Atlas Rationalizes

No one will be surprised that things have been interesting over at the shrieking harpy’s anti-Muslim klaven lately. Particularly now that it is clear that the Norwegian madman was influenced by extremist anti-Muslim lunatics like Pam and her ilk at Brussels Journal, Gates of Vienna, and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch.
The “fun” started with “Norway Shooter a Charles Johnson Fan: The Killer Links to LGF.” Only Geller could start tromping down this path without realizing it was going to blow up in her on face. Did she think that anyone linking to LGF in its crazy days wouldn’t also be enamored with Pamela’s own amphetamine-crazed rantings about Muslims?
No one is explaining what his [the shooter’s] anti-Muslim views (if he really had them) have to do with his attacks. Maybe the shooter was like Johnson and turned.
The shooter once posted ONE link to Atlas. ONE link.
Sadly, no. In the anti-Muslim screed posted by the shooter, I counted thirteen links to Atlas Shrugged.
Pam holds on to the idea that the shooter wasn’t really anti-Muslim in her latest post and says, in defiance of all evidence in the shooter’s 1500-page anti-Muslim screed:
And if he’s a right winger who hates Muslims, how does that translate into killing a bunch of political youth party Workers’ Youth League. He could easily have found Muslim children to kill if that had been his intention.
Snark fails me here. But this is just leading up to Pam’s point about the real atrocity here:
Watching CNN and BBC coverage about Norway, I found very disturbing to hear the number of times they use the word “Christian.” They would never dare refer to religion when it is jihad, and this attack had nothing to do with Christianity. It is outrageous.
That’s rich coming from someone who has spent her adult life running a blog devoted to reporting every instance where a Muslim driver runs a red light.
What are her views on freemasonry?
A Muslim extremist blows up a building:
Conservative reaction: “ZOMG! Teh mooslims are coming! Hideyowifehideyokids!!! They’re all alike, don’t you see? They’re coming right for us!!!!”
A Christian extremist who copypastas whole postings of Teaderper wharrgarbl for his 1500-page manifesto blows up a building and shoots a bunch of young campers while dressed like a policeman:
Conservative reaction: “Well, he wasn’t really one of us. Why are you being so judgemental? LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOOONE!!!!!!1111!”
Oh, it’ll be OK, Pammycakes—dinna’ fash yersel’. The story is already congealing. The extreme right-wing Norwegian Teabagger party that Breivik belonged to is called the “Progress Party”, so it turns out he was a left-wing terrorist after all. (Yes, now that he’s a left-winger, it’s OK to call him a “terrorist”.)
Snark fails me too.
Wait–how about this:
Next Pammy column–Silly strings of silliness to make the silly conclusion that the murderer was really a liberal. They’re the real intolerant racists, you know.
Third! Like your nym Badger.
I’d place some brilliant comment here, ‘cept I never ever get out of the boat.
The Very Reverend beat me to it.
Go ahead with the ahem–just not in the face, please.
Fenwick–they (national news media) say it’s cooling off there–is that true?
Okay not third. Curse you tsam. Also should have read “I like your nym Badger”.
I got nothing today. I’m just going to sit on the deck and wait for intrepid explorers to bring back the rotted fruits and such.
Oh, lets both “Ahem” Pammycakes in the face—with a tire iron.
I await right wing introspection concerning their bombastic language and sweeping generalizations and their effect on mentally unstable or completely stupid people. There will be a call to tone it down and focus on actual reality about muslims and partially planned economies, right?
Aaaaany minute now….
Oh, lets both “Ahem” Pammycakes in the face—with a tire iron.
Thanks for the lye-soaked mangoes.
The Lutheran Church of Norway is the established state religion, and all citizens are members of the church upon baptism. I find it disturbing she hasn’t denounced this “Christian nation” and its religion for allowing this massacre to happen.
Not a Chuck fan.
The reason the guy targeted the Labor Party’s youth camp is that Norwegian political entities actually allow for an elected representative of the local youth on their boards and councils and whatnot. Those positions, for which some of the activities at the camp help prepare the kids to run for and act in, are generally springboards to higher political office in their adulthood. The current Prime Minister, for example, went to that youth camp in his teens.
Those kids represented the best and the brightest, the most ambitious and talented of the up-and-coming generation of the left in Norway. The killer hoped to kill off the entire Labor Party “farm team” at once.
they (national news media) say it’s cooling off there–is that true?
If dropping from 3-digits to 2-digits is ‘cooling off’, then I suppose so.
Project 98 today…mid 90’s all week … triple-digits again next weekend.
I’m about to go fookin’ crazee. Oh wait. Did that l-o-n-g ago….
If dropping from 3-digits to 2-digits is ‘cooling off’, then I suppose so.
So weird. We’ve been complaining about a cooler than normal summer and more rain than usual. (Not trying to rub it in your face). It’s just weird.
Detonate planet, start over
That picture is obviously fake. Surely, Pammycakes would torture the baby panda before eating it.
Wait, let me rephrase that. Detonate United States, start over.
Funneh funneh MANGOZE!
At least climate change has nothing whatsoever to do with it. Just ask Jim Inhofe in Washington. He’ll tell you “It gets hot in summer.” No joking igloos.
((Hey! No Joking Igloos. Joey likes that name for the band.))
Oh yeah? Well, I heard from my hair stylist’s nanny’s CPA that Pamela Gellar’s grandma was BFF’s with Hitler. It’s true. I heard it. And not just from the voices in my head.
Poor poor innocent helpless Pamela “Armageddon Before Sharia” Gellar! Hoist on her own fucktard … yet again.
Back off, libs – one is exactly the same as eleven if
you’re trying like hell not to appear as dangerously batshit-gaga Hardcore Eliminationist as you really areyou squint & cross your eyes. Looking at it normally is exactly what the Lesbo-Marxist Jihad-Appeasing Left WANTS you to do! Then soon Amhadinijad becomes Supreme Ruler Of Earth, with no backsies.Project 98 today…mid 90?s all week … triple-digits again next weekend.
Wish I could send you some of teh local cool (room-temperature-plus-change highs here & going to get cooler the minute it clouds over again). Memories of teen angst summers living next to Antoine Creek/Horseshoe Canyon … & all the weeks spent in unquiet desperation whilst fricaseeing in the low 40s ( = 2.5 fuckuvalots Fahrenheit). Ahh, the Yalakum … where you really CAN fry an egg on the hood of a car. But don’t. It will taste feh.
Next slide please!
You lie-bruls are idiots. Obviously this “Christian” was a jihadist Afghani who had his skin and hair lightened by magic and/or plastic surgery to terrorize Norway and then blame his rampage on Christians just to make them look bad.
TinTin: Misfire on the title? ‘Rationalizes’ seems too close to ‘rational.” I dunno.
Shorter Bargain Basement Boudica:
Pay no attention to that mass murderer behind my curtains!
Tintin – thanks for bravely going where I didn’t dare to go!
jim: If you can please please-oh-please come through with those temps and skies, I will invent a Special Medal complete with a Full Citation for all of Sadlyhood to read.
with no backsies. <=== nice finish
I like to imagine this woman waking up in the dead of the night every once in a while in terror as the reality of what a horrible fucking human being she is comes crashing down on her head. Of course, that’s probably also what causes her to double down on the insanity.
It’ll be fun watching the right-wing whackos try to squirm out of this-no wait, it won’t be fun, it will be sickening and horrible. Fuck Geller, fuck Fjordman, fuck Robert Spencer, and fuck all their drool-covered troglodyte subhuman sycophants. I’m beyond snark on this whole mess, sorry.
TinTin: Echoing applause for the photoshop. Blood on the blouse. The little critter’s expression. Perfectly sized (insofar as I can see).
If I were Pam I’d be a lot more disturbed to hear the number of times the murderer of a hundred innocent people used the words “Pamela Geller.” But that’s me.
Tin-Tin: Wow. Just discovered you used a third element. The whole assembly is superfine.
No third element.
Fenwick the Sweltered is becoming delusional. Also he is very stoned and has an overwrought imagination.
The only difference between these folks is where to keep the ton of fertilizer: on their laptop or in their barn.
It’ll be fun watching the right-wing whackos try to squirm out of this-no wait, it won’t be fun
I’m actually stunned at how easily Geller et alia are shrugging this off, and I really didn’t think they could surprise me anymore. A lunatic kills eighty-some people, mentions Geller approvingly and links to her site 13 times, and her response is “no big deal”. In a civilized and sane society, she would be shunned for the rest of her life, which is why she’ll no doubt be appearing on CNN any moment now.
Actually, she does resemble those duckbilled cockroach-robots in The Fifth Element.
this attack had nothing to do with Christianity
I just watched the very interesting “Atheism Tapes” and one of the gents interviewed mentioned this phenomenon of judging religion by how well it lines up with human morality, as a response to the idea that human morality only and always comes from religion. It’s the same circular reasoning that allows her to claim a right-wing child-murderer’s link to LGF is damning but the multiple links to her are meaningless.
