Welcome to Wally World

ABOVE: Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University

Shorter Walter Williams, Clown Hall:
Irksome Things

  • Stupid people are really the smart ones and smart people are stupid. Now let me give you a few grammar tips to show you how I am a smart person who is actually smart. Please don’t call me stupid for misusing “predication,” but if you do, that’s just further proof that I am really a smart smart person and you are a stupid smart person.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 527


Fustest! Whoo Hoo!


“I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person…”

Ummmmm, Iraq, Afghanistan, the U.S. economy, Katrina response…

What?! Oh, my mistake, Professor, W was actually a genius pretending to be a dolt.

thats right...

you know who else thought they were really smart?


Even Shorter Walt Williams:

I am an asshole. Let me prove it to you by writing this column…


There are a lot of things, large and small, that irk me. One of them is our tendency to evaluate a presidential candidate based on his intelligence or academic credentials. When Obama threw his hat in the ring, people thought he was articulate and smart and hailed his intellectual credentials. Just recently, when Newt Gingrich announced his candidacy, people hailed his intellectual credentials and smartness as well.

LOLWUT? Candidate evaluation: You’re doing it wrong.


interesting to note on the sidebar that coulter has an autobiography out…


Another mini-irk is to hear someone say something such as “Dave and myself went shopping.”

Walt and myself share a peeve–oh wait, a mini-irk.


I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person, but those caused by intelligent, articulate persons are too numerous to count, from the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao to Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Obama.

george w. bush…q.e.d, muthafuckah!


Wait, when did Andy Rooney become black?


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University

I’ve asked the operator whether I’d reach my party if I dialed 77o. She’d reply that I’d have to dial 770. Then I’d ask her why she told me to dial 77o, telling her there is a difference between o and zero. I would explain that the letter o is defined as a vowel and the 15th letter of our alphabet. By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number. Needless to say, our conversation would go downhill and reach a strained and unpleasant end.

this a-hole is the real reason we no longer have real, live operators…

also, i’m going to start this column talking about one thing which really could be a pretty interesting column, but then i’m going to end it by concluding with grammatical errors that piss me off…to paraphrase myself, this article is really shitty because “I, myself, wrote this column.”


Wait a minute, what major calamities were supposedly engineered by FDR or Obama? I mean, besides “teh SOCIALISMS!!!”

Not getting out of the boat to find out.


I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person, but those caused by intelligent, articulate persons are too numerous to count, from the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao to Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Obama.

Likewise, I challenge anyone to show me a plane crash where stupid, inarticulate people were flying the plane! Those plane crashes with trained, educated pilots at the helm are too numeorus to count! But when the pilots were naked, asleep, or playing video games, there were no plane crashes!

I challenge anyone to show me a weapon of mass destruction that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person. Those created by engineers, chemists, physicists, and scientists are too numerous to count!

I challenge anyone to show me a nuclear meltdown when stupid, intarticulate people were running the plant. Every major meltdown occurred when trained, nuclear technicians were on-site!

I challenge anyone to show me a mass-marketed drug with undisclosed, lethal side-effects that was created by a stupid, inarticulate person, while drugs like Vioxx and Thalidimyde were created by educated doctors, biologists, and chemists!


Wait a minute, what major calamities were supposedly engineered by FDR or Obama?

i think we will have to wait for the time machne to get here before we find out…


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”

Yeah, like when the Philosophy Department of Keio University bombed Pearl Harbor!

Warning, Princeton has the bomb!!!


By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number. Needless to say, our conversation would go downhill and reach a strained and unpleasant end.

From the Macmillan Dictionary online for the definition of “oh”:

a way of saying ‘zero’, used for example when you are telling someone a telephone number or saying a date, such as 1908


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”

why does wally h8 himself?


There are less important things that irk me. One of them is teleological explanations. I’ve listened to TV weather reports and heard the weatherman say, “There will be morning clouds, but the sun will try to come out later in the day.” Often, the weatherman’s predication is wrong, and it remains cloudy all day. Would the weatherman explain that the day remained cloudy because the sun didn’t try hard enough? Trying to do something is purposeful behavior. Inanimate objects cannot engage in purposeful behavior.

I think that regular, average Americans who operate on common sense are better than snooty intellectuals. Also, allow me to explain in a snootily intellectual fashion why the way that average people use the intentional stance as a common sense shorthand when making predictions is technically incorrect, the worst kind of incorrect.

El Manquécito

Needless to say, our conversation would go downhill and reach a strained and unpleasant end.

I imagine that he’s pretty well used to this by now.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I challenge anyone to show me a weapon of mass destruction that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person. Those created by engineers, chemists, physicists, and scientists are too numerous to count!

Well, the first fusion bomb built by that idiot Teller at Lawrence Livermore (the lab he had to have built for himself because all the people at Los Alamos were commies), was a dud because he forgot what’s nowadays called the “interstage”—the heavy cap on one end of the secondary that prevents the primary from disrupting it before it has time to implode.


I’m not clicking the link, but is this some kind of argument for putting Sarah Palin in the Highest Office in the Land? Is that what he’s going for?

Does he not make the connection that stupid people typically don’t fuck up the world because they are way too stupid to achieve any position from which they might do so? That you’d have to go back to a hereditary monarchy for that to happen?

This isn’t rocket science, is it?


You know who else disliked and distrusted intellectuals?


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”

cracked begs to differ…


yeah, i meant to use this quote: “I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person…”

now i fell dum…

Ted the Slacker

I challenge anyone to show me a weapon of mass destruction that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person.


Alternative Shorter Wally:

Blart blart blart Hitler, Stalin and Mao to Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Obama blart blart thx. This ad was brought to you by Koch industries.


All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.

Negroes are allowed to speak to white people without saying sir!


Meez dumberer for reading that.


I challenge anyone to show me a weapon of mass destruction that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person.

I challenge Wally to give me his mom’s phone number.


Whoops, I just pulled a bbkf.

hey now! wait…are you saying i am smart?


“Does he not make the connection that stupid people typically don’t fuck up the world because they are way too stupid to achieve any position from which they might do so?”

Peter, go see the principle RIGHT NOW!


I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person

Michael Brown’s response to Katrina?
The majority of forest fires?
The popularity of reality teevee?

sham - low sodium hunchback

….ordinary intelligence but great respect and love for our Constitution

Kucinich 2112 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey now! wait…are you saying i am smart?

Perhaps it was just an euphemism.


An irritant along mathematical lines is when the telephone information operator tells me that the number for the party I wish to reach is 285-77o-8855.

What did you just say? What the fuck did you just say? Did you say “o,” as in the letter of the alphabet? Not “0,” or “zero,” the digit? You. Fucking. Bitch. I am going to punch you in the face. Repeat that back to me with “zero,” please. My notepad has an “o” in the wrong place. Hello? Hello?


“I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person…”

Goofy and Scooby Doo got in all sorts of messes and I never heard either one of them speak intelligibly.


“Whoops, I just pulled a bbkf PENIS.

Diaskeuastized because every D-KW comment needs PENIS.


pulling a bbkf


that’s a euphemism i can get behind!


Michael Brown’s response to Katrina?
The majority of forest fires?
The popularity of reality teevee?

Michelle Fucking Bachmann? Somebody had to vote for the bitch.


Goofy and Scooby Doo got in all sorts of messes and I never heard either one of them speak intelligibly

also, wile e. coyote was always blowing shit up real good…


Kucinich 2112

Will his running mate be one of the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx?


Darned intellectuals get in the way of beating women over the head with clubs.


Michelle Fucking Bachmann? Somebody had to vote for the bitch.

didntcha read the article tsam?!?! chelle LOVES the constitution*, therefore she’s SMART!!!

*she might love the constitution, but she certainly doesn’t know it**

**not a vc’alr


I called an order into Papa Gino’s the other day. When I got there to pick it up the cashier could not find the record of my order in the computer. I checked my cell phone and verified that I’d called the right location. The cashier asked some of the other employees. Meanwhile, another customer was having what sounded like a very frantic and annoyed conversation on his own cell phone.

It turned out that the cashier had accidentally charged that guy for my order, thus deleting it from the system. “Excuse me, sir,” she said to him, “can I have your credit card back?” “What do you need that for?,” he said. She explained the mix-up and said she had to correct the charge. “Gee, that was stupid,” the guy said to her, “I hope you get it right.” Then he apologized to me.

Surprisingly, it was not Walter Williams.

sham - low sodium hunchback

Does this mean that the world would be less fucked with Azathoth the HPL blind idiot god than with teh smartypants Yahweh/Jeebus?


Speaking of stupid people, I think somebody just stumbled upon a plan to fight global warming that Sarah Palin could really get behind.


,,,every D-KW comment needs PENIS.

On that note, I’m pretty sure this PENIS is going to draw some AHEMs so instead here’s PENIS, SlutWalk Edition


Wait a minute, what major calamities were supposedly engineered by FDR or Obama?

Well, let’s see. Obama gets the recession, the Afghanistan War, Katrina, the ’04 tsunami, probably the Johnstown Flood, 9/11, the Iraq War… no, wait, that last one was Clinton’s fault.

FDR’s culpability is left as an exercise for the reader.


also, wile e. coyote was always blowing shit up real good…

He was a super genius.


FDR’s culpability is left as an exercise,,,

Well that’s pretty damned insensitive. HE HAD POLIO!




I really don’t get it, do these people watch “Idiocracy” and think it’s something to aspire to? Like they read 1984 as a convenient how-to guide?

With Bachmann probably running, the answer seems to be: sadly, yes.


Inanimate objects cannot engage in purposeful behavior.

Wow, grammatical animism really goads him.


Inanimate objects cannot engage in purposeful behavior.

What about inanime objects, which lack large eyes and enormous breasts?


All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world. I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person …

How’s about this?


….ordinary intelligence but great respect and love for our Constitution

Kucinich 2112 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen pictures of Kucininich’s wife? That man is a fucking genius.


I bet Walter Williams, conservative economist, has never written about “the markets” as if they engage in purposeful behavior.


Speaking of euphemisms, I have apparently vexed B^4’s lacuna. It boggles the mind.


All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.

Tellingly, he doesn’t actually provide any of this evidence.


Speaking of euphemisms, I have apparently vexed B^4?s lacuna. It boggles the mind.

Broken links make broken hearts, bubby!


Lexing the vicuna.


Wait a minute, what major calamities were supposedly engineered by FDR or Obama? I mean, besides “teh SOCIALISMS!!!”

That’s enough in and of itself, but I believe the response is that FDR caused the Great Depression and Obama caused the current recession. (That’s the line used in the street: if pressed about it on national television, they’ll simply say the more hair-splitting “FDR prolonged the Great Depression” and “Obama made the economy worse by failing to fix it.”)


Inanimate objects cannot engage in purposeful behavior.

Oooh, don’t let McGravy see this.

[Adjective] [noun, plural] cannot [active verb] [preposition] [adjective] behaviour.

Ontological calliopes cannot vote around grandiose behaviour!
Exceptional paradigms cannot eat under atmospheric behaviour!


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”

A standard line on the right, which ignores the fact that the power academics and intellectuals hold in society is virtually zero, certainly when compared to politicians, businessmen or other people with actual power. It’s also why anti-intellectualism is so wildly popular on the right; it’s “stick it to the elites” for chickenshits.


And OT but worth it: Stars collide: Bachmann vs. Palin.

Ginger, get the popcorn.


Mi Brainz. Let me show u them.


Have you seen pictures of Kucininich’s wife? That man is a fucking genius.

Or, he’s hung like a New Zealand schoolyard.

sham - low sodium hunchback

Teh DENIS!!!!!!!!!


I have apparently vexed B^4?s lacuna


I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person …

How’s about this?


but a writer on the blog that serves as her supporters’ main voice, Conservatives4Palin, demanded that the Minnesota congresswoman “either affirm her support for the long-time beltway fossil’s idiotic comments…or refudiate them.”

conservative humor or irony?


How’s about this?

i see what you did there…well done, you. martini?


tigris — yours is much better.

And, ya know, funny.

I did, however, spend part of my time at red lights while running errands thinking of the ways that “academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.” It’s quite the list, since we have:

* Penicillin
* Mathematics
* Physics
* Modern surgical techniques
* The very computers the dipshits at Clown Hall use to write vomit forth their articles screeds.
* The Intratubes
* Structural engineering
* Powered flight
* Electricity
* Satellites
* Plumbing (and the accompanying understanding of fluid dynamics)
* And many more!!

