The Pot Calling The FLOTUS Black

ABOVE: The Don Jim Bob Surber Reading Room

Shorter Don Jim Bob Surber, Charlztun Daly Male:
Michelle needs TOTUS to praise her husband

  • Michelle Obama are so stewpid cause she need a tellapromptur to help her sez her speech.*

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*You know, Jim Bob, if you’re going to rag on Michelle for being so stupid that she has to use a teleprompter to give a speech, it’s best not to do so in a post littered with typos, punctuation mistakes and grammatical errors.


Comments: 245


Remember when we used to make fun of people for using lecture notes? Haw haw, those dumbasses.


Using proper grammar is for rich people.


Michelle needs TOTUS to praise her husband

Don Surber needs a brain enema to clear all that shit out of his haid

Headling fixx0red for accuracy.


Shorter JimBob:

Those silly blackity blacks are too stupid to remember their speeches!

That really has to be their point. Otherwise, they’d have to explain away, say, this photostream of Reagan using teleprompters, or just admit that it’s okay for white Republicans to use them.


HeadlinE. Also, too.


…white Republicans…

What other kind are there?




How long till Donniekins pulls the post (or at least corrects the typos)?



Don’t know about her, but he never delivered my BBQ bacon with sausage. some things can’t be forgiven.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

did dubya use a teleprompter? either way, is that really who jimmydonjoebob considers a great orator?


Really, why use a teleprompter when you can wear a wire.


…white Republicans…

What other kind are there?

Jennifer is a dirty liar.

Herman Cain
Ken Blackwell
Michael Steele

That’s THREE! THREE WHOLE REPUBLICANS. In your face, libs.


I bet Jim Bob has some good horse puns. You know, from pillow talk.



Trigger (and Trig) can count that high. Can Don?


If anyone else heard Dr. Bachmann speak for the first time last night, well, rumproast and Balloon-Juice went there:


thenthelightningwill says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
July 1, 2011 at 3:00 PM

Mikey NTH says:
July 1, 2011 at 10:23 AM

daveyboy, you better up your game. You’re in the big leagues here and we don’t suffer fools gladly or for long.

Ha ha, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Here, on a Don Surber column, you say you don’t suffer fools.

This is one for the archives.


O hay speaking of black people, Andrew Klavan wants you to know that they’re really stupid and why won’t ni . . . um, blacks, vote for people who agree with Andrew Klavan?


Turdpress can suck horse semen in hell.


The line between anti-intellectualism and pro-stupidity was breached long ago.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

ya know, this whole 4th of july thing is starting to really annoy me…just as much as andrew klavan does…


What’s all this talk about horsemen? I think it’s great that these cowboys and rodeo riders become so good at what they do that they…

What’s that? Not “horsemen”? Horse what now?

Never Mind

Spearhafoc, who may be a Grammar Nazi (but he's just following orders)

Two threads in one day? What is this madness?


Sorry, but Michael Steele lost his Black Guy card some time ago.

So that leaves just 1.5:

1. the guy whose company makes the most horrific pizza in history and has a two-page attention span;

2. that other guy … who is actually clear–so much so that almost no one ever remembers he even exists.


She was only a horseman’s daughter,
But all the horsemen knew ‘er…


Sheesh, I go to the North Woods for a few days, and it’s Post! Post! Post!


2. that other guy … who is actually clear–so much so that almost no one ever remembers he even exists.

Alan Keyes? He hasn’t been around lately- he’d make a great voice actor in children’s cartoons.

Spearhafoc, who may be a Grammar Nazi (but he's just following orders)

Sorry, but Michael Steele lost his Black Guy card some time ago.

Yeah, Michael Steele doesn’t count because he’s technically blue.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

mn makes horse racing history…but on the upside, we still have this…


Alan Keyes?

Doesn’t count — he’s so damn crazy, even the GOP doesn’t want him around any more.

Besides, they only kept him around so they could say, “LOOK! WE HAZ A NIG–UH–BLACKDOOD!!”

They’re now practically awash in non-whiteness now, so he became expendable.


“Now” being the key word in that last sentence.


Or would that kill teh gerbilz?



Not only did wordpress never post my brilliant comment here (from Surber’s house of stupid), he deleted it after it made it through moderation and was published there.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

Not only did wordpress never post my brilliant comment here (from Surber’s house of stupid), he deleted it after it made it through moderation and was published there

margaret has apparently been banned there as my brilliant comments didn’t even make it to moderation…big a-hole babies…


Jennifer is a dirty liar.

Yeah, and you know what else? I’m immoral and bigoted and not pure in my principles. I have it on good authoritah.

Also, too: brief, what at least seemed to be, firebagger incursion over at my joint, which seems to have been aborted in its mere infancy by my immoral, bigoted, and impure declaration that I wasn’t going to play a “let’s change the topic” game.


Love the repartee in Surber’s slop bucket where some one shows him the Snopes version of what really happened and Surber counters with “Snopes is a lefty site” and one of the other droolers writes that they don’t suffer fools at Surber’s.
Come clean Stephen Colbert. All. The. Same. Guy.


Hey! WP is messing with me


I just posted

Provided they never loses their teleprompters.

Is this ‘lolblackperson’ going to be a recurring feature of yours, Don?

And it never even went to ‘awaiting moderation’. So apparently thenthelightningwill is banned.

Fucking paper ought to be ashamed of itself for publishing this swill.

I wonder what the odds are that the owners of the Charleston Daily Mail:

1) inherited their paper
2) are long time rethuglicans

That would make them just like the owners of the Columbus Dispatch/canary cage liner in this town.


Look at Surber’s comments for the comment “We don’t suffer fools around here for long”


That would make them just like the owners of the Columbus Dispatch/canary cage liner in this town.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve told callers/door-to-door salesmen for our newspaper that no, I wasn’t going to subscribe, not even to the Sunday paper, because I wasn’t interested in having my news editorialized. As I tell them, “if I wanted my news slanted, I could just watch Fox, and it’s already included in my channel package at no additional cost.”

