Would It Kill This Guy To Tweeze?
ABOVE: Michael “Eyebrows” Walsh
Shorter Michael Walsh, New York Post
Ft. Hood’s victims: sacrificed for PC1
- No. Muslims. In. Our. Military. Ever.2,3
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
1So far no one has ever had to be sacrificed for a Mac. (NY Post: home of the country’s worst editors)
2Because only Mooslim soldiers kill their fellow soldiers.
3If you get off the boat, be sure to visit this little pile of rotten mangoes in Walsh’s piece:
“Political correctness,” which literally seeks to make certain speech unthinkable, should have no place in a free society.
America stopped being free the minute people couldn’t call black folks ni**ers anymore.
So far no one has ever had to be sacrificed for a Mac.
That’s because John Hodgman is far superior to that douchey little wiener who is (was?) dating Drew Barrymore.
That’s an extremely large VPR in that guy’s mouth…
“Political correctness,” which literally seeks to make certain speech unthinkable
No, the word for that is “lobotomy.”
cant get off the boat. link no work.
[Tintin adds: link fixed.]
No. Muslims. In. Our. Military. Ever.2,3
Not even translators, especially if they’re faggy-fag-fags!
Link broke. Pretty sure it’s for the best.
SOMEbody forgot to INSERT LINK.
Linkee no workee, which is probably for the best. That trigger y’all were talking about? Islamophobia tends to be mine.
One thing about political correctness making free speech unpossible.
Does this guy ever complain when “political correctness” makes it de facto impossible to be a Holocaust denier, an open Nazi or any kind of an open anti-semite? Does he complain that “political correctness” on behalf of the Jewish people has made it basically impossible for any objective assessment of Israel/Palestine policy to reach America’s ears? I didn’t think so.
Just remember that when wingnuts complain about “political correctness” they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS mean they want to say disgusting things with impunity. ALWAYS.
Also, too, I left a very
flirtyimportant reply for B^4 in the last thread.Hott.
^ correct blog address. I think.
New thread!!!!!!
Dern, can’t quite get the hang of it.
Just remember that when wingnuts complain about “political correctness” they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS mean they want to say disgusting things with impunity. ALWAYS.
Right. If Republicans don’t get to drop the N-word, it’s political correctness run amok, and it’s treason.
If non-Republicans want to talk shit about Reagan, however, it’s HOW DARE THEY USE SUCH LANGUAGE, and it’s also treason.
Just remember that when wingnuts complain about “political correctness” they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS mean they want to say disgusting things with impunity. ALWAYS.
For the last ten years, conservatives have defended warrantless wiretapping by bleating “Do you have anything to hide? Then why do you care?”
Turnaround, shit-for-brains: on this whole political correctness thing, do you have anything racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted to say? No? Then why do you care? This only affects the guilty. Are you guilty?
Whenever anyone says “I am politically incorrect,” he means “I am a flaming asshole.” And yes, that includes Bill Maher.
You guys had a chance to ‘shop an exploding cigar in his mouth…AND YOU DIDN’T DO IT?!?
For shame…
Just remember that when wingnuts complain about “political correctness” they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS mean they want to say disgusting things with impunity. ALWAYS.
At the SAME TIME they demand anyone not them be fired for saying anything they can pretend to take issue with, no matter the context, how far in the past it was said, etc.
Land ho, maties.
You guys had a chance to ‘shop an exploding cigar in his mouth…AND YOU DIDN’T DO IT?!?
I KNOW! And holy fuck is that man crying out to be ‘shopped onto the crapper.
An exploding cigar is not what I would have shooped into his mouth…
I KNOW! And holy fuck is that man crying out to be ‘shopped onto the crapper.
Perhaps just to make everyone happy he could have been shopped onto an exploding crapper.
I fixed the link.
I like the cigar in its native form. It looks more like a big brown dick.
T&U, nice blog you have there. Be a pity if something were to happen to it.
T&U, is that a new pornographers vid? I’m getting a crossed out symbol.
DON’T GET OUT OF THE BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A horrible monster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, re: the AOL/Huffpo merger thing — I tried to give a shit, and I don’t. It’s just a bigger bucket. For that kind of scratch I’d sell the mummified balls of Jesus Christ.
Now that you fixed the link, it’s interesting that this asswipe refers to the “day that will live in infamy” speech but doesn’t mention the concentration camps we stuffed Japanese-Americans into. Or is that a little more political incorrectness than even he could stomach?
Did somebody say AHOL?
From Legal Mini-erection comes this typical screech:
See, um, actually it’s pretty super that I can get 15 million eyeballs over there. For that, I’ll write for free. So everybody kind of wins.
It likely would kill him to tweeze his eyebrows, because obviously he’s undergoing massive follicular retrogressive inversion syndrome, where the roots of one’s eyebrows grow uncontrollably into the prefrontal cortex, causing one to lose all higher cognitive functions and impulse control.
In short, he’s a brain damaged moron.
T&U, nice blog you have there. Be a pity if something were to happen to it.
Um. Thanks?
T&U, is that a new pornographers vid? I’m getting a crossed out symbol.
Yeah, it’s a new one with a star-studded cast! Sorta.
FDR knew where to shove this political correctness bullshit, just like when he rounded up all those treasonous japs even though there was no actual evidence of their treasonous asiatic duplicity. Similarly, Ft. Hood is also Clinton’s fault for not interning the Muslims.
Nothing could be clearer.
See, um, actually it’s pretty super that I can get 15 million eyeballs over there. For that, I’ll write for free. So everybody kind of wins.
You would do something for *free*? What kind of communist are you???
BTW, SN! is totes profiting off my commenting blood, sweat, and tears. I should really get a cut.
When I think of all Benjamins S,N Shirley makes off my attention-whoring I get SO ANGRY.
Whenever anyone says “I am politically incorrect,” he means “I am a flaming asshole.” And yes, that includes Bill Maher
glad u r back and in fine form!
Mmmm, sausage …
michael walsh really looks like stephen king and that little rick dude from ‘magnum pi’ mated…
T&U, nice blog you have there. Be a pity if something were to happen to it.
I fixed the link.
Now that’s SERVICE.
I like how one Muslim crazy guy taints* a whole group, but point out there’s a history of conservatives targeting doctors, clinics, innocent Olympic watchers, government employees and buildings, etc and all the sudden the broad brush shrinks to a single hair, and hot damn I bet they can get it split.
