We’re All Pyongyangers Now
Posted on June 27th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: K-Loaded
Very Slightly Shorter Miss St. Kathryn of Bologna, America’s Shittiest Website™
Stonewall Friday Night
- Now that the New York State Legislature has legalized homo marriage, there is not really any difference left between the United States and North Korea.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
That is simply not true. Kim Jong Il takes many more fashion risks than Obama.
NRO commenter Richard Reed wins Wingnut Bingo:
Kim Jong Il takes many more fashion risks than Obama.
Plus he’s a much better golfer.
Shorter Kevin D. Williamson:
Plus he’s a much better golfer.
Balloon Juice linked to some awesome PWNage from somebody at the National Review, of all places, for K Lo.
Money quote here:
Ahhh, thank you.
Shorter K-Load today:
Okay, I drunk-blogged after Mass, but my butt-hurt is real.
Also from ASW, and this hits at least three wingnut hot buttons…
The fact soccer is more popular with Mexicans than Americans proves that the fucking BROWN people must stop being BROWN when they come here or else. I’m serious.
…there is not really any difference left between the United States and North Korea.
Wait a minute. North Korea allows gay marriage?
I take it the offices of the National Review will be moving from communist New York. To avoid the concentration camps.
Also musicals.
It was great at first, but she and the commenters played semantic rugby with him until he finally gave up and apologized.
One commenter:
Not allowed to quibble about the meaning of tyranny, apparently, because he doesn’t feel that legislating rights that people already should have is tyranny. Restricting those rights is not.
Somebody is disappointed they haven’t been glitterbombed yet…
Does North Korea have a porous southern border?
That’s something the wingers should learn to appreciate about Kim Jong’s priorities.
Letting gays get married is the first step towards Sharia Law.
Doesn’t North Korea have a wall on their southern border, with a moat, with alligators in it, who may even shoot laser beams from their eyes for all I know. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is jealous.
As an aside:
I love your contributions, Tintin, but it would seem that you are the entirety of Sadly, No! now. What happened to Brad, Travis, HTML, and Seb? Where’s Gary Ruppert?
Letting gays get married is the first step towards Sharia Law.
And don’t forget those Union thugs.
Feminists, gays and atheists are totally responsible for Islamic fundamentalism and don’t you forget it.
All. One. Guy.
Wait a minute. North Korea allows gay marriage?
Yeah, there’s that too. Historically, Red governments have been quite unfriendly towards gay rights activists.
The irony is that each side blames the other for it. Conservatives see gayness as an abomination caused by the left’s rejection of Christian values. Commies see it as a bourgeois degeneracy and a symbol of the capitalist tendency for decadent pleasures.
The Adventure of Tintin in America
Do you know who else hated the gays?
That’s right…
HitlerJonah Goldberg?~
So the question remains;
Dumbass wingnuts share a whole shitload of common interests with such rockstars as Kim Jong Il, and yet they use their names as an epithet. Their best fap material comes from their dreams of a industrialist dominated feudal society in which you are completely free to meet their definition of a “good citizen”–ie: straight, white, male and propertied. Also, a decent pair of khakis can curry favor with the overlords, I hear.
So what the fuck? Trojan horse autocratic dictatorship coming to America? Or just a bunch of bafflingly stupid cretins puking dookie soup all over the internet?
I do not have the analytical skills to unravel this mystery alone.
Expansion of individual rights=tyranny.
Glad that somebody out there is speaking out for USAFREEDOM.
By the way, KLo has issued a clarification. Yes, duly elected representatives passed the same-sex marriage bill via normal legislative procedures. Do not let that fool you or lull you into a false sense of “freedom.” For this is really the worst kind of tyranny: the tyranny of the majority over the minority.
Don’t forget the ™, J Neo.
And an earlier commenter has a point, that a person who seeks to redefine marriage probably isn’t in a great position to quibble about the definition of other terms.
“Marriage” as a legal contract with certain benefits, rights and obligations is totally changed by removing its customary and traditional heteroexclusivity, such that the word loses all meaning. “Tyranny” on the other hand clearly totally applies to the expansion of rights to a group that had been denied those rights.
Dumbass wingnuts share a whole shitload of common interests with such rockstars as Kim Jong Il, and yet they use their names as an epithet.
I think it’s Kennedy who observed that hard-liners in the U.S. and Soviet Union reinforced each other, fed each other, and had this sort of symbiotic relationship thing going. Course, that didn’t stop them from trying to nuke each other during Cuba.
It’s like rival gangs who hate each other’s guts even though they behave exactly the same way and no one else can tell them apart.
Oh fuck you, J Neo, you beating-to-the-punch bastard. GRRR.
Also I see I used “totally” twice, which is totally too many times.
This was not an expansion of rights.
This was the end of a tyrannical oppression against a group of Americans.
This freedom was not ours to give or take.
What makes the idea of freedom a fucking laughable farce is the idea that “Inalienable” somehow means “by our leave”.
So to all you wingnuts who don’t like it–go to hell and die.
It’s like rival gangs who hate each other’s guts even though they behave exactly the same way and no one else can tell them apart.
Of course the footsoldiers have no clue that they’re nothing more than pawns, fucking tools, defending a fucking fairy tale set of ideals.
Mind control 101: Fear and loathing = united population. Create an enemy, say whatever it takes to scare the living daylights out of the general population, and they’ll keep electing the dumbshit anti-intellectual retards that the big corporations like so much.
OT, wait a minute, what the hell? I just got a “Political Breaking News” email from the Washington Post that “U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced Monday morning that she will seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.”
Didn’t she already announce that at the GOP debate, and wasn’t participating in the debate a de facto announcement in itself? What is this, the third time she’s announced she’s running?
Come out to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!
Thanks, Chris, exactly what I was thinking.
K-Load is just pissed off that gays can get married now and she still never will.
Come out to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!
It’s not the same without clinking the bottles together.
‘[T]yranny’ is not [a stretch]; for those pushing hardest for radical immediate change in our society are indeed also the most intolerant toward their opponents
So the conservative definition of tyranny includes enacting the will of the majority of New Yorkers, and of all Americans, if they disagree with it. I will keep that in mind.
So the conservative definition of tyranny includes enacting the will of the majority of New Yorkers
To be fair, we NYers are godless, elitist scum.
So the conservative definition of
tyrannyanything includes whatever words are necessary to claim victimization.The general application of your specific example.
It’s not the same without clinking the bottles together.
I really do not want to think about K-Lo’s Pyongyang, thank you very much.
Time to commit ritual suicide: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/27/988434/-Why-Michele-Bachmann-will-be-the-GOP-nominee
Time to commit ritual suicide: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/27/988434/-Why-Michele-Bachmann-will-be-the-GOP-nominee
I’d like to hope that, if she did make it to the White House, she’d be such a monumental failure that she’d end up poisoning the GOP brand for a generation and having her name placed alongside Hoover and Carter as symbols of presidential incompetence.
But then I’ve also read about “Nach Hitler, Uns,” and if Bush wouldn’t do the trick I’m not sure what will…
Had to happen. Shorter Rick Santorum:
As President, I will not lie down and accept gay sex.”
You know what country doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage and also stigmatizes teh Ghey so much as to completely exclude them from teh public sphere? DPRK.
What is this, the third time she’s announced she’s running?
In defense of teh idiot Press Corps – this is a step up from
BREAKING: Sarah Palin has not announced as of yet whether she will run for teh 2012 GOP nomination.
BREAKING: Will Sarah Palin run for President? Our panel of twenty-six analysts and experts compare her Twitter and Facebook postings from the past twelve months to make a conclusive determination.
BREAKING: Sarah Palin running for President! Or is she? Read this five page column about it!
BREAKING: How will a Sarah Palin nomination be run? All the latest rumours and insights into the possible make-up of her campaign staff.
Oh dear lord … there is no way in fucking hell Bachmann ever gets close to the White House as anything other than a visitor.
I mean, I realize wingnuts are thisfuckingclose to reaching Peak Wingnut* and no one seems to really care, but … honestly. She’s a special kind of crazystupid. And while I have very, very, very little faith in the American people, I have just enough to realize there’s no way someone that nucking futs gets elected.
