You Can’t Be Serious
So I have this new theory: there is no person named “Patterico.” Instead, I think “Patterico” is a blogging robot who is under the command of various gnomes and/or leprechauns who are constantly fighting to be in control of pulling his levers and dictating what he gets to say. How else to explain the bizarre cognitive dissonance between this statement:
Anyway, Doug, not only do I try to initiate reasoned debate, I also will tone it down and *initiate* the process of civility.
The real issue, Jeff G, is whether a douche like Greenwald helps a pussy like Retardo stay fresh.
You can picture the gnomes and leprechauns duking it out right now, can’t you?
“We have to put up a front of faux civility! Otherwise, we won’t be taken seriously as a Civilized Pundit!”
“Ach, laddy, call ‘im a pussy and a douche! Y’know he deserves it! I’s not like it’ll stop us from gettin’ hired by FOX News or nothin’!”
Now, I have called people nasty names in the past- “raging ass-fuck monster twat” is my personal favorite. However, I do at least understand and recognize that my status as a foul-mouthed cretin renders me completely unfit to lecture others about the virtues of civility. I would like to think that anyone who gleefully calls someone else a “douche” and “pussy” would at least own up to what they are, instead of bringing out the tired schtick of, “My poo doth not stinketh but thine poo dost! Saying that thou didst touch some guy’s sister in her secret places lots is harmless grade school humour! But if thou callest someone a “wanker,” then thou art the vilest knave e’er to debauch o’er the land! I am rubber, thou art glue, thy foolish scamp! W00teth!”
You would think they’d refrain from pulling that routine, anyway. But then again, most of us aren’t being controlled by psychotic gnomes and leprechauns, so I guess we should be a little more sympathetic.
Gavin adds: Oh cripes, is he still at it down in that thread? We might have to… You know, with the thing and the radioactive lava and the hurting, and all that.
Bradrocket adds: Of course he’s still at it. Those gnomes and leprechauns take shifts. So when Paddy McLuckycharms gets tired of pushing the buttons, Gan’dar the Garden Gnome punches his time card in, puts on his hard helmet and picks up the slack.
Gavin adds: You know what’s a cool thing? Lexis-Nexis. It’s like Google except there’s all different stuff on it. Oh wait, hang on a bit; I need to finish this level in Diablo II. Man, there’s so much time to fill during the day… Say, did Tad “TBogg” Boggington leave that twenty bucks in the mailbox like he said?
“Mr. Montalban” adds: Federalist Papers, Schmederalist Papers! Remember that Pattycake’s mentor, Pastycake, thinks anonymity/pseudonymity is worse than plagiarism. So Patty’s latest is all of a wingnutty piece.
Bradrocket adds an exciting update: Patterico writes:
You failed to quote this part from the first comment:
“I’m trying to tone it down with you, too, and give you a chance to enter a civil dialogue. How this effort is met is up to you.
“But some people don’t deserve that notably Retardo. He hides behind a pseudonym and takes dishonest potshots at the courage of people with the guts to use their real names, like Jeff Goldstein. That’s how you know Retardo is a putz who earns no civility.”
No cognitive dissonance.
Sweet. I was waiting for you to bring this up.
Patterico’s carping about “civility” is completely fraudulent. His basic schtick goes like this: “The Left is uncivil. That means I get to call them pussies and douches. But look at how uncivil the Left is!” Essentially, Patterico expects the Left to treat people like Jeff Goldstein and Michelle Malkin with the fairness and civility that they routinely deny their opponents. In other words, Patterico wants the Left to reply politely when one of his friends implies that John Kerry shot himself to get out of Vietnam or brags “jokingly” that they touched someone’s sister in her secret places lots. And if anyone on the Left veers from such desired rhetorical exchanges, he takes it as license to fly completely off the handle and call people pussies and douches. Which isn’t all bad, if you ask me. I’m not the most polite person in the world, and if one of Patterico’s anonymous pals wanted to call me “an überdouche,” or “Biggest Douche in the Blogosphere,” I wouldn’t think to whine about their lack of civility, and I certainly wouldn’t go around making not-so-subtle threats about exposing their identity. So please, Patterico, spare me your very silly speeches about how you’re really a civilized and decent person, except when you act uncivilized because the Left has forced your hand when they called your friends mean names.
Say it with me, Patterico: “I am a foul-mouthed cretin, just like Bradrocket.” C’mon. Just admit it. You’ll feel better about yourself.
I also love the way a guy who posts under his *supposed* nickname is blasting everyone else about anonymity. I have this feeling that he’d have been a court jester back in an earlier time: “Publius? Who art this craven ‘Publius’, that he has not the conviction to write under his own name?”.
I don’t have the heart to bring The Federalist Papers to Mr. Frey’s attention.
Those guys were such pussies!
“Publius” was Alexander Hamilton, I believe. Who the
raging ass-fuck monster twat whiny ass titty baby
calling him/herself “Patterico” is I have no idea.
Just betting Patterico is a Young Republican being paid by Lieberman..but I could be wrong.
Maybe we should just lie to him and say, “Oh, gee, you’re absolutely right in everything you’ve said, and we’re all a bunch of munchwagons and cobagz unfit to spar with such brilliance (even under an assumed name)!!1!” …just to shut him the fuck up. I mean, yatter, yatter, yatter–Jeebus! Like that old Groucho joke, “He was vaccinated with a phonograph needle!” And I don’t even get it. I don’t spend any appreciable amount of my online time hunting down disparaging comments about other people and responding to them the way he does over comments about Goldmember. So, WTF does the great and glorious Patterico get out of it? Meesa confused.
Still in that thread? I tell you, once you get some Patterico in your threads it never comes out. This thread has being going for two weeks now, and Patterico is still desperately defending his Greenwald used sock puppets theory.
Marq- Patterico is addicted to BWAH-HA-HA!-ing. Like I said over at my FDL interview, it’s the Internets equivalent of crack, and Jeff and Patterico are the Super Bwah-ha-hario Brothers.
Gawd. I can’t keep playing this.
“You’re a chicken”
“You’re a bigger chicken”
“Am not”
“But what are you”
“I’m rubber, you’re glue”
Sorry, and this might be hard to believe, but it’s just not fun anymore…
Patterico (aka Glenn Frey) is an assitant D.A. in LA County.
Makes you wonder what the public’s paying for, don’t it?
We have to focus on the real problem, which is the gnomes. Elves are all pretty and nice, but those gnomes, they’re tricksy.
not only do I try to initiate reasoned debate, I also will tone it down and *initiate* the process of civility
He’s the Initiator!
Really? Really, really W00teth?
And speak for yourself on that psychotic leprechauns and gnomes and control-freak cats thing. Actually, I guess the cat thing is just me. Carry on.
Patterico (aka Glenn Frey) is an assitant D.A. in LA County.
And he was in the Eagles too!
How can you insult the noble profession of court jesters so casually?
We have standards, dammit!
Court jesters were often unofficial advisors to kings, and were sometimes the only ones who could talk to royalty without the otherwise required flattery.
They lived by their wits, and were often quite well educated.
Admittedly, back in the day, the only way that some of the mentally handicapped could make a living was as someone’s jester or fool. But that would be a degrading way to live, and still not enough of a reason to assume that Patterico would have been one of us.
For shame…
I wouldn’t know nothing about threads that go on forever. Nosireebob. Nothing about them there interminable threads.
I’m so sick of people posting under assumed names.
It’s a gnome leprechaun ‘bot! Let’s make it cuss!
“Fuck the fucking fucker!”
see, it feels good, like a thirteen-year-old angst-ridden primal scream…
sooo peaceful…
You may curse, but you do it with panache. Patterico hasn’t grown out of 7th grade, where the mere utterance of the naughty words “douche” “pussy” and “cock” cause him to involuntarily giggle.
Maybe that’s why there is such a dearth of conservative “humor”.
I wanted to post this here also.
Patrick Frey, last April 30th, 2006, COWARDLY “BANNED� me from his Website for telling the truth about Los Angeles Times staff writer Chuck Philips and some of The OJ Simpson Case.
Patterico’s Pontifications » Hiltzik Suspension in the Media
Filed under: Dog Trainer, Hiltzik — Patterico @ 12:55 pm … My name is Mario G.
Nitrini 111. I was Personally involved in The OJ Simpson case. … – Cached
How about this?
Patterico�s Pontifications � Chuck Philips Again Attempts to …
Chuck Philips Again Attempts to Discredit Witness Who Accused Him of …
Filed under: Dog Trainer, Crime � Patterico @ 6:03 am. Chuck Philips writes today … – Cached
And then Patterico (AKA) Patrick Frey goes on to say this on this Blog:
“I am reliably told by people I trust that Philips is a good guy.� WTH?
Chuck Philips is a good guy? NO WAY. Something Really Stink’s with Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney Patrick Frey saying “I am reliably told by people I trust that Philips is a good guy.� A THOROUGHLY DISGUSTING statement by The Illegal SCUMBAG Patrick Frey (AKA) Patterico. The BIG Question is WHY did Mr Frey make this comment?
Let me give EVERYONE some NEW information about Chuck Philips. Chuck Philips Illegally and Deceptively received his Pulitzer Prize for “LYING� about Dr. Nomi Fredrick and The Death (Murder?) of Producer/Director Don Simpson, and MORE………
Nomi Lost her Medical license because of some of what Chuck Philips Wrote and said about her. WELL, Nomi got her Medical license re-instated this year and is practicing medicine again.
There is a legal “DRIVE� going on right now to have Chuck Philips GIVE BACK his UNDESERVED Pulitzer Prize, and ALSO, Legally Fess-up……………….about his Illegal “Doings� with Certain people.
Another Item. I am involved also in The Biggie Smalls Federal Lawsuit Case. I have, I’ll call them, materials, related to knowlege of Chuck Phillips introducing Anthony Pellicano to Suge Knight., and MORE.
Alex of
Martini Republic
big apple martini. Q: How Many LA Times Reporters Does it Take to File a Story?
… advertise. Advertising at Martini Republic pays. Find out how! … – Cached
Uses the word “Stuperico.” Like I told Alex,
“Alex, at times, you’re just TOO NICE OF A GUY.”
isnt “patterico” the air traffic control union that Reagan busted?
And he was in the Eagles too!
That figures–I hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man.
