Rackin’ Frackin’ Hedgecockin’ Nutsackin’

Above: Best pornstar name for a non-pornstar since Randy Johnson.

Shorter Roger Hedgecock
Subhumans Venting Online
“Gettin’ Fat, Gamblin’, And Cruisin’ On Food Stamps'”

  • What happened to the good old days when poor people had to use food stamps in supermarkets, revealin’ themselves to all as the freeloadin’ scumbags we always knew they were? Now they are given cards, which they can use in many places includin’ restaurants and OMG farmers’ markets, and cash, which they can use anywhere, just as I do and — holy shit how can we tell them from normal people now?!?!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 295


Conservatives are just getting lazier & lazier. I still have one of those cards, & you can tell it’s an EBT card. In Calif. they have “Golden Advantage” on them in pretty big letters.

Roger may not be able to crane his neck & snoop like he used to.

And be sure to Giz-oogle his sorry failure ass.


Roger Hedgecock:

Dirtiest Beatrix Potter character ever.


If he manages to get money through his wits and his writing, he should be poor.

Roger Hedgecock's evil twin, Regina Bushcunt

What happened to the good old days when rich people had to wear signs revealin’ how much money they had on them?


Why does he keep putting the word ‘family’ in scare quotes? Is there some conservative meme I’ve missed about people defrauding the guvm’nt by making fake families or something?


Roger, they are using the cards because Republicans have under-funded the program so badly, printing out the stamps has become too expensive.

If you want that “warm fuzzy of faux-superiority” you’re gonna have to cough up for printing costs.


Monday’s letter announced that the cards, which access cash meant to help families pay rent and clothe their children, also will no longer work at bail bond establishments, bingo halls, cruise ships, gun shops, bars, racetracks, smoking shops and tattoo parlors.
That’s from November 2010 I guess Human Events is not very up with the times


$69 million in welfare benefits had been accessed from machines outside the state since 2007…
More than $16,000 had been accessed on cruise ships, including several that sail primarily from Miami.

whereas Rogered says
A Los Angeles Times report also found California’s poor spent $69 million from January 2007 through May 2010 using their EBT cards on at least 14 cruise ships sailing from Miami and other ports, at Florida’s Walt Disney World, in Hawaii and Guam (!), and at hotels on the Las Vegas Strip.


Perhaps they should have to wear some sort of large badge on their clothing, say a dollar sign with a slash through it, for easy identification.

Why does he keep putting the word ‘family’ in scare quotes? Is there some conservative meme I’ve missed about people defrauding the guvm’nt by making fake families or something?

Well you know they just fuck like bunnies and never get married. Sometimes the female rears the resulting offspring without the assistance of the male!


I liked the line about recycling the governor.


Roger Hedgecock? I loved his work with the Soft Boys.


In California, the poor can use the EBT card at the farmers’ market, and the flea market

I’m going to go out on a limb here, but wouldn’t it make sense that poor people would buy things at flea markets, instead of buying more expensive brand new merchandise?

Also – aren’t casinos and cruise ships employers of low-wage temporary service workers? Bet there are alots of part-time cleaning staff, entry-level on-call security guards, dishwashers, etc. who might qualify for aid. Wouldn’t it make sense that a carrier of an EBT card might use it to get cash at machines conveniently located at their workplace?


Soft Boys?

Wazzat – easier to eat their flesh ZRM? I thought you was only into branezzz and DKW’s mom.


A Los Angeles Times report also found California’s poor spent $69 million from January 2007 through May 2010 using their EBT cards on at least 14 cruise ships sailing from Miami and other ports, at Florida’s Walt Disney World, in Hawaii and Guam (!), and at hotels on the Las Vegas Strip.

And how many of “California’s poor” were actually whitebread trust fund babies that Tucker Carlson taught to defraud the food stamp program?


Elkins said,

January 15, 2011 at 12:40

Why does he keep putting the word ‘family’ in scare quotes? Is there some conservative meme I’ve missed about people defrauding the guvm’nt by making fake families or something?

Dan Quayle’s faux family comes to mind…

P.S. In case anyone is wondering, son of potatoe was elected to the House by morons in Arizona’s 3rd district.


Making sure that families have enough to eat is Un-American. They should make money to feed themselves the old-fashion way, like $arah Palin.

By fleecing the Rubes.


The cards were instated in a lot of states, IIRC, because conservative’s overweening concerns that some poor people might SELL the stamps to get money for booze or drugs. I’m sure Roger’s real problem here is as somebody noted – now when he’s in the checkout line at the grocery store, he can’t as easily zero in on who’s paying with food stamps and disapprovingly note that they have things other than beans and ramen noodles in their grocery cart.

As far as TANF or AFDC (don’t know if they even use that term anymore) funds from EBT cards being spent out-of-state, or even on cruise ships, whatever. In the old days when we just sent people a check, they cashed it and spent it wherever. So it appears the EBT cards are a double-edged sword for Roger here – they allow him information on how unworthy welfare leeches spend their handout money that he would otherwise never know, while at the same time prohibit him from harumphing disapprovingly when the woman in front of him at the supermarket buys fresh arugula with food stamps.


In America, you burst the boil. In Russia, the boil bursts you.


Perhaps the poor should have backward “P”‘s carved into their cheeks. You know, to help Roger out.


backward “P”

ow ow ow ow ow


Let me guess–his post is laced with racism. The headline certainly is.


Also, the “family” thing is so horrifying that I don’t even know what to say about it.

moderately good looking not so hunchback

…how can we tell them from normal people now?!?!

I’m guessing that this was left as an exercise for the student to complete on their own. Hmmmm, what other visible characteristic might there be to separate these groups for Roger.

I’m stumped.


What a weird thing, to send people money electronically. That hasn’t gone on ANYWHERE ELSE in our society in the past twenty years!

Funny, the same crowd shakes their fists and cries WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE! at every turn, but you do something that saves a shitload of money, just on postage alone, and NOOOooooooooo, they’re not happy.

Say, isn’t this affecting employment at the post office, to not be shuffling all this paper around day by day? Wouldn’t glibertarians be happy to see all that minority labor cast out into the private sector to scramble its ass off without benefits so we can finally lower ourselves to the competition with Bangladesh? Say, wouldn’t a state gov’t paying that independent corporation to drive little pieces of paper around each city, in a time like this, be, oh, Keynesian?

This is like their bellowing about the supposed details of the SS trust fund, or Medicare: their real problem is, they just don’t like the program. And their other real problem is, while there’s a laaarge swathe of the Amurrican right that likes to sit around and hate on poor people, a whooole lot of agribusiess and food processors and retailers — Republicans, mostly — like this program, so there will never be anything done to make it go away.

BTW, if taking poor peoples’ money for gambling is such an outrage, I’d like to see the GOP vow to stop taking money from the “gaming” industry.

One of the several things that stick in my craw:

Pawn shop owners, sleazy used car dealers, sleazy new car dealers, rent to own furniture stores, pawn shops, check cashing places, payday lenders, E-Z credit places (well, there was a time), credit card companies, all sorts of vampires have their fangs in the jugular of the poor, and the business owners are most likely Republicans (with car dealers, it’ s not likely, it’s overwhelming), then they turn around and write checks to Bill Bennett to wag his finger at us little people about virtue and self-restraint and thrift.

(And then Bill Bennett takes a big chunk of that money and puts his chips on 22, 22, lucky number 22…)

Now watch Slate make this drive:


Everybody loves the foodstamps now.


It’s good to see someone else blogging. Mostly because you know how I feel about those people*.

*dirty fucking Belgians


Creationists love bananas, oh yes they do:


I forgot to say “hi” to HTML! Good to see you around here.


A Los Angeles Times report also found California’s poor spent $69 million from January 2007 through May 2010 using their EBT cards

$69 million over three and a half years? That’s, like, the least amount of waste I’ve ever heard of. The DOD can blow that much in seconds.

The poor clearly don’t know much about spending money.


Best. Photo. Crop. EVAR! That and the caption had me laughing loud enough to disturb the neighbors. Well done.


Why can’t poor folks use their food stamps to attend one of Roger’s “get rich quick” seminars?

No justice, no Postum!!


Applications are pouring in every day as radio and TV ads, paid for with taxpayer funds, inform the world how to get free food.

Who are these vicious un-Christian animals ignoring their duty to not help people out?


Roger Hedgecock has a point. He was nice enough to wear his medical disqualification from Vietnam right on his face.


Hedgecock’s cited LA Times article. It’s from October. That’s a long time to work up your poutrage.

Note: Hedgecock claims welfare money is spent on gambling and points out that there are some casinos that accept EBT. He gives no number for how much $$$ was spent in casinos. He states that close to $12 million was spent in Vegas – but doesn’t say on what. Apparently it suffices to say that a lot of the money was spent within 5 blocks of the Strip. Five Vegas blocks is about two miles. There’s a lot of Vegas within five blocks of the Strip.

The LA Times piece mentions that a flight to Hawai’i eats up 80% of a typical monthly benefit. No mention of how much welfare money actually went into these tickets.

$69 million spent out of state in 3.5 years. California’s welfare rolls averaged about half a million during this time frame. Total graft paid for by California taxpayers? $40 a year per benefit recipient. That Vegas share? $6.75.

If you stick through the offensive “welfare cheats high rolling it in Vegas and vacationing in Hawai’i” bullshit, you get to this at the bottom of the second page of the LA Times piece:

The out-of-state spending accounts for less than 1% of the $10.8 billion spent by welfare recipients during the period covered, and advocates note that there are legitimate reasons to spend aid money outside of California. From the data provided, it cannot be determined whether any of the expenditures resulted from fraud.

IOW, total amount of out-of-state spending that has Hedgecock’s panties bunched up in some sort of Gordian knot that has been shown to be welfare fraud? $0.00 or the same amount his mom charges for blow jobs.


I hate to nutpick but “Foo Man” posted a magnificent response over at the Thinker. It seems poor Foo Man is stuck in wacko liberal Northern California. He can’t wait to hightail it to one of the much better-run Red States, but the evil Commie geniuses of California conspired to make the quality of the public services too darn good.


