No Country For Old Mexicans (UPDATED)
ABOVE: Paul Mirengoff
Shorter Paul Mirengoff, Powerwhite Blog
An Evening in Tucson — The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- Did you see how the liberals ruined a perfectly good memorial service for white Christians in Tucson with some “Great Spirit” witch doctor mumbo-jumbo from a half-breed Mexican-Indian?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
UPDATE: Well, as commenter Mark F. points out, Mirengoff pulled the post and issued this apology:
In a post last night, I criticized the use of a Yaqui prayer as the invocation to the memorial service in Tucson. In doing so, I failed to give the prayer the respect it deserves. Although I did not intend this as a slight to the religion or to the Yaqui tribe, it can clearly be interpreted as one. For this, I sincerely apologize to my readers, to the Yaqui tribe, to all tribal leaders and Indian people, and, specifically, to Carlos Gonzales who delivered the prayer. I regret my poor choice of words, and I have removed the post.
Now I ask you does that sound like a sincere apology? Or does that sound like something coming from a kid who was hauled down to the principal’s office and forced to apologize for slapping someone on the playground?
If you guessed the the second choice, you would be right! Mr. Mirengoff is a partner at the DC law firm of Akin, Gump, Hauer & Feld. And it would appear that the law firm has a significant practice representing native American tribes. I’m sure that when Paul finished blogging and wandered into his office this morning, the management committee, after being inundated by outraged calls from clients of the firm’s native American practice, was camped out in his office. They no doubt delivered to him, in no uncertain terms, an ultimatum that he apologize and take down the post. In fact, they probably wrote the apology for him to make sure it wasn’t a typical wingnut apology, you know, like those that go “I’m sorry if Al Sharpton was offended by my calling him a n**ger. I didn’t mean to insult him.” We may soon see some personnel changes at either Powerwhite Blog, or Akin, Gump, or both. Forgive me this brief moment of schadenfreude.
For those who missed the original post, the relevant parts are quoted here.
It was a toss-up whether it would be this or the T-shirts.
Too bad I didn’t put any money on it.
He was already icky enough without the dayglo slingshot. Just sayin’.
yanno, with all his P’shops, I start to believe that Tintin is closely allied with the mental health profession-
cuz I know I’m gonna need therapy after that one.
I actually would have bet that the right would be outraged about all the applause at the memorial service: “you liberals have no respect for the dead — who applauds at a memorial service?” or something like that.
Repeating my post from the last thread because I’m hungry and this coffee is disgusting and I got nothin’:
“Other good spots: Daniel Hernandez, the intern who helped save Rep. Giffords life, gave a brief and impressive talk in which he insisted that he was not a hero.”
Nope. He’s just a liberal spic faggot who wants to destroy America, fuck our children, and take our jobs.
I guess those of us who are considered subhuman by conservatives have to do something superhuman before they’ll have any respect for us.
I had to block that image from my browser. *shudder* Too bad my brain doesn’t have that option.
Wellstone II?
No Country for Old Messicans is very, very good.
Now just waiting for the first wingnut to demand proof that Carlos Gonzalez is here legally.
This is PROOF that Obama is a secret Injun.
If some liberal does go on a rampage this image will be to blame.
wait. maybe
Pascua Yaqui Guy
Actually, this review is pretty good.
“Several of the victims were, as I understand it, quite religious in that quaint Christian kind of way”
Yeah, for instance, Rep. Giffords’ Christianity was so quaint it was Judaism, fuckbomb.
You mock, but jobs are disappearing everywhere and one day there won’t be any American funeral critics at all.
To be fair, distributing peyote among the audience as a little twee. The free dreamcatchers were nice, though.
Man, why did I even get out of the boat?
Trust the shorter, people. For the children.
Yeah, for instance, Rep. Giffords’ Christianity was so quaint it was Judaism, fuckbomb.
Or, you know, Gabe Zimmerman’s.
WAS a little twee. First post of the day. Haven’t had my imaginary Moon Over My Hammy yet, or for that matter my first vodka daiquiri. My second, be fair.
The t-shirt outrage is working on two fronts, 1) Why’s that Obammy spending my tax dollars on T-shirts? and 2) How dare they use politically biased BLUE t-shirts!!!
