We’re All White Now

ABOVE: Jeff Jacoby

Shorter Jeff Jacoby, jeffjacoby.com:
Retire the Racial Bean Counters

  • Obama lies when he calls himself black. In fact he is a mulatto. Indeed there are so many mulattos running around these days that there really isn’t a need for the Civil Rights Act any more.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 173


That’s a lovely turd brooch!


I am disappointed in the lack of stripes and/or polka-dots among the mulatto population. Their all-beige skins show a lack of imagination.


Congress ought to instruct the Census Bureau to stop counting Americans by race

Y’know, it did feel more than a little weird when the only thing I had to ask people for the census (other than their name, age and date of birth) was their race and whether they were Hispanic. I can definitely see how that could raise eyebrows for the interviewee.


You say mu-lay-to, I say mu-lah-to. Let’s call the whole thing off.


Don’t white supremacist groups say something similar about “mud people”? Jeffy just says it in purtier words.


Eventually we’re all gonna be bisexual, too, right? That means we won’t need any of that gay marriage stuff and we can drop that fight.

Pretending things just go away is so much easier than I thought!


Eventually we’re all gonna be bisexual, too, right?

I have a dream!


Eventually we’re all gonna be bisexual, too, right?

I think unisexual, by this theory. [raises glass] Here’s to more complicated plumbing for all! [chugs]


Eventually we’re all gonna be bisexual, too, right?

Dear sir, your ideas interest me. I am an investor desiring to acquire content for an electronic pamphlet…


BTW, is that his sweater or a very furry neck beard?


“scream tacos”

Ummm, ok. I’ll bite.



Reminds me when I was a lad in Aiken SC, and first heard my granpa Dan talk about “colored people.”

Granpa Dan was as racist a goodoleboy as they come. But I didn’t know that at the time.

I imagined people with skin like this.


The triumphant return of the toilet photoshop!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Y’know, it did feel more than a little weird when the only thing I had to ask people for the census (other than their name, age and date of birth) was their race and whether they were Hispanic. I can definitely see how that could raise eyebrows for the interviewee.

I got around this factor by making sure the interviewee knew that this was how they identified themselves.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think unisexual, by this theory.

Mirror image, see no damage. See no evil at all!


Dear sir, your ideas interest me. I am an investor desiring to acquire content for an electronic pamphlet…

Well, at the rate the gays are currently recruiting the straights (which, I can tell you, is a very high rate. All of the guys who hit on me in the gay bars I keep walking in to accidentally just goes to prove the point), we should be at something close to 100% homosexuality by the end of the month. But since we all still have to have babies to recruit in to the gay lifestyle in the future, that means that we’ll all eventually have to go back to our wives and force ourselves to have sex with them.

I don’t know how the homosexual recruitment is working for the women, but judging by the number of times I’ve had to change the channel recently to avoid seeing the abomination of two loose women making out, it’s going nearly as fast as on that side. Judging by the way my wife keeps saying she’s going “out for drinks with the girls,” then doesn’t come back until the next morning, I’m guessing she’s been recruited, too. Although I think she misspelled her lady lover’s name, since she keeps getting texts from a “Julio,” when we all know that the name is spelled “Julia” or “Julie.”

But maybe that’s a lesbian thing. I don’t know. They are all trying to be manly and such, right?


What comes after octoroon, and will it be on the test?


100% homosexuality

That is SO TOTALLY gay.


What comes after octoroon

I believe centiblack, followed by millinoir. If you disagree PROVE ME WRONG!


Is Stoopid Pundit a race or a job?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Is Stoopid Pundit a race or a job?

It’s a blight.


Oh, I so want to be a millinoir! I think I’d probably be prettier, plus I’d certainly be wearing some excellent hats.


Is JeffeyJeff Jack Black’s mini-me?


If I were a millinoir, I’d have a larger PENIS. Probably. Also.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, I so want to be a millinoir! I think I’d probably be prettier, plus I’d certainly be wearing some excellent hats.



All of you are mixed race to me.


All of you are mixed race to me.