You can’t use them at gun shops? The gubmint is telling you that you can’t use your money at a gun shop? Where is the wingnut outrage about this? This is just one step away from the gubmint confiscatin’ the guns of poor people, which ostensibly the wingnuts are against.


They’re for it when it comes to “Black Panther” types, Doctorb. (If you know what I mean, and I bet that you do.)


Really? Severe acne was enough to get you disqualified from military service during the Viet Nam? Well, at least he didn’t have the acne on his ass, like Rush Limbaugh.


How much cock would a hedgecock cock
If a hedgecock could cock hedge?


Can you imagine how crazed they’d get if there were new Black Panthers with guns?

Because they sure seem to have flipped the fuck out over two NBPP guys with sticks. Call me paranoid, but just two guys? Those two guys? Boy, you couldn’t achieve that with $500 of walking around money.


In England, “roger” is a verb.


“How much cock would a hedgecock cock
If a hedgecock could cock hedge?”

Not much.


From the data provided, it cannot be determined whether any of the expenditures resulted from fraud.

however, it would be irresponsible not to speculate….


Considering that since 2009, 1 out of every 8 Americans (and possibly higher in California, considering its economy) is on foodstamps, then these figures he’s cited which COULD indicate fraud or abuse but are by no means proven to are incredibly low.


Mark B, yes, acne could be a serious problem. The heat and humidity over there could send dermatological conditions into overdrive. I’ve heard of a fellow who was evacuated to an army hospital outside of Southeast Asia after just one week in-country, something much like this.

That being said, really now, he was volunteering for Goldwater in ’64, and he was a college boy. People with gonnegtions got doctors to write up phony letters for the draft board. Pat Buchanan had a bad knee, boo hoo. All the privileged children had something. James Fallows described how this game worked, in some writing he did in the 80’s, IIRC.


As for money spent out of state, remember, we are 50 states but there shall be no economic borders between them! Bad for business! Let the money move about, and the capital, and the labor!

But if you’re getting food stamps, you should be sitting home and staring at the wall and crying. Don’t even get a ride in your uncle’s car to Nevada to visit your cousin who has a job in Vegas. How dare you. Sit around and hate yourself! Or better yet, come scrub my floor and suck my cock, peons!

San Diego, it creeps me out from afar. Fuckers.


Bilo, James Fallows wrote What Did You Do in the Class War, Daddy?

He also wrote this rebuttal to a widely cited MIT study.



Pawn shop owners, sleazy used car dealers, sleazy new car dealers, rent to own furniture stores, pawn shops, check cashing places, payday lenders, E-Z credit places (well, there was a time), credit card companies, all sorts of vampires

Hey!! Quit hating on “small businesses”!


Foraged some wild ‘shrooms this morning!! Should I do soup, quiche, or ?


check cashing places,
good times
payday lenders,
good times
E-Z credit places
good times
Ain’t we lucky we got ’em
good tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIiiIIIIIIimes, mmmmm


Thanks ITTDGYa! I didn’t know he was that old. Thought he was just a few years younger. The throwing of urine into orderlies’ faces? Holy shit, were some Reagan Democrats made that day. Way to go, Fancy Lads.

Uh, your second link is the same as your first link.

Speaking of The Atlantic folks, Caitlin Flanagan has weighed in in her usual way about drunken fucking at Duke.


Normally, she rubs me the wrong way*, but I had a lot of the same thoughts reading that dirty stuff earlier this year.



Mark Levin steals public assistance EBT cards from grandmothers and uses them to buy drugs.


What kind of drugs? Don’t some people in gay bathhouses like to smoke crystal meth? That’s what I’ve heard. It would be irresponsible not to speculate!


Foraged some wild ‘shrooms this morning!! Should I do soup, quiche, or ?

Soup! I love a good mushroom soup.

Me, I’m trying to figger out what to do with my mussels.


From teh Wiki:

[Hedgecock’s] first trial had ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury



The throwing of urine into orderlies’ faces? Holy shit, were some Reagan Democrats made that day

You ever see Ted Nugent explain how he got out of the draft? He spent days stewing in his own filth, pissing and shitting himself etc, so he’d be rejected by the board. But don’t let the lengths he went to avoid service fool you; according to him, if he’d been there he would’ve killed everyone and won the war all by himself.


Mark Levin steals public assistance EBT cards from grandmothers and uses them to buy drugs.

OMG, I just read that on the internetz! It MUST be true!


Mushroom soup is wonderful. I make a “creamy” mushroom soup using a rice base. Mushroom risotto is always a treat. Mushroom ragout over sauteed chicken breast or over polenta or with pasta.

I used to make wonderful weekends with wild mushrooms but I suspect you don’t have the right kind.


Bilo, here is the MIT study link.

Ouch! Brutal, that was.


[Hedgecock’s] first trial had ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury
From the Whackyweedia:
the trial court had erred in its instruction to the jury regarding the issue of materiality in the perjury charges

Am I a bad person for initially reading that as “maternity”?


Whoever posted this may never be considered a bad person.


Whoever posted this may never be considered a bad person.

Are you kidding? Brainwashing a poor cat into unamerican geography is super evil! The poor thing has dismay and sadness painted all over his face.


Whoever posted this may never be considered a bad person.

My head just sploded from the cuteness.


Bilo, here is the MIT study link.
Ouch! Brutal, that was.

As he says, the MIT study proved that Americans who died in the Vietnam War were representative of the country (without singling out particular classes) by — quite literallly — assuming that the casualties they studied were representative of the country.


I get so sick of these motherfuckers bitching about direct aid to the poor, which is a ridiculously small fraction of any government’s budget.

When I first started seeing my ex-wife, she was on welfare. We had dinner one night with another couple. The guy was my ex’s friend, so-called, but for some reason he kept riding her mercilessly about being on welfare. About why should he have to pay for her troubles, etc.

Finally, I’d had enough of the guy. I got up, fished a quarter out of my pocket, slammed it down on the table in front of him and said, “There. That’s your share of the taxes she’s using. Can we talk about something else now?”

We did.


Oh Noes!! Kitler is discoveredz!!



g said,

January 15, 2011 at 16:53

In California, the poor can use the EBT card at the farmers’ market, and the flea market

I’m going to go out on a limb here, but wouldn’t it make sense that poor people would buy things at flea markets, instead of buying more expensive brand new merchandise?

Also – aren’t casinos and cruise ships employers of low-wage temporary service workers? Bet there are alots of part-time cleaning staff, entry-level on-call security guards, dishwashers, etc. who might qualify for aid. Wouldn’t it make sense that a carrier of an EBT card might use it to get cash at machines conveniently located at their workplace?

Absolutely g.

The funny thing is I run into people who spew the same stupidity of what Hedgecock spews (because they probably read or more likely, heard a repeat of the same crap on the media machine) and I’ll tell you not a one has a wit of brains and usually backs down pretty quickly when assaulted quick-fire with facts.

Them facts just gum up the works.

BTW, it is TANF these days because in Newt’s Contract of America welfare reform that ole Billy signed in ’92 had the brilliant idea that saying “Temporary Aid to Needy Families” would keep those sluts from forcing their deadbeat men from leaving the household if they called it familes, instead of “AFDC” which if I remember was, “Aid to Families and Dependent Children” because the fact is, children make up families and are not people and naming them was certainly part of that liberal cause celebre from the One-World Government Commies at the UN who want kids to be counted as humans with rights.

The facts that get these people’s nuts in a knot pretty quickly are that:

1. The majority of TANF and formerly AFDC recipients are white.
2. The majority of TANF and formerly AFDC recipients are working at least one job.
3. The majority of TANF and formerly AFDC recipients would marry if they could find a man who could a: earn enough to support them or b: not put her and the children in jeopardy with violence or other negative behavior.

Men with stable jobs and good incomes aren’t necessarily looking to adopt someone else’s kids and a wife with earning potential far below his own.

Despite their best efforts at blaming lower class women, well earning men haven’t come flocking to their rescue. But the blame continues, why stop a good thing?

4. Many poor will travel out of state to find a job, relocate due to family or personal reasons (to escape an abusive husband for example) and take what’s left of their benefits with them to use. Certainly Hedgecock doesn’t advocate that these people throw their EBT cards away at the border?

5. Poor women on TANF remain poor and are pushed off the system far sooner than they are ready into low paying work which will cause them to need more in the way of assistance, such as Title 20 childcare assistance, continued food assistance, possibly some cash assistance, medical assistance and of course, whatever housing assistance is available as well because their pay won’t get them out of poverty. No matter how hard they scrub them floors.

6. TANF recipients are overwhelmingly women with children.
7. Women with children, whether married or not, are overwhelmingly the poorest adults in the country across the board.

When women are overwhelmingly on welfare and welfare is overwhelmingly hated on and lied about its hard to believe that misogyny isn’t deeply linked in those screeds.

Which then runs into Karen Owens, the tragic Duke figure, who by one missed birth control date or through lack of funds for an abortion could easily be another welfare mother, scorned and disempowered (with plenty of “success” stories thrown her way to shame her) by the system that hates women for most of her productive life.


Ok, I was interrupted about five times by phone calls during my writing of the above screed, if you can make sense of it, I give you my undying gratitude.


smut clyde said,

Fallow’s pointing out the embarrassingly stupid flawed methodology proves that HE is the REAL dishonest hack.

I suspect that the authors’ unforgivable lack of rigor strikes smut and I more strongly than non-scientificy/mathy types. Trust me folks, what they did was equivalent to standing on a stage and licking each other’s dirty buttholes.

I am unable to determine, using teh interducts, whether “Operations Research magazine” is peer reviewed. There is a journal of the same name which is peer reviewed. Given the glaringly obvious mistake, I will conclude that the magazine is not. Otherwise I would have to conclude that the field of OR Theory is comprised of boneheads, which doesn’t seem likely.


BTW, it is TANF these days because in Newt’s Contract of on America


part of that liberal cause celebre from the One-World Government Commies at the UN who want kids to be counted as humans with rights.

GODDAM right. They only have rights until they are born at which point nobody gives a shit about them anymore.

