
Well, well, Dan and Bruce, the Dumb and Dumberer of gay wingnuts, have given full Gay Patriot posting privileges to Hollywood NeoCon, one of their legion of dimwitted commenters, who now calls himself Eric Olsen and has decided to let us know why so many black gay men are becoming infected with HIV. Since we can reasonably assume that Gay “Patriot,” a blog run by a bunch of white middle-aged unattractive wingnuts who dubiously claim to be homosexual, has no more than two gay black readers, it is also reasonable to assume that Eric is not discussing gay black HIV rates to provide helpful information to black gay men.
No, indeedy, Eric is discussing black HIV rates to bolster his point that black gays are mindless Mandingoes that just can’t keep their unsheathed dicks in their pants no matter how many times they are told to.
So, if I understand Fenton correctly, a young black man decides to have unprotected sex because he’s a poverty-stricken victim of homophobia and discrimination? Really? Is he asserting that an erection and impulsiveness have no part in how one acquires this life-threatening disease? … Dr. Fenton, … if you truly believe you can blame the rest of us and continue to ignore the reckless irresponsibility of those who are apparently incapable of thinking beyond gratifying their immediate desires, then perhaps, by your standards, it is you who should be held accountable.
Of course, this being Gay Patriot, no post is complete without a swipe at teh gays as well. Not worried particularly about such niceties as logical consistency, Erik is determined to blame Black HIV rates on the wicked non-Republican gays at the same time he’s blaming it on the wild and irrepressible jungle-driven sex drive of the crazed Negro gays. He does that by asking this rhetorical question with a mystifying (and NSFW) link:
There really is no telling why Erik links militant gay culture to a Google search for Chicago bath houses. Perhap Erik meant to link something else and accidentally linked to one of his own, er, non-academic searches. Perhaps a post about irresponsible sex-crazed gay Negros got Erik all fappity-fappity and he was looking for a release somewhere other than on his own Barcalounger. Or perhaps he’s trying to say that gay liberals build bathhouses for the purpose of luring black gays to their own self destruction, proving yet again that gay liberals are — you can see this one coming, can’t you? — the real racists and the real homophobes. Or perhaps Erik is just trying to snatch the title of America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ from his buddy Dan.
And he banned me, right quick. Deletes any comments not conforming to the hive mind. Did anyone read his post proving that Krugman knows nothing about economics? What. A. Putz.
Today’s POOP update from the road, Fort Bragg CA.
I joyfully imagine a whinger seething with rage at the impingement of his freedumbs.
Or perhaps Erik is just trying to snatch the title of America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ from his buddy Dan.
Worst sitcom ever.
I’ve polled my friends who go to gay saunas, and they say that they hardly ever see a black man at one. But lots of white guys with wedding rings. No clear idea why.
Eric corners his prey, then POUNCES! Rawr!!!
Wow! I’m famous!!!!!!
Five or six of the most self-absorbed bullshit artists in America have made me a topic!!!!
I’m honored, truly.
As for “Pupienus,” I can’t ban anyone, sweetheart.
Thanks for playing, though!!!!
Tintin said “snatch.” Heh heh…
Today’s POOP update from the road, Fort Bragg CA
we took a picture of my eldest sister either entering or exiting every bathroom we came across when we went to ireland a few years ago…naturally, this being the sister who CANNOT leave the house w/out having to use a restroom RIGHT NOW!, we started with the can on the bus that brought us to the airport…ahhhh…good times…
As for “Pupienus,” I can’t ban anyone, sweetheart.
somebody is doing some banning over there…even MY comments disappear there…
So, if I understand Fenton correctly
Guess what?
Unprotected sex is engaged in by unprepared people. And a big part of the reason people are unprepared for sexual activity is because of the bullshit being laid down by those whom Gay Patriot champions.
When will this militant gay culture stop sticking its boner in my mouth? Or, to put it another way, why won’t it start?
There really is no telling why Erik links militant gay culture to a Google search for Chicago bath houses.
he shares links with Peter LaBarbera, methinks.
See what I did there?
My father sometimes tells me stories of what he did when he was young, boy was he a horndog. But then those were the sixties, and besides he lived in a farm.
possibly one of the best comments ever…
See what I did there?
after i googled, yes…yes, i do see what you did there…
Any defense of your arguments, pointing out where your logical arguments begin and end or a demonstration of why the criticisms against you are invalid or inaccurate?
Yeah, if you could, they’d be in your post to begin with.
Also, all these right-wingers trying to capture the feeling of righteousness by trying desperately to fan “a few people saying disapproving stuff about your BS” into “I’m being hated and oppressed for being fantastic”?
Hey, you know what provides that rush, legitimately? Actually standing for people’s actual rights instead of trying to jump into bed with the party that hates you personally because “it’s safer”. Should be easy for a gay person, seeing as how they are hated and are being oppressed at this very moment, so you wouldn’t even need empathy to be righteous, just simple self-preservation.
So yeah, I can see how that would be impossible for you.
