Posted on August 25th, 2011 by HTML Mencken
Above: Smugged his way thru Neocon 101.
Shorter Michael J. Totten
Pod’s Putzes
“Libya’s Rebels Unhappy with Russia and China”
- Obviously, Libyans totally love the good countries that are currently bombing them, and hate the evil countries that are not currently bombing them.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Is he still pretending to be left-wing? Because he can go fuck himself eighty-seven times up the arse with a wire coathanger.
We at Hitchens Watch will never forget his service in the Battle of Beirut.
How long did it take him to file his face to a point? That shows dedication.
The bitches had it coming to them.
(Libya is very much a man’s world so the next leader absolutely will be a he.)
for some reason i find this to be the most annoying sentence i’ve ever read…along with absolutely unnecessary and smug…
Ever wish every woman in the world would just boycott life, just for a day? Just to see what happened?
the Battle of Beirut.
this is the biggest load of crap ever…he really fancies himself to be michael douglas, harrison ford and sebastian junger all wrapped up in one, doesn’t he?
Don’t forget the soupcon of Richard Engle!
Don’t forget the soupcon of Richard Engle!
good call!
Ever wish every woman in the world would just boycott life, just for a day? Just to see what happened?
Don’t you DARE go all Lysistrata on us!
I attended that at the Javits Center in Aught-Eight
he really fancies himself to be michael douglas, harrison ford and sebastian junger all wrapped up in one, doesn’t he?
Truly, he’s an ass.
After all, there can’t be two of us…
i love soup…
How long did it take him to file his face to a point? That shows dedication
Maybe mommy had great kegels.
you know who else loves soup?
I wonder if Totten-ham will now ponder the fact that we barely assisted in Libya, per the Republican panty-twisting over the War Powers Act, and the reason the rebels like us is they like NATO, which de facto means they have to like us, like us or not.
Nah. Too complex. He wouldn’t actually bother interviewing someone on the ground there to discuss in depth the nuances….whoops!…of the Arab street.
Maybe mommy had great kegels.
truly, she should have kept squeezing…
truly, she should have kept squeezing…
…and named him *SPLOOT!*?
He wouldn’t actually bother interviewing someone on the ground there
he is a pretty craptastic journalist…my favorite part of his beirut heroics were that hitchens needed to buy shoes, the other dude wanted to buy a shirt, but all twatten could afford to buy was a coffee…you know why, twat? because you suck…your two compatriots work for actual news organizations and you are a *reader funded journalist*…and even they dont want to fund you, apparently….
you know who else loves soup?
html: plz to put a different pic of twatten…this one really creeps me out! think of the sadly ladies, pleeeeeease!
you know who else loves soup?
hmmmmm…i did not know this…i just knew he hated juice…
Absolutely. Nobody could possibly believe anything of teh sort.
Sorry bbkf, no can do. Besides, this picture perfectly captures the smug, smarmy Michael J. Totten stare that makes him such a hit among the poor Lebanese and Kurdish ladies. Think of the aggregated amount of puke swallowed in the Arab female world just because of that vapid stare!
I’m pretty much a peaceful hippie, but in all my years of internet wingnutology, with one exception whom no one else really knows, the wingnut I’d most like a chance to punch in the mouth in Michael J. Totten. I really, really hate that worthless son of a bitch.
this picture perfectly captures the smug, smarmy Michael J. Totten stare that makes him such a hit among the poor Lebanese and Kurdish ladies
It looks like the self satisfaction of a guy watching his victim down the roofied drink. I think you should punch him the face, HTML.
t looks like the self satisfaction of a guy watching his victim down the roofied drink.
This guy strikes me as yet another in a long line of wingers who need roofies to masturbate.
This guy strikes me as yet another in a long line of wingers who need roofies to masturbate.
HA! Nice one
This is why I have at least some hope. Because even though Obama’s “lead from the middle” policies drive me crazy (like they do everyone else) they do seem to work. I am all for things that work as opposed to “things that feel good but don’t work”.
So far I have not gone terribly wrong betting on Obama to know what he’s doing. I’ll swallow my pride if that’s what it takes. I like success, failure really sucks.
With a toupé like that Totten no longer has to wear a T-shirt emblazoned, “Look at my ridiculous wig!”
I think you’ve hit on something, Jay. That hairpiece wouldn’t look any more fake if it had a chinstrap
That guy has the smarmy know it all grin of a college freshman who thinks he has it all figured out. That is the kind of grin that vanishes like smoke, never to return the first time he finds himself at 2 in the morning on a rainy night, knee deep in ditch water just off a back road in Louisiana, digging as fast as he can for the corpses of a few hookers, because someone talked when they shouldn’t have and now it’s time to move the bodies, and he can hear the dogs getting closer…
So why the picture of Chuck Norris?
This is why I have at least some hope. Because even though Obama’s “lead from the middle” policies drive me crazy (like they do everyone else) they do seem to work. I am all for things that work as opposed to “things that feel good but don’t work”.
Quoted for truth. I often think that Obama’s governing policy is “ask myself what George W. Bush would do, then do the opposite.” And Bushism was all about non-working shit that made his base feel good.
I wonder if thunder’s feeling a tingling.
He just pretends that whole Bush administration policy thingy rehabilitating Khaddafy never happened. He just skips from 2005 to the present day in order to make his wingnutty case. That also enables him to give no credit to Obama personally and to ignore that just maybe some Libyans know the dif between Bush’s policy and Obama’s when it comes to their ex-dictator. Yeah, Totten’s a douche alright.
You’d be correct, vs.
So far I have not gone terribly wrong betting on Obama to know what he’s doing. I’ll swallow my pride if that’s what it takes. I like success, failure really sucks.
Like when Bush tried to cut Social Security, but the Democrats wouldn’t let him?
Obama’s 90% of the way to getting that job done. (Did I say cutting Social Security? I meant “entitlement reform”, as both Frank Luntz and Obama refer to it.)
With successes like this, failure looks better and better.
I often think that Obama’s governing policy is “ask myself what George W. Bush would do, then do the opposite.” And Bushism was all about non-working shit that made his base feel good.
So Obamasm is all about non-working shit that makes his base feel shitty. Got it.
He just pretends that whole Bush administration policy thingy rehabilitating Khaddafy never happened.
I thought that was what the Egyptian’s point was.
Granted, he writes as if the Egyptian (I’d dig up the name, but I like fresh mangoes) was some crazed zealot ready to scimitar his toupee off, but he introduces the point by inference.
Totten’s photo looks like a meth-addled Dennis Leary in the alternate Star Trek “Old Gen” universe, where Spock was plotting to take over the Enterprise.
the wingnut I’d most like a chance to punch in the mouth in Michael J. Totten
Honestly, I don’t know how you can pick just one from such a crowded field.
So Obamasm is all about non-working shit that makes his base feel shitty. Got it.
Clever, but Obama’s shit is working. More people have health insurance. bin Laden is dead and Qaddafi is out. The auto industry has added jobs and paid back the money we loaned them.
I have complaints, sure. I would have liked to see the financial industry punished for the silly derivatives shit they did. Unemployment is still too high, and the spending cuts to avert default were too much. But I think Obama’s policies are working. It only seems bad because of the horrifying depths to which GWB fucked our shit.
Libya oh Libya
I love every bit ‘o ya
Libya the war torn country
Gee, the war on Christmas starts earlier and earlier each year…they could at least get the sunscreen off the store shelves first.
Clever, but Obama’s shit is working. More people have health insurance. bin Laden is dead and Qaddafi is out. The auto industry has added jobs and paid back the money we loaned them.
And while I do not disagree with you on this, as you point out, there are a lot bigger pressing issues he needs to take care of.
Plus, single payer. Also.
More people have health insurance.
Got a link for that?
Honestly, I don’t know how you can pick just one from such a crowded field.
This is why the good Lord invented grapeshot.
Think of the aggregated amount of puke swallowed in the Arab female world just because of that vapid stare!
*puke take*
it helps to put it all in one post, doesn’t it…
It can be difficult to contain puke. Information wants to be free, puke wants to spread.
Is this going to be another “Bash Obama” thread? Great, fine. Go right ahead. Just remember: we didn’t have a choice between Obama and Perfect in ’08; we had a choice between Obama and McCain/Palin. I do not and never will regret the choice we made. In 2012, we will not have a choice between Obama and a True Liberal; we will have a choice between Obama and probably Perry/Rubio, or worse. Like it or not, you don’t have a third choice. Let me say that again: There. Is. No. Third. Choice. You don’t have to love Obama–I certainly don’t. He has been a weak leader, indecisive, moderate at best and Corporatist/militarist at worst. I know. We are all aware of his shortcomings. You don’t have to love him, but you do have to vote for him. Period.
This was my favorite by Henry Gondroff and Johnny Hooker.
