Goonie Moonie From Boonies Sez Yer Loony

Above: One Canuckistani dollar, minus sense.

Shorter Donald Wank
Reglued America
“We Are All Loonies Now'”

  • Jared Loughner is like some loony libertarians I used to know, who acted as if the Constitution gave them a right to something for nothing. Loony liberals also want something for nothing. Ergo, Jared Loughner is a loony liberal. In contrast, I’m a god-fearing conservative who’s already forgotten my post’s title.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 116


Dear Cthulhu, man, you cannot keep posting like this! The intertubes cannot take any more!

Welcome back.


Is there some sort of contest going on?


Hmmm. The Patriot movement may not be “conservative” but it is certainly right wing.


Must be hard to write when you’re twisted up like a pretzel and your head is up your ass.

Whoo. This movie had major pacing problems. Plus for 2 hours It was
buidling up to something, then you find out it’s all a dream.


Got off the boat to see some tigers. (Don’t care about mangos.) All I saw was a puddy-tat.

Someone needs to hand Mr. Hanky a copy of Neiwert’s The Eliminationists dogeared to the sections which explain “transmitters” and how the militia/patriot movement morphed into movement conservatism.

Those folks in the meeting he talks about attending “in the early 90’s?” Surprise, surprise! they now call themselves the Tea Party.


Another guy in the group, who was dependent on a prescription antidepressant, was obliged to leave his apartment upon expiry of his lease.

1. Pretentious twat, much?

2. He was “dependent on a prescription antidepressant”???? What kind of scumbag takes a perfectly legal drug prescribed to him by his doctor? To help him be a functional and productive member of society, no less! MONSTER.

moderately good looking not so hunchback

Mr. Hank Donald, translate this into whatever Sino-Euro-Commie language you want: That is the stupidest fucking article I’ve ever read .


But in fact, their concern is for themselves, their own selfish interests, and they are, in their own way, attempting to usurp and distort the Constitution for personal gain and power.

So, yea, they are pretty much the definition of your modern conservative.

But looniness — in this case, manifested as the mental incapacity to see through a relatively transparent smoke screen — is spreading epidemically thanks to the wondrous distortive power of the press.

Fox News. Ahem. Also.


Making fun of Donalde is like shooting fish at a Red Lobster.


Making fun of Donalde is like shooting fish at a Red Lobster.

Fun, but stinky?


Making fun of Donalde is like shooting fish at a Red Lobster.

I would never do something like that.


Hey…let’s tone down the violent rhetoric. We don’t want people to think BOTH SIDES DOIT.


Okay, making fun of Donalde is like speaking to fish in a loud voice, but using calm, reasoned rhetoric, about how the bootom of a barrel is a fine place to be, but one should perhaps not be always scraping it quite so much.


MUCH better. You even used your inside voice!


You even used your inside voice!

Well, I’ve had a few Wolverines.


Uh oh. Well, reading this much wingnuttery will do that to ya.


Okay, I get that he’s from the boonies – NOBODY goes to Kutztown State, fergawdsake. York county is home to many of the more … st00pider PA inhabitants. But what’s the Canuckistani part? What am I missing?


Jared Lee Loughner reminds me of Jerry Lee Lewis, or perhaps Jerry Lewis Laughter. The French adore Jerry Lewis, but the Mooslims are taking over the France. So LOGICALLY…?


But what’s the Canuckistani part? What am I missing?



,,,what’s the Canuckistani part? What am I missing?

Here in the frozen wastelands of the North, although we are hewers of wood, paper is hard to come by. Thus our one dollar bill isn’t a bill – Our paper money only kicks in at fivers. Our one dollar thing is a coin, with a picture of a loon on it. It’s affectionately referred to as fucking change ruins the line of these pants or teh “loonie”.


Damn you T&U! You and your non cankled typnigs skillz.


I am loving the multiple S,N! postings.

But in fact, their concern is for themselves, their own selfish interests, and they are, in their own way, attempting to usurp and distort the Constitution for personal gain and power.

I know people just like that! Their names are Rupert Murdoch, David Koch, and Charles Koch. And without the money they invest in wingnut propaganda, the political opinions of a Donald Wank would never see the light of day.


