Who’s Supposed To Be Lynching Whom Here?

ABOVE: American “Thinker” Thomas Lifson

Thomas Lifson, American, er, Thinker:
Concealing Black Hate Crimes

    President Blackity-Black DeKenya McMuslim is encouraging black mobs to beat up white people and his Attorney General Head Pimp Eric “Chilli Dawg Sling Diddy” Holder is doing nothing about it whatsoever.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 681


Funny, the “Eric Holder” D.O.J. is basically the Bush D.O.J., except with Holder in charge of it.


Obama doesn’t care about white people.


Honest voices are telling the truth about the serious race problems we have now, and the Obama administration’s heinous role in exacerbating them.

There’s your mango. I don’t suppose Lifson’s going to shed any tears for whistleblowers.


President Obama isn’t personally spanking juveniles who’ve been charged with misdemeanors in their own local jurisdictions, so he’s clearly protecting hate criminals.

In other news, come out, Tea Partiers, to protest the strong-arm tactics of the Federal government into our state and local issues!


We had a couple of muggings around my relatively affluent and liberal neighborhood here in Chicago with the apparent criminal trio apprehended a few days later and people acted like it was Watts ’65.


When will teh preznit let the white folks carry the armaments they need to kill the hordes of marauding negroes?? Oh, wait…


Forget it, Jake. It’s summertime.


I definitely am not getting out of the boat for American Stinker. Took me a week to fumigate the place after the last time. Has he been browsing StormFront lately or something? I do rather wish that these closet racists would find some new lies about the abuse white people suffer. I am really bored to death with this one.


Obama only has to say the word and the SCARY NEEEGRO HORDE will be unleashed upon whitey.

I can’t imagine going through life thinking like that.


I can’t imagine going through life thinking like that.

I do not think you can properly describe what is going on there as “thinking.”


I wonder what that one word is. Don’t keep us all in suspense S. cerevisiae.


Damn you FBI hate crimes unit and your damn statistics!!!
showing the opposite to what Bozo Mcnumbnuts said.
Ah, sexual orientation crimes are more prevalent than Anti-white crimes. That’s a little creepy


You can’t make me click. I won’t do it–I wont!!!


I can’t speak for S. cerevisiae, but I suspect the word is “Mandingo.”


Forget it, Jake. It’s summertime Chinatown.

Fixxed for moar Nicholson.


I think bbfk’s tag-fails may be contagious. She is the Typhoid Mary of tag-fails. I’ve evidently contracted it. So the tag-fail above is NOT my fault!


TinTin: Re the photoshop: The urine stain was deft.


I suspect the word is “Mandingo.”

I think he would choose a word that is more African-y and scary and dangerous. So my guess is “Zulu”.

(a terrific war film, btw)


The thread is too young to die. It’s only 20.

Fenwick the Failed EMT

We did what we could.

*goes into the shadows for a good cry*


More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

Even if true, the simple fact that there are five or six times more whites than blacks in the US actually means that teh blacketty blacks are getting offed by whites at nearly twice the rate of the reverse compared to what random chance would suggest.

Point. Central. Rinse. Repeat.


Mmmmmmmm……………………Chilli Dawgs……………………


Damn you FBI hate crimes unit and your damn statistics!!!
showing the opposite to what Bozo Mcnumbnuts said.

My introduction to online discussion – the forum that popped my cherry, so to speak – was the NYT Religion in America forum. I went there specifically because I heard Pat Robertson blaming 9-11 on atheists (circa 9/25/11) and I thought to myself “Self, the saner people among the believers will surely disown this pathetic charlatan.”* About two years later I left that forum and found my way into the wider online world.

Anyway, there was a fundie Baptist loon there who was trying to make the point that 9-11 barely killed more New Yorkers than ordinary Mandingo violence. I found the FBI stats on line to prove that the cities of north Florida (his home) had higher per-capita violent crime rates than NYC. His response: the FBI cooked the stats to make NY look better. In other words, once one is capable of believing in a god that wants you to handle snakes and speak in tongues, one is capable of believing anything.

*Self likes it when I speak formal-like.


Chilli Dawgs, hell. Corn dawgs.

Thanks, g, from the last thread. made me larf loudly. My neighbors must wonder.

Drat. Ze link, she no work in preview. If it 404s, use the g link.

Everyone on the Right Ever



Violence committed by a white person is “violence”, sometimes “random violence”.

Violence committed by a black person is “black violence”.

Thus is privilege maintained.


A veritable Gordian Knot of Conservatard pretzel logic salted with the usual racist hypocrisy.


I think part of it what it is is that, in a way, the wingnuts want their own civil rights movement. They’ve seen how MLK, Jr. and Rosa Parks and the Little Rock Nine and the like have all gone down as national heroes, and they want in on that action. They want to have their own version of the Selma march and “We Shall Overcome” and “I Have a Dream” and all that. Because the people who actually did that have acquired a certain cultural cachet, and because wingnuts can’t tolerate the idea of not owning and controlling everything, even ideas, they need to have it.

Unfortunately, when you’re made up of mostly rich, white, well-connected men, such injustices are hard to come by, so they have to scrape together whatever they’ve got, which is why their complaints about how they’re being oppressed are always so petty or else just an outright lie.

Or they could just be pigheaded racists earnestly living in fear of teh Great Blackie Takeover. Probably both.


For those who enjoy toxic sludge, don’t miss the Investor’s Business Daily piece that Lifson is quoting from. It’s filled to the brim with delicious racist shit-chunks. And the comments at both American Stinker and IBD are better still.

My favorite comment (from IBD):
racism was being eradicated in this country up until obama became president.
I can’t understand why I didn’t notice that.

Also, this intriguing prediction (again from the IBD comments section) of how Obama will win the 2012 election by using mobs of shiftless darkies to drive away right-thinking voters:
Imagine the lack of anti-0 turnout in many precincts, particularly those where hordes will be roused from the streets with cigarettes and a hot meal (having already been registered by “community activists.”


More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

And according the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, over four times as many white-on-black hate crimes occur as black-on-white. Also according to wikipedia(quoting the UCR), 86% of whites are murdered by other whites, and a 2011 study “which examined the racial disparities in violent crime and incarceration from 1980 and 2008 found little difference for black share of violent offending. Racial imbalances in arrests vs. incarcerations were both small and consistent across the time period.” Oh noes chocolate hate crime wave being concealed!!!! BY REALITY.


World domination is the ultimate goal of the nazi’s. The objective of monitoring (sattelite, infrared, thought monitoring) is to expand to all persons worldwide. Logistically, it isn’t possible for all thoughts from all people all of the time to be monitored. The concept of homogenity is meant to rectify this problem. If, with the use of compellor technology, aritificial impulses technology, and subliminal messaging thoughts and actions could be controlled and urges, schedules, thoughts could be sent en masse, in synchronicity; then monitoring would become easy, and require little in the human resource sector.
This goal is as unfeasible as omniscience.
Sincerely, Alisha


The pigs at the slaughterhouse are in cages, stacked almost to the next level, and next the rafters.

Unable to manuever in their inadequate confines, they become mad and bite at one anothers tails, and ram against the wires of the cage.

What causes this irrational behoavior? The conditions of the factory are probably a factor, but the condition of madness must have another catalyst.

Q: Could it be the result of harmful chemicals in the pigs slop?

Q: Is it possible that the chemicals in pork, along with chemicals in drinking water, and technogical tranposed impulses and subliminal messaging is contributing to the uprising of irrational, aggressive and disoriented behavior people?

A: Yes.



Of. behavior people.


You deleted the . Haha, very funny.


The psychological exams of many police departments, and goverment agencies are standarized. Standarized tests are not ideal for a number of reasons. One, is that an effective exam will be the result of an extensive background review, and questions tailored to the percieved personality and history of the individual being reviewed. Another pressing issue regarding the tests is cheating on the exam. There are many duplicate copies of the same exam, allowing those with control issues and violent tendencies to join police forces, armed forces, and secret agencies.
The real exam is a personalized questionairre, and these results are often filed elswhere; with the standarized, copied test results filed for general information in office settings.


Michelle Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll. I am sure that Barack Obama is quaking in his boots with worry.


Obama is encouraging copy-pasta trolls to beat up threads and Eric Holder is doing nothing about it whatsoever.


reviewed being individual the of history and personality percieved the to tailored questions and, review background extensivve an of result the be will exam effective an that is, One. reason of number a for ideal not are tests Standarized. standarized are agencies government and, departments police many of exams psychological The.

The psychological exams of many police departments, and goverment agencies are standarized. Standarized tests are not ideal for a number of reasons. One, is that an effective exam will be the result of an extensive background review, and questions tailored to the percieved personality and history of the individual being reviewed.


Do something about it, Kenyan Usurper but HANDS OFF my medicare!!


What sauce goes best with copy-pasta? Klonopin?


Handing off the medicare.


What sauce goes best with copy-pasta?

Toxic sludge.


MaxEntropy [Moderator] 5 hours ago
Holder’s doing what he’s told. Ignore the polling place intimidation. Ignore the anti-white flash mob violence. Are these events dress rehearsals for bigger things to come?

My friends, these mangoes won’t rot themselves. (Or maybe they will.)


Ah. Spouse just whipped up a little cocktail in the blender – fresh pineapple, coconut water, lime juice, sugar, Mount Gay Rum and a dash of Goslings black rum, a dash of grenadine and a drop of West Indian Orange bitters.


Give me some mangoes and we’ll see what we can make of them!

Terrified little bigot

This piss-puddle is a sea of courage and these shit-stains glorious badges of honor!


Someone needs to scrub their Manties™.

Also: I think I see a pattern here.
Pentagon = liberals! FBI = liberals! Bush = liberal!

Waiting for the “Teabaggers = RINOs!” meme to ripen & drop off the crazy-vine.


I’m sorry, but the giddiness is practically leaping off the screen. The nutters aren’t scared–they’re happy. They want a race war. Have for a long time. And if they have to gin one up, by god, they’ll do it.

Huffing and puffing little bigots

..the giddiness is practically leaping off the screen. The nutters aren’t scared–they’re happy.

The circle is almost compete, give us a couple seconds!!


Waiting for the “Teabaggers = RINOs!” meme to ripen & drop off the crazy-vine.

Won’t be long, I imagine. At the longest, after they determine the candidate and it loses miserably in ’12. Possibly sooner, depending on how real your Scotsman need be.


Also, Mittster don’t play so well in Peoria Iowa. I’m actually wondering how this primary is going to shake out. They’re all fucking loons of one stripe or another. Will it be like last time, watching one spectacular flameout after another just as each rises to apogee? Mmmm. Popcorn.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

Mmmm. Popcorn.

With butter.


noen, here’s a picture.
Someone has handed that man a brown flesh flute.


GOP presidential ticket : Rick Perry for POTUS and Michelle Bachmann for veep. The death throws of a dying party.


“Someone has handed that man a brown flesh flute.”

Looks like he knows how to play it too.


In other PENIS news:

The French Coqs were beaten twice today in the seeding round of AFL International Cup play. First by the defending IC premieres, the Papua New Guinea Mosquitoes 70-0 then by the Tonga Tigers 48-6.
The US Revolution had a good day, defeating the Canadian Northwind 15-12 and the Peace Team (consisting of 13 Isrealis and 13 Palestinians) 80-0.
The other big winners on the day were the New Zealand Hawks, the South African Lions, the Irish Warriors and the Nauru Chiefs.


As Trevanian points out in The Loo Sanction, small pugnacious men who might be called bantam roosters as a nickname can get the nickname Petit Coq if they’re francophone. Or, in abbreviation, ‘Tit Coq.


VS, You know that in their twisted little minds they see themselves as defending the flower of white womanhood against the invading dusky masses in some kind of Mad Max world. They get off thinking about mowing down those dark animals like so many pixels on their Xbox.

Fucking sick bastards.


I’m sorry, but the giddiness is practically leaping off the screen. The nutters aren’t scared–they’re happy. They want a race war. Have for a long time. And if they have to gin one up, by god, they’ll do it.

See the beginning of “Gone With The Wind,” when Scarlett’s two cousins and practically the entire Southern Gentleman class is leaping for joy at the thought of civil war.

Oh, VS, don’t you want us to have a war?


I know you have all been worried sick but you can stop worrying now. Just back, safely, after 2300+ miles of FABULOUS motorpickling. Thanks for your concern.

Now then , what’d I miss?


Somewhere in the ReaLAMErikkkan Heartland:

“Hello, 911. What is your emergency?”
“Hello! I just looked out my window and there’s an armed black man walking around with a gun!”
“OK sir, stay calm -”
“Did I mention he’s black?”
“Yes sir. Do you feel you’re in any immediate danger?”
“Are you CRAZY? He’s BLACK and he has a GUN!”
“… OK. Can you describe him sir?”
“Well … He’s black. And he has a gun.”
“… Can you tell me what he’s doing?”
“He’s – Hey, he’s walking over to a police car with the woman who lives across the street … Holy CRAP. He’s in a police uniform! Oh my God, he must have killed a police officer and stolen his car and now he’s going to rape this woman! Oh God, this is awful!”
“Sir? Sir! That IS a police officer. He was responding to a noise complaint. Someone in your neighborhood is playing Prussian Blue at full volume.”
“What? WHAT? You let them serve on the police force now? And I have to play it loud. It’s the only thing that keeps the damn Jews next door from raping my wife.”


I would think it hard to find mason jars large enough for pickled motors.


noen’s memory is not a thing with which to trifle.


er, maybe I didn’t get it. Myself.


Whenever I went for longish stretches without a motorcycle my friends would play the Arlo Guthrie song with the lyrics “I don’t want a pickle, I just want to ride on my motorsickle.” Hence, “motorpickle.” Sue me. Or bite me, it’s all the same.


Off topic question from someone who’s never dyed his hair:

How would I temporarily bleach my hair blond? I mean, for a day or so. I’m trying to work out the logistics of a possible John Constantine Halloween costume.

My hair is very black.


Looks like it can’t be done.

Oh well, I’ll think of some other super nerdy costume for this year.


Two words: Hydrogen peroxide.


To wit:

Diluted H2O2 (between 3% and 8%) is used to bleach human hair when mixed with ammonium hydroxide, hence the phrase “peroxide blonde”.

It is absorbed by skin upon contact and creates a local skin capillary embolism that appears as a temporary whitening of the skin.

It is used to whiten bones that are to be put on display.


That’s permanent.

It would work if I was willing to have blond hair for a long time. I’m not. I also don’t really want to dye it black again. It’s just too much work for a costume nobody I know will actually recognise.

With my 11th Doctor (from Doctor Who) costume from last Halloween, none of my friends realised I was even wearing a costume. Tweed jackets and bow ties are in my usual everyday wardrobe (although I avoid them both at once, for obvious reasons). I got some nice comments on the street from total strangers though.


Also the danger that you’ll end up looking like Asian girls who want to go blonde but can’t get their hair any blonder than peroxide reddish brown.


How about a wig?


The Internet is amazing.


Chilli Dawgs, hell. Corn dawgs.

To quote Charles Portis, “Look at those eyes. We are entering a new Age of Reptiles.”


I think one of my favorite Halloween costumes was when I went as Devil in a Blue Dress, though the time I duct-taped the plastic t-rex to my stomach, shoved his head through a rip in my t-shirt, squirted it down with vampire blood and went as “that dude from Alien” was cool too…though it was really hard to drive in that costume since my car at the time didn’t have a tilt steering wheel. Ol’ t-rex kept trying to lummox up the steering by getting his head stuck in the spokes of the steering wheel.


“Sir? Sir! That IS a police officer. He was responding to a noise complaint. Someone in your neighborhood is playing Prussian Blue at full volume.”

Silly Arky, we have always been at war with Prussian Blue.

Also the danger that you’ll end up looking like Asian girls who want to go blonde but can’t get their hair any blonder than peroxide reddish brown.

Hey, Spearhafoc, you can always dress as a Harajuku girl. Do you have any rûsu sokkusu in the wardrobe?


Just back, safely, after 2300+ miles of FABULOUS motorpickling.


Okay, maybe not as amazing as it could be.


Now then , what’d I miss?

Nothing, now make with the food pron.


I would think it hard to find mason jars large enough for pickled motors.

It is hard enough to squeeze in a single mason.


It is hard enough to squeeze in a single mason.

An anti-masonic plot? Are the Disilluminati (Obscurati?) involved?


The mason’s face was ajar.


…”by a black”…
This. Right here. This.

Only a person steeped in the white male privilege of Southern Bigotry™ would put those three words together.

If this was actually a boat anchored off of the shore of from whence this came, i might be inclined to blow off the wetsuits, swim ashore in nothing but my birthday suit and a belt that secured a machete; prepared to bring back a raft filled with heads rather than mangoes.

And this “black” wrote the previous with a preternatural calm, one that kind of scares me.

Now I will catch up with the thread, consider the acquisition of belt and machete and contemplate a trip off the boat.


These threads are so easy to catch up on…Pikers!

Now I shall take a thread killing swim…


CELT Today 01:10 PM
Having grown up in Chicago I can tell you from experience that blacks are indeed capable of being racists and that blacks have been attacking whites randomly in Chicago (and other cities) for years. It happened on a number of occasions to me and friends of mine as we were groowing up in that city. One day a friend of mine and I were walking home from school and were jumped from behind by a group of blacks as a sort of rite of passage for them to prove that they were tough and could “beat up some honkeys.” That hatrred has been brewing and stewing for years and it is now really coming to a rolling boil in a growing number of cities all across America. It does not bode well for the future unless it is acknowledged and firmly condemned by the black communities in those cities. So far, I have not seen that happen. The silence on the subject from leaders in black communities is deafening.

One could parse this mango from so many angles that calculus might need to be involved. Somehow I don’t think that Celt, actually pays any attention to leaders in the black communities.

If a nigger speaks and Celt didn’t hear it, what is the sound of one hand clapping?

Wingnut koans, how do they work?



nvestor’s Business Daily joins American Thinker in responding to Eric Holder’s challenge to avoid cowardice on racial issues. The esteemed publication writes:

You had me at esteemed!



Only a person steeped in the white male privilege of Southern Bigotry™ would put those three words together.

Baby, it ain’t just Southern bigotry. Now, that’s a retro-mango!


Where is Eric Holder’s civil rights division? About this epidemic of black-on-white assaults, we hear nothing.

When you can assemble a photo album of smiling darkies surrounding a tree from which hang the burned corpses of a couple of white folks, then we can have a conversation about victimhood…Wait a minute, I will also need extensive evidence relating to redlining, and the destruction of the white side of town, by gangs of blax, also too, sundown laws…


You had me at esteemed!

Yeah, it’s esteemed, all right, as in esteemy pile of dog crap.


Baby, it ain’t just Southern bigotry. Now, that’s a retro-mango!

While I am familiar with the diaspora of Southern Revenge Fantasies&trade, are you really asking me to dive into a podhoretz column, so soon after embracing the leeches who have taken after the belt and by god the machete, as there remains no spot of flesh uncovered???!!!???

Alrighty then, I’ll look into J-pod after I finish with stinker…


Laddie, that’s Podhoretz pere, who, doubtlessly, was against affirmative action (just like Irving Kristol).


America has watched the UK explode into riots, and meanwhile we have our own symptoms of riot potential showing up, and the American media is turning a blind eye. This is very scary territory, where the our news organs become fully propagandistic in nature, actively ignoring obvious realities.

There is a Projecting like an Octopus of Fail™ going on here intermingled with a broken Catapult of Propaganda™, like a train-wreck I cannot avert my eyes.

1. Destroy African American communities

2. Blame African Americans for their destruction.

3. Profit.



Laddie, that’s Podhoretz pere, who, doubtlessly, was against affirmative action (just like Irving Kristol).

Allright, goona have agander…I always loved the way that Irving “Meritocracy Rules times Infinity” demonstrated such a lack of self awareness when discussing how he got his son all of those cushy jobs.


BBBB or B^4, I am not nor likely to ever be on the BaseBook. is there any way you might be able to put the NegroProblem essay into a form that I can handle? (email the pdf or jpegs, etc)?



@August 14, 2011 at 12:49

I fucking forgot the semi-colon…fuckity fuck fuck!!!

“…listen my friend, you do not want to step on bbkf’s turf, that way lies madness, and there will be hell to pay.”

“I know. Is there any amount of genuflection, in any particular direction that might ward off the worse case scenario?”



Warning old chum, this link is to a “White culture” website (think Stormfront with a better vocabulary and impulse control). It has a link to a pdf of the essay.


Yeah, it’s Politico, but this headline is hilarious. Oh, Dan Savage, you nuked that dumb bigot’s name from orbit.


” “White culture” website”



To Holder, blacks are the permanent victims. But his department’s own data say otherwise. In most cases of interracial crimes, the victim is white and the perp is black. Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time, while whites victimize blacks 3% of the time. More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

Following this, is…

This is one to savor. Honest voices are telling the truth about the serious race problems we have now, and the Obama administration’s heinous role in exacerbating them.

Emph added.

Lets see if I get this right. White people discovered that there was a “serious race problem” about one week into November ’08?

