New Thread Courtesy of Lazy Blogger

Shorter Dan Poop
Denuded Merkin

  • You’re all a bunch of communists.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 190

Spearhafoc, who is in B.C.

Please, I’m a Socialist at best.


I’m more of a socialist, but have been known to be anarchistic. Among other things.

Not getting out of the boat.


No, I’m a treehugginghippiedirtysocialisticatheist, fuckyouverymuch.

And you need to pace yourself, HTML. You’re going to flame out if you keep posting at such a high rate.


Oh, and as tempting as it is to get outtadaboat, I’ve got actual, like, real work to do.

So DKW is going to have to get the mangoes for everyone today — I’ll be too busy doing his mom.


Hey, man. Long time no see. Nice to see your name again.


Shorter Poop;
Because the left doesn’t believe in private property, Obama’s trying to take away the rich peoples money. Also, social security is a ponzi scheme cooked up by FDR to keep the democrats in power forever.
And also in fact entitlements could be killed if we only passed a balanced budget amendment, because for a fact rich people and poor people are exactly the same, except just at different points in their life.


If someone ran up an astronomical credit card hospital bill making (mostly illegal) purchases, and then demanded that all the other cardholders pay it, would that be “balance?” Yes, apparently, to an upside-downer runew amurka president stephen stone.

fixxed according to what we just read the other day…


I got out of the boat!

I can see why HTML just went with the shorter.

Every single sentence is 100% stupid.

Social Security reform

You reform a Ponzi scheme by ending it. Social Security may be broke, but it isn’t broken; it’s functioning exactly as FDR intended: as a fund for buying votes for Democrats in perpetuity.



If you were a previously healthy 200-pound man now carrying around a 200-pound tumor, should we lop off half of your disease-free body and half of the cancer?

And that’s coming out of the gate, ladies and germs.

Oh, and:

The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

Any idea how some of those rich guys got all that wealth? Any? Any at all?


Every single sentence is 100% stupid.

yeah, the mango i posted was as far as i could get without my jaw beginning to slacken, eyes glazing over and brain cells leaking out of my ear…


The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

The underlying rightist assumption seems to be that the poor owe more simply because shut up that’s why. But this is the logic of the grapefruit hair color wocka wocka SKREE.


Politicians and the media don’t i, dan POOP, always lie or and talk nonsense

Ted the Slacker

The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

Jesus was a bandit? Who knew!?!


Wow, that WAS a bunch of jabberwocky. I think Dan is the Jubjub bird of Renew America. What is apparent is that Dan thinks that most of the budgetary process is illegal. I suppose if your basic tenet of belief is that the government is completely corrupt and lawless, the next logical step is to abandon government. While there is plenty of crap in this article, I think my favorite section is:
If the usurpers who now hold the reins of our national government could be restrained by the Constitution, we wouldn’t have any federal “entitlements,” and thus, no overspending crisis. A balanced budget amendment, in my opinion, is superfluous. Why write more laws for our employees in Washington to ignore? The amendment we need is one that repeals the 16th Amendment. Without the ability to rob some citizens in order to buy votes from others, most of the other Marxist shenanigans could not happen. If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.

So, strict constitutionalism from the right must mean “pay attention to the parts I like”. Or how’s about contradictoring yourself in two adjacent sentences- if politicians can ignore laws, then how can they be tied to your proposed 16th amendment repeal? Or if you believe that those currently in power are not bound by laws, then what is the point? Finally, Dan’s definition of class warfare is quite different from mine.


Finally, Dan’s definition of class warfare is quite different from mine.

this made me laff cuz it’s true…so is he admitting that the rich pay far less taxes than the rest of us? or do the rich believe there is class warfare because the poor pay too little taxes?

also, too: If the usurpers who now hold the reins of our national government could be restrained by the Constitution, we wouldn’t have any federal “entitlements,”

the obama time machine is apparently also equipped with a memory eraser…really? federal entitlements and all that’s wrong with our government just started when obama took office? so michele bachmann didn’t get all that farm subsidy money for all those years? that only started with obama and that’s why she doesn’t like things like subisies? cuz obama started them? huh…very interesting…


If someone ran up an astronomical credit card bill WAR DEBT making (mostly illegal) purchases outlandish claims of Preemptive Self-defense, and then demanded that all the other cardholders Americans pay (for) it, would that be “balance?” Yes, apparently, to an upside-downer ignorant Jackass.

Historical upside downer.


Damn glad to see you back, HTML. And glad you aren’t out frying your brains in this heat.

In other news, an ex-boyfriend from 17 AND 9 years ago is parked out in front of the house. Which makes me wonder what fresh hell will be knocking at the front door any minute now. Seriously dood, it didn’t work 17 years ago, it didn’t work again 9 years ago, no way no how is it gonna work now. The difference being, I know better than to give it another try….



If the record of the past three years does not fully debunk Keynesian economics, what would?

If you’re completely and hopelessly stupid, this observation makes sense.


If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.

and such…how is this going to solve class warfare? by making the poor still pay a higher percentage of their income for things they need to buy in order to live? yeah, that’ll work jes fine!


I’m going to start calling anything I don’t like illegal because Constitution sheeples.

QEto the fuckinD: Pittsburgh Stealers are hereby barred from existing.


If the usurpers who now hold the reins of our national government could be restrained by the Constitution, we wouldn’t have any federal “entitlements,”

Translation: “if the rightfully, legally elected officials act in accordance with the bits of the Constitution I don’t like except when Republicans are in power, I will cry and throw a tantrum like a spoiled two-year-old who’s just been told he can’t drown his baby sister.”


If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.

Yet another argument dumb people consistently make.


Which makes me wonder what fresh hell will be knocking at the front door any minute now. Seriously dood, it didn’t work 17 years ago, it didn’t work again 9 years ago, no way no how is it gonna work now. The difference being, I know better than to give it another try….

he’s not all crazy eyed and stuff is he? keep us posted…


how is this going to solve class warfare?

Pitchfork taxes are going to be outrageous.


He looks like the dentist in ‘The Hangover’.


No, no crazy eyes or anything. Very attractive, very nice. Just…not gonna work. He drove by when I was out working in the front yard last week and just couldn’t RESIST pulling over to chat. Apparently I didn’t give off the “I’m totally not interested in giving it another try” vibe strongly enough, though not for lack of trying.


He looks like the dentist in ‘The Hangover’.

except ed helms does not take himself seriously as dan poop obviously does of himself…


But this is the logic of the bandit.

And DAN POOP is Smokey. Sherrif Buford T. Justice. Stopping the bandit wherever he goes.


No, no crazy eyes or anything.

okay…you know how i worry 🙂


Apparently I didn’t give off the “I’m totally not interested in giving it another try” vibe strongly enough, though not for lack of trying.

Perhaps if you used the actual words, “not interested”, it might be more effective?


owlbear1 – well, you kinda hate to do that unless things get to that point, you know? Because there’s face involved, and you don’t want to look like you’re making an assumption that someone is interested if they aren’t. I know, I know. If he knocks on the door I’ll go with that. Right now, he’s still sitting out there in his truck.

The Reality Based Dave

There is one true sentence in that screed – “If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.”

Class warfare would be brought to a halt, because the rich would have won.


Class warfare would be brought to a halt, because the rich would have won.

Don’t kid yourself. They won’t have won until they succeed at re-instituting slavery.


Ah. That was like wingnut refrigerator poetry.