Not unless Obama is caught murdering an orphan as a sacrifice for his Kenyansocialisticmuslim belief system after he accidentally tweets pics of it.
Then all bets are off.
(* This is more of a pipe dream, since I’m not sure we’ll ever actually reach it. Not with the media we currently have.)
Markos’ reasoning is flawed. Using his logic, Huckabee should have been the nominee in 2008. Republicans always seem to end up with the candidate who has the best chance to win. Once again, Romney-Rubio 2012.
I picked up a ‘We, The People- means Everyone’ T-shirt @ the PrideFest here in Denver. Folks stop me & ask ‘What’s that mean?’ Anywhere outside of Boulder, at least. It was my TG kid’s first Gay Pride event.. Sometimes, I have hope for the future. Then…
Michele Bachmann anounces for a presidential run, and the vision kind of clouds up and my mind wanders to…bad things. Fear can oppress one’s actions, rage will accentuate it.
Shorter every whinger ever when they don’t get their way: we’re being persecuted
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!!!
Smedley, I wonder if they would (or if Rubio would) be willing to risk Rubio’s seat in the Senate for a long shot at v.p.
My current guess is Romney-Bachmann, aka McCain-Palin Electric Boogaloo.
Bachmann would get the same teabagger enthusi-jism, but unlike Palin, Bachmann would actually work.
gocart mozart said,
June 27, 2011 at 15:44
Do you know who else hated the gays?
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
June 27, 2011 at 15:47
That’s right…
HitlerJonah Goldberg?~
I was going to go with America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ but I’m not sure he hates all the gays or only himself.
My current guess is Romney-Bachmann, aka McCain-Palin Electric Boogaloo.
An exact repeat of 2008, IOW… the suspicious-looking liberal RINO for president, with the crazy harpy as his veep in a sop to the base.
“Marriage” as a legal contract with certain benefits, rights and obligations is totally changed by removing its customary and traditional heteroexclusivity, such that the word loses all meaning.
Of course by the theology of Ms. Lopez’ religion, the crucial feature of a marriage is the production-of-family part, so that a marriage is not valid if either partner is infertile. She’s not being entirely honest with her readers if she pretends that heteroexclusivity is the vital element.
Oh fuck you, J Neo, you beating-to-the-punch bastard. GRRR.
We can never clarify the meaning of “tyranny” (the cruel suppression of those who wish to righteously oppress others) enough. You copmlete me.
Complete, also too.
KJ Lopez is part of an American tradition that reaches into dim antiquity. After all, the “tyranny” fled by the Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth Rock was that the government of England didn’t let them oppress people like they wanted.
KJ just wants some of that good Pilgrim butthurt for herself, on account of now the government of the US isn’t letting her oppress people like she wants.
a person who seeks to redefine marriage
First offender: that moral-relativist guy God, who they say wrote the book of Genesis. First, he’s got Adam with one wife, Eve (NOT STEVE, GET IT STRAIGHT!!!), then he’s gets Esau and Jacob and everyone else who gets two or more wives, then he’s got several guys calling their wives their “sisters” so they can pimp them out…just what is this “marriage” thing supposed to mean, anyway, O Creator of the Universwe?
And an earlier commenter has a point, that a person who seeks to redefine marriage probably isn’t in a great position to quibble about the definition of other terms.
NR comments thread needs moar people insisting on polygamy as the traditional form of marriage, and criticising all the other commenters for arbitrarily changing the meaning of the word to mean two-partners-only.
a marriage is not valid if either partner is infertile
That’s not true. A Catholic marriage is not valid if either partner (ahem, HIM) is permanently impotent, because consummation is required, but the Church has been marrying post-menopausal women all along, with never a suggestion that the marriages aren’t sacramental.
You have to promise to accept children lovingly from God. It’s not your fault if He doesn’t send you any. (Full disclosure: my wife and I are not able to create viable human offspring. I would punch in the face any priest who tells me we are therefore not married, but there are none such.)
Yeah, dose Pilgrims. What more can be said than that they got kicked out by the Dutch? I mean, fer fuck sake, EVEN THE DUTCH hated them!
the suspicious-looking liberal RINO for president, with the crazy harpy as his veep in a sop to the base.
Maybe I’m misremembering wrnog, but it seemed to me that a big part of Palin’s veep nod was all about picking up disenchanted Hillary PUMAs. There’s no similar dynamic this time.
GOP attacks focus on Dem strengths (ha-ha, no srsly – humour me for a bit here) by making them out to be weaknesses. John Kerry’s purple heart band-aids, Barry O’s professorizing smarty-pantses-ness, Pelosi’s “San Francisco” values. Like it’s bad to have served in your country in teh war or know what your talking about or actually represent your constituents. So in a “brilliant” stratageries – teh GOP will go after an unassailable Obama constituency and we’re probably* looking at Romney-Cain 2012 – and when they loose, maybe teh Mittster can deliver pizzas so he doesn’t have to claim to be unemployed.
* Not really. I still maintain that teh GOP NOM NOMinee will not pick a primary opponent as his running mate. Romney-Rubio sounds incredibly plausible.
Michelle Bachmann (R-DSM IV) KNOWS how to fix the economy. BUT SHE WONT TELL ANYONE HOW. Why does she hate America?
Outside of Minnesota, America’s first taste of Bachmann was her fan-girl, panty-tossing, wanna have his babies worship of W after his State of the Union in, I believe, 2006. If the Obama re-election committee is smart(?) they will incorporate that image into the campaign. As Taibbi wrote, Bachmann and the Teatards thrive on our pointing and laughing. But the 10-15% of independent voters who actually decide Presidential elections are horrified by the likes of Bachmann.
Yep. There really was no other “logic” behind the pick — they were convinced the riff was due to gender, and gender only, and found some up-and-comer female without doing any due diligence. It was as if they thought women would vote for someone just because that someone had a vagina.
And once everyone found out just how clinically fucking stupid Palin was, they were doooooooooomed since non-conservative women hate having their intelligence insulted.
For conservative women that seems to be a selling point …
I was going to go with America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ but I’m not sure he hates all the gays or only himself.
He hates all the gays who won’t have sex with him, so all of the above.
Comparing The Big Apple to Pyongyang = somebody’s Drug Button goes way way up past eleven. Needs LESS cowbell, girl.
Surely one has to give grudging credit to the awesome self-discipline it must take to keep right on doing one’s fumbling best at delivering a Cleveland Steamer all over reality itself, day in day out, no matter how much agony or debilitating shame & fail it costs. You have to be a real dedicated hardcore griefer to see all those happy people in New York & get the vapors because you’ve conned yourself into believing it’s the Potemkin Mutiny all over again.
K-Load is just pissed off that gays can get married now and she still never will.
And once everyone found out just how clinically fucking stupid Palin was, they were doooooooooomed since non-conservative women hate having their intelligence insulted.
That they thought Palin would be all it took to appeal to American women says a lot about their contempt for the intelligence of American women.
That every one of their female candidates follows the Palin model – nicely sculpted, fucking retarded, and adoringly telling them that they’re the biggest thing since sliced bread – says a lot about what they expect from women in general.
KLo should read this:
If the Obama re-election committee is smart(?)
Given that their current strategery in an economy with 9.1% unemployment (officially…it’s really MUCH higher) is:
1) Insist that the stimulus worked just fine, nothing more is needed
2) Echo the cynical GOP ‘must cut deficit now‘ rhetoric
3) Continue America’s most wasteful spending, i.e. being the corrupt world cop/enforcer for our giant, tax-evading corporations
I think we can dispense with the wishful thinking.
Wheee! K-Lo takes another swing. And teh commentator at teh Corner are nearly unanimous in calling her wrnog. Even without acknowledging the fundamental problem with putting minority rights up for referendum.
Eugene Delgaudio’s gotta be
getting a bonerincensed.Forcing the rest of the world to abide by the tenets of your particular sect is deeply immoral and corrosive,
My sect believes that playing the washboard and/or spoons is an abomination unto the seventh generation but people STILL PLAY WASHBOARDS.
As with all moralists, it is always all about the sects.
I guess they do want to live in a homosectual world.
