That’s The Ticket, Heather
Posted on August 10th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Heather Mac Donald
Heather Mac Donald, City Journal
Back To The Future on Poverty
- The way to keep black and brown men out of jail isn’t job training but is instead to force their mothers to get married, something which is impossible to accomplish as long as liberals are all pushing gay marriage.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
“Heather” seems to really “like” “scare” “quotes”.
And here I was thinking the way to keep people out of jail was to end the drug war, make college education affordable, and quit letting the for-profit prison industry write sentencing laws.
I welcome the toilet p-shoops back. Hopefully you had the pipes cleaned while service was down.
That’s as veiled as you want it to be.
Heather Mac Donald is a contributing editor of City Journal and the John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
AKA another wingnut poop-flinger.
And here I was thinking the way to keep people out of jail was to end the drug war, make college education affordable, and quit letting the for-profit prison industry write sentencing laws.
How naive you are. Listen. VICTIM BLAMING is the ONLY effective means of dealing with a crisis. If we try all this dumb shit you’re talking about, the poor blackies might gain a foothold in our already crowded middle class. This is idea makes Heather haz a sad.
Given that the black and brown communities are the most resistant to marriage equality of the “liberal” demos, “Heather” has made an excellent point. It matches her head, the pointy little thing.
Update from the road: Monterey Bay aquarium: needs more POOP. Hearst Castle: too much POOP.
Also FYWP. I got your “too quickly” right here.
Anti-poverty programs, job placement assistance, health care facilities for the disadvantaged, and placing these services close to “people” who lack access to “transportation”: soft-headed liberal interference in the “lives” of “citizens”.
Intervention “initiatives” to “encourage” the darkies to get married and quit peppering the landscape with bastards, dammit!–totes acceptable function of government.
Got it.
Heather’s right ’cause poverty rates didn’t decrease during the 60s and 70s. They couldn’t have because that is the basis for her entire argument. I’m sure she cited to a study and it just got misplaced in editing.
Also note that she doesn’t give a shit about fathers being engaged with their kids. The YMI she rails against made the recommendation that set-up NYC’s Fatherhood Initiative. Part of the education she thinks is useless and wasted effort is educating young men on how to be better dads to their kids.
Also note that she doesn’t give a shit about the institution of marriage. It’s New York where same-sex marriages are legally recognized. Therefore if she is against gay weddings, she is against marriage.
All she wants is for everyone to rigidly obey her own set of rules, (which incidentally are internally inconsistent). Is that really asking too much? And that they refuse to acknowledge her personal view of what constitutes moral behaviour, that they refuse to always do exactly as she dictates all the time – that’s somehow a violation of her rights.
Jesus. I got out of the boat and have no snark. I wonder how it must feel to be such a horrible, bitter, mean, petty racist. If I were her, I’d be drinking myself into a stupor, but I suppose that demonstrates some sort of conscience she surely doesn’t have.
What kills me about Heather is that she is one of only two people in my high school graduating class to achieve any kind of fame. (Dana Delaney is the other.)
Of course, considering who else went to my school, I shouldn’t complain.
Make that “Delany.”
She condems failed policies of the past and embraces proven winners like abstinence, shotgun marriages, a complete absence of social safety net programs for the poor, traditional pedagogy, and unbending codes of conduct. Just throw all that at the browns and blacks and success is right around the corner.
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the initiative will offer paid internships in city agencies at $7.25 an hour if they get free tutoring in math and reading; apparently these boys can’t be bothered to study without payment.
how is this not like what jonah does on a daily basis? oh, wait…they said study…
Marriageternus. 500mg capsules
Dosage: twice daily with meals
Dr Bachmann
How about we force those mothers to get married to other women?
Nice analysis at LGM. Yeah “requiring every city agency to come up with a plan for promoting marriage”? How many NYC municipal agencies have (or should have) the remotest influence on marriage policy? Zoning and planning commissions? Sanitation department? Transit Authority? Department of State? Department of Motor vehicles? Parks Department? Department of Cultural Affairs?
I’m not getting out of the boat, but based on the rotten mangoes ya’ll have dragged back I’ll observe (again) that yet another ReaLAMErican fReichtard has come up with a “solution” that is 100% un-American.
(If you’re a geek hours of amusement may be had by thinking up the wording of her imagined Required Marriage Act.)
Seriously, if we could convince these dipshits that many of the scary Sharia Law foisting Muslin countries they revile are actually inhabited by Caucasians they’d stampede to the nearest international airport and tear up their passports the minute the plane touched down.
Nice analysis at LGM. Yeah “requiring every city agency to come up with a plan for promoting marriage”?
This is an excellent way of promoting “freedom” and getting “governement” off our “proverbial” “backs”.
I like it. We can get the cops involved and everything. This bitch is a fucking genius.
Hmmm. Just rowed the boat over to LG&$. Apparently the cunning plan goes like this:
1. Every elected officials and administrative agency in NYC tells unwed parents to get married right now, damn it!
2. ????
3. Profit!
Are there any fReichtards who don’t think and write like a crotchety barfly who suffers from delusions of thinking anyone gives a fuck?
How many NYC municipal agencies have (or should have) the remotest influence on marriage policy? Zoning and planning commissions? Sanitation department? Transit Authority? Department of State? Department of Motor vehicles? Parks Department? Department of Cultural Affairs?
All of them. Particularly the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. And yes, that is the real name.
All of them. Particularly the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. And yes, that is the real name.
Judging by this article, I’d say the Mental Hygiene area of this organization has fallen down.
Not getting off the boat for love nor money but I have to ask: did she accuse Liberals of “social engineering” anywhere? Because those mangos look a lot like engineering (of the Chernobyl reactor variety) to me.
Got off the boat and boy are those mangos flavorless and, well, dull. But one is a doozy:
The YMI is equally silent on restoring explicit norms and teacher-centered learning to the classroom
I thought today’s reactionary right hated teachers. So why is this particular righty-tighty in a wad about YMI not being, well, vocal about “teacher-centered learning”? Meanwhile, since when does today’s right like “explicit norms”. For example, teaching “evilution” — well, there’s an explicit norm. How about “if you have sex, put a rubber on”?
Anyway, a right-winger criticizing people for having “selective amnesia” about which programs work and which don’t — well, that’s rich!
Young Men’s Initiative press release.
Heather links to this release speech given by Bloomberg. She makes note that George Soros donated money, yet neglects to mention all of the other contributors. Heather, honey, you need to STFU, you’re picking scabs and they can get infected.
