Sorry to go off topic too quickly, but this is an interesting bit of crazy.
It seems that the AFL-CIO posted a statement on their website in support of Tunisian unions, proving that the protests across the Middle East are merely a sinister front for international Islamo-bama-socialism.
It seems that the AFL-CIO posted a statement on their website in support of Tunisian unions, proving that the protests across the Middle East are merely a sinister front for international Islamo-bama-socialism.
BLESS THEIR HEARTS… shit. Corporations have been globalizing for decades in the search for more profits and fucking over everyone else in the process. The only way we’ll ever fight beat them at that is if the union movement globalizes as well.
Not going to click on the link, cause it sounds like a teabagger’s bullshit take on it, but thanks for the info.
I just found this funny quote at Hullabaloo. From a tea party supporter:
Mr. Holwager argued that there is a disconnect between Tea Party supporters and many of their representatives in Washington.
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
This guy makes a good point. When I moved close to the city, I found myself loving my family less and less.
Sounds like the rightwing position on dictatorships in North Africa and the Middle East is crystallising around the idea that they are a Good Thing, and popular colour-coded regime-changing revolutions are a Bad Thing for which culprits must be found. Revolutions should wait until the next Republican administration is in place to claim credit for them.
Sounds like the rightwing position on dictatorships in North Africa and the Middle East is crystallising around the idea that they are a Good Thing, and popular colour-coded regime-changing revolutions are a Bad Thing
I’d like for a bunch of liberals to suddenly agree with them to watch them scramble to change positions.
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
I’ve got a better idea. Since you’re the ones who perpetually define yourselves in opposition to the other half of the country (“real” vs “unreal” Virginia/America and the like), how about you come to the city and see how the rest of us live? You could start by counting the sheer number and variety of churches and other places of worship and the number of people who attend them, before using a line as asinine as “we believe in religion” to mark how you’re supposedly different from us.
I’m sick to death of listening to the blather about how nobody understands them and everyone should just try harder. No, fuck you, how does that sound? Do you have any idea how we in the city live? Obviously not, given what you just said. Have you ever tried to understand how the rest of us live? Have you ever tried to accomodate it, have you ever really come to terms with the fact that like it or not, a shit ton of your countrymen live in the city and their feelings and way of thinking may be just as valid as your own? No, you haven’t. So fuck you and your bellyaching.
And fuck you sideways with a rusty pitchfork for the “we love our families” line, as if that weren’t true in every community on Earth, including our smelly great unwashed masses here in the city. Christ. And they’re the ones who whine about the elitists.
Srsly, it must be EXHAUSTING being a wingnut. OTOH, I bet they’re good at yoga, cuz they’re so good at twisting themselves into weird shapes to justify all their fucked-up arguments.
I’m sick to death of listening to the blather about how nobody understands them and everyone should just try harder. No, fuck you, how does that sound? Do you have any idea how we in the city live?
Truthfully, I’ve lived in medium to small towns most of my life. I’m tired of these fucknuts speaking for me.
there is a disconnect between Tea Party supporters and many of their representatives in Washington.
And yet someone voted those representatives into office. Clearly it cannot be the teabaggers’ own neighbours, who are all like them. I blame election fraud.
Oh, good morning! Another peaceful protestor with a long history of anti-government activities which don’t prove a thing about his politics because both sides do it and liberal elitists and political correctness and fags and Ayers and shut up that’s why.
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
You also have higher rates of teen pregnancy, divorce, and methamphetamine use per capita, but otherwise, it sounds like paradise!
Does anybody else kinda feel sorry for the security guy?
Yes. I worked for a certain evil coffee giant for a number of years and, while I was sympathetic toward those who stole merchandise or camped out without purchasing, I could never understand the brave anarchists who loved to stick it to the man by shitting in the urinals. Because of course, Howard Schultz is going to come down and clean that out personally.
On the topic of city versus country, I will defer to Brendan Behan: New York is “the place where you are least likely to get a bite from a wild sheep”.
oh man, this video was satisfying. it is true that the poor security dude isn’t a good representation of the entire company and its crummy customer service…but i wish they’d do comcast and at&t next!
I don’t think this whole “The Heartland is real Murka” shit used to be quite as bad. I mean, I grew up in a heartlandy shithole town, but I don’t remember people saying this kind of shit at all. Then again, I tried to avoid assholes, and at 12,000 people with a smattering of Hispanics and African-Americans, our town was considered the “big city” in surrounding areas.
If you guys go to the Conservative Political Action Conference, you’ll need a container and you’ll need to stay in the container. This is some highly concentrated crazy:
I was going to point out a few highlights but, damn, it’s all breathtakingly nuts. Even if you spent the whole time in a container, you’d leave with the IQ of a marshmallow.
Ok, paperbag, you aroused * my interest and I checked out their schedule.
Apart from the usual wash of idiocy, I note that David Horowitz is having a book-signing for his book about how nasty colleges are to wingnuts.