Forcing the rest of the world to abide by the tenets of your particular sect,,,
Pffft, I’m so sure. Moar like four-ets, five-ets most.
It’s not an argument based on religion, it’s an argument based on fear — based on baseless, irrational fear at that.
Ninety percent of what the religious right does has nothing to do with religion. It started out in the late seventies as a haven for ex-Dixiecrats looking for a home that could make their resentments politically respectable. That’s the legacy we’re looking at right up to today.
Forcing the rest of the world to abide by the tenets of your particular sect is deeply immoral and corrosive
Also deeply un-American. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Once upon a time Katherine KlownPants Lopez’s maunderings on marriage equality annoyed me no end.
But then the amazing TBogg came to my rescue:
The only way this quote could be better is if it were the first search result for Katherine Lopez.
Also, too: This clears the way for making Osama Bin Laden into a pro-family martyr who was ruthlessly slaughtered by Obama McHitler.
Helping K-Lo:
Thomas Jefferson said that the Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance. As Americans we must always be ready and willing to stand up for our rights. And with regards to this whole NY gay marriage thing – how many divisions have they got?
From Sub’s link:
Against all political odds and on a day to day basis, no single New York political conservative fights as hard and with as limited resources as Michael Long against the multi-million dollar war chest of the homosexual lobby.
That poor, underfunded Catholic Church.
Gotta love this comment from off the boat:
I may not be the brightest bulb on this strange Christmas tree of comments, so why is it that I understand more-or-less exactly what Ms. Lopez was getting at. . . ?
A self-answering question.
I made the mistake of going way off the boat (I followed links), and now I’m confused. So the Roman Catholic church opposes gay marriage? Well, last I checked, nobody was forcing the Roman Catholic church to marry two men or two women. I can’t imagine my Rabbi marrying a Jew to a non-Jew, but the law allows that. So is it tyranny that Jews can marry non-Jews?
My religion says it’s wrong to eat blood. So I guess it’s tyrannical that the government allows blood sausage and even sanctions it by inspecting facilities that serve this immoral product and giving them passing inspection grades. I guess that’s more government tyranny? Of course, I know that some on the right already don’t like government inspections because they feel its tyrannical to force food purveyors to purvey a clean and healthy product — they want their right to get salmonellosis?
But the Roman Catholic Church? Some of my best friends are Catholic, the Catholic church does lots of good things, yada, yada, yada. I just remember back in the day political conservatives worried about JFK because they feared the Pope would dictate American policy? But now conservatives call it tyranny when the Pope’s representatives in the US are not allowed to dictate our policy?
A self-answering question.
And a gorgeous summation of right wing philosophy.
Poor Sam Cooke. Sorry, brother.
smedley said,
June 27, 2011 at 18:39
“As with all moralists, it is always all about the sects.” =
+ 1
On teh topic of acceptance of homosexuality,
PENIS.Marriage should be a sacred exchange of vows between a drunk guy and a cocktail waitress and sanctified only by an Elvis impersonator. My dad is more of a traditionalist and still thinks that a marriage should only be between a man and as many women as he can afford.
But the Roman Catholic Church? Some of my best friends are Catholic, the Catholic church does lots of good things, yada, yada, yada. I just remember back in the day political conservatives worried about JFK because they feared the Pope would dictate American policy? But now conservatives call it tyranny when the Pope’s representatives in the US are not allowed to dictate our policy?
Catholics became white. The actual impulse hasn’t gone away: the Know-Nothings are more or less exactly reproduced in those teabaggers who think every Muslim citizen is a Manchurian Voter.
Be nice if progress happened in the form of people actually losing their prejudices, instead of simply finding new targets for them. Sadly…
Shorter someone named Glenn T. Stanton at NRO:
What the motherloving fuck?
Look at them try to act like fascism is also science.
Bachmann would get the same teabagger enthusi-jism, but unlike Palin, Bachmann would actually work.
Making her all the more dangerous.
Family Formation Studies
You mean the awkward talk with your dad/mom isn’t enough?
No wonder these people are so fucked up.
My religion says it’s wrong to eat blood. So I guess it’s tyrannical that the government allows blood sausage and even sanctions it by inspecting facilities that serve this immoral product and giving them passing inspection grades. I guess that’s more government tyranny?
The list of things the government is shoving down our throats begins with black pudding. Not if you compile the list alphabetically because right off the top of my head I can think of arugula, and not by google rankings because then it would be healthcare, but by things I most want shoved down my throat by the government.
“Institute of Marriage and Family”
It offers fellowships in “research”. Seriously, people. Come on now.
From Sub’s link: Bachmann: Constitutional Amendment Corrects Corrupt Legislators Imposing Mandatory Gay Marriage On Innocent Citizens
So it IS tyranny!!! I hope I get imposed mandatory gay-married to a hot chick.
If part of the coming tyranny includes mandatory Ulster Fries then I welcome our dictatorial breakfast overlords.
I hope so too.
Thordammit, WP, I did too put a link there. Ulster Fry
Literal Glenn T. Stanton
Shorter Glenn T. Stanton
Behold teh POWAH of SPERMZ! Adopted children can rot in hell too.
More Bachmann Fun
“Just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”
ALSO: John Wayne Gacy was from Waterloo, Iowa.
The actor later known as John Wayne was actually born in Winterset, Iowa.
Jonah hasn’t weighed in on this yet. He must have lost his template:
So it IS tyranny!!! I hope I get imposed mandatory gay-married to a hot chick.
Wait. If you are already married, does this mean you need a mandatory bigamist gay marriage, or do they just annul the first one?
If the former, is it mathematically possible to do a six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon thing, where everybody in the US is related by marriage to everybody else?
Shorter Glenn T. Stanton: The best way to serve Jesus is to take little girls away from their parents if you don’t like their word choices.
“It makes liberals angry so I am for it.” There. You’re welcome.
Johnny Carson on Traditional Marriage:
“Rather than get married again, I think I’ll just find a woman I don’t like, and give her a house.”
You still fucked up the link Señor Manquecito.
Mmmmmmmm, black pudding.
Speaking of gay marriage, people are fighting over Pup. I have a feeling this could get ugly.
Sheesh. Ulster Fry
I blame Joe Biden.
Wait. If you are already married, does this mean you need a mandatory bigamist gay marriage
I’m gonna go get married again so when my wife gets imposed to mandatory marry a hot chick, I’ll be all set.
The actor later known as John Wayne was actually born in Winterset, Iowa.
Actual name: Marion.
Marion my wayward son
You’ll be gay when you are done
Marion my wayward son
You’ll be gay when you are done
How long until the Serious guys scramble the POOP bombers? Can’t wait to see what the NYFT op-ed meatheads have to say.
Liberal Fascist NRO also on the Bachmann serial killer story.
Not if you compile the list alphabetically because right off the top of my head I can think of arugula – Lawnguylander
I think in my particular religious stream, the eating of arugula is already an important mitzvah, so long as said arugula is locally and organically grown and then washed thoroughly so as to remove any bugs that may be on it (as bugs are certainly not kosher … well, except for certain species of grasshoppers that don’t tend to be found clinging to arugula leaves). I guess eating unwashed arugula or arugula grown on a factory farm would be considered an avodah zara (“strange service”) or something …
Bachmann campaign responds with Birther Logic:
And it’s the homosexual foyer, you barbarians!
re: Bachmann
Hey remember that >How they see themselves/How everyone else sees them: game from way back in ought nine?
And all this time I thought I was being clever.
John Wayne was a fag.
And it’s the homosexual foyer, you barbarians!
Competing with the evangelical apse no doubt.
Wow. An hour ago, I had the thought: “If Bachmann didn’t benefit from the subsidy her in-laws got, why did she cite it on the disclosure forms?” And the LAT is on the case:
To the surprise of no one, she’s a frickin liar.
Quote from sham who is not tsam’s link:
The MSM’s “gotcha” game is getting old. Bachmann’s base despises the MSM. It is irrelevant to her Presidential prospects.
This is all sounding so familiar….I’m thinking of a question about news publications–out of bounds “gotcha” journalism…
Competing with the evangelical apse no doubt.