Also forryners


well, since it sticks in jeffy’s craw that there are just too many racial combos out there, let’s just ban inter-racial marriage…there, problem solved!


Hey JeffyJeff, spend more time on content and less time on linking. Your style of… whatever that is is annoying enough without all the links.


Sorry left Cro-s hat on.


In Russia, race mixes you!

Sen J. Bullington Bulworth

All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody ’til they’re all the same color.


Does Jeff Jacoby get any advantages in life because one of his ancestors fucked a potato? NO.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Does Jeff Jacoby get any advantages in life because one of his ancestors fucked a potato? NO.

Uh, what about that gravy train he’s been riding on?


I like the uh…brooch on the toilet seat.


To be sure, some lobbies and grievance groups profit handsomely from aggravating racial distinctions. But most Americans have moved beyond the color-consciousness of generations past…

Oh, how I wish this flaming asshole could turn black, or “mulatto,” or whatever, for just one week.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I like the uh…brooch on the toilet seat.

First comment, baby! T&U’s gonna AHEM you!

Looking at that picture, I’d venture to say that somebody peed in Jeff’s gene pool.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

To be sure, some lobbies and grievance groups profit handsomely from aggravating racial distinctions.

Tea Party Patriots, for one!


Oh, how I wish this flaming asshole could turn…

Or non-not-Hispanic in Arizona.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Retire the racial bean counters

Hey, not so fast– they’re putting a new roof on my house next week!

And Stoopid Pundit is a race: a foot-in-mouth race. As for what comes after octoroon, I’ll pass.


instruct the Census Bureau

Chris & B^4: This is getting eerie. I worked as a training consultant for the Bureau in preparation for the 2000 decennial.

I designed map training for enumerators working in more rural areas. Wrote five videos. One program had 500,000 copies and was handed out like aspirin all over the country: It explained the Census to town councils (and civic groups) and urged buy-in and active support. I also designed management training for the District Offices.

During the run-up to the decennial, the Bureau was my bestest-ever client. The firm I worked for framed two of my training maps and hung them in the lobby. One of the Census video clips became a staple in marketing out video capabilities.

Pointless stories from my past, but the Census doesn’t show up too often at S,N.

Chris: Thanks for posting the New Thread pointer in the last one.

B^4: Thanks for encouraging both of us.

Gotta get back to the garage now.


Come to think of it, why have a Census at all? Everyone is the same. Roading contractors build x miles of roads a year and hospital builders put up x hospitals a year, etc.
Jeff can see that this will lead to a dynamic and exciting future with everybody all the same marching toward a bright new horizon, and will be in his bunk.


Waaaaaaaaves at T&U. She’s used to it. (my arms tired)


As for what comes after octoroon, I’ll pass.

Tee hee.


To be sure, some lobbies and grievance groups profit handsomely from aggravating racial distinctions. But most Americans have moved beyond the color-consciousness of generations past, and it’s time federal agencies did too.

WTF is “some lobbies and grievance groups” supposed to mean? The republican fucking party, and the teabag excress are the two most fucking racist groups in the US, and they have been driven fucking nuts by the election of a “mixed race” president.

And while they don’t use the ‘n’ word per se, their entire platform has been little more than running around shouting, “The president’s a N[clang]! The president’s a N[clang]!”

So, while the rest of us are very, very happy to go beyond recognizing that the president has an African heritage in addition to his European one, it’s the fucking xenophobic ultraconservative hatemongers who just can’t fucking let go of the scary, scary fact that half of Obama’s DNA came from the balls of a black man.

It reminds me of a Sixty Minutes segment from my youth, back in the late 70’s/early 80’s, where they were examining the laws in the Gulf States (LA, MI, AL) and how people were labeled ‘negro’ by LAW if they had 1/32nd or more negro blood. One of the producers did some digging and found the geneological records for this aging lace doily society woman who had been born in Reconstruction, and they revealed that she was 1/16th negro, and therefore, by law, black. When they informed this poor woman of her heritage, she visibly broke down and sobbed, shaking and nearly fainted. It was hard to feel sorry for her, but she was a product of her society.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Gotta get back to the garage now.