“A lunatic kills eighty-some people, mentions Geller approvingly and links to her site 13 times, and her response is “no big deal”. In a civilized and sane society, she would be shunned for the rest of her life, which is why she’ll no doubt be appearing on CNN any moment now.”
And this is the woman who believed a footnote citing a 100 year-old work by an obscure German writer was incontrovertable proof of Elena Kagan’s Nazism.
Shorter American Thinker (link will not take you to AT*):
*Link does contain 5% blog pimposity.
What I wanna know is, who’s going to oppose building a church in Oslo now given that it’s ‘sacred ground’?
Detonate United States, start over.
There’s a book about that!
“He could easily have found Muslim children to kill if that had been his intention.”
I wonder how many times she changed that “could” to a “should” and back before posting.
“He could easily have found Muslim children to kill if that had been his intention.”
He blames liberals and the left for allowing Muslims to move in. Just like she does.
Under/over on specially-commissioned nekkid Pamelot pics being found on the Scandoterrorist’s PC? [/brainbleach]
He could easily have found Muslim children to kill if that had been his intention.
Yeah, what a wuss.
Because that’s totally what she would have done.
Jennifer Rubin’s blog at the liberal Washington Post:
Address my post, libs!
The freepers, so The Ho tells me, have now reimagined history such that McVey was actually acting _on behalf of_ teh Muslins.
There is a zero, not epsilon people, zero chance that any of the wingnuts whose knees jerked to blame this on some “Eurabia” terrorist plot will pull in their horns even slightly, now that the evidence suggests the killer was actually a fellow traveler of theirs. It will take a few days for them to work out the new talking points, but within the week they’ll have a story about how this was the fault of the left.
I believe this like I believe the sun will rise tomorrow morning.
will pull in their horns even slightly
within the week they’ll have a story about how this was the fault of the left.
Check out Arky’s link, the trial balloons are already going up.
Clearly it’s the left’s fault for refusing to round up Muslims and put them in camps.
He could easily have found Muslim children to kill if that had been his intention.
The freepers, so The Ho tells me, have now reimagined history such that McVey was actually acting _on behalf of_ teh Muslins.
G.W. Bush got Bin Laden years ago, but kept it a secret for the War on Terra (you know how good team Shrub was at keeping secrets…especially ones that might make them look good!)
Then Hopey stole the kill and bragged about it for reelection porpoises.
/and now you know the rest of the (wingnut) story.
The freepers, so The Ho tells me, have now reimagined history such that McVey was actually acting _on behalf of_ teh Muslins.
tsam’s quote above shows exactly that. Something tells me the link she totally for real really read won’t be forthcoming any time soon.
Oh hell, actually there are tons of links for McVeigh Muslim connection, including to dear old Atlas. Sheesh, I had no idea there was such a thing as OKC trutherism, nor that they’d been working that bone for so damn long.
The freepers, so The Ho tells me, have now reimagined history such that McVey was actually acting _on behalf of_ teh Muslins
That’s been around since before AlGore invented the Internets. There was even anger at the government for executing McVeigh before he revealed his Muslim assistant. (Yes, I too am surprised they haven’t decided Obama was the sekkrit Muslim.)
Of course not all fReepers are on board with the McVeigh as Muslim lackey theory. See for example this hot, throbbing nut someone at Rumproast picked yesterday:
The children T.M. wiped out were playing at a day care center in the AJM building. Totally different.
Don’t know why the first blockquote FAILed. Probly ‘cos this site secretly worships Pam Gellar.
From americanthinker
Oh, Pandora’s.
which has zero credibility with anyone considered clinically sane
Apart from “sane” being a legal term and not a clinical one, this sounds like Pammy’s consoling commenter has paid a psychiatrist for an evaluation… so that whenever the question comes up in an argument he or she can bring out the certificate that says “This person is not psychotic”.
This does not work as intended (or so I hear from a friend).
within the week they’ll have a story about how this was the fault of the left.
You will also get a lot of “Shame on the liberals for exploiting this tragedy for political advantage”. It will be as if Jennifer Rubin’s column and others of the same “Blame-liberal-softness-on-al-Qaeda” ilk do not exist.
the Left itself that has opened Pandora’s Box
They made it past the bangs then.
A self-shorter from PJ media:
How dare they call a Christian Templar a “murderous lunatic?”
Also read: Can the Left Resist the Temptation to Exploit the Norway Attacks?
“OMG, Muslims killed lots of folks in Norway! We must profile, not cut funds for defense, not fight PATRIOT Act protections for our fragile freedom, vote for defaulting on our debt, etc”
“Um, it was a white Christian guy… which like multiple other examples prove profiling doesn’t work all that well.”
I hear that the only retraction on Pam’s blog read “exterminate the brutes.”
legitimate criticism of Islam has been profoundly discredited
This is a tragedy of equal magnitude to the murder of 100 people?
Gobsmacked I am.
Shorter Pammy and other racist wingnutz:
“We bear no responsibility for anything. Ever.”
They should write that in Latin (or possibly Pig Latin) and put it on the symbol of the Republican Party.
Detonate United States, start over.
There’s a book about that!
A song, too.
They should write that in Latin (or possibly Pig Latin) and put it on the symbol of the Republican Party.
Semper libertas de responsibilitus foreverum.
They made it past the bangs then.
My bangs are lovers, not fighters…
Well, no true
ScotsmanChristian would have committed a crime like this.A certain professor, recently seen running about in his long johns with a magic markered “N” on his chest and a pillowcase flowing behind him, is reporting the following denials (No links… I got ’em… but you don’t really want ’em, do you?):
American Power:
1) Just Awful: Progressives Ecstatic Over Anders Behring Breivik Alleged Ties to Right-Wing Extremism
2) Anders Behring Breivik — No Clear Ideological Program
3) (via tweet–for now) “Norway killer’s father was leftist, a Labor Party diplomat now retired.”
See… It was a liberal’s fault!!!
Well, I’m sure that if the killer had been a lefty whose father was a right-winger, they’d blame it on conservatism.
Or are you accusing them of not arguing in good faith? The very idea!
“3) (via tweet–for now) “Norway killer’s father was leftist, a Labor Party diplomat now retired.”
Well that proves it.
1) Just Awful: Progressives Ecstatic Over Anders Behring Breivik Alleged Ties to Right-Wing Extremism
Our wingnutzi will never tire of looking into the mirror.
Just Awful: Progressives Ecstatic Over Anders Behring Breivik Alleged Ties to Right-Wing Extremism
“Norway killer’s father was leftist, a Labor Party diplomat now retired.”
Just awful: my exploiting this tragedy by juxtaposing conservative’s exact comments in a way that isn’t the unquestioning tongue bath they deserve.
I love that it doesn’t occur to a single one of these assholes to simply write something along the lines of “Let us put aside our differences and pray for the victims and their families.” AND THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP.
But since they have less self-control and dignity than a sugar crazed three year old we get hundreds or even thousands of assholes screaming “WAAAH IT’S THEIR FAULT!”
Where “Their” = Any number of neo-con boogie men including but not limited to the dirty liberal Norwegians and … MOOSLEMS:
Have they done it a second time??
“Words. How do they work?”
And yet, he also knows how to make and detonate remotely a huge fertilizer bomb, and then is happy to kill scores of young people, most of whom are fellow Norwegians, Christians, white just like him. Does any of this make any sense?
Sure it does. The phrase “race traitor” bring anything to mind? Mr. Masonic decided to take the fight to unarmed summer campers rather than his “real” Islamo-enemies, because he’s a big-mouth chickenshit.
Watch your backs.
It only does if he was/is a kind of Manchurian Terrorist
Only! It ONLY makes sense if we ignore everything actually known about him including everything he’s said and make up a wacky conspiracy theory for which there is no evidence.
The very fact that there’s no evidence for a conspiracy is proof of how hard the conspirators are covering it up!
Watch your backs.
He killed scores of teenagers who were associated with the more liberal political party of Norway. It was targeted, of chickenshit.
He acted out the fantasy so many wingnuts fantasize about.
And leer at.
“…IF chickenshit.”
So why are they running form this Anders? Why are they trying to find cover from their connection to Anders, to their shared brand of hatred? Why, if he did what they dream about doing, don’t they just own up to it, be honest about how they feel and just praise the motherfucker? I mean, aren’t they already out the closet so to speak? Aren’t they already on record as sharing the same murderous philosophy as Anders? I don’t know who Pam Geller is and I’ve never read her blog, but she sounds like any other rightwing asshole who thinks the solution to cultural or political friction is just to kill everybody who doesn’t agree with their take on things. And you know what? In a few weeks, maybe just a few days, she’ll be praising Anders. She’ll start by letting the wolves in her pack do all the initial hard work, then, acting as if she has been softened to their view, she’ll join in and say, “Yeah, he’s our new fucking hero. What took me so long to join in? Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. This time, we’re all in this together. We’re one with Anders.” Or maybe she’s just too big a coward and too dishonest even to admit publicly, from her own forum of hatred, that she wishes she could find the courage to do what Anders did.