* yep.
I’m starting–STARTING–to get the impression that M.Bouffant is not a vegan.
Speaking of meat…I just threw a chicken in the oven to roast over fennel and apples. Who wants a seat at my table?
also, too, i am reading this
We will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.” as 9/11 was bush’s fault, cuz it happened on his watch…so, there republicans! even your boy mike walsh knows bush totally effed up, so bookmark that!
T&U, nice blog you have there. Be a pity if something were to happen to it.
wow, spengler…you’re not going to get dinsy over there to nail her head to the floor are you?
Speaking of meat…I just threw a chicken in the oven to roast over fennel and apples. Who wants a seat at my table?
pick me!
I hope the chicken was dead.
*pulls out chair for bbkf*
“I hope the chicken was dead.”
Lulz I feel like I should make a choking the chicken joke here, but considering the parts I have to work with, that would be weird.
*bbkf flies out of office, runs across ice-laden parking lot, curses herself for wearing boots with heels, chisels out key hole in car door, cranks up her bonneville named irene, yells “fuck, it is cold!”, whips a couple of shitties upon leaving said ice-laden parking lot and heads east*
Making things unthinkable should be made unthinkable.
“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar” – Sigmund Freud
“And sometimes it’s a big brown dick!” – George Carlin
Couldn’t a corps of Moozelums who had converted to Christianity be allowed? Janissaries or some such? They could have a jockey uniform and all be called Sam. No regimental silver, of course
Shorter Patriots & Warriors and Sarah Palin: BAAAAAAWWWWW
I just threw a chicken in the oven to roast over fennel and apples
I’m going to throw a cut-up boneless skinless breast into a pot to steep with bouillon, veggies and rice. Not as nice as a whole roast bird, but a lot faster and easier.
No way – I know he keeps saving my ass and all, but I just don’t like him that way.
WordPress is being obnoxious. I just wanted to post a link about Sarah Palin’s tragic butthurt:
“And sometimes it’s a big brown dick!” – George Carlin
Indeed, there’s little mystery about the conservative men’s cigar fetish.
And probably a bit healthier.
So, Palin’s handlers whine we cancel the event for safety concerns.”
Then acknowledge that no direct threats were made against Palin, nor were any made against members of the organization’s staff, but in light of the shooting rampage in Arizona last month, the negative rhetoric “raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America.”
Jeeze Louise, she’s really desparate for sympathy.
That M.Bouffant is not a vegan!!
(Fixed a bit for fun & outrage.)
Always hungry
I’m in heat
Never never
Never enough meat
That Substance Guy really gets my goat.
Mmm, nice mangoes. Second commenter down mentions that the “chickenification” of America and its military (a step up from pussification I suppose – could this man be an agent of Political Correctness in hiding? I have a list!), which he traces back to our allowing women in the military. Ahhh, how we long for the days of the Fifties when everyone was in their proper place.
raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America.”
ZOMFG!!! didn’t her whole effing video diatribe REFUTE this type of notion? am i just getting stupider? wtf?!?!?
Jeeze Louise, she’s really desparate for sympathy.
Umm… is it just me or did she just fucking imply a causality between violent rhetoric and actual violence?
So Palin got cut in front of at the supermarket and cancelled the trip to Colorado, where she didn’t want to go anyway and she can blame THE LEFT. That’s right all of you!!!
“Always hungry
I’m in heat
Never never
Never enough meat”
Also a poem for PupMax?
“chickenification i am going to assume that this asshat meant “chickification.” jesus, if they are going to fap about something–even if it’s non-existant, can’t they at least make a minimal effort to even get the name of it right?
Second commenter down mentions that the “chickenification” of America and its military
This is a concern, because some liberal woman may roast America over a bed of fennel and apples.
I haven’t eaten chicken since 1986.
Do I get a prize of some kind?
“This is a concern, because some liberal woman may roast America over a bed of fennel and apples.”
They don’t deserve my fennel and apples. Let them roast over toe jam and durian fruit!
“Political correctness,” which literally seeks to make certain speech unthinkable
No, the word for that is “lobotomy.”
In that case, what’s the word for “lobotomy”?
And I don’t want to hear that it’s turtles all the way down.
Sorry to spoil everybody’s chickens, speaking of that, but am I the only one here that assumes Sarah likes to sit on Todd’s face and grind it and fart until he’s asphyxiating?
It’s just me.
turtles all the way down
Spengler is not weird, he’s eccentric.
I tease you lovingly, Spengler.
Wow, killed the thread. I guess it just needs moar P*NIS.
I haven’t eaten chicken since 1986.
Do I get a prize of some kind?
no, but you get this
Medical officer bughunter reporting. It seems that this individual beamed aboard is the victim of an epidemic of unknown origin. We have taken the appropriate precautions in sickbay, including HEPA filters, nostril plugs, Glade Country Breeze Plugins, and phasers set to “Febreeze.” The following is a summary translation and analysis of the subject’s ravings, along with preliminary diagnosis.
Unless we expunge it from our national discourse, political correctness gets Americans killed.
Universal BS Translator: “Eliminationist speech has no effect, and is not responsible for the actions of the mentally ill, but euphemisms and compassion for the mentally ill are responsible for Hassan’s apeshit spree.”
Tricorder Analysis: Subject is expressing a double standard combined with forced causality, apparently caused by a disease vector of some sort. Mostly harmless, but produces rather nasty looking side effects, including an oral fixation for smelly phallic objects. Undetermined if the supercilius hirsutism is a result of the disease, or an expression of the planetary genotype.
One of the officers who reported Hasan to superiors opined that Hasan was permitted to remain in service because of ‘political correctness’ and ignorance of religious practices.
Universal BS Translator: Secondhand analysis by clearly biased observers can be selectively invoked to support one’s thesis.
Tricorder Analysis: Simple justification bias. Not a threat to the crew, but best to isolate the subject. Recommend a diet of bananas, pickles and kielbasa in order to minimize the stress of captivity.
Since the Clinton administration, the military has been subjected to an unprecedented assault on its core values, its traditions and its honor. It’s become a laboratory for social experiment as its desk-jockey officer corps clamber up the greasy pole of promotion
Universal BS Translator: We are offended by the social change that the US Military has been so effective at trailblazing. First blacks, then women, and now gays will be shown to be capable of equal performance and entitled to equal treatment. We bigots who remain in the military organization are now setting our sights on Muslims as the . And PENIS. Also.