Just remember: we didn’t have a choice between Obama and Perfect in ’08; we had a choice between Obama and McCain/Palin.
According to this graphic at the Weather Channel website the east coast could be for some nasty weather. But what really concerns me is the huge meteor that’s about to hit Greenland!
Before Madoff hit the big time he cut his teeth doing the old soupcon, hustling cans of Campbells from little old ladies.
No one is an expert on Libya’s rebels,
Then why did you write a piece on the Libyan rebels? Car payment late?
Steerpike said,
August 25, 2011 at 17:30
you are wise, steerpike…i’m trying to keep the faith, but sometimes i rlly wish we would have gotten Hillary…*koffkoff* although at the time i didn’t think she was the right choice…
i wonder, if instead of the hue and cry over obama being black would have been about her being a woman and she would have been just as hogtied by hate as obama has been…
According to this graphic at the Weather Channel website the east coast could be for some nasty weather.
the channel itself is in boner gear for irene…
but no one in Libya—no matter how badly they are informed—could possibly believe anything of the sort
“Nobody’s an expert, but this is is what I want to believe, therefore it must be the truth, and since I got it printed is really is reality.”
You don’t have to love Obama–I certainly don’t. He has been a weak leader, indecisive, moderate at best and Corporatist/militarist at worst. I know. We are all aware of his shortcomings. You don’t have to love him, but you do have to vote for him.
As far as I’m concerned, if he doesn’t protect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and his own goddamned health plan, then he’s not a Dem and he doesn’t get my vote. He’s already gone along with the insane national security state crap.
I’m not going to vote for the mildly-right-wing Republican over the insane Republican. Obama has to prove that he’s not a Republican by putting his back into protecting what scraps of social programs we have, which he specifically has not done in the budget fight last December and the budget fight last month. Instead, he’s bragged about his willingness to give it away.
For context, since 1982, I’ve never not voted in a presidential or congressional election.
You don’t have to love him, but you do have to vote for him. Period.
I won’t. The way to keep getting crappy Democrats is to keep voting for them. Plouffe and Axelnimrod and the rest of the gang of useless idiots have been telling him over and over that he needs to do wingnutty things to win in ’12. He has. You want to make them right? Bad Democrats need disciplined whatever the short term consequences, because the long term consequences of NOT disciplining them are infinitely worse.
Appears I’ve joined the wrong thread.
None of this means Libyans will emerge as pro-American as the Albanians, the Kurds or the Israelis.
What? No mention of the Iraqis and the Afghans?
You want to make them right?
good point…i’ve never been a you have to vote for the party so the other bastards don’t get it, but who else do we have to vote for? i’m with n_b in that i have never NOT voted…
but who else do we have to vote for? i’m with n_b in that i have never NOT voted…
If he doesn’t move to the left in the next 15 months I’m going to break my string of votes. I’ll still be voting for Gillibrand and Townes for congress.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said:
“Obama’s 90% of the way to getting that job done. (Did I say cutting Social Security? I meant “entitlement reform”, as both Frank Luntz and Obama refer to it.)”
As someone who benefits directly from SS I am worried, sure, but what I’ve heard Obama say is that he’s willing to make changes to entitlements in order to ensure their long term survival. He is very clear on not cutting benefits.
Obama’s actions vis a vis Lybia are an example of his lead from the middle policy. The neocons would have simply invaded and set up a puppet regime like they did in Iraq. The Lybian rebels have expressed their dissatisfaction with Russia and China and are grateful to NATO. If we had done nothing they would have been crushed. Now, quite unlike Iraq, they are appreciative of the west. Sounds good to me.
I have been as stressed out as anyone over Obama’s negotiating tactics but they do seem to work. I do not think that if Obama had imposed universal heath care or any of the other things the Left wanted him to do that it would have worked. There would have been significant backlash.
When you impose your will on others you will fail. This applies to domestic as much as it does to foreign policy.
As someone who benefits directly from SS I am worried, sure, but what I’ve heard Obama say is that he’s willing to make changes to entitlements in order to ensure their long term survival.
Funny that he refuses to even mention the one change that would ensure its survival permanently, which is to remove the regressive cap on the SS tax.
If he doesn’t move to the left in the next 15 months I’m going to break my string of votes.
i keep waiting for him to pull something brilliant out of his ass and say, ‘tadah!!!! this is what i’ve secretly been working on all along!’
You don’t have to love him, but you do have to vote for him.
That attitude is exactly why Obama thinks he can get away with trashing everything his voters care about while pandering to bankers and blowing up foreigners.
If you Opologists spent more time fighting for the things you pretend to care about and less on message patrol for right-wing corporatists like Obama, maybe the dynamic would be different.
The debacle of 2010 wasn’t because a few liberal bloggers didn’t cheer the new boss enough, it was the result of Obama not doing enough for the people who vote for Democrats.
In response, he’s doubled down on the suck. Expect more of the same in 2012.
As someone who benefits directly from SS
teh daughter gets ssi which pays for a huge portion of her care she’s also on medical assistance (which you are automatically enrolled in if you receive ssi) so i worry big time about what’s going to happen…not just for her, because we could make something work, but for the ones who have no family or resources to take care of someone who is mentally and/or physically disabled…
Ever wish every woman in the world would just boycott life, just for a day? Just to see what happened?
Read “The Disappearance” by Philip Wylie.
According to this graphic at the Weather Channel website the east coast could be for some nasty weather.
The NWS is ordering mandatory coastal evacuations up and down the east coast from the Carolinas to New England
I don’t understand where all of the rage is coming from. Obama is a negotiator. We knew that going in. If you voted for him because you thought you were going to get single-payer, even though the Blue Dogs were never going to go for it, I don’t understand why you would ever vote for anyone.
Yes, I’d like him to fight for more leftist things during the negotiations, but at the end of the day I would rather America be led by a centrist negotiator than a conservative, hostage-taking jackass.
i keep waiting for him to pull something brilliant out of his ass and say, ‘tadah!!!! this is what i’ve secretly been working on all along!’
There is no eleven-dimensional chess. He either (a) fell into the JFK trap of thinking that because he’s smarter than his opponents he must be better at politics, (b) fooled a lot of people into thinking he’s more liberal than he really is, or (c ) both. I vote for (c ).
The Republicans wanted to run against Hillary *koffkoff* more than anything. They had a playbook all set to use against her. Hell, they had a filing cabinet stuffed full of playbooks to use against her. That’s why the whole “PUMA” phenom was entirely a Repub ratfuck. They were ready to crucify her ten ways from Sunday, and if she had won the nom, I guarantee you we would right now be discussing the disatrous prospect of a second McCain administration, or worse, a continuation of the Palin admin after she killed off the old geezer by giving him a marathon reverse-cowgirl session in the Oval Office.
And please, are you really implying that Hillary *koffkoff* (yeah, makes me choke too) would have been some kind of liberal savior? Bitch please. She and Bill were the original “New Dem” “centrist” models. To pretend that Bill Clinton was some kind of Liberal, or that Hillary would have been is frankly risible.
Obama is a negotiator.
The first rule of negotiation is that you don’t compromise until after both sides have stated their base positions. He’s broke that rule every time, and the results have been spectacularly suckful. If he had started with a public option or (the horrors!) single-payer, the resulting compromise on health care would have been much better, to name one obvious example.
from teh amazon:
the foundations of relationships, love, and sex are scrutinized, tested, and sometimes redefined in both worlds.
are you talking about teh ghey sex?!?!?
the foundations of relationships, love, and sex are scrutinized,
I can think of many people who are, IMO, inscrutable. I know some women who are impregnable, as well.
I don’t understand where all of the rage is coming from.
I think “Hope” and “Change” might have had something to do with it.
I’m with you, I’m voting for him again because I think he’s done a good job, particularly given what he was handed (by the way, 51% of Americans believe Bush is to blame for the current mess, according to Politico today). But I also believed him when he said he’d work with Republicans, and he has tried, so my eyes were open.
What I think people are angry at is, he had a wide majority in the House and a 60 vote Senate majority, and couldn’t get much of anything progressive passed until the December after he lost the House.
I include HCR in that, because while it’s a step in the right direction, he left a lot on the table in the name of cooperation (cooptation?)
i have a fly in my office who is obsessed with either my hair product or makeup…it’s really pissing me off…
Eat it.
And please, are you really implying that Hillary *koffkoff* (yeah, makes me choke too) would have been some kind of liberal savior?
Pike, better the devil you know than the Muslim you don’t.
Hillary would have brought us to substantially where we are right now, except a) we wouldn’t have been sidetracked with a fucking birth certificate and b) you wouldn’t be whining about your panties being twisted into knots of betrayal.
Plus, we’d have the Big Dog in the bargain. You know, the guy who created 23 million jobs with a tax hike on the rich?
