Yes, He Did

Above: Kaiser’s Chief predicts a riot.

Shorter Max Boot
Pods & Putzes Magazine
“Paying a Political Price in Great Britain”

  • Defense cuts have sadly limited Great Britain’s ability to murder as many extranational wogs as it used to, and now it’s obvious that the same kind of cuts to police forces have limited its ability to brutally repress its domestic wogs, who are a typically riotous species of subhuman and only understand force.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 250


Is he saying that if we cut defense spending I can get myself a free TV?



He’s blaming the cops!

Whatever flaws may be exposed in the state of contemporary Britain, to my mind the reason why the riots have raged of control is fairly straightforward. It is the reason why nearly all riots occur: a failure of effective, aggressive policing.

Yes, the reason there is a riot is because there was not aggressive policing.


Whoa, SO not clicking that link. I need to take a shower after reading the shorter and excerpt.


Yeah, I’m too askeert to click. I will depend on the kindness of mango-harvesters.


Yeah, I’m too askeert to click. I will depend on the kindness of mango-harvesters.

Donning the second wetsuit as we speak…Back in a bit.


Well, he almost starts to say something smart, but then fucks it all up…

In each instance (listing other riots touched off by police brutality, etc), too, the headline event tapped into deeper discontent in aggrieved, marginalized communities.

Fair enough, I’ll buy that.

WHOA, hold on, what’s this now?

But–and this is the critical point–that discontent would not have resulted in out-of-control rioting if the police had stepped in firmly and massively to restore order at the start. They did not.

Ah, sad about the unnecessary deaths and abuse of power by the police and all, but it’s time to smash some fucking skulls!


Simple common sense should tell you it’s cheaper to shoot the bloody wogs than it is to provide them with a meagre subsistence.

It was all downhill for the Empire when Englishmen lost sight of that obvious truth.


Riots only occur because of a lack of aggressive policing, just like recessions only occur because of a lack of aggressive deficit reduction.


Max’s point here is that when a group of people has hit the wall about abuse of power, a bigass demonstration of power is the best way to calm them down.

Clearly Max deserves an honorary sociology degree.

Helmut Monotreme

Yes, the reason there is a riot is because there was not aggressive policing.
Shooting an unarmed suspect wasn’t aggressive enough? how aggressive do they need to be? Is it a failure of brutality? Did they only shoot him with a pistol when they should have used a bazooka? or was a failure of scale and they should have shot not only their suspect but also the next ten or twenty people they saw?


Memo from her majesties loyal constabulary:

The bludgeonings, teargassings, rubber bullets, real bullets, indiscriminate raids on minority enclaves, random stop & frisks and random shootings will continue until morale improves.

Right then
pip pip
carry on


To understand what I’m talking about, simply compare the ongoing British riots with the Los Angeles riots of 1992 and the Crown Heights (New York) riots of 1991.

In each case there was a proximate cause for the explosion: In Los Angeles, the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King?; in New York, the death of an African-American child in an accident caused by a car driven by a Hasidic Jew; in London, the shooting death of a black criminal suspect named Mark Duggan at the hands of Metropolitan Police officers. In each instance, too, the headline event tapped into deeper discontent in aggrieved, marginalized communities.

This immediately follows the bit that tsam brought back to the boat.

This of course has nothing to do with deeper discontent, or marginalized communities, so much as the cops didn’t go appropriately medieval during the initial period of rioting. Which is to say that we desperately need to cut welfare programs in order to strengthen the police state.


It does make a sick kind of sense.

The riots are caused by cruel and callous disregard for huge swaths of the population. Deep cuts to the social safety net that are only palatable if you consider the users of those social programs as sub-humans not worthy of basic dignity and respect.

So for consistency, policing the riots should have been carried out with the same disregard of human life – possibly with moar live ammunition.

IOW, the protestors come from an underclass that’s now seen as not much above animals – so why not shoot them indiscriminately?


It is the reason why nearly all riots occur: a failure of effective, aggressive policing.

For fuck sake, dude. A bit late for the keeping-the-wogs-quiet lecture.


Ah, sad about the unnecessary deaths and abuse of power by the police and all, but it’s time to smash some fucking skulls!

Exterminate the brutes, eliminate the darkies, and discontent will follow!


Hate to say, he is probably right that anyone proposing police cuts and this shit happens is likely to pay a political price.

Never mind if it is a cause, scared-ass people vote for the guy promising to protect you.


Both the New York and Los Angeles departments were subsequently reformed, thanks in part to the work of William Bratton, who served as police chief in both cities. He would obviously be a good choice to head Scotland Yard now.

But, it takes more than effective leadership to make a police department effective. It also requires the necessary resources to blanket the streets.

Fucking the poor is not the problem, it is central to my thesis, my pantaloon pal™ engorges at the thought of more Power, Maximum Power brought to bear to control the lower class of human animal.

Dog’s and Fire Hoses (whoa there Pantaloon Pal™ steady boy, we don’t need a premature erupulation, whew!) and hard sweaty men with uniforms are what are needed…


I think I’ll see if there are comments at this place…

/deep breath


Strolling around the deck I see the boat is anchored near a fetid swap with will-o-the-wisp gases and noxious mists curling above it. Every now and again, I can see the thin, stabbing red of Laser Beams projected from the heads of deadly bio-engineered Mutant Alligators. No, I shall not leave the boat.

Instead, I’ll just swing his deck chair around and wait for Intrepid Explorers to return with mangos.

Steward! Bring me a mint julep, there’s a good chap.


The British experience should serve as a cautionary tale for budget-cutters in Washington: Tempting as it may be to take money away from the police or the armed forces, there is no price too high to be paid for public safety. And when the police or armed services are seen to fail in part because of budget cuts, it is the budget cutters who will pay a political price.

As I suspected this is simply a re-warmed hash of the Rubin thesis with less overt racism…Thank god the darkies came to the rescue of the conservatives who were still desperately attempting to scrub the stink of Norway out of their hair.


…and discontent will follow!

What I meant was that discontent will be eliminated as well. Of course it was all a piece of Snarkerbole.


Never mind if it is a cause, scared-ass people vote for the guy promising to protect you.

And America has proved exceptional on one point, we are the biggest bed-shitters on the planet!


there is no price too high to be paid for public safety.

It’s funny how anything that involves uniforms at beating people up (hopefully even shooting them!) is “there is no price too high,” and all that stuff, or in other words, “yeah, our fiscal responsibility shtick doesn’t apply to this one.” But the boring stuff like building highways, educating kids, ensuring clean water and food and making sure that those who fall down (or are kicked down) to the bottom of the ladder don’t die before getting back on their feet – somehow, that’s all less important.

Is someone who ends up in the hospital because of water poisoning after the EPA’s abolished somehow better off than someone who got there because a thug beat him up? Is someone who dies of hunger or lack of medical care because there were no food stamps or access to hospitals (which is exactly what would be happening all over if the Repubs had their way with the welfare state) less dead than someone who died in a riot? Inquiring minds want to know.


I think I’ll see if there are comments at this place…




Fortunately, we were spared!


I am outside of the HazMat shower, have extricated myself from wetsuit number two and am working on weaseling out of wetsuit number one. Shortly I intend to join Fenwick on deck.

