cocks?
I had to look up the word “transgressive.” According to wiki, the word covers quite a broad spectrum–everything from JD Salinger to GG Alilin. Wtf?
Yeah, well what about all the men who get all bent out shape when I grab their cocks?
All NONE of them? What about them?
From transgression–bad thing, I suppose? Just my thought on it. I make no claims to veracity.
well what about all the men who get all bent out shape when I grab their cocks?
You’re bending them out of shape? TOO ROUGH!
You know, I actually did once get scolded for holding the door for a woman. She said, in a stern voice, “I can open it myself!”. I said “Okay” and went about my business.
Hell, I hold the door for anyone who is within a certain distance, no matter their gender. I can’t imagine anyone taking umbrage at such a gesture.
You’re bending them out of shape? TOO ROUGH!
Hold on, now!
Transgressive to me always meant in violation of social norms in an alarming yet sexy and or romantic fashion. Not to make an essay out of this, but speaking my rad-veg days made me remember certain of the early 80s, including safety pins as piercings, and multiple piercings in general. This led me reflect on how things have changed in 30yrs, and how far one really to these days to count as transgressive. Now that mutilation and branding have become almost normal, one is left with very little room to trangress. Hence the diversion into cannibalism….there’s really only that and things one can not speak of. I expect the arrival of Cthulhu any day now. Sadly, Not! the medium for such reflection.
But when Cthulhu’s tentacles scoop out my brains, I am sure I will regret all the tasty beef+veal+porc dishes I denied myself because I never learned to cook them,
Transgressive to me always meant “Violation of social norms in an alarming yet sexy and or romantic fashion”. Not to make an essay out of this, but speaking of my rad-veg days made me remember certain other aspects of the early 80s, including safety pins as piercings, and multiple piercings in general (and vanilla sex, which is for another day, I hope). This led me reflect on how things have changed in the 30yrs since, and how far one really has to go nowadays in order to shock. Now that mutilation and branding have become almost normal, one is left with very little room to stylishly manœuvre. Hence my cryptic diversion into cannibalism….there’s really only that and things-of-which-one-cannot-speak. I expect the arrival of Cthulhu any day now. Sadly, Not! the medium for such reflection.
But when Cthulhu’s tentacles scoop out my brains, I am sure I will regret all the tasty beef+veal+porc dishes I denied myself because I never learned to cook them.
(Apperently, my brains have allready been scooped, as witness the first version of this comment)
The TalEvan doesn’t bother to think about, much less explain the stark contradiction between their belief that the only way into Heaven is through Jesus Christ and their belief that you can get into Heaven if you behave in a way that is directly, even defiantly in opposition, every single fucking thing he ever said.
Bit late and others already got there. You may AHEM ladies and gentlemen, zombies of all ages.
But they do explain this. They say they believe in faith not works. What this means is that they need to be a member of the “correct” Christian faith and show unerring orthodoxy to whatever they believe and repeat it and that will get you into Heaven, not any actions that may or may not have been directly ordered by the Christ of the Bible.
What’s more, is that they hold that faith not works is so critical that it is not only not important to focus on works, but that works in themselves are a sign of weak faith and thus a sign of deception. Add on a layer of Left Behind mythology and Rapturist cult BS and we get the idea that the Antichrist is soon to rise and he will of course do so through an organization of good deeds (in order to fool the world that he is evil).
What this combines to is the belief that anyone doing good deeds is either demonstrating their non-tribeness and thus likely evil or a willing pawn of the Antichrist as he builds global power and thus evil and necessary for a Christian in good order to resist them to demonstrate their unwavering faith in time to get the celestial transporter ray off this rock.
It also leads to cheering bad things, well, bad things that are properly Christian identified and not at all linked to sex, which is bad because controlling sexuality is one of the most powerful ways a religion controls its followers, because said things can’t possibly have the taint of the Antichrist.
And since the people complaining that they are bad things are not Church members in good standing and part of the tribe, they are obviously evil and probably agents of the Antichrist, so their opposition is proof of the righteousness of their cause.