HTML said:
“Plouffe and Axelnimrod and the rest of the gang of useless idiots have been telling him over and over that he needs to do wingnutty things to win in ’12.”
uh… yeah, the country is fairly conservative. The independents will decide the next election, not the Left. If you wish to have more influence you need to convince more people to support you. Real political change comes from the people. The gay community is now enjoying the fruit of their labor in the 80’s and 90’s. People came out of the closet and their friends and relatives learned to accept them. This translated into legislative victories. There has been a backlash but that is fading fast.
There has been significant social change in the US in my lifetime. On the whole it’s been for the good. People will get tired of the Libertarians and assorted wing-nuts and just move on. It will take time, it always does at the national level.
Eat it.
i have to catch him first…and ‘e’s a wiley one…
He’s broke that rule every time, and the results have been spectacularly suckful.
At what point do you finally guess that he does this because those are the results he wants?
No one made Obama create a deficit reduction committee in February, 2009 with Alan Simpson (a Republican who, like most, hates Social Security) and Erskine Bowles (a Democrat known mainly for his expressed desire to cut Social Security).
Social Security cuts are on the table because Obama put them there, and he’s keeping them there.
“But it would help if we got the deficit under control, and to do that, you’ve got to reform entitlements.”
President Obama, Aug 9, 2011
Plus, we’d have the Big Dog in the bargain
one of the items on the silent auction at my big fundraiser is a bill clinton autographed golf ball…as you can expect, i have been making bill clinton’s balls jokes at every opportunity…
i have to catch him first…and ‘e’s a wiley one…
Wait until he’s between you and your computer screen. Then it’s easy to hit him with your tongue…so I’ve heard.
At what point do you finally guess that he does this because those are the results he wants?
FYWP ate the comment where I discussed duped versus actually right-wing.
Then it’s easy to hit him with your tongue…so I’ve heard.
By the way, free for lunch?
Funniest part is that Commentary doesn’t allow comments.
Kafka Wept.
Yeah, except for the years when he was warmly praising both Dubya & Obama for legitimizing his loony-tune version of leadership, he’s dead right. I bet when he had his tent-condominium pitched in Central Park (???) a few years back he was righteously pissed at how bad the Porta-Potties smelled … & no free Snap-On girlie calendars with all that “non-lethal” aid? Proof that Amerika is teh Great Satan!
the horrifying depths to which GWB fucked our shit.
If Obama serves two terms, & then the next person serves two terms, the person after THAT will still be dealing with a Dubya Hangover.
Something to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to “punish” Democrats (Oh noez, Br’er Voter, whatever you do, PLEASE don’t make me take another cushy corporate sinecure, PLEASE! Anything but THAT!) for not being tough enough/underhanded enough/left-wing enough to light your fire: GOP voters have no problem holding their nose & voting for their slate (see 2010 midterms). Their rage is all aimed at you – so perhaps directing yours at your own side is less than optimal as a winning strategy.
If you honestly think that The Lesser Of Two Evils isn’t the best option available, take a good long hard look at Option B – a GOP Marat/Sade freakshow that makes Bush & Cheney look like Jane Fucking Fonda – & understand that there were lots of folks saying “well, surely THIS will finally wake everyone up” in 2000, too. Sad to say, 2010 proved it once & for all: Amerika’s Snooze Button is taped down.
If you honestly think that The Lesser Of Two Evils isn’t the best option available
Who says an Obama second term is the lesser of two evils? He hasn’t shown me that he’s willing to fight for what I want. Everyone assumes that a batshit insane president will be so bad, but the problem with 2000-2008 wasn’t that GWB was a dictator, it was that the Dems in Congress didn’t do their job. I honestly believe we stand a better chance of getting what we want from them than from Obama.
There has been significant social change in the US in my lifetime.
We’ve been going backwards for 30 years.
uh… yeah, the country is fairly conservative.
Really? Why is it that substantial majorities support a public option, removing the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and getting out of wars?
The reason we don’t get those things is our political parties and our media are controlled by wealthy conservatives who don’t want them.
N__B said,
“The first rule of negotiation is that you don’t compromise until after both sides have stated their base positions.”
I’ve been as frustrated as anyone but Obama is pursuing a different strategy. One of incremental change where you get the other side to come over to you even if it’s a little step. Then you take another step, and another. It’s slower and frustrating but it does seem to work.
The other strategy where we would have used our majority to just steam roll the GOP works short term but it only serves to more deeply ingrain resentment in the other side. Which makes further progress very difficult.
My understanding is that democratic candidates are seeing tremendous support. Even in red districts and in numbers that exceed those of the 2008 election. That’s good. I’ll take votes and pragmatic success over ideological purity any day.
The evidence against Hillary being politically more adept is that she lost the primary when it was hers. Obama didn’t so much win it as Hillary failed to win it, by not understanding how delegates were won from state to state. That’s also evidence that her husband was no help: he’s a fucking genius (as much as I hate about him) and he wouldn’t have lost because of a math fail.
Nevertheless it’s hard not to wish for better than Obama and there have been things Hillary has said and done as Secretary of State that were, I thought, pretty damned good.
One of incremental change where you get the other side to come over to you even if it’s a little step.
Honest question: what have McConnell/Bohener/Cantor given up? How have they moved? Because I can’t see it.
The other strategy where we would have used our majority to just steam roll the GOP works short term but it only serves to more deeply ingrain resentment in the other side.
They regularly call us all non-Americans and worse. I also can’t see how they could resent us any more than they do.
My understanding is that democratic candidates are seeing tremendous support. Even in red districts and in numbers that exceed those of the 2008 election. That’s good
As I said above, my preferred strategy is to work on the Ds in Congress. The vast majority of them have not betrayed me the way Obama has.
there have been things Hillary has said and done as Secretary of State that were, I thought, pretty damned good.
a few issues ago, vanity fair had an article about her as sos…made me admire the hell out of her…she has been damn good at it…
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said:
“We’ve been going backwards for 30 years.”
I did say social change. I remember race riots in Boston over busing, the Klan marching in Skokie. I remember a time when you took your life in your hands coming out to someone.
I remember fucking George Wallace running as a Democrat three times.
When Beck or Limbaugh talk about gays I don’t hear them questioning the right of gays to even exist. That was not the case 30 years ago. No one today questions basic civil rights for blacks, gays or women. They sure as hell did when I was young. There has been tremendous change.
killing the fly
uh… yeah, the country is fairly conservative.
No, it’s not. Just because ppl have said that for 30 years doesn’t mean it’s true. Ppl want moar and better social security, health care, unemployment benefits, etc.
I agree HCR was fucked first and foremost by the crappy Dems in the Senate, but this is umm central to my point about bad Democrats wherever they may serve. Also, too, what would Obama have done vis-a-vis HCR if he’d had a better Senate? Caved too much anyway, I think.
PLEASE don’t make me take another cushy corporate sinecure, PLEASE! Anything but THAT!
C’mon, man. Don’t try to tell me they don’t care if they lose.
GOP voters have no problem holding their nose & voting for their slate (see 2010 midterms).
Wingnuts go after their own, if they are deemed weak. It’s resulted in incrementally more wingutty office holders. Long term, it works. Cuz wingnuts care about ideology and they have contempt for compromisers and conciliators. The effect of this dynamic longterm is that noen can say with a straight face that the country is fairly conservative when it’s not. The country is simply ruled by people far more conservative than the general populace and this is a testament to wingnut longterm strategy. We COULD do that as well but nooo, it’s better to be continually kicked in the teeth by our own leaders cuz zOMG the alternative!
Look, I voted for Gore in 2000 because I lived in what was thought to be a closely contested state and I KNEW how awful Bush would be. But I HATE the assholes who blame the ppl who voted for Nader for everything that happened afterward. Gore lost because, like all bad Democrats, he caved when he should have fought. It was HIS fault because he was weak, just like if Obama loses in 12, it will be HIS fault for being weak.
Democrats cave when they should fight because their base regularly disappears when they’re needed. That 2010 swing was a disgrace.
There are WAY too many people buying into the “OMG DEFISITS!” bullshit and letting those fucking teabaggers chew up anyone who demonstrates some ability to think.
N__B said:
“Honest question: what have McConnell/Bohener/Cantor given up? How have they moved? Because I can’t see it.”
They’ve given up legitimacy. Bohener is gone. I believe that Cantor and McConnell will represent a shrinking minority.
“I also can’t see how they could resent us any more than they do.”
I listen to right-wing (Fox) radio now and then. There are people calling up saying “Wait a minute, I don’t want to lose my Medicare, SS” etc. Glen Beck is irrelevant. Other mouthpieces are as virulent as even but I think (don’t know for sure) that their support even among their base, is dwindling.
“The vast majority of them have not betrayed me the way Obama has.”