Hasn’t he been hustling this book for some years now? Are there no New Outrages to become hysterical about? Some sites seem to be able to invent a new one daily. Is Horowitz a failure as a wingnut? Oh, the shame.
Via TBogg, it seems that Powerline is missing one of its idiots.
Say goodnight, Paul!
I’m sure he’s decided to put his ass where his mouth is (no I don’t mean self-centipede), signed up with the Marines, and is headed to Afghanistan as we speak.
2011 Woman of the Year Luncheon – Virginia Ballroom
Sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (2 hours)
Speaker: Michelle Duggar from TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting”
Lunch served Open to pre-registered female students only
The Duggars are conservative Baptists. Due to their religious beliefs, the children watch very little television, the boys keep their hair cut short (by a barber as opposed to a stylist) and their Internet usage is restricted. The children are home-schooled using a mix of materials, including those of Switched On Schoolhouse, IBLP and Accelerated Christian Education (ACE).[6] The children are encouraged not to date, but rather to go through courtship
My parents had all the same rules and used the same homeschooling curriculum, but stopped at six children. I didn’t realize that I was going to a barber for religious reasons though.
…Hasn’t he been hustling this book for some years now?…
Reforming Our Universities may just be the re-ordered chapters of One-Party Classroom and/or Hating Whitey but sadly Regency published it Sept. 2010.
…pre-registered female students…
Presumably Ms. Lindsay Smith is pre-registered. She’s speaking on the student activism panel. In a front page interview on the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute site has has this to say about conservative female student activism:
“I believe my role in running a club is to bring the girls in my club to support fellow conservatives by our mere presence. My most memorable activist experience therefore, was attending a lecture by author David Horowitz…”
The bounty of Jim Bob and Michelle: Joshua, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn-Grace and Josie.
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
Yeah, your assumption that the mysterious Urbanites don’t go to church or love their families is kind of a block to further dialogue.
As for hunting and fishing, a visit to the C&O Canal or any of the parks where fishing is allowed will show you that we too engage in fishing. Then you can take a walk through the woods in and around D.C. where I guarantee you’ll find enough deer stands to warm the cockles of your heart.
And ladies, you can make me wear your underwear, & paint my face so I look like two hoors, but you can’t cram these gunboats into your silly pointy shoes.
Traditional salmon fly for my dad, live shrimp on a slow drift for my mom, one of those big Lefty Creh streamers with pink marabou for my gay brother and a big gaudy spoon for my other brother. The cousins might require subtler fare. What?
Traditional salmon fly for my dad, live shrimp on a slow drift for my mom, one of those big Lefty Creh streamers with pink marabou for my gay brother and a big gaudy spoon for my other brother. The cousins might require subtler fare. What?
A big double-headed dildo works for any TalEvangical ministers in the family but they’re hard to get on the hook and you have to use at least 15 lb. test.
This is awesome, too: “The midterms were a rejection of the Left. But that’s where we must be careful — like a wounded animal, liberals are dangerous when exposed and backed into a corner.”
“The midterms were a rejection of the Left. But that’s where we must be careful — like a wounded animal, liberals are dangerous when exposed and backed into a corner. ”
When I’m exposed I’m mainly just cold and a little shy.
“‘Dangerous’ is really an invocation of major hyperbole. Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors. What you assess as dangerous is merely ignorance of the neurotic behavior. All homosexuals/bisexuals manifest histrionic and passive-aggressive personality disorders. If you understand their psychopathology, one is always several chess moves ahead. Unfortunately, it’s taken over fifty years for the American population recognize that they are dealing with antisocial behavior due to the lack of readily disseminated information prior to the advent of the internet. In that time, the sociopathic liberal bodies of the APAs and ABA have sought to dismantle our major institutions through fraud and legal positivism. May this great awakening of the American people help us restore adherence to the Constitution of the United States and to restoration of federalism.”
T&U: You sure that’s an actual post and not a script generating posts based on chunks of other wingnut texts? That last sentence just comes out of nowhere…
T&U: You sure that’s an actual post and not a script generating posts based on chunks of other wingnut texts? That last sentence just comes out of nowhere…
I think they’re saying that the gays have caused us to swerve from adherence to federalism, and as soon as we realize that, we can…I dunno…stop paying taxes or something.
Upon being told that we should have let the southern states secede, this gentleman states:
“Bring it on. I think most of the former CSA states are about ready to leave on their own. This time however, the evil Unionfolk are broke, and can’t afford to wage a war of aggression to force the CSA back into a dead-end bad marriage, with constant abuse. I might consider returning to GA if it was no longer affiliated with the USA. Texas, Alaska and Hawaii will probably be the first to leave. California is actually already gone (part of some kind of Mexican reconquista, I believe). Nobody appeared to care, or even very much notice, at the time.”