Tricorder Analysis: An advanced case of mainstream eliminationism, and suppressed homoerotism typically exhibited by those infected by neophobia hyperdextrous.
Diagnosis: Asshole.
Recommendation: Past cases have responded well to cultural immersion. Fortunately, we have the “Gay Harem of Saudi Prince Prepuskin” simulation program available in the holodeck. It’s quite popular with our gay crewmembers. I recommend a three-month continuous exposure treatment. Allow the subject access to chapstick and amyl nitrate inhalers, as needed.
This is a concern, because some liberal woman may roast America over a bed of fennel and apples.
Send for an ambulance or accident investigator…
In that case, what’s the word for “lobotomy”?
The word for “lobotomy” is literally lobotomy. I think it’s about wolves, not turtles, though.
It’s just me.
It isn’t just you, though I hadn’t imagined the particulars in such detail or with such care.
I have just sort of assumed that there’s something going on between them that even the Rude Pundit would flinch from writing about, since the cons seem to be crazy that way, every one of them.
It’s just me.
You and the queening stool in Todd’s Mom’s basement.
moar P*NIS.
Awesome. Goin’ in my collection.
“Wow, killed the thread. I guess it just needs moar P*NIS.”
I chuckled aloud. Even holding a big pink cock, he looks butch.
It’s just me.
Goddammit, Dampniche, you’re ruining my diet.
(This consists of not drinking during the week. Much.)
At the SAME TIME they demand anyone not them be fired for saying anything they can pretend to take issue with, no matter the context, how far in the past it was said, etc.
At my diverse, mostly-ultra-liberal workplace, one of our resident teabaggers dumped a load of aural crap on a conference table, lecturing all present about how he’s just so much more logical because of his political beliefs. After the laughter subsided, he ran whining to HR about it, who suggested he keep his stupid ideas to himself while the rest of us are working. While I wasn’t there, I know about this incident because he wrote about it on an internal company blog, complaining that vocal jack-assery wasn’t protected, like national origin or gender.
Loss of white male privilege is going down hard* amongst those who are deluded enough to believe they actually had done something to deserve it, and given the patterns of self-reported gun ownership in this country, I’d say we’ve got a rough patch** ahead*.
**Cunnilingus only this time
I just threw a chicken in the oven to roast over fennel and apples
I’m going to throw a cut-up boneless skinless breast into a pot to steep with bouillon, veggies and rice. Not as nice as a whole roast bird, but a lot faster and easier.
Speaking as a professional cook-type person, I really don’t recommend just tossing your chicken into your prospective cooking device, even if your aim is that good, as it may bruise the chicken. “Place the chicken gently” generally works.
desk-jockey officer corps clamber up the greasy pole of promotion
*fans self*
I don’t see why Palin is making such a big deal out of it. I’m sure everyone there will be packing, so she’ll be perfectly safe.
Matt, you’re a pro? You gotta get more food porny with us.
To Bughunter’s point, what these idiots need is a liberal application of this here. I’m not sure if it’s NSFW or not. Depends on the size, I guess.
Matt, you’re a pro? You gotta get more food porny with us.
I work in a French Quarter restaurant specializing in New Orleans and Creole cuisine. I don’t have any special training, but I’ve been working in restaurants for almost 10 years and under an actual chef for over a year, so for whatever reason, I can call myself a “chef”, though I don’t. “Cook” has a more proletarian ring to it.
. My advice: use Paul Prudhomme’s Magic Seasoning blends on everything.
The days of food porn will be over when Sharia Law is imposed, libs!
I see you sitting, stuffing your face, why don’t you stuff me up?
I work in a French Quarter restaurant specializing in New Orleans and Creole cuisine.
send muffalettas plz!!!
[trigger alert: blogwhoring]
greatest. rap. name. evar.
Credit where credit is due file: THIS IS FUNNY.
I’m with bbkf–I’ve never HAD a muffaletta!
Re: Peaches…I’ve always admired how unapologetically nastay she is.
Sorry to spoil everybody’s chickens, speaking of that, but am I the only one here that assumes Sarah likes to sit on Todd’s face and grind it and fart until he’s asphyxiating?
Shit, she likes to do that on America’s face.
I’m with bbkf–I’ve never HAD a muffaletta!
omg..they are AWEsome! and i don’t even like olives, but holy crap, i ate the eff out of that sammy!
Yeah, she does like to shit on America’s face. *rimshot*
Just seeing how that looks.
You know who else liked to fart on America’s face?
when I continue to disagree so often with the NRO bashing of Palin, Bachmann and other conservative women
apparently, bashing does not mean what i think it means…
[trigger alert: blogwhoring]”
Who’s blog?
Randy Bugger
heh…i just got this…
Yeah, she does like to shit on America’s face. *rimshot*
and then demand they ‘spare a square’ and/or a rimjob…
VS: This idiot.
It looks like my next crank call to the customer service desk at the grocery store!
I cannot spare-a a square-a, Sarah
VS: This idiot.
You’re trying to get on my blogroll, aren’t you? It’s okay. You can just ask.
Peaches’ song expressing concern about the Housing crisis “Tent in your Pants” will rank in the top 100 conservative protest songs of the millennium.
I don’t have enough money to mail any muffalettas. Those things weigh like 40 pounds. You should only eat one a year.
Oh, I hate that guy. Why did I just bookmark his blog?
Since the Clinton administration, the military has been subjected to an unprecedented assault on its core values, its traditions and its honor.
Curious minds are wondering whence cometh this man’s expertise on the core values, traditions and honour of the military.
Also, how he thinks they survived the unprecedented assault under the Truman administration, i.e. desegregation.
Also, why he thinks those core values should outweigh the requirements of the military’s employers, i.e. the US government.
That made me LOL.
“NY Post: home of the country’s worst editors)”
KLo alone is worser than any 5 NY Posties. And heavier also too.
I was hoping for breakfast, not for a hash-brown bukkake.
Muffalettas are said to be marvelous sammies but I just can’t get past the name. I would gag trying to say “give me a muffaletta.” I need a hero.
clyde – he’s talking about Gays in the Military.
“Core Vales” translates to Bigotry, hating Women, Blacks, Gays, and now Muslims.
