This Would Also Explain The O.J. Verdict
Posted on July 9th, 2011 by Tintin
Shorter Jeannie DeAngelis, Ruhnoomurka:
The bitter fruit of Caylee’s death
- The murder of Caylee Anthony and the acquittal of the mother who killed her is the direct result of Roe v. Wade.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Roe v. Wade also caused 9/11.
Keeping neighborhoods safer? I think not. Something about going down the alleyway is a bit of a code, yah.
and my life sucks. You know you hate my life, you do.
something about star maps, yah.
Thanks for clearing that up, Mrs. Crazy Lady.
Rick Perry?
And if little Lisa’s mother had aborted her, she would never have lived to give such joy to Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum who illegally adopted, tortured, and killed her before dumping her body in a vacant lot.
The time is now. The time was now so long ago. The time is now. (to take action against the bombers?) I’m such a good guesser.
…her death was caused by a person who lacked respect for human life.
Dick Cheney.
Interestingly, Scott Lemieux has a post up about Roe and the SCOTUS decision in Planned Parenthood v.Casey. This was the first comment. Not sure if it is a Poe or a clueless troll.
Trey says:
July 8, 2011 at 7:35 pm
Disgusting liberals trying to use the fact that Casey Anthony murdered caylee and got off to advocate for more baby killing
I’ve got a bad feeling about this thread. We’re only a dozen or so comments into it, and four of them are idiotic gibberish.
Roe v. Wade keyed my car.
And not the good kind, like usual.
Row vs. Wade? I prefer to row because its more fun. Who wants to spend their afternoon wading in water? Where’s the fun in that?
I think andon is a random word generator that has gone rogue.
Whatta ya mean? I only posted once.
Nope not me.
There better be some POOP in this thread, ‘s’all I’m sayin’.
I’ve rapidly shut up neighbors and co-workers intent on discussing this fucking case by saying that I wasn’t entirely against killing infants and toddlers because there are too many people on the planet already.
A child was murdered, but the real tragedy here is that people simultaneously believe that abortion is o.k., but child murder is wrong. If people are allowed to believe that, it will automatically mean that child murder is o.k. – and that is the real tragedy, here.
Roe vs Wade. Isn’t that the Toronto-Clevelland pitching matchup tonight?
(gocart: Laughed at yer water joke above.)
I believe in child murder, but that’s not why I support abortion.
I think andon is a random word generator that has gone rogue.
Skynet is struggling to become self-aware. It’s not a smooth process.
What she meant was roe vs. weed. I say, why not both? But weed first.
Also I have read nothing about the Casey Anthony or Caylee or the trial. Don’ wants to know either.
From the Sadlies’ comments in this thread (and the last one), the whole thing sounds sad and squalid. How like the reichwing to leverage any tragedy as grist for the propaganda mill.
Rush Limbaugh burbled something similar yesterday. Don’t ask me how I know, except that SOME people need to be more selective about their birth companions. It’s not a new theme- R v. W is responsible for most of the evil in the world, including magnetic polar shift. But seriously, speaking as a person who spends more than 40 hours a week with the baby-having generation, I think the argument is exactly opposite. If you don’t want to give 24 hours a day caring for a child (for many several years, and that includes supervising all the others caring for said child, including co-parents, sitters, teachers, and pediatricians, because some fucked-up commentator will blame the mother no matter who actually does the damage), don’t give birth to a baby.
First they came for the blastocysts . . .
What she meant was roe vs. weed. I say, why not both? But weed first.
Cavier and the sweet smoke! No beluga, but I’m loading the pipe right after this post….
How many babies has Jeannie DeAngeli caused not to be born by not putting out often enough?
Oh, and priests, too. It’s mom’s fault if the priest touched you there. Or maybe it’s the fault of some bitch who had an abortion and disrupted the societal framework.
How do you smoke a beluga?
I think this country went to hell when they instituted the DH rule.
Tintin: Excellent shorters on the last two threads! I totes rely on them, because I have enough wisdom to Always. Trust. The. Shorter.