Bonus point: when they train them, they don’t give them a response for this, like they do with “I can’t afford it,” “I never have time to read it” & etc. So this one response will effectively end the conversation, thereby saving both you AND the salesperson valuable time.


I just posted a comment at Surber’s and it’s awaiting moderation. I’m quivering with an-tici-pay-shun!!


Thenthelightningwill made it through a few prior Sadly, No! excursions, A.K.

But apparently this time I crossed the “Don’t criticize Surber in a fashion that he’s able to figure out” Maginot Line.


Editor and Publisher: Nanya Friend — 304-348-5124

Managing Editor: Brad McElhinny — 304-348-1703

And some wtf?


If anyone else heard Dr. Bachmann speak for the first time last night, well, rumproast and Balloon-Juice went there:

Horrible great minds think alike.


Yeah, Michael Steele doesn’t count because he’s technically blue.

Well, hibbelty gribble, Spear! Why did you have to go there?


OT: A little comic relief…I keep watching this video because I think Billy Squier has some sort of muscular disorder. I’m utterly fascinated.

Oh, and ladies–HOTT. Watch for the shirt rip!!!


Seems everyone forgot Clarence teh cross-eyed lion Thomas.


And some wtf?

Ahhh, so the owners WANT the paper to fail. That would explain why they hired Surber.


Thread Bear, there is a scent of the Producers in there (minus the humor and class)


Clarence teh cross-eyed lion

I prefer Nachos the Cross-Eyed Cat.


Isn’t that properly “the rancid, uncleaned chamber pot calling the FLOTUS black?” Of course she is black, but he is still a rancid, uncleaned chamber pot in a home for syphilitic lepers.


Shorter Jonah Goldberg:

I don’t undertand this whole 14th amendment thing as it relates to the debt limit. Someone explain to me in Simpsons quotes and Star Trek references.

Update Here’s a Huffington Post explaining it bad. I don’t know how it’s bad but I know why: I don’t like the answer.

Update II My commenter explains it better: “Impeach Obama.”


Apart from the numerous typos, shitfingers needs to be schooled on his attempted sarcasm: in so many words Ms.Obama said her daughters ARE privileged and there was no hint at self-pity in that reference. His lame dig at the Obama’s potential wealth only illuminates his racist attitude that even wealthy blacks just want to shake us down for more welfare.



Or would that kill teh gerbilz?’

The Gerbilz is unionized! Don’t mess with the Gerbilz Brotherhood!


Shorter wingnut:

“I hate him because he’s a rich guy!”

Hmmm no…………..

“I hate him because he uses a teleprompter!”

Nooo, still not quite right……………..

Now what does that leave……………..?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

No, you miss Billybobdumbass’s point. THIS IS ‘MURKAH! Everybody is “perfectly free” to get elected president and be set for life, just as everybody is “perfectly free” to withhold their labor from the “open market” until they can get the price they want for it. And see, there’s no such thing as racism, because even a nig…. [thud! sploooey!]


Shorter Jonah Goldberg:


I’m no Constitutional lawyer…

Probably the truest thing you’ll ever read in a Jonah column.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

I’m missing something.

second most true thing ever read in a jonah column…

Spearhafoc, who may be a Grammar Nazi (but he's just following orders)

This is far more truth than I’m used to associating with Jonah Goldberg. I’m scared.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

But I’ll await others to edify me further do my work for me.

fixxed for more truthiness…

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

and a tagfail…good to know i still got it!


Cross-posted at some Bouffant website.
“Education: MA – Regent University, VA
PhD – Clinical Psychology, Union Graduate School, OH”

Union Graduate School? Let’s check it out.
“the Union Institute’s Ph.D. program came under scrutiny by the Ohio Board of Regents in the late 1990s early 2000s, which scrutiny culminated in its 2002 Reauthorization Report. The report was critical of the Union Institute’s Ph.D. program, noting in particular that ” … expectations for student scholarship at the doctoral level were not as rigorous as is common for doctoral work … ” (OBR 2002 Reauthorization Report, page 13) The Union was put on probation. Later, the Union Graduate School was dissolved and the Ph.D. program was restructured. Formerly it had been a Ph.D. in Arts and Sciences. Its name and focus were changed and two other doctoral programs were broken out.”
” While there has been some confusion in the way Ph.D.s are titled, with many Ph.D.s being represented in particular fields, the Ph.D. is and has always been a single Ph.D. and its concentration or specialization areas should not be confused with the degree itself. The titles above are the correct titles for the degree. Aspiring doctoral students wishing to have a Ph.D. in a specific field such a Physics or Spanish Literature will find these in traditional graduate programs but not in The Union Institute and University. The Union Institute and University, by contrast, will be more appropriate for students wishing to avoid the specialization of a field.”

Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies, with concentrations in:
Ethical & Creative Leadership
Humanities & Culture
Public Policy & Social Change


Probably the truest thing you’ll ever read in a Jonah column.

Also the most cogent and insightful. Somebody must have written it for him.


Meowsicians For Your Ameowsment!

Click my name and play both videos at the same time for better super fun time.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

this is indeed some phd calibre writing:

Personal Mission Statement: I believe my call is to minister to the needs of people in a practical, effective, and sensitive way. Christ is the Almighty Counselor. My wife and I are the parents of 5 children and have been foster parents to more than 20 children.

ewwww…he and chelle are totes cut from the same cloth…


second most true thing ever read in a jonah column…

Somebody else definitely wrote that. That is a level of honesty and self reflection that Jonah is simply not capable of. If he tried it, he would spontaneously combust.

bbkf, who sometimes is that girl

Somebody else definitely wrote that. That is a level of honesty and self reflection that Jonah is simply not capable of. If he tried it, he would spontaneously combust.

ewww…and then conservative women would be able to enjoy the free-falling cheetosplooge shots…


PhD – Clinical Psychology, Union Graduate School, OH


“the Ph.D. is and has always been a single Ph.D. and its concentration or specialization areas should not be confused with the degree itself.”