All of these have obviously fucked shit up beyond all acceptable levels. Thus, only stupid people should be allowed to do stuff because they’re actually too stupid to do anything.



So disappointed. Seeing “Irksome things” and reading the shorter I thought the link would take me to RedState.


Tigris – Sometimes my linky is FAIL. 🙁


I’m impressed he showed enough restraint to wait until the 3rd paragraph to mention Hitler.


I didn’t know Dennis Kucinich had married Julianne Moore.


Someone, at some time, likely tried to explain to Wally that the weatherman was just being cute. That was surely the last time that person ever tried to engage Wally in informal conversation. The part of Wally was played by T&U’s 12-inch black dildo.


All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.

Tellingly, he doesn’t actually provide any of this evidence.

All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world because they messed up the world

There, happy now?

Stupid liberals.


“So disappointed. Seeing “Irksome things” and reading the shorter I thought the link would take me to RedState.”

Not enough $$$$.


All the evidence one could want has been previously supplied by David HorrorWits. I would supply a link but the truth of it is so obvious that citations are unnecessary.


Speaking of stupid people, I think somebody just stumbled upon a plan to fight global warming that Sarah Palin could really get behind.

Shit, can’t they think of a less petroleum-intensive method to kill the critters? Also, I’ve never eaten camel meat, could it be marketed as “Outback steaks”?

Now, I’m hankering for hump hash.

sham - low sodium hunchback

So,for example, The U.S. Constitution. Disaster because written by smart people? Or good because written by stupid people?

Or is it that the good parts were written by the stupid Founders, and the bad parts were written by the smart ones?

I’m not even sure I could guess which parts Wally would put in each category.
Maybe I’m stupid, which makes me correct.


John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University

What a whore that place turned into. I used to play in chess tournaments there back in the 70s.


Good morning people. Today we will be examining a particularly idiotic branch of economics expounded upon in the well known book, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, by Neumann and Morgenstern.

After that, we will take a look at the nursery rime I wrote for my two grandchildren.


And OT but worth it: Stars collide: Bachmann vs. Palin.

2 girls, 1 GOP


You know who else is a professor of economics?

Thomas Sowell


Economics: The social science that thinks it’s physics.


2 girls, 1 GOP



I must admit, teh lure of Hitler got me outta da boat, but it’s not teh Hitler-mangoes that got me mostest.

Another grammatical irritant is a statement such as “John is taller than me.” Hearing such a grammatical error, Dr. Martin Rosenberg, my high school English teacher, would pitch a fit, sarcastically asking, “Do you mean John is taller than me am?”

Me am sure there is no exceptions, though
A man no mightier than thyself or me
Has used that word preposition-ally
In Wally’s defense, his mom is good at conjunction.


“And OT but worth it: Stars collide: Bachmann vs. Palin.

2 girls, 1 GOP”

What a shitty image


Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University

One thing we can discern easily: a lack of intelligence has no influence on reaching the “heights” of the “science” of economics.


Shit, can’t they think of a less petroleum-intensive method to kill the critters? Also, I’ve never eaten camel meat, could it be marketed as “Outback steaks”?

Now, I’m hankering for hump hash.

Eating the camel
Hankering for hump

Not euphemisms.


Speaking of bogfucking stupid, or perhaps just pandering to the bogfucking stupid, which is at least as awful.


2 girls, 1 GOP

Agree with SMcG.


Bachmann will “be so much more substantive,” Rollins said. “People are going to say, ‘I gotta make a choice and go with the intelligent woman who’s every bit as attractive.”

I can’t believe that I still get shocked by Stupid Things Republicans Say™ but this statement made me throw up a little. Just in my throat–not like, all over my desk ‘n junk.


In Wally’s defense, his mom is good at conjunctionvitus


Looking at my link again, I’m confused as to whether The Onion has changed its URL.

I’ll third the applause on “2 girls, 1 GOP”


tsam said,

June 8, 2011 at 20:39

Well, a sea anemone is more substantial. That Bachmann is trying to compete with a negative value, and doing poorly at it, is astonishing.

Also, throwing up all over your junk is nasty.


‘Bachmann will “be so much more substantive,” Rollins said. “People are going to say, ‘I gotta make a choice and go with the intelligent woman who’s every bit as attractive.”’

Why not go for the hat trick? Intelligent, attractive, and a businesswoman. Ladies and gentlemen, the next President of the United States, Jenna Jameson!1!!11!


Ladies and gentlemen, the next President of the United States, Jenna Jameson!1!!11!

I hear she really knows how to behave with erections.


CAIN: Engage the people. Don’t try to pass a 2,700 page bill — and even they didn’t read it! You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table. What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

does not one single candidate/politician know how to speak in complete sentences anymore?!?! ffs!!


Jenna Jameson!1!!11!

as long as her running mate is a botlle of


The suspense is killing me…






Brazilian bikini wax?


B^4 – the link is live again. Your lacuna may now be filled, as long as I don’t have to watch.


Shorter Jonah Goldberg:

Even though no president runs the economy, the bad economy is Obama’s fault because sometimes he acts cocky.


Verbatim paragraph from aforementioned Goldberg:

And then there’s the stimulus, which the White House still touts as an unqualified success. Well, during Obama’s first year in office, more than half (119,000) of all the new jobs in the United States were created in business-friendly Texas, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If Obama created those jobs, why’d he put so many of them in, of all places, George W. Bush’s home state?

QED, I guess.


Also, throwing up all over your junk is nasty.

I’ve added you to my newsletter mailing list


Goldberg’s column is just musing aloud about something to be really really mad about. He never quite gets there.


Heh, comment on Rolling Stone article about Olbermann’s return:

Keith is a socialist. Seems funny to me, that a magazine dedicated to Rock and Roll, music often-times dedicated to freedom and self-expression would waste “print” space on a guy who believes in the destruction of the free market, enforced political correctness and conformity. Rock and Roll used to be about rebellion from the status quo, what happened? I rebelled today, I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat (rather than putting it in my gas tank via ethanol).


Stupid wingnut, excess ain’t rebellion, you’re drinking what they’re sellin’.


as long as her running mate is a botlle of



Bottle of Jameson’s? Sorry. Not qualified. Irish.


I rebelled today, I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat (rather than putting it in my gas tank via ethanol).

This motherfucker is HARDCORE.


I like that Williams progresses from vaguely understandable sentiments (presidents shouldn’t be judged on intellectual accomplishment) through silly nitpicks of sloppy speech (“John and myself”, which is an example of overcorrecting caused by prescriptivist dweebs like Walter) and on to perfectly good but insufficiently Latinate English (“taller than me”) and, finally, to complaining about a universal usage of ancient pedigree (using “oh” for “zero” in a read-out sequence of numbers).

“Oh” for “zero” is really old. It is older than Walter, I think, although he’s pretty old, so maybe not. Reading out a phone number is not a mathematical exercise, Walt. But griping about how it should have been “Giddy-up, four-zero-nine” is even squarer than when George Will complained about how grown men these days wear blue-jeans, instead of nice tweed pants and bowties like his own self. It is even crustier than that time famed Wm. F. Buckley impersonator F. Emmett Tyrrell envisioned a young man “crapulent after a few beers and a sack of Doritos”.



I didn’t know they made a bottle of 35 year. Man that must be smooth.



Rock and Roll used to be about rebellion from the status quo, what happened?

For about 10 minutes, yeah.

Hippies were about something for about 10 minutes too.

Punk was about something for about 10 minutes.

Hell, Obama was about something once, I think. Seems like a million years ago that he was the ONE guy saying “NO DUMB WARS” on the teevee and eating all kinds of rightwhing boxwhine for it.

Let’s all pretend that just because we like it, it isn’t about the fucking money and fame.


Rock and Roll used to be about rebellion from the status quo, what happened?

You saw a lot of this type of rhetoric when the Wisconsin protests were in full swing. “They used to be against the establishment! Now that the unions have contracts the protesters should be anti-union!!!!!” Rebel Without a Cause: the title is now a guiding principle in and of itself.


Hitler and Stalin weren’t really that intelligent, but were skilled in certain ways that allowed them to get and keep power. Stalin in fact tried to learn philosophy but couldn’t, because he appears to have had absolutely no capacity for abstract thought. Plus, he wasn’t even that articulate, and his cult of personality was created by using various forms of media. As for Hitler, I’d say there’s a difference between truly being articulate and being convincing and talented with rhetoric. I don’t know nearly enough about Mao to speculate, and that, Mr Williams, is how smart people actually behave; they read books so they can have real informed opinions, and if they haven’t done the necessary research, they shut the fuck up. They don’t prove their intelligence by being ridiculously pedantic with operators.


Call me an anti-MacIntosh, but I’ve always preferred the flavor of Irish Whiskey to Scotch.


“Oh” for “zero” is really old.

So are phone numbers that begin with the township/subdivision.

When I was a little tiny kid, I used to enjoy calling for the time.




“Stalin in fact tried to learn philosophy but couldn’t, because he appears to have had absolutely no capacity for abstract thought”

Sorta like a certain economics professor who can’t understand when a weatherman is trying to be cute…………..


Seems like a million years ago that he was the ONE guy saying “NO DUMB WARS” on the teevee and eating all kinds of rightwhing boxwhine for it.

Nah, he said that when he was a state senator thinking about a U.S. Senate primary. He’s been a Very Serious Person ever since he won the Democratic nomination for that seat. Actually, since before that; Dreams From My Father is really just 250 pages of “can’t we all just get along?”


but I’ve always preferred the flavor of Irish Whiskey to Scotch.

Me too, though I’m perfectly content with a Corona or Kokanee, or cheap Canadian Whiskey or Captain Morgan’s.

Stay thirsty my friends.


“can’t we all just get along?”



“Stay thirsty my friends.”

After my morning coffee, I fly home from Colombia.


I’m perfectly content with a Corona or Kokanee, or cheap Canadian Whiskey or Captain Morgan’s.

It’s cheaper and easier to just bash yourself in the head with a mallet — the headache won’t be as bad with the mallet though, so you might have to bash a few times to get the proper throb going.


Just so you know, Mr. Williams, that intellectually speaking, it is good practice to murder intelligent people who try to dissuade others from paying attention to intellectuals or aspiring to be an intellectually driven society.

Creating irrational fear of the intelligentsia is a pedestrian tactic of fascists. But you already knew that, didn’t you?


You know who else disliked and distrusted intellectuals?

Pol Pot?

How’d that work out, BTW?


It’s cheaper and easier to just bash yourself in the head with a mallet — the headache won’t be as bad with the mallet though, so you might have to bash a few times to get the proper throb going.

If I want my head to throb, I use the google. I find nothing stimulating about a mallet.


After my morning coffee, I fly home from Colombia.

You flying into Los Angeles?


BBBB has been rappin’ with the fuzz. Unfortunately Arlo has been rappin’ with Ron Paul.


Hitler and Stalin weren’t really that intelligent, but were skilled in certain ways that allowed them to get and keep power. Stalin in fact tried to learn philosophy but couldn’t, because he appears to have had absolutely no capacity for abstract thought. Plus, he wasn’t even that articulate, and his cult of personality was created by using various forms of media. As for Hitler, I’d say there’s a difference between truly being articulate and being convincing and talented with rhetoric. I don’t know nearly enough about Mao to speculate, and that, Mr Williams, is how smart people actually behave; they read books so they can have real informed opinions, and if they haven’t done the necessary research, they shut the fuck up. They don’t prove their intelligence by being ridiculously pedantic with operators.

Hitler strikes me as a seething ball of resentment who had a bad time as a kid and tried to make the whole world pay for it as a grown-up. Brilliant campaigner, really capable of resonating with, relating to, firing up and inspiring his audience. Horrific leader, whose passions, prejudices and resentments completely overrode any rationality in his mind. (Unless there’s another explanation for his catastrophic leadership during World War Two).

Not sure where that ranks on the intelligence spectrum, but I think the guy was kind of a tool. (Regardless of his moral failings, I mean).

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oregon Beer Snob said,

June 8, 2011 at 19:18 (kill)

I really don’t get it, do these people watch “Idiocracy” and think it’s something to aspire to? Like they read 1984 as a convenient how-to guide?

With Bachmann probably running, the answer seems to be: sadly, yes.

Well it’s not all bad…here’s my favorite redhead in her apparently uncredited role in Idiocracy, as the Attorney-General, AKA “Funbags”. Now that’s the kind of Justicatin’ I can get behind!


that’s a euphemism i can get behind!
You do that, you will reach a strained and unpleasant end.

