Fun With Numbers

ABOVE: Jenn Giroux

Shorter Jenn Giroux, Ruhnoo Muhrka
“Just one abortion” can take 73+ lives: A Father’s Day message

  • Just one abortion can murder 73 babies. Or more. Maybe even a MILLION babies. Or TEN BILLION babies. Or as many babies as there ever were, or will be, since the beginning of time. What if Eve had aborted Cain and Abel, huh? Where would YOU be?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 109


Once again proving that reality and the facts have a well know liberal bias. I can only wish her mother had made a different choice.


Well, you know–every sperm is sacred.


Yes – just think what a disaster it would be if Clevon was aborted…

Meatier Schouer

Another shorter: “MY parents’ lives were perfect, so ALL families’ lives are perfect. Therefore, all babies are valuable. Even rape and incest babies. I hope fathers who’ve raped their daughters will force those daughters to make the RIGHT and COURAGEOUS decision. Happy Father’s Day.”


If Eve had aborted Cain–we would have lost out on all those allusions to the First Murderer. Where would literature be then? Would Stenbeck have gotten that Nobel?


All joking aside…what a patently stupid argument against abortion in an over-populated world. It’s like me arguing that abortion is bad because, if Jim Bob Duggar had been aborted, then we wouldn’t have the joy of watching his freakishly large and genetically handicapped family on the teevee.

This bint talks about her dad being the oldest of 9 children, and as herself being one of 11 kids. That’s fucking abusive of the power to reproduce. Human beings don’t need to have litters, particularly not in a country where infant mortality is approaching zero.

Let’s look at the flip side of Giroux’s ridiculous “argument”: what a shame it is that EVERY couple doesn’t have 9 or 10 kids. And let’s give that a try for one generation, and see what a “blessing” it is to all of us. Give mother nature an excuse to stomp us out once and for all…


And how much more precious Jenn Giroux would be if she were a rat.


Or a fruit fly.


Coincidentally, by this formula, the death of anyone potentially capable of reproducing would result in the loss of 73+ futurebabies. That means that last year we lost at least a million futurebabies by gun homicide and 2 million futurebabies in car accidents, and George W. Bush killed 36 million Iraqi futurebabies in his little war. It’s a veritable futurebaby holocaust.

I’d be more inclined to laugh at tbis piece of shit but she and her organization were instrumental in targeting George Tiller — Tiller the Killer as she liked to call him.


I can never recall a time that he didn’t do the right thing.

Didn’t pull out in time.

My dad, who is a great guy though the crochetiest man EVER, had two kids. My sister has two, I have none. Now, I love my sister, and her kids, and I suppose I’m alright, too, but I have to say none of us are special snowflakes that the world and species couldn’t manage to trudge along without had we never been born, and I doubt her 73 are any more necessary.


Is she one of those “quiverfull” people?

In their world, anyone who has less than the complete number of kids you could possibly have had (in the bonds of matrimony, of course) is depriving G-d of souls for his heaven, or something like that.


I favor Meatier’s shorter and that doesn’t need any veiling.


Why did I get out of the boat? This runner-up in the Sally Field Look-Alike Contest is basically arguing that every spermatozoon will implant to form St. Francis of Assisi. (Eggs don’t count. Too girly.) This is someone who watches Soylent Green and sees an instruction video.


Where would I be? Off the wheel of karma.


Looking at it another way–if you don’t have any children to add to the exponential population growth–you might as well have been aborted.

Cuz it’s all about quantity, not quality.


But what if the kid is going to be a homo? Huh? THEN WHAT?!? GAYS ARE NAZIS!!!


When did Pamela Reed stop acting and become a wingnut?


When did Pamela Reed START acting?


The Long Riders. She was a damned good Belle Starr.


We pro-abortionists shrink before that grin of breeders like her. Makes me want to burn my prodeath placards. And my antilife bumper stickers. Shame on all of us.


I was bemused at the great pride and sense of achievement exhibited by the GØØPers at the “debate” when they made sure to let us know how many kids they had made. Yeah, just like all those useless poor people did, like almost anyone can do. The thing that most people have done since we discovered multicellularism. The thing that people have been doing quite accidentally all along.