SURPRISE! He is lying.


SURPRISE! He is lying.

He is a conservative. That is a given.


Good news: Cory Maye is going to be released from prison.

Brings back some bitter memories:

“What it all comes down to is that the cops had a warrant, identified themselves as police officers twice, and then Maye deliberately and knowingly chose to shoot one of them to death. For that crime, Maye deserves the needle, the noose, or the chair — not sympathy.”

–small gubmint conservative John “Jackboot” Hawkins


“Dr” Marcus Bachmann has a PHD in “how to lock a closet door from the inside” and not as he claims, in “clinical psychology”


“Dr” Marcus Bachmann has a PHD in “how to lock a closet door from the inside” and play with himself.


Now now, people. “Dr. Marcus” is also “Mister One L”.

He’s paying for his crimes against humanity, and will continue doing so for the foreseeable future.

(Can’t believe I didn’t get flagged for ‘foreseeable’. How about ‘foreskinable’? Ah, there we go.)


Also, too: brief, what at least seemed to be, firebagger incursion over at my joint, which seems to have been aborted in its mere infancy by my immoral, bigoted, and impure declaration that I wasn’t going to play a “let’s change the topic” game.

I got as far as the commenter typing “You’re shouting”. Really, what a goddamn pearl clutcher. I’m going to sound like a real Johnny Roughnuts here, but some people really need to catch a beating so they know what real adversity is… too bad the lovely Miss May Whitley isn’t around to give them the what for.


“Dr” Marcus Bachmann has a PHD in “how to lock a closet door from the inside” accompanied by a confused boy whose family can’t come to terms with his sexuality.

Lurking Canadian

Is there, or has there been for the last 20 years, any politician, spokesman or public speaker above the rank of high school valedictorian, who did not use a TelePrompTer?

This is such bullshit.


Lurking Canadian (IF that is his real name!) is clearly in the pocket of Big TelePrompTer.


oo bad the lovely Miss May Whitley isn’t around to give them the what for.

Or Michelle Yeoh.


I think I’ve figured out the teleprompter envy of conservatives:

They’re jealous the Obama’s can read and speak fluently at the same time.


Is there, or has there been for the last 20 years, any politician, spokesman or public speaker above the rank of high school valedictorian, who did not use a TelePrompTer?

This is such bullshit.

ikr?!?!? like dubya didn’t use one?!?! and he still managed to fuck that up?!?! c’MON!


Or Michelle Yeoh.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Surcharges…


Somebody just farted in church.

Somebody’s gonna get drummed out of the movement.


Somebody’s gonna get drummed out of the movement.

Tarred and feathered and run out of town on a splintery rail if she’s lucky, otherwise burnt at the stake for such rank heresy.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Somebody’s gonna get drummed out of the movement.

I’ve seen one or two little lapses like this lately. Maybe they’re just anomalies that will quickly be “rectified” (rectum-fied?) On the other hand, maybe they’re straws in the wind heralding a full-blown schism that could see the mainline republicans and the teabaggers splitting 30% of the vote a year from November. If I could live to see something like that, it would make up for a lot of the shit I’ve lived through since November 1980.


Is Michele Bachmann crazy enough to split the party?


Is Michele Bachmann crazy enough to split the party?

hells yeah!


If I could live to see something like that, it would make up for a lot of the shit I’ve lived through since November 1980.



That’s THREE! THREE WHOLE [black] REPUBLICANS. In your face, libs.

Does no one remember Alan Keyes?


TinTin: I must protest! As a person who never, ever, ever leaves the boat–and who Always. Trusts. The. Shorter–it is extremely disturbing to encounter actual rotted mangoes in the set-up.

Also think of the childrens who might be exposed to toxic waste.


Is Michele Bachmann crazy enough to split the party?

Well she has already split her personality and I would wager that her crazy could split hydrogen atoms.


Self-AHEMing for my Keyes comment. I should read everything before going off half-cocked.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

AHEM-ing the half-cocked.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oh, and Fenwick: You asked about my ‘nym the other night and I didn’t answer till after the thread died. I know repeating the same post is considered bad netiquette, so I’ll just link to it.


Rev: Thanks. I saw yer first post and tried it myself. My nym came out as Brother Crimson Fire of Mercy. I like the monastic part. I’m also big on mercy.

Btw, I went through bizarre and frenetic nym changes after I first emerged from lurkerhood into the sunlight of SN commentary for the first time. It took me so long to stablize with ‘Fenwick’. I understand yer reluctance to do a nym change.

I can’t believe the Sadlies actually put up with the nonsensical contortions my nym went through.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

I can’t believe the Sadlies actually put up with the nonsensical contortions my nym went through.

Yes, you are truly history’s greatest monster.

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

thanks, rev…that site distracted me so that i burned the cookies i’m baking for the bloodmobile…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Problem is, you come up with something you think is clever or funny, it’ll seem that way for a couple of hours, but months later, there it still is.

When I started posting on here, I had been lurking and watching the constant back-and-forth battle between the spambots and the flagbot on Craigslist (I only read the ads for entertainment—honest!) and thought “Lurkbot” sounded funny. Well, it did for the rest of that day….

At least I can claim I’m not the one who made up “TVRBoK”.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

i burned the cookies i’m baking for the bloodmobile

I don’t like the bloodmobile in the new movies; it’s too tank-like. I prefer the classic bloodmobile from the 60’s Bloodman TV show.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

Wow, congratulations! That’s a good one. “The Main Gauche of Mild Reason” used to post over on Balloon Juice all the time, but I like the cat-o-nine-tails part.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I don’t like the bloodmobile in the new movies; it’s too tank-like. I prefer the classic bloodmobile from the 60?s Bloodman TV show.

