Why Do You Think The Founders Named It The “White” House?
Posted on July 10th, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Lord Viscount Lloyd Griffith Dunsmore Marcuss IV, Ruhnoomuhrka:
Campaign 2012: are we over “the black thing” yet?
- Once you elect a Negro as President, sooner or later you’ll wind up having a fag elected to the White House. I, for one, think it’s time to get back to having a white President.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
We already did the “fag” thing. Buchanan was almost certainly gay and, while generally incompetent (unrelated to his sexuality), the republic seems to have survived intact.
Say all you want about Lloyd Marcus’ argument about libruls forcing us to have an oppressed President, but by God, don’t you diminish the significance of his one-man “I Love America Revue” on July the 2nd.
Well, hey, Lloyd, why don’t we just proclaim the season of all affirmative action over, and then the folks at Renooo Murka can go back to calling you a shiftless n***er. Which of course you will be, since you’ll be unemployed once they no longer need an Uncle Tom to talk trash about the darkie in the White House.
Is not the saying, “once you go black, you never go back”?
Presidential Affirmative Action my ass, folks voted for Obama over McCain because they thought Obama seemed intelligent, capable and statesmanlike(which looked to be a welcome change after the past resident of the Oval Office) while McCain seemed a warmongering, crotchety old coot who couldn’t control his mouth or temper and whose best days were so far behind him they were barely discernible over the 3 Kelvin Big Bang residue.
I’m afraid the republicans set this ball in motion when they elected the first developmentally-disabled president.
Presidential Affirmative Action my ass
I have to disagree. There is clearly a Presidential affirmative action program, but it only covers rich white guys. That is the only way to explain how G. W. Bush Got there.
“Race-profiteers love to opine about America’s racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils.”
Er, um… when exactly was that now?
… folks voted for Obama over McCain because they thought Obama seemed intelligent, capable and statesmanlike…
don’t forget articulate!
How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?
One would think with such a powerful institution working full speed ahead for the gay agenda…ah fuck it.
I Do find “…before the liberal media demands…” hilarious.
A liberal media…I have seen it in my dreams.
O/T – but some friends of mine are road tripping to Portland next week to see West Bromwich Albion play the Portland Timbers in a club friendly. They are from the Midlands (one of them lives here in Houston). At any rate, looking for suggestions for things to do in Portland before the game (sights, brewpubs, bars etc.). Pretty sure we are in a hotel downtown somewhere. We’ll be in Seattle the night before the game so if anyone has some suggestions for fun stuff at night in that city, that would be much appreciated!
it is really hard to pick through all the stupid in lloyd’s latest rant…
Er, um… when exactly was that now?
Sometime betwixt 1965 and 1969, when Nixon’s plan to end the war comingled with “urban rioting” to suffocate Johnsons “Great Society” with a pillow in the crib.
hey gordon you’re in the right place but you’ll have to wait for poopenius or obs to come back to life and then you’ll have to be super nice to them
Call me crazy, but if it “ain’t” right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white
call me crazy, but historically, hasn’t this been our only option?
I fucking HATE editorials that use exclamation points. The fact that it’s almost exclusively wingnuts who do it makes it easier to avoid them. One time, God knows why, I got off the boat for some Pat Boone mangos and the pruney old fuck uses the things so egregiously they might as well be talented black musicians.
you know what i just realized? that over the past few days, the copy pasta trolls have used jeannie deangelis and lloyd for their copy pasta trolling…i thought they usually just used gibberish…oh, wait! i see what they did there…
oh, kid…i am so glad you are back!!!!!!!! you always make me laff!!!!!!!!
One time, God knows why, I got off the boat for some Pat Boone mangos and the pruney old fuck uses the things so egregiously they might as well be talented black musicians.
Very funny this.
Reverse race card affirmative action! Can a brother get a break?
“Race-profiteers love to opine about America’s racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils.”
Er, um… when exactly was that now?
Either during the war of northern passive-aggression or during LBJ’s unwarranted attack on poor outnumbered poll workers and sheriffs.
Great description of Republicans from Steve Benen.
“What voters probably didn’t understand are the similarities between today’s Republican Party and a not-terribly-right organized-crime family, run entirely by petulant children.”
I hereby proclaim the season of Republican Asshole Action over!
Shit! Didn’t work.
“Republican Asshole Action”
Stay out of my bookmarks, you lib fags!!!!
“Republican Asshole Action”
Veiled Marcus Bachmann butt sex reference? You decide.
Sheila, is that you?
Affirmative action? Last I checked, Obama was elected (having secured a majority of the vote for his *first* term, unlike Dumbya).
On the side of humanity? Out-numbered?!? I think not. No. Numbers grow daily.
On the side of humanity? Out-numbered?!? I think not. No. Numbers grow daily.
Does anyone have an andon/human secret decoder ring I can borrow? Mine’s not working.
A name liek that certainly does warrant some respect, or something. Hmm, so Obama would like to ensure that elections are fair. So, presuming he is going to run for a second term, it won’t be a part of teh assbackwardsway paln.
A name like that certainly does warrant some respect, or something. Hmm, so Obama would like to ensure that elections are fair. So, presuming he is going to run for a second term, it won’t be a part of teh assbackwardsway paln.
The 45th paralell, Morse’s line. Headed North with one thing, headed South with the other. ones and zero’s are optional.
Another shorter: Libruls are the real racists.
what is the opposite of a paralell? I can’t seem to remember, of course, I’m inclined to believe, there is no such thing.
Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry Be Happy
http://www.youtube.com I don’t know how you do the link thing, yah, it is funny. Numbers are abstracts. If a 1 can be replaced with a b then a b can be replaced with a smiley face. fir shore.
I’m glad he can speak for all African Americans when he says:
btw, “be super nice to” = fellate with vigor
The opposite of parallel is convergent. Parallel lines converge at infinity. Wrap your head around that.*
*mmmmmm, could be!
Gaydar test.
If 6 were 9, 25 would be 6 to 4!
He needs to see “DR” Bachmann for some er hands on, one on one intense counseling sessions ASAP.
Gaydar test.
Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping!
I had to rip the headphones off lest I go deaf…
Yo Gordo!
I could go on and on but the best resource is probably:
Dunno if the tittie bars are mentioned there – I’m not into that sort of thing but PDX is quite famous for them. If you care to share your inclinations on the sorts of stuff y’all enjoy or have any questions bout specific stuff shoot me an email, vmweenie UNDERSCORE 98 AT yahoo DOT com.
Oops. Nym FUCKING fail. *sigh* Need more coffee.
Judging by how assiduously the media tiptoes around it whenever they’re not using it to puff themselves up, I don’t think I can tell you that.
Can you move past automatically demonizing Obama’s every word & deed & simply point to someone better suited for the presidency who wants it?
Heh? America actually giving a flying indigo monkey-fuck what the rest of the world thinks of it?
This leftoid website has recently bitchslapped a “liberal” blogger around here, did so many times before & will very likely fart in that particular tabarnacle again in the future. Many other leftoid websites also do so. Being busted for one’s barbaric faux-Situationist/Objectivist groupthink horseshit is decidedly not lynching, high-tech or otherwise. Also, crying wolf with a hot-button accusation of “lynching” to cover for said horseshit, & then accusing the Evil LeftWing DethKult HaetKommandoez®©™ of having a victim complex in the next breath? You can’t pass a belly-flop off as a pas-de-deux, Lloyd.
Phew … no way would I fisk this entire snail-trail of gouty petulant sinus-glue, even if you paid me (a lot). ECCCCCCCHHHHHHHH ……….. .
Oh whut de fuque, one more:
Obama is like a kid with his finger in a collapsing dyke. He’s got some of the picture & nice intentions, but not nearly enough common sense to get his finger back while it’s still attached & run like hell. If only Lloyd could show one lousy single actual thing IRL that is a pile of smoking rubble because of the malevolence of some Ivy League nerd & his sinister aura of caring & charm.
Sometimes a hero saves the day, sometimes a hero gets everyone around them killed. So it goes, eh?
If you asked me to choose between a hero & a raise, that decision would not strike me as a thorny dilemma.
Andon, please fuck off
Andon, please fuck off
I do not think that the Andon is actually capable of fucking, which is of course its whole problem. Perhaps we should start a charity to find a cure for loveless trolls.
I’m glad i’m not black, otherwise I’d be murderously offended by the of the term lynching to describe internet bickering and bitching.
It’s quite obvious that this man has no soul. I wonder how he gets ready in themorning, being unable to be seen in a mirror.
Good lord. Can we just take a firehose to that whole city and start over again?
Can we just take a firehose to that whole city and start over again?
I think you are going to need to burn it to the ground. Nothing short of fire will cleanse the contagion.
Need a killfile for my mobile devices
Need a killfile for my mobile devices
Isn’t it easier to just drop them down the toilet?
They make him yell, just like my brother. They make him throw his food, he’s so hungry. The nurses send him back to his room, but he wants to eat.
no, nada’s no.
free the other slim shady. nooo, the other one. No one else wants to hear that either, thanks.
Mental illness, unintelligible ravings…
Andon is definitely Michelle bachmann. It’s an honor to be trolled by a presidential candidate!
I made a
poopiepost at the bottom of the previous thread. For those of you who hang on my every word.Lloyd, the group holding America hostage in the midst of TWO wars is paying for your lunch.
So order dessert, tool.
“Isn’t it easier to just drop them down the toilet?”
Jesus,man. What kind of monster toilet would accommodate an iPad?
Will it Flush?
So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah, congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?
I usually dislike the term “self-hating” for a conservative member of a group the conservatives routinely POOP on, but holy fuck. Obama WAS the best candidate, McCain, and dear God, Palin, were the brain dying and the brain dead, and were less qualified for the office than my goddamn tits(motto: “if you’re going to vote for boobs anyway…”) Plus EVERY FUCKING lie this asshole tells about Obama was the truth about Bush, who fucked this country up so badly we will not be the same for a LONG time if ever, and it really pisses me off no end for him to pretend it’s the fault of some mythical “idiot only elected because he’s black by liberal race victims” and that to “prove” we’re post-racist we MUST vote for whatever rich white moron the Republicans run because OF COURSE he can fix the problems blackety black Obama caused, DUH he’s a rich white Republican! So like I said, I dislike the term, but if you’re going to kiss some white guy’s ass and assume he’s more competent just because he’s white (and assume the worst about and blame the black guy for a white guy’s mess just because he’s black) well, I think there’s no escaping it.
This guy was created in a lab so Herman Cain could have the experience of telling someone else to have some dignity.
This guy was created in a lab so Herman Cain could have the experience of telling someone else to have some dignity.
What kind of monster toilet would accommodate an iPad?
Ask Rush Limbaugh.
I have to disagree. There is clearly a Presidential affirmative action program, but it only covers rich white guys. That is the only way to explain how G. W. Bush Got there.
This. Imagine a black version of George Bush trying to get into the Oval Office and how long that guy would last.
For that matter, imagine if Sarah Palin were black.
Oh, and when was the last time a white presidential candidate was obligated to run on a “post-racial” platform to reassure everybody that he wouldn’t be a nationalist for “his people” – despite the fact that historically, there’s far more cause for concern from them than from any other demographic?
This. Imagine a black version of George Bush trying to get into the Oval Office and how long that guy would last.
wasn’t that what SC tried in 2010 as the Dem Senate candidate ???
wasn’t that what SC tried in 2010 as the Dem Senate candidate ???
Pretty damned close anyway.
you couldn’t handle that much pain, no. I think yer scared of brains that aren’t linear, or something.
Also, if you know about the farming deficit, and the strikes, please say something now. People are starving, people are dying. There are many food products that now double as fronts for blackmarket endeavors, most especially of interest is the human trafficking factor. teh paln included code words, such as pop (as in, Who’s yer daddy?) Pop tarts, pizzapops, babybottlepop (comes complete with a code for a website that reditrects small children to fukgames.com), some brands of popcorn (label yet to be confirmed), King pop, popsicle, space pops and etc… any information regarding other funding would be appreciated, as we are attempting to cease funding for these human rights violations,.
anomolous Hunan andiron is not linear. Or connected to reality.
Fuck off, asshole.
I know: Don’t feed the troll. Apologies to the Sadlies.
Thanks for that BJ link, Chris. The comments are really good reading.
Also, Chiquita banana. Funds are routed through the Cayman Islands, possibly via Switzerland, into teh international black market.
We need more lawyers contemplating THE Universal Human Rights Act.
We need more lawyers contemplating THE Universal Human Rights Act. Sincerely, The Pacific Army.
I think that the state hospital needs to revoke andon’s internet privileges.
We need more lawyers contemplating THE Universal Human Rights Act. Sincerely, The Pacific Army, and the nameless.
What? Like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox News? The Minutemen? Who exactly is this guy talking about?
People, let the loon spew!
What a bunch of up-tight Republicans, w/ your fascist “kill-files” & everything. If someone’s holding a gun to your heads FORCING you to read it, that’s one thing. If not, relax.
Also: letting the loon spew
For funski and brewski in Seattle, I got no clue. For foodski:
Serious Pie (in Seattle, downtown) – small place; very, very good pizza. The sausage pizza is their #1 seller. I had the special with pork belly bacon. Yum.
Duke’s (in Tacoma, the Pt. Defiance area) – seafood. My stepson raved about the salmon. I had the chowder sampler and I liked it.
Nothing in Portland regarding food or drink. If you have time, go to the Johnston Ridge Observatory, about 5 miles from Mt. St. Helens. You look right into the crater. It’s really something to see. On the south side of Mt. St. Helens is Ape Cave. It’s a 3/4 mile lava tube. That was fun.
It looks to be about 70-90 miles from Portland to the above areas, so you may not have the time.
Enjoy yourself.
And serious deathblows are much worse than humorous deathblows.
Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama’s intentions and even his running mate.
Which proves that they were racist. Whilst white folks who did the same for Gandpa McSame and the Hot Schoolmarm were…
Really dumb shit, Marcus. Talking points, you’re doing them rong
Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.
I do not understand. Bush left office 2 years ago.
Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.
If I had a nickel for every time America’s been death-blowed in their book, I’d never have to work again. Remember when Medicare was supposed to abolish freedom? Remember when the Civil Rights Act was supposed to enslave white people? Remember when Eisenhower was supposed to be working for the Soviets?
serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it
The fact is, poopoo ans shit, and blacks are lazy
M. Bouffant said,
July 11, 2011 at 0:07
The move is alleged to rely on “Oriental pressure points”
So it wouldn’t work on good honest “MurKins” anyways
Heart Punch
The wrestler raises the opponent’s left arm up over their head, sometimes folding it back behind their neck as well, then delivers a strong punch into the side of the ribcage. The move is alleged to rely on “Oriental pressure points” to strike a nerve causing the opponent’s heart to momentarily stop, rendering them unconscious.
Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique much?
Orienting the pressure points
Serious Deathblow was original, but the best CGI action sequences were in Serious Deathblow VI: The Seriousening.
Remember when Eisenhower was supposed to be working for the Soviets?
Or when JFK was going to give the country over to the Vatican. Or when they had to introduce Presidential term limits because otherwise the country was going to re-elect FDR even after he died.
@Chris – I think you mean the Buddhist Palm technique
this link is not the buddhist palm, but rocks nonetheless
It’s a crying shame that the white man just can’t get a fair shake from the voters anymore, as a glance at the floor of the US Senate makes so very clear.
Really, doesn’t it make you weep that the Dream of Dr. King has been degraded so far that a brilliant and charismatic black man can get elected president when running against a bomb-crazy senior citizen and a brainless twit nominated by a party that started a pointless war of aggression and tanked the economy? When, when will Americans get back to choosing the Republican based on the content of his character, like it says in the 2nd Ammendment?
As I remember, the porn spinoff was Serious DeathBlowJob.
I can’t believe we’re going to vote Obama out and I never found out what “thug thizzle” was.
the porn spinoff was Serious DeathBlowJob.
A better movie than the comedic prequel Seriously Not Deathblow
Thug thizzle is the third-best selling rope licorice candy.
Gordon, that did rock. The flexible staff was badass.
Also Apizza Scholls. Serious, serious pizza from people who understand that it’s all about the crust (and fabulous top notch toppings in great moderation), but youhave to get there before they run out.
” rope licorice candy.”
Veiled lynching reference?
Music sales. There are certainly some artists that have no knowledge of the appropriation of sales profits that aren’t there share, however, there has been substantial funds routed towards the funding of illegal activities. Then there is discount stores, which most of us are already aware have black market goods. These products are often unecessary, fund illegal activity and/or utlilize slave labor. There are products in the grocery stores that fund said activities, by way of stolen goods from transport vehicles. One example is salon hair products, at wholesale prices. We, The Pacific Army would ask that all persons use good judgement when purchasing, and to keep in mind the severity of the situation facing us all.
It was an abortion, Michael. An abortion!
@Scervisiae – Kung Fu Hustle is such an awesome movie
another great scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brh9onPbGfo
Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.
And his wife was Michele Bachmann.
It was an abortion, Michael. An abortion!
I just watched that movie for the first time (tried it once before while jetlagged and fell asleep). Good stuff. Robert DeNiro’s parts are the high point.
Which was still better than the Australian version: Yahoo Serious Deathblow.
it is better in chinese with subtitles. didn’t realize that was in english…. oh well
Is that the one where Chuck Norris played a narcoleptic crimefighting transvestite bathroom attendant with Orson Welles as his whacky Jungian psychiatrist sidekick? The scene with Alec Guinness and the greased weasels was actually pretty good.
A better movie than the comedic prequel Seriously Not Deathblow
Which was still better than the Australian version: Yahoo Serious Deathblow.
Not shown in Seattle. People there got Bing Serious Cherry Deathblow and walked out of the theater in droves.
The scene with Alec Guinness and the greased weasels was actually pretty good.
Even the weasels thought it was typecasting.
I still say the worst version was Psoriasis Deathblow. Fred Thompson was just not convincing as a soft-hearted ninja assassin with an unsightly chronic skin condition.
The scene with Alec Guinness and the greased weasels was actually pretty good.
Wasn’t that in Lavender Hankie Mob?
I can’t believe we’re going to vote Obama out and I never found out what “thug thizzle” was.
You? I’m still trying to tell the “rap” from the “hip-hop”………………………….
which one was Michael Jackson again??
Also, “greasing the weasel”.
Serious Deathblow was also the name of a grim n’ gritty superhero comic from the 90s. I think they might be bringing back the character in the next reboot.
Fred Thompson was just not convincing as a
soft-hearted ninja assassin with an unsightly chronic skin condition.human being.Fuqqst.
That Swedish film I am Serious Yellow Deathblow was pretty popular for a time.
From a link in the comments there…Imagine if the Tea Party was black.
That’s not surprising, considering that he’s actually an enormous coagulated blob of blue-green algae.
Imagine if Sarah Palin were a lefty – by now FOX would’ve produced an entire channel dedicated to just how scary & insane she is.
Also: Imma Lett you Finnish but I just have to say that Alvin Purple’s Serious Deathblow was the worst 70s softcore porn prequel of all time. OF ALL TIME.
For UK visitors to Porty I can recommend “The Horsebrass” pub. Footy friendly, well cared for and served ales, including cask conditioned real ales and UK reminiscent pub food to boot (Scotch egg anyone?).
he’s actually an enormous coagulated blob of blue-green algae.
Wow, Republicans really are color-blind! Liberals are the real racists. QED.
I vaguely remember seeing Serious Death Blow 2000 back in the 70’s. David Carradine and Sly Stallone together again for the very first time!
Fred Thompson was just not convincing as a human being.
I thought he was great in Red October and Die Hard 2. Maybe he was just really bad at playing Fred Thompson.
If 6 were 9, 25 would be 6 to 4!
Just got the second part, gocart. Youse a clever poison!
“greasing the weasel”
John Revolta wins Teh Euphemism O the Day!
The scene with Alec Guinness and the greased weasels was actually pretty good.
I also liked Peter Ustinov’s cameo as the Trombone Player. All the more remarkable considering that Ustinov is dead!
Also, ‘playing the Trombone’.
My work here is done.
completely o/t, but I see that the “MSM” has picked up the slavery part of the pledge thing that Bachman signed the other day….. only two whole days after Sadly No……. and Politico gets the credit…..:
Scotch eggs rule! Perfect road food………………..keep some Colman’s mustard handy. Add a pint o’ brown & that’s breakfast!
I actually find the swing in “race relations” somewhat amazing. PatriciaDad graduated from an all-white (segregated – Brown be damned) Mississippi podunk high school in 1967, his son (my half-brother) graduated from the same high school (the mascot changed from the Colonel Rebs to the Bulldogs, but still segregated). PatriciaMom (coming from a family where her mother (PatricaGrandMother) asked of a black man coming to fix a leaky faucet in her house said, “What’s that n***ger doing in my house?”) proudly displays her certificate as a member of “Obama’s Kitchen Cabinet.” Hey, yeah, there were bumps along the road (I dated the nicest guy EVAR, but he happened to be black and PatriciaMom threw a fit, “We don’t do that.”) But at the end of the day I’m married to a wonderful man (who happens to be Hispanic and, who, PatriciaMom likes more than she likes Patricia – he gets special presents at Christmas and shit) and we have wonderful children whom my parents adore. Evolution is the shit, right? (Patricia + 8?)
A hopeful story, epistemologically complex Patricia. People can change.
For a second I thought you were talking about the wonderful children’s book, “Harold and the Purple Serious Deathblow.”
Manson emoticon?
Balloon-Juice terminology (I thought it would translate). Patricia + 8 drinks.
All drunk and nowhere to go. Just like prom night. I’ve always had the worst timing.
Ah, a dead thread, just like I like it. Patricia + 13?
Keeping the thread alive….
Non-Existent Party of One….
I’m here. Sleep has deserted me.
Sensible countries are also awake
How does that explain me, then?
Not sensible.
o/t, but anyone noticed the Richard Dawkins/elevator man bru ha ha (sp?) developing…. “Advice Goddess” has just weighed in with her brand of bullshit!
the mangoes are confused!
Watson-Dawkins, you say?
Also, too. While that may be the most coherent thing I’ve ever read of hers, it’s still drivel.
Too, also. Until now, I had never noticed the picture of her dog. Ugh.
Manson emoticon?
OKIC what you did there.
(Golf clap)
(Patricia + 8?)
Krenwinkel, izzat you?
Tell’em Charlie sent you.
The Dawkins thing really pisses me off. I expected this kind of crap from Christopher Hitchens, but I thought Dawkins was one of the good guys.
I was just reading some incredibly depressing comments on some dickwad’s blog re: Watson/Dawkins, looked at a magic horse to cheer myself up, and have no appetite for more comments from privileged men just DO NOT FUCKING GET IT. I think I am officially done lurking at the car wreck.
I read ~3000 comments at PZ’s and all I got from it was that there are a lot of men who are an embarrassment to our gender and damned proud of that fact.
Yeah, I had to stop reading at some point because I was getting that must-softly-beat-my-head-against-the-wall-til-i-go-numb feeling.
I read stuff like that and I get depressed. I’m like, “Am I really sharing a world with that many clueless men?” And, it’s weird…cuz I’m around men a lot. I rather like men. And 98% of the time, I seem to get along with them JUST FINE. Where are these cretins?
If I want misogyny I’ll just go to man boobz (although sometimes even that place depresses me). At least those MRA guys have an excuse– they’re incredibly fucking stupid.
I rather like men.
I am shocked, SHOCKED! to hear that’s going on around here.
I know. In my duties as a strawfeminist, aren’t I supposed to HATE men?
Oh dear.
I know. In my duties as a strawfeminist, aren’t I supposed to HATE men?
Just baby hormones. It will wear off in a couple of months and you’ll be back to burning your shaver and hating on men.
And 98% of the time, I seem to get along with them JUST FINE. Where are these cretins?
You’re witnessing the same phenomenon that applies to race, homosexuality, anything different from being a white male. White males, by and large, still feel a little streak of superiority, whether they try to or not. So while they may do a good job of hiding that in public, they often feel a little conflicted. Add an anonymous forum full of like minded needle-dicked apes, and you can literally watch 50 years of evolution turn back before your eyes.
Yep, you’re right. The Intertubes is a wonderful and terrible place.
OK, I found this video on youtube while looking at the somegreybloke vid. I didn’t think it was possible, but I think this man may actually be talking with his asshole. And I can’t believe the shit that’s coming out of it. Oh, if you look at the comments–he can’t spell. Big surprise.
I was always partial to Serious Deathblow 2: Electric Deathblowaloo. Anyways, it was way bettar than Too Serious, Too Deathblow.
Aww shit. I got distracted by Electric Boogaloo and missed out on teh obvious sequel:
<Serious Deathblow 2: Serious Deathblower
And FYWP tagfail IblameObama.
comment at arnold alkon = scariest thing i’ve ever read:
Jeez, what meathead. Skepchick, that is. Look, I’m 6″2, I’m lean and I’m strong. If I’m in an elevator with a woman asking her out, I’m not trying to rape her. If I wanted to rape her, I would.
And FYWP tagfail IblameObama.
damn that obama and his gigantic blank check!
Isn’t that lovely?
Isn’t that lovely?
indeed…and i love how he follows it up with ‘but we like you! you are purty and smellz gud…me big strong guy in awe of all-powerful woman’ bullshit…
Add an anonymous forum full of like minded needle-dicked apes, and you can literally watch 50 years of evolution turn back before your eyes.
The Internets allow you to spew everything you want to without consequence; naturally it’s going to bring out the worst in a lot of people.
If I wanted to rape her, I would.
Cheerful thought.
If I wanted to rape her, I would.
If I wanted to beat you to death with a baseball bat, I would.
o/t but pretty funneh:
i heart words…
If I wanted to beat you to death with a baseball bat, I would.
you do want to, right? cuz i do!
I love guys who say, “I had opportunities to rape, but I didn’t. What a great guy I am!”.
I’ve had plenty of “opportunities” to stab people in the eye with my keys, but I don’t feel like I should get a frickin’ medal for refraining from doing so.
and while i’m at it, fuck arnold alkon! really?! being propositioned in an elevator at 4 in the morning is ALOT more fucking unnerving than knowing that some dude is checking out your ass when you walk by…NOT THE SAME ARNOLD…
“If I wanted to beat you to death with a baseball bat, I would.”
(((((((((((tsam))))))))))))<————intertubes hug
If I wanted to rape her, I would.
Apparently, he has less impulse control than Mini__B, less sense than a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk, and less charm than the Repub presidential candidates negatively combined.
o/t again…probably NOT our biggest concern right now
i know, shocking right?
They all seem to be… Coincidence?
They all seem to be… Coincidence?
nah…i think it’s because of all of us uptight bitches who scream everytime they look at us…
and totes NOT because they are cretins…
There is NO WAY a catch like this is still on the market.
There is NO WAY a catch like this is still on the market.
You don’t want all catches.
If I wanted to rape her, I would.
In the elevator, which has an alarm button and may stop for more passengers? Or would you, say, try to get someone someplace more private, with no possibility of security cameras, etc? Seriously, do people have no sense? It’s NOT crazy to be apprehensive of a complete stranger trying to get you to a private location.
If I wanted to rape her, I would.
If I thought I could get away raping her, I would.
i think it’s because of all of us uptight bitches who scream everytime they look at us…
I always assumed that women screamed when I got near because of my good looks and celebrity.
Shorter Nancy French:
trying to turn men into women.
Oooh la la.
I’ve had plenty of “opportunities” to stab people in the eye with my keys, but I don’t feel like I should get a frickin’ medal for refraining from doing so.
I do, on occasion, feel that me not stabbing someone in the face is medal-worthy. Not the fleeting thoughts of doing it, but the ones where I’m clearly in the presence of someone awful and doesn’t understand just how awful they are.
“Women with jobs who feed their babies with formula are materialistic whores trying to turn men into women.”
Fuck you, bitch. Because we women who can’t breastfeed for one reason or another didn’t freak out and cry and gnash our teeth about it enough. Thanks for adding more judgement and pressure. ASSHOLE.
“Look, I’m 2’2, I’m nearly spherical and I’m surprisingly strong. If I’m in an elevator with a woman asking for her boob, I’m not trying to suckle. If I wanted to suckle, I would.”
Disney, especially princess products. Walt Disney didn’t love Mickey Mouse, that’s an acronym.
There are poptarts in the toyota commercial?
N_B,no kidding about that surprisingly strong part.
I read ~3000 comments at PZ’s and all I got from it was that there are a lot of men who are an embarrassment to our gender and damned proud of that fact.
That’s why I’ve only ever read one comment thread at PZ’s. The smarter-than-thou scientist / atheist crowd reads pretty much just like libertarians with slightly different dogma.
Xecky –
To be fair, the real assholes were almost all not PZ regulars.
“That’s why I’ve only ever read one comment thread at PZ’s. The smarter-than-thou scientist / atheist crowd reads pretty much just like libertarians with slightly different dogma”
Hmmmm. I don’t feel that way AT ALL. when the mra’ers aren’t out in force the comments there are great.
Thanks for adding more judgement and pressure. ASSHOLE.
Mrs Slacker too had difficulty boob-feeding our dude and dudette, and before too long she and I both said, screw it, let’s get some formula and give the kid what he or she needs.