I remember when Patterico was the least trolly conservative commenter I’d ever encountered, over on Ed Brayton’s blog. That was obviously before a) I’d encountered Sebastian Holsclaw, and b) Patterico had been sucked into Goldstein’s cock-slapping vortex of petty blog-feuds. Folks, I think we’re finally seeing the ugly results of 6 years of severe cognitive dissonance on otherwise intelligent people. Greenwald’s irrefutable evidence of presidential lawbreaking and executive overreach has sent many libertarians over the edge. Those that haven’t acknowledged the problem are trying to shoot the messenger to ease their aching political conscience.
cf The right blogosphere’s hilariously cackhanded attempt to downplay Greenwald’s book sales
Oh and Mary? Fuck you, man! You don’t like my music, get your own fucking cab!
~~Patterico (aka Glenn Frey) is an assitant D.A. in LA County.
Makes you wonder what the public’s paying for, don’t it? ~~~~
Certainly makes one want to call the District Attorney’s Office and clue them in on his shenanigans. I mean, his use of filthy words, his passive aggressive threats, all make me question his fitness for the job as an Asst DA….
Heh, I say we all put on our best wigs and fake glasses/nose/mustache thingys, change our names, and then all agree with him. Then, I say we outcobag him. You know, in the great and intelligent style of Trollypants. Or something.
Certainly makes one want to call the District Attorney’s Office and clue them in on his shenanigans.
Yeah, but then wouldn’t we be doing what they threaten to do? I mean, do we really want to become them? I don’t.
(Of course, I’m not the one being threatened. On the other hand, just try tracking the hundreds of Mary Joneses in the Delaware Valley.)
Pasty, Patterico, and the other assorted conservetards. Get over yourselves. Who the fuck are you that you think you’re *entitled* to know some blogger’s real name? I’m sure this sense of entitlement carries over to the rest of your life.
Guess what, you aren’t entitled to know Retardo’s real name, TBogg’s real name, or my real name for that matter.
The only thing you are entitled to is mockery with a side order of derision, liberally sprinkled with curse words.
I’m still trying to figure out how anonymity nulls the validity of an argument. These folks have really gone overboard with this cult of personality stuff.
All I know is that this whole kerfuffle is doing nothing for my opinion of assistant DAs.
and here is what Patrick Frey “LIED” about, About me on:
So long, and thanks for all the Frisch
So long, and thanks for all the Frisch. Nothing to see here. Just felt like using
that title, is all. And you gotta admit, it was almost worth it. … – Cached
2nd Page, near the bottom.
Here’s the Text:
“Patterico? Mr. Frey?
How about Legally looking into The Mr. Bath Bear Situation I have Laid out?
Mr Frey, You are an Assistant Los Angeles County District Attorney, and I would think you would want to help the Children who were Victims of this Mr. Bath Bear Toy, Wouldn’t you?
The OJ Simpson Case
See? And Jeff thinks he’s the only guy with a stalker!
At least *his* stalker lives in a different state! This guy lives right here in L.A.! And he’s been to prison! And he stalks the Internet looking for anywhere my true name is mentioned! Because he considers me an “Illegal, LYING, Deceptive, COWARD� (as he says in any of his numerous comments about me throughout the Web).
And *why* am I an “Illegal, LYING, Deceptive, COWARD�? Because he left a comment on my site accusing an L.A. Times reporter of complicity in a murder, with no evidence, and I cleaned up the comment and banned him.
Because we all know how protective I am of L.A. Times reporters. So I *must* be HIDING THE TRUTH!
So don’t pretend *you’re* the only guy with a stalker, Mr. Jeff Goldstein!
Posted by Patterico | permalink
on 07/11 at 01:49 AM”
The INCREDIBLE LYING COWARD Patrick Frey (AKA) Patterico “CRIES” like a Baby and says I am “STALKING HIM.” What an incredible SCUMBAG LYING COWARD Patrick Frey is.
The OJ Simpson Case
Yeah, but then wouldn’t we be doing what they threaten to do?
Not what they threaten to do…what they do do. If I lived in Los Angeles Country, I’d be ringing up the DA’s office until my phone service was cut off.
..BWAhahahahaha*cough* *hack.*
There is something psycho-sexual about the whole Ben Domenech/Jeff Goldstein/Patrick Frey daisy-chain/triangle/three-way. Someone should look into that.
Ah yes, Mr. Patterico. I have no doubt he is real since I received a private email from him asking me some obscure ISP type detail regarding my brouhaha with Count Cockula.
I was served a restraining order by my local sheriff today telling me to stop harassing Mr. Cockula.
What a namby pamby sissy the limb-lobed count is.
I cannot email the a-hole or post to lipid stupidity. as far as i know, i can say anything i want about the mofo from colorado on my blog, patterico’s nuthouse or here at happily yes.
Deb, if you’d just lay off the kid…
I mean seriously, annoying Goldstein isn’t hard. You can pretty much send him into a rage by doing jazz hands and going “Woo!”
~~ annoying Goldstein isn’t hard. You can pretty much send him into a rage by doing jazz hands and going “Woo!� ~~
Gavin, I think I love you for that. 🙂
Ms. Frisch,
Attacking Children in ANY Manner is Dispicable. You Attacked Mr. Goldstein’s Child. That’s Not right at all.
I Posted on;
So long, and thanks for all the Frisch
So long, and thanks for all the Frisch. Nothing to see here. Just felt like using
that title, is all. And you gotta admit, it was almost worth it. … – Cached
in hope’s of “EXPOSING” The Mr. Bath Bear Situation. What I found with the exception of one person, is that the posters on Jeff Goldstein’s website were not outraged about your comment’s abour Mr. Goldsein’s son, they trashed you for their Political Agenda’s. I was trashed by these Punk-ass posters also, and for trying to help children who came in physical contact with The Mr. Bath Bear Toy. GOOD GRIEF.
But I gotta say, this Patrick Frey is right up there with The Ultimate Illegal Cowards I have come into contact with, with my personal involvement in The OJ Simpson Case.
I guess I’ll have to scratch the Mr. Bath Bear toy off my Christmas wish list now.
God damn I love jazz hands. Also, what the sh*t is going on in this thread?
It’s like all the crazy aunts and uncles all decided to stop by today. Think I’ll wander over to Americablog…
Bill B?
It was discontinued and Manufactering stopped (Thank Goodness) in 1992.
The OJ Simpson Case
Oh, it’s Patrick Frey? Well, that changes everything! (I knew his real name, but I thought the connection to the dreaded Eagles would really bitch things up for him.).
Tad Boggington’s a friend of mine, and if counselor Frey wants petty, I can play petty.
Deb. Really. Let it go.
Even if you “win,” what have you won? Douchebags of Pasty’s ilk are best ridiculed from afar. You can now see (I hope) how easily one is sucked into their vortex of petty asinine bullshit. Best not to risk mixing your life in with theirs. Because they aren’t important enough to justify the risk.
Let it go.
You failed to quote this part from the first comment:
“I’m trying to tone it down with you, too, and give you a chance to enter a civil dialogue. How this effort is met is up to you.
“But some people donÂ’t deserve that — notably, “Retardo.” He hides behind a pseudonym and takes dishonest potshots at the courage of people with the guts to use their real names, like Jeff Goldstein. ThatÂ’s how you know Retardo is a putz who earns no civility.”
No cognitive dissonance.
i’m trying to understand what’s going on here:
so, someone created a flammable bath bear that spontaneously combusts and kills o.j. simpson’s lover. i get that. biggie smalls then calls jeff goldstein’s kids cockslappers. i get that too. joe walsh, newly appointed DA of Los Angeles County, then writes, in Federalist paper #625 (aka “the my-cock-your-face” paper) that deb frisch has anger management issues. i certainly get that. shit, i’ll even pretend i get “jazz hands.”
i’m just wondering how it is that you all are more fucked then even my last week or two has been (which, to be clear, has featured my wife being attacked by michelle malkin, me “outing” an anonymous blogger, my “cockslapping” rageaholic bloggers in the LA Times [with bonus use of word ‘inchoate’], worldwide features on the whole kerfluffle)…
i mean, seriously…are you a jew?
What a namby pamby sissy the limb-lobed count is
Why do I picture you sitting in a room which is covered from floor to ceiling with giant columns of Jeff Goldstein quotes, leaving yourself only room to get through to your computer and to the musical jewelry box with the unicorn on it while you sing:
What a namby pamby sissy the limb-lobed count is
Over and over again?
Also, I love Patterico’s justification, namely “It’s kinda sorta there, so I didn’t do anything wrong.” Sounds kinda like the NYT reporting on SWIFT, no?
Mr. Robert Green?
Your Comprehension is VERY SAD, or are you “MOCKING ME,” Or both?
Please Mr Green, check out my other website and click on
The OJ Simpson Case
[…] So Jeff Goldstein-worshipping (shit, there goes the civility) superspy P. Ricky (”Frey, Patrick Frey”), fresh off his three weeks productively spent constantly refreshing the same thread on sadlyno, turns himself to playing the “oh I know your real name but I won’t tell anybody but it starts with ‘T’ and ‘Bogg’ and you can find it on the web here, here and here and it’s actually Tom but I won’t tell people except in this public forum because I’m better than you” game and, in the process, ‘outs’ Tbogg, who has notably not been trying to keep his identity secret. This comes on top of the crack investigators of the right “discovering” the fact that Glenn Greenwald was gay, because he filed a lawsuit, with his partner, to gain domestic partnership benefits, not to mention John Cole threatening The Editors with exposure, even though T. Ed’s posted on this blog under his real name for, what, a year? More? Which is not even to bring up the ‘outing’ of Armando, who was blogging using his real first name (which was admittedly mighty retarded on his part if he wanted to remain anonymous). And these are just the most recent half-dozen or so instances. It appears that the only qualification they need to consider a personal fact about a person to be “secret” is that the fact must not have appeared on that person’s blog in the past, oh, week or so. […]
Ah yes, Here’s Patty says that it’s Just Wrong to be uncivil. Except when he’s being uncivil, because he’s Justified because he’s conservative and Retardo is just The Wrong People becuas ehe uses a pseudonym and he insults the Right People, and his conservatism entitles him to do anything he wants to the Wrong People, and has he told you today how conservative he is?
Patty, you truly are a conservative sleazeball. But I repeat myself.
mariogeorgenitrini111 and Robert Green,
It sucks that one of you was banned from Pattycake’s site and the other’s wife was publicily mocked. We understand and sympathize. Now, shhh, because Pattycake’s just getting started and I need a good laugh.
Oh, and what does being a Jew have to do with anything?
gratis…re “are you a jew”
it’s mel gibson’s comment to the cops the other night. first, an anti-semitic rant, then the comedy golden moment of “are you a jew?” which, depending on which tone of voice he used, is possibly the funniest thing i’ve ever heard.
also, my comprehension is sad. so very sad, martino.