(Plus, too, I have no brain bleach.)
How do you smoke a beluga?
Pup would know.
I think this country went to hell when they instituted the DH rule.
I’m still pissed about the passing of the dead-ball era. And lowering the pitcher’s mound.
Nothing says 13th Century mentality like obsessing over someone who has broken the Mommy laws.
I was going to impregnate my wife, but I read Jeannie’s article. HOW MANY MORE?
When did the dunce cap become a princess hat? When did little girls dress in white dresses, and white dunce caps, and march down boardwalks? The 1920’s.
How many cats do think she has at home? Forty?
Why’re you buggin’ me? IDK. K, the answer is now. That’s always the time. So what do we know about time? It’s a human construct, yah.
Wading is a good way to find snakes and turtles, gocart.
Roe v. Wade is responsible for my stoner students!
Actually, it was Griswold vs. Connecticut that is responsible for the deaths of every child everywhere.
i made this comment the other day when the pasta troll plunked it in the middle of a nice thread full of POOP and PENIS, but i will say it again…except now to jeannie decraziness:
Snakes and turtles caused 9/11.
Actually, it was Griswold vs. Connecticut that is responsible for the deaths of every child everywhere.
Heyheyhey! Facts?!
I preferred Griswold vs. Walley World.
How many cats do think she has at home? Forty?
My guess is none. For all the Life posturing, I doubt Miss Jeannie likes any critters at all. (Except as Ecomonic Resources, and the other, Useless critters better damn well better not get in the way!)
If she has 40 cats, betcha none are spayed or neutered. (Also probably been some kitteh incest going on. But that’s no nevermind to real Right-to-Lifers.)
But perhaps Miss Jeannie might be as allergic to cats as she is to coherent thought. So she might have a pooch–one of those small, yappy, and mostly useless ‘decorative’ breeds that would make better throw-rugs than pets–named Snuggums.
If so, she probably dresses the poor beastie with elaborate ‘holiday’ costumes. For example, as the cutest evah Santa’s Elf, so she can do her part in lthe Great War on Christmas. A few days ago–as a True Patriot–Snuggums was probably dressed up in a full Uncle Sam outfit, completed by a stoopid top-hat and paste-on beard.
See? I wasn’t kidding about loading up the pipe.
How come she passed up the chance to trash the jury like practically everyone else who has deplored the verdict?
Oh, right, it’s because abortion for her is like squirrels for that dog in Up.
If you ask me, Marbury v. Madison led to all those Roman orgies that brought about the moral decay which allowed the communists to raise the debt ceiling. That’s why the abortionists attacked Pearl Harbor.
Ooooo. Atlanta and Philadephia are tied 1-1, bottom the sixth.
*slips away into Baseball*
And if little Lisa’s mother had aborted her, she would never have lived to give such joy to Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum who illegally adopted, tortured, and killed her before dumping her body in a vacant lot.
this is the exact case/argument i use on people…you are the only other person i’ve run across who knows who lisa was…
and tag fail….sigh…
*pops back for a moment*
Snorg: Vereh fine!
Wading is a good way to find snakes and turtles, gocart.
have you ever noodled?
*hangs around*
bbfk: But a classic fail, and italics-fail is your special signature. We still love you.
*gone fer realz*
With a nymchange phail for emphasis.
Read the whole thing, its mangoliscious.
[A few excerpts]
A Declaration of Dependence upon MARRIAGE and FAMiLY
[from the footnotes]
8 No peer-reviewed empirical science or rational demonstration has ever definitively proven, nor even has shown an overwhelming probability, that homosexual preference or behavior is irresistible as a function of genetic determinism or other forms of fatalism. Furthermore, no peer-reviewed empirical science or rational, scholarly demonstration has ever definitively proven, nor even has shown an overwhelming probability:
. . .
4) That practices such as adultery, bisexuality, homosexuality, anal intercourse, group sex, promiscuity, serial marriage, polygamy, polyandry and extramarital sex, individually or collectively, lead to general improvements in: . . .
g. Incidence of:
xv. Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)
xvi. Anal incontinence
xvii. Abortion
xviii. Abortion-related complications
[Gay Abortions FTW!]