In other news, an ex-boyfriend from 17 AND 9 years ago is parked out in front of the house.

Maybe he’s coming to tell you he’s borne your child.


0.) Straw-man: no mainstream left person is against private property, but rather absolute property rights.
1.) Error: there are differences in kind between the property owned by the rich and that owned by the poor:
a.) Rich people own enough property that it could not be held nor probably be obtained in the State of Nature, making it a societal creation, which in our society takes the form of a government that guaranties property rights and contractual agreements between individuals.
b.) Property that is necessary for survival must be considered as different to property that keeps you comfortable, entertained, or in a position of power over other actors, at least in the regard of any humanistic values system.

2.) If you were a previously healthy 200-pound man now carrying around a 200-pound tumor, should we lop off half of your disease-free body and half of the cancer?
No, we should lop off the 200-pound tumour (note proper spelling, you Bolschewik!) and give it an account at DenudeAMerka.


you know, i don’t know how much more of this crap i can take…yesterday on my way to work, i almost had a coronary screaming “FUCK YOU!” at the dude on the radio who was ranting how he’s ‘sick of paying for welfare people to sit on their dead asses.’ and ‘how whole fresh foods like produce are NOT more expensive, so that’s bull shit that poor people won’t buy it and they are just too lazy and like cheetos too much…they should be more like him who only buys whole foods and he actually has to ‘think about what i am going to prepare and put in my body and actually cook and blah, blah blah…’

i will give him that in some areas of the country, fresh produce is plentiful and fairly inexpensive…out here in bumfuck mn, “fresh” produce is mostly unheard of except in the summer with gardens, orchards and the farmer’s market, but if you go to the grocery store? holy fuck…and our local grocer believes in buying the cheapest produce in the largest amount he can, so it’s usually waaaaay past it’s peak by the time we go to buy it…and i fricking refuse to pay 5.99/lb for moldy bing cherries…

i get so pissed off that most of these fuckwads do not put into consideration that, while some things out here in the boonies lots of things are fucking expensive…yeah, our property taxes are mostly cheaper, but commodities are atrocious…unless you want to drive for an hour and go to walmart…and then you’re paying out the wazoo for gas…

i feel marginally better now that’ i’ve ranted…thank you very much…


Comrades! He’s on to us! Quick, back to Moscow!


i feel marginally better now that’ i’ve ranted…

If it weren’t for playing peek-a-boo with Mini__B, I’d have offed a few people teevee sets by now.


Comrades! He’s on to us! Quick, back to Moscow!

Yeah, let him pay for his own damn Hoveround!


Translation: Let’s keep trying to balance Socialism on the backs of Capitalists. Sooner or later it’s got to work.

“keep”? How about “start”?


ranting how he’s ‘sick of paying for welfare people to sit on their dead asses.’

AMEN, preach it brother! Those useless Wall Street fat-asses benefiting from multiple whole fucking government agencies just because they’ve gamed the system really burn my butt. No SEC or FTC protection for anything over the first 2000$/yr. No special tax treatment for corporations, if an individual can’t deduct it than neither can they. No subsidies. No bailouts. No special super low tax rates on unearned income.


It’s a steaming pile, alright. But if anyone writing for a site like RenewAmerica tried to deal in or with inconvenient facts, or to rebut opponents’ actual arguments, that writer would be pilloried and canned. Popp is what certain folks want to read. He’s a better writer than his readers would be, and better at wrangling their ideology. Scary to think that for a large portion of our country Popp would qualify as an intellectual. Glenn Beck is like a professor to them. We’re screwed.


Make a capital gains tax cut as hard to get as a building permit!


Please retract any derogatory comments directly or indirectly aimed at Ed Helms. Thank you.



We need government only if we’re interested in protecting people and safeguarding their stuff from the covetousness of others;

followed up with

What we have in the United States is an overspending crisis, caused by the over-government.

Soooooo, what you’re saying is…?

low sodium hunchback

Oh sure.


The jury is instructed to disregard comments about Ed Helms. Feel free to recall comments about the late Jesse “Mitch’s Daddy” Helms in your deliberations


If the record of the past three years does not fully debunk Keynesian economics, what would?

If an actual application of Keynesian economics had been tried and failed?


If the usurpers who now hold the reins of our national government

A) “If’n I didn’t vote for ’em, they is usurpers!”

B) Wait. You mean the Teaturds?


If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.
Dear Professor Poop: please reference American Labor History/Late 19th Century-Early 20th Century.

Also, too:
Q) Whatever shall we do about our commie-Democrap politicians that ignore the Constitution?

A) Change the Constitution, derp!


If someone ran up an astronomical credit card bill making (mostly illegal) purchases, and then demanded that all the other cardholders pay it, would that be “balance?” Yes, apparently, to an upside-downer.

The Kiwi influence must be stopped NOW.


A) “If’n I didn’t vote for ‘em, they is usurpers!”

this is what i thought as well, and it always irritated the living eff out of me…but this morning i looked up the def, and actually in their fevered imaginations, this is indeed an accurate description at least according to teh wiki:

or any other person exercising authority unconstitutionally. It may also be applied to an official acting ultra vires, outside his authority or jurisdiction.

because obama thumbs his nose at the constitution–actually he wipes his nose on it–and totes shoves all kinds of stuff down all kinds of throats without their consent…

i hope this helps…i know it brought me some comfort…


Reconciling a budget by printing money or by hiking income tax rates are indeed sound options — if theft and robbery are acceptable.

No wonder righties have been looting treasuries, pensions and Social Security for so many years. Their categories of crime are all mixed up.


Oh, but this mango is juicy good:

We can’t balance the budget on the backs of the poor

Translation: Let’s keep trying to balance Socialism on the backs of Capitalists. Sooner or later it’s got to work.

For once a wingnut says something I agree with. Too bad he’s being sarcastic.


…‘how whole fresh foods like produce are NOT more expensive, so that’s bull shit that poor people won’t buy it and they are just too lazy and like cheetos too much…they should be more like him who only buys whole foods and he actually has to ‘think about what i am going to prepare and put in my body and actually cook and blah, blah blah…’

Ok, in that context, that’s really offensive.

But…I was just in a flame war over at Balloon Juice with some douches who chose to interpret “good food is actually NOT more expensive than crap food” as “look at what a superior person I am for not buying crap food” simply because I pointed out that, here’s what I spend, here’s what I buy, and…actually, good food can be had for the same or lower price than heavily processed crap food.

I don’t dispute that in some areas fresh veggies and fruits are not readily available or are very expensive when available. But canned and frozen veggies are still a better choice than TV dinners or frozen pizza or Doritos and less expensive as well. And as far as it goes, even in places where fresh fruits and veggies are cheaper or more readily available, what’s on offer at the supermarket fresh produce section is often a waste of money. Those aren’t real tomatoes in terms of taste or nutritional value, and the same goes for a lot of the produce.

It is a fact that in many poor neighborhoods there aren’t any or any good grocery stores, and that presents a problem to low income people who want to eat healthful food – they’ve either got to drive, ride a bus or find other transportation to go to another neighborhood & etc.