This still doesn’t let them off the hook for the fact that they demand their faith have a different set of essentially anti-works as if faith was the nega-verse equivalent. Nor how their organization is supposed to be free from the possibility of being run by the anti-christ when they are literally doing actions against the character Christ as he’s portrayed in large amounts of the New Testament.
This also explains some of the relgious ins to justifying a worldview of “everything liberals are for, I’m against” and of course the raw sociopathy of their other policies.
And no one tell them this, but none of my friends who happen to be Jewish buy that “Judeo-Christian” crap they’ve started spouting. In fact, it freaks some of them out a bit.
Well, yeah, because it’s basically going “hey, yeah, we’ve got the support of the jews. Really all the jews who matter. You say that there are other jews out there who don’t support a Christian nation… Heh, well, said jews don’t exist. Or at least won’t as soon as we get our way. Everyone’s on board and this totally isn’t Third Reich II: Electric Boogaloo.”
I mean, for us fags, they are out right saying “lynch the bastards”, I imagine its much more frightening when the tiger is smiling in your face and calling you “me chum”.
It’s funny, you know. Imagine if a jew was trying to say “this is a jewish nation” and gave all these dumbass arguments to try to prove it. Fucking xtians would be howling day and night. But they dont’ see the parallel.
They don’t even see the parallel to the Middle-East nations they hate crying “This is an islamic nation”. They rant over and over how that shows those countries to be evil and needing to be overthrown and made Christian and react like howler monkeys when anyone notes that they seem to be a palette-swapped enemy in the 8-bit platformer of life.
Yeah, well what about all the men who get all bent out shape when I grab their cocks?.
As I have never had a bad reaction from doing it I conclude you are grabbing gay cock.
As I have never had a bad reaction from doing it I conclude you are grabbing gay cock.
Further proof that the straight, white male is oppressed.
I read your link. Like all MRA nuttery its just random spew. When it can be bothered to make a point, it is the traditional favorite projection or demonization. I mean, I’ve been done wrong by a romantic partner, but I don’t turn that into a giant spew about how she or all women are soul-sucking demons from planet Eviltron come to sap us of our masculinity.
Also, love how women are once again the ones blamed for the way Toxic Masculinity (and the need to prove it to feel like a man) makes men feel small, like their masculinity is being constantly challenged, and otherwise unhappy.
But yeah, each line is just a beautiful setup.
some choice mangos:
And we have the swing and a miss on the “nuh, uh, you are” Kiindergarten retort. Sadly one needs to understand what the words your opponent is using to really muster the intelligent debate of a 5 year old. Or maybe just less descriptors. Just say they are the real abusers instead of shitting out a definition that proves you don’t know what the fuck the woman are on about like the defective property they are.
This is perfect on its own. I’m reminded of seeing Invictus and seeing the white racist character who’ll be hugging a black person at the end of the film because that’s a trope basically say this about Mandela. It really takes a special kind of delusion to even see the logic chain that comes up with this.
Also apparently, he’s against women even voting. Somehow I suspect his opposition to feminism is the same as old white southerner objections to Civil Rights. The simple fact that the property is getting uppity and the mean old government revoked their property rights long ago.
Yes, I know that my posts make it obvious that I’m some ugly and bitter little schlub that isn’t getting any and turning that into a perpetual machine of raw hatred, but, but…
Oh, yeah, well feminists are the real ugly ones. Neener, neener, neener.
Also, wasn’t a good chunk of the early half of the second wave made up of “the pretty ones” who got “properly married” as they were intended to and found the institution to be stifling, soul-crushing, unrespected, and full of abuse, rape, and so on?
Yeah, I know, the mean old rad fem and lesbian feminists of the latter half get all the attention. And yeah, love the whole Stepford Wives vibe. Oh yeah, well, the good little girls who know what’s best for them had no problem with the system.
Also, what was supposed to be AlternaFeminists plan in this fictional world. They write subversive literature that questions the patriarchy and gets a lot of men bent out of shape as they are forced to see some of their privilege and this will somehow get men more likely to date them over proper girls?