I really detest assholes out there who insist that breast-feeding is teh bestest fing evah, because it really really is not for some moms and the kid suffers if you delude these moms into believing the myth. Friend of friend recently had to have their 3-week old kid taken into neonatal care and put on a drip because the mom had been taken in by the mammary-fascists…
Speaking of assholes – Ruprecht Murdoch. Do not read if you are not ready to have your blood boil. His people had better hope that their victims decide not to stoop to their level.
I will stab anyone who tries to get me out of the boat.
“He loved Big
BrotherMama“I, for one, welcome etc.
I’ll cut a bitch.
Speaking of assholes – Ruprecht Murdoch.
Was that a Hellboy reference or were you just Germanizing the man’s name for general villainous effect? Just wondering.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels reference I think.
Breast feeding: DO NOT break the Mommy laws.Everyone else knows what is right for you.
Second, men and women are different.
goddamn! nancy french has proven to be just as smart as lloyd marcus!
After all, why don’t men take off work to stay home, instead of their over-worked, stressed-out wives? Well, it feels silly to point this out to a panel of experts, but men and women are different. We have complementary skills and abilities. Women, for example, are the ones with stretch marks and breasts that nourish. Men cannot gestate a baby, no matter how manicured, effeminized, and metrosexual society tries to make them.
in other words, you brought ’em, now dance with ’em?
I’m afraid the republicans set this ball in motion when they elected the first developmentally-disabled president. – vacuumslayer
I dunno. There is a difference between developmentally disabled on the one hand and GW Bush on the other.
GWB is one of the people most likely to get beaten up by a gang of developmentally disabled toughs wearing t-shirts saying “I’m a retard, what’s your excuse?” and “I may be retarted, but you’re just dumb” at a Huey Lewis and the News concert.
Fuck you, bitch. Because we women who can’t breastfeed for one reason or another didn’t freak out and cry and gnash our teeth about it enough. Thanks for adding more judgement and pressure. ASSHOLE.
huzzah!!! i couldn’t breast feed my first cuz she was a preemie and in a hospital 3.5 hours away…as for the second child, i got turned off by the helpful guidebook which told me to ‘rough up your nipples with a washcloth’ to make them tuff enuff for the real deal…they also recommended ‘enlarging the circle of friends and family who watch you breastfeed gradually.’ ummmm…no thanks?
I dunno. There is a difference between developmentally disabled on the one hand and GW Bush on the other.
GWB is one of the people most likely to get beaten up by a gang of developmentally disabled toughs wearing t-shirts saying “I’m a retard, what’s your excuse?” and “I may be retarted, but you’re just dumb” at a Huey Lewis and the News concert.
as the mother of a dd child, i found this most amusing…i totally want to buy the daughter those shirts….
Another reason Democrats are LOSERS.
Ok, yeah. Republicans don’t give us a daily laundry list of reasons why we could destroy them–let’s focus on the fringe weirdos nobody cares about. FML.
ha ha…this is why mn’sotans make iowan jokes
Women, for example, are the ones with stretch marks and breasts that nourish. Men cannot gestate a baby
Don’t know what stretch marks have to do with anything, but men do have milk ducts and can lactate.
I too read all the comments on at least three of those threads. It was depressing.
I can’t believe how many men are butthurt that women have to be wary of rapists. It’s like drummed into college girls, don’t walk alone, follow a route that includes call boxes, wear your rape whistle, don’t take open drinks, etc, etc.
To hear reality just made these dudez flip their shit. You mean when you met me the first time in a dark bar you were counting the exits and watching my hands near your drink? I can’t believe all men are guilty until proven innocent! Your life must be so scary and alone! Lighten up!
Surprise dumbshits: Rape culture. Look it up.
Even now, even on new threads there’s dudez showing up to say “lol, that elevator guy didn’t do anything, why are you still talking about it?”
But more on topic, these are probably the same guys that think affirmative action isn’t necessary any more. White privilege is already gone and discrimination has been solved.
After all, why don’t men take off work to stay home, instead of their over-worked, stressed-out wives?
Hey, for those of you still looking for a socialest utopia to relocate to – Ontario ain’t teh best for this, but it’s not bad. Pregnancy leave is 17 weeks and only applies to birth mothers – but parental leave is an additional 35 weeks and can be taken by either parent. As of half a decade ago, one in five dads was taking some parental leave. If you also count in those dads that take time off without collecting parental leave benefits – it’s 55%.
I couldn’t breast feed because I don’t have breasts. My wife opted not to because it didn’t work out when she tried with her first kid. I was in full support, mostly because–well, mostly because that was her choice, but second-mostly because–I thought formula was still the default. Apparently breast feeding is all the rage again, though. And not just among stupid NRO assholes like Ms. French, but among hippie liberal chicks too. She actually feels more ashamed around them than anyone else, not that anyone has been rude enough to give her shit.
People who comment here frequently think I’m an ass — and sometimes they’re right.
And then some.
That might bring it on home for teh red blooded murkins.
Breast feeding is very much in vogue. And I have no doubt it’s for good reason. But when I think of what I went thru trying to make it work when it just wouldn’t…the tears, the anxiety…it severely dampened those first couple weeks with my son.
My stepmother is a hippy/midwife… And I was sick thinking about telling her about formula feeding. I put so much pressure on myself. I pretty much had to be talked off the ledge at some point during those first days.
Honestly, I’m still torn up about it. I feel like everyone will think I’m a bad mother. Ugh.
I don’t feel that way AT ALL. when the mra’ers aren’t out in force the comments there are great.
Maybe I caught the wrong thread, then.
You need an answer for that?
The term was first widely used during World War II and the resulting refugee outflows from Eastern Europe,[1] when it was used to specifically refer to one removed from his or her native country as a refugee, prisoner or a slave laborer. The meaning has significantly broadened in the past half-century. A displaced person may also be referred to as a forced migrant. The term “refugee” is also commonly used as a synonym for displaced person, causing confusion between the general descriptive class of anyone who has left their home and the subgroup of legally defined refugees who enjoy specified international legal protection. Most of the victims of war, political refugees and DPs of the immediate post-Second World War period were Ukrainians, Poles and other Slavs who refused to return to Soviet-dominated eastern Europe. There is also internally displaced people, as in, they haven’t left their original country. One such example would be First Nations people coralled in reserves, and those sent to residential schools. Another example is those who have been removed by governmental bodies from their homes.
Lotta displaced people around.
Honestly, I’m still torn up about it. I feel like everyone will think I’m a bad mother. Ugh
i know, i know…it’s been 21 years since i birthed my last child and i still feel guilty for not breast feeding…but don’t beat yourself up over it…i’m guessing you cannot put your feet behind your head, right? just something your body won’t let you do…same as not being physically able to breastfeed…
don’t spend ANYmore time focussing on what you can’t do and not in your control and focus istead on all the awesome stuff you can and do do for dudeskull…enjoy every single second of him…even the poopie times, cuz it’s going to go too fast…
also, too…yes, i said ‘do do’
I feel like everyone will think I’m a bad mother. Ugh.
That’s bullshit. Don’t ever think that (actually, barely a day goes by when as a parent you don’t feel guilty about something, so you will, but I’m just going to say don’t because you shouldn’t…)
This is precisely why I loathe the breast-feeding fanatics. Here’s the thing, we should all accept that b-f is healthy for mom and kid, and it’s more convenient too. So there’s no problem encouraging moms to b-f, helping them, teaching them, etc etc, but unless it is framed for its practical benefits its just a stinking bunch of junk science.
Anyone given the impression b-f is the only healthy option – it isn’t. Far more unhealthy is forcing moms who are having real difficulty into doing it. I’ll try and repeat what Mrs Slacker has said to other moms who have gone through what you are dealing with – “Fuck them and their fucking self-righteous, guilt-trip dressed up as parental-advice cockamamie.” There’s nothing wrong with formula at all, and get this – if you do switch to formula, you get the metrosexual dads more involved in lil kidz stuff which gives the reactionaries a giant dose of sad.
I’m probably just a stupidly protective metrosexual guy, but really don’t take this shit about b-f lying down, Mrs Slacker hasn’t and our kids are doing fine.
VS, please don’t fret. My mother tried to breast feed me and I apparently would have nothing to do with it AT ALL. Latched onto a bottle something fierce, however. My guess is that it’s the baby who makes the choice…
Teh only thing you should feel bad about is feeling bad. Teh new mantra is healthy moms have healthy babies. And that’s not just for the pregnancy period – you have to be as sane and stable as you can be in order to provide teh support that little Dudeskull needs on his way to GLOBAL DOMINATION. You are the one responsible for developing his evil cackle and iron grip of doom. And maybe laser-eyes, because that would be pretty cool.
Ted the Slacker said,
July 11, 2011 at 19:07
I’ll second Ted’s comment. Fanatics are fanatics, whatever the topic: they might be loud but there’s really very few of them and most people find them obnoxious. Ignore them and do what’s right for you.
Latched onto a bottle something fierce, however.
Me, too. It nearly bankrupted my parents, keeping me in whiskey.
Too bad you can’t tell such folks you don’t breastfeed because then the goofballs you’re hopped up on would get to the baby but they are humorless assholes who can’t shut the fuck up about other folks’ business.
also, nancy french was the *co-writer* of bristle palin’s *book* so that right there tells you the calibre of her mind…
Hey VS,
Like I mentioned a couple weeks back, my wife was freaking and crying when she wasn’t making enough milk and breastfeeding wasn’t working, but with time it just got better. We still split it up though with nursing and bottles.
She also pumps sometimes and we get the breast milk into him that way.
Well next up for your Dudeskull is training him to go to sleep so you can get some sleep.
Hmmm… That may explain why I’m so short…
Breast feeding is very much in vogue. And I have no doubt it’s for good reason. But when I think of what I went thru trying to make it work when it just wouldn’t…the tears, the anxiety…it severely dampened those first couple weeks with my son.
My stepmother is a hippy/midwife… And I was sick thinking about telling her about formula feeding. I put so much pressure on myself. I pretty much had to be talked off the ledge at some point during those first days.
Honestly, I’m still torn up about it. I feel like everyone will think I’m a bad mother. Ugh.
There is nothing wrong with bottle-feeding babies, and you have no business worrying about what other people think of it. Aside from the face that you are a liberal and he narrowly survived a gay socialist abortion, nobody thinks you’re a bad mother.
the face? Pardon my french.
The French? Pardon my face!
Srsly though – the best thing a mom can do for her baby is me. But second best, is to look out for herself (usually by doing me) because she is essentially that babby’s entire world for the first few weeks.
I guess it’s not a bug surprise that I rate highly for moms being able to do whom they want – uh, i mean what they want. But this time there’s actually a good argument for it (other than the fact that I am amazing in teh sack).
An upset mother is way harder on babby than not breastfeeding. What I mean is, yeah there are some pretty good arguments for breastfeeding – but none of them are good enough to justify making a mom feel bad. Not. A. Single. One.
I, for one, am grateful that a212 is not here to offer assistance with vs’ breastfeeding difficulties.
Anyways, back on teh OT of misogynist d00ds and their hang-ups with teh womens, this made me larf out loud.
Ah, thanks very much for th encouraging words and stories, everybody. They made me feel great–honestly.
One last thing: when I was researching mixing breast and formula feeding. I would see these lists comparing the benefits of both. The first list would always consist of tons and tons laudatory reasons to do it. The second would consist of one: “Formula feeding allows you to share the duty with other people”
Why didnt they just call it The Selfish Bitch reason?
Strangely OT: “assholes” at my joint.
LOL. That’s about to enter my vernacular.
“An upset mother is way harder on babby than not breastfeeding. ”
Thanks, DK-W. You bring the wisdom with the lulz.
I like sharing the duty.
Lol. I said doody.
That ends up being shared too
Rule of thumb: If you’re worried that you’re a terrible parent, you’re probably not a terrible parent.
If you’re worried that you’re a terrible parent, you’re probably not a terrible parent.
Unfortunately, that “probably” covers a lot of very upsetting ground.
Corrollary: If you’re worried about the word “probably”, you probably don’t have anything to worry about
Fortunately zrm is not here, ’cause “baby food” has a whole other meaning as far as he’s concerned.
Fortunately zrm is not here, ’cause “baby food” has a whole other meaning as far as he’s concerned.
As does “breast feeding”
If you’re worried about the word “probably”, you probably don’t have anything to worry about
Maybe this makes me a sociopath, but I’m not worried that I might be a terrible parent. As a friend of mine said to me, if you’re not planning on beating your child, you’re ahead of most parents in history. I’m worried that I’ll do something more subtly stupid…something that the MRAs would applaud.
If you’re worried about the word “probably”, you probably don’t have anything to worry about
You really should be worried about the baggage retrieval system they have at Heathrow.
Aunt Acid said
This nym made me larf. Out loud I larfed…
Aunt Acid said
This nym made me larf. Out loud I larfed…
For me, it always brings this to mind.
I’m more reminded of this
I can’t believe I JUST got Aunt Acid’s name. Damn. Still, it took me far less time than it took me to get Lawnguylander’s.
Rule of thumb: If you’re worried that you’re a terrible parent, you’re probably not a terrible parent.
so true…also, one thing i have discovered through the years is that parents will lie through their teeth to make themselves feel they and/or their children are brilliant/well-mannered/successful/normal or wev…it is often the parents who talk like they have it all together or that it seems have the ‘perfect’ family, that really often have the most fucked up kids and relationships…
my kids are grown and i know i wasn’t a-1 at parenting 100% of the time…there are many moments i wish i could take back, but i (and i really should include teh hubby, so we) didn’t completely fuck our kids up…of course teh daughter is a special case and is agreed by all who know her to be a joy…and number one son is going to school and working and has a fab girlfriend and is happy with life…and i am soooooo proud of him…
all you can do as a parent, aside from the not wanting to beat your kids thing, is do the best you can…as long as your providing shelter, food, clothing, love, support while providing wisdom and learning, you got it made…
I can’t believe I JUST got Aunt Acid’s name. Damn. Still, it took me far less time than it took me to get Lawnguylander’s.
heh…i just got it last week!
i still don’t get lawnguylander’s…all i can ever think of is zoolander…
I can’t believe I JUST got Aunt Acid’s name.
You’re one of those people who pronounces it “ont,” right? This is where a Queens accent comes in handy: it’s “ant”.
i still don’t get lawnguylander’s
Try saying it out loud…
You’re one of those people who pronounces it “ont,” right?
nope…i am ‘ant’…just either too literal or something…
is it like longislander?
“You’re one of those people who pronounces it “ont,” right”
Nope, I’m just an idiot
well, i feel smarter than both lloyd marcus AND nancy french now!
i still don’t get it…
Keep tryin’!