1. The majority of TANF and formerly AFDC recipients are white.


2. The majority of TANF and formerly AFDC recipients are working at least one job.



Thanks again, ITTDGYa! That second link was brutal. Americans can be so fucking blind on class issues. Even little towns can have a wrong side of the tracks and a mansion row.

Have a friend who spent a year of his service before going to VN at a base stateside, riding a typewriter. He was surrounded by Ivy League types who were in uniform, but in no danger of going.


I suppose that should have been CADILLAC DRIVING BLACK WELFARE QUEENS.

I blame the poor.


Kate, that was a righteous rant. The wingnuts all think it’s YOUNG BUCKS WITH T-BONE STEAKS AND $150 SHOES!!!!!111


Or, what PM said.


Well, keep in mind, they have an answer to that fatherless family problem: slut shaming and shotgun weddings!

(But no dialing back the jailing of everybody for anything.)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Roger Hedgecock? I loved his work with the Soft Boys.

NOT FUNNY!!!! Take it back, NOW!!!

disapprovingly note that they have things other than beans and ramen noodles in their grocery cart.

Ramen noodles? {wingnut}They should be subsisting on a thin gruel made of water and flour!!!!{/wingnut}

By the way, I think I am in love with D-KW. I lobbed a nice easy slow pitch over the plate, and he hit it out of the park, and while the ball was zooming into the upper deck, three baserunners materialized out of nowhere, so it was a goddamn grand slam.

Superintendent Lemony


Surely such a system could only come into being if there was a powerful class of rich white people who choose to attack the poor rather than admit they have vast unearned privileges? Possibly they could view mockery of their cruelty and lachrymose playing-the-victim as a tragedy even greater than the Holocaust or whatever the fkuc pogrom it is that the Jews bang on about it?

Sadly, No! No nation would be so fucked up as to place people like that in charge of the government, business, the military and the law system!

It are unpossible.


If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.


This is what happens when I keep the camera in the kitchen. I got too martini’d to fuck with making fresh egg noodles so instead I roasted some roots I had on hand – carrot, parsnip, rutabaga.


Late to the party. Before jumping in here, some observations and Snidely awards from the previous, truncated thread. (I’m comprehensive, peeples.)

FRIST!! — John Revolta

Clever first-comment claim. I chuckled, anyway.

Hey, Mencken!!
Hey, it’s Mencken. Goody.
HTML Mencken! Good to see you here again.
HTML! Yayyy!

The Sadlies have missed you muchly, HTML.

Operation Enduring Kickbacks — jim

I’m stealing this! *mustache twirl*

Now some completely arbitrary and totally subjective Snidely medals for the truncated thread:

Quel Fromage

I’m going to give [Brooks] a pass on remembering his youth as better than it actually was because plenty of people do that in some way or other, but no, you’re not going to bullshit me into thinking the fifties were short on moral relativism. Why not? Because it was the last decade where there was one law for white people and another for black people. Holding people on the other side of the tracks to a different standard than you hold your own to is the fucking essence of moral relativism — Chris

Quel Fromage

“Civility is a tree with deep roots”
So is a strangler fig. — Smut Clyde

Quel Fromage

“Civility is a tree with deep roots, and without the roots, it can’t last.”

OMG! He’s Chance the Gardner! It’s all making sense now! Somebody ask him if he’d like a car! — bilo

Okay, time to play catch-up on this thread….


PM, your food pr0n is the best. It makes me want to be less lazy in my own cooking. Thanks.


Conservatives are just getting lazier & lazier. I still have one of those cards, & you can tell it’s an EBT card. In Calif. they have “Golden Advantage” on them in pretty big letters.

In Maryland, there is an ‘Independence’ card with huge lettering. And it’s orange. I felt so exposed and humiliated in suburban supermarkets, like everyone in the line behind me was eyeing my purchases, lips pursed in disapproval that a Freeloading Parasite was among them. I swear, it seemed like the clerks took an extra-long time to ring up my groceries.

So I began shopping at a grocery that is heavily patronized by black shoppers and felt much more at ease. After my disability was approved by SS, I lost the Independence card. I still do all my shopping at the second grocery.


“That being said, really now, he was volunteering for Goldwater in ’64, and he was a college boy. People with gonnegtions got doctors to write up phony letters for the draft board. Pat Buchanan had a bad knee, boo hoo. All the privileged children had something. James Fallows described how this game worked, in some writing he did in the 80?s, IIRC.”

I know it sounds suspicious that all these sons of the upper middle class and wealthy had all these disqualifying medical conditions during the Vietnam Era, but actually there is a logical explanation: inbreeding. That’s why Mr. Hedgecock used “families” in scare quotes. If you aren’t married to a sibling or a cousin, then you aren’t a real family in his book. Out of the family tree that does not fork, nothing entirely straight was ever made.


Terrific link from bilo at 18:33. Only 1:15. Go watch it! It will drive you bananas.


I think it was F. Scott Fitzgerald who said, “The poor are different from you and me. They have these little card thingies that you can swipe through a machine to buy stuff. Who ever heard a such of thing?”


Fucking bananas.

How do they work?


eat a bag of hedgecocks?


Yep. Bananas are proof of God’s existence. And the fact that you always get squirted in the eye when eating a grapefruit is proof that Satan is real.


Really? Severe acne was enough to get [Hedgecock] disqualified from military service during the Viet Nam?

Yes. The draft was a loophole-alooza. And that’s just ONE of the problems with reinstating the draft. Don’t kid yourself that the draft will result in an a equality-of-risk for the kids of the powerful, wealthy, and well-connected. It won’t.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Don’t kid yourself that the draft will result in an a equality-of-risk for the kids of the powerful, wealthy, and well-connected. It won’t.

Blue blood don’t typically stain the ground.

So I began shopping at a grocery that is heavily patronized by black shoppers and felt much more at ease. After my disability was approved by SS, I lost the Independence card. I still do all my shopping at the second grocery.

Supermarkets in superwhite neighborhoods tend to be boring- they don’t have any of the fiddly bits (big chicken gizzard fan here), and they lack any of the really cool tropical vegetables.


Bilo gets it:

Have a friend who spent a year of his service before going to VN at a base stateside, riding a typewriter. He was surrounded by Ivy League types who were in uniform, but in no danger of going.


Quel Fromage

Roger Hedgecock: Dirtiest Beatrix Potter character ever. — Wyatt Watts

Quel Fromage

Blue blood don’t typically stain the ground. — Bx4


Quel Fromage

Bananas are proof of God’s existence. And the fact that you always get squirted in the eye when eating a grapefruit is proof that Satan is real. — Jamey


They’re worried that some portion of 0.002% of EBT transactions might be fraudulent?



Why does he keep putting the word ‘family’ in scare quotes? Is there some conservative meme I’ve missed about people defrauding the guvm’nt by making fake families or something?

Anchor babies?


Well that almost went very badly. Suck it Ravens.



Suck it Ravens

<nocredibilitytomaintainatall>Yeah, I guess rape isn’t quite as bad as murder, so it’s good the U.S. Steelers won.</nocredibilitytomaintainatall>


Um, I’ve been busy studiously ignoring sports all day, which has been hard with Mr. S. having heart attacks over the Steelers game. If they hadn’t won, I might’ve lost him.


Mme. Slayer, I did not know you were married to that guy at Balloon Juice.



No food stamps used for these!


“January 16, 2011 at 3:07

Mme. Slayer, I did not know you were married to that guy at Balloon Juice.

January 16, 2011 at 3:07

Mme. Slayer, I did not know you were married to that guy at Balloon Juice.”

Oh, is Cole a Steelers guy? I had no ideer. Haven’t been to BJ in awhile.


OT – I just scooped myself a big bowl of Butterscotch Ripple, and then blasted a pile of Smuckers Caramel topping all over it. Whoever came up with the idea of putting that shit in a squeeze bottle is a genius and a monster. If you don’t hear from me in the next few minutes it’ll be because of the insulin shock.


Oh Tansy, thou art mendiferous
Thine eye a glencing freshet
Trilling, trilling
Plung’d from stere heights of heapéd stone
Anent grene valleys
Hither and yenthen aupt
Till meadow meets the bousome of
The lambine dawn.

-Pettigrew Incing



Butterscotch Ripple, and then blasted a pile of Smuckers Caramel

Bitch, we just got some high-end chocolate sauce that has to be warmed, it’s so dense. It’s like cold peanut butter. But it melts down to a velvety lava that scores its way into the ice cream and makes rich river valleys the ancient Egyptians would have built further, slightly taller pyramids for.

I like me some squeezie sauce, but this shit’s the BOMB.


They’re worried that some portion of 0.002% of EBT transactions might be fraudulent?

That’s way lower than for credit card transactions…

g, those chanterelles are GORGEOUS, I am so jealous! I did the basement kits a couple years ago and later managed to colonize the oysters in my backyard, but oh man, chanterelles and morels are my dream. And DK, now I want sulfur shelfs too, darn your hide!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

OT – I just scooped myself a big bowl of Butterscotch Ripple

Never knew Ernest and Julio made this flavor!


The shape of the domestic banana is definitely proof of intelligent design, just not in the way Alex Comfort says.

Assuming “intelligent design” includes artificial selection / agriculture. But otherwise, yes.


The trick to remember with chanterelles is – “ridges, not gills.”


O/T as per usual, VS, at the risk of sounding like a classically trained, third-generation artist asshole — indeed, with precisely that effect in mind — allow me to say your self-trained ass is producing increasingly excellent work. I think you’re going places.

There’s not a nickel in it, but the scenery is good.


Never knew Ernest and Julio made this flavor!

Butterscotch Ripple is to bourbon as cheese and crackers are to a late harvest Vidal.


I have a bunch of store brand butterscotch pecan waiting for me like a bride watching the sun go down on her wedding day. And by Jesus I intend to make rough use of her.

This is after I make sure my wife’s latest freight of prescription marijuana isn’t pizened. Yes, it’s a perfect day.


Spengler, that’s really lovely of you to say.

And, yeah, Im never gonna get rich making this stuff, alas.