Roe v Wade?
George W. Bush doesn’t care HOW people got out of New Orleans.
Ok, so it’s dated…
How come she passed up the chance to trash the jury like practically everyone else who has deplored the verdict?
I suspect the people trashing the jury the most vocally are the ones who work the most fervently to weasel out of jury duty.
People who have a lot of cats have issues but being an asshole is usually not one of them. I bet Jeannie hates animal or more likely they hate her. Pets are for the most part good judges of character.
xvi. Anal incontinence
Not an image I need, but may explain certain reactionary personages. Like Serial Marrier Gingrich.
If irony is not yet dead, this will kill it.
“Rejection of Sharia Islam and all other anti-woman, anti-human rights forms of totalitarian control.” 19
(footnote 19) We do not oppose peaceful Muslims, only the intolerant system of Sharia Islam: Princeton’s Bernard Lewis, dean of Western scholars of Islam, says,” My own feeling is that the greatest defect of Islam and the main reason they fell behind the West is the treatment of women,? he says. He makes the powerful point that repressive homes pave the way for repressive governments. „Think of a child that grows up in a Muslim household where the mother has no rights, where she is downtrodden and subservient. That’s preparation for a life of despotism and subservience. It prepares the way for an authoritarian society,? ” (The Wall Street Journal, April 2, 2011 at A13). Sharia Islamist aims are abusive of women, young girls and Judeo-Christian notions of gender equality, civil tolerance and liberty. Over the long run, Sharia polygamy,
multi-partner childbearing, demographic jihad and the persecution of Jews, Christians, blacks, artists, feminists, gays, freethinkers and other non-conformists poses a threat to Western human rights in general, and to American liberty in particular.”
I was going to impregnate my wife
Curiously enough, so was D-KW.
footnote 9, the Gingrich clause.
9″As applicable if married now, wed in the future, or whenever interacting with another’s spouse, a person of the opposite sex or of personal attraction. No signer herein claims to be without past wrongdoing, including that of adultery. Yet going forward, each hereby vows fidelity to his or her marital vows, to his or her spouse, to all strictures and commandments against adultery, and to resist the lure of pornography destructive to marital intimacy.”
“xvi. Anal incontinence”
The santorum clause.
Santorum was right. It all starts with gay marriage and before you know it, Turtles!
Without anal incontinence, how would the Rs ever give speeches?
The Gingrich, Sanford, Ensign, Craig, Foley, etc. clause.
resist the lure of pornography destructive to marital intimacy.
As usual, A.K. has got it all upside-down.
OT: but for those Baltimore area natives – The Visionary Art Museum’s current exhibit is on what makes us smile and includes a whole display dedicated to fart humor
rubber and glue? What about rubber and glue? Pocket full o’ posies was about the plague. Fairy Tales were supposed to frighten children into obedience and etc. Recycling, yeah. Santa Claus isn’t real, but the people who want you to have a Merry Christmas are. A little bit of random generation for you there. Wait a second, focused people aren’t random? Please elucidate further.
Nobody even think about cracking a poop joke…
rubber and glue? What about rubber and glue? Pocket full o’ posies was about the plague. Fairy Tales were supposed to frighten children into obedience and etc. Recycling, yeah. Santa Claus isn’t real, but the people who want you to have a Merry Christmas are. A little bit of random generation for you there. Wait a second, focused people aren’t random? Please elucidate further. Why couldn’t I post with the name human?
Nobody even think about cracking a poop joke…
Of course, no one did!!!1`
How about pooping a crack joke?
Quick OT report from ol’ Blighty: speculation here is that Murdoch hopes shutting News of the World will help with the B Sky-B acquisition and maybe disperse people and computers that could tell tales. The story has dominated the news, especially the Cameron connection. Tres juicy. Not so juicy: the heavy coverage of the drought in the Horn of Africa.