So as I was looking at some of the photo galleries (and TU’s link, too) I happened to notice that the t-shirts aren’t even Democratic-primary-blue, they’re navy.
So now anything slightly blue is Democratic? Next thing Michelle Malkin will be outraged about is cool-white fluorescent tubes instead of warm-white.
I’m not getting out of the inflatable raft, people. Is that really what he said? I mean, just this once, can the shorter be slightly exaggerated? Please?
“…they’re navy”
Like the branch of the military the Demon-cRATS just forced us to allow fags into?! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW.
mmy said,
January 13, 2011 at 16:47 (kill)
Man, why did I even get out of the boat?
wow, the picture didn’t convince you to hunker down here in the boat?
So now anything slightly blue is Democratic?
I believe the U.S. military uses blue to designate friendly forces and red for hostile ones. ZOMG LIBERALS!
How dare they use politically biased BLUE t-shirts!!!
Soooo, what color should they have been? Red? The color of blood would have been great!
I think navy blue was an excellent choice. It’s somber, but not funeral-y.
I mean, just this once, can the shorter be slightly exaggerated? Please?
Nope. He even suggests, in impeccable legalese, it was all meant as an affront to Governor Brewer.
I’m not getting out of the inflatable raft, people. Is that really what he said? I mean, just this once, can the shorter be slightly exaggerated? Please?
That’s pretty much it. Sorry, dude.
Hey, can I have a bit of that imaginary Moons Over My Hammy, please? I’m seriously starving.
I have two questions?
Question the first: Could that link have had less information? I learned that “some conservatives” have a problem with the shirts, but I didn’t learn what the problem was. Nor did I learn who those “some conservatives” were. Was it just the universal “they” who always have a problem with everything and mustn’t be disturbed?
Question the second: Seriously. What sort of problem could anyone possibly have with those t-shirts? Makers of hoodies who wanted in on the action? Deep V aficionados who are pissed that no one ever makes logo-ified shirts with that collar? People who are allergic to cotton-poly blends and feel left out?
What sort of problem could anyone possibly have with those t-shirts?
Aside from the tax dollar and the whole blue thing, I think they thought it was tacky to have a t-shirt for a memorial service. It somehow made it into a political rally. Or something.
These fucking idiots — it’s not the color of the shirts, of course, it’s the idea that a slogan they didn’t invent might get some airtime. Overnight printing places only have one dark color that isn’t black (black being too juggalo for this occasion), and that’s navy. End of color story*.
What saddens me is to know the reichwing message machine has been activated early as a result of this tragedy, the left has already stumbled out of the gate, and campaign 2012 has now begun.
The Gateway Douchebag is at it again…
Quit your blood-libelling!
His objection makes perfect sense given Obama’s Grief Tsar’s ukase forbidding any memorial services at the victims’ own churches or Jew-churches.
He forgot to mention it because his mind was still reeling from Obama’s ‘life partner’ reference.
At least one NRO commenter objects because Obama read his speech from a teleprompter. You can’t make this shit up.
Fck the t-shirts.
They’re just pissy cause Obama rolled in to town and got treated like fine American President, a rock star, a Democratic icon.
They’re pissed that in the conservative laboratory that is AZ, there’s plenty of folks who aren’t buying what the cons are selling.
Eat a bag of dicks, Mirengoff.
Out there somewhere is someone who would love to kill Governor Palin. God forbid they do it. But you and I both know there is some crazy MSNBC watcher and Media Matters reader who even now is dreaming of doing so.
Bless his pea-pickin heart.
Also, you guys, Boehner didn’t go to the memorial service and chose to go to a fundraising party instead. Can you IMAGINE the HOWLS of OUTRAGE from those fuckers if a Democrat had done this?
No, really, 2012 has already begun. I guess the sadz for me is knowing we’re not going to make a single iota of progress between now and the swearing-in ceremony. On any front. Chota peg, anyone?
It’s so nice to see that the rightwing has become the arbiters of how people should grieve, and how people should give speeches. Because those are in NO WAY AT ALL intruding into the glorious freedoms of personal liberty we all hold so dear as a nation.