To the uber gay narthex…
Also too, even if what she meant was John Marion Morrison Wayne not Gacy, well he may have been a hero to most but he nevar meant nothin’ to me. Straight up racist that sucker was, it was plain to see. Motherfuck* him and Elvis Presley.
* Uh,,, I guess I mean “motherfuck” in the bad way – if there is such a thing.
Yanging the Pyong.
” I guess eating unwashed arugula or arugula grown on a factory farm would be considered an avodah zara (“strange service”) or something …”
Only strange service I ever got was when I went to drop off some dry cleaning and I ended up getting a high colonic. That was indeed strange.
Today’s threadkill was brought to you by
In cooperation with
Dumb Colonic Joke
And the letter “P”
John Wayne may well have been racist, but he sure loved the Latinas.
Strange service.
It’s not your fault vs, it’s just that everyone’s in their bunk right now. You see, we’re all Pyong Yangers now.
Well, John Wayne Gacy is pretty hot.
You see, we’re all Pyong Yangers now.
She’s your girlfriend, you pyongyang ‘er.
(I don’t think anybody’s used that one yet, but I also can’t believe it’s been hanging there quite that long.)
We’re all eloping to NY to gaymarry so we can wipe out the population and destroy amerika with sharia gaylaw.
Beware, breeders. You have not seen tyranny yet.
Also, vs, I don’t think you’re being entirely forthcoming about your incidences of “strange service”.
We are a strange service economy now.
Ayn Rand was RIGHT!
Uh,,, I guess I mean “motherfuck” in the bad way – if there is such a thing. – DWK
I cannot hear that word without thinking of mother-fucker = father: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/174956/june-24-2008/the-word—bleep
We’re called “the looting class” now, by the way.
We’re called “the looting class” now, by the way.
If WE’RE doing all the looting, how come THEY’VE got all the mone
Ayn Rand was RIGHT!
The “wealth creators” say, “We’ll go Galt. I swear we will!”
And everybody else sings the chorus from Pirates of Penzance, “Yes, but you DON’T go.”
And where the hell is Dennis Moore when you need him?
All of the people moving looked like this.
Ayn Rand was RIGHT!
That’s odd, because I could swear the economy had gone before he came into office.
Even if was true, it wouldn’t do much more than make our point. You’ve got a situation in which a tiny group of people can hold society hostage if they don’t get their guy in the White House. Where in the Constitution is this provided for, exactly?
Ayn Rand was RIGHT!
What do you mean Sweden? You made that word up.
We don’t pretend we’re not an authoritarian society beholden to a right wing autocratic polictical leadership.
as a long time resident of one of the ‘move to’ States, to me they
Look like THIS
Also, I’d like to point out that Massachusetts actually gained in population, just at a lower rate than the sunny, annoying states.
Damned homos are having more fun than me again.
My religion says it’s wrong to eat blood. So I guess it’s tyrannical that the government allows blood sausage
If you criminalise black pudding then only criminals will have black puddings.
Job creator!
Oh yeah? Well, you…you
I mean…
It’s also a foul rumor that Kung Fu Panda’s appearance is based upon me..
Ecky Thump!
That’s a shitty thing to say about Kung Fu Panda.
Job creator!
Excellent comment from that page:
I shall go on record saying that “Pyongyanging” sounds like something I did rather a lot of in various NYC venues in years past, venues which shall go unnamed. Besides, “the docks” and the meat packing district don’t really qualify as “venues” do they?
Then all of those annoying fuckers are going to leave the country and start their own little society in some gulch somewhere, right?
I hear Somalia is lovely this time of year. As a bonus, it has no taxes, no regulations, and rich folks can pretty much do whatever they want, including having their own little military that can kill any of those damn looters who want things like decent pay for a day’s work, the ability to not have their lives ruined if they get sick, and maybe even food that’s not poisonous.
Okay … I know the “MOVETOSOMALIA!!” thing is probably
gettingold, but … dear fucking lord. That’s the world these assholes really want: one in which “freedom” is defined as “being able to take the very last crumbs from the poor in service to the greed of the wealthy.”Ya know, there really was a time when greed was seen as a character flaw. Not sure when that stopped being the case (my theory: the early 80s, when the boomers discovered the atmosphere was right for fucking over anyone Not Them) but it sure would be nice if became one again …
And then, thIs one time at the Toilet…?
Tee hee.
I just want everyone to know that for every rich “job creator” out there, there are a thousand fucking useless wastes of oxygen leeches out there like those horrible Salahi people. And that’s just the fucking truth. We should quit worshiping our wealthy in this country.
Oh! I know this one!
“What is a ‘rogue,’ Alex?”
Ya know, there really was a time when greed was seen as a character flaw. Not sure when that stopped being the case (my theory: the early 80s, when the boomers discovered the atmosphere was right for fucking over anyone Not Them) but it sure would be nice if became one again …
It used to be chategorized with envy, sloth, wrath, pride, lust and gluttony.
Let’s not go crazy here. I kinda like these two.
My understanding is that most people in this country work for small businesses, and most people owning and running small businesses are not rich. The people Breitbart et al glorify are usually non-original CEOs, meaning they aren’t even the creators of the businesses they run; they’re not idea guys and they’re not job creators, they’re slash and burn bottom-line money managers. Of course even that is more productive than the Wall Street shell gamers the right also vigorously fellates.
Let’s not go crazy here. I kinda like these two.
Sin in the pursuit of sex and food is no vice!
Sin in the pursuit of sex and food is no vice!
Sin in the pursuit of sexy food is my principle.
So much for enjoying my lunch.
Standard fare, really. Blatantly inaccurate drivel in service to the 0.1%.
I mean, come on. Try. Just a little.
I have a dream, that someday these two great ideologies will release their death-lock from each other, learn to see past their differences, and come together to hate teh ghey in perfect harmony.
Hey! You got your Christian values in my bourgeois degeneracy! No, you got your decadent pleasures in my rejection!
Pyongyang? What the hell is a Pyongyang?
Aha! Now I remember! I know, I’ll go on Meet the Press and announce I would have had a moratorium on table tennis as a pillar of my presidency.
Cindy! Cindy! The goddam dentist sent another set of dentures that are upside down again! What am I supposed to do, stand on my goddam head?! CINDY!
Every MoDo column ever: Republicans are hairy macho brutes and Democrats are effeminate wimps who think too much.
Ya know, there really was a time when greed was seen as a character flaw.
Somewhat related: in the French-language graphic novels I read as a kid, it was a recurring feature to have bad guys motivated by greed (evil businessmen, the mob, etc): even in war stories, the villain usually wasn’t an enemy soldier, but a spy or traitor or saboteur with no loyalties selling out his country to the highest bidder. And it was always for greed, not duty or ideology.
The reason for that? Youth comics and the people who regulated them at the time (1950s/60s) had this strong belief against putting political content in their work. So instead of giving us villains motivated by Marxism or patriotism or whatever, they went with the most absolutely generic kind of bad guys they could think of. “Greed is bad and people motivated by it are bad guys” was considered so blindingly obvious that even godless relativistic socialists and backwards Christian conservatives could agree on them, and thus not be offended by the comics ‘ “message.”
A generation later, “greed is good” is bipartisan wisdom. Oy, vey.
Would someone please have sex with Maureen Dowd so we can be spared this tripe?
I mean, it could be worse. It could be K-Lo.
And that, my children, is how you kill a thread.
tsam said,
June 27, 2011 at 21:44
We are a strange service economy now.
We sure are.
Folks, please form two lines, regular service on the left, strange service on the right. Thank you.
Ma’am, how do you know which one is which?
Well, if you have to ask, go to the strange service line. Thank you.
I can only speak from actual knowledge* to one piece of this. NYC is growing, as are its suburbs. NYS is losing population because the upstate manufacturing cities and farm counties have continued their decades-long decline.
*I’ll pontificate from another orifice later re the other pieces.
Is M.S. boogie-ing down w/ the UPS guy?
shorter k-load: remeber when police raided gay bars?…..good times.
So this helps them…how? Even if it were accurate, the reasons people are moving are not all the same. A lot of high-tech workers for example, are moving into North Carolina and Virginia and bringing their liberal politics with them. The way they voted in 2008 may not have been a one-time-only anomaly.
