Comparing Apples and Horse Apples
Posted on July 22nd, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Matthew Knee
Shorter Matthew Knee, L-eg-a-l I-ns-u-r-erec-t-i-le D-ysf-u-nc-ti-on
Phone Hacking For Me But Not For Thee
- There is no difference between printing stuff from WikiLeaks and hacking into a dead girl’s cellphone.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Yep, no difference except the one between exposing wrongdoing and perpetrating it.
I stepped out of the boat to step into this right away:
Also equivalent: being a dead girl and Nixon’s dirty tricks.
Oh, I haven’t seen Legal Insurrection in a while. Jacobsen’s really classed the joint up. What’s really worse: hacking into dead kids’ phones, or ordering faggy mustard?
Also too, did you see this?
ShorterVerbatim Bernie Goldberg:Ah, patented sophist dodge #5: If a tactic has ever been used for something generally agreed as good, any use of that tactic must be good.
I’d say this should be on a kind of Wingnut Argument Bingo card, but I don’t think they have enough fallacies to fill a whole bingo card, they just reuse the same 7 or 8 forms of wrongness to fit the situation.
Oh, I haven’t seen Legal Insurrection in a while. Jacobsen’s really classed the joint up.
Yes, ads for a Free Divorce Wrksht and Checklist with a lady in a neck brace scream “class.”
I wonder what “end” justifies a systemic disregard for the law and anyone’s privacy would be to a shitty tabloid rag? BOOBS?
From the Times (the London one, owned by some infamous guy or other.
You know who else I really don’t want to help? Stupid fifteen-year-old girls — or younger — who have babies figuring they can always get welfare to pay the bills. I want them to be a burden, not on the government, but on their relatives, on their neighbors, on their church[.]
Bernie, you’re a pervy old man. Those 15 year olds will ALWAYS reject your creepy advances.
What law did Wikileaks violate? A hefty salary at DoJ awaits a legal genuis who can figure out something to charge them with. For a supposed legally focused blog, this is a rather important distinction. The leaker likely committed a crime in giving the info to Wikileaks, but Wikileaks did not commit a crime in receiving it (“obtaining” also strongly implies Wikileaks actively sought this information as opposed to having it sent to them).
This is a law professor? Supposedly trained in the distinction between legal and illegal?Ph.D. candidate at Yale? Seriously?A). Regardless of any past wrongdoings of any media figure, no matter how well or ill meant, Murdoch’s Minions are criminals.
B). The moral chasm between skirting the law to expose corrupt government and deleting voicemails potentially relevant in a murder case so as to be able to continue milking a story is so vast as to beggar the imagination.
C). Matthew Knee is a big poopyhead.
The Tragically Flip said,
This would make a fantastic comment on Mr. Knee’s blog entry.
Nutpicking the first comment:
Also equivalent: Leaking factual information provided by informants and releasing doctored tapes of a manipulative scenario designed to entrap unwitting people into committing some kind of ethical transgression.
Yes. Because when 15-year-olds get pregnant, they’re just doin’ it for the welfare. He’s not suggesting schmaschmorshon, is he?
Question: Did these stupid girls become pregnant on their own? Or does Bernie have no thoughts on the stupid boys?
Alternate shorter: Down with whistle blowers, up with Murdoch blowers!
A). Regardless of any past wrongdoings of any media figure, no matter how well or ill meant, Murdoch’s Minions are criminals.
B). The moral chasm between skirting the law to expose corrupt government and deleting voicemails potentially relevant in a murder case so as to be able to continue milking a story is so vast as to beggar the imagination.
C). Matthew Knee is a big poopyhead.
4) When are these supposedly prestigious universities going to start objecting to having their names bandied about on these phony propaganda driven logicFAIL blogs? Seem like Yale has a reputation to defend–although they were painfully silent during Bush’s reign, so…?
I’d say this should be on a kind of Wingnut Argument Bingo card, but I don’t think they have enough fallacies to fill a whole bingo card, they just reuse the same 7 or 8 forms of wrongness to fit the situation.
Oooh, weekend procrastination project!
Or does Bernie have no thoughts on the stupid boys?
Same thought as every other conservative fuckwith. They “will be boys”. It’s a rite of passage to knock up a bitch and disappear.
Oooh, weekend procrastination project!
Off the top of my head, the top wingnut argument forms:
1) Hypocrisy – “dems do it too” and many variations thereof (this is like 97% of wingnut arguing)
2) Deliberate obtuse misunderstanding of the criticism
3) Misdirection/Chewbacca defense
4) Pedantry – quoting dictionaries and the like to claim that words don’t mean what everyone knows they mean, and therefore some key word (eg “torture”) cannot apply to the situation
5) Ad hominem
6) X=Hitler therefore anything we do is still better than Hitler and thus still good
Fake edit: Fuck it, There’s the list.
1) Hypocrisy – “dems do it too” and many variations thereof (this is like 97% of wingnut arguing)
. . .
4) Pedantry
4 @ 1: That’s a tu quoque.