I think that is perception not reality. Obama has been the most successful Dem prez in a very long time. I’m in my 50’s now and I don’t care if we have single payer or not. I just want something that works.
“my preferred strategy is to work on the Ds in Congress”
I respectfully disagree. I advocate that people work to convince the people around them of whatever policies they would like to see. When people around me talk to me about political issues I use that opportunity to try to guide them over to seeing things my way.
It’s 12 noon and MPR is having my senator Al Franken on. See ya’ll later.
It’s 12 noon and MPR is having my senator Al Franken on. See ya’ll later.
sweet! i’m turning off the twins and tuning in…
You can listen to the live MPR stream on their front page here:
Starting about now after headlines.
One of incremental change where you get the other side to come over to you even if it’s a little step.
that may be the strategy in play, but as N__B points out, it is the Republicans who are using it.
Every time Obama gives them what they say they want, they move their goals farther.
Starting about now after headlines.
i’ve got them on teh itunes…thanks…
this will be especially awesome because my mom is coming in to help me with golf tournament prep…even though i’m 45, i still love tweaking her politically…
I don’t care if we have single payer or not. I just want something that works.
Okay. Since public option and single-payer are off the table, performance of health insurance is overwhelming dominated by performance of the economy. The ranks of the uninsured grew slightly this year. Guess which groups took the hit the hardest?
i’m turning off the twins and tuning in…
Boobs were in the last thread.
Boobs were in the last thread.
i have a feeling boobs are never far away from any thread…
Somebody prolly already mentioned it, but the only reasons I will vote for Obama again are the two oldest members of the Supreme Court of the United States are Ginzberg and Breyer.
Actually, Kennedy is slightly older than Breyer. And Ginzburg is spelled with a “u.”
(Pre-emptive thwarting of the Spanish Inquisition.)
Two ludicrous comments here:
Hillary would have brought us to substantially where we are right now, except a) we wouldn’t have been sidetracked with a fucking birth certificate
Even if the first half of that sentence is true, this is still just rewarding the racists. Just because bigots hate the black one doesn’t mean the white one would have been a better choice.
Gore lost because, like all bad Democrats, he caved when he should have fought.
I definitely think crooked shit went down in Florida, either on the day of the election, or definitely afterward with the Brooks Brothers riots and such, and likely both. But that doesn’t change the reality: when the Supreme Court rules against you, it’s time to throw it in.
Remember – and the atrocious Libya commentary in the original post is an example of this – Obama is in opposition to people who literally and utterly deny reality. Reasonable centrism is the only way to seem like the adult in the room compared to that.
Agreed Smedly. Regardless what Obama manages to accomplish in office, we will never get true progressive action from a court dominated by Scalia, Roberts, Thomas and whatever mad-hatters Perry, or Bachmann, or Romney would appoint.
al franken is the man…
Hillary would have brought us to substantially where we are right now, except a) we wouldn’t have been sidetracked with a fucking birth certificate
Even if the first half of that sentence is true, this is still just rewarding the racists. Just because bigots hate the black one doesn’t mean the white one would have been a better choice.
no it doesn’t but the racists are the misogynists that would have used her vagina and bill against her…
The debacle of 2010 wasn’t because a few liberal bloggers didn’t cheer the new boss enough, it was the result of Obama not doing enough for the people who vote for Democrats.
No, it was the result of “D” voters staying home in droves, because enough of the folks who put him there worked themselves into a righteous BAAAAAAW to believe that in the wake of their stay-home-&-fap wrath, a big “shellacking” would make that nasty Obama see the error of his ways. Yeah, wow, that cunning plan worked like a charm, didn’t it? Got lots more Lily Ledbetter Acts & hate-crime laws out of the deal, did you? No? Surely noone could have predicted that THIS time the Circular Firing Squad wouldn’t get their free ponies!
Oh well, there’s always next time! [ / vomit ]
“But it would help if we got the deficit under control, and to do that, you’ve got to reform entitlements.”
Truth. (along with a set of serious titanium cojones)
Sometimes even sacred cows need liposuction. Social Security isn’t doing badly on paper, but the Medicare system in your country is a serious fiscal clusterfuck. You have decades’ worth of serious bloat in both of these programs, much of it due to Admin Flu, & everyone being scared shitless to touch either of them isn’t helping. Try looking at what works/has worked well elsewhere & give it a whirl – because the status quo is going to have today’s kids, or theirs, wishing they could afford the luxury of hobo beans. Not to mention wondering what “Social Security” even means.
But truth or no, the First Dude’s timing sure sucks ass … the last time to go Full Austerity is in a weak economy or a recession. I suspect he’s been getting some not-so-subtle hints from Beijing that the continuation of PRC credit hinges on him doing whatever it takes to make the US more solvent. If I was them & I’d just watched the Credit Default Follies end in a cliffhanger, not to mention a promise from the GOP to do it all again in a few years, I’d be majorly pissed off right now.
we wouldn’t have been sidetracked with a fucking birth certificate
No – you’d’ve been sidetracked with fucking Vince Foster Part 2: Limbaugh Boogaloo, Teh Ghosts Of TravelGates Past, & Whitewater Redux, 24/7, probably to this very day & beyond. “Better the devil you know than the Muslim you don’t” was exactly what wingnuts were hoping for in 2007-2008.
Also, what’s got people pissed off isn’t how much Obama has tacked to the right – it’s that BOTH parties have spent years trading snark & willfully ignoring their suffering while unemployment stays high … but both parties aren’t in the White House.
The $64,000 question at this point is: are Yanks in November 2012 going to be more pissed at Obama, or more scared shitless of whatever loon the GOP runs against him?
*** 2012: Fear Versus Loathing ***
*** 2012: Fear Versus Loathing ***
nailed it!
I definitely think crooked shit went down in Florida, either on the day of the election, or definitely afterward with the Brooks Brothers riots and such, and likely both. But that doesn’t change the reality: when the Supreme Court rules against you, it’s time to throw it in.
Oh FFS he let them steal it before the Supreme Court ever got involved. The Court effectively put a rubber stamp on what Gore let James Baker and Bush get away with.
“No, it was the result of “D” voters staying home in droves, because enough of the folks who put him there worked themselves into a righteous BAAAAAAW to believe that in the wake of their stay-home-&-fap wrath, a big “shellacking” would make that nasty Obama see the error of his ways. Yeah, wow, that cunning plan worked like a charm, didn’t it? Got lots more Lily Ledbetter Acts & hate-crime laws out of the deal, did you? No? Surely noone could have predicted that THIS time the Circular Firing Squad wouldn’t get their free ponies!”
Eh, I’m not sure they wanted free ponies so much as to not play the role of Obama’s Sistah Souljah.
I, for one, am too large, white, and hairy to play anyone’s Sister Souljah.
I think that much of Obama’s problem is that he considers himself a facilitator of sorts, wanting to be above the fray. This really doesn’t work for a president, especially when he’s up against a bunch of psychotic windbags with nothing to lose.
During the health care debate:
Stupak’s head should be on a pike outside of the oval office.
Chuck Grassley should have been utterly humiliated for lying to his constituency (*along with any other asshole pushing the death panel lie).
The debate should have started with “hey, we’re opening Medicare enrollment to all Americans because all Americans need affordable health insurance.” The support was essentially there for that, and I believe Obama could have defended that one.
“I, for one, am too large, white, and hairy to play anyone’s Sister Souljah.”
I can attestnto this. Well, not the hairy part.
That is defeatism of the worst kind. I believe in you. I always have. now get in that game and be someone’s Sister Souljah!
About a month ago, I heard, read, or osmosized that Plouffe, et al, think that the 2012 election will NOT be a referendum on the state of the economy. I forget the reasoning behind that, but I scoff at it. When I look at the electoral map from 2008, I see several states (NC, VA, NV, CO, NM, IN, IA, OH, etc. that could go from blue to red; and only one (MO) that could go from red to blue. Obama better start doing more for the economy or he will be a one-termer.
During the health care debate:
Stupak’s head should be on a pike outside of the oval office.
The clause before the colon is unnecessary.
Obama should be a progressive Bush. I’m sorry, bur he’s fighting people who are clinically insane and/or sociopaths. He should just do whatever the fuck he wants. The problem is that Obama never does anything truly progressive, and when something fails under his watch, it’s mistakenly labeled as a progressive failure.
We, the unwashed of Left Blogistan, are all Sister Souljah.
I attended that at the Javits Center in Aught-Eight
I was there in aught-five.
I for one look forward to the Perry/Rubio nominees to replace Ginsburg and Kennedy. I have been extremely happy with the work that Roberts and Alito have brought to the Court.
Yeah, Gore and Bush were pretty buch cut from the same cloth.
I like my presidents to disavow science, especially that pesky biology, and embrace shit that works like abstinence only education and hate on shit that has no promise, like stem cell research, or health care for women.