My 17 year old nephew-not-in-law just graduated (somehow, quite amazingly) from HS. The army won’t take him, too many run-ins with the police, run-ins of, to me, astonishing stupidity and recklessness. The marines said they’ll take him if he gets his ears fixed – he made those big holes in hie earlobes – which he has no money to pay for. His arch-conservative, fundamentalist dad just got foreclosed on so it’s a problem. Praise Jeebus.


Interesting. He sounds just like my stepsister’s nephew. Actually, he sounds just like everybody’s nephew.


shorter shorter: if things were different, they wouldn’t be the same.

also, I can’t have children, so am I a walking abortion?


While quite contentedly childless she makes me wish I had had 73 little commie/atheist/hippie/doper rugrats to point and laugh and taunt her.


happy father’s day?


I’ve taught my nephew to point and laugh and taunt people like this, and trust me, he’s worth any 73 brainwashed dullard’s kids.


So, by sitting here not actively conceiving and/or being pregnant, am I killing babies?


What if Hitler had been aborted?


So, by sitting here not actively conceiving and/or being pregnant, am I killing babies?

I’m pretty sure I am. With vodka.


yes! Stop it right now!


With vodka.

Why don’t you just fill the bathtub with water? It’s cheaper.


I deserved that italic fail for being such a horrible person.


To follow up on what Bryan Fischer said:

What if those babies grew up to be PRO CHOICE? Then by having the abortion you are wiping out potential murderers, hence a GOOD thing!


The Long Riders. She was a damned good Belle Starr.

How come I wasn’t invited?
‘Cause you’re a whore, Belle.
I might be; but at least I ain’t a cheap one.


What if Hitler had been aborted?

I thought the same thing; how many lives would have been saved? More than 73. Advantage: abortion.


Marie Jon’ seems quite the slacker.

What happened to her apostrophe?


What happened to her apostrophe?

We’re in an Obamacession, man!


“What if Hitler had been aborted?”

“I thought the same thing…”

Me too. Also Bush, Franco, Pinochet, Somoza, Mussolini, Mao….or anyone on this list.


When did Pamela Reed stop acting and become a wingnut?

Click the picture of Emmylou Harris on page five there. I rule!!


… whereas letting one starve to death causes no deaths at all.


Or this actress.


These people will outlaw fellatio next.
Plus only one sperm at a time gets to fertilise so men will have to go to wanking centres to provide samples for dilution to fertilise their wummins.
You think I’m joking.


Just one abortion can murder 73 babies.

Yeah, and just deciding not to get pregnant and have more kids also means that future people will never be born.


“Advantage: abortion.”

I almost never heard that when I played tennis. And I was pretty good!


“Advantage: abortion.”

I almost never heard that when I played tennis. And I was pretty good!

I bet you heard “Abortion: Love” all the time.


Well, I AM a liberal fetus-eater.


I AM a liberal fetus-eater.

That explains Dudeskull. You are what you eat.


Hitler’s Willing Exhibitionists: Germans pretending to be the last to know how gay the Nazis were

by Kathy Shaidle on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 | No Comments

Those sophisticated Europeans, huh?

How is it possible that the Nazi regime persecuted homosexuals but allowed such photos to be published?

Not a joke or a shorter.
Don’t bother. For an inexplicable reason, comments are turned off.



I didn’t trust the shorter. I’m gonna pour some bleach in my ear.

Probably a dumb question, but do these folks ever think of how the earth is overpopulated and overtaxed as it is ?


“Feets don’t furious me now”


do these folks ever think of how the earth is overpopulated and overtaxed as it is ?

Of course. It’s proof that the end times are here!


I can only wish her mother had made a different choice.

We don’t know what if any kinds of scars are under that full head of hair…

Spearhafoc, who is also not Douglas Adams, back from the dead

Well, I AM a liberal fetus-eater.

What wine goes best with roast fetus?

Wyatt Watts III

What wine goes best with roast fetus?


Bambino Noir?

Pinot Goo-goo-gio?


Really, anything from the Duggar vineyard–OF ARKANSAS!


Of course. It’s proof that the end times are here!?

Yup, and a good Christian makes sure conditions are right for the end times, working hard to end humanity in their lifetimes, but and this is the critical part:

Not in any way that aids the Anti-christ what with all his global measures and peace and “brotherhood of man” junk.

And no, none ever wonder whether the fact that they are trying to actively cause pain, suffering, war, hatred, destruction, and death might, just might, mean they are working for the other team.


the Duggar vineyard–OF ARKANSAS!