When you tell over-taxed Americans that they’re not paying their fair share, when you suggest that they’re the ones who are freeloading on the backs of everyone else,
did he really fucking write this?!?!? with a straight face?!?! w.t.f.
A good place to start.
Oooh, weekend procrastination project!
ooooh…i am going to go buy a bingo dauber RIGHT NOW!!! when do we start playing wing-o?!?!?
Oooh, weekend procrastination project!
Here is a similar idea that might help!
Just finished catching up on the old thread, and now a new one, unfortunately I have to catch a nap.
First chart says it all.
The free space is “Liberals are the REAL […]s”
I am assuming this is a drinking game.
Back in my day we learned about this thing called rhetoric. That was in a public school, too and also. I competed in forensics in HS (did pretty damn well too, he humbly added) so I can say with certainty that even the least of my HS Junior competitors could mop the floor with any of these guys. IT’S THE FAILURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM that is toblame for these fucknozzles.
I am assuming this is a drinking game
hells yeah!
IT’S THE FAILURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM that is toblame for these fucknozzles.
i blame their mothers who obviously had irresponsible sex…
It’s true. Making wingnuts IS irresponsible.
Only yesterday, it seems, the pundits were sure that the misdeeds of the Murdoch press were a purely UK affair and of no interest to a US audience.
Now they feel that the misdeeds are sufficiently relevant to be worth defending (not that the interests of Murdoch’s empire and those of the Wingnut Welfare network are in any way linked, or anything).
What’s the third stage? I should look it up.
Do these people ever get tired of being such world-class, unpardonable cunts?
The free space is “Liberals are the REAL […]s”
What’s the third stage? I should look it up.
I believe according to Bart Simpson its:
It didn’t happen
It’s not my fault
You can’t prove anything
Is this a trick question?
Off the top of my head, the top wingnut argument forms:
I would classify 1 and 2 as follows;
1) Projection: Ever notice how a libtard has no capacity for reason and logic? Ever notice how they always** resort to personal attacks, like America hating socialist fascist libtard…? Wait, what?
2) Hypocricy: “Dems do it too”. Woodward and Bernstein are EXACTLY like a bunch of tabloid rag muckrakers actually deleting voicemails relevant to a kidnapping/possible murder investigation. Therefore, SHUTUP that’s why, this is central to my POOP because it is central to my POOP
and so on…
**another favorite fallacy…always and never.
What’s the third stage? I should look it up.
Congressional hearings concerning the existence of public radio and television. (Deflection, projection)
Is this a trick question?
Is it?
Back in my day we learned about this thing called rhetoric. That was in a public school, too and also. I competed in forensics in HS (did pretty damn well too, he humbly added) so I can say with certainty that even the least of my HS Junior competitors could mop the floor with any of these guys. IT’S THE FAILURE OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM that is toblame for these fucknozzles.
I think it’s a mistake to assume that these buttholes couldn’t do better if they actually tried. How hard is it to defend racism and a general disdain for all things not white, straight, male, protestant and affluent without long, confusing strings of logicFAIL? You can’t do it. Imagine being a Repig water carrier tasked with taking apart an argument by Paul Krugman. You’re only attack plan HAS to be an ad hominem attack (about upper east coast NY Times liberal rag egghead economists who dont’ work out in the real world….) Daunting task, I’d think.
Do these people ever get tired of being such world-class, unpardonable cunts?
Ahhh. I have been pondering the whole “peak wingnut” construct *ponderponderponder* and am concluding that it may just be hopeful optimism and little else. It assumes a return to decency, empathy and compassion. What’s gonna trigger that, I wonder?
I do.
/Mr. Happy Thought of the Day
And: Also: Could someone wipe the spittle from the Donalde off the inner side of my display? Tintin? Carl?
Libertarian drinking game: Every time a Glibertarian says something like “The free market will protect consumers better than government regulations, because if anyone is harmed by a product they buy, the person who produced it or sold it will be driven out of business because no one will want to buy a dangerous product”–drink a shot of moonshine everclear, and hope the resulting blindness is not permanent.
Well, yes, it was a rhetorical question, but I genuinely do wonder how they live the way they do without one day just suddenly leaping to their feet, shrieking and tearing at their hair, before grabbing a knife and peeling off their own skin out of sheer confusion and self-disgust.
Well, yes, it was a rhetorical question, but I genuinely do wonder how they live the way they do without one day just suddenly leaping to their feet, shrieking and tearing at their hair, before grabbing a knife and peeling off their own skin out of sheer confusion and self-disgust.
They’re much more spectacular than that
And they always go down ignorant. It is the way of things.
They’re much more spectacular than that
Too much exception, not enough rule.
Ah, the Third Stage.
Once again, I protest.
They lack the depth, warmth, charm, etc.
From last thread:
planning to write a cook book.
This news is oh-so-fine, Pup!
planning to write a cook book.
“To Serve Man”.
Beat the meat heat with some PENIS.
tsam: 1) Projection: Ever notice how a libtard has no capacity for reason and logic? Ever notice how they always** resort to personal attacks, like America hating socialist fascist libtard…? Wait, what?