This Commie symp looks forward to the embrace of the United Theocratic States of Fascistan that will be ushered in by the Bachmann/Perry/Rubio ticket.
Sorry Thunder, Imma gonna vote for the Black Republican before I vote for Voldemort or pound my dick with a rock voting for a third party candidate.
Nobody that I have ever voted for in a primary has won the nomination, so I will continue to hold my nose and vote for, you got it, the lesser of yoo evils.
All’s I know is that Obama’s never met a hippy he didn’t take the time out of his busy schedule comprising to punch.
All’s I know is that Obama’s never met a hippy he didn’t take the time out of his busy schedule comprising to punch.
His mother was apparently an exception to this rule.
His mother was apparently an exception to this rule.
i bet she felt junk-punched during the delivery…
I’m not sure they wanted free ponies so much as to not play the role of Obama’s Sistah Souljah
Insisting that HCR be a single-payer plan or nothing, with absolutely zero hope of it passing? Demanding that Gitmo be closed when Congress made that an impossibility? Shrugging when the last combat forces left Iraq? Cursing Obama for following the law of the land whenever it stood in the way of whatever shiny thing the Progosphere was het up about THIS week?
Yeah, Obama presented an unfair cartoon of the left … about three times in three years.
Anyone else see a problem with “we’re going to keep weakening you politically until you give us what we want” as a plan?
I think that much of Obama’s problem is that he considers himself a facilitator of sorts, wanting to be above the fray.
That, & he has this crazy idea that he’s the President of everyone in the US, not just the people who voted for him.
Compromise only works when the other side gives too. As I’ve said elsewhere, you can’t compromise with rabies … half-rabid isn’t half-healthy, it just means full onset is yet to come.
The debate should have started with “hey, we’re opening Medicare enrollment to all Americans because all Americans need affordable health insurance.” The support was essentially there for that, and I believe Obama could have defended that one.
Except that you’d have to get out of a new war every year to pay for that, & not even Amerika is in THAT many wars.
The public option was key – Obama said so himself – & if there’s any worthwhile fight left to wage regarding US healthcare, that’s the one … it’s a pretty viable road to single-payer, without a fraction of the grief from the right.
It is unfortunate that hippies, who reside in the center of my own personal Overton window, with me pushing, yanking, and pulling from the outside of the leftward frame, have taken so many beatings, while never really having any power to begin with.
I definitely think crooked shit went down in Florida, either on the day of the election, or definitely afterward with the Brooks Brothers riots and such, and likely both. But that doesn’t change the reality: when the Supreme Court rules against you, it’s time to throw it in.
My favorite part of that little debacle was the cute little hearing for show they did to examine Katherine Harris’ action. Harris’ openning statement was essentially “state law doesn’t grant me the power to do the things I did, so obviously I couldn’t have done them. And she got away with that.
The other thing I remember is watching Bush on tv right after some networks called the state for Gore saying right there live that he’d just gotten of the phone with the people who are counting the votes in Florida and he was sure he was going to win. My first thought was – is this legal? Should candidates be having communication with the vote counters during an election? My second thought was – why isn’t there one single reporter anywhere thinking my first thought?
One of the reasons that I chose to be a member of the commentariat here, was that y’all are funny and shit, and the lack of “Obama betrayed me sixty-eleven times” crap!!!
It’s been a little time since mangoes have made an appearance. Brb.
Hmmm. You and I must have been monitoring different “Progospheres.” I don’t recall them being THAT intractable about everything. As a matter of fact, I recall most progressives being remarkably pragmatic about shit going down. I know. I was one of those pragmatic progressives.
Shorter NRO
One of the reasons that I chose to be a member of the commentariat here, was that y’all are funny and shit, and the lack of “Obama betrayed me sixty-eleven times” crap!!!
Every once in a while even the SadlyNaughts have to flush the bad things out of the system. We will return you to your regulary scheduled program momentarily.
Have I been sleeping? Has the BrotherHood™ taken control of Venezuela and Russia? Can we legitimately begin to fear a Black Planet?
Seriously though, at this point in the essay he has not made what anyone might recognize as a bit of sense, so I will soldier on…
Yeah, his schedule was more hectic back then:
6:00 AM Eat some sort of Communist cereal
7:00 AM Hang out with Bill Ayers, have him ghost-write future books
10:00 AM-3:00 PM Compromise
3:00 PM Punch hippy
3:01 PM Consult with George Soros about some day becoming president
4:00 PM-10:00 PM Have sex with hot, white chicks
10:00 PM-12:00 AM Compromise
Soooooooooooooooooo, we can’t complain about Obama here? Bummer. Well, I’m Audi for now.
Have I been sleeping? Has the BrotherHood™ taken control of Venezuela and Russia? Can we legitimately begin to fear a Black Planet?
It all starts with black Russians.
Yeah, his schedule was more hectic back then:
No golf?
No golf?
Also forgot to schedule time at the madrassa.
Emphasis mine: As would any other sentient life form who was paying attention. A cursory glance at a History Book written before the Texans took over the education publishing industry would argue that Mr Arab Brotherhood: the screamer, was correct when the rhetorical “Who protects all the dictators of the Arab world?” passed his pursed lips.
vacuumslayer said,
August 25, 2011 at 19:53
Obama should be a progressive Bush.
I disagree completely. Remember, Bushism was about denying reality in order to “win”, and a progressive can do that as easily as a conservative.
Depressing thread is depressing.
In other news, I’m sure you’ll all be as thrilled as I am that Danica Patrick is moving from Indy to NASCAR. Woo.
And in actual racing news, Nick Heidfeld is out at Lotus/Renault, replaced by Bruno Senna, at minimum for this weekend’s Spa-Francorchamps Grand Prix. One day I will see this race in person and drink vast quantities of yummy Belgian beer, one day… Need to remember to set the DVR.
And the first “Brewery Tour” of “fall” is today at the pub across the street. I’ll be drinking too much Stone Brewing beer starting about 4:00.
a progressive can do that as easily as a conservative.
Got a whole thread of “single payer healthcare” right here says otherwise….
No. Bush was about doing whatever the hell he wanted even if only Barney and Laura supported him.
Danica Patrick is moving from Indy to NASCAR.
Oh, you mean Winnie from The Wonder Years?
Soooooooooooooooooo, we can’t complain about Obama here?
That is not what I meant.
But like thread bear said, I’ll wait it out. This is my “Bat Channel” now, we’re stuck with each other.
No. Bush was about doing whatever the hell he wanted even if only Barney and Laura supported him.
I don’t think Bush ever had Barney’s support.
Surprisingly somewhat similar:
Danica Patrick
Winnie (Danica McKellar)
I’ll be in my bunk…
None of this means Libyans will emerge as pro-American as the Albanians, the Kurds or the Israelis. They probably won’t. At this point, however, Russia and China need to worry much more than we do about being de-friended.
This guy gets paid.
To write codswallop.
Shit I could dictate extemporaneously while occupied with two other things and simultaneously fixing a bicycle, would make more sense.
If only there were comments to mine for mangoes in the rough…
OR, I don’t think Bush ever had Barney’s support.
OR, OR, I don’t think Bush ever had Barney’s support.
There is no hope. Anywhere. About anything. Ever again.
You fucking sheep.
Danica Patrick
She’s got a strange UPC bar code thingie in the middle of her back, I think she a Japanese built robot.
Due to my extensive research in Japanese animated documentaries, I can conclusively say she is not a Japanese female robot. Note her eyes are not the size of dinner plates. She does not appear to be hiding basketballs under her driving attire. Shea actually wears said attire most of the time. And she hardly ever unleashes a hellstorm of cyborg-ninja style ultra violence.
Jim, do you have any links or data to back this assertion up?
Here, I’ll help you in advance. Obama wasn’t on the ticket in 2010.
“You fucking sheep.”
No, I’m not. The sheep lies.
Anyone else see a problem with “we’re going to keep weakening you politically until you give us what we want” as a plan?
Nope. Certainly just as good as voting for someone who you know is going to sell you down the river.
I keep hearing about he’s the most successful and progressive Democratic president since OF ALL TIME. I don’t know much about teh workings of things but a lot of this don’t look much like success and progress.
Years of near double digit unemployment – guess who that hurts most? Zero accountability for lying war mongers and profiteers and actual honest-to-goodness torturers. Extension of incredibly regressive tax cuts for the rich that would have expired without his having to do a thing. HAMP being less than worthless and forclosure-apalooza. An HCR package that amounts to bribes for the health insurance industry – sold on all those millions of uninsured being held hostage – who are now still uninsured. Income inequality still spreading.