But given that I learned to shop the way I shop BECAUSE I was pretty much at the poverty level for years after I finished school, it was kind of stupid for the BJ douches to assert that I came to my conclusion as a result of my “privilege”. No, dumbasses, I came to my conclusion because I’ve never bought a fucking TV dinner because they’re too goddamned expensive, and, I assume, probably horrid to boot. And my food budget is something south of about $52 per week (sales tax included) for a daily diet that includes vegetables and lean meats & excludes HFCS and hydrogenated fats. That’s about $2.50 per meal; you aren’t going to get frozen pizzas, TV dinners, doritos and all that for less. In that regard, it IS a choice that isn’t dictated by cost.

If anything, it’s both an access and an education issue, though the point I made there still stands: there are plenty of people who know better and have access to good food who choose crap food. Being poor really isn’t the determining factor there, because there are plenty of well-off people who eat nothing but crap.

The Internet Jerk



Hey, man. Long time no see. Nice to see your name again.

Pot. Kettle.


If anything, it’s both an access and an education issue, though the point I made there still stands: there are plenty of people who know better and have access to good food who choose crap food. Being poor really isn’t the determining factor there, because there are plenty of well-off people who eat nothing but crap.


It is a fact that in many poor neighborhoods there aren’t any or any good grocery stores, and that presents a problem to low income people who want to eat healthful food – they’ve either got to drive, ride a bus or find other transportation to go to another neighborhood & etc.

even out here in ‘god’s country’ shopping is a hassle…i live 9 miles away from the nearest grocery store…the next closest is 19 miles from my house, so yeah, i plan ahead for grocery shopping…

what’s on offer at the supermarket fresh produce section is often a waste of money. Those aren’t real tomatoes in terms of taste or nutritional value, and the same goes for a lot of the produce

you would probably curl up and die if you saw what our options for produce generally are…one awesome thing that is happening though is a whole local foods movement that is actually taking hold here…we have a whole group of healthy foodies within a three county area and they are working really well together to make some good things happen foodwise here…there’s even a plan that’s coming to fruition (pardon the pun) where every school age child can receive a fruit tree to plant, take care of and reap the harvest from–it’s only in one school district, but it’s a start…

Marion in Savannah

Right now, he’s still sitting out there in his truck.

He drives by, sees you in the yard and just HAS to stop and chat? And now he lurking outside your house in his truck? I haz started to get creepy feelings…


So DKW is going to have to get the mangoes for everyone today

Okay. The ending is priceless.

And my favorite bit of jabberwocky:

We can’t balance the budget on the backs of the poor

Translation: Let’s keep trying to balance Socialism on the backs of Capitalists. Sooner or later it’s got to work.

IOW, Poop thinks that the best way to balance the budget is by fucking over the poor.


If you would like to see Danny Popps website and say hello, go HERE!


Marion – not to worry; he left after about 20 minutes or so. I guess he never could screw up the courage to come to the door. Or maybe he was just sitting out there hoping I’d come out and he could just “accidentally” run into me. This is not a creepy guy at all; just one who could never get his shit together w/r/t the two of us. If he had, I would have been with him for the past 17 years and he pretty much knows that, which explains why he might think I’d be willing to give it a third try.


Every single sentence is 100% stupid.

To be fair, he opens up with a quote from Jabberwocky. Which ends up being the most sensible mome rath that did gyre and gimbal in his manxome burbling.


Also, too:

The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more.

No, you ignorant waste of water. The rich owe more because they benefit more from the commons and reap more from society. Therefore they are obligated to support the society that made them rich. Otherwise they are simply bandits.

Marion in Savannah

Okay, now I feel better. But my “eeek, a stalker” bell was starting to ping. The sweet ones who can’t seem to get it together can be heartbreakers, though. Nothing quite so frustrating as a case of the “if onlys.”


The Shorter makes me LOL because in the late 70s I had IRL communistical hippies for neighbours up past Antoine Creek toward Bralorne. Our local mythology of nudist hippy babes WASREAL! Dumb enough to get caught by teh Mounties drying out fucktons of ganja on the side of the roof of their shack that faced the road. By just such cunning tactical acumen did (…/do???) they menace society with such lethal armaments as B.O. & hyperchromatic batik posters.

That is all.

Galactic Dustbin

If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.

you mean a sales tax? Like the one in Washington State? The one that underfunds basic services and punishes the poor while the wealthy buy big ticket items out of state?


Wow, finally caught up to the end of the thread. Maybe I shoulda read through before saying anything. I blame t4toby.


The rich owe more because they benefit more from the commons and reap more from society. Therefore they are obligated to support the society that made them rich. Otherwise they are simply bandits.

Free market ideal plus lowest common denominator ethos equals banditti culture – is this devolution inevitable?



Soshulizm! “From each according to his abilities…” OMG Marxism! Redistribution of wealth–How dare you!

Ya know, redistribution of wealth is what all governments do, and have always done. It’s as good a working definition as any of what government IS. To the extent that that redistribution takes place fairly–from those who have more, for the benefit of those who have less–is a measure of how just the government is, how vigorously it will be defended by its citizens, and ultimately how long it will endure–or at least how long it will endure without totalitarian enforcement. Kleptocracies and corrupt regimes structured to benefit the wealthy, such as Mr. Popp’s column suggests he would favor, tend to need a LOT of heavily armed police and paramilitary enforcers to function.


Also too, for Jennifer, d00d sat outside your door in his truck for twenty minutes? I’m glad he’s not a creepy guy, but do take care of yourself.


Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration:


“From each according to his abilities…”

This explains so much about D-KW’s mom.


“Twas shilling, and the slimy Roves,
Conspired and gimbled in the nabe.
All snarky were the Sadlynaughts,
And the gnome pants did rabe.

Feh, needs work…


I’m amazed at how many wingnuts just seem to feel downright butthurt that poor people have the temerity to keep on existing. The compassion, the empathy, it brings a tear to my eye.


Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration:

That negro’s still alive?!!!! Living is socialism!!!!


That condition is called anarchy: the strongest group takes what it wants from the rest. We need government only if we’re interested in protecting people and safeguarding their stuff from the covetousness of others

Liberal propaganda! Anticapitalist! (really is from Poopies screed)


He took his vorpal sword* in hand,
Longtime the manxome poor he sought
So rested he by Liberty tree
And stood a while in thought**.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Moocher class with uncivil shouts
Came charging through the electorate
And put a Kenyan into the White House.

*For budget cutting.
**For small enough values of thought that libertardians are capable of it.


Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration:

lovely how they picked only black men for the photos…totes not racism…wink, wink, nudge, nudge

colbert ripped fox news a new one:


*good stuff starts at :45


Make a capital gains tax cut as hard to get as a building permit!

Getting a building permit is pretty easy.

If you have a knowedgeable and friendly architect. Jess sane.


The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

Meanwhile, the robber baron sits in his castle, commiting thefts the highwaymen setting an ambush could never dream of pulling off.


That condition is called anarchy: the strongest group takes what it wants from the rest. We need government only if we’re interested in protecting people and safeguarding their stuff from the covetousness of others

Ever notice what kind of people pine away for the “Old West”? Those were the days when there was no law, and the toughest guy in town RAN the town and took whatever he wanted from the other people–at least until someone tougher came along–See Earp, Wyatt

In other news:

What a bunch of fucking morons. Serious fucking morons. You wonder why legislators and PM’s/Presidents in every industrialized nation are cowardly fucking worms? This is why.


If everyone paid the same taxes — once per dollar, at the point of purchase of every good or service — then class warfare would be brought to a halt.

As long as stocks, bonds and fund shares are not considered goods or services, that is. Otherwise, Soshulism!