Yeah, and The Cookie was one lame-ass villain, too.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Yeah, and The Cookie was one lame-ass villain, too.

They should bring back the old villains like The Jugular and Two-Heart.

S. cerevisiae who is Brother Thompson Submachine of Understanding

It’s great to be back in Sadlyland after a week with only work internet. Oh, and Surber really needs to just move to the hills and live in a root cellar eating grubs and worms.


about my ‘nym

I am Father Thompson Submachine of Lovingkindness, & so can you!


I prefer the classic bloodmobile from the 60?s Bloodman TV show.

Some people thought jumped the shark frog-blasted the vent core when the show’s writers gave him the Crusading Corpuscle as a sidekick.


Uh, thought the show

Sorry, this electricity thing is kinda new to me.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

But the Lurking Leukocyte—now there was a villain!

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

Wow, congratulations! That’s a good one.

heh…my son turns out to be The Very Reverend Brass Knuckles of Moderation…he is quite pleased…


Dr and Mrs Attorney Bachmann, Esq having a gay old time with the Rev Ted “I’ve been cured better than a spicy Italian sausage” Haggard.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Gotta admit I never saw a picture of Mr. Michele before—is it just me, or does he look like whats-his-face on Bones?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And no, I never knew what he looked like before Bones, because I never watched Buffy or Angel, but I remembered his name—every time I saw it, I’d spend a minute trying to figure out what in the bloody hell nationality it was. I finally just gave up.


I thought Bloodman went wrong when they got David Mamet to write it and he tried to show The Osteomylitis Kid as a terribly conflicted character when we all knew he was just bad to the bone


Nope, it’s the Rev. Haggis who does resemble whazzizname. The bloat on the left is Marcus B.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Nope, it’s the Rev. Haggis who does resemble whazzizname. The bloat on the left is Marcus B.

No shit! I never thought I’d say anything like this but…she could do better.


That looks photoshopped but she had to have looked like that at some stage. Like Haggard had just told her about the spicy Italian sausage.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Looks more like two spicy Italian sausages had just been applied where they’d do the most good.


Wow, seeing all those typos corrected makes me want to spank Maggie Gyllenhaal.


Of course, I guess I always want to spank Maggie Gyllenhaal.


Also, spanking the Maggie Gyllenhaal.

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

now i really want to watch ‘donnie darko’ again…


Maggie Gyllenhaal is an odd-looking woman…but a good actress. And I mostly enjoyed this movie, even though she played the part like the character was mildly developmentally-challenged. Still, a very quirkily sexy film.


Also, she does a flawless, and I mean flawless British accent.

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

And I mostly enjoyed this movie, even though she played the part like the character was mildly developmentally-challenged. Still, a very quirkily sexy film.

that was an odd film wasn’t it? i will watch her in ANYthing…and it goes w/out saying that so will teh hubby…she’ the reason he sat through ‘crazyheart’

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

also, too…i forgot about nanny mcphee 2…just watched that one when teh daughter was home a couple of weeks ago…having a special child means getting to watch kid’s movies for freaking ever…which isn’t too awful actually…


The fact is, your liberal critiziem of Survber is like what Hiotler woulf go.

bbkf, who is Sister Cat-o-nine-tails of Appreciative Joy

gary, the fact is you write just as well as surber!


Is it true that “Dr” Bachmann, in addition to exorcising gay demons from innocent victims of liberal fascism, also plays the character Cam on “Modern Family”?

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Maggie Gyllenhaal is an odd-looking woman

By “odd” you mean “hot”, right?


Any woman who doesn’t look she came from the Mattel injection-molding factory immediately gets my attention.

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

*cough* Doctor *cough* Bachmann could be the source of many, many, lulz going forward. How long is it gonna take before some kid who was “treated” comes forward with details of the “treatment?”

Or efforts to suppress this information from Camp Bachmann TurnYou Overdrive pop up in the press?

Popcorn: food pron suggestions?


Shorter Surber: it shore pissez me awf when ni…uh, colored folk tra doin thangs that’s fer watt paypul ownlee lak talkin fancy in frun uv folks an awn teevee. Hey wah duz my keeburd smell lak mah azz an fangers?


Perhaps he is one of those effeminate heterosexuals?

“That’s sexist to me, come on. – Michael Halbreich took a leave of absence.
What do you mean?
From you calling him a cunt, he’s shell-shocked…
and he’s examining everything in his life.
Taking a leave of absence.
– Man, is that so? – Yeah.
Shit, you know…
l thought he was one of those effeminate heterosexuals.
There’s no such thing as an effeminate heterosexual.
You’re either gay or you’re not gay. He was gay, he’s gay.”

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

The whole Christian “Turn the Gays Around” movement is built on a foundation of deceit, from its very first premise. It is, however, a wonderful pretense for closeted folks to get in a position to “treat” delectable youngsters under the guise of counseling. The parallels to the priesthood are hard to ignore, I think this is going to, er, come out.

Yes, I do.

Getting in position.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance




Given the recent uproar about why oh why does Obama hate gay people, I find this hilariously timely in addition to being some really, really great news.

And yes, I’ve already posted the link to the infamous TBogg thread AND updated my blog post.


Where the fuck IS everyone, anyway? Or have I just succeeded, yet again, in killing the thread?

Xecky Gilchrist

Go forth and DIE.

I always listen to that one around when the stores are full of mylar balloons saying “ConGRADulations!!!!11!1!1″

S. cerevisiae who is Brother Thompson Submachine of Understanding

I agree, some of these “treated” kids are going to come forward with some interesting tales. This is going to be fun to watch.


I know it makes me a big old meanie-head, but I’m already popping popcorn. In fact, I had some last night.


I know it makes me a big old meanie-head, but I’m already popping popcorn.

That doesn’t make you a meanie-head. It makes you PopShiva, the Bringer of KernelDeath.


Now I am bitterly regretting my intertubes name, because that is pretty great. Plus, there is killing involved in it. There must always be slaying.