That ball of string won’t embiggen itself!


I imagined people with skin like this.

I played with that stuff as a kid. No shit.

((BTW, I want to get caught up before going back to the garage.))


What comes after octoroon,





And while they don’t use the ‘n’ word per se, their entire platform has been little more than running around shouting, “The president’s a N[clang]! The president’s a N[clang]!”


All the wingers don’t want to remember when the Irish were portrayed as less than human. It wasn’t that long ago.


You know, I just got it. (Sometimes I’m a little slow.)

Jacoby’s entire essay is a dogwhistled Anti-affirmative Action rant.

The photoshop is perfectly appropriate.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Terrorist pal!
Chicago thug!



Jeff Jacoby is an idiot. He had an article in the Boston Globe on sunday claiming that people are too hard on smokers yada yada… I bet he’s one of those people who think sidestream smoke is harmless.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Jacoby’s entire essay is a dogwhistled Anti-affirmative Action rant.

This cannot be linked to enough.



The blue thing is what they put around your neck before you get your hair cut, I’m pretty sure.


It reminds me of a Sixty Minutes segment from my youth, back in the late 70?s/early 80?s, where they were examining the laws in the Gulf States (LA, MI, AL) and how people were labeled ‘negro’ by LAW if they had 1/32nd or more negro blood. One of the producers did some digging and found the geneological records for this aging lace doily society woman who had been born in Reconstruction, and they revealed that she was 1/16th negro, and therefore, by law, black. When they informed this poor woman of her heritage, she visibly broke down and sobbed, shaking and nearly fainted. It was hard to feel sorry for her, but she was a product of her society.

There’s a New Yorker article on this, mostly about a woman in Louisiana who was determined to be 1/64th (or less, maybe 1/132nd) BLACK!, & went through all sorts of crap to have the law changed or something. Long time ago, don’t really remember much of it.

Good research project for someone, he hinted.



Terrorist pal!
Chicago thug!



Why in the name of hell won’t fucking WordPiss copy it’s own damn apostrophes?

Fuck you.


There’s a reason I put that apostrophe in there, you realize.


Hey, Jeff, you planning eat that chocolate-covered pretzel?


Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody ’til they’re all the same color.

You mean until the descendants are all the same color, or is this one of those things like how riding a bike makes the mollycules swap around until you have men who are half bicycle & v.v.?


Lysenkoism FTW!

low sodium hunchback



I think he’s just mad because there wasn’t a spot on his census form for “half Geico cavemen guy/half Trig Palin”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think he’s just mad because there wasn’t a spot on his census form for “half Geico cavemen guy/half Trig Palin”

There was a spot for write-ins, his lack of opposable thumbs prevented him from filling it in.


You mean he’s a duck?


What comes after octoroon

In a David Allen Coe song?


Actually, I think it would be sedecaroon.


Teh awesomest thing is that Jeffy would be booed offen the CPAC stage when the troupe realised that he is putting up a great argument for multiculturalism. People who are aware and proud of their ethnicity but embracing the new society they are helping to create.
Ask not for whom the wingnut welfare bell tolls Jeff. It done tol you
Is, like, it the same Jeffty?sure has the same reasoning ability.

Hotkey, boo yah


Hotkey, boo yah

Now you need a nifty title attribute.


What comes after octoroon

really, guys? the answer is macaroon


From AK’s link:

When Jeffty’s world and the “real” world intersect Jeffty loses his grip on his own world, eventually meeting a tragic end.

Noted without further comment.


In a David Allen Coe song?

which i am listening to right now

Big Bad Bald Bastard

When Jeffty’s world and the “real” world intersect Jeffty loses his grip on his own world, eventually meeting a tragic end.

Jeff Tea


Waaaaaaaaves at T&U. She’s used to it.


You’re right. Nobody ever listens to me.


I think this means we should all be linking to santorum on a regular basis.


David Allen Grier has a rekid?