“Traditions” translates to suppressing ones’ homosexuality until it bursts out like a rancid pimple, and then covering it up in shame.
And “honor, translates to not having to worry that he might get [Tigger Alert] buttraped in a foxhole by private Dickwolf, who is not compelled to report his gay disease to the CO so that he may be humiliated, punished, and discharged.
Peaches’ song expressing concern about the Housing crisis “Tent in your Pants” will rank in the top 100 conservative protest songs of the millennium.
Don’t forget “Suckin’ on My Titties,” which is a scathing indictment of the welfare state.
Thanks to PM I now have a mental sound-track of Tina Turner singing “We don’t need a muffaletta”.
FY iPad. “muffaletta to dive into.”
Burning Question: Who is Letta and why would I want to ingest her pubic hair?
“Teaches of Peaches” is a paean to home-schooling.
Muffalettas are said to be marvelous sammies but I just can’t get past the name. I would gag trying to say “give me a muffaletta.” I need a hero.
Go to Central Grocery on Dumaine St. in the Quarter. All they sell at their deli is muffalettas so you can save yourself the embarrasment. Personally, though, I prefer an All That Jazz (sans shrimp) from Verti Mart or an R&O Special from R & O’s Pizza out in Metairie.
“Fuck the Pain Away” tackled the Health system sensitively yet accurately
“Traditions” translates to suppressing ones’ homosexuality until it bursts out like a rancid pimple, and then covering it up in shame.
In other words, waiting until the ship is in international waters, and all the seamen (HA!) are desparately horny.
I like Peaches’ song about desegregation in the military, “Nigga Got a Gun.”
What law stops people from insulting others?
I can see that I shall have to find out who this “Peaches” is.
What law stops people from insulting others?
With wingnuts, that would be Murphy’s Law.
If there’s anything the Army is, it’s a relentless juggernaut of PC sensitivity.
I have created a dummy Twitter account to follow wingnuts so that my blood pressure won’t skyrocket when I look at my normal tweet stream. This has lead to the discovery that Mark Levin refers to Keith Olbermann as “Keith Overbite,” which I think may be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever fucking seen.
I can see that I shall have to find out who this “Peaches” is.
Yes, my thoughts, too. But I am waiting until I get home and can conduct my research in seclusion, perhaps with the aid of a Guinness.
“Go to Central Grocery on Dumaine St. in the Quarter. All they sell at their deli is muffalettas so you can save yourself the embarrasment. Personally, though, I prefer an All That Jazz (sans shrimp) from Verti Mart or an R&O Special from R & O’s Pizza out in Metairie.”
Oh jeez. The Verti Mart. I lived at Bourbon and Barracks Streets for 3 or 4 years long ago (before the time of the plague). Amazing life, and I miss it often. But once you’re gone, you can’t go back.
That reminds me that I have been remiss. Mark Levin supplied the AZ shooter with the ammo.
How did everyone miss Peaches’s song about hair trimming “Impeach My Bush”?
Oh, I see.
Many apologies if this has been posted previously. In my opinion it deserves perpetual reposting at the mention of Reagan’s name.
Mark Levin refers to Keith Olbermann as “Keith Overbite,”
What else do you expect from someone whose maturity, worldview, and sense of humor has not progressed past age seven?
“Would it kill this guy to tweeze?”
“If there’s anything the Army is, it’s a relentless juggernaut of PC sensitivity.”
Yeah, not always. But lots of people like to say that the military is not a social experiment. In fact, that’s exactly what it is and has been. People were butt hurt in the same way when blacks and wimmin were allowed in.
“Many apologies if this has been posted previously. In my opinion it deserves perpetual reposting at the mention of Reagan’s name.”
That guy should be hunted down and given a beer.
I lived in Glendale until recently. A two-mile enclave smack in the middle of Denver that that refuses to incorporate. Never heard of the park. She was probably booked at Shotgun Willie’s, Glendale’s only claim to fame.
Dancing-on-grave-guy did a follow-up letter.
Dear dancing on grave guy,
I want to have your baby.
Pearl, Google shows it right there on Mississippi, E. of Colorado.
I used to live a stone’s throw away, at 2nd and Colorado. But that was nearly 30 years ago.
more Reagan-related fun
Dancing-on-grave-guy did a follow-up letter.
That is hot.
Somebody get this man some better pants, though.
in light of the shooting rampage in Arizona last month, the negative rhetoric “raises concern for her safety…”
Another VIOLENT RHETORICAL ATTEMPT to bring about the death of Irony.
Thanks, Bughunter. I lived right next door to the Bull n’ Bush, so that park is a bit north of what I remembered. Still damn close to the Glendale Jail recreational facility. Guaranteed it was still a huge mistake on the part of her handlers, being smack dab in the middle of Denver but nowhere at all.
He’s like a modern Johnny Appleseed.
And great follow-up letter. In part:
Dancing on a man’s grave is dirty, vile, mean, cowardly, dumb, stupid, hateful, soulless, anti-intellectual, rotten and foul. But so was Reagan. All that and more and worse. The punishment fits the crime, at least in spirit and, truthfully, the crooked fucker got off light.
I can see that I shall have to find out who this “Peaches” is.
A rawk star, a pr0n star, a vital component of Peaches & Herb … their name is Peaches, for they are many.
AROO! Am now doing something that in recent years has become very weird, rare & strange for me = FULL-ON JUST COLD QUAFFIN’ DOWN ON SOME bEERS* TO GO WITH MAH tOKEZ MON. It is heather beer & is made of buzz & yum.
Impending threat of knocking the dust off my acoustic Fender gutbox & finding out just how rusty & rich with pure suck I am at it by now. Jocularity is vouchsafed, fated & even waranteed to ensue.
*code needs “batshitnonsense” tag in order to make little polychromatic micro-asterisks chase each other around “SOME bEERS” counterclockwise.
Many apologies if this has been posted previously.
The Freak Kingdom – AMERICA (FEARS IT).
[ there did I what see? ]
a vital component of Peaches & Herb
Is this the right thyme to bring up Herbs and his basil metabolic rate?
So Palin got cut in front of at the supermarket and cancelled the trip to Colorado,
Psst. Don’t tell her that the reason her 3 am call went to the answering machine is that Obama checked the caller ID to see who it was.
Another strange presidential gravesite factoid… Papa Doc Duvalier, former Haitian dictator and one of my main role-models, reportedly sent some of his minions to John F. Kennedy’s grave to collect dirt to be used in one of those weird late-night voodoo-hoodoo ceremonies.