That man’s got a Hugh Jackman!
you can do it!
Suddenly it’s the staff of Car Talk around here
Really, I find this sort of thing rather juvenile.
Just remember: if you can’t be an athlete, be a jockstrap.
Sometimes women don’t want to breastfeed. Sometimes they can’t. Self righteous assholes aren’t going to stop their squawking but we don’t have to listen. Being a man makes that much easier for me to say, sure, but what is being a man if not having it easy?
Lil g breastfed for a few weeks before his mom got sick of it and we switched to the bottle.
I’m worried that I’ll do something more subtly stupid
Don’t bet on it. I used to worry about that too. 17 years later, I haven’t really done anything that any MRA would be any more than indifferent to.
The trick is to not worry about what everyone else does and thinks. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. I made it 17 years without spanking any of my 3 kids. I couldn’t count the number of lectures I got about how spanking was required in order to save our children from becoming vampires.
You know what your core values are. Worry about that shit and let the other shit go. When they start to echo those values back at you, you’re going so happy you might cry.
ONOES, bad name puns.
What if Ella Fitzgerald had married Darth Vader?
@ A Dog walking on his hind legs.
Or if Anita Baker married Mannfred Mann?
When they start to echo those values back at you, you’re going so happy you might cry.
So…you’re saying I don’t have to worry about Mini__B becoming a Yankees fan?
Of course, the big question… Breastfeeding on elevators?
I was hoping for Carling Bassett marrying Ron Darling.
I love guys who say, “I had opportunities to rape, but I didn’t. What a great guy I am!”.
And *this* is what makes the reaction to Chris Rock’s “Niggers vs. Black People” so sad. It wasn’t about n-word privileges, it was about not being (in his words) a “low-expectations-having motherfucker”.
One of the saddest niggers I know is white– and, irritatingly, a relative of mine.
Breastfeeding on an elevator,
Suckling up while milk lets down.
Breastfeeding on an elevator,
Breastfeeding until mah belly’s round(er).
When they start to echo those values back at you, you’re going so happy you might cry.
I am happy with seeing a sense of humour in our daughter
I was unaware that anyone outside of Southern Ontario knew who Carling Basset is. True fact* – she’s named after the beer.
*Well sorta true anyways.
So…you’re saying I don’t have to worry about Mini__B becoming a Yankees fan?
Good lord! Speak not of such atrocities!
So…you’re saying I don’t have to worry about Mini__B becoming a Yankees fan?
Also Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers and Texas Rangers. These are all teams to avoid if you wish to be spared in my next purge.
Someone needs better gun control.
Comment from gun link:
I had to laugh–this video is just more in a mounting body of evidence that suggests the possession or use of cowboy hats makes one a dumbass. Like a playing-cops-and-robbers-shoot-yourself-in-leg type of dumbass. Like someone who would allow himself to filmed wearing a cowboy hat kind of dumbass.
Someone needs better gun control.
and that’s why his girlfriend calls him ‘pistol’…
Sort of like a Wii?
I like the way the shootee was getting up close and personal with the target which is why he went for his piece, i.e. being a dumbarse
I like the way the shootee was getting up close and personal with the target which is why he went for his piece, i.e. being a dumbarse
is that jon stewart on the target?
Not to mention, Lloyd Marcus was responsible for this abortion.
He was being mocked by the subject of the photograph. I have killed for less.
Not to mention, Lloyd Marcus was responsible for this abortion.
Comment from Jennifer’s link:
That’s a song that hasn’t got past the 64 cell stage
They aren’t JUST for kids, ya know.
omg, I just watched Jennifer’s vid. Why doesn’t he just be honest it and call that song “I Wanna Do You, Sarah”?
And, damn, what is WITH the wingnut bonerjams for her? I mean, she’s not unattractive and she’s not fat*. Other that than I don’t get the intense starbursting.
*I am not saying that being fat disqualifies you from being attractive, but unfortunately many people do think that.
Um, I pee. Freely.
In a VAN down by the river!
The good thing about people like this is that you don’t have to waste a single minute trying to find out that they’re useless psychos. There is one good use for bumper stickers.
omg, I just watched Jennifer’s vid. Why doesn’t he just be honest it and call that song “I Wanna Do You, Sarah”?
Yeah, I kept thinking, “I know what lever you’re pulling there, pal.”
Also. Too.
I knew that Marcus in that hat reminded me of something. (Scroll down just a little to the second photo.)
Pueblo Police Sergeant Eric Bravo
one of the coolest names, ever!
knew that Marcus in that hat reminded me of something. (Scroll down just a little to the second photo.)
that is so dead on! but, is the site you linked to for realz?!?
What if Ella Fitzgerald had married Darth Vader?
Ivana Trump + Neil Diamond.
That ones getting a little past the expiration date.
bbkf – the site? Hell, I dunno. I just went looking for the image & didn’t bother looking at the site. Imma go check it out now.
Hoo-boy, it’s Racistpalooza over there!!!
But then again, where else would you find an image of Chicken George?
Gaydar test.
Somebody needs to ‘shop in an adult novelty, in place of the microphone.
I think it’s supposed to be a parody site… but these days it’s hard to tell.
Barack Obama has many names. He’s been called Savior, Messiah, and The Anointed One. He’s the first biracial and, some say, first post-racial president. He is charged as the leader of the free world, defender of democracy, and America’s head of state. He’s an accomplished organizer, spellbinding orator, and historically significant occupant of the Oval Office. And, he is a tyrant.
Americans hate tyrants. Tyrants are ruthless villains, hostile to the basic freedoms granted to humanity by God. Enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have spoken hope to Americans and to freedom-loving people around the world for 235 years. But, these basic, God-given rights are under assault. Not by international forces, but from within. From within America. From within the U.S. government itself and directly from the Office of the President.
Writing in the New England Journal of Political Science, Kris Aaron Beck and Prathibha V. Joshi discuss tyranny and tyrants in exhaustive detail in their work “On Tyranny: The Political and Economic Characteristics of the Authoritarian Regime.” According to Beck and Joshi, tyrants and tyrannies differ depending upon the political systems that they seek to dominate. Yet, there are characteristics common to all tyrants:
#1. Consolidation of Power (page 65).
Tyrants move quickly to centralize and consolidate power by “investing into one entity the authority to make political decisions previously found within multiple institutions.”
Barack Obama is currently in the consolidation phase of his tyrannical foray. He violates laws with impunity, forcing Congress and/or the Supreme Court to rein him in. Obama’s response to accusations of illegal activity might best be paraphrased as “You don’t like it? So sue me.”
Long, drawn out legal battles work in Obama’s favor. Legal attempts to rein in such a tyrant can be frustrating and only serve to give the apostate leader additional time and freedom to strengthen his hold.
By definition, tyranny is the “arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power.” Whether it’s Congressional oversight, court orders, or the American People, Obama is well-versed in circumventing any authority that may seek to limit his acquisition of power.
Though unpopular, unwanted, and un-Constitutional, he rammed a $2-trillion healthcare bill down the throats of an unwilling American people and then defied court orders restricting its implementation. He has violated the War Powers Act in Libya and has ignored court orders regarding his moratorium on offshore drilling.
In a move worthy of any would-be tyrant, Obama has proposed illegally requiring businesses competing for government contracts to disclose their political contributions.
Clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment, Obama and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano applaud the TSA’s warrantless groping of men, women, children, the elderly, and the infirm during airport screenings that reek of police state tactics.
The Justice Department has gone rogue too, ceasing defense of The Defense of Marriage Act and prosecution of hate crimes when the victims are white. Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party when members brandished clubs, made ethnic slurs, and threatened white voters attempting to enter the polls.
Obama’s federal power-grab has expanded into suing and threatening states. He sued Arizona for daring to enforce immigration law and joined a lawsuit against Indiana’s defunding of Planned Parenthood. The ATF is pressuring Montana and 7 additional states for passing the Firearms Freedom Act which restricts Federal regulation of firearms made and sold within the states’ borders. Obama even threatened to declare the entire state of Texas a “no fly zone” should the Texas legislature criminalize TSA screening procedures.
As a raw, political tactic Obama has refused to secure the southern border while Americans die on American soil at the hands of criminal illegal aliens. Undaunted, lawless Obama used executive powers to enact immigration policies through the back door, bypassing Congress and the rule of law.
When Obama’s Cap and Trade carbon-taxing scheme failed in Congress, he simply had the EPA declare carbon to be a toxic pollutant and open to regulation.
This is tyranny. And it must be stopped.
#2. Excessive Self-Love (page 45).
The defining characteristic of all tyrants, “…excessive self-love characterizes tyrannies and tyrants above all else[.]”
Tyrants are runaway narcissists. Lovers of self. Mirror-gazers. Free from empathy and empowered by apathy, these individuals are the users and abusers of society. Jailhouses are full of narcissists. As prolific serial liars, they live in a fantasy world of their own grandiose accomplishments, none of which have ever really occurred. A narcissist is a legend in his own mind. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Fidel Castro, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin — is it even arguable that these and others represent the dark extremes of self-love? Is it not then a concern that America’s current president is world-renowned for his enormous ego, his arrogant behavior and haughty manner, his dismissive attitude and belief that he’s always the smartest guy in the room?
#3. They Hate the Middle Class (page 83).
“…tyrannies loathe the development of a large middle-class even though it can act as an engine of economic growth.”
A thriving middle class is dangerous for any tyrant. With time and income to allow for certain luxuries, middle-class citizens can also become politically active. A strong and vibrant middle class is essential for a healthy economy, but it is also a driving force for the expansion of liberty. Liberty is a tyrant’s Kryptonite. It would stand to reason that the destruction of the middle class by the reduction of middle-class wealth would be an endgame for the tyrant in training.
The 4-year-long mortgage meltdown coupled with real unemployment numbers as high as 22% is decimating the middle class. Middle-class wealth has traditionally been in the equity of their homes and every day, homeowners are stripped of their futures as home values plummet. Many will never recover and never own another home. Formerly proud homeowners are being forced into subservience to a landlord. But which landlord? The Federal Government is now the largest single owner of residential property in the United States. And they are renting. The largest transfer of wealth in American history is happening right now, foreclosure by foreclosure, from the middle class to the Federal Government.
#4. A Vision for the Country (page 70).
“To further their control and justify that initial oppression, tyrants offer a vision for the country that includes where they believe the country should go and how to solve its problems…”
Hitler preached an evil hybrid of German nationalism and racial hatred. Mao’s Cultural Revolution sought to stamp out all cultural influences not in agreement with his socialist agenda. Barack Obama’s vision is social justice. Social justice is an idea tailor-made for tyrants. In his 3-volume work Law, Legislation and Liberty, F.A. Hayek warns of the dangers of social justice. On page 68 of Volume II, The Mirage of Social Justice, he tells us that “[s]o long as the belief in ‘social justice’ governs political action, this process must progressively approach nearer and nearer to a totalitarian system.”
With a smiling face, bold oratory, and lofty-sounding ideals, Barack Obama was able to convince America to trust him with the most powerful office in the world. He was thought to be unique. A healer. A man who would bind up the nation’s wounds and help us to move beyond the national shame of 246 years of slavery and a 100-year struggle for civil rights. He promised to improve America’s standing in the world, strengthen our economy, and promote fairness and equality. In 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his most famous speech, I Have A Dream. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” America wondered if Barack Obama might be the fulfillment of Dr. King’s dream. As it turns out, he was.
Regardless of political persuasion, race, or economic status, most Americans quietly hoped that Barack Obama would succeed as president, grow our economy, and live up to his Oath of Office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Thirty months into his term as president, the evidence is overwhelming and America is horrified. Americans en masse have awakened to a president drunk with the wine of presidential power. Lawless, unaccountable, and unwilling to be restrained, Barack Obama has broken trust with America and he is being judged just as Dr. King had dreamed. Not by the color of his skin, but by the delinquent content of his character.
Barack Obama has many names. A new one is offered here for America to consider.
“Tyrannus Obama Rex.”
Obama, the Tyrant King.
If he’s a T-rex, how come his arms aren’t real short?
nuthin……just wanted the name
calling all humans.
Bran flakes. Thank you.
Thanking the bran flakes.
“If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the “n” word when referring to black conservatives.”–Lloyd Marcus
Now that’s a guy with a novel definition of “the left,” not to mention “freely.”
This leftist (me) would describe Marcus as an opportunistic, stupid contrarian. Also unserious and unprincipled — lying about racism being at least unhelpful and more often harmful.
It’s quite an accomplishment for a black man to write that many words about race without stepping on any racists’ toes. Correction: Marcus concedes that a black person could conceivably be the best choice for the White House. He does it in a way that makes it crystal clear he’d be just fine with it never happening, for the good of the country.
Bran Mak Morn
“Excessive Self-Love” really is the perfect Sadly, Nym! .
Ah’ll be in mah bunk.
It’s all yours Spear. Really, I ……I want you to have it.
Walks off into dust storm……
Back atcha.
Mwa ha ha ha etc.
Obama the Dinosaur king
If you are a black conservative, the left views you as you are a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the “n” word when referring to black conservatives
I assume “the left” here means “black people in rap videos.” Never heard anyone else refer to black people, conservative or otherwise, with the N word, though “Uncle Tom” has been used (most unfairly to Harriet Beecher Stowe, who’d never have wanted association with the Confederate Party no matter what color the Johnny Reb in question was).
Black conservatives, though, are pretty much the poster men for conservative voters as a whole. Either so stupid that they don’t realize their bosses are robbing them blind, or hoping to escape that fate by helping them rob everyone else blind. Being black just makes it more blatant; there’s really nothing in Lloyd Marcus that’s not there in pretty much the entire conservative base.
And good lord, this is one smelly, persistent cave-troll. Singled out this part of the copy-paste;
Clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment, Obama and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano applaud the TSA’s warrantless groping of men, women, children, the elderly, and the infirm during airport screenings that reek of police state tactics.
And conservatives, to their credit, led the charge against those measures. To the sound of “stop groping our men, women, children, elderly and infirm – go grope THESE PEOPLE’s men, women, children, elderly and infirm! THEY deserve it!” [Insert racial epithet usually designating the wrong group of people]
Frankly, that did a lot to douse my outrage at the TSA’s measures.
Of course Obama’s a dinosaur. He is one of the Reptilians, after all.
Troll babble:
No, no, no. It’s Harry Reid who is The Anointed One, or sometimes The Phallic Lord of the Western Sands. Obama is the Seventh Spawn of Cthulhu, Lizard King, the Devourer of Souls, or General Secretary of the Communist Party of Hell.
Aw, JesusfuckingChristonacorndogstick.