“I’m being hated and oppressed for being fantastic”
Here, you forgot these: !!!!!
Okay the joke has gotten way old, so I’m putting an end to it right here: The Gay Patriot website is a put-on by The Onion. Isn’t it obvious?
Alternate Shorter: Young Bucks Shoving T-Bones Down Our Throats*!
The sad part is, this mangy dog’s scrotum probably thinks “brown men are disease spreading sex maniacs” is the most original thought anyone ever thunked in the history of thinkering.
*Stolen Cadillac not included.
How does one be militantly gay? Unless, you’re somehow forcing other people to be gay–which im pretty sure is impossible–where does the militancy come in?
We already ceded that you were given posting privileges over there.
How does one be militantly gay? Unless, you’re somehow forcing other people to be gay–which im pretty sure is impossible–where does the militancy come in?
Uniform and a warm gun to squeeze?
In case anyone’s interested, the actual press release.
It’s about the publication of a four year study that shows that only one group of people have had a statistically significant increase in HIV infection rate. Young black men who have sex with men. Not only do young black gay and bisexual men have the highest rates of infection, these rates are also increasing. The situation is getting worse for this cohort.
Eric Uglysen obv, didn’t read either the study or the press release. Here’s what Kevin Fenton actually said:
He directly addresses the point about individual responsibility, and states that the data clearly shows that there is something else at work. And the data clearly shows that. But I suppose looking at the data and thinking about things in terms of actual reality probably is the height of liberal arrogance. So much bettar to wev teh fuck conservatards do. Fart and piss on the poor I suppose.
The prick didn’t mention me, did he???
You might be militantly gay if you have ever disagreed with a TalEvangical fReichtard about whether you are the direct cause of all the world’s ills, including shit that went down before your grandparents were born.
Obviously, DKW is objectively pro-anti-freedom™.
How does one be militantly gay?
Well, doncha know they RIOT??!!!???11???!!! (Stonewall was 42 years ago to be sure, but that militarized EVERY GAY FOR ALL TIME.) And they have parades too. You know who else had parades?
Let me just clarify. HIV rates amongst all cohorts are stable except for young people, and gay and bisexual men. HIV rates amongst young non-black gay and bisexual men? Stable. Young black heterosexual men? Stable. Older black gay and bisexual men? Stable.
Only one group had a significantly significant increase. And it was a large increase. No one else.
How does one be militantly gay?
self-assertion = totes militant
The fact that Fenton didn’t specifically state that DumbestGayPatriot is not to blame is central to EO’s point.
Ok, so we’re about 30 comments or so into this thing, and thus far, none of you sorry bitches have been able to do anything more impressive than what you usually leave on the wall of whatever sh*thole you find yourselves in at closing time on a Saturday night, so what’s say we try to up the ante a bit, shall we?
Let’s just say that had The Mocha Messiah managed to accomplish anything other than pander to you perpetually-victimized amateurs while paving the Yellow Brick Road to the election of your worst nightmares, I hardly think any of you kids would give a tinker’s damn about what happens to people none of you seem remotely familiar with.
Oh, and the Dow closed down more than 600 points, so for those of you vested in the future of this country, ya got that going for ya, too.
From the study:
Shorter Erk – The fact that the Dow is down proves I have the right to drown young African-American males in the milk of my compassionate conservajism!
That would be tinker’s dam, damn it.
I may just be a sporadically posting troll, but even I know that a rightard claiming anybody else is “perpetually-victimized” is enough to break the hypocrisy-meter.
I think GPM sounds a lot like the Donalde.
C’mon now…don’t bore me, kids.
Step it up. Stand, and fill the room with your intelligence. Your irrelevancy awaits.
The fact that you losers won’t admit that I’m right about blackity black blacks is central to my point!
I take it he’s not in the least bit interested that “The Mocha Messiah” (Not racist!!) managed to get rid of DADT while pandering his way along the Yellow Brick Road.
C’mon, Erik, you may now enlist to protect freedom.
No one vested in the future of these United Snakes has any money invested in the Holy Market, by the way.
And there’s the point demonstrated nicely by our good friend GPM.
I don’t suppose he understands the term “comedy blog” any more than he understands AIDS research.
Too bad.
Of course, reality, and thus the observation and study of it through scientific and academic studies have no benefit in Wingnut World. They have all the proof they could ever need that what they say is true. Thus, new studies can only demonstrate the error and idiocy of their beliefs and thus is akin to oppression and the grandest of all evils.
Noting that conservative policies, say with regards to things like social homophobia, reduced access and education on items like condoms, and so on, have consequences in the real world derives them of the rush they get in feeling smugly superior to a fictional prop of the world. One that would work so much better if they put them in charge to take care of the “undesirables” bringing everyone down with their inherent sin.
You can see the same aghast shock that their rantings have any effect in reality with regards to the Breivik shootings.
Now Bristol Palin, there’s someone who knows how to keep her pants on.
When you’re out of ideas, let’s hijack handles, and completely prove we’re devoid of argument.