Bonus points should be awarded for identifying wingo categories that are inherently self-refuting.
Also, “This is central to my point” has a special place is the annals of bad argument and deserves inclusion on any proposed card.
I counter this idiotic argument by pressing hard about air travel. No government airworthiness regulations … no manufacturing regulations or inspection … no maintenance oversight … no pilot certification. And, of course, no Gubmint air traffic controllers.
So one of them Free-Market Invisible-Hand Glibertarian planes falls out of the skies–for any number of preventable reasons– and hundreds of passengers are killed.
Hell, just to make it more interesting, let’s assume some NON-ticket-buying Libertarians on the ground are toasted in jet fuel, too.
And, how about that, asshole?: Let’s assume it’s your wife and kids on the plane. I’m sure that not buying any more tickets on Free-Market Invisible-Hand Airlines will be a big comfort to Ideologically Pure Zealots like yourself.
Seriously. In conversations with Glibs, I’m pretty damn agressive. I corner the bastards and press relentlessly with the Glibertarian Airlines analogy.
Bonus points should be awarded for identifying wingo categories that are inherently self-refuting.
You’d think that one of these guys would SEE that happening on the computer screen and think…”wait a minute, I can’t say that, it’s not actually true and it makes my argument specious and disingenuous…” backspace backspace……
But they don’t. They see it happening and jump to another fallacy to distract the reader from the first. They must enjoy being easy targets. It doesn’t seem like it, they get pretty outraged at being mocked.
You and me both. I think it may be as simple as the fact that most of them just aren’t very bright.
That and the meth.
The MailOnline has a picture of the Oslo killer in his full al-Qaeda drag, including Masonic apron.
Hoping the Masons get shut down as a result of this.
Hoping the Masons get shut down as a result of this.
I am a fan of the jars and their James.
and hundreds of passengers are killed.
Well, you have to admit THOSE folks won’t be repeat customers.
I counter this idiotic argument by pressing hard about air travel.
Sometimes my airline will have to send me on a commercial flight to where my trip originates.
I was flying out to LA and was seated next to some real-estate guy from California (or so he claimed). One of these self-made guys who had supposedly made (and lost) a bunch of money in the housing boom.
I was wearing my uniform, and when he saw my ALPA (pilot’s union) lanyard he started in on unions and how they “stifle creativity”.
This went on for some time until I finally looked at him and said –
“Sir, it’s not about creativity. It’s about me not planting 300,000 pounds of screaming metal in your back yard one night because I’m too damn fatigued to do my job properly”.
I wonder how a union stifles creativity. I wonder how a real estate guy would know that. I wonder when pilots should be creative. I wonder how you made it through without kicking this man in the junk, Major.
“Creativity” in my line of work tends to end badly.
“Sir, it’s not about creativity. It’s about me not planting 300,000 pounds of screaming metal in your back yard one night because I’m too damn fatigued to do my job properly”.
My god, you’re a polite man.
“Creativity” in my line of work tends to end badly.
I saw evidence of that here a few years back.
Not to mention their walls.
Question for the class: why does the linked article say nobody thinks the bomber was Muslim then go on to list all the Muslim terror plots in recent Euro history?
Video without 7 minutes of foreplay.
So, now that “talks” between teh Orange Boner and
ReaganObama have come to a screeching halt with teh Orange Boner taking all his toys and going home, what do you think teh Prez will do now?Sadly, even after this my hopes Obama will finally grow a pair are probably still a long way off, but a guy can dream.
Clearly one should refresh before posting.
Question for the class: why does the linked article say nobody thinks the bomber was Muslim then go on to list all the Muslim terror plots in recent Euro history?
This is how journalism is done now. It “wasn’t” islamic terrorists, but here are 30 reasons why you should be shitting your pants right now…
Oh, he’s only going to break your heart again. Why don’t you just leave him, OBS? He’s no good for you!
That and the meth.
You speak as if meth reduced the risk of peeling off one’s own skin.
That’s disturbing. Even I was like,” wow, she has a nice ass.”
“Sir, it’s not about creativity. It’s about me not planting 300,000 pounds of screaming metal in your back yard one night because I’m too damn fatigued to do my job properly”.
Question for the class: why does the linked article say nobody thinks the bomber was Muslim then go on to list all the Muslim terror plots in recent Euro history?
Article already mostly written when the name came out?
From M Bouffant’s Daily Fail link:
whether they or the single person had been radicalised and was part of a militant Muslim group waging Jihad
Evidently “radicalised” has become shorthand for Islamic. Rightwingers cannot be radicalised, even ones who explode car-bombs and then take automatic weapons to a youth camp to shoot as many teenagers as possible.
Excuse me, but that is called “Exxxtreeeeeme Patriotism.” You’re not American, you wouldn’t understand.
I know, I know….
So, uh… How ’bout that fancy bike race today?