I just now finally figured out why this song has been running through my head since I first read this thread — the thread title. Fuckin’ subliminal shit, how do it work?


This is an awesome story. Reading it makes me feel like we’re all just extras in a Bruce Sterling or Vernor Vinge novel.

Short version: Don’t fuck with Anonymous.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Santorum ally David Urban argued to the paper that the ex-senator could turn this into an advantage: “If you’re Rick Santorum and you’re making an argument that there’s certain people that wish you ill, there’s exhibit No. 1. You say: ‘You want to see my battle scars? Google my name. You don’t think I’ve been in the trenches for years? I’ve got the scars to prove it.‘”

Scars? Those are skidmarks!


linking to santorum

As long as we’re giving credit where credit is due.


That’s @ Mr Mcgravitas BTW


bughunter said,

February 17, 2011 at 1:55

This is an awesome story. Reading it makes me feel like we’re all just extras in a Bruce Sterling or Vernor Vinge novel.

Short version: Don’t fuck with Anonymous.

That’s glorious! I had heard about the attack and results of it, but hadn’t realized just how bad the compromise makes the HBGary people look. I mean SQL Injection, seriously? Haven’t they seen this?


Every time I hear/read some white conservative type say/write “I don’t see race or skin color”, my mind translates it to “I don’t hold it against someone that he or she isn’t white. No really.” See, they see being not-white as something to be ashamed of, I’ve come to decide, and think minorities would be better served if they just would stop drawing attention to their obvious wrongness.


Agreed Matt, I also think that there is good old fashioned selfishness involved and the usual anti-government moonbattery.


Fuck it, I laughed out loud at that particular piece of photo manipulation wizardry.


Scars? Those are skidmarks!

I believe we have a winnar.


This is an awesome story.

The rainbow table lets the password cracker pre-compute and store a large number of hash values and the passwords that generated them. An attacker can then look up the hash value that they are interested in and see if it’s in the table. If it is, they can then read out the password.

Classic ToMaTO.

Wes F. in Hapeville

What comes after octoroon,







Furthermore, in their mind, the “I don’t see skin color or race” should be followed by a “Well done, young white person. How big of you to look past that poor not-white person’s regrettable affliction.” It’s the new. “he’s a credit to his race”.

That’s the reason these folks get so bent out of shape when someone who isn’t a complete jackass points and laughs at them. They’re doing a good thing, why don’t you acknowledge their superiority?

It goes back the rage and frustration of the early Bush era when conservatives pretty much ran all the halls of power and consolidated their lock on the mainstream media, yet still bleated endlessly about how liberals don’t love them. It’s also connected to the whole “Oh, it’s not fair that Kanye West/Ludacris/2 Pac are allowed to say ‘nigger’ but the PC police will come down on me like a ton of bricks if I suggest that black people are more inclined to rob people” thing. They want validation and don’t want criticism. Simple as that.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Agreed Matt, I also think that there is good old fashioned selfishness involved and the usual anti-government moonbattery.

I’m also convinced that the attack on public workers’ unions is, in part, racially based. In the U.S., public sector jobs have been the best route to the middle class for minorities.

I believe we have a winnar.

Athankee! I’ll pass on the chocolate martini, though!


Well done, young white person



AM I the only one here that pees on the side of the bowl so it’s quieter?


AM I the only one here that pees on the side of the bowl so it’s quieter?


Big Bad Bald Bastard

AM I the only one here that pees on the side of the bowl so it’s quieter?

It also improves the mixer’s ability to incorporate the pee into the other ingredients.


> AM I the only one here that pees on the side of the bowl so it’s quieter?

Stealth Urinater…



Spengler is, of course, entitled to put whatever he likes on his breakfast cereal.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Stealth Urinater…

Ninja pisser…


Stealth Urinater…

Ninja pisser…

Sneaky leaky…


AM I the only one here that pees on the side of the bowl so it’s quieter?


–The midnite micturator what micturates at approximately 12:00 AM.

Little Bobby Tables

I mean SQL Injection, seriously?

I know. You’d think I’d never been born.


low sodium hunchback

…pees on the side of the bowl …

Towels quieter still.