You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table. What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

Or perhaps the conversation will be “Why is President Herman Cain involved in the legislative branch?”


Or perhaps the conversation will be “Why is President Herman Cain involved in the legislative branch?”

Because consttution and shutup thats y.


Too lazy to look for the link, if there is one, but none of the scooter trash contingent really want to read it, so:

“Traumatic Testicular Displacement in Motorcycle Drivers” – journal article title of the day.


Rock and Roll used to be about rebellion from the status quo, what happened?

Ditto country/western, then annexed by the Rright, likewise motorcycle gangs. Pretty soon, they’ll have the convicts, the narcotrificantes, and the hiphoppers (if they would just pull their pants up).


Traumatic Testicular Displacement

AKA, the Teabaggers
That or the worst new band name ever

The Internet Jerk

Talking of Scotch, this is the guy Bruce Tinsley wants to be President of the United States.


Rock and Roll used to be about rebellion from the status quo, what happened? I rebelled today, I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat (rather than putting it in my gas tank via ethanol).

Rock and roll has always been about keeping things the same as they were back in the good old days.


here’s my favorite redhead in her apparently uncredited role in Idiocracy, as the Attorney-General, AKA “Funbags”

Astounding! The VR Battleaxe has discovered photos of “Chunky” Reese Witherspoon.


You know what’s really rebellious here in the twenty first century? Rock and/or Roll. Them Rock and Roll bands are teh mostest subversives EVAR. Totes non-mainstream. Despised and reviled by people in positions of Authoritah.


Now that’s the Spirit!


Gawd demonstrates that evangelicals from the Air Force Academy are not his favorite people:

HATTIESBURG, MS (WDAM) – Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center is sending 77 Air Force Cadet personnel to local hospitals in the Hattiesburg area for medical evaluation after being in the area of a lighting strike at approximately 2 p.m.

Four people were close to the lighting strike. Officials say all the people affected are in stable condition and are being transported to local hospitals for further medical evaluation.

Col. Steve Parham, Camp Shelby Commander and all Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center personnel are responding to this event to ensure all personnel receive medical evaluation as quickly as possible.

Copyright 2011 WDAM. All rights reserved.

Also, copyright is theft, you crackers!

Xecky Gilchrist

I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat (rather than putting it in my gas tank via ethanol).

Holy shit! Where’d he find that stuff? The black market around here is lame.


Scotch and Irish whiskey are not whiskey.

Booker’s, Knob Creek, and Maker’s Mark — those are whiskey.

Though I can’t drink alcohol due to my meds, and it’s now been three years since I’ve had any of those. Or a Boulevard Wheat (best … beer … EVEREVEREVEREVEREVERER).


It’s a shame, since I’m sure it would help me make sense of what the fuck this clown is yapping about.

(Or, to make Walt a happy little pedantic fuckweasel: “It’s a shame, since I’m sure it would help me make sense of what the fuck about which this clown is yapping.” Or … um … fuck it. ENDING SENTENCES WITH PREPOSITIONS RULES! And I’m an actual professional writer, so I can change the rules whenever I want. Nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah!)


Jeffraham Prestonian said,
Or, he’s hung like a New Zealand schoolyard.



What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

What does Professor Williams think of this locution? Does it irk?


So … we’ve really gotten to the point in which conservatives consider eating corn and doubling their electric bill the zenith of revolutionary action?

Seems less “WOLVERINES!!!” and a lot more “CLINICALLYRETARDEDBUNNIES!!!” to me.


The Sarah Palin History Network explains the signing of the Declaration of Independence.


I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat (rather than putting it in my gas tank via ethanol).

Putting in incandescent bulbs is stupid, but who favors corn ethanol other than the red state ag corporations getting the subsidies? And until recently their Republican rent boys?


“Seems less “WOLVERINES!!!” and a lot more “CLINICALLYRETARDEDBUNNIES!!!” to me.”

This is fairly bulging with win.


Personally, I think that most conservatives need to eat LOTS MORE corn and incandescent light bulbs.

I think the guy (Hitler) was kind of a tool.

Take your crazy radical ideas somewhere else, sir!!1!1!1


Thanks tigris,Those little japesters! They would have irked a few people when they said “Your etching of a penis is taller than I, John”


Eating a case of lightbulbs and corn makes….interesting…poop


AHEM, M.!!!!!!!! I SAID “AHEM,” SIR!!!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

This light-bulb-and-corn guy can’t even get that right. The corn-into ethanol crapola was a right-wing plot to buy 1.4 barrels of oil from the oil sheiks to get the energy to grow the equivalent of one barrel of oil in ethanol and send that money to the red-state land barons to cement their hold on our political system. He’s shooting himself in the foot. Besides, fluorescent lights have all that yummy mercury—almost as good as lead!


Scotch and Irish whiskey are not whiskey.

Quite so, but not in the way you think. Scotch is whisky.


Holy shit! Where’d he find that stuff? The black market around here is lame.

Betcha a case of corn that those light bulbs are going up his butt.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oops—tigris beat me too it, and much more succinctly, too. *sob*


I rebelled today, I went out and bought a case of incandescent light bulbs and corn to eat

Nice to know he’s getting his roughage.


Quite so, but not in the way you think. Scotch is whisky.

Well played …

**golf clap**


Which whisky makes one most frisky?
It’s a question that is quite twisty.
though both will, I’m told
turn the landscape, a little misty


Damn you & cute little spawn too to hell, VS.

(At least I linked to Team Coco, instead of that Huffington woman!)


I once caught a case of the incandescent light bulbs, I was illumed for months.


Whatever gets you lit, sez I.


Thanks tigris,Those little japesters! They would have irked a few people when they said “Your etching of a penis is taller than I, John”

Must’ve been a boozy night at the Old Entomologist… methinks those “little” japesters are riddled with guilt, if you know what I mean and I think that you do.


I think the guy (Hitler) was kind of a tool.

Hitler was the whole shed, my brother.


“See the happy moron, he doesn’t give a damn, I wish I were a moron, My God perhaps I am,”


“Damn you & cute little spawn too to hell, VS.

(At least I linked to Team Coco, instead of that Huffington woman!)”

Well, ya got me there.


smedley said,

June 8, 2011 at 21:31

Call me an anti-MacIntosh, but I’ve always preferred the flavor of Irish Whiskey to Scotch.

I was brainwashed into loving Laphroig at 5b (a bar NYC”s alphabet city located on 5th Street between Avenues A&B…ok now I remember, it’s also called Sophie’s).

But here in Columbus I learned that Paddy’s is pretty fine, as well.

Stay thirsty!


But here in Columbus



By the time he arrived at the school the next Monday, the grass was already dying and giant penises were emerging all over the property.

Wow, Kiwis really are backwards – Friday night was when the giant penises came out when I was in high school.


Quite so, but not in the way you think. Scotch is whisky.

That’s where I thought he was going with it, too.


Eating a case of lightbulbs and corn makes….interesting…poop

Jim Rose (of the Jim Rose Circus) reckoned that after he ate two lightbulbs in one day, he shat a chandelier.


the grass was already dying and giant penises were emerging all over the property.

Worst H. P. Lovecraft re-telling EVAH.

Meatier Schouer

I’m sure Orwell would have just LOVED being used to defend Sarah Palin and Reagan. Also, yeah, Dub E. Dubz, inserting a quote about how intellectuals are st00pid into an article about how smart you are, and how annoyed you get with the teevee weathermen. Gooood call. Very, dare I say, intellectual.

I don’t really care enough to read the whole article, but I see from his personal description that the title of the good Prof’s book is “More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well” which is, I assume, why they created it.


I’m a Tullamore Dew man myself.

I’ve been tempted by that but haven’t taken the plunge.

Apparently DEW was the distiller’s initials (odd factoid I picked up in the last couple of weeks)


Well, ya got me there.

Also, I did not reveal where we both (no doubt) first saw it.


Worst H. P. Lovecraft re-telling EVAH.

“The Crawling Cocks Of Carnopolis”


Worst H. P. Lovecraft re-telling EVAH.

“The Crawling Cocks Of Carnopolis”

“The Call of Cockthulu”


“as dawn broke, the fetid stench of smegma filled the air as the pernicious penii stealthily slithered towards the girls locker room…”


Need more eldrich, but I just couldn’t fit it in*



“as dawn broke, the fetid stench of smegma filled the air as the pernicious penii stealthily slithered towards the girls locker room…”

Don’t forget the patented Lovecraftian ITALICS FOR MAXIMUM HORROR.


“Oh, oh, my Gawd, that haff face–that haff face on top of it … that face with one eye an’ wrinkly albino skin, an’ no foreskin, like the Whateleys…It was a eel, a snake, a worm sort o’ thing, but they was a haff-shaped man’s face on top of it, an’ it looked like Wizard Whateley’s, only it was yards an’ yards acrost….”


@Meatier Schouer: He’s not even really quoting Orwell, but some bastardized version of an Orwell quote. In “Notes on Nationalism,” Orwell wrote, “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.” A quote that does not say what Williams’s version of it does.

Full text of the Orwell essay:

One could argue that misquoting Orwell is irksome, too.


“Oh, oh, my Gawd, that haff face–that haff face on top of it … that face with one eye an’ wrinkly albino skin, an’ no foreskin, like the Whateleys…It was a eel, a snake, a worm sort o’ thing, but they was a haff-shaped man’s face on top of it, an’ it looked like Wizard Whateley’s, only it was yards an’ yards acrost….”

The Lair of the White Worm was a disturbing movie.


Meanwhile, in Washington state, tsam’s sekrit identity revealed.


“Leprous” is also a good word.
No-one could possibly have predicted that the sentient fungi from Mi-Go would be Phallus impudicus.


Reaching a strained and unpleasant end




Meanwhile, in Washington state, tsam’s sekrit identity revealed.

So are you the puncher, the punchee or the weasel?

Oh wait, you aren’t Doc Hastings are you?


That’s not a weasel. It’s a marten.


“as dawn broke, the fetid stench of smegma filled the air as the pernicious penii stealthily slithered towards the girls locker room…”

Needs more glibbering.

guitarist manqué

Again with the h8ting on mustelids.


Smoting on stoats.

guitarist manqué

firming the ermine

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The weasel going “Pop!”


Palming the face.


Mustelids are OK by me. What I hate are those marmots. Li’l bastards.

guitarist manqué

I’m OK with whistle pig hate. Woodchucks too.


Never carry a dead marten to a weasel fight.

Lurking Canadian

Once again, I urge you all to take these lemons and make of them lemonade. I think we should encourage this new vision of GOP governance. “I’m with stupid! Palin 2012.”. “Why choose competence? Pawlenty for President!”

The bumper stickers write themselves.


I would explain that the letter o is defined as a vowel and the 15th letter of our alphabet. By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number. Needless to say, our conversation would go downhill and reach a strained and unpleasant end.

If there’s a hell, I hope this guy is there chained to a telephone switchboard, dealing with assholes like himself, one after another, for eternity.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Yeah, now if operators were still dragging out “fye-yuv” to distinguish it from “nine” instead of adding the extra syllable to “niner” like I learned to, that would be annoying.

How does WW feel about Germans saying “Zwo” for “Zwei” on the phone, like backwoods Bavarian hicks? Inquiring minds want to know!


“How does WW feel about Germans saying “Zwo” for “Zwei” on the phone, like backwoods Bavarian hicks?”

In my admittedlylimited experience the only Germans who say “Zwo” are backwoods Bavarian hicks (forgive the redundancy, I merely repeat the previous commenter).

And the Schweizers but you know how _they_ are.


I only and always heard “zwo” in PA announcements in train stations.


I would explain that the letter o is defined as a vowel and the 15th letter of our alphabet. By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number.

Pedantry FAIL.

Needless to say, our conversation would go downhill and reach a strained and unpleasant end.

No conversation could possibly go downhill from there. And by the way, WTF are you doing “conversing” with operators in the first place? the operators are only there to connect you to the party with whom you will eventually converse and besides, sex chat lines have been direct dialable since their inception.


Sir, I humblishly accept the Republican nomination for President of the United States.


I can’t help imagining the conversations this man has with librarians, as he explains to them that Library of Congress Call Numbers cannot possibly be numbers since they contain alphabetic characters as well as digits.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Sorry, Poopy; I was only retailing what they taught us in my high school German class, but most of that was during the Johnson administration. I guess things have changed.