Or I guess its the usual argument. That these Bad Girls just hated the institution they lost at so decided to blow it up and install all these anti-family ideas in Good Girls and thus corrupt them. Said Good Girls being easy to corrupt because them being stupid and childlike is what makes them Good Girls and all of a sudden even the most brainwashed Church wife is going “hmm, maybe letting you beat me while you rape me and the children is something I don’t have to take anymore” and HIS FREEDOM IS UNDER ATTACK!
Also, this is good:
Yeah, cause you see, men are the only ones who really matter, so that handful of awkward male feminists trying to do their best and occassionally fucking up are just as prominent among feminists as anti-feminists view them as pussy traitors.
Yeah, the various top women of feminism just go on and on about feminist men and rarely talk about women. Why would they when women are mere pack animals for the cocks of their overlords?
I love the way it reveals so much about the author like all projection spew does. He can’t possibly see how anyone could respect or think important the she-beasts that populate his glorious masculine kingdom and so assume that feminists must work the same.
all the men who get all bent out shape when I grab their cocks?
VS, they’re SUPPOSED to be that shape.
[citation needed]
Even conceding the fuckface’s argument, I’d say that Freedom is not Free. You don’t get to decide what equality is worth fighting for. Don’t like being the oppressor who got knocked off, huh?
Also not acknowledged? That the founding fathers were that strain of domestic terrorists, the ones who resisted for their marginalized communities to try and get their voice heard.
They always use the various “founding fathers were guerilla men fighting against oppression” justifications for their various forays into domestic terrorism to keep the marginalized populations down, but then freak the fuck out when the marginalized communities with more of a claim to that shit do even the tiniest step out in that direction.
That’s even if they manage that. It’s always amazing the number of famously anti-confrontation, non-violent movements and leaders who get labeled domestic terrorists for exercising their first amendment rights to assemble and protest unjust laws.
But I suppose for wingnuts of all eras, your victims being allowed to speak is always a direct infringement on your rights and akin to the worst crimes imaginable. See also outcry to gay groups assembling or speaking out against hate groups as also a form of modern domestic terrorists or the freak out over the New Black Panthers and ACORN as the greatest threat this nation has ever known.
Cerebrus; I think it’s GODS LAW that only white males CAN be oppressed, therefore are the only group that can claim terrorism is freedom fighting.
Wait, no. There were the Contras. So as long as drugs and guns and dirty little secret wars are involved, then..
Fuck, this shit is confusing. So many exceptions to the rule.
B^4 – you and I come from the same school of manners. I’ll hold the door for anyone, too, male or female. There’s nothing polite about letting a door slam in the face of someone right behind you.
Also, too: whenever someone holds a door for me, I say thank you.
The thing about being polite is that it doesn’t cost you a damned thing, which is why I can’t figure out why so many people aren’t.
Good manners cost nothing!!
I was just surprised to see everything but that which you mentioned as well as Surrealism and “Catcher in the Rye.” LOL. Just seems like an awfully big tent, ya know?
But, as to a lot of stuff you mention: piercings, etc. I’d say that stuff is still considered pretty trangressive. At least it is to me but that could be because I’m a sheltered prude. I know a lot of S&Mmy-type stuff has made it into the fashion mainstream…but there’s still lots of stuff that’s fairly taboo.
I chuckled.
And then turning to the other tigers and talking about how delicious you look. I mean, their most common Jesus Comes Back scenario involves EVERYONE who doesn’t believe in Christ going to Hell.
But even the most hard core anti-Palestine Israeli* knows all of the leg humping from the TalEvan is a pathetic attempt to get more brownie points from God and Jesus (whom the Bible Humpers must think are really fucking stupid and blind).
*Other things not to tell them: Israel does not = Jewish people the world over. Or even in Israel.
Yeah, my favorite is the whole “all feminists are fat ugly women who can’t get men” thing. Hmmm. I’m sure it’s a comforting thought, but they know damn well it’s not true.
Anyway, my theory is that most of the things these fucknuts say are things that are meant to shock and hurt. They know it’s not true, they’re just flailing wildly, hoping to bully women out of their feminism. NOT GONNA FUCKING WORK, FUCKTARDS.