I think Robert Green is really Mel Gibson.
patterico and ace of spades show moderate signs of frontal lobe activity.
count cockula is just a sicko porno snuff film dungeons and dragons third rate nutcase.
the real mofo is matthew leitch, a.k.a. phroggy. a phormer navy seal and utter, total embarassment to the brave men and women of the armed forces.
does anyone know whether the pissant a-hole matthew heidt.
Blackfive sez:
Froggy is 14 year Navy SEAL corpsman, Matthew Heidt. Now in the Reserve, Froggy is a Real Estate Investor/Property Manager.
Email: froggyruminations AT gmail DOT com.
What a total embarrassment Mr. Heidt is to the armed forces of the united states.
He’s the villain in this story, not Mr. Goldstein.
He’s the man I really want to duke it out with at this stage of the game.
ephu, phroggy you pathetic piece of shit mofo.
did you go to eye-rack, phroggy?
oph or rape any civilians like your peeps did?
inquiring minds wanna know, mr. matt hate.
Looks like this thread needs some of this.
Deb- I think you’re completely insane, just for the record.
Alright, impostor or Real Deb, I don’t care. This is not cool.
(I posted that anonymously. Oh please don’t out me even though I hereby declare Michele Malkin to be a strumpet of a sock puppet of a clown and Jeff Goldstein’s Real Name is a medicated, mentally ill closet case. And I’m pretty sure he’s none too S-M-R-T. That and he eats his own poo.)
This is some fucked up shit right here.
Brad, y do you think i give a phuque what u think?
I don’t. I just wanted to point out the glaringly obvious.
I didn’t sign up for watching a loony broad sef destruct.
Bad vibes, boys and girls.
Brad, y do you think i give a phuque what u think?
Jesus Christ, and you were a professor? Why would anyone employ you? Everything else aside, at least try to type like someone over fourteen.
patterico u r jus mad bc tbogg could kick ur ass irl! pwn3d! lol
I’m just constantly amazed that people who like to claim they’re somehow “on the right” insist on engaging in moral relativism. I mean, a virtue is only a virtue when it’s consistently (and not selectively) practiced, right? Otherwise, it’s just pragmatic contextual relativist backsliding. Or at least that’s what Tom Delay told me.
OK, since Don Henley (or whatever his name is)/Jeff Goldcock threads seem to stir up the fecal precipitate of teh intrawebs, I humbly suggest they be minimal come the future, ‘cos, “GAH!!”
there was was a count named goldstein
the a-hole was sick, dumb and mean.
his peeps are so limp
for jeff they do pimp
and the cesspool called wisdom protein.
However long that took, it was too long.
I’ve refrained from commenting on you know who because I’m afraid anything I say may be perceived as piling on. But you have to wonder where the hell her family is and why they’re letting her do this.
I’d go with shriekingly obvious, but ’tis but a quibble. How’s Timothy B. Schmidt doing these days, anyway?
Brad, y do you think i give a phuque what u think?
Irrelevant/inapplicable – fallacious regardless.
mikey: What is it doc. C’mon, tell me, I can take it.
Doc: Well, it looks like plain old tendonitis, but it’s really much worse…
mikey: How’d I get it, doc?
Doc: Well, mikey, this is a verry unusual case. Several of your key muscle groups have atrophied in a most unusual way
mikey: Come on, doc, give it to me straight
Doc: Well, mikey, it seems that you simply do not cringe enough. Your cringers are seriously weakend
mikey: Can it be treated?
Doc: Well, sure, mikey. Here’s what you have to do. You have to find something REALLY cringe inducing and participate in it.
mikey: You mean like soap operas, game shows, and reality shows? You mean like oprah? You mean like Bill O’Reilly? Or maybe Christina Agulara?
Doc: Sorry mikey, but no. This is an extreme case. Those sorts of everyday embarassments will not induce the level of cringing you require.
mikey: I’ve got it! Theres this Sadly, No! thread with Patterico all stuck on people are cowards if they don’t use their real name, and now some freakin loonie has shown up talking about giving a bear a bath or something, and guess what? Even that nutjob Deb Frisch is there.
Doc: (Excitedly) mikey, that’s PERFECT. Goldsteins painfully stupid minions, random nutcases AND Deb Frisch. Why, my boy, you’ll be cured by morning
mikey: Yay?
I think we need Marie Jon’ to bring some much needed sanity to this thread.
some people don’t deserve that notably Retardo. He hides behind a pseudonym and takes dishonest potshots at the courage of people with the guts to use their real names, like Jeff Goldstein. That’s how you know Retardo is a putz who earns no civility
What about all of the commenters at Pattrico’s blog who “hide behind pseudonyms” and “take dishonest potshots” at Glenn Greenwald, who “has the guts” to use his real name? Would P not concede that according to his own standards these commenters are “putzes” who’ve earned no civility?
kc- not only that, but he should also threaten them with outing as well.
If that is indeed you, Ms. Frisch, please allow me to suggest that you take a good long (one month, two months, three months) cooling-off period in which you stay off the Internets entirely, before this escalates beyond the point of no return.
Well, no, I think I get it. The Patterico Person, in the persona of Arbiter of Putzness, has for his commenters determined, in a most civil manner, who is unentitled to civility, and is therefore most full of putzness. And the anti-intrawebbery of pseudononimity is not in the hiding of identity behind the pentrable fence of dumb names, but lies in the gratuitous use of incivility in conjunction therewith. And in passing to the Patterico commenters the judgement of putzness and the unleashing of the uncivil, Patterico frees them of the Standards of Revelation so prized by The Patterico Person. And therefore they may freely air their “douches” and other naughties without fear or transgression. I think.
kc- not only that, but he should also threaten them with outing as well.
And he should call them huge pussies.
So Patterico likens Sadly,No! to a snake-pit. Let’s show him what a REAL snake-pit is like!
Doc: (Excitedly) mikey, that’s PERFECT
Does this same doctor happen to write out prescriptions for decent malt whisky? Just speculating.
In fact, my perscription for Laphroaig only has six hundred and ninety refills left. Oughta get me thru to labor day…
I really could care-less that Patterico (Patrick Frey) “BANNED” me from his website. It’s that he “LIED” giving the reason “WHY” he “BANNED” me from his website.
He won’t engage me in Dialogue either (He’s scared that I will expose him for the LYING FOOL that he really is, and MORE).
And he said that I was Stalking him?
Patrick Frey is a LYING, STINKING COWARD, and MORE………..
The OJ Simpson Case
So he tried the passive-aggressive ‘tell me who you really are’ briar-patch act last night at TBogg’s? Dear me. It’s turning into a bit of a complex for Pattycakes, Junior Lawyer.
It’s like dealing with a toddler who’s just discovered the word ‘poo’ and wants to try it out in every social situation.
So he tried the passive-aggressive ‘tell me who you really are’ briar-patch act last night at TBogg’s? Dear me. It’s turning into a bit of a complex for Pattycakes, Junior Lawyer.
He and the Perfesser used the same mix passive-aggression and veiled threats. In many ways, I respect Iron Fist and Misha a lot more- they make no qualms about who they are.
Patrick Frey “STILL” won’t engage me in Dialogue. WHY? Well, for one, he is a TRUE COWARDLY LIAR.
The OJ Simpson Case
Let’s show him what a REAL snake-pit is like!
On a plane, I presume.
I theenk that joo pipples at Sadly, No! have the corrrect response to thees thug and hees eelk.
As was pointed out over at OnlineBlog-Integrity, eet ees ridicule wheech enfuriates them.
Obviously what ees called for ees more ridicule, no?
What if — let’s say, for a month — no Democrat/progressive/liberal appeared on a
right-wing radio or television program …
What if — for a month — no Democrat/progressive/liberal commented on a right-
wing blog?
What if they were left alone together ? How long do you think it would be
before even they got bored with the circle-jerk?
i think i’m changing my interweb signature to
The OJ Simpson Case
Mr. Robert Green,
How about doing something constructive for a change and post to Patrick Frey to come over here and engage me in Legal Dialogue?
And if you would like, I will tell you why I put “THE OJ SIMPSON CASE” on all my Post’s, Blog’s and Comment’s
The OJ Simpson Case
oh for the loveofsweetbleedingjeeeeeeezus, Mario, spare us.
Oh man. This is the greatest, most funniest thread we’ve ever had!
The Amy Fisher Case
good times
Leopold & Loeb
Hell yeah! I’m feeling MUCH better…
The Leopold and Loeb Case
What about you? How about inviting Patterico over here to Legally Dialogue with me?
Do I “SMELL” Yellow Stripes with Patrick Frey? OF COURSE I DO.
The OJ Simpson Case
The Bruno Hauptmann Case
Mario, I am quite certain that “Patterico,” “debfrisch,” “JeffGoldstein,”
are all figments of your imagination. How else could I explain all this?
On a plane, I presume.
I would not, could not, on a plane.
I could not, would not, down a drain.
I only have myself to blame,
Those snakes are crawling through my brain.
No Siffl,
All 3 are real. Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Jeff Goldstein.
The OJ Simpson Case
And c’mon, siffl, is there ANYTHING, anything at all that would cause you to question mario, his beliefs and his motives? Anything?
word warrior said,
August 3, 2006 at 19:59
Ah yes, Mr. Patterico. I have no doubt he is real since I received a private email from him asking me some obscure ISP type detail regarding my brouhaha with Count Cockula.
I was served a restraining order by my local sheriff today telling me to stop harassing Mr. Cockula.
What a namby pamby sissy the limb-lobed count is.
I cannot email the a-hole or post to lipid stupidity. as far as i know, i can say anything i want about the mofo from colorado on my blog, patterico’s nuthouse or here at happily yes.
Deb, seriously, does your significant other know what you do online? If she does, has she expressed any opinions about it? Does it bother you that your name is synonomous “online crank.” Does it bother you that when you seek employment in the future, when the person reviewing your CV or Resume googles your name they aren’t going to find anything about your scholarly work or any teaching accolades but they will find page after page of you showing your ass on the internet even after saying the kind of thing on the internet that would cause anybody else to turn the fucking computer off for while and maybe figure out what the fuck was wrong with them? Have you really thought through what your continuing actions say about you?