This is rich, considering the amount of $$$ the Unionfolk have been giving your sorry asses via the federal government for the last seventy years. Once again, I’d love to see the red states try to keep afloat without New York and California’s money to sustain them.
Incidentally, there’s an economic study to be made here. Take the low taxes, anti-union incentives and other goodies that the red states in the South and Southwest offer corporations to get them to invest down there… and figure out whether any of the local and state governments could afford to offer tax breaks and all that if they weren’t being sustained by a flow of federal money. I’d be interested in seeing the results.
This is rich, considering the amount of $$$ the Unionfolk have been giving your sorry asses via the federal government for the last seventy years. Once again, I’d love to see the red states try to keep afloat without New York and California’s money to sustain them.
That was the part that made me laugh most. Somebody’s a taaaaaaaaaad delusional.
“Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors”
I do have to say that I’m glad that we bisexuals are finally getting the blame we deserve for destroying America. We should get at least half of what teh gheys get, right?
That threw me too. I think they’re trying to say that, statistical probability aside, “normal” folks don’t personally know any buttsexuals, or live near any, or see any at the supermarket, etc. Not knowing any ghey people is, of course, a prerequisite for being considered “normal” in these people’s mind. Because, y’know, it might rub off and all of a sudden you find yourself with an appetite for cock and then what? Never mind about Uncle Bert spending so much time out by the freeway rest stop. He just likes the view.
Does anybody else kinda feel sorry for the security guy?
As a security guy myself, let me just say this: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If you think security droids are irritating when you have to spend a few seconds dealing with one, try training/babysitting one for eight centuries hours on end. Mathieu is/was a real mensch … & he got to be a minor folk-hero for his trouble.
“I believe my role in running a club is to bring the girls in my club to support fellow conservatives by our mere presence. My most memorable activist experience therefore, was attending a lecture by author David Horowitz…”
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
Having lived for several years in “Heartland Canada” & seen firsthand just how quickly the good wholesome countryfolks around me were able to depopulate the local wildlife by being such kill-happy Ignint McNuggets, the phrase “GET BENT” comes to mind. Every stream is a urinal & every embankment is a garbage dump when you’re living in a place where there’s no social pressure to get a clue & pick up your knuckles.
It’s not unusual to eat an egg-nacho
It’s not unusual to beat an egg in a nacho
t when I see you eating an egg with anyone
It’s not unusual to see me cry,
oh I wanna’ die
It’s not unusual to eat salmon all the time
but if I see you do it again, I know that it’s a crime
if you should ever want to the fish of anyone,
It’s not unusual it happens every day no matter what you say
you find it happens all the time
eggs and salmon do it everytime
why can’t this crazy thread be mine!
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities”
I can’t afford to live in the country. By the time you buy the camper, the bass boat, the 4-wheel ATV, the motorcycle, all the assorted firearms and the F-250 pickup to haul the whole mess around with.
ON-TOPIC: I was impressed by how well the team planned and prepared for the hoax. Dedicated voices for all of the ‘offices’: Automated menu voice … management office … customer service … dispatch office. Scripts for menu voice … prepared jargon (“Your customer number?” “Your invoice number?”) The organist played the same music on each hold during a call transfer.
The advance preparation allowed the team to improvise wonderfully with whoever the caller was and whatever s/he said. (For example, had the security guard handed the problem over to some supervisor, the guys would have been prepared.) Watch the hand signals to each other.
I admire good planning. A good plan is flexible. Win.
Also, thanks to our lords and masters for putting this up. Every so often, it’s nice to take a break from reichwing bullshit.
New York City and its eight suburban counties (excluding those in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania) have a combined population of 13,209,006 people, or 68.42% of the state’s population.
Ped, the balancing act any governor has to accomplish is to find a line between taking care of the gorilla in the room, while keeping the family that lives there fed as well. NYC is such a weight on the state’s legislative coffers that it’s nearly ludicrous.
That said, the elimination of the commuter tax did more damage to the city than any number of bad apportionment bills the state legislature has passed.
sparky, I presume that you mean my link about the AFL-CIO? Had I known that there would be guests from Dkos I would have deployed my sarcasm tags. If you peruse the other threads on this fine blog you will see that it is unpossible for us to stick to anything like a topic. Five comments may be a record, in fact.
Wow, my comment wasn’t that caustic, though I had considered recommending all of u red sate a$$holes just go ahead and secede from the union again if only to elevate the mean IQ of the nation at large. But, hey, I’m just not that kind of guy.
I didn’t read his link wrong, it posited that the left has pushed the events in Egypt, and IMHO its a stretch to say the least. But hey far be it from me to say that linkage between cell phone carrier customer service and revolutions in the middle east seem like a bit of a non-sequitur. Whatever
I have to wait on the line at least 20 minutes for each transfer. And I dream of having keyboard music to listen to!
Who says Flemings have no sense of humor?
That’s one’s good right up to the end. I was impressed with their ability to keep their voices from breakiing.