Also, real estate, yachts, slaves, politicians and anything else teh riches like to buy.


Soshulizm! “From each according to his abilities…” OMG Marxism! Redistribution of wealth–How dare you!

My understanding is Marx was paraphrasing what Jesus says in Luke 12:48. The early church as described in Acts certainly took Jesus that way.


Getting a building permit is pretty easy.

That’s why I need to carry a zombie on a leash. That bumper sticker; “Make welfare as hard to get as a building permit” is plastered all over contractors who work in “merit shops” around here.

How fun would it be to pull over and release a zombie on a dumbass?


lovely how they picked only black men for the photos…totes not racism…wink, wink, nudge, nudge

I’m pretty sure you’re the real racist, bbkf. Nice try, though.


Here’s a comment thread for ya. Hooo-wee.

There’s some prize ugly in there.


It is a fact that in many poor neighborhoods there aren’t any or any good grocery stores, and that presents a problem to low income people who want to eat healthful food – they’ve either got to drive, ride a bus or find other transportation to go to another neighborhood & etc.

Thank you, thank you, a million fucking times thank you.

I missed that BJ thread (I’m a regular visitor, tho don’t post that often) but, if it’s like others I’ve had everywhere, those making the “it is TOO easy for EVERYONE to eat healthy” folks don’t get it because they’ve never had to worry about access to a decent store. For them, it’s always been there, so the “Isn’t it for everyone?” mindset kicks into gear.

Having lived in a shithole AND worked for a grocery store, not only are they few and far between in poor areas, the quality of produce they get is LOW. Very, very low, because they don’t sell as much and … well, hey, it’s a low income store, so who cares, ammirite?

Of course, I’ve seen plenty of people in high-income areas eat like crap, so it’s not necessarily all socioeconomic. (Our kids are crammed into a bajillion activities as well, so eating on the run is now commonplace.) It is, however, much easier to eat like crap when that’s all you can easily access.


Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration

The fact they turned it into a “BBQ” and not “Fried Chicken Feast” totes means that Fox isn’t racist, and only those who point out Fox’s racism are racist.



Here’s a comment thread for ya. Hooo-wee.

There’s some prize ugly in there.

Wow. I wish I hadn’t read that. There sure are a lot of hateful, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid people in this country.


I just can’t get over the level of starry-eyed, slack-jawed cluelessness that leads someone to say “The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.” Jesus Christ. The rich should pay more because they get more: they are more protected and defended by a working government than anyone else because they have more to protect and defend. To pay the same as someone who receives a fraction of what you get is not just, and believing you deserve that discount on your higher level of protection simply because you also have a higher level of power and can force the issue is the real bandit logic. Asshole.


How fun would it be to pull over and release a zombie on a dumbass?


…not so much for the dumbass admittedly.


It should be as hard to get a corporate tax incentive as it is to unionize a shop.




I want a pet zombie!!!


If you would like to see Danny Popps website and say hello, go HERE!

Lovely display of brightly colored plops of POOPS at the top there.


Grocery is theft!


Jeff, honestly, ‘they’ allow it because the socialists who rule SF are protected from it. Ever notice liberals love criminals? It’s liberals who defend Roman Polanski, and while illegal Woody Allen’s bizarre choice of marring a girl he raised as his daughter is perfectly fine with liberals. When Huffington Post column David Epstein was arrested for incest for have sex with his 24 year old daughter the HuffPost reader defended him, you can check out the comments from Dec 10 2010 on that site.

Ever notice how conservatives blow up federal buildings and murder scores of teenagers at camps?


Also too, for Jennifer, d00d sat outside your door in his truck for twenty minutes? I’m glad he’s not a creepy guy, but do take care of yourself.

Remember how on Cheers you never saw Norm’s wife Vera…except for that one time where you could see the lower part of her body because she came partway down the outside stairs and then sat on them and everyone could see her through the window…and when the gang told Norm he should go out to her, he said, “oh, she’ll leave in a little while” and then she did?

It’s more like that.


It’s liberals who defend Roman Polanski

Strawliberal. Besides, Republicans who are always getting caught trying to fuck children.


Wow. I wish I hadn’t read that.



Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration

Well, they did stop short of mentioning watermelon.

and you know, nothing says “Gangstah” like Tom Hanks.


Splsh, splsh, splsh. Hey, a line down here would be nice. Thank you kindly.

Ahem, direct POOP quote:

“Rich” and “poor” are differences in degree, not differences in kind. There is no moral distinction between the single mother heroically attempting to feed her family, educate herself and eventually prosper; and the person who has worked hard, studied hard and prospered. They may even be the same person at different stages of life. The same person doing the same thing in the same way cannot be good when struggling, and bad when succeeding.

Oh, might she be? Why, at that point it might as well not be worth even noticing the gap between rich and poor if poor can so easily transition into rich through simple “working hard” and “studying hard”.

Hey, just one quick question. How often does that happen. That starving single mother trying to feed her family becomes the captain of industry? Just for curiosities sake.

What was that? Almost never, you say? Huh, what’s this sheet of paper say? That our country, along with one of the highest gaps between rich and poor, has one of the lowest class mobilities of the first world nations?

Well, don’t that beat all. It’s apparently nigh on impossible without a safety net for that starving single mother to even break into the middle class, much less the upper class through “hard work” and the personal reinvention of going back to school and studying hard.

What’s that, magic paper, part of the “debt crisis” bullshit is focusing on eliminating things like Pell Grants and the few remaining methods by which people can get aid for things like “going back to school” or even allowing the hard-studying poor children of that single mother to try and escape poverty by studying harder at a younger age?

Why, it’s almost like people like POOP don’t want the filthy poor climbing the ladder!

But that can’t be. My nice friend, Mr. POOP, is just trying to show how that rich person and poor person are just the same person at different points in their life and…

Really, he wouldn’t ever expect to see the reverse where a rich person is lowered to a starving single parent, either?

But he just wants us to get along and…

Oh wait, he just wants to borrow the sympathy that a starving mother trying to feed her kids gains from any functionally empathetic person on the planet and use it as a tool to forgive the sins of the rich which include creating a society where that mother and her kids FUCKING DIE so they can have more money that they can’t use for any other purpose than keeping score against other rich people and purchasing our government so they can make even more money they can’t use. Why, it’s almost like he wants to evoke the myth of class mobility to hide the fact that the rich in this country are all the children of the rich, stumbling through their carefully guarded tax brackets ensuring that no young upstart can break into their ranks.

Oh, and that empathy he borrowed from the mother?

Does he show any empathy to her now that she has played her role?

If the usurpers who now hold the reins of our national government could be restrained by the Constitution, we wouldn’t have any federal “entitlements”

Ha! As if.

Now excuse me while I towel off.


Why is that Media Matters page 404?


Wow. I wish I hadn’t read that. There sure are a lot of hateful, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid people in this country.

Perhaps the stupidest part being that while this occurred in SOUTH San Francisco, a different city in a different county, the first cretins immediately skree about the socialists who “rule” San Fran. (Or ‘Frisco, if you prefer.)

Dunno if it’s been gentrified or … in the last forty yrs., but South S.F. used to be a mostly industrial area. Not too many socialists.

You only have to say “San Francisco” & they go off, no matter the context.


If an actual application of Keynesian economics had been tried and failed?

That’s the sad thing. Our Preznit made a half-hearted attempt at it, and thus discredited the concept.

So we’re headed back to Reaganism, in spite of the Three-Decades-Long failure of same.