I hate Megan McArdle so, so much. More than just about anybody.
Peaches doing JCS & calling the event “Peaches Christ Superstar” = EPOCH WIN.
Another strange presidential gravesite factoid… Papa Doc Duvalier, former Haitian dictator and one of my main role-models, reportedly sent some of his minions to John F. Kennedy’s grave to collect dirt to be used in one of those weird late-night voodoo-hoodoo ceremonies.
Bless his heart. Papa Doc also claimed that Kennedy’s assassination was due to a voodoo curse he’d put on him. (I think that’s my favorite conspiracy theory on the subject).
For P-Max, because I couldn’t find the one about “Wilkie South.”
Well, of course because the Bush administration certainly didn’t have time to repair all of the the damage before…
Oh. Pssst. Walsh! You’re working too hard there, buddy. After January 20th it’s Obama’s fault.
Peaches doing JCS
At first I thought: Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Then I thought again.
I didn’t get out of the boat, but isn’t there something in Teh Constitution about religious tests and public office? Isn’t barring Muslims from serving in the Armed Forces actually unconstitutional?
Speaking of Reagan, some asshole on the subject of his perishment.
Peaches doing JCS
At first I thought: Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Then I thought again.
Think a third time: she has better taste.
The deep roots of hip hop.
I remember a few years back McArglebargle went on this totes college freshman apartment-hunting jag, and every post she wrote for weeks was all about her not being able to find suitable quarters, and then suddenly, overnight, she didn’t mention the subject again.
I suspect her editors at the Atlantic had words with her about how blogging for an actual publication comes with certain expectations.
I made the mistake of picking a fight with her on Twitter and now I don’t feel like dealing with it.
1. peaches used to be an elementary school music teacher.
2. tweezing those eyebrows (especially his left one) would cause him so much pain that he’d want to die. waxing is totally the way to go with that much facial fur.
Also, I hoisted myself by my own petard by using Doritos as an example. Oh, well.
The deep roots of hip hop.
I made the mistake of picking a fight with her on Twitter and now I don’t feel like dealing with it.
Brevity is the soul of insult.
White people totally invented it
Recitative, right? Sprechstimme too also.
A good ways back actor asked if I also yucked it up betimes on ye olde warblog Wonkette & shamefully … it is twoo what they say, it is twoo.
Behold my 23 weeks of bile & loathing*, ye mighty, & perspire!
* Warning – contains unoriginal content.
I’m in the tub with my no-sound iPhone and can’t hear the vids. Poop.
BTW, this guy looks like one big affectation to me. Does anyone here know what look he’s going for here? I can’t quite put my finger on it…nor would I want to.
Does anyone here know what look he’s going for here?
I was thinking Paulie Walnuts.
Well, I don’t think it’s very intelligent to keep an electrical gadget on the edge of the tub.
Well, I don’t think it’s very intelligent to keep an electrical gadget on the edge of the tub.
Are you quoting The Royal Tenenbaums?
“in light of the shooting rampage in Arizona last month, the negative rhetoric “raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America.”
It was my fault I admit it. I said some mean things about her on the interwebs a few times. Getting the entire left in trouble was not my intent. I apologize for any pain this may have caused Trig.
Broil some seasoned chicken thighs until almost done. Yeah, we go for the dark meat. In a small bowl mix together a couple good glugs of soy soss, a finely diced shallot, a buncha mustard (grey poopoo is okay but I make my own), several splashes hot juice, er hot sauce or some cayenne, and the juices from the broilt chix. Paint the mix on the chix then cover in fresh bread crumbs. Drizzle a bit of ghee or schmaltz over then pop back into the oven to bake until nicely browned and crispy.
Roasted root vegetables – I think I have celeriac, parsnip, rutabaga and carrot.
And to MB, that looked more like a cream pie to me but I am not intimately familiar with such things.
“Does anyone here know what look he’s going for here?”
Jon Voight in “Midnight Cowboy”?
“. Yeah, we go for the dark meat.
splashes hot juice”
Actual food pr0n. :0
You know Jon Voight is like a genuine teatard. Weird.
“Isn’t barring Muslims from serving in the Armed Forces actually unconstitutional?”
“Papa Doc Duvalier, former Haitian dictator and one of my main role-models, reportedly sent some of his minions to John F. Kennedy’s grave to collect dirt to be used in one of those weird late-night voodoo-hoodoo ceremonies.”
This explains the Kennedy ‘curse’: RFK, JFKjr, Teddy, etc. Interesting.
And he played one on “24,” if memory serves. Wonder how he felt about that.
Dancing on grave guy – I owe you a beer and a bowl. Seriously Sub, thanks for sharing. This guy is fucking awsome.
“Isn’t there something in Teh Constitution about religious tests and public office? Isn’t barring Muslims from serving in the Armed Forces actually unconstitutional?”
I think the 1st Am (religious discrimination) and 14th Am (equal protection) arguments would be stronger DKW (by that I mean slam dunk) but military service may not technically qualify as a “public office”.
I picked it up from willf in comments at alicublog. Fuck JSKit.
“Isn’t barring Muslims from serving in the Armed Forces actually unconstitutional?”
In legal terms, obviously.
In practice, not if you can argue that Muslims are a special exception that the normal rules don’t apply to because the Founding Fathers couldn’t possible foresee how eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebil the Muslims would be.
The same argument was made during the Chinese exclusion act when a Supreme Court judge said that America should protect all races equally, but that “there is a race so different from our own that we do not permit those belonging to it to become citizens of the United States. […] I allude to the Chinese race.” As long as there’s been a Constitution, there’s been people going “but it doesn’t apply to those people.”
That’s what it means when they bleat their stupid theme of “Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political ideology” – remove all the protections that it’s entitled to as a religion, and that’s one less obstacle for their witch-hunting.
“You know Jon Voight is like a genuine teatard.”
The fact that Angelina wont have anything to do with him is a point in her favor I think.
Does anyone here know what look he’s going for here?
He’s going for that always stylish Leonid Brezhnev look, paying tribute to the Browmaster.
2. tweezing those eyebrows (especially his left one) would cause him so much pain that he’d want to die. waxing is totally the way to go with that much facial fur.
He might want to consider a blowtorch.
Fuck JSKit.