Make mine a Manhattan good man!


have extricated myself from wetsuit number two and am working on weaseling out of wetsuit number one.

OK, but where’s the dildo in all this?


And by the by Spearhafoc, who’s apparent midnight raid on the Burberry outlet store was a success, that link seems to have broken my sound card.

I did like the following quote that showed up in the comments: “imagine a society with Skinheads roaming wild and free and not a pair of thick lips in sight” I presume it was quoted from the piece linked…


OK, but where’s the dildo in all this?

As I explained yesterday during another trip off the boat that there is no dildo or noose involved, only a butplug, to cover my flank, as it were. Actually I didn’t mention the dildo or noose, just figgered it was implied, as my goal was the collection of mango’s and not auto-erotic asphyxiation with a kink factor of 11!

I hope that clears things up for you.


OK, but where’s the dildo in all this?

Still writing for Commentary magazine.


OK, but where’s the dildo in all this?

In your bottom drawer?

In DKW’s mom?

Shall we go on?


His site has long since gone inactive, and he switched servers and formats a bunch of times (usually losing his archives in the process), so don’t ask me for the link. But some years ago The Editors said everything Boot is trying to say here, with far more clarity and honesty: the US could easily bring about lasting peace and order in Iraq if it would only take a leaf from the old Romans, crucifying most of the population as tough-but-fair lesson for the remainder. Cameron, too, could pacify Brtiain, if he but had the stones for it.

Of course, unlike Boot, The Editors had the advantage of being funny, and not a psychopathic total sack of shit.


In your bottom drawer?

In DKW’s mom?

Shall we go on?

I won’t stop you. You both elicited a chuckle.


Mayhap concern-trolling Max may want to pull back on his drug-dial a tetch.

Tempting as it may be to take money away from the police or the armed forces, there is no price too high to be paid for public safety.

America turning back the in-your-face junta-style up-arming of its police &/or only being able to annihilate civilization 4-6 times instead of the dozens of times it can now = OH NOEZ TEH POORS CAN KICK US RIGHT IN OUR DEFENSELESS EXPOSED SKROTUMZ NAU!

Surely this overtone of psychosis is central to his point.


Shall we go on?

Do let’s!


Shall we go on?

Oh how you do!


Do you know what it’s like to fall in the mud and get kicked… in the head… with an iron boot? Of course you don’t, no one does. It never happens. But it should. A lot. And if it did, this world would be a better and happier place for it.


America turning back the in-your-face junta-style up-arming of its police &/or only being able to annihilate civilization 4-6 times instead of the dozens of times it can now = OH NOEZ TEH POORS CAN KICK US RIGHT IN OUR DEFENSELESS EXPOSED SKROTUMZ NAU!

Apparently, the Brits are now looking to America for guidance in how to deal with gang violence. Junta-style up-arming coming to London.


Policies of tryrancy and facism have been an insidious driving force within governmental bodies, military forces, policing units and privacy sectors worldwide. Pervasive nazi ideologies interlace democratic proceedings, as destructive biological warfare; black mold veining through margarine.

There is compelling evidence that suggests Hitler did not in fact commit suicide, and lived for many years after the end of world war two; continuing to evolve a long-term plan for world dominance. Maniacal sadists have continued subliminal messaging, and policies of terror. Mussolini is a revered figure for many misguided souls, and some nazi’s identify themselves with his name; a sure indicator of identity loss, which is crucial to brainwashing success.

Policies of population control have been enforced by the United Nations. Officials at the World Health Organization develop bacteria intended for warfare, inoculants whose side effects include infertility, and cospire against humanity. The freulein and leaders at United Nations are given free reign, so long as their official agenda includes measures conducive to population control.

In recent years, violence has escalated. Torture practices, and mutilation techniques, (inclusive of forced plastic, constructive surgeries, sex-change operations) are official nazi policy, with many persons victimized. The desecration of corpses is a growing concern, an ongoing atrocity. Bodies are being made into masks, full body suits with artificial eyes overlaying the natural eye underneath. The skull is modified to allow the “dead head” to be placed over a live human’s head. There was three such “costumes” (may they rest in peace) on the bus the other day. The skin is treated, nonetheless is in a state of decomposition, and slowly deteriorates. Bodies are being desecrated, unburied, recovering the implanted technologies. Forced cannibalism in nazi iniations and after demonstrations (murders) during meetings is becoming commonplace.

All major countried world-wide have citizens, immigrants and officials whom are nazi’s. Nazi’s are found in all shades, and this is not an issue facing particular ethnicities.

There are peaceable solutions to threats of violence.

We, The Pacific Army ask the Canadian governmental, military and policing authorities deactivate and/or sieze nazi spyware and weaponry from their counterparts. This is a state of emergency. There has been silent unwillingness to inform the public regarding technologies utilized to infringe upon the basic human rights of its citizens; and used to creat mass confusion and subduement. Previously, the Canadian government vetoed use of sonic boom for crowd control, and it is still in use, affecting people in their homes and workplaces. The Canadian military’s actions have been unconscionable. The soldiers, officals, and officers who have pledged their duty to the citizens of Canada in good faith have a responsibility to halt nazi activities, first and foremost within their own sectors. This is a state of emergency.

Displacement is a world-wide, widespread issue. Many unidentified person, or those with aliases and disguises have found their way to Canada via the black market, abducted and wrenched from their families. Others choose migrancy as a way of escaping the attention of ethical officers, officials, and security guards, travelling to assist with the securement of a nazi regime. There are many such individuals in Canada now. There are also nazi Canadians abroad.

We, The Pacific Army, request that Canadians and people the world round unite for the purposes of peace. We cannot sit idly by, as many have for years, and wait for government officials, military and policing forces to offer assistance, and to respond with honesty. 911 calls are not responded to; the screams of a young girl being sexually assaulted by a police officer is recorded, and added to the sounds the sirens. The red and blue lights flash on, and a sex offender gloats behind the wheel of a police vehicle.

The Canadian military have special forces trained in torture techniques. Abroad and at home, foreigner and citizen alike are inflicted with the “humanitarian” efforts of the military. Virtual reality gear, compellors and impulse control inhibitors send digital transmissions to people, assisiting and/or creating violent episodes. It is possible to send these transmissions to multiple persons and locations at once. Spatial maps and transpositioning ensure accuracy of blows, gunfire and weapon placement. This technology has many other possibilities, such as transpositioning finger placement on a guitar. Some policing stations now have the same technology, as do nazi’s with no professional status.

We, The Pacific Army advise persons to limit spending as much as possible, as funding for nazi activities is pervasive and much is pilfered or skimmed from businesses and corporations. There are too many too list. An unusual or compelling urge to make a purchase is indicative of an electronic impulse transmission.

Communications have improved, but remain modified and/or limited through the use of various technologies. Improvements in this are substantial, and appreciated.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army.




Sorry about that.

It’s a very old comedy sketch featuring Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson making fun of British racist groups (in song).


Small aircraft and commercial airplanes are releasing massive amounts of chemicals in the air, creating an atmosphere of subduement, and confusion; affecting cloud cumulations and precipitation; and altering memory retention. The air contamination must cease.