Left a nice little comment on your shitty little blog, “300.”
My goodness, how sad you are. 🙁
I too suffer from poor impulse control. But it involves lurking around blog comments waiting for someone to call me on my shit. Risk to society: None.
I win!
Also, what’s up with rightards and their complete lies of names? You’ve got this “Gay Patriot” moron who’s neither gay nor a patriot, the AFA who stands for nothing remotely American nor related to families, a “tea party” who stands for nothing related to the historic tea party or anything else aside from “those demoncrats sure are BAD”, and the good old AFP which would be more accurately named “1% of 1% of Americans for the Prosperity of that Same Group at the Cost of Everything Else”
It’s almost like everyone on the right is highly afraid of admitting what they really stand for. Well I guess when your politics and worldview exist on nothing but lies and half-truths that’s bound to happen.
Of course, I’m just a troll though.
Will someone please tell fake GayPatriotWest to shut up?
I’m gonna keep replying to this until I win, libs!
I’m more, “you have money to lose in the market? Congratulations to you and your high fortunes in this most unfortunate of times.”
Oh, no, the DOW is crashing, I’m sure this will affect the millions of dollars I would totally have if I had a job in an economy that wasn’t tanked into the ground largely because businesses were adopting short-term financial models at the behest of market philosophy that demanded the greatest profit in the shortest amount of time (thus creating bubbles and de-emphasizing long-term survivability).
Hey, at least if I had a million fictional dollars, I totally wouldn’t have had to pay taxes on it. That totally makes up for us being in a Second Great Depression while the Erik’s of the world clamor for Hooverist policies.
But oh wait, his points were what again?
What is his purpose for coming here and defending his ouevere?
Let’s see.
Obama is black. Conservatives will totally win the next election. And a bunch of projection about how the forces of diversity are tout suite the ones who don’t get minority life experiences.
Also apparently, lol, I’m a lazy troll who can manage nothing better than a grade-school taunt of “neener neener neener” and “nuh uh, your put downs are lame and uncivil”.
See, this is why we don’t respect you people.
You come onto comedy blogs expecting full on coverage and debate and you post on your nominally serious blogs nothing but pointless, factless gibbering, usually about how you’re so justified in creating an ideology of “we’re against everything they’re for” because those people are somehow personally objectionable.
There is no defense of ideology, no demonstration of connection with reality, no actual enunciation of beliefs beyond the same repeated dog whistles and shibboleths.
It’s a toddler’s temper tantrum made manifest and I’m not so much angry at it as I am severely disappointed.
It’s like, “this is what you’ve got”? The laziest form of internet trolling made manifest?
What are we supposed to do with this? Continue treating it as if it were a coherent ideology, acting like any restatement of reality or facts would matter? Or do we just shrug our shoulders and just point and laugh at the raw projection and the desperate spasming jerks of something trying to speak and argue without engaging a single higher brain function?
I must admit the latter is the far more seductive option.
Shorter dirtbag: My original point is complete bullshit, so hop on the goalposts and let’s take a ride!
…is it working yet?
See ya next November, bitches. 🙂
We’re all bookmarking it
See ya next November. Or the November after the next one. Whichever one the election is in. We’re going to totally own the Mocha Black Mulatto Miscegenessiah if we figure out which year it is.
Unless gay black Martians ruin the soil with their militant boners*!
*Veiled plowing reference.
It’s hardly “highjacking handles” when the URI goes to the typist’s site, you inane drone.
Did I win yet? Or do I need to express more lazy pseudointellectualism and feigned boredom, because honestly I’ve already won in my head anyway.
Go me!
I love it when a libtard plan comes together.
I’ve already won in my head anyway
where most of your winning happens…
Rarely Guppert-
That would be it in a nutshell.
Of course they don’t want to stand for what they believe in.
Because they’d lose, badly. Hell, right now they are entirely hanging on to the natural resistance to change and the desire to cotton to the safety of conformity and the authoritarian drive in order to survive.
Every single fight in the 20th century showed the liberal philosophy to be the superior one, the fair one, the one with all the facts and reality behind it. So much so, that it can be dangerous to be a conservative with much of a history because of all the embarrassing losses that they have backed.
I mean, let’s look at all the things that liberals won and conservatives spent every second fighting.
The right for women to vote, the right for black people to have access to the voting rights they had previously won, the end of Jim Crow, the right for women to not be raped by their husbands as property, the end of the legal treatment of women as property, the right for homosexuals to hold jobs, the right for homosexuals to hold teaching jobs, the right for women to be paid equally for the same job position, Medicare, Social Security, the end of the Great Depression, and many many more.
Every time, yelling about the grave collapse of society that would surely occur once these grave injustices came to pass. Each time ducking any acknowledgment of those statements when it turned out that people’s lives if anything, improved, after these grave threats to man and profit came to pass.
Never once have the conservatives been enslaved, oppressed, made to suffer in any way for losing these battles, though they claim that any such loss will show such effects.