Also good to see them completely ignore the fact the new Orange Julius of the House went to a fundraiser rather than the memorial.
Now imagine how the media and wingnuts (but I repeat myself!) would react if the President were a Republican, was heading to a memorial service of great import, and a Democrat had done such a thing …
Eat a bag of dicks, Mirengoff.
When some righty dies after choking on a salted dick or from a vicious skull-fucking I for one will be ASHAMED of what the Left hath wrought.
Yaqui flag.
Aaaaaannnnd T&U beat me to the Boner story.
Out there somewhere is someone who would love to kill Governor Palin. God forbid they do it. But you and I both know there is some crazy MSNBC watcher and Media Matters reader who even now is dreaming of doing so.
I wouldn’t waste a bullet on that bitch.
It’s so nice to see that the rightwing has become the arbiters of how people should grieve, and how people should give speeches.
Hm, have we heard from any family members that this memorial was tacky, or that the speech sucked, or that the t-shirts were the wrong color? No? THEN STFU, CONSERVATIVES.
He’s just following up on Erickson’s reminder that everyone should be talking about Jesus when discussing the attempted assassination of a Jewish politician, instead of anything else like false pagan gods.
Aaaaaannnnd T&U beat me to the Boner story.
It bears repeating.
The story, not the fact that I beat you to it.
At least one NRO commenter objects because Obama read his speech from a teleprompter. You can’t make this shit up.
He was obviously trying to hide it, since he didn’t wear sexy, sexy librarian glasses that allowed us all to see the reflection of the teleprompter. That’s why he sucks and Palin is the best. She speaks truth while he lies and tries to hide and also I don’t think anyone should ever talk about his “angular good looks” any more and we should all concentrate on how Sarah Palin is a sexy librarian with sexy, teleprompter-reflecting librarian glasses because it doesn’t make me think about Obama’s angular good looks any more. And if we’re all distracted by that we can’t see what’s really going on with that Kenyan Mooslim, anyway. WHAT ELSE IS NOBAMA TRYING TO HIDE?
No, really, 2012 has already begun
2012 began on November 3rd, 2008, methinks.
Can you IMAGINE the HOWLS of OUTRAGE from those fuckers if a Democrat had done this?
If Obama cancels his Bill’O Superbowl Interview, we”l find out.
Out there somewhere is someone who would love to kill Governor Palin. God forbid they do it. But you and I both know there is some crazy MSNBC watcher and Media Matters reader who even now is dreaming of doing so.
You know, the Republican Arizonan politicos who retired because they felt threatened all worked for McCain and the threats they received from Tea Party types often mentioned that as the primary focus of hatred. Imagine when they discover/remember Palin’s ties to the McCain campaign! So yeah, while not denying there are crazies on both sides, fwiw I think it’s at least as likely anyone who attacked Palin would come from the Guns and God crowd as from the left.
Coming back to Washington on Air Force One, two Democrats described the scene with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as she opened her eyes for the first time since Saturday’s shooting rampage.
It was apparently was some sort of Yaqui Indian tribal thing, with lots of references to “the creator” but no mention of God.
It’s a good thing the DFH didn’t mention some kind of DFH “Nature’s God” or something
Previous post tag fail
I don’t see why anyone “on the left” would want to shoot Palin. She’s the gift that keeps on giving!
In re my comment way up-thread — I guess the righty-tighties are (quite predictably) complaining about the applause. I guess I should have checked the Baby Blue Devil before posting here.
Anyway, it’s no wonder the electorate doesn’t trust the Democrats on matters of national security. The Democrats can’t even anticipate and fend off predictable attacks from their political opponents. Nu? How will they, once in office, anticipate and defend against foreign enemies?
At least one NRO commenter objects because Obama read his speech from a teleprompter. You can’t make this shit up.
Did he? What I saw was that he had a notebook at the lectern.
How would a lefty kill Palin? Use our skinny little girl arms to whale on her with an NPR tote bag filled with organic oranges until she died of old age? As our friends on the right love to remind us in somber tones, they are the ones with all the guns.
lots of references to “the creator” but no mention of God.
Hol’ up, I thought they thought God was the Creator? Don’t they hold the US to be a Christian nation because some early documents reference the Creator? Are they now going to argue we’re actually a Native American Great Spirit nation?