Mayor Bloomberg:
I thought today’s reactionary right hated teachers
Just the ones that are trying to make a living while teaching and want to teach stuff that is, like, true n’ junk.
What conservatives haven’t learned is that often the easiest explanation is not the correct one. A lot of problems are problems because they are complex, and they may require complex solutions. Certainly more complex than “Horny black folks should keep it in their pants.”
I wonder if Heather here has ever wondered if perhaps the reason don’t get married is because they are poor. I know that many people wait for SOME sort financial stability before they hook up for life. That actually makes sense to me. When you have no job and no hope, I don’t exactly know what the incentive for marriage is. So that you can have no job and no hope with another person? FUN!
Actually, I think this initiative by Bloomberg is a fucking GREAT IDEA.
Furthermore, only in the wingnut world would a man like Soros have to apologize for donating to such a cause. The mind– it truly boggles.
Nothing new, but a good read
This cracked me up:
What conservatives haven’t learned is that often the easiest explanation is not the correct one. A lot of problems are problems because they are complex, and they may require complex solutions. Certainly more complex than “Horny black folks should keep it in their pants.”
The dumb ones, like Heather, really believe this shit. The smarter among them (like Barack Obama), know that these phony “get back to moral basics” solutions are nothing more than avoiding the reality that there is a problem that needs to be dealt with. It’s not an easy problem to fix, it will take a long time, there will be setbacks and failures and it will be expensive. Fortunately for society, SOMEBODY is actually doing it. People like Obama, however, like the idea of ignoring the problem and letting people think that it’s a “black thing” that we wouldn’t understand.
Furthermore, only in the wingnut world would a man like Soros have to apologize for donating to such a cause. The mind– it truly boggles
If it gots some Soros in it, it’s GOTTA BE BAD.
In re the George Soros donation: “George Soros donated to this cause” is just the new version of “this cause is backed by Jewish money and hence is a Zionist plot to take over the world”. Given that so many on the right have decided to “embrace” Israel (note the quotes around the word “embrace”), they can’t use this kind of language anymore, so instead they just refer to “George Soros” and leave it at that. To adapt Sartre here, if George Soros didn’t exist, the right would have to invent him.
She makes note that George Soros donated money, yet neglects to mention all of the other contributors.
Actually tsam, money wise – there aren’t that many contributors. Soros is kicking in a quarter, Bloomberg is kicking in a quarter and teh taxpayers are on the hook for the other half. Everything else is rounding error (it’s a $127 million dollar program).
Generally, I’m leary of public-private partnerships. PPP’s have a tendency to turn into massive giveaways to large, well-connected corporations. In this case, both major private investors are philanthropic institutes with no need to financially recoup their investment. Still, the question of being able to buy policy is a troubling one. The programs being instituted have good goals, but I’m not super keen on having the mechanisms of achieving those goals decided by the highest bidder.
On the other hand, this is money going to people who need it. It’s addressing a real actual problem. If it works, it will create all sorts of benefits that will easily dwarf the nine figure price tag. Even if it doesn’t work and has zero long term benefits, it’s still nine figures worth of short term economic stimulus.
Gimme an S!
Generally, I’m leary of public-private partnerships. PPP’s have a tendency to turn into massive giveaways to large, well-connected corporations
I don’t disagree. In fact I think they are conceived as giveaway programs to coporations that already have all the money rather than evolve into such things.
However, if they can do something to help people who really need it (rather than a stock broker who is in danger of being laid off), I’m all for it.
Also, at the risk of sounding like a fucking simpleton, I do have to say that the squealing from the right, while reflexive, is satisfying and gives me a little comfort that some non-whites may get a little bit of help out of the deal.
Shorter Victor Tiberius Caius Tammi Nebuchadnezzar Hanson: (
If the mayor of Philadelphia wasn’t a dumb colored, he would realize that flash mob violence is entirely the fault of The Rap-Hop.
(Bonus from Salon: “Hanson is so sloppy and hackneyed in his writing, so ready to unquestioningly parrot cheap caricatures, that he cannot even recognize when someone is taking his side in an argument.”)
In before “BLACK SINGLE MOMS DID 9/11!”
Single moms are the real reason why billboard ads create visual pollution, corporate franchises push out small family businesses, sanitation is erratic & road transport is deteriorating! THE MOAR YOU KNOW.
Creating your own reality – she’s doing it right. Teh mighty wizard Heather Mac Donald raises her Enchanted Sword Of Matrimony & scoffs at your ridiculous “child abuse laws” & your absurd “mandatory school attendance” mythology!
the initiative will offer paid internships in city agencies at $7.25 an hour if they get free tutoring in math and reading; apparently these boys can’t be bothered to study without payment.
Well, no, they don’t get an intern job if they don’t study, the payment is what folks call a “salary.” Hey, I know what she’d love, what if the internships were contingent on the boys getting married? Or maybe just pay them for getting married?
Here’s a thought: maybe “the breakdown of the family” is a *symptom* of “urban dysfunction”, rather than its cause; or maybe the latter “lies behind” the former, rather than the reverse. Or maybe these are all just meaningless, racist-dogwhistle labels that don’t really describe actual problems, let alone suggest solutions. I dunno, maybe…
Damn liberals! First they use time machines to set up Obama for the presidency, then they prevent the rest of us from creating them by supporting gay marriage (trust me on this: I’m a physicist) so we can’t go back in time and shotgun-wedding all the brutes, as I believe Mr Kurtz said.
the initiative will offer paid internships in city agencies at $7.25 an hour if they get free tutoring in math and reading; apparently these boys can’t be bothered to study without payment.
So they can produce something, make some money, and further their education and businesses get cheap help and the opportunity to contribute something.
I wish somebody would ask these wingnuts what they mean when they say that poverty in urban, minority communities is a “result” of Great Society programs. Because there were no poor black people in the US until the 1970s? Really? The best thing we can do for the black community is roll the clock back to 1955, when they REALLY had it good, before the damn liberal do-gooders messed up their gravy train?
Hey, you know what else? We could totally solve the problem of black kids doing poorly in school by making it illegal to teach black kids to read, like in the old days. If there simply were no black kids in school, none of them would fail. Can I have an Olin grant, now?
“get back to moral basics”
As a Southerner of a certain age, I know exactly which moral basics she references.