Now if you’ll excuse me, ive gotta go search out a fainting couch, because I think that’s the first snark-free comment about my art I’ve seen here in eons. *falls back*

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Damn, one of my dreamboats died altogether too young.

Assuming “intelligent design” includes artificial selection / agriculture. But otherwise, yes.

I heard a gorgeous botanist describe the wild precursors to bananas tasting “like astringent snot”. This is a clear indication that hungry people will eat anything.

The trick to remember with chanterelles is – “ridges, not gills.”

Ridges, not gills,
The fishy one kills!


Bananas are proof of God’s existence.

Then careful, boyo, because God may be about to stab you in the back.

The world’s banana supplies are being threatened by an unstoppable blight that’s wiped out millions of acres of banana plants in Asia and Australia. It hasn’t yet reached South America, source of most of the world’s supply of bananas, but it’s only a matter of time.

The problem is monoculture. Some 99% of the world’s bananas are a variety called Cavendish, because it’s the only one that combines tough-enough skin with the right ripening qualities for optimal shelf life and durability for shipping. But when a single variety of something is basically the only one around, it becomes susceptible to catastrophic diseases like this blight, a form of fungus. There’s a great article on this in a recent New Yorker, complete with an account of efforts to breed a blight-resistant banana, both through traditional breeding and bioengineering.


Jealous of all you sticky-fingered typists here. There’s nothing similarly luscious to snack on here. *pout*



Had you told me they were chanterelles I would not have suggested the soup. They’re too delicate for that. I’d definitely go with the ragout over a sauteed organic chix breast. some fresh thyme and a leetle squeeze of lemon for the ragout would be nigh unto perfection.


The world’s banana supplies are being threatened by an unstoppable blight that’s wiped out millions of acres of banana plants in Asia and Australia. It hasn’t yet reached South America, source of most of the world’s supply of bananas, but it’s only a matter of time.

Hot damn, BS! Where’s Chiquita going to find the money to buy governments and pay mercenaries when that does come around to South America?


Ice cream is good for the pregnant. You need that calcium (and caramel topping, I imagine).

Consider demanding someone fetch a pint.


“Consider demanding someone fetch a pint”

Alas, that sort of thing does not really go over in this house. Last time I craved donuts I went out and got them my own damn self.


I can’t keep ice cream (or chocolate sauce, or peanut butter) in the house. I’d weigh 300 pounds by now.

BTW, if any of you are ever feeling “fat,” spend a couple of hours in your local clinic or hospital, checking out the nurses, the assistants, and the patients. Wow.


For some reason, surely bizarre, the banana situation reminds me of a faskinaitin book I read (what, you didn’t think I read books?) that culminates in a discussion of evolutionary bottlenecks. WTF was it called … Yah, Locust.



I found some golden chanterelles one fall at the state park where I used to work. I had a friend confirm the ID and then I sauteed them in butter and served them with a nice rare steak. Wonderful!


Chris said,

January 16, 2011 at 3:54

The world’s banana supplies are being threatened by an unstoppable blight that’s wiped out millions of acres of banana plants in Asia and Australia. It hasn’t yet reached South America, source of most of the world’s supply of bananas, but it’s only a matter of time.

Hot damn, BS! Where’s Chiquita going to find the money to buy governments and pay mercenaries when that does come around to South America?

Let’s not forget the Dole!

See how I dragged this back on topic?

I’ll be sorry if the banana supply dries up, meself. Breakfast is coffee and a banana.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But when a single variety of something is basically the only one around, it becomes susceptible to catastrophic diseases like this blight, a form of fungus.

Especially when that variety doesn’t reproduce sexually, so the genetic diversity is pretty much done for.


reproduce sexually,



Just like to point out that we’re only talking about the end of the banana as a commercially viable fruit. This has happened once before with the Gros Michel. The reason why all bananas are Cavendish is because they were resistant to the fungus that wiped out the Gros Michel. And also, the banana itself was suitable for export (i.e. damage resistant, aesthetically pleasing). There are plenty of other banana cultivars out there which will continue to survive – heck one might replace the Cavendish as the new export banana. Incidentally, the Gros Michel isn’t extinct either – just very rare.


Interesting link Thunder’s got. I didn’t know there was speculation down there that Chiquita was involved in the 2009 coup, but it’s hardly surprising and hardly unbelievable.

Memories are short in the US, but not in Central America.

No, memories are the same everywhere. We just don’t have much reason to notice these incidents in the first place. We’re not the ones who have to put up with the coups.

Every multinational knows that if Honduras raises its hourly rate, the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean will have to follow. Haiti and Honduras have always set the bottom line for minimum wages. The big companies are determined to stop what they call a ‘leftist revolt’ in this hemisphere. In throwing out Zelaya they are sending frightening messages to all the other presidents who are trying to raise the living standards of their people

All I can say is good luck to ’em. They’re going to need it.

One day, maybe the U.S. will finally get around to supporting democracy and not just when it elects governments we like. Might even give less people a reason to hate our guts.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


What? Sorry, I was thinking about gorgeous botanists and butterscotch ripple.

Oh, and to repeat myself, check out DKW’s hilarious photoshop.


Hey sadlies, I got a question. I had dinner with my aunt, and we got to talking politics. She said that she went to high school with Mike Pence (who she referred to as a “dickhead”-lady’s got class), and that she has a picture of him smoking weed at age 17. Now, she joked about selling them to the media, but I kinda doubt she’d do it. What would you do with such a picture?



I didn’t know who Lanny Davis was, the day I tuned into Democracy Now. After hearing this screeching diatribe, this sophisitic shit he spouts while hoping and praying you don’t know the first goddamned thing about how things really go down in Latin America, I will never forget.


Of course, he’s since made the news for representing other nice people.


re. Pence:
Meh. Republicans are allowed to smoke pot, as long as they’re born again, and can call it a youthful indiscretion. You little people, hey, mandatory sentencing guidelines.


Nearly 10 y/o profile of changes in Stiglitz the Economist’s career. Also a quick overview of how the IMF cracks the whip:


Oh, and there’s something in here to add to the list of “Larry Summers Asshole Moments.”



Some might argue that the intense & outraged focus on a relatively tiny amount of waste & fraud among the poor – especially when contrasted with the devastating level of legalized theft/fraud among the rich that not only bankrupted millions of honest small investors but nearly killed the global economy outright in 2008 – says something less than flattering about the hateful, anally-clenched motherfuckers holding the magnifying glass.

Others disagree.


I don’t know who Mike Pence is, so I had to look him up on God Wikipedia;

During an April 2007 visit to Baghdad, Pence and John McCain visited Shorja market, the site of a deadly attack in February, 2007, that claimed the lives of 61 people. During the visit, Pence and Senator John McCain were accompanied by General David Petraeus. Pence and McCain described the visit as evidence that the security situation in Iraqi markets have improved. Pence said he was deeply moved by his ability to “mix and mingle unfettered among ordinary Iraqis” and to have tea and haggle over the price of a rug. The Shorja market, he said, was “like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summer time.”

I for one welcome the prospect of taking fifty soldiers, two Blackhawks and my Sunday best body armor the next time I go shopping in Indiana.

Sell the pictures to the highest bidder in the media? She should seriously do that, if only for the fun of watching the Goopers flail around for a few days looking for the latest “it’s okay when we do it” rationalization. If she’s a risk taker, she could also get back in touch with MP and ask him how much he’ll pay her to keep them out of the media, and do it during election season just to make sure it’s a nice big number. But blackmail’s been known to backfire, so I gotta push for Plan A.


Smoot Clod:

As he says, the MIT study proved that Americans who died in the Vietnam War were representative of the country (without singling out particular classes) by — quite literallly — assuming that the casualties they studied were representative of the country.

Guide me. Is this, or is this not, then, a rare living, breathing example of the true Begging of the Question?

P.S. Spaghetti Lee, I’d give it to the media.


Well that almost went very badly. Suck it Ravens.

I assume the Ravens lost to the Steelers in a playoff game? I have two friends–one with season tickets–who will be v-e-r-y disappointed …especially because the game was exciting and close (or so I surmise from the comments).

I go into sports Iibernation between baseball seasons. Philosophically, I’m with George Carlin.


What would you do with such a picture?

Add some Blingees and post it on my blog.


re: blingees, I don’t wanna muscle in on Tbogg’s turf. I have a deathly fear of basset hounds.


What would you do with such a picture?

Well I’m still n00b-ish at this Photoshop thing, but I guess I’d probably shop him into a pic of the My Lai Massacre and make it look like he’s haggling over the price of a rug.


Spaghetti Lee – your aunt should be prepared to be Malkinized if she releases a photo of a right winger in any kind of indiscretionary pose.

What kind of countertops does she have?


Well I’m still n00b-ish at this Photoshop thing, but I guess I’d probably shop him into a pic of the My Lai Massacre and make it look like he’s haggling over the price of a rug.

Broheim, blaming him for the My Lai Massacre’s just going to bring more cheering rednecks out of the woodwork for him come next election day. Love the Photoshop idea, though.


What kind of countertops does she have?

Small ones.



At 5:40, I tried doing text-replacement for a link. I tried to make the text George Carlin be a clickable link to this:


I tried using the WordPress Codex that one of the Sadlies kindly sent me. I followed the procedure carefully and double-checked each character.

This is, I believe, the fourth Snidely Luddite Fail attempting to add this elementary feature to my comments. I feel s-o-o fucking stupid and dense.

Can someone please send me a simple diagram of how to do this operation? Please use the these substitutions in the example:

Carlin link = the YouTube address that appears above.

George Carlin = the text to replace the address.

Thanks muchly.


Damn. For some reason, I doubted that the actual headline of his column was, “Gettin’ Fat, Gamblin’, And Cruisin’ On Food Stamps.”

I stepped up to the gunwale and retrieved the brass spyglass, nicknamed “Safari”, from my vest. I peered into the mangrove swamp. Sonofabitch! I can see the putrid mangoes from here! That is the real title! I quickly slid my spyglass shut and returned it to vest pocket.

Always. Trust. The Nautical Chart/Shorter.