I can only imagine what they’d be writing about the BitchiStani Oppression™ if Hillary had been elected CIC.

These sons and daughters of the SilentVictimisedMajority™, who are not victims of anything but the sense of a loss of privilege that might happen on a Tuesday as likely to occur as the repayment of a hamburger procured by whats his name, really do gorge on a fetid cake of privilege and fear.

Spaghetti Lee said,

August 14, 2011 at 0:50

I think part of it what it is is that, in a way, the wingnuts want their own civil rights movement. They’ve seen how MLK, Jr. and Rosa Parks and the Little Rock Nine and the like have all gone down as national heroes, and they want in on that action. They want to have their own version of the Selma march and “We Shall Overcome” and “I Have a Dream” and all that. Because the people who actually did that have acquired a certain cultural cachet, and because wingnuts can’t tolerate the idea of not owning and controlling everything, even ideas, they need to have it.

This is central to my point.

While I am not certain that we will recognize PeakWingnut during our lifetimes, I think that a UnifiedFieldTheory of Wingnuttery might be possible.

I would think we should start with the following: White wingnut fear of a Black Planet involves an absolute certainty that they will be treated as their ancestors may have treated black folk, and that they still harbor an enormous guilt that they cannot resolve and it kills them.

Funny thing is that we don’t really care about the past, so much as long is it is acknowledged, most if not all are looking to a future of equality, and I suspect the same for females, gays, transgendered folk, and any other persons of color/oppressed groups (furries?)


Warning old chum, this link is to a “White culture” website (think Stormfront with a better vocabulary and impulse control). It has a link to a pdf of the essay.

Thanks bud!



Jeebus B^4, i’ve only made it through the first couple of ‘graphs, and between the hideous discovery (one that might potentialy reconcile quantum wingnut, with gravity) that I will have to do a transcription!!!, as well as finish reading the thing, has me in a state that does not remotely resemble grace.



Lizzie Today 12:03 PM
It has been reported that the “youths” involved in the racial attacks at the Wisconsin State Fair will be charged with hate crimes. If so, and if convicted, this will mark a major development. Heretofore, many have claimed that it is impossible for “blacks” to be “racists” because only the majority can be racists, since it is a by-product of power. It is way past time for racial hatred to be denounced in the face of any and all who proclaim it.

A mirror reflects upon a kettle.

I need to catch a nap. One without fevered dreams would be nice.


Funny thing is that we don’t really care about the past, so much as long is it is acknowledged, most if not all are looking to a future of equality, and I suspect the same for females, gays, transgendered folk, and any other persons of color/oppressed groups (furries?)

Insofar as you can trace their rage back to something coherent, highlighted part is central to it. The fact that people around them acknowledge the past (and the impact it has on the present) and remember it for what it was might just be the single biggest source of bitching for them (packaged as disdain or anger for “white guilt”).


T-Paw has dropped out of the race. He’s merely an asshole and therefore cannot compete with those who are both assholes and batshit insane.


That hatrred has been brewing and stewing for years and it is now really coming to a rolling boil in a growing number of cities all across America..

Except, you know, it isn’t; there is not only no evidence it’s “coming to a boil,” the evidence shows the number of crimes virtually unchanged since 1980.

It does not bode well for the future unless it is acknowledged and firmly condemned by the black communities in those cities

I’ve encountered the same idea from a couple different sources recently, which is basically what gets pushed down below an equilibrium point will come back up, and often the rougher you are pushing down, the rougher the return will be. Now, you can condemn that if you want, but it’s pretty fucking stupid. It’s beyond stupid to expect whatever you’ve pushed down to condemn it’s own obedience to natural laws.


Heretofore, many have claimed that it is impossible for “blacks” to be “racists” because only the majority can be racists, since it is a by-product of power.

I’ve found people who define racism that way(or not quite that way, as the ones I’ve read have emphasized that institutions are racist, people are bigoted) are still quite capable of recognizing and condemning bigotry even when they see it in their own group.


I guess it boils down to don’t lie about the great black crime wave, and don’t expect black people to apologize for your lies.


I’ve found people who define racism that way(or not quite that way, as the ones I’ve read have emphasized that institutions are racist, people are bigoted) are still quite capable of recognizing and condemning bigotry even when they see it in their own group.

And of course, as someone pointed out further up, the teabaggers won’t ever hear about it.

It’s exactly like the Muslims; you can scream yourselves hoarse denouncing 9/11, but the only thing the Goopers will ever hear is what Fox News tells them about “those animals ululating in the streets after 9/11,” so the chants of “why won’t you condemn it?” will persist no matter what you do.


T-Paw has dropped out of the race.

This clears the way for the mighty Trump comeback juggernaut.


This clears the way for the mighty Trump comeback juggernaut.

Not Rudy? Anthropomorphized 9-11 haz a sad.

Terrified little bigot

I’m not a racist because I haven’t actually lynched anybody. Demanding the Attorney General lynch a few just makes me a patriot.


I guess it boils down to don’t lie about the great black crime wave, and don’t expect black people to apologize for your lies.

This doesn’t sound like very much fun.



Fenwick sez,

August 13, 2011 at 23:50 (kill)

TinTin: Re the photoshop: The urine stain was deft.

That is not urine.


I totally missed Obama’s “Beat Up a White Guy” Speech. Is it still on YouTube?

Seriously, this reminds me of Chris Rock’s take about white people who say they’re “losing the country:” If they’re losing, who’s winning?


Watching an episode of the A-Team, and Face just mentioned “the bottom falling out of the housing market.” Heh. The more things change…


T-Paw has dropped out of the race.

Rumor has it he made the fatal error of slagging Thaddeus McCotter’s finger-picking style.

NOBODY fucks with Teh Big Six-String & gets away with it.


Dumb whore being interviewed for the news:

“She (Bachmann) understands that our Constitution was founded on biblical principles…”


More Amarican Stinker weirdness from a latino conservative:

How to serve the cause?

I have been busy with my work as a father, soldier, and scholar and have not had the chance to go to a lot of Tea Party rallies. After seeing the brutal distortions by liberal “intellectuals,” I decided my best service to the cause would be as a literary scholar.

I wrote The Colorful Conservative: American Conversations with the Ancients from Wheatley to Whitman, a monograph tracing the right-wing activism embodied by Sarah Palin back to the writers of the early Republic, especially Phillis Wheatley, the first African American poet; Edgar Allan Poe, who warned against the utopianism that would soon prevail in the American left; Henry David Thoreau, who I believe wrote both Walden and Civil Disobedience as a conservative rather than as a radical; William Wells Brown, the first black playwright, whose play The Escape illustrated the dangerous link between medical care and slavery; and Walt Whitman, whose poems in Inscriptions and Drum Taps provided a way for men who love men to sublimate their erotic leanings into patriotism — a useful model for sexual liberation which I believe the gay rights movement failed miserably in applying to their own struggles.

I would no more permit activists to brand Phillis Wheatley a sellout, call Thoreau a misogynist, or label Whitman racist, than I would allow someone to call the Tea Party racist. I think they are doing great things.

But I am not of the Tea Party for a few simple reasons.


I would think we should start with the following: White wingnut fear of a Black Planet involves an absolute certainty that they will be treated as their ancestors may have treated black folk, and that they still harbor an enormous guilt that they cannot resolve and it kills them.

Ohhhh no no no…You’re giving them WAY to much credit with this implication that innate racism has some level of complication and is rooted in a marginally noble motivation.

No, these assclowns are nothing more than spoiled fucking brats who are motivated only by greed and hate. They are unevolved children.

If we’re to explore a unified field theory, I believe the cornerstone has got to be immaturity and childishness. Some undeveloped area of the brain that leaves them still being the bratty little fucker that won’t share his toys, even if he’s not playing with them.

Teabagger U. Graduate

If it weren’t for the Kochs I wouldn’t be the scholar I am today.


“She (Bachmann) understands that our Constitution was founded on biblical principles…”

Closest thing to a coherent explanation I’ve seen on this is that even if the Founding Fathers weren’t theocrats, or very religious, or in some cases even Christian, they came from a Christian-dominated and Christian-shaped culture, ergo, Judeo-Christian principles.

The people who make that argument are making a pretty honest admission that it doesn’t matter if the Founding Fathers were Christian or followed Christian principles, all that matters is they were part of the Christian Tribe (if only by association or heritage).


Submitted without comment


Gosh I am so sick of the race thing. I grew up with it. We were the “nigger lovers” in our neck of the woods. Why? Because, to start with, my grandfather went to a black man’s funeral, in 1919. But it had started before that, when my grandmother gave hungry black children cookies but made the Davis children (the rich Davis family who were bought up failed farms) pay the penny for theirs. It got worse when my mother began tutoring black children after school, for free; when my older brother began a friendship with a black gospel singer from the “Negro” church; when James Milton, the black, 5?10? 250lb offensive lineman for our football team and I became fishing buddies.

There was always pressure from the outside to create division and hatred. It was in the field, at the gin mill, at the bank. It was everywhere. The whole fucking world was about division. And here’s the really fucked up part: the whites were more divided amongst themselves than the blacks. The blacks were just black, one big all encompassing state of mind and color and culture: all fortunately equal to each other. The whites, on the other hand, were as divided as their accents, and it was their accents more than any other single thing that layered the whites. If you stripped the clothes off the whites looking for the difference, you couldn’t find it, not until they spoke. The educated upper class whites spoke different from their lowly white trash cousins.

There isn’t a white man alive who understands the psyche of the black man. They do know though that under no circumstances, no matter how handsome or beautiful, how physically or intellectually able or gifted, no matter how rich or educated, they would never switch skin color with a black man. They know enough about the black man’s situation that they would never, even in their darkest hour, consider trading places with him. Why? Because they believe that being a black man is the most unenviable fate that could befall a human, at least in this country. And, ironically, by believing that, they will still discriminate, still take a pass at every opportunity to change this situation, and so make sure that this racism and their own position of privilege persists.


…it doesn’t matter if the Founding Fathers were Christian or followed Christian principles, all that matters is they were part of the Christian Tribe (if only by association or heritage).

Mass murderers; of course, don’t fall into this category because shut up!


The blacks were just black, one big all encompassing state of mind and color and culture: all fortunately equal to each other.

I’m not black or any kind of expert on the subject, but I’m pretty sure there’s cultural divisions between black people the same way there used to be between whites and the same way there is between Hispanics.

When I read Colin Powell’s biography, I remember him mentioning in the chapter about his marriage that there was cultural friction between his family (West Indians from New York) and his wife’s family (descendants of slaves living in Alabama). Nothing major, but it was there nonetheless. I think the fact that it’s the most homogenous voting bloc in the country, and that the rest of the country tends to uniformly just talk about “the blacks,” makes us forget that there are cultural divides there as well.


“She (Bachmann) understands that our Constitution was founded on biblical principles…”

This is why they just printed the ten commandments and Beatitudes over and over on that hemp paper.


Some of the worst bigots I’ve ever met were Native Americans I grew up with on the reservation. Bigotry is colorblind. But it still didn’t alter the fact a white person living on the same reservation was 20 times more likely to get a bank loan than his Native American neighbors. Which; of course, fed the fear and hatred towards whites.

But guess who controlled the banks?
And what exactly feeds White bigots’ fear and hatred?


Chris, you’re right, there are cultural divisions, more today than yesterday. My view was and still is extremely narrow perhaps. But I am also painting with a pretty broad brush the life in the rural South. I consider myself to be as non-racist as one can be and still call himself a Southerner. I feel like we are hampered by language as much as by experience when talking about racism. Where I live now there is little racism, but like the friction between the whites in the South I grew up in, the friction here has more to do with education and economic class than anything else. And yet this is an observation I have made from being here only four years. There is a “white”, European class, and the class represented by mestizos and Indians, but the friction here is less obvious (to me) than in the States.


I wrote The Colorful Conservative: American Conversations with the Ancients from Wheatley to Whitman, a monograph tracing the right-wing activism embodied by Sarah Palin back to the writers of the early Republic, especially Phillis Wheatley, the first African American poet;…

Shorter: I hide behind the skirts of dead black women to justify my racist screeds!


I just saw a scooter rolling down the road with what could only be described as a southeast Asian load of something hanging off of the back.

Back in the early 90’s (91-92), and I remember installing some Taiwanese parts on a bicycle and remarking how much the quality had improved in a short period of time and was struck with the notion, that capital was going to chase cheap labor around the world and that the US would end up a third world nation.

A couple of years later I was looking at some woodworking tools (in this case low end hand planes) and discovered that they were made in Pakistan. At this point I posited that manufacturing would only return to the US when labor costs grew low enough to out compete the Mexicans.

Of course this did not take into account the Peak Resource problem.

I don’t know exactly why that over loaded scooter made me think of that…


But guess who controlled the banks?

The Jews?


Bigotry is colorblind.

Racism is institutional.


In the Great Upcoming Race War™, I wanna be on the side with all the melanin, despite being so white I’m blue myself. The type of people who are going to be on the Pasty People side make me embarrassed to be a Pasty Person, and I’d like to make the tentative offer of renouncing my membership now. Thank you, muchas gracias, toda raba, in advance.

I can sorta understand the “yay white people!” attitude from most of the white supremacists out there; they ought to get a life, but they have visibly got nuthin’ much else to hold on to (including their looks, jeez, you ever seen such an oogly crowd in your life?), but the high-paid kind with good educations? I’m out; I don’t get it.


I have been busy with my work as a father, soldier, and scholar

Speaking for myself, I have been busy with my work as an inert blob of cytoplasm.

I wrote… a monograph tracing the right-wing activism embodied by Sarah Palin back to the writers of the early Republic, (including) Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe meets Sarah Palin.

You gotta admit – wingnuts have real talent for coming up with high-quality nonsensical juxtapositions.


Shorter: I hide behind the skirts of dead black women to justify my racist screeds!

Alternate shorter:

Confirmation bias: It even works on the great American poets/writers.

Next article: Twain would totally have supported the Tea Party because he wrote n***er ALL THE TIME. Who’s the REAL racist now?


Edgar Allan Poe meets Sarah Palin.

You just know Poe would have admired her work.


Snorghagen: Reminds me of those “lists of conservative rock songs/movies/whatever” they’re always making.

Most creative types, revolutionary thinkers and people who push for civil rights are liberal. That fact seems to really stick in their craw.


The following are mangoes from the comments.

threecats Today 02:06 PM
It’s about time they wake up to the facts of these calculated acts of violence. The only motivation behind these cowardly attacks is deep seated hatred toward whites. The administration acts as enablers by their actions as well as non actions.

A veritable no-tech, non-lynching! Whereas if you change one word of this comment with the word Negroes, you would have a perfectly legitimate statement that might have been published in a Black newspaper about the destruction of the black part of Tulsa in 1920.

SpearWolf Today 02:12 PM
While it would be nice to see the equal application of “hate” crime laws regardless of the perpetrators’ skin color, the whole concept of “hate” crimes is ludicrous. Why is assaulting someone because you “hate” them a greater crime than assaulting them for any other reason? The insanity the Left has brought to this nation is astounding.

This idiot does not seem to understand the terrorism of the community in question implied in the crime. I would imagine that the concept of consent is elusive to his higher brain functions as well. That last sentence is a thing of magnificence.


Edgar Allan Poe meets Sarah Palin.

You gotta admit – wingnuts have real talent for coming up with high-quality nonsensical juxtapositions.

Yeah, surely she’s more a Lovecraftian horror.



Why did I have to pick this nym? So many of these assholes stick “spear” in their name. I hate to be linked to them in any way.


Submitted without comment:

Gunner57 Today 02:44 PM
If we do not demand by all means possible, including force, that these attacksby blacks on white people cease and desist immediately, theny these attacks are just the begining of the most horrific violence imaginable to be unleashed on white people in the near future. They were just testing the waters. Blacks beat innocent white mothers and fathers almost to death in front of their children and families. Our talk show hosts refused to use the most important word of all to describe the attackers – BLACK. Even Rush remained silent week after week. The others never said boo. It took a balck Mayor in philadelphia to at least admit the truth that these were BLACKS attacking white people because of race. Are white people so cowardly that they will eventually be annihilated? If we look to London the answer is yes.

God help us if Obama gets reelected. He has always remaind relatively high in the polls.One staged event by the media and he and his racist Attorney general are back in business for four more years. Would a Romey or Perry stem this tide of hatred and discrimination against white working and middle class people in education, corporate America, government, justice before the law, I think not. We need a Bachmann, Palin or the like to stop this hate



There was always pressure from the outside to create division and hatred. It was in the field, at the gin mill, at the bank. It was everywhere. The whole fucking world was about division. And here’s the really fucked up part: the whites were more divided amongst themselves than the blacks. The blacks were just black, one big all encompassing state of mind and color and culture: all fortunately equal to each other.

That perception of some monolithic black culture is really the foundation of institutional racism.


destruction of the black part of Tulsa in 1920.

or all of the South in the 1960s.


This is why they just printed the ten commandments and Beatitudes over and over on that hemp paper.

They had a big giggle over that coveting ass part. Hee hee. Ass.


Blacks beat innocent white mothers and fathers almost to death…

Almost to death…And then deny them loans to buy a nice house in a tory suburb, put laws on the books to jail any of them seen past sundown…Oh wait.

“They made a noose of fresh home made linguine and strung me up. fortunately it broke immediately and I was able to escape.”

I have to eat and shower. Unfortunately it is too early to drink.


Are white people so cowardly that they will eventually be annihilated? If we look to London the answer is yes.

There are no white people in London? Damn liberal media hasn’t breathed a word!


I’m not supposed to covet my neighbour’s wife or my neighbour’s ass, but it doesn’t say anything about my neighbour’s wife’s ass.


Of a total of 36 race-related hate crime prosecutions in Wisconsin in 2009, 27 of the alleged crimes were antiblack, two were antiwhite, and the remainder were against other ethncities or nationalities, according to the most recent statistics from the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance.

From the Christian Science Monitor

Also relevant:

Opportunistic thrill-seeking and resentment fueled by stark segregation and high unemployment among young black males (39 percent versus 23 percent for white teens) have been cited by sociologists as possible causes for the recent attacks. The attacks have touched off debates in Milwaukee and elsewhere about who bears ultimate responsibility for the incidents: parents or society at large?


The type of people who are going to be on the Pasty People side make me embarrassed to be a Pasty Person, and I’d like to make the tentative offer of renouncing my membership now. Thank you, muchas gracias, toda raba, in advance.

Welcome to the club! You may now consider yourself an honorary Negro!


Unfortunately it is too early to drink.


[citation needed]


Once upon a Campaign Query, which was answered thick and bleary,
Oh so many applaud this twisted tale of historical lore,
While I sat laughing, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one yapping, yapping like a desperate whore
‘Tis Sarah Palin, I muttered, ‘yapping on and on about her bus tour.
Only this, and all her spore.


One more:

“Attacking anyone based on their ethnicity or color means a racial hate crime should be an additional” charge, said Milwaukee Common Council President Willie Hines, who is black, two days after the attacks.

Wingbutts: Your license to whine is REVOKED. Shut the fuck up. You’re wrong about every single bit of this case. So why don’t you just shut the fuck up about it?


I’m not supposed to covet my neighbour’s wife or my neighbour’s ass, but it doesn’t say anything about my neighbour’s wife’s ass.

Hate to rain on yer parade friend, but I think the injunction agin covitude of neighbors wife is inclusive of her ass.

I will give you points for trying though.


Pupienus said,
August 14, 2011 at 19:18

Submitted without comment

Holy Crap, OMFG!!! Wow. Nice one Pup.

Reminds me of this.

(Warning blogwhore, for a blog long gone fallow)


I had opened up pup’s link in a tab right after I saw it posted, but got distracted and neglected to take a gander until just a minute ago. The similarity is astounding.

I think Driftglass could make good use of it.


formerjumper Today 04:33 PM
The motive here is obvious….. Eric Holder and little barry and others are playing the same games with whitey that whitey played with blacks in the forties and fifties. Trample on their rights, ignore crimes against them, and burn anything they have of value. Same story, different cast of characters. Sadly, people in power can pretty much do anything the

Yes, the comment ends with anything the. I will take a look and see if there is an amendment downthread…

Then there is this which baffles me somewhat. if someone could translate this for me…TIA, etc.

aprilnovember811 Today 04:19 PM
Thank God we don’t have to rely on the old media any longer. I’m disgusted that all of these years I didn’t know the lies. On my computer homepage today.

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Authorities call it a hate crime by two white teens against a middle-aged black man, “murder by physically assaulting and purposefully using a 1998 Ford F-250 to run over James Craig Anderson.”Defense lawyers insist the incident had nothing to do with race. One of the teen’s attorneys said the group was on a beer run that morning, not out looking for a black man to assault, as prosecutors claim.Regardless of whether race had anything to do with the killing, that’s how it’s being seen by many who live far away from Mississippi’s capital. Stoked in part by security camera footage showing Anderson being run over, people across the country have begun to sound off on social media pages created for and against the defendants, filling them with shrill, often hateful comments.True to form. I just turn away anymore. Hate crime legislation is another unconstitutional law, that needs to be repealed. We are all equal under the United States Constitution. For far too long, too many have received special rights. No more. Every crime is a hate crime. The Federal Governments looting of the U.S. Treasury is a hate crime. I’m sick of these people.