Let me repeat something I said a few weeks ago. Most people wouldn’t do what you’ve done. But if they did they’d feel so ashamed they wouldn’t want to show their faces on the internet ever again (hell, I feel this way when I misuse a word, and there’s that post I made in 2003…). You seem to lack this self-shaming mechanism. For a person with a psychology PhD, you seem to be painfully unaware of your own pathologies.
mariogeorgenitrini111 said,
August 4, 2006 at 0:55
I really could care-less that Patterico (Patrick Frey) “BANNED� me from his website. It’s that he “LIED� giving the reason “WHY� he “BANNED� me from his website.
He won’t engage me in Dialogue either (He’s scared that I will expose him for the LYING FOOL that he really is, and MORE).
And he said that I was Stalking him?
Patrick Frey is a LYING, STINKING COWARD, and MORE………..
I have no idea how someone might get the idea that a person who follows said someone around to the blogs of third parties to post insane gibberish in some ongoing vendetta against said someone might get the idea that they were in some sense being stalked.
Wow, Word Warrior, perhaps spellcheck and maybe reading your posts out loud before submitting? Are you really the perfesser or her sock puppet? Inquiring minds want to know.
The Jeffrey Dahmer Case….ummm, yum.
Oh, and……
Harmelin v. Michigam
So what are you saying?
The OJ Simpson Case
And the crazies just keep on comin! This IS the funniest thread ever!
The Winona Ryder Case
Holy man, batshit. This thread has gone from zero to crazy in 3.4 seconds. I think some here ought to drop some acid to bring them down some. *cough*deb*cough* But it’s been enjoyable none the less.
Patterico has nothing to worry about. He’s not yet on Mario’s list:
Although there is the ominous conclusion:
“And that’s Not all of the people that
I can hardly wait for…
“He and the Perfesser used the same mix passive-aggression and veiled threats. In many ways, I respect Iron Fist and Misha a lot more- they make no qualms about who they are.” — Brad
So, you and Gavin are above veiled threats, eh?
When you were interviewed at FireDogLake, did you not make veiled threats?
Has Gavin not implied that a right-wing commenter here is a sock-puppet? Prompting commenters to ask him to “tell all” and hope that it’s me?
What’s the business about Lexis-Nexis in this very post if not a veiled threat?
I let anger get the best of me and I rattled TBogg’s cage in a way I probably shouldn’t have. I have watched Deb Frisch do real-life stalking of a real person, fueled in part by Retardo’s anonymous mocking of Jeff. So I yank his chain, revealing nothing that isn’t out there and known to lots of folks already, and now your commenters are talking about calling my work and trying to cost me my job.
Why? Because I outed a guy? No: I didn’t do that, and your commenter Doug admits as much. I just rattled his cage. I probably shouldn’t have, but I did.
Do you people really think that threatening to try to cost me my job is an appropriate response to that?
And are you proud to have Deb Frisch here quoting Retardo as she tries to torment Jeff?
I don’t know. I think Gavin and Brad are probably decent guys and can be funny. They issue veiled threats, too, but they’re probably angry when they do it, just like I was angry when I yanked TBogg’s chain. I think they’re probably decent people if you meet them.
But Retardo? Shitbag.
And really, you lefty guys should really get your story straight about whether I outed the guy. I got dozens of lefties commenting on my site furious that I supposedly outed him. Plenty of others say I’m stupid for not knowing that his name was already widely known
Figure out one consistent story. ‘Cause this isn’t making much sense.
You’re just SO reasonable…and you’d NEVER out anybody….and you try SO hard to be fair. An honest person of good intent could only reply one way:
Go fuck yourself with a rusty shovel, you miserable cowardly hypocritical wingnut piece of shit. Stupid veiled threats that you’re too gutless to back up – dryhumping sock-puppetry ’cause you’re too dishonest and too idiotic to engage real arguments – fuck off and die, wingnut. And not one fucking moment too soon.
I’m trying to maintain blog civility here, people. Help me out.
Yikes – what the heck is this place? Do you guys think I give a phuque about you other than the fact that you seem to realize what a sicko daddy-o is?
this is all about the jeff, hombres. that’s the only reason i’m here. to shut down protein wisdom and oph the count (but not JG himself!!!!!) once and for all.
hey hey , ho ho
count shlockula’s got 2 go!
bye bye lipid stupidity
bye bye count dumbphuque
jg can start a new pg-rated blog.
byebye protein wisdom/lipidstupidity
no more cockslapping, u pathetic pissant a-hole!
You are a moron and and a-hole, Patterico.
Why do you lefties pretend this guy is a real cop? He’s a dingbat rightwing nutcase pretending to be a voice of reason.
And what’s with all the luv ‘tween count cockula and patterico? They ain’t humping each other on the side, r they?
Do you people really think that threatening to try to cost me my job is an appropriate response to that?
And are you proud to have Deb Frisch here quoting Retardo as she tries to torment Jeff?
No. But it is fascinating in the way that train wrecks are fascinating. It’s not unlike watching this on a continuous loop/
Hey Brad/Gavin/Retardo, what say you update the thread with something about Prussian Blue so the neo-Nazis can join in the fun.
Patterico, I think the lexis nexis thing may have been a ref to how *you* have access to it, as an Asst. DA. I could be wrong, but I think Lexis Nexis costs a lot of money to use, and most bloggers wouldn’t bother paying for the priv.
The Winona Ryder Case
Ah, I just saw the update.
“I am a foul-mouthed cretin, just like Bradrocket.�
Well, sure. I can be. I mean, I think that’s pretty fucking obvious, isn’t it? I mean, I can’t very well come on here and repeatedly accuse people of being “pussies” and claim that I’m never foul-mouthed.
But I’m also capable of being very civil. I never claimed (as Greenwald does) that I’m civil all the time. But when people are civil to me, I’m civil to them. That’s not “fraudulent,” it’s just how I am.
I am not civil when I get angry. And some of the nasty shit I have seen in the past few weeks from anonymous losers makes me angry, especially when it fuels real-life stalkers.
Speaking of which: this guy Mario G. Nitrini? Yeah. He follows me around to every Internet thread he can find me on. Why? Because he once accused a specific LA Times reporter of complicity in a murder in comments on my blog. I don’t even like the LA Times, but I banned Nitrini for making that statement, because I felt it was libelous and unfair.
Now he follows me around the Internet everywhere. Typing in CAPITAL LETTERS about the justice he’s going to bring to me and to others on his long Enemies List.
And he’s been to prison.
So . . . when you guys make your little anonymous photoshops of Jeff Goldstein naked, and do your other nonsensical clowning at the expense of people who put their names out there, consider that we do run a little risk by doing that. And when we get angry watching anonymous people take advantage of that, we sometimes do things we probably shouldn’t do — like when I rattled TBogg’s cage.
Mr. Patrick Frey? Patterico?
Are you “EVER’ going to Directily engage me in Dialogue?
The OJ Simpson Case
Yowza. The county needs to get to these people and force their meds on them. Wow.
I’ve had the unique experience of visiting three verifiably insane people’s blogs. All I gotta say is: I’m glad I’m not in the legal biz, not a celeb, and not an blogger with unhealthy obssession with slapping his foes with his penis.
Deb, nobody gives a damn why you’re here except for the trainwreck rubbernecking prospect you provide, and that’s beginning to wear thin.
Patterico, I notice that you use the phrase “lefty guys” implying there are multiple commenters. Different people often have different opinions, but perhaps the DLC can send out a blast fax to get everyone on the same page. Thank you for your patience.
Not that I am agreeing that any of these ‘people’ you mention are real, but
if they were:
Mr Goldstein will thank his god (Priapus?) every day for the good Dr.
Ms. Frisch, it seems, (before she begins screaming and is unable to stop)
will continue to enjoy every minute of whatever she imagines this to be.
As for the bit-players and spear-carriers (you know who you are)
— isn’t it better they’re all in their basements at their keyboards
and not on the streets?
Bas-o-Matic said:
Well, thank you for saying that.
The Manson Case
tigrismus sez: Different people often have different opinions, but perhaps the DLC can send out a blast fax to get everyone on the same page. Thank you for your patience.
I think Kos might be in charge of that. Let me go check with him.
The Winona Ryder Case
“What about all of the commenters at Pattrico’s blog who “hide behind pseudonymsâ€? and “take dishonest potshotsâ€? at Glenn Greenwald, who “has the gutsâ€? to use his real name?”
I don’t think anyone takes “dishonest potshots” at Greenwald — and I don’t think they question his courage (as Retardo does of Goldstein) or his appearance (as TBogg does of Malkin). Simpy criticizing someone under a pseudonym is fine — especially if you do it civilly. Questioning someone’s courage or appearance when you remain anonymous strikes me as the actions of a pussy. If my anonymous commenters were to do that, and if I noticed it, I’d probably ask them to stop.
(sorry. forgot to sign the last post)
The Scott Peterson Case
That seems like an insinuation and maybe even a veiled threat. Am I reading it wrong?
Oh . . . forgot . . .
The Tom Sizemore Case
Are you “EVER’ going to Directily engage me in Dialogue?
I don’t know the guy but I’m going to take a stab here and say no.
I just have one question. How many criminals are going to be acquitted in LA this week because DA Patterico spends all day refreshing threads at S,N when he should be doing his job?
You might want to avoid phrases like “take a stab” …
a lot of people lately seem to perceive threats
in just about anything.
Quite a nervous bunch.
That seems like an insinuation and maybe even a veiled threat. Am I reading it wrong?
I did have suspicions. I had no way of confirming or denying them. I let it go.
Wow. This is the best thread EV-UH!
If only Annieangel were here!
The Donald D. Thompson Case
The problem with Patman isn’t just that he plays dungeons and dragons when he should be working for the citizens of los angeles.
The problem is that he’s dumb as a fucking doorknob!
That seems like an insinuation and maybe even a veiled threat. Am I reading it wrong?
Indeed you are. It was merely a comment on the unsupportable absurdity of your position.
But, given the average IQ level of your rightard shills, I’m amazed you can read at all.
I suppose you could take it a threat to make it public if you’re found to have engaged in sockpuppetry, but if you haven’t I don’t see how it threatens you. I don’t take it as a threat in any case, more a “cut it out,” but that’s just my personal read.
Mr. Patrick Frey?
You say:
“Speaking of which: this guy Mario G. Nitrini? Yeah. He follows me around to every Internet thread he can find me on.” YOU ARE A LIAR………….
I have Never Tried to hide the fact that I was in Prison.
Go here:
and click on this Link
“My Legal Documents” On The L.A. Times Article written on me by Bill Boyarsky, I asked him to put that I was in prison, and he did, FOR REASONS.
You already know that though Mr. Frey, YOU Cowardly DECEPTIVE PIG.