As a Southerner of a certain age, I know exactly which moral basics she references
Yeah, the Good Ol’ Days that them Good Ol’ Boys like to wank on about…
I sometimes hear Southerners lament the fact that the rest of us look down upon them as dumbass hillbillies. It makes me chuckle.
The best thing we can do for the black community is roll the clock back to 1955, when they REALLY had it good, before the damn liberal do-gooders messed up their gravy train?
1855, more likely. Jobs for all!
Obviously it’s liberal plot funded by outside money to influence policy.
Funding sources
The Manhattan Institute received $19,470,416 in grants from 1985–2005, from foundations such as the Koch Family Foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, Inc., the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Scaife Foundations, and the Smith Richardson Foundation.[63] The Manhattan Institute does not disclose its corporate funding, but the Capital Research Center listed its contributors as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Exxon Mobil, Chase Manhattan, CIGNA, Sprint, Reliant Energy, Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, and Merrill Lynch
Ok, so let me get this straight.
To help black people out of crippling poverty, we shouldn’t do any targeted relief efforts to stop poverty and give people more opportunities, but rather should instead urge every single black person to marry another single black person (except not the same sex, because that ruins the magic fairy dust) and if there is a discrepency because we throw black men in jail like they were fucking candy then too bad, so sad, remaining women will be personally blamed if this policy fails.
This marriage between two impoverished black people will do what exactly?
How will combining the indebted struggling to get by finances of two people help in any way? Now both people’s personal finances are imperiled by the perceived need to take care of the other person and since these aren’t marriages of love, then there will be guaranteed friction, possibly violence because there hasn’t been the establishment of trust, mutual respect, and genuine good will which are traits already tested and strained when you’re both broke.
Okay, they’ll now have “morals”, in Heather’s deluded eyes. Okay, how does that put food on the table? How does that expand their options more than the YMI and other programs? They’ll have more time for their kids? Okay, so they’re even cutting work hours? So they need to take care of more people with less money? Somehow I suspect that’s not going to take anyone out of poverty.
Oh, wait, let me guess, she’s one of those wingnuts who think that there are just infinite jobs out there, but the poor are just too lazy and unmotivated to get themselves a living wage paying job because welfare is giving them free Cadillacs or some such shit. And so marriage and its magic moral powers will give people the motivation to get one of these magic free jobs that are totally everywhere because now they have to help take care of people they love…
Except if, in this fantasy world, welfare is the option giving them more money and also letting them spend quality time with their kid to prevent them from falling into bad habits like crime, why would they take the magic job? Surely they would then be making the rational decision for the betterment of their kids.
You know what Heather, I’m starting to suspect you might not be making even a coherent argument by wingnut standards (and that’s saying something) and just wanted a lazy means of combining three hates and self-justifications (poverty relief is wrong and George Soros is the devil and corrupts everything he touches, black people are poor because they did wrong against God by being so black, and gay people are somehow ruining everything and damnitt some day we’ll come up with a halfway plausible reason why).
1855, more likely. Jobs for all!
And every slave had a two parents–a whole family. Things were SO MUCH better back then. Gosh. I’m starting to see how liberals have fucked everything up.
And wow, someone at wingnut headquarters must have looked back and gone, “aw, fuck, the liberals are right, we’ve been wrong about every major policy battle both economic and social in at least the last 100 years and probably for all time.”
Because every fucking wingnut at the moment seems to be engaged in Operation Revisionist History targeting every liberal victory in the last 100 years and trying to make it responsible for the crises it often addressed and improved (if it didn’t outright fix).
The hardest push has of course been arguing that FDR and Keynesian economic policy was responsible for the Great Depression and Hooverist policies either didn’t happen or were what ended it.
And of course, we’ve seen the Obama caused an economic crisis that began nearly a year before he came into office and was also responsible for a debt created by his predecessor.
But now we see it here with the LBJ’s Great Society caused the poverty it was trying to address. They’ve been trying to push the idea that Feminism and the Civil Rights movement created oppression for women and blacks and that Jim Crow was what really caused racist backlash. And I know some trial balloons have been floated to argue that giving women the right to vote robbed women of their true voices and ruined America.
And we already have seen them argue that all the 1920s Progressive policies to make sure that food wasn’t poisonous and employers couldn’t kill people and employ children at slave wages were all bad and terrible and cause things like the Great Depression with their job killing ways.
We have half this country deliberately trying to misinform themselves and the other half with an entirely fictional representation of history in order to argue for policies condemned by history and roll the clock of history back at least 100 years.
As much as I want to mine that for humor, I must admit that is a bit frightening of a reality.
In other words, the South should have won?
You know what Heather, I’m starting to suspect you might not be making even a coherent argument by wingnut standards (and that’s saying something)
Consider the following:
The Bloomberg speech she linked:
The linked speech:
The linked speech:
Well okay, I think she may have a point on that one.
Shorter Steve Hayward:
@ Cerebrus;
I don’t feel like the revisionist history campaign is new, it seems like they’re always wounded from the last battle, causing the butthurt to be amplified by the current one. Their psychotic rage against the gay marriage machine is evidence that they’re still pretty mad about the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. Same indefensible, shitty arguments, same inappropriate outrage. Before that, they were mad about suffrage, emancipation, the whole Enlightenment, going all the way back to John giving away the goddamned farm in 1215–wtf???
I guess the point is that I don’t understand what drives this behavior, it must be some sort of mental illness that makes hindsight always the product of rose-colored glasses. It’s also really difficult to understand how a person can’t complete the most simple of logical feats, empathy. Just the very idea of being on the business end of Shock and Awe should make any human rethink war as jackoff material. I suppose this is human nature, but at this point in our development, it seems rather disappointing that so much of this maladaptive behavior exists in what we like to call an exceptional nation.
Nope. Boat’s nice and dry. Not gettin’ out.
Stupid’s so thick you couldn’t get through it with a sickle bar Gravely. I’m not hacking away at it with a machete.
Pffft. Idiots.
You libs are seriously outgunned.
Judy Miller, adjunct fellow and contributing editor, City Journal
Peggy Noonan, Board of Trustees member
From mark f’s link:
From the New Wingnut Dictionary:
radical (n., adj.): One who believes that seventy year old programs should NOT be destroyed because of provably false economic theories. (Opp.: moderate) Compare to Oldspeak: conservative.
moderate (n., adj.): One who believes passionately in the provably false economic doctrine called “supply-side theory” that never had any actual support in the economic literature and was the pipe dream of a whack job named Laffer and the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Compare to Oldspeak: radical
Pffft. Idiots.