I am pretty sure everyone round here is aware of the case in question, so I am not sure why dragging what pretty much is the exemplification of a hate crime into a thread decrying them does for your case.

For far too long, too many have received special rights.

That’s right white boy. And by the way, homes, your Computer Home Page is not the Oracle of Delphi.



He should switch his Home Page to the Oracle of Gotham. She’s more into computers.

/Nerd joke


Hate crime legislation is another unconstitutional law, that needs to be repealed. We are all equal under the United States Constitution.

Careful, douchebag. This “aggravating circumstance” is a evidence standard for the death penalty. If you call such a thing unconstitutional, Texas will haz a MAJOR SAD.


Unfortunately it is too early to drink.


[citation needed]

Yup, I got a doorman/security shift at a bar that starts in about 5 hours, thus a nap will be indicated in a bit, and a need to remain sober until at least a couple hours before closing.



He should switch his Home Page to the Oracle of Gotham. She’s more into computers.

/Nerd joke

Well, at least until Flashpoint is over…

/comic book geekery


owlbear1 said,
August 14, 2011 at 20:32



Eric Holder and little barry and others are playing the same games with whitey that whitey played with blacks in the forties and fifties.

Prior to and after “the forties and fifties” everything was just peachy for black folk. You know that this guy wanted to call barry a “boy” right after the “little”, but my foot was on his neck and therefore he was oppressed.


Apparently, her time as Oracle will still be in continuity.

It seems like a step backwards becoming Batgirl again. But, oh well.


This is rich!

Concord Bridge Today 04:52 PM
If I was Eric Holder, I wouldn’t admit any sins of the past but I would subtly and very quietly change my policy so it would not be such a large campaign issue for use against Obama. This would be because I would be protected to some degree over the next 4 years from the fallout from Fast & Furious among others if Obama is reelected. If Obama flames out, a Republican with some backbone could appoint an Atty General to look into what has and is happening during the Obama administration. A prison term might not be an unreasonable consequence of such an investigation and prosecution.

I really should stop, but its like sharing photos of a trainwreck and I can’t help myself.


Kongo Kalhoon Today 05:28 PM
Sometimes, fighting fire with fire is the only option. Which means, whites will have no choice but to stand up for themselves if the hate crimes on whites don’t stop. I mean, how much can the whites take?

This one has got to be parody trolling at its finest. That, or we have a look into what the zenith of a lack of self awareness.

If the former, I nominate that this comment wins the internet for at least a month.


…lack of self awareness looks like.

Apologies all around, next round is on me, etc…


FeralCat Today 07:11 PM
The total silence from our “First Black President”, and the vast majority of the “Black Community”, including the so called “Black ‘Christian’ Community”, on the brutal racist attacks by terrorist black mobs on non-blacks in Wisconsin (on Obama’s 50th birthday, no less) and so many other places, has in no uncertain terms informed me as to what extreme racist degenerates they are, as by their silence, they have, in clear fact, given their approval, and their de facto encouragement for even more.

To paraphrase someone-or-other, I think it may have been one of Obama’s favorite historical teachers, “Any White attacks on Blacks is a vile hate crime against humanity; all violent attacks, no matter how many, committed by blacks against whites are merely never to be spoken of statistics.

I really can’t tear myself away from this place. These guys are shitting bricks of gold.


From a link to an N-pod piece tsam dropped earlier:

In one of his most famous essays, “My Negro Problem — And Ours,” Norman Podhoretz writes of “being repeatedly beaten up, robbed, and in general hated, terrorized, and humiliated” by Negroes as a boy growing up in Brooklyn in the late 1930s and early 40s. He was “puzzled to think … that Negroes were supposed to be persecuted when it was the Negroes who were doing the only persecuting I knew about — and doing it, moreover, to me.” Consequently, though he viewed his left-wing sister’s racial dogmas as “sacred” and believed her when she told him that Negroes were oppressed and persecuted not only in the segregationist South but in America generally, he was “still afraid of Negroes” and “still hated them with all [his] heart.” Obviously, such feelings were wholly rational and justified given his childhood experiences.

I guess the main difference between me and Podhoretz is that I don’t hate white folk or even the shitheels that used to chase me around the playground at recess calling me a nigger. In general I love many of the former, and generally took/take pity on the latter.

I am sure that that is a defect in my operating system somehow.

That I am a commie symp probably has something to do with it.


…including the so called “Black ‘Christian’ Community”, on the brutal racist…

He put scare quotes in the scare quotes.


He put scare quotes in the scare quotes.

Niiiiiice! That I did not catch.

I did finally close the tab so I won’t be bringing anymore mangoes aboard.


More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

Wow, those are some lopsided numbers. It’s almost as if whites outnumbered blacks by at least a 2-1 margin, but we know that isn’t the case.


To paraphrase someone-or-other, I think it may have been one of Obama’s favorite historical teachers, “Any White attacks on Blacks is a vile hate crime against humanity; all violent attacks, no matter how many, committed by blacks against whites are merely never to be spoken of statistics.

Hey, that’s a neat trick!! He makes up an imaginary person, then paraphrases a non-existent quote! And presents it as a verbatim quote!


We need a…Palin or the like to stop this hate

Right, Because she’s so well known for her civility and respect in the political dialogue.


The teens allegedly beat Anderson repeatedly, yelled racial epithets, including “White Power!” according to witnesses. (witnesses include people with them and in the other car, to whom the driver bragged about the murder)

Yeah, but the guy’s attorney says he’s innocent!

For far too long, too many have received special rights.

Like the right of not being expected to apologize and atone as a group for the actions of some asshole adolescent bigots? Soo unfair!


Provider UNE commenting on the usual “I don’t believe in ‘hate’ crimes” bullshit:

This idiot does not seem to understand the terrorism of the community in question implied in the crime.

They also don’t get that “hate crimes” is the euphemism to let their pasty ass off the hook. “Hate crimes” is them getting a fine dinner for free and then complaining that the steak tartare is bloodier than they were expecting and how unfair it is that they have to eat dishes they order.

Because what “hate crimes” is delightfully minimizing is straight-up old-fashioned terrorism. The act of attacking someone because of their group identity to send a memo to the other members of that group to keep their head down and be scared. When Muslims did that to white people we used it to excuse a campaign of permanent genocide across the Middle East.

When someone knifes a gay person because that person is gay and on the streets and that person was offended by that knowledge, it’s sending a message to all gay people everywhere not to speak up and be out, lest you get killed. It’s the same for racial minorities, women, trans people, and so on. Hide away, stay away from certain locations and maybe we’ll let you live.

Of course, we are completely incapable of labeling any dominant group terrorist activity as what it is. Terrorism can only exist when it is a marginalized group performing asymetrical warfare against a bigger and more powerful opponent. You know, the same thing that used to get called “Guerilla warfare” or “smart tactics” when we or people we liked were doing it. And they try to sell all aymetrical warfare as terrorism (a rival military faction with less money creates improvised bombs to attack their enemies on the battlefield, why that’s terrorism). And because anything a wingnut says is projection, this of course means they spend all their time complaining that liberals are changing the meaning of terrorism, engaging in moral relativism where different standards apply to different people, and of course make it so one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Yeah, I’m thinking in that Unified Wingnut Theory there needs to be an entry on projection and a complete lack of self-awareness.

But back to the original point, “hate crimes” are what we call terrorism when a dominant group is doing it to a marginalized group (though of course the term would still apply if ever there was a marginalized person who committed an act of violence entirely because their target was a member of the dominant group, but if that happened, you wouldn’t hear “hate crime” over the cries of “terrorist” or “lynch the bastard”).

But of course even that watered down, easily dismissed word is too much for them and they demand every crime ever (especially petty crime that happens to involve a black criminal and a white victim) be a “hate” crime, because they think they understand how dictionaries can work in the hands of morons.

Fine, we’ll stop calling them hate crimes and start calling them terrorism. Or you can eat your hate crime soup and stop whining like a baby. Your choice.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

owlbear1 said,
August 14, 2011 at 20:32


I’ll second that.


Nym-fail from Fenwick who, once again, needs moar coffee.


From the mango UNE brought back:

on the brutal racist attacks by terrorist black mobs on non-blacks in Wisconsin

One thing I’ve learned from Pam Atlas and the others screeching about how the Swedish kids were a horde of dusky brown terrorists-in-training and arguments like this is that to the average wingnut:

1 non-white person = A horde of non-white people.

Furthermore, the presence of a single non-white person at an event or in reality erases and takes over at least 50 white faces or events.

I mean, look at crying about a horde over what is, if you were to be EXTREMELY charitable to their bullshit, is 1 or 2 people at best. They were the same way about the “New Black Panthers” who were “intimidating people at the polls”. Fuck, I don’t think Fox News has shut up about that incident to this day. It’s often sold like this wide-spread problem that is personally responsible for Obama “stealing” the election when it was literally 2 guys being pricks at 1 voting booth (a crime that no end of religious fuckwits and political marketers have no shortage of committing).

Not only are these cases multiplied at least a 100 fold into huge gaping problems, but they also erase all attacks or incidents in the other direction. Religious assholes intimidating voting lines, “kindly grandmothers” at voting locations trying to deliberately shame you if you are wearing liberal political apparel to voting, creepy fuckers parking their “abortion vans” where they will conveniently be seen by a voting location and staring creepily over the ranks of the sinners or playing the “you are all sinners” broadcasts, or the actual theft of actual elections by actual officials with actual power. Nope, don’t exist. 2 douchebags with a beret fetish have erased those events from space and time and replaced them with turgid brown cocks.

Now, I got that they didn’t like any non-white participation in any event (I’m in the LGBT community and the psycho white community hasn’t yet adapted to code words in talking about how we shouldn’t be anywhere in public where they might accidentally stumble across us or have to acknowledge our existence), but I hadn’t realized that they apparently literally “see” the world like this.

I mean, that’s the only way to understand events like the Pam Atlas/Debbie Schlussel “hordes of brown kids” arguments about the photos of the Swedish kids that got shot, who if they had been any whiter would have qualified as a teabagger rally or a meeting of the Young Objectivists Society. To even be able to form that argument, you literally have to see one single brown face as all you can ever see in a picture, so much that it erases all whiteness around it.

No wonder they feel that diversity efforts to include a handful of tokens feel like “invasions” and why Jonah Goldberg can whine online how the 1% non-white private school he wants to send his kids to is overrun with the darkies.

Now that I know this, I just want to send a random black guy to each of their houses, not to threaten them or call them names, but just introduce himself and shake their hands, so they are driven to boarding up their houses and going into survivalist modes just to save themselves from the dusky black horde outside their door.


Yeah, surely [Palin]’s more a Lovecraftian horror.

I’ve been wracking my brains for a method to ensure Mini__B’s financial future. Palin Tentacle Porn™ I’ll make millions!


“Yeah, surely [Palin]’s more a Lovecraftian horror.”

The Worm that Gnaws in the Night

The Worm that Gnaws in the Night (the Doom of Shaggai) appears in Lin Carter’s short story “Shaggai” (1971). The being is portrayed as an enormous, worm-like entity. The Worm was first observed by the wizard Eibon, who chanced upon it on a sojourn to the planet Shaggai. To his horror, Eibon discovered that the massive worm was slowly eating away at the vitals of Shaggai and subsequently made a hasty return to Earth. It appears to be similar in size and description to the Graboids from the popular movie series Tremors.


Of course, we are completely incapable of labeling any dominant group terrorist activity as what it is. Terrorism can only exist when it is a marginalized group performing asymetrical warfare against a bigger and more powerful opponent. You know, the same thing that used to get called “Guerilla warfare” or “smart tactics” when we or people we liked were doing it. And they try to sell all aymetrical warfare as terrorism (a rival military faction with less money creates improvised bombs to attack their enemies on the battlefield, why that’s terrorism).

One of the good lines from the Firefly spin-off comics: “It doesn’t become terrorism until one side wins.”

There’s also the number of times terrorist actions from this or that dominant group have been not just mislabeled but outright given a pass and a blind eye by those in power – e.g, J. Edgar Hoover not wanting to investigate the KKK until LBJ gave him a few kicks in the ass (and even then he farmed out the work to the Mafia at least once), but showing an obsessive interest in investigating the civil rights movement, which he feared might be run by communists.


They also don’t get that “hate crimes” is the euphemism to let their pasty ass off the hook. “Hate crimes” is them getting a fine dinner for free and then complaining that the steak tartare is bloodier than they were expecting and how unfair it is that they have to eat dishes they order.

Besides the perfectly valid points you made, I also think it’s something of a misnomer when everyone from the civil rights movement onwards associates what the racists do with “hate.” The hardcore Klansmen might be haters, but I suspect most racists aren’t; they’re just either unable to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, too lazy to try or too privileged to think about it.

Indifference has been a much bigger contributor than hate, to this day IMO. How many of Nixon/Reagan’s silent majority were actually shrieking Dixiecrats, and how many of them were low-information “centrists” just going “oh, go away, you’re disturbing me with your shrillness and your facts and I just can’t be bothered.”

My wingnut uncle (who I’m fairly sure isn’t a racist, or shall we say not a hard racist) made an observation at a family reunion a while ago about how there was still racism in his area and one of his teenage kids had gotten crap for having black friends. And went on with something that I can’t remember exactly, but the gist of it was, well, is it really racist that I don’t want my kids to go through that? His point being that sticking to your own kind, and not rocking the boat by hanging out with nonwhites – IOW, appeasing the racists – was, well, regrettable, but it keeps things nice and orderly and, well, it’s the lesser of two evils.

Wonder how much of the racism in the GOP’s base is just lazy, apathetic submission of that kind – which I suppose ties into the “institutional” and “structural” racism people are talking about.


Not sure where to start, Chris. I guess we’ll take this point by point

…I also think it’s something of a misnomer when everyone from the civil rights movement onwards associates what the racists do with “hate.”

Misnomer please. And who embodies this “everyone from”? Are you not familiar
with Medgar Evers, Chaney Schwerner and Goodman?

Not that all racists kill people (not the nice ones anyway).
And why do you surround hate with a scare quote?
The hardcore Klansmen might be haters, but I suspect most racists aren’t…
And on what exactly, do you base this suspicion?
…they’re just either unable to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, too lazy to try or too privileged to think about it.

Lazy and privilege sums up the beginning of you apologia.

Indifference has been a much bigger contributor than hate, to this day IMO.

Please to be parsing for me, the difference between indifference of suffering and how that is somehow marginally better than hatred of the sufferee?

How many of Nixon/Reagan’s silent majority were actually shrieking Dixiecrats, and how many of them were low-information “centrists” just going “oh, go away, you’re disturbing me with your shrillness and your facts and I just can’t be bothered.”

Are you attempting to describe a “both sides do it” fantasy land here? Because at the last measuring cycle the Dixiecrats that you speak of, have oddly enough been seen participating in tea-party rallies. As far as low information “centrists” go, they should not be countenanced in polite society.

My wingnut uncle (who I’m fairly sure isn’t a racist, or shall we say not a hard racist) made an observation at a family reunion a while ago about how there was still racism in his area and one of his teenage kids had gotten crap for having black friends. And went on with something that I can’t remember exactly, but the gist of it was, well, is it really racist that I don’t want my kids to go through that? His point being that sticking to your own kind, and not rocking the boat by hanging out with nonwhites – IOW, appeasing the racists – was, well, regrettable, but it keeps things nice and orderly and, well, it’s the lesser of two evils.

I hate to break it to you son, but your Uncle is a racist (possibly mild, the kind that is scared shitless and witless by his fear (completely unjustified as it is) of a black planet) and a coward.

And yeah, it is fucking regrettable.

Wonder how much of the racism in the GOP’s base is just lazy, apathetic submission of that kind – which I suppose ties into the “institutional” and “structural” racism people are talking about.

Again with the scare quotes. I would submit that you simply don’t get it.

You seem like a decent sort, and I don’t mean to cause you any pain but you should look at this. I’d recommend a look at photo 22 to start, with a glance at 24 and 25. If you can get through the whole thing without loosing your lunch, I might be able to dub thee, an honorary Negro with clusters of a material to be named later.

If you find any Daguerreotypes with crowds of black folk surrounding a tree, lamppost or bridge from which hangs a white person, let me know.


One more thing Chris, the fact that racists cannot kill with impunity anymore is a loss of privilege. If they cannot keep persons of color, GLBT folk, or anyone not of their perceived ilk, out of their neighborhoods, that is an assault on their privilege.

Get along to go along is a cowardly way to conduct oneself, though we have, every last one of us, made that decision, at some point in our lives: Eyes averted, fingered ears, bitten tongue. At some point we have to step up.



Doobie-doobie-do… just popping my head in after, like, a year or something… Lots of the old regulars, nice. Some new faces, excellent…

*record scratch*

185 comments and not one POOP joke???

Man, y’all mufukas are slippin’.

(also: PENIS)


The American Stinker is one giant poop joke.


Nym-fail from Fenwick who, once again, needs moar coffee.

again with the nym fail, sort yourself out man, or DKW’s mom will be over with her bovver boots!

One of the good lines from the Firefly spin-off comics: “It doesn’t become terrorism until one side wins.”

In the US ‘war of independence’, the British could quite easily accuse the American patriots of terrorism, if such a phrase existed back in the day. it did, basically have quite a number of the ingredients that point towards terrorism, or would be accused of being such today.

Similarly, how come the Libyan rebels aint terrorists?

Parsing, dont ya love it!


and for fucks sake, can I request a thread change, Im sick of seeing my ex boss (or soemone that looks very like him) sitting on the shitter!


The American Stinker is one giant poop joke.

And thank god I let go of that log.

I hope that satisfies your needs, kingubu.




Re, the podheretz excerpt above

You know, I have fucking HAD it with the fucking anecdotal bullshit (99% of these stories are total bullshit) being used as a justification for a bleeding antipathy toward a group of people who share nothing more than darker skin by way of similarities.

My former whorebag mother in law tried to justify her overt racism to me (after being removed from my home for dropping an n bomb in front of my daughters) with a story that she was gang raped by (insert shocking number here) of black guys. Everyone has a fucking story to explain how the n***era are the real racists and totally deserve to treated like animals

How often do you hear black people try to compare all white people to fucking loser Alabama fuckups? (The answer is very rarely)


Everyone has a fucking story to explain how the n***ers are the real racists and totally deserve to treated like animals

How often do you hear black people try to compare all white people to fucking loser Alabama fuckups? (The answer is very rarely)
tsam, I love you in A totally platonic way.

And if cerberus was a god, I would present myself as a burnt offering.

Wisconsin's Terrorist Black Mob (one of many)

the brutal racist attacks by terrorist black mobs on non-blacks in Wisconsin (on Obama’s 50th birthday, no less)

Sheee-it. That was nothin’, Jethro. Wait till you see the shit we’ve got in store for you assholes during Michelle’s.

Wisconsin's Terrorist Black Mob (one of many)

Gonna be some major whup-ass.

Also, keep your white asses out of Chicago during Rev. Wright’s birthday, too. Bad shit’s going down, sucka. You feel me?


the massive worm was slowly eating away at the vitals of Shaggai and subsequently made a hasty return to Earth. It appears to be similar in size and description to the Graboids from the popular movie series Tremors.

Tremors is a classic. Highly recommended for any Sadlie who has not yet seen it. (Film also provides useful hooks for the Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon game.)

Other impressive film worms: The shai-hulad in Dune.


UNE: In my opinion, that fusillade at Chris was unprovoked and overbearing. (That inserted ‘son’ was pretty damn patronizing and arrogant.)

I understood what Chris was saying. I’m surprised you didn’t.


You know, I have fucking HAD it with the fucking anecdotal bullshit

Y’know, after my first thought while reading that, which was “WhOOooOO-wee. Buddy, the knee-grows is the least of your problems”, my second was “I had no idea they had Applebees salad bars in 1963. You learn something new every day.”

Odd too that if you had no idea who this waste of skin was, you might take him at his word that he was a “liberal”, and that these were “liberal” ideas he was espousing. Even beyond the “I hate black people and here’s why I deserve to” aspect, and how disgusting that sort of ass-showing is, the fucked up projection and concern trolling was a little shocking.

Also, I suspect that James Baldwin’s reaction to this piece might well have been the overwhelming desire to recreate with greater force and repetition the anecdote about the baseball bat.


Now that I know this, I just want to send a random black guy to each of their houses, not to threaten them or call them names, but just introduce himself and shake their hands, so they are driven to boarding up their houses and going into survivalist modes just to save themselves from the dusky black horde outside their door.

The trick is going to be convincing them all that there’s one on the other side of that computer screen thingie looking in at them every time they connect to the internet.


I wonder if we can work it in to the whole “Agenda 21” “New World Order” conspiracy theory thing. Gonna have to work on that.


Re: No-Pod – Not to mention, Do you really want to give any value to a treatise on race by a guy quoted as saying, “To me, the Civil War is as remote and irrelevant as the War of the Roses.”?

Just sayin’.