Whinyassfuckingtittybabies who haven’t budged a cunthair since day one, and in fact have kept pushing for more and more every time they crack their collective fishmaw. Petulant little shitweasels. I’ve known five year old girls who would behave better if someone shat on their birthday cake. Fuck.
From the last thread:
marco said,
July 9, 2011 at 22:14
How many cats do think she has at home? Forty?
Hey, marco, lay off the crazy cat ladies – some of us ain’t quite that crazy, thanks.
AND fucking nymfail. grrrrrrrr.
Barack Obama has many names. He’s been called Savior, Messiah, and The Anointed One.
O’course, he’s been called that by weirdo nutcase righties busy yanking on their todgers and drooling down their chins while they type with one hand. Why can’t we make up some bizarre lies out of whole cloth and get it accepted by most of the media? Why can’t we shriek constantly like a castrato being rogered? What’s to stop us creating malignant fantasies with which to impugn the right?
Answer: because we have (a) brains, and (b) self-respect.
I’m glad you answered that. I was starting to wonder.
And, damn, what is WITH the wingnut bonerjams for her? I mean, she’s not unattractive and she’s not fat*. Other that than I don’t get the intense starbursting.
yeah, i wondered about that too. I suppose she is ok looking, as it goes, but to paraphrase someone; “I thought you were nice, then you spoke.” As for the wingnut boners, I don’t think its for her looks, its the fantasy of being well spanked by her, following a naked chase through the wilds of Alaska, or some related wingnut fantasy.
Whinyassfuckingtittybabies who haven’t budged a cunthair since day one, and in fact have kept pushing for more and more every time they crack their collective fishmaw. Petulant little shitweasels. I’ve known five year old girls who would behave better if someone shat on their birthday cake. Fuck.
say what you mean here, dont sit on the fence…..
but we all know in our hearts that even though this is a kiddies temper tantrum, Obama will fold…. sad, but true…
“So you’d better meet our fucking price, because really, what sort of existential question can’t be bought off?”
Who the fuck do they think they’re fooling with this bullshit?
Also, too. Don’t ask how I know about the birthday cake thing.
So, “existential question” = “Meet our price, like quick” now.
I know The Base is a bunch of suckers, but really…
Also, too. Don’t ask how I know about the birthday cake thing.
Another Kiwi said,
July 11, 2011 at 21:17
@ A Dog walking on his hind legs.
And if they catch you in the darga, arga warga.
Thanks, AK, you old Riddley-ite you.
VS – I’ve not spawned myself, which of course makes me the ultimate authority on breastfeeding. And I’ve gotta say that if it ain’t working, it ain’t working, and as DKW says you’ve got to feed up the young Evil Overlord with a bottle and no qualms. Don’t let any moral scold with a mouth like a cat’s arse make you feel guilty.
Here’s the cawk of it: None of the scripts anyone has referenced here do fuck-all to stop the idiocy in either Chrome or Firefox, for me. Yes, I have Greasemonkey installed for Firefox. Yes, I’ve had shit like this work for me on Atrios and Plum Line in the past. No, I’m not a fucking idiot.
Rupert Who? Great minds at NRO know Center-Right cloaking itself in conservatism when they see it:
…has there ever been a bigger piece of left-wing propaganda than Avatar?…
…hasn’t Murdoch bragged about News Corp’s environmental policies and how it uses Fox movies and TV shows to push a “green” agenda? Would a conservative do that?…
Since I’m not brave enough to get outa da boat, did the tossbag mention how scandalous it would be if a wimmins got in Da Whitey House? I mean, centre of the Free Wurreld and all, shame the US has been beaten to the Femme Head of State sceptre by the likes of Britain, Pakistan, and Chile.
I suspect that if a woman got in, one of two things would happen: if it was Michele Bachmann or the like, he’d whittle his willy down to nothing in a frenzy of masturbation, while if it was more like Michelle Obama, he’d spontaneously explode.
If a woman was elected Prez, she might do something frivolous, like change the china pattern.
New PJTV column offers advice on how to deal with hurt fee-fees for people who live around liberals, thus confirming once again that conservatism is something for psychologists rather than politicians to deal with.
Dunning-Kruger writ large.
y’all are not helping an already miserable morning…
Where’s the appreciative joy?
that’s where the cat-o-nine tails come in…
mood not getting any better…just heard on the radio that three young men from a town about 30 odd miles from here strangled their mother and hid her body in the back yard…the last straw for them was a game of yahtzee…
from paperbagmarlys link:
BwwAAahAHaHAHahaAHHAHAAAHHh!!ones. That soft-porn celebrity news tabloid paper is teh Sun. You know, teh paper wot won it. That makes no attempt at pretending it’s not an ultra-right über-conservatard totes partial and partisan and even activist rag. So based only on the very same softcore-pr0ns being cited – yes, conservatives would do that. And by that I mean insulting their readership’s intelligence by blatantly exploiting women – for mo’ moneys. Yeah, I am having difficulties thinking of conservatards that wouldn’t be allupons for that.
,,,and I guess some of his newspapers have right-leaning editorial pages, but isn’t it also true that one of his biggest papers sells soft-porn alongside celebrity news? Would a conservative do that?
Ah yes, the eternal defense of the conservative AFTER the person on his side of the aisle is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Well, he’s stealing cookies! No REAL conservative would steal cookies!”
The absolute best trick conservatives ever played on their idiot fan base is the moral sentinel ploy. Be against softcore pornography, then splatter all over the place to show everyone how prevalent it is in our ever-declining, ever-decaying society.
The fuckwits eat it up.
From Cooke’s original piece:
After all there is nothing wrong with having unelected foreign nationals shaping policy. Howlin; Mad Murdoch is accountable to his shareholders (aside from the fact that he owns controlling interest in voting shares) and his board of directors (which he happens to be Chairman of). That’s at least as much accountability as the other cabinet ministers have to deal with*.
*Sadly true.
,,,and I guess some of his newspapers have right-leaning editorial pages, but isn’t it also true that one of his biggest papers sells soft-porn alongside celebrity news? Would a conservative do that?
are their conservatives the same as our conservatives? or is it like the private/public school thing?
that’s where the cat-o-nine tails come in
,,,are their conservatives the same as our conservatives?
Their Conservatives closer to our Conservatives than your conservatives (says teh Canuck). This is teh party of Iron Chancellor Thatcher. But it’s all pretty much from teh same selfish short-sighted sociopathic scumbag set. Example, teh current “Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves” farce is David Cameron’s Big Society, which is a plan to massively cut the social security safety net and encourage private persons and charities to pick up teh slack
farce is David Cameron’s Big Society, which is a plan to massively cut the social security safety net and encourage private persons and charities to pick up teh slack
hmmmmmm, i fail to see what could go wrong with such a plan…
i had my right hand held up in the ‘universal sign of sarcasm’ whilst typing the above…
wow…who knew political talk could kill a sadly thread?
I do hate it when I cannot get my “Large Straight”
…which is a plan to massively cut the social security safety net and encourage private persons and charities to pick up teh slack
Someone should refer them to: “United States: History Of: 1980 – present”
Aside from British cabinet ministers, I figure there are several US congress critters who are accountable to Murdoch’s shareholders and board of directors as well.
Chris’ link is beyond awesome. The lack of self-awareness among the wingnut crowd is groin-grabbingly astonishing. Take everything the author said about liberals, apply it to conservatives, and the advice is actually GOOD!
Chris’ link is beyond awesome. The lack of self-awareness among the wingnut crowd is groin-grabbingly astonishing. Take everything the author said about liberals, apply it to conservatives, and the advice is actually GOOD!
i thought the exact same thing!
under the tag ‘oh, puhleeeeze!’:
from a fb friend’s status: I wonder if everyone would miss Betty ford so much if she had been a conservative woman married to a Democratic president.
Clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment, Obama and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano applaud the TSA’s warrantless groping
George W Bush? Who he?
one of his biggest papers sells soft-porn alongside celebrity news? Would a conservative do that?
Does it make him tons of money? Does it sell papers and get his bullshit political views read by more people? Because please, let’s not pretend conservatives have any values beyond money and power. They’d open gaybortaramas if it got them money and power.
The coal industry calls the people of West Virginia “A bunch of inbreds” (or word to that effect) in a legal brief. Keep it classy guys.
That must be why view them as expendable
This clip should be useful for Hospitality Business training vids to illustrate the concept of overserved.
This clip should be useful for Hospitality Business training vids to illustrate the concept of overserved.
good lord, the man is such a huge slob…but at least he doesn’t have massive wine stains on the front of his shirt as jonah would…
…which is a plan to massively cut the social security safety net and encourage private persons and charities to pick up teh slack
Someone should refer them to: “United States: History Of: 1980 – present”
Or the period before the Great Depression. Private persons and charities NEVER completely picked up the slack.
Private persons and charities NEVER completely picked up the slack.
why would they? their exceptionalism and wealth is ordained by god…it’s not their fault that the poor can’t provide for themselves…maybe the poor should just believe in god more…
The coal industry calls the people of West Virginia “A bunch of inbreds” (or word to that effect) in a legal brief. Keep it classy guys.
“So I had Cheneys on both sides of the family and we don’t even live in West Virginia!”
– Dick Cheney
Not going to lie; I do get a small schadenfreudy vibe every time an incident like this pops up and reminds the conservative voter base that their heroes are every bit as contemptuous and mocking of them as the fictional liberal elitists they’re always getting worked up about. Even if it never sticks out in their memories.
(Frankly, I imagine a lot of campaign strategists laugh their heads off at every campaign cycle once they’re behind closed doors, at just how much crap they were able to make them swallow).
“are their conservatives the same as our conservatives? or is it like the private/public school thing?”
The difference is that our conservative politics is in the crapper while theirs is in the loo.
The rub is that wingnutty ideas have consistently been so seminal in US* history. Manifest Destiny, Big Stick policy, isolationism, Bircherism, Team B, the lip-music-based magical thinking of Greenspan, trickle-down theory … & so many more.
Seductively comforting bullshit: never a drug on the market.
*Also influential elsewhere … British Columbia was run by SoCreds (in partnership with MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.) for decades. A few of the current senior Liberals (& local pundit curmudgeons) are former SoCreds.
Heh, is Murdoch a conservative? Gee, I don’t know, is Reagan? No real conservative would ever raise taxes or give amnesty to messicans. Is Gingrich? No true conservative would have an extra-marital affair with a real live girl unless there was a diaper or wet suit involved..
I also like the comments discussing “conservative” in the UK compared to here, as if that had anything to do with whether Murdoch, a US citizen of Australian origin, is a “conservative.”
Is Murdoch truly a conservative or is his main motivation making money?
He’s that uncomfortable yet strangely arousing feeling in your anus at this moment, whingnut!
Is Murdoch truly a conservative
orand is his main motivation making money?Does Dolly Parton sleep on her side?
Clicked on Chris’ link to get a mango, and the mango was ripe!
The original question was: How do you suggest I deal with the demeaning attitudes and intense anger that so many liberals express toward conservatives these days?
A helpful wit commented: In my experience a barrage of small arms fire works pretty well.
Oh, those mean liberals!
How do you suggest I deal with the demeaning attitudes and intense anger that so many liberals express toward conservatives these days?
Curling up in a ball and crying “mommy” works so well for Glennnn Beck, I’m surprised it wasn’t the first answer.
OMG, this may be the best mango ever grown in the “Pajamas Media” orchard, from the actual article:
When your interlocutor reads the New York Times and The New Yorker, listens to National Public Radio, and watches The Rachel Maddow Show — all uncritically and in the mistaken belief that these are objective sources of accurate information, what you’re dealing with is a person with an extremely restricted understanding of the country and the world. These parochial news sources reinforce one another. And even worse, the liberal will usually refuse to expose him-or-herself to a wider variety of sources. I, myself, had the experience of emailing a liberal acquaintance a link to an insightful op-ed piece that appeared in a newspaper that is, apparently, on the liberal “do not read” list. In reply, he wrote, “The Wall Street Journal? Please take me off your distribution list, Belladonna.” Wouldn’t even read it. He saw the source, knew it wasn’t approved, and that was that.
Oh, how droll!
Oh, PJMedia, I just can’t quit you… (last copypaste, I swear!):
What not to do: Don’t think you can convert a liberal to your views. Political affiliation has become a matter of tribal and personal identification with a group. Although it may appear to be rational, it isn’t, entirely. It’s emotional. The desire to remain a liberal, even in the face of all the evidence of its failures, is born of humanity’s — and all living creatures’ — deepest instincts to affiliate with others and to retain that affiliation regardless of logic or facts. Not everyone has either the desire or the need to think analytically about political realities. Many base their politics on a yearning to be part of a movement larger than themselves.
Try to be patient with your liberal friends. Their unexamined premises and their overwhelming desire for affiliation with their tribe are understandable, and not everyone has the temperament or inclination to think for him-or-herself. They’re like prisoners trapped in a dungeon, unable to escape.
You could approach the challenge this way: try to show the liberals in your life what a thoughtful conservative is really like — as distinct from the demented fiend on the lunatic fringe conjured by their fevered imaginations.
Oh, Belladonna Rogers, I just want to corner you at a cocktail party and ask you all about the successes of movement conservatism, as embodied by the Bush maladministration.
Oh, I forgot, Bush was always a closet liberal.
Oh, um, let me think. This is a toughie. You MIGHT TRY NOT BEING A INSUFFERABLE, UNINFORMED, LOUDMOUTHED FUCKING DIMWIT. That would be a fabulous start.
I was pleasantly surprised that quote came in an email moments ago from one of my Dem Senators, Jeff Merkley. It’s nice that somebody in DC has noticed that, too bad none of them actually seem to care enough to actually do anything about it.
With regard to this, way up thread:
I’ll defer to Pup on most things Portlandish, but I will second his recommendation of Apizza Scholl’s — great stuff.
Heh — Deferring to Pup.
As to beer, you can’t really go too wrong visiting any of the local breweries, although I have my favorites. Generally, the smaller ones can be a bit more fun and have a better variety of creative beers than the larger ones. I’ve been enjoying HUB beers a bunch. The Lucky Lab is a fun place too. There are a wide variety of McMenamins each with their own theme, and although I don’t think their beer is anything special, they can still be fun places to hang out.
If you like books, do not miss Powell’s.
It’s a great city, have fun.
[I’m back — gave up on trying to catch up with other recent threads I’d missed.]
The coal industry calls the people of West Virginia “A bunch of inbreds” (or word to that effect) in a legal brief. Keep it classy guys.
They’re dreaming of the day the drones go full-on Morlock.
I’ll defer to Pup on most things Portlandish, but I will second his recommendation of Apizza Scholl’s — great stuff.
Their orthopizzic shoe inserts are great!