I know. Okay, in “Heather”‘s “defense”, Bloomberg’s explanation is pretty vague – but SRSLY? Who’s going to challenge the notion that the four areas identified (education, health, employment, and the justice system) aren’t teh key factors that need to be addressed?
Oh wait. “Heather” is challenging it. She “thinks” the real factor is marriage rate.
Well, yes, I’ve always known that they take the butthurt of each fight for the next and have their own personal tale of history (usually by limiting their memory to the last 3 days and then substituting “things were better when I was a kid” for everything they missed).
They’ve been outraged from the feeling of losing and don’t necessarily feel they were wrong and see the world passing them by on the age-old fight as a personal slight against them and something the world is doing to personally oppress them and them alone. See also whining about “Political Correctness” and that they “can’t use certain words anymore”, by which they mean people look at them strangely when they try.
What I’m more worried about is that they’ve always personally rewritten their histories, but now there seems to be a coordinated top-down campaign for every right-winger to believe in an alternate timeline where the liberal solutions to problems actually occurred before the problems they were solving and thus created the problems and to sell this alternate history to the American people.
I’m also a little worried they’ll succeed as I remember my American History classes tended to run out of time when they reached the 21st century, so rearranging the events of the 21st century is probably the timeline they’d most be able to fuck with and get people to believe in.
I think Heather is mostly butt-chapped that she wasn’t invited to the dance.
No not even the marriage rate, but rather the straight marriage rate or ratio, because gay couples getting married and the boon this has had on the marriage rate in NY doesn’t count and apparently anti-counts.
I wish somebody would ask these wingnuts what they mean when they say that poverty in urban, minority communities is a “result” of Great Society programs. Because there were no poor black people in the US until the 1970s? Really? The best thing we can do for the black community is roll the clock back to 1955, when they REALLY had it good, before the damn liberal do-gooders messed up their gravy train?
Well no the importaint thing is we didnt SEE poor black people in 1955! Thats really all that matters to Heather.
A white woman of unknown marital status in Manhattan commenting negatively on Black and Hispanic inner city marriage and child raising doesn’t sound patronizing to me.
radical (n., adj.): One who believes that seventy year old programs should NOT be destroyed because of provably false economic theories.
Actually, he defines it quite expilicitly as “black person.”
Thank you for the reminder Cerberus. And it’s a point that we should all remember – in New York, same-sex marriages are legal. As in officially recognized. Codified in the law.
Probably Muslims and abortions to blame somehow.
Well no the importaint thing is we didnt SEE poor black people in 1955! Thats really all that matters to Heather
Be polite. I believe the correct terminology then was “the coloreds”.
I am glad to see that Heather voices her disapproval of ex-half-term Governor Palin’s children.
One unwed mother and a son who fathered a child out of wedlock.
IOKIYAW obviously.
OMG, for real quote:
I worry about this too, mainly because it really doesn’t require very much coordination or effort to muster a coordinated effort these days–at least not on the right wing side. People eat it rather easily these days for whatever confounding reason. It baffles me, and I’ve tried like hell to figure it out in some sort of effort to figure out how to combat it.
Also, part of the revision is an improvement in tactics for them, I must admit. They’re old (Buckleyesque) tactic of sneering and scoffing about long haired freaky people and intellectuals with no common sense was failing them among the people they need the most, their victims–ie; the working poor.
No, that isn’t Brando. Close though. It’s James Lileks
i used to read him in the mpls strib and found him quite amusing…until i found out his odious worldview…just not funny anymore…
until i found out his odious worldview…just not funny anymore…
He went completely, off-the-rails, bug fuck insane after 9/11. (Full disclosure, I used to read him too and found him mildly amusing. I wonder if his daughter will kill him when she grows up and finds all that stuff he wrote about The Gnat?)
Next book by Heather: Eugenics:The Misunderstood Theory
I heard Lileks with Doughy Goldberg and Andrew Klavan on a podcast once a while back. They all agreed they hated Julian Assange (this was back when he’d just been arrested), but that the rape charge was bogus and “sex with a feminist” was punishment enough, and then they giggled a lot. Lileks had the voice of a 70s cockrock dj. I didn’t get a good impression.
I worry that their version of the post 9/11 world (where the regrettable necessity of Bush Doctrine became the American paradigm) will come to be the accepted history. It seems that you could look back and find hundreds of examples (Sarajevo, 1914, for example), of overreaction unleashing undercurrents of aggression and the tragic consequences that we’ve had to live with since. I just wonder if historians will have the guts to be honest about how gutless and shameful our foreign policy has been this entire century.
Eugenics:The Misunderstood Theory
My father-in-law is named Eugene and I don’t get half of what he says.
I heard Lileks with Doughy Goldberg and Andrew Klavan on a podcast once a while back. They all agreed they hated Julian Assange (this was back when he’d just been arrested), but that the rape charge was bogus and “sex with a feminist” was punishment enough, and then they giggled a lot. Lileks had the voice of a 70s cockrock dj. I didn’t get a good impression
i am now fighting the urge to run to the nearest shower and scrub the icky off…
I wish somebody would ask these wingnuts what they mean when they say that poverty in urban, minority communities is a “result” of Great Society programs. Because there were no poor black people in the US until the 1970s? Really?
Don’t you damn fool liberals know that slavery was all about mutual respect and the uplifting of pagan savages?
“Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded upon racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause. The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith. . . The unity and companionship that existed between the races in the South prior to the war was the fruit of a common faith.”
Found this rotten turd through the New Yorker piece on Bachmann.
We have always been at war with reality.
Mark, he was always a bit “precious,” but back in the dim, dark reaches of time before 9/11 he had a column that was sometimes amusing. Then he went insane. I’d have been horrified if you HAD gotten a good impression of him now! (A podcast with Lileks, Klavan and the Doughy Load? Gawd — I’m glad you survived.)
(where the regrettable necessity of Bush Doctrine became the American paradigm)
This should be read with a sarcastic tone, by the way.
(A podcast with Lileks, Klavan and the Doughy Load? Gawd — I’m glad you survived.)
More like a pudcast.
No, that isn’t Brando. Close though. It’s James Lileks
You misspelled ‘Brawndo’.
my mother STILL uses this term
“How can ‘those people’ afford a car like that”?!