I hope that satisfies your needs, kingubu.

We are appeased. For now.


I’m with Fenwick on this one.



So that’s what Richard Pryor was trying to do. I always wondered.


UNE: In my opinion, that fusillade at Chris was unprovoked and overbearing.

Fenwick, I expected this as a possible response given that I am a relative newcomer here. I also love that you correctly identified my pitch as a fusillade. I love that word and attempt to keep it a living member of the lexicon.

I appreciate answers to the questions that I posed. Period.




So that’s what Richard Pryor was trying to do. I always wondered

Honeydewmelon™ while I have no Idea to what you are referring to, I am certain that we would be best friends.

Yes, I defy the rules of grammar,constantly! I attempt to pay lip service to spelling. So there.



Bit of a failed joke on my part. You mentioned presenting yourself as a burnt offering and so I made a joke about the time that Richard Pryor accidentally set himself on fire while freebasing cocaine. Pryor was supposed to have soaked himself in rum as part of drug-induced psychosis so I decided to joke based on your joke that this solved the mystery of why he decided to do that.


Utterly OT, but hey.

This is just awesome layers of awesome topped with awesome sauce.

I dare you not to grin.


And yeah, I know. You’ve all already seen it. Oh well.


I expected this as a possible response given that I am a relative newcomer here.

I expected it as a response to you given that you were poking people in their privilege. Don’t you know that’s not done in polite company?


We’ve found it much easier not to hire any due to the constant “safety” complaints we end up having to deal with, It’s just easier for everybody.


‘T’aint really a newbie thing w/me. If anything, I’ve been a bit bored with the uniformity of opinion around here lately. Let’s get some of that famous lefty factionalism going!11!11!1!

P.S. Karl Marx was a sissy.


Karl Marx was a sissy.

He had that girly long hair and that girly beard.


Him and Whitman? Fahgeddaboudit.


Bit of a failed joke on my part

I get it, now. I was in a hyper literal mind space for awhile and not able to appreciate tangents or hyperbole for a moment.

How does one acquire the cosine of a gag?


How does one acquire the cosine of a gag?

The length of gag’s adjacent leg divided by the length of the gag’s hypotenuse. Sheesh.


I expected it as a response to you given that you were poking people in their privilege. Don’t you know that’s not done in polite company?

Actually my first instinct was to state “Dude, your privilege is showing.” Then I decided to ignore, and wait for someone else to address my initial concerns…then three hours later, a few drinks in and my inner wombat was set loose.


The length of gag’s adjacent leg divided by the length of the gag’s hypotenuse. Sheesh.

Of course!!! I guess my cluebot™ was on a break, or vacation, or something.


I am dripping with privilege in pretty much every way, except POOP.


1) Neither “hate” nor “institutional” were intended as scare quotes. They were in quotation marks because I was quoting, in the first case, Cerberus, in the second case, you (though I’d read “structural” there too – mistake).

2) “And on what exactly, do you base this suspicion?”

Extrapolation from listening to the white racists I personally know. Admittedly, I can’t see into anyone’s heart. In my layman’s opinion, lack of empathy defined the racism I saw there more than hate.

3) “Please to be parsing for me, the difference between indifference of suffering and how that is somehow marginally better than hatred of the sufferee?”

It isn’t, I wasn’t trying to say that it was and if that’s what I ended up writing, then I apologize. I’m talking about what motivates white racists, not downplaying the impact it has nonwhite communities or saying that one motivation is better than the other.

Basic point was something like this: there’s a bunch of, say, hard, active white racists out there, and another whole bunch of white racists (you said “mild racist” might apply to my uncle, going with that) who go along with them and let them have their way out of apathy, laziness, or whatever else it is. And that I suspect the second group’s the bigger one. Again, that goes to motivation only, it doesn’t mitigate the end result or make the latter group better than the former.

The same observation’s been made by many regarding Germany eighty years ago – that not all Germans were Nazis by a long shot, but that plenty of those that weren’t simply sat back and let it happen.

4) “Are you attempting to describe a “both sides do it” fantasy land here? Because at the last measuring cycle the Dixiecrats that you speak of, have oddly enough been seen participating in tea-party rallies. As far as low information “centrists” go, they should not be countenanced in polite society.”

Ahhhh… no, no “both sides do it” argument. The hardcore Dixiecrats and the low information centrists were both on the same side of the argument, and the same side of the aisle starting with the “silent majority” era.


Hogeye, I hadn’t seen that video, and I thought it was awesome. 🙂


Extrapolation from listening to the white racists I personally know. Admittedly, I can’t see into anyone’s heart. In my layman’s opinion, lack of empathy defined the racism I saw there more than hate.

I see where you’re coming from, I think: that a lot of what is experienced by black people is the outworking of privilege rather than strong negative emotion; but I think that doesn’t really apply to whether or not hate crime is a misnomer. People don’t get charged with hate crimes for not letting a tired lady sit down because she’s a different color from themselves, they get charged with it for dragging somebody to death behind a truck or beating them to death while yelling racial epithets.


I see where you’re coming from, I think: that a lot of what is experienced by black people is the outworking of privilege rather than strong negative emotion; but I think that doesn’t really apply to whether or not hate crime is a misnomer. People don’t get charged with hate crimes for not letting a tired lady sit down because she’s a different color from themselves, they get charged with it for dragging somebody to death behind a truck or beating them to death while yelling racial epithets.

AHHHH… shit. Okay. Yes. I get it now.

I kind of segued from the previous discussion to the use of the word “hate” in general as a shorthand for racism and what guides racists (in the broadest possible sense)… and didn’t bother to indicate the transition. No, as far as hate crimes go, the word’s perfectly appropriate. Although as Cerberus points out, the most accurate word is just “terrorism,” but that’s been pretty well covered already.

Apologies to UNE, and, well, everybody else.


Michelle Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll.

well, duh! her tent had air conditioning AND chairs! oh, yeah…and randy travis…


I think one of my favorite Halloween costumes was when I went as Devil in a Blue Dress,

must remember this! my favorite was when i dressed up like june cleaver…at the time had ALL the duds in my wardrobe…and then attached a stuffed beaver* to the shoulder of my cardigan…


warning…you WILL have a lot of strange men ask to do things to your beaver


“I know. Is there any amount of genuflection, in any particular direction that might ward off the worse case scenario?”



What r’you sods do’in up so feckin’ late/ early on a Monday then!!1!11!1?


What r’you sods do’in up so feckin’ late/ early on a Monday then!!1!11!1?

Sodding, obviously.


there! i’m all caught up now…commence to more posting, please!


Sodding, obviously.

And that is why all y’all need to STAY OFFA TEH LAWN!


o/t: hubbkf and i finally got around to watching this last night…all i can say is holy shit, our food life is gonna change…


Sodding, obviously.

And that is why all y’all need to STAY OFFA TEH LAWN!

Once you go grass, you’ll eschew D-KW’s mom’s ass.


Once you go grass, you’ll eschew D-KW’s mom’s ass.

Grass fuckers are greenhorns.


It’s not easy being green. But it can be pleasurable.

Helmut Monotreme

It’s not easy being green. But it can be pleasurable.
Furries are over. Today is the dawn of the Leafy.


Mowing teh lawn.
Spreading seed.
Pulling weeds.


Grafting the bough.


Thanks Chris,

and i think tigris did a better job than I did getting to the point I was attempting to make.

I can be too clever by half sometimes. particularly if I feel that my ox has been gored.


Getting to the point.
Goring the ox.


Goring the ox.

aka: Doing your mom


Doing your mom

Wait…no one masturbates to pix of D-KW’s mom, do they?



Going by an alias.


“It looks like you’ve already said that”

FYWP. If I’ve already said that, then where is the text on the screen?
Fuck-fuck-fuckety-fuck you, WordPress.


“Mowing teh lawn
Pulling weeds.”

All right, all right! I’ll do some ladyscaping! Sheesh. Point taken!


At some point we have to step up.

Up here in BLOW CANUCKS BLOW, the phrase leaving it all on the ice is not unknown in our quaint local idiom.

We did well for a long time at increasing social & economic equality here, but it hurts to admit that I can see the tide of folly & regression slithering back to life apace in this spastic FUBAR tween of a century.

This species has spent much of an entire century doing much more softening than stepping, & will soon reap the full results of that experiment … Lulzdämmerung!

how come the Libyan rebels aint terrorists?

Teh terrorist of my frenemy is my rebel, silly droog!

Also too, once & for all: who put the dang in the dang-a-lang-a-dang, & who put the bop in the bop-she-bop-a-lop? Now it’s going to take me ages to get either of them back out again, IF I EVEN CAN.



All right, all right! I’ll do some ladyscaping! Sheesh. Point taken!

I doubt that any of the ladykillers here do any manscaping, with the possible exception of Spear, whose collection of hats and overcoats might suggest metro-sexual. I could be wrong, but I doubt that the razor that B^4 uses to shave the parts of his head that god does not, travels south of the mason-dixon line, if you know what I mean, AITYD.


I doubt that any of the ladykillers here do any manscaping, with the possible exception of Spear

I am not a metro and I do keep that stuff cut down.


I’m not what you might call a ladykiller, either, since we’re giving away TMI.


o/t: hubbkf and i finally got around to watching this last night…all i can say is holy shit, our food life is gonna change…

Did you guys catch it in a theater, or was it on PBS proper?

(no doubt the answer to my question is in that open tab from the link you provided)


I am not a metro and I do keep that stuff cut down.

I am not sure why, but this comment will probably keep me giggling for hours…


I am not a metro and I do keep that stuff cut down.

so, not like this dude?


Did you guys catch it in a theater, or was it on PBS proper?

nope, watched it on our home telly…hubbkf works for pbs, so when it aired the other night, he had the master control operator burn a dvd for him…can’t watch it anymore online through the pbs link, but i would think an enterprising sadly would be able to figure out how to view it…


It’s streamable from Netflix.


It’s streamable from Netflix.

good to know…it is one of those films that i want to tell everyone i know (and even those i don’t) to RUN DO NOT WALK to the nearest viewing place…


‘The Universal Rights of the Child’, as well as the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ have translation issues. When accessing several different countries translated English versions of the documents, I found there was discrepancies, and the documents are therefore interpreted differently. Universal?

The word provision as pertaining to the rights of the child is problematic. Common law states that when a word has more than one meaning, the most common usage is the definition chosen. There is a precedent, a standard definition in international law. ‘The Universal Rights of the Child’ states that a child is entitled to provisions; i.e. shelter, food, water, clothing and protection. This particular usage of “provision” is generally used as a military term. In law, the precedent, and the common law standard definition of provision is: an exception within a legal document.

As provision is already specified in the document as food, shelter, clothing, water and protection, the military definition is upheld. The precedent, however, as well as common law presides over the original definition. Therefore, there is an exception made within the provision, there is a provision of the provision. As such, there may be no right to provisions (in accordance with the military definition) for a child, in international law. There is no guaruntee of basic, fundamental human rights for a child in international law, and this is how displacement continues on.

‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ is problematic as well. The indefinite article “the” was intentionally displaced, regarding The Human. The rights of the definite are specified within the document,i.e. the body, but the indefinite, i.e. thoughts, personality, etc, are not. Terminology from Article to Article varies, e.g. Article 8 replaces the word “person” with “man”. ‘The Universal declaration of Human Rights’ was to replace previous documentation, ‘The Universal rights of Mankind’. Previous to ‘The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights’, international law recognized the word “man” to include all persons. With the release of this documentation was an amendment to the law, stating that “man” would be replaced with “person”. “Man” would then refer to adult males. Henceforth, Article 8 is provisional, and does not apply to women and children.

The United Nations is detrimental to the rights of the human.


Pardon me, Sincerely, Alisha, on behalf of The Pacific Army.


Thought monitors have the technological capabilities of halting cognition in its tracks, a dangerous thought derailed. Pressure is applied to the cerebellum, effectually supressing the registrement of thought. Fortunately, the remainder of the brain continues on, and thoughts tend to surface eventually when experiencing an abatement of pressure.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


Streaming the netflix.


Thought monitors have the technological capabilities of halting cognition in its tracks, a dangerous thought derailed. Pressure is applied to the cerebellum, effectually supressing the registrement of thought. Fortunately, the remainder of the brain continues on, and thoughts tend to surface eventually when experiencing an abatement of pressure.


In 1996, over 55,000 people were murdered in Saskatchewan. The population mysteriously remains at just under one million persons. Violence has now escalated, and the influx of people increased several months ago. The death toll is rising.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


Sportchek’s Fusion Catalogue is full of people wearing dead face masks. The children as well. The women and girls are males. There is 102 pages in that catalogue, and it appears that the remnants of persons, made into masks are the real items for sale. Perhaps the live persons in the catalogue as well.
Sincerely, Alisha.


do you wanna know what really whizzes me off? when wp tells me ‘you are posting too quickly…slow down’ only to find out it was the copypasta who was quickly posting a bunch of psycotic crap…so, fywp!


so, fywp!

…one of us…one of us…


…one of us…one of us…

lisa simpson, is that you?


I doubt that any of the ladykillers here do any manscaping,

True story: Long ago a woman I worked with (at a casino, in Tahoe, during my lost years) heard me say I was the seventh son of a seventh son. I had no idea what was the prophecy or whatever about such so another friend supplied the info that I should have a “special way with women.” I LOLed heartily. She said “But you DO have a special way with women, PeeJ, you just don’t fuck them.”

FoodSlug pronchowder



well, if it has ‘full tomato flavor’ count me out…ick, i hate tomatoes!


…one of us…one of us…

lisa simpson, is that you?

Not quite. Do not click unless you have a strong stomach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBXyB7niEc0


Do not click unless you have a strong stomach

ewww! i know…you can’t share drinkware nowadays…

Marion in Savannah

owlbear1 said,
August 14, 2011 at 20:32

Excellent! May I offer you a cocktail?


FoodSlug pronchowder.

An old roomie of mine had a can of possum gumbo or something like it that he recieved from his sister as a gag. We never did find out what was actually in the can though.


tag fail, entirely my fault. I got those strike tags closed and then forgot to close that italic tag…

/hangs head in shame whilst backing slowly out of the room


tag fail, entirely my fault. I got those strike tags closed and then forgot to close that italic tag…

since i am the undisputed queen of tagfail, and i might point out that my first tag fail was in one of my very first posts and it was of the italicized sort, which threw the entire thread into a slant for like, the next two days until tintin fixed it…so, all i can say is this


so, all i can say is this

meant in the nicest possible way…


Okay, I actually read that first one and have to respond. WTF?! Translation problems! Provision of a provision?!

Like any treaty or agreement or wev, definitions and meanings of things are always in question. That’s why there are lawyers. No one needs your bizarre non-sensical irrelevant tripe to warn us that OMG bad people might interpret the treaties in bad ways!

d00d – here’s how it works: thems international conventions that you are all het up with are administered by international bodies under the auspicies of teh UN. In your examples these are the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the UN Human Rights Council. Membership in these organizations are elected by teh UN, usually with staggered terms. These international bodies are the ones that officially interpret the treaties, not some random d00d with a hard-on for official-type parchment. Sure the actual documents themselves are important pieces of paper – but only because they outline the framework for the institutions that are upholding the things being protected. Things like the idea that people are not property.

Thus I put forward, anyone proposing something as ridiculous as the word “provision” means teh Convention on the Rights of the Child actually takes away guarantees of safety, food, shelter, &c. would not get their day before the Commission. Unless they were trying to defend themselves for a state-wide program of mass child murdering. In which case, I think things might go badly for them. In fact, being sanctioned by teh UN Commission would probably be of lesser importance than teh trial for war crimes.

Similarly, your other example. I can’t begin to imagine someone making the argument that women and children aren’t people to the UN Human Rights Council. I suppose if you were a massive idiot who is stupider than the stupidest moran to ever drool on his own feet.

But I totes understand that you are vested in paper, what with your desire to jam teh Constitution up your bunghole. Stop obsessing so much over documents – that wad leads to paper cuts in sensitive areas. The important part is the institutions they establish. And if you have a problem with teh institutions, well then you might have an argument. Otherwise, all you’re doing is making your self look moar out of touch than you do with teh Pacific Army stuff. 55,000 murders in Saskatchewan?!?


also, too…i don’t think either of these items can out-ick this monstrosity

Is it made from real hobos?


Of course “In law, the precedent, and the common law standard definition of provision is: an exception within a legal document.” is not actually true; it is not ever defined simply as “an exception,” it is a clause providing for a particular matter. An exception clause is a particular type of provision, but not all provisions are exception clauses; exclusion clauses, for example(which you seem to have mixed up with exceptions anyway, as an exception explicitly grants what hasn’t previously been granted, it doesn’t take away). Also the common law theory of definitions wouldn’t apply in any case where a specific definition is spelled out in the document.


Is it made from real hobos

that would explain why i never see them around anymore…


meant in the nicest possible way…

I know…:)


That hobo soup ingrediant list doesn’t look half bad.


That hobo soup ingrediant list doesn’t look half bad.

one look at the finished product, tho…ewwwww!


ick, i hate tomatoes!

bbkf is DEAD TO ME!!!!!

Just kidding. Although hating tomatoes is kinda like sensuously licking Hitler’s testicles.

But, anyway, I read upthread about your Leave it to Beaver costume and giggled. Too clever, lady. Too clever.

Best I could muster was Kelly Bundy. I put on a red minidress and carried around a sign with a misspelled word on it. ‘Cuz, you know, Kelly was d-u-m dum.


finished product

Me no see no soupy pics. Tried in Opera and Chrome too.

Prepared beans, water, roasted potatoes,carrots, celery, bacon(water, salt, sodiium phosphate, sugar, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrate,maple flavor(caramel color)onion,butter(milk salt), food starch,modified salt, sugar, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, spice extracts, spice, mustard powder, natural smoke flavor,

Doan soun 2 bad 2 me.


The Ho and I painted some oversized shirts, made fezzes and went as Akbar and Jeff. But that was 20 or so years ago and not too many people got it.



Pup, I heart you.


But that was 20 or so years ago and not too many people got it.

Wow, 20+ years? Congratulations. Most couples don’t make it that long.


Also, your motorpickle ride made me grin. Well done, sir!


it looks like somebody took a can of vancamps baked beans and added some campbells vegetable soup and a shit ton of water to it…


bbkf is DEAD TO ME!!!!!

yeah, but you hate raisins, so we’ll call it even…


Just kidding. Although hating tomatoes is kinda like sensuously licking Hitler’s testicles.

Speaking of things that are TMI. That’s an image none of us needed.

(Also, kind of…dada? Would it still make sense if he were licking, say, Pol Pot’s junk? My brother-in-law hates tomatoes, so I want to make sure I have the usage right, in case I ever have to use it.)


Akbar and Jeff is an awesome costume get-up. As is, of course, June Cleaver. Funny you brought that up, bbfk, because that was how I styled my devil in a blue dress – with one of those 50’s style June Cleaver dresses, pearls, pumps, and oven mitts. A very domestic devil in a blue dress, as it were.

The easiest costume I ever put together was a short, tight, sexy dress with a bag of potato chips clipped on – “all that & a bag of chips.”

Back in college one time I went dressed as the scarecrow; another guy came wrapped in tp as the mummy – we were joking about how the folks in the most flammable costumes were the ones out back smoking…


The easiest costume I ever put together was a short, tight, sexy dress with a bag of potato chips clipped on – “all that & a bag of chips.”

must also remember this one…

so, did you wear the blue dress over a devil costume? or just go with the horns and tail and pitchfork?


I was pretty much June Cleaver (in a blue dress, natch) with horns & a tail. There was something kinda vulgar about the tail, tho.


My (arguably) best costume:

I used to have shirt that said “chick magnet” which I totally am and did not buy the shirt to compensate for my lack of self esteem or anything honestly I didn’t seriously no I’m cool, it’s ok.

ANYWAY, I safety pinned my daughters’ old barbies to it and became a more literal chick magnet.

It was a hit at the bar after everyone was thoroughly hammered.


The permanance of an addication, otherwise known as a compulsive behavior, or a destructive habit is myth perpetuated to alter the perception of a person, encouraging ideas of helplessness and unchangability. Technological inventions known as compellors (an invention witheld from public knowledge for decades) sned subliminal and thought-emulator messages to the public, encouraging alcohol consumption, a “partier” lifestyle. Song after song on the radio encourages people to drink, be promiscuous, indulge and forget the troubles of the world. There is subliminal messages in these songs. “I need a drink” is more likely an artificial (or emulated) thought.

VLT’s, slot machines and casinos utlilize compellor technology; the lights on slot machines and VLT’s sending subliminal, artificial urges. Shopping centres have compellors as well. These electronically transposed messages can be sent anywhere, with a more powerul compellor than those used in stores.

Addiction is known as an attempt to self-medicate, therefore it is contradictory to name substance abuse an illness, rather than being symptomatic of another problem. Chemical dependence can be a reality, but it rapidly abates the cessation of consumption. The body becomes accustomed to a state of toxicity, and liver and kidney functioning and metabolic processes with long term use or overconsumption. An abrupt change in chemical ingestion taxes the body’s systems. However, it recovers quickly and happily begins to regulate normally.