I think Chris is referring to the well known “Hysteria” exception to the Bill of Rights which can only be used during times of great national pants pissing. Two famous examples are when the SCOTUS said that the Japanese Internment did not violate Due Process and Equal Protection because shut up that’s why; and that Eugene Debbs being sentenced to a long prison term for giving a speech did not violate his free speech rights also because shut up. There are other examples such as Jim Crow laws not violating the 14th am and so on. Having said that, it is obviously unconstitutional to ban Muslims from the military.
People were butt hurt in the same way when blacks and wimmin were allowed in.
the difference, of course, being that gays were ALREADY in the military when the rule was changed.
That’s what it means when they bleat their stupid theme of “Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political ideology”
Didn’t a lot of the consensus that it is ok to suppress a political ideology come out of the Red Scare though? IMO the Chinese Exclusion Act and Islamophobia are worse, because you don’t choose to be Chinese or Muslim, but I could never understand how the “no civil liberties for you, pinko” laws are any more Constitutional.
(you may not feel that they are, I don’t know)
“Didn’t a lot of the consensus that it is ok to suppress a political ideology come out of the Red Scare though?”
Yes, see Debbs, Eugene or “Crowded Theater, Shout Fire In.”
“Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political ideology”
I smell a tell! Much as one might pretend otherwise, ideologies that aren’t theocratic never include a deity.
“Mister Obamachev, tear down this wall between church & state!”
That sort of stuff was being done long before the Red Scare.
The latest knock on Scientology.
Well, technically you can choose to be Muslim or not, but 1) in reality most people don’t, they stick with what they’re born with, and 2) you shouldn’t have to choose not to be Muslim to prove your Americanness.
Legally speaking, it’s all unconstitutional. I think it’s more a matter of public opinion; interfering with religious freedom is still a taboo matter for many many Americans, including independents and moderates that they need to appeal to. What they want is to destroy that taboo by tearing the “religion” label off of Islam (the entire religion), and replace it with the label of a simple enemy political ideology like Nazism or Communism. A lot of Americans would feel less ambiguous about attacking Islam if they saw it that way, and the Constitution can only do so much in the face of public opinion.
(For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s working. But they’re closer now than they were during the entire pre-Tea Party Movement era).
I wonder if the beloved damn-well-oughta-be Chief Justice Scalia’s little primer on teh Constytooshun went into much detail about the fourteenth amendment or the equal-protection clause.
What am I saying? Of course not! Everyone knows there are only 2 amendments, and the first one don’t count!
Truculent: RE ArgleBargle & Twitter. Just reply to her “comments” with links to Hunting of The Snark. Or other anti-ArgleBargle sites.
clyde – he’s talking about Gays in the Military.
I am still reluctantly forced to wonder how much first-hand experience Mr Big-Cigar Over-Compensation has had of military culture, traditions & core values.
I think Mr. Walsh is imitating the photograph of his Crush, sLimebag. You know rush’s photo with that absurd cigar… I bet Walsh gets a funny feeling “down there” when he see it.
What Cris said.
Gotta save them all.
I wonder if the beloved damn-well-oughta-be Chief Justice Scalia’s little primer on teh Constytooshun went into much detail about the fourteenth amendment or the equal-protection clause.
Scalia understands the 14th as a convenient utility. The 14th was the ‘cornerstone’ of the majority’s opinion in the Bush v Gore highjacking.
(BTW, great to see you here again, steerpike. It seems like a week or so?)
You know, the way that guy is tease-sucking on that big, brown, dick, is kinda hawt. I wonder if he calls it “dittohead”. At the same time, he also seems a little shy & bashful about having it in his mouth.
No. Muslims. In. Our. Military. Ever.
The thread’s Topic is right in my wheelhouse. I contemplated mounting a devastating and Totally Righteous counter-attack on Oberbefehlshaber Walsh.
But that would have meant off-loading into an assualt boat and heading for shore (which I never do). So a simple ‘Fuck you with a pine-tarred Louisville Slugger’ must suffice.
Oh, and steward, be a good chap and bring me another mint julep. And some black Turkish hashish.
“Mister Obamachev, tear down this wall between church & state!”
Can I steal this jim?
Before I read the thread, and find out someone has already linked it, from the Great Orange Satan, one of the best summations of Reagan’s effects on America I’ve read this week.
Seriously. Read it.
Spoiler alert
Can I steal this jim?
Not if I give it away first, no.
Seriously. Read it.
I did. And it was worth it.
*washes thread-guts off hands*
Okay. No one’s here. I’ll leave something for people to enjoy while waking up and getting ready for their day:
The Virtual Sistine Chapel. To zoom in or out, use + / – (lower left).
Does anyone here know what look he’s going for here?
Moron Martin Scorsese?
Yeah Mike, nothing takes more bravery than to blow smoke in peoples’ faces.
Except maybe to whisper insults…
Yeah Mike, nothing takes more bravery than to blow smoke in peoples’ faces.
He doesn’t even have the strength of his political heros’ convictions to blow it up people’s asses.
I see that all the good snark is already taken, but there’s one point nobody’s mentioned. At the time of the fort Hood shooting, didn’t it come out that Hasan was in treatment for mental illness and that he had pleaded for a discharge, but was not discharged because they thought he was faking or something? I’m not sure how that supports a claim of political correctness being at fault.
Hasan was in treatment for mental illness and that he had pleaded for a discharge, but was not discharged because they thought he was faking or something?
It’s possible they thought he was a fakir.
N__B, you’re going to hell for that one.
Too late.
Canukian, I was going to make a similar point but got sidetracked by that whole non-virtual thing.
Lieberman’s quote, again: “One of the officers who reported Hasan to superiors opined that Hasan was permitted to remain in service because of ‘political correctness’ and ignorance of religious practices.”
Nope, it wasn’t the much more typical Army institution of intransigent bureaucracy and callous impersonalism. No, it was political correctness and an overabundance of liberal muslim sympathies.
And not just plain ignorance, which I could buy. But compassionate Ignorance, which is too liberal and therefore deadly.
The man is so full of bullshit, it’s being extruded from his mouth in stinky brown choadlike cylinders.
Kiwi at 2:57: Is this the right thyme to bring up Herbs and his basil metabolic rate?
No. Surely you mint to start something, but apparently not.
Perhaps N__B will curry a response.
Perhaps N__B will curry a response.