What I saw was that he had a notebook at the lectern.
What kind of islamofascist commie uses a notebook? Real Merkins read their speeches from the sides of ammo boxes.
Are they now going to argue we’re actually a Native American Great Spirit nation?
That would be so cool.
How would a lefty kill Palin? Use our skinny little girl arms to whale on her with an NPR tote bag filled with organic oranges until she died of old age?
No silly; by using foul language and suggesting that people should help their fellow man!
*I totally had an old Simpsons flashback when I first read this: Mr. Burns “fighting” someone while wheezing, “I must have that oil!”*
No, really, 2012 has already begun.
Hence the need for a Native American shaman.
Bring on the Sixth Sun, this one sucks!
I can’t tell if the right is confused or just disingenuous here but the debate is not “does the left also have crazy and or violent people within its ranks” because the answer is obviously yes. The question is “does the left also use violence, intimidation and threats of violence as a political strategy” and the answer is obviously no.
Keith Olbermann didn’t spend the Bush years picturing Bush with Hitler, Franco and Attila the Hun talking about the need to stock up on gold, food and water for the inevitable collapse. Left wing blogs didn’t Malkinize the countertops of Joe the Plumber or Ms. California. Franken doesn’t write books calling conservatives traitors when the punishment for treason is death.
Violent imagery and even threats happen on the left as aberritions from the norm, on the right they are the norm.
On the twitter machine, there was a number of righties complaining about not enough mentions of God and too few bible quotes, also no preacher/pastor/priest among the speakers. If the kids didn’t cheer and there were no free tshirts, we would be in the midst of a full blown “secular-gate.”
yeah, while not denying there are crazies on both sides
And yet the craziness seems to come almost entirely from their side.
Bush was one of the most hated politicians ever, most of all by liberals, and yet there was no pattern of left wing violence, nor an increase in recruitment by left wing terrorists, during his eight years in office. I don’t remember lone wolf leftie attacks (certainly no Oklahoma Cities) during the Bush years. I don’t remember death threats to the White House going up several hundred percent after Bush took office. I don’t remember the Weathermen or the Black Panthers experiencing a resurgence in recruitment, or left wing true believers arming themselves with so many weapons that arms manufacturers literally couldn’t keep up with the demand.
In the Reagan years, maybe – leftie terrorism was still a big deal back then, though much more in Europe than over here. But the point is you have to go back two decades to find any comparable pattern on the left. Parallels between “our crazies” and theirs just don’t hold up, no matter how much some people want them to.
Violent imagery and even threats happen on the left as aberritions from the norm, on the right they are the norm.
And more to the point, they are used by the political and media leaders of the right. The left-wing nastiness comes from commenters or outliers. The right wing nastiness comes from the leadership – Gingrich, Bachmann, Palin, Pence, Kyl, Cornyn….I could go on and list the entire Congressional cohort. Then there’s the right wing leading media lights – Kristol, Limbaugh, Savage, etc.
Their leadership is using the violent imagery and threats.
“Aaaaaannnnd T&U beat me to the Boner story.”
Sez T&U: “It bears repeating.”
Then, an addendum: “The story, not the fact that I beat you to it.”
What we have here is a clear, stark example of the partisan, take-no-prisoners, ruthless, scorched-earth argumentational habits of DFH progressive terrorists. Where else are you going to find someone doing a “Hey, I want to clarify what I just said because I don’t want you to misunderstand me and think I was being all self-aggrandizing and rude” remark. Yep. Both sides do it all the time. No difference, not even a little.
If I had super powers, I’d zip around and fix you all breakfast and/or lunch.
*off to re-read the Wasserman-Shultz/Gillibrand press gaggle again*
On the twitter machine, there was a number of righties complaining about not enough mentions of God and too few bible quotes…
Pfah. Even Mirengoff noted that Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano (ex-Concrete Blonde) “spent their time at the podium reading from scripture.” Maybe it was New Testament.
Hol’ up, I thought they thought God was the Creator?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…”
Founder intent y’all? Yes, no, maybe so?
From T&U’s link: The Arizona congresswoman shouldn’t have attended an event “in full view of the public” if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries.