There is no moral distinction between the single mother heroically attempting to feed her family, educate herself and eventually prosper; and the person who has worked hard, studied hard and prospered. They may even be the same person at different stages of life

Yeah, can’t any of you recognize how hard the sperm that would become half of David Koch’s chromosome count had to swim to beat out all of those other sperm?



Dunno if it’s been gentrified or … in the last forty yrs., but South S.F. used to be a mostly industrial area. Not too many socialists.

As if it matters–What do you bet that none but one or two of those shitstains has never set foot in San Francisco or even the state of California? But Rush said theres commies crawling out of the woodwork so it must be true plus NANCY PULOSY!!!


Oh and hey, what are those “deserving people” who “earned their wealth” and really truly need it just as much to survive as that damn single mother doing with all that well-deserved loot?

Why they’re buying deliberately overpriced luxury goods.

Because more expensive must mean better quality and besides, how better to show the world that you are a success.

No. Seriously.

Many high-end businesses are even able to mark up, rather than discount, items to attract customers who equate quality with price.

“If a designer shoe goes up from $800 to $860, who notices?” said Arnold Aronson, managing director of retail strategies at the consulting firm Kurt Salmon, and the former chairman and chief executive of Saks.

So yeah, new rule. I’ll forgive the massive looting and allow people extravagant lifestyles and not demand the shredding of that to enough to live comfortably in taxes if we agree that all income above the ability that you can reasonably argue for the acquisition of an object from an enjoyment rather than status purpose should be sucked from these fuckers.

I mean, they not only make so much they will never have to worry about basic needs ever. Not only so much that they couldn’t possibly hope to spend it all in one lifetime. But they long since ran out of objects they could at least enjoy in the sense of being a kid on Christmas. I mean, I don’t think a person needs a fleet of sports cars or a diamond-studded yacht, but I could at least see a car or boat enthusiast deriving some pleasure from driving or floating those around, but buying overpriced shit entirely because the shit is overpriced and makes you look like the easy mark you are, I’m sorry, “rich”, is just stupid.

And it’s even worse when guys like POOP come along and claim that these rich fuckers must be modern day Galt geniuses who have earned their success when their purchasing habits reveal them as the ignorant, classless, naive idiot children they have always been.

And it really adds to the sting when we’re not even just taking the bread out of a starving child’s mouth so some rich kid somewhere can sky jump onto his private island, but rather so said rich kid can just throw his money away on classless garbage that they’ll never enjoy.

Makes it hard to ignore that it’s probably the starving child that’s the real point.


Also, yeah, earlier people pointing out his rant on ending social security.

How much do you want to bet that if he gets his wish and grandma and grandpa are shit out of luck and need to move in with family and make their finances even more dire in the attempt to “take care of them” like what was guaranteed to happen back in the pre-social-security days, that this fuck would be all “oh, yeah, mom, hmm, well have you asked my sister?” Or who would otherwise be expecting the women in his family to step up so that he isn’t negatively affected in any way.

Yeah, end that “Ponzi scheme” and then let your more liberal sister who always has those “crazy hippie beliefs” take care of grandma and grandpa while you dream about the day you become wealthy through your “hard work” and “good schooling” and can enjoy the fruits thereof.


[By the way, anyone believe there’s nothing comparable to Murdock’s purchase of the British constabulary at work on this side of the Pond?]

Not for a second. I’m not a moron.

You know what kinda makes me really kinda mad n’ shit? The fact that the stuff we scream and yell about is real not isreal and all their boogeymen are phony fucking delusions created by a the fact that the fucking media only has microphones reserved for reactionary shitfaced fuckwads. Those fuckers have been wrong on every single solitary issue they’ve ever touched. Suffrage, equality, economics, foreign policy, domestic policy, interpretation of the Constitution, life, love and just what in the fuck makes a person happy. tsam haz a sad.


Hey let me go OT to cheer youse up.

On the plus side, Tommy Friedman’s invocation of the 1982 massacre on the same day that government tanks rolled into the Hama city square hasn’t led to an all-out bloodbath. Yet. Death toll since Sunday is pegged only at a couple hundred.


I’m pretty sure you’re the real racist, bbkf. Nice try, though.

no, nice try vs…you just proved your the real racist by calling me a racist…


Yet. Death toll since Sunday is pegged only at a couple hundred

At least not that we know of. There’s so little independent communication out of there–it could be hundreds more. This is going to get so fucking ugly. tsam still haz a sad. He no like innsentz getting merdrd


Girls, GIRLS, Calm down–you’re BOTH racists.


I want a pet zombie!!!

Google “zombie farm.”

Spearhafoc, who is in B.C.

I’m the real racist here!

That makes me not racist, right?


Girls, GIRLS, Calm down–you’re BOTH racists



Working my way down the thread.

Translation: Let’s keep trying to balance Socialism on the backs of Capitalists. Sooner or later it’s got to work.

What’s that you say? Scandanavia? Survived the global crisis better than every more “capitalist” system? Has the highest happiness rate? Contains farmers who say “we don’t really have any rich or poor here” who can still manage to buy fucking summer homes in Switzerland where their daughter can raise fucking horses despite the “cripplingly high taxes” used to guarantee the poor a minimum living wage and housing while unemployed, grant free education, grant free health care, and even accept large amounts of refugees from other countries and provide them the same services?

Never heard of it, must be commie made up shit.

What’s that? It has a pretty high level of new businesses and class mobility because a poor person really can have an idea and have the social safety net to try it out without worrying that it will bankrupt them if it fails?

Now, I know you’re just fooling me. USA! USA! USA!


“deserving people” who “earned their wealth”

The Kochs got rich by building US patent infringing refineries for Stalin, then got richer by stealing oil from Federal and Native America lands(fined $25 million for well over $200 million of stolen oil) and polluting land, water and air they didn’t own.


Google “zombie farm.”



I want a pet zombie!!!

The collar is too tight, mistress.


Lie back and think of the Zombiepocalypse


Lie back and think of the Zombiepocalypse

WOOOO Brown chick’n brown cow….


Just for that I am totally invading Old Rotten McDonald’s farm.


tsam @21:06

Yeah, it is mind-boggling how it is how liberals who have to beg scrape and grovel for even a single passing thought and get nothing but scorn despite having at least a century long track record on being right on every fucking thing.

And we still have to listen to the designated kings get every focus despite being wrong on everything, over and over again, to the point that they end up so rarely pointing to their previous beliefs of 5-10 years ago unless they are claiming them as secretly liberal beliefs.

Well, I say it would be mind-boggling, if I didn’t know human nature and knew that defending the status-quo for the comfortable will always be viewed as better by the mass hordes and be well supported by the institutions including media, while despite their history, each liberal idea is a threat to that status quo and so must be initially dismissed and battled to the death until everyone ends up just accepting it as common sense no one would be against until it’s time to dog whistle about how terrible that decision was for everyone.


tsam said,

August 5, 2011 at 20:49

Why is that Media Matters page 404?

For the Record, MM links always seem to be the hardest to post here (at least for me).


Well, they did stop short of mentioning watermelon.

Maybe with Hanks there, they thought it would be a stretch. Nevertheless, OW already has Future Fox Nation headlines ready:!/owillis/status/99503728192790528.