Jesus fucking Christ, I’m eight threads behind. I don’t even have time to get out of the boat. Generic mockery of wingnuts must suffice.


The design for the coin was meant to be a voyageur theme, similar to the country’s previous one dollar/silver dollar coin, but the master dies were lost by the courier service while in transit to the Royal Canadian Mint in Winnipeg.

Oh, Canada.


NOBODY goes to Kutztown State, fergawdsake.

Hey! I went to West Chester State!

But yes, PA is a fine place to be from, as long as you know enough to leave.


Also, “We are all loonies now”? FFS, I am askeered to look at TIDOSY’s site, not for the usual reason of the unhinged argleblargleblart, but because.


I like the way he goes through the whole rigmarole of how these people are loonies but then in one sentence that sums up the whole mess:
is in fact trying to distance itself from a man who is arguably one of their own.
he tries to sheet it home to the left.
I guess not even Renew America would allow his real message
Loonies, Loonies, Loonies, Loonies, Loonies, Loonies, Loony left, Loonies.
They are succeeding in part so far because naive people on the other side have allowed themselves, out of fear, to be branded by their lies and people in the amorphous center believe them.
I think he just called you stupid.


You know who ELSE went to West Chester State?

Besides DKW’s mom?


Damn you T&U! You and your non cankled typnigs skillz.

I even got a “slow down, you’re posting too fast!” message.

The new Decemberists album is disappointing.


You can proof nuzzing~!


“FFS, I am askeered to look at TIDOSY’s site, not for the usual reason of the unhinged argleblargleblart, but because.”

It was foretold…just like The Night of the Cockblock.


The new Decemberists album is disappointing.

Is there NOTHING worthwhile in the world any more? I freakin’ love their last one.


Hmmm. The Patriot movement may not be “conservative” but it is certainly right wing.

I’m not even going to make that concession. I completely fail to see the difference between “far right” “loonies” and the supposedly “mainstream” conservatives who make up the current GOP.

Let’s see, what’s so special about this “Patriot Movement” –

I was told that one of the guys in the group specialized in baiting the cops by driving around in a car without a tag. Whenever he was pulled over, he pulled a copy of the Constitution out of his glove compartment and showed the officer a clause protecting the right of free travel. This he interpreted to mean that the government could not force anyone to buy a license to use a car. This same gentleman was unemployed, spending most of his time fighting the “fascist” government. […] The group seemed to accord him a special degree of respect.

Forgive me. How is that any different from the hundreds of “mainstream” conservative activists who have claimed that it’s fascism for the government to force anyone to buy health insurance (after all the Constitution doesn’t mention car licenses either)? Or the millions of Real Americans who not only “accord these guys a special degree of respect” but actually vote based largely on how they tell them to?

And there’s plenty of other groups like that running around. Take the Westboro Baptist Church; yes, I agree completely that their disrespect for our troops is disgusting and wrong. I also don’t see how the sentiment’s any different from the “mainstream” conservatives’ contempt for every other kind of public servant in the country. Remember Pat Robertson joking about throwing “a nuke” into the State Department? How is that different from “thank God for dead soldiers”?

The Aryan Nations types; yes, I agree completely that what they propagate about Jewish conspiracies and how the Jews caused every tragedy in the last 2,000 years and we should beware their infiltration is disgusting and prejudiced. I also don’t see how it’s any different from what I read daily, routinely, on every “mainstream” teabagger website about Islam and Muslims (or on religious right sites about every other religion and quite a few Christian churches).

QED, there is no distinction. Guys like the Patriot Movement may have outdated prejudices and outdated conspiracy theories, but they’re no more irrational, no more wrong, and really no different from those of their supposedly “normal” counterparts in the GOP.


From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon.
I gotta say, WTF!?!?!? I realise that wingnut humour usually involves guns and violence but is it saying that alternative energy is like Obama committing suicide?
I’ll admit to not even a rueful smile and a “fairly made point, Sir!”
What the fuck is he on about?


Is there NOTHING worthwhile in the world any more? I freakin’ love their last one.

It’s not bad. Just disappointing, especially after The Crane Wife and Hazards of Love.