Chemical reliance is not addiction, as it is commonly defined.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


The Pacific Army is an i.n.g.o. (international non-governmental organization). we are dedicated to the rights of The Human. We, The Pacific Army, do not condone violence of any sort. “Violence begets more violence” -dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are always potential peaceable resolutions to conflict. The Pacific Army is committed to ending displacement. we cooperatively assist ethical officials in their efforts to eliminate facism and dictatorships. We, The Pacifc army have a philosophy of non-interference. relief efforts and peaceable gains can be achieved within borders.

The Pacific Army is 100% based on volunteerism. There are no adminstrative costs, zero overhead.

The abatement of violence, facism and displacement is a massive undertaking. The assistance of many is necessary. Communication efforts for many have become difficult. Therefore, we request all able persons to share any pertinent information available to them, with any communication options that are available.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


That is awesome.

So is Kelly Bundy. I had a MASSIVE crush on her when I was a teenager. I only had one poster of a girl in my lifetime. Christina Applegate was the one.


why does andon hate halloween? he’s bringing the party down, man…


“So is Kelly Bundy. I had a MASSIVE crush on her when I was a teenager. I only had one poster of a girl in my lifetime. Christina Applegate was the one.”

I always thought I resembled her a teeny tiny bit. Thus presto chango per say cum laude, you really had a massive crush on me.


andon hates any convo that is the least bit interesting. He’d prolly stop if we started communicating thru copy-paste trollery.


Jail systems in Canada are filled with offenders imprisoned for breach of probation, the consumption of alcohol. The vast majority of these persons are aboriginal. Our culturally reinforced misperceptions regarding addiction is transparent within the justice system. Conditional sentences that include the abstainment of alcohol is the cause or leading factor in violent or deviant behavior. Not only does these conditional sentences solidify the misperception of lack of culpability due to intoxication, but encourages an identity of helplessness, and a belief in the inability to rehabilitate. As the alcoholics anonymous saying goes “once an alcholic, always an alcholic.” If violent and deviant behavior is believed to be symptomatic of alcohol abuse, it is little wonder that so many persons struggling with problem drinking find their way back into jail or prison shortly after release.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


Saskatchewan. There are bodies in the water at the water treatment plants; brought down by murderers in cages. There is corpses in the tunnels. There is bodies added to pre-existing graves. There’s incinerators at the hospitals. Care homes yards are excavated, bodies are buried; and then the yard is re-excavated, and the newly dead join the others. Dismembered body parts in garbage bags thrown callously in the river. (Water main breaks are leaky faucets, facilitated by city workers). Corpses are buried in fields, with the aid of a combine. People are dismembered, cut into bite size morsels, and fed to the pigs on hog farms. Mine shafts close down under the premise of safety concerns, and there are people trapped in the shafts, as dynamite is ignited.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


“emanicipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.” -Bob Marley.


Saskatchewan. There are bodies in the water at the water treatment plants; brought down by murderers in cages. There is corpses in the tunnels.

well, that tears it! i’m NEVER going to canada now!


none but ourselves can free our minds.”

can we talk frankly, here? it’s one thing to *free your mind* but to let it become totally unhinged, free to wander about disturbing others, is just not good form…


so, where is Da Cool Coach to tell us we are all bein’ schooled with a SPREAD of TEXAS by Rogerin’ Rick, the Pooter Perry?


well, that tears it! i’m NEVER going to canada now!

Really, cuz it sounds way more interesting than just North Minnesota now.

andon needs to have his/her Operator scallop out the latticework.


Really, cuz it sounds way more interesting than just North Minnesota now.

ha, ha…i was just kidding…i didn’t want anyone to think i was morbid or weird that i stilll want to go…


Did you forget where you were? Hell, I figured at “bodies in the water” somebody started thinking “fishing trip!” *Looking at Zombie*


Did you forget where you were? Hell, I figured at “bodies in the water” somebody started thinking “fishing trip!” *Looking at Zombie*

i’ll pack the hobo soup!


I would like mine with a little more hobo, please.


Saskatchewan. There are bodies in the water at the water treatment plants; brought down by murderers in cages. There is corpses in the tunnels.

I saw that movie: “Poutine Terror”


so, where is Da Cool Coach to tell us we are all bein’ schooled with a SPREAD of TEXAS by Rogerin’ Rick, the Pooter Perry?

He’s too busy fapping at a picture of that Reaganesque ‘do.


About “manscaping”, I’m pretty hairless on my chest (except for a few stray hairs around my nipples). However, I did shave my legs for a brief period a few years ago. It wasn’t an appearance thing – it just made my legs less itchy. I had to stop doing it when I switched to an electric razor though.

This has been TMI Time with Spearhafoc.


See what the lack of a decent keyboard does to you? “No linger,” indeed!


Knowing the linger.


Progressive angst and President Obama: Its not him, its you

White progressives often think that African American elected officials are politically naive. We will far more credit to Cornel West, who has never been elected to anything, than to an elected state senator, or even the President of the United States. We think that Obama does not understand the nature of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell or Eric Cantor, as though he has not sat across the table from them. He doesn’t understand how mean they are, we think.

Obama acts entirely within the tradition of mainstream African American political strategy and tactics. The epitome of that tradition was the non-violence of the Civil Rights Movement, but goes back much further in time. It recognizes the inequality of power between whites and blacks. Number one: maintain your dignity. Number two: call your adversaries to the highest principles they hold. Number three: Seize the moral high ground and Number four: Win by winning over your adversaries, by revealing the contradiction between their own ideals and their actions. It is one way that a oppressed people struggle.

I’ve found this very helpful to me.


Oh, and to maintain SN standards

PENIS, also.

Happy Meal Oberbefehlshaber Fenwick, director of Supreme Controller Technology and Burrito Command; honorary Fishstix of the 33rd Underwater Messkit Repair Battalion, Pacific Army

To: New Lucky Grand Pacific Army Field Marshal Dragon-King Wangchuck, C-in-C Pacific Army

CC: General Tso’s spicy Szechuan Generalfeldmarschall Helmut Metronome with waternuts and plum sauce

CC: Ultrameglodon Extreme with Double Cheese Lance Corporal D.K. Wang-Chuck, 43rd Light-to-Moderate Mechanized Cavalry and Human Resources Department, Pacific Army.

(1) Target located. Intel confirms co-location of ‘Anonymous’ and ‘andon’. Summary of SN time stamps:

19:48 Anonymous
19:52 Anonymous
19:55 Anonymous
19:55 andon
19:59 andon

(2) The Controllers are fully charged, registered on target, and set on Tight Beam.

(3) Awaiting command codeword; will commence operations upon receipt.

The Supreme Controller is charged, registered, and prepared to unleash the Tight Beam.


Being from Saskatchewan, it tickles my WTF-gland strenuously to see it keep being mentioned here.

It’s true that Al “I Just Have This Furniture Store” Capone had his secret pad in Moose Jaw, but I suspect putting stiffs in tunnels would’ve been the last thing he’d want to do there – too likely to draw heat from the Mounties!

Number one Sask. export? Yep, it’s probably still people. It shares the charm of Alberta in being a great place to be (a distance away) from – & actually being stuck there IRL will intensify that charm like a laser.


Number one: maintain your dignity. Number two: call your adversaries to the highest principles they hold. Number three: Seize the moral high ground and Number four: Win by winning over your adversaries, by revealing the contradiction between their own ideals and their actions. It is one way that a oppressed people struggle.

Had to bold those two sections. It’s helps to have adversaries who actually have principles, and helps to have adversaries who aren’t so messed up by cognitive dissonance that they can’t even see the contradictions they routinely toss about.


Uh, I can’t believe I typed out “It’s helps”.

Ignore the man behind the cretin!


“It’s helps to have adversaries who actually have principles”

Conservatives have principles, in fact they have two sets of principles. One for themselves and another for everyone else.


Thus presto cum loudly, guilty


andon needs to have his/her Operator scallop out the latticework.



There are bodies in the water
There is corpses in the tunnels
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Andon holds the mirror.

A random passerby

To all engaged parties in upthread: Bravo and cheers from the peanut gallery. Sadlies fight with such class & skill that I almost expect cascading admissions that you are not, in fact, left-handed.

I usually have to wait for Actor212 to go all DESTROY ALL ATHIESTS for this sort of thing to occur…


“Thus presto cum loudly, guilty”


noen…wowee. That is pretty much a mango in essay form. YIKES.


The easiest costume I ever put together..

Was at Uni, when I donned my white lab coat and jammed a few bent coat hangers in the pockets. Made a name tag, “Dr. Hackenslash.” It was a hit but then those were more carefree times.


WC, and anyone that might give a damn – pics from the trip.


FYI, those arent all the pics we took, though we didn’t take many. It’s just that i made those for a motorcyclist site where it’s de rigeur to have the bikes in any pic.


Oops – making a good pic link….


OK Pupi, doan be a tease, open your albums & set the pix free!!

Also in the canned goods dep’t.: My seriously-ex ex (the late one) had a tin of Limey cat food that claimed to be made of rabbit.

Never mind. Gurgled & there are plenty of Yank (& Canuck) rabbit-for-cats foods.


Now I want rabbit food made out of cats.


Try this one. Sorry.


WC, and anyone that might give a damn – pics from the trip.

nice pics…i like the ones where the bikes look like they are chasing each other…

srsly, tho…gorgeous scenery…


Now I want rabbit food made out of cats.

cat salad?


My cat prefers free-range rabbits.

Pacific Army Operations Bunker and Taco Stand

The Secret Compellors are linked into the Master Controller grid, synced into Tight Beam a la modewith fudge sauce and Cheez-Whiz.


Donner Camp Picnic Ground.

What’d you eat there?


Donner Camp Picnic Ground.

What’d you eat there?

Donner kebab.


What’d you eat there?



ooooh…was this discussed while i was gone?


Leonard C: I prefered you original lyrics better. But this version scans beautifully.


michele bachmann is not running to judge gays…cuz she can do it just fine from where she’s at


someone stop me before i link again!


I got nuthin’.

*slips out for the West Coast games*



jim thome is the man tonight…


jim thome is the man tonight…

Hell yeah!


Nice pics emperor! Looks like a fun route — I spent a few days at Gold Beach last summer, and wished I’d been on the bike at the time.

Sun Valley was a blast — tons of great mountain biking trails, great weather, and a surprisingly good selection of Oregon beers made for a great week. It was nice to ignore the intartrons and politics for a week, but it’s good to be back.


jim thome is the man tonight…

Hell yeah!

Fer Realz. Thome is in very select company now.

I saw him during batting practice w-a-y back when he played for Cleveland. Day game (my fave). Thome’s time in the cage was nearly up, so he had some fun and jacked six or eight consecutive BP pitches out of Camden Yards. Majestic high-arcing homers. Line-drive screaming HR shots. Ooooos and ahhhhhhs launches.

All the time major joshing was going around the cage…and other practice on the field pretty much came to a stand-still. When he left the cage, Thome had a terrific shit-eating grin on his face.

Wasn’t during a game, but nevertheless, Thome’s BP exhibition is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in a Baltimore ballpark. (Also saw a triple play in my first visit to the Yards.)

I don’t know if Thome will make it into Cooperstown. (He certainly deserves it, imo). NL voters have a HUGE prejudice against Designated Hitters. Or else Harold Baines and Edgar Martinez would be there.


Also Hal McCrae


I see my house on that map pup–but you didn’t come to my awsum town.


I don’t know if Thome will make it into Cooperstown. (He certainly deserves it, imo). NL voters have a HUGE prejudice against Designated Hitters. Or else Harold Baines and Edgar Martinez would be there.

I think he will.

My team is AL but I HATE the DH rule. It’s fucking stupid. It needs to go away. And pitchers need to fucking learn how to hit the goddamned ball. They’re baseball players. Fucking head cases. I hate pitchers too. Especially guys like Clemens and Zambrono. Fucking jerks.

I’m not a particularly opinionated sports fan.


On another note. THANK YOU LEAFS SUCK FOR TRAILER PARK BOYS. I LOVE this fucking show.

You all must watch it. And dont’ give me that douchey liberal “I don’t own a television” shit. Watch this show. It’s streaming on Netflix.


Nice pix, Pup. Teh Ho (I presume) looks relaxed and happy…clearly you weren’t going fast enough.

What a great route, too.


I see my house on that map pup–but you didn’t come to my awsum town.

Well I came to your town…and you left!



Well I came to your town…and you left!

I know. You should punch me in the head for that.


RE: [PHOTO] Thomas Lifson, American, er, Thinker: Concealing Black Hate Crimes

MY COMMENT: I am reminded of Stuart Smalley’s admonition against “stinkin’ thinkin’ “!


Obscure legal provision could cause big trouble for record labels
– Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and Others May Regain Control of Copyrights

As it turns out, when copyright law was revised in the mid-Seventies, artists were granted “termination rights,” which would give them the right to take back control of their works after 35 years as long as they applied for it two years in advance.

‘Obscure’ meaning, as it turns out, in this case, that teh Free Market gimme a butthurt.


I am sensing some “emergency legislation” on copyright hitting the House floor very soon.

Also, too: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…


Sorry to see George Clinton reduced to playing for the cretins.


I’m not especially sad that Charlie Sheen is reduced to playing that crowd.


Do they make you fail a physics quiz before they let you in?


In a struggling recording industry, sales from catalog items have provided a reliable source of low-overhead revenue.

See, if you record company execs hadn’t wasted all your money on mansions, booze, and cars you wouldn’t be struggling so hard now would you?


artists were granted “termination rights,” which would give them the right to take back control of their works after 35 years

What kind of artists do they call themselves, staying alive that long?

sales from catalog items have provided a reliable source of low-overhead revenue.
Obviously intended for the rent-seekers, not for the creators.


if you record company execs hadn’t wasted all your money on mansions, booze, and cars you wouldn’t be struggling so hard now would you?

I think blow and hookers figure in there somewhere.


Obstruction of justice in Murdochville

“[I was] promised on many occasions that I could come back to my job at the newspaper if I did not implicate the paper or any of its staff in my mitigation plea”.



I think blow and hookers figure in there somewhere.

Thanks N_B, that was the first thought in my head.

Spengler Dampniche

I never comment here any more because it’s the only way to guarantee I won’t be lured overboard by the siren song of attack mangoes.

Speaking of bananas.


Been away for ahile, and no time to review everything I missed. Has anyone else discovered Hipster Ipsum?

Farm-to-table chambray lo-fi, gluten-free cliche put a bird on it mlkshk lomo terry richardson bicycle rights four loko thundercats leggings. Single-origin coffee banksy biodiesel before they sold out keytar mustache. Jean shorts mcsweeney’s american apparel fanny pack terry richardson, before they sold out tumblr scenester organic Austin photo booth. High life carles dreamcatcher fanny pack. Squid gluten-free wayfarers DIY. Portland food truck etsy, craft beer sartorial salvia biodiesel vinyl next level quinoa trust fund tattooed before they sold out. Aesthetic blog you probably haven’t heard of them shoreditch artisan portland.


I think blow and hookers figure in there somewhere.

Thanks N_B, that was the first thought in my head.

Happens every day, dunnit?


The hipster is wearing the wrong sort of glasses. They should be black–preferably–and more rectangular with harder edges. Just sayin’…


I love that the ‘execute’ button says “Beer Me”, and the fact that the site’s designer liked it better before it sold out



Mixed emotions about that show due to younger daze spent living it.


The hipster is wearing the wrong sort of glasses. They should be black–preferably–and more rectangular with harder edges. Just sayin’…

She also appears to take regular showers, has no facial hair, and seems to care about her appearance to some degree.

I call fake hipster.


I see why they’re worried. Teh back catalog isn’t just their low-cost high-income best-of cash cow, it’s teh retirement plan. Teh industry is changing, and fast. Not unliek how western civilization has moved away from farming, so that now a much smaller percentage of teh population work in agriculture. Thems family farms have a fallback in that ex-urban centres are spreading closer and closer to their properties – so that if they can hang on long enough (a lot tougher in this age of AUSTERITY RULES!), they can sellout at exorbitantly rich prices.

Teh real estate is similar to Big Music’s back catalog. With digital distribution and subscription based services for teh always online – teh business model of stamping out “records” makes as much sense as farming wheat in a subdivision. Teh big record companies are going to have to change their business models (even moar than they already have) or die – and their remaining worthwhile assets are teh copyrights on classics tracks.


Whoops, forgot to de-beatify.


Mixed emotions about that show due to younger daze spent living it.

I find that nostalgia, even if it reminds you of darker days, isn’t really such a bad thing.


Obstruction of justice in Murdochville…

This makes it official. If they don’t go away via the conventional justice system, we will need to bomb the American holdings off the map.


She also appears to take regular showers, has no facial hair, and seems to care about her appearance to some degree.

They all care about their appearance, tsam. That look–now matter how haphazard or off-putting–is really studied. And that’s what bugs me about it.


They all care about their appearance, tsam

Wow. Allrighty then.


I find that nostalgia, even if it reminds you of darker days, isn’t really such a bad thing.

The very very few awesome parts are fondly remembered.

The not as rare FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU parts contain ingredients for much more jocular anecdotes & are personally educational. Sadly, those benefits were largely unavailable during the times when my shit was getting surreal.

However, the bulk of that “halcyon era” was a de facto dead zone … like I’d taken a magnet & run it over that stretch of the tape of my life (which sounds like it should have tickled).

In other news:

Entropy! Indeterminacy! Ghosts who haunt meat!
How crazy is THAT?


I think blow and hookers figure in there somewhere.

I was only referring the wasted money.


However, the bulk of that “halcyon era” was a de facto dead zone … like I’d taken a magnet & run it over that stretch of the tape of my life (which sounds like it should have tickled).

Misty water-pipe coloured memories,,,


or maybe “murky bong-water-colored memories”

Helmut Monotreme

I think blow and hookers figure in there somewhere.

I was only referring the wasted money.

How is spending in those two categories considered a waste?


How is spending in those two categories considered a waste?

When you’re arrested before you finish either: premature adjudication.


I’d like to catch up with the thread, but I have a date with two of the dreamiest guys EVER.

Heh, catching up with the thread.


Misty water-pipe coloured memories,,,

this made me laff…


However, the bulk of that “halcyon era” was a de facto dead zone … like I’d taken a magnet & run it over that stretch of the tape of my life (which sounds like it should have tickled).

hmmmm…most of my life is like this and i didn’t/don’t do drugs…should i be worried?


hmmmm…most of my life is like this and i didn’t/don’t do drugs…should i be worried?

Nah, it just means that you’ve lead an eventful life. Happens to us all.


Nah, it just means that you’ve lead an eventful life. Happens to us all.



Ladies & germs, I think I may have stumbled on the antidote to Pamplemousse.


hmmmm…most of my life is like this and i didn’t/don’t do drugs…should i be worried?

I recommend that you start doing drugs.


Technically trained Doctors inject patients with a compound for memory loss; and reform procedures on the patients, such as insertion of vaccuum tubes in the ear canal. What is an ‘ear drum’, anyway?


but I have a date with two of the dreamiest guys EVER.

Steve Buscemi and Peter Lorre?


I’m getting a bit of a kick out (P)Rick Perry: CSM is as well:

What’s up with the loose lips? We’ve got several thoughts.

One, Perry’s not used to the all-consuming attention of national media. In Texas, maybe nobody heard everything he said, or the media got used to letting Perry be Perry. But when you’re running for president, Politico and other outlets are going to be counting the number of bites it takes you to eat a corn dog.

Two, he’s not in Texas anymore. He’s not even in Iowa, in a way. He’s in the free floating national conversation of politics, and not everybody is going to just nod and agree with statements that get a rumble of agreement in Waco. There’s going to be more debate about what he says, and he’d better get used to it.

Three, it’s possible Perry’s just a loose cannon. His tendency to fire off words he may regret could be a side effect of his general folksiness. George W. Bush as a candidate quickly learned that he had to watch every word, and generally did so. Perry may have to learn the same lesson. Otherwise he’ll get tangled in a repeating loop of media inquiries about his statements that will prevent him for putting out preferred political messages.

Actually, let me say what you’d lose your job for saying…

This guy is a loud-mouthed fucking moron, a born loser, religious fucking zealot who believes in magic, and dangerous with power. He’s George W. Bush without the filter.


Christ, George W. Bush had a filter?

Hell yeah. Remember all that “Compassionate Conservative” horseshit? “This is NOT a war against Islam”, etc…?

Yeah, he had filter. He was essentially Rove’s sockpuppet, and say what you will about Rove, but never try to deny that dude knows how to sell a line a bullshit.



Fer instance, Shrub would never have made that remark about service people respecting their COC. And the secession stuff. Rove would never let that sort of thing happen.


Btw, he should be punched in the teh testicles for that COC remark.