VS, at the risk of sounding like a classically trained, third-generation artist asshole — indeed, with precisely that effect in mind — allow me to say your self-trained ass is producing increasingly excellent work. I think you’re going places. — Spengler


If you haven’t done so, go to VS’s blog and look at The Tao of Me.


Quel Fromage

We just got some high-end chocolate sauce that has to be warmed, it’s so dense. It’s like cold peanut butter. But it melts down to a velvety lava that scores its way into the ice cream and makes rich river valleys the ancient Egyptians would have built further, slightly taller pyramids for.


Shit: Hit Submit too quick. That classic food Pr0n was from Spengler.


Can someone please send me a simple diagram of how to do this operation?

tl;dd (too lazy; didn’t diagram)

However, if you are using Firefox, you really really really need to get this. The only drawbacks are “s” not “strike” for the strike tag, & quotes inserted around URL links when you use the “URL Wizard” (which I always remove as they’re unnecessary & can bugger up your link). Install it & you can click your way to L33+ H@XX0R turf with ease.

Teh Great Gazoogle is your friend. There’s plenty of freewarez that will do all the tag-related scut-work for you on other browsers &/or OS’s too. Also warez that will let you use HotKeys to insert links into highlighted text with a single keystroke if you prefer. Get one & save your fingers from the slavery of oldschool handmade tagging … I used to do it that way & I can’t say I miss it much. I also try opening the blue text in preview first (in a new window, so as not to lose my invaluable dick-joke forever) to make sure the link isn’t bunk.


Quel Fromage

“I just scooped myself a big bowl of Butterscotch Ripple.”

Never knew Ernest and Julio made this flavor! — Bx4


Shit again. Forgot to change my nym. Snidely Whiplash makes comments and hands out spurious medals. Snidely Luddite is merely an idiot.

For example, Snidely Luddite, not a Bulgarian speaker, has absolutely no idea of what jim–a compassionate man- wrote above.

Folks, S. Luddite has only been on the internet three fucking years. The example needs to be very, very, very simple.


[a href=”http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/34377.html”]Here’s link to this S,N! post![/a]

Do the same thing, but with angle brackets, e.g. > and <, instead of ] and [, and you'll have it, Snidely.


Bananas are proof of God’s existence.

See Bitter Scribe’s comment at 3:46. I learned something worth knowing.


What would you do with such a picture?

I’m with Thunder: Make a blog and put the photos there. When words gets out you will have a ginormous numbers of visits.

I recommend holding off until the 2012 primary season. If you let them go prematurely, all it will do is fatally wound Pence and prevent him from declaring at all. It’s much funnier to sabotage him after he’s painfully rounded up shitloads of money and endorsements and such. Timing is everything.


Bilo: No, hadn’t seen the UB definition of ‘fromage’. [Bilo’s link at 5:25] It doesn’t deter me from my Evil Plot, however. Because the Quel Fromage has an entirely different meaning: The QF is a high accolade for distinguised achievement in commentary, especially humorous and snarky. Moreover, there will be a cross-ref between the terms. (Won’t there?)

In fact, the ‘fromage’ definition makes my plot more evil: I’m deliberately distorting langauge and the meaning of words.

Much as Republicans and the Whine Press do.

Evil, evil, I tell you! *mustache twirl*


Thunder: I will bravely try it! (First I will go get something for a Test.) If this doesn’t work, it will scar me for life.

And thanks!


Omlet du fromage.


Quel Fromage

ifthethunderdontgetya (for Distinguished Achievement in Explanation for the Simple-Minded.)

Quel Fromage

Snidely Luddite (for Finally Getting It Through His Thick Skull.)


Jules: Mind if I try one of yours? This is yours here, right?

[Picks up burger and takes a bite]

Jules: Mmm-mmmm. That is a tasty burger. Vincent, ever have a Big Kahuna Burger?
[Vincent shakes his head]

Jules: Wanna bite? They’re real tasty.

Vincent: Ain’t hungry.

Jules: Well, if you like burgers give ’em a try sometime. I can’t usually get ’em myself because my girlfriend’s a vegitarian which pretty much makes me a vegitarian. But I do love the taste of a good burger. Mm-mm-mm. You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?

Brett: No.

Jules: Tell ’em, Vincent.

Vincent: A Royale with cheese.

Jules: A Royale with cheese! You know why they call it that?

Brett: Because of the metric system?

Jules: Check out the big brain on Brett! You’re a smart motherfucker. That’s right. The metric system. What’s in this?

Brett: Sprite.

Jules: Sprite, good. You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?

Brett: Go right ahead.

Jules: Ah, hit the spot.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Damn: it’s been over 1.5 decades and I still don’t know what they call a Whopper in France.


On Names for bebe VacuumSlayer: Definitely avoid these.

I still like Dudeskull Slayer. Totes killer when he starts playing video- or RP games. Not so much on a college application or jerb interview, perhaps. But you need to keep your priorities straight.


I think you’ve noted this before but…the best byline at American Thinker is back: Leni Riefenstahl is channeled by Clarice Feldman.


What am doing up at this hour? Trying to relax and forget the sinus headache I’ve been battling for around 48 hours.

Thanks very much for the shout-out, Snidely! I appreciate it.

In other news, the pressure to name my son Dudeskull is really weighing on me. I guess I have no choice but to bite the bullet or face losing my seat at the cool table. Nooooooooooo!


Re: Thunderfingers….

First and I imagine best comment:

“If you don’t masturbate to this you are gay”



Well. Looks like I win. Suck it, all you pussies, with your “sleep”.


Damn: it’s been over 1.5 decades and I still don’t know what they call a Whopper in France.
They don’t. Burger King left France in 1997.


Am I a bad person for initially reading that as “maternity”?
More to the point, am I DK-W?

Oh Noes!! Kitler is discoveredz!!
Maggie Kitler has no further territorial ambitions in Europe.


What’s so hard to understand?

Poor kid may have gotten away with a free school lunch he doesn’t qualify for = outrage against human decency that threatens the very survival of our American Way of Life

Rich trustfund baby scams millions through fraud = how dare you even think of taxing his hard-earned performance bonus



I’ve got no problem with clean air regs, but compare and contrast this li’l drama with the vampire squid of Wall Street:



I live in Iowa where it’s green, ( the card) but the absolutely funny thing is, I go to the farmer’s market and the white suburban housewives will bowl you over for certain carrots and hide their EBT cards that they are using at a “friend’s” stand.


I do realise that the convo has moved on but when I read about these here welfare quuens, I remembered Barbara Ehrenreich’s(sp?) excellent book Nickel and Dimed in which she tried and failed to make it as a single person on the wages she earned as a Walmart worker, waitress and maid.
I will never, and I mean never, understand how the Prez, who seems like a decent kinda fellow, could let the rich keep their tax cuts while so many are objectively poor.


Sorry , I went back and read the earlier posts ……… We’re not in Kansas anymore.


Yeah, that president needs to take over the world.. you know, so it’ll be great


“Burger King left France in 1997.”

Forced into exile? Or cut in half by a sandwichtine?


More to the point, am I DK-W?

Yes you are. Going for lulz by disrespecting people’s mothers is very unserious and bad form.


VS, Dudeskull is an awesome name. If you have any Scandahoovian ancestors then you could maybe use Thorfinn Skull-splitter or Erick Bloodaxe. The kid will have less problems in school than if you named him Rience Priebus.


Forced into exile? Or cut in half by a sandwichtine?

They never managed to get a significant market share, if I remember well. Actually, they never had a significant number of outlets. There were a few in Paris (and Google tells me there were 39 of them overall). Google also tells me that an advertising campaign using the Burger King brand took place last year, letting French people know they BK was back, but it was just a joint campaign with the railways to lure people to London on the high-speed train to enjoy the delights of BK.

They weren’t ousted by angry gourmets armed with giant silver forks and bottles of Bordeaux (which would have been good TV, but poop PR, I guess).


vs said,
January 15, 2011 at 17:22

Perhaps the poor should have backward “P”‘s carved into their cheeks. You know, to help Roger out.


to be sure, it must be a scarlet “p” as well


and in Roger HedgeCockRing‘s world, these parasitic poor should have to lick all the roads clean first, then we’ll see what kind of appetite they have for fresh arugula, hmmm?


to be sure, it must be a scarlet “p” as well

Of course.

Yes you are. Going for lulz by disrespecting people’s mothers is very unserious and bad form.

But making jokes about doing people’s dads is really funny and awesome. Which is why I plan on doing it. Hey, it was Substance’s idea. BTW, does the fact that I’m a hetero woman diminish the lulz at all?


Just read a long article about the inverse of Roger “THE COCK”‘s problem.

The poorly acknowledged existence of the plutocracy in America.

If we don’t know who to look for, how are we supposed to be able to seize all their stuff when the glorious revolution comes?


If you have any Scandahoovian ancestors then you could maybe use Thorfinn Skull-splitter or Erick Bloodaxe. The kid will have less problems in school than if you named him Rience Priebus.

Tee hee.

Though I look it, I am not of Scandinavian descent, unless being part German counts, and I’m sure it doesn’t. Still, I like Erick Bloodaxe and awful lot.


Amazing even for PJM; an article out called “Is Democracy Cool Again? points to the recent Tunisia uprising and sneers that after years of not liking Bush’s democracy-spreading agenda, “even the New York Times” now understands that Arabs won’t tolerate democracy forever.

Okay. So, all those mangoes I’ve seen in the last eight years about how Muslims were savages whose religion meant they could never embrace democracy and the West was stupidly naive for expecting it, all the “kill them and let God sort ’em out” comments I’ve been reading on PJM all this time, those were all liberal plants? Clever, foul, tricksy liberal plantses! They’re so devious even PJM can’t identify them when they’re right under its nose!


Chris, I think you meant “Arabs won’t tolerate dictatorship forever.”

Rejoice, though, because a quick look at the comments yields very ripe mangoes, such as: “When Muslims are given the chance, 100% of the time they vote for Islam Uber Alles.” (I spare you the spewing that comes before.)


Chris, I think you meant “Arabs won’t tolerate dictatorship forever.”