I was impressed with their ability to keep their voices from breaking.
They learn deadpan at an early age there.
I was going to say “10 minutes? Too Long!” and then I started watching….
Sorry to go off topic too quickly, but this is an interesting bit of crazy.
It seems that the AFL-CIO posted a statement on their website in support of Tunisian unions, proving that the protests across the Middle East are merely a sinister front for international Islamo-bama-socialism.
It seems that the AFL-CIO posted a statement on their website in support of Tunisian unions, proving that the protests across the Middle East are merely a sinister front for international Islamo-bama-socialism.
BLESS THEIR HEARTS… shit. Corporations have been globalizing for decades in the search for more profits and fucking over everyone else in the process. The only way we’ll ever fight beat them at that is if the union movement globalizes as well.
Not going to click on the link, cause it sounds like a teabagger’s bullshit take on it, but thanks for the info.
I just found this funny quote at Hullabaloo. From a tea party supporter:
This guy makes a good point. When I moved close to the city, I found myself loving my family less and less.
Sounds like the rightwing position on dictatorships in North Africa and the Middle East is crystallising around the idea that they are a Good Thing, and popular colour-coded regime-changing revolutions are a Bad Thing for which culprits must be found. Revolutions should wait until the next Republican administration is in place to claim credit for them.
Also in the news, Southern Sudan votes for independence. This should be interesting.
I’d like for a bunch of liberals to suddenly agree with them to watch them scramble to change positions.
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
I’ve got a better idea. Since you’re the ones who perpetually define yourselves in opposition to the other half of the country (“real” vs “unreal” Virginia/America and the like), how about you come to the city and see how the rest of us live? You could start by counting the sheer number and variety of churches and other places of worship and the number of people who attend them, before using a line as asinine as “we believe in religion” to mark how you’re supposedly different from us.
I’m sick to death of listening to the blather about how nobody understands them and everyone should just try harder. No, fuck you, how does that sound? Do you have any idea how we in the city live? Obviously not, given what you just said. Have you ever tried to understand how the rest of us live? Have you ever tried to accomodate it, have you ever really come to terms with the fact that like it or not, a shit ton of your countrymen live in the city and their feelings and way of thinking may be just as valid as your own? No, you haven’t. So fuck you and your bellyaching.
And fuck you sideways with a rusty pitchfork for the “we love our families” line, as if that weren’t true in every community on Earth, including our smelly great unwashed masses here in the city. Christ. And they’re the ones who whine about the elitists.
Srsly, it must be EXHAUSTING being a wingnut. OTOH, I bet they’re good at yoga, cuz they’re so good at twisting themselves into weird shapes to justify all their fucked-up arguments.
Truthfully, I’ve lived in medium to small towns most of my life. I’m tired of these fucknuts speaking for me.
Truthfully, I’ve lived in medium to small towns most of my life. I’m tired of these fucknuts speaking for me.
Don’t blame you… on a macro scale, I’m tired of these fucknuts speaking for my country.
OK, so I mentioned this an earlier thread right as it went kaput. You guys have to check out my new Twitter followers:
TPO_Hisself is PRO-America
Debra believes in one nation under GOD–dammit!
Yes, I’m creeped out ‘cuz I think they’re only watching me ‘cuz I’m supporting some abortion rights groups.
there is a disconnect between Tea Party supporters and many of their representatives in Washington.
And yet someone voted those representatives into office. Clearly it cannot be the teabaggers’ own neighbours, who are all like them. I blame election fraud.
NEW BLACK PANTHERS!! All two of them!!!!!
Oh, good morning! Another peaceful protestor with a long history of anti-government activities which don’t prove a thing about his politics because both sides do it and liberal elitists and political correctness and fags and Ayers and shut up that’s why.
Does anybody else kinda feel sorry for the security guy?
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities,” he said. “We do believe in religion, we go to church all the time, we shoot and fish, and love our families. Some of the time you wish folks in the cities would come live with us and see how we live.”
You also have higher rates of teen pregnancy, divorce, and methamphetamine use per capita, but otherwise, it sounds like paradise!
vs, I’ve gotten all sorts of rando rightwing weirdos following me before. Usually, I don’t care, but if they start talking to me, I block them.
Does anybody else kinda feel sorry for the security guy?
Yes. I worked for a certain evil coffee giant for a number of years and, while I was sympathetic toward those who stole merchandise or camped out without purchasing, I could never understand the brave anarchists who loved to stick it to the man by shitting in the urinals. Because of course, Howard Schultz is going to come down and clean that out personally.
On the topic of city versus country, I will defer to Brendan Behan: New York is “the place where you are least likely to get a bite from a wild sheep”.
T&U, ok, I’m relieved you can do that. I will do the same.
You also have higher rates of teen pregnancy, divorce, and methamphetamine use
Not to mention porn consumption and gay families.
oh man, this video was satisfying. it is true that the poor security dude isn’t a good representation of the entire company and its crummy customer service…but i wish they’d do comcast and at&t next!