The L.A. Times reporter you “BANNED” me over was/is Chuck Philips, and The OJ Simpson Case.
Again you say:
“Now he follows me around the Internet everywhere’
Mr. Frey, YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR and Chicken—— CLUCK…………..CLUCK
Or are you a CHICKEN?????…….CLUCK…CLUCK….CLUCK
Patterico said,
Didn’t notice a [Stop it, pussy -P] in that comment.
NWA vs. The Police Department
Wow – another storm in a blogospheric teacup.
A nutty professor, a timewasting DA, and an obsessive ex-con stalker, all getting wonderfully hot under the collar.
And then the threat or real life violence enters the mix… Anyone wonder whether all this paranoia and fear of being outed might have a little to do with the fact that everyone in the US is apparently armed?
BTW – a word of advice to you all – I avoid all claims of cowardice by posting under my own name.
“… the actions of a pussy …”
Damn. I have got to stop taking things so literally —
it’s going to take a while to lose that visual.
Patman: Questioning someone’s courage or appearance when you remain anonymous strikes me as the actions of a pussy. If my anonymous commenters were to do that, and if I noticed it, I’d probably ask them to stop.
Hmm. I agree with those wholefuckingheartedly. But I hate and despise Patman.
This is a sockpuppet. Right? That ain’ t Patman who said that.
If you ain’t got the balls to stand behind your words, shut the fuck up.
MORE of Patterico (AKA) Patrick Frey:
Now on April 30th, 2006, on The Illegal, LYING, Deceptive, COWARD Patterico’s (AKA Patrick Frey) Blog
Patterico’s Pontifications » Hiltzik Suspension in the Media
Filed under: Dog Trainer, Hiltzik Ââ€â€ÂÂ? Patterico @ 12:55 pm … My name is Mario G.
Nitrini 111. I was Personally involved in The OJ Simpson case. … – Cached
Los Angeles County Assistant District Attorney Patrick Frey “BANS” me from his website for telling the truth about a situation in The OJ Simpson Case, and YOU GOT IT, Scumbag Chuck “The Duck” Philips. Patrick Frey was so Eagerly fast to “BAN” me from his website for what he says were/was a “libelous allegation removed, commentor banned” >>>>>> what were the real reasons that Patrick Frey “BANNED” me from his website? Well, I posted on Mr Frey’s website last year:
PattericoÂ’s Pontifications » ItÂ’sa “New LowÂâ€ÂÂÂ? for New York Times …
Mr. Patterico. My name is Mario G. Nitrini 111. I was Personally involved in The
OJ Simpson case. I read Your Post of Febuary 24th, 2004 about The OJ … – Cached
According to Mr Frey, he says “I am not interested at this time.” Patrick Frey is a Los Angeles County Assistant District Attorney? and is not interested in Legal Justice for people that were involved in The OJ Simpson Case and other cases that revolve around the Simpson Case? THAT’S NOT RIGHT AT ALL…………. So, is it MORE cover-up by The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office concerning, Me, Rocky Bateman, Detective Ronald Y. Ito and A LOT MORE people. YOU KNOW IT IS.
But wait a minute. How about this blog here by Patterico (AKA Patrick Frey):
PattericoÂ’s Pontifications » LAPD Busts Police Officer for …
Zamora said in his police report that the undercover detective dropped narcotics
during the arrest, … About Patterico. Pronounced “Patter-EE-koh” Profile … – Cached
What a “STINKING DAMN HYPOCRITE’ Patrick Frey is.
And check this out, Patterico goes to ALL this trouble posting just to get people’s views about “BANNING” a Poster named “jmaharry.”
PattericoÂ’s Pontifications » A Not-So-Hypothetical Hypothetical …
I am confused on one point. in maharryÂ’s post #9 on the link, reference is …
Good call, Patterico. I agree with the posters who said that jmaharry adds … – Cached
Patterico’s Pontifications » jmaharry: Banned
I think Patterico probably knows the gender of this person. There seem to be a
bunch of Maharry folks, all seemingly talented and all possessing nice … – Cached
Now wait a minute. Please, read it for yourselves. Patrick Frey says that Maharry is making all kinds of allegations on Mr Frey’s website, but yet Mr. Frey asks his posters if he should “BAN” jmaharry. Patrick Frey “BANNED” me on the spot for telling the truth about, You got it, Scumbag Chuck “The Duck” Philips and The OJ Simpson Case. Hmmmmmm?
I used to have a crazy old lady who would buttonhole me every week at the bridge club (okay, it wasn’t really a bridge club), asking me to review her latest 80-page handwritten petition in the case of Me vs. Corrupt Public Officials Who Want To Destroy Me. Every week, a new document with a new saga, about how the city had declared her 83 cats to be a public nuisance, or something.
I also represent an attorney who is being sued for malpractice by a convicted felon he was appointed to represent, who is now representing himself in the malpractice case. The guy claims that he was framed for the crime by Rudy Giuliani, and that if my client had only called Muhammed Ali and Evel Knievel as his alibi witnesses, he wouldn’t be in jail today. He keeps trying to serve my client with discovery asking if she was paid a bunch of money by Uday and Qusay Hussein to help move a bunch of money out of an Iraqi bank account.
And then there’s this Mario guy. Completely unrelated. But what I’m trying to say is, these people ALL WRITE EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.
Praise the Lord ! Mario is Typing in Tongues !
Chicken isn’t really the bird that’s coming to mind right now.
I’m thinkin’ the LA county Libraries are a bit too lenient in regards to who can use their computers and for how long…..
The Fatty Arbuckle Case
What would be kinda fun would be where one of you guys trolls Patterico into repeatedly posting. I know you can do it; say something unspeakably, intolerably mean, like that he eats paste, where he can’t let this insult go unchallenged. Then as his reply posts start to accumulate, diddle a few of them very slightly, maybe only a single word or even a misspelling. Maybe your edits only slightly alter the color, or else they stand his point entirely on its head, like for example if you delete a “not” out. For enhanced confusion, edit this and that and then a little while later change it back. Then wait and see how long it takes him to notice.
No Siffl,
All 3 are real. Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Jeff Goldstein.
You know what I’d like to see? Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Goldstein on a plane.
Hellman v. McCarthy
For enhanced confusion, edit this and that and then a little while later change it back. Then wait and see how long it takes him to notice.
W. Kiernan, that would never work. I’m reasonably certain that Mr. Patterico is one of those types who constantly takes screenshots of pretty much everything.
You know, for valuable evidence and stuff.
The Hardy Boys: The Case of the Cosmic Kidnapping
That’s it ! We’ll let Samuel L. Jackson deal with them.
The Robert Blake Case
You know what I’d like to see? Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Goldstein on a plane.
Not even Samuel L. Jackson could handle that.
Y’know, I was dating a girl back in the early 90s and some shit happened and she swallowed a bunch of pills and passed out and her roomate called 911 and they followed procedure and put her in Redwood on 72 hour hold which stretched into a couple weeks voluntary. I visited her and sat in the day room with her and her, er, fellow inmates. In my life, those conversations have been the gold standard of bat-shit crazy until this moment. And I want to thank all the people who made this possible, Brad and ‘tardo and Gavin, Siffl and Patterico and most of all Mario and Deb, who, beyond any deeply held political beliefs, are able to communicate their mental disorders effectively in a forum like this. My goodness, but you guys are crackin me up. Keep it coming, please…
kc. I’m with you. I would even pay seven american dollars to see them on a plane.
And when we get angry watching anonymous people take advantage of that, we sometimes do things we probably shouldn’t do — like when I rattled TBogg’s cage.
Bejus, how melodramatic and self-serving can you get? Pretending you did what you did to tbogg out of some kind of justified righteous indignation? Stop your disgusting sniveling, blaming, and excuse-making already and JUST ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG. Then apologize like a goddamned man.
Then, and only then, can the healing begin.
Hellman v. McCarthy
Hey, “I resemble that remark.”
and WOW….. i mean. wow.
[makes repetitive lip and tongue noise]
wooop woooop wooooop woooop.
I think that sums it up.
Pattycakes appears to see ‘veiled threats’ everywhere he looks, which makes it ridiculously easy to pull his string. (Boo!) And yet he doesn’t quite work out why people are loathe to join in his silly briar-patch games, even after he and his internet drinking buddies have shown their willingness to treat any snippet of personal information as a scent trail to pursue. (Indeed, Pasty’s sociopathic Little Helpers are snuffling around after the Sadly, No! authors right now.) Frankly, you’d be forgiven for treating his ‘come to my site and tell us all about where you live and work’ as the social-engineering equivalent of those damned phishing emails.
Curious. Especially from someone who appears to have his own Special Online Friend.
You know what I’d like to see? Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Goldstein on a plane.
Put them with Annie Jacobsen and that plane is going down.
I think we all need to recognize and thank mdhatter for what has to be the most intelligent, insightful post to this thread. Thank you, mdhatter, for your contribution…
Perhaps it “IS” Mario who “IS” evil butterball TWIN-BOT of “MIGUEL”!!! He ask for “DIALOGS LEGAL” he should have “CAKE” instead!!11! Touch secret places with Bath GUMMI BEAR lots!!1!1!
Ha ha Pattycake did EAT STUPID for breakfast? It is a mystery.
The Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Sigh. I have a confession to make.
I found Patterico’s personal information and was about to post it to Craigslist L.A. under the name “Let Me Be Your Cum Dump”:
“Hot Irish Lawyer seeks muscle man to shoot hot, wet loads on my face. Call now! Looks not an issue! Patrick, 555-555-1212.”
But I didn’t. Because I’m a liberal blogger and we’re “above” outing people for malicious purposes. Dammit.
Woulda been a riot, too.
I’m reasonably certain that Mr. Patterico is one of those types who constantly takes screenshots of pretty much everything.
Screenshots? Shit, he probably uses a digital camera. And then keeps the memory card in a safe-deposit box.
Just in case some valuable Retardo outing evidence might slip through his hands.
That’s our John Frey/John Patrick Frey/John P. Frey/Patrick Frey/Patrick John Frey/”Patterico”
The Dreyfus Affair
And really, you lefty guys should really get your story straight about whether I outed the guy. I got dozens of lefties commenting on my site furious that I supposedly outed him. Plenty of others say I’m stupid for not knowing that his name was already widely known
Figure out one consistent story. ‘Cause this isn’t making much sense.
Are you suggesting “we” have a Wednesday Meeting about it or something? It’s pretty obvious “you righty guys” have a monopoly on the whole “marching in lockstep” thing. Maybe instead of being attacked by the Left, you’ve just got a bunch of people with individual sets of knowledge and opinions about TBogg commenting at your blog.