Thanks for catching that. Clearly, yes. And thanks for the mangoes, nice to know some things never change.

Here’s a far superior blog post on the same subject if anyone’s interested. Places the Tunisian uprising in a broader perspective and compares it with the recent uprisings in Iran and Burma.



A thousand thank-you’s for that James Fallows link; my late partner was able to avoid the draft due to political connections his family had with one of the serving Senator’s at the time. He hated even discussing the Vietnam War as it still, after all those years, very much plagued his conscience. I wish he’d had the chance to read that article, it would have been very cathartic for him.

back to the sNårK!:

and in solidarity to Monsieur Le Coq Roti and all those who received medical deferments during the Vietnam era…

“Were all anally-cysted Americans now!”


mmy said

Just ‘wow’.

Like one of our great SN! Overlords had once observed, “they’re propensity for manufactured rage is just breathtaking!”


It wasn’t just Jim “the dumbest man on the innertoobz” Hoft…Pammalammadingdong, aka the shrieking harpy, joined in on the fun.



La Malkin’s native language, yes?


Not only did teh Obama Administration prompt for applause at the memorial service – look how they did it. That Jumbotron is plastered over with ads for WellsFargo.com Further proof that Obama and his cronies are owned by the banking industry.

Incidentally, the post has been updated with links to more poutraged rightards.


Vintage HTML:

Michelle Malkin ‘Ann Coulter’s unique rhetorical habits have unfortunately divided conservatives over the subject of political strategy and by the way, Kristin Powers, don’t fuck with me or I’LL TEAR YOUR HEAD OFF AND SHIT DOWN YOUR NECK RAAAAAAHHHHH!!!’

We’ve sure made a lot of progress since 2007, amirite!!?


Ed Driscoll’s schooling by his comment thread is particularly embarassing.

Comment 1.
It’s closed captioning for the deaf.

Driscoll’s reply @ 2.
Really? The deaf can’t see the people applauding all around them?

Reply to Driscoll
As a closed captioner, the standard is to send [APPLAUSE] when you can’t see the audience applauding on the screen. If you only have an audio feed to caption from, you send [APPLAUSE] when you hear applause…

Comment 3.
“For the deaf” who are watching it on TV. It’s called closed captioning, Ed.

Comment 4.
Are you deaf? It was closed captioning. This is standard practice for closed captioning. They not only print the words, but the sounds…

Comment 5.
Please remember that this was also broadcast to the overflow audience who were not in the auditorium and that a professional captioner is not going to be thinking “Well, they can SEE the clapping so I don’t need to include that”. They are trained to write in or etc. They write exactly what they hear…

All of this happened yesterday. Correction to the OP? No, but an update raging about OMG T-SHIRTS! as well as an invitation to read the comment thread for incivil behaviour. LOL!


I’ll be sorry if the banana supply dries up, meself. Breakfast is coffee and a banana.

I’m unconcerned. For me, breakfast is coffee and fungal blight.


For me, breakfast is coffee and fungal blight.

“Snorghagen, don’t eat it!”

Also Chris and Marks, great links on Tunisia and plutocracy, thanks.


The really tragic thing about this closed-captioning outrage is that certain right-wing tards got outraged about the EXACT SAME THING with the Wellstone memorial, when AGAIN it was closed captioning (as pointed out by Al Franken, who attended). You’d think somebody would have figured it out.


It’s always the comments that defeat me. As that black dude from Die Hard said: I’m too old for this shit. (I am enjoying the ones DKW brought back, however.)


gettin’. Fuck. IPad.


Jeeeeeeeebus. It’s the sinus headache. It’s making me dumb.


You could always blame it on a visceral aversion to all things Mel Gibson.


I’m gonna go with that!


The poorly acknowledged existence of the plutocracy in America.

What about the almost totally UNacknowledged existence of seriously brutal levels of inbreeding among same?

By now some of these gimlet-eyed oleaginous freaks would make King Ludwig The Mad look like a mutt. Talk about adding injury to insult.

It’s funny because it’s also completely terrifying!


What about the almost totally UNacknowledged existence of seriously brutal levels of inbreeding among same?

Squeal like a pig belly futures trader.


Now there was an awesome link.

“[T]he Founding Fathers would have hated your guts…and what’s more, you would have hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.”


I don’t get this country’s canonization of the Founding Fathers at all; I think the way we idolize them and the way our politicans are required to genuflect at their altar and justify everything they do by appealing to their ghosts just gets in the way of any meaningful debate. But it’s odd that the people who do revere them as gods know so little about them. Or maybe not so odd; they don’t know much about their actual God either.

As far as I can tell, it comes down to the fact that the Founding Fathers (like Jesus, and Adam Smith too if you want to look at him that way) created one of the tribes the teabaggers belong to. And they derive an enormous sense of self-worth from nothing more than belonging to those tribes, so it’s critical that they believe the creators were just like them. But all the things that actually made the creators worthwhile (like the ability to build a nation or religion on something more important than just tribal membership) are completely lost in that kind of reasoning.


I don’t get this country’s canonization of the Founding Fathers at all

Nationalism, being an ethically perverse expedition into occult thinking, needs demigods the way a wino needs a jug.
I dare say doing a damage-control-oriented retcon on long-dead heros is mild stuff, compared to letting IMAGINARY LINES RULE MANKIND.


Yeah, it’s tribalism combined with stunning ignorance. Most teatards genuinely believe the founding fathers were Christian conservatives. *facepalm*


You’d think somebody would have figured it out.

People who want to repeat histoy are strongly motivated not to learn from it.


Yeah, it’s tribalism combined with stunning ignorance. Most teatards genuinely believe the founding fathers were Christian conservatives. *facepalm*

… when they themselves, in the words of the West Wing, made it perfectly clear they didn’t want Christian conservative morality within ten city blocks of the law. And the original evangelicals steered well clear of politics precisely because they saw the new U.S. government as a godless entity.

Facepalm indeed.


Chris wrote:
“I don’t get this country’s canonization of the Founding Fathers at all; I think the way we idolize them and the way our politicans are required to genuflect at their altar and justify everything they do by appealing to their ghosts just gets in the way of any meaningful debate.”

Well, there you go again. Meaningful debate? These are right wing authoritarians! They don’t want nuance, they don’t want detail, they don’t want DEBATE, they want rules! From Big Papa!

Read Altemyer?

Sure fire way to irk these people, refer to the Founding Fathers as a bunch of politicians and lawyers. Which is what they were.

Oh, and don’t forget to be paranoid, they sit around and jack off to the DOI and the US Const & the Bill of Rights, as if they were inspired by GAWD-uh, instead of much of it being stuff hammered out by competing factions who almost couldn’t get the job done because of their problems with slavery/slave states, and you have to wonder if they think GAWD-uh was behind accepting slavery as part of the agreement. It sure isn’t hard to find some of these fuckers who are upset about 1865, later amendments, on and on and on, 1965, yadda yadda.


Orwell had a quote about this kind of insanity;

Thus, the Party rejects and vilifies every principle for which the Socialist movement originally stood, and it chooses to do this in the name of Socialism. It preaches a contempt for the working class unexampled for centuries past, and it dresses its members in a uniform which was at one time peculiar to manual workers and was adopted for that reason. It systematically undermines the solidarity of the family, and it calls its leader by a name which is a direct appeal to the sentiment of family loyalty.
– 1984

People invent a new system based on a bunch of values; later, some of their followers systematically violate every one of those values even as they proclaim them over and over. That, in a nutshell, is fundamentalism.

But the scary thing is that it happens everywhere; it doesn’t have to be conservative, religious or nationalist. When Orwell was writing this, he was talking about fellow socialists, especially those who were into Soviet apologetics (people who frightened him so much that, as we found out many years later, he actually cooperated with British authorities to finger people in the socialist movement whose ties to the USSR ran deeper than was normal).

It’s the kind of madness that can potentially take root everywhere in the political spectrum. Ironically, I don’t think there’s even a word for it, but political scientists could do the world a big favor by studying it in-depth, methinks.


Oh, and the US Const’l convention was dominated by … Federalists! A lot of folks who liked states’ rights stayed home and sulked. Hint: the Teahadists would have been on their side back then.

But remember, they were all members of the French Resistance, 1940-1945, just ask them. And nobody was a Tory in 1775, nobody was in the middle saying, “meh”, nobody fought for the British in a hopes of no longer being a fucking SLAVE, oh noooo, evvvvverybody was a rebel, fightin’ the power!

Somedays I wonder if, if we hadn’t had a revolution, if we’d just be Canadian, and I wonder how bad that would be. OTOH, if US slaving was part of the United Kingdom all those years, maybe the antislavery movement in the UK would have been weakened and taken longer to succeed, dunno.

Shall we ask them their opinion about George Washington re-segregating the Continental Army? Uh, then again, let’s not.


Chris, I call that madness “religion.” I’ve always thought it obvious that, back in the day, there were Marxists & Communists and whatnot who just made it an all-encompassing church.

What bugs the shit out of me is that in US politics, all those people are gone. Left wing bombers? Gone. There’s no urban guerilla movement that Rush Limbaugh fears is going to grab him off the streets and whisk him away by van and hold him hostage and feed him organic carrots. Not for the 20 years he’s been plying his trade, has he feared anything like that. There is no radical left in this country that I can see. (Certain leaflety corners of UC Berkeley notwithstanding.) But to hear the Cokieites and Broderians clutch their pearls, extremists to the left of me! Extremists to the right of me! Oh, the horror!

I’m not saying I want there to be urban guerillas to do this, or that I want them running loose and blowing shit up. I’m saying, there was a time, and it’s been many, many decades. Also, I’m saying that I heard somewhere that Mark Levin’s secretly planning to do this, mostly out of jealousy and repressed homosex urges. He’s even commissioned two very large wetsuits…


What part of BOTH SIDES DO IT don’t you understand?


There you go again with your in-your-face militant atheism. Your saying religion is bad is JUST LIKE STALIN KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!


Even more careful phrasing:

I’m saying there was a time, and it was a long time ago, and it is an inaccurate picture of America to say that there are people shooting cops, building bunkers, waving guns around, railing about Jewnited Nations plots and the goverment controlling us THROUGH GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION, glibly supporting assasination at large rallies, who are liberals or actual leftists.