Next book by Heather: Eugenics:The Misunderstood Theory
Put it on the shelf next to Slavery: A Legacy of Respect.
Found that turd through the New Yorker profile of Bachmann, which is a must-read.
(A podcast with Lileks, Klavan and the Doughy Load? Gawd — I’m glad you survived.)
Thanks. There was a fourth guy, but I don’t remember who he was. It was through I saw a link to it a nd figured, hey, these guys are who the righties always seem to think is hilarious, so I’ll give it a shot. It was not hilarious.
Er, are hilarious.
Heather is one of the more progressive wingers, she believes in Darwinism.
Social Darwinism.
I’m getting into the guillotine business
did she accuse Liberals of “social engineering” anywhere?
A combination of subsidies and coercion to engineer particular social conditions are not social engineering because they’re not social engineering.
If unwed mothers & fatherless children are the scourge this rhymes-w/-witch thinks they are, wouldn’t improved access to family planning, birth control, yada be the answer?
Or am I being rational again?
Eugenics:The Misunderstood Theory
“The dictionary defines the prefix eu- as a combining form meaning “good or well” from the Greek eus, yet liberal selective amnesiacs ignore this clear meaning and insist instead that eugenics are “bad” or “wrong.””
Lileks’ hobby.
I can’t believe I just clicked on that.
Or am I being rational again?
“Heather” actually addresses this directly:
IOW, we made prophylactics not illegal a long time ago. What else needs be done?! Offa mah lawn.
And for these men with no self-restraint, are there no Kleenex, no Aveeno, no pornography?
Next book by Heather: Eugenics:The Misunderstood Theory
“Ku Klux Klan: misunderstood victims of political correctness”
But Cantor stressed that they never presented an economic rationale for higher taxes. It was all about class warfare, pure and simple.
This comes minutes after handwringing feigning concern about the debt/deficit.
If every American would just embrace Christianity sincerely and wholeheartedly and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, the effect on the US economy would just be.. well it would just be diddly squat! Religion does not affect the economy, idiots, economic policy does.
But Cantor stressed that they never presented an economic rationale for higher taxes. It was all about class warfare, pure and simple.
Then he shorted dollars, fucked the nation’s credit rating, and guaranteed the continued crap economy which will not affect him and his one iota. I guess it’s not class warfare as long as his squad always fires first and always wins.
(crossposted from LGM, mostly cuz my firewall cracked or else I’d bother coming up with something original)
You want to lower the poverty rate amongst the poor?
Stop treating them like criminals and idiots and start treating them like members of the family who’ve fallen on hard times.
Gee, I bet they even start getting married!
(A podcast with Lileks, Klavan and the Doughy Load? Gawd — I’m glad you survived.)
More like a pudcast.
TB, you miss the point: their economic policy is a religion. Regardless of half a century or more of ironclad proof that progressive taxation creates widespread wealth, that government regulation of business is good for consumers and for business, that tax cuts for the wealthy do not create jobs, that subsidies for education lead to a broad-based, prosperous middle class. etc., etc., etc., they remain absolutely steadfast in their faith that the only way to improve government is to make it smaller, weaker and more controlled by unrestrained, unchecked corporate wealth.
Makes Ken Hamm look like Richard Dawkins.
Wow. I never realized how much she resembles Stephen Hawking!
Not quite as handsome, of course.
I’m getting into the guillotine business
Cliffotine is more lucrative.
Jesus was a glorious deficit hawk. Much of the gospels are devoted to Jesus talking about how awesome rich people are.
Plus, you kill job growth by wiping out their incentives to take on economic risk
but they aren’t taking the fucking risk now!!! that’s the problem!!!
Wow. I never realized how much she resembles Stephen Hawking!
i just love how wistful she looks…perhaps this picture was taken in a quite moment when she realized, that due to her righteous morals, she will never be somebody’s baby momma…
Looks like she’s got enough problems just being her. Nevertheless, she deserves all the scorn she’s getting – and more.
Plus, you kill job growth by wiping out their incentives to take on economic risk
Indeed, just look at Norway!
Plus, you kill job growth by wiping out their incentives to take on economic risk
but they aren’t taking the fucking risk now!!! that’s the problem!!!
Heh, perhaps if we taxed away all their money and they no longer had anything to lose they’d be more willing to take risks.
i just love how wistful she looks
after another look (yes, i am a bit masochistic) it’s not wistfulness…it’s a mix of shame, scorn, self-hatred AND knowing she’s never going to be a baby momma…
She kinda looks like Jeffrey Rush in that shot.
That would require Ol’ MacDonald to do two impossible things before her next drink*:
1. Imagine that her family has anything in common with the horrid Brown Folk who run wild through her overheated imagination.
2. Admit that any of her family members have ever had or might ever have to rely on public funds to get them through a difficult patch.
*Well, she looks drunk to me.
Heh, perhaps if we taxed away all their money and they no longer had anything to lose they’d be more willing to take risks.
There was a time when you had to invest that money or get it taxed at a painful rate. That seemed to work for everyone except for the shitstains who really really wanted multi million dollar bonuses, even during years when the company was laying off people who work.
Clearly, the problem lies with Heather’s fixation on black PENIS. Who can blame her?
I know, I spelled his name wrong, but she still looks kinda like HIM
Is that Horatio Hornblower?
(I don’t think it is, I just find that to be the most hilarious homoerotic pirate-ish reference en tout le monde)
He went completely, off-the-rails, bug fuck insane after 9/11.
His pre-9/11 stuff on various pop culture junk (Regrettable Food, Interior Desecrators) are still pretty entertaining. It’s sad, really.
Whale Chowder: Holy shit, you’re psychic!
This, of course, is literally exactly the premise of Mac Donald’s preferred solution, too:
The thing that really, really bugs me about American conservativism is this habit of talking out of both sides of your mouth when it comes to the government. I can imagine a person making a very reasonable argument that the government shouldn’t be trying to make it’s citizens into upstanding members of the bourgeois, and I can also imagine a perfectly reasonable argument that it should, but that Bloomberg’s particular plan is a poor way of doing it.
But you can’t have both. A little consistency is all I’m asking for here.
Is that Horatio Hornblower?
Ho Yay?
The thing that really, really bugs me about American conservativism is this habit of talking out of both sides of your mouth when it comes to the government
That doesn’t bother me as much as the unquestioning acceptance of stereotypes and patently false bullshit.