The desire to remain a liberal, even in the face of all the evidence of its failures, is born of humanity’s — and all living creatures’ — deepest instincts to affiliate with others and to retain that affiliation regardless of logic or facts. Not everyone has either the desire or the need to think analytically about political realities. Many base their politics on a yearning to be part of a movement larger than themselves.
Says someone who belongs to a party that embraces young earth creationists and Laffer Curve economics, which apparently thinks we can return to the 50s era boom without the 50s era tax structure, which preaches morality from within a wetsuit…
,,,and I guess some of his newspapers have right-leaning editorial pages, but isn’t it also true that one of his biggest papers sells soft-porn alongside celebrity news? Would a conservative do that?
Those braying voices at the Right of the House are echoed down the street of shame,
Where politics mix with Bingo and tits, in a money and numbers game.
Re McMenamins: My opinion ismt worth much next to OBbut but I must say that wrt to beer, mediocrity is their strong suit. They do have some rather fine house bourbon and rye, really worth seeking out. The chocolate stout milkshake is also a winner.
Which gets me thinking, distillery row is also worth a tour.
You’ve missed OMSI Science Pub night so I won’t bother mentioning that. Either.
That fuckin’ apostrophe came out of nowhere! The damn things are sneaky.
No no no.
Bush was a closet SOCIALIST! He invented tolerance for Muslims, Compassionate Conservatism & was even going to use NCLB to tattoo Satanic barcodes on schoolkids’ heads after he replaced Social Security with mandatory senior-citizen homonups with hash-brownie wedding-cakes for all!
Prezactly. The pubs are cool places, they just don’t have great beer. If you’re used to mainstream beers, it probably seems exotic, but…
Let me put it this way: One of the two McMenamins Corvallis locations is literally a half block away right across the street from my office. I haven’t been there in months. Of course, since it’s Corvallis, there are three other pubs/restaurants within about two blocks with prolly 40 or more taps of good beer between them. That may influence my happy hour choice just a bit.
An illustration of how a true conservative politician deals with the budget deficit.
Glad the PJM link was such a hit. One more mango from there, from a French convert to American awesomeness (e.g. teabagger Social Darwinism),
I had to LOL at that one. Yeah, that’s ENTIRELY different from the American meaning of “conservatism.”
And from Big Big Bald Bastard,
It may surprise him to learn that what turned this reader off from conservatism in the first place was reading through the articles and comments sections at PJMedia (or what would become PJMedia) and getting the experience of just how demented the “lunatic fringe” e.g. the conservative base really was.
I didn’t have a liberal media planting imaginary Repubs in my fevered imagination – I just listened to the Repubs and formed the logical conclusion. If you think you’re going to convince the average liberal just by showing them “what conservatives are really like,” you’re on drugs.
oh, good dog…the *editor* of our local weekly rag includes this in his column:
i typed verbatim, so have fun finding all the bad grammar and typos! this is typical of his weekly obamahatefest…which he duly followed up with comments taken from a story on yahoo news…my only disappointment is that he only used a total of 14 exclamation points and 8 elipses (of which one only contained three dots, the rest with at least 5) and only one instance of huckabee praise…
I didn’t have a liberal media planting imaginary Repubs in my fevered imagination – I just listened to the Repubs and formed the logical conclusion
One look at the “small arms fire” comment posted after an article about liberal incivility should be enough to convince any fence-sitters.
DA group has a law suit pending before our U.S. Supreme Court, and which Keyes says DA will proceed with if current House Speaker John Boehmer does not start impeachment process of President Obama
Bullshit. There is no such case currently “pending before” the Supreme Court, nor is there likely to be in the future; the SC gets to choose the cases they will hear, and they will most likely refuse to hear it just like the California Supreme Court did because it is an idiotic waste of time.
I am nominating Alan Keyes for a Nobel prize.
Bullshit. There is no such case currently “pending before” the Supreme Court, nor is there likely to be in the future;
of course! but this is the same fuckwit who ACTUALLY PUBLISHED the following tidbit in his aforementioned weekly *column*:
welcome to my hell…
One look at the “small arms fire” comment posted after an article about liberal incivility should be enough to convince any fence-sitters.
nah…they will just use their JKLOL!!!! and WORDS DON’T MEAN ANYTHING!!! defenses…and the the fence sitters will agree…
Whoa! Ive been insulating myself from the moat extreme whiners so I was not aware that Alan Keyes said that shit. Setting the precedent for foreign military intervention in the US, eh? Brilliant strategy by Obama – what could possibly make that plan unworkable?
Sounds like a guy who hears about the flaming bag of poop gag and thinks it sounds clever AND hilarious, so he fills a plastic bag with diarrhea…
welcome to my hell…
and the the fence sitters will agree…
equals, I really have no desire to leave the Northeast ever again, unless it involves an international flight.
unless it involves an international flight.
tix for two?
welcome to my hell…
Ask the guy how the Georgia farmers are doing without their free-loading, benefit-grabbing, resource-sucking, baby-making, violent, non-English-speaking assholes.
And I had to LOL at “baby-making.” You’d prefer baby-aborting immigrants? Yeah, I suppose you would, wouldn’t you…
so he fills a plastic bag with diarrhea…
this is funny because he recently went through an appalling series of intestinal issues/procedures and ALMOST DIED!!!! of which we had to read about in his *column*…so he really COULD fill a plastic bag full of diarrhea…which his readership would welcome over his usual newspaper full of diarrhea…
But, yeah, those liberals are SO obnoxious and delusional. HOW does one–politely–stand her ground with them?!!!!!! *imaginary clutching of one of my awesome necklaces I can’t wear because Dudeskull throws his head around like he’s possessed and I’m afraid he’ll bonk it on the pendants*
*imaginary clutching of one of my awesome necklaces I can’t wear because Dudeskull throws his head around like he’s possessed and I’m afraid he’ll bonk it on the pendants*
also, too…or rip right off your neck…they are fiendish strong…
You’d prefer baby-aborting immigrants?
well, if they have their way, they can then jail the immigrants for illegal abortions! It’s a two-fer.
well, if they have their way, they can then jail the immigrants for illegal abortions! It’s a two-fer.
no, then they would be getting 3 hots and a cot, once again getting free stuff they don’t deserve…i guess we would have to kill them…
and it is total crap that their little skulls are soft…not when they bonk you directly in the face, they aren’t!
Babies’ skull aren’t soft; they just have the one soft spot at the crown.
God put that there so nurses could carry them 4 at a time.
God put that there so nurses could carry them 4 at a time.
This reminds me of a very tasteful joke about female anatomy and the shape of hand when carrying a six-pack.
Babies’ skull aren’t soft; they just have the one soft spot at the crown.
i know, i know…but those noggins hurt when they lose control of their little necks and heads and you aren’t paying attention…
This reminds me of a very tasteful joke about female anatomy and the shape of hand when carrying a six-pack.
tasteful indeed!
LOL! Debt Ceiling Kabuki enters new phase of ridiculousnesses – Senate Minority Leader has proposed a Calvinball-esque bureaucratic nightmare nonsense everyone stop and look at me solution. Let Obama raise teh Debt Ceiling on his own, but only by jumping through a bunch of symbolic hoops designed to do nothing at all except waste time. Yeeeha!
Did I mention that this is teh Senate Minority Leader? The one d00d amongst all teh “leadership” positions that has no say whatsoever in it?
no, then they would be getting 3 hots and a cot,
Not if they are tried in Texas. More like “a raw deal and a needle”.
“nope and a rope”.
“unfair and a chair”.
“super mean and guillotine”
try to show the liberals in your life what a thoughtful conservative is really like
Uhh, imaginary?
try to show the liberals in your life what a thoughtful conservative is really like
“awful-by-god and a firing squad”
Debt Ceiling Kabuki
As Performed By The Arkham Asylum Players.
I tried leaving a mango of my own over there, but it probably won’t see the light of day. So here it is for the Sadlies.
I see.
So … liberals are the ones ignoring thousands of climatologists about climate change, instead choosing to believe economists at ExxonMobil-funded think tanks? Liberals believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, and evolution is a trick of Satan? Liberals think giving rich people more money magically makes everyone else richer, despite 40 years of evidence proving the exact opposite? Liberals have kicked people out of their ranks for not bowing down to a certain talk show host or showing the proper fealty to the cause? Liberals are the ones who didn’t say a single word about the debt during 2001 – 2008 (when it was doubled, going from $5 trillion to $10 trillion), only to complain once their guy wasn’t elected? Liberals went out and protested their tax rate less than a month after getting a tax cut? Liberals are the ones calling anyone in academia “eggheads” and trashing people with actual knowledge of a subject?
Listen, I realize conservative tend to project more than the average Power Point presentation, but y’all have gone from believing in a certain political ideology to suffering from a form of psychosis — one in which all of your failings are somehow transferred onto those you oppose, and self awareness isn’t even an after thought, let alone something you possess.
Get help. Soon. Preferably professional in nature.
Methinks there’s an IP banning over there in my future …
Touche! Point to ZRM.
Methinks there’s an IP banning over there in my future …
Geez, let’s hope that’s all. You might make the Granite Counter Top check squad with that.
Methinks there’s an IP banning over there in my future …
Internet tough-guy death threats inbound. Try not to be so scared you die of fright.
Mark D said,
July 12, 2011 at 21:52
very well done…if it did make it through, expect much especially shrill screaming…
Methinks there’s an IP banning over there in my future …
Not necessarily. A couple liberal posts every now and then are good for them. It stirs up the hornet’s nest and has every regular commenter shrieking in outrage at your disrespect and smugness and how your post makes the point that we’re really a bunch of mean meanies.
I tried leaving a mango of my own over there, but it probably won’t see the light of day. So here it is for the Sadlies.
As an added zinger, you should have added something about banning opposing points of view.
Listen, I realize conservative tend to project more than the average Power Point presentation…
…and the octoplex at the mall, those WWII anti aircraft spotlights, IMAX theatres…
I’ll have to double check, then, to see if it shows up. I’ve been registered for a while, but only commented a few times — with no success.
Wonder if it’s the “youareclinicallyinsanemorons@gmail” addy I use …
And ZRM = Winning the thread!
Fuck you, WordPress.
Fuck you.
Hell, it’s not like the conservatives don’t get everything they want anyway: wars for the sheer hell of it, epic ponzi scheme to transfer gobs of real estate wealth from people to banks, abandoning the American middle class because burgeoning Chinese middle class, baby!
It’s a Randian paradise! So why aren’t the sons of bitches happy?
Oh, Mark, you got me back in the PJM fever swamp, and I found this funny little mango:
I know the feeling! I was at a luncheon reception after a funeral in Massachusetts and someone began to talk about how stupid George Bush was. Now I’m mot great of George Bush, but it was more than I could take. I pointed out that Barack Obama was the product of affirmative action and refused to release his college transcripts because his grades were likely worse than Bush.
This guy shouldn’t impugn anyone’s intellect.
This guy shouldn’t impugn anyone’s intellect.
As someone stated upthread, Dunning Kreuger baby.
Oh, Mark, you got me back in the PJM fever swamp, and I found this funny little mango:
me too…damnit! that is 10 minutes i will never get back nor feel good about…and that commenter’s intellect is keeping close company over there at pjm…
also, i left my own mango, but fear it will meet the same fate as mark’s…
we’re really a bunch of mean meanies
All because indignorant libtards forget that the imaginary right of dipshits to ruin things for everyone is explicitly covered by the Umpteenth Amendment!
Meanwhile over at Wonkette, gross WaPo headline announces Rick Perry has huge opening
Not just a goat rodeo…
“It’s a huge opening for Rick Perry — huge, huge, huge,” said New Hampshire operative Mike Dennehy, who is neutral in the race. “If he announces and really announces with a bang, he could gobble up a solid third of the Republican Party establishment in New Hampshire and, I do believe, nationally.”
This guy and Marcus Bachmann need to get together.
from the pjm link:
I’ve noticed that liberals have a really hard time understanding sarcasm, irony, and other forms of indirect argument. Comes from having no sense of humor, I suppose.
ya hear that?!? you. are. NOT. funneh.
Equally, in politics, compromise can be equally untenable. Why should one compromise over increasing debt?
right! let’s be assholes over an arbitrary number! fuck everything else!
also, woot! margaret’s comment made it in!!!
ya hear that?!? you. are. NOT. funneh.
Colbert and Stewart’s ratings beg to differ. Pony up a conservative version of that, and I might be willing to take their humor advice seriously.
Pony up a conservative version of that, and I might be willing to take their humor advice seriously
i s’pose glennnnnnnn beck doesn’t count? cuz, his antics! whoo boy…i almost pee myself laffing at him…
yay!!! an anonymous poster on pjm called me a WINNER!!!
Meanwhile over at Wonkette, gross WaPo headline announces Rick Perry has huge opening
TM to the fuckin I
Equally, in politics, compromise can be equally untenable. Why should one compromise over increasing debt?
Redundantly, in sentence structure, redundancy can be redundant. Why should one let a good word go by without double tapping it?
i s’pose glennnnnnnn beck doesn’t count? cuz, his antics! whoo boy…i almost pee myself laffing at him…
It’s not nice to laugh at people like Glenn. That’s like laughing at a the guy who was just smashed by a falling piano. Like the piano-smashed guy, he is far beyond help and can’t really do much about his own situation.
So RP has a “huge” opening, that can “gobble up” a solid third of the Republican establishment.
OK, is he going to take Romney and Bachmann from behind?
Is his campaign ready to explode in their faces?
Is he being careful not to climax before the primary foreplay is over?
Will he thrust himself into the Media spotlight?
Does he have the stamina to satisfy the voters over the long haul?
I have to say, I prefer these to the war metaphors they ordinarily use
Does he have an agenda to ram down our throats?
I guess we know Ricky is a bottom.
Rick Perry will say to the DC village “People, I’m here.”
“Okay, Sheriff. We’re gonna fuck ya now. And we’re gonna fuck ya slooooowwwwwww.”
OT: been checking in on the Rebecca Watson Flappidoodle. Jesus H Christ on a merry-go-round, a massive case of completely missing the point over and over and over again.
It turns out that White Dudes really are the Jews of LiberalFemiNaziFascism!!!!!11.
The fact that so many WhiteDudes™ are oblivious to their privilege is amazing.
Makes me sad.
Does he have an agenda to ram down our throats?
Come on now. Only liberals try to ram agendas down throats…with the possible exeption of the Log Cabin Republicans.*
enter my vernacular.
Vajayjay euphemism?
Rick Perry will say to the DC village “People, I’m here.”
“Wait a minute…I thought you meant we were going to meet the Village People!”
“Okay, Sheriff. We’re gonna fuck ya now. And we’re gonna fuck ya slooooowwwwwww.”
Blessed be the Name of Carlin.