On the “healthy eating” sidebar, I think someone noted a bit ago that not only is access a big problem, but so is habit. A person raised on crap is a)going to have their taste-buds affected, b) is probably going to crave crap because of simple chemical dependence tricks the fast food people have learned from the smoking people, c) is going to see it as the more “obvious answer” because of habit, and d) is going to find cooking hard to get into and hard to do cheaply because they won’t know where and when to go for cheap farmer’s markets, have inconsistent fridges that dramatically lower usability time on vegetables and won’t know the right mixture of dishes to avoid having the usual “leftover veggies going bad” problem.

Even though I have reasonably good access, pretty good cooking investment, and so on, I still run into a lot of wasted greens with each shopping trip. Something will come up and we’ll have to have dinner on the go or people are tired coming off work or other activities and don’t want to go into the rigmarole of cooking, the dish rota gets messed up when the cooking person doesn’t also want to clean and the cleaning person slacks off (or as happened a lot when I was living alone in Denmark, the cleaning afterwards made cooking an elaborate meal less inviting).

Hell, one of the biggest barriers in areas where better cheaper food actually is available is simply the strong social idea that “TV dinners” and fast food are supposedly cheaper and certainly are much easier for a person in a hurry (like say that single mother trying to feed her kids) or someone coming home from a really hectic job like many where understaffing is running rampant.

It took me a while to get my partner to believe that Trader Joe’s actually was cheaper than Safeway TV dinners because there was so much cultural belief that “worse food” must automatically be cheaper because that’s how it’s sold.

Additionally, on the throwing out veggies thing. It’s really hard psychologically to be poor and “throw out food” that has just gone bad. Even when it was cheaper, it feels like a complete waste and it’s a hard mental struggle to overcome to remember that losing that extra zuchinni or two isn’t really wasting money.

Doesn’t help the poor bastards in the thick of the urban or the outskirts of the rural, but it’s part of the reason for the “live where they can get veggies, but don’t” problem.

Euphemonious Monk



So, strict constitutionalism from the right must mean “pay attention to the parts I like”.

That’s how they read the Bible.

Smite the heathens and make the women obey you? Hooray, the Bible Rocks!

Beat your swords into plowshares and don’t judge people? Ah, what do a bunch of dead Jews know anyways?

(I have not read all of the comments so apologies if I’m repeating one of youns.)


Oh, and going back to Mr. POOP’s fellation of those who would gladly grind him up to make Premium Overpriced SuperRIch dogfood for their Champion poodles:

When are the media going to acknowledge that we’re living through the Second Great Depression, created and exacerbated by the philosophical grandchildren of the First?

I actually agree with this.

I, too, am waiting for the acknowledgment that we are in a Second Great Depression and for the media to actually analyze the direct ideologies that brought it to bear and how the problems have been created and exacerbated by the problems that also created the first.

Of course, that’s because I actually know something about history unlike Mr. POOP and so I don’t think it was socialism, FDR, and Obama that created the Depression with time travel devil sorcery and actually know that it was caused by asshole rich fucks trying to gamble on the economic system itself causing a massive problem that they then try to fix with Hooverist policies including worrying about made up “deficit crises” and looking for cuts when the government needs to spend and get people back to work even if it’s just paying them to “stand around and sit on their fat asses” because rich people horde and poor people spend and poor people spending is the entire basis of our service economy.

I suspect that Mr. POOP wouldn’t like that news story much at all as it would be a vicious denouncing of the sheer idiocy of people exactly like him and he would decry it as socialism.

But luckily for him, such a story won’t ever come to pass and he’ll be free to continue to roll in 24/7 coverage of how time-traveling ObaFDRma caused all problems with uppity blackness and “too much government spending” on “cadillac-driving welfare mommas”.

Helmut Monotreme


I would have figured Micheal Schumacher or Kimi Reikonen or one of their competitors would be the racest.



The original link was good, the one bbkf pasted, wordpress prolly truncated, or was a tag fail related program activity…


So, strict constitutionalism from the right must mean “pay attention to the parts I like”.

They treat their constitution like they treat their Bible.


I’m amazed at how many wingnuts just seem to feel downright butthurt that poor people have the temerity to keep on existing. The compassion, the empathy, it brings a tear to my eye.

In the wingnut utopia all the poor people go off quietly to die and yet continue to pay taxes.


Cerberus – all true. As a single person, I have to pick and choose on the veggies and on meats, I buy in quantity, grill it all at the same time, and freeze individual cooked portions. Otherwise I’m going to end up throwing out quite a bit. But there are workarounds; it’s just that they have to be learned. For example, my grill & freeze trick. The plus is that having the meat already cooked means I can prepare dinner in 15 minutes or less, as long as I’ve remembered to take things out of the freezer at least a few hours before I’m going to eat. I also do things like pre-cooking fresh asparagus, as it’s really good chilled with just a little salt. Mostly for fresh veggies I just buy small quantities and gravitate towards the stuff that I know will stay good longer – broccoli, for example, will last over a week in the fridge giving me ample time to eat it before it goes bad. The farmer’s market is where I really have to restrain myself, because there’s such a great variety of stuff I like there and even with buying in small quantities I can’t eat it all if I don’t rein myself in when buying. This is why I’m going to rejuvenate the garden next year – so I can have tomatoes, bell peppers, and okra whenever I like, with ample to give away as well.

Then there are the veggies like whole green beans that are great frozen, which are good for filling in when I run out of fresh stuff.

But it’s a learning curve for anyone who grew up in a family where spoilage wasn’t an issue because it would all be cooked up and eaten in one meal, or for those who grew up on a diet of fast food and TV dinners.

Still though, it’s as cheap or cheaper to eat the way I do once you’ve worked out how to deal with those issues.


Yes, they indeedy do treat the Constitution like the Bible—they believe in each man’s right to interpret it as he sees fit, regardless of his ability to understand its context, other minds’ interpretations, or the language itself (though, admittedly, the language in the Constitution is easier to get right for a modern speaker than the Bible in its original and God-endorsed 16th-17th Century English version).

(A very egregious and common error of the Consitutional fundamentalists is to confuse ‘reserved’ with ‘reserved solely’.)


But yeah, I think I’ve lost my patience for these fucking people and this made up Debt Crisis bullshit.

I’m unemployed. I’ve been unemployed for a year. I’m at the point where I’m uncertain I’ll ever be employed. And that’s despite having a pretty good Master’s degree, a huge list of experience and job skills, and a pretty damn good talent for adapting to new circumstances. I couldn’t make myself more attractive to an employer seeking to hire new blood if I was slathered in makeup and made to walk the streets near his house.

But no one’s hiring. Especially not new blood they’ll have to train. Because we’re in a Depression and it’s just faster and easier to try and snipe a recently laid off worker from a rival company as everyone just turtles up.

And I’m basically surviving on the charity of my partner and relatives who are still lucky enough to have their jobs because there is no safety net for the legitimately poor.

Oh sure, there are still the remnants for members of the middle class who legitimately fall on bad times for very short times, but for the rest, the time length and insultingly low money values for unemployment or welfare are completely unlivable on and not even worth pursuing for all the additional hassle and inability to affect the budget in any meaningful way.

And this on top of the fact that there are very important medical procedures I need to get if I can just get hired somewhere with a very progressive medical insurance policy that are necessary to my psychological well-being. My entire life is pretty much on hold until the economy gets fixed and there are jobs for people other than 40 somethings who managed to get into the economy while that was still possible.