If they stood for what they believed in, they are not entirely sure that a majority of people would really stand in solidarity. They are certainly sure that history’s cruel arc would make their viewpoints monstrous. Indeed, even with all the euphemisms, the arc of history is still cutting to the bone. “Family” and “Morals” and certainly “Christian” have begun to rust at their missuse, becoming more difficult for those who want to use them earnestly to do so. The terms have almost been completely corrupted and the public perception is following. Bigotry in whatever gauze is called out more each year.
I’m sure, the GPM types would decry this as political correctness oppression, but sadly it is the natural flow of freedom of speech. The majority numbers that created systems where it felt daring and dangerous to stand up for the rights of the oppressed in olden days swing over and become the disapproving and sad nods of tomorrow, disbelieving that some could still hold such archaic views.
Whenever the conservatives wince over the tiniest social rebuke, I can only smirk at the life-experiences of those who had to fight for the right to be viewed as anything but demons and monsters by the majority of the population. Those who are still fighting and dying for that today.
Oooooooohhhhhh. This could get interesting.
Why not just say “punk bitches” like you used to.
Tired old troll is tired.
I wonder what epic plays in GPM’s head as he traipses through our little den of iniquity.
Is he the lone hero, entering the spiders cave, daring the gravest evils, dismissal, the word fuck, and demeaning laughter, to show his meddle and worthiness? Is he the brilliant academic, unable to even muster a hearty scoff at the foolish rabble and their surely illiterate arguments if he was ever to deign paying attention or engaging with them, which surely he is not?
Or does he even dare imagine himself as the poet-adventurer able to swim through the muck and destroy every argument encountered with his amazing witty retorts of “lol, ur dum” and “nuh uh”, and “the fact that you’re even aware of my existence means I win” (last is void where it applies to said right-winger now also being aware of the same-left-wingers he thinks are lessened by knowing him. Also, that last little bit)? Does he imagine himself actually engaging the backlash in his limited way (hey, he’s not going to risk any self-awareness or infection by reality) and somehow destroying them with carefully chosen arguments?
If the last, I wonder what those arguments are in his head. Or hell, what he thinks the arguments against him are. Either would be amazing.
Certainly more amazing than the weak sauce that manages to make it from his fantasy world to our less shiny and sadly devoid of cheering throngs, real world.
It amused me when GayPatriotMidwest complained about nymjacking.
Randomly changing our names for comedic effect is a proud Sadly, No! tradition. This site – indeed, the whole world – would be a poorer place without it.
And I wasn’t here when he called us “bitches”.
Call me a bitch, please. I’ve never been called a bitch on the Internet, and I’ve really been meaning to scratch that off my bucket list.
FYWP, if I’ve already posted it then where the fuck is it? Hmm?
Eh, maybe it’s for the best. Anyone who spends their life as a supposedly “gay conservative” who just spends his day hating conservatives obviously has severe issues and has somehow actually internalized and believed the advertising euphemism (to cover up for screw-ups) of “any publicity is good publicity”.
So on another note.
Hogeye Grex-
The “news corporation” that has been acting like a mob-run facility bullying its competitors, creating a climate of fear, and entrenching against even the meekest criticisms, and repeatedly stepping its toe into the illegal more than once, is actually run like a mob-affair?
Why slap me with a dick and call me Erik! That is surely the most surprising bit of news since we learned that Queen Latifah is gay…and BLACK!1!
Seriously, though, I’m really hoping that we will be unable to keep the fallout from reaching American shores. Our media has been too owned and complicit for too long and it would be nice to get it back in some way.
Spearhafoc, you are a bitch. You are welcome.
Aka, “Address my point, libs!!!”
How long before we see a great big string of Ls?
As a result of… yup, the Republicans playing chicken with the full faith and credit of the United States, and refusing even to consider raising taxes on the wealthy who are currently taxed at a historic low.
Thanks guys. We know you were all short anyway, so it’s not like you’re taking the hit.
I don’t know, what with wingnut talents for projection, his complaints of nym-jacking just make me think he’s probably troofie or whoever it is that periodically pretends to be various Sadly No commenters every so often.
I mean, he’s already spent the post projecting about how liberals are the ones resistant to actual debate of arguments.
Hey, I’d like to see you compete for the HomoQuisling crown, repeat ancient racist tripe AND remain aware of all Internet Traditions.
LOL, what a lozer.
Thanks, Tigris.
Now to the next item on the old bucket list…
Sex with Christina Hendricks?
That one’s going to be a bit harder to pull off.
Wait, it doesn’t say which Christina Hendricks. Is anyone here named Christina Hendricks?
[Waves. Brandishes fistful of cash.]
Oh, and the Dow closed down more than 600 points, so for those of you vested in the future of this country, ya got that going for ya, too.
Thank you, Tea Party!
Hey nymjackers, stop making Gapey look bad by posting these insane methheaded rants under his name.
GayPatriotMidwest’s Mom said,
August 8, 2011 at 22:33
just gotta push it, dontcha?