Also:POOP. That is all.
Oh: beer selection is adequate. Whiskey selection lags.
How sad to see that Troofy has developed advanced aphasia.
How about pooping a crack joke?
I thought people only did heroin in suppository form.
Are the anal continents formed when drifting tectonic poop plates collide?
It’s getting the crack pipe into the crack that causes the most difficulty, so I’ve heard
If so, she probably dresses the poor beastie with elaborate ‘holiday’ costumes. For example, as the cutest evah Santa’s Elf, so she can do her part in lthe Great War on Christmas. A few days ago–as a True Patriot–Snuggums was probably dressed up in a full Uncle Sam outfit, completed by a stoopid top-hat and paste-on beard.
For a moment, when scrolling back up to see what had been posted since I last looked, I went past this and assumed you were talking about someone dressing a miscarried infant corpse up.
Which, strangely enough, wouldn’t surprise me in her case. (It’d more likely be one of those unnerving “reborn dolls”. Google and be dismayed.)
We’re only a dozen or so comments into it, and four of them are idiotic gibberish.
But now I’m here, soon have that ratio up to normal.
Oh no, no need to thank me.
Oh no, no need to thank me.
Your tip is on the dresser.
No peer-reviewed empirical science or rational demonstration has ever definitively proven, nor even has shown an overwhelming probability, that homosexual preference or behavior is irresistible as a function of genetic determinism
Massive scientific literature search fail. Several twins studies have shown a 40-60% heritability for homosexuality
Peer-reviewed scientific studies have proven that all scientific studies that contradict wingnut talking points magically cease to exist.
I’d like to see less of your fascinations with ‘twin studies’ on this here family blog.
Peer-reviewed scientific studies have proven that all scientific studies that contradict wingnut talking points magically cease to exist.
That would be the entire extant scientific literature then.
I’d like to see less of your fascinations with ‘twin studies’ on this here family blog.
Hey, they are just keeping it in the family. A real “family values” kind of approach, you could say.
The American religious right, defenders of weirdos, misfits, and bizarros the world over.
From the Marriage Vow link upthread:
I can only assume that this particular bunch of Christian zealots doesn’t want other religious fanatics to persecute “artists, feminists, gays, freethinkers and other non-conformists” so that they can have the pleasure of doing the persecuting themselves.
so that they can have the pleasure of doing the persecuting themselves.
Like all conservatives, they hate having to share.
If Mr. Thunder was too late to put his name (whatever it might be) down for the Blow and Hookers Twin study, I do not feel that he should ruin it for the rest of us. H8er!!
“It’s getting the crack pipe into the crack that causes the most difficulty, so I’ve heard.”
You are only partially correct, as the larger difficulty occurs when lighting the pipe. Some have complained too that sharing the pipe is made more difficult.
Homosexual twins?
Xtube channel?
(yes, I’ve already seen those Czech brothers. I wan MOAR)
I am only passingly familiar with the twins studies. (the actual, yknow scientific ones). I am aware that the methodology for some of the more inrteresting ones examined identical twins raised separately, controlling for the nurture variable. as I recall, there was a remarkable (even, one might say, highly significant tendency for such siblings to share a sexual orientation. Dunno what that stat Dr. D. cited is exactly.
Any bets those folks are young earth creationists? Scientific evidence indeed.
I assume the silence is due to everone searching the interducts for gay twin pron. I would help you out with links but I’m not at home.
I have recieved word that some Egyptian civilians are renewing the idea of guerilla warfare, that there is a new insurgency of said activities. Mubarak is a tyrant, surely. We, The Pacific Army strongly discourage attempts to overthrow governments. The numbers of our peaceful organization grow daily worldwide. This is a worldwide issue. We are finding peaceable solutions. We believe in justice, and that its wheels will turn again. Destruction is not improved with further destruction. We ask those who say “no more!”, to take positive action, today. The time is now.
The Pacific Army says: The harm principle is law.