Some Chinese Pisser

It’s even quieter to piss in your coke.

And funnier, too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Sneaky leaky…



Why wouldn’t one want to make as much sound as possible?


Was wondering if anyone hereabouts had noticed all the truly awful victim-blaming that the Shrieking Harpy & her ilk are engaging in about what happened to Lara Logan. Sample ugliness: Her liberal belief system almost got her killed on Friday.

Some Chinese Pisser

Oh, yes. Hear my stream. It sounds like a firehose being sprayed into a bucket. Of course, such a sound is only made by the largest of urethras. And you realize what that implies…

Urethral Sounding


M.B. is right. How else will the neighbors know you’re still alive?


Why wouldn’t one want to make as much sound as possible?

That’s why I put BBs in my urethra. At least, that’s the story I’m going with.


Congress ought to instruct the Census Bureau to stop counting Americans by race

A noble & idealistic clarion call … which will promptly swirl down the boghole the moment honkies become just another minority group in America.

From his Egypt-related op-ed:

Yes, supporting freedom is the best policy. Not just because freedom is better than stability. Not just because tyranny breeds extremism. But because it is unworthy of a nation as great and free as ours not to promote the values it most esteems. It shouldn’t take an upheaval in the Arab street to remind us that it is always in America’s interest to promote liberal democracy.



In Ursula LeGuin’s book “The Lathe of Heaven” a character decides society would be better off without race or racial differences, and as a result (too complicated to explain how here) everybody turns gray — gray skin, gray hair, gray eyes. Needless to say, this doesn’t help matters.


Gray is the new black. I mean white.


Why wouldn’t one want to make as much sound as possible?

Here’s why.

low sodium hunchback

Lara Logan is no Lynndie England


LOL @ Jennifer’s youtube.

I never saw that before.


It goes back the rage and frustration of the early Bush era when conservatives pretty much ran all the halls of power and consolidated their lock on the mainstream media, yet still bleated endlessly about how liberals don’t love them. It’s also connected to the whole “Oh, it’s not fair that Kanye West/Ludacris/2 Pac are allowed to say ‘nigger’ but the PC police will come down on me like a ton of bricks if I suggest that black people are more inclined to rob people” thing. They want validation and don’t want criticism. Simple as that.

“It is one of the biggest dividing lines between liberals and conservatives: sensitivity. Liberals are supposed to be the sensitive ones, but even the liberals who worked themselves into a froth over George W. Bush never really cared very much about what he thought of them. But conservatives care what President Obama thinks. They care to the point of imagining what he thinks.”
– “The Sore Winners,” Tom Junod

The need for validation from the people they hate may be the single weirdest thing about them to me.

bughunter who always forgets about his nym field

Urethral Sounding.

I’m not really Chinese. :p


The need for validation from the people they hate may be the single weirdest thing about them to me.

It’s not all that uncommon, really. For example, make fun of gun owners. Say something along the lines of guns being a penis substitute and watch the butt-hurt commence. Same thing with libertarians. Make fun of libertarians and eventually, some libertarian will come around, stamping his little feat, and threatening to take his ball and go home, unaware that no one really gives a shit. You see this in the whole “calling someone out for racism is worse than the actual racist thing that person did or said” phenomenon. There’s a site called manboobz.org which chronicles the hilarity of “men’s rights” groups and pick-up artist types, and the amount of whining those guys do could power a spaceship if you found one that ran on hurt fee-fees.


everybody turns gray — gray skin, gray hair, gray eyes
This is the cunning plan motivating the alt-medicine provide-your-own-health-care crowd. Everyone takes colloidal silver and everyone turns blue.


I’m just happy to see Micky Dolenz has found steady work.


Dickens, Great Expectations:

“So, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise.”


linking to santorum

My personal favorite


The greatest minds of our time!


The greatest minds of our time!

It’s good to see Roy getting some major league webspace.

He’s earned it.


Why wouldn’t one want to make as much sound as possible?
I have been advised not whistle while one is pissing.