The use of word transpositioning and electronic messaging with the use of various newer spyware and communication technologies in conjunction with the synchatron is creating forcefields of pressure in the atmosphere. Due to the efforts of many information technologies specialists, physicists and other talented individuals, the effects of these technologies has been minimized. Rapid increases in air pressure within flight paths and air tunnels is a public hazard, and puts passengers and flight personnel at risk. Wind tunnels force flight paths, forcing stop-overs, and creating influx’s in certain areas. Murderers and abducted persons are being sent to Saskatoon, Canada, steadily, daily.

Surgeries, procedures, disguises, alias, and fraudulent documentation are being utilized at borders and stations. Displacement and abductions contribute to mass confusion, and the evasion of culpability of terrorists.

The Pacific Army therefore recommends all nations consider no-fly zones for some areas. Airport, train and border security have the technologies, such as retinal scans that eliminate the possibility of fraudulent activity. Unfortunately, there is complicity at security levels. We, The Pacific Army encourage all racial-profiling activity to cease and desist.

This is a state of emergency.



.The official policies of the Canadian governmental bodies are based upon the principles of social liberalism. This is the social contract. The government is now infiltrated and saturated with practices of facism. This is an act of treason on the part of appointed officials, elected persons, military officials and police officers. The official agenda of the Canadian military is one of humanitarianism. Those who do not comply with these standards are in fact treasonous. The policies of facism have been prevailing. Nazi’s have no authority under Canadian law.

.Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


August 11, 2011
I walk to 7/11. It’s the synchatron, everyone on a schedule. An influx from Brazil and elsewhere yesterday in Saskatoon. This group is unaware that this isn’t a recent development. Many are not leaving on flights out; I hear the mantra, this is a stop over. People are wearing the corpses of others, they board the same planes as one another, as the stench is overwhelming. A steady flow of people in these disguises enter the store. These masks are more convincing. They have the false skull though, that makes the head appear over-sized, the masks I saw earlier today were better.

Earlier, I enter Safeway. Avoiding detection, shopping for groceries. I’m wearing his mommie’s face. It doesn’t look the same. He thinks I’m his mom. No, I don’t. The faces are becoming realistic. Had to put a lot of eyeliner around the eyes, to hide the thickness. It’s not that realistic. You smell. Several other people have the same idea, some with the more natural affect of constructive surgery, and others with the corpse faces. No full body suits that I noted.

The change receptacles/card readers on the buses link to impulse control inhibitor/simulator technologies. As these technologies send an unbearable and compelling urge to selected individuals, the “bus drivers” (many of whom utililize assisted driving technology) goad the targeted persons. The cab radios have similar technology’s, and are used in the planning of violent episodes. These technologies require dismantling and/or deactivation. All monitoring techonolgies should be seized, and kept out-of-use pending trial.

Transport stations have many technologies, monitoring equipment and compellors. The police stations now have compellors, as well as impulse control inhibitors/simulators, and virtual reality gear that assists criminals and police officers alike in criminal activity. Facists are treasonous, and need to be stripped of badges, weaponry and electronic monitoring systems and other related technologies.

Sasktel monitors and releases information, violating privacy laws, and assisting in gathering information for the comission of crimes.

Military presence is felt in Saskatoon and elsewhere in the province. Break-in’s, experimentation, torture, assault, and thought monitoring are objectives of these “special units”. Murder by suicide is ongoing, and population control is an unannounced agenda of the Canadian military.

There is incinerators in the hospitals. Babies and the eldery are targets. Child abduction is also common in the hospitals. Nazi’s take their turns as nurses, technicians, doctors, teachers, librarians, accountants and etc. The incinerators need to be dismantled.

A no-fly zone in the area would stop the movement of the influx and pre-existing dangerous offenders in Saskatoon and area. The numbers are many, as are abducted and otherwise displaced persons. Preventing movement would allow the remaining honest members of authority a chance to identify, and therefore appropriately respond to evasive criminals and abducted persons. These persons are overwhelmed. This is a state of emergency, the assistance of the public is necessary.

Air quality directly contributes to quality of thinking, and therefore, a no-fly zone would also eliminate the releasing of chemicals in the air. Air conditioners in the buses also need to be dismantled. There are new air-units that attach to homes, and contributr to air pollution as well, Production of these electronics and technologies must cease.

.Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


Halting the Funding.

This is an incomplete list of companies, corporations, organizations and businesses that fund, filtrate, redirect and misuse funds for the purposes of criminal trafficking, and political maneovering, especially as pertaining to nazi activity, and/or assisting in the concealment of crimes or information intended for public disclosure.

Zellers Mattel

Walmart Starbucks

Tim Horton’s Disney

Life Magazine KFC

Galazy Cinemas Faith Alive Churches

The Church of Latter Day Saints Indigo Book Stores


The following is a list businesses and organizations local to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, known to hold nazi meetings, or known to sell black market goods, or known to have purchase compellors, that instruct consumers to purchase products from companies with nazi affiliations and funds, and/or products that contain chemicals that increase phosophorence, suscepibility and memory loss, confusion. Or all of the above.

Fox and Hounds Brew Pub

Tomas the Cook

Olympia Restauraunt


Smitty’s at Lawson Height’s mall

Double Deuce

Noodle King, Ice Cream Queen

The Bassment

Bud’s On Broadway

House Of Braids


Radio Cab

Great Western Inn

The Saskatoon Club

The Willo’s Golf and Country Club

Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Rawlco Radio

Here is a list of food industries that thrive with the use of slave labor, reliance on the black market and the displacement of persons. This is an incomplete list.

bananas cocoa

coffee Wing’s sugar and other products

Sunny D Del Monte

Chiquita Banana Kellogg’s

pizza pops Sugar Pops

Pop Tarts Popsicle

Baby Bottle Pop

Other unethical Purchases

pop albums (portions of the profit go to nazi funding, many artists were unaware of how funds were directed)






I would encourage all concerned individuals to compile their own lists of known criminal funding through legitimate businesses, as it is helpful to others wanting to make informed decisions.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army

.correction: previous post was before aug 11, this post aug 11


There is compelling evidence that suggests Hitler did not in fact commit suicide, and lived for many years after the end of world war two; continuing to evolve a long-term plan for world dominance.

I believe you’re quoting from the Hellboy movie now.

On that topic, I watched an episode of the A-Team yesterday in which the bad guys turned out to be Nazis in Latin America, and was thinking that it really is a rite of passage for a certain type of show to have “The Nazi Episode.” (Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, The A-Team, Airwolf, MacGyver, Walker: Texas Ranger, Stargate SG-1).


Facilities in the Care and Assistance Industries With Known Abuses, Concealed Homicides and Unethical Practices, Local to Saskatoon, Sk, Canada

Ronald Mcdonald House

Saskatoon Convalscent Home

Cosmopolitan Industries

LutherCare Industries


Dube Centre at RUH

Local Doctor’s With Known Unethical Practices, and/or Misconduct, and/or Falsified Records, and/or Fraudulent Documentation, and/or Inadequate Credentials.

Dr. Dallas Larson

Dr. Heather Conacher

Dr. Bodenstab

Dr. Vol

Dr. Penelope Stalker

.p.s. please don’t delete my comments, note the repost.