Alternative Shorter:
“We are NOT fapping to this. That’s disgusting!”
Boy am I ever taking it easy tonight. Got some gorgeous heirloom tomatoes (Cherokee red and somethingorotheryellowmostly) so imma just fry up some excellent bacon, toast up some sourdough bread and won’t forget to add crisp lettuce. Homemade mayo makes for the perfect BLT. Red pepper and tomato soup from Trader Joe’s. Homemade potato chips. So easy, so nomnomnomnom.
Also, my stomach turns when I see those vile pieces of shit like Pam and Donalde and the rest demonstrate their complete lack of humanity. Makes me want to slap the living shit out of them.
I believe the precise phrasing is:
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I don’t get why it’s so hard for Pam and the rest to just reject and denounce this guy. If some commie terrorist did the same thing I think everyone here wouldn’t have any difficulty saying that it’s unjustified, criminal, against what we stand for etc.
I don’t think we’d be trying to say he was a secret Republican the whole time and whining that we’re the real victims. It’s just basic decency.
“Or maybe she’s just too big a coward and too dishonest even to admit publicly, from her own forum of hatred, that she wishes she could find the courage to do what Anders did.”
Most plausible explanation unfortunately.
Warning: Fatal Logic Error.
Warning: Fatal Logic Error.
Totes NOT fapping!
Cop-pasta troll is copy-pastaing.
Typo. Tired. Sorry.
My understanding is that one of the issues they were discussing at the camp was how to combat xenophobia and rising anti-Muslim sentiment in Norway. Which would explain why he targeted the camp.
I see no evidence that the entire world isn’t just a figment of my imagination.
Martin Rees said, “The Absence of Evidence is not the Evidence of Absence”, but there’s a good chance he was a figment of my imagination, so why should I listen to him?
The fact is, liberals will expliot this tradegy to bias the media against conservatives, the cultural gardians of our nation and the productive class, by taxes and media bias and Obama love.
OT mangoes from a Bobo column discovered via BJ.
Tell me about it…Wait, WTF? Really?
Who has been insulting who all the time? Starting in March ’07 when the math made the possibility of a Blackety black black Halfrican was possibly gonna be one of the two nominees for the presidency.
I am not sure that any other shorter applies: Uppity Negro Refuses to acknowledge his place.
Stop trying so hard, Gary. “tradegy” is not a typical spelling error. The over-reaching just kind of ruins the whole schtick, if that’s even possible.
David Brooks is the reason Dickipedia was invented, as I’ve often claimed.
When bobo said much the same thing on NPR Friday afternoon I laughed and vomited in my mouth a bit. He sounded so petulant and righteous when he said it. I imagined E. J. Dionne doing a face palm across the studio.
RE: “… the cultural GARDIANS of our nation…”
GARDIA: A type of protozoa with a whiplike tail that infects the human intestinal tract
My understanding is that one of the issues they were discussing at the camp was how to combat xenophobia and rising anti-Muslim sentiment in Norway. Which would explain why he targeted the camp.
He likely targeted the camp to piss off Norwegian Liberals, and those that tend to celebrate multiculturalism all over the world. This was an attack on liberalism.
Ann Coulter might be creaming herself to death in a bathtub as we speak.
I just can’t wait to see what Rush has to say.*
*In that sick way you might examine a ClownCar entering a train as its engineer and promptly running said train into a tanker trailer filled with radioactive waste…
I laughed and vomited in my mouth a bit.
I would imagine that if anyone might have a positive experience with a bit of vomit that that someone would be you!
I would second a cookbook as well.
(I still kill myself for not assembling the genius that was Merkin Patriot, or for that sake W00T at the eschaton)
Ann Coulter might be creaming herself to death in a bathtub as we speak.
MY EYES MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!
there’s some arrogance and self-superiority there
Jesus Christ, Republicans have acted like fucking spoiled children and Obama stuck with his useless bipartisan hold-handsism far too long, but let anyone to the left of Attila show one iota of impatience with right-wing assholery and Brooks clucks his tongue at DEMOCRAT’S arrogant self-superiority. Idiot, these traitorous assholes are playing with this country out of pique, like little psychopaths drowning the neighbor’s kid after Dad finally told them they had to stop cutting the dog.
Also, yeah, I’ve always thought that EJ Dionne must do a few shots every Friday before going on air with Brooks.
MY EYES MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!
However this is the Norwegian Version of her McViegh Blowing up the NYT Building shtick.
Likewise with Rushbo and his “leave a couple alive at every university” bullshit. This particular bastard had the “guts” to act out these fantasies.
Every member of the Keyboard Commando’s whether from the 82nd Chairborn or the 101st Fighting, has either painted their bedrooms, or those with a modicum of shame are having a bit of difficulty “rising” to the “occasion”.*
*Not at all a VPR.
I might suggest that we set up some blogs with titles like “Ann Coulter with Balls”. Only post to the blog is a picture of her Norwegian Counterpart and one of her eliminationist quotes.
Likewise with the rest of the bastards, and I am sure that most of you are familiar with a cavalcade of candidates.
Let the suggestions begin.
I should have stated “…with the Balls to follow up on her rhetoric.”
No, the short version is to the point. The problem is that it’s as much rallying cry as parody.
Mommy, is the thread dead?
Deader than liberal Marxist socialest mooslem lurving satanist commie fag Norskers. Not that we had anything to do with it, mind you. We don’t even know who that guy is!
Why does Sadly, No! only get really active when I’m not around? You guys all hate me, don’t you?
It’s because of my redhead fetish, isn’t it? Well, Sadlynauts, I can’t help that. I was born this way!
Or had it thrust upon me due to childhood exposure to Mary Jane Watson, Jean Grey, Jessica Rabbit, and a host of other cartoon redheads. I’m not sure, exactly.
Yes, one is consistently amazed at how fucked in the head the RW is. As someone has said: what is so hard about recognizing the tragedy, sending condolences and moving on to the next fucknozzle topic: “Having showers makes baby Jebus cry” or whatever.
But no, it has to be straight into the full court press of denial.
Anyone else hear about people shot dead in a bowling alley? FFS
Yeah it’s only 5
There’s an anus-bleaching joke to be made there somehow.
Oh, wouldn’t that be something. At this point I’d be happy for a functional one.
“…However, if you want to understand the attitude of the punditocracy to fascist terrorism, consider the query put by BBC News to the former Norwegian Prime Minister yesterday: “Do you think not enough attention was paid to those unhappy re immigration?” Or, consider this New York Times article blaming the failure of multiculturalism. Or, look at this Atlantic article, which describes such racist terrorism as a “mutation of jihad” – that is “the spread of the ‘jihad’ mentality to anti-immigrant and racist groups”. You begin to get the picture. The idea is to find some way in which all of this is still the fault of Muslim immigrants. The logic will be: the fascists express legitimate grievances, but go too far. Or worse, in their natural outrage, they have allowed themselves to become like them.”
“These memes are replicating across the right-wing blogosphere as well as the news media. By one means or another, what is being avoided here is that Anders Breivik’s politics were shaped not by the fact of immigration, nor by jihadism, nor by any actually existing Muslims, but by ideas beginning in the mainstream right and radiating out to the far right. The 1500 page manifesto he has written under the pseudonym Andrew Berwick comprises, alongside a set of instructions for little would-be fascist killers, a distillation of standard right-wing Islamophobic material from Bernard Lewis, Bat Ye’or, Daniel Pipes and Martin Kramer, as well as a regurgitation of just about every poisonous attack on multiculturalism from the gutter press and politicians…”– Richard Seymour
Also, too. All the mewling about Nazis being leftists is really tiresome. I know the whole purpose of Teh Loededhosen’s Terlet Reedar was to popularize this very concept, just for such occasions, but seriously, can someone just smack anybody that publicly makes that assertion?
Anybody? Junkpuncho?
Geller: Breivik may have written a 1,500 page “manifesto”, but we shouldn’t see any ideological motivation. But while Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho may have appeared to be incoherently mentally ill, he was obviously really a Muslim:
Ismail Isreal!
It will take a few days for them to work out the new talking points, but within the week they’ll have a story about how this was the fault of the left.
If those kids weren’t on the left, they wouldn’t be dead. They are entirely responsible for their own murders. Lie down with dogs you get fleas. Camp out on an island to discuss liberal ideas, you get shot.