Coarsening the discourse.
Fistfully brandishing the cash.
paving the yellow brick road
Jacking the nym.
Has that one been done already at some point?
London’s burning to the ground right now if anyone’s interested?
Read that as “military gay culture.”
London’s burning to the ground right now if anyone’s interested?
still going on, huh?
Gosh darn those muslims.
It’s obvious it’s the militant gays responsible.
Or Muslims! Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Er, sorry if that was dismissive of the actual problem. I actually don’t know what’s going on. I shouldn’t joke about such things.
You have just written the shorter of almost every fRighty skreed on that topic. However, I think LoadedHosen will go with something like “We need to end entitlement programs in the U.S. or D.C. will be in flames by December. Faaaart.”
here ya go,spear:
Central to GayPatriotintheMiddle’s point:
You see, if blacks would just control their impulse to get shot by the police these sort of things would not happen.
Christ, Wingnuts are going to be wanking to this for the foreseeable future.
So they need to up the cracking of heads on these lowlifes who have just decided to up and riot and burn down London. The scenes have been disgusting and shocking and have even seen officers injured in the line of duty and have seen hordes of “copycat criminals” flooding in likely drawn to the raw evil that is the anarchist’s bread and butter.
Hooligans, ruffians, creatures of raw chaos and enemy of all proper human beings everywhere. Why they’ll kill and loot over a pair of trainers, the half-educated thugs. I don’t know why the police even bother.
And of course, the deadly twitter is to blame as well. Surely these criminal hordes have mastered the ways of 21st century cybercrime to keep ahead of the honest police force.
Hey, one quick question?
If you will?
What started all this?
(Quote found here and yes it is also repeating the important view of how this is the work of degenerate thugs who hate everything good and wonderful.)
Huh, so the good police of London shot up some kid, refused to internally investigate the shooting, and probably did everything in their power to say “neener, neener, neener, what are you gonna do, riot?” and now that people are rioting over the fact that apparently British police have imported the shoot kids, stonewall later approach of America into a country that hasn’t grown fat and complacent about the “collateral damage” of the “War on Crime”, well, now they’re shocked and agog and doing everything in their power to label this act like some dusky youth decided to go on a shooting spree for no damn reason other than greed and an inability to care about the suffering of others.
Gee, police of London, have you tried…
I dunno, apologizing to the community, offering a full internal review of the shooting, allowing the community full access to the process so that they can feel like anything other than serfs in your killing fields of itchy trigger-fingered authoritarians?
Might take a bit of the fire out of the rioters, wouldn’t you think?
But no, I’m sure your antagonizing of people who just wanted to know why their kid’s death wasn’t being investigated because “we got a badge, yo” is not at all going to tell every kid in a grey jacket that the only way they’re going to get justice in your country is to burn down every police precinct in the area.
Especially also coming off the news that British police had been paid off by Murdoch’s empire to conveniently not notice that their crime scene evidence was being real-time tampered with in order to delay the solving of crimes like the kidnapping and murder of kids, thus putting at risk other kids, say the kids in districts like Tottenham?
Holy fuck, what the fuck is happening in England right now?
It’s like they looked at USA’s sad pathetic collapse from the outside, seeing all its flaws and went “sweet, we need to get us some of that epic fail!”
All snark aside, I must point out that approximately a quarter of a century ago, the accepted public response to “Gay Cancer” ranged from “Who cares what happens to fags?” to “Ha ha, God is punishing them for their sinful ways!”
To hear GayQuislingBibleBelt blithely repeating some of that shit makes me want to commit an anti-social act with my copy of And the Band Played On.
This troll loves you, Cerberus. Even if 95% of what you say will go over Not-Gay Not-Patriot shitstain’s head.
Or perhaps he’s trying to say that gay liberals build bathhouses for the purpose of luring black gays to their own self destruction,
Nah, they’re for the purpose of luring closeted GOP politicians to their own self destruction.
Yeah. That’s what I was getting at with the “bitches” thing. Sounds a lot like someone we’ve seen before, and actually banned, iirc. That takes some doing here, too.
its problematic, having to to use minors for repig bait. Legal issues. Problem is, the bastards wont bite on any other bait.
London has a dreadful hockey team.
Militant gay culture has nothing to do with it whatsoever?
Hey, you keep yogurt out of this!
Holy fuck, what the fuck is happening in England right now?
My kid is in one of the neighborhoods that’s burning down.
Are you saying they could be defeated by LEAFS SUCK?
(Odd coincidence. Back when I was a kid and randomly into hockey (which is pretty weird for a California kid), my favorite two teams were the NY Rangers (because I was apparently a band-wagon-joining bastard like everyone else) and the Toronto Maple Leafs, because of their not-quite-good-enough-for-playoffs-but-still-trying-hard spirit. Still had to throw in the tip of the hat to DKW… and his mom…who was also beaten by LEAFS SUCK)
There really is no telling why Erik links militant gay culture to a Google search for Chicago bath houses.