Not much of an “army” if it can’t even pay for its own website, and is reduced to copuy-paste spam-trolling a satire website, if you ask me


Oh, Jebus, this fucknut is back?


Dear Abby Normal:

I am not a wog, yet I am desirous of a free television set. What should I do?


You have a compellor which forces people to read your hateful messages on this site, so I am happy to be a positive, and oppositional force. Thank-you, and good day. 🙂


Snorely, The Pacific Army


The Twilight Zone did a metric fuckton on Nazi episodes. They were obsessed with Nazis.


There have been many eloquent attempts to mine the cause of the British riots in the deepest recesses of the British national character.

That’s as far as I got. The weather is beautiful in Columbus today!

Partly Cloudy
Wind: SE at 7 mph
Humidity: 37%



A man can never have too many trench coats or hats.


A woman can never have too many (tailored) trench coats or hats. (Great look on some women!)


Do you know what it’s like to fall in the mud and get kicked… in the head… with an iron boot? Of course you don’t, no one does. It never happens. But it should. A lot. And if it did, this world would be a better and happier place for it.

This is a great shorter of Boot’s piece!

Shall we go on?

Do let’s!

It was actually an invitation, I really got nothing else.


Sorry about that.

No worries, I actually think I wore out the live CD-rom I was running a version of linux with. Failed to boot, so I booted from a partition on the hard drive and everything works again.

Let me know in advance of the next time you intend to knock off a haberdashery…I’d be happy to lend a hand.


There have been many eloquent attempts to mine the cause of the British riots in the deepest recesses of the British national character.

I think we may have discovered the location of the dildo previously referred…


The Twilight Zone did a metric fuckton on Nazi episodes. They were obsessed with Nazis.

IIRC Serling was a WWII vet which might explain the obsession.


The Phillipines is facing a similar situation as Indonesia, infanticide, especially of females, and sex change operations for males. Unspecified treatments and/or chemicals lead to a condition of facial immobility, these procedures are standard practice for many people in Asian countries. In addition to subliminal messaging, compellor technology, this is meant to give people who are coerced into complying with the Chinese government a persona of stoicism. Males are given hormones to become adrogonyous. Homogenity is a world-wide agenda, with different experimental tests designed to find the best method of achieving such an effect. The English language is another example, the phenomena of people speaking in English “code” worldwide… eg. the word indigo can mean so many things…
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.



You bid us good day already!


Apparently, the Brits are now looking to America for guidance in how to deal with gang violence.

Shooting an unarmed black kid has American fingerprints all over it. What else do they want to know?

Also, you stuffy fucking Brit fuckups, are you implying that you don’t already have a gang problem? Are you equating this riot situation with our youth gang problems? I think you fuckers had best shut your beanholes.



You must stand-down. Compellor technology has been deployed to your theatre and your precious bodily fluids may have been compromised. If you have been affected, it will be impossible for you to tell. Your actions may be part of the homogenity plot without your even knowing. The only solution is to stop all actions until you can be cleared by another member of the Pacific Army.

Your Commander-in-Chief,
Dragon-King Wangchuck
New Lucky Grand Pacific Field Marshal of the Pacific Army


andon, is that the Pacific Army of North America, South America, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, PagoPago, China, Russia, or Brunei?


PS I totes didn’t figure out my rank by selecting words out of various random Chinese food restaurant names.



It’s not teh Pacific Army as in Pacific Ocean – it’s Pacific as in related to Peace. Gah, what colour is teh sky in your world? Blue?



The riots caused by police being so aggressive and insecure about their public cock size that they shot a kid and then essentially went around town going “yeah, what of it, why don’t you make me (perform basic level jurisprudence and Internal Affairs or at least issue a public apology)”.

Since then, the riots have grown because the police have decided to put as many people in the hospital and call the entire district they are responsible for a bunch of lawless wogs who are barely subhuman and apparently people angry about mistreatment by police get really shirty about police calling them subhuman bastards worthy of death.

But the problem is totally that the police just aren’t quite insecure enough about their penis size and needs to be even more aggressive.

Why do I get the feeling if Tiananmen Square was the action of some white country’s police force, this fucker would have been cheering for the tanks?

General Tso's spicy Szechuan Generalfeldmarschall Helmut Monotreme with water chestnuts and special plum sauce

Aha! agent Andon has been located! Deploy the orbital mind control lasers with spring rolls and a fortune cookie!


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

So basically, if only England had spent more money on missiles, people would have jobs and a future?


Clearly, he’s not writing about England. He’s writing a prophylaxis for America


the word indigo can mean so many things

I like when it means “girls”.


You bid us good day already!

“Good day”?

Or “Shalom”?


“It’s not teh Pacific Army as in Pacific Ocean – it’s Pacific as in related to Peace. Gah, what colour is teh sky in your world? Blue?”

Next you’ll be telling me that Private Parts is not an enlisted man…..


IOW, the protestors come from an underclass that’s now seen as not much above animals – so why not shoot them indiscriminately?

note the use of the phrase ‘feral youths’ in the UK coverage. Much easier to shoot a kid if he is feral.

A woman can never have too many (tailored) trench coats or hats.

a bold statement, sir!


it really is a rite of passage for a certain type of show to have “The Nazi Episode.”

That ßesame ßtreet episode was creepy…


Both the New York and Los Angeles departments were subsequently reformed, thanks in part to the work of William Bratton

In NY, he and Giuliani copped credit for the Dinkins’ initiative to hire an additional 6,000 cops and put civilians into the desk jobs, freeing even more patrol cops, plus Dinkins’ took the cops OUT OF THE CARS and had them actually walk the neighborhoods they were patrolling, to meet the residents and improve community relations. (Safe Streets, Safe Cities, with Ray Kelly)

THAT lowered crime, not the “plywood paintings in windows” shit of the Giuliani/Bratton years.


Private-Public, Major-Minor General-Specific of the Spasmodic Army appears to have stage a (temporary, unfortunately) strategic retreat.


note the use of the phrase ‘feral youths’ in the UK coverage. Much easier to shoot a kid if he is feral.

Unless he nails you with a razor-edged boomerang.

Alternate shorter Max Boot, “We need to police England the Humungous way.”


Alternate shorter Max Boot, “We need to police England the Humungous way.”

Or, “If every neck came pre-accessorized with a 200 pound hobnail boot, everything would be peachy.”

And who calls themselves “Max Boot” anyway?


A friend in GB told me Cameron was part of a drinking club in his youth and said club indulged in vandalism and hooliganism at times. Of course, since the club was for the rich, they were merely chappies having a lark and couldn’t even be scolded lest their feefees get hurt, whereas those on the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder two shades darker than pasty are animals and must be dealt with by extreme measures.

Remember the days of the “inner city youth super-predators”? I think that discredited meme has gone on holiday visiting #10 for a bit of toning up, and is now lurking around Whitehall.



Two special proctors-general of the Pacific Army have been sent to verify that you are free from compellor technology influence. Your position in the Pacific Army is of vital significance and we must be certain that you have not been compromised. You will know the proctors-general by their Pacific Army identification and their adherence to protocols. Take no actions until you have spoken with our investigators.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, under authority of the HR Department of the Pacific Army.