I’m actually stunned at how easily Geller et alia are shrugging this off
actually, not really surprised, they really dont get it….
funny story at the weekend, friends and myself were discussing this very issue (prior to the Norway thing) with some wingnut types with similar views to Pammycakes. This is despite the fact they have lived in muslim countries for over 10 years. The argument got a little heated after a few sherbets, and the parting shots to us was that we were ‘kaffir lovers’. Our parting shots to them was serenade them with; “you didn’t get you pogrom, oh, you didn’t get you pogrom”, in the style of a football chant!!!
also, re freeper madness, got off the boat, got as far as this mango;
“Masons in Europe are very leftwing and are enemies of Christianity.”
re-education camps cant come soon enough!
…… Mr. Masonic decided to take the fight to unarmed summer campers rather than his “real” Islamo-enemies, because he’s a big-mouth chickenshit.
struck me too, if he’s such a big Viking warrior protecting us dhimmi trash against the muzlim hordes, why did he pick a youth camp of unarmed people? why not head to Somalia or Afghanistan and kill himself some muslims? cause he’s a pussy, like the whole lot of ’em.
Why does Sadly, No! only get really active when I’m not around? You guys all hate me, don’t you?
they hate me too…..
Shorter entire right wing: It’s got nuthin’ to do with us. It’s all cuz a tha Leftys.
I suspect that most folks are going to notice the smell of burnt hair, but it might be fun watching the wingers jump around going “Ooooh! Ooooh!” and smacking their heads for a while.
Apparently, he was exercising some 2nd amendment remedies as far as future candidates might be concerned. When elections don’t work, y’know.
Another island you really don’t want to visit (but, because it isn’t a known quantity, like N. Avenger–it is a “friend,” though–I figured I’d let the more intrepid explorers decide for themselves):
“Breivik’s manifesto contains much truth about the advance of cultural Marxism and the brainwashing of the West with multiculturalism and mind control, i.e., “political correctness.'”
To this wingnut islander’s credit, he is the first I’ve seen saying “Yeah, that guy does kinda sound like me and my friends.”
But it’s his conclusion that I liked best (or, “that scared the living crap outta me.” I so often get those two confused…):
“After Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma, his violence was blamed on “right wing rhetoric.” However, his violence was really based on leftwing, governmental extremism at both Waco and Ruby Ridge. This is not to justify his evil act, but to provide an accurate description of his motivations.
Now we have Anders Behring Breivik, another individual of McVeigh’s ilk. His violence will again be blamed on “right wing rhetoric,” but once again his actions are based on leftist political activities and a feeling of hopelessness in bringing change through democratic processes. Breivik’s huge crime was largely caused by Gramscian leftist political strategy, which has been highly successful in undermining western culture and institutions over the past 75 years. Now, in response to that crime, we can expect more Gramscian propaganda and a continued feeling of alienation by conservative nationalists, who will be vilified once again for resisting the death of the West, and again painted as mad men bent on violence, of whom Breivik is but the most recent example.
Those on the left should resist the temptation to make political hay out of this tragedy. It is the politics of smear and personal destruction that are leading us to a place where some may see violence as the only possible way to bring about needed change.
The left manufactured Anders Behring Breivik. It is they who should take a long look in the mirror.”
Dig the “You brought it on yourselves, liberals… …and if you keep talking and acting liberals, it could happen again” warning. It’s the “kill them to save them” corollary; Liberals need to speak and act like… well, anything but liberals… to keep the crazy far right extremists from feeling like they have any choice but to kill us. Losing at the polls and in public opinion will only enrage them. And we will be to blame.
Hey I have a cup with that picture on it, don’t defame the panda eater, screw pam …
Losing at the polls and in public opinion will only enrage them. And we will be to blame.
I see me a wife beater.
leftwing, governmental extremism at both Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Waco: began under George Bush, ended a mere month into Clinton’s presidency with Bush era personnel mostly still in place(marshals etc, those on the ground driving the information). Ruby Ridge: 100% Bush, baby.
No, sorry, the Waco siege started a month after Clinton took office and ended 50 days later. Still, the ATF and FBI folks driving the process were Bushies.
It is the politics of smear and personal destruction that are leading us to a place where some may see violence as the only possible way to bring about needed change.
If you just pulled your head out of your ass you’d see the world in a whole different light, Sparky.
You know what bothers me is how these crazy liberal kids could be so silly as to put their bodies in the way of a man out legally doing some innocent target practice. They must’ve been so against guns and bullets that they stupidly volunteered to be “human shields” for the plant and animal life on the island. Typical crazy liberals!
…Teh Loededhosen’s Terlet Reedar…
This made me laugh so hard, I almost crapped my pantaloons.
The problem is that it’s as much rallying cry as parody.
Yeah, and that’s the rub, innit.
and the parting shots to us was that we were ‘kaffir lovers’.
Wait, what? I hadn’t heard this before – so this is what people who hate Muslims call people who don’t hate Muslims?
“Kaffir” is a South African term, used as the “n” word. It comes from Arabic, though, and was used by 16th century Arabic traders to refer to non-Arabic people in Africa – i.e., black people. it really meant “non-believers” – people who weren’t Muslim.
Of course, the Brits and Africaaners enthusiastically took it up as a derogatory term for people with dark skin.
So the right wing is now calling Arabic people “kaffirs”? Is this some kind of new self-aware irony, or are they just as ignorant about history as they are about everything else?
Sheesh, I thought it was a Thai lime, I had no idea about the etymology or usage.
That sounds an awful lot like a threat to me.
Yeah, I’ve made several things that call for kaffir lime leaves.
That sounds an awful lot like a threat to me.
Time to start dancing in circles and singing “LOSERLOSERLOSERLOSERLOSERLOSERLOSER”.
Nos gero haud officium pro quisquam – Umquam.
I’m gonna sell me some t-shirts, babeee!
That sounds an awful lot like a threat to me.
That website is called Saber Point. I’d love to see that guy actually try to wear a saber. He’d probably slice his own nuts off trying to buckle it on.
This kind of thing is too horrific to lend itself to mockery and whatnot, but the furious wingnut efforts to try to have the world unremember their relentless guilt-by-association attacks on Muslims, and avoid the same accusations being levelled at them, is quite a sight.
I dunno, I don’t know much about Norway, but I imagine that in a small country pretty much everyone knows someone who was directly affected. So for anyone with Norwegian connections and who reads leftie snark blogs… fucking hang in there, I really feel for you.
Those of you on the right should resist the temptation to tell me what the fuck I should resist the tempatation to do. Your second sentence is true, however, your rhetoric and ever increasing paranoia are bringing us to place where you see violence as an acceptable means of reshaping the world to line up with your childish fantasies and megalomaniacal domination ambitions.
Go to hell and die, wingnuts. You’re an embarrassment to the human race and the antithesis of everything we have accomplished.
Fuck. This shit is making me angry. The response to their fucking fear/hatemongering bullshit causing the deaths of a bunch of innocent people–attack the left. Shameless fucking cowards, every last one of them.
Notice the parallel between McVeigh and Breivik. Both, citing some imaginary enemy, attack and murder innocent, unarmed victims in their homeland that they claim to love so much. Notice the same people that encouraged them are giving them cover with their SHUTUP LIBERALS__IF YOU WERENT SO LIBERAL WE WOULDNT HAVE TO SHOOT A BUNCH OF TEENAGERS rhetoric. This bullshit will be dogwhistled to death on the major news networks. Another of these assholes is building the cowardice to strike even as we speak. And the prodding from the likes of Gellar and the rest of her ilk continues without apology or introspection or even remorse for the consequences. Hell, they’re just dead teenagers, right? I’ll bet some of them wore their pants all low like cultural Marxists always do…
Is this some kind of new self-aware irony, or are they just as ignorant about history as they are about everything else?
We’re talking about right wingers here–if there’s ever a question where ignorance of pretty much anything is a possible answer, that IS the answer.
A girl grew sick of the world of war and hate that we created for her. She doesn’t question the type of leaders that would be necessary to create a world of war and hate. Instead, she wanted someone to give her a real spell that she could use to turn into a mermaid. She knew that such a spell does not exist, because she claims that she is a witch. A witch would know a real spell from a phony one, so when someone responded with a spell and the instructions to use a diver’s mask that would allow her to talk she appreciated the response. She was then instructed to go deep underwater and chant the words provided to cast a spell. Then she was supposed to remove the diver’s mask, and breathe in the water, three times. After she filled her lungs with water she would become a mermaid.
The witch responded that she didn’t know if the person who responded wanted her to kill herself, or assumed that she would get it. Since her request was done in humor, the response was done in humor, though both shared a philosophical perspective in which one received an insincere statement and the other responded with an insincere statement, both writing as though they were serious. The insincerity is juxtaposed with the seriousness with the result being humor or snark.
There is another shared though unstated level with the second party. It is the concept that one can choose to create a magical perspective to cope with disappointment in the world of war and hate. She might have assumed that there are fathers in the world who run things and that these fathers would not intentionally do harm to children. Therefore, there must be something askew when fathers create a world of war and hate. As a mermaid she would be free of war and hate except for the danger of war and hate world exploiting the water world of survival, neutrality, love and peace. One can survive by avoiding places where the hungry feed. One does not have to worry about one species turning against the other with war and hate, because after being fed they do not war and hate. Mermaids were acutely aware of the difference.