As for the rest of their list—what good (for certain values of “good”) does it do for conservatives to move from blue states where they might tip a close election, to red states that were never going to go democratic anyway?
NYS is losing population because the upstate manufacturing cities and farm counties have continued their decades-long decline.
Might it also have something to do with (dare I say it?) Republican dominance in those parts of NYS?
Central America is also becoming home to many gringos who cannot afford to live in the U.S. on their retirement/SSI, but can lead a relatively comfortable life in a banana republic where the cost of living is a fraction of that in the States. This change means ignoring the local politics (you are a guest, after all), the roosters (which begin crowing at midnight), and the horses (who poop in the street). Also, if you have a prescription you need filled, it’s a good idea to bring a three months supply. Bienvenidos.
First thing I thought was age. Retired people move to warmer places.
From the blue states: You’re welcome you fucking tax dodging leeches.
Retired people move to warmer places.
Hmmmmm. Must be why I have no expectations of ever retiring (other than not having enough money to do so). I am almost 60 and rather like it here in western Montana.
Retired people move to warmer places.
Florida = God’s waiting room
Also, you red staters sure do love your FEMA assistance when God punishes you for the shitty music you keep torturing the rest of us with.
Actually, New York state’s population went up just like Massachusetts’s did, but not as much as the warmer states.
Who gives a fat shit about population increases? Maybe it just means that dumbass hillbillies reproduce at a faster rate than the rest of us.
I thought that was why the warmer states were trying to build the dang fence.
More people live in New York City than Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas combined. Yet I still have to listen to people tell me that the rural south is the “real America”.
The rural south is where Jethro – you know, Odette’s kid? – first learned how to split the atom.
And WTF, California’s population growth from 2000-2010 was 10%, US overall was 9.7%, so there’s no “moving away from high tax California” in evidence.
Yeah, they look very real and very American with those fucking traitorous confederate flags stuck on the fucking stupid trucks and fucking stupid hats and fucking stupid clothes. Whatever.
Even on a smaller scale, King County (WA), where I live, has more people than 17 states (and more land area than 2), yet when one of those 17 states votes 80/20 Republican, that makes them “Reel “Murka”, but us voting 80/20 the other way shouldn’t even count, because…Look! A Squirrel!
Maybe it just means that dumbass hillbillies reproduce at a faster rate than the rest of us.
Most of the population growth in Texas is natural increase (births) in the Hispanic population. Of course conservatives don’t want to talk about that fact.
Courtesy of Jon Stewart:
More people live in New York City than Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas combined.
When I moved to Chicago from Oklahoma in the late 80s, the city had as many people as my former state. Each of the ten largest cities in the US has as many or more people than my current state, Montana.
Population growth in Louisiana 1.4%, West Virginia 2.5%, Iowa 4.1%, Mississippi 4.3%
New York 2.1%, Massachusetts 3.1%, New Jersey 4.5%, Connecticut 4.9%
From this TOTALLY REPRESENTATIVE AND MEANINGFUL SAMPLE I deduce people move to fun high-tax states because red states are so fucking boring even paying taxes looks like it’d be more fun.
Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Florida, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, Virginia — all low- or no-tax red states, states that lead the USA in economic freedom
It’s easy to “lead the USA in economic freedom” when you know the feds are picking up the tab for your welfare and imposing standards like minimum wage. If the populations of Southern states didn’t have the feds to rely on at all, you can bet economic populism would resonate a lot more strongly.
(Just ask Bush how the South reacted to his Social Security privatization plan. Not so hot).
Even on a smaller scale, King County (WA), where I live, has more people than 17 states (and more land area than 2), yet when one of those 17 states votes 80/20 Republican, that makes them “Reel “Murka”, but us voting 80/20 the other way shouldn’t even count, because…Look! A Squirrel!
Well in fairness, the popular vote tends to split pretty evenly between Dems and Repubs nationwide.
Retired people move to warmer places.
Aha! There’s your suspects for the wildfires!!!
Gotta call McCrazy….brb…
211 posts?
Why is it that nothing happens when I am here, and everything happens when I’m not?
Seriously, do you guys hate me?
” I deduce people move to fun high-tax states because red states are so fucking boring”
I’d call fucking horses a lot of things but “boring” isn’t one of them.
The fact is, Michele Bachmann is going to take over America and give it back to the heartland, no more left wing redistrutionist sociaelst freedom hating.
VS is correct about the horses .
I’d call fucking horses a lot of things but “boring” isn’t one of them.
Drilling? Reaming?
I chuckled once I got the joke.
So ti-ti
take over America and give it back to the heartland, no more left wing redistrutionist
Hee hee, government taking from those who have and giving to entitled bums living on government payments… right-wing redistributionism is AWESOME.
I made it to the end of the thread!
I have nothing to add!
You guys are awesome!
Making it to the end of the thread.
When I move from the living room to the bedroom, it’s because the TV taxes are higher than the sleep taxes.
The Jonah Goldberg template in action. One:
And WTF, California’s population growth from 2000-2010 was 10%, US overall was 9.7%, so there’s no “moving away from high tax California” in evidence.
All swarthy foreign interlopers. Every. One.
Interestingly, Alternet suggests that soon “white Hispanics” will assimilate like the wop-a-dagoes & bog-monkeys (I kid because I hate.) guaranteeing yrs. more white majority racism, so stop worryin’, old honkies.
I love your contributions, Tintin, but it would seem that you are the entirety of Sadly, No! now. What happened to Brad, Travis, HTML, and Seb? Where’s Gary Ruppert?
Someone better start digging. Somewhere. Tintin may be collecting their SorosCheques as we type.
This cartoon is funny because it is true.
“Just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”
well, to be fair, she did say that everything she knows she learned in iowa…which is why mn’sotans tell iowan jokes…
who killed the thread now, bitchez!
ny passes gay marriage and an asteroid just misses the earth… coincedence?
Interestingly, Alternet suggests that soon “white Hispanics” will assimilate like the wop-a-dagoes & bog-monkeys (I kid because I hate.) guaranteeing yrs. more white majority racism, so stop worryin’, old honkies.
I’ve heard that theory.
Considering that it took all of one generation for thousands of Irish, Italian and other immigrant voters to turn from radical New Deal liberals into rabid racist Nixon voters, it’s depressingly possible.
80 years ago, Italians, Irish and Poles were considered not to be members of the white ‘race’. It will happen with light skinned Hispanics as well.
However, the Canadian Race shall always be viewed as outsiders.
Frankly, the best thing Latino voters could do for this country is NOT to assimilate. Stick together and keeping voting Not-Republican by the same margins that Jews or black people do, and tell the self-proclaimed Real Americans “no, YOU adapt,” until they either do so or are consigned to permanent minority status.
I’m as white a Mayflower American as they come, and I’m sick to death of 51% of the voters self-appointing themselves as the only real citizens and dedicating their votes to making life as miserable as possible for the other 49%. Stop feeding the bastards with “assimilation.” No one group has a patent on this country and sooner or later, someone needs to explain it to them.
Is it a shiny squirrel?
Considering that it took all of one generation for thousands of Irish, Italian and other immigrant voters to turn from radical New Deal liberals into rabid racist Nixon voters, it’s depressingly possible.
You have not met a Cuban-American? Anti-“Communist” & racist from day one.
“However, the Canadian Race shall always be viewed as one of the most interesting F1 events of the last 10 years even if that damn Jenson Button magically took the top podium spot“
I was going to make some dungeness crab cakes (not as good, IMHO, as that glory of the east coast and especially THE bay, blue crab but that’s what we got out here so…) but the martinis are taking their toll. So we are sufficing (okay autocorrect, “surviving” would work too) with another avocado salad (this time with arugula, and please excuse all the ()’s ) and wild mushroom risotto. With lots of those glorious peas, some more of which I picked up from another farm stand today). Life, indeed, is hard.
80 years ago, Italians, Irish and Poles were considered not to be members of the white ‘race’. It will happen with light skinned Hispanics as well.