I thought I knew of the 60’s, until I read “Nixonland.” Hoo-ee, there were some crazy leftists running loose! I spent much of the book wondering, where? Where did they GO? All of this zeal and black & white thinking and conspiracy theory, did they just grow up and calm down? Or… did they… oh my, is the 80’s stereotype true? Was it more than just Lulu Horowitz who changed teams but stayed todully crazy?








No, it’s not religion. I’ve got plenty of my own issues with religion and its rules, but what I’m talking about here is something else; the ethic that leads people to preach the very opposite of their religion, and to do so in the name of that religion. Best example; Christian antisemitism. It’s a contradiction in terms; a Christian antisemite is a person who hates their own God. But that didn’t stop people from preaching antisemitism for centuries on end – all in the name of a Jew.

It happens in religion, but it can and usually does manage to happen in just about every belief system (doesn’t really happen on the left today, but it did back when Orwell was writing).


I thought I knew of the 60?s, until I read “Nixonland.” Hoo-ee, there were some crazy leftists running loose! I spent much of the book wondering, where? Where did they GO?

I think the radical left being gone from the scene is a symptom of where the left is right now. One, the left as a whole hasn’t been doing so well since the eighties; Thatcher/Reagan were pretty effective at pushing the Washington Consensus through, and so far that era still hasn’t ended.

Two, a lot of the change the left has pushed for is now integrated into society. There is a welfare state and a union movement – weaker now than before, but leaps and bounds ahead of the way things used to be. Segregation and colonization are over. The social issues wars of the sixties are largely getting resolved in our favor (women’s rights, gay rights, sexual liberalization). A lot of people look at the issues that used to drive the left and see them as either solved or well on the way to being solved. So, whether they’re right or wrong, they just don’t see the same imperative.


Creation myth. “God spent six days creating the world” (Bible), ” The gods dreamed up the world” (Australian aborigines) , “The mountains rumbled to hail Kim Jong Il’s birth” (North Korea has tons of super crazy that gives a good laugh if you manage to imagine there are no real people suffering from the consequences), or the French resistance example

You need to unite your tribe around a narrative. It’s easier to put your Randite thoughts into the mouths of guys who lived two centuries ago to claim a status quo in which you see yourself as deserving your SUV and your vacations in the Seychelles (Protestant mindset of being touched by grace at birth — or once you acknowledge your personal savior in the modern form) than putting your own mind to work to face the challenges of a world that you don’t understand/ frightens you.


Oh, and penis


Or… did they… oh my, is the 80?s stereotype true? Was it more than just Lulu Horowitz who changed teams but stayed todully crazy?

There’s two movies quotes that pop into my head when it comes to the fate of the radicals post-80’s;

One’s from one of the Pierce Brosnan Bonds, when they’ve just identified a terrorist;

“Oh, it’s [whatever his name was]. He practically invented techno-terrorism! Started out as a student radical at Berkeley in the sixties; now he sells his politics for cash.”

And later on in the movie, the former student radical turns out to be working for the Rupert Murdoch type supervillain. It’s as good a commentary as any for the hippie–>yuppie progression that happened between 70 and 80.

The other quote’s from Ten Things I Hate About You and speaks for itself;

“Over here, you have your rastas, big Marley fans, think they’re black. Semi-political, but mostly-”
“They just smoke a lot of weed?”


My favorite Gore Vidal quote:

An interviewer asked him whether his first sexual experience was with a male or a female, to which Vidal repled, “I’m not sure, I was too polite to ask.”


What part of BOTH SIDES DO IT don’t you understand?

Wait. Are you still talking about tribaldism?


Also, I think religious fucks just think everybody in the good old days was pious and that’s why there were no problems, not like today, with all the video games and DP scenes and ass-to-mouth and creampies.


“I’m not sure, I was too polite to ask.”



“Wait. Are you still talking about tribaldism?”

I had to gizoogle that. Yes, DK-W, if it makes you happy, I mean two women rubbing their ladyparts together.


Bjorn dish koo dish koo di hinky doo,
bjorn deesh doosh bjorn deesh doo do


Quel Fromage

“What part of BOTH SIDES DO IT don’t you understand?”

Wait. Are you still talking about tribaldism? — Dragon-King

Quel Fromage

“Burger King left France in 1997.”

Forced into exile? Or cut in half by a sandwichtine? — Bilo

Quel Fromage

I don’t get this country’s canonization of the Founding Fathers at all; I think the way we idolize them and the way our politicans are required to genuflect at their altar and justify everything they do by appealing to their ghosts just gets in the way of any meaningful debate. But it’s odd that the people who do revere them as gods know so little about them. Or maybe not so odd; they don’t know much about their actual God either.

As far as I can tell, it comes down to the fact that the Founding Fathers (like Jesus, and Adam Smith too if you want to look at him that way) created one of the tribes the teabaggers belong to. And they derive an enormous sense of self-worth from nothing more than belonging to those tribes, so it’s critical that they believe the creators were just like them. But all the things that actually made the creators worthwhile (like the ability to build a nation or religion on something more important than just tribal membership) are completely lost in that kind of reasoning.

— Chris

Quel Fromage

You need to unite your tribe around a narrative. It’s easier to put your Randite thoughts into the mouths of guys who lived two centuries ago to claim a status quo in which you see yourself as deserving your SUV and your vacations in the Seychelles (Protestant mindset of being touched by grace at birth — or once you acknowledge your personal savior in the modern form) than putting your own mind to work to face the challenges of a world that you don’t understand/ frightens you. — Happy Camper

Quel Fromage

People who want to repeat history are strongly motivated not to learn from it. — Smut Clyde




So, finally somebody in AZ is involuntarily committed for creating a hostile environment. Why is he so *angry*?


In the year 2525, Congressmen will visit their home districts in tracked armored personnel carriers, communicating through 3″ bulletproof glass and a PA speaker.


There’s two movies quotes that pop into my head when it comes to the fate of the radicals post-80?s;

One’s from one of the Pierce Brosnan Bonds, when they’ve just identified a terrorist;

“Oh, it’s [whatever his name was]. He practically invented techno-terrorism! Started out as a student radical at Berkeley in the sixties; now he sells his politics for cash.”

And later on in the movie, the former student radical turns out to be working for the Rupert Murdoch type supervillain. It’s as good a commentary as any for the hippie–>yuppie progression that happened between 70 and 80.

I would advise against basing your understanding of recent history on James Bond movies.

I was around back then, and at least from my experience, “the hippie–>yuppie progression that happened between 70 and 80” is bullshit. I keep up with a lot of friends from that era. I don’t know of anyone who was politically committed back then who has since become a conservative. No doubt it happens, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be typical.


Yeah, I felt the same way in the 80’s. It seemed mighty cartoonish to say, Hey, they all wore tie dyes, and now they’re investment bankers!

Not that America reduces politics to shockingly simple cartoons. Oh no. But both sides do it, you know. Two Black Panthers with sticks!


I would advise against basing your understanding of recent history on James Bond movies.

Well, yes, and I doubt if the movie was trying to do any social commentary with it. Also, too, did you know 24 was not in fact evidence that torture works? It’s sometimes hard to remember that given how often it comes up in conversation.

I was around back then, and at least from my experience, “the hippie–>yuppie progression that happened between 70 and 80? is bullshit. I keep up with a lot of friends from that era. I don’t know of anyone who was politically committed back then who has since become a conservative. No doubt it happens, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be typical.

I’ve heard stories of both. If I had to guess, I would guess that most of the politically committed people are still left wing, but that a lot of that subculture wasn’t that politically committed and jumped ship after they realized that, I can haz tax cuts please?

Die Sprache der Astronauten ist INTERnationaaaal

I’m pretty sure tribaldism is the belief in three bald guys1. You’re thinking of tribadism.

1 The Big Bad Bastard, the Small Nice Bastard, and the Reasonably OK Bastard of Average Size.


The ’60s: I was there, barely. Hippies, weirdos, freaks, fringies & the counter-culture in general were nowhere near the majority. Then as now, most of the American public were brain-dead conformist sheep.

Many of the actual radicals turned inward to “change themselves first” or some crap after failing to accomplish much in the world of the brain-dead but powerful.


after failing to accomplish much in the world of the brain-dead but powerful.

What are you talking about? We brought the fascist pig power structure to its knees and permanently transformed Houston into a bastion of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalism.


“January 17, 2011 at 0:19

I’m pretty sure tribaldism is the belief in three bald guys1. You’re thinking of tribadism.”

It could refer to women who shave…down there.


What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior …


permanently transformed Houston into a bastion of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalism.

Tell me about it. I was in Houston not long after the Klan & the Sheriff bombed the Pacifica station’s transmitter (twice) in 1970 or whenever. Off the pig!!


Quel Frommage

I would guess that most of the politically committed people are still left wing, but that a lot of that subculture wasn’t that politically committed and jumped ship after they realized that, I can haz tax cuts please? –Chris


<Quel Fromage

I felt the same way in the 80?s. It seemed mighty cartoonish to say, Hey, they all wore tie dyes, and now they’re investment bankers!

Not that America reduces politics to shockingly simple cartoons. Oh no. But both sides do it, you know. Two Black Panthers with sticks!


From bilo. I’m too quick on the submit trigger. (<===free hook)


I was in Houston not long after the Klan & the Sheriff bombed the Pacifica station’s transmitter (twice) in 1970 or whenever.

I believe you’re thinking of dear old Herman Short, Chief of Police, who publicly stated that he thought the KKK was “a fine patriotic organization.” What a guy.

Yeah, that was about 1970. The bad old days.


Quel Fromage

What are you talking about? We brought the fascist pig power structure to its knees and permanently transformed Houston into a bastion of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalism. — Snorghagen


Off the pig!!

Free Angela Davis. Also, Attica. Also, Chicago Seven. Also…well, it’s a pretty long list, isn’t it?

And the FBI headquarters is named after J. Edgar Hoover, the worst gay person EVAR. I think Teh Gays could do some wonderful street theater in front of the Hoover building.