It’s really country-influenced, with a little bit of early R.E.M. thrown in, but it feels a little forced. Like, “Oh, hey, let’s do a country album! More steel guitar! NO MORE! MOOOOOOOOORE! And harmonica!!!”

I don’t understand how they were able to take prog rock and modernize it and adapt it as their own, but can’t do the same with country. The former seems MUCH more difficult.


And, who knows, it might grow on me.

Just, Jesus. Can we do a little less steel guitar? I love it, but damn.


Or what Malaclypse and ITTDGY said. It’s shorter.

Disclaimer for the above, I wasn’t trying to rip on Wiley, more on Donald and those like him who try to introduce distinctions between movement conservatives and far righters as if they mattered. To me, it’s like arguing the distinction between Nazis and Fascists – interesting in a narrow academic sense maybe, but for most purposes, same bloody thing.


Thus, seen in this light, the loony Left, in accusing conservative talk radio and TV hosts and politicians like Sara Palin of inciting loony Loughner to kill, is in fact trying to distance itself from a man who is arguably one of their own. They are succeeding in part so far because naive people on the other side have allowed themselves, out of fear, to be branded by their lies and people in the amorphous center believe them. They really ought to see through the subterfuge.

Wait, WHAT? This doesn’t make sense at all. I mean it doesn’t even cohere as a sequence of ideas. Let’s try this construction with a different subject.

Thus, seen in this light, panda bears accusing chinks of destroying their habitat are actually trying to distance themselves from what they themselves are doing WHEN THEY EAT BAMBOO. They are succeeding in part so far because [what a strange series of words] either other people or themselves, or the heathen Chinee, it isn’t entirely clear of whom I speak, have been frightened into being branded as non-bamboo eaters or something by people who don’t eat bamboo, or maybe don’t eat it all that often.

Or whatnot.


“From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon.”

They made a mistake with the page title. It says “Michael Ramirez Cartoon”. Should say “Michael Ramirez, Cartoon”


Just, Jesus. Can we do a little less steel guitar? I love it, but damn.

Fuckin’ banjoleles, that’s where it’s at. MOAR BANJOLELE!!!!


Fuckin’ banjoleles, that’s where it’s at. MOAR BANJOLELE!!!!

I don’t think they have banjolele! Some fiddle, though.

Peter Buck plays on a few songs.


Banjo Lill was a fine upstanding woman, Sir!


From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon.

Well, when we invest in renewable energy, consumers have a choice of fuel. If fewer people are forced to buy gasoline, that reduces the demand and increases the supply, which errrm… leads to rising gas prices somehow, i.e., political “suicide”… SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY!


I think kazoos are totally underrepresented in today’s current alt-rock. Also triangles. Also recorders.


This “patriot’s” case best spotlights what is wrong with a very tiny segment of the US population, who are neither leftists nor conservatives

(except OMG SO TOTALLY leftists)

But looniness — in this case, manifested as the mental incapacity to see through a relatively transparent smoke screen — is spreading epidemically thanks to the wondrous distortive power of the press.

I reject your transparent smoke screen, you craaaazy.


“The new Decemberists album is disappointing.”

I’m going to a private session with them at OPB, I’ll let you know.


What about the flugelhorn?

Won’t someone think about the flugelhorns??!!!!??


YOU RACKA DISPR!!! Also, I’m shit outta sake. Time to uncap the SOJU!


Yeah, I know about loogies, er, loonies but what the fuck does this guy from Pennsyltucky have to do with them?

FYWP also.


“Hey! I went to West Chester State”

ZOMG! And you admit it? IN PUBLIC?!?


I’m going to a private session with them at OPB, I’ll let you know.

Say hi to my boyfriend for me.


ZOMG! And you admit it? IN PUBLIC?!?

No, only here.


T&U sed, something about flugelhornies.



“Say hi to my boyfriend for me.”

He doesn’t answer to ‘The Ho’ does he?


You know who ELSE went to West Chester State?

An educated Kitler?!!! I want to annex that cat.

From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon


Also: what, no love for the sackbut?


Colin Malloy did not suck my cock. I’m just saying.


Also: what, no love for the sackbut?

Leave Newt alone!


Colin Malloy did not suck my cock. I’m just saying.