Motto: 25 grapes in every glass.


I heard there are 25 grapes in every wrath.


Is that the metric wrath or the Imperial?


I hear “Duggar” and I wax wroth. The I wax wroth’s car.


Anything from the Cot du Rhone


I can actually picture myself encountering this woman, have her say the same thing to me and then watch her expression as my left eye developed a pronounced tick.

Runew Murcka apparently will let anyone write an article. This would rival The Onion if it were actual satire.


Hitler’s Willing Exhibitionists: Germans pretending to be the last to know how gay the Nazis were

What? Those pictures aren’t gay at all.


Ooh, I want to play her game just a bit here:

Say her dad got aborted, resulting in 73+ “not lives”. Because her mom would never have even known of his presence (or lack thereof), she goes on to marry an even bigger procreative lunatic, with the following result:

Her “new” dad: Still alive.

His children: 15

His grandkids: 72

His great grandkids: 4 (let’s not be greedy here)

Total lives created in this fantasy: 92

Holy crap! By not being aborted, this twit’s actual dad prevented the imaginary birth of 18 “souls,” plus an imaginary dad! How can she live with this knowledge?

Logic: Does this idiot even know how to spell it?


Yeah, and just deciding not to get pregnant and have more kids also means that future people will never be born.

And miscarriages! Oh the humanities!

Those sophisticated Europeans, huh?

How is it possible that the Nazi regime persecuted homosexuals but allowed such photos to be published?

Indeed, a bunch of racist, Ubermensch cultists would have had little interest in showing off how fit their bodies were. Nor in competing in sporting events.


Ubermensch cultists would have had little interest in showing off how fit their bodies were.

They probably would’ve tweeted unsolicited pics of their pecs to the womens too, proving that Dems are JUST LIKE Nazis.


Back from getting rid of many many potential people. What did I miss?


My God you’re all missing the point: We’re running out of people!

What she’s saying isn’t the same old argument about “life starting at fertilization”, as others argue. No, what she’s saying is that it’s wrong to have an abortion because we need more people! Desperately! With the Earth’s rapidly shrinking population, we’re about to dwindle to unsustainable levels of underpopulation, and soon…

Oh, sorry, I’m being told that I need to add “a certain kind of” before the word “people”. Yes, then it actually makes sense.

You can’t understand the religious fanaticism until you understand the underlying bigotry.


Don’t they need 144,000* Jews willing to abandon their religion for the Southern Baptist Church to get their much-hoped for end of the world?

*or 14,400, or someone other than Joe Lieberman…


What wine goes best with roast fetus?



I believe, ma’am, that you mean “Play-D’oh!”


What wine goes best with roast fetus?

Something red. The blood of innocents? Maybe something moar blasphemous – Shattered Oeuvres de Pope.


Lacryma Christi.


Life begin at fertilizer?

Well, I guess that kind of makes sense.


In their world, anyone who has less than the complete number of kids you could possibly have had (in the bonds of matrimony, of course) is depriving G-d of souls for his heaven, or something like that.

Need more meat for the war machine to grind.

What? Those pictures aren’t gay at all.

That’s what you think, but one of those pictures just sucked my penis.


Back from getting rid of many many potential people. What did I miss?

Did you enjoy yourself?

sham - low sodium hunchback

I’ll bet Giroux is a WILD fuck.


comma coma


I saved your life, you should be more grateful.


I’ll bet Giroux is a WILD fuck.

I bet not. Lights off.

sham - low sodium hunchback

Hmmm, lights off… just the thing….


You think I need an excuse to stomp you out?



brb, aborting futurekids


Real christians don’t fuck.


Hmm … I guess if you assume each aborted baby would have 5 progeny, 4 of which would reproduce, then the second generation, assumin the same rate of reproduction, would account for 8 children (sexual reproduction requires 2 partners). So 2^n generations, to get to the 73 figure, we are talking about 7 generations or ~140 years, even with this unrealistic rate of reproduction. So, maybe the math does work, given a really long time frame, and people who breed like rabbits, but is it really desirable to have that many more people on the planet?


im in ur future, abortin ur babeez

sham - low sodium hunchback

Hmmm, lights off… just the thing….

Two wetsuits, one dildo…


by Kathy Shaidle on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 | No Comments

I had forgotten about that fucken moron, she was a regular on my never missed Steynwatch, and also sent me a number of abusive emails when drunk (her, not me)…..

flicking through her site she has moderated a bit, but it was a low bar to begin with, my favourite story was how the Vancouver riots were the fault to teh socialists (or something)…..