Exasperated PABX operator

By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number.
Sir, the final character in the extension you have asked for is clearly not a feckin’ zero since it cannot be added or subtracted from another character; it is not a feckin’ number. If you don’t like me calling it an O then feel free to stick your telephone handpiece up your own O. Have a nice day. This conversation has been recorded for the purpose of playing back later in the tea-room and making fun of our more obtuse customers.

guitarist manqué

As a tenured econamalist it’s probably been years since he talked to a librarian. Dismal science indeed.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“Economics” is just a euphemism for blackmail: Give us what we want or you’ll starve to death in the gutter. A “free” market is one where you’re perfectly “free” to starve to death in the gutter if Economics has no use for you at the moment.

There are some places (like Seattle and San Francisco that I’m familiar with) where homelessness is illegal, and they’ll slap your ass in jail if you try to starve to death in the gutter. These are not “free markets”. The solution to this is to privatize the jails, so that “freedom” reigns all the way down.


Meanwhile, in Washington state, tsam’s sekrit identity revealed.

Hee hee. Hoquaim.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hee hee. Hoquaim.

Could have been Humptulips. For better or worse….


Oh wait, you aren’t Doc Hastings are you?

Too many clues! Boxwhine lady will figure it out.

Exasperated PABX operator

Some would say that to insist on treating the arbitrarily-pronounced string of symbols that defines a telephone extension as digits (though the extension has neither cardinal nor ordinal properties) is to commit the error of hyper-correction. Concidentally, this is the same error that WW complains of others making when they misuse pronouns like “myself”.
I could not possibly comment.


Shorter WW: George F Will thinks he’s a sanctimonious little prick? I’ll show that piker!


Why does WW hate teh sainted armed forces and their ‘Oh 800 hours’ times?
“Si,r I could note storm the gun emplacement since my orders had numbers and letters in it, Sir”


He was in the 5th Spanish Pirates division, where the correct form of adress is “Si, R”.
So there


OK, P-Max, is “The Ho” sporting a striped shirt & sport coat?

And dreamy blue eyes? (No biggie, my eyes are blue too.) Pitching w/ a red headed woman?

I’m guessing yes, because there are no local references & the pledge part says “Pre-Recorded.”


“Si,r I could note storm the gun emplacement since my orders had numbers and letters in it, Sir”

‘Whisky Tango Foxtrot’? It grieves me to correct you, Major, but I must ask you to repeat yourself, for those are not letters of the alphabet.


“All the evidence that I see is that academics and intellectuals have messed up the world.”–Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University

I must say I agree with Wally in one important respect, aside from that pointed out by bbkf above: economists have indeed buggered up the world right well. Think of all the misery caused by various stupid economic theories propounded by academics and intellectuals who thought their bloviating was theory and their total wankitude was science.

Other than that, see those who’ve cited penicillin, plumbing, etc. above.


Eating a case of lightbulbs and corn makes….interesting…poop

Reminds me of a joke.

Class assignment: 2nd Grade class is to find a parents’ talent, and discuss the following day.

Mary sez, “My dad is a really great piano player. He has his own band, and they play every weekend…. etc.”

Very nice. Next!

Timmy sez, “My mom is a long-distance marathon runner. She came in first place in the city’s 5K a few weeks ago… etc.”

Very good. Next!

Bobby sez, “My dad eats light bulbs.”

Come again? You’ve seen him do this?

“Well, not exactly, but Tuesday night, I got up from bed to get some water, and walking past Mom and Dad’s bedroom door, I clearly heard him say, ‘Turn out the light, babe — I’m gonna eat it.'”


If there’s a hell, I hope this guy is there chained to a telephone switchboard, dealing with assholes like himself, one after another, for eternity.

No kidding – my mother, departed lo this past year, used to work on a switchboard, and had a very good line in snarky comeback with knobheads like this, or indeed anyone who pissed her off for whatever reason. It was one of the things I admired about her: that’s why it was particularly painful to watch her crumble under Alzheimer’s (see me tremble in incoherent rage and want to smash the face of Douthat against his keyboard until he’s got little letters on his cheeks).


Palming the face.

A link over there leads you to the land of stupid. Super Idiot(s) Warning. The elitist in me would like that these guys do not have the right to vote (or to teach, or to own a business of any kind, or… actually do anything than doing menial operative tasks under careful supervision.)


By contrast, zero is defined as a number that when added or subtracted from another number does not change the value of that number.

I admit to being curious as to how an actual mathematician would judge that rather limited definition of zero. A particularly pedantic one might be able to leave an appropriate comment on WW’s post.

Not to mention that one could question the assertion that it’s a zero in the first place. Zero belongs between 1 and -1. The character in question is situated after the 9. This makes it more likely to represent the number ten, and the digit zero as an indicator of positional notation, rather than the number zero. This is further borne out by the fact that, on an old pulse-dial phone, dialing said final digit created a string of ten pulses, rather than an absence of them.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Raspar Capac said,

June 9, 2011 at 7:53 (kill)

Palming the face.

A link over there leads you to the land of stupid. Super Idiot(s) Warning. The elitist in me would like that these guys do not have the right to vote (or to teach, or to own a business of any kind, or… actually do anything than doing menial operative tasks under careful supervision.)

Landover Baptist is well-known Poe site, like the Onion. It’s such a persuasive one that quite a few fundies have lifted arguments from it. Hilarity ensues.


OK, Landoverbaptist is a parody site. Wondering whether some the participants aren’t genuine, though.



I love Landover Baptist.

Some of the finest trolls on the planet.

Though I have a soft spot for Christwire, as they actually had Our Lady of the Apostrophe, Marie Jon’ writing a column or two for them before she figured it out.


Wurp. Refresh before post, and such as.

Wondering whether some the participants aren’t genuine, though.

I think they live to troll the earnest but humorless. The forum is hilarious.

María Gálvez-Villalobos
Claims not to be a dago slut
Unintelligible motor-mouthed Spaniardess; earplugs advised

might be a tipoff.



Yeah, I guess I should have been suspicious of the proper usage of scientific notation and accurate math.

But since it’s perfectly legitimate to make shit up and a call it the truth I have faith that a ‘real’ creationist created it and all creationists agree with the logic.

I can do this because an invisible super monkey gave me permission.


Pharyngula covered the chart in question earlier.

Helmut Monotreme

I’m pretty sure the trolls at Landover Baptist could buy an auditorium, throw a steeple on top and do their schtick live, and still fill the pews with suckers that don’t get the joke.


Eight six seven five three ought nine.

re: Corn Ethanol

It does make good whiskey.

Corn ethanol has a positive energy balance on life-cycle analysis. Yes, teh current subsidies are primarily pandering to Midwest farmers, but teh development of an ethanol fuel industry isn’t automatically bad. Plus as moar renewables enter grid production, teh impact of making ethanol fuel goes down.

Utility scale ethanol is a still relatively new technology outside of Brazil. Should we be making ethanol fuels out of something other than corn? Probably, but you gotta start somewhere. And as ethanol becomes a bigger part of the energy picture – increased uptake by auto manufacturers and consumers plus a wider distribution system for E blends higher than 10% – we’ll see moar benefits.

Would I prefer money go into developing bettoar storage for electric cars? Sure, but that’s a tough sell considering teh love of internal combustion. And getting a distribution network for fast charging is hella harder than using existing pumps for high E-gas mixes.


D-K W – hate to disagree with you on any topic other than your mom, but corn ethanol is a complete and utter boondoggle. There’s no net energy gain in it and worse yet, it encourages over-production of corn…by which I mean the subsidies behind it encourage the growing of corn in regions where it oughtn’t be grown (e.g. Nebraska) due to the crop’s high water demands…leading to depletion of underground aquifers in places where it doesn’t really make sense to grow corn.

There are lots of weeds that thrive in arid conditions, requiring little or no irrigation, which would produce more bio-fuel per acre than corn does. Of course, these weeds generally don’t require massive applications of fertilizers and chemical pesticides and herbicides, so it’s got that working against it too. Monsanto will never support it.


Jennifer nails it* once again — corn ethanol is a joke, and not really that much better than oil in terms of environmental impact/energy efficiency in the creation of it.

One thing Dubya actually got right was mentioning switchgrass as a possible alternative, though, from what I’ve read, it’s not really perfect, either. Just better than corn. The true great option is sugarcane (ala Brazil) but we just don’t have the capacity in the USofA to grow enough to make it worth our while.

So … in the meantime, it’d be nice if someone would develop an electric car that has a 300+ mile range, can fully charge in about 15 minutes or so, and is cost competitive. A few solar cells on a house used to charge it, stations that do the same, etc., and we don’t even have to worry about any of the above.

But that would make way, way too much sense and actually be a fantastic thing. Thus, it’ll never happen.



We’re not really in disagreement*. Corn is a horrible feedstock for producing ethanol fuel and I am fully supportive of moving to just about anything else. My support is for biofuels. Because they are easy to integrate into existing transport tech. And yes I agree that (especially in jurisdictions with high renewable energy generation and little or no reliance on coal) electric vehicles are way bettar – but much further away on both technology and social acceptance.

Teh point I’m trying to make is that, yes corn ethanol is pretty darned crappy in terms of environmental effects – but massive scale ethanol fuel production is new and capital intensive and requires widespread industry uptake. That’s not going to happen without some group of very influential backers. Hence corn. Basically, I see corn ethanol as the gateway towards making fuels out of agricultural and/or wood product residues or possibly even materials that would otherwise go to landfill or those weeds you’re talking about but still need a bit moar research to develop.

As to teh land use effects of corn ethanol, that too will be reduced as different feedstocks become economically viable – but even teh bad decisions around where to grow corn worry me less than the decisions being made about where to Drill Baby Drill.

*Except about net energy gain. Apparently there are many ways of calculating this under life-cycle analysis and all sorts of assumptions that change teh values. Nonetheless, even with a negative energy balance, there is still value in development of biofuel technology/industry.

Helmut Monotreme

There’s no net energy gain in it

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Corn ethanol has not always been a net energy gain, but for more than a decade the net energy gain has hovered around, 1.34. For every BTU spent creating ethanol 1.34 BTU are available as fuel. Improvements in fuel efficiency, reduction of fertilizer use and improvements in the conversion process itself means that ethanol is a net energy source.
My figures are from this 2002 report by the USDA:

There are plenty of reasons to hate ethanol, and corn ethanol in particular, but conversion efficiency is not one of them.

Helmut Monotreme

and I screwed up the blockqote tags.


Dear Secretary Vilsack:

A team of senior plant and animal scientists have recently brought to my attention the discovery of an electron microscopic pathogen that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human beings. Based on a review of the data, it is widespread, very serious, and is in much higher concentrations in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans and corn-suggesting a link with the RR gene or more likely the presence of Roundup. This organism appears NEW to science!
COL (Ret.) Don M. Huber
Emeritus Professor, Purdue University
APS Coordinator, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS)


via fdl.

I wonder if this could also be the reason there have been so many dead beehives in the last few years.

And for Wally, It’s almost always greed that makes smart people do stupid things.

Unless it’s sex, but I’m sure that’s never been a problem for you has it Wally?


Helmut – when I said “no net energy gain”, I was referring to the crappy net gain you cite…which does not take into account the depletion of aquifers & etc but considers only how much energy you get out corn-based ethanol vs. energy put into producing it. 1.34 is laughable. Compare that to sugarcane or just about any other alternative to see how laughable – pretty much everything else generates double the amount of energy output vs. energy input as corn does.


Goddamn you, WP, you syphlitic whore.


Here’s an example of what I mean – suppose someone develops a magical cellulosic ethanol process. Maybe a new enzyme or bacteria. Anyways, I’m suggesting a process that would allow you to use W’s switchgrass or corn stover or sawdust or remaindered copies of Liberal Fascism to make fuel at half the current cost of lignocellulose digestion. Or less.

Then what? Like the US would have gotten to E10 without corn ethanol subsidies. Without shovelling massive taxpayer monies at Industrial Farmers, you’re stuck with all this high grade and cheap to make ethanol and nothing to do with it other than facilitating Girls Gone Wild videos. Without pandering to areas with low population and high Senate represention, there is no way to get your ethanol into gas tanks.


If it wurnt for them durn gubmint regulators breaking up the phone company, Wally’s conversation with the operator could have gone more like this.


Of course the other solution is to make your mom moar mobile. Because everybody rides her.

Helmut Monotreme

nothing to do with it other than facilitating Girls Gone Wild videos

So, just so we are on the same page here, what’s the downside?


The thing about corn is it is the most fertilizer-intensive of our major crops.

And in the U.S. fertilizer-intensive means using natural gas.


So, just so we are on the same page here, what’s the downside?