Apparently the best way to address the problem of teen pregnancy is to make sure the kids have babies then raise them in miserable hopeless poverty. That’ll fuckin fix it for sure.
tsam gives me a sad. The Ho creams his khakis over B-17s but he b-52 is one of my favorite planes (along with the P-38, a sexy sexy beast!).
A favorite moment in pilot creativity
There are tales of a B-52 doing the maneuver but I have never encountered any substantiation.
Say Major – I’d love to see the larger of my two all-time favorite planes do an Immelman – either variety. How cool would that be?
I fucking OWN this thread. It is therefore completely within my rights to kill it dead. Which I have done.
I saw sumpin on teh intarducks that said Texas has managed, through their abstinence only sex ed, to achieve the highest teem pregger rate in teh whole yoo ess aiiiieeeee.
And then, this one time at band camp?
I remember when Logical Fallacies, a course in my military high school, was struck from the curriculum. I had already taken the course, which was required for all students enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corp (or R.O.T.C.) It was required because it was believed that critical thinking was a necessary element in the decision making of any cadet officer, or commissioned officer, whether in the classroom, the war planning room, or on the battlefield.
I’m not inclined to conspiracy theories, but if I were, I would point to the elimination of courses such as this one as part of the Right’s strategy to rid the schools of courses that would give everyday citizens the ability to make objective, intelligent assessments of faulty arguments designed to confuse and mislead them.
They used to do an Immelmann maneuver in the old B-47 to “toss” a nuclear weapon. The plan was to release the bomb while the plane was headed straight up and then be headed the other way by the time it hit.
I really don’t think you could do it with a B-52. You’d probably run out of airspeed at the top of the maneuver.
I doubt you could roll one either. All it had was spoilers, so the roll rate was pretty slow compared to a 707 (which I’ve also flown). You’d lose a lot of altitude trying to roll the plane upright.
I had one up to 120 degrees of bank once, but that’s as far as I was brave enough to take it.
I do enjoy conspiracy theories but from the perspective of a complete skeptic. In this case I would say that it’s not the result of conspiracy but of human nature, much the same way the perpetration of religion isn’t conspiratorial but just the way shit happens due to human nature. They’re not smart enough to plan such things, merely st00pid enough to participate in the process.
Color me jealous. Twice and doubly.
I’ll rate for the P-38 also.
Is the B-52 flying w/o its vert stabilizer on the YouTube? I’ll not be …
American planes, it’s the P-51 Mustang or the the P-26 Peashooter
“…they get pretty outraged at being mocked.”
You are not just pooping Dixie, my friend… (2,890 hits? Jebus, sasquatch, and the whole N. O. fooseball team, that’s entirely too many… Maybe it’s time for me to find a new hobby…)
Is the B-52 flying w/o its vert stabilizer
Just to stick to tradition, flying without the VS.
Are there any other kind? YOO ESS AY!
Fabulous plane once they replaced those atrocious Allison engines with *hrmph cough* Rolls Royce Merlins, though they were built by Packard under license.
My grandfather was a motor engineer at Packard. True story.
A couple of years ago I got to see a Mustang at the Christchurch Air Museum and I hadn’t realised before but it’s ALL engine with a pilots seat squeezed in.
Good god Movie of a Barling Bomber!! my fave Bad American plane.
So … this means he thinks the people involved in the hacking scandal should face the same punishments. Right?
Otherwise, attempt to give VoldeMurdoch an e-blowjob – FAIL.
BTW, thanks for the barrel-roll movie Pupienus, my FIL used to talk about that incident but I had never seen it before.
Sort of a P-47 fan m’self. The F4U has a certain something as well. The 38 and 51 are totes classics.
If we’re going back as far as the Peashooter, I’ve always liked the Gee Bee. It’s the girth, i’nt it?
Okay, what do you all like for WWII naval aircraft? For Brits? Germans? Want to break it down by bombers…fighters? I’m just throwing hooks out for others to latch onto.
I’m partial to FW-190, btw.
I’m partial to the B-4 Night Hawk myself, Fenwick!
I’ve always thought that the Gee Bee looks cool, but would be a suicide ride. The P-47 is pretty cool in a “OMG whatta monster” kind of way.
Fenwick I’m not too sure what is meant by a Naval plane, I like the Corsair and the German Arado.
I like a nice sea plane, Short Solent, Catalina.Check out the Dornier Do. X
I’ve always thought that the Gee Bee looks cool, but would be a suicide ride.
The Gee Bee looks like it’s preggers- maybe it inspired Ol’ Tex.
Avro Vulcan. That is all.
I’m partial to the B-4 Night Hawk myself, Fenwick!
The bestest flyer of all.
Is NYC in the same heat wave that is gripping the mid-Atlantic? Lord, I hope you miss this. Starting temperature at Camden Yards at 7:10 PM was 104. This is some badass humid shit, too.
((I LIKE dry heat; one of the reasons I’m moving to Albuquerque. Also to live in city with a name derived from Arabic. I learn all sorts of odd things at S,N!)
The heat is expected to peak tomorrow.
