
Above: Marty Parrots the AIPAC blastfax

Shorter Marty Peretz
Even The New Republic’s The Spine
“The Rapist Ex-President of Israel'”

  • So the ex-President of Israel has been convicted of rape. Whattaya expect? He was born in Iran, and you know how they are. I bet he wishes he was in one of those cockroach countries now, where they love rapists!

“My Conclusion Is That You Simply Cannot Trust An Article By Isabel Kershner”

  • It’s insufficient that this Times reporter doesn’t like Palestinians. She doesn’t like Netanyahu as much as I do, which means she’s a lying treasonous spy.

“The Invention of Islamophobia”

  • “Islamophobia” is a term invented by a race of vile, disgusting subhumans who want to silence pure, Chosen people like me. Well it won’t work, ya stinky Arab Mohammedans, so just shut up!

“The States And Peoples Of Africa…The Coming Break-Up”

  • All the atrocities in blackety-black Africa are due to identity politics on steroids, a continent full of people willing to kill each other because of tribalism.

“Gabrielle Giffords’ Jewish Testament. May She Live Till 120”

  • Wait, Gabrielle Giffords is Jewish? Oh, well let us now praise her to high heaven!

“Europe is Not Entitled to Hector Any Country”

  • Hahaha silly Eurotards are going broke! And everyone knows that bankrupt countries have no right to lecture the finest country in the world — Israel — for its alleged human rights violations.

“Most Jewish Israelis Want To Live Separately From Their Ultra-Orthodox Brethren. And The Haredim Don’t Want To Live With Modern Jews Either. “

  • Judaism, like Islam, has its own crazy, corrupt, and misogynist fundamentalists. But ours are of course better cuz, you know.

“Today’s News Is Like Yesterday’s: Killings In The Muslim World”

  • Self-immolation as a political act is so unseemly; it disgusts me. Jews would never do it; only freaks like Buddhists and Muslims are so zealous. By the way, Tunisia will end up as a disaster because those people are congenitally incapable of anything else.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 49


Self-immolation as a political act is so unseemly; it disgusts me. Jews would never do it — only freaks like Buddhists and Muslims.



3 threads in one day? Is it my birthday?

moderately good looking not so hunchback

Parrots ISREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mighty nice parrots you got there, guvnor…


It’s kind of. Hard reading. Parrots, because you know. He writes so . Choppy. But that’s. History.

I wonder if Parrots types with his feet so he can talk with his hands while he’s blogging?


Memo to self; The McGravitas links, will cut you every time.
Has Peretz owned up to being Andrew Breitbart’s father yet? The looks are close enough but teh crazy is the clincher


“Judaism, like Islam, has its own crazy, corrupt, and misogynist fundamentalists. But ours are of course better cuz, you know.”

Well they DO have much better kempt hair.

The Tragically Flip

The best part is, if the Village ever does come to admit that Peretz is a bigot, he will be used as their example of a left wing bigot in contrast to David Duke because he writes for a “liberal” magazine.


From the “Today’s News” link:

Actually, I didn’t read this anywhere—no, not anywhere—but in an A.P. dispatch on Yahoo: “Minibus bombing in NW Pakistan kills 19.”

While such happenings are quite common in the arc of Islam the details still are gruesome:

Gee, that guy is a horrible monster. Am I to wait for the next US missile to blow up a wedding or can I do that now?


“Actually, I didn’t read this anywhere—no, not anywhere—but in an A.P. dispatch on Yahoo: “Minibus bombing in NW Pakistan kills 19.:”

Oddly I heard about on uberliberal NPR. Morning Edition, one of their two top shows, to be precise.


By “do that” I meant “call gotcha”. Rest assured that if I had access to missiles I would launch them in the most caring and responsible way possible.


Okay, I know it’s early to go off-topic, but I just remembered that Tina Brown, the editor of The Daily Beast, called David Brooks “the quintessential intellectual” this morning on NPR and I about choked on my coffee. Also laughed. Hard.

I shall have something on-topic that may or may not be vaguely funny in a moment or two.


So the ex-President of Israel has been convicted of rape. Whattaya expect? He was born in Iran, and you know how they are. I bet he wishes he was in one of those cockroach countries now, where they love rapists!

Convicted by a ‘Rab and two broads, plus the accusers would have been stoned in a less kind and sweet country.


“Islamophobia” is a term invented by a race of vile, disgusting subhumans who want to silence pure, Chosen people like me. Well it won’t work, ya stinky Arab Mohammedans, so just shut up!

Best shorter evar.

Hahaha silly Eurotards are going broke! And everyone knows that bankrupt countries have no right to lecture the finest country in the world — Israel — for its alleged human rights violations.

Well, it would probably be a lot easier if ten percent of Europe’s economy was subsidized by U.S. foreign aid, but we can’t all be rugged individualists like the Israelis.


The fifth essence is p00p.


I laughed through her whole Bobo worship piece. I didn’t know much about Tina Brown before, aside from her weekly gig on M.E. Her gushing over Booboo’s in Paradise Brooks gat intellect leads me to think I am better off not knowing diddly squat about her.

Note: I’d supply the obligatory Booboo’s link but it’s a fucking pain to do on the iPad. Google the phrase and read the Philly Somethingorother’s piece.


I got out of the boat for a few of those, and they all had the same self-righteous, rambling style that makes me wish I’d stayed out of the water. At least there are margaritas here.


I laughed through her whole Bobo worship piece.