I don’t look for favors from anybody.
This never gets old. That’s almost exactly one year old, and still has legs. About 4000 legs. And a whole lot of dags. (h/t Zandar’s wayback machine.)
It’s twoo! It’s twoo!
That’s what it means when they bleat their stupid theme of “Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political ideology”
And I suppose that’s why they are against profiling against Muslims – afterall you can’t criminalize politics.
It’s mind boggling – these ridiculous contortions that wingnuts go through in order to redefine stuff to be exactly the opposite of what they plainly are. And for what? Even under the new definitions they come up with, they still end up looking like autocratic bigots wallowing in eliminationist fantasies*.
*V Cleveland Steamer R
DKW, I’ve come to the conclusion that the wingnuts are addicted to cognitive dissonance. Rather than create stress, the accumulation of twisted logic, semantic windowshades, and blind alleys of reasoning is somehow addictive. And, in true addict fashion, they’re building up tolerance, so their nonsequiturs and fallacies are becoming more blatant.
The fun part is: it’s not sustainable. Their heads are going to explode or something. And I’ve got the popcorn ready.
“Tickler file.” Heh.
McG, been reading your link to the Haggis story in the New Yorker. Fascinating. TY for the referral.
Evil co-worker just asked if I was out today. I sit 8 feet from here and I’ve been here 20 minutes.
“her”. I sit 8 feet from HER.
“her”. I sit 8 feet from HER.
Glad you clarified that because if you could sit 8 feet from where you’re sitting you’d be…more woman than I thought you were.
Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
February 8, 2011 at 15:30
A less famous conservative trope is that political ideology can in fact be criminalized if it’s an anti-American conspiracy (apparently some Supreme Court decision in the 1950s regarding the Red Scare established otherwise, and they’re still angry about that, think it’s judicial activism to say communist beliefs are protected).
Irving Kristol basically said as much in the first quoted paragraph here.
Evil co-worker just asked if I was out today. I sit 8 feet from here and I’ve been here 20 minutes.
I LOL’d.
If there is a God, your working with said co-worker ought to count as time served in purgatory.
Glad you clarified that because if you could sit 8 feet from where you’re sitting you’d be…more woman than I thought you were.
I don’t like nachos quite *that* much.
I was thinking more along the lines of astral projection…
If there is a God, your working with said co-worker ought to count as time served in purgatory.
I know. Seriously, she’s, like, a mini-Sarah Palin.
And I though you were correcting it to ‘and I’ve been her for 20 minutes’.
You probably shouldn’t use your doppelganger abilities at work..
You probably shouldn’t use your doppelganger abilities at work..
OMG, I would so sooooooo many evil things. It would be AWESOME.
I’ll correct ‘though’ to ‘thought’ also.
I suggest we start a pool to wager on when T&U’s cow-orker calls in sick or goes home early.
Squares are each hour from 8am to 5pm weekdays, $1 a square.
I suggest we start a pool to wager on when T&U’s cow-orker calls in sick or goes home early.
I’m shocked, shocked, that there’s gambling going on at Sadly, No!
From the daily mash:
Picture of Hitler with a dog
‘Dog pr0n stash casts doubt on Hitler’s one redeeming feature’
Squares are each hour from 8am to 5pm weekdays, $1 a square.
Am I allowed to participate? I do kind of have an inside edge.
I do kind of have an inside edge.
That must make activities involving bending painful.
I’ve had my blog for 2 days and have put up 7 posts, and 2 of them have the word “fucking” in the title.
I need to step up my game.
Does anybody know if T&U is at work today?
I’m shocked, shocked, that there’s gambling going on at Sadly, No!
Forty Quatloos on the newcomer.
No. Surely you mint to start something, but apparently not.
You’re gonna stop these puns immediately, oregano make me want to leave.
Forty Quatloos on the newcomer.
Aaaah, Star Trek’s venture into hiring pr0n actresses.
So I just back from the Wegmans bakery. By this time I imagine the people working behind the counter…the bakers, perhaps…are like “OMG, that pregnant lady is back. Call the manager. CALL THE MANAGER!!” They probably think I’m stalking them or something.
This is how a chocolate croissant and ice-cold milk makes me feel.
Does anybody know if T&U is at work today?
Did you check the corner she works with DKW’s mom?
I feel like I want to make a “7 of 9 Inches” joke here. So I did.
That’s two city blocks.
I’m not linking to the picture of Captain Kirk with a giant pink stone peener again.
That’s two city blocks.
She likes to astral project all over the place.
“I’m not linking to the picture of Captain Kirk with a giant pink stone peener again.”
No need. It’s up in the old noggin with all the other images that make me chuckle…and feel oddly aroused.
Did you check the corner she works with DKW’s mom?
Maybe I’ve seen too many “hooker with a heart of gold” movies, but this sounded really sweet to me and kind of fun. And I don’t even KNOW his mom – at least, not her frontside.
It’s mind boggling – these ridiculous contortions that wingnuts go through in order to redefine stuff to be exactly the opposite of what they plainly are.
Elian Gonzales, anyone? It was truly amusing to see the “family values” crowd twist themselves into pretzels explaining why a young child should be kept away from his father.
Boo-fuckin’-hoo. I guess their work here is done.
Meanwhile, Barack Uthman Mustapha Kamal bin Abu Hamza Hitler Obama is afraid of breaking his cover by supporting the commoner over there, except in the most incremental and weak-kneed way possible, either.
It was truly amusing to see the “family values” crowd twist themselves into pretzels explaining why a young child should be kept away from his father.
If Focus on the Family and NOM have taught us anything, it is that the sole purpose of “family values” is the destruction of other people’s families.
When Reagan pulled the greatest sleight of hand EVAR and convinced murkins that gummint was the problem, not the solution, he wasn’t right, he was just convincing.
Now, he’s right.
They make you feel like a middleaged overweight bald stupid white male?
I think there should be warning label on them. Like: “Warning, makes you feel like a teabagger.” or something
They make you feel like a middleaged overweight bald stupid white male?
More like chrome yellow.
The same way a freshly strangled transvestite makes me feel? God, I love that feeling.
The same way a freshly strangled transvestite makes me feel? God, I love that feeling.
I am truly horrified that I laughed at this.
Aaaah, Star Trek’s venture into hiring pr0n actresses
Now, now, leave us not dis Angelique.
True that, Spengler.
God, I love that feeling.