Oh wait. I get it now. You were trying to make with the funny. ZzzZzzZ….
My daughter got heat stroke yesterday. I got her inside and cooled her down, but she was delirious and feverish. She sat up at one point and started talking about her shoes and the men in army tanks outside.
She made more sense at that moment than about 75% of the posts here.
L’affaire Dreyfus
Damn. Someone got to Dreyfus before me.
Spy v. Spy
That’s ok, Iceback, I got hosed on Leopold v. Loeb. Hope your daughter is all the way back – not that much summer left before school, can’t waste it being sick, right?
“Pretending you did what you did to tbogg out of some kind of justified righteous indignation?”
Well, since I’m saying I probably shouldn’t have done it, I would leave out “justified.” And it was more anger than indignation.
I love this place.
Nancy Grace killed Jon Benet
I dunno, MCH; that sounds more like Rev. Miguel Swank . . . .
I’ve got some deja vu going, too, Steve; there’s a guy on Flu Wiki who goes into a rant about colloidal silver at the slightest provocation. You know, standard stuff: massive CONSPIRACY to cover it up, you all refuse to look at the FACTS, blah, blah, blah. He’s not doing quite as well as your little old lady, though; his promised tome on the wonders of colloidal silver (with 50 pages of FOOTNOTES!) never actually materializes.
yeah, I guess we’re all clear on what “jazz hands” means now.
Was all that “righteous indignation” really for ‘la Michelle?”
or did it have more to do with the little minx featured
a couple of posts south?
l’affaire Frisch
(hey, it’s legitimate; there’s court papers and stuff)
Well, since I’m saying I probably shouldn’t have done it, I would leave out “justified.� And it was more anger than indignation.
You need to lose the “probably.”
Well, we all do and say stupid things from time to time. God knows I do anyway. I see encouraging signs that you have a conscience. Give it a few days or weeks even but once you get past the “probably” you ought to apologize to tbogg, imho. You’ll feel better. He’d probably be gracious about it. He seems like a decent fella . . .
“So . . . when you guys make your little anonymous photoshops of Jeff Goldstein naked, and do your other nonsensical clowning at the expense of people who put their names out there, consider that we do run a little risk by doing that”
Um, dude, don’t you think Jeff’s incredible wind-up-ability and amusing but disturbing habit of threatening to slap everyone he meets with his mighty cock might have more to do with his deranged “stalkers” than some snarky photoshopping? I know he’s your friend and everything but the guy has serious, serious issues. All Retardo did was quote his own words back at him.
Wow, I was late to the party but I just have to post here so I can say I was part of the Greatest Thread There Ever Was. This is the Thrilla In Manila of Sadly, No threads.
This is the Thrilla In Manila of Sadly, No threads.
JK47, doesn’t that mean you should have ended your post with:
Ali vs. Frazier (III)
We have a style to conform to here, you know.
Scooby Doo and the Case of the Bigfoot Beast
I’ve seen closing time crowds in skid bars more coherent, calm, and sober than this.
Gallileo v. Pope Urban VIII
I’m so confused – why is it that Retardo owes you his real name?
He has a well-known identity, he’s not engaging in any sockpuppetry, and he has a persistent address: this one. Consequently, what, exactly, would publishing his name gain him? Exactly one thing that I’m aware of: risk that the deranged idiots who read protein wisdom will call/visit/harass him or the people close to him.
It’s not as though there aren’t plenty of examples of right wingers who are happy to threaten physical injury – no one here came up with the rope/tree/assembly formulation. You just want to create a chilling effect wherein he feels unsafe to air his views, rather than attempting to refute the premises of his arguments.
He’s picked an identity. You know where to reach him. Hopefully your axe-handle wielding buddies will have to save their frequent flier miles for some other occasion.
Wow … this thread has gone nuttier than squirrel shit.
The People vs. Larry Flynt.
“Patty” would like all of our real names so that he (and all of his commenters) can put quotes and emphasis around them. It’s such a fun game. You should try it.
Walker, Texas Ranger v. The Prodigal Son
Gallileo v. Pope Urban VIII
Hellman v. McCarthy
I prefer to use the snooty term nom de guerre
Well, shoot, I just read Patterico’s latest blog update. So I take back what I just said about him having signs of a conscience. I was wrong. I thought he might be capable of reflection, self-criticism, attempting to view himself and his deeds objectively. But he’s not. In fact he’s really just a teeny bit more socially adept version of Ms. Frisch.
I apologize to the entire SN! community for thinking that Patterico was capable of redemption. I won’t let it happen again.
Ah, phuque u, kc.
Alien v. Predator
(can’t believe no one has cited the precedent set by Godzilla v. Mothra yet….)
The Nut Case
Just so everyone know’s,
My Wife and I have our own Computer in our apartment.
Just so everyone KNOW’S.
Here’s where I live:
18325 Vanowen Street,
Apartment 16,
Reseda, California.
Speaking of The Robert Blake Case, The Evil and Criminal LAPD RHD Detective Ronald Y Ito, the lead chaser for The Prosecution in The OJ Simpson Case Criminal Trial, Broke-the-Law in The Blake Case. He also Illegally covered-up parts of Rampart in connection to The Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur Murders. I got Detective Ito Legally Nailed for some of the laws he broke in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Is Patrick Frey this much of a COWARD? CLUCK……………….
I just want to say…
Kramer vs. Kramer
(since I don’t think it’s come up yet)
Iceback, you gutless coward, hiding behind a pseudonym to attack moi, as I courageously post using my real initials. Big pussy, etc. No balls, yadda yadda.
Perhaps you’d like to tell us more about who *you* really are and what you *really* do . . . Oh, I think you know what I’m talking about, yes I think you do. I’ll say no more. But I *could.* If I so *chose.*
Hellman v. McCarthy
Can I just say…..
East side v. West side.
Oh my! We’ve almost hit the annieangel “only whores use frozen OJ” level of humour/insanity here tonight. How I love the long threads!
Sadly though, I’m not sure Patterico can go the distance.
I suppose we must all settle for the silly flying monkeys here this evening, instead of the real thing. *sigh*
In any case, thanks, Patty. Not quite up to snuff, but it’s been a hoot nonetheless.
Ohhh no. Someone’s got a blow-up doll at home.
The Martha Stewart Case
Long, long ago, Mark S. said this:
I think we need Marie Jon’ to bring some much needed sanity to this thread.
Fortunately, she put a new post on her blog a few days back. Allow me to share my favorite paragraph:
Mr. Patterico, Mr. Nitrini, can’t we put aside our petty differences? We are, after all, on the brink of distinction. Aren’t you both shuttering?
PS – Mr. Nitrini, you really fear nothing? Like if a rabid bear attacked you with a chainsaw, that wouldn’t scare you at all? That’s pretty hardcore.
PPS – Mr. Patterico, he clucked at you. Clucked. Are you just going to lie back and take that?
Billy the Kid v. Dracula
Well Marita,
If a rabid bear with a chainsaw came after me, the best move, if possible, would be to grab some dirt and “BLIND” the Bear (Bye-Bye Bear). In my younger days (A Long Time Ago), going for the Eyes is a real good move, REAL GOOD.
The OJ Simpson Case
Clucking certainly does deserve a good smacking. Where’s the smacking?
Oprah v. The Cattlemen
Communism is a tyrannical hate filled ideology that is void of love or peace. Unfortunately, if this dogma is not squelched soon it might bring us to the brink of utter destruction. Unruly soviets have their own nuclear program, and the world shudders because of it. Russia is not a democratic country. However it is comprised of an atheistic communist faith.
This is what I grew up with. I ask you, motherfuckers, how has it changed? You simply plug in the name of the enemy du jour? This is fucking horrible. And we’re all guilty, in a way the Lebanese civilians are not…
What if I came after you with a chainsaw? There wouldn’t be any dirt to throw in my eyes, because I’d have already washed it all away–I’m Mr. Bath Bear!
[insert gray line I don’t know how to make]
Jeff Lynne v. ELO Part II
Is there a finishing school for nutters where they teach promising young whackjobs to use random capitalisation, quotation marks for emphasis, and the fine art of repeated exclamation marks? What else do they learn? Non-Euclidean logic, where modus ponens is only optional and forms such as “If X, then Y. Y, therefore X” are valid?
I used to teach there. One of the most important things we instilled
in our students was the inability to distinguish between homophones.
mikey – do you ever read Steve Gilliard’s blog? He has been spot on in predicting the Iraq meltdown for over a year now. And he has a number of great vets who comment at his site. Of course, perhaps you hang out at S, N! to get away from that stuff (which would be totally understandable.)
Here is his site if you’re interested. Although as of late, he has been posting quite a bit on the Lieberman/Lamont race.
Ugh. I need a brain shower.
I think it’s the same finishing school where they train the people who compose advertising messages to be painted on car-dealership windows, although the car-dealer people also have to take a class called Meaningless Ellipses.
Come on “In” for “Some” Great . . . Deals!!!
[gray line]
Turner v. Hooch (you know, the sequel–where Turner sues Hooch)
why do you guys pretend patterico is a force to be reckoned with? he’s a farce to be skewered! grow a spine, you lefty sissies!
patterico – you are a pathetic parasite on the state of california and you are gonna be out of a job one of these days, hombre. count on it.
Arrrrggghhh! Just stop it ok? No one cares anymore!
She’s three layers of clothing and a coffee cup fulla change away from it folks. can you feel it?
Mr. Bath Bear, would you care to answer allegations that you are actually a dinosaur? Also, please comment on how that affects your chainsaw attack skills.
_______(underscore, underscore)___________
Tastes Great v. Less Filling
This thread rocks. I’m sorry, I mean “rhawques.” The only way it could be more batshit insane is if Pastor Swank showed up and offered to homo nup Patterico and Goldstein.
Yes, Ginger, there is an antithesis clause. . .
“Speaking of which: this guy Mario G. Nitrini? Yeah. He follows me around to every Internet thread he can find me on.� YOU ARE A LIAR………….
exibit a in
MarioGeorgeNitrini111 v. Patterco , Kato, Judge Ito, that hot chick from CourtTV who dissed me that time, ummm, the POSTMAN WHO NEVER BRINGS THE MAIL ON TIME, MY DENTIST WHO SUCKS, AND YOU! i’M RANTIN’ HERE, I’M RANTIN’! et al
Are any of you guys Mr. Show fans? There’s that great sketch that’s a Ken Burns-style documentary about people who re-enact Civil War battles. In the sketch, the Civil War re-enactment guys get in an argument with Renaissance Fair people about who holds the proper permit for the fairgrounds that day. Then a couple of Trekkies show up and turn their phasers on the Renaissance Fair People. It turns out the Trekkies always go to the Renaissance Fair and pretend they’ve been sent back in time.