This guy is a loud-mouthed fucking moron, a born loser, religious fucking zealot

Sadly, no! Couple years back he claimed that his religion wasn’t a big deal, said he tried to keep it out of his official duties. No, not a zealot, a fuckng dsingenuous opportunist, which is even worse in my view than a true Xian supremacist like one-l two-n’s.


like one-l two-n’s

thanks for posting that it gives me the opportunity to post this again! ha, ha…it never gets old!


i like how marcus pretends he doesn’t know where the weiner goes!


surely one-l two-ns mowing on a corndog does not have thread killing powers? appetite killing, sure…but thread killing? nah…


2009. I called the RCMP detachment to report a series of break and enters and unlawful trespassing of my home, and was redirected to the Saskatoon City Police Force. No police office came to my home at the time. I compiling information regarding the murder of Cassandra Isbister, and shortly thereafter phoned again, to report her murder. I heard the shot ring out in the village that night, Nov 29, 2009, awaking me from a deep sleep. The person on the other line identifed herself as an employee of the Saskatoon Police Force. I called back with the land coordinates to her grave. I sent details of the crime, other murders, assaults and the ongoing break-ins, vandalism and harassment I was experiencing myself, to the Colonsay RCMP detachment. I spoke with members of three separate departments. I was asked to discontinue calling. I sent letters to the Regina City Police Force, and two other RCMP detachments after that. My home was broken into, I was sexually assaulted and my birds were tortured as this was occurring. I was groggy the next day, and surprised to find that I had overslept, despite drinking three energy drinks with a late dinner. There was horse tranquilizers in the pasta sauce. I couldn’t find the parakeets. Two days later, I found them in the uninhabited tretrarium, in a black box that had been in there for a previous pet, a salamander.
I called the RCMP again, at this time, an officer arrived. He discouraged me from making a written statement, and then suggested that if I was determined to do so, that I should review it with my mother before sending it to the detachment. I should be noted that this woman is not my mother, but in fact a child abductor, something I had been made to forget. I sent the statement, and nothing further happened.
I decided that if no one would believe me, that I would have to go dig up the graves myself, for proof of the murders. Jeff Gusikoski relocated Cassie’s remains before I had that opportunity. I also had the location of Tamra Keepness’s remains, in the cellar where she had once lived. Tamra Keepness wasn’t her real name. She was abducted previous to her disappearance. Her abductor, who posed as her father, and Jeff Gusikoski are her murderers. There was police officer from regina that I trusted, and we went to find he together.
We first found the remnants of an unidentified adult, presumably female, we uncovered her arm and hand. The grave was very shallow. I vomited and cried for a few minutes, and forged ahead, to find Tamra. She was about three feet under, and this time, it was the officers turn to vomit. I was digging with my hands, sobbing all the while. There was people watching from a distance, and my memory once again becomes blurry for that time frame. I was sexually assaulted with a tire iron, by an officer and one Jason Young. I’m uncertain as to what happened to the officer that was with me. I was then abducted. The abduction previous to that was because of a paper that I wrote regarding United Nations Acts, and camps. I was tortured for the duration of my abductions, and then returned home. Brenda Huegle and others, changed the dates on the calenders and clocks, and told me it was a bad dream. I’m having difficulty recalling names, and all of my old notebooks have been stolen.
I don’t know where the remnants of the two persons are now, possibly in the same location.
Sincerely, Alicia.


No, not a zealot, a fuckng dsingenuous opportunist

Man you got that right. Oh how I wish Molly Ivins was still around to take him down a peg or two or three.


i like how marcus pretends he doesn’t know where the weiner goes!

I think he’s bracing to get shot in the face.


Man you got that right. Oh how I wish Molly Ivins was still around to take him down a peg or two or three.

God yes–she was SO awesome. Harley Hightower does a pretty good job of knocking those conservative fuckheads around.


They all care about their appearance, tsam. That look–now matter how haphazard or off-putting–is really studied. And that’s what bugs me about it.

Yes. Just look at these fucking hipsters.


Jim was ackshually on MSNBC last nite.


I was cleaning up my desktop just now and found this oldie but goody.


That look–now matter how haphazard or off-putting–is really studied. And that’s what bugs me about it.

EXACTLY. I come by my haphazard look NATURALLY. Un-naturally. Whatever, I don’t work at it.


Whenever I think of T-Paw I get the visual from the Onion article “T-Paw Shaves Off All Body Hair”.


Yes. Just look at these fucking hipsters.

I need to add that to my Favorites at youtube. It’s just so fucking funny.

EXACTLY. I come by my haphazard look NATURALLY. Un-naturally. Whatever, I don’t work at it.

Yes. And my slobbery is ORGANIC. I earned this slobbery.


It’s gotta be a JanusNode or some sort of conspiracy theory seeded Lorem Ipsum doohick-a-mabob.

Here’s a thought, run a crawler through teh archives to grab additional phrases for teh database. Thus you can tailor your procedural spam to the site you’re trolling. Of course for S,N! that means a lot of PENIS, POOP and IS REAL, but so’s your mom. I! W? N? Dentistry is Theft! Reagan Democrats. The fact is sammitch.


Favorite hipster pic.

Lack of self-awareness. It’s not just for wingnuts anymore.


Let me guess. You’ve all rushed away to find your own gluten-free homo hoodies, haven’t you?


I like it. Call it “Lorem Sadly”

Teh intartoobz POOP shalom gentlemen. VPR tweety ‘scuse mah FINGAHS joberg shorter food pr0n deepity twoofy copypasta troll. Blartblart sammitch pics or it didn’t happen blogwhore internet traditions PENIS!


Hipsters have made trilby hats douchey. That makes me mad. It makes me doubly so that they call them fedoras.

Two completely different hats, people!


List begging to be extended, first thing coming to mind: DKW’s mom.

Marion in Savannah

Ahem! Also needs to be added to the Lorem Sadly list. I’m sure other entries will occur to us…


Foreskin holocaust, also, too.


Hipster Traps!

Hipsters are the new AC/DC shirt wearing dudes who never let go of that Kentucky Waterfall. (Ape Drape, 10/90, Teh 7, All business up front, party time in the back…you know, THE MULLET)


Let us not forget TEH BUTTOCKS. Or buttsecks.


I actually like hipsters. But what about teh hypocritical conforming non-conformist thing? What of it? You call it hypocritical, I call it ironic. Same with teh fake authenticity and authentic fakeness.

Without hipsters, where would I go for artisinal cheeses? Kensington Market is too hard to get to.

They don’t vote Republican. That’s a plus.

Are they stealing people’s thunder, by co-opting teh indie scene and thrift shops and making things yourself – while nevar having to actually have to do these things? What with their privileged upper class trust fund backgrounds. Who cares? Maybe they’re getting to the primo Sally Ann stuff before you and you’re resentful. Don’t worry, they’re hipsters – that exact same stuff will be back on teh thrift shop shelves within the month.

Sure a lot of them are judgemental sanctimonious bastards – but their judgement only carries scorn. And scorn from a hipster isn’t exactly withering. I mean, you never see hipster mobs rolling guys on teh street. No one is in fear of some sort of violent hipster retaliation.

And teh stuff they support with their dollar$? Local mom&pop shoppes, organic food, farmer’s markets, indie musicians and artists, street festivals. Okay, teh planking thing is fucktardedly dumb and I totes understand teh resentment about teh subway party – but I’d consider those a small price to pay (because I don’t live in New York) to get all of that hipster’s parent’s money into places like gourmet burger joints and that awesome band that can’t seem to get booked for venues that seat moar than six.


Address my post, libs!


Shalom, gentlemen

could get tossed into the mix as well.


Here’s how it will go down:


I call it ironic

It’s not ironic if you’re trying to BE ironic. It’s pathetic now. The only ironic thing is the feigned apathy over the top of the carefully calculated ensemble of shitty clothes, ugly facial hair (and don’t even get me started on the men), glasses that they used to make me wear in the Army, and stunning levels of condescension.

I know a few hipsters, and I can’t hang around them because I get headaches from constantly rolling my eyes in utter disgust.


Jim was ackshually on MSNBC last nite.



dkw: explanations plz

Sally Ann stuff
teh planking thing
teh resentment about teh subway party


Jim was ackshually on MSNBC last nite.


okay, so it’s not just me…


also, hows about shrieking harpy, arnold alkon, the donalde and the other various nick names…


Yup, I think he was on tweety.


Yes. And my slobbery is ORGANIC. I earned this slobbery.

Me too. And I don’t wear fakeass fucking birth control glasses and I would never have a fucking neck beard. Nasty. That’s what our local hipster specimens seem to like.


wha wha wazzup, loony libs?


Tailpipe fucking.


I heart tsam.



Am I in the middle of a Sadlymeme retrospective?


AHEM! “Shalom gentlemen” WAS on the list. Bookmark it, libs!


It’s like a ‘Sadly, No!’ clip show.


Sally Ann stuff
teh planking thing
teh resentment about teh subway party

Axe El Google


That’s what our local hipster specimens seem to like

we just call them ‘kids home from college.’ it is always awesome when little miss or mr popular/jock/bestdressed/beststudent comes home from college for the first time all decked out in their hipster gear…it’s also awesome because sometimes there is a coming out story involved as well…and then the rest of us go, ‘duh…we pretty much knew that since grade school…’


Axe El Google

i am not sure that its a good idea to google something that involves your own name…


I know a few hipsters, and I can’t hang around them because I get headaches from constantly rolling my eyes in utter disgust.

Then you are letting them win. Like every single other youth movement in the history of history, more than half the point is to confuse and irritate their elders. But if you care to, this is a fight you can win. Wear actual iron on glitter t-shirts from back in the day. The original ones, not ones designed to look retro for a new (probably larger) middle age physique. Drive around in an original custom conversion van from the 70s. Listen to the Bay City Rollers. Drink Stroh’s or Schlitz. Use your photo album from your youth to inspire you. You are armed with the experience of the actually tacky crapulence of the past. You can use it to destroy them. Use a brick sized analog cell phone from 1987. When their backs are turned, they make great blunt objects.


Me too. And I don’t wear fakeass fucking birth control glasses and I would never have a fucking neck beard. Nasty. That’s what our local hipster specimens seem to like.

To be fair, I don’t run into to many hipsters out here in the ‘burbs. But I guess I just knee-jerkingly find hipsterism annoying because to me it’s just another clique. When I was in high school, I found pretty much every clique just beyond silly. Goth, skateboarders (though I crushed on a couple of them pretty hard), surfers, popular kids, blah blah blah…it was all so damn studied. I can’t fucking be bothered to win any popularity contests and I sure as shit am not gonna start trying to now.


I have been rocking these since 1986. Never went out of fashion.


When their backs are turned, they make great blunt objects.

would you like to know how painful a carrot stick out the nose is? cuz i can tell you…


Drive around in an original custom conversion van from the 70s. Listen to the Bay City Rollers. Drink Stroh’s or Schlitz

I’m pretty sure those ideas would all be co-opted if they haven’t been already.


Drive around in an original custom conversion van from the 70s. Listen to the Bay City Rollers. Drink Stroh’s or Schlitz

wtf? we call this a saturday night!


wtf? we call this a saturday night!



bbkf said,
Axe El Google
i am not sure that its a good idea to google something that involves your own name…

bbkf’s real name is “planking”?


I’m pretty sure those ideas would all be co-opted if they haven’t been already.

Then go all velour shirt and corduroy pants on them. If necessary, wear a polyester leisure suit. We can co-opt their co-option faster than they can find nostalgia to co opt. With this economy there have to be thousands of unemployed marketing people hungry to turn their every ‘Transformers’ success story into a worthless Go-Bot ripoff. If we can ruin this party fast enough maybe the kids today will surprise us and do something original, like getting off my lawn for instance.


Planking is lying on your stomach as flat and straight as you possibly can on any given object

i do this every night at about 11:00…


like getting off my lawn for instance.

You’re nothing but a dreamer…
But can you something something OH NO!


Then you are letting them win.

It’s mostly disgust at the way they act. I HATE condescending people. Like a LOT.


I can tolerate a lot. But the fixies? And the PBR? No, no, no. Just no.

Pupienus said,

August 16, 2011 at 20:53

I was cleaning up my desktop just now and found this oldie but goody.

Ah yes, I’m looking forward to more of teh Donalde’s “exposés”.

The names of your open windows and downloads are also… interesting.


But I guess I just knee-jerkingly find hipsterism annoying because to me it’s just another clique.

I feel the same way about anyone with tattoos. No offense intended to any tattood sadlies (‘sadlytats’?), but I find almost any tattoos to be ugly, especially after they’ve had a few years to fade, blur and morph into that hideous purplish-green blob that all tats become eventually.

The problem with tattoos as fashion, is, unlike every other goofy fashion trend of the last 50 years, ink is forever (unless you’re willing to go the pain and expense of having them removed). You can find pictures of me from high scool with elephant-leg jeans, a perm, waffle-stomper boots with candy-striped laces, rainbow suspenders and teardrop-shaped mirror sunglasses. But as soon as these fads passed, I could relinquish these fashions for a more updated look. (a members-only jacket with a popped collar, skinny jeans and a moussed mullet (Oh yeah!)

Don’t even get me started about more serious mutilations like the wierd Ubangi earlobe stretchers. I can’t wait to see these guys when they’re my age.

Now Git Offa Mah Lawn!


Oh, and regarding Lorem Sadly:

trusting the shorter




a members-only jacket with a popped collar, skinny jeans and a moussed mullet

Ah yes, I remember 1985. My mullet was glorious.


elephant-leg jeans, a perm, waffle-stomper boots with candy-striped laces, rainbow suspenders and teardrop-shaped mirror sunglasses.


Oh wait, you say that was 30 years ago? Carry on…


I was born in 1987. Just saying.


And one more for Lorem Sadly:



Ah yes, I remember 1985. My mullet was glorious.

I was late as usual. My mullet days were in the early-mid ’90s, when my kids were old enough to be confused and fearful of the mullet. I had an awesome pornstache as well. Oh yes, I was quite the sight.


But then again, there was the ’80s, when I had calf-high moccasins and short shorts to go with my baseball T and pornstache. Somewhere I still have a picture of that outfit.

Hipsters are following a long line of cynical fashionistahood. Last time anyone was both fashionable and unironic was the ’60s, when even I was a kid.


sadly ipsum:

the fact is,

also, maybe ‘up on the downstroke’, except I really hated that troll.

what wouldbe the analog for ‘until they sold out’, which was making me laff a lot.


My mullet days were in the early-mid ’90s…I had an awesome pornstache as well. Oh yes, I was quite the sight.

Were you Hall, or Oates?


also, hows about shrieking harpy, arnold alkon, the donalde and the other various nick names…

Der Lodedhoesen.

Can’t be arsed to do teh umlaut.


My mullet days were in the early-mid ’90s, when my kids were old enough to be confused and fearful of the mullet. I had an awesome pornstache as well. Oh yes, I was quite the sight.



I was late as usual. My mullet days were in the early-mid ’90s, when my kids were old enough to be confused and fearful of the mullet. I had an awesome pornstache as well. Oh yes, I was quite the sight.

ahhhh…yes! hubbkf had a lovely flat top mullet AND beard/mustache combo in the late 80s early 90s…number one son had the kid version of flat top mullet…they also had matching zubaz…


doing the umlaut


I wonder if at some point full-on Victorian or Elizabethan fashions will start to become “in” again?

Ugh. The brief thought of a bunch of hipsters walking around in codpieces just ruined my day.


They weren’t co-opted by hipsters, but I have seen that sort of influence on the runway.


Ugh. The brief thought of a bunch of hipsters walking around in codpieces just ruined my day.

but the corsets would make it worth it…


Weren’t you afraid an airplane would land on you?


Remember the (mercifully brief) time in the ’60s when rock stars were flouncing around in full Louis XVI drag with lace cuffs and waistcoats?

Yeah, me neither.


Remember the (mercifully brief) time in the ’60s when rock stars were flouncing around in full Louis XVI drag with lace cuffs and waistcoats?

I don’t hate that. It’s got WAY more personality than my ’80s with the pegged leg black jeans, wifebeater t-shirts, and long poodle hair.

Sucky stuff, that was.


Headline over at Greg Sergeant’s place

White House Pounces On Rick Perry Crack

I thought that was Ricky Santorum’s job.


I have been rocking these since 1986. Never went out of fashion.

As no one else has said it I will…Sir, I don’t think those “shoes” were ever fashionable. I will concede, however, the possibility that you rock them with a certain elan!



At a biker site I frequent most new riders put up a picture of their bike in a post titled “My first bike!” or something similar. So I posted a pic of my first bike. 1974, I think it was. Here, have a laugh.


The names of your open windows and downloads are also… interesting.

Hah! For some reason I was using The Ho’s account – HONEST! I mean, I don’t do the bacefook thing, that would be TOO embarrassing.


Here, have a laugh.

Oh come on. You look totally normal, especially for ’74. At least tell me you were wearing Swabbies.


Oh come on. You look totally normal, especially for ’74. At least tell me you were wearing Swabbies.

i know! he was pretty adorbs in that pic…not sure if i want to know what swabbies are, tho…


Pupienus said,

August 17, 2011 at 0:38

At a biker site I frequent most new riders put up a picture of their bike in a post titled “My first bike!” or something similar. So I posted a pic of my first bike. 1974, I think it was. Here, have a laugh.

Sweet bike! Honda XL 175, right? I’ve always liked those original Japanese enduros — in fact I wrote an article for a magazine a few years ago about the original Yamaha DT-1.

I have a 1973 Kawasaki K175 sitting in my garage awaiting a new motor and minor restoration.


Oh, and regarding Lorem Sadly:
Veiled reference.


Smut Clyde said,
Oh, and regarding Lorem Sadly:




In other news, Wonkette has finally discovered Seasteading as a reason for laughing at nimrods.


Yepper, XL-175. Was berry berry good to me. Rode the he’ll out of that bike, on and off road.

Swabbies? Prolly. Though I think the standard flare had narroed somewhat by that point. That’s probably a Quiana shirt I wuz wearing.


In other news, Wonkette has finally discovered Seasteading as a reason for laughing at nimrods.

Awfully expensive way of assuaging their fear of black people.

No building codes, no weapons restrictions, essentially no laws..it’ll be JUST LIKE BILLY THE GODDAMN KID AGAIN! WOOT1


I wonder if at some point full-on Victorian or Elizabethan fashions will start to become “in” again?



yeah, Steampunk. Though that might be more Edwardian than Vicky. WTF do I know anyway.



Neal Stephenson would Ahem you if he was aware you existed.

Also: the biggest reason I hate hipsters is because they’re impossibly skinny. Fuck them.



Yeah, but I meant “in” as in “see them all the time, like hipsters” not “in” as “These people exist only at a Maker Faire”


Skinny haters are asking to be pummeled by the TINY FISTS OF FURY.

I never see hipsters, so I guess I’ve been underwhelmed by their annoyingness.


have a laugh

Wooo! You were obviously Born to be Wild…………..


Or Wilde, even……………..


Thread killer, qu’est-ce que c’est?


Ouch. That pun was like a kick in the Balzac.


Wooo! You were obviously Born to be Wild…………..

Best comment at the site I posted that: Luke! Don’t kiss Leia – she’s your sister!


My team is AL but I HATE the DH rule. It’s fucking stupid. It needs to go away.

I agree ! I’ve followed AL teams all my life as a fan. Another thing that must go: Interleague play. It distorts the divisional outcomes in both leagues. AL – NL should only meet in spring training, All-Star game and WS.

Like tsam, I am not an opinionated sports fan.


Totally agree with John Revolta: Killer thread in progress. I’m still catching up.


Mullet. I learned how to throw a cast net from a jon boat fishing for mullet in the Withlacoochee Bay, a shallow water area ribbed with long oyster mounds on the Nature Coast of Florida, between Cedar Key and Crystal River. The mullet is a dark meat fish with a strong taste. Kind of ugly too: small mouth, big scales, flat head, large eyes with red lines streaming out of the irises. It is much beloved by the local crackers, especially smoked. I never until now knew that there was a hairstyle named after this fish.


A. I have been rocking these since 1986. Never went out of fashion.

Can’t go out of fashion if they were never in.

B. In 1984, I had a buzz cut with a rat-tail. I got better.

C. Just had dinner Chez__B with Substance McG and B^4. ENVY ME.


Damn, I hope Bachmann gets the GOP nom. She’s gonna be a richer gaffe mine than Palin ever thought about being:

Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday…on the Anniversary of His Death


I never until now knew that there was a hairstyle named after this fish.

Where do you live? ‘Cause I’m totally moving there.

the conspiratist

Slipster- Politician who knows (s)he can raise more money and attention off of sound bites that make them look stupid.



Does it have to be a politician? ‘Cause, Yogi Berra.


Spengler !!! Exford !!!

Must. Be. In. Sadly. Ipsum:


((In the original form–which was mucho hilarious–and for months thereafter as the Sadly nym for VS’s bebe. And now into the future, too!))


Know what’s funny?

Warren Buffet says: Tax me and all the other obscenely rich motherfuckers.

How do fuckwit conservatives respond?

Warren is free to send whatever money he wants to the government. Go ahead, Warren, pay more. Go ahead. Why dontcha? Nyah…

Conservatives are fucking dumb.


Dudeschool. That’s where only dudes go to school.