“The ordinary, average, “nice,” “peaceful” Canadian finally getting the chance to wrest themselves, if even for a few hours, from the stranglehold the Establishment has on them.”

so burning cars after your team gets thrashed is a fault of the establishment for something or other…….

logic, fail…..


since i killed da thread, i’ve spent the last 30 mins flicking through Kathy’s & her husband’s (wtf) sites with growing incredulity. I will take back what I said above, she has not moderated at all, just looks like someone is helping her with the grammar a bit.

These mangoes are defiantly very, very rotten…..

there is so much there, that if I didn’t know any better I would have thought it was a parody site. The top 5 idiocies are (in no particular order):

1. Its a lot better if whites give blood than immigrants (i.e. muslims), because, eh, the furriers and there is something up with their blood.
2. Failing the Godwin law, she refers to a Canadian boat going to join the next Gaza flotilla as “The Hitler Boat”
3. Because a muslim taxi driver runs over a cop, we must hunt down and kill all muslims (or deport them anyway)
4. Pimping Rush Limbough’s new iced tea (no, that is not a joke)
5. The ‘slutwalks’, they deserve to be raped…..

and rounded off with this nugget;

“Armed insurrection and/or multi-day street fighting is coming, to the U.S. and parts of Britain. It is only a matter of time.” (following some jihadi thing in London)

You know, while I laugh at these people because they never got the pogrom they wanted against the muslims, gays and socialists, I realise that they never went away.

And they bang on about muslim extremism.


hmm looking at that family photo, all I could think was 1 claymore and 73 nut jobs down.

I’m a bad bad man…


Somebody has a hard time taking a joke.

Teh butthurt, it is strong in those ones.


As I understand it, 144,000 virginal male Jews with good singing voices will become Southern Baptists at the end. Wimminz, the unchaste, and the tuneless are not counted.


On the topic of mangoes, many of the ones I’ve been getting have this label on them. Of course, it took me a while to see it right side up. I was looking at it like this and thinking, “braggart.”

Apologies for the godawful pic.


Wimminz, the unchaste, and the tuneless are not counted.

There’s overlap, of course, A lot of women are chased regularly.


A lot of women are chased regularly

And, like K-Lo, many are unchased.


not really good speech against abortion…


On the topic of mangoes, many of the ones I’ve been getting have this label on them. Of course, it took me a while to see it right side up. I was looking at it like this and thinking, “braggart.”

I’m getting some lovely mangoes right now, and I don’t have to get out the boat, just the car. Smallish (size of a big apple), kind of hard on the outside, but boy are they sweet…… wish i knew where they were from…..

12 past the hour



12 past the hour said,

June 20, 2011 at 12:32 (kill)


You’ve exceeded your dead-baby quota by 27! Good for you, person of indeterminate gender!

20 before the hour

Like sand through an hour glass, baby!


So, by sitting here not actively conceiving and/or being pregnant, am I killing babies? = T&U

Now there’s a pick-up line: “you know by sitting there and not actively conceiving, you’re killing babies? you know we can rectify that solution really quickly if you’ll just come upstairs with me 😉 “


It’s a well known fact that when you kill a comment thread, you are responsible for killing a further 73 future comments.


“Pimping Rush Limbough’s new iced tea (no, that is not a joke)”

Indeed it is not.

long time listener, first time caller

My free market solution, to both our budget problems and the abortion issue: create a new type of derivative based on hypothetical future babies (and a whole host of secondary derivatives, like Collateralized Fuck Obligations, Comely Divorcee Swaps, etc.), then make a mint on the future baby futures market, then take all that money and pay women to not have abortions.

You’re welcome, America.


Now there’s a pick-up line: “you know by sitting there and not actively conceiving, you’re killing babies? you know we can rectify that solution really quickly if you’ll just come upstairs with me 😉 “

“Let me show you my etchings” is shorter.

Galactic Dustbin

“Pimping Rush Limbough’s new iced tea (no, that is not a joke)”

Indeed it is not.

Oddly enough the bottles of tea know more about ‘Merican history then Sarah Palin.


“What if Eve had aborted Cain and Abel, huh?”

And don’t forget their wives.


(comments are closed)