I thought Kali was the bringer of Death, and Shiva was the Destroyer.

Or is it the other way round?


You’re probably right. I’m hung over.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

A number of ex ex gays have told their stories. They are … interesting but also very sad. If you have any Interest Wayne Besen’s place would probably be the best starting point. I

Again, informative but heartbreaking material is what you will find. You have been warned.


Sometimes when I read the comments at youtube, I get the impression there’s only two kinds of music: super-heavy metal…and Justin Bieber…and there’s nothing in between!!!! A lot of the youngsters listening to metal stuff sure are ANGRY about The Biebs*.

Relax, young metal dudes, the girls will grow out of it.

Not that he doesn’t suck a thousand donkey dicks, but anger hardly seems like the proper response. Try pretending he doesn’t exist. That’s what I do.


Pretend there’s an asterisk before the last sentence.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Okay, now it reads

ANGRY about the Biebs*.


*That’s what I do.

Now what?


I, for one, look for to the Pomplamoose covers of Bieber’s greatest hits.


I inadvertently left the Unitarian Jihad Name Generator set to female and it spit out this for my name. Since it doesn’t suit me, I shall gift it to vacuumslayer to whom it seems more apropo. Don’t say I never gave you anything vs.

“Blessed Dominatrix of Compassion”


forward, too.


Uh…did anyone bother clicking on that link I posted back a ways upthread? Because…it was kind of a big deal.

In the Friday news dump, the DOJ announced that they had filed an amicus brief in a case where a federal employee is suing over DOMA. DOJ’s brief argues that DOMA is unconstitutional.


Now what?

Poop. I meant the last…part.


I, for one, look for to the Pomplamoose covers of Bieber’s greatest hits.

BETTER: Biebs covers Dethklok.

BETTER STILL: Dethklok covers Biebs


BETTER: Biebs covers Dethklok.

BETTER STILL: Dethklok covers Biebs

I wish somehow Dr.* McGravitas could make this happen.

*What? He totally has a degree from Regent!


If I break this thread do I then have to buy it?

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

Uh…did anyone bother clicking on that link I posted back a ways upthread? Because…it was kind of a big deal.

I did.

I have not visited the FDL *cough* conversation *cough* but I do have a good imagination and can, well, only be imaginin’.

The DOJ action is part of a larger pattern, one that has been playing out for years. Americans consistently poll in favor of GLBT(etc) equality, most people don’t see it as a threat to the very fiber of our existence, etc. Politicians know this, and for all the right’s efforts in this regard, they have over time failed at turning back the tide of acceptance. I mean, really failed. They can squawk and scream and bait the rubes but as far as actions, not so much.

That there are still horrendous smaller-scale actions and residual bigotry and hatred for gay folks requires that vigilance be maintained. However, IMO, this issue is largely decided (and in the right way), it’s now a mopping up operation.

The DOJ’s action does add institutional weight to this long struggle, to be sure. But I believe such institutional actions almost always trail behind the sentiments of the general populace, rarely do such agencies lead the fight (yes, I am sure there notable exceptions-fire away if you must). Good for the DoJ. Good for BO.


What Jennifer means to say – shit up bitch I so can too speak for you – is that until now the DOJ had merely declined to defend DOMA, now they are actively arguing against it.


Shut up also too. Hmmm, shit up butch … shut up butch, they all work but in different ways.


I wish somehow Dr.* McGravitas could make this happen.

Hmm, are Bieber’s songs worth that kind of pay-off? I haven’t heard one that I remember yet.


In the Friday news dump, the DOJ announced that they had filed an amicus brief in a case where a federal employee is suing over DOMA. DOJ’s brief argues that DOMA is unconstitutional.

I clicked on it, Jennifer. But doesn’t this further support the comment I left on your blog?

Unlike in other cases where DOJ has stopped defending DOMA in accordance with President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision that Section 3 of DOMA — the federal definition of marriage — is unconstitutional, DOJ lawyers today made an expansive case in a 31-page filing that DOMA is unconstitutional.

DOMA hasn’t changed, and the support for getting rid of it hasn’t changed. But now that Obama is gearing up for reelection, and the GLBT community is saying “up the ante, emm-effer!”, they’re getting results.

Unfortunately, when it comes to torture (as in bringing those who authorized it to justice) and blowing up foreigners (as in, can we please do less of that), there are no effective lobbies here in the U.S.

And Obama still needs his ass kicked hard with regards to doing something about unemployment, as opposed to just sucking off JP Morgan and Goldman, Sachs.


Men with gold man sacks don’t need to work.


when it comes to torture (as in bringing those who authorized it to justice) and blowing up foreigners (as in, can we please do less of that), there are no effective lobbies here in the U.S.



Not that he doesn’t suck a thousand donkey dicks, but anger hardly seems like the proper response.

Maybe “Dr” Bachmann can cure the Biebs of his donkey dong habit.

The funniest thing about the probable closeted status of Bachmann’s husband is that the dude married to the latest right-wing pinup girl would have been fantasising about banging Freddie Mercury while he was reluctantly schtupping his Stepford Beard.

Poor right-wingers, their latest masturbatory fetish only had sex with some old queen or other who just wasn’t that into it.


I was a pinball man, so I never played Donkey Dong.

El Manquécito

I think donkey dong, equine dong of any kind (onagers, przewalski’s etc.) was more than covered in the previous thread.


Poor right-wingers, their latest masturbatory fetish only had sex with some old queen or other who just wasn’t that into it.

And the weird thing is is that they’ll be ok with his being gay, as long as he hates himself for it. As long he heals himself.


I think donkey dong, equine dong of any kind (onagers, przewalski’s etc.) was more than covered in the previous thread.

Why? Was John Ashcroft posting?


I was a pinball man, so I never played Donkey Dong.

I played every awesome dumb video game from the 80’s. Loved pinball too. Arcade slut.