I’m a big fan of slutty behaviour and young women removing their clothing, but GGW is too exploitative and skeezy for my tastes. Moms Gone Wild, on the other hand,,, uh,,, brb.


“Moms Gone Wild, on the other hand,,, uh,,, brb.”

Are you familiar with Lisa Ann?


Helmut – I typed up a cogent response, but WP eated it, so check this out.

The print article featured an energy-input vs output graphic which unfortunately is not available online, but I remember the gist of it quite well: every other biofuel alternative was at least twice as effecient as corn.

Helmut Monotreme

The print article featured an energy-input vs output graphic which unfortunately is not available online, but I remember the gist of it quite well: every other biofuel alternative was at least twice as effecient as corn.

That is not the point which I am arguing. You said it was a net energy loss. This is not true.
I hate ethanol, in particular corn based ethanol for a lot of reasons. Not because it is a net energy loss.



Small point – that article is from 2007. Corn ethanol has become slightly moar efficient since then, mostly as a result of teh maturation of HFCS production and moar efficient milling for starch. Although you’re probably still right in that using any other feedstock is moar energy efficient. And I suppose the connection to HFCS prbably makes corn ethanol even less attractive.


Helmut – well, it is a net energy loss if producing it renders land upon which other crops could be grown hundreds or thousands of years into the future an arid wasteland due to depletion of underground water. As I said so eloquently in my other response eated by WP, 1.37 is a shit ratio for energy gain when all the factors are taken into consideration.


Thanks for the info, Helmut. Haven’t really dug into the issue in several years, so good to see they’re getting better at the conversion.

Just wish they’d find a better way to do it.

I’d give DK-W some props as well, but I’m too busy fucking his mom. Maybe later …


Oh, one other reason to hate corn ethanol:


All of that corn would be much, much better used to help feed folks. But that’s just the NSHO of a dirtyfuckingbleedingheartliberaltreehugger, so WTF do I know?


Hogeye: there are various ways to define the zero. Among the most useful would be Peano’s from the field of mathematics logic. It’s been many years since so I could well be wrong; as I recall zero is the symbol which has no predecessor. 1 is the successor zero, 2 is the sucessor of 1 and so on.

The salient point is that 0 the number is a symbol, nothing more. Like infinity, it is a tough concept to work with but as a symbol it just works.


By the way, WW’s attempted definition seems to come from group theory but as I noted way above it’s a FAIL. I won’t go into the details here (using an iPhone. Argh) but trust me, that AINT the definition.


Also too, I rarely consider myself a mathematician though I did get a bachelors in math.



Teh gut reaction says that teh moar corn you use for fuel, teh less you can eat. Maize is a fairly fungible commodity* and increased demand is going to lead to increased prices. As a feedstock that’ll eventually translate to increased meat prices. Also too, HFCS – teh new staple calorie provider for millions. All good reasons to look at corn ethanol and assume that it’ll make teh poor starve.

But it’s not quite as simple as that. Society makes moar than enough food for everyone already – teh problem is distribution. I don’t understand that problem well enough to know for sure that higher corn prices will lead to moar hunger. Maybe ethanol fuel might lead to lower overall food costs, but then again probably not. That large industries will fuck you over is usually a good bet.

* Not a veiled huitlacoche reference


Note: teh fungibility of a bushel of corn has nothing to do with my point. I just wanted to make a cheap “not a huitlacoche reference” joke.


I take issue with D-KW vis a vis HFCS in that while it is indeed a source of calries it is completely devoid of nutrition and therefor should not be considered as part of “feeding” people. In short, it’s not food in spite of being edible.

Yeah, a VER, why not.

Thread "Tintin" Bear

Dammit!! That link should’ve started at the 2:16 mark.


And it would have if you had put 2m16s. I am unaware of a commonly used unit of time for which the abbreviation is ‘a’.


Sorry, once I get started pointing out other people’s FAILures I just get in the mood, y’know?



Today marks one calendar month, (32nd day) of not smoking cigarettes.

I fucking RULE.


Thread "Tintin" Bear

And it would have if you had put 2m16s. I am unaware of a commonly used unit of time for which the abbreviation is ‘a’.

You’ve never heard of an “anosecond”? Seesh! What universe are YOU from?

Actually, I realized my mistake immediately after I posted. It was a simple typo. If someone would just make a keyboard with all the letters about three inches apart, I’d be fine.


I am unaware of a commonly used unit of time for which the abbreviation is ‘a’

Turnabout is fairplay, and I am quite surprised that I’d have to point this out to you of all people.


Although that would be a hella long YouTube clip.


In honor of the great Les Paul

Note that you can record yourself strumming and play it back. The note setup is pretty stupid, but if you mess with it you can probably come up with something cool.

You’re welcome.


Actually, I realized my mistake immediately after I posted. It was a simple typo. If someone would just make a keyboard with all the letters about three inches apart, I’d be fine.

This is a Serious website! Get it right, damnit!


Today marks one calendar month, (32nd day) of not smoking cigarettes.

Good for you tsam. You do fucking rule. That’s the lesson.


tsam said,
I fucking RULE.

Congrats! Here, have a beer.


Congrats! Here, have a beer.

OOOOH…man that looks good right now. Even at 10:00 am.


And from now on I will shut the fuck up about kicking this habit.

And hope that Jennifer and bbkf are still on wagon…


And start all my sentences with “and” so that all you grammar pedants will feel like you’re sitting on a pile of thumbtacks.


D-KW you little prick!* I said “commonly used” so bite me.



All of that corn would be much, much better used to help feed folks.

Have you seen the film King Corn? They take a bite of the corn they’ve grown, and it’s awful, pretty much inedible. It’s also nutritionally poor, and people who eat a lot of non-lye treated dent corn products are at high risk for pellagra.

sham - low sodium hunchback

re: Google, Les Paul
ABC has this headline

Guitar Chords: Google Logo is Guitar Tuner in Honor of Les Paul

I ain’t no Jeff Clapton, but it seems to me that this: Guitar Tuner
is incorrect


I said “commonly used”,,,

Apologies, I assumed we were talking about your mom’s annus.


OMG. Intoornatzes, D-KW am disappoint.

Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever had any penis with your tequila,,,

Showing 0 comments


In honor of the great Les Paul

Sweet, but no overdubbing, which was his huge contribution to recording.

Also, too. congrats on a month smoke free, tsam.


We’re not really in disagreement*. Corn is a horrible feedstock for producing ethanol fuel and I am fully supportive of moving to just about anything else. My support is for biofuels

Resisting urge to write fifty page screed on how algae will save humanity…


Yo DKW – you just didn’t give me enough time. Fekkin iPhone…*

*ominous-type ellipsis

El Manquécito

Much as I like the guitars named after him I always found his recorded work absolutely intolerable, especially the fecking tape loops. White bread with the crusts cut off. Daisy chains and Lawrence Welk worthy schmaltz.

Still you’ve got to give a guy credit who had his left arm fused at a 90 degree angle after a car crash (still in his 20’s I think, can’t be arsed, etc.) so he could play the guitar into his 90’s. Feller played a lot of gigs. And, yes, I did see him play.


I’m working on a patent to use popcorn for power. The methane liberated from the average human asshole in a multiplex could drive Palin’s bus off a road into a bus-sized cliff-o-tine.


…that’s why it was particularly painful to watch her crumble under Alzheimer’s (see me tremble in incoherent rage and want to smash the face of Douthat against his keyboard until he’s got little letters on his cheeks).

Alison, I’ll probably regret asking this, but since my (recently passed) mother also was stricken by Alzheimer’s, I have to: What did Douchehat say about Alzheimer’s? Or were you simply referring to his opposition to health care reform?


Fekkin iPhone…

My faith in teh IntarPENIS has been restored! All hail teh interconnected series of pr0n!

El Manquécito

The methane liberated from the average human asshole in a multiplex could drive Palin’s bus off a road into a bus-sized cliff-o-tine.

Imma gonna have to take your word on that, not having been in a movie theatre since 1988. Once, however, I played a gig at a pig roast in New England where they had the most enormous pot of delicious bean-hole beans AND great cole slaw and there was a time in the performance where the entire band and much of the audience all farted at once. Play enough gigs and you’ll see (and smell) things you never would have expected.


“Still you’ve got to give a guy credit who had his left arm fused at a 90 degree angle after a car crash (still in his 20?s”

Yup. I do like his work though but then I’m a music philistine. And how about a two fingered gypsy guitarist who invented a completely new – and hugely influential – style?

Helmut Monotreme

And how about a two fingered gypsy guitarist who invented a completely new – and hugely influential – style?


El Manquécito

And how about a two fingered gypsy guitarist?

Pretty hard to argue with that. He made good use of the opposable thumb.


I played a gig at a pig roast

Far better than playing a pig at a Carson-style gig-roast,


Once, however, I played a gig at a pig roast in New England where they had the most enormous pot of delicious bean-hole beans AND great cole slaw and there was a time in the performance where the entire band and much of the audience all farted at once

This didn’t send the planet spinning out of orbit?

And how about a two fingered gypsy guitarist who invented a completely new – and hugely influential – style?

It’s a pity that he was an abusive alcoholic who died in a sordid manner.

El Manquécito

It’s a pity that he was an abusive alcoholic who died in a sordid manner.

NOT a musician. Now this is a musician.


El M. calls a spade a spade.


My dog has no nose.


Resisting urge to write fifty page screed on how algae will save humanity…

Well, seeing as how it’ll be all we have left to work with before too long, not such a stretch.

Okay, jellyfish too.


My dog has no nose.

How does he smell?

Helmut Monotreme

How does he smell?

He can’t smell you insensitive jerk. Hitler just told you he has no nose!


How does he smell?

Like a dog.


tsam said,

June 9, 2011 at 19:40


It says “to keep reading, login or subscribe” — uh, no.

I’m going to have to assume based on the title that it talks all about how “professors don’t teach anymore and all they do is research and uppity college professors are uppity and liberal, and then the unions and and and blargity blarggggle BLARG!”


El Manquécito

Okay, jellyfish too.

I had a girlfriend that was wild for jellyfish, prepared in the Chinese style. I could take ’em or leave ’em though it is interesting food. And in Laos they make snack crackers out of pond scum, broadly, algae that are pretty good. Sheets of the scum (don’t even think about it) are dried in the sun and then toasted with sesame seeds and cut into crackers. Pretty good but it would get old if that was all there was.


From Pharyngula:

The Profit of Creation, featuring music by Tim Rosser, with book and lyrics by Charlie Sohne, will be directed by Evan Yionoulis, and music directed by Chris Fenwick. The musical concerns a liberal scientist who takes a bribe from a right-wing organization to head up the “Creation Museum” in Kentucky.

I knew it! Chris and Fenwick are all one guy!


Exactly. It was an Andy Rooney style rant about how you know, professors spend all their time writing gay articles and stuff.

Paraphrasing the money shot:

There were 21,000 articles written about Shakespeare. Couldn’t it have been 5,000?


How does he smell?

He Sphinx.


A link at teh top provides more ugh.

A Short History of Political Suicide

From a decidedly slanted approach. The guy will dig for FDR’s Undersecretary of State’s attempt at a gay dalliance but seems to be unable to recall Larry Craig.


Btw, pro tip for tsam: you are a recovering smoker. You will always be a recovering smoker. NOT EVEN ONE, EVER.

Also AHEM though I can’t be arsed to do the linky shit.


I’m 22 days smoke-free myownself, tanx for asking.

Also, too: is Pupienus no longer Maximus?

El Manquécito

Chris and Fenwick are all one guy!

Enjoying an autologue about Yalta with musical accompaniment.



U R WINNAR. Good job.


Resisting urge to write fifty page screed on how algae will save humanity…

I’ve been waiting for algae farms to get some commercial traction but haven’t seen much in the last 5 years or so since the small-scale POC operations got going. What up with that?


is Pupienus no longer Maximus?

Just coming to grips* with reality.


Helmut Monotreme

I’ve been waiting for algae farms to get some commercial traction

They’ve hit a snag. Tractors don’t float.


I’ve been waiting for algae farms to get some commercial traction but haven’t seen much in the last 5 years or so since the small-scale POC operations got going. What up with that?

Algae could also be used in CO2 scrubbers- if a algae with a high fat content could be selectively bred or genetically engineered, it could be used for biofuel stock… DAMN, WC, YOU TRIGGERED ME!!!!

Luckily, I have to get my ass to Brooklyn for “learning while intoxicated”.