P.S. Your request for medical leave has been authorized, effective immediately after the investigation closes. I hope that you recover from the crippling hemorrhoids soon.



Well, you know, there is no future in England’s…

Yeah, I’ll stop there


mndean – you refer to the Bullingdon Club. They would get hammered, trash restaurants but it was OK because they would pay for the damage afterwards. It’s OK if you are rich to behave like a total twunt.

Just like to say, my response to the rioting is oh it took this long to happen. Rioting is part and parcel of British life and always has been. It happens every now and then. Big deal. We will do what we always do – rage at the “mindless thugs” for a few weeks and forget that it might be a good idea to try to understand why this happened and address a few issues. Then a decade or so later, riots will happen, there will be outrage etc. Rinse and repeat.


A friend in GB told me Cameron was part of a drinking club in his youth and said club indulged in vandalism and hooliganism at times. Of course, since the club was for the rich, they were merely chappies having a lark and couldn’t even be scolded lest their feefees get hurt, whereas those on the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder two shades darker than pasty are animals and must be dealt with by extreme measures.

Similar to the “Black people loot, white people salvage.” portrayals of post-Katrina Louisiana.

Two special proctors-general of the Pacific Army have been sent to verify that you are free from compellor technology influence

Send two special proctologists-general to remove and00ds head from his ass.


In NY, he and Giuliani copped credit

What DIDN’T that worm cop the credit for? Seems like any time something good happens in NY, there’s that asshole’s fucking shiny dome and fakeass smile, acting like he’s more competent than your average garden variety slug.

He is the epitome of the term jackass. No doubt about it.


“crippling hemorrhoids”



And who calls themselves “Max Boot” anyway?

A guy with small feet and a Napoleon complex?

After all, you know what they say about small feet!


What DIDN’T that worm cop the credit for? Seems like any time something good happens in NY, there’s that asshole’s fucking shiny dome and fakeass smile, acting like he’s more competent than your average garden variety slug.

Doesn’t even have to be something good. As I recall, most of his cred in national politics comes from 9/11.


“And who calls themselves “Max Boot” anyway?”

His friends call him “das”


Alternate alternate shorter Max Boot: London: NEEDS MOAR DERRY!


Seems like any time something good happens in NY, there’s that asshole’s fucking shiny dome and fakeass smile, acting like he’s more competent than your average garden variety slug.

HEY, WATCH IT!!! Oh, you were talking about Rudy… sorry, carry on.


Rioting is part and parcel of British life and always has been

How can you tell Spring has arrived?

By the mating call of the Red-Breasted Rough: Oi! Oi! Oi!


hmmm, still going on, i see…


Send two special proctologists-general to remove and00ds head from his ass.

I long for the days when we’d have the occasional goatse-free thread…


The Phillipines is facing a similar situation as Indonesia, infanticide, especially of females, and sex change operations for males.

sex change ops for males, you say that like its a bad thing?


One of the rioters was asked by a reporter (can’t be arsed) if he thought all the destruction had hurt their cause. If they felt they had legitimate grievances, why not stage a peaceful protest to draw attention to their concerns? “We did that,” he replied. “Many times.” Hundreds of protestors had marched to show their outrage at the shooting incident, and the way their communities were being treated by the authorities. The demonstrations attracted very little attention outside the local area, and barely any mention in the press. “But what has rioting accomplished?” the reporter wanted to know. “Well, you’re here interviewing me now, aren’t you?”


copping the credit


triggering the crippling hemorrhoids



sex change ops for males, you say that like its a bad thing?

I’m more fascinated by his homo-genetics theme. I’m still trying to work out the biology of that.


As I recall, most of his cred in national politics comes from 9/11

From someone on the other side of the nation who pays attention to shit like this, I can say that ever single bit of his cred notoriety in national politics comes from him being there during 9/11.

HEY, WATCH IT!!! Oh, you were talking about Rudy… sorry, carry on.

Yeah, I am talkin’ ’bout Rudy. You want I should put his lights out?


“But what has rioting accomplished?” the reporter wanted to know. “Well, you’re here interviewing me now, aren’t you?”

Ask a stupid question…


Just like to say, my response to the rioting is oh it took this long to happen. Rioting is part and parcel of British life and always has been. It happens every now and then. Big deal. We will do what we always do – rage at the “mindless thugs” for a few weeks and forget that it might be a good idea to try to understand why this happened and address a few issues. Then a decade or so later, riots will happen, there will be outrage etc. Rinse and repeat.

Quite right, It gives the Daily Mail and other fucken rags the change to write a variety of ‘string ’em up’ articles and slag anyone off who dares to ask what the cause was. But it does reveal where a lot of so called Liberals stand on this. Had an illuminating discussion yesterday with a so called friend who blamed it all on the blacks & thought the only answer was rubber bullets and water cannon. On the TV behind her there was shots from outside the courts in London, and low and behold all but one of the ‘rioters’ were white. When I pointed this out, the responce was; ‘La La La, cant hear you”.

But I’m just a liberal appeaser who needs to be shot at dawn, so what do I know?


Oh, Steerpike’s post like x1000. Sums the whole thing up perfectly.

Highlight for me was Monday night. I live pretty close to Lewisham which was one of the main areas impacted. The pub I drink in is a Millwall pub. For those not familiar with football Millwall have the most violent fans. Some kids started gathering just down the road, about 30 of the locals went out and explained, in no uncertain terms, that if they didn’t piss off now they would find out that the Millwall firm is bigger, tougher and more brutal than they were. The crowd left the area. Very quickly.


I’m more fascinated by his homo-genetics theme. I’m still trying to work out the biology of that.

your a better man than me, my brain short circuited about half through his second sentence.

and completely o/t, can you make Caipirinhas with cane liquor? I just came into three bottles of the stuff (and no, I didn’t loot them from the off license on Tottenham Court Rd).


You want I should put his lights out?

Heh, putting Rudy’s lights out…

and completely o/t, can you make Caipirinhas with cane liquor?

You add limes and sugar to any clear liquor and you’re good.

sex change ops for males, you say that like its a bad thing?

Why would they kill the girls and then give the boys forced sex-change operations? Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill the boys? Also, I never knew that Saskatoon was a dystopian hell-hole.


Also, I never knew that Saskatoon was a dystopian hell-hole.

During the elk riding festival it can get a little weird.


During the elk riding festival it can get a little weird.

Not as weird as it gets during the elk loving festival.


Apparently, the Brits are now looking to America for guidance in how to deal with gang violence. Junta-style up-arming coming to London.

Yeah, they should send some folks to the School of the Americas, that did a lot of good for Central America.



very good, life becomes satire, or some such thing. Was still waiting for the first riot jokes, but got one from the headlines on your link:

“Destroying the high street is our job, Tesco warns rioters”


PS I totes didn’t figure out my rank by selecting words out of various random Chinese food restaurant names.

No duh. If you had, your title would have included the words “pretty” and “happy” and “funtime.”


In case no one has mentioned this (I’m too lazy to check)…

To protect America from donkey-fucking terrorists we must conduct rigorous scientific studies of hot, sweaty, grotesque, mind-twisting pornography, also known as “smut”.