It is the politics of smear and personal destruction that are leading us to a place where some may see violence as the only possible way to bring about needed change.
“Don’t make us hurt you, baby.”
I gotta say, that’s a new use for the phrase “politics of personal destruction”. Previously, it meant mentioning anything that happened in the past or quoting back at them something they once said.
I lived in Norway for three years back in the 80s, when my father was stationed at the NATO base. I lived just outside of Oslo and and took sailing lessons in the fjord. I probably walked by the buildings that were bombed and sailed by that island. This whole stupid, pointless tragedy breaks my heart. I was just a bratty kid when I lived there but every Norwegian I remember was unfailingly friendly and welcoming. I hate that this happed to a people I love and place where I had so many good experiences.
Just last Saturday, many of my classmates from the Oslo American School had a reunion in Denver. It was supposd to be a big party, but I am sure this news made it feel like a wake.
This is no secret, liberals know of whom the right wing is composed. They are the pretty women who like the advantage they have over the conservative men who perceive their attention as proof of their superiority. Pretty women can shake their booty all they want around a liberal male, but the game turns him off. Of course, the women’s response is that the liberal must be gay; after all, conservatives love the S&M psychological aspect. A conservative male is much easier for women to manipulate because his view of the world is quite narrow and manageable. The trade-off women who choose conservatism make is their souls and dignity for status and flattery. Conservative males flatter themselves with phony righteousness, superiority, and divine intervention. The women do no fall for that nonsense, but it makes it easier for them to pretend that they do. A true liberal does not care what a woman who takes care of herself looks like, he wants to know who she is inside, or he is indifferent because he is preoccupied with growing, learning, and becoming. Much must be learned, before one has built character to share. A liberal learns to love, and a conservative learns to manipulate, because the assholes make it so difficult to love them. Most conservative relationships are of convenience and distrust. Conservatives like it that way, because they don’t have learn what, for them, is a common experience.
Yeah, the way right-wingers are carrying on about being criticized over Oslo, you’d think guilt by association and broad-brush smearing were wrong or something.
Yeah, the way right-wingers are carrying on about being criticized over Oslo, you’d think guilt by association and broad-brush smearing were wrong or something.
The way they started defending themselves prior to any attacks makes it seem like they sense complicity or something.
you’d think guilt by association and broad-brush smearing were wrong or something.
Ha! I was just thinking about all those calls from the right for Obama to condemn Jeremiah Wright, and he never even shot any kids.
Another island you really don’t want to visit
He don’t know me vewwy well, DO he?
Sabretooth, meet LULZNIR.
The subtext of this event & others like it is hardly obscure. Every time regressive ideology falls before social progress, its most fanatical adherents discover that the best (or only) revanchist strategy left available to them is terrorism. Islamic fundamentalists in Yemen or Saudi Arabia embrace it for the same reason ultra-conservatives & fascists in America or Europe do: in their worldview the lives of others are worthless until & unless they are in fundamental compliance with The One True Path To Earthly/Heavenly Paradise.
Your post contains an implied threat in its own subtext: this recent tragedy just proves yet again that those filthy liberals had damned well better stop proving how anachronistic & toxic conservatism is in 2011, or maybe by 2012 many of them will become “FAIR GAME” to all the owners of those hilarious Liberal Hunting License stickers. This was all THEIR fault for not doing more in time to accomodate nativism, eliminationism & xenophobia before it turned rogue from being marginalized!
It would indeed be arguably parlous of the left to “make political hay” from this loathsome mass-murder. There hardly seems to be anything but grief in it for them, since the right is now so courteously suiciding itself piecemeal in public that it reeks of adding insult to injury.
* * * * * * * * *
“Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.”
Yeah, not very friggin’ likely, that.
i have thus far resisted reading pammy’s braying…mostly because even looking at her blog makes my head hurt…but i’m thinking i may have to go in…i know i won’t find any answers and will likely suffer a major stroke due to my blood pressure sky-rocketing…
Saint Jimster is full of it! I just saw what he did there – it’s right underneath one from Teh Donalde Isreal!
This is just unbelievable. Or maybe not. Shorter Andy McCarthy:
Teh Muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, IT’S RIDICULOUS THAT THE WHOLE OLSO MASSACRE NARRATIVE IS ABOUT ISLAMOPHOBIA, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims, teh muslims.
Conservatives agree pant-shitting is patriotic, don’t apologize for accidents.
When should we start blaming the students for not being armed?
Timothy McVeigh was baptised in the Catholic Church.
This is just unbelievable. Or maybe not. Shorter Andy McCarthy:
Alternate Shorter: Oh come on! Admit it! You thought it was the towelheads, too. What’s wrong with saying what everybody was thinking?
Noticed at Ted’s link that Ralph Reed has been added to the National Review cruise. I would contribute big bucks to fund a Native American with attitude to go on that cruise.
Geller also published an article defending Radovan Karadžic, indicted for genocide and other war crimes against Bosnian Muslims and Croats during the Siege of Sarajevo and Srebrenica Massacre; the article argued that the Muslims were not murdered but committed suicide to embarrass their enemies
“Native American with attitude”
The real N.W.A.
Michelle Malkin is even worse on this issue. Started out by claiming the murder of 90 socialdemocratic teenagers was done by jihadists, then made no apologies for the blatant lies.
These kids were killed for being leftwing. They were killed for having a political opinion, and expressing it in public. The fact that anyone politically active would be willing to try to distort that fact, regardless of their political views, is beyond disgusting.
Shorter Atlas Shrieks:
Ya know who is to blame for Anders Can’t Bear Brevity’s Actions? MUSLIMS!!
Fuck the paleface, comin’ straight from the hunting ground.
You know, I was just wondering how I could console myself about this horrible tragedy. And then it occurred to me to follow the brave example of those who are suffering every bit as much as the loved ones of the actual victims: Anti-Islam bloggers who are getting criticized.
Thanks for putting everything in perspective!
“Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.”
Yeah, not very friggin’ likely, that.
Actually your comment was as a moment ago sitting right behind Donalde’s
I’ll keep the tab open and take a screenshot if if gets dissapeared. You may have successfully baffled the sabor dude with your wordliness.
BTW Jim, the fatcat stogie, who has seen trough your pinko veneer, has what can be best described, a rather ironic avatar. Looks like he has about 12 inches of negro-johnson in his mouth.
I see Copypasta Troll is copying and pasting. Perhaps a clean up is in order a tad upthread.
Meanwhile, anyone remember when the rightwing freaked the fuck out over the DHS report on rightwing extremism? The one the Bush administration ordered? And the one DHS had to retract because the right freaked the fuck out over it?
Maybe someone shoulda kept a copy.
This mango — though not sure if it’s from Copypasta or somewhere else — is so typically wingnut:
Or, shorter:
Because, for them, the fact more than 100 people were killed — including numerous children — is much, much less important than defending their ideology from its actual impact.
Islamic fundamentalists in Yemen or Saudi Arabia embrace it for the same reason ultra-conservatives & fascists in America or Europe do: in their worldview the lives of others are worthless until & unless they are in fundamental compliance with The One True Path To Earthly/Heavenly Paradise.
Funny how one fundamentalist points to another and says “THEY’RE DANGEROUS, WE NEED TO KILL THEM….” The other responds in kind…All none the wiser…
I see Copypasta Troll is copying and pasting. Perhaps a clean up is in order a tad upthread.
Obviously a jihadist muslim is to blame.
UPDATE: While a jihadist muslim isn’t actually to blame in this case, it serves as an excellent reminder of how truly dangerous jihadist muslims are.
When should we start blaming the students for not being armed?
Almost certain it has already started. I think I came across something yesterday in fact, though I was playing on someone else’s computer and can’t remember exactly how I got there.
Frank Gaffney does what he does.
If you don’t not give in, the terrorists won’t not have won!
by resisting the temptation to suppress those warning of encroaching shariah and, in the process, abet those who are striving to insinuate that totalitarian program into freedom-loving lands.
I know, cuz those guys are EVERYWHERE. They lurk and stuff. Very scary.
Hmmm, is this the political equivalent of “if you had my dinner on the table on time I wouldn’t have to hit you – why do you make me hit you”?
If you don’t not give in, the terrorists won’t not have won!
“Pretty please to be rubbing my belly?”
I’d also like to point out that a big reason for the impending Debt Limit Crisis is all the money that was buried in the big hole in the Iraqi sand. Thus the Debt Ceiling Crisis is teh fault of teh Mooslems!!!11one!fourteenty!trillion!11
UPDATE: But of course, spending money on foreign military expeditions is always good and proper and thus the Debt Ceiling isn’t an example of something caused by Mooslems. But it is an excellent example of how Islam is stealing your jobs and raising your taxes.