He’s Blagoevich in his extremities/
Still had to throw in the tip of the hat to DKW… and his mom…who was also beaten by LEAFS SUCK
In fairness to her, she earned a pretty penny that night
I’m sorry to hear that and I hope he remains safe and that they manage to put out the fires and that no more people get injured or killed in the middle of this.
I’m just gobsmacked at the coverage and the sheer arrogance of the police force.
Or she. Or ze.
Stupid default pronoun conventions.
Fairly crazy picture from London. Not to terrify g, but there it is.
Or ze.
G’s kid is a zombie?
Fairly crazy picture from London.
Holy shit. I worked in Croydon for a couple of weeks back in the very end of the 20th century, when I was employed by a company that had a branch over there. My experience of the place was of an almost entirely soporific little business burg where they rolled up the sidewalks at 6 p.m. – hard to believe that chaos is going on there.
g…hope your kid is okay…
For the under-appreciated Spearhafoc, who might get more followers if his Twitter feed were in the URI box:
You know who else likes that woman you like?
The reptilian brained right-winger always finds someone or some group of a different color to take a shit on and then blame for being, y’know, stinky. It even makes queer reptiles feel good about themselves.
Holy fuck, what the fuck is happening in England right now?
Unlike the “rioting muslims” stories from Paris the other year, no-one seems to be citing the religion of the rioting yoofs in London as an issue, so I’m going to assume that they’re christian.
Unlike the “rioting muslims” stories from Paris the other year, no-one seems to be citing the religion of the rioting yoofs in London as an issue, so I’m going to assume that they’re christian.
No true christian would set fires like that and not bring marshmallows.
Carl Salonen
Wow, what a day this has been…
I’d never heard of your little site until earlier this afternoon, but by jimminy if you all hadn’t gone out of your way to let me know you’d let me know who I was, crikey!!!! I even had some of my hardcore friends actually pretending to BE me by taking my name, by golly! WOW, wasn’t I impressed by that?
How totally, bitchin cool that made ME, huh? I was downright famous, sweeties!!!! 🙂
So now it comes time for me to turn in with my boyfriend. Of course, I can’t reveal his name, cause there’s a dude out there who automatically slaps the silencer on ya for mentioning him, so ya’ all are gonna have to guess that for yerself, ya dig????
Hugs and kisses!!!!!!
PS – Sorry-ass punks couldn’t form a coherent argument if your lame-ass lives depended on it, could ya?
But hugs and kisses, sweeties!!!!!
I think you win the 20 for correctly divining who troofie was.
And I totally believe that he has a boyfriend. I also totally believe that My Humps is the greatest song ever written and that I’m the Queen of France.
Is there such a thing as a closeted heterosexual?
Don’t mess with those Church of England types.
Is there such a thing as a closeted heterosexual?
The entire population of Narnia.
That sounds so painful.
I did, briefly, in 1984, play for an intramural gym-hockey team called the Cumquarts. It gave me an excuse to not clean my sweat pants.
Your Majesty!
Seriously, what does this guy think when he reads or hears the horrible shit that his political allies say about gay people? Does he think they don’t mean it, or that they somehow mean all those other gays, but not him? At what point does denial become delusion?
Bitter Scribe-
Well, given his reading skills on this page, I’m going to guess that he thinks all of the posts arguing that he’s a filthy sinner that deserves to die and burn in hell are instead offers for free blowjobs and cake.
As such, he’s still unable to figure out why every other gay person seems unwilling to accept the kind offers of free cake and instead is acting like it is the basest of bigotries.
Sadly, his attempts to translate this fall prey to the same learning disability, thus just coming out racist and homophobic slurs.
It’s a sad tale. But one I shall fix as Queen of France.
Quick, to the Queenmobile!
Danananananananah! Queen of France!
Wasn’t that the Izzard routine? “Blowjobs or cake?”
I can’t ban anyone, sweetheart.
A Mod without a B&hammer is like gills without a fish.
Quick, to the Queenmobile!
Danananananananah! Queen of France!
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ …
lol let me show u my xhtml fubar
Oh my. Long day on the road to fond that Airwik Oldson is even more ueless than I thought. I just got to his Barflyesque “cmon hit me again” schtick above. Defintely takes the crown away from Dan, dumber than can be put into words.
M. Bouffant: The last time I tried putting the URL down, it wouldn’t let me post…
And I am clearly the Queen of France.
Sure, I’m male, not royalty, don’t speak French and have indeed never been to France, but that’s central to my point.
Hmm, new server smell.
One, two … this thing on?
Oh hot damn, the time is good. Now where’s my WP gravatar?
M. Bouffant will get an avatar when we move to a new style (maybe).
M. Bouffant will get an avatar
Just me? That’d be cool.
Seriously, not giving a crap, it’s just that it shows in preview but not post-submission so I feel I’m being cheated somehow.
But don’t pander to us w/ bells & whistles: I like the simple & straightforward look. Though a reply button might not be a bad idea.