Some kids started gathering just down the road, about 30 of the locals went out and explained, in no uncertain terms, that if they didn’t piss off now they would find out that the Millwall firm is bigger, tougher and more brutal than they were. The crowd left the area. Very quickly.

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, because I am the meanest sonofabitch in the valley.

My brother Vincenzo was stationed by the Army in American Samoa for a year, and he described how some kids who had lived in the states wanted to form a gang in Pago Pago, so the community elders beat the everlovin’ shit out of them, telling them, “There’s room for only one ‘gang’ here.”


Not as weird as it gets during the elk loving festival

dont tell Mickey Kaus


To protect America from donkey-fucking terrorists we must conduct rigorous scientific studies of hot, sweaty, grotesque, mind-twisting pornography, also known as “smut”.

Also known as “Smut”.


To protect America from donkey-fucking terrorists we must conduct rigorous scientific studies of hot, sweaty, grotesque, mind-twisting pornography, also known as “smut”.

OK, I skimmed the article but I did not see her make any distinction between porn and kiddie porn. WTH?

BTW, yes it is true, all the terrorists and Taliban guys, etc., almost to a person, have porn on their laptops. They’re huge fucking hypocrites and religious fundies. I still don’t see how porn and terrorism are related, however.


Also known as “Smut”.

To be fair, the world does need protecting from Smut.


You add limes and sugar to any clear liquor and you’re good.

Muddle a little mint with it and you’ve got a mojito.


BTW, yes it is true, all the terrorists and Taliban guys, etc., almost to a person, have porn on their laptops. They’re huge fucking hypocrites and religious fundies. I still don’t see how porn and terrorism are related, however.

That gives me a great opportunity to post this.


Bastard, YOU BASTARD!! I was gonna link to that! Damn your fast fingers! Your bald head must make you more aerodynamic somehow.


and completely o/t, can you make Caipirinhas with cane liquor?

Yer a Scotsman, bairn! Don’ waste yer time wit thut swell!

Gie it to me.


Your bald head must make you more aerodynamic somehow.

It also allows greater heat dissipation, so my “processor” can operate at higher speeds.


I was gonna link to that! Damn your fast fingers!

Fingering the link


It also allows greater heat dissipation, so my “processor” can operate at higher speeds.

Not to mention the solar panels I installed for auxiliary power.


Knocking off the haberdashery.


Fingering the link



Not as weird as it gets during the elk loving festival

dont tell Mickey Kaus

He’ll show up with his velvet appointed step ladder.

Euphemonious Monk

A spittake for the little guy


A spittake for the little guy

I love those mushrooms.


spacing between words is for suckers!


this hasn’t been referred to yet…what’s up with that? and why is it in the christian science monitor?


They’re huge fucking hypocrites and religious fundies. I still don’t see how porn and terrorism are related, however.

Nor how, if they are, we shouldn’t be more worried about the porndegelicals(pdf) in our own damn country.



Um…where are the pics?


Both the New York and Los Angeles departments were subsequently reformed, thanks in part to the work of William Bratton

Yeah, right. Bratton became LAPD Chief in 2002, 10 yrs. after our most recent riot.

The LAPD remain pigs to this day.


This is fun, in a putrid way.


The LAPD remain pigs to this day.

How could the department that gave us Mark Fuhrman be pigs?


This is fun, in a putrid way.

the putrescence made itself known as soon as i clicked that link…and conservatives REALLY want to tell us racism is a non-issue? yeah…it’s only an issue if the liberals bring it up, and shove it down their throats, i guess…


Your bald head must make you more aerodynamic somehow.

I believe, sir madam, that you mean hairodynamic.


hmmm…glad to see i got my daily tag fail out of the way…


along with ‘festive capitalization’ i am also going to shamelessly steal the term ‘hairodynamic’…


“I believe, sir madam, that you mean hairodynamic.”

Is my gender now in doubt? I should NEVER have cut my hair.


’ i am also going to shamelessly steal the term ‘hairodynamic’…

As I did, 20 years ago.


Is my gender now in doubt?

Ask Dudeskull.


Um…where are the pics?

You’re welcome!


“Ask Dudeskull.”


He just drooled a bit, then farted. What does that mean?


“Um…where are the pics?

You’re welcome!”

Ya know, the I want to make a Rule 34 joke here, but I’m grossing myself out.


He just drooled a bit, then farted. What does that mean?

He’s ready for the fall fraternity rush.


I’m not sure what the “the” is there for. I’m just going to call it “festive.”


“He just drooled a bit, then farted. What does that mean?

He’s ready for the fall fraternity rush.”

Really? I’m pretty sure it means he’s now qualified to write for NRO.

Barbara Sexaroid

“andon said,

August 12, 2011 at 20:05”

seriously, man.


As I did, 20 years ago.

are you implying that i am not hep?


As I did, 20 years ago.

are you implying that i am not hep?

No. I’m stating definitively that you did not work at Wesikopf & Pickworth in 1989, which is where and when I heard that word used by Stan W.


Weiskopf, too.


Man. A defunct engineering firm killed the thread.

Euphemonious Monk

Engineering the firm


weising the kopf


Or, alternatively, firming the engineer.


That was me.

Hey, what has two thumbs, temporary access to a labtop with a real mouse and keyboard, and an poorly followed Twitter account?

This guy!


Sorry, Spear, but I won’t sign up for twitter.

I’d get a cell phone before I’d stoop that low.


I know, I’m totally descending into the narcissistic world of social media. First Facebook two years ago, now this.

But how do you funtion without a cellphone? I’m a complete technophobe and I’ve had one for over five years.


*function, also too.

First misspelling of many. Spellcheck has made me complacent over the years.


do you want to know what is going to annoy the living hell out of me for the next year or so? every time ‘one l’ gets asked a question, there’s going to be the whole ‘you wouldn’t ask a man that question’ or the ‘why do you hate christianity’ question…fuck me, this is going to be a long cycle isn’t it?


I’m with Thundra. A couple weeks ago three of my co-workers were discussing the need to upgrade their cell phones. Apparently they felt bad that they didn’t have the latest apps and gadgets. I’m not sure they even believed me when I told them not to feel too bad. After all, my phone is still attached to the wall in my house.


But how do you function without a cellphone?

Presumes functioning not in evidence.


Just between you, me, & this eight-ball … heh … riots schmiots, it’s dead-easy ANY TIME to make fascism sexy! SRSLY!

Have you seen the fucking outfits?!? Hubba hubba!

It gives the Daily Mail and other fucken rags the change to write a variety of ‘string ‘em up’ articles and slag anyone off who dares to ask what the cause was. But it does reveal where a lot of so called Liberals stand on this.

Yo there, Tattle McTattleson! Lay off with the pulling the masks off my Good Cop sockpuppets for corporatism there, k? Too much of that makes my overlords haz a sad!

PS: NEED SPARE INCOME? We need new trivial distractions, false analogies, plausible alibis also welcome. Great rates!
***** *****


i have a friend who absolutely refuses to get a cell phone…he has a computer but that’s about as far as he’ll go technologically…his turntable and stereo system are the only electronics he cares for…or can operate properly anyhow…


Ethel Merman pegging Ernest Borgnine … make it so, Interwebs!