I always want to take pictures of obnoxious bumper stickers I see around town, but I’m too chicken. Afraid I’ll get caught. I just saw one yesterday that said “I’ll keep my guns and money, you can keep the hope and change.” HA HA HA HA1!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, so clever, so funny! *wipes tear*
There was one car that had all these stickers on it…and it was clear that the raison detre of this person was just this: annoy liberals. In fact, one of the stickers said that. I tried to take a pic of it, but the glare of the window prevented me. Also it was blurry. God, wingnuts are obnoxious.
Dr. Ron Paul memorialized coming up with libertarian philosophies.
Ron’s retiring. I guess I have to wait a little longer for that legal heroin.
In other news, Thanks, Michael.
Outside Arabi Feed & Grain, Arabi, Georgia
Howard, this here Jay Clarke feller says Obama’s a tyrant.
That don’t make no sense. You can’t elect a tyrant.
Well, how ’bout a dicktater.
Nope you can’t elect a dicktater neither.
You sure ’bout that?
Yep, I’m pretty sure. Dicktaters and tyrants are different.
So you’re sayin’ Obama ain’t a dicktater or a tyrant?
I reckon not.
That Jay feller must be some kind ‘o dumb fuck.
Yep, he’s a dumb fuck.
I been reading all these comments writ here too.
What they say?
About the same. Obama’s a dicktater tyrant.
Well, they’re all dumb fucks.
Dumb fucks.
Dumb fucks.
Pony up a conservative version of that, and I might be willing to take their humor advice seriously.
I’m sure you remember that massive breakaway hit The 1/2 Hour News Hour.
I always want to take pictures of obnoxious bumper stickers I see around town, but I’m too chicken.
I’m not gonna try and take pictures while driving, but I saw one a while back saying “Beware of Liberals Masquerading as Americans”.
And yet if I found that guy’s car and left a note saying “More importantly, beware of conservatives masquerading as non-sociopaths”, *I’d* be the bigoted one.
Why should one compromise over increasing debt?
Well, both sides have voted for it in the past (and done nothing to change it nor even worried about it until now), both sides agree it must be done or the US economy will be even more in the crappah than it currently is, and a no vote is the action of a petulant and very stupid child, but yeah, no need to compromise when you can stand on principals you don’t have to fuck up the country you are sworn to serve and claim to love.
God, wingnuts are obnoxious.
well, there you go being humorless and intolerant!
both sides agree it must be done or the US economy will be even more in the crappah than it currently is,
even local uber-conservative radio show hosts admits it must be done…but then again, we can’t even get mn’s shit together…
Another passenger in the clown car.
This is a state of emergency.
double tapping it
Me too.
This is a state of emergency.
The head of national security of the usa has many disguises, and many associates.
the head of national security is a bit of a tyrant. it’s almost like there is some sort of discrepancy regarding Obama, it’s almost like there is a dischord. People are not really naturally dualistic, no.
please don’t stop the music?
This is a test.
ding ding ding
So lets see if I get this right. Word press has a dictionary of words that will not allow a comment, or at least send one into moderation for a few hours. Interesting. Apparently a link to my blog is what has kept me in lurkerdom lo these many months.
Oh the fucking well.
codpiece hagiography
No we can’t. Not for an hour or three.
Pardon my indulgence.
Another passenger in the clown car.
We’re totally stoked for the 2012 elections! Great hilarity awaits us, to be sure (and in both wings of Two Parties, Inc).
I so want Rudy to jump in, of course. I want the Full Clown Car*, however, including Rick Perry and Sparkle Pony (oh please oh please oh please).
* — also stoner poker nickname for a Full Boat.
Full Clown Car is also a nickname for a sex act. It’s almost as exotic as the Dirty Shakespeare.
OT: been checking in on the Rebecca Watson Flappidoodle. Jesus H Christ on a merry-go-round, a massive case of completely missing the point over and over and over again.
It turns out that White Dudes really are the Jews of LiberalFemiNaziFascism!!!!!11.
The fact that so many WhiteDudes™ are oblivious to their privilege is amazing.
Makes me sad.
yeah…just checked out her video…and now despise arnold alkon even more for her obnoxious reaction…
my b-in-law looooooves to make smart ass remarks about white men being victimized…i tolerate it because i’m pretty sure it is his dorky way of trying to be funny…although he loves to get me pissed off…
but back to arnold alkon…she has been on my mind of late, not only for her latest vitriol, but because i am re-reading john irving’s ‘son of the circus’ and every time he mentions hijras, she comes to mind…
Make that ‘sex position’.
I’m retiring to the bunk now.
I’m retiring to the bunk now.
my b-in-law looooooves to make smart ass remarks about white men being victimized…i tolerate it because i’m pretty sure it is his dorky way of trying to be funny…although he loves to get me pissed off…
As the older brother of two sisters, I have been guilty of same. I am not proud of it. And gave up the game a couple of decades ago.
Sweet dreams bbkf.
It’s not a clown car, bitch!
Making smartassed comments that is, not specifically related to white male privilege. I only happen to enjoy male privilege of not the white variety. Which according to Dowd, et alia, makes me a women or somesuch.
As a result I am become a feminist, destroyer of worlds.
…instead of am…
Paraphrasing Oppenheimer…In case a rube misses the picture.
Although on further inspection it might seem that it is elemental that the rubes miss the picture.
Rick Perry has such a huge hole. I bet he can keep stuff like spare change and a mini fridge in it.
The only picture the rubes see is a bucha dogs playing cards. And a chick on a motorcycle wearing a bikini. The chick is wearing a bikini too.
…am…is actually correct.
Damn liberal thinking that he is incorrect
I am about to run out of Quatloos…Can a brother spare a dime?
Destroyer of threads…
What is so special about teh Saskatoon? The synchatron. I must have forgotten to mention that, or something.
It’s not so much the mini fridge that’s impressive, but toting the batteries for the damned thing, and still being able to offer a beer anytime gets big points on both capacity and flexibility.
the head of national security of the usa was displaced. Someone with many disguises has fraudently identified himself as the head of national security of the usa. doubles as a genious; a politician, from time to time. I must have FORGOTTEN to mention that in the previous post.
The fact is, Obama IS worse than Hitler. Here is the proof:
Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he wasn’t a Scroll Troll.
You gotta pay the Scroll Troll, if you wanna get into that boy’s hole…
“Tyrannus Obama Rex.”
I was recruited by a man called Tyrannus on one of the moons of Bogden.
(That ended badly).
Gateway Dumbfuck Jim Hoft is in full meltdown at Big Butthurt over the travesty and miscarriage of justice that was Kenneth Gladney’s day in court.
I larfed.
Between Gladney & Tot Mom revealing the injustice of the justice system, what’s the guesstimate on the first call to ship all criminal suspects to Gitmo?
This is like that dream (not the blue horse one ha, ha. I don’t have that one much any more, ha ha) where you walk around in a house and recognise the rooms but you can’t get out.
Here is fake Gary cutting and pasting the other fake troll.
You can’t stop the music.
I’ve enjoyed reading this thread, particularly the strands about parenting, breast-feeding, and the needless pressures of Correct Parenting Dogma.
Good thread !!!
Oh the Butthurt at bug-eyed Jernalizm. AND IT PROVES LIBERALS IS RACIST!!!
By the law of shutup, that’s how.
In other news, Republican ratfuck attempt drowns in its own fail.
Amazing that they can just do this shit without 98% of the populace telling them to fuck right off back to their swamp.
In other news, Republican ratfuck attempt drowns in its own fail.
That was more like ratheavypetting that a real ratfuck. Did the Rs actually believe that people angry enough and involved enough to start the recall drives wouldn’t pay attention to who the candidates were?
That was more like ratheavypetting that a real ratfuck.
RatHeavyPetting…Has had me giggling for a few minutes now, with occasional bursts of the LaughingOutLoud.
Thank you!
Hey, looks like those hippy dippy Califagians really do prefer it when their jungle fever gang enablers hand over the cash bitch.
I’m so glad that cash finally equals free speech, because some people have a lot more speech than others!
OT: don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Oh fuck off Tom Friedman and reinvent your head out of your ass.
i was just over at big butthurt to get an upclose look at the ranting that is know as jim hoft, when i was momentarily super confused…whilst browsing through the many factual, well-thought out and reasoned offerings over there, lo and behold! i came across a sadly, no! shorter:
The BBC is at Least a Thousand Times More Evil and Dangerous Than Rupert Murdoch
and then i remembered where i was and was like, ‘whoa…that’s not a shorter! that’s an actual headline…’
Oh fuck off Tom Friedman and reinvent your head out of your ass.
am i just dumb or did this bit of info not make any fricking sense? really? the sector that is worth the most bazillions of dollars is hiring virtually no one because it’s cheaper that way, but you should re-invent yourself so that you can creatively fill these non-existent job offerings?
i think old tommy boy has certainly shown us that bosses WILL hire you and keep you on even if you contribute absolute bullshit on a regular basis…
where did everybody go? i know we’re all anxious for a new post, but come on! don’t leave me here by myself!
am i just dumb or did this bit of info not make any fricking sense? really? the sector that is worth the most bazillions of dollars is hiring virtuall y no one because it’s cheaper that way, but you should re-invent yourself so that you can creatively fill these non-existent job offerings?
It’s also telling that none of those businesses actually make anything, it’s just an electronic circle-jerk, and the programming jobs will be outsourced to India as soon as corporations buy these companies out.
In other news, Republican ratfuck attempt drowns in its own fail.
Did the Rs actually believe that people angry enough and involved enough to start the recall drives wouldn’t pay attention to who the candidates were?
Actually, I don’t think the ratfuck was meant in that way. After all, the Rs admitted early on they were entering candidates
More at my crappy blog.
it’s just an electronic circle-jerk, and the programming jobs will be outsourced to India as soon as corporations buy these companies out.
for an obscene amount of dollars…
,,,it’s just an electronic circle-jerk,
That’s productivity. IMO, Zynga’s Farmville and LinkedIn should count as being actual products.
My two biggest problems with this Friedman piece are:
1. As pointed out in McG’s hyperlink text – Friedman should reinvent his head out of his ass. You know what teh exact opposite of people who can invent, adapt and reinvent their jobs every day, in a market that changes faster than ever is? I’ll tell you in six months.
2. Let’s go into Crazee Tommy’s Bizzaro World. Let’s assume everything he says is exactly right and teh future of everything is teh most dynamic Silicon Valley model of high value-low employment juggernauts. How teh fuck does this stimulate demand? In teh ludicrous extreme where everyone has Start-Up themselves with their dynamic innovative nimble and agile personal BusinessPlans that adapt to teh ever changing market – where’s teh monies come from? How can everyone have multi-million dollar market valuations if no one is buying anything?
I mean, yeah congrats to Friedman for recognizing that workers right now are being squeezed for ever moar productivity on ever less remuneration – but FUCK YOU FRIEDMAN for thinking this is a great thing. Record high unemployment hand-in-hand with record high corporate profits is NOT A FEATURE. IT’S A BUG.
Record high unemployment hand-in-hand with record high corporate profits is NOT A FEATURE. IT’S A BUG.
Well, that all depends really. Are you the one that’s unemployed or the one making record pofits?
re: Quibble
Here’s what I think was being gotten at about electronic circle jerks (from teh comments on Tommy’s piece):
Yeah, stuff like that stupid Interstate highway network or telephony or FFS, writing – contribute nothing to society. You can’t eat or wear literacy, so what good is it?
Oh wait, that’s different. Because of stuff.
From a pure business perspective – in regards to new energy sources – I’m pretty confident that LinkedIn has done moar to supply electricity to that commenter’s home than all of teh “new energy sources” companies in teh world combined.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to defend these guys with their “I founded a multi-billion dollar start-up, why can’t you?” blase bullshite. A lot of wot they did was luck out. Plus teh world they are proposing – supposedly where merit trumps all and teh people with teh most ability will rise to teh top – is really just a circle-jerk of it’s own. Here’s a hint from Lil Tommy
IOW, it’s not who you are or what you can do – it’s who you know.
Well, that all depends really. Are you the one that’s unemployed or the one making record pofits?
i am thinking that it’s only a matter of time before the second (third?) internet bubble bursts…
Yer dern tootin.
IOW, it’s not who you are or what you can do – it’s who you know.
which makes us all slap our foreheads and say, ‘duh!’
IOW, it’s not who you are or what you can do – it’s who you know.
so, actually tommy boy HAS come up with a new and creative way to tell us an old truth…thereby proving his theory…
Record high unemployment hand-in-hand with record high corporate profits is NOT A FEATURE. IT’S A BUG.
It’s a feature if you’re into the Reserve Army of Labor type of thing.
damn it..
One moar dig at Friedman, while I’m hogging all teh commentary. Here’s teh closing graf:
This is with respect to treating your career in teh way entrepreneurs treat their business plans. Nevermind that just two grafs earlier we were told that Entrepreneurs don’t write a 100-page business plan and execute it one time; they’re always experimenting and adapting based on what they learn. Moar importantly – we’re talking about being able to handle rejection whilst floundering about inteh job market.
So, is Little Tommy Friedman coming out for much stronger unemployment benefits and a moar robust social safety net?
HahAHhaHahhahhaHHAHh! I made myself laugh.
Nevermind that just two grafs earlier
you certainly got more out of it than i did…i read that graf and went ‘huh?’ also, too what’s a v.c.?
More at my crappy blog.
ha, ha…i checked out outhouse yesterday to find a pic of new media meade with his foot perched upon a fountain at the capitol whilst snapping a pic of those stooopid protesters…i just wonder what other types of historic monument type defacement they have been up to…
,,,also, too what’s a v.c.?
Be glad you don’t know.
VentureVulture Capitalist.Be glad you don’t know. Venture Vulture Capitalist
gotcha…i know no such creature…
Salon tells it like it is…
Won’t be a big revelation to anyone here, but I thought it was great–it made the Google Flipper Thingy on the News Thingy.
Nuh uh.
Nuh uh.
Masterful. I take it all back. You have won teh day Mr. Friedman and I rue my uncivil attack on your brilliant column.
P.S. Tell your mom I said Hi!
Shorter Michael Potemra, NRO:
I type good.
I type good.
and some day you may talk pretty too…
this: “The younger writers are obsessed with motherhood and monogamy.”
strikes me as vastly different than this:
the definition of sexual freedom—the fact that women have come to regard sex more in the way that men do, as an elemental part of life, no less essential than eating or breathing, and thus no more in need of cheerleading
but then again, i am 45, so prolly qualify as raunchier…
and yes, while women having sex shouldn’t be seen as whorish, the fact that he seems to think that procreation and an almost unattainable goal of monogamy is what really makes makes women sexually free makes me want to punch him in his big, dumb head…
making babies and only sleeping with one man…so 2011!!!