Btw, pro tip for tsam: you are a recovering smoker. You will always be a recovering smoker. NOT EVEN ONE, EVER.

Yup, great point. Friend of mine had quit for at least a year but last weekend on our motorcycle ride, as soon as we stopped he pulled out a smoke.

I successfully resisted the urge to say something. Barely.


Pupienus just can’t be bothered to type his full nym after assuming a nym du comment especially when commenting from a fekking iPhone. YOU GOT A FUCKING PROBLEM WITH THAT?!?!?!!

Also, hope you are still on the wagon. If you fell off, don’t fret it, just dust yourself off and climb back aboard.


A very good discussion about alternative fuels (I’ve learned quite a bit — thanks to all!), but we’re all missing one thing:

None of it will ever happen. Ever. Not algae farms, not electric-only vehicles, none of it.

Because of the oil lobby.

Think about it: We’ve spent two straight years being told that government spending is the greatest threat in the history of all humanity, yet the same people claiming that REFUSED to eliminate subsidies to the industry.

An industry that is hated by most Americans. An industry that makes tens of billions in profits per year. An industry that has caused more environmental disasters than any other in recorded human history (other than the war industry, but that’s different … somehow). An industry that simply doesn’t need the money.

Yet Congress balked.

So if anyone thinks our leaders will do jack shit to stop that gravy train, they’re nuts.


A very good discussion about alternative fuels (I’ve learned quite a bit — thanks to all!), but we’re all missing one thing:

None of it will ever happen. Ever. Not algae farms, not electric-only vehicles, none of it.

Because of the oil lobby.

Think about it: We’ve spent two straight years being told that government spending is the greatest threat in the history of all humanity, yet the same people claiming that REFUSED to eliminate subsidies to the industry.

Yeah, it’ll be a crash into a “Mad Max” style wasteland, rather than a transition to a sustainable future. At least when our children cannibalize us in our old age, we will have deserved it.


,,,with a high fat content,,,

I got it! algore farms!


we will have deserved it.




It feels like triple-digits here in the NY Metro Area.

When I have a bad hair day, you know it’s bad.


Btw, pro tip for tsam: you are a recovering smoker. You will always be a recovering smoker. NOT EVEN ONE, EVER.

Yup, great point. Friend of mine had quit for at least a year but last weekend on our motorcycle ride, as soon as we stopped he pulled out a smoke.

I learned this hard lesson last time I “quit”.

There’s a huge temptation to “have just one”, but so far I’ve managed to stay focused on the fact that just one means I have to start all over again. I can’t do that.


Goddamnit. Get ready for president Romney.

Bookmark it, lizbz


There’s a huge temptation to “have just one”, but so far I’ve managed to stay focused on the fact that just one means I have to start all over again. I can’t do that.

Just climb a couple of flights of stairs, and relish the feeling of being able to breathe… hang tough like the “New Kids”.

Goddamnit. Get ready for president Romney.

He’ll never survive the primary.


He’ll never survive the primary.

This is what they kept saying about McCain–even after he had it nailed down.


He’s already focusing on that undereducated dumbass white males–the ones the media likes to call “independents”. In other words, instead of taking the suicidal route of pandering to the mouthbreathing, knuckledagging, America-hating teabaggers, he’s going after these moderate types, knowing they’re all mad at Obama over $4/gallon gas and unemployment that keeps hovering around 9%.

If he can survive the primary, which does seem tenuous at best, this will be his election to lose.


Goddamnit. Get ready for president Romney.

Bookmark it, lizbz

I have a hard time believing the fundamentalist evangelical “christians” that make up the primary voters of the party would vote for a mormon. Especially one whose only claim to executive “fame” was passing “Romneycare” (aka “Obamacare, The Prequel”) in Mass.

With unlimited corporate funding, who knows we can guess what’ll happen if the corporations get behind him though.


If he can survive the primary, which does seem tenuous at best, this will be his election to lose.

I think his problem is that the people who typically vote in GOP primaries will be incensed at his “liberal” record, and will be swayed by hatred of Mormons. I have to say, though, that Romney is the emptiest of suits, so watching his immolation will be entertaining.

It’s going to be a fun primary season.


OBS done stepped on my dick… think I’ll “tweet” some pictures of the bruising…


yet the same people claiming that REFUSED to eliminate subsidies to the industry.

And the same people who demand means testing for other types of welfare never do for corporate welfare.


OBS done stepped on my dick… think I’ll “tweet” some pictures of the bruising…

I’d rather see the evidence of your bad hair day. Unless they’d be the same pics because then, well, not my thing. So to speak.


Remember when the story was going around about how Mitt put the dog in a cage and strapped the cage to the roof of the car for a family trip? And 100 miles later, one of his little Mittlings noticed that the dog’s waste was running down the window?

The best part of it was how the Mitt-worhippers were praising Mitt for the leadership he showed in pulling over and cleaning off the side of the car. Like, how could a regular, ordinary man ever figure that out? If it was you or me, we would have just panicked and driven off the side of the bridge into the unforgiving waters of the Susquehana River.

(In Mitt’s defense, the regular, ordinary man would never have come up with the brilliant idea of strapping the dog to the roof. A less visionary man would have treated the dog like a living creature and either let it INSIDE the car or left it at home to be taken care of by friendly neighbors.)

All of this man’s negatives shrivel up into irrelevance when compared to this incident. What a douche!!!

Walter Williams in 1348

Yes, there are some eggheads claiming that our killing of cats has increased deaths from The Plague slightly – but every good illiterate peasant knows in his heart that this ill fortune is just Satan’s way of TEMPTING us!

Up until now we were only killing black cats, but now that Beelzebub has upped the ante, only a policy of total feline genocide will rid this scourge from our midst.


Anyone who begs to differ is clearly in the pocket of Big Pussy.

Walter Williams in 1777

There’s no hurry in letting King George know about our recent spot of bad luck involving this silly little dust-up in the Colonies, eh wot? Probably a bunch of those dib-dib-dob-dob collegiate nancy-boys would just make everything worse with some damnable military expidition … silly tossers.


“I think his problem is that the people who typically vote in GOP primaries will be incensed at his “liberal” record, and will be swayed by hatred of Mormons. I have to say, though, that Romney is the emptiest of suits, so watching his immolation will be entertaining.”

True B4 but you can go down the list and conclude that all the candidates also can’t win and yet someone has to win. Its a paradox, inside a riddle wrapped in stupid.


I’ll say this for Romney: He’s a lot more like Ronald Reagan than the Reagan-humpers will ever admit.

Brigadier-General Walter Williams in 1914

We’ll all be home in time for tea, lads – & don’t let those gloomy-gus academics tell you any different!

Tally Ho!


M. Bouffant said,
June 9, 2011 at 4:48

OK, P-Max, is “The Ho” sporting a striped shirt & sport coat?

And dreamy blue eyes? (No biggie, my eyes are blue too.) Pitching w/ a red headed woman?

I’m guessing yes, because there are no local references & the pledge part says “Pre-Recorded.”


A right-winger singing the praises of being a goombah?
My fainting-couch – I hope I can fall toward it!

Walter Williams, Morale Officer SS Titanic

This is a minor setback. We’ll all make it to New York just fine. The women, children, and effete academics can take the lifeboats. Who’s up for a refreshing swim?


He’s already focusing on that undereducated dumbass white males–the ones the media likes to call “independents”. In other words, instead of taking the suicidal route of pandering to the mouthbreathing, knuckledagging, America-hating teabaggers, he’s going after these moderate types, knowing they’re all mad at Obama over $4/gallon gas and unemployment that keeps hovering around 9%.

If he can survive the primary, which does seem tenuous at best, this will be his election to lose.

Wasn’t that basically the McCain strategy?


I have a hard time believing the fundamentalist evangelical “christians” that make up the primary voters of the party would vote for a mormon. Especially one whose only claim to executive “fame” was passing “Romneycare” (aka “Obamacare, The Prequel”) in Mass.

People keep saying that, but it seems to me like a smooth talking (and sincerely likable) baptist minister and former governor of a Southern state should have had the last primary in the bag if this were the case. I know the primaries draw out the psychos, but their influence is limited to their numbers in comparison to those who know that it’s really about winning the election, rather than purity.

Helmut Monotreme

Wasn’t that basically the McCain strategy?

Yes, but by the simple expedient of not choosing a witless loudmouth for a VP, it is a strategy that could work.


OBS done stepped on my dick… think I’ll “tweet” some pictures of the bruising…

Just post them at your website. Please.


Wasn’t that basically the McCain strategy?

It was. McCain had “that one” beat until 1) he hired the dumbest bitch in teh werld to be his running mate, and 2) started acting like a confused old man when the economy was literally crumbling like one of those Vegas skyskrapers being knocked down with dynamite.

If McCain’s staff wasn’t the worst campaign staff ever, he almost certainly would have won that thing.


Looks as if Newtie’s flunkies realized they were spinning their wheels.

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.


Ah yes, good morning MB. I wuz waiting for you to haul your ass out of bed before responding. Yep. Funny thing is, when they previewed it a number of people commented on the choice of hosts, “two lesbians and a straight guy.” completely, utterly backwards.


They thought the producer was lesbian?


Geo-Humor: Hoquiam is funny, but not as funny as Sequim.


By the way, WW’s attempted definition seems to come from group theory but as I noted way above it’s a FAIL.

Making it an incomplete definition. WW describes teh additive zero. For accuracy and true pedantry you also need to specify teh role of the multiplicative zero (that number which always produces itself when multiplied by any other number).
Do not get me started on discrete ring theory.


First line there was quoting Pupienus.


Geo-Humor: Hoquiam is funny, but not as funny as Sequim.

Neither can top Walla Walla.

Too fucking cool for just one Walla.



Also, this is pronounced “skwim” ’round these parts.


In the beginning, there was Pupienus quoting.

And Smut said “Let there be wodcuts!”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Smut: Don’t make me go all Diagonal Proof on your ass.


The place so nice they named it twice.

It was called W-Two-Time when I was attending the local JC White-Man College.


If he can survive the primary, which does seem tenuous at best, this will be his election to lose.

That would be true if it weren’t for the magic underwear cult thing that a lot of folks apparently don’t like.

Quite frankly, unless Obama gets caught with a dead girl, a live boy, or a full-blown Depression (well, okay, one that is officially recognized and actually covered as such by the media), there isn’t a GOPer currently running who can either make through a primary, or beat Obama in the general.

(Of course, me posting this just assured a Romney/Bachmann win in 2012, didn’t it … ?)


It was. McCain had “that one” beat until 1) he hired the dumbest bitch in teh werld to be his running mate, and 2) started acting like a confused old man when the economy was literally crumbling like one of those Vegas skyskrapers being knocked down with dynamite.

I can easily see Romney making the “dumbest bitch” mistake again. With all his credibility problems with the base, I think he’ll want to appease them by picking a complete psycho for VP. Maybe Cain, maybe Bachmann.

Heck, the Gooper base is still convinced that Palin is the reason McCain did so well.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

That just made me think: How about asking every presidential candidate where they stand on the Axiom of Choice?


Smut: Don’t make me go all Diagonal Proof on your ass.

Back when I was doing quantum field theory, my speciality was Degenerate Perturbation Analysis. Not just a mathematical method but a whole way of life!


How about asking every presidential candidate where they stand on the Axiom of Choice?

My opponent has not been consistent in his support for the Continuum Hypothesis.

El Manquécito

That Newticle’s campaign is crashing and burning so early disappoints me. Much comedy will be averted.

Also, too, favorite WA town name: Twisp

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“Aleph-one equals c, bitches! Suck it up!”

—Candidate losing the election in a truly colorful manner.


Do not get me started on discrete ring theory..

Hey, no problem. Be just like I was back in college, fire up a Galois and enjoy the lecture.


Neither can top Walla Walla.

Then there’s Ho-Ho-Kus.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

La Push always sounded like the contents of one of Karnak the Magnificent’s envelopes: “What do they say in a French Lamaze class?”


Please do not perturb the degenerates. It never ends well.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Then there’s Ho-Ho-Kus.

“I’m not driving out to frickin’ Hohokus! Some of that’s still Indian Country!”

—Ray Barone


Go VRBK! Get all Gödel on his ass. Not that it makes a Hilbert full of beans. Unless there’s a problem such that you Kantor something.


Be just like I was back in college, fire up a Galois, Lie back and enjoy the lecture.



Quite frankly, unless Obama gets caught with a dead girl, a live boy, or a full-blown Depression (well, okay, one that is officially recognized and actually covered as such by the media), there isn’t a GOPer currently running who can either make through a primary, or beat Obama in the general.