I don’t think this whole “The Heartland is real Murka” shit used to be quite as bad. I mean, I grew up in a heartlandy
shitholetown, but I don’t remember people saying this kind of shit at all. Then again, I tried to avoid assholes, and at 12,000 people with a smattering of Hispanics and African-Americans, our town was considered the “big city” in surrounding areas.” I tried to avoid assholes”
Hard to do around goatse guy.
I don’t think this whole “The Heartland is real Murka” shit used to be quite as bad.
That was before Seinfeld and Friends enraptured America. IOW, before our national stupidity had bottomed out.
If you guys go to the Conservative Political Action Conference, you’ll need a container and you’ll need to stay in the container. This is some highly concentrated crazy:
I was going to point out a few highlights but, damn, it’s all breathtakingly nuts. Even if you spent the whole time in a container, you’d leave with the IQ of a marshmallow.
Hey. I’ve BEEN to “Heartland America”, and when this guy says “we love our
families”………………….well, he ain’t kidding!!!1111!
If you guys go to the Conservative Political Action Conference
I am. Not by choice. It’s at the hotel right by where I live. Bleargh…
Heh. For Tintin:
Via TBogg, it seems that Powerline is missing one of its idiots.
Say goodnight, Paul!
Ok, paperbag, you aroused * my interest and I checked out their schedule.
Apart from the usual wash of idiocy, I note that David Horowitz is having a book-signing for his book about how nasty colleges are to wingnuts.
Hasn’t he been hustling this book for some years now? Are there no New Outrages to become hysterical about? Some sites seem to be able to invent a new one daily. Is Horowitz a failure as a wingnut? Oh, the shame.
Via TBogg, it seems that Powerline is missing one of its idiots.
Say goodnight, Paul!
I’m sure he’s decided to put his ass where his mouth is (no I don’t mean self-centipede), signed up with the Marines, and is headed to Afghanistan as we speak.
O.K. Who am I kidding? Self-centipede is more likely.
That is quite a schedule.
My curiosity is piqued.
Ugh. That Duggar woman. Her lady parts must be held together with duct tape and prayer. *shudder*
They making them womens register now, eh? ‘Bout time iffen ya ask me, theys pesky things and we need to keep tabs on em.
My curiosity is piqued.
Now imagining Bouffant infiltrating the group by dressing as a wide-eyed “female student.”
Now imagining Bouffant infiltrating the group by dressing as a wide-eyed “female student.”
Is there any other way to imagine M.B.?
Now imagining Bouffant infiltrating the group by dressing as a wide-eyed “female student.”
This has the makings of a great SN movie! Jaded nihilist cross dresses his way to the hearts of CPAC!
“Some Like It ‘Naut” ?!?
Ooooooh. Chris could take a cue from Mister Leonard Pierce.
Except those two would send out the steamroller first and call afterward. Then they’d have Congress pass a law that would give them immunity.
Too late, hair is too short now.
My parents had all the same rules and used the same homeschooling curriculum, but stopped at six children. I didn’t realize that I was going to a barber for religious reasons though.
The DuggarS aren’t so much a family as they are a cult.
Stylist! Are kidding me? ALL those hairburners is homoseckshuls don’t let TEH CHILDREN get near them!
We were lucky if we could get the neighbor to lend us the flowbee.
…Hasn’t he been hustling this book for some years now?…
Reforming Our Universities may just be the re-ordered chapters of One-Party Classroom and/or Hating Whitey but sadly Regency published it Sept. 2010.
…pre-registered female students…
Presumably Ms. Lindsay Smith is pre-registered. She’s speaking on the student activism panel. In a front page interview on the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute site has has this to say about conservative female student activism:
“I believe my role in running a club is to bring the girls in my club to support fellow conservatives by our mere presence. My most memorable activist experience therefore, was attending a lecture by author David Horowitz…”
…Michelle Duggar…19 kids…
The bounty of Jim Bob and Michelle: Joshua, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn-Grace and Josie.
El Manque, FTW.
What cracks me up is that they specify they use a barber to do the buzz cuts instead of a heathen stylist. Thou shalt not enter no homo supercuts.
the boys keep their hair cut short (by a barber as opposed to a stylist)
Real Merkins’ mommas cut it in the kitchen with a bowl atop their heads.
Don’t want those kids ending up with Gayhead.
Too late, hair is too short now.
That’s okay. The flaxen-haired wig is the best part!
flaxen-haired wig
Most ladies claim to like the lingerie the most.
“Some Like It ‘Naut” ?!?
I hate it that you people are so much funnier than I am.
Most ladies claim to like the lingerie the most.
Yes, the lingerie is quite nice. The shoes are pretty awesome, too.
Yeah, your assumption that the mysterious Urbanites don’t go to church or love their families is kind of a block to further dialogue.