50-60 years ago they were not white. They began the bleaching process during the 1950s, largely as a consequence of the massive influx of Southern blacks into the Northern and Midwestern cities (just as the Irish became white in the early 20th century because of the influx of Italians and Slavs). While I suspect that some white Hispanics will be assimilated in the not too distant future, I really am skeptical that most will do so absent a major incursion of some other stigmatized ethnic minority.
The risotto is being concocted with nectarish roasted chix stock that was described here recently. So it should be… okay, I guess. Avocados are cheap – must be some NAFTA socialist thing.
You have not met a Cuban-American? Anti-”Communist” & racist from day one.
That is mostly the first wave immigrants who were largely members of elite families whose property was being redistributed. Much less true of those who came over later (many of whom are black).
And one more thing: I am NOT “food pr0n obsessed.” I AM food pr0n. BTW, B4, who is picking out the rings? Think The Ho’s will fit you? ‘Cause, I’ll be damned if I’m buying more fucking rings, I don’t even like jewelry and they can … get in the way if you know what I mean.
Look! A Squirrel Girl!
Anybody who looks like Cameron Diaz does can assimilate—but it’s going to take a lot of generations of intermarriage before your George Lopezes are going to pass muster with the teabagger cohort.
OT: So since Luis Alvarez was the real father of the H-bomb (took a half-assed idea and made it work), does that mean President Palin won’t use any of them?
Oh who am I kidding. I am to food pron what D-KW is to mommaplooving. Another interduckz wannabe.
On the other hand, Michelle Bachmann sure has sewn up the killer clown vote, right?
Don’t sell yourself short, Poopy. There’s a lot of food porn out there that involves crap nobody can get ahold of anyway—kind of like big-studio commercial porn. You’re like amateur porn, which is really better ’cause you can actually imagine meeting people like that, and they’re really having fun instead of putting on a show.
Oh good lord. Come on now.
“More Monday,” says K.J. Lopez. But it’ll take more than a few days to dream up even passable sophistry in support of her points re: tyranny. If she had any sense she’d blow her metaphorical wad now and claim lack of forethought. God help her now, at least on the Plane of Argument, where she’s fucked any way you cut it.
Hmmm now is unterusting (kiwi accent, thanks SMcG)
The top three states wiv the freedommmmmest! are most like Qatar whilst boring old Noo Yark is like the UK.
oooh oooh It makes me wonder.
If gay marriage hadn’t passed, it would have hit us. Try and prove otherwise.
Even on a smaller scale, King County (WA), where I live, has more people than 17 states (and more land area than 2), yet when one of those 17 states votes 80/20 Republican, that makes them “Reel “Murka”, but us voting 80/20 the other way shouldn’t even count, because…Look! A Squirrel!
KING COUNTY? You guys need to stop ramming your liberal agenda down our real American Eastern WA throats.
Where I live, Spokane County, we’re all pretty much a buncha dumbshits.
OT: So since Luis Alvarez was the real father of the H-bomb (took a half-assed idea and made it work), does that mean President Palin won’t use any of them?
You sound suspiciously like you’re accusing Ms. Failin’ of consistency in ideology. The racism it takes to ignore the truth about inventing a weapon doesn’t seem much different from the racism it takes to rationalize wiping out 20 or 30,000 Middle Easterners, now does it?
Where I live, Spokane County, we’re all pretty much a buncha dumbshits.
Care to move a bit further east over here to western Montana? We are all pretty much a buncha batshit crazy dumbfucks (except right here in the People’s Republic of Missoula).
“If gay marriage hadn’t passed, it would have hit us. Try and prove otherwise.”
Your logic is impeccable.
I’ma move to Milwaukee with my liberal newly-professor wife! Goddamn I am looking forward to making trouble for Walker and Co.
Also a bit drunk. Tried to play along with dixieland and got drunk for about two hours. Very instructional. Dixieland banjoish strumming is a helluva bag. It’s the same old thing song after song but strangely, I didn’t get bored, and not just because of the booze.
Care to move a bit further east over here to western Montana? We are all pretty much a buncha batshit crazy dumbfucks (except right here in the People’s Republic of Missoula).
Sometimes I think that might not be such a bad thing. But then I think that think that seems like moving further from shore to deeper water when you’re a poor swimmer.
Dixieland banjoish strumming is a helluva bag. It’s the same old thing song after song but strangely, I didn’t get bored, and not just because of the booze.
I HATE playing that kind of shit. It sounds like a one of those giant mine drills boring through my skull. I’m also not good enough to just branch out like that. All I know is I jammed with a country band once that had a mandolin and a banjo and I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
Which is why I would have voted for Richard A. C. Greene for Land Commissioner. (Well, if I could have voted in 1968.) h/t to Righteous Bubba for finding a better link for him after my mention.
Remember the money quote:
People are putting their HANDS in AMY ALKON’S VAGINA!!!1tehONE! and you are not satirizing this!!?!!!
That’s not the sadly no, I know…
Which is why I would have voted for Richard A. C. Greene for Land Commissioner
What a great story–I love that writing style!
I wasn’t actually born until 1969, so I suppose that gave state officials some shred of an excuse to hang on to the Inland Empire for a few more years and see if it could produce more than Columbia Basin Logicfail. Spokane does have a few cool things going for it, actually.
Um…I’m gonna leave this one alone. There’s no way to confirm or refute this story, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility lately. Even for a mouthy dumbass like Alkon, I’m not huge on calling women liars when it comes to this kind of thing. Call me a puss if you want.
tsam – I suspect the “hand in the vagina” was a TSA agent curious about her gender & trying to see if she had tucked anything.
Because…I can’t imagine anyone wanting to put their hand in Amy Alkon’s vagina. And I’m being generous here by not suggesting that she should have protected it with a shitmoat.
More people live in New York City than Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas combined.
Too bad they’ve got six Senators, eh? (And each one can put a secret hold on legislation and nominees….)
I don’t go along with the secular worship of the U.S. Constitution. Big problems with Article 1. Also Article 2. (Personally, I would prefer a parliamentary system. You know, like the rest of the world uses? Keep the independent judiciary, and the best rights-and-protections amendments.)
The Constitution is structurally flawed in fundemental ways. There are so many ‘checks’ in the system that obstruction anywhere paralyzes legislative action (and ceded power accretes in the executive). The United States bears only superficial resemblence to authentic equal-representation democracy. [See United States Senate.]
The deeper structural flaws are exacerbated and manipulated by corporate control both of political power and political discourse, channeled via two corporate-owned political parties and corporate-owned national media.
That’s my opinion anyway.
*goes up-thread to continue catching-up*
Also, too:
If Florida = God’s waiting room…
Then Texas = Darwin’s waiting room
Did you know that Ghengis Khan sounded an awful lot like Rooster Cogburn. Video evidence is here . . .
[One of the worst movies ever made}
Dance, Tartar woman!
John Wayne was a fag.
i’ll try breaking the thread again, as yous have all gone to bed in your mid western drug dens, but did anyone who got out for mangoes notice the adverts for teh NRO cruise? I cant think of any worse fates that getting stuck on that boat!
I can’t either, but there’s no way to know what actually happened, and since we’re not talking about her saying something incredibly dumb, I have to stay away from it.
but did anyone who got out for mangoes notice the adverts for teh NRO cruise
39 reasons to steal one torpedo.
Pupienus, food pron obsessed emperor of Portland
Majesty, your subjects tender their highest acclaim and honor.
(Consider leaving it as part of your nym? Befuddle lurkers. Or dazzle them. Jeez, I’m really really stoned.)
Pup: it also fits so well with yer Latin nym….
What on Earth makes you think she hasn’t?
Are you sure you don’t have that backwards?
Re: Alkon,
I actually agree with her that those things are unnecessary, intrusive and absurd violations of our rights and freedoms. They need to stop.
I feel sorry that she was subjected to such treatment. Nobody who hasn’t been convicted of a felony should be treated like that. I suppose that for once, she has a right to bitch about something.
That said, I do wish she’d shut the fuck up the rest of the time.
Speaking of the TSA….
Really? I’d think that pulling back the fuming stump would make one the envy of the neighborhood, or at least be good for full disability.
Are you sure you don’t have that backwards?