And singing “I’m a little teapot” is right out, s.c.


clyde, your hagbard is showing.


From jim’s link:

“Maybe conservatives need to start thinking about forming other institutions, and new types of universities that will be able to create our own Harvards and our own Yales and our own Princetons.” – Dr. Richard Brake, Intercollegiate Studies Institute”

Yes, those goddamn liberal arts programs at those goddamn liberal arts colleges are just too goddamn liberal. We need more conservative arts colleges, like Claremont McKenna and Liberty University, because we can’t let the goddamn liberals have all the arts. Goddammit.


Also: fooled.


WP is still eating posts with the string ‘f00led.’ (no quotes, ‘o’s instead of ‘0’s)

100% reproducable. WP still detects and rejects duplicate posts, but the word appears to somehow prevent the post appearing in the thread.


Wait, don’t they have Glenn Beck University? I can’t see how they can get more prestigious than that.


As usual, another intelligent, insightful column from Robert Scheer, one of my favorite liberal columnists.


Hi y’all.

The band has been out in the garage trying the thrash out this blog thing…if we should do it, how we should do it, prose and cons, that sorta stuff.

I really should be getting back. Sometimes Joey starts talking really crazy shit if I’m not there to pull the plug.

Before leaving, just wanted to say I’ve enjoyed catching up the thread. And thanks to OBS for 1:52. You got some nice subliminalality workin’ there, dude.

Oh fuck. Ralph and Murphy yelling at each other. Gotta run.


Why did it ever start being cool to be 75 different ethnicities. But what do I know ……. I’m just Black.


One of my distant cousins turns out to be a hardcore teabagger. He just attacked a friend of mine on Facebook with the most salutary display of “fuck you niggerlovin’ Prius driving/arugula consuming /public school is for faggots/Alaska 4evar/ bookmark it, libs/Llllllllllllllllllllllll” that I have witnessed in a private forum to date.
I’d unfriend him — except the baiting must now commence. I’ll provide extracts if he puts in any further impressive entries.


Fetch the chains, Moriarty, time for his punishment.


Oooooo I loves me some baggerbaiting*…………….



Subject: CPAC

Some people say the Ray Stevens, Pat Boone duet of “Proud Mary” was a life changing experience.


duet of “Proud Mary”

Couldn’t find it, but this P.B. classic is always worth a look, & this may be worth it, if only for the HD xoom in on Pat.


By the mark, twain!

And sort of chilly as well.


Guess who’s at it again, digging deeper and doubling down.

“Pocahontas Show What Could Have Been”? It’s really got the same plot as Mulan, but with slightly different ethnic signifiers drawn in by the animators.


Guess who’s at it again, digging deeper and doubling down.

I wonder if this twatwaffle realizes that the real Pocahontas was around 12 years old? I don’t even want to talk about the rest of his cultural genocidal rant.

C’mon up to the rez, Fischer. Tell us all about the superiority of the white man’s religion.


I wonder if this twatwaffle realizes that the real Pocahontas was around 12 years old?

Gee. Sounds like John Smith, like the Prophet Mohammed, was a pedophile.

I don’t even want to talk about the rest of his cultural genocidal rant.

“Think where we’d be if those enlightened natives had only tried to absorb the immigrants’ culture instead of stubbornly clinging to their own…”


From one of Fischer’s commenters: “How is feeling good about a native American living in heaven forever hatred?”

This is why I will forever cite religion as the number one reason for strife in the world. Every person who has chosen a religion, by definition, has rejected all other religions and believes theirs is the one true religion. This person excuses genocide because it was for their own good. I have no doubt that Islam instructs in a similar manner. The result is that there is no real dialogue between true believers of different religions.


Shorter Bryan Fischer: “Nice culture you got there. Shame if anything happened to it…”


“Don Jesus would like you to pay him some respect, iykwim.”


One of my distant cousins turns out to be a hardcore teabagger. He just attacked a friend of mine on Facebook . . . I’d unfriend him — except the baiting must now commence

I’ve found that my enjoyment of Facebook has improved dramatically since I blocked all my “friends” who have stupid political opinions, who like to quote bad movies, or who I don’t want to see happy.