Ignore M.B. Pander to me w/ bells & whistles! I rate for morris dancing.
Yes, just you.
It will be a couple of weeks before the new style debuts, but it will have threaded comments. I think.
Once moar with the awkward quoting before threaded comments:
Cerberus said,
August 9, 2011 at 1:37
not-quite-good-enough-for-playoffs-but-still-trying-hard spirit
They were still trying hard? Wow you must be remembering some really vintage Leafs.
Also, too – what with new server and all, I just gotta see if blink tag is still disabled.
Did we get MOOved?
How’s the CLOCK?
Aw, nuts!
Still giving out Google+ invites to those requesting. If you want one, e-me at jprestonian at the Google mail place, and please tell me you saw this at S,N! so’s I can circle you into the Sadlynauts circle.
London has a dreadful hockey team.
In defense of the London Knights, they haven’t had a losing season since 2001. Oh wait, you mean that other London. Well what’s up is that they are teaching Vancouver the proper etiquette regarding when to have your devastating city-wide rioting. Before you host the Olympics.
I wont bother posting the email Errwick sent me telling me I was banned.
Query: did Dan promote him based on the excellent caliber of his comments? ‘Cuz, I mean, y’know?
I demand knitted comments.
I demand knitted comments with PERL.
Did the earth move for you too?
Nah, just Sadly, No!
My, Emperor sure put a bee in someones over the top bonnet. “Bitches, sweeties, etc”? C’mon, since someone seems to want to speak for the conservative gay community (oxymoron?), acting childish to pick a fight so you can say Libs do nothing but squabble and call names is silly. Also ,too, if you want to be the spokesperson for the conservative gay community, best look up the history of the Judenrat.
Yikes, I think I deleted the internet.
Policies of tryrancy and facism have been an insidious driving force within governmental bodies, military forces, policing units and privacy sectors worldwide. Pervasive nazi ideologies interlace democratic proceedings, as destructive biological warfare; black mold veining through margarine.
There is compelling evidence that suggests Hitler did not in fact commit suicide, and lived for many years after the end of world war two; continuing to evolve a long-term plan for world dominance. Maniacal sadists have continued subliminal messaging, and policies of terror. Mussolini is a revered figure for many misguided souls, and some nazi’s identify themselves with his name; a sure indicator of identity loss, which is crucial to brainwashing success.
Policies of population control have been enforced by the United Nations. Officials at the World Health Organization develop bacteria intended for warfare, inoculants whose side effects include infertility, and cospire against humanity. The freulein and leaders at United Nations are given free reign, so long as their official agenda includes measures conducive to population control.
In recent years, violence has escalated. Torture practices, and mutilation techniques, (inclusive of forced plastic, constructive surgeries, sex-change operations) are official nazi policy, with many persons victimized. The desecration of corpses is a growing concern, an ongoing atrocity. Bodies are being made into masks, full body suits with artificial eyes overlaying the natural eye underneath. The skull is modified to allow the “dead head” to be placed over a live human’s head. There was three such “costumes” (may they rest in peace) on the bus the other day. The skin is treated, nonetheless is in a state of decomposition, and slowly deteriorates. Bodies are being desecrated, unburied, recovering the implanted technologies. Forced cannibalism in nazi iniations and after demonstrations (murders) during meetings is becoming commonplace.
All major countried world-wide have citizens, immigrants and officials whom are nazi’s. Nazi’s are found in all shades, and this is not an issue facing particular ethnicities.
There are peaceable solutions to threats of violence.
We, The Pacific Army ask the Canadian governmental, military and policing authorities deactivate and/or sieze nazi spyware and weaponry from their counterparts. This is a state of emergency. There has been silent unwillingness to inform the public regarding technologies utilized to infringe upon the basic human rights of its citizens; and used to creat mass confusion and subduement. Previously, the Canadian government vetoed use of sonic boom for crowd control, and it is still in use, affecting people in their homes and workplaces. The Canadian military’s actions have been unconscionable. The soldiers, officals, and officers who have pledged their duty to the citizens of Canada in good faith have a responsibility to halt nazi activities, first and foremost within their own sectors. This is a state of emergency.
Displacement is a world-wide, widespread issue. Many unidentified person, or those with aliases and disguises have found their way to Canada via the black market, abducted and wrenched from their families. Others choose migrancy as a way of escaping the attention of ethical officers, officials, and security guards, travelling to assist with the securement of a nazi regime. There are many such individuals in Canada now. There are also nazi Canadians abroad.
We, The Pacific Army, request that Canadians and people the world round unite for the purposes of peace. We cannot sit idly by, as many have for years, and wait for government officials, military and policing forces to offer assistance, and to respond with honesty. 911 calls are not responded to; the screams of a young girl being sexually assaulted by a police officer is recorded, and added to the sounds the sirens. The red and blue lights flash on, and a sex offender gloats behind the wheel of a police vehicle.