Worster even more: My portable fan conked out on Friday. I can’t replace it until Monday. (Not willing to risk losing my weekend parking spot. Highlandtown curbsides are totally jammed, man. Yet another reason for NM.)
I’d love to stay up and chat, you Big Bad Bald Nice Person and Night Hawk compadre.. But I’m really feeling the heat and I gotta retreat now into a better-AC room in the house. I’ll read until I fall asleep.
Let the Night Hawks soar.
Is NYC in the same heat wave that is gripping the mid-Atlantic?
Yeah, the Commie Heat Index was around 110, Fahrenheit… for antipodeans, let’s just say that the western suburbs steamed at 45 degrees.
I got to stick my head inside a Vulcan at the Paine Field air show around 1969 or 1970. (I started to say “got a tour of…” but even in those days that would have involved a generous application of lard and a giant plunger.) Then it took off and stood on its tail at about 20 mph—helluva plane!
And as for the 707 barrel-roll incident—I was only 3 when it happened, but it was just folklore for 40 years. Boeing decided on the spot that It. Never. Happened.—and made that stick for many, many years. It was only in the 90’s sometime that some footage surfaced that had managed to survive the purge….
Heat Wave Dome Index.
Ugh, I really want to break shit- I made the mistake of reading some comments on news reports of the Norway massacres.
The perp couldn’t have been whiter.
Nor Right-er.
Not that that stops anyone.
It tends to spur them on.
I am so trusting the shorter because I can smell those mangoes from here and they are NOT sweet.
What a DOOSH!
It’s not so bad today. I rode 26 miles in a little over 90 minutes and I’m only slightly disorientalated force budget hammertoe.
17 mph, that’s a pretty good pace. What kind of bike do you have?
He argued that socialism was breaking down traditions, culture, national identity and other societal structures and that this in turn made society weak and confused.
Read more:
Watering the tree of liberty?
[Not a veiled masturbation reference.]
He argued that socialism was breaking down traditions, culture, national identity and other societal structures and that this in turn made society weak and confused.
Socialism! It slices! It dices! It’s a universal solvent! IT’S A FLOOR WAX AND A DESSERT TOPPING!
[Anders sites “credible” source in support of his beliefs.]
Anders Behring
Such cases must be considered together with similar cases where the media consistently ignores issues related to Muslim riots.
All remember the July riots in Marseilles and other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the news.
One can only wonder how many riots have been in France or other countries that we have never heard of. It is in the process of developing a trend in Western Europe where there is full acceptance that the media can suppressing such cases.
Must credit balloon juice.
Is the shooter a blogger named Fjordman?
Unconfirmed quote:
“Anders Behring Breivik has previously driven the blog Fjordman and later for many years been a writer for the anti-Muslim and Zionist bloggers Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch, under the pseudonym Fjordman.”
“Anders Behring Breivik has previously driven the blog Fjordman and later for many years been a writer for the anti-Muslim and Zionist bloggers Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch, under the pseudonym Fjordman.”
I will not hold my breath waiting for the wingnutzi to retract their instantaneous “Kill All The Musselmen!” reactions to the attacks.
I am not a wingnut therefore I feel obliged to point out that the above might be wrong. Although I still take anything posted at GofV with a grain of salt.
“I know Fjordman personally, I know exactly what he looks like, and he does not resemble the alleged murderer in the slightest.
Furthermore, I was in conversation with Fjordman all day today, starting before the shootings, during the slaughter, and afterwards.”
wingnutzi = +1.
At least one fReeptard has vehemently denied any link between the suspect and Atlas Juggs because there’s no way Norwegians read English that well.
denied any link between the suspect and Atlas Juggs because there’s no way Norwegians read English that well.
Stands to reason, doesn’t it? Even fReeptards know that American fascists don’t read English very well, so neither would the Norwegian ones.
Are you suggesting that Pam writes in English? Then how come I can never make sense of her stuff?
More about Breivik / Fjordman.
My comment above doesn’t depend on an identity between the two, it was more about the instantaneous blame of Islam (and recommendations of genocide) the wingnutzi automatically leaped to when the news came out.
Whether or not the suspect is Fjordman, he is a right-wing, anti-Islamic terrorist.
I don’t think he is Fjordman but he is a Tits fan.
Oh, I remember, Fjordman was behind “Cry, the Beloved Whitey”, wasn’t he?
Oh look, the retarded kid tried to use psychology to justify being a racist dimwit:
Wingnuts. They suck at EVERYTHING.
Even fReeptards know that American fascists don’t read English very well, so neither would the Norwegian ones.
Ah, but even righty Norwegians benefit from socialamist education rather than being home-schooled by people who think the Revolutionary War began in Concord, New Hampshire, so theirs are smarter than ours.
in psychology it’s called availability heuristic
In “reality” it’s called confirmation bias.
but he is a Tits fan
Then we are all terrorists.
In “reality” it’s called confirmation bias.
There is a whole list neuroses that go along with the freeper mentality in psychology as well. I noticed that the Wiki-Ranger didn’t bother to mention or study any of those…
but he is a Tits fan
It’s disturbing to find that you share a core value with a psychotic mass-murderer.