Who was it a couple of years ago that went on one of these cruises? Talabbi? that article was fucken hilarious.
Re: Alkon,
Absolute fucken disgrace it should happen to anyone, but I did enjoy this juicy mango from her:
I was very upset, both because of the physical violation and because I love our now too-often-crumpled-up Constitution and Bill of Rights.
From the type of people that feel they can interpret the constitution any damn way they like, irony, how does that work?
It’s an ergative grammar sort of thing—they can Constitution all over over your Bill of Rights, but our Bill of Rights just gets Constitutioned up if we try to exercise it.
Close one eye and try to see only one “over” up in there….
Who was it a couple of years ago that went on one of these cruises?
Johann Hari. Four yrs. ago. We age.
Testing the shitmoat.
I give, WP. It was Johann Hari in 2007. Check The Independent, linkies being rejected.
Fingers up the Pyongyang…
And the shitmoat
Two in the coot, one in the boot.
That drivel works, but a link to something funny would be too damn much for WP.
Which brings us back to The Minivan.
Also, that sounds like “ergot-ive” language to me.
Ahh, that’s why it was fresh in my horrid mind.
projectile, and yet not speculatory… if yer going to have the bacon, might want to wash it down with some syrup…
the first cut is the deepest… there was an interspersal… and everything isn’t everything.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!
“When we crunched the numbers Lexington
finished at the bottomsaid ‘I don’t want to do crunches.’” Marion explained.You have not met a Cuban-American? Anti-”Communist” & racist from day one.
Yeah, I have Cuban relatives, actually, and I confirm the anti-communism; the racism, not sure.
But DrDick is correct that the racist/elitist/conservative thing tends to come from the Cubans who jumped ship right after the revolution. Those who came later, less so. Furthermore, there’s a difference between these guys who came over in 1960 and their children and grandchildren, who’ve never lived in Cuba, often consider themselves Americans first and often don’t share their elders’ single-issue obsession.
Bookmark it!
David Frum NOT being an asshole. In fact demonstrating, with pretty sound logic, why the case against same sex marriage is a bunch of phony bullshit. Weird.
A taste if you don’t feel like clicking it:
Oh, and before you remind that Frum has pretty much beat the psycho drum about this issue for years, I’m not disputing that.
I’m contrasting K-Load’s comprehensive thesis which concludes that OMFG WERE JUST LIKE HITLER NORTH KORIA OH FUCK!!! with that of “well, I guess the evidence shows that we were wrong about that, so here’s an admission of same, which is as close as you’ll ever get to an apology”.
Wow–thread killed before 0800.
Most conservatives have reacted with calm — if not outright approval — to New York’s dramatic decision.
Note: the legislature voting for and the governor signing a bill supported by the majority of state residents = “dramatic decision”.
Note: the legislature voting for and the governor signing a bill supported by the majority of state residents = “dramatic decision”.
Slightly dramatic–although maybe dramatic is a poor choice of words.
Here in Washingstan, our super bold legislature likes to kick controversial legislation out for referendums. That way they suffer no political backlash and get out of doing their jobs. Pretty good racket, I say.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg:
our super bold legislature likes to kick controversial legislation out for referendums.
NYS doesn’t have much of referendum system. NYC has one, but only one is allowed per election, so the mayors are careful to put one in that means nothing to block everyone else.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg:
And OMFG don’t GET me started on our Ballot Initiative system here. We’re a good reason to slap limitations on that system, for sure.
We have fucking idiot tax rebel here who routinely puts initiatives on the ballot to destroy the state revenue system. Despite having been caught stealing a couple hundred thousand dollars from his PAC, he still manages to get this done. He’s been ridiculously successful–especially considering the fact that he’s a complete dolt.
Mark F; love the comments at Goldberg’s.
Yep, that’s it. You got me! Course, if I actually were indoctrinated by the MSM, the cultural elites and the public education system, I’d probably be a lot more conservative than I am.
If I was indoctrinated by the MSM I’d be talking about Casey Anthony right now.
to feel superior to racist knuckle-draggers
I DO feel vastly superior to racist knuckle-draggers, FUCKYOUVERYMUCH. The reason I feel that way is because I am.
If I hated lots of stuff and really really thought that gay people and muslims and anybody who doesn’t look, sound and act just like me were destroying my country and my way of life, then I would be more conservative.
if I was indoctrinated by the MSM I’d probably know who the fuck Casey Anthony is.
NB: I am quite happily, one might even say smugly, ignorant in this regard and do not wish to be informed. You fucking knuckle-dragger.
they can not all be so incredibly gullible/ignorant. It must be a desire to ‘feel good about oneself’, to feel superior
“They can’t all be gullible morons, some must be puffed up self-important morons who tear their true superiors(i.e. people who agree with me) down to feel better about themselves.”
Speaking of progressives, they can not all be so incredibly gullible/ignorant . . . being indoctrinated via the public education system, the MSM and our ‘cultural elites’ surely helps to lead them to the progressive ’cause’
They’re not gullible/ignorant. They’ll just believe a bunch of bullshit because they don’t know better.
I am quite happily, one might even say smugly, ignorant in this regard
Me too. I’d go so far as to say ‘complacent’ or ‘self-satisfied’. But I am free to be like that because I don’t live in Kim Jong Il’s NY where they have to eat grass and bugs and make big balloon displays for the Dear Leader.
I am quite happily, one might even say smugly, ignorant in this regard
I live in New England. If I didn’t watch the local news in the morning I wouldn’t be able to get dressed. “Yesterday I was in a snowsuit and now it’s 95 fucking degrees? What the fuck?”
mark f sed
[Greed] used to be chategorized with envy, sloth, wrath, pride, lust and gluttony – tsam
FWIW, “pride” no longer seems to be a deadly sin but rather something to be, well, proud of. And wrath is also seen (in certain contexts) as a good thing (e.g. provided it’s directed at brown furriners). As to the others, IOKIYAR.
FWIW, “pride” no longer seems to be a deadly sin but rather something to be, well, proud of. And wrath is also seen (in certain contexts) as a good thing (e.g. provided it’s directed at brown furriners). As to the others, IOKIYAR.
I think there used to be definitions that drew a dividing line between being proud yet humble, and defining the difference between anger and wrath. I see wrath as being so angry with a little group of dumbshit, violent fundamentalist zealots that we would attack a country who had nothing to do with their existence–in fact didn’t like them very much.
As to pretty much all of them, IOKIYAR, as far as I can tell.
Maybe this could be considered pride. I’ll rationalize it by claiming that it’s merely observing fact.
“Speaking of progressives, they can not all be so incredibly gullible/ignorant . . . being indoctrinated via the public education system, the MSM and our ‘cultural elites’ surely helps to lead them to the progressive ’cause’”
On the other hand, speaking of “National Review,” what must it be like to embrace the idea of “Standing athwart history and yelling ‘STOP’? To deliberately choose to be on the wrong side of the progress of mankind is to choose to be “special.”
As to pretty much all of them, IOKIYAR, as far as I can tell. – tsam
Actually, if J-Bob can talk about liberal fascism, may I coin a term, “Cavalier Puritanism”? It takes the Calvinist notion of “perseverance of the saints” and flips around “by your fruits you shall know them” to “by them you shall know their fruits”: whatever a “saint” does is good and whatever a “sinner” does is bad — even if the action is the same. IOW, infuse the soteriology of the Puritans with the classism of the Caveliers and you get the idea that if you are the right kind of person (e.g. a Republican) you can do whatever you want and it’s all good but if you are a scalawag (like Bill Clinton) or a
carpetbaggeroutside agitatorcommunity organizer (like you know who, who also happens to be a bit, shall we say, swarthy), then whatever you do is bad.It also explains the disdain for “elites”. Actual socio-economic elites are a-ok, but people who become elite by education or what-not are merely ‘uppity”.
On the other hand, speaking of “National Review,” what must it be like to embrace the idea of “Standing athwart history and yelling ‘STOP’? To deliberately choose to be on the wrong side of the progress of mankind is to choose to be “special.”
The phrase that comes to mind: Saboteurs of civilization.