A principle is a value, or a standard.The harm principle is a philosophy of non-interference of the law. The principle is that what should be punishable by law an individual or group is inflicting any sort of harm on a person (and this does include theft, harrasment, etc)
Is it because I like repetition. Oh, it’s because I like repetition. The deal is, there is no deal. That was me arguing with myself just now, or something.That was redundant. I’m funny? Oh, I’m funny. Haha, I’m funny. Verbassity, you excrementalist, you. (I used yer word, an’ MY word. redundancy?) *sigh*
My hovercraft is full of eels.
There will be a new insurgency of sad activities. Photos of cats who haz sads will be put in letterboxes, Crying clowns will wander the streets. Supporters of Sunderland Football team will accost people in the street and tell them what has gone wrong.
I see you’re starting to get the idea.
Human Beans is the Nostradamus for our age!
Someone should have told Human not to take the brown acid.
Dunno what that stat Dr. D. cited is exactly.
The stat I gave is the estimated inferred genetic contribution to homosexuality based on a comparison of the coincidence of homosexuality among identical twins, fraternal twins, non-twin siblings, and adopted siblings. The numbers vary based on the study, in part because of differences in methodology and small sample sizes in many cases. What the numbers suggest is that homosexuality is about half genetically determined and about half environmentally determined – you inherit a predisposition toward homosexuality which is then influenced by a wide variety of environmental variables (including the uterine environment). My favorite statistic to come out of the research on biological bases for homosexuality is that the more older brothers a man has, the more likely he is to be homosexual. Nobody really knows why that is, though several possible explanations have been put forward.
everone searching the interducts for gay twin pron
Heh. One of the most extensive twin studies, done in Australia, showed that homosexual twins overwhelmingly expressed no desire to have sex with each other and to never have done so. Reality is often the best anti-aphrodisiac.
There is a conspiracy in China. The Pacific Army knows about it because, well, China is close to the Pacific. Well, the China Sea, anyway, and that is close enough, as far as oceans and seas go. I almost wrote Specific by mistake back there. I almost wrote China is close to the Specific. Which it is. The conspiracy, known in many places, but not reported in television newsmagazines, is about woks and noodles. Many, many Hunan noodles. Oodles and oodles of noodles.
Trouble with self-imposed exile inside a comfort-bubble of propaganda is that you eventually lose any ability to comprehend just how royally fucked up your POV has become … & I’d guess that DeAngelis has been circling the hellmouth of the Fox News Vortex O’ Duh for many years by now.
Makes exactly as much sense for me to say that Amerika lost in Vietnam due to appendectomies … or that Brown v. Board Of Education was why the Commies were able to crush the Prague Spring uprising.
Never paid attention to the Evil Sexy Mom trial because I find the craze for such cases to be kind of morbid – & the topic of how the Sick Fuck who’s the star of the drama got that way (or how to prevent such sad events) never quite seems to cross the media’s event horizon of finger-wagging, schadenfreude & psychic fapping.
There is also a conspiracy in baseball about woks and strikes.
<Amerika lost in Vietnam due to appendectomies
It was Nazi islamofascistiic abortionists and some socialiistic not-white people.
bbfk: Can I borrow some of your italics tag-fail medicine? I’ve just had a relapse.
When the troll started in yesterday about”Culture of death made Anthony kill her baby” I thought, “Hmm. Could be something to that. Raise a person in a country that approaches all problems as enemies to be crushed in war, sheds no tears for non-combatants killed by mistaken airstrikes, tortures prisoners…yeah, Iguess there’s a case you can make for that kid being desensitized to the value of human life”…
Of course, then I kept reading. The rest was not as compelling.
Make that woks and strikeouts.
I am against gorilla warfare.
I am against gorilla warfare.
Then you are in luck, as the gorillas are mostly pacifists. It is the Chimps you have to look out for. Bonobos on the other hand are all about make love, not war.
LK: Yesterday’s troll was well and truly Over The Edge. I base this assessment on the mangoes that brave Sadlies brought back: the mangoes were many, exceedingly rotten, and rapidly disintegrated into Complete Mush.