Yeah, I probably woke my neighbors up by shouting “WHAT?!!!” every thirty seconds. Maybe they’re fuckbuddies or something.


I shall have something on-topic that may or may not be vaguely funny in a moment or two.

*holds breath*


*holds breath*

Dude, you’re going to die.


“Actually, I didn’t read this anywhere—no, not anywhere—but in an A.P. dispatch on Yahoo: “Minibus bombing in NW Pakistan kills 19.:”

Google news(searched Pakistan bus):

NW Pakistan Bus Blast Kills At Least 18
Voice of America – 1 day ago
Photo: AP People look at the remains of a passenger minibus near Hungu in Pakistan’s northwest province, Monday, Jan. 17, 2011. A powerful bomb blast Monday …
Pakistan Bus Bombing Kills 18 People in Northwest City? – Bloomberg
18 die in Pakistan bus blast? – UPI.com
15 Killed In Pakistan Bus Explosion? – RTT News
Aljazeera.net – Sify
all 508 news articles »

Total returns: About 1,130 results (0.23 seconds)


The Europe Sucks link:

But their foreign ministers still strut around the Middle East giving Israel instructions about imaginary Palestine.

Palestine has a Wikipedia entry and everything!

It’s actually more than a bit ridiculous for countries that cannot manage their own essential functions to be so ready to chastise Israel.

Yes, Israel’s solitary stand without the help of anyone is the noblest national effort on the planet.


Jesus, please tell me you didn’t read all of those in one sitting. That would be the most masochistic thing to read this side of the Who Is John Galt speech.


Do you know who else hated Jews?

…too soon?


Let the bodies hit the

Let the bodies hit the FLOOR

Let the bodies hit




Interesting that a guy who’s quick to call critics of Israel anti semitic is so concerned about the use of the term Islamophobia. Isn’t it?


ittdgy, I was going to be pissed at you for getting that song stuck in my head, but I watched the video on YouTube instead and giggled.


“Do you know who else hated Jews?”



This is my favorite early-2000s yell-y song. Because it’s awesome.



Hey, I don’t know if you knew this or not, but she’s old. And ugly.



I perform parrot transcription services for peanuts, orange slices, and such as.


And a Coulter- identified Arab!!!


Hanx for the reminder, gocart mozart. Post updated.


P.S. TNR = The New Republic = The Neocon Republican, ever since Marty found a wife with enough money to buy it.


I perform parrot transcription services for peanuts, orange slices, and such as.

Sweet! How many such ases and/or peanuts and/or orange slices (candy or natural?) do you need to transcribe <a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY this?


Fuck. Never mind.


You’s guys won’t believe what’s above this thread.


I stopped reading after this putz tried to piss on I.F. Stone. He couldn’t carry Stone’s notepad.


And everyone knows that bankrupt countries have no right to lecture the finest country in the world — Israel — for its alleged human rights violations.

You know WHICH OTHER COUNTRY couldn’t be criticised for human-rights violations because other countries were running budgetary deficits?


I may repost this on a later thread, but this is the Israel-related thread, so I thought I’d do it here. Netanyahu, apparently, is under fire from both sides of the aisle over the whole settlement issue, and people are PISSED.

Analysts in Israel warn of a serious conflict brewing — not between Israelis and Palestinians but between Israelis on the left and the right.

[…] Yaron Ezrahi, a left-leaning political scientist at Hebrew University, says he and many other political analysts receive regular threats just for expressing their opinions.

[…] Gadi Wolfsfeld, also a professor of political science at Hebrew University, says many blame Netanyahu for not doing more to temper rhetoric that could provoke political violence among Israelis.

“Once again, he has stood on the side as the flames of hatred are rising, and I think violence is inevitable at this point,” he says.

Wolfsfeld says Israelis are polarized and they aren’t sure anymore what Netanyahu stands for. His only real achievement, Wolfsfeld says, has been his ability to keep his coalition government intact.

Nice to know this kind of polarization isn’t unique to us. And Wolfsfeld finishes with,

“The assumption that Israel is moving to a bad place … you have to ask where is the government going, because we are committed, and I am committed, to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, with its democratic values,” he said at a recent news conference with the foreign press.

I’m really, really grateful whenever I read things like this coming out of Israel. Doubly so because I know how difficult it is for them to fight for democratic values – unlike America, Israel is explicitly founded as a state for one ethnicity and religion, which I imagine makes it doubly difficult for people who value the democratic side of their identity and their values to fight for them.


“Europe is Not Entitled to Hector Any Country”

Let us note in passing the non-sequitorial nature of this argument. The nearest analogy would be

“My relative’s neighbours have no right to criticise them for keeping the previous occupants of the house locked up in the basement and torturing them, because some of those neighbours have made a mess of their household accounts.”

It’s not really an argument. More of a Wes Craven movie script.


Everyone knows that bankrupt countries have no right to lecture the finest country in the world — Israel — for its alleged human rights violations.

Fxt 4 U.


That’s an awful lotta boats to not get out of all at once….


You know who especially shouldn’t be hectoring anyone is Greece.


The economy is Greece’s Achilles heel.


Palestine has a Wikipedia entry and everything!

Let me be sure I understand, because I don’t want to put words in your mouth here, but are you claiming PALESTINE ISREAL? That’s kind of meta, isn’t it?


That was shondarrific!

Gary Ruppert Number Two

oh fuck. when HTML storms out of a drunken stupor, watch the fuck out…


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