I can’t relate. Well, maybe I can. Sometimes you just have to go chop off a dick, you know? I have a big sack of dicks that gives me comfort. I should sharpen my knife.
True that, Spengler.
Yep. Uncle Ronnie got the country heading back in the right direction…..for robber barons.
Darn that ol’ government and New Deal and Civil Rights and stuff. Now we’re getting the country back on track: making wages so low that Americans will start doing all the jobs that illegal Mexicans have to be imported for now. Saves a lot in shipment costs.
New meme for the day: Robot ninja pirate doctor laser monkey narwhal zombie badger bacon hobo captain penguin raptor Jesus jetpack ferret pizza lawyer dentist hamster wombat plumber turkey jester hindu cowboy hooker bobcat scrapple!
Time for a trocheeotomy
LittlePig –
No dis, just unfortunate reality:
Scrapple is *clearly* the new bacon.
No dis, just unfortunate reality:
Oh I didn’t say you were wrong, I was just objecting to the idea that it was a bad thing. She lent a certain, a certain… well she looked good in that silver foil outfit, anyway.
Funny as hell to see the Head Thrall on Alias 30 years later and him not looking liked he’d aged a day.
Speaking of Reagan, did y’all see his $10,000 cake?
When I was a kid, I thought my Cookie Monster cakes were fancy…and I wasn’t even dead!
O/T: Lucky Ned Pepper interferes with Abramoff buttbuddy’s constooshanal right not to get convicted of things.
she looked good in that silver foil outfit
I started watching STTOS reruns when I was 11. That episode was important to me, spiritually.
Time for a trocheeotomy
Dra’-gon(-King) Wang’-chuck
Jo’-nah Gold’-berg aka Dough’-bob Pant’-load
What has become of Sad’-ly?
“They make you feel like a middleaged overweight bald stupid white male?”
You’re overthinking this. Focus on the drooling.
Some’-one has led the iambs to the slaught’-er.
I just had a wrenching conversation with my mother, who just lost her stepfather. Both of us had pretty horrible childhoods (I was separated from her when I was 2 and lived with an abusive stepmother) and her mother was a boozing psycho. So it brought up a lot of issues. I could REALLY use some funny now. Bring on the strangled transvestites…?
I could REALLY use some funny now.
Just think about all the times you’ll be able to say to Dudeskull “When I was your age, I had to clean the floor while my ugly stepsisters went to the ball.”
Bring on the strangled transvestites…?
In Socialest Shove-it-down-your-throat-istan, transvestite strangle you.
Lulz. Funny (?) story, my stepmother used to “joke” about my being Cinderella. OK, ok…last thing I say about heavy stuff…
Yakov Shmirnoff shoulda done more transvestite jokes.
Scrapple is *clearly* the new bacon.
Let’s examine the facts:
1) No additional animals killed
2) cornmeal, buckwheat
3) “mush”
I’m sorry folks, this is a vegetable.
I started watching STTOS reruns when I was 11. That episode was important to me, spiritually.
Right with you on that one. See also Louise Sorel in Requiem for Methuselah and Diana Ewing in The Cloud Minders.
Many spermato-Americans met untimely fates in those days.
To my dismay and chagrin, I see that the Virtual Sistine Chapel (10:45) was a Meh moment at S,N!
What was it, people? The largish visual file took too long to load? Or was it all the off-putting God and Christ and the Last Judgment and other Icky Religion stuff? Maybe the baseboard-to-ceiling (inclusive) Renaissance painting was too unhip. (If that representational Old Masters stuff by a Who’s-Who of genius painters doesn’t do it for you, well, you can always look at the excellent geometric paving on the floor instead. Or the nice fabrics on the lower walls.) Or maybe there are lots of art preservationists here who have already been up on work scaffolding and gotten a really close look at Mickey A’s work on the ceiling.
*sigh* I feel so out of step here sometimes. But this also tends to confirm my suspicions that Art-and-Architecture Wednesdays(*) would be a total dud if The Variants indeed started a blog. And except for Snorg and Chris and handful of others, who would engage with obscure stories and essays about military history and military affairs? Or guerrilla communiques from the Righteous Jihad against Leprosy and Plague?
Shit, I feel discouraged about life this morning.
*brightens* Okay, let’s go the Making-Lemonade route: What would be good subjects for Virtual Rooms you would like to see? A nifty interior space you would like others to see and wander around inside?
(*) Like, for example, T&U’s excellent Music Mondays. She also has a fresh-off-the-press post about bumper stickers. (Well, that’s her point-of-departure.) So what are you lingering here for? Go read it!
See also Louise Sorel in Requiem for Methuselah and Diana Ewing in The Cloud Minders.
Given your failure to mention Yvonne Craig I suspect you are an islamofascist plant trying to appear to be all-‘merkin.
What was it, people? The largish visual file took too long to load? Or was it all the off-putting God and Christ and the Last Judgment and other Icky Religion stuff?
It’s nice and all, but it’s lacking the full effect of actually being in the room. Also, the closest zoom only enlarges the paintings to oversize postage stamp size. Thanks for sharing though, and don’t give up on the Art-n-Architecture – it sound’s like a great idea! Count me out for military history.
Note for working artists – there’s a nü thread. With ümlaüts.
Steerpike: I love that site! (@17:23) Was introduced to it about a year ago, but I’m an irregular visitor. (Need moar bran, I suppose). I did, however, notice oneminor error, in the last panel:
‘Banjo Turtle’ s/b Banjolele Turtle.
Var: I spent a nice zoned 20 minutes or so zooming around Michaelangelopolis. Verry kewl. I even dug the musik. Thanks for sharing.
Validation delivered.
Speaking of Reagan, did y’all see his $10,000 cake?
Wot, no jellybeans?
I wanted a reply to this, but it didn’t hit me until late in the party.
Couldn’t a corps of Moozelums who had converted to Christianity be allowed? Janissaries or some such?
If Focus on the Family and NOM have taught us anything, it is that the sole purpose of “family values” is the destruction of other people’s families.
There seemed to be a lot of overlap between their “Family values” and “Father’s rights” over their wives and children.
In NZ we have a parliamentary Children’s Commission to monitor the treatment of children in society and how they would be affected by legislation and so on.A few years ago the Talibangelists started demanding a Families Commission to fill the same role for families. It was kind of an admission that for their purposes, Families != Children.