What I don’t understand is how fReepers and Al Qaeda types don’t see each other as kindred spirits. Their doctrines are nearly mirror images of each other–isolationism, protection of some fucked up ideal of culture, religious fundamentalism, race purity, religious purity, fear and suspicion of outsiders….
ALL. ONE. PARANOID. DELUSION. that is powerful enough to push the outer fringes to violence.
tsam gives me a sad.
Cheer up, pup–there are hundreds more of those B-52’s out there, rolling the war machine ever forward to victory!
Where’d everybody go?
Central to my point, QED.
Media reports in Norway described Breivik as a ‘loner’, who lived with his mother in a wealthy suburb of west Oslo, was well-educated and enjoyed hunting.
Breivik describes himself as a Christian and a conservative.
It also listed interests such as body-building and freemasonry.
this does not sound like a very good personal ad…
oh, and also too tag fail is one of my personal interests..
It also listed interests such as body-building and freemasonry.
That’s a problem right there. You’re much better off building a body out of viscera and skin than bricks and mortar.
You’re much better off building a body out of viscera and skin
You forgot doughnuts!
You haven’t noticed the Zombie Apocalypse? Man, are you out of touch.
oh, and also too tag fail is one of my personal interests..
It also listed interests such as body-building and freemasonry.
That’s a problem right there. You’re much better off building a body out of viscera and skin than bricks and mortar.
He probably found he had to pay to do it that way.
I figured it was either the freemasons or the papists.
Wait, if he’s a Mason, that means he’s in league with the New World Order. Obama is the head of the New World Order. Obama is a Muslim. Therefore, a Muslim perpetrated the attacks. QED.
Oh, he’s only going to break your heart again. Why don’t you just leave him, OBS? He’s no good for you!
UNPOSSIBLE!!! the 2008 elections proved that anyone who voted for ‘the one’ pledged undying allegiance to him until teh socialism covers this once great land…
I assumed it was the Bavarian Illuminati, but since they control the Masons via the Rosicrucians I was still right.
You haven’t noticed the Zombie Apocalypse? Man, are you out of touch.
But this bucket list hasn’t even been touched. What now?
I’ve always thought that the Gee Bee looks cool,
for a while in the 70s i thought the bee gees looked cool…
She should have gone to rehab.
Poor girl. I can’t snark. That photo of her without a shirt on, barefoot, and crying on the London streets at 3:00 in the morning has always stuck with me.
But she said no no no.
Sadllyno thread found dead, police report.
Oh fuck you all. You tricked me.
Until they prove otherwise, I’ll believe it was the Muzzies what kilt ‘er.
Poor girl. I can’t snark.
I don’t see enough apologies from White Christians!!!
Where the hell is the Pope?!? He should be out on the balcony broadcasting abject contrition at what one of his murderous followers has done!
If every White Christian preacher in world doesn’t spend everyday for the next 10 years apologizing then that proves they are just as guilty as Breivikn for the murders.
Can America really allow any more churches to built? Do you really want to let a bloodthirsty cult of Christians into YOUR town?
Notice the complete lack of apologies! Incontrovertible proof “Red Staters” wish and hope (and UNDOUBTEDLY are planning) for the same in the United States.
Admit it Erickson! You Christo-Fascist child-killer wannabe!
Have the “if only those teenagers had been armed this wouldn’t have happened” screeds been posted yet in Right Wing World?
Or has the cognitive dissonance temporarily befuddled them?
I don’t know g, which swamp shall I wade into?
24 hours later and still not one Republican candidate has renounced their Christianity for Buddhism!
What hold does Breivik have over the American GOP?!?!?!?!?!?!21
What I don’t understand is how fReepers and Al Qaeda types don’t see each other as kindred spirits. Their doctrines are nearly mirror images of each other–isolationism, protection of some fucked up ideal of culture, religious fundamentalism, race purity, religious purity, fear and suspicion of outsiders….
The Narcissism of Small Differences
Why is the left so gleeful that the Norwegian is a “conservative Christian” and why do they feel it so necessary to rub it in when they’re downright apathetic and hostile to the notion of radical Islam being rather mainstream within Islam when terrorist Christianity is largely nonexistent except among a few crazies?
Who the fuck is gleeful about this? Also, apathetic about radical fundamentalist Islam? Eric can go fuck himself with a jambiya.
Okay, this is way back, but I’m just now getting caught up.
You know who else I really don’t want to help? Stupid fifteen-year-old girls — or younger — who have babies figuring they can always get welfare to pay the bills.
But what if they’d rather NOT have those babies? You wouldn’t want to help them with that, either, would you, you dumb dick?
radical Islam being rather mainstream within Islam when terrorist Christianity is largely nonexistent except among a few crazies
You know, I think if you added up the figures, the percentage-per-adherent of Islamic crazies and Christian crazies would be about the same.
But if you think of Islamists and Christianists as adherents of a similar authoritarian, repressive, reactionary, purity-obsessed ethos, the percentage of violent crazies in the two groups combined is a lot higher than in the general population.