Arcade slut

Dibs on the band name.

MAN, I am PWNING this thread.


Father Thunder & Wesson: Well, we should admit the ACLU does good work. (I’m biased: I’ve carried an ACLU membership card for 30 years.) Too bad the fucking Department of ‘Justice’ won’t doing diddley squat.

Care to talk about the Obama DOJ and the continuation and expansion of the Secrecy and Surveillance state?

I can understand why so many folks bought Obama’s shuck and jive in 2008. All of my (under-70) family and friends did, even overlooking his senatorial betrayal on the so-called FISA ‘compromise’.

“That was only an electioneering thing, y’know. Look, he promised he’ll fix the bad FISA stuff after he’s President.”

Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18 is working hard to convince them not to endorse Obama’s shuck-and-jive (in every vital policy arena) again in 2012.

((Also shucking and jiving….))


Players of crappy old videogames need MAME.


VS: Joey thinks that’s Teh Awesomest band name evah!


I was a pinball man, so I never played Donkey Dong.

Heh… supple wrist…

And the weird thing is is that they’ll be ok with his being gay, as long as he hates himself for it. As long he heals himself.

If he turns out to be gay, and didn’t enjoy the sexual intercourse he engaged in, does that mean that Michele coul still be considered a virgin?

Obama’s shuck

I sure could go for some oysters! Carry on, good people, I’m off to work, and it’s one of those days I can’t surf teh t00bz on the job.


“Blessed Dominatrix of Compassion”

I did not see this before, gocart. LULZ.

Compassionate Dominatrix is doin’ it rong.



Two comrades, my closest friends, joined Cadre 18 before the 2008 election!

Shirley you didn’t think the Cadre was only Comrade Fenwick?


Players of crappy old videogames need MAME.

Everybody needs Mame.

It’s one of the best movies ever.


I’m biased: I’ve carried an ACLU membership card for 30 years.

I have one too, although I’m a slacker and it lapses until they send me a reminder in the mail (that I open…I am the king of unopened mail).


Smith & Wesson: Same with me! But, like you, I always come through for the ACLU year-after-year.

However, sir, I beg to differ with you on the ‘king of unopened mail’ question.

And anyway the Duchy would shirley oppose a theocratic and monarchical state, a unifed priesthood and kingdom.

Of course, I could be misreading ‘Father’. Maybe it’s like ‘Father Time’ or ‘Father Christmas’.


But yer wrong about the mail thing. You see, I’m far beyond temporal political states altogether. I’m Timeless and Epic like Virgil, only with mail.


DOMA hasn’t changed, and the support for getting rid of it hasn’t changed. But now that Obama is gearing up for reelection, and the GLBT community is saying “up the ante, emm-effer!”, they’re getting results.

Well, except that I kinda doubt that they just sat down and wrote the whole brief after people started bitching on FDL about how Obama wouldn’t say the magic words in the wake of the NY victory. It’s possible, but I’d be surprised if that’s how it went down. It’s not like we’ve not seen them hold their cards close to the vest before (birth certificate, taking out bin Laden). But you know, if it WAS in response to GLBT pressure as you say, well then, good on them and good on the administration for responding in a way that might actually produce a result, rather than just trotting out and offering up the lip service that was requested.

As I HOPE you gathered from my response on my blog, my point wasn’t, and never has been, that Obama hasn’t done things – lots of them – that merit criticism, only that THIS particular thing wasn’t one of them. And that further, if you are forever dragging your every grievance into every discussion, it gets kind of hard to have an objective conversation about anything at all. So yes, he’s done a lot of shit I don’t like, but I don’t think his record as regards gay rights deserves criticism. That’s the ONE area where he’s actually lived up to what he said he would do in the campaign.


Sparse SN traffic today. Is this some holiday? National Bloviation Day or something?

*thinks* That can’t be right. The U.S already celebrates bloviation year-round; wouldn’t need a special national holiday for it. I haz a konfoozed….


That’s the ONE area where he’s actually lived up to what he said he would do in the campaign.

Well, during the campaign, Obama promised to ramp up Afghanistan significantly. He delivered on THAT promise, that’s fer sure.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Sparse SN traffic today.

I think the Rapture happened. It was just a little late.


Teh internet toobz is full of treacle up here so this maybe why traffic is slow.
That is good news Jennifer I read the article tho it took about 1/2 an hour to load. Dayem the treacle gnomes.
I think that it is worthwhile pointing out that the most intelligent, factual and well reasoned criticism of Obama comes from the left. As well as empty nads, the right has empty heads

Fenwick, Timeless and Epic

I have an idea for a holiday.

National Drunk Driving Day

For 24 hours, all Interstates and US highways have no traffic laws. It’s legal to do anything you want. (Appeals to libertarians right there!) Government booze vouchers are distributed to everyone with a felony driving charge on their record. Also a sliding scale: More DUIs, more vouchers.

All pubs, taverns, package stores are required by law to remain open until 4 AM. (They also have lots of free government vouchers to hand out on-the-spot to customers; drunks drivers tending to be forgetful and inattentive, after all.)

The bestest thing? A national holiday that actually does something positive in-and-of itself: it leads to safer roads in the other days of the year…and progressively yields ever-safer roads in future years.

Everyone else gets to stay home and barbecue, drink beers on the deck, and watch baseball. (I thank those activities should also be a mandatory part of the law. It will never be enforced of course: The cops will all be busy with the carnage on the roadways.)

I’ve also got plans for National Cel-Phone Demolition Derby Day, btw.

I hope all the Sadlies on the roads this holiday weekend have a wonderful time…and return home safely. Be careful out there.

Fenwick, Timeless and Epic

I think that it is worthwhile pointing out that the most intelligent, factual and well reasoned criticism of Obama comes from the left.


Fenwick, Timeless and Epic

Spear: You’re on to something. How about International Rapture Day? Let’s celebrate it around the world!