And yet, here are these fuckers deliberately and consciously making the economy worse, repeating the mistakes of the Great Depression and preventing anything that would actually aid people like me in any real way because apparently we haven’t been nice enough to the rich fucks who ruined the economy and have refused to hire anyone because they don’t want to lose the game of Job Chicken and be the first to hire and thus pay the costs of subsidizing the rest of the industries with their workers.

And they want us to care about their transparent bullshit and react like such an abstract concern should at all be notable or more pressing than the fact that a slightly less connected version of me is probably starving to death in an alley somewhere because we’ve decided the poor should die to “stop socialism!”

And right now, all I want to do is mix them up in a giant blender and feed them to a rich-person’s dog as they obviously so desperately yearn to be.

And then shoot the rich person and take their house, because fuck, I’ve been broke too damn long.


“Three guesses how Fox Nation spun Obama’s birthday celebration:’

Being in his 40’s isn’t good enough for Barry Soerto X, oh know. You know who else turned 50? Yep, that’s right, Stalin. Makes you think doh-nit. Also, teleprompters.



Yeah, the tricks are definitely learned. They also end up easier in some locations than others. I managed to come up with a good number of clever ways to get more greens and cooked items in my diet in Denmark than I’m able to here. This despite having more time. I think part of it is that the grocery stores and process of cooking just felt more convenient. Additionally, there wasn’t the same no safety net, maximize pressure I feel here. In denmark, I could experiment and trust that my food budget would likely be there and so I could find things like the $5 box of green curry mix that lasted me a good nine months mixed with whatever veggies I wanted over rice. Whereas here, I end up feeling the capitalist pressure and the hard limits of the spending limits and so end up just going easier a lot because it’s easier to quantify in guaranteed meals.


(though, admittedly, the language in the Constitution is easier to get right for a modern speaker than the Bible in its original and God-endorsed 16th-17th Century English version).

That’s why there are several versions of the Bible in modern English. Of course, this also gives the publisher the opportunity to mess around with translations. But we can rest assured no publisher of the holy book would atttempt to inject a specific viewpoint or political agenda into the process. Right?
And for SadlyNerds Who Read the Bible When Pr0n is Enuf:

Matt 7:1
Judge not, that ye be not judged. (KJV)
Stop judging so that you will not be judged. (GOD’S WORD Translation)
Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. (New Living Translation)

Debt Crisis My Butt!

Shorter: Home schooling and personal weapons arsenals will solve the country’s problems, especially since people with other perspectives make me so angry I could kill them.

I’m a Christian, dammit, and if I hate you, you’re gonna stay hated. Shut up and accept my jihad!


And I’d love to do your grill and freeze, but our freezer is already inconsistent enough that we lose just regular frozen meat due to fluctuations and can’t trust it. Losing entire weeks of cooked dishes at one time would just kill me psychologically with our budget as strained as it is.

I think of all cooking related devices, I’ve missed with the greatest fondness an industrial ice chest I had in Denmark that was shared with my building that was so consistent and high-quality that I could buy “expiration date is tomorrow” discount meat and freeze it and use it a month later with zero drop off in quality from when I bought it. Damn I miss that.



@Arky: You DARE suggest that anything but the original KJV is the Word of God?

Barbara Sexaroid

“If you were a previously healthy 200-pound man now carrying around a 200-pound tumor, should we lop off half of your disease-free body and half of the cancer?”

But if you file nuisance lawsuits against the federal government, eventually you can recover the mad $$$ connected to your slave collateral tumor body because the US is really governed under admiralty law.


The original link was good, the one bbkf pasted, wordpress prolly truncated, or was a tag fail related program activity..

are you accusing me of tagfail?!?! i am shocked…shocked i tell you!


Democrats pay more in income taxes every year than do Republicans.

More Republicans are on welfare.

More Republicans get food stamps.

More Republicans use and abuse Medicare.


it’s just that they have to be learned

so true…getting teh diabetes has forced me to think/cook/eat in a whole new way…it takes more planning and at times more work, but the end result is worth it…


God: What are you doing now?
King Arthur: Averting our eyes, oh Lord.
God: Well, don’t. It’s just like those miserable psalms, always so depressing. Now knock it off!


If the record of the past three years does not fully debunk Keynesian economics, what would?

Yes, a stimulus centered on tax cuts completely debunks Keynesian economics… if you’re a complete and utter moron.

Oh. Right.


Also ditto Ibn Thunder 20:52

Apparently a watered down Keynesian bill based on numbers that were hiding much larger politically inconvenient numbers and which was half made of the same failed Reagonomics philosophy of the last 30 years and was further gutted by right-wing forces pushing Obama into his usual “compromises” turning out a bill that only slightly addressed problems and thus as everyone predicted only doing a little. Somehow this disproves all Keynesian Economics and erases the history of the Great Depression.

Also apparently this means that Obama’s presidency stretches back into earlier 2008 cause otherwise blaming the depression on him and the line about “2-3 years of Keynesian economics” would be completely batshit ignorant (also, one watered down bill cut down entirely to cut down the bill for the sake of compromise is apparently equal to 2-3 years of protracted large scale efforts).

And yeah, as Ibn says, this somehow disproves the history of the pre-depression period and 30 years of failed Reaganomics so more tax cuts and “cut spending” because that’ll raise all boats any day now.

These people need to be given their own nation, subject only to the laws they so desperately claim to want as citizens of this nation, absent any governmental meddling by us, and left to their own ingenuity and savvy to make them the millionaires they know they would be under such a system.

And then affix a CCTV camera network so we can enjoy the fuckers slowly coming to terms with the fact that they’re getting exactly what they asked for and how that affects them in reality.


you know, i don’t know how much more of this crap i can take

Know exactly what you mean, and on a related note, recently had a wingnut relative post somewhere on the Book of Faces that the top 2% of society paid 95% of the taxes and it was outrageous that Obama was looking at them funny when they held up all of society.

Not sure where to start…

1) The way those “how much the rich pay in taxes” statistics keep changing to become more and more laughably, transparently false.

2) The assumption that Obama’s class-warfaring them when his stimulus virtually guaranteed to them that no matter how badly they fuck up, the feds will always be there with a bailout and a pat on the shoulder to get the mighty Job Creators back on their feet.

3) For all their talk about how rugged and individualist they are and how Real Americans don’t take shit from anyone, the total abject serf mentality’s incredible to see. “No, no, don’t look the Master in the eye! It makes the Master upset, and the Master’s been so good to us, where would we be without him, why, we should be grateful he even allows us to exist!”


It’s a steaming pile, alright. But if anyone writing for a site like RenewAmerica tried to deal in or with inconvenient facts, or to rebut opponents’ actual arguments, that writer would be pilloried and canned.

It’s funny how true that is.

Of all the bullshit statements Newt Gingrich made in his life, the one that sent the wingnuts over the edge was that one lone perfectly accurate statement that Americans aren’t any more receptive to losing their Medicare and Social Security than they are to Socialized Health Care.

Of all the bullshit statements Hermain Cain’s made in the last couple months, the one that set his supporters on fire was when he sheepishly admitted that it was not, in fact, legal under present Constitutional law to deny people the right to build a house of worship just because they were Muslim.

Their revolution’s capping its leaders every time one of them points out that they’re constrained by reality. In today’s GOP, it really and literally is a death sentence simply to acknowledge reality every now and then.