I’ve found that my enjoyment of Facebook has improved dramatically since I blocked all my “friends” who have stupid political opinions,

I’ve unfriended people for being teabaggers before. Trouble is, if you do it to family, the gossip at family reunions will never end (and most of the time, I do actually want to remain friendly, just not talk about politics). So blocking is the next best thing.

who like to quote bad movies



Related: How can i tight my vagina?



Hey, it’s tough when your own Mother is a Lou Dobbs fanatic… and tells stories about how brown people scare her because when she goes to the bank she’s the only white person there.

This is a woman who used to take along to civil rights demonstrations in the 60s. Who used to teach adult education and cultural awareness classes in the heart of South Carolina at a time when more than one white women had been raped and killed after being labeled ‘nigger lovers’ simply for advocating equal rights. This is a woman who married a black man ferchrissakes. In the deep South.

But yet, 40 years later, she gets traumatized by 911, propagandized by Lou Dobbs, and then calls latin immigrants smelly, dirty wetbacks.

You can’t unfriend your mom.

I point out repeatedly that if those were black people, she wouldn’t be afraid, and that any karma she’s earned in her life for her help to blacks is being undone by her attitude towards latinos. After squashing the ‘but blacks were brought here involuntarily’ herring, (and after Dobbs’ unglorious departure) she seems to be less avid in her latinophobia.


Gee. Sounds like John Smith, like the Prophet Mohammed, was a pedophile.

I believe that the historical consensus is that he was lying or delusional. You know, the kind of guy who has a girlfriend on every corner of his imagination.


Smith or Mohammed?


Have any conservatives tried to tie Wisconsin to Tunisia and Egypt through some sort of “next to Michigan which is full of Muzzies” hat trick? I would enjoy seeing that.


After Curveball revelation, Colin Powell demands answers from the CIA.

That’s a convenient premise you got there, Gen. Powell. The CIA was just doing what their Pappy’s boy and his handler wanted: starting a war that their businessmen friends could profit handsomely from.

After all, they realized it was the only way Dubya would ever make a profit for them…


Shorter Gallup: “Don’t blame me, I voted for Nameless Republican.”


Smith or Mohammed?

Smith! Smith! I would never say anything offensive concerning Mohammed (peace be upon him). He and Aisha were undoubtedly just following the cultural norms of their time and place. Here, maybe a sketch of the to of them would help to show you…


Have any conservatives tried to tie Wisconsin to Tunisia and Egypt through some sort of “next to Michigan which is full of Muzzies” hat trick?

I don’t know, but at least one Tea Party fan has suggested that protests against the governor are illegitimate because he won an election. Also to join a union is somehow unmanly.


who like to quote bad movies


Sorry, but if you’re cluttering up my page with shit from Stepbrothers and The Hangover a few times a day you’re getting blocked.


Sorry, but if you’re cluttering up my page with shit from Stepbrothers and The Hangover a few times a day you’re getting blocked.

This is fair.


Union activists in Madison Tuesday spoke apocalyptically of ‘class war,’

Ohhh, now where could they have learned that bright terminology?


The fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!!!


“These Big Vagina ladies are getting away with murder.”

Are you sure the problem isn’t just a small penis? By the way, has anyone seen my cell phone?


New thread alert!


Have any conservatives tried to tie Wisconsin to Tunisia and Egypt through some sort of “next to Michigan which is full of Muzzies” hat trick? I would enjoy seeing that.

Funny you should ask …


A black President horrifies them so much that they either MUST deny that he is really President (the Birthers and other delegitimzers) or that he is black (he’s biracial, he’s Arab, he’s…something).


I’m convinced the Boston Globe keeps Jacoby on staff to really drive home the point that conservatives are morons. I’ve never read anything of his which couldn’t have been knocked off in thirty minutes with the latest press release from Cato as research.




Indeed there are so many mulattos running around these days that there really isn’t a need for the Civil Rights Act any more.




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