I know, cuz those guys are EVERYWHERE. They lurk and stuff. Very scary.
I know right? I caught three of those bastards under my bed in the last three months.
Use Swarthy-Middle-Easterner-B-Gone spray! By drenching your home, yourself, and your loved ones in 500 gallons of piping hot bacon fat, you can protect you and yours from the perfidy of not only, Muslims and Jews, but also Sikhs, and Zoroastrians! Buy now!
*stogie* from teh stogie/jim comment beatdown
As for transforming wealth into debt, that would be the Democratic Party, first by causing the subprime mortgage meltdown
i haz a confoozed…
I caught three of those bastards under my bed in the last three months.
Teh Shithouse Troll? That’s right, Muslim.
This is just unbelievable. Or maybe not. Shorter Andy McCarthy:
how come most of teh shittiest website’s contributor’s *articles* are actually *articles* ‘splaining what they REALLY meant with the previous *article*?
I’m not really sure at this point if I’m sickened more by the original crime or by the wingnuts’ reactions.
Oh, and Pammykins? From the writings of the criminal himself,
The murderous attacks in Norway last week cry out for justice for the victims, based on a thorough investigation of the crime and its perpetrator. They also demand that Norway and other civilized nations respond thoughtfully – notably, by resisting the temptation to suppress those warning of encroaching shariah and, in the process, abet those who are striving to insinuate that totalitarian program into freedom-loving lands.
You mean he didn’t suggest a Norwegian Patriot Act that made membership in right-wing organizations illegal; included provisions for racial profiling of blond, white men; and authorized the exile to an island torture chamber of any Christians apprehended by police because if there were even a 1% chance they were involved it would be cowardice not to do it?
I am shocked! Gobsmacked!
You mean he didn’t suggest a Norwegian Patriot Act that made membership in right-wing organizations illegal; included provisions for racial profiling of blond, white men; and authorized the exile to an island torture chamber of any Christians apprehended by police because if there were even a 1% chance they were involved it would be cowardice not to do it?
Plus, also, too, hiring criminals as agents provacateurs to talk dummies into getting arrested for crimes dreamed up by the agents. It’s a key element in American justice.
i haz a confoozed…
That’s understandable. You see, the subprime mortgage meltdown was caused by Muslims. It says in the Koran that you don’t have to pay your mortgage, especially if it is an infidel that holds your papers. The portion of blame that lies with Democrats is because of Muslims.
UPDATE: Apparently, the Koran doesn’t actually state that you can skip mprtgage payments if you are a follower of Islam. This doesn’t change the fact that Muslims. Also too, Islam. And that’s why we need a borderr fence and some hefty tax cuts.
by resisting the temptation to suppress those warning of encroaching shariah
Even if they’re dressed as a cop and firing a gun around at a kids’ camp? Me, I totally want that guy suppressed.
i haz a confoozed…
Barney Frank sent his jackbooted thugs to the headquarters of Fannie Mae and forced them to start issuing mortgages to poor black people. Next he sent his thugs to Wall Street and forced the big investment banks to package the shitty mortgages into collateralized debt obligations. Finally, he sent his thugs to Moody’s to force them to rate the packages of shitty mortgages AAA, so pension funds could buy them.
How could you not know all that? Haven’t you been reading the newspapers?
Right-Wing Terrorism: It Works
(From the above link:)
“We know how this story ends, don’t we? They’re not going to stop, because they learned over the course of the abortion wars to date that this tactic works. They have an endless supply of deniable schizophrenic assassins, they will never be brought to any kind of justice for what they’re doing, and if they keep winding up deniable schizophrenic assassins, they eventually get everything they want.”
You know what is especially galling about Jennifer Rubin’s (and many other conservatard commenters) “maybe this guy wasn’t Muslim, but Islam! Booga-booga-booga! Get some new pantses!”.
Well, I’m sure all y’all know, but just in case copy pasta troll reads stuff here instead of just pasting it in,,,
You got a crazed deranged racist sociopath with a itty bitty little hard-on for fighting against teh ISLAMOFASCIST TERROR-HORDES. Gues what? YOU BUNCH OF FESTERING PUSTULES ARE NOT HALPING!
He’s motivated by teh idea, teh concept, that somehow being Islamic is teh same as being EVIL and dangerous and wrnog. And here you go, saying that it’s okay you jumped to conclusions because Islam = Terrorism. The exact same conclusions that would have been held by crazee Knight Templar Defender of All Things Good Against All Things Muslim. BECAUSE YOU BUNCH OF FLAMING SHITBAGS ON TEH UNDERSIDE OF TEH SHOE OF HUMANITY FUCKING JUSTIFY THAT IGNORANT AND RACIST BULLSHIT ALL TEH FUCKING TIME.
It would be irresponsible not to
speculateejaculate.Of course, as opposed to white Christians, any swarthy muzzies resorting to violence are double-dog evil cuz we never did nuthin to them ‘cept give em lots of money to dig holes in their back yard, amirite?
What D-KW said.
Times infinity.
Fixed to reflect actual U.S. foreign policy, no matter who is President.
Also, too. Glenn Beck Sucks Dreck.
Forgive the repeated GOS linkage.
In summary – Anders Can’t Bear Brevity was driven to this not very nice act by:
Brown people
People who aren’t just exactly like him
His deep love for Jesus
Liberals and
For those afeared o the water,
Perhaps… I don’t know… Jesus Camp?
Though, if there were a merciful God, Beck and his minions would ignite in flames every time they said shit like this, yet would still be unable to stop, being ultimately consumed by their own petty hatreds.
Barney Frank sent his jackbooted thugs to the headquarters of Fannie Mae and forced them to start issuing mortgages to poor black people. Next he sent his thugs to Wall Street and forced the big investment banks to package the shitty mortgages into collateralized debt obligations. Finally, he sent his thugs to Moody’s to force them to rate the packages of shitty mortgages AAA, so pension funds could buy them.
How could you not know all that? Haven’t you been reading the newspapers?
oh, i see where i went wrong…i was focusing on the minions, not the thugs…my bad!
Yeah, Glenn. The disturbing part is that the kids were at political camp. Not, you know, the part where the fucker shows up and murders eighty of them. It’s definitely the politics that make it disturbing.
i wish you wouldn’t be such a mealy-mouth wuss and come right out and say what you mean…
Oh no he didn’t. That piece of shit Beck did NOT compare those Oslo victims to Nazis.
Where is the bottom? Where is the absolute bottom so that these scumballs, these horrifying soulless mutant wastes of carbon, can’t sink any lower?
It should be mentioned that Glen Beck has his own political camp, or at least there is a camp for kids called the 9-12 camp that I believe is affiliated with Mr. Beck. Kids have to pop each others’ bubbles to learn about socialism or something equally absurd.
“serious political thinker with a great many insights and some good practical ideas on strategy.”
you know who else was a serious political thinker with a great many insights and some good practical ideas on strategy?
Glad this is in Europe and not here.
Perhaps most important, these new far-right parties like Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party in the Netherlands or Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France expertly portray mainstream politicians as spineless, soft-boiled, venal, self-serving slaves to political correctness and orthodoxy. Recent events — such as banking bailouts, the Eurozone crisis, and the News International hacking scandal — certainly lend some credibility to the view that politicians are indeed out of touch with ordinary people.
Where is the bottom?
It’s a bottomless well of stupid and mendacious.
Perhaps… I don’t know… Jesus Camp?
Did you read to the bottom? The diary mentions the Tea bagger’s “Constitution” camp, which is in cahoots with and supported by Beck’s 9-12 bullshit, so the answer to who does a political camp for kids is Beck and his moronic minions. The Hitler Youth crap = pro-ho-ho-jection. Hell, Beck’s even got the fucking uniform.
Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the ‘remaking’ of the Reich as they call it.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
And it looks like the Tampa one is just the latest: [s]everal 9/12 chapters plan to hold Vacation Liberty School. Hilarious.
But only the camp’s politics. Not ABB’s politics. Because you know, everyone is entitled to his opinion. Provided it isn’t a liberal opinion.
The activity was followed by a lecture about how many of the early colonists starved to death after arriving in the New World because everything was shared under what lecturer Tim Fairfield described as a communist system. The deaths from starvation ended after families were given their own land and possessions, said Fairfield, who dressed in brown period costume, complete with hat and boots.
stupid commie pilgrims…
The deaths from starvation ended after families were given their own land and possessions
whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!!
who *gave* them their own land and possessions? sounds suspiciously like gubmint hand-outs to me…
Oh sweet Nyarlathotep, I am having waaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun pulling Sabretooth through the troll-funnel by his cute little poodle-chain.
Because I enjoy delivering a good solid dirty shot, I left him this!*
Due Cred = this one seems slow to trip the Banhammer Of Bumhurt.
A wingnut who B&s is a scaredy-cat.
A wingnut who fights back is SPORK™.
*SFW, unless you work at FOX NEWS.