As for hunting and fishing, a visit to the C&O Canal or any of the parks where fishing is allowed will show you that we too engage in fishing. Then you can take a walk through the woods in and around D.C. where I guarantee you’ll find enough deer stands to warm the cockles of your heart.
Flaxen-haired wigs lead inexorably to linen bush.
Fishing in Queens off the Cross-Bay Bridge.
Just for the hell of it.
And ladies, you can make me wear your underwear, & paint my face so I look like two hoors, but you can’t cram these gunboats into your silly pointy shoes.
you can’t cram these gunboats into your silly pointy shoes.
Cut off your toes – like Cinderella’s first step-sister – and the shoes will fit just fine.
I’m bummed now. I really wanted to see you in some stiletto thigh-highs.
One and three I get, but how do you fish your family?
Pinkie toe removal!
Dub P, I larfed.
Pinkie toe removal!
If Bouffant does it, it’ll screw up their theory of feminism.
Woods, hell. They said shoot, not hunt. If I remember correctly there’s no shortage of flying lead in our nation’s Capitol.
Yup. The idea that 80% of the country isn’t “real” and has no bearing on the society or legitimacy in the electorate simply amazes me.
Traditional salmon fly for my dad, live shrimp on a slow drift for my mom, one of those big Lefty Creh streamers with pink marabou for my gay brother and a big gaudy spoon for my other brother. The cousins might require subtler fare. What?
Some swear by marshmallows as bait, especially for the little’uns.
Some swear by marshmallows as bait, especially for the little’uns.
Oreos work even better, but they’re more expensive.
Sub uses one of these
Kinda hard to get on the treble hook, too.
That’s not fishin’, that’s harvestin’.
Which reminds me that the girl I’m subleasing from totes left her s’more maker here.
She obviously never used the stovetop, but she has a s’more maker!
Weren’t Faux News Big on invading that place they label Egypt? Seems like they’d remember Our Sacred Troops are in there.
PS Un-freakin-real!
Weren’t Faux News Big on invading that place they label Egypt? Seems like they’d remember Our Sacred Troops are in there.
Okay, apparently it’s two years old. Not that that makes a difference, but it is possible that it’s fake.
Which brings us full circle back to the Duggers.
“She obviously never used the stovetop, but she has a s’more maker!”
This is clearly someone with her priorities straight.
Toe removal?
A big double-headed dildo works for any TalEvangical ministers in the family but they’re hard to get on the hook and you have to use at least 15 lb. test.
Now I understand the wetsuits.
Don’t forget jellybeans, folks.
Darned cheap, and they worked better than flounder cocaine for that guy who was Preznit back in the 80s, Raygun or something like that.
I’d guess it’s more likely Substance has the camo model.
Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton made the list. Tells you something about the people who did, doesn’t it?
And ladies, you can make me wear your underwear, & paint my face so I look like two hoors
I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.
This is awesome, too: “The midterms were a rejection of the Left. But that’s where we must be careful — like a wounded animal, liberals are dangerous when exposed and backed into a corner.”
Be honest, your pinkie finger is useless. You could lose it & that hunk of hand underneath it & be much more streamlined.
See how the outside of your ring finger makes a straight line to your wrist? End the excess!
“The midterms were a rejection of the Left. But that’s where we must be careful — like a wounded animal, liberals are dangerous when exposed and backed into a corner. ”
When I’m exposed I’m mainly just cold and a little shy.
I didn’t think Sub was into the trappings of machismo.
I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.
To be perfectly honest, I’d probably have to now as well, but in days of yore …
That is a tasty and refreshing mango!
“‘Dangerous’ is really an invocation of major hyperbole. Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors. What you assess as dangerous is merely ignorance of the neurotic behavior. All homosexuals/bisexuals manifest histrionic and passive-aggressive personality disorders. If you understand their psychopathology, one is always several chess moves ahead. Unfortunately, it’s taken over fifty years for the American population recognize that they are dealing with antisocial behavior due to the lack of readily disseminated information prior to the advent of the internet. In that time, the sociopathic liberal bodies of the APAs and ABA have sought to dismantle our major institutions through fraud and legal positivism. May this great awakening of the American people help us restore adherence to the Constitution of the United States and to restoration of federalism.”
The splurge gun is both macho and erotic.
Would it be weird to put scrambled eggs on nachos?
Townhall dyslexicized “Shitpeet.”
I like my men like I like my splurge guns–macho and erotic.
it be weird?
Be weird not to.
T&U: You sure that’s an actual post and not a script generating posts based on chunks of other wingnut texts? That last sentence just comes out of nowhere…
It’s not unusual
To put eggs on your nachos
It’s not unusual
To be psyched with eggy chips
I had salmon nachos in the Ukraine. They were terrible.
Which allows you to capture the queen.
Love the fact that we’re sociopaths AND neurotics.