That’s kind of what this thread is like.
I apologize to the entire SN! community for thinking that Patterico was capable of redemption. I won’t let it happen again.
Aww, man. Now this thread is gonna end like a Seinfeld episode.
I thought I had seen the absolute heights of human batshit craziness. Then I googled “Mr. Bath Bear.”
Although as of late, he has been posting quite a bit on the Lieberman/Lamont race.
Maddie, and he’s been doing it via Warhammer figurines which makes him way nerdier than the S,N guys who just use Civ III screenshots.
This is a legendary thread.
Ryu v. M. Bison
JK47 said:
It turns out the Trekkies always go to the Renaissance Fair and pretend they’ve been sent back in time.
That actually happens, too. Like, in real life, with the outside and the air and whatnot. It was probably funny the first couple of times, but now you can’t go to a RenFaire without there being at least one Klingon.
JK47, that sounds like a good sketch, but this thread reminds me of another Mr. Show skit that parodies Cops, where a bunch of shirtless guys in mulligans argue with each other about how many beers they had, after which the cops nightstick them for awhile.
Cowboys v. Indians
I thought the Trekkies liked to pretend they beamed down to a world still in a Renaissance period rather than travelling back in time, sorta like when Kirk and the boys wound up on the Nazi planet. Trekkies tend to show up where anything nerdy is occurring just to stir shit up. Star Wars conventions, Renaissance Faires, rotisserie baseball drafts, etc.
Marita: As the packaging in the photo makes clear, the dinosaur (his name is Dr. Bathosaurus) is one of my “pals.”
Kids run for the tub!
_____[exciting, this]______
Tango v. Cash
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. I can’t help it–this fucking up of homophones just drives me bananas.
it’s = it is
its = possessive (e.g., “its fur”; yes, I know it doesn’t make any sense–don’t hassle me)
you’re = you are (e.g., “you’re an asshole/douche/whatever”)
your = possessive (e.g., “your head is so far up your . . . .”)
shows = a correct verb form of show
show’s = incorrect and “show’s” everyone that you’re an idiot
TVs, ’80s, etc. = correct plural forms
TV’s, ’80’s, etc. = incorrect and so widely used that even people who used to have a grip on this stuff are coming to doubt themselves
Whew. I feel better now; I’ve been saving that rant up for a while. And, no, I’m not an English major or teacher. Just some unresolved potty training issues, I’m sure.
Everybody say “aye” who would shell out for a pay-per-view Cage Match with Deb, Mario1111, Patterco, and the Masked Cockslapper.
The Sharks vs. The Jets
I am resisting an Andrea Yates joke here.
and he’s been doing it via Warhammer figurines which makes him way nerdier than the S,N guys who just use Civ III screenshots
Now, I’m just a girl, so I wouldn’t know. But is this a bad thing? I mean, my husband finds it funny.
(OK, whatever, not the greatest comment on my husband. But he has NEVER dressed up in a Star Trek or Star Wars costume for a Vegas convention, so I’m going to stand by my man on this one!)
A “Street Fighter” reference ….*sigh*
Cammy v. Guile
maddie, I find it very funny as well, but then, I’m pretty geeky.
sounds a fuckload better than Crosby, Stills, and the other guys
Kids run for the tub!
I’m more concerned about the “Grows when wet!” part, actually. I think you and your “pals” have a lot to answer for, Mr. Bath Bear.
man v. nature
The title of this post is prescient.
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Cockslapping
Dylan’s new album will be out in a week. I expect it might explain a few things.
~~going for the Eyes is a real good move, REAL GOOD.~~~
Go for the eyes, Socrates, the eyes!!!!
(brownie points for anyone who gets that ref)
Tales of The Golden Monkey vs. Bring Em Back Alive
Your pal on the other thread is threatening to post my real address now. Where my family lives. And my kids.
Fuck all of you.
You can always count on Uncle Bob for an explanation or two.
“God knows you ain’t pretty,
God know it’s true;
God knows there ain’t anybody
ever gonna take the place of you.”
I can’t be held responsible for what some of the pals do when wet.
Peter Case v. Neko Case
how did people get this kind of entertainment before the internet? I mean, not every town had a paranoid delusional schizophrenic to provide the laffs, so did they share or what?
The XYZ Affair
Fuck all of us? Man, he’s ambitious.
Well, I could say “real the whirlwind”, but I get the feeling you’ve already come to that conclusion, the “fuck all of you” notwithstanding….
For what’s it worth, I kinda called that outcome earlier.
only a true dick would post a man’s personal info when a confirmed loon is stalking said man
Your pal on the other thread is threatening to post my real address now. Where my family lives. And my kids.
Fuck all of you.
I think I can safely say that the vast majority of people here don’t think that threats about anyone’s family are funny. Threats like that are really lame, and I’m quite certain that any personal information (of yours, or anyone else’s for that matter) that got posted here would be deleted by Gavin or Brad as soon as they were aware of it. But please don’t act like an innocent who has been victimized. You haven’t exactly been, um… blameless… in this whole situation. If you really want to engage in a rational discussion about something, maybe losing your temper and degenerating into swearing at people in the span of three or four posts might not be your best strategy. Just sayin’.
Thanks for bringing your friend with you though. Without him, I totally wouldn’t have known what to do the next time I was attacked by a rabid chainsaw-wielding bear. But now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
Marita v. sobriety
Trekkies tend to show up where anything nerdy is occurring just to stir shit up. Star Wars conventions, Renaissance Faires, rotisserie baseball drafts, etc.
I laughed for a long time at that. I hope this thread goes on forever. Y’all are some funny motherfuckers.
Patterico, you seem like a bit of a jerk, but you still deserve your privacy. That doesn’t give you the right to say “fuck you all” though.
Why don’t you go pound sand up your ass?
Signal vs. Noise
Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise
Cant we raise our eyes
And make a start
Cant we find the minds
To lead us closer to the heart
Is the cover of “Roll the Bones” the best Rush album cover ever? or what?
“This is the Thrilla In Manila of Sadly, No threads.”
Who said this? I can’t keep track anymore. I love this!!!
There’s no excuse for posting someone’s real address, lame justifications like “but he put it on the Internet!!!11” notwithstanding.
But I could have sworn “rattling the cage” was ok. Or at least, not a big deal if you’re angry.
Sure wish everyone would just back away from the precipice, but it’s not gonna happen, is it?
Paddy has been going on and on how he was just “rattling his cage”
(Mr Boggioni’s, that is). So I rattled his until his natural God-given
right-wing paranoia came screaming out.
Unfortunately, I like to think of myself as Progressive/Democrat/liberal
and just can’t bring myself to fuck up a stranger for no good reason.
Patrick Frey?
You’re “CRYING” again?
Just in case you missed it, here is my Home Address:
18325 Vanowen Street
Apartment 16,
Reseda, California
Mr. Frey, please feel free to post my Home address ANYWHERE you want to……………….
The OJ Simpson Case
I’m Napoleon.
Because no nuthouse is complete without a guy who thinks he’s Napoleon. So there it is. That’s me. Napoleon.
The Tick v. Justice
After the movie Rush came out and it turned out it wasn’t about Rush, I kept looking at the band photo on 2112 and thinking:
Alex Lifeson = Kiefer Sutherland
Geddy Lee = Crispin Glover
Neal Peart = ???
And I never figured it out. A little help, people?
MiniKISS v. Tiny KISS
Geddy Lee = Vincent Gallo ??
“You repeatedly held the possibility over his head, as if it gave you some bwa-ha-ha power over him.�
I held the possibility over his head. I should not have. But I did not out him. And I was never going to. I was yanking his chain.
Pettico, you mean it’s ok for you to threaten others with outing, because it’s all in fun, but when someone does the same to you (which they didn’t, just said it was easy for them to get your address), you get all weepy? What a little bitch.
Oh, I left out when you said I was wrong. Excuse us if that doesn’t generate much sympathy.
Heston vs Those damn, dirty Apes
tag vs you’re it
Guten Tag.
Has no one yet referenced the landmark court case of an Alan Moore property against an absoludicrous 80s TV show featuring lizard aliens?
V v. V
Did Pynchon file an amicus brief in that one?
You and Me v. The World
Good one, Thess. I thought of V the show but gave up.
Let’s all give Mario a hand for giving these threads a loony theme!
Josef K. vs The State
Do we need an update of Godwin’s law specifically for Geddy Lee references?
I mean, where the hell did that come from?
The Pee-Wee Herman Case
Don’t forget Paddy (esq.) and Goldstein’s girlfriend,
the good Dr. Frisch
Sifu: When Neal Peart posted at 7:35, I understood the floodgates to be officially open for business–Geddy business. I know you get plenty of this stuff at home–sorry.
I’m sticking with early-90s Glover over Gallo.
Phil Collins v. All Odds
Gover over Gallo ?
chacun a son gout, goddammit
here’s an L … I dropped it on the way in
being vs non-being
Wow. This is a crazy thread.
From a psychological sense it’s interesting, though.
(And we could start a trivia thread of various legal cases, perhaps. Could be fun.)
Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875)
Yeah–Glover is (was) creepier and witchier, which seems to help. Look at this and tell me Glover’s not our man. I’m sold on Kiefer as Alex, too. But who’s Neal? Who’s Neal?
[…] The comments to this thread have gotten positively insane. Patterico’s there, but you’ve also got Deb Frisch and some guy who signs off all his posts by writing: _________ […]
But , please, please, think of Gallo in “Buffalo 66”
…and Vincent had a crush on Laura Ingraham —
that’s got to count for something.
Sorry. Came over here to grab some screenshots and got caught up in the fun. It’s like I can’t help myself!
So then. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.
“Two pussies walk into a bar. Bartender looks at the first pussy, says, ‘What’ll you have?’
“‘I’d like a Zima, please,’ says the first pussy. ‘Or if you don’t carry Zima, a Taos, or maybe a white wine spritzer with just a dash of grenadine.’
“‘And you?’ the bartender asks, turning to the second pussy.
“‘Oh, I’ll just have what Retardo is having, thanks.'”
Get it?
Not bad, eh?
Man. Is my cock ever HUGE!
Why does this remind me of the one about
the turd in the punch bowl?