Just the other day I had my head chopped off. But hey, FREE HEALTH CARE!
,,,and thus no more in need of cheerleading,,,
You’ll have to pry my cheerleader pr0ns from my cold and sticky fingahs.
Juicy mango from yesterday’s PJM link,
in response to someone pointing out that even Brooks sees the light on the debt ceiling.
They really are between a rock and a hard place. Their news outlets pump out shit like the debt ceiling controversy day in and day out to stir up the wingnuts, and they assume that when it’s over the wingnuts will just go back inside quietly because that’s what their told.
Meanwhile, the idiots like the PJM readers are going “what the hell is going on? Why can’t we all just close ranks and tell Obama to pound sand? After all raising the debt ceiling’s bad, the nice guy on Fox News told me so, why are some of us floundering? Oh my God, the liberals must’ve gotten to them too! Is there no one in Washington that the Vast Liberal Conspiracy can’t get to?” Which is how Bush, McCain and Brooks, among others, manage to be labeled RINOs and liberals.
You’ll have to pry my cheerleader pr0ns from my cold and sticky fingahs.
Does that include that film clip of Michelle Malkin as cheerleader? You’ze one kinkety dood…
P.S. Tell your mom I said Hi!
Did you do his mom in a taxi, or on a golf course?
Did you do his mom in a taxi, or on a golf course?
At the Applebee’s salad bar — while waiting for Bobo Brooks to join them.
(Slow afternoon at work here…)
Oh my God, the liberals must’ve gotten to them too! Is there no one in Washington that the Vast Liberal Conspiracy can’t get to?” Which is how Bush, McCain and Brooks, among others, manage to be labeled RINOs and liberals.
And then they accuse us of being narrow minded ideological zealots.
At the Applebee’s salad bar — while waiting for Bobo Brooks to join them.
There’s an Applebee’s in Mumbai?
About damn time we got serious about protecting our 2nd Amendment rights, one of only 2 amendments in the Bill of Rights. (The other one being the 10th.)
Wow. And I thought they were crazy down here. At least we’re not all for giving guns to 6 year olds yet. What could possibly go wrong???
Does that include that film clip of Michelle Malkin as cheerleader?
Ugh. No. Eeeeuw.
Did you do his mom in a taxi, or on a golf course?
I don’t engage in several hours of exhausting BDSM and tell. Much. Anyways let me just say that words Hot, Flat and Crowded remind me moar of Mrs. Friedman than Tommy’s book.
Usually I take teh train, but when I drive, I actually drive past that school on my way home. I ain’t fond of how Islam treats women, but let me just point out to those all raging agin’ teh horrible Islamic infiltration into our institutions of iducation – Toronto has a separate publicly funded Catholic School Board.
Juicy mango from yesterday’s PJM link,
Nice catch. Not sure that we’ll ever see peak wingnut, but these guys are devolving beyond parody, into a parody of a parody of a parody.
If these guys were somehow to find themselves in a contiguous geographic location with all the levers of government at their disposal, how long before the purity brigades whittle down the population to a single person?
David Fucking Brooks is a Liberal now…OK…Backs quietly out of the room…
Oh my God, the liberals must’ve gotten to them too!
UNPOSSIBLE!!! according to the link and the comments of aforesaid, we liberals are NOT able to convert anyone to our side because we are stooopid. furthermore, we WOULD NOT even talk to conservatives because we are bitter, humourless, unfunneh lunatics with no reasoning skills or facts and we feel unquenchable, irrational anger towards ALL conservatives. anytime we encounter conservatives and their correct facts, all we can do is either give them a blank stare, babble, and throw down our napkins, huff out of the room and slam our doors.
this is the way we react in every situation which is much, much worse than being a vicious, greedy, sanctimonious corporate christian asshole…
Wow. And I thought they were crazy down here. At least we’re not all for giving guns to 6 year olds yet.
Concealed carry for 6 year olds. In school.
Nice catch. Not sure that we’ll ever see peak wingnut, but these guys are devolving beyond parody, into a parody of a parody of a parody.
A parody within a parody within a parody, possibly of a Chris Nolan movie? Whooaaa, man!
anytime we encounter conservatives and their correct facts, all we can do is either give them a blank stare, babble, and throw down our napkins, huff out of the room and slam our doors.
Conservatives go one better; not only to they give us a blank stare, babble, throw down their napkins, huff out of the room and slam the doors, they then proceed to write a letter detailing their exploits to PJM, which will reward them with a free therapy session and an opportunity to discuss their problems in a forum without the disruptive influence of nonconservative “people.”
from the michigan dnr:
really? i see no reason why NOT to let someone younger than 10 or 12 out there! holy crap, i don’t even like it when my husband goes ‘slug’ hunting on PRIVATE land…by all means, let’s let more youngster out amongst drunk hunters with itchy trigger fingers and big guns!
indeed, marion…what could go wrong!
Bill would kill age limits for hunting
I’m actually relieved, I thought the bill involved hunting children.
A parody within a parody within a parody, possibly of a Chris Nolan movie? Whooaaa, man!
The modern conservative movement is a lot like Memento– no memory to speak of (we were never into G.W. Bush!).
i don’t even like it when my husband goes ‘slug’ hunting on PRIVATE land
Salt shaker in hand?
…nonconservative “people.
Ah hell, ya got me pining for the old 3/5ths rule.
Apportioning the Representatives
The modern conservative movement is a lot like Memento- no memory to speak of (we were never into G.W. Bush!).
Did this just get remade as a Liam Neeson movie? (I’ve never seen either but the premise reminds me of recent trailers).
The modern conservative movement is a lot like Memento-
i watched the original and found it to be way too confusing to follow, with egregious acting and i had to keep reminding myself what the premise was…at the end i was still like, ‘huh?’ so, yeah…you’re right! it IS just like the modern conservative movement!
i watched the original and found it to be way too confusing to follow, with egregious acting and i had to keep reminding myself what the premise was…at the end i was still like, ‘huh?’ so, yeah…you’re right! it IS just like the modern conservative movement!
Yeah, sounds like Inception as well.
Yeah, sounds like Inception as well.
then i shan’t watch it…thanks for saving my time…
saudi arabian dudes looking to build underwater mushroom farms
I think there is Major Motion Picture potential.
How many columns has David Brooks written about the Kenneth Gladney trial? Zero. See? Liberal conspirator.
re: Valley Park Middle School
In case anyone’s interested. Don Mills and Overlea isn’t the nicest intersection for pedestrians. The Don Valley Parking Lot dumps a lot of folks on their way to West-Scarborough (like myself) or almost anywhere in East York through that intersection. You only have to go back as far as a couple weeks to find a kid who was hit by a car while leaving that school.
Three years ago, when they instituted the prayer service, these kids were trooping off to mosque a couple hundred meters down the street. On Fridays after lunch. So many of them never made it back to class*.
It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable accomodation to allow prayer in the cafeteria – considering that attendance is in the neighbourhood of a third of the school.
As to teh complaint:
Considering that the demographics of the area is close to half Muslim – mostly new families recent to the area – and only a third attend the service? I’d say the odds of her skipping the prayer session and all attendant hooferaw are pretty good.
*I don’t mean that they all got run over by Scarberian commuters or other LEAFS SUCKian bad drivers – just that they called it a week after prayer.
That said, yeah teh treatment those girls are getting is really fucking shitty. I dunno what a good fix is, but man it’s pretty serious bullshit.
Imagine if you’re a soi-disant moderate Muslim, genuinely so. You came to Canada because Yemen’s a dump, and you don’t want to waste your life there. And your daughter loves it, and wants to be Canadian, and be just like the other girls in her street. And then she goes to Valley Park Middle School: What if she doesn’t feel it’s a religious obligation to attend Friday prayers (as some Muslims argue)? Think there’s much chance of being able to opt out easily at Valley Park? What if she wants to dress as she wishes to rather than as the Wahhabi/Salafist imam orders? What if she doesn’t want to tell the creepy perve imam whether she’s menstruating or not? What, in other words, is her chance of being able to attend Valley Park as a regular Canadian schoolgirl?
Then she gets to do each and every one of these things, after she turns eighteen. Like the preachers’ daughters who go to college and discover sex, pot, booze and cursing.
This is a no-brainer; there’s nothing here that society doesn’t already address.
Also too, Thorncliffe Park has one of LEAFS SUCK’s best bowling alleys. And teh baklava you can get in that neighbourhood is un-fucking-believable.
That said, yeah teh treatment those girls are getting is really fucking shitty. I dunno what a good fix is, but man it’s pretty serious bullshit.
Agreed. But it certainly doesn’t warrant Steyn’s hysteria, considering that it sounds by your description to be a voluntary service that the school allows more than sponsors.
Then she gets to do each and every one of these things, after she turns eighteen. Like the preachers’ daughters who go to college and discover sex, pot, booze and cursing.
kinda what i was thinking…also, in the end, who makes the decision as to what the girls (muslim or not) wear and do at this school?
But it certainly doesn’t warrant Steyn’s hysteria.
also, was there a linky that i missed?
It’s the Potemera link.
It’s the Potemera link.
oh, holy crap…y’all weren’t kidding about teh muslim part! i was irritated by the whole breeding/monogamy argument and didn’t make it that far in…*clicks on link*…i’m going in!
How many columns has David Brooks written about the Kenneth Gladney trial? Zero. See? Liberal conspirator.
If they think Gladney has been victimized, why won’t they all chip and and hire a top-flight attorney for him? I don’t troll right-wing sites, but for those who do, suggesting a “Justice for Ken” fund might provided some LULZORZ.
,,,the school allows more than sponsors.
Well, yes and no. They are providing the space – but then again, our schools provide space for use by community groups of all types. The big difference is that the sessions occur during class time. It’s certainly more accomodating than they usually are. IMO, appropriate considering the numbers of students attending service. So while they are claiming to be totally hands-off, there is a sense of endorsement of the services. Which I would be totes okay with if it weren’t for teh segragation.
Still video pimpin’!
segrAgation? Is that where the girls are separated when they’re riding the cotton pony?
sit menstruating women who are forbidden to participate
ha, ha…there are many american (and i daresay) canadian schoolgirls who regularly use their period as an excuse to a) get out of class b) not participate and/or publicly shower in gym class and c) get out of school for x amount of days…and as women, we can use the curse for an excuse for all sorts of things…
also, by looking at that picture, as ANY woman, i wouldn’t want to have my ass waving in the air when my aunt flo is visiting…i don’t care what steyn THINKS he knows about tampons, but uh-uh…that ain’t happening!
and of course, any one is allowed to say the lord’s prayer anyfrickingwhere they want…and they can pray to whoever they want…it’s just that you can’t force your prayer or beliefs on EVERYbody in a public/civic/state entity…why is that so damn hard to understand?!?!?!
How much do they have to worry about liability issues? Could they be at serious risk of lawsuit if they tried to enforce liberal secular values on the religious service? If the school is going to accomodate the service, by allowing the segregation is the school endorsing it or taking the path of least resistance?
teh treatment those girls are getting is really fucking shitty.
I think the treatment of gurlz and wimmins in general is fucking shitty. Way worse is some cultures and societies and countries, of course, but more-or-less shitty pretty much everywhere, and for thousands of years.
I blame algore and communisim.
598. Who will be the 600 Winnah?
golden nugget from yesterday’s pjm post:
I could go on but the main point here is that if everybody was conservative and lived by conservative values; there wouldn’t be any foster kids because conservatives take care of their kids.
i will make sure to pass this on to the conservative b-in-law who i referred to yesterday…one daughter is in and out of rehab for an eating disorder and the other one (who lives with his ex and could not possibly care less about her children) has been in treatment since the age of 14 for hardcore drugs, cutting, promiscuity and an eating disorder…i spose this could all be blamed on the mom who may or may not be conservative, but she is definitely a hard core christian, so there ya go…
600 Winnah?
that’d be me…
OK, copy pasta alert!
But: Could this be the source of political backlash? Looch hopes so!
I repeat:
Okay, so when I refresh the screen (heh, refreshing the screen), this quote pops up in the header:
“Men have been popping into my sexual fantasies.”
I initially read it as:
“Men have been pooping into my sexual fantasies.”
also, because they cannot get their licenses renewed…in the metro area some bars have had to close because of this…we are lucky to be out in the boonies where we prolly wouldn’t be found out if we illegally served…unless some dickhead with a grudge turns us in…
before the state even shut down, one of my conservative friends loudly and repeatedly opined (and i’m not embellishing: he is by nature loud and repetitive) that a state shutdown would be ‘a pimple on the ass–no big deal!’ heh…wait until he can’t get a cold brewsky…
“Men have been pooping into my sexual fantasies.”
do you have a problem with that?
Minnesota’s government shutdown may force MillerCoors to halt distribution of its brands statewide within days as the economic toll from the political impasse deepened on Wednesday.
Teabaggers fucking up sales of Coors would be hilarious.
and now on the radio they are discussing how mn resorts will suffer economically because tourists cannot get fishing licenses…conservative friend chided me about my fear of this before the shut down…yep…a pimple on the ass…
“Men have been pooping into my sexual fantasies.”
All aboard the Cleveland Steamer!!
unleashing Zima on the world,
a dastardly act which will not soon be forgotten millercoors!
may force MillerCoors to halt distribution of its brands statewide
but on the upside, i won’t have to serve any more of that crappy miller lite for a while! sorry tsam…:)
Plenty of it in WA.
So if the licensing agencies are closed, does that mean the enforcement agencies are closed as well?
So if the licensing agencies are closed, does that mean the enforcement agencies are closed as well?
nope…enforcement still in operation and they say they are ‘not going to look the other way’ on this…some here in my county (pop. <5,000) our sheriff will turn a blind eye, but that doesn't preclude that somebody else won't…
ha, ha…last time i refreshed, the seinfeld quote was, ‘o.k. big daddy. take the hat off.’
pls lloyd?
man, i hate drive time…i am always all alone here…
owner says, ‘fuck ‘em if they think we aren’t going to serve drinks…’
who’s gonna enforce it?
Look, during Prohibition, every block in Milwaukee had at least one guy brewing beer in his basement. It was said that rather than the brewing yeast smell concentrated in the areas of the breweries, it was everywhere in the city…. the home brewers got much of their equipment and supplies from the breweries, who became wholesalers of supplies.
All the cops did not bother busting anybody, because they were customers…
this just in:
conservative talk show host blames dayton for state shutdown…sez this is the dumbest shutdown ever! a budget was offered! dayton’s an a-hole for not accepting it!
Yes, in studies, putting a black person in a position of power directly leads to homosexuals wanting power. It’s been proven in every study initiated and is cause for study and reflection, but only to come to the conclusion that only idiots believe it, otherwise it’s meaningless.