Sooo, I guess you didn’t tape it and you wouldn’t want to share the video with me, either.


AK, I tried, but wing-nut econ/energy policy/oil company sucking-up is hard enough to grasp w/o it being placed in a “witty” context & dumbed down for illustrative purposes.

Maybe what he means is the Prez is playing Russian Roulette w/ alternative energy &/or/yet gas prices are up …

No, gotta be some secret wing-meme about gas prices we don’t know or get, because, well, we aren’t loony.

Wait … I think it’s coming … OK, so:

“Focus on alternative energy/not letting every square inch of Alaska & the Gulf of Mexico be drilled like D-KW’s mom (No need to go there. Shame.) has resulted in higher gas prices (Completely untrue, of course.) which is like Obama playing Russian Roulette & shooting himself in the head, politically of course, ha ha. Therefore Obama is stupid & will lose because gas prices are up. More pollution, more profits for the oily-garchy!”

That hurt. Don’t make me do it again.


Also: what, no love for the sackbut?

Needs moar hautbois.


Do not mention theorbo or it will set ITTDGY off again.



I get OP, but what’s the B 4?


Why do his eyebrows look like Wooly Willy’s?


Apropos of nothing, last night when The Ho and I had tee many martoonis I just threw together a fabulous chicken stew using some leftover roasted chicken and served it topped with savory biscuits. I took pics but my camera and photo soils both suck gigantic putty balls. It was fucking tasty as shit. The biscuits, made with creme of course, had finely chopped thyme and Rosemary. The stew was onions, garlic, carrots, some celery leaves – those fucking celery leaves from the tender inner stalks have ALL the flavor – plus peas, sherry, cream … and other shit I don’t recall.

Tonight we’ll have pr0k chops (boneless center loin from the last whole organic, hazelnut fed, heritage breed, local pork loin I got and cut them from) in a “mushroom hunter sauce” (which means some thing I’m making up on the spot) with eggy noodle and … I got some veg in the fridge, I’ll figgger it out.

Oh, Mark Levin raped Bibi Netanyahoo.



I mean Obama’s.

By the way, if you can’t remember what Wooly Willy’s name is, don’t Google “hairy willy.” Just…FYI.


“That hurt. Don’t make me do it again.”

That’s what ________(insert name)’s mom said.


Why do his eyebrows look like Wooly Willy’s?

Wrong barber.


FYiPad. SKILZ, not “soils”


“From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon.”

Pedestrian, you stole my snark almost word for word before I had a chance to type it. Seriously, even the punch line of “SHUT UP . . . ” Perhaps I spend too much time here and I am being absorbed into the Sadly No! Collective but back to my main point. You stole my thoughts and I will not stand for it.

(gocart sits down)


Was that enough to killnda tred? And speaking of which, is tsam okay?


Needs moar hautbois.

Who doesn’t?


SKILZ, not “soils”

For once, the rule “pics or it did not happen” does not apply. For the love of Cthulhu, please, no pics.



Me too. I get the ears & whatnot, but I’ve never noticed the ‘brows.


And speaking of which, is tsam okay?

I’ve been wondering that, too. I just sent him an email.


I appreciate the effort MB


Do not mention theorbo or it will set ITTDGY off again.

What, a Mary Pickford fan?


Have you done the neti pot thing? Not a cure for your previous massive problems, but now that you’re on the mend, this could speed things along to normalcy.

$10ish at Wal-Mart, cheaper than neit pots go for, too:

Oh wait, that’s an article about the coming apocalypse in Camden, NJ, mean to make you crap your pants.

“Sinus Rinse”, basic $10 plastic bottle.

Distilled water required, & microwave oven & pyrex measuring cup are nice, too.

Sure cleaned out my snot locker! Ancient daily habit for booger health, and 2x/day when sick.


I got off the boat so you won’t have to. What he is saying I think is that the ‘Patriot’ guy is a liberal because he finds things in the Constitution that aren’t there just like those evil activist judges. By his ‘logic’ birthers and 10thers and Glenn Beck are also liberals. Heck, Palin would be a leftist because I can’t find anywhere in the 1st Am where it says “Thou shall not mock or criticize 1/2 term governors of Alaska.*

*of course as always above position is void when inconvenient


Also, claiming that the 1st Am does not create a seperation of church and state would also be a left wing position.