T&U: You sure that’s an actual post and not a script generating posts based on chunks of other wingnut texts? That last sentence just comes out of nowhere…
I think they’re saying that the gays have caused us to swerve from adherence to federalism, and as soon as we realize that, we can…I dunno…stop paying taxes or something.
Damn, these comments are awesome.
Upon being told that we should have let the southern states secede, this gentleman states:
“Bring it on. I think most of the former CSA states are about ready to leave on their own. This time however, the evil Unionfolk are broke, and can’t afford to wage a war of aggression to force the CSA back into a dead-end bad marriage, with constant abuse. I might consider returning to GA if it was no longer affiliated with the USA. Texas, Alaska and Hawaii will probably be the first to leave. California is actually already gone (part of some kind of Mexican reconquista, I believe). Nobody appeared to care, or even very much notice, at the time.”
“January 31, 2011 at 2:52
I had salmon nachos in the Ukraine. They were terrible.”
Really? Cuz SALMON nachos SOUNDS delicious.
Substance McGravitas said,
January 31, 2011 at 2:52
I had salmon nachos in the Ukraine. They were terrible.
S McG can see Putin from his house. Also.
“S McG can see Putin from his house. Also.”
Ooh! That means he can shoot marshmallows at the commies.
M. Bouffant said,
January 31, 2011 at 2:41
I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.
To be perfectly honest, I’d probably have to now as well, but in days of yore …
in days of yore…
It was an attempt at Mexican food in an actual Mexican restaurant in Lviv.
A portion of the menu:
Mmmmmmm, salted hunchback.
Really, I meant to type “salad days.”
But c’mon, don’t go w/ the white gals.
The Hunchback Saloon. Too bad they tore it down.
That Igor could sure mix a zombie.
mix a zombie
Hold the lid tight, lest rotten body parts spray the room.
This time however, the evil Unionfolk are broke
This is rich, considering the amount of $$$ the Unionfolk have been giving your sorry asses via the federal government for the last seventy years. Once again, I’d love to see the red states try to keep afloat without New York and California’s money to sustain them.
Incidentally, there’s an economic study to be made here. Take the low taxes, anti-union incentives and other goodies that the red states in the South and Southwest offer corporations to get them to invest down there… and figure out whether any of the local and state governments could afford to offer tax breaks and all that if they weren’t being sustained by a flow of federal money. I’d be interested in seeing the results.
But c’mon, don’t go w/ the white gals.
At your command.
“Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors”
Most “normal” rethuglican conservatypes have been well exposed in the public sector. And especially the private, er, sectors. IYKWIMAITYD
This person, of course, considers himself a true patriot and flies the American flag at every opportunity.
It’s amazing they can find their mouths with the food.
OHFYWP how can I be posting too fast?
This is rich, considering the amount of $$$ the Unionfolk have been giving your sorry asses via the federal government for the last seventy years. Once again, I’d love to see the red states try to keep afloat without New York and California’s money to sustain them.
That was the part that made me laugh most. Somebody’s a taaaaaaaaaad delusional.
“Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors”
I do have to say that I’m glad that we bisexuals are finally getting the blame we deserve for destroying America. We should get at least half of what teh gheys get, right?
Hunchback salmoon? I’m partial to hunchback trout m’self.
Would it be weird to put scrambled eggs on nachos?
Call them huevos and it won’t.
“Most normal adults have never really been exposed to the sociopathic behavior of homosexuals/bisexuals except in the public and private sectors”
What other sectors are there?
That threw me too. I think they’re trying to say that, statistical probability aside, “normal” folks don’t personally know any buttsexuals, or live near any, or see any at the supermarket, etc. Not knowing any ghey people is, of course, a prerequisite for being considered “normal” in these people’s mind. Because, y’know, it might rub off and all of a sudden you find yourself with an appetite for cock and then what? Never mind about Uncle Bert spending so much time out by the freeway rest stop. He just likes the view.
Does anybody else kinda feel sorry for the security guy?
As a security guy myself, let me just say this: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If you think security droids are irritating when you have to spend a few seconds dealing with one, try training/babysitting one for eight
centurieshours on end. Mathieu is/was a real mensch … & he got to be a minor folk-hero for his trouble.FIGHT THE POWER!
Having lived for several years in “Heartland Canada” & seen firsthand just how quickly the good wholesome countryfolks around me were able to depopulate the local wildlife by being such kill-happy Ignint McNuggets, the phrase “GET BENT” comes to mind. Every stream is a urinal & every embankment is a garbage dump when you’re living in a place where there’s no social pressure to get a clue & pick up your knuckles.
B-b-b-buuuuut… FREEDOM!!!!
What’re you sayin’ there, buddy? There ought to be some kind of government involvement in where I take a shit?!?! Communist!
Oh suuuuuuuuuure.
Arkansas movie: Sling Blade.