That’s my follow up to my previous post because I said “know what’s funny?” but then I didn’t respond to myself (why do people do that?) with something funny.

So I left this little zinger for ya. YOU’RE WELCOME.


Another thing that must go: Interleague play

I dont’ get all hyperactive about that, but it probably should go too. I do like seeing those AL pitchers get up and bat like the baseball players do, but yeah, it does fuck with records when they can’t all play each other.


It smells like dead thread


“Where do you live? ‘Cause I’m totally moving there.”

Inglis. Never actually lived there, just fished the estuaries for mullet, red drum, spotted sea trout, flounder….the Withlacoochee River empties into the Gulf of Mexico just beyond Inglis.

Inglis won some notoriety a few years ago:

In November 2001, Mayor Carolyn Risher issued a proclamation banning Satan from Inglis. The proclamation began:

“Satan, ruler of darkness, giver of evil, destroyer of what is good and just, is not now, nor ever again will be, a part of this town of Inglis.”

It ended:

“As the mayor of Inglis, duly elected by the citizens of this town, and appointed by God to this position of leadership, I proclaim victory over Satan, freedom for our citizens, and liberty to worship our Creator and Heavenly Father, the God of Israel. I take this action in accordance with the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as recorded in Matthew 28:18–20 and Mark 16:15-18.”

You probably wouldn’t fit in there, but it is a truly beautiful part of Florida.


Hipsterism is a Club Med trip to the bohemian avant-garde– a way to say you’ve “been there” without actually risking the comfortable and familiar.

IMO, the goal isn’t to scold ’em, it’s to use the outward trappings they’ve appropriated as a lever to make them curious about what’s outside of the fenced compound.


Mayor Carolyn Risher issued a proclamation banning Satan from Inglis.
You probably wouldn’t fit in there

Just what’re you gettin’ at, boyo?

Sadly, I just want to live somewhere where they’ve never seen that haircut.


“Satan, ruler of darkness, giver of evil, destroyer of what is good and just, is not now, nor ever again will be, a part of this town of Inglis.”

Does Satan still cruise by the outskirts and toss an occasional beer can over the line?


“Sadly, I just want to live somewhere where they’ve never seen that haircut.”

Then you would probably be disappointed. Inglis is at least twenty to thirty years behind the rest of the world, so the Mullet haircut would be just now coming into its own.

Elvis made a movie there, Follow That Dream. Kooky, huh?


Well, that’s one more town I won’t be visiting.


stunning levels of condescension

Gimme a break, my entire existence consists of looking down my nose at everything & everyone.


Conservatives are fucking dumb.

Redundant tsam is redundant.


And if we’re adding bebbe nyms to teh Ipsum-daisy, what about the little Studebaker?

What ever happened to that kid anyhow? They don’t write. They don’t call. No. Don’t worry about me. I’ll just sit here in the dark.


Sadly, I just want to live somewhere where they’ve never seen that haircut.

Hmmm. Middle of the Gulf Coast of Florida? Yah. I think they have ’em. They might not call it that, but I’d bet there are at least a few roaming around.


submitted without comment:

Life imitates Snow Crash.


Hey Sadlies: Should we get a new (old) boat? Think of the possibilities! You know how much booze we could store on this thing?


I hate to burst ebay’s bubble, but that’s not the Queen Mary Queen Mary.


Oh, well, forget it then.


I don’t care if it is the real Queen Mary.

It appears like a nice boat for excursions to mango-laden shores. It appears to have a promenade of some sort? Looks like reasonable cabin space (or easily convertable.)

I wonder what the afterdeck is like? Essential for my lounge chair and mint julep.

The new Sadlyboat would need a name, of course. Also a nifty figurehead of some sort.


I can tolerate a lot. But the fixies? And the PBR? No, no, no. Just no.

As a former bicycle racer, mechanic, and framebuilder, I have nothing but respect for people who actually ride *real* fixies. My first track bike frame was a custom job for one of my fellow mechanic/racers for use on the Major Taylor velodrome which had been recently constructed in Indianapolis. When the frame was finished and the bike was assembled I was obligated to take it out for its inaugural test ride. It was the first fixie I had ever ridden, and while I was aware of the concept and an extremely experienced cyclist, I nearly face-planted during the first mile when in my glee of success, I temporarily forgot what I was riding and decided to coast, going downhill at something north of 28 mph.

There is a highlight real of shit that I have managed to get away with, shit that should have involved grievous bodily harm, blunt force trauma, possible death. Last year I had the “pleasure” of finding myself in a position that required me to voluntarily lay the bike down at 43-45 mph rather than hit the guard rail and sail off into a tree filled ravine, where I would have almost certainly broken more than my thumb. The scar on my left hip and leg resembles a comet…What was…Oh right, hipsters.

Most in my neck of the woods do not ride fixies, because all single speed bike are not fixies, the two that do (out of hundreds, college town student population near 35 thou) have my respect, and IIRC, both have at least a front brake, which is how I rolled back in the day before most of these kids were born.

PBR (and Miller high life) in my opinion is the least disgusting of the not light mass market beverages that pretend to be beer. Thank the FSM that I have also had the pleasure of working in a micro brewery and developing a taste for the good stuff.

I will say, as one who violates purity laws whenever convenient, that if you add a third of Bells two hearted to a pitcher of PBR, you end up with a remarkably potable concoction.

Now I will admit that I am something of a hop head and others mileage may vary.

A thread that goes from the topic of poor white folk being strung up from imaginary lampposts, and morphs into a discussion of Hipsters is a thing of beauty in my opinion.

Carry on!


I don’t even care if it has a POOP deck.


Ouch. That pun was like a kick in the Balzac.

That is yet another of the many authors I have yet to read, who is on a very long list. I wonder if he was ever able to fathom that his name might be used in pun-wars™
in the futureverse.

/adds futureverse to the spell check dictionary.


Carry on!

Rollercoasters. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



When my eyes first skimmed the word, I saw ‘reverse’. Like it was FutuReverse, some sci-fi time-distortion franchise.


More info here and here


I think the River Clyde should be informally referred to as the River Walt Frasier.


I don’t get the whole fixie thing either. I happen to think brakes were a good invention.


“I think the River Clyde should be informally referred to as the River Walt Frasier.”

And, because we are all such good liberals, the Isle of Man should be the Isle of Person.


the Isle of Man should be the Isle of Person.

Maiden Non-Gender-Specific Lane is two blocks from my office.


Hey sorry bbkf for letting your question hang so long.

R U trolling or have you never heard Salvation Army Stores called teh Sally Ann before?
I see planking’s been covered.
Subway party.

Not to pick on tsam, but this is why I am sympathetic to hipsters:
,,,and stunning levels of condescension.

I know a few hipsters, and I can’t hang around them because I get headaches from constantly rolling my eyes in utter disgust.


When my eyes first skimmed the word, I saw ‘reverse’. Like it was FutuReverse, some sci-fi time-distortion franchise.

Futureverse could also serve as a time-distortion franchise.

I happen to think brakes were a good invention.

One of the first things I wished for during my first trip on rollerblades was brakes. I had to bail on a gradual grade in someones front yard.

Been listening to Amy Goodman, and just heard about the loudest dogwhistle since welfare queens driving Cadillac’s: Rick Perry’s recent statement regarding a “big black cloud over America”. This is clearly a VVLN*PR.

*Very large negro


Rick Perry’s recent statement regarding a “big black cloud over America”.

And yet when Jimmy C used the word “malaise” he was attacked as anti-merkin.


And yet when Jimmy C used the word “malaise” he was attacked as anti-merkin.

And yet, Jimmy never used the word malaise…It was just the beginning of the Republican revision of history. Or a continuance of the Bircher catapulting of propaganda.


SO anywho,

I don’t get fixies either. But at teh same time, I don’t get motorcycles. Really, are they supposed to be THAT LOUD? I understand louder is better in the context of TEH METAL, but teh only thing that I want to be loud and between my legs is your mom.

Okay, maybe it is a bit rich to be using chacun son gout as a defense of hipsterism – a movement founded upon denigrating teh tastes of others. Still, teh hate-on for hipsters seems a bit out of proportion, IMO.

Maybe it’s an exposure thing – I’m also in Suburbaville, so it’s not like I’m assaulted by them constantly.

And like kingubu said – about learning what’s outside teh gated community walls. These kids grew up in Tract McMansion exurbia surrounded by monoculture. Monoculture is their comforting feeling of home. They don’t know different from conforming with their peers in every wai.

That they have traded SUV’s for transit and 5,000 sq. ft. of monster house for 500 sq. ft. of glass box on teh thirtieth floor and meat-potatoes-boiled veg for gluten-free tofu tagines made with local organic soy. That’s a big shift. And sure a lot of what they do, they do without understanding. Not just teh realities of making your own stuff because you can’t afford to buy new, but also teh history of the things they do, like the urban neighbourhoods they gentrify out of the price range of the locals. But they are expanding their views of the world. Albeit in a very narrow and blinkered way. It’s still bettar than what teh upper-class twits used to do.

They are wai moar environmentally and socially aware than the generations of uber-privilieged that came before. And even their condescending judgemental smug sense of superiority is an improvement over boarding school preppies or Jersey Shore wannabee party people.

Plus, there are positive externailities associated with hipsterism. Smaller carbon footprint, financial support for indie music and artists, fewer guaranteed votes for Republicans, perpetuation of bizarre and esoteric cultural artifacts that would otherwise go extinct. Sure, the associated consequences aren’t all good – e.g. see earlier comment about gentrification – but, IMO, I think net positive cultural contribution.


Well, that’s my feeling about hipsters. Then again, I also read spam flavoured copypasta and occassionally address it seriously, so I’m a bit deranged in that sense.

Reading through what I’ve wrote – I also want to apologize for teh tone. I don’t mean to say that no one should hate hipsters. Sweet IPU, they can be gratingly annoying at times! And certainly calling them out on the self-contradictory foundations of their lifestyle, the un-self-aware actual damage they inflict on others, the fact that they actually fit teh “no one likes them, they smell bad and their moms dress them funny” mold. And they’re teh ultra privileged, so they don’t really need to be defended. So, hipster mockery – all good. Just not my cup of sustainable rooibos-matcha chai.


I don’t hate hipsters. I’m simply not around them enough to feel that passionately about them and even if I were I couldn’t be bothered to expend the energy to hate them.

What I’ve seen of hipsterism–as I said upthread–reminds me of clique-ish behavior from my younger days…I wasn’t impressed with it then, and I continue to not be impressed with it.


My feelings about hipsters are the same as my feeling about any other arbitrary collection of people: if they don’t actively annoy me, I don’t care what they do. I don’t care how people I don’t know dress – I have an opinion, of course, but that’s not the same as caring. I don’t care what they do in semi-private places like clubs.

But… My post about subway parties is an example of douchebaggery in a public place that has a real purpose for the non-douchebags trapped in it with the douchebags. The fact that the douchebags in question are hipsters is beside the point.


I have no opinion about hipsters because I don’t know any and haven’t met any. (I’m not entirely sure I understand what they ARE, except by taking back-azimuths on the Sadlies’ comments.)

That said, I like DK-W’s approach. I tend to look for good in people, especially younger people.


and I continue to not be impressed with it.

With it or by it. WHAT-EVS! I’m so hip, I don’t care!


Mos def, N_B. There is no excuse for douchebaggery. Ever.


I tend to look for good in people, especially younger people.

I look for good in young people, too. It’s the only way I’ll find out which parts are tender and good for BBQing.


I’m so hip, I’m dysplasia.


I’m so hip, I’m dysplasia.

That joke is simultaneously horrible and awesome.


Plus, there are positive externailities associated with hipsterism. Smaller carbon footprint, financial support for indie music and artists, fewer guaranteed votes for Republicans, perpetuation of bizarre and esoteric cultural artifacts that would otherwise go extinct. Sure, the associated consequences aren’t all good – e.g. see earlier comment about gentrification – but, IMO, I think net positive cultural contribution.

Agree in all respects. I’ve been cutting the generation that followed mine with an enormous bunch of slack given that they will actually be around when the shit hits the fan.

I still take a guilty pleasure in mocking douche-bags, faux-hawks, skinny jeans, and other fashion tragedies.

In my neck of the woods d-bags are much more likely to come from the New Jersey/New York kids, than the hipsters, though there are plenty hipster d-bags.

If I have developed or embraced, or become part of the get the fuck off of my lawn crowd, the transition involves the exposure of ass by males, who allow their pants to hang below their asses. Reminds me of a tale:

I was hanging outside of my current workspace (a corner store on bar row), last fall, having a smoke, and one of these cats rolls by, underwear clearly exposed, without hesitation I say “Nice ass”. Dude reels around to meet my firm and unblinking glare, while figuring out whether it is time to throw down…Meanwhile his buddy has doubled over laughing…After 30 seconds the buddy recovers and grabs his friend by the shoulder and they are on their way. The buddy btw was wearing his pants in what might be referred as the normal fashion.

My main problem with that particular “fashion statement” is that anything that prevents me from making a quick exit from a place of danger, or joining a soccer game…In other words, anything that inhibits my ability to run, or jump on a bike and make a speedy exit*, makes no sense whatsoever to me.

*I have a history of being a space case and running late. These days I am much better, however, previously my punctuality was found wanting, and served as the primary vehicle for getting kicked out of college, and shortly thereafter, my parents house.

If you want to show your ass in public, I really do not have any problem with that.


OMG! I did not mean to set off a chain of hipster apologia. Geez, they’re fuckin’ hipsters for IPU’s sake! If you can’t hate hipsters solely for their personal brand of group self-identification, what self-administered collective remains free game?


If you can’t hate hipsters solely for their personal brand of group self-identification, what self-administered collective remains free game?

Yankees fans.


Well, that’s my feeling about hipsters. Then again, I also read spam flavoured copypasta and occassionally address it seriously, so I’m a bit deranged in that sense.

And that is why I love you! That, and the generosity of your mom!


…what self-administered collective remains free game?

Republicans, of course.


My feeling towards hipsters is pretty much the same as my feelings towards Goths, bikers and other self-identified groups.

They’re all a bunch of conformists. Everyone in the group looks the same, dresses the same. They might as well be wearing a uniform.

“I want to be different from everybody else, and I want to be with people that are just like me”.


On the sad, sad day S,N dissolves, we’ll all look at each other with tears in our eyes and say a collective “We’ll always have furries.” *sniff*


“I want to be different from everybody else, and I want to be with people that are just like me”.

Get out of my fucking head, Major Kong. That is EXACTLY why I refused to be part of cliques when I was young. It just seemed…DUMB.



I have to admit bias against hipsters in general because the last several encounters I’ve had with live hipster specimens were not pleasant experiences. I don’t have a problem with anyone’s tastes in beer/bicycles/clothing/music so long as they don’t act like they’re taking pity on me because I don’t share their enthusiasm for sucky shit.

I’m quite sure that there are all kinds of hipsters, and some of them are likely to be pretty cool people.


By sucky shit I mean PBR. Seriously, I can handle some shitty beer, but that stuff is fucking rank.


I’m so unhip, when you “Dylan”, I think you’re talking about Dylan Thomas, whoever he is. The man ain’t got no culture!

Apologies, or H/T, or wevs to Paul Simon (Not the senator, the other one)


“I want to be different from everybody else, and I want to be with people that are just like me”.

cf: http://www.equilibriarte.net/members/vlos/blog-2010-05-16-09-23-34.jpg


They might as well be wearing a uniform.

Oh fuck. I just pictured a bunch of hipsters lounging about in ironic police officer or UPS delivery guy outfits. Or at least the shirts. If it’s it not out there somewhere already…WATCH IT FUCKING HAPPEN.


Yankees fans.



“I want to be different from everybody else, and I want to be with people that are just like me”.

I was a punker when I was in high school, and many of the other punkers had this same attitude. Me, I didn’t give a FUCK what people looked like as long as they weren’t the jocks driving by our show in their totally-not-compensating-for-anything bigass trucks and yelling “FAGGOTS” at us.

So yeah, I fell into that mentality of wanting to belong to a fashion show type group. I just didn’t make it a religion.

Helmut Monotreme

Oh fuck. I just pictured a bunch of hipsters lounging about in ironic police officer or UPS delivery guy outfits. Or at least the shirts. If it’s it not out there somewhere already…WATCH IT FUCKING HAPPEN.

That is a youth trend that would actually be scary. Imagine if a large fraction say 30 or 40% of the youth today wore the exact same uniform right down to the haircut, belts and shoes, that would be very hard to ignore.


Imagine if a large fraction say 30 or 40% of the youth people today wore the exact same uniform right down to the haircut, belts and shoes suit and tie, that would be very hard to ignore.


DMB’s Ants Marching instantly comes to mind.


I just pictured a bunch of hipsters lounging about in ironic police officer or UPS delivery guy outfits.

The Village People, The Next Generation.


And sure a lot of what they do, they do without understanding.

As I used to say of yuppies: they’re people who have “good taste” but don’t know why.

On balance, hipsters are way less annoying than yuppies, no matter how many subway parties they have or how much PBR they drink.

Which brings me to a guilty confession: occasionally, meaning like once every 5 – 10 years, I will buy a six-pack of PBR and drink a few sips of one of them. I can’t help myself; when I was a wee toddler some of the men in the neighborhood drank the stuff when they sat around on warm evenings in lawn chairs, and would give me sips of it when I toddled up. I was literally weaned on that shit. It greatly amused my father and horrified my mother to see toddler me toddling more precariously than usual.

The difference between me and the hipsters is, I’ve been drinking PBR (occasionally) for going on 50 years, which goes back to the days before it was considered insufferably low-class, right through the low-class era and up to the hipster period now. For me, it’s heritage, not pose.


Gosh I love boats. The Queen Mary, real queen or not, looks just beautiful to me, even though if I were fortunate enough to live on such a fine vessel, I’d probably start acting and dressing like Thurston Howell when I ought to be thinking of myself as Gilligan. I’ve always wanted to live on a boat. I had a friend who lived on an old Elco, slipped in Miami. It had all mahogany interior, two big staterooms, a beautiful salon with an outsized wet bar, lots of brightwork on the exterior. Gorgeous boat. The owner was a New Yorker and had not visited the boat for ten years, so he wanted someone to live on it just to make sure it didn’t sink or get broken into. What a break my friend got.

When I read the story about the Libertarians creating their own island states, it occurred to me that they should just buy a super-tanker and convert it into a country. Seems like it would be cheaper plus it could be moved around and kept in international waters where no government could touch them. I haven’t looked into it, but I bet there are gazillionaires now living the High Seas High Life. Wasn’t Allen (sp?) with Apple living on a mega-yacht? Gosh, you could go fishing all the time if you lived on a yacht.


Those absurdly loud bikes are Harleys, not motorcycles. No, they do not need to be that loud for any reason having to do with motorcycling – in fact those straight pipes lead to burnt valves and other performance affecting disorders. For Harley riders it’s ALL about the image. Those of us who enjoy motorcycling look down our noses at the Harley riders with the same disdain as the rest of us here have for hipsters. a Harley bigwig is on record saying “we don’t sell motorcycles; what we sell is the ability for a middle aged accountant to ride into small towns and make people afraid.”


I look for good in young people, too

as do i…and there’s a lot of good ‘uns out there…my 21 yr old son, however who lives in mpls/st. paul (which has been named as one of the most hipster cities evar!) despises hipsters with every fiber of his being…i must show him dkw’s rant on the subway parties…and find out what the hell hipsters ever did to him to make him hate them so…i’m suspecting it’s the fakeness of it all…


They’re all a bunch of conformists. Everyone in the group looks the same, dresses the same. They might as well be wearing a uniform.

i was at a county fair this weekend, and for some reason, teh daughter and i were watching the 4-H animal showings…which are stinky and kind of awesome…but anyhoo, it must have been mandated for any and all 4-Hers to wear: plaid cowboy shirt (preferably with bling somewhere on it), levi’s silver jeans (or another variation with large embroidery on the back pockets) and for the gals a large blingy belt…it kind of made me laff that the nerdy 4-hers were setting their own fashion…


Those absurdly loud bikes are Harleys, not motorcycles.



I agree. I am SO SO over the fucking Harley thing. The only thing with that name on I would ever own is the classic leather jacket.


i must show him dkw’s rant on the subway parties

Even my rants are being stolen by D-KW’s mom…


Thanks for the clarification Pup Max. I don’t know much about teh different types of motorcycles and I apologize if I offended motorcyclists by lumping them in with Harley riders.

Still, the idea of going highway speeds on two wheels? I guess different people have different ideas about what constitutes relaxing.


Even my rants are being stolen by D-KW’s mom…


deepest apologies…i just clicked on dkw’s link and didn’t really pay attention to where it was…you know what they say about assumptions…you would think i would know better by now…


Even my rants are being stolen by D-KW’s mom,,,

She said that you didn’t want those pants any moar. Oh Rants, not pan,,, uh I mean YOUR MOM’S THE WHORE!


HAHA–sometimes you DON’T need all the allies you can get.

I think that if Teh DOnAld™ was backing me up in an argument, I’d be seriously rethinking that argument.