I don’t know why I didn’t get invited.
I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.
My god. There is no bottom. There is no peak wingnut. Maybe I should say that peak is speculative in nature, but we don’t have the math to prove or disprove it’s existence.
Beck. FAIL.
It’s turtles all the way down.
Everything is not all doom and gloom! TIL there exists Teletubby fanfic. This with impending deaths may find this comforting.
Au contraire, libz: Hate IS a family value.
Dear New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and Torah Jews for Decency:
Someone, possibly me, has been posting extracts from the European Declaration of Independence as supportive comments on a certain blog post. They fit right in.
Impending wingnut meltdown complete with possible bonus rationalization for the Norway terrorist attack. This should be
interestingdisgusting.New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms
Supporting your Constitutional Freedom to take away the Constitutional Freedoms of others.
Suck it, prudes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
All your base are soon belong to us
Think about it, do protons engage in give and take action with other protons to form molecules, or do they engage in give and take with electrons for that purpose. Giving in to anykind of homo tendencies is unnatural and you must defeat it. Don’t fall into the lie that because you feel it, then it must be your true identity. God bless!
New Yorkers for Constitutional* Freedoms
*Equal Protection Clause not included
Think about it, do protons engage in give and take action with other protons to form molecules, or do they engage in give and take with electrons for that purpose.
The most stable form of several common elements is a bonded pair… homo tendencies proved natural by chemistry and therefore by GOD!
I am and have always been antiton.
Bivalent molecules are alleged to exist but everone knows they’re there is no such thing.
Hmm. A comment left on a certain thread seems to have caught the Evaporation Flu. “If thine last blurb doth chump, not one more shall ye hump” is what I always say in these cases.
Only fair, though: asking someone to prove I said something false is NOT sporting of me. My forelock is now officially contritely tugged.
Dude shoots for a Gramsci reference – damn! Don’t Adorno EVAH get his cold dead honky ass no mothafuckin’ respect? No Baudrilliard up in that shit either?
FY iPhone. How the hell did that happen?
Having been
cursed withgiven an iPhone yesterday I look forward to cursing it roundly like all the cool kids.FY iPhone. How the hell did that happen?
Homophone: God hates gaze!
The apps are fabulous.
Listening to teh Preznit. I can only picture Bobo Brooks fuming with rage at being told he’s a petulant idiot.
Listening to teh Preznit. I can only picture Bobo Brooks fuming with rage at being told he’s a petulant idiot.
Yeah, just watched as well. He seemed reasonable, sincere, and well-intentioned.
The wingnuts will be shrieking.
The wingnuts will be
shriekingquickly formulating a counter-narrative in which he was an uppity you-know-what who is showing his true Islamic-Marxist colours.Fixed.
tsam keeps posting links I’m afraid to click.
I think I’m officially ready for happy talk.
quickly formulating a counter-narrative in which he was an uppity you-know-what who is showing his true Islamic-Marxist colours.
I am and have always been antiton.”
Oh sure, you say that now while you’re campaigning.
I think I’m officially ready for happy talk.
should I tell you how I made several children cry today?
The Holding Place
Early childhood abductions, head injuries, chemical ingestions, brainwashing attempts and coercion affected my memory for many years. There was memories of memories, and a techniques the voiceovers called displacement. There was inexplicable gaps in my life. I would return to Saskatoon and peer into the closet, finding dresses I expected to be a size too large had become two to three sizes to small. My not-mother would aid my confusion with stories. My, I had grown quickly over the summer. Why were all the people in my class different? School was so boring. I’d learnt that already.
Questions regarding memories of locations would lead to further attempts at trickery. Beaches would undergo renovations. It was so irritating to be lied to. I remembered the peanut and strawberry patch, and how fresh peanuts were so delicious, fresh as cucumbers. Peanuts bought in the supermarket were carefully placed in the ground. It was an insult to my intelligence. I missed my real mother, and brother, and sister.
At the age of six or seven, I spent time in a prison that its inhabitants knew as The Holding Place. There was boys and men in one room. There was girls and women in the other. There was no door on the doorframe to the women’s room. There was armed guards with oozies. The women that said “machete” was from Egypt last. She was surprised, she would have thought the South Americans would have ak-47’s instead. I didn’t know what machete meant.
Most of the girls were called Jenny. One of the Jenny’s was fourteen, and she preferred to be called Jennifer. None of the other Jenny’s had the option of a full name. I was called Alicia. Some of the Jenny’s thought it was unfair, and resented me. Someone thought that the Jenny’s were named the same because they had decided to be bad, and that it wouldn’t help them to comply with criminals. Jennifer’s real name was Love, but she didn’t want anyone at The Holding Place calling her that. The other Jenny’s called her ugly, and me a snob. I thought she was kind of wholesome, and natural. She was short for her age, and wondered if she had been given chemicals to make her growth halt. She wondered if that had happened to me as well, because of the things I understood. She went to the music conservatory. She was against elitism, and she wanted to continue to be vocal about brainwashing.
Cassie was twenty, tall, gentle, and beautiful. She had also gone to the conservatory. She was usually at The Holding Place, because she was good at keeping the kids calm. It was for this reason that she went to drop children off, to The Ranch, in Michigan, to Canada, in Shaunavon, and sometimes to The School or to The Conservatory. She would get in trouble sometimes for helping the girls. She was nice to me, my face was healing from facil reconstruction surgery. At The School, they had severed the tip of my right index finger. I was supposed to go to The Mickey Mouse Club after my face healed, but there was concerns about my finger. A prosthetic was ordered. The folks at walt Disney were concerned that I didn’t look white enough yet. My eyes were too slanted. They were assured that my skin would continue to grow paler with time, but that the genital region was resistant to pigmentation changes. This was considered by many to be ideal. I had my own bodyguard, but he didn’t protect me from the bad man.
Cassie is sent for by the bad man to The Living Quarters. She warns me to stay away from the woman who says “machete”. Jennifer thinks she isn’t being fair, the lady had been traumatized. Cassie feels ashamed, but she is more concerned about the safety of the children. I defend the other lady, and Cassie feels a little bit jealous. She likes to feel needed by me. I hear her crying from far away. The other lady teaches Jennifer and I a code, that is almost like a language. The other Jenny’s don’t pay attention. It’s the rythym, it’s the cadence. It’s the locations, in case we get away, we can send for help. I catch on quickly, says the other lady, and I feel proud; because she doesn’t hand out praise often.
I am called again to the bad man. My feelings are still hurt, Cassie got in trouble because of me, and she lost her cool. I know she didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but I think that maybe she doesn’t really like me, she only pities me. She wants some time to think about herself. She’s only twenty. The other lady explains things to me, and I know it isn’t fair to Cassie to be upset. I have on pink pajamas, the same pajamas I’ve worn since arriving. We aren’t allowed to lie down, but Cassie let me, because I have stitches, and it hurt too much to sit anymore. She was burnt with the clothes iron, and one of the men got in trouble for sneaking me a blanket. My bodyguard says, remember to stay still. Stiff as a board. That’s what I do because I know I’m not strong enough to fight him, and the bodyguard will stop me from leaving the room. He tries to make me part my legs. The camera’s are rolling, the redhead is naked, and touching her genitalia in the corner. She’s happy Cassie is worried. She gets jealous because the bad man prefers Cassie. The redhead is vindictive. She likes revenge. He can’t part my legs, and the redhead laughs, and says that a little girl is stronger than him. He struggles to pull my pajama pants down. He tries to put his penis between my legs, and thinks that he wouldn’t be able to fit, might as well rub himself against my thighs, and the redhead says his penis is small, that’s why he likes little girls. He becomes enraged. He pulls a knife out of his back pocket. He hasn’t taken his pants off, only unzipped them. His knife is from Central America, it’s handle is real ivory. He’s proud of that knife. He pries my legs apart, and stabs me again and again in the vagina. He fantasizes that the redhead is crying, but she is Smiling. K is for knife. The radar on my finger goes off. The School is alerted, this was a scheduled event. (one must maintain the illusion of control at all times). Someone wonders why I haven’t lost consciousness. It doesn’t hurt that bad. My eyes start to go dim. I’m dying. The redhead and Cassie had been arguing about who was prettier. Now Cassie, Jennifer and the other lady are alarmed. The other lady wasn’t sure how she survived the machete, please don’t let that be true, how could she survive? I remember that I had a mother that loved me. She explained to me that we become one with the earth when we die. The wounds give me strange sensations all over my body, and my face feels like dirt. Like sick dirt. Not like becoming on with the earth, but like I Am gravel. I know that it will be okay if I die, maybe I will help a tree to grow. My bodyguard rushes in and carries me in his arms to the hospital. I stay there for two months, recovering. I know what machete means now. K is for knife.
K is for Killfile.
‘because then people can’t pretend they don’t don’t know.’ -seven year old boy.