Another digression. Their title, not mine:
Sarah Palin’s Views on Abstinence Lead to Second Grandchild
Britta’s filter can’t keep out every liquid.
Hmm. Needs work.
…”can’t keep out every impurity” ?
Need humor help plz.
What I don’t understand is how fReepers and Al Qaeda types don’t see each other as kindred spirits.
Defending their turf.
Need humor help plz.
They should name the tyke “Pistol”.
Pistol, meet Aunt Bristol.
The shooter uploaded this on youtube a few hours before the rampage.
Uploaded by BerwickAndrew on Jul 22, 2011
Knights Templar 2083 – Movie trailer
Gone, GM.
From Wonkettes roundup of Freepervillian response to the tragedy in Norway
My favorite is that “Muslims never forget an affront”. This from dudes that are still fighting the war of Northern Aggression.
It was a video warning of the international Marxist/Muslim conspiracy to destroy western culture.
PENIS. Penis pump that is…
Marxist: Hello and welcome to the Marxist/ Muslim Cospiricon 2011, here’s your goody pack and a name badge.
Muslim: Oh thanks, nice set up you have here, where’s the mosque?
Marxist: Well… I think that that might lead to some conflict within the group so I’m going to move onto the next speaker, but your concerns will be addressed.
Muslim: It is kind of important so if you could hurry it along?
Marxist: We have a sub committee examining the issue and they will have a communique ready before the end of the month.
Muslim: I knew that this was a mistake, you people got no soul
Marxist: You people are socio/political oppressors, just like fucking capitalists.
Muslim: let’s go outside and discuss this, eh chummy?
The fact is, this massacre was all the fault of liberals, and there will be more if you keep coddling muslims and being biased in the media and taking are freedom away. The People have had enough.
coddling muslims
You’d prefer poaching? Or maybe Benedicting?
The People have had enough.
Socialist Gary isreal!
I haz a confoozed. I thought it was the Rolling Rapture.
Laughed from the start, owlbert. And it got funnier the more I read.
They also want to impose Genesis-and-Leviticus Law!
Camden Yards game-time temperature at 7:10 PM (EDT):
It’s cooling off!
Sarah Palin’s Views on Abstinence Lead to Second Grandchild
WTF is this shit about? They’re in their 20’s.
And how does that have anything to do with Bristol’s pregnancy?
The fact is, this massacre was all the fault of liberals
Getting shot or blown up by some right-wing nutbag is the ultimate betrayal of one’s nation.
The People have had enough
and are bravely dressing up like cops and looking for children to shoot.
Britta’s filter can’t keep out every liquid.
Snap-crackle-and pop thread going on!
I’m never gonna get caught up; bailing now for baseball.
The fact is, I look awesome in a leather teddy and thigh-high stiletto boots.
Address my point, libtards!
The fact is, I look awesome in a leather teddy and thigh-high stiletto boots.
I’ll bet you do. You still fight like a girl.
I wantz to gib you ma Speshul Hug
The fact is, I look awesome in a leather teddy and thigh-high stiletto boots.
Pics or it isn’t true.
You still fight like a girl.
Pfft, please, any girl would kick his scrawny white ass, rhetorically speaking.
If we’re still taking conspiracy theories, I pick the Templars. It’s always the Templars.
Actually, you’re right: Here’s PZ’s quote from Breivink’s manifesto:
I don’t know how that extraneous “n” got into the idiot’s name—I’m a Norwegian myself, FFS!
Soooooooo, awesomely, then?
Speaking of PZ…I think this guy’s butt is hurting.
Gosh, what a stressful week. The debt ceiling mess, threats to SSI and Medicare/Medicaid (and god knows what else we haven’t heard about, but not Defense); Rupert’s International Crime Syndicate & Influence Peddling Racket crashing, almost but not quite; the horrible, murderous, patently right wing fascist slaughter in Norway; and, because my mother still works in the garden every damn day, the heat Dome, or more aptly called, The Dome of Death, spreading across the country like some fiery plague of locusts.
I can’t recall a July quite as awful as this one. Every where one looks fires seem to be raging. Hopefully all of this will be over soon, Autumn is on the way, no? Things will cool down some, the news will take a breather, and maybe, if we’re lucky, the first cool nights of fall will bring a sigh of relief.
What am I saying? We still have a week left before we turn the page on July and move to August, the dog days.
We still have a week left before
we turn the page on Julythe Trade Deadline and move toAugust, the dog daysthe races for the postseason.Hello Fenwick. I used to go to all the ball games. Do you remember Bob Horner? Homerunned four times in one game? Joe Torre use to be in Atlanta. Ted Turner used to own the Braves, America’s Team. He started CNN, TNT, TCM, etc. Now he own land, lots of land, and bison.
I saw Valenzuela, L.A. Dodgers pitcher, hit a homerun over the left field fence in Atlanta. I was there, maybe four rows up in the cheap seats. There is nothing like of the feeling of watching a rope come directly at you.