BTW – I’ve known a number of feminists, even radical feminists. I’ve only heard a complaint about door holding when they to make fun of that myth or urban legend or whatever the fuck.
I can easily imagine some humorless twat witnessed that or a similar display and went away thinking “OMG, feminist think holding the door for them is oppressive! (Cos everyone knows they don’t have a sense of humor).”
they ^wanted to make fun.
Preview not much use without the spectacles.
Click only to be shocked and sickened:
Being shocked and sickened is the only REASON I can be arsed to click.
Ouch. Only made it a few seconds in.
Damn that guy is an asshole.
I can’t believe there is still anyone left who will vote for these fucking fascists.
The dislikes are overrunning the likes at least. That’s pretty rare.
I added to the count.
I got a tiny bit of flak from female classmates when I was a wee wanna-be chivalrist in my younger days, but well we were all young squirts and stupid. Especially myself.
I think really most of the negative impact of door holding has died thanks to the gains of feminists over the years. Back in the bad old days, door holding was sort of a backwards compliment, a way of enforcing the idea that women were delicate creatures incapable of doing anything for themselves disguised as an act of kindness and grace.
But yeah, now that attitude has greatly died out of a lot of our cultural language, door holding has become more of a politeness that both sexes may engage in to aid those behind. The studied insult part has largely died out, because the people who want to look gallant while dissing women have largely either moved into “The Game” style Pick Up Artist techniques or given way to genuinely thinking of women better and wanting to be genuinely thought of well.
So yeah, that whine is about a thing feminism won long ago to both parties’ satisfaction.
Because irony loves that shit.
Well, 9/11 has been the greatest thing to happen to conservatives since the election of the inexplicably popular Reagan, so it’s only natural that they would want to pay tribute to it in the only way they could.
It’s really only a time until they just film a video of them actively jacking off on the 9/11 attack like an over-active chipmunk.
I didn’t watch enough to confirm (but really, if it’s anything but crash photos or random firefighters, I’d be shocked), but I notice the lack of you know humanized victims or survivors of the event. I mean, it’s not like it’s immediately after the first plane hit, we have 10 years of footage from all the survivors, the victim’s families, the firefighters and rescue workers who literally sacrificed their health trying to save everyone they could (and who the Right patriotically refuses to help), and so on to humanize and make central the human cost of the tragedy.
But of course, they never could have cared less. 9/11 is always a big scary news moment, far away happening to mere archetypes like a movie, not really involving the unfortunately liberal and somber tenants of New York, but more a patriotic psychodrama of why they were right to always fear and hate them darkies that pray to the wrong God.
And for Herman Cain, I’ll note that “darkies that pray to the wrong God” includes black Christians.
The golf course had a sign, “Courtesy Is Contagious.”
But I did not see a bunch of people rolling over suffering from some disease, so maybe they need more signs.
Once in the ’80s I stood aside & held a door for a woman about 10 yrs. my junior (A friend’s girlfriend.) just on general principles, would’ve done the same for my male friend & she thought it was kind of funny, but didn’t give me much shit.
What etiquette I was taught that I still remember mostly has to do w/ women’s fashion: The “gentleman” walks on the street side of the “lady” on the sidewalk, in case a passing carriage splashes mud from the unpaved streets on her majesty’s threads; said dude precedes a dame going downstairs, & follows her going upstairs, because she’s expected to be wearing heels, & he’ll be down-gravity to catch her if she falls.
…because she’s expected to be wearing heels, & he’ll be down-gravity to catch her if she falls.
A likely story. We all know it’s so dude can leer at her ass.
A likely story. We all know it’s so dude can leer at her ass.
Double points.
Confession time: I find chivalry kinda hot.
I can haz feminizm still pleaze?
Feminism is now killing threads.
A likely story. We all know it’s so dude can leer at her ass.
Currently, my blog is the number one search result for “unapologetic ass man”, so I you’re on to my reindeer games.
Damn, extraneous pronoun… can’t someone dive into the fetid waters to bring preview back from the mango-strewn shores?