It’s not unusual to eat an egg-nacho
It’s not unusual to beat an egg in a nacho
t when I see you eating an egg with anyone
It’s not unusual to see me cry,
oh I wanna’ die
It’s not unusual to eat salmon all the time
but if I see you do it again, I know that it’s a crime
if you should ever want to the fish of anyone,
It’s not unusual it happens every day no matter what you say
you find it happens all the time
eggs and salmon do it everytime
why can’t this crazy thread be mine!
Jesus its 2:45 am, the world is asleep and whatever’s left is stoned.
Except me.
There is seldom any time deader than early Mon.
byebye paul!
New York is “the place where you are least likely to get a bite from a wild sheep”.
Not true!
Oh, wait. I see the problem. You didn’t mean New York state. You meant New York city, the Capitol of the Fucking Universe. Never mind.
Apologies to the NYC Nauts. NYC is always a burr under the saddle. Plus I’m very cranky today.
When I’m exposed I’m mainly just cold and a little shy.
Relax, babe. I can cure that.
A sheep just bit off Angus’s wangus!
What other sectors are there?
Sectors R and N, where offers are usually not good after curfew.
That’s okay, Clyde. You can always get some hot-buttered groat cakes during Pastor’s Flash’s Hour of Reckoning.
Somehow, I missed this yesterday;
Ooooooh. Chris could take a cue from Mister Leonard Pierce.
Thanks for the link. I LOL’d at “one does not simply walk into CPAC!”
“Heartland America doesn’t feel the same way as people in the cities”
I can’t afford to live in the country. By the time you buy the camper, the bass boat, the 4-wheel ATV, the motorcycle, all the assorted firearms and the F-250 pickup to haul the whole mess around with.
In some places, you’ll also need a snowmobile.
Should have been “hot-buttered groat clusters. The good Pastor also passes out tubs of slaw, as I recall.
Breakfast of champions: big ol chocolate muffin and ice cold milk. Anyone else put ice in his/her milk?
You meant New York city, the Capitol of the Fucking Universe.
I’ll admit I chortled.
Of course, I’m a little cranky, too, considered that we’re supposed to get ANOTHER fucking HUGE snowstorm here. And my tights keep sliding down.
Anyone else put ice in his/her milk?
No, but I don’t really drink milk unless it’s in coffee.
Chocolate chip muffins are awesome. It’s like you can get away with eating a cupcake for breakfast and still feel like an adult.
ON-TOPIC: I was impressed by how well the team planned and prepared for the hoax. Dedicated voices for all of the ‘offices’: Automated menu voice … management office … customer service … dispatch office. Scripts for menu voice … prepared jargon (“Your customer number?” “Your invoice number?”) The organist played the same music on each hold during a call transfer.
The advance preparation allowed the team to improvise wonderfully with whoever the caller was and whatever s/he said. (For example, had the security guard handed the problem over to some supervisor, the guys would have been prepared.) Watch the hand signals to each other.
I admire good planning. A good plan is flexible. Win.
Also, thanks to our lords and masters for putting this up. Every so often, it’s nice to take a break from reichwing bullshit.
New thread up.
You meant New York city, the Capitol of the Fucking Universe
Thanks for fucking noticing. Can we get our tax money back, now?
That was hilarious !
I hope they gave Mathieu his coupon for the FNAC though. Poor guy. It’s not like it’s his fault.
Oh, wait. I see the problem. You didn’t mean New York state. You meant New York city, the Capitol of the Fucking Universe.
I know that upstaters hate to hear this, but conflating the two is not an reasonable assumption.
Ped, the balancing act any governor has to accomplish is to find a line between taking care of the gorilla in the room, while keeping the family that lives there fed as well. NYC is such a weight on the state’s legislative coffers that it’s nearly ludicrous.
That said, the elimination of the commuter tax did more damage to the city than any number of bad apportionment bills the state legislature has passed.
wow it took only 5 comments for some tea party douche to turn this thread into a myopic union bashing mishmash. I mean really, is it always about you?
sparky, I presume that you mean my link about the AFL-CIO? Had I known that there would be guests from Dkos I would have deployed my sarcasm tags. If you peruse the other threads on this fine blog you will see that it is unpossible for us to stick to anything like a topic. Five comments may be a record, in fact.
just reeks of goodwins law to me, no matter where i came from
I guess no matter where you come from you’ll be about as dumb as you are now.
Wow, my comment wasn’t that caustic, though I had considered recommending all of u red sate a$$holes just go ahead and secede from the union again if only to elevate the mean IQ of the nation at large. But, hey, I’m just not that kind of guy.
Sparky: if you read something wrong and then say “no matter what, I would read this wrong” you’ve established yourself as stupid.
I didn’t read his link wrong, it posited that the left has pushed the events in Egypt, and IMHO its a stretch to say the least. But hey far be it from me to say that linkage between cell phone carrier customer service and revolutions in the middle east seem like a bit of a non-sequitur. Whatever
Sparky – !!! – I didn’t say you read his link wrong.
what have you then