The new Decemberists album is disappointing.

haven’t listened to it fully yet, but I freakin love Down By The Water, because it is so different from their previous stuff.

Will listen to it right now. More updates as warranted. Am sure you are all waiting with anticipation…


with a little bit of early R.E.M. thrown in

literally. From what I unnerstan, Peter Buck plays on it quite a bit.


those fucking celery leaves from the tender inner stalks have ALL the flavor

I had the exact same thought last night as I was preparing my famous cauliflower soup. It amazes me that we ever cut the tops off.

Perhaps I spend too much time here and I am being absorbed into the Sadly No! Collective

Again, I’m on the same wavelength. Since we already have an argot, all we need is an army and a navy and we can have our own language! I can’t wait to read our edition of Le Petit Prince.


I am going to just pretend that T&U did not say the exact same thing I did, several comments above.

Carry on.


OT but heh
Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, today came under attack from a new and unexpected quarter when a police trade union objected to the reported use of policewomen’s outfits for striptease shows at his home.

According to prosecution documents delivered to parliament, so-called “bunga bunga” sessions at Berlusconi’s villa near Milan involved female guests putting on – and then gradually taking off – skimpy nurses’ outfits and police uniforms.

Berlusconi, who denies any wrongdoing, said yesterday he had no intention of resigning because of the latest disclosures, adding: “I’m enjoying myself.”


Pupenius, does this mean I’m a highly-soiled worker now? I kind of dig that. CHECK OUT MY NINJA SOILS!!!!


I appreciate the effort MB

Me too. I couldn’t make any sense of the cartoon at all.


Wow, I need to start slamming Wolverines.


Is everyone here slamming pitchers of Wolverines!?!


No wolverini-tini slamming, still sliding under the table. Whoops, looks like it’s closing time.


Is it just me, or are the wingnuts getting closer and closer to perfecting doublethink? That would really explain perfectly their “logic”.


I have a question about a narrow “factual” claim in the piece. Is there, anywhere in America, a law requiring landlords to rent to some quota of minorities, or is he really bitching about the Civil Rights Act and its offensive, Marxist notion that skin colour isn’t a valid reason to refuse to rent to somebody?


Is there, anywhere in America, a law requiring landlords to rent to some quota of minorities

As far as I know, no. There are some housing projects that have had projected quotas to ensure they remain integrated (I believe Starrett City in Brooklyn was one of these) but this was (a) not a law but rather regulations for specific projects and (b) did not apply to ordinary private landlords.

IOW, he’s upset that landlords “can’t simply rent to whom they wish” and if that happens to be whites only, c’est la vie.


“From Rescrew America comes this apparently humourous cartoon.”

Youse guys are over-thinking it. Ramirez just wanted to tie Obama to rising gas prices. Nothing more. Nothing less. After all this time, have you not learned that in order to understand the wingnuts, you must STOP THINKING?


Memo to Donald: if you use the word “Statist” non-ironically, you are part of the problem.

Also, best sentence ever: “I took pics but my camera and photo soils both suck gigantic putty balls.”


Well, kiddos, my clutch is going to die a premature death due to the six inches of snow we got here last night.

Why the fuck did I come into work, again?


So is everyone just frozen in awe at the sheer volume of sheer threadiness or what?

Bilo, thanks for the tip. I have and use a neti pot.


I’m not quite sure why two “sheers” was necessary.


T&U, don’t you drive a Subaru? (I seem to remember that from my former life as Rusty Shackleford.) Clutches are a weak spot with them. My first Impreza ate them like popcorn chicken.




T&U, don’t you drive a Subaru? (I seem to remember that from my former life as Rusty Shackleford.) Clutches are a weak spot with them. My first Impreza ate them like popcorn chicken.

I did have one, and it’s an automatic, but Mr. T&U recently came here and took it back to Oregon (where I am not). Which is good, because I was having trouble swinging the payments, but now I have a Ford Focus, and it doesn’t like the snow, poor thing. I live at the bottom of a steep hill and he baaaaaaaaaaaaarelyyyyy made it up. And then he smelled all burny.