Funniest part? Off-the-Edge Christians will love it.

In the U.S, no entrance fees at National Parks, making it easier gather together on the high places awaiting The Rapture. (They’re sposed to do that, y’know…)

Best part? Laughter on Tuesday when everyone else needs it as the workweek resumes. (Also hilarity in the Islamic world, which could use a laugh right now.)

Fenwick, Timeless and Epic

I have not killed the thread. But it is grievously wounded. I’m running into the shadow now to get medical aid.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Be careful out there.



“If he turns out to be gay, and didn’t enjoy the sexual intercourse he engaged in, does that mean that Michele could still be considered a virgin?”

If he was thinking about some guy at the time, does that mean Michele was in a threesome?


YER ALL JENNY’S!! Nooooo, you.


Oh, late to game &c. but

Bonus point: when they train them, they don’t give them a response for this, like they do with “I can’t afford it,” “I never have time to read it” & etc. So this one response will effectively end the conversation, thereby saving both you AND the salesperson valuable time.

I find that “Your newspaper/ magazine/ cable service/ internet connection is a tool of Satan and I don’t want it in my house” is the most effective response to sales pitch aggression. Also works when you try to cancel service and the want to transfer you to a customer retention specialist.


Your newspaper/ magazine/ cable service/ internet connection is a tool of Satan

Adding to my repertoire.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Fenwick killed the thread!

What’s the punishment for thread-killers where you come from, Fenwick?

Where I live – Canada – thread-killing is the only offense punishable by hanging.


“If he was thinking about some guy at the time, does that mean Michele was in a threesome?”

Well, what about the twenty three kids she had with that guy named Foster?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

String him up—it’ll teach him a lesson!

On another subject, any fans of petard-hoisting inna hizzouse?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

Oops—the “string him up” was referring to the post one above. Slow typing strikes again!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

Well, what about the twenty three kids she had with that guy named Foster?

Was that Vince Foster? Maybe Hillary killing him and eating his heart on a park bench is what turned her into a right-winger. The evils of the Clinton era never end, it seems.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So where are the friggin’ Mounties? Am I gonna have to hang myself? Canada…Pfffft!


On the topic of getting rid of aggressive salesmen & Jehovah’s Witnesses, also, too:

For either, when they show up at your door wanting to talk to you about their product/religion, say, “Oh, that’s great! Cause I’d love to show you all the fine products I have from AMWAY!!!”
*Why it works* – even Jehovah’s Witnesses recognize that Amway is more of a cult than they are.

For Jehovah’s Witnesses only, when they show up at your door with the latest copy of the Watchtower, gladly accept it while thanking them, telling them, “Oh, this is great – you know I’ve got a copy of your Little Red Book!” If they ask you how you like it, tell them, “it’s great!” (it IS great – the illustrations are HILARIOUS.)
*Why it works* – they think you’re sympathetic so they move on to someone more challenging.
**Warning: they have recently come out with a new book and may offer to come back by to bring you a copy. The pictures in this new book are nowhere near as entertaining as the pictures in the original Little Red Book.

Fenwick, Timeless and Epic

Fenwick killed the thread!

What’s the punishment for thread-killers where you come from, Fenwick?

Where I live – Canada – thread-killing is the only offense punishable by hanging.

String him up—it’ll teach him a lesson!

First off, I have special Powers and Exemptions granted by Zeus, his own self. (Who is TinTin, as are we all.)

Second off, I was granted asylum in the Duchy, which has no extradition treaties with non-imaginary nations and principalities. The usual punishment for thread murder in the Duchy is a Sharply Worded Letter of Disapproval.

Like Dick Cheney I am beyond the reach of any law from my crimes.

*evil moustache twirl before vanishing again*



…isn’t that pronounced like “dooky?”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I fear the Fucky of Grand Denwich will find that declaring war on the United States is not the light-hearted exercise that it was in 1958….



Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

Second off, I was granted asylum in the Duchy, which has no extradition treaties with non-imaginary nations and principalities.

Then we’ll have to extradite you to Freedonia. They have laws against chewing gum, telling dirty jokes and adultery.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Then we’ll have to extradite you to Freedonia. They have laws against chewing gum, telling dirty jokes and adultery.

If they’re talking about doing all three at once, that would be “Dooshie” enough I’d go along with it. If that list is a la carte, though, I’ll pass.

Pupienus, food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland

Whassup loony libs?

Just got back from a fantastic motorcpickle ride with The Ho. Included The Spine of the Dragon. So much fun I had to ride it twice. Would’ve gone again but The Ho wanted to head homeliwards.

For Jennifer et al., didja catch Greg Sargent’s take on Obama/marriage equality in the Post teh udder day? Or was it someone else who patiently explained how Obama has deftly NOT shot us all in the foot, did not hand a load of ammo to the enemy, und so weiter.

sham - low sodium hunchback

Sorry. What?

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

If they’re talking about doing all three at once, that would be “Dooshie” enough I’d go along with it. If that list is a la carte, though, I’ll pass.

In the immortal words of Freedonia’s finest statesman, “If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited. I’ll put my foot down; so shall it be – this is the land of the free.”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

In the immortal words of Freedonia’s finest statesman, “If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited. I’ll put my foot down; so shall it be – this is the land of the free.”

That’s OK—I would never move to any country that would have me as a citizen, anyway.


Pup – no, I haven’t read the Sargent piece. Sounds like either I was channeling him or he was channeling me…I’ll go look up the date stamp on it to see which. Tanks for the tip.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags’…Funbags in This Post said,

July 3, 2011 at 1:37

On another subject, any fans of petard-hoisting inna hizzouse?

Oh thanks for that. I’ve got a post up today, re: Ohio’s new concealed carry in bars law.

I’ll get all my “Ohio wingnuts jealous of Georgia, Alabama, Arizona, etc.” blogging in with a Mecklenborg update. (And add ‘the schaden freudes itself’ tag.)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

On the subject of voter identification—anybody but me want to really implement that imaginary “National ID Card” the wingnuts are so up in arms about, let them opt out as conscientious objectors, and then turn around and make that the only acceptable ID for voting?