A likely story.
I didn’t think it necessary to note the obvious.
Social Scientist J.L. Hooker had some thoughts on the subject.
The golf course …
Ta dah!
How many holes did you get in, old chum?
they seem to be a palette-swapped enemy in the 8-bit platformer of life.
That *yoink* you just heard was me shamelessly pilfering this.
Sweet mystery of life…
Well, if everyone’s going to bed, I’m going to kick myself in the vagina.
The “gentleman” walks on the street side of the “lady” on the sidewalk, in case a passing carriage splashes mud from the unpaved streets on her
Alas, times have changed, or perhaps it was local custom………….when I lived in NYC it was considered correct to walk on the building side of Milady, in case someone jumped yez from out of a doorway.
No, really.
when I lived in NYC it was considered correct to walk on the building side of Milady, in case someone jumped yez from out of a doorway.
I’d heard the street-side convention was from pre-sewer days when people hurled garbage and POOP out of upper-storey windows and walking on the street side meant the man was more likely to get hit with it.
“I’m from Singapore, as a few regular readers may already know, and I’ve watched the shadow of feminism darken what was once happy hunting grounds for foreign brides.
“fuck me, Asian women are people too”
having worked with lots of these jack-asses over the years, I can tell you that they do exist and really do think like this. I laugh like a drain every time one of them gets fucked over (again) by some ex thai bargirl.
What etiquette I was taught that I still remember mostly has to do w/ women’s fashion: The “gentleman” walks on the street side of the “lady” on the sidewalk, in case a passing carriage splashes mud from the unpaved streets on her majesty’s threads;
fuck, i thought I was the only person still doing this. My gran, who was very, very old school was very insistent that this was the done thing, and I still find myself doing it to this day, although I know its a bit dumb. Dont fuck with scottish grannies, even from beyond the grave.
I also have a habit of opening car doors for women before I get in. Don’t know where it stated from, think i am suppressing my inner concierge.
my inner concierge
W/ a nym like yours …
Is there a chance you can find he time to heap all appropriate abuse on this miserable fuck wad:
or “shorter”:
The “gentleman” walks on the street side of the “lady” on the sidewalk, in case a passing carriage splashes mud from the unpaved streets on her
Alas, times have changed, or perhaps it was local custom………….when I lived in NYC it was considered correct to walk on the building side of Milady, in case someone jumped yez from out of a doorway.
The appropriate etiquette is man/streetside, for reasons listed above. However, the man did enter the elevator first, just in case the cable snapped or there was a ruffian within.
I also have a habit of opening car doors for women before I get in.
I do this too, despite the fact I have one of them key fobs that opens all doors simultaneously. Of course, this means that she can’t reciprocate and unlock my door as I walk behind the car, which was usually the sign of a keeper.
It was originally men on the building side in case someone dumped a chamber pot.
The thing about being polite is that it doesn’t cost you a damned thing, which is why I can’t figure out why so many people aren’t.
Courtesy is theft!
It was originally men on the building side in case someone dumped a chamber pot.
People flung, they didn’t tip out (and they usually did it in the “courtyard”) so building side was the safer side, tho.
Emily Post agrees
We also never walked more than two abreast on the street.
I found the lady in question would get angry if she had three pairs of hands on them.
I initially read that as “Batgirl”. One of the Batgirls, Cassandra Cain, was Asian too. It totally fits.
I played all 18, BBBB. Not that you’d know it from my pics.
Thus I wait with baited breath for the wingnut op-ed that valiantly upholds the truthiness of Imagineering the voices of 9/11’s dead into praising with simpering gratitude those two vigilant freedom-lovers, Bush & Cheney, for faithfully protecting them for every day except their last.
Did anyone point out the gulf of reasoning between ‘I support the death penalty in theory for homicide’ and ‘I trust the legal system’?
The older I get, the less and less I trust the legal system, especially the bias towards the establishment vs non-establishment? When was the last time you heard of a police officer or white guy executed for killing a guy for answering his door, vs a guy executed with little to no evidence he was even at the crime scene?