Lily Ledbetter, DADT, DOMA, Matthew Shepard, New START. These are all in his plus column. Probably others that I’ve missed, but I’m having a hard time thinking of them. Stimulus? Hard to say – if they can’t actually complete the “pivot to jobs” than all that the stimulus will have done is prolong the suffering.
That’s the bargain? That’s what you get from the most progressive and successful Democratic president in modern history? Great.
OTOH, since this is a comedy blog – the Obama presidency has given us Kerners R Go, so there’s that.
You fucking sheep.
I’ll be loving ewe, always…
“Obama wasn’t on the ticket in 2010”
See how tricky he is?
Due to my extensive research in Japanese animated documentaries, I can conclusively say she is not a Japanese female robot. Note her eyes are not the size of dinner plates. She does not appear to be hiding basketballs under her driving attire. Shea actually wears said attire most of the time. And she hardly ever unleashes a hellstorm of cyborg-ninja style ultra violence.
That’s why they quietly dumped her over here in America. There are still some bugs to work out.
The clause before the colon is unnecessary.
It should have read something more like “just focusing on the HCR debate, for example:
This is a pervasive, systemic problem in his administration. He lets shitballs like Stupak set women back to pre-1973 without suffering any consequence.
He’s turning WAY too much cheek. Let’s put it that way.
You fucking sheep
You fucking sheep.
Years of near double digit unemployment – guess who that hurts most? Zero accountability for lying war mongers and profiteers and actual honest-to-goodness torturers
Hmmm..maybe there’s another force in play…look what happened to the first Catlick president–an inspiring guy that people could get behind…
‘Sall I’m sayin’.
Shea actually wears said attire most of the time.
I keep hearing about he’s the most successful and progressive Democratic president since OF ALL TIME.
Who’s saying that? I mean I’m the biggest Obama defender on this board, and I’m not saying it. (The answer is FDR, not close, and I’m not sure Obama has even passed Clinton.)
All I’m saying is, if in 2007 you told me that we’d get a president who wasn’t really progressive, and he aimed small, but he got bin Laden and he saved the auto industry, I would be jumping for motherfucking joy.
Is this thread turning into Danicas Gone Wild?
but a lot of this don’t look much like success
“Another such victory and I am undone.”
Sure, the burger’s frozen and the milk’s spoiled, kid. That’s what works for today.
He’s turning WAY too much cheek. Let’s put it that way.
I don’t even agree with that, tsam.
Obama and company are getting exactly what they want.
Their modus operandi is to pretend that Republicans and/or conservative Dems in Congress (aka themselves, prior to January, 2009) are to blame.
That got a lot easier after the 2010 elections, but the pattern was clear well before then.
Lunch Lady!
Obama and company are getting exactly what they want
There was never any doubt that he’s Republican-Lite. I knew that before he won the job. I just thought maybe…well fuck I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. Mostly that I hate Hilary’s fucking bleeding guts and chose this guy, thinking that at worst, he’d be a centrist who would protect stuff like SS and Medicare…
That’s what I get for thinking, apparently.
chose this guy, thinking that at worst, he’d be a centrist who would protect stuff like SS and Medicare…
That’s pretty much how I got to where I am.
The politicians sat on the wall
and traded with the union game.
Someone slapped a writ on our deficit
not a penny left to our name.
Oh, the times are hard and the credits lean,
and they toss and they turn in sleep.
And the line they take is the line they make
but it’s not the line they keep.
YAY! Lunch Lady is here!
What about the tater tots? I want tater tots!
What about the tater tots? I want tater tots!
Eew. He does have a head like a potato.
Oh Jesus, not another tiresome thread about Obamasuck and would Hillary have been better.
The answer to the second is not just no, but hell no. Hillary was one of the original triangulatin’ Dems, and if you think we would have even gotten what we got w/r/t health care if she had been driving the bus, think again. After the debacle in ’93, she would have folded at the first mention of “death panels.” Not to mention that I just wasn’t down with throwing in the towel and accepting that from here on out we would restrict our leadership choices to “Clinton” and “Bush.”
As to Obama…what drives me nuts about the hand-wringing over his lack of progressiveness is the assumption that this bitch isn’t already cooked. It is. Obama knows it. I know it. The entire GOP knows it. Our choices are between going gently into that dark night, or going violently into it with flames and demons with pitchforks poking our asses to hurry us along. With the GOP we get scenario #2. With anyone else we get scenario #1.
Things aren’t going to get better; ours is a choice between them getting a lot worse in a hurry or more gradually. Since I’ll be dead in another 30 years or so, I have to opt for “more gradually.” I’ve given up on getting too excited or upset about anything beyond that.
Everything Jennifer typed.
I’m not as pessimistic as Jennifer, but I am realistic about what kind of president we can expect to hope for, and what he or she can ever hope to accomplish given the hard-core knee-jerk right-wing economic and religious fundamentalists currently in charge in this country. We’re not going to get President Kucinich. The best we can hope for are establishment types like Obama, Kerry and Clinton, who are left-of-center only because the center is now somewhere between Ayn Rand and Mussonlini at the moment. As Smedly said, even if the only thing they accomplish is to prevent more Alito-Thomas-Scalia clones from joining the SCOTUS, that should be enough to get every Democrat off his or her ass and VOTE! No, you don’t get a pony, but if you refuse to vote out of some high-minded “pox on both their houses” mentality, you don’t get to bitch about what you do get either.
It’s always feels more righteous storming the gates than defending the walls.
Everything Jennifer typed twice from this old broad. Lucky me, being 65 and all, I won’t have to watch it for as long as you young ones.
Well, I guess it’s settled then: no sense caring about anything…because, hey, what a silly waste of time.
Oh Jesus, not another tiresome thread about Obamasuck and would Hillary have been better.
Who said she’d be better?
Please do try to keep up. Someone (Pike?) said Obama only ran against Nutsy McOldPants and the Shrew. I pointed out he also ran against Hillary. That’s all.
Then someone (mmy?) asked why all the ragin’ against Obama, and we all sort of pointed out how he had managed to hoodwink progressives while running a declaratively centrist campaign.
No, you don’t get a pony, but if you refuse to vote out of some high-minded “pox on both their houses” mentality, you don’t get to bitch about what you do get either.
All I want from Obama now is for him to make it legal to kill people who whistle.
And God said “Gentlemen, Start your engines” and there was noise…
He just pretends that whole Bush administration policy thingy rehabilitating Khaddafy never happened.
Not good timing, what with Wikileaks just releasing a shitload of State Department cables that document the eagerness of the Bush administration to make deals with Khaddafy.
*puke take*
Teh Great Gazoogle reveals that the 4chans recognise “pukkake” as a separate pr0n genre.
On a lighter note, i heard a rumor, Eric Cantor won’t vote for hurricane relief money for his own state, unless a balanced budget bill is passed. So, if hurricane Irene hits VA without a budget deal, who here thinks his own constituents won’t do mean things* to him?
* I have a surprisingly vivid imagination in what those things ought to be, but in the interest of good taste I will not elaborate.
With Obama and Reid, you’ll probably end up only getting the slide whistlers.
*puke take*
Teh Great Gazoogle reveals that the 4chans recognise “pukkake” as a separate pr0n genre.
Rule 34…
Who’s saying that?
Sorry. Leftover from my rantings at some other blog.
Actual photo of Glenn Beck speaking to the Knesset in Israel
Glenn Beck, ladies and gentlemen.
Hillary climbed Mt. Everest. Can Obama say that?
I think he looks like John Malkovich. Like the scene where he goes into his own head in Being John Malkovich, but instead the portal leads directly to his asshole.
Nah, he looks like that guy on Food Network and has a cheesy game show too.
Hillary climbed Mt. Everest. Can Obama say that?
Obama has used many compound, complex sentences in the past, so I imagine the simple declarative you have constructed will not slow him down too much, but I could be wrong.
With Obama and Reid, you’ll probably end up only getting the slide whistlers.
The only way this will make it through the House is if you add tax cuts and an exception to whistlers who are also fetii.
because, hey, what a silly waste of time.
Hey, now you’re catching on. Get your kicks before the whole shit-house goes up in flames.
Sigh. Sir Edmund Hillary. Just a joke.
anyone got any good recipes for rat?
Sigh. Sir Edmund Hillary. Just a joke.
Shirley, you jest?
Actual photo of Glenn Beck speaking to the Knesset in Israel
Dude, it’s great you keep your anus hair neatly trimmed but keep that shit covered in public.
At actor212:
The quoted Egyptian could be inferred to be talking about Bush policies or not knowing the difference between Bush and Obama policies and condemning US policy in general. So what, it has nothing to do with Totten knowing the difference and failing to point it out – which is a blatant act of dishonesty you should not give him a pass on. The fact that he puts a blanket accusation against the US in the mouth of a completely marginalized character (who, by the way, isn’t even Libyan) is an attempt to make it all sound like an egregious lie. The Bush admin DID have a policy to rehabilitate Khaddafy and Totten is being dishonest about that to promote his ideological viewpoint.
anyone got any good recipes for rat?