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited. I’ll put my foot down; so shall it be – this is the land of the free.”


Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

Go ahead, Rev, ahem away.

And yours was wittier.



The video.

18 minutes of schadenfreude.

“We’re not in Ohio anymore.”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge, Who is Not Going to Mention Attorney General Funbags'...Funbags in This Post

I think they kind of complemented each other, Looch. That’s the kind of Marxism this country needs. I’m afraid emulating Harpo is about the limit of my talents, however.


On the topic of getting rid of aggressive salesmen & Jehovah’s Witnesses, also, too:

Last time the Jehovah’s witnesses came to my place, two elderly ladies were the missionaries. I told them, “Usually the agency sends the same two strippers, but you’ll do just fine.”


Jennifer said,

July 3, 2011 at 2:36

On the topic of getting rid of aggressive salesmen & Jehovah’s Witnesses, also, too:

Would you believe that they show up at my door, right here in Barrio Rene Barrantes? Honestly, you have to give it to them, they are fearless. The Catholics here do not enjoy being preached to by las evangelicas.

Spearhafoc, who is Brother Crimson Fire of Tolerance

BBBB: That was a risky stunt you pulled. They could have been into it.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

BBBB: That was a risky stunt you pulled. They could have been into it.

“It’s lime discovering plutonium…by accident!”

(George meant that in the opposite sense, but it works either way.)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Gah! lime=like.


I had a guy who was selling some miracle cleaner come to my door recently. When I told him I wasn’t interested he REFUSED TO LEAVE. I was stunned. He didn’t leave until my father came to the door and politely but firmly hinted it was time to go.


I don’t know why, but over the past several years even the people who call for donations have gotten really beyond pushy into rude. I’ve had to tell the kids – KIDS! – who call from the UA Architecture school to back the fuck off, presented as a tip, as in: “friendly tip: when someone tells you they are financially strapped and trying to just hold things together and there is NO AMOUNT they can afford to give, you DO NOT continue to suggest lower and lower amounts. All you are succeeding in doing is making the person you are calling very very uncomfortable, by reminding them with every request how bad their situation is. And you’re asking them to do you a favor while you’re just rubbing their nose in their bad financial situation?”

Worse, they’ve done the same shit 2 years in a row. This year I told the kid that they needed to have a talk with whoever is writing their script and explain to them that when we’re in the middle of an almost-fucking depression, they’re going to run into this answer a lot, and they need a better way of handing it that isn’t focused in on trying to shame people by wheedling for lower amounts.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I had a guy who was selling some miracle cleaner come to my door recently. When I told him I wasn’t interested he REFUSED TO LEAVE.

Why does this make me think of Jim Ignatowski?

“How do you do, Mr. or Mrs. Fill-in-name-of-couple! I’m Your-name-here, but you can call me “Nickname.”


Pup – I’m not sure it was a Sargent piece. I looked and Sargent had quite a few posts on the issue in the past few weeks, but none of them re: Obama avoiding shooting us – or himself – in the foot. Sargent was on about how it’s obvious that Obama is supportive, but either a) not saying so for electoral reasons or b) not saying so because his view is that he is to “preside” over and nudge things along, but it’s ultimately not about him, which Sargent seemed to think was the best explanation.

Personally, I think it’s political calculation, but, I’m ok with that as long as I’m seeing action – and thus far, pretty much any action that he could take on his own initiative to move things towards more equality, he has done. I care a lot less about what people say than what they ultimately do. I think having the DOJ moving beyond standing down on DOMA to filing briefs against the law says a lot more than any statement the president might have made. And unlike a statement, this action might actually produce a gain. At the same time, the Republicans will have a lot harder time in whipping up the bufords with “the DOJ filed against this provision of DOMA which blah blah blah” than they would with “President Obama wants to force you to let the faggoty-fags get married in your church!!!”

Fenwick the Relentless, Slayer of Threads, Scourge of , and Conquerer of Dozens

I fear the Fucky of Grand Denwich will find that declaring war on the United States is not the light-hearted exercise that it was in 1958….

We have longbows of well-cured and seasoned yew.* Newly-forged hauberks of cunning make, these also we have.

Fear we have not. We are tenacious in assault, doughty at bay, and perilous at all times.

*awaiting the Emperor’s recipe.

Fenwick the Relentless, Slayer of Threads, Scourge of the Night, and Conquerer of Dozens

Nym fixed.

Fenwick the Relentless, Slayer of Threads, Scourge of the Night*, and Conquerer of Dozens


Fenwick the Relentless, Slayer of Threads, Scourge of the Night, and Conquerer of Dozens

Yet another thread vanquished!


This has been a fun thread so far! (Also thanks to Jennifer for providing some non-frivolous ballast.)

Let the Night Hawks soar.


The last guy nearly ruined this place
He didn’t know what to do with it
If you think the country’s bad off now
Just wait ’til I get through with it!


Doc Washboard said,
June 27, 2011 at 15:32

As an aside:

I love your contributions, Tintin, but it would seem that you are the entirety of Sadly, No! now. What happened to Brad, Travis, HTML, and Seb?

The robot is not trained to respond, except by putting up more photoshopped people on toilets.


The fact is, it has always been just Tintin. Bookmark it!

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

The fact is, it has always been just Tintin. Bookmark it!

And Carl.


Tintin is Gary Rupert, or is it the other way around?

Looch, aka Brother Brass Knuckles of Moderation

I, for one, with Brass Knuckles firmly gripped, would love to hear an update on the whole Carl/Tintin/Donalde kerfuffle. I would. I need something to point at and howl in laughter.

And say mean things about.


To be fair, if you can’t reed (sic) or rite (sic), it is difficult to use a teleprompter.


(comments are closed)