Pick on Sarah all you want, but she is a job creator. If it weren’t for her Bristol and Levi would not have been hired as authors. And now, thanks mainly to Sarah, Levi’s sister has a modeling job. She’s gonna be in Playboy.


She’s gonna be in Playboy.

that is just freaking perfect…


A friend of mine conducted studies of riots and crowd control. He did this on his own, independent of any university or other accredited institution. He used rats, or white mice, of both sexes, which he bought at the pet shop.

He found that the mice were always happy when they were fed regularly, when he played Moody Blues or Barry White in the lab, and when the rodents were paired up according to sex and allowed to mate. He discovered that when he separated the sexes, withheld food, and played any Country Western music, but especially Dolly Parton, the mice would fight and generally act unhappy.

He sent his findings to the FBI in a letter, along with a ten minute video of each stage of the experiment. The FBI never contacted him.


Has Christina Hendricks appeared in a 3D movie? That might be the only thing that would encourage me to see one.

She’s a perfect fit. She’s already got 3 Ds in her brasize.


She’s already got 3 Ds in her brasize.

oh spear, stop! my side hurts from laffing so much…

my new favorite hendricks is with tonic water and a cucumber spear…to die for! what are the benefits of quinine, btw?


labtop with a real mouse

Are you running it through a maze?

Sorry, Spear, but I won’t sign up for twitter. I’d get a cell phone before I’d stoop that low.

I’m totes with Ibn Thundra!


my new favorite hendricks

I always liked ‘Star-Spangled Banner / Purple Haze’ from Woodstock ….

Stone Cold Stevie Ray Fenwick the Wizard of Highlandtown

after four cocktails & a couple of long rails ….

…. my combinations become both intricate and strange.


“A woman can never have too many (tailored) trench coats or hats.”

a bold statement, sir!

Carmen San Diego? Would a plaid trench coat pass muster?

(Spear: You should add some nifty Scottish hats in various styles to your collection.)A woman can never have too many (tailored) trench coats or hats.

a bold statement, sir!


Alternate shorter: Watch me jerk off to this film of black children being fire hosed!


Criminey! The damn Double-Paste Demon has struck again! I blame Hiltre. But mostly I blame WordPress, so Fuck You WordPress.


…. my combinations become both intricate and strange.

Also VsexualR


Herman Cain can make The Onion cry:

…One of the weirdest moments of last night’s Republican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred in Herman Cain’s closing statement, when the former pizza-chain CEO recited a favorite inspirational quote:

“A poet once said, ‘life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it’s never easy when there’s so much on the line.'”

Nothing strange about that on the surface, until you Google the quote and you realize that these words of wisdom were uttered not by a poet, but by disco queen Donna Summer in her song “The Power of One.” Even more bizarre, this isn’t even one of Summer’s classic hits — she recorded it just over a decade ago as the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000….


VS: (From w-a-y upstream) You’ve cut your hair ??? It was gorgeous!

Nevertheless, I’ll wager shorter is much more practical for when Dudeskull is eventually in a high chair and practicing for life’s Food Fights.



the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000

Couldn’t be more perfect.

Every campaign needs songs to excite the crowd. Love to Love You Baby could to that…


tag-fail. I blame the Messicans.

Fenwick, Dread Destroyer of Threads and All that Clean, Wholesome, and Good

You are powerless! Nothing can stop me! AHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!


I blame the Messicans.

As someone one generation removed from Texas, it is my duty to point out that it is both spelt & pronounced “Meskins.”


Nothing strange about that on the surface, until you Google the quote and you realize that these words of wisdom were uttered not by a poet, but by disco queen Donna Summer in her song “The Power of One.” Even more bizarre, this isn’t even one of Summer’s classic hits — she recorded it just over a decade ago as the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000…

Herman Cain, I CHOOSE YOU!!!!


I think we need a Herman Cain/Pikachu photoshop.


I was over at Roy’s place and they were talking about the connection between porn and terrorism
Anyways, I was using my Google-Fu and I think I found a portal into the wingnutlarity.


Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women’s rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are “socially constructed” to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don’t marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.

“Cruel Hoax” shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; CRUEL HOAX: Feminism & The New World Order.


Got you folks a Clownhall mango from Katie Pavlich:

Herman Cain Officially First Republican Seaking Presidential Nomination

Heh, indeed!


Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women’s rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are “socially constructed” to oppress them.

So, he thinks that a woman’s “natural biological instincts” lead her to want to earn 60% of what some d00d does?


B4, if you keep reading at the link, it involves Miley Cyrus, the Antichrist, Walt Disney and the New World Order also. Oddly DKW’s mom is not mentioned.


B4, if you keep reading at the link, it involves Miley Cyrus, the Antichrist, Walt Disney and the New World Order also. Oddly DKW’s mom is not mentioned.

Miley Cyrus is DKW’s mom. TIME TRAVEL ISREAL!!!!


From the same link:
“The Lutheran Church is straight out of Hell, nothing more than repackaged Catholicism.”

Lutherans have more comfortable chairs but the wine is not as good.


Whoa, GCMZ, you’ve tapped a rich vein of crazy. I love the palpable butthurt about Disney, and the tale of how the Disney ban by the Southern Baptist Convention was dropped because they were in danger of losing members.


I’ll bring back some more mangoes but its like mangoes within mangoes dipped in mango sauce.
Here is some sexy swimwear. Check out those partially exposed ankles. Hubba hubba!


The pub I drink in is a Millwall pub.


Here is some sexy swimwear. Check out those partially exposed ankles. Hubba hubba!

Those swimsuits do a great job of covering the magic underwear.


Lutherans have more comfortable chairs but the wine is not as good.

Also Roman Catholic clergy have much moar colorful hats(*) than Lutherans.

(*) Spear…?

BBBB: I’m guessing you’re pulling a weekend night shift?

((Euphemonious Monk could knock that fat pitch outta the park….))


During the elk riding festival it can get a little weird.
Now you mention it, I do have photographs of elk-riding.


BBBB: I’m guessing you’re pulling a weekend night shift?

Yeah, on the graveyard- the moon is nearly full so it’s a beautiful night, and I am unlikely to be eaten by a grue.

Now you mention it, I do have photographs of elk-riding.

Needs Muybridge treatment…


Submitted without comment
I’m sickened, shocked, and left in a state of bewilderment as to how a “Christian” woman can wear pants and claim there’s nothing wrong it, even though the Bible clearly states that a woman should NOT WEAR MEN’S CLOTHING! Lest anyone should fail to understand that pants are “men’s clothing,” take a look at the sign on ANY men’s restroom and you’ll see, Yes … a pair of pants on the door. I remember hearing a young child ask her mother outside a bathroom why women, with pants, were going through the wrong door. Her mother didn’t understand her at first, but then she realize that there was a picture of a DRESS on the women’s bathroom, and a picture of PANTS on the men’s bathroom. The little girl thought that the women wearing pants were supposed to go through the door with the picture of the pants. It’s common sense folks!


Tempting as it may be to take money away from the police or the armed forces, there is no price too high to be paid for public safety.

I am intrigued by the invocation of the armed forces in the context of public safety (here I was thinking that armies are intended to ensure obedience from the populations of other countries, but evidently this extra-territorial role is secondary in Boot’s mind). I would like to subscribe to his newsletter but I suspect it would be in German.