Baseball is the national sport of Nicaragua. They play year round. Good players too.
Obviously this was retaliation by Islamic terrorists for the publication of cartoons 5, 6, years ago depicting Mohammad.
In Denmark.
Because obviously, Denmark= Norway, amirite?
Fucking stupid moron.
That video was great.
There was a Norwegian paper that published the cartoons front-page and it was a big deal.
Welcome to another edition of Name! That! Loon! This week’s installment:
What follows below are comments by right winger Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged shooter/bomber in Norway who’s accused of murdering 100 or more Norwegians earlier this month, and similar anti-Islamic/anti-multicultural rants by the likes of Michele Bachmann, Anne Coulter, Newt Gingrich and other noted American right wingers. Without cheating with Google, try to determine who said what. Attributions and links to sources will be hidden until tomorrow.
So put on your tinfoil thinking caps and Name! That! Loon!
[cont. from above]
On Multiculturalism
“Tell me one country where Muslims have lived peacefully with non-Muslims without the Jihad …How many thousands of new Europeans must die, how many one hundred thousand European women should be raped, millions robbed and tractor discarded before you understand that multiculturalism + Islam does not work?”
“And what we’re seeing is just the fruits of leftism. It’s suburbanites, the kids, that are watching cable TV, Did you know that? In a lot of these high rises where a lot of the suburban youth are doing writing or doing they have cable TV in their apartments. They’re listening to al Jazeera, and they’re being encouraged and prompted to go ahead and start these riots all over France.
There is a movement afoot that’s occurring and part of that is whole philosophical idea of multi-cultural diversity, which on the face sounds wonderful. Let’s appreciate and value everyone’s cultures. But guess what? Not all cultures are equal. Not all values are equal. And one thing that we’re seeing is that in the midst of this violence that’s being encouraged by al Jazeera and by the jihadists that’s occurring, is that we are seeing that those who are coming into France — which had a beautiful culture — the French culture is actually diminished. It’s going away. And just with the population of France they are losing Western Europeans and it’s being taken over by muh…by a Muslim ethic. Not that Muslims are bad. But they are not assimilating.”
I cheated and used Google. The choices for the three quotes above are:
Bachmann or the shooter?
Speaking of PZ…I think this guy’s butt is hurting.
Luckily for him, watermelons are in season.
There was a Norwegian paper that published the cartoons front-page and it was a big deal.
Well, my apologies to the moron, then.
Sheesh, I’ve been reading about the “elevator guy” situation, and I have to say that I’m a burly, somewhat fierce-looking guy, and I’d feel creeped out if a stranger started a conversation with me on an elevator. Eyes forward, mouth shut- anything beyond an “I acknowledge your existence” greeting is too forward.
Not tractor discarded! Anything but that!
II’ve been reading about the “elevator guy” situation, and I have to say that I’m a burly, somewhat fierce-looking guy, and I’d feel creeped out if a stranger started a conversation with me on an elevator.
Not even if the stranger was a suave Frenchman? Your mouth says “No no” but your shiny head says “Yes yes.”
Goddamn. After two hours on that elevator thread I’m just glad I don’t live in NYC anymore. Because I’m taking the goddamn stairs from here on out.
Not even if the stranger was a suave Frenchman? Your mouth says “No no” but your shiny head says “Yes yes.”
I’d probably make an exception for Alanna Ubach, or maybe the Food Pr0n Obsessed Emperor of Portland.
I think I’ll have to poke this thread with a stick…
Poking the thread… heh…
Pfft, please, any girl would kick his scrawny white ass, rhetorically speaking.
Soooooooo, awesomely, then?
Ladies be reprezentin’!
Sisters are doing it for themselves!
Bachmann or the shooter?
The first and third are the shooter, the second one is Bachmann.
I can haz gold star now?
And I was wrong about one of the quotes.
The second two are are from a crazy person. Wait? What?
I can haz gold star now?
Wouldn’t you rather have the S,N! tattoo? It’s hardly noticeable if you have bangs.
It’s hardly noticeable if you have bangs.
Who on Earth has bangs THERE?
i was quite suprised to read in pammy’s quote that hitler was extremely stupid…and that is partly why we won ww ii…just think, we could have wrapped things up so much sooner and saved millions of lives if we only wouldn’t have been fooled by how he transformed germany seemingly overnight…hmmmm…i bet we all feel a bit stoopid now, don’t we?
Who on Earth has bangs THERE?
Who on Earth has bangs THERE?
I’ve heard that Louise Brooks’s devotion to bangs went further than we know.
Little did we know what “Pandora’s Box” was really referring to…
OT mangoes from a Bobo column discovered via BJ.
Tell me about it…Wait, WTF? Really?
Who has been insulting who all the time? Starting in March ’07 when the math made the possibility of a Blackety black black Halfrican was possibly gonna be one of the two nominees for the presidency.
I am not sure that any other shorter applies: Uppity Negro Refuses to acknowledge his place.
Who on Earth has bangs THERE?
Clearly, you’ve never been to Malta.