Damn straight. She should have worn a burqa, like any god-fearing christian woman.
What we have here is a clear, stark example of the partisan, take-no-prisoners, ruthless, scorched-earth argumentational habits of DFH progressive terrorists.
I know. I am EVIL. EVIL.
I even once had a civil discussion with Erick Erickson.
In the Reagan years, maybe – leftie terrorism was still a big deal back then
Even then, there was no comparison- hell, the guy who tried to assassinate Reagan was a Bush family friend.
Damn straight. She should have worn a burqa, like any god-fearing christian woman.
She was FLAUNTING her head. Who could have resisted shooting it?
E pluribus unum must mean something else to wingnuts.
I want to clarify what I just said because I don’t want you to misunderstand me
Thems fitin werds.
Shorter Tucson Teabagger, “She was asking for it!”
“She was asking for it!”
Hey sailor, want to meet my sister and shoot her in the head?
Even then, there was no comparison- hell, the guy who tried to assassinate Reagan was a Bush family friend.
I was thinking of guys like the Weathermen, who I think were still active back then. They had much more active counterparts in Western Europe (Baader-Meinhoff, Red Brigades, Action Directe), but all these groups pretty much died with the Cold War.
The closest comparison are animal rights groups, and ever they usually just damage property.
I do agree with Monsieur Mirengoff that the Yaqui guy was a bit of a blowhard but hey, as for the native peoples of America, we not only almost never gave them a seat at the table, we usually kicked in the table, beat them over the head with it, then used it to burn their villages to the ground.
In the Reagan years, maybe – leftie terrorism was still a big deal back then
Well, the United Freedom Front robbed some banks and set off some bombs up until ~1984. But yeah, leftist/Marxist terrorism has waned while right-wing terrorism hasn’t.
…as for the native peoples of America, we not only almost never gave them a seat at the table, we usually kicked in the table, beat them over the head with it, then used it to burn their villages to the ground.
On the other hand, Kokopellis everywhere!
On the other hand, Kokopellis everywhere!
Yeah, the dominant culture really has a knack for co-opting and trivializing anything.
But yeah, leftist/Marxist terrorism has waned while right-wing terrorism
hasn’trose, shone and prosperedFixxed.
OK, I read it. It’s too stupid to be upsetting. Apparently that one dude mentioning his heritage disturbed this guy’s delicate sensibilities. Also, Native American stuff–icky!
I felt sure I would need to sit on DKW’s lap after wading into the muck, but I’m ok.
One thing that could possibly change that is learning anything at all about the D’souza book (which is advertised on the page), “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” *facepalm*
Out there somewhere is someone who would love to kill Governor Palin.
If by “kill,” you mean “see her nominated by the GOP for President in 2012, because that would kill her as a political force forever, amen,” then by all means, count me in.
Hey! T&U saying AAAAARRGG is kinda neat! Here ya GO!
(if it’s old news it’s central blah blah)
If by “kill,” you mean “see her nominated by the GOP for President in 2012, because that would kill her as a political force forever, amen,” then by all means, count me in.
That’s a dangerous wish. What if she wins?
Wanting her to run and wanting to murder her are EXACTLY the same thing.
BTW, anyone see Pawlenty on Daily Show? The mild-mannered little fucker sure was being a dick.
But yeah, leftist/Marxist terrorism has waned while right-wing terrorism
hasn’trose, shone and prosperedHell, right wing extremist groups formed the template for their political discourse, and they are doubling down on their hate after this incident.
I’m planning on building a hut on a raft in the middle of that giant mat of plastic particles in the Pacific gyre, and subsisting on plankton and rain water. I think I’d eventually come back to land after a few decades to see what remnants of the country still exist.
KKMeath wrote:
“Like the branch of the military the Demon-cRATS just forced us to allow fags into?! ”
Yes! Exactly! The navy in which there were noooo fags in at all until The Usurper invited them to come traipsing up the gangplank!
If by “kill,” you mean “see her nominated by the GOP for President in 2012, because that would kill her as a political force forever, amen,” then by all means, count me in.
That’s a dangerous wish. What if she wins?