Youse guys are over-thinking it. Ramirez just wanted to tie Obama to rising gas prices. Nothing more. Nothing less.

the gun-like object to Obama’s head is simply a bonus feature then?


And then he smelled all burny.

he’s probably been reading Renew America. Don’t let your Focus out of the Boat!


he’s probably been reading Renew America. Don’t let your Focus out of the Boat!

But Cricket loves mangoes!


Why the fuck did I come into work, again?




Well, you know, my boss is gone, so I *could* use her office…


so I *could* use her office…

Is there a webcam in there?


“the gun-like object to Obama’s head is simply a bonus feature then?”

Like Limbaugh, Ramirez must keep supplying the red-meat. The bonus is that he gets to say “fuck you” to the political-correctness du jour.


Is there a webcam in there?

I found the one you hid behind her dermatological conditions book, so no.


The bonus is that he gets to say “fuck you” to the political-correctness du jour.

They’re like children…it practically says “So NYAH!”


“so I *could* use her office…

Is there a webcam in there?”

Make sure the all the lights are on. I hate it when those videos are too damn dark. Fuckin amateurz.


Another guy in the group, who was dependent on a prescription antidepressant

You should try them, Donald. You’d feel SO much better.

In fact, you might even stop being a pricky, bitter right-winger with a grudge against the world.

Seriously, though, it occurs to me that an awful lot of these righties ARE clinically depressed. Irritable, paranoid, disappointed by life, always looking on the dark side….


Thus, seen in this light, the loony Left, in accusing conservative talk radio and TV hosts and politicians like Sara Palin of inciting loony Loughner to kill, is in fact trying to distance itself from a man who is arguably one of their own.

“Arguably” is definitely the flashing neon “BULLSHIT” sign du jour lately. A lot of people have said that Loughner’s politics just don’t matter because he’s a psycho, while others say his politics guided his demented behavior so they DO count. I say it’s sure no secret at this point where the whackadoodles wind up on the spectrum: for every NewAger™ earnestly trying to convince Greenpeace to run their Zodiacs on moonbeams or methane from unicorn-farts, there’s a good dozen or so Randroids/Dittoheads/Reaganbots calling C-SPAN, putting pipe-bombs in mailboxes … or running for office – hi there, Dr. Paul!

If Loughner really is/was part of the patriot movement you’re gonna have to argue REALLY hard to morph him into a lefty. The “soveriegn citizen” horseshit was spawned by white-supremacists who didn’t want to pay taxes to Teh NWO Of Zog, & they loooooove them some states’ rights, too. Libertarians themselves skew strongly right, as any visitor to can discover in a New York Minute. Then there’s that marathon of DUH that is the Birthers. Hate ’em all you want, but 9/11 Truthers can at least point to Operation Northwoods – what the flaming fuck can Birthers point to in the real world to dignify their batshit-insane hijinx?

The GOP was trying not to walk into the light in 2008, & it made the conscious decision to offer a seat at the table to every crazy motherfucker that could cast a ballot, period. Now the Birchers are back in the GOP, & the prospect of an Aryan Nations PAC doesn’t sound wild at all any more. Surely nobody could have predicted that those chickens would ever come home to roost!

But looniness — in this case, manifested as the mental incapacity to see through a relatively transparent smoke screen — is spreading epidemically thanks to the wondrous distortive power of the press.

I take it distortions like Obama (who has somehow suddenly inherited Groucho Marx’s eyebrows – WTF?!?) with a gas pump to his head like a gun, or Olbermann, Maddow & Schultz depicted foaming at the mouth with the oh-so-jocular legend “RABID RESPONSE TEAM,” are magically exempt from the charge of First Degree Loony … unlike the insane rantings of those unserious & patently unhinged DFHs who said that Iraq would be an epic clusterfuck, or that invading Afghanistan was a major fuckup waiting to happen right from Day One, or that exporting jobs while fighting wars on credit would tear America a new ass in the long run.

When someone says nasty & scary things that you dislike, but that keep coming true over & over & over again, perhaps “LA LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” is not the ideal response.


The scariest thing is that this asshole actually thinks he said something both logical and meaningful, and he hasn’t done either.


(comments are closed)