Yup. While the cock joke is more like George Bush’s attempt to coopt the fact that he’s painfully ignorant and inarticulate by deliberately mispronouncing things, then smirking (some more).
Jeez, now Cocklua hizzownself is here – the end of the world is truly nigh!
All right, who chose the form of the Destructor? Mikey?
Goldstein v. Paste
I think JG was just jealous. I guess he heard his favorite girl
was two-timing him with another ‘blog.
That was me who chose the form of the Destructor, Celticgirl. And, as an homage, I almost went with the Sta-Puff’d marshmallow man. But in the end, I had to go with a giant pussy.
— But because I thought it would be a scream to see the world end under the thunderous footsteps of anonymous labia and strained “Adlerian” analyses.
Is it a full moon tonight?
Other explanations?
Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677 (1973)
check that: “Only because I thought it would be a scream to see the world end under the thunderous footsteps of anonymous labia and strained “Adlerianâ€? analyses.”
If there was a coherent explanation for this,
it wouldn’t be happening.
Jeff – Uh, don’t you mean a giant cock? “Cuz you are a GIANT cock…
Roe v. Wade
you see, labia don’t have feet…. so, no footsteps, thunderous
or otherwise. So, a definite lack of coherence, defying all
This is one of the best comment threads i’ve ever read on the interwebs of tubes.
I think Deb is actually doing a noble thing. By smearing herself in her own feces in public she’s giving the left and right something we can all agree on; this woman is batshit crazy.
Flying Shark v. Flying Crocodile
all of a sudden this is like playing tennis with a quadriplaegic …
hit the ball over the net and it just bounces off his head
Mr. Bath Bear said,
August 4, 2006 at 9:25
I think Paste E. Coyote, Super Genius, may (a) have locked himself in the bathroom downstairs, then (b) fallen asleep on the toilet.
In all seriousness:
1) I hope Deb gets some psychological help. If you’re reading this – please call this number and get some help.
For people in Eugene:
COMMUNITY CRISIS INTERVENTION: 687-4000 or 1-800-422-7558
White Bird Crisis line provides a 24-hour emergency response for anyone in crisis, including a phone hotline, walk-in crisis counseling, and mobile intervention when necessary. Crisis services are open to individuals, couples, families and groups.
2) I wish people would stop threatening each other on-line. This includes posting private information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or the threat of doing so. It is not only inappropriate behavior, but it is possibly encouraging a dangerous outcome. There are some wacky people on line – as is clearly demonstrated in this thread.
Just don’t do it. There are no excuses.
Minor v. Happersett (1874)
well, that harshed my buzz
You know what I’d like to see? Deb Frisch, Patterico, and Goldstein on a plane.
We need to create a barrier between us, and the nutcases.
I have to agree that this is the best SN! thread ever – it even surpasses the Dean Esmay Dustup(TM) and the Annieangel Incident(TM), though there does seem to be a fair amount of gasping and pearl clutching going on here.
And geoduck2, I second that emotion. Seriously Deb – get some professional help.
Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate v. Fresh Squeezed
how many times Paddy has imagined himself
‘menage a trois’ with the good Dr. and her beau?
Ah, fuck it. I’ve had all I can stands of this b.s. I know he Googles his own name, and I’m gonna type it, damnit…
Rise, Dr. BLT….
Noooooooooooooooooo! Not the ‘sammich! Truly the Destructor has been unleashed. Run! Run for your lives!!!
Marq: if you’re still around I have three words to say to you re: The Long Thread (TM) –
German Time Stamp.
Please act accordingly.
I think Deb is actually doing a noble thing. By smearing herself in her own feces in public she’s giving the left and right something we can all agree on; this woman is batshit crazy.
She is a uniter, not a divider.
Perhaps Unity 08 can get Deb Frisch to be their presidential candidate.
You bastards! You killed my parents!
Serge v Mr Hell
[…] Retardo-san adds: I, Pattycake’s Worst Person Evar!!!, most emphatically concur with Bradrocket. […]
Wow. The last time this much prime psychosis and paranoia was on display was last night, when David Horowitz ate alone.
I also think precedent was made in Nietzche v. The Horse Whipper, but I’m no legal scholar.
Patterico turned out to be a big ol’ crybaby? Shocked!
Marbury v. Madison
Marq – you’ll burn for that. Oh, how you’ll burn.
[grey line]
Lugo v Ameritech
If there was an award for the “Comment Thread of the Year” they would have to retire it, nothing can top this.
Autobot v. Decepticon
Jeez, I’m glad I wasted my work time on this thread, rather than part of my real life.
Oh, and Mr. Bath Bear? Neil Peart = Marc Anderson. You probaly don’t know him, a friend of mine, not an actor, but he looks just like Neil… I’m sure he could handle it.
Today, I think everyone lost at the internet.
If the sammich shows up this thread will live on in infamy.
Ninjas vs Bad enough dudes to rescue the president.
pattycake says:
“Your pal on the other thread is threatening to post my real address now. Where my family lives. And my kids.
Fuck all of you.”
But he didn’t right? Just like you didn’t out Tboog. So what’s the problem? Really, i want to know.
Rattling the cage and all that. But wait…it’s just not the same thing. Why do we lefties keep forgetting that when the Right does the rattling it’s ok, but when we do the rattling it’s pure evulll?
Satan v. Pat Robertson
This thread is phuqued up. It rattles my cage, and slays like OJ Simpson.
The People Vs. Larry Flynt.
If the thread doesn’t fit, you must acquit.
R v Wednesbury Borough Council
Geez, what righties will shit their pants over. Sigh.
Kong vs. Mecha-Kong
18325 Vanowen Street,
Apartment 16,
Reseda, California.
Figures you’d live in the Valley, you total, complete, 1000% loser. I love living in Los Angeles but there’s a reason that most of the people here talk about the San Fernando Valley as if it were a planet in the Orion system –full of strange, bizarre and unexplainable things– and you’re a perfect example of why.
Emerson v. Lake v. Palmer
“So the CIA decided
They wanted Roland dead
That sonofabitch Vanowen
Blew off Roland’s Head”
I dunno, I once lived at the corner of Sunrise and Sunset (in citrus heights), but if you’re as big a Zevon fan as me, Vanowen Street would be pretty cool…
I think Tom Selleck would be a good stand-in for Neal Peart, and he’s got the politix to boot!
Magnum v. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510…
Mr Holland?
What you said about me, 1000% loser.
Would you possibly say that to my face? I very much doubt it.
I thought my home address was gone from this thread. I’m glad it’s still up. Well Mr. Holland, this does show you’re good for something. Not much, but something is better than nothing.
The OJ Simpson Case
Did Lord Spatula, internet hamster badass, just show up?
C’mon, almost to 300
Ben Shapiro v. Porn
. . . almost . . .
Congrats! You win a Golden Onion Wiener! You can collect it at 3 Bulls!
Hmm… I’m surprised that Doc Sammich never showed. And yet, the vox populi have seen fit to condemn me to burn. Hmmm…
Maybe I just needed to say his full title 5 times, like in “Candyman.”
Dr. BLT, the Song Blogger…
Dr. BLT, the Song Blogger…
Dr. BLT, the Song Blogger…
Dr. BLT, the Song Blogger…
Dr. BLT, the Song Blogger!!11!!
[hee hee]
Night of the Lepus vs. Teh Killer Tomatoes
[…] a Patterico, i.e., to blog incessantly from the workplace instead of actually doing any real work. Permalink NoComments […]
I thought my home address was gone from this thread. I’m glad it’s still up. Well Mr. Holland, this does show you’re good for something. Not much, but something is better than nothing
Ooooohhhhhh, I just got burned by an ex-con who lives in the asshole of the world (tm Apocalypse Now), aka Reseda, who obsesses about a case that no one outside of the families involved and people who avidly read stories about Batboy and his obvious connection to Osama bin Laden gives a flying fig about anymore.
Wow, I might just have to drink some beer tonight and try to forget the shame, oh the shame!
Emerson v. Lake v. Palmer
Mr.Henry Holland?
I don’t keep it a secret that I am an Ex-con.
Mr. Holland? Are you sure about this?
“no one outside of the families involved and people who avidly read stories about Batboy and his obvious connection to Osama bin Laden gives a flying fig about anymore.” Meaning The OJ Simpson Case.
The OJ Simpson Case
Are you sure about this?
“no one outside of the families involved and people who avidly read stories about Batboy and his obvious connection to Osama bin Laden gives a flying fig about anymore.� Meaning The OJ Simpson Case
Yes, I am. Especially in Los Angeles, where you couldn’t escape that damn trial if you wanted to. It’s a foreign concept to you, but you know, people have moved on. A double murder in one the wealthiest areas in the United States seems almost quaint in the context of the last 5 years.
Ah, dammit! Forgot this….
Emerson v. Lake v. Palmer
Mr Holland,
Keep your eyes watching the news…………..
The OJ Simpson Case
Watch the Skies!
The Budweiser Case
In years to come, this whole thread will be preserved as a case study, one of those moralistic tales from Readers’ Digest, of what happens to people who Spent Too Much Time on the Internets.
Fortunately, I can stop any time I like.
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
“Iran is not an Arab country. However it is comprised of an Islamic Zoroastrian faith.”
Let me repeat that as teh stupid, it BURNS:
“Iran is not an Arab country. However it is comprised of an Islamic Zoroastrian faith.”
Zappa vs. PMRC
[…] UPDATE: Poor T-Rex. All he wants is a little revenge, but the better angels of his side of the blogosphere thwart him at every turn: So, I wandered over to Sadly, No!, where I found a heated discussion with A Certain Right-Wing Blogger Who Shall Remain Nameless about his habit of maliciously “outing” the identities of liberal bloggers. Now, when I say a heated discussion, I mean that BradRocket put up a post examining multiple contradictory statements by Said Rightard Creep and hey, presto!, the very scum-bucket himself showed up in the comments. … They just can’t resist, can they? It’s like catnip to them. […]
I’ve decided to put my eyes safely away so they don’t pop out my head when mario cracks that OJ case wide open.
Mark S?
Me legally “Cracking” The OJ Simpson Case is coming, SOON, REAL SOON.
P.S. No disrespect to any other bloggers, but other than my Tag>>>LOL
this is my favorite:
T-Rex Vs. Bambi, or something like that
[…] seeing that some of the people leading the charge against her are known to say things like “a douche like Greenwald helps a pussy like Retardo stay fresh” and “after I beat you like a bitch, I will hold you down and smack you across the face […]
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