Essentially what this whore is trying to say is “don’t help them, it’s their own fault they’re horny little black devil’s who knock bitches and hoes up and take off to do more crack. If they would come to Jesus, their problems would be solved.” Typical bullshit.
by requiring every city agency to come up with a plan for promoting marriage
“If you liked transit then you should have put a ring on it.”
She kinda looks like Jeffrey Rush in that shot.
If Geoffrey Rush and Stephen Hawking had a daughter, she’d still be prettier than Heather
Scribe: Oooooooo, Dana Delany. I was completely smitten during China Beach. I went to see Moon Over Parador mainly because she was in the cast in a supporting role.
Btw, how are your eyes doing now?
Tag-fail. Fenwick needs moar coffee…
I just find that to be the most hilarious homoerotic pirate-ish reference en tout le monde
I’ve always been partial to John Rackham (enunciate)
Essentially what this whore is trying to say is “don’t help them, it’s their own fault they’re horny little black devil’s who knock bitches and hoes up and take off to do more crack. If they would come to Jesus, their problems would be solved.” Typical bullshit.
And yet, Bristol Palin gets a free ride.
I meant that in a non-sexual way.
I’ve always been partial to John Rackham (enunciate)
Less portable though.
Once again I regret the fact that Lola Ray’s “Our Brown Friends” is not available on the utoobs. Suffice it to say it gets stuck in my head every time I am exposed to fReichtard rantings on the doubleplus ungood people who have the temerity to breathe the same air as their Caucasian Christian heterosexual betters.
Why I’m sorta addicted to S,N: Reading comments like Cerebrus’ at 20:13.
Also: Like DK-W, I’m v-e-r-y skeptical about most ‘public-private partnerships’
I hate to be raining on everyone’s parade, but I’ve never really been comfortable with making fun of someone’s looks (well, maybe how someone dresses, but that’s more of a choice). I mean, I’m not exactly a young Robert Redford myself.
Heather’s ugly enough on the inside.
Also, too: Precision counterbattery fire, such as DK-W’s at 20:34. Shell-by-pinpoint shell. It takes effort to put together such a barrage; DK-W’s registration was spot-on perfect.
As a person who Always Trusts The Shorter, I particular like these sorts of omnibus take-downs.
As I said earlier, these are only TWO examples of why I’m addicted the S,N. So many fine comments and commentators
My main addiction, of course, is the Roller-Coaster Ride.
*disappears into evening Baseball)*
Plus, you kill job growth by wiping out their incentives to take on economic risk
Really? Because (assuming that economic risk taking is a good idea) who’s going to have more time and effort to pour into the risky business – the person who worries that the bank’s going to foreclose on their house or the person who knows they have basic needs more or less covered by government spending?
Wiping the incentive.
I’ve always been partial to John Rackham (enunciate)
As a homoerotic pirate name! It’s pronounced “John Rack’em”
John? Rack ’em!”
I don’t know. I tend to associate “rack” with ladyparts.
I’m v-e-r-y skeptical about most ‘public-private partnerships’
I dunno. A good blow job in an alley…
I hate to be raining on everyone’s parade, but I’ve never really been comfortable with making fun of someone’s looks
Hey, I just mentioned she looked like Stephen Hawking!
I don’t know. I tend to associate “rack” with lady parts.
I hang out in a different kind of bar.
little black devil’s who knock bitches
I dunno. A good blow job in an alley…
From Bloomberg. Mmmmmmm……
Intellectually I know it’s wrong, but it’s so goddamn fun sometimes. It’s such low-hanging fruit. I know it’s lazy to go there, but, damn…sometimes these people make it difficult to call on the better angels of my nature.
sometimes these people make it difficult to call on the better angels of my nature.
This site is for devil’s anyway/.
Also, sadly unfortunate choices in hair, makeup, expression, etc, all fair game.
Often a person can correct being hated by cameras.
Time of death: 1802 PST.
Alright, we can accurately call the death of the thread under the new server regime!
Speaking of which, if anyone on staff is reading this, I vote against threaded comments. A reply button would be useful, but comments growing narrower & narrower is not a happenin’ thing. Keep it simple, pure & old skool.
comments growing narrower & narrower is not a happenin’ thing
Bet I’m wider than you.
Bet I’m wider than you.
Uhoh, the thread’s going goatse.
Once you go goatse, you never can quote me.
The thing that really, really bugs me about American conservativism is this habit of talking out of both sides of your mouth when it comes to the government
That doesn’t bother me as much as the unquestioning acceptance of stereotypes and patently false bullshit.
If we’re going for the thing that really, really bugs us about American conservatism, there’s a hell of a lot of candidates. I really want to nominate something, but there’s just too much to choose from. Maybe later.
Since the thread is being diagnosed as on its way out, two completely off-topic things I learned today:
One (the depressing one) from Wikipedia, when reading about the drug wars in Colombia: “Right-wing paramilitary groups have been blamed for the vast majority of human rights violations in Colombia. The United Nations has estimated that approximately 80% of all killings in Colombia’s civil conflict have been committed by paramilitaries, 12% by leftist guerrillas, and the remaining 8% by government forces.” (
Which, just, WOW. I had some inkling that it wasn’t a completely even match, but I had no idea it was that one-sided in terms of the blame falling on the fascists. Apparently, someone tried to create legitimate militias decades ago so they’d be subject to rule of law and all that; said militias were ruled unconstitutional by the nation’s supreme court after studies showed that they were actually killing more civilians than the rebels.
And now for something completely different: Tea Party Sparks More Antipathy Than Passion, according to Gallup’s latest poll. 14% strongly support it, 20% strongly oppose it (although the biggest chunk by far is still in the “neither support nor oppose” middle, incredibly). And their overall support has dipped to 25%, the lowest it’s been since Gallup started tracking it.
Both things are completely irrelevant to this thread, but I thought both might be of some interest to people.
I miss Ronald Reagan! He was just like Andy Griffith. I miss Andy Griffith!
I walk to 7/11. It’s the synchatron, everyone on a schedule. An influx from Brazil and elsewhere yesterday in Saskatoon. This group is unaware that this isn’t a recent development. Many are not leaving on flights out; I hear the mantra, this is a stop over. People are wearing the corpses of others, they board the same planes as one another, as the stench is overwhelming. A steady flow of people in these disguises enter the store. These masks are more convincing. They have the false skull though, that makes the head appear over-sized, the masks I saw earlier today were better.