Maybe I’m seeing more Obama hate than there really is. It doesn’t help that I live in Western Idaho with a bunch of dumbfuck hillbillies that come close to being comparable with the Southern hillbillies.


Idiotville Oregon REPRESENT!


Lie back and enjoy the lecture

BOOle! BOOle!


I just felt I had to respond Dirichlet.


I can easily see Romney making the “dumbest bitch” mistake again. With all his credibility problems with the base, I think he’ll want to appease them by picking a complete psycho for VP. Maybe Cain, maybe Bachmann.

No fucking way. I’ve always been tempted to say that McCain’s people sabotaged him.

You don’t throw red meat to the base with a running mate. What are they going to do if you pick another “centrist”? Vote for a Democrat? No way in hell. Especially when there’s a fair amount of energetic dissatisfaction with the incumbent, which I believe is the case at the moment.


All Fourier enjoyment.


Idiotville Oregon REPRESENT!

The southern half of Western Idaho.


It’s not hard to Taylor a series of puns for this read.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Why the Frege do I feel so Zermelo today?


No need to say it, I’m a regular Cardano.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I’m really glad they carved off Idaho (and that corner of Montana Idaho lost when the surveying party lost their way in the snowstorm) before they turned Washington Territory into a state. Now if only Richard A. C. Greene had gotten his way and we’d called out the National Guard to force Idaho to take Eastern Washington!


Why the Frege do I feel so Zermelo today?

Sorry you don’t feel Abel. Maybe you can Russell up some Poisson.


Oops – inadvertent change in de Fermat there.


But that’s a whole Noether story.


I CAN’T STOP MYSELF. Or should that be I can’t stop I? Perhaps the good professor would engage me in conversation to explain.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Church-Turing is such a Cauchy job….


I take the silence as objection to my Cavalierli attitude.


I’m Hooked, that’s all.


It’s a fine way to Clairaut a room, innit?


A Legendre in my own mind.


I get all Trembley doing this.


Ruh roh. May have to consult the interPENISes, I can’t recall any more off the top of my head. I’ve run up against a Wallis.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Let me Sherk my responses, Wiles I’m so inKleined.


Maybe I’m seeing more Obama hate than there really is. It doesn’t help that I live in Western Idaho with a bunch of dumbfuck hillbillies that come close to being comparable with the Southern hillbillies.

I dunno, the parts of Idaho I’ve been to scared me way worse than the parts of the South I’ve been to. Obviously anecdotal, but the Idahoan hillbillies seem just one twig-snap away from full-auto carnage, constantly. The Southerners seem considerably mellower and moar insouciant in their craziness. Like yeah, they’re pissed, but they’re gonna have some BBQ and a big drink before they get to the hangin’.

OBS done stepped on my dick… think I’ll “tweet” some pictures of the bruising…

Heh, great minds and all that. I found it quite funny how close both of those were though — I may need to start calling myself “Bantam Bad Bald Bastard”

Food pron: After stepping on BBBB’s dick, I went for a leisurely bicycle ride around town, then stopped by the local Hawaiian cafe for a big ol’ plate lunch of sweet shoyu chicken, rice, and macaroni “salad” (macaroni, mayo, and pepper). I told myself I’d only eat half and save the rest for tomorrow, but it was so damn good, I couldn’t resist finishing it all. And there’s a Deschutes brewery tasting across the street in less than an hour. It’s a good day.


I can’t keep up with these mathematical puns. I’m going to leibniz until someoen comes up with a Newton


Deschutes has maintained excellent quality from the beginning, it’s good to see them prosper.

Just put a clafouti in the oven with the first of the season sour cherries. My wife is in Europe but I’ll have a taste of Provence.


M. Bouffant said,

June 9, 2011 at 22:57


Indeed. But now I wanna know what happens with teh Holy Table of Antioch!


“whipping the clafouti” sounds like something DSK could, er, get behind.

Fouetter la clafouti.


“Just climb a couple of flights of stairs, and relish the feeling of being able to breathe…”

That really does do it too, because one half your brain knows a thousand ways to tell the other half to “go ahead, you ain’t gonna live that long anyway” or “you can start doing two loads a day to get the smell out of your clothes.”

But there is no way to fool the lungs. They know what’s up, and when you get the urge, which is just about every five minutes, at first at least, run up the stairs, or around the block, at full speed, then it will be your lungs telling your brain to kiss off.

I have to admit too that I am a hardcore nicotine addict, since I was like ten or twelve years old. I dint start tobacco with cigarettes though, I started with Bull ‘O the Woods, or Cannon Ball, or Beechnut or whatever was handy. And I didn’t do this voluntarily either: when we were kids we had to fish the big rivers, the Flint, the Chattahoochee and the Apalachicola, setting trot lines for giant cats to sell to the fish fry houses. This was mostly night work and it was hard for us young sports to stay awake, so our daddies would shove a piece of chewing tobacco in our gums to make sure we didn’t fall asleep and off the boat.

I graduated from chewing to smoking. I bet I’ve spent a retirement on fags. But finally, after a visit to a doctor who showed me a picture of my lungs, I quit. Cigarettes that is. Now I smoke cigars, four or five a day. Hell, that’s one of the reasons why I live where I do: the cigar I smoke most often, a 52 x 7.25 Briones, costs ten dollars in the U.S. Here it costs me a dollar. If you let it, nicotine will run your life. So I’m behind you on this quitting smoking thing. Don’t be like me.


Please do not perturb the degenerates. It never ends well.

Strained and unpleasant?


Hmmmm, haven’t made a clafoutis since last fall, when the pears were so nice. The cherries here are three to four weeks late, due to ALGOREISFAT.

Last night I made panko breaded, fried shrimp in a lovely lemon beurre blanc. Served with spaghetti w/pesto. Garden salad and garlic bread. Yummy.

It’s so nice weather wise today. Tequila-lime grilled chix breasts. Marinated in lime juice, tequila, ancho chile powder, sliced jalapeños, bit of orange juice, garlic…whatever feels right at e moment. My not-Spanish Spanish rice (I just make some damn rice pilaf thing, it’s different every time). Fry a few slices bacon. Put some baby cress on a plate under an artfully sliced avocado half. Drizzle with finest olive oyl and lemon juice, salt and pepper. Lay bacon slices gracefully aslant avocado. Enjoy the fuck out of it.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

My not-Spanish Spanish rice

Am I a heathen for making Chinese fried rice Spanish-style, i.e. sauteeing the rice first and then steaming it? If I do it the other way around I never get anything but a gluey mess.


Am I a heathen for making Chinese fried rice Spanish-style, i.e. sauteeing the rice first and then steaming it? If I do it the other way around I never get anything but a gluey mess.

Well, I’m a heathen and I do it that way, so yes.


Enjoy the fuck out of it.

That does sound fucking enjoyable! If I’m sober enough to not light myself on fire, I’m gonna grill something or other but not all fancy like. Perhaps salmon burgers. Oh, must remember to get charcoal on the way home…


Also too, I rarely consider myself a mathematician though I did get a bachelors in math.

I got 2 degrees in architecture. In Architecture, zero is defined as “Architect’s Fees”.


Because la Señora Manqué is away I had a classic NYC beefsteak last night, just as described in the original New Yorker article. For a true beefsteak No Girlz Allowed. The perfect accompaniment to watching the Sox cream the Yankees. Our summer beach house has a TV and I’ve been dipping my toe in the waters: gnarly.

The best way to make fried rice is to have lots of leftover cooked cold rice. Fresh cooked rice does not fry well. If you sauté raw rice and then steam it you’re making more like a paella or risotto but, hey, you’re an American you can do any damn thing you want.


“I challenge anyone to show me a major calamity that was engineered by a stupid, inarticulate person…”

Really? REALLY?

“Heckuva job Brownie” ring a bell?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

If you sauté raw rice and then steam it you’re making more like a paella or risotto

That’s why I like Niko-Niko—the cheapest kind—the yellow-bag stuff is supposed to be better, I guess (it costs more, anyway) but I don’t like it as well.

The thing about calrose is it’s medium-grain—not as sticky as short-grain and not dry and chewy like long-grain. Just enough starch leaks out to make a nice sauce—like a lazy-man’s risotto.

And yes, I know I’m a barbarian for not liking either totally separate grains, American style, or totally fused into a solid rubbery lump, Asian rice-cooker style. Flame away!


And yes, I know I’m a barbarian for not liking either totally separate grains, American style, or totally fused into a solid rubbery lump, Asian rice-cooker style. Flame away!

Why would anyone flame you for that? Why would anyone flame anyone for that shit? If you like it, you like it. Who gives a shit if some snotty fucking foodie says you’re not supposed to like it?


Make long grain white rice – NOT the sticky variety. Put it in the fridge (preferably in a container but hey, heathens can do what they want to do). Remove from the fridge next day about an hour before you fry it up. Pour some oil into your HOT wok or frying pan. Dump in a coup,e eggs beaten with a dash of toasted sesame oil. Remove the scrambled yeggs. Toss yer veg into the pan – diced carrot, scallions and peas are de rigeur for me – and cooked, chopped meat iffen yer usin it. Add rice and stir stir stir. Season with five spice powder, and add the yeggs back in, chopping them up with your spatula. Oh, almost forgot – put some soy sauce in there somewhere along the line.



I’ve just picked a fight. SOMEBODY please feed it.


I like Pizza Hut pizza. I also enjoy Hot Pockets, although the aftermath can be less than pleasant…

What about Rice-a-Roni?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Tsam: You’d be surprised about how sanctimonious some people can get on the subject of food—but the real sin is admitting you like something cheaper better than something more expensive. That really puts some of them into a lather. I was kidding, anyway—I didn’t think anybody here was going to give me any crap.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And I used “lather”and “crap” in the same paragraph—veiled santorum reference?


Put it in the fridge (preferably in a container but hey, heathens can do what they want to do).

If you just toss it on the shelf, doesn’t it get harder to pick out all the grains?


What about Rice-a-Roni?

Minute rice for me!


Fine. El M. Beat me to it. (beating the Pupienus?) I made frilled steak the other day as well. For meatless Monday, marinated a Flintstones type strip steak (bone-in, I mean please!) in garlic, rosemary, some other stuff I don’t remember. Grilled to Pittsburgh perfection. Grilled spargles, I hope spring never ends. “Bistro fries” – French fried potatoes tossed with minced garlic, butter and parsley. Heart attack at eleven.


Grilled spargles

I’m sure you’ll have a snappy comeback, but that sounds like something you’d feed My Little Pony


Aaaaand multiple Santorum references within moments.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What about Rice-a-Roni?

I get cut vermicelli—weird stuff, the label’s in Farsi—and make my own Rice-a-Roni, with my own stock. Speaking of which, I’m off to the kitchen to do just that.


Your pony ain’t that little, from what I’ve heard. And besides, we’ve had all the Santorum references we can handle just now.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge



You’d be surprised about how sanctimonious some people can get on the subject of food—but the real sin is admitting you like something cheaper better than something more expensive. That really puts some of them into a lather

It’s not surprising to me. I don’t know why people get like that. I used to have a boss who liked to make snide comments because I drank a LOT of R&R whiskey with coke. He was just flabergasted that one of his underlings would ever drink a whiskey that needs cola to be tolerable.

This guy fancied himself some sort of expert on martinis, and routinely bored me to violence with stories about the delightful martinis he discovered over the weekend. He swears he’s not gay, but I don’t know. Anyway, despite all this talk about martinis, he insisted that people who drink Jack Daniels do so for the “catchet”. I didn’t realize that raggedy ass disgusting sour mash vomit had a chachet, but really? You drink martinis and you’re criticizing Jack drinkers for buying into a catchet?


I get cut vermicelli—weird stuff, the label’s in Farsi

**calling DHS**


I’ve just picked a fight. SOMEBODY please feed it.

You’re on your own here buddy.


Spargle, iDeutsch for “asparagus”


HA! That link was awesome, PM.


We never have any Battles Royale here.



One of my favorite responses to queries whether it’s gin or vodka in those martini glasses we have with us while walking the dog (we’ve met many friends through being “the guys who walk their dog with their martinis) is “How do you make a martini with vodka?” Said with an exaggerated look of dumbfoundedness. A martini is made with gin. Period. If you want to make a martini style drink with vodka you go ahead but it’s not a martini, it’s a vodka martini. Period. All those other “martini style” drinks? For poseurs, philistines and metrosexuals.