So, he thinks that a woman’s “natural biological instincts” lead her to want to earn 60% of what some d00d does?

I think what he’s trying to say is that a woman’s “natural biological instincts” lead her to want to get back in the kitchen and make him a fuckin’ sammich.


Taking back my heterosexuality!


What with this rant and now this WSJ interview, it’s starting to look like at least some folks who aren’t totally blind and bought might get to see the light of day, media-wise.

I certainly have my problems with both, but man are they an enormous step in the right direction of actually saying shit that nobody has been saying.


Taking back my heterosexuality!

Indian giver.


make him a fuckin’ sammich
Sudo make me a sandwich.


I am impressed how many pundits can write newspaper columns that cite “London’s Burning” in the title and then go on to describe the riots as unprecedented.


I am impressed how many pundits can write newspaper columns that cite “London’s Burning” in the title and then go on to describe the riots as unprecedented.

They’re not so bright.

If I had been in London, I’d have looted an eel and pie shop. Don’t need no trainers, but I’d have taken elvers. I’d have kicked down the door, taken a passel of eels, and shouted, “Elvers have left the building!”


Haven’t been able to get to the links. That was shore sum stinky mango that gocart unearthed. Tomorrow I will try to get them, along with links put up by other commenters.

I’m about to turn into a pumpkin. But let the Night Hawks soar.

*bibbedy bobbedy boo*


Yer a Scotsman, bairn! Don’ waste yer time wit thut swell!

we’re not all Rob Roy,


photographs of elk-riding.

Also could be a mutant PENIS sculpture. Doing something bestial.

*turns into pumpkin*


from the ‘women in pants’ link, some selected mangoes:

“Matthew 5:28 plainly teaches that adultery of the heart is just as wicked as adultery of the flesh.”….

well, that me doubly fucked…

“Heathen home-wrecking whores like the godless Britney Spears are the ones directly responsible for generating lasciviousness across America and the world. Like sewage oozing from the septic tank, evil doers like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, and Jennifer Lopez are destroying families worldwide. ”

someone’s getting a little excited…

“Hence, sex is their god. The American and European cultures have deteriorated into a state of sexual licentiousness. Everywhere we turn nowadays…sex, sex, sex! Few people fully realize the Satanic agenda behind the rock-n-roll industry to corrupt our youth.”

you say that likes its a bad thing


*turns into pumpkin*

Watch out for Neal Horsley!


adultery of the heart

If I need rib-spreaders for a fuck, it’s too much effort.


adultery of the heart

If I need rib-spreaders for a fuck, it’s too much effort.

Remind Jimmy Carter afore he shoots his mouth off again.


Hell will be hot!


The innermost circle of hell is a lake of ice. Ask Danny Alighieri.


B4, if you keep reading at the link, it involves Miley Cyrus, the Antichrist, Walt Disney and the New World Order also. Oddly DKW’s mom is not mentioned.

Needs moar Jooos.

Lurking Canadian

It is a necessary component of conservative thought that “terrorists”, “criminals”, “rioters” and so on are a kind of monster, like orcs, trolls and goblins. Again and again, you see them say things that suggest if we could only imprison/kill all the monsters, peace would return and the green valleys would once again flourish. They just can’t face the possibility that the monsters are just people in messed up circumstances, because then they might feel some kinship for them.

Oh, and sorry about the canola oil.


Needs moar Jooos.

Them fagg0rtz guys too!

It is a necessary component of conservative thought that “terrorists”, “criminals”, “rioters” and so on are a kind of monster, like orcs, trolls and goblins.

So, Pamela Gellar and Max Boot are basically playing out their Keep on the Borderlands fantasy? The safe word is “Bree-Yark!”


Oh, and sorry about the canola oil.

No apology for Nickelback?

Lurking Canadian

Dude, no apology is possible for Nickelback. Besides, if I started apologizing for every crappy Canadian music export I’d be here all week. Why do you think we export them in the first place?


“Hence, sex is their god. The American and European cultures have deteriorated into a state of sexual licentiousness. Everywhere we turn nowadays…sex, sex, sex! Few people fully realize the Satanic agenda behind the rock-n-roll industry to corrupt our youth.”

“Religious fundamentalists are united by fear. Whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jew, fear is the common denominator. They fear change, modernization, and loss of influence. They fear that the young will abandon the churches, mosques and synagogues for physical and material gratification. They fear the influence of mass media and its ability to subvert the young with song, dance, fashion, alcohol, drugs, sex, and freedom. They especially fear education if it undermines the teachings of their religion. They fear a future they can’t control, or even comprehend.”
– James F. Mattil, U.S. State Department


make him a fuckin’ sammich
Sudo make me a sandwich.

Only works on eunuchs.

Hence, sex is their god. The American and European cultures have deteriorated into a state of sexual licentiousness. Everywhere we turn nowadays…sex, sex, sex!

“Their god” for values including the fundies, the main consumers of porn?


Only works on eunuchs.

Haven’t you heard? Wall Street servers are all eunuchs.


Everywhere we turn nowadays…sex, sex, sex!

Just driving to work is becoming hazardous.

A random passerby

Hence, sex is their god.

Where is my god now?

No, really. Where?


Lest anyone should fail to understand that pants are “men’s clothing,” take a look at the sign on ANY men’s restroom and you’ll see, Yes … a pair of pants on the door

Even in Scotland?


Update from the road: mama earth POOPed big time at Mt. Lassen.


Everything I know about life I learned from a bathroom door. And guess what: Jenny Cardoza really IS a good time.


Yes … a pair of pants on the door

Is that a signal like a tie on the door handle?


Hogeye Grex, thanks for the links:

“What with this rant and now this WSJ interview…”

I had listened to the first; the second was even better: advice.


bbkf, re: quinine.

It’s supposed to help with the malaria.



I assume you are all way ahead of me and have already seen this photo.


Even in Scotland?

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?

Because sheep can hear zippers a mile away.


Jesus didn’t wear pants.

Yeah, and actually, neither did Moses or any of the other guys who wrote the books of the bible.

So pants aren’t, in fact, “men’s clothes” to the authors of those books.

Pants were worn by both sexes in Central Asia at that time.


Because sheep can hear zippers a mile away.

im here all week, try the veal…..


One L looks a little like Marylin Manson.


One L looks a little like Marylin Manson.

One L. Turned into a crappy night-time soap called The Birth Certificate Chase.


“One L” sounds like “Mon-El” – a member of the Legion of Superheroes and childhood friend of Superman.

No joke here. It just amuses me for some reason.


A fair proportion of the population have been screaming “bring back national service, that will teach the young discipline. This does not apply to middle class children of course, just them feral bastards from the council estates”.

Oh how I laughed when the press revealed that a member of the of the armed forces was in court overnight for looting in Manchester.

Why is it that the common sense solutions are always bullshit?


Yes … a pair of pants on the door
Is that a signal like a tie on the door handle?

I was just thinking that if the pants are hanging over the top, I will find somewhere else to piss.


RE: “extranational wogs”

MY COMMENT: Wankers!!!

FILM: “Made in Britain” (1982) with Tim Roth as a British skinhead


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