Earlier, I enter Safeway. Avoiding detection, shopping for groceries. I’m wearing his mommie’s face. It doesn’t look the same. He thinks I’m his mom. No, I don’t. The faces are becoming realistic. Had to put a lot of eyeliner around the eyes, to hide the thickness. It’s not that realistic. You smell. Several other people have the same idea, some with the more natural affect of constructive surgery, and others with the corpse faces. No full body suits that I noted.
The change receptacles/card readers on the buses link to impulse control inhibitor/simulator technologies. As these technologies send an unbearable and compelling urge to selected individuals, the “bus drivers” (many of whom utililize assisted driving technology) goad the targeted persons. The cab radios have similar technology’s, and are used in the planning of violent episodes. These technologies require dismantling and/or deactivation. All monitoring techonolgies should be seized, and kept out-of-use pending trial.
Transport stations have many technologies, monitoring equipment and compellors. The police stations now have compellors, as well as impulse control inhibitors/simulators, and virtual reality gear that assists criminals and police officers alike in criminal activity. Facists are treasonous, and need to be stripped of badges, weaponry and electronic monitoring systems and other related technologies.
Sasktel monitors and releases information, violating privacy laws, and assisting in gathering information for the comission of crimes.
Military presence is felt in Saskatoon and elsewhere in the province. Break-in’s, experimentation, torture, assault, and thought monitoring are objectives of these “special units”. Murder by suicide is ongoing, and population control is an unannounced agenda of the Canadian military.
There is incinerators in the hospitals. Babies and the eldery are targets. Child abduction is also common in the hospitals. Nazi’s take their turns as nurses, technicians, doctors, teachers, librarians, accountants and etc. The incinerators need to be dismantled.
A no-fly zone in the area would stop the movement of the influx and pre-existing dangerous offenders in Saskatoon and area. The numbers are many, as are abducted and otherwise displaced persons. Preventing movement would allow the remaining honest members of authority a chance to identify, and therefore appropriately respond to evasive criminals and abducted persons. These persons are overwhelmed. This is a state of emergency, the assistance of the public is necessary.
Air quality directly contributes to quality of thinking, and therefore, a no-fly zone would also eliminate the releasing of chemicals in the air. Air conditioners in the buses also need to be dismantled. There are new air-units that attach to homes, and contributr to air pollution as well, Production of these electronics and technologies must cease.
I’ll try Facebook tomorrow, it doesn’t exist or something. try tomorrow, k?
Is Schizo McLooneytunes there copypasting some of his stuff from the Unabomber’s manifesto?
John? Rack ‘em!
I don’t photograph well.
A friend of mine said the camera actually loves me – loves me so much it doesn’t want anyone else to have me, so it makes me look as ugly as possible.
As an artist, I could make up for it with flattering self-portraits, but instead, I tend to make myself as scary or grotesque as I can get.
I tend to associate “rack” with ladyparts.
As would any noir P.I. wearing a trench coat.
So what is the sharpest one in your collection? (And, He-of-Many-Hats, which looks sharpest with it?)
You rack ’em! You brought ’em!!
Add to list: Outright fabrication of ‘facts’ …. including the sustained, reckless, and dangerous attempts to fabricate history. ((ref: strand way up-thread))The thing that really, really bugs me about American conservativism is this habit of talking out of both sides of your mouth when it comes to the government
That doesn’t bother me as much as the unquestioning acceptance of stereotypes and patently false bullshit.
Not tag-fail. This time it was a Paste error. I blame Hiltre.
My favourite is a dark blue one I got last year. It has all sorts of cool but pointless straps and buttons. It also has extra straps to keep the belt from falling out. It looks great with my black fedora (and probably my black trilby, but I don’t think I’ve worn that combination).
I got two trench coats today from various thrift stores, along with a charcoal-black suit with subtle black pinstripes.
I’m in BC at the moment, far away from my hat collection, but I imagine the black fedora would go best. As you said, Film Noir detective is a good look.
REAL Americans are internet tough guys
But those aren’t true
ScotsmenChristians.Film Noir detective is a good look.
Private dick.
Private dick.
Dare I click?
What could possibly go wrong?
What could go right?
Wow, tsam.
“[…] apparently these boys can’t be bothered to study without payment.”
Reminds me of my brother. He did poorly in school. Took a stab at post-high a couple times and failed miserably. Funny thing, though: once involved in a series of jobs where learning was meaningful and lucrative, the fucker learnt and learnt and earnt and earnt. He makes far more money than me, this younger brother, in spite of my degrees versus his none. And his area of business is not a no-brainer. He was, for example, only one of a dozen Californians to earn a certain certification in a recent round. Not bad for a dropout. But again, he seems incapable of doing any of this shit without clear incentives…
As an artist, I could make up for it with flattering self-portraits, but instead, I tend to make myself as scary or grotesque as I can get.
Oh. Those were intentional?
I see.
I left the following comment on the post in question, lets see how long it remains:
Just an experiment…And paradoxically the possibility of an education…
how is this not like what jonah does on a daily basis? oh, wait…they said study…
Have I ever told you how much I love you???
No? Let’s just say that if we had met in High School, I very well may have been the father of your children. To be perfectly honest I would have suggested that we not procreate, as somewhere around ’85, I came to the conclusion that the Republican party married to the John Birch society, and the theocratic “Moral majority” would eventually send this handbasket off of a cliff, to land and in a place, where the waters never freeze.
In any event, I would like to kiss the author of this comment on the cheek!
please to be removing the last “and” in my previous comment.
Editor Please!
Since I am apparently standing on the neck of this thread, while striding across the world as a representative of the colossus, I would like to apologize to all of you good white people for keeping you down, with our penury, profligacy, and our preponderance of Cadillac theft.
The fact that we occasionally throw an articulate” into the mix that sits on all ‘yall is also my (our) fault, and I apologize in advance.
Mayhaps I should change my nym deBlog to “dances on dead thread”
I blame myself for the apparent failure of my previous attempt to articulate the link.
Not saying that I would not punch wordpress in the teeth if the conditions demanded.
Cameron: Looking to U.S. for Gang Fighting Advice.
Oh yeah – because that worked out SO well for Central America.
Wow, tsam.
It’s reported that there were 8000 threats similar to these examples.
It would appear that “the” in the last sentence is surplus to our needs.
Apologies and genuflection.
/bows head in shame
The positive thing about owning/killing this thread is that I am not occupied with terrorizing the wingnuts on my local forum.