Try picking your nose, tsam, see if anyone feeds it.


Confession time: I like Rice a Roni. You may now pelt me with tomatoes….which I will eat, because I love tomatoes.


Thread needs moar Spargel schnapps.


*ominous-type ellipsis
Elliptical Function joke goes here.


Can’t resist quoting Ricky Man-on-Dog’s Twitter feed from the other day:

“Soon, every Young Republican will have Santorum on their lips.”



The state of Alaska is expected Friday to release more than 24,000 pages of emails from Sarah Palin during her tenure as governor, almost three years after the documents were requested by news organizations and local activists.

The emails were originally sought to shed light on the then-little-known running mate of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain. Their release comes at a very different time: as Palin, who enjoys near-universal name recognition, is contemplating a White House bid of her own.

The documents will be made available in Juneau, the state capital, in paper form. The Los Angeles Times will scan them and post them online, making each available in a searchable archive.

Gotcha questions indeed.


Gotcha questions indeed.

Holy kamoli. I hope no one ever uncovers what I wrote when I was in fourth grade. Or last week for that matter!


I also enjoy Hot Pockets

I’m a lazy sod/slob w/o taste buds, but about the only frozen food I’ll eat is Stouffer’s, even knowing Nestle is a bad corporation. And fish sticks once in a while. (Also higher dollar store-brand frozen items that want to be Stouffers.)

The larger point being that not every single fucking meal ever has to be a semi-orgasmic (or organic) culinary experience. Sometimes it’s just fuel.

Cereal rules too.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Poopy and the Ho walking around the neighborhood with martini glasses—going for kind of a Hawkeye and Trapper vibe, I guess. I like it.

OK, a gin martini is a martini and a vodka martini is a vodka martini. How come a gin gimlet is a gimlet and a vodka gimlet is a vodka gimlet, but a tequila gimlet is a margarita and a rum gimlet is a daiquiri? Hmmmmmm? Answer that, loony libs!


Can’t resist quoting Ricky Man-on-Dog’s Twitter

Jeez, some of us are eating here. Have a care lass.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And I feel you on the bourbon, tsam. I actually like Ewan Williams; it’s almost the cheapest you can get in a Washington State liquor store (which we just missed another chance to eliminate. Grrr!) 101 proof for about a dollar more than 80 proof Potter’s (yech!) and it goes down pretty good. ‘Course, I like Wild Turkey, so YMMV.


How come a gin gimlet is a gimlet and a vodka gimlet is a vodka gimlet, but a tequila gimlet is a margarita and a rum gimlet is a daiquiri?

This will require much investigation. YOu will prepare a pitcher of each please.


Gingrich’s election campaign team resigns en masse

They left him for a younger hotter candidate: Rudy


Alison, I’ll probably regret asking this, but since my (recently passed) mother also was stricken by Alzheimer’s, I have to: What did Douchehat say about Alzheimer’s? Or were you simply referring to his opposition to health care reform?

No worries – it was just with reference to the previous post about his ‘slippery slope’ argument about euthanasia. Mum was very distressed about what was happening to her, and I think it was probably a relief to her that she contracted a golden staph infection and thence suffered an aneuryism before she got too far down. But she did talk about wanting to die, and we all knew that she’d rather die than get too much further down the path. The whole family (Dad, my sister, and I) were at the hospital with her after the aneurysim, and we all agreed to the decision she’d already made to turn off the life support.


“This will require much investigation. YOu will prepare a pitcher of each please.”

Make it two. I am SO on the panel of judges.


And I feel you on the bourbon, tsam.

Show me on the whiskey bottle where the bad person touched you.


“OK, a gin martini is a martini and a vodka martini is a vodka martini. How come a gin gimlet is a gimlet and a vodka gimlet is a vodka gimlet, but a tequila gimlet is a margarita and a rum gimlet is a daiquiri? Hmmmmmm? Answer that, loony libs!”

When you take a Salty Dog to Cape Cod Ii gets all Cosmopolitan.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I really only have one food quirk that triggers me….

Cutting chocolate cake into square pieces does NOT magically convert it into brownies!

sham - low sodium hunchback




Orzo, yes.

Bacardi 151°, 7-Up & Hawaiian punch concentrate. Mix it right & they won’t taste the booze until it’s coming back up.


And you should always undercook your brownies just a little bit.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Can I assume we’re talking about ouzo, the anise-flavored Greek liqueur, and nor orzo, the rice-shaped pasta?

sham - low sodium hunchback

Undercocking the ………..
oops… never mind……

sham - low sodium hunchback

Can I assume…,



I assumed orzo, as an option instead of Farsi-cut vermicelli.


It’s safe to assume that I’m never talking about ouzo.


Yeah, I don’t like licorice.

Google translate, or what ouzo does to the brain …?


Cutting chocolate cake into square pieces does NOT magically convert it into brownies!

No, that’s not where the magic comes from. Not. At. All.


Just in case you missed it the first time,


I just may do that same route again this weekend.


OK, a gin martini is a martini and a vodka martini is a vodka martini. How come a gin gimlet is a gimlet and a vodka gimlet is a vodka gimlet, but a tequila gimlet is a margarita and a rum gimlet is a daiquiri? Hmmmmmm? Answer that, loony libs!

Drink two of each and all your questions shall be answered.


And I feel you on the bourbon, tsam. I actually like Ewan Williams; it’s almost the cheapest you can get in a Washington State liquor store (which we just missed another chance to eliminate. Grrr!) 101 proof for about a dollar more than 80 proof Potter’s (yech!) and it goes down pretty good. ‘Course, I like Wild Turkey, so YMMV.

I like that stuff too. R&R and BV are my favs among the affordable stuff, but I like ’em all, really.


about the only frozen food I’ll eat is Stouffer’s,

My comfort food go-to is Stouffer’s mac & cheese or spinach souffle. I don’t know what. It’s terribly fattening, but it comforts me.


Frozen tortellini + Newman’s Own marinara + fresh parmesan = happy tsam.


Yep, what’s left of her. Pic taken at McLellan overlook on Curly Creek Rd. east of the mountain.


Here’a an excellent example of how bestially fucking stupid & pretentious people can be. That 151° rum (Myers’s, served by the British Admiralty to British seamen, & distilled in JA, used to make a 151°, dunno if they still do, but recommended over Bacardi) I like is swell w/ Dr. Pepper, another all-American thing I like.

But can you just mix the two & have at it? NO:

Tim Burton loves to drink Dr. Pepper. That what Michel Dozois found out when creating cocktail recipes for Ray’s & Stark Bar to welcome the Tim Burton exhibit to the Resnick Pavilion at LACMA. Thus the Dr. Burton cocktail was born. The combination of DonQ white rum with Amaretto, Cheery Heering and Amaro CioCiara served over a large cube of Névé Ice mimics the flavor of Burton’s beloved soda.

This cheery concoction with a cherry on top will be served through October 31 because Tim Burton would like all of his fans to be a pepper too.

I don’t even want to know what fucking “Névé Ice” is.

Keep It Simple, Stupids.


Have you tried Dry Fly Whiskey from right there in Western You-da-Ho?


Ice imported from Nevis maybe? Though I don’t think it actually freezes there. S maybe NEVER MIND.


Have you tried Dry Fly Whiskey from right there in Western You-da-Ho?

Yes–and eaten at the little restaurant in the brewery. Their whiskey is fantastic and their vodka is equally perfect. Something we can actually be proud of over here.

A Bloody Mary with Dry Fly Vodka and pickled asparagus….drooool.


And you should always undercook your brownies just a little bit.

with or without pot?


Stouffer’s mac & cheese

Not even I am so lazy & decadent that I would not make my own mac & cheese. (Preferably Kraft Velveeta-style.)

Stouffer’s Welsh rarebit used to be pretty good, but I haven’t seen it in the stores lately.

How’s everything else going?


Also, Captain Morgan’s spiced rum (especially the dark if you can find it) with Dr. Pepper is excellent, regardless of what type of ice it is served with.


So–my 13 year old daughter has revealed to me that she has a girlfriend. This came as a complete surprise.


The latest Fox scandal, about the Miss USA winner named Rima Fakih.

Not that I give a shit about the Miss USA thing. But wow.


So–my 13 year old daughter has revealed to me that she has a girlfriend. This came as a complete surprise.

Lucky for her that she’s your kid and not some Baptist minister’s.

And congrats to her, also too!


if the ice melts too rapidly

Raising the melting point of the ice to 100°C is a clever trick.


“The latest Fox scandal, about the Miss USA winner named Rima Fakih.”

A short meeting with Trump will straighten everything up.


Bourbon? I think Virginia Gentleman is pretty good. Lot of history behind it. You can’t find it in every package store though.


“So–my 13 year old daughter has revealed to me that she has a girlfriend. This came as a complete surprise.”

To whom, you or the girlfriend?

That’s so sweeeet!


To whom, you or the girlfriend?

Only me, I hope!


Not even I am so lazy & decadent that I would not make my own mac & cheese. (Preferably Kraft Velveeta-style.)

au contraire. Stouffer’s mac and cheese requires a certain dedication – to bake it takes an hour at least. Especially if you want to get the browned crusty top. Microwaving just doesn’t cut it.

Kraft takes mere minutes on a dorm-room hotplate with milk bought from basement vending machines and pats of butter swiped from the dining hall.

I am a connoisseur of mac & cheese, and although my from-scratch is really good, I think both Stouffers and Kraft are two entirely separate, yet perfectly delectable variations.

‘m doing OK – thinking of finally going back to work tomorrow. lazing around has been fun.


Someday Pup will be caught on camera making a packet of Top Ramen and we will hear of it from the string of bodies he kills to keep it silent.


Just made, today, for dinner – some ricotta/garlic tortellini from the store tossed with a bunch of vegs sauteed in butter – asparagus, fresh corn, onion, and tomato. With chopped basil on top.

Pretty darn good. Now I can each vegetables again! And drink!


Could the Tea Party (Banjostan Division) be embracing both murderous white-power extremists in carrying out their anti-immigrant jihad … & the corporate fat-cats who actively aid & abet letting in more illegal immigrants to up their profits?



FDR’s disaster was the defeat of Nazi Germany. These guys aren’t against WWII, they just think the wrong side won.


The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Soon you’ll all call me Che.


I challenge anyone to show me a nuclear meltdown when stupid, intarticulate people were running the plant.

You need a stupid, inarticulate person to pull a Homer.


Névé luxury ice. Jesus.

I had a suspicion it was the moral equivalent of pink Himalayan salt.

thinking of finally going back to work tomorrow. lazing around has been fun.

As your imaginary physician, I advise waiting until Monday.


JA: Try here.

As I have no oven, I’d have to nuke the mac & anyway.


Morning quotes:

“[Creationists] make it sound as though a “theory” is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.”


“Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.”



Let us pray.


Névé luxury ice. Jesus.

All this talk about “The Esquimeaux having XX words for snow”, when it was completely predictable that we too would have XX words for snow and ice as soon as some arsehole found a way of turning it into a conspicuous-consumption class marker.


turning it into a conspicuous-consumption class marker.

There you go. I have no problem with glacial ice or ancient ice or other fancy ices in my highball but I’m unwilling to pay extra cash money for it.

The XX number of Inuit names for snow has been greatly exaggerated and Smilla’s Sense of Snow was a terrible book. /grump

The Mt Ranier Highball: vodka, black cherry juice, splash of tonic with ice from the Carbon Glacier (graphite gray, slight earthy taste).


moronic provocative contention that men’s bad behavior, ranging from tweeting pictures of their tighty-whities to serial forcible rape, is all the fault of…women!

Of course it is. What have we been telling you bitches for a couple of thousand years?

Helmut Monotreme

The best (and first) Mojito I ever had was on my 27th birthday which I celebrated at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The rum was cheap NZ or Ozzie rum (Couruba IIRC) the mint was fresh off the plane from NZ (yay for friends that work in the galley) cheap sugar and million year old ice straight from spalling face of the glaciers in the dry valleys. The grit in the ice gave a tiny little thrill of danger- will we catch an ancient superflu trapped in the ice for a million years? who knows? lets get ‘faced.


“So–my 13 year old daughter has revealed to me that she has a girlfriend. This came as a complete surprise.”

And I bet you handled it perfectly, because you’re an awesome dad.


The latest Fox scandal, about the Miss USA winner named Rima Fakih.

She competed on a WWE show. That ought to have been enough to get her disqualified.


Isn’t “University” supposed to be in quotation marks when it follows “George Mason”?


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