Funny you should ask
If I remember correctly, before that passage, the Egyptian rails on about US propping up dictators in the Middle East, from Morocco to Bahrain.
It seems that he included Gaddafhy (only to be different, spelling) in that string, which implies he was aware of the Bush mollifications.
OT: This photograph is amazeballs. Wow.
Ok, first, how do you “bone” a mouse?*, and second,if you have access to tortillas, dried chilis, onions and oil, why would you be eating mice?
*just stop it
The Egyptian IS NOT the point. I have no beef with what he’s saying (assuming he even fucking exists and isn’t just an invented prop for Totten’s writing). However, the Egyptian isn’t quoted as saying anything specific about the BUSH policy to support Khaddafy and Totten isn’t telling us who’s policy that was either. Totten is flushing it down the memory hole by saying only crazy ass Muslim freaks could believe such a thing. I guess that’s OK with you and you think that’s responsible, excuse the word but, journalism.
OK fine, “Boning the Mouse”
or maybe “Mousing the Bone”
O/T too. I wanna join this biker GANG
SFW and pedantry free (honest!)
anyone got any good recipes for rat?
Happy to help.
O/T too. I wanna join this biker GANG
SFW and pedantry free (honest!)
That is awesome sauce!
I still can’t figure out what tootin’s point in writing this half-written POS. If it came from a wingnut, it’s designed to scare the shit out of an idiot. But I can’t quite figure out what he wants his 19 member strong audience to engage in pant-shitting over.
hey….is this the Great Liberal Freakout?
i wonder, if instead of the hue and cry over obama being black would have been about her being a woman and she would have been just as hogtied by hate as obama has been…
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss
Re: the photo.
Seems the wingnut face mullet is not going out of style.
wingnut face mullet
AKA “prison pussy”
No, that one’s down the hall. This is one is the Stinky Dumb Doo Doo-Head Liberal Freakout.
**snicker** Swallowing.
I’m in the Scooby Dumb Doo Doo…
Liberal Far Out, Man!
This is one is the Stinky Dumb Doo Doo-Head Liberal Freakout.
Is it too soon to sing “Come on Irene…”?
OT: This photograph is amazeballs. Wow.
I believe that photograph proves that (SA+SQ+UATCH)(IS[REAL}).
Told you.
that would have used her vagina and bill against her
What is she, a platypus?
Bush will be exonerated by history because we won’t get to write it.
Take your punishment, tsam.
What is she, a platypus?
You silly, they don’t have vaginas! OR DO THEY?!!!
Take your punishment, tsam.
yes, mistress
“yes, mistress”
I, WordPress, thinks thats kinda hot. yeah…WordPress.
You silly, they don’t have vaginas! OR DO THEY?!!!
I googled this. The results were…strange.
One early result was a picture of Paris Hilton, which I don’t believe to be a coincidence or accident.
You silly, they don’t have vaginas! OR DO THEY?!!!
Do not make me stop the car and explain the etymology of ‘monotreme’.
You silly, they don’t have vaginas! OR DO THEY?!!!
If I’m not mistaken, I believe they have cloacae.
Tell us how things were back in your day, Grandad Clyde!
Oh yay, the Obama debate, joy.
Okay, I like Obama as a person. I will vote for him and I encourage everyone in a remotely close district to vote for him and for everyone in a so liberal it makes you plotz state to either vote for him to up his numbers or whoever the Green party candidate is to send a message. If you’re in a swing state, please consider vote swapping with someone in a safe state if you don’t like the idea of filling in the Obama bubble that way you get to make your real vote known.
That all said, I fucking hate Obama’s defenders. Because they are lying pieces of shit.
Obama hasn’t best used his options and yes, our congress sucks, but popular support is for options way more liberal than what is considered “politically possible”. And the problem is one that needs to get fixed because a prolonged separation between the ground and “politically possible” ends either in dramatic all at once political fixes ala the Progressive Era of the 1920s, New Deal of the 1930s and 40s, and the Great Society of the 1970s or violent revolution ala Russia in the early 20th century.
The “base” hasn’t once abandoned Obama or Democrats. They are plugging their nose and voting for garbage and having all the independents going “a duh, Obama no fix economy, me vote for other guy I have beer with, he more man because he fight for bad ideas and Obama don’t” blamed on them.
No, the “base” voted in 2012.
All the independent fuckers were what swung. For all this “sending a message” shit we spout off, we didn’t exactly change voting habits. Because yeah, we care about these issues and it pisses us off when they are perpetually traded off in the pursuit of a mushy middle that valued STRENGTH.
Joe Fuckwit in the middle doesn’t care about policies or politics. They care about who looks more STRONG. Because they vote on emotional triggers of who’s the best daddy. They would be more likely to vote for a cussing out progressive warrior than a mushy middle triangulator, because the former looks STRONGER to their proto-brains and their self-delusions of being a savvy operator in the political field.
It’s why Obama getting Osama bin Laden and doing Neocon light duty in Libya (making sure we got involved and nearly derailing the middle east calvacade of revolutions of power) will probably matter a lot. And it’s why Clinton actually looked better after he got his blowjob by the middle.
But frankly, fuck the politics. We’ve got all these fuckers trying to calm themselves of feelings of powerlessness and pretending they are riding shotgun with Obama. That they too see past the pointless partisanship and pie-in-the-sky fantasies of the base and see the “political realities” that govern us all forgetting that here on the ground that doesn’t matter.
Here on the ground we need to be pushing for the most we can get. Here on the ground, what we can fight for begins with fighting for political impossibilities. The much-vaunted gay rights movement began with asking for things, demanding things that politicians today don’t even want to grant, much less, the politicians 30 years ago. Back then, not even the safest of Democratic seats would support the things the street was calling for.
Today it’s common sense and the people on the top are threatened even if they are Republicans for even thinking what used to be standard.
Because we on the ground demanded “NOW” the impossible.
Because that’s how change BEGINS.
Yeah, vote for Obama, yes, that’s a good idea, because we have a terrible short-term and long-term memory in this country, but all the people whining about how the hippies won’t shut up, you can shut the fuck up, because for all your blather about how you are the “real pragmatists”, you have fuck of all of an idea about things really work for the powerless.
Also, we’re dying out here. Those unfought fights may very well kill me before I reach my 27th birthday. So, thanks for trying to delay that even longer.
On the post:
We here in America are the remaining Superpower…for now. That is literally all we’ve got going for us, because we’re pretty much the shittiest first-world nation around thanks to the shit-storm that Republicans have created for the last 30 years.
As such, idiots like this cling for that justification and ego-soothing of being personally important to all world’s events.
This is also the reason for the bombings into Libya and all of the Sullivanites ranting about how they turned their banners green for Iran during their uprisings.
We want to feel like America is central in these revolutions of the powerless for more democratic processes against autocratic governments. We also want to deny that we have been central in that we’ve propped up most every one of these autocratic governments because we were scared that genuine democracy might be too “muslimy” and cold to American business interests and Israeli military interests in the area.
As such, we must be central and beloved.
See also Iraq with regards to the neocons ranting about how we’d be met with flowers and kisses because we toppled the autocratic dictator that we put into place and supported in the first place.
We here in America are the remaining Superpower…for now. That is literally all we’ve got going for us, because we’re pretty much the shittiest first-world nation around thanks to the shit-storm that Republicans have created for the last 30 years.
“Banana republic with nukes” is the phrase that comes to mind.
Whacko religious fundamentalists, chest-thumping warlords… I never thought we’d go the route of Pakistan.
That all said, I fucking hate Obama’s defenders. Because they are lying pieces of shit.
Those unfought fights may very well kill me before I reach my 27th birthday.
OMG!! You are so adorable!
That’s telling all us lazy fuckers!!
Oops, that should have come from somebody else…
This rat would be worth eating. Smaller ones, not really worth the effort.
I prefer to think of them as “drainpipe rabbits”.
Smaller ones, not really worth the effort.
That’s probably stew.
No, fuckwad, that came from the right tagline for that statement.
Yeah, you know what, I might very well die in the near future. I’m running out of support and the economy is in the shitter.
And the Obama defenders do in fact tend to cite imaginary garbage like “anti-Obama ‘base’ voters aren’t voting and that caused us the midterm” regularly, always at contrast to easily measurable realities.
That’s not to say I have any beef against the guy. He’s trying to do what he’s trying to do in a system so fucked up that it’s in serious danger of seeing a major revolt either from the much abused poor or from the desperate for genuine fascism right-wing.
But the constant need to lie among those who seek to defend him against the “bad liberals” is not a quality that endears me to their arguments and if they could affect my opinion of the man, it would not at all endear me to Obama.