Harleys are called Hogs. The big ones anyway. I’ve noticed that lots of Harley riders are hogs too. A high school friend loaned me his Harley Sprint to ride around on some. It wasn’t very loud at all. Lots of fun.


We need someone in this country who is willing to shake things up.”

…because being the first black president didn’t *shake* things up enough?


Perry corndog is even funnier than Bachmann corndog.

it tis…but nothing beats the marcus corndog…


if I were fortunate enough to live on such a fine vessel, I’d probably start acting and dressing like Thurston Howell when I ought to be thinking of myself as Gilligan

When Russell Johnson was asked why the Professor couldn’t seem to repair the Minnow, he replied “If you were living on a tropical island with Ginger and Mary-Ann, would you be in a hurry to fix the boat?”


From TPM:

An Air Force staff sergeant based in Germany says he’s been AWOL since last week because he read on the Internet that President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate is a fraud.

“The reason I no longer obey the Commander-in-Chief is not because he’s Black, but because he has no credible proof that he is an American,” Moran wrote in the comment section of Glenn Beck’s The Blaze. “It’s simple. Arrest B. Obama or arrest me.”

Guess he just wanted to go home…


it tis…but nothing beats the marcus corndog…

It’s almost too gross for me.

1) dainty bite
2) pulling guargantuan booger from nose
3) severely mis-piped intestinal system (colostomy gone horribly wrong?)

Three, three, three sick images in one!


Three, three, three sick images in one!

i just imagine him squealing, ‘oh, shelly! don’t put that icky weiner by my face! tee, hee!’

but your imagery is intriguing…


Still, the idea of going highway speeds on two wheels? I guess different people have different ideas about what constitutes relaxing.

I know, it’s fucking frustrating to go so slow.


wow, the hipster hate is almost as virulent as the zombie hate.

Maybe I’ll go hipster. Bands nobody ever heard of, unkempt hair, locavores…. Hey! I think I AM hipster!


Fixing the boat.


hating the hipster


I always kind of wanted to belong to a group, but never did. I was always working. Well, I did belong to a group once, the U.S. Regular Army. And yes, we all wore uniforms.


LOL, teh guy’s name is Moran. Anywho, speaking of teh big bad intertrons tough guy stuff:

“With his consent,” Daryn J. Moran “was placed in an ordinary leave status and therefore is not Absent Without Leave,” USAFE spokesman Mike Kucharek said in a written statement.

In an online statement and video posted this week at BirtherReport.com, Moran calls for “Americans to arrest Obama” and says he hasn’t reported to his job at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center since last Thursday. “They haven’t even called my house yet, but they will come for me soon,” Moran wrote in a Sunday posting, adding that he’s willing to go to jail for his beliefs.

Oooh, take a look at teh tough stand he’s taken, after negotiating himself out of being considered a deserter. They’re “coming for him soon” not because he’s AWOL but probs because it’s part of teh agreement he has with his superiors.


At a biker site I frequent most new riders put up a picture of their bike in a post titled “My first bike!” or something similar. So I posted a pic of my first bike. 1974, I think it was. Here, have a laugh.

D00d, you looked like a paler version of Dee Dee Ramone!


If I were president…

WASHINGTON (AP) — A spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner (BAY’-nur) says President Barack Obama should just scrap the speech and hand over the plan.

My response: How about you dispense with the unsolicited advice and get your ass to work? I’m not in a big hurry to hear all your fucking idiotic rationalizations for why you hate America so badly you feel it’s your patriotic duty to prevent Americans from working.


My response:

Isn’t your party currently looking for someone to run against me in 2012? If you want to be Preznit, there’s a pretty obv. first step.

Boehner-Santorum 2012
Stand Up and Show Them You’re Frothing Mad!


Still, the idea of going highway speeds on two wheels? I guess different people have different ideas about what constitutes relaxing.

I’d say it’s more about the thrill, though I only accomplish it under my own power with the assistance of the bitch goddess gravity.

I do not trust myself with motorcycles, as I know I would be far to inclined to explore the limits of traction, as hitting the ground with something that weighs 20 lbs@50 mph versus 200 lbs@100mph or more would certainly lead to different outcomes.

I’ll join the harley haters! Nothing built for speed has to be that lound*.; and right on clue, one rolls by.

*unless it is an ambulance or firetruck, or careening around an F1 circuit.

Helmut Monotreme

Still, the idea of going highway speeds on two wheels? I guess different people have different ideas about what constitutes relaxing.

It is relaxing. If you do it right, staying shiny side up takes up all your brain power for the duration of the ride. For me, that’s a nice change from having to think about a dozen things at once the rest of the time I am awake.

Marion in Savannah

If nobody’s mentioned it yet the Sadly Ipsum needs to have:

central to my point


“They haven’t even called my house yet, but they will come for me soon,” Moran wrote in a Sunday posting, adding that he’s willing to go to jail for his beliefs.

He could always hide out in Saskatoon, I read somewhere that there are tunnels underground.


Sadly Ipsum

Great liberal freakout
Our Lady of the Shitmoat
Enticingly Large Forehead

Sorry if I need an aheming!


Hee hee hee. Teh Moran wasn’t reporting for duty because of his principled stand against Kenyan usurper Ba-lack Hussain X Marcus Garvey Obama – he was put on leave while they were processing his discharge.

Apparently d00d was all bent about DADT repeal and is afeared of catching Teh Gheys and wanted out of teh armed forces (but not his closet). Teh whole Birther thing is a play. Lulz.


“Still, the idea of going highway speeds on two wheels? I guess different people have different ideas about what constitutes relaxing.”

Acquaintanced hot biker chick was going to Sturgis last year with her husband. Harley broke down in Waco; rented pick-up in Waco; drove to Sturgis and back to Waco in pick-up; put Harley in back of pick-up and returned to Austin to put Harley in the shop. I shit you not.


Perry corndog is even funnier than Bachmann corndog.

Please to be telling me that that is a photoshop!!!

And if it is, very well done!

Real estate mogul Donald Trump yesterday defended Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s suggestion that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke would be committing a “treasonous” act if he pumped more money into the economy.

Donald Trump thinks Rick Perry will do”very nicely” as a presidential candidate. (AP photo)

“It was a meaningless phrase, it was just rhetorical,” Trump said in an interview with the Associated Press. “He’s very emotional about how the country is doing.”

“He’s very emotional about how the country is doing.” I am sure that he weeped bitter tears for every one of the 235 executions that took place on his watch including the one that almost certainly took the life of an innocent man. Which “took some balls” according to one of his fans.

“Karl Rove is an empty hat,” Trump said. “We ended up with ONigbama because of Karl Rove and George W. Bush.”

Trump said he expects Perry to do “very nicely” as a presidential candidate. But Trump stopped short of endorsing Perry and said he hasn’t ruled out running for president himself as an independent.

Hasn’t ruled out an effort that would almost ensure a second term for Obama. This guy is a genius how?

Wealthy (by inheritance handed down from paternal theft), self aggrandizing bullshit artist, how does it work?

“I think Rick Perry is a real positive,” Trump said. “Nobody can predict outcomes, but I think he will do very nicely. We need someone in this country who is willing to shake things up.”

Nobody can predict outcomes, at least not anyone plugged in with the powers that be.

The day I heard that Bremer was shitcanning the entire Iraqi army and would have nothing to do with former baath party members, I, a lowly highschool graduate toiling over a thirty loaf batch of whole wheat bread in a bakery I was employed at at the time predicted exactly the course of what would follow.

“willing to shake” exactly what “things up” Donald? The financial system, health care, the safety net? As if two of the three aren’t under attack currently….Oh, right, a de-negrofication of the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. That and re-naming the street to Pennsultucky.

Gonna check the comments for sweet, sweet, mangoritas!

This might be a single wet-suit job.


If only Maxwell Q. Klinger had known teh secret was to accuse Truman of being born in Africa. Teh S. stands for Senegalese!


Didn’t Perry threaten Texas would secede? I guess that would make him an expert on treason.

We need someone in this country who is willing to shake things up.

I thought they wanted someone to have a beer with. PRO TIP: those should be different people.

He could always hide out in Saskatoon, I read somewhere that there are tunnels underground.

Where do other places keep their tunnels?


I had one of those Kawasaki 3-cylinder 2-stroke bikes back in the day. You didn’t steer you pretty much just aimed it.

The powerband was something like:

1000 rpm – zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2000 rpm – nothing
3000 rpm – nada
4000 rpm – zilch
5000 rpm – HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!

Note – if the bike wasn’t pointed straight when you hit the powerband things would get really ugly.


Hell, I didn’t even need hip waiders. nothing to see there.


Please to be telling me that that is a photoshop!!!

Here’s the original pic. Hell, one can even picture him cupping a nutsack with his other hand, just out of frame.


Where do other places keep their tunnels?

We keeps ’em underwater, missy!


Oooh, take a look at teh tough stand he’s taken, after negotiating himself out of being considered a deserter. They’re “coming for him soon” not because he’s AWOL but probs because it’s part of teh agreement he has with his superiors.

Sad thing is, the cat has probably secured himself some form of wingnut sinecure, of the Joe the Plumber (not really a plumber) grade with this stunt.


Oh mang, those bikes were fucking wicked. Wicked fast, wicked hard to ride. I wanted one so bad….


Why do they close their eyes when chomping on the wiener? Does anyone close their eyes when eating?


Why do they close their eyes when chomping on the wiener?

Protecting eyes from hot squirts?


If I were president…

WASHINGTON (AP) — A spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner (BAY’-nur) says President Barack Obama should just scrap the speech and hand over the plan.

My response: How about you dispense with the unsolicited advice and get your ass to work? I’m not in a big hurry to hear all your fucking idiotic rationalizations for why you hate America so badly you feel it’s your patriotic duty to prevent Americans from working while holding the economy hostage, and threatening to burn the whole place down.

Edited to add a few words…

My response, issued in private in a basement room in the white-house with some special forces guys hanging round. “I don’t take threats of terrorism kindly, If you would like to have a tea-party with Bin Laden, I can have that arranged.”



He could always hide out in Saskatoon, I read somewhere that there are tunnels underground.

Problem with that idea is that according to some sources on the internets, those tunnels are stuffed to the gills with dead bodies. So there prolly wouldn’t be room for his slacker ass.


Here’s the original pic. Hell, one can even picture him cupping a nutsack with his other hand, just out of frame.

The nut-sack of an out of frame midget possibly, the other dude is cock-blocked by a lady-friend.

The one at the General’s place is a work of genius.

Thanks for sharing.


Why do they close their eyes when chomping on the wiener?

Dreaming of something else?


Why can’t the “uniform” of youth be something cool: say, suits, ties and hats (bowlers, homburgs and good fedoras and trilbies)?

Eh, they’d probably manage to screw that up too (like fastening the bottom button on their jackets). Kids today…

Marion in Savannah

Protecting eyes from hot squirts?

I think you forgot your VPR notation…


Problem with that idea is that according to some sources on the internets, those tunnels are stuffed to the gills with dead bodies. So there prolly wouldn’t be room for his slacker ass.

Plenty of food, though.

I think you forgot your VPR notation…

I still think a penis would look silly in a veil.


,,,like fastening the bottom button on their jackets,,,

Fedoras turned sideways.


Re: the Perry corndog photo – as I noted in the mouse-over caption on the photo at my joint, sometimes a corndog is just a penis substitute.


I’m not wearing any damn tie!


Protecting eyes from hot squirts?



Why do they close their eyes when chomping on the wiener?

Dreaming of something else?

Dreaming of an even bigger wiener.

I still think a penis would look silly in a veil.

A choador?


Acquaintanced hot biker chick was going to Sturgis last year with her husband.

what is the frigging hold ‘sturgis’ has on people?!?!?


I still think a penis would look silly in a veil.



Those absurdly loud bikes are Harleys, not motorcycles.

After riding around with a bunch of Harley guys this summer, I’ve come to a conclusion:

Harleys are like assholes.

Nearly everybody has one and while they may serve some useful purpose, you don’t want to hang around one for very long.

That said, a couple of the guys I rode with rode the shit out of their bikes. Not all Harley riders are posers.


Catching up…

On Bicycles: Fixes are awesome. On the track, where they are meant to be. On campus, with the 8-inch wide handlebar, lack of brakes, and the cord-showing-in-five-places-but-thankfully-properly-colormatched-rear-tire. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Singlespeed? Fine. Even make it look all euro or whateverthefuck by having every component on the bike the same color as the badly-rattlecanned frame, fine. But leave the the fucking freewheel and at least one brake, m’kay? At least then you’ll still be “fashionable” but you’ll be a bit less of a menace to the rest of us trying to enjoy a beautiful summer day riding around town. Don’t get me wrong — I love bikes. I have an awesome custom Electra three speed cruiser with coaster brake, an old vintage Klein mt. bike converted to “town/fitness” bike, and my kick-ass full suspension XC/all-mountain bike. I ride all the time. Fixies, other than track bikes — on the track — are just plain stupid.


Motorcycles: Harleys, their knock-offs, and people that ride them are awful. Motorcycles on the other hand are awesome. I waited ’til I was almost forty to get my first street bike but rode dirt bikes for years. They’re both great fun. I get the “oh, but it’s so dangerous” thing — life is fucking dangerous, get over it.

PBR: Is just bad beer, sorry. Yeah, maybe it’s “the best” of all the other bad beers, but really, that’s enough? Life is too short to drink shitty beer.

I used like the occasional corndog. I will now never think about them in the same way.

I also hate mornings. And babies. And kittens.


And kittens.

Who hates kittens? They’re DELICIOUS!


Not all Harley riders are posers

everyone in my neck of the woods is…my dentist, who is the original mr. milquetoast has two…my pharmacist, insurance man and the various rich folks all have ’em…some of them even have a prayer group and if you are lucky, guess what? they’ll totally pray for you!!!


PBR may be shitty beer, but corndogs are just nasty. Even children know this.

One time I went up to my sister’s to help prepare for a garage sale…I walk in and see the remnants of their dinner, including a half-eaten corndog, and say to my 7 year old (at the time) niece, “oh, I see you had Whataburger for dinner. Who had the corndog?” “I did,” she says, “and it was nasty.”


Okay. I can deal with the hipsters since I rarely go downtown or to SE Hawthorne. But the food cart situation is getting out of control. Oh, right, PENIS.


I think you forgot your VPR notation…

That wasn’t exactly veiled.


PBR may be shitty beer, but corndogs are just nasty. Even children know this.

Local restaurant makes awesome corndogs made with house-made sausage (sometimes from cute cuddly lambs!), really tasty breading and three different dipping sauces. They’re yummers. Thankfully they’re not as phallic as the republican ones, and I may actually still be able to eat them.


Problem with that idea is that according to some sources on the internets, those tunnels are stuffed to the gills with dead bodies. So there prolly wouldn’t be room for his slacker ass.

Plenty of food, though.

And this is the pivot on which we should merge with the latest Alicublog thread!



<i.PBR may be shitty beer, but corndogs are just nasty. Even children know this.

oh, i dunno about that…a corndog from some carny at the fair is always awesome…although at the mn state fair they are called ‘pronto pups’ and i know not why…how do you feel about corn puppies?


since I rarely go downtown

That’s not what I heard.


what is the frigging hold ‘sturgis’ has on people?!?!?

Outlaw chic?

The need to share ones outlaw and non conformist bonafides with an assload of other outlaws and non conformists?

Pretending to be an outlaw and non conformist for one week a year?

I think two of the above apply.

Marion in Savannah

I think you forgot your VPR notation…
That wasn’t exactly veiled.

It wasn’t veiled in the slightest degree, but there are certain standards internet Sadlynaught traditions that must be maintained… [hmmph]


Apparently d00d was all bent about DADT repeal and is afeared of catching Teh Gheys and wanted out of teh armed forces (but not his closet). Teh whole Birther thing is a play. Lulz.

What a fucking loser. Good on the USAF for getting rid of this assclown.


I have never had a corndog. Nor a PBR.


On campus, with the 8-inch wide handlebar, lack of brakes, and the cord-showing-in-five-places-but-thankfully-properly-colormatched-rear-tire. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

OBS, I agree entirely. And clearly they are much more prevent in your neck of the woods than in mine. And I have yet to catch someone in the wild here riding a real fixed gear without at least a front brake.


PBR: Is just bad beer, sorry. Yeah, maybe it’s “the best” of all the other bad beers, but really, that’s enough?

Yeah, in the “any port in a storm” way, but otherwise, I am in agreement with your thesis.


Fedoras turned sideways

Don’t remind me. A friend of mine does that. It drives me insane whenever I see it.

Luckily it’s just a cheap straw trilby. I can’t imagine what seeing a good quality one get treated so shabbily would do to me.


“what is the frigging hold ‘sturgis’ has on people?!?!?”

Hell if I know. Flew to Rapid City a few years back. My take on the sights of South Dakota:

Mount Rushmore: Disappointing
Sturgis: Wha?
Deadwood: Kinda sorta interesting
Wounded Knee: Saddest place I have ever been


American beer rant: Pabst is no different than any mainstream American mass-produced fizzy-water; better than some and cheaper than most. If I want the flavor of a good beer, I’ll grab almost anything from Samuel Adams, or better yet, a local micro, like New Belgiom Brewing Co. (I liked them better before they sold out) or the Boulder Brewing Co. (You’ve probably never heard of them). But if I’m at a cookout, hot and thirsty, grab me a cold whatever-you’ve-got-in-the-cooler, and I won’t turn up my nose at it. PBR, Bud, Stroh’s, whatever; there’s not enough difference between them to have an opinion, let alone care.

That said, you can keep your Coors Light. I’d rather drink the melted ice from the bottom of the cooler you brought the hot dogs in. Talk about nasty! Their ads make me larf (in this case larf=laugh + barf). I mean, the only selling point you could come up with for your ads is that CL is somehow…colder…than other beers? Really? That’s all you got? Colder? Fuuuuuu

/beer rant


The Village People, The Next Generation.

Now this is a Star Trek show I can get behind.


Local restaurant makes awesome corndogs made with house-made sausage (sometimes from cute cuddly lambs!), really tasty breading and three different dipping sauces.

That is not exactly a corndog…Thats a breaded lambcicle with gourmet condiments…Not the same thing at all.


It wasn’t veiled in the slightest degree, but there are certain standards internet Sadlynaught traditions that must be maintained… [hmmph]

Pardon me, while I did lurk a bit before jumping in, I am still a relative newcomer, and have not familiarized myself with all of the proper rites.



I have yet to catch someone in the wild here riding a real fixed gear without at least a front brake.

They’re everywhere here. I can see how they wouldn’t be as hated if you didn’t see them all the time.

I did see a “One less fixie” sticker on a cruiser bike the other day, so there’s hope.


Major Kong, I remember the Kawasaki you speak of. Rocket ship, really. A scary ride if you were used to sluggish Harley Sprints, Honda Scramblers, etc. I rode the famed K-350 once. It only took one ride to let me know I had mounted the machine that would kill me if I bought one. (Check out the price tag on the seat of this 350)


I loved those old two stroke street bikes. Had a basket case Yamaha RD400 that I sadly got rid of instead of building. I still have a two stroke dirt bike — there’s simply nothing like that powerband, or like a NEW THREAD!!!eleven!


I have never had a corndog. Nor a PBR.

Do not start, consider yourself fortunate. Though I am sure that evil of other sorts has passed your lips and made it through your alimentary canal, or filtered through your kidneys.

Last time I had a corn dog I was probably in my teens, and was disgusted. Now one of OBS’s Lambcicles with the gourmet condiments sounds really tasty.

I think I am gonna have to settle for the “not hobo” bean soup that I spent the last couple of days making. It is damn tasty.


That said, you can keep your Coors Light. I’d rather drink the melted ice from the bottom of the cooler you brought the hot dogs in. Talk about nasty!

Agreed, I would not touch that shit with DKW’s mom’s dick on a ten foot pole, I’ll ride out the hurricane with a mylar balloon thank you very much.

During my first year working at the Tour Dupont, we would hit up the vip section for a couple of cases of the stuff to drink when we got to the, erm, next hotel we were staying.

Halfway through the trip, me and my bud would hit up a liquor store on the way out of town.


Had a basket case Yamaha RD400 that I sadly got rid of

YOU FUCKING GOT RID OF IT?!?!?!?!!! You’re dead to me.


Hell if I know. Flew to Rapid City a few years back. My take on the sights of South Dakota:

Mount Rushmore: Disappointing
Sturgis: Wha?
Deadwood: Kinda sorta interesting
Wounded Knee: Saddest place I have ever been

you have summed it up correctly…and the most exciting thing about it’s northern neighbor ndak? you can watch your dog run away for three days…


Pupienus said,

August 17, 2011 at 21:15

Had a basket case Yamaha RD400 that I sadly got rid of

YOU FUCKING GOT RID OF IT?!?!?!?!!! You’re dead to me.

I know, it’s terrible. I never forgave myself. I do at least still have the ’72 Honda CB500Four and mid-sixties CB160, if that helps at all…


I do at least still have the ’72 Honda CB500Four and mid-sixties CB160, if that helps at all…

And naturally you ride them both at the same time…


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