Also, too: When I hear or read the word “athwart,” I cannot help but think of Slim Pickens athwart the bomb in “Dr. Strangelove.”
The phrase that comes to mind: Saboteurs of civilization.
That sounds suspiciously froggy. How about: Shitters in the Punchbowl of Civilization.
Hello peeps,
Since the Bach-pocalypse arrived, I thought you might enjoy this: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/international/bachmann-launches-white-house-bid-by-machine%11gunning-a-pig-201106284005/
If William F. Buckley was not a member of the “Cultural Elite,” then he failed in his primary ambition in life.
Steven Hayward wants you to know he’s a tough guy:
Merits or demerits of the TSA aside, I do enjoy when the wingnuts brag up their passive-aggression.
Completely O to the T, but…Alpenhaus Swiss gruyere is TEH AWESOME!!! With a few crackers and a sliced Purple Cherokee tomato, it’s lunch.
Darn it! He really is everywhere and everyone…
,,,on the theory that it is more humiliating for the TSA officers who have to go through this charade than it is for me,,,
Having to grope Hayward? Yeah that’s gotta be pretty humiliating. I appreciate that these folks are proud of their lack of empathy, but really? This is the guy’s full-time job – he gropes men in their junk 40 hours a week. That’s what he does. Maybe lack of self-awareness prevents him from shame. Or perhaps he honestly believes he is protecting America from another 911. Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit and hates his job but recognizes that with his education and work history it’s a sweet-ass paycheck with full bennies.
I dunno, maybe Hayward can answer that question since he still goes on humiliating hisself with his Intar-tubule-esticular fortitudity and plain ole stupidness. Is he unaware of how much of an idiot he is or does he honestly think that he’s Fighting Teh Leftsist Lieberal TSA Powers That Be?
Is he unaware of how much of an idiot he is or does he honestly think that he’s Fighting Teh Leftsist Lieberal TSA Powers That Be?
But he GLOWERS!!!!
Hooray for four-legged progressive activists.
“Hounding the police: Loukanikos the stray dog has become an internet sensation after doggedly taking part in anti-austerity protests in Athens, Greece.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007717/Greece-riots-Meet-Loukanikas-stray-dog-unlikely-mascot-protesters.html#ixzz1Qb23fT9c
Is he unaware of how much of an idiot he is or does he honestly think that he’s Fighting Teh Leftsist Lieberal TSA Powers That Be?
Oh yeah, they’re so liberal at the TSA. You know how those righties love that 4th Amendment.
No, thank you, I want it done right out here in public (where everyone can see you making an ass of yourself, I add silently). I always make sure to glare and glower throughout, and complain loudly to supervisors if they are slow getting it under way.
How about: Shitters in the Punchbowl of Civilization.
I bow down before your eloquence.
Nice try hippies, but it’s Kenyan Usurper Obambi X Hussein’s TSA so it must be lie-beral.
Meanwhile on the OT, cheese and crackers, huh? Here’s a gluten-free version – mostly to prove that this Canucker has no idea about barbecue.
Quarter inch thick slice of salami on a medium-ish grill – say three inches above your charcoal if you’ve got a tiny little four-burger grill like I do. Go for about a minute or until you see the fats and oil start sweating out of the salami. Flip it over and add to the top a hunk of double cream brie. Make sure you keep the knife you sliced the salami with handy – to cut anyone who tries to take one from you.
I know what you’re thinking: “But wait D-KW, that’s not a balanced lunch! What about vegetables and vitamins and stuff?” It’s called sangria. You’re welcome.
That is funneh. *claps*
Speaking of veggies, I made what was essentially a big ol’ plate of veggies for dinner last night. Usually when I do this, Mr. Slayer is like “Oh. How nice.” Or “Why do you waste all that time in the produce section?” or “May have some bacon with my meat?” But last night I just brushed some herb oil on a bunch of veggies and grilled them up along with some Haloumi and polenta rounds and he actually dug it. I was shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
We welcome all glowering at our security check points. Please complain as loudly as possible. It will help us provide you with personal attention. In the privacy of your own insulated room.
he actually dug it.
Left on my own, I will make for dinner two or three days a week a plate of raw chopped veggies covered with rice. Delicious, nutritious, and cleans out your bowels like the SC Johnson scrubbing bubbles.
P.S. We are a secular country. St. Kathryn of Othersnaughtybits will not be allowed entry.
Ooh, I like your style. But then I will eat a big plate of herb salad. Some folks thinks that’s just grass on a plate.
It also explains the disdain for “elites”. Actual socio-economic elites are a-ok, but people who become elite by education or what-not are merely ‘uppity”.
I always thought the dislike for “elites” was just the insecure terror of being laughed at by smarter people. It shines through in that entire comment from the Goldberg link, which itself is repeated all over the web by conservatives of all stripes; they’re convinced that the city folk, the college folk, etc, are all laughing at them when they’re not looking, and they’re foaming-at-the-mouth enraged at that and determined to “prove” that they’re just as smart as they are.
(Even though the truth is that the city and college folk don’t really think much about them either way).
Nice try hippies, but it’s Kenyan Usurper Obambi X Hussein’s TSA so it must be lie-beral.
You laugh, DKW, but our Kenyan Usurper used to be against the USAPATRIOT Act, and for good reason.
Now that anti-Constitutional p.o.s. has been renewed, with the blessing of the Administration and all the national ‘Democrats’.
We are so screwed.
(Even though the truth is that the city and college folk don’t really think much about them either way).
During the depression, people in the big movie studios did market research on what people really wanted to see in movies, on the theory that people with little money would only see what truly interested them. It turned out there was no reason to make movies about rural life, as people on farms wanted to see movies about city life and people in cities wanted to see movies about city life. Variety reported this news with the headline Sticks Nix Hick Pix.
WHAT is the creature on the left?!
There is a foul mouthed pantless elderly gentleman waving a ping-pong paddle at one of our customs checkpoints. He’s claiming to be a U.S. Senator and is demanding to know why our gardeners are starting fires in your country. Please have someone from your government come retrieve him.
Is a “Meet the Press” one of your houses of worship? He claims to go there every Sunday.
Smut Clyde.
Bearing in mind the alternatives, I for one think it was very tasteful for the taxidermists to arrange these animals so that the beer came out their mouths.
That’s not beer.
You laugh, DKW
To keep from crying. This admin has made some pretty breathtaking claims about administrative power – but I gotta admit that it’s still bettar than letting JiSM3 get his finger on teh big red button.
Dingleberries on the anus of the body politic.
Sticks Nix Hick Pics
Incidentally, Larry Gowan is from LEAFS SUCK.
A full line of rodent beer coozies would have to include marmots for your 40’s and deer mice for shots of mezcal. I know it would make it easier for Mrs M to moderate her intake to have the full line of rodential coozies around the house. They probably make interesting marks on the furniture if you don’t use a coaster.
BTW, if anyone needs a little comic relief, there is some hideous music at my blog. Its like being goatsed and rickrolled at the same time. Fun!
Nah. That all goes by team as well. See: Koch vs Soros or Strauss vs Krugman.
“Elite” to them is just another word for “other.”
Its like being goatsed and rickrolled at the same time.
You clicked that link, but it was wrong
Your brain’s now aching but you’re too shy to say it
Inside my colon and Rick’s song,
That’s the game and you gotta play it.
And if you click on the wrong link
You’ll wish you were blind to see,,,
Never gonna gape so wide,
Never havin’ nuttin’ to hide,
Never gonna let my ass desert you.
Never gonna get that song
Outta my head – so wrong
Looking at that ass has got to – hurt you.
There’s no liquor so delicious that it wouldn’t be vastly improved by appearing to be squirrel vomit.
You’re on a goatse/Rickroll today, DK-W. *applause*
North Korea and gay marriage?
Let’s see: US 2, North Korea 0. Explanation: North Korean players were struck by lightning.
I can make a case that the losers in the gay marriage dispute were struck by lightning, but that’s too unlikely. Better to pretend I can do math.
All I’m left with are Kim Jong Il in a big furry hat and a question about the sexuality of that guy from Jamiroqui.
If I had known that being an unreconstructed idiot could be so well paid, i wouldn’t have bothered to become so damned smart.