I’ve not been at S,N long enough to have read the classic reichwing trolls. (Mostly I’ve encountered sad people off their meds, or who need professional help, including meds.) Yesterday’s trollish speciman was perhaps the most grotesque I’ve encountered here.
gorillas are mostly pacifists
Yesterday’s trollish speciman was perhaps the most grotesque I’ve encountered here.
Did Troofie make and appearance and I missed it?
Damn. Miskeyed the initials. Can we pretend that the correct nym is really Lurking Kanadian? No? Didn’t think so.
Da, tovarisch. Khorosho.
Doc: Nope. Is The Truth a classic? Like inducted into the Troll Pantheon or somthing? I have read some!
Also do Coach Urban Meyer, Bitter Clinger, and Honest Question qualify as Pantheon material?
(I’ve also read some Gary Ruppert, but I suspect most were Sadlies having fun with fake trolling and style mimicry.)
Mr. Kanadian: Whew! That’s very kind of you. I was terrified of the Thread Police.
Y’know, I really hate to have two different browsers going at any given time, but I may have to make an exception.
Annieangel and her shoelimpy should be in the Pantheon.
Lt. Mason, man the phasers!
Liked this comment over at Lawyers guns and money the other day:
“Row vs Wade, row, ’cause I dont want to get my jeans wet!”
The Visionary Art Museum’s current exhibit is on what makes us smile and includes a whole display dedicated to fart humor
Museum o’ Fart
Yet going forward, each hereby vows fidelity to his or her marital vows
No announcement yet available on whether Ms. Bachmann has agreed to sign a pledge vowing to uphold this vow to uphold her marital vows.
In other news, Sirhan Sirhan has changed his name to Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan. No reason was given for the change.
Roe v Wade, who wants to choose
my mom makes a killer mousse
I call fake Saul. The real one always opened with “Shalom, gentlemen.”
A killer mousse bit my sister.
Snakes and turtles caused 9/11.
fuck you, it was the evil cuttlefish brothers, bent of world destruction, only the great octopus deity can save us now!
Roe vrs wade, who can pick,
my kitty cat is incredibly thick!
grab a gun grab a noose
killer mousse is on the loose
The fact is, the economic crisis was caused by undeserving poor getting mortgages and public employees getting paid too much, therfore taxes higher than in history. Adn your class warfare. Yes, you blame bankers and businessman for it all, say they are greedy, but YOU ARE. They just want to create jobs, and you make it hard for them,
I will not Wade out of teh boat for this one. Instead I will Roe away.
Although I must note my disappointment in the blargosphere’s failure to blame the spread of equal marriage rights for the fact that due process does not allow for trial by demented scolds.
It’s insane. There have always been abortions. There have always been people who abandon their babies. There have always been people who murder children. The problem is that every jackass with an internet connection to can whip themselves into a mouth-foaming frenzy and reach thousands of like-minded morons. We’ve developed a culture where it is acceptable to say whatever crazy shit pops into your head at any given moment.
We’ve developed a culture where it is acceptable to say whatever crazy shit pops into your head at any given moment.
Speaking of which, I popped down to speaker’s corner today but was sorely disappointed to find mostly god-botherers with very little politics or economic debate. One anarchist,one nationalist and somebody who wanted to talk about Palestine. The anarchist was sort of entertaining but never made an actual point so I gave up and took a nice walk in Kensington Gardens.
We’ve developed a culture where it is acceptable to say whatever crazy shit pops into your head at any given moment.
Ergo, Twitter. FML.
Lest we forget, the value of life in America has been reduced to this motto: “Every child a wanted child.”
Where is that motto found? On our cash?
This is true to the extent that a society ignores the Judeo-Christian part.
The terse couple of sentences, the requisite typo, the “therefore” without actually being preceeded by deductive logic, and the final inductive observation spoken as if it were deduced: that’s good top-of-his-form Gary (High Gary, if you will, and I think you might).
Whoever crafted that one gets high marks at isolating the forumula.