It’s all fun and games until
someone loses an eyesomeone uses the nuclear launch codes.Yes! Exactly! The navy in which there were noooo fags in at all until The Usurper invited them to come traipsing up the gangplank!
As J.P. Donleavy put it, “Forty fathoms of phallus!”
Curse you, Spengler, for making me think of juggalos this early in the day.
Will we have to make a temporary alliance with juggalos when the zombie menace looms? Hard decisions, man. Hard decisions.
Ha! Janet Napolitano getting a much bigger reception than Jan Brewer!
The Crypt Keeper must have cracked a few gritting her choppers so hard.
Jesus Christ, is it that hard to include all the citation information for YOUR OWN FUCKING BOOK when you’re writing a paper? And no, “This is the book title, some dudes printed it,” is not a proper citation. I’ll even arrange the words so it looks like a grownup did it!
“If he would have done his job, maybe this doesn’t happen,” Harper told USA Today on Monday. “Sheriff Dupnik did not provide for the security of a U.S. congresswoman.”
“When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim,” Harper continued. “The socialists of today are only one gun confiscation away from being the communists of tomorrow.”
If he swallows his own putrid tongue it’s because evil lefto-wiccofascists put a terrorist hex on him. Or maybe because there really is a God.
Pedestrian asked, last thread:
“I loved when the camera panned down the front row and everyone was bowed reverently except for Jan Brewer, who was standing all clenched-fists, locked-jaw, where’s-my-deportin’-gun-eyes. I wonder how many generations her family has been in the US.”
The great wikipoozle has the answers!
“Brewer is of English and Norwegian descent. Her maternal grandfather Emil Theodore Bakken was from Norway and her maternal grandmother Carrie Nelson was a first generation Norwegian-American from Minnesota. Meanwhile, her paternal grandmother Sarah Rosina Ford (original surname Wilford) was an Englishwoman from Buckinghamshire[5].”
See? She’s not an immigrant! She’s WHITE!
Well… if you consider Norwegians white. They weren’t granted Full Whiteness in American society, not at first.
Also, this nugget about her father:
“Perry died of lung disease when she was eleven years old, having been ravaged by the constant exposure to chemicals while at the depot. Shortly before her father’s death, the family moved to California, seeking “dry desert air and clean ocean breezes.””
Somehow I suspect we know this because she said this. I don’t disbelieve, but what I want to know is how she feels about OSHA in the here and now. I bet it’s the usual Reagan-loved-FDR shit of, “Oh, sure, they were needed in the old days, but they’ve gone so overboard, we don’t need all those regs/Social Security/unions nowadays, because, hey, things aren’t so bad now” illogic.
Jesus Christ, is it that hard to include all the citation information for YOUR OWN FUCKING BOOK when you’re writing a paper? And no, “This is the book title, some dudes printed it,” is not a proper citation. I’ll even arrange the words so it looks like a grownup did it!
What are you editing?
What are you editing?
A paper my boss is submitting to an academic medicine journal that’s due tomorrow. I know there’s some sort of thingy that you can put in stuff and it formats it (I don’t know if it does it with Vancouver style or not, though), but half of the citations are missing information.
I am paranoid? Days ago, I began to fear that at any second I’d hear that Sen. Frist had announced that he had reviewed the videotape and Rep. Giffords should be immediately smothered with a pillow.
I know there’s some sort of thingy that you can put in stuff and it formats it
You can get that at the place with the stuff.
include all the citation information for YOUR OWN FUCKING BOOK
Dude, does that mean, like, you have to read your own book?
Also, too, who the fuck has been published and doesn’t have the basic cite engraved on the inside of their eyelids?
Also, too, who the fuck has been published and doesn’t have the basic cite engraved on the inside of their eyelids?
Supplying t-shirts is EXACTLY LIKE making the Jews wear the yellow stars.
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim
Right… when some whack-job has his gun pointed at an innocent person, an Ennio Morricone riff is going to start playing, and Harper is going to be able to quick-draw and shoot first.
Fuck, these people really live in a fantasy world- trouble is, it’s starting to bleed into the one in which we live.
You work for a sex therapist? Is he an analrapist?
When I am not busy with the Blue Man Group.