‘What if everyone who was abducted called the police? Then they couldn’t pretend nothing was happening.’ -18 year old man
Dammit. I’m behind again and don’t feel like reading 100 comments. Anybody write anything to/about me?
Several people reminded you to vote, T&U.
Ooooh badgers!
Y’all are so sweet!
Did you vote, T&U?
You didn’t get my love letter? I wrote a poem in iambic tetrameter. I don’t know what your hair colour is, so I guessed green.
Did you vote, T&U?
To eat a delicious boar bratwurst? Yes. Yes I did.
You didn’t get my love letter? I wrote a poem in iambic tetrameter. I don’t know what your hair colour is, so I guessed green.
No. I think my carrier pigeon is falling down on the job. Dick.
And it’s purple,but close enough.
You ruined the meter and the rhyming scheme! I demand you dye it green, post-haste!
I declare the thread deceased. It is an ex-thread.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to watch an episode of Mt Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
You heard me!
T&U, if you’re bored, we could re-open the discussion about Kate Middleton’s wedding. I know how you love that subject. We could even expand to what she did on her honeymoon and how many royal kids she wants.
It occurs to me that the right wing hate-o-rama’s attitude toward the utter dispensibility of the futures of scores of bright, committed kids out to do their part to care for the society that has nurtured them, in deference to asserting the inalienable rightness of whatever feeble festering little poo-cloud happens to pop into their selfish little reality-resisting minds at any given moment, is an awful lot like the attitude of the Catholic Church toward the very real miseries its personnel have inflicted on powerless parishioners, forgotten in favor of trumpeting the power, might, and infallibility of God’s chosen vicar on Earth and his worldly goods, and don’t you forget it on peril of your immortal soul.
In other words, it’s all about keeping the corner office. With a Gatling gun, if that’s what it takes. Domine, domine, domine, at least all this hamburger is going to heaven, far’s you can tell.
Mt Little Pony
I sincerely hope this was a typo.
we could re-open the discussion about Kate Middleton’s wedding
I wish there was a way to send death stares through the internet.
Of course not. Pinkie Pie is hilarious.
I sincerely hope this was a typo.
Uh, possibly not.
No comment.
Of course, the threesomes with the Neutron… Heh.
Friday: 92 Swedes killed
Saturday: Rightwing blogosphere collectively shits pants over Shariajihadfascistcommies
Sunday: Retractions
Monday: Business as usual
But never forget, we’re the real ones who are disrespecting the dead by pointing this out.
Yeah. Let’s see if I remember this right. The protons are the ones snuggled together in the nucleus, bound by the Strong Force.
Also, too, Bill Keller says that Breivik is no true Christian, unlike AQ members who are totes “real” Muslims (for you see, ebulfalsedemonic religion). Just in case that’s not convincing he ignores how Breivik defined Christian in his rant and screams: “embraces Darwinism over the Biblical account of creation”.
Hey, aravind…
I, for one, embrace our mutant unicorn overlords and hope we can work together towards otherwise unattainable goals: returning to measly Clinton-era tax levels on the two richest income brackets.
I thought Boner was going to start sobbing before he got through his little foot-stamping bit after the Preznit’s speech.
Of course, the talking heads ignored everything anyone said and went into full horse-race mode regarding who was going to pass what in what house over the next few days.
I give Big O credit for trying to make his case to the people and for coming right down to the direct ask: “call your congresscritters if you think this is bullshit.” (I may have paraphrased a bit there). Go O.
The last time I slugged someone was when I hit Eric Baumgartner in middle school.
I’d like to slug Glenn Beck over the Hitlerjugend comparison. Put the whole weight of my body and all my fury into breaking his mother-fucking jaw if I could.
I think this last weekend has made me realize what a real bunch of fuckheads these people are, but this was the clincher, from the Daily kos story;
“It remains to be seen what the long term effect of his actions will be. There is certainly great revulsion at the murder of young people. However, I suppose it is possible that in the long run European elites will understand that the glorious multicultural future will not be attained without a great deal of bloodletting and realize they will have to change their ways. ”
there is no words…..
T&U, if you’re bored, we could re-open the discussion about Kate Middleton’s wedding. I know how you love that subject. We could even expand to what she did on her honeymoon and how many royal kids she wants.
im sayin pegging William and watching dwarf porn!
It would seem folks did.
I’d have thought she’d might have gone in for something a bit different than the regular daily grind.
I am a bit surprised that teh compromiser-in-chief didn’t offer even more concessions to “solve” a fake problem.
I haz a confuzzled.
I’d have thought she’d might have gone in for something a bit different than the regular daily grind.
I saw what you did there…..
Early childhood abductions, head injuries, chemical ingestions, brainwashing attempts and coercion affected my memory for many years.
I was triggered too badly to read any further than this.
I’m sure the dirtbag who wrote this will be pleased as punch when the European Elites change their ways and institute a policy of fragging neo-fascists the second they look like getting too uppity.
Or do you think he meant something else?
Or do you think he meant something else?
Far be it for me to psychoanalyze a blackmailer, but sure seems he wants teh libruhls to surrender.
Watching CNN and BBC coverage about Norway, I found very disturbing to hear the number of times they use the word “Christian.” They would never dare refer to religion when it is jihad, and this attack had nothing to do with Christianity. It is outrageous.
Really? So substituting “Al Qaeda” doesn’t immediately tell you “Muslim”? Or “Hamas,” Hezbollah,” or any of a half dozen groups that have been mentioned?
The fact that morons like the Shrieking Harpy went out of their way to label this a Muslim terror attack when the facts weren’t even on their way, forcing the networks to have to endlessly repeat the fact that it WAS NOT a Muslim terrorist never occurs to her panda-addled mind?
I would return to Saskatoon and peer into the closet, finding dresses I expected to be a size too large had become two to three sizes to small.
Apparently, Sasquatch really Isreal.
Ah yes, I forgot. No Bargaining with Terrorists EVAR!!!1 only applies to Muslim bad guys.
Except when it doesn’t, i.e. Warning gays to stop with the gay stuff and women to cover their ankles, because it makes the MBGs reach for the HEX.
Gosh. You’d almost think they’re a bunch of raving loons who just like yelling “BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID!”
Shorter Mara Liasson: Budget debacle is good news for John McCain.
I’m sure the dirtbag who wrote this will be pleased as punch when the European Elites change their ways and institute a policy of fragging neo-fascists the second they look like getting too uppity.
you know im a man of peace and all that shit, but I’m all for a bit of fragging tossers like this. perhaps we should live up to their fantasies of Marxist hordes and start breaking some heads………..
No Bargaining with Terrorists EVAR!!!1 only applies to Muslim bad guys.
If the person doing the mass killing is a white dude, maybe they don’t see him as a terrorist.
You figure that if they did, they’d sure as hell be pissed that the euroweenies and Obama and the UN and Libruhl Media and Code Pink and the Democraps weren’t doing more to arrest every potential friend, relative and pet of Breitvik toss them into Gitmo with full waterboarding privileges and no access to lawyers. And then they’d be calling for an invasion of Sweden, you know, to spread freedom in this part of the world.
So why aren’t they demanding this? What’s up? Have they gone soft on terrah?
Think about it, do protons engage in give and take action with other protons to form molecules,
Wait, what?
It’s actually a kinda funneh example because molecular bonds are (at least from my undergraduate quantum mechanics understanding) electrons playing orbital footsie with one another.
Even ionic bonding, which really forms periodic regular crystal structures as opposed to “molecules” only occurs when electrons “swap” from one atom to another – in order to complete a stable outer orbital shell. IOW, they’re lured over by other electrons.
And let’s not even get started on METALlic bonding. What with the proliferation these days of non-paired electrons, with it’s gospel of easy bandgap excitations and relaxed locality.
Oh, I know the dude-types like My Little Pony…I meant the “Mt” part. As in “mount”? Ohneverfuckingmind.
Also, too, I was amused this morning by a report on NPR about Norway and the increasing amount of rightwing radicalization that was occurring there and how radical views have been given credence in the mainstream media more and more over the last few years. Basically, you could sub out “US” for “Norway” and it’d be just as accurate.
Eep. I didn’t even notice that.
No, I’m not a furry – not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Norway and the increasing amount of rightwing radicalization that was occurring there and how radical views have been given credence in the mainstream media more and more over the last few years
Terrorist coddlers! They need to change their ways, stop this multi-culti acceptance of murderous far right-wing hate speech and action, and start with the blood-letting of these fascists!
Ah yes, I forgot. No Bargaining with Terrorists EVAR!!!1 only applies to Muslim bad guys.
Except when it doesn’t as you said – paying ransom to Ayatollah Khomeini in the form of weapons is totally legit. If you’re Ronald Reagan.
Yo, I was totally taking a nap when Ollie set that up.
Beck, you just used your precious ‘freedom of speech’ to earn a paycheck equating the victims of a mass murderer to the perpetrators of genocide.
Tough guy