What about

4) The way they deliberately “cite” their rich person pays statistics in the form of total amount of taxed income rather than as a percentage of their income or wealth so they can hide the fact that the rich pay less than the poor in terms of percentage of income and so they can basically use the fact that the 1% pretty much own all the wealth in this country as some sort of problem on the government’s part because they tax that at all.

I mean, yeah, it sure does seem shocking when you find out that the top 10% seem to be paying a large share of the taxes until you realize that that’s because they are paying shitty taxes on a share of the wealth that was 90% in 2001 and has only been increasing exponentially since. Well, shocking if you were a complete soulless idiot who thinks that rich people losing so little they don’t even notice it is a greater crime than people being unable to FUCKING EAT.


As a formerly middle-class (maybe upper m-c) person, now poor, I admit that, unlike you guys, I miss crap food. I would commit a crime for some Chinese takeaway or a chicken wrap from KFC. Meat is a once or, at most, twice a week treat; cheese once a month buy. Eggs, veg and rice/pasta is what I eat and, boy, is it boring. The doughnut craving runs deep.

But I accept that living in rural SAfrica may be a tad different than where you are all at.


Ever notice how conservatives blow up federal buildings and murder scores of teenagers at camps?

If liberals love criminals, we must love a lot of conservatives. Ain’t we just sweet?


“The Kochs got rich by building US patent infringing refineries for Stalin.”

Why do you hate capitalist entrepreneurship so much Tigris? Are you some type of commie?
Wait. What?


HTML again !!! It’s like Santa Claus showing up again the day after Xmas.

Also, MB: I ain’t gonna go back for the missed threads, no matter how short. I think if a Sadlie misses a thread altogether, he or she should exempt from reading it. That should be the rule.

I’m turning in my badge and gun to the Chief of Defectives.

Also I’m about eight bazillion comments behind on this one …. and the 7 PM baseball games are getting underway soon.


are you accusing me of tagfail?!?! i am shocked…shocked i tell you!

To be fair, I did make an attempt to blame WP first, but then got caught up by the opportunity to make a “related program activities gag”, and I can’t help myself when it comes to them.


The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

Any idea how some of those rich guys got all that wealth? Any? Any at all?

Pryme nails it.


Oh fuck. Debt Ceiling Super Congress A Palooza just got a whole lot worse.


I want a pet zombie!!!

Wasn’t there a pic in a thread a few back that illustrated that you do, in fact, have a pet zombie?

and there are jobs for people other than 40 somethings

As a 40 something, lemme tell ya somethin’. It gets harder and harder to get hired as you age. A guy I used to work for, who has about ten years, an MBA and several successfully started businesses on me, was telling me how nobody would even look at him because of his age. I’m not exactly getting a flood of callbacks on aps I send in either, even when I’m awesomely qualified and my experience fits to a tee. Maybe I just can’t write a decent cover letter, but I suspect it’s more than that.


Oh wait. That’s yesterday’s news. Nevermind me, I’ve had a bit of a scatterbrained week.


This thread is poppin fresh good! Don’t have time tonight to highlight all the stuff that I most like, but this one looks like a fun roller-coaster so far.


The underlying leftist assumption seems to be that the rich owe more simply because they have more. But this is the logic of the bandit.

“Behind every great fortune is a great crime.” — Honore de Balzac

humbert dinglepencker

Sweet Mother of Maud Adams, is this Popp guy for real? Is it possible for one human to be so fucking stupid and still breathe? There are primary notochords smarter than he is.


Hunchback !!!

This thread gets better and better! Funny and righteous. Many lulz and much appreciation in Charm City.


Also, too: I just had a funny about the 17-year and 9-years ago ex, something that would make a great motivational poster:

If you love something, let it go; if it comes back 8 years later, it is yours, unless of course it runs off again.

Sometimes I crack myself up.


Make a capital gains tax cut as hard to get as a building permit!

But teh Zombie thinks a building permit isn’t a big enough obstacle. I dunno, I’m not in construction like tsam, nor in engineering, nor in architecture.

So how about something more labrynthrine? Re-zoning?

Or obtaining a liquor license?

(All Sadlies automatically have liquor licenses, btw.)

The Jack of Hearts

Ever notice what kind of people pine away for the “Old West”? Those were the days when there was no law, and the toughest guy in town RAN the town and took whatever he wanted from the other people–at least until someone tougher came along

Big Jim was no one’s fool; he owned the town’s only diamond mine.
He made his usual entrance, looking all so dandy and so fine.
With his bodyguards and silver cane and every hair in place,
He took whatever he wanted to, and he laid it all to waste.

But his bodyguards and silver cane were no match for the Jack of Hearts.



Or we could just make it cost something they actually value.

For one year, you pay zero capital gains tax in exchange for a lost inch of penis length or one testicle otherwise it’s at a sane level.

And the removals are done with a knife donated by the cheapest bid offer cared for with the current levels of enforcement as related to EPA or Business regulation so low levels equals rusty blade possibly covered in syphilitic blood.

Things tell me either things would improve or there would be some Galtian Overlords with a limp, a permanent scowl and 10 months left to live.

So either way, win/win.


A former softball teammate of mine went off to Chicago about 18 years ago to work for his uncle on the board of trade. A few years later I was in Chicago and visited him in his office. He was sitting in front of two computer moniters that were tracking, second by second, a dozen different stocks. This guy had a nice chunk of capitol to work with and would buy a stock and 5, 10, or 15 minutes later when the stock went up a few cents he would sell it only to buy it again as soon as it dropped a few cents. Currently this type of activity is considered “investing” and the income is considered capital gains, but to me this is just sucking money out of the system while serving no usefull purpose. I say tax the shit out of these leeches. Better yet make this sort of trading illegal.

Guerrila Voters Cadre 18

because obama thumbs his nose at the constitution–actually he wipes his nose on it

This. Solidarity.

The Jack of Hearts

Ever notice what kind of people pine away for the “Old West”? Those were the days when there was no law, and the toughest guy in town RAN the town and took whatever he wanted from the other people

Big Jim was no one’s fool; he owned the town’s only diamond mine.
He made his usual entrance, looking all so dandy and so fine.
With his bodyguards and silver cane and every hair in place,
he took whatever he wanted to, and he laid it all to waste.

But his bodyguards and silver cane were no match for the Jack of Hearts


FYWP. With rusty Garden Weasel.


Must-read at 20:47. Cerebrus winz the internetz toobz.


For one year, you pay zero capital gains tax in exchange for a lost inch of penis length or one testicle otherwise it’s at a sane level.

At least it’ll cap the number of wealthy male investors.


But teh Zombie thinks a building permit isn’t a big enough obstacle. I dunno, I’m not in construction like tsam, nor in engineering, nor in architecture.

It’s riffing on a bumper sticker that says “Make welfare as hard to get as a building permit”. It’s standard fare for fuckheads who work in “merit shops”. (Non-union, privately funded projects only to avoid scale or prevailing wage/benefit pay).

They are the lowest form of life on Earth. They’re not even human fucking beings. They’re nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit.


Hey, S&P downgraded to AA+!


everybody who hasn’t noticed, the esteemed nym-modifier ifthethunderdontgetya, Minister of Optimism, has been tapped to guest-blog at WhiskyFire. Go visit and impress Thers with our loudmouthed bad-language shenanigans.

No pressure, thundra.


So, strict constitutionalism from the right must mean “pay attention to the parts I like”.

That’s how they read the Bible.

Arky nails it.


Rich people utilize expensive government assets, get special treatment:


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