You work for a sex therapist? Is he an analrapist?
It’d be more pleasant than this, anyway…
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim
‘Cause everybody’ll be dead.
Bad goverment/libertarian/I’ve-got-mine-jack-fuck-you governance in Arizona:
Did I post this the other day? Sorry, if I did. Oh man, I have no idea what’s goin’ on…
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim
Tell me again, what’s the crime rate in the Deep South?
Wow, Snort, he sounds like a real piece of, um, work.
Chris wrote:
“Bush was one of the most hated politicians ever, most of all by liberals, and yet there was no pattern of left wing violence, nor an increase in recruitment by left wing terrorists, during his eight years in office. I don’t remember lone wolf leftie attacks (certainly no Oklahoma Cities) during the Bush years. I don’t remember death threats to the White House going up several hundred percent after Bush took office. I don’t remember the Weathermen or the Black Panthers experiencing a resurgence in recruitment, or left wing true believers arming themselves with so many weapons that arms manufacturers literally couldn’t keep up with the demand.”
Fexed for historical accuracy.
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim.
Its at this point that I would invoke my “Would they invite the Wu-Tang Clan to a gun rally?” question.
“Its at this point that I would invoke my “Would they invite the Wu-Tang Clan to a gun rally?” question.”
Heh. I really do think lots of armed big black guys need to start showing up at these events. Will all these 2nd amendment fetishists stand up for THEIR rights?
I really do think lots of armed big black guys need to start showing their guns to you?
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim
obligatory. Don’t click – I can’t find the link to theonion with the NRA meeting story. I’m sure you’ve all seen it.
“I really do think lots of armed big black guys need to start showing their guns to you?”
I think I saw that “movie” once.
You know, I always wonder why people who fold their hands and look reverently heavenward whenever someone like Randy Weaver is brought up haven’t canonized the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense martyrs who were murdered by cops for having guns. Well, OK, to be honest I know why.
Mat wrote:
“E pluribus unum must mean something else to wingnuts.”
Uh, yeah?! From many, we raise one big army to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!
But not with a draft. That’s collectivist and not for individuals. (i.e., children of the rich might have to go fight)
And Teh Homoes do not “traipse” — they “sashay.”
BigMild difference.I really do think lots of armed big black guys need to start showing up at these events.
For those not in the know: in their earliest incarnation, WTC claimed to be 300 members strong (and most of them are 5%ters). So it just wouldn’t be Ghostface Killah attending, but his posse as well.
Verily; they ain’t nuttin’ to f’ck wit.
BBBB wrote:
“Even then, there was no comparison- hell, the guy who tried to assassinate Reagan was a Bush family friend.”
Yes, and George Bush Sr. was a LIBERAL Republican! Connect the dots, people!
Yes, and George Bush Sr. was a LIBERAL Republican! Connect the dots, people!
I did and all I got was a picture of Ouroboros swallowing his own PENIS.
There was that one time where that one guy went to a memorial service and everyone talked about the clothes
“And Teh Homoes do not “traipse” — they “sashay.” Big Mild difference.”
I thought they minced or flounced.
Supplying t-shirts is EXACTLY LIKE making the Jews wear the yellow stars. – Pupienus Maximus
Items of Flair?
I wonder if gynecologists are allowed to talk shop at the dinner table?
I really do think lots of armed big black guys need to start showing up at these events.
I dunno, that could be baaaaaad neewwwws. If I were a big black guy, I wouldn’t want to do it, even if I did have a gun.
What about big bad black bald bastards?
“I did and all I got was a picture of Ouroboros swallowing his own PENIS.”
Hmm. My connected dots looked like goatse.
NB (not N__B) I did not link to you know what yer very welcome
““And Teh Homoes do not “traipse” — they “sashay.” Big Mild difference.”
I thought they minced or flounced.”
Dear, most of us are versatile. If you know what I mean and I think you do.
“January 13, 2011 at 19:22
What about big bad black bald bastards?”
B^4’s brothers from other mothers?
“What about big bad black bald bastards?”
Their nyms would have an odd coefficient.
Their nyms would have an odd coefficient.
Some roots would be negative!
You mock, but jobs are disappearing everywhere and one day there won’t be any American funeral critics at all.