The Canadian military have special forces trained in torture techniques. Abroad and at home, foreigner and citizen alike are inflicted with the “humanitarian” efforts of the military. Virtual reality gear, compellors and impulse control inhibitors send digital transmissions to people, assisiting and/or creating violent episodes. It is possible to send these transmissions to multiple persons and locations at once. Spatial maps and transpositioning ensure accuracy of blows, gunfire and weapon placement. This technology has many other possibilities, such as transpositioning finger placement on a guitar. Some policing stations now have the same technology, as do nazi’s with no professional status.
We, The Pacific Army advise persons to limit spending as much as possible, as funding for nazi activities is pervasive and much is pilfered or skimmed from businesses and corporations. There are too many too list. An unusual or compelling urge to make a purchase is indicative of an electronic impulse transmission.
Communications have improved, but remain modified and/or limited through the use of various technologies. Improvements in this are substantial, and appreciated.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.
Keep in mind:
Oops,sorry. Looks like I left the door unlatched and the cutsy/pasty troll got in. Eric,is that you?
So now it comes time for me to turn in with my boyfriend. Of course, I can’t reveal his name, cause there’s a dude out there who automatically slaps the silencer on ya for mentioning him, so ya’ all are gonna have to guess that for yerself, ya dig????
Looks like we’re live again on a spiffy new server. Yippee!
Intriguing thread. I don’t think the troll understands the Sadly, No site.
I’m not harshing on him for that, btw; I didn’t understand S,N when I first discovered it. This is a quirky sort of place, after all.
Most of the refutation, rebuttal, argument, and correction of the reichwing’s invented ‘facks’ and refried-beans ‘arguments’ are handled economically via LINKS.
I don’t think the troll understands that much of S,N is OFF-topic. After the on-topic slicing-and-dicing, the Rollercoaster-O-Fun begins.
Another thing the troll doesn’t understand: S,N is pretty much the antithesis of reichwing sites: Visitors are very seldom banned here. We don’t enforce uniformity of opinion. Usually, only the most egregiously disruptive copypasta trolls (eventually) get booted.
Another aspect of S,N the troll doesn’t understand: Unlike the reichwing, liberals / progessives don’t march in lockstep. I’ve seen some vigorous disagreements here. (I’ve been in some myself from time-to-time…)
Actually, I think there’s a LOT the troll doesn’t fully understand. Including himself.
I hope this helps explain S,N to new lurkers.
Btw, what is a ‘troofie’? Urban Dictionary doesn’t have it. Is the term related to 911 Truthers?
2nd btw: When is Dan’s annual Grand Diva Conservative Blogress extravaganza? I had so much fun last time!
Bay Gargarian said,
August 9, 2011 at 19:55
Either giddy from someone on the Interwebs noticing he exists, or omebodysay’s unkdray, as far as I can discern.
Also, the fuck?
Veiled Ball Gag Reference.
Btw, what is a ‘troofie’?
Once upon a time (before my time, actually, although we overlapped by a few weeks), there was a troll that identified itself as “The Truth”. It would pop up, utter some wingnut boilerplate, lose the argument, declare itself the winner and disappear.
It became legend after the epic post predicting the outcome of the election of 2008, that was going to cause “the great liberal freakout” after the upset of President Barack H. Obama by the old guy, what’s-his-name. It ended with the timeless utterance that “You will wonder how I was able to call this”.
The text was re-posted by Sadlynauts at regular intervals over the next year or so, every time somebody needed to point out the absurdity of the troll, or just needed a good laugh for whatever reason.
It was also The Truth who completely lost is shit one night and became so overwhelmed by the imminent takeover of America by Black Socialist Black Fascist Blackies that its entire posts devolved into long strings of:
It has not been seen since. Some believe it sits drooling in a rubber room somewhere, alternately mumbling, “LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” and “Bookmark it, libs!”
Thanks for the Troll Lore from Sadly past, LC.
Regarding GPM, he’s more like another troll (or alternate tr00fus persona), “the Fool”, who would always disparage punks and their punk music, and them prattle on about his hot ex-stripper wife and his old CIA ties.
I demand knitted comments with PERL.
Crochety old men…
I wondered where Eric Olsen was lately on, and after some looking I can only find two posts of his left on the site, on July 7 and 8, which seem to be his first two (and now his only two). His last comment there is on a November 28, 2011 item by another of the GayPatriot bloggers. It looks like all of his posts other than the two in July have been deleted, including the one this article refers to (which is a shame, because I wanted to read it). I can’t tell what exactly happened, or why.
Well that didn’t last very long, did it? Eric Olsen I think made his first post as a blogger on Gay Patriot on July 7, 2011. But sometime in the past month or two, all of his blog posts have disappeared from that site. His last post in a comments section that I spotted on December 30 was on November 28. On December 30 he was still on the masthead, I think as one of the site’s “revolving” bloggers.
Well I just checked back there, and his name doesn’t show up on the masthead anymore, nor anywhere else on the home page. And I can’t find announcements of his departure. It looks like he was quietly purged.