I get the psychology at play, but the enactment of it just makes people look like complete assholic idiots as you yourself have just done.
I get the psychology at play, but the enactment of it just makes people look like complete assholic idiots as you yourself have just done.
ROUSs? I don’t believe they exist.
Hey everybody whassssuuup?
*skims through thread*
Oh. I’ll come back tomorrow.
Hey everybody whassssuuup?
You channeling the Cool Coach, old chum?
Rachel is kicking Romney’s butt through his face. He is such a sleazy rat.
Romney agreed to a one-on-one with Maddow?
Obviously he hopes to be remembered for the crater he left behind.
Romney agreed to a one-on-one with Maddow?
Oh NO no no. She just opened with 10 minutes of directly contradictory quotes concerning just about every bullshit litmus test the media puts these showdogs through. I was embarassed for him, really. It was as bad as talking to a hunter–in the very same conversation, he said he was not a hunter, then said he was. WTF?
He’s way to pretty to hunt, anyway.
Romney agreed to a one-on-one with Maddow?
And no, the only Republicans you’ll ever see across the table from Rachel are the ones with nothing to lose, like Micheal Steele. After she skinned Rand Paul alive, she’s likely considered to be certain death for any fuck up who tries to deny reality for a living.
Still, let’s hope he leaves a crater behind worthy of a national park.
Anyone post the obvious link yet?
What with all the emo & GRAR it just seems singularly apropos.
Also, it’s a catchy little number. Headbanging is optional but recommended.
What I REALLY want to know is this:
Have my cargo pants sat on the bench long enough?
Have my cargo pants sat on the bench long enough?
Depends, tsam, are you wearing them?
Depends, tsam, are you wearing them?
No, but I found them in my closet and wondered if I should let them out. I liked my cargos and I was sad to see them fall out of style.
Cargo pants are out of style?
I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking the Emporer of Portland. I’m going to be a jackass and stereotype the gay guy with an assumption that clothing advice from him/her can’t miss.
Well thanks for that but I was inquiring as to your diaper fetish.
Oh btw, thanks Jim! That was biblical man.
But by all means, let them out of your closet. Shame on you for keeping things in the closet.
My concept of style is not coincident with most of the fag’s concept. Nor with most people’s, period. Style is what one makes it. What you think is good, is good. Fuck everyone else, literally or figuratively as you like.
What you think is good, is good. Fuck everyone else, literally or figuratively as you like.
YAY! Thank you
This photograph is amazeballs. Wow.
I learned that one as “You can’t quit the game.”
Shub Niggurath in cargo pants … now THAT is change we can believe in, my friends!
( in B4 Nyarlathotep wearing Ambercrombie & Fitch )
Last night we had a fun thread with purty girl pics and a nice discussion about teh bewbies. Tonight I think we need to move on to the subject of dawg bawlz.
Style is what one makes it. What you think is good, is good.
Ab-so-fuggin-lutely. If you aren’t comfortable/happy in it, you aren’t going to carry it off. Or pull it off.
I was recently forcing myself to watch Totten’s appearance on “After Words” when my wife walked by and said “Who’s the douchebag?”
Does this make my ass look big?
I think we need to move on to the subject of dawg bawlz.
Obviously the important question is: how do neuticles affect Sarah Palin?
Supplemental Teabagger Query: neuticles – do they shrink* government, & where are they in the Constitution?
* V-verycoldwater-R
I’m sticking w/ purty over dawg nertz.
Is it too soon to sing “Come on Irene…”?
tsam, shut up! i have had come on eileen (irene) in my head for the last two freaking days!
Goodnight, not come on.
Goodnight, not come on.
sadly, no! get with it grandpa!
Sorry to have bailed after lobbing that grenade; I had to go do a sales presentation. But as to it being a “pessimistic” read on things, I don’t think it is at all. I think it might only LOOK pessimistic because of the fetish this country has developed over the past generation for “positive thinking” – as if simply ignoring reality and putting a positive spin on it actually changes outcomes. It doesn’t; it just serves the purpose of tamping down righteous anger and encouraging the blameless to blame themselves. I think my take earlier was entirely realistic; I think the facts are clear that we aren’t going to get back anything that’s been taken from us via any means short of violent uprising, and of course, the more likely outcome from THAT scenario is the fascist state the right has been wet-dreaming about for lo these many years. Not to mention that the country has grown too fat, placid, and lazy to rouse itself to action for any positive ends; the only thing that riles Americans enough to get their asses off the couch and away from Dancing with the Stars is hatred of their fellow citizens and/or the citizens of other countries.
I don’t mourn this; we fucking deserve it for deciding all those years ago that having a few extra dollars in our pockets with which to purchase fucking food processors and Nintendos and the like was more important than things like education, infrastructure, and the general welfare of our fellow citizens. The only sad thing about it is that when the full weight of what has been wrought comes home to roost, the people who enabled it will instead of placing the blame where it belongs, squarely on their own shoulders, point the finger at the people they were trying to harm by voting for shitheels and shitheel policies for the past 30 or 40 years. And so,as ever, goes the cycle of history…the innocent shall be punished, the guilty shall be rewarded. And this country will cease to rule the world, which is a good thing, because the rest of the world doesn’t deserve to be ruled by stupid crazy people.
tsam, shut up! i have had come on eileen (irene) in my head for the last two freaking days!
So have I. Thought I’d share with all of you. YOU’RE WELCOME.
I’m sticking w/ purty over dawg nertz.
god, i miss the glamour…
i am SO getting one of these!
Oh, and speaking of the rat diet…I’m all set; kitty brings me a steady supply. And I won’t be restricted to rats only – she also brings rabbits and chipmunks.
i hope to dog the picture of twatten is gone by the time i check in here tomorrow…it is seriously creeping me out…ick, he’s skeevy!
wow…imagine having mohamar as your creepy stalker!
This requires attention:
So to whomever it was, thank you for the Carl Sagan symphony link. That was very cool.
An Inspirational moment or two with Mohammar and Condi said
Youstabee I was allupons about this sort of thing but in my dotage I’ve been letting them slide. Still, this is a 250 comment, 15 hour afterwards AHEM.
Not the first time a furriner fell in love with a Secretary of State.
Also bbkf, I was gonna post that six hours ago but I forgot! Stop stealing my ideas.
And stop stealing DKW’s material also. Harumpf!
It seems to be getting some.
On another note,
This is far too awesome.
On yet another, I hate preview.
i have had come on eileen
So have I. She enjoys bukkake.
Totten is flushing it down the memory hole by saying only crazy ass Muslim freaks could believe such a thing. I guess that’s OK with you and you think that’s responsible, excuse the word but, journalism.
Which part of “inferred” is above your reading comprehension?
This. Is. NotTheNewestThread.
I already blew your “inferred” bullshit out of the water right after the first time you brought it up. What part of “obtuse” do you see in the mirror?
I already blew your “inferred” bullshit out of the water right after the first time you brought it up.
Right. By repeating the same shitty line from Tots you did the first time.
That’s called “circular logic.”
…but it’s nice to know I ruined your cool in one swell foop!
Youstabee I was allupons about this sort of thing but in my dotage I’ve been letting them slide. Still, this is a 250 comment, 15 hour afterwards AHEM.
My absolute and complete apologies. When the residual check shows for the joke I’ll certainly pass on your portion to you.
I’m not the one defending Totten’s hack journalism or trying to act cool. Seriously dude. You can infer all you want from Tot’s piece so YOU can think that he’s admitting there’s a Bush turd in the Libyan punchbowl, but my point is it’s hack journalism and dishonesty to not just call it for what it is. And, if we want to get into what is more reasonably “inferred” from Tot’s blind quote of an Egyptian, it’s that Tot is telling us crazy Muslims will hate America no matter how much yummy sweet punch we serve them. Go ahead drink a cup yourself, jackass.
I’m not the one defending Totten’s hack journalism or trying to act cool.
Neither did I, so I’m assuming it was the “inadvertent” that was above your vocabulary grade…
You must be drunk and don’t remember writing this:
actor212 said,
August 25, 2011 at 16:51
He just pretends that whole Bush administration policy thingy rehabilitating Khaddafy never happened.
I thought that was what the Egyptian’s point was.
Granted, he writes as if the Egyptian (I’d dig up the name, but I like fresh mangoes) was some crazed zealot ready to scimitar his toupee off, but he introduces the point by inference.
That’s your version of not supporting Totten’s hack journalism and dishonesty. How inadvertent of me to not understand that.
Inadvertent, as in HE DOESN’T MAKE THE POINT HIMSELF, asshole.
Game, set, match, thanks for losing.
LOL. So you’ve changed Totten’s fig leaf from “by inference” to “inadvertent” to hide his hackery and now your own. Wear it son, it’s a good look on you.