I’m stoned.


Quel Fromage

“I’m pretty sure tribaldism is the belief in three bald guys. You’re thinking of tribadism.”

It could refer to women who shave…down there. — VS


And while we’re on the subject of smooth landing pads. Like? No like?


Thread kill!


I was a bit young for the serious 60s radicalism, and way too young for the really good stuff (like voter registration in the south). Also, although I was incredibly dumb about many many things, I was still able to comprehend that the Weather Underground leadership types only wanted lower middle class people like me for cannon fodder. No, really. I swear. I remember a march way back when, and we heard glass breaking up ahead, and then police dogs barking, and then people exhorting us to stand our ground. Which I did not do, on account of I was too scared. So I ran away. Later that evening I asked an SDSer I knew what the deal was, i.e., who exactly was supposed to stay and fight, and I was told that the most important activists absolutely had to avoid jail. So I was supposed to have stayed. Duh.

Plus there was the disappointment of realizing that I was supposed to help the radical agenda by doing my part to smash monogamy, but only because I was a cute unmarried teenage girl.

But if it’s any consolation, I was never able to climb back onto the train of history, thereby missing Prosperity Junction, and thus never ever arriving at Yuppie Central.


Dreadlocks, Snidely. Deal.


I’m already ashamed of myself, but … beaded?


I was supposed to help the radical agenda by doing my part to smash monogamy, but only because I was a cute unmarried teenage girl.

Right. I remember that part. I was supposed to help smash the oppression of traditional gender roles by letter any guy who wanted to fuck me and then making breakfast and fetching tea for thm.


uh, sorry, “letting”.


Uh-oh, Don “Thumbface” Surber has had a tantrum.


Larkspur said,
January 17, 2011 at 2:43

What a bunch of chickenshits. MLK wasn’t afraid of going to jail for what he believed in.


Uh-oh, Don “Thumbface” Surber has had a tantrum.

Damn that bear for shitting in the woods!

For two years now, I have been called ignorant, racist, angry and violent by the left.

For two years, you have been ignorant, racist, and angry, though I’ll give you a pass on “violent” because I have yet to meet a right wing intellectual who’d put his money where his mouth was when it came to all that manly people-shooting.

Last week, the left quickly blamed the right for the national tragedy of a shooting spree by a madman who never watched Fox News, never listened to Rush Limbaugh and likely did not know who Sarah Palin is.

How exactly do you know this? Did you wiretap his TV and radio? Did you stalk him every waking moment to know what he watched and listened to? Or is this just that CIA mind-reading technology I keep hearing about?

Rather than apologize, the left wants to change the tone of the political debate. The left suddenly wants civil discourse.

If any liberal outside of your paranoid mind’s been saying that, then they can go fuck themselves. I sure has hell don’t want civil discourse. You’re a bigoted, ignorant, corporate-cock-sucking navel-gazer, who throws tantrums that would shame my four-year old cousins over the things that matter least; I’ll be damned if any Broderite’s going to stop me from saying as much.

We would like it very much if you and your friends could stop shooting people, which is an entirely different thing. But I suppose you can’t always get what you want.

It’s my turn now. I am not going to scream back.

Bit late for that, Subby.

The Red Badger of Courage

Rather than apologize, the left wants to change the tone of the political debate.

Uh-oh, Don “Thumbface” Surber has had a tantrum.

Got out of the boad, and ohhhhhh what mangoes!

The left suddenly wants civil discourse.

Bite me.

The left wants to play games of semantics.

Bite me.

The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Bite me.

So his “Solution” to the calls for more civil discourse is to morph into a 14-year old hopped up on Reddi-Wip shots.


I’ve heard a lot of media people calling for civility and decrying our modern era’s lack of same, but very few leftists doing so. In fact, those “liberal” media folks all worked very hard to convey the “both sides do it, they’re both just as bad” message. Laughable, yes, but less so than Surber declaring he personally will no longer be civil. Hey, maybe he’ll start looking like a thumb next!


I refuse to allow the same foul-mouthed, foul-spirited foul people who dumped on me to now try to tell me what I may or may not say.

Just because you can take big, steaming dumps on Don Surber doesn’t mean you can tell him what to say.

moderately good looking not so hunchback

I’ll say something nice about Surber: He packs a whole lot of bullshit in a small space.


Don “Thumbface” Surber has had a tantrum.
It’s more of a meta-tantrum in which he explains his intention to go on having tantrums, despite the suggestions from people at the grown-up table that the conversation might be easier to hear if certain children stopped using the loudhailers they had been given for christmas.

Also he intends to feel more virtuous about his behaviour now that people have been shot.

I am not sure which of his readers he expects to be impressed by his feelings of increased virtue.


The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Seems a little unrealistic. I imagine he’s forgotten how.


Surber whines:
“I was not consulted on that stimulus. I had a very good argument against it. I said the money supply was too large and printing more money would fail. I said let the economic downturn run its course.”


Why should anybody consult you? *You’re a fucking blogger.*


Damn. I thought I was gonna get to link Pepys of Poca (h/t to Tintin). And here you all have already filleted it nicely.


I want the lefties to feel bad. I want them to feel hurt. I want them to cry to their mommies.

Strangely enough, that’s not how I feel after reading Surber’s columns. I’d say the effect is more like nitrous oxide.


I want them to cry to their mommies.

Someone should warn DK-W about the possible interruptions.


I want the lefties to feel bad. I want them to feel hurt. I want them to cry to their mommies.

Isn’t that just the usual Rovian “take what you do and apply it to your opponents” thing?


If the right wants to engage in civil discourse, after 20+ years of screaming ragegasms over manufactured “incidents” and “slights”, I would be happy to accommodate them; provided, of course, that they agree to spend the next 100 years pouring gasoline over their bodies and burning themselves in protest.

I will always appreciate their (self-)sacrifice.


I thought I was gonna get to link Pepys of Poca.

Are you referring to the Plato of Putnam County? The Calhoun of the Kanawha? The Fontenelle of Fraziers Bottom?


Quel Fromage

I was never able to climb back onto the train of history, thereby missing Prosperity Junction, and thus never ever arriving at Yuppie Central. — Larkspur

Quel Fromage

[Thurber’s] ‘solution’ to the calls for more civil discourse is to morph into a 14-year old hopped up on Reddi-Whip shots. — Red Badger


“The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.”

Seems a little unrealistic. I imagine he’s forgotten how. — g

I read the sentence differently. I think the reichwing has been uncivil MUCH longer that a decade.


Quel Fromage

[Thurber:] “I want them to cry to their mommies.”

Someone should warn DK-W about the possible interruptions. — Smut Clyde


Bouffant: Thanks for the link that got triggered the Billy-Bob Don Thurber strand started.

Red Badger of Courage: Terrific nym! IMO, Stephen Crane is an under-appreciated genius…perhaps because he died so young and left relatively few works behind. The Open Boat is one of the finest jewels in American letters.


“Plus there was the disappointment of realizing that I was supposed to help the radical agenda by doing my part to smash monogamy, but only because I was a cute unmarried teenage girl.”

“Right. I remember that part. I was supposed to help smash the oppression of traditional gender roles by letter any guy who wanted to fuck me and then making breakfast and fetching tea.”

There WAS a lot of sexual ‘politics’ like that, wasn’t there? (Most ardently proclaimed by guys, I seem to recall.) The SDS SOP (at least in the Midwest): The chicks ran the mimeo machine; the guys–the serious minds–wrote the content. [Now is a good time to read or re-read Larkspur at 2:43.]

That’s my impression, anyway. I wasn’t inclined to activism; more of a sympathetic observer. Indeed, the serious SDS minds were suspicious of me. (A future post, perhaps?)

In my estimation, such treatment helped fuel the burgeoning Women’s Movement in the ’70s: Many of the most politically active and aware women channeled their energies into the Women’s Movement. (Also a future post? Shit, maybe I should start a blog and write odd essays. Except that stupid Snidely Luddite would probably make a hash of it….)

To tie this off: Politics has never part of my approach. In my late teens and twenties, i sometimes read poetry–particularly The Love Poems of Kenneth Patchen–to a woman I desired.

O, still they come
evenings like chalices…


I have a good voice and know how to use it. (Consider my past: debater, radio, military briefer. And now a volunteer narrator at a library for the blind, recording books for the patrons.) I knew the best passages of the best poems by heart, and looked at her, into her eyes.


Well, I’ve been doing my level best to fill up the vacuum here.

Perhaps I’ve created the vacuum with too much self-reference. Two Sadlies comments were the springboard and I just spiraled off.

I will leave quietly now. I’ve enjoyed reading this thread very much.


…Sorry , I went back and read the earlier posts ……… We’re not in Kansas anymore….

And now, we’re back.

..the vacuum here…

Please. It’s black matter, not vacuuuum.


We got about ten pounds of sulfur shelf this year… Only a couple pounds of it left now, frozen. If you cook it ahead of time, that works. But it’s best fresh, of course.


Mango, mango, mango. Do I really want you?


Well, I’ve been doing my level best to fill up the vacuum here.

We have a Slayer for that.


And while we’re on the subject of smooth landing pads. Like? No like?

Being a DFH librul type I have no prejudice, I like all types of landing pads.


I am not sure which of his readers he expects to be impressed by his feelings of increased virtue.

Both of them!


Hmmm, I suspect that, as usual, just when I get on to a thread a new one must have appeared. Oh, look there it is way back there at the top of the page. Now to attempt the long climb up there…


Rather than apologize, the left wants to change the tone of the political debate.

The left suddenly wants civil discourse.

I will bite Don Surber at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.

Bite me.

Do you bite Don Surber at us, sir?

The left wants to play games of semantics.

Bite me.

I do not bite Don Surber at you, sir, but I do bite it, sir.

The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Bite me.

Wait, that is my thumb. Good day, sir!



Also, Don Surber is anti-semantic.


It doesn’t matter who’s in office, they are ALL in the pocket of the Zionist/racist jews that support APARTHEID israel.

Stop Terrorism : BOYCOTT israel


(comments are closed)