So there is that to be thankful for.
For those that might be remotely curious about “the terrorizing” mentioned previously would do well to search for the name of the bodyguard of the Venture family.
I imagine the show would find its way into the wheelhouse of may sadlynauts.
I would like to apologize to all of you good white people for keeping you down, with our penury, profligacy, and our preponderance of Cadillac theft.
How did you guys steal a whole town? And Michiganders not even notice? Impressive.
“tsam said,
August 11, 2011 at 15:19
Wow, tsam.
It’s reported that there were 8000 threats similar to these examples.”
My favorite part of almost all the comments was when the authors would say how hateful atheists are…then call for their deaths.
s reported that there were 8000 threats similar to these examples.
As an atheist, this does not surprise me at all. So-called “Christians” love to congratulate themselves on how “tolerant” they are of people of other faiths–members of different Christan sects, Jews, Mormons, Buddhists, even Muslims–who fervently believe things that are absolutely, categorically irreconcilable with their own beliefs. But dare to point out that you choose not to hold ANY irrational beliefs (and that’s not an insult to you theists, BTW. Any belief system that is impervious to reason, evidence or rational analysis is by definition ir-rational), and the followers of the Price of Peace will cheerfully contemplate (and occasionally carry out) any act of persecution, up to and including murder, against anyone who dares to suggest that NONE of the emperors have any clothes.
these people are f’ing scum of the earth. can we start killing them now? few groups are filled with more hatred than atheists.
You know who else was an atheist? Nope, not Hitler, who remains a member in good standing of the Catholic Church.
How did you guys steal a whole town? And Michiganders not even notice? Impressive.
We were wearing Amway buttons, natch’!
Should be “Prince of Peace” above, but I guess “Price” works too.
Now get off of my rented lawn* (guylander), this four star Sudoku is not gonna solve itself!!!
/presuming he still owns the thread
Re “price of peace”: a favorite unattributed aphorism – Know Jesus, no peace; No Jesus, know peace.
That three could be in two places, that three could be in two places, that three could be in two places!!!!11
Why did my attempt to link to The Venture Bros fail? I am inclined to think that Occam’s razor* is bullshit and that FYWP might actually be in order.
*which would likely implicate me.
…many sadlynauts…what with…a FYWP…Not necessarily in that order.
Editor please!
Apologies to Occam are in order.
/slinks to corner of room
Oh yeah – because that worked out SO well for Central America.
In fairness, we did manage to inspire a right wing militia in Colombia.
How did you guys steal a whole town? And Michiganders not even notice? Impressive.
The neighboring towns were all deserted.
Besides, didn’t you see the Simpson’s movie? They merely had Tom Hanks narrate a commercial about the “new canyon” next door.
Despite loathing Sully, I have to give him credit for calling GØProud “two guys with a twitter account, desperate for attention.”
Nope, not Hitler, who remains a member in good standing of the Catholic Church.
Zombies can be church goers?
Of course, Actor. As the saying goes, “Jesus rose from the dead and he wants your soul.”
You know who else was an atheist?
Raises hand!
Nope, not Hitler, who remains a member in good standing of the Catholic Church.
Damn, and I was gonna say Hitler, as that is usually the answer to such questions.
If I was a Black Gaytheist, I would probably just be north of Hitler in Bachmann’s mind, Michele that is.
I might be somewhat on par with Pius XII
I can only imagine the fever dreams inspired by an antisemitic pope and a black gaytheist…Splash.
While a mini-mag might not vibrate, it* can also allow one to check under the bed for Muslims and Mandingo’s.
Jesus is coming–look busy!
That’ll teach us good…christianists, whats not to like?
Jesus had a bad weekend for your sins
Bob O’Connell
They’re atheists so it won’t matter if you kill them.
Richard Silvia
someone show me where they live&and they will live no mere!
Sindy Clock
stupid atheists, I hope God kills them all.
Sindy Clock
I love Jesus, and the cross and if you dont, I hope someone rapes you!
They’re not all tough guys tsam…
Eileen Rourke
Any court or lawyer who takes this case should be hung!!!! If you look at some of the people who are atheists they are all miserable looking because they don’t have any faith in anything. You should all go live in another country. You have taken enough of my rights away.
Rights, we’re doing it wrong!
Hell this is only from the first 10 or fifteen comments!
I am beginning to understand* the mindset that has gay marriage destroying the sanctity of not gay marriage…
*not really understanding.
Hate is either the new “Black™” or the “Other White Meat™”, I am not sure.
I think that I have distilled all wingnut screeds with the following shorter™ “If the darkies get anything more than the crumbs that fall from my table, civilization, as we know it, will collapse.”
Hate is the GOPs primary Get Out The Vote technique these days; combine that with corporate media and Hate Hate Hate is the thing to do.
That’s why there’s always a marriage definition to vote on, or a dont-let-gays-adopt to vote on, or *insert rage filled idiot law here*.
It pleases me to believe Billy Graham burns in hell for unleashing this abomination on the country.
Zombies can be church goers?
Of course, Actor. As the saying goes, “Jesus rose from the dead and he wants your soul.”
No no, I know Jesus is a zombie. I usually end up drinking his blood and eating his body at mass. I just didn’t realize–
Wait. What?
Can’t find the cite right offhand, but I found it telling that the most pirated movie a few years back was Mel Gibson’s snuff porn film.
Fucking Commandments, how do they work?
I’m not certain but I believe the catlick choich has provisions for post mortem excommunication. Jess sane.
post mortem excommunication
Yes and no. Ex-communication is like a prison sentence – nominally for purposes of “correction” and just like you can’t sentence a dead man, you can’t excommunicate them either. One of the advantages of zombie-ism I guess.
However, you can lift excommunication from dead people (e.g. Joan of Arc). Normally, lifting an excommunication requires repentence and it is unclear how someone who died outside of a state of grace is able to achieve this.
IOW, when you’re dealing with funny made-up rules about who Magic Sky Fairy is officially pissed off with, you can make-up rules as you go.
Just so they can endure what Christ dod so they understand the sacrifice behind what that cross symbolizes.
“Do unto others as these have done unto me” who knew Jesus died to remake atheists into his image and Christians into the image of the Roman soldiers dispensing cruel injustice.
Christians into the image of the Roman soldiers dispensing cruel injustice.
Was that you in the gladiator outfit????
Quiet or it gets the flagellum again.