Criticize funerals for $50 an hour? You can’t do it, my friends.
Fuck. Four days of ‘flu, and this.
I’m getting out of the damn boat and drowning myself.
Criticize funerals for $50 an hour?
Nah, with all the blathering stupidity it’s got to be by the word.
What about big bad black bald bastards?
Just talkin’ ’bout Shaft!
A paper my boss is submitting to an academic medicine journal that’s due tomorrow. I know there’s some sort of thingy that you can put in stuff and it formats it (I don’t know if it does it with Vancouver style or not, though), but half of the citations are missing information.
Gawd — yours does that too? Don’t even get me started on trying to deal with illustrations… Hang in there. This too shall pass, rather like a kidney stone, painful while it’s happening, and then blessed relief.
“Just talkin’ ’bout Shaft!”
Shut yo mouth.
Who’s the black private dick
that’s a sex machine to all the chicks?
One of the endless irritations of being a rational American is understanding the real-world frame, which puts us to the right of pretty much the rest of the developed nations, with our ‘left’ being right of center for every nation in Europe. Now, (like several Sadlies) I’m actually a proper leftist, being on the left of the European spectrum, but not very far left. I’m a believer in social democracies, cf. Sweden, et al) but not interested in pure socialism or communism. More like a mainstream, “he had some good idears” pseudo-Marxist.
These cats, the leftist terrorists of the 70’s, they were hard, hard left. Scary stuff. Any extremism is scary. But of course now being anywhere left of Henry Kissinger is considered same-same as being Maoist guerilla. Meanwhile, the cranks to the extreme right have been anointed full mainstream, cuz the Overton Fenestration has moved so far that way.
Thread moving too fast for me. Still responding a foot and a half upstream (V etc.)
How could anyone think the right wing creates an atmosphere of violence?
“How could anyone think the right wing creates an atmosphere of violence?”
Your pointing that out makes you the real incitor of violence.
Marion, now I’m struggling with some bullshit tables. UGH.
Inciter? Incitor?
bullshit tables
Cross-indexed by type of exaggeration against vehemence of statement?
You rang?
The influence and power of the Weathermen never approached that of the Klan.
Next up, we have Gary from Arizona. Gary? What’s on your mind? .
Some roots would be negative!
All right I larfed pretty hard I did. It must put me out on the flat part of the curve.
Ugh; link fail:
The influence and power of the Weathermen never approached that of the Klan.
The importance of snazzy costumes cannot be overstated.
What about big bad black bald bastards?
I’m pitching a pilot about a multiracial team of big bad bastards, along the lines of Captain Planet’s team, or Fox Force Five. I hear Bruckheimer may bite (hell, I know he bites).
Marion, now I’m struggling with some bullshit tables. UGH.
So, do these table concern the effects of different feeds on the stool of ungelded male domesticated bovines?
‘Cause everybody’ll be dead.
Interest. Website. George Romero movie?
When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a victim…
Gun laws in Arizona are some of the most lax in the nation. Everybody at that shopping center could have been carrying a gun – probably concealed – if they had wanted to be. Yet they weren’t because THEY DIDN’T WANT TO.
I’m pitching a pilot about a multiracial team of big bad bastards
That sounds like pr0n.
And the one fella that was, and had the stones to do something positive, had the presence of mind to keep it in its holster, understanding that it was not going to help the situation at all.
Of course, the wingers still somehow think that his having one made some sort of difference beyond the delay involved in his having to think about whether or not to pull it out. *VPR*
bullshit tables
I would think they’d be too runny to hold anything.
Open Cahoots said,
January 13, 2011 at 19:59
When everyone is carrying
Actually I read a story about a guy who was carrying and almost opened fired on the guy who ended up getting the gun away from the shooter. Can’t be arsed to find the link, however. I’ve got to walk the dog etdc
Obviously freedom requires that people be forced to buy and carry loaded firearms whether they want to or not.
Can’t be arsed to find the link, however.
In Soviet Sadly, No! link is arsed to find you.
And the one fella that was, and had the stones to do something positive, had the presence of mind to keep it in its holster, understanding that it was not going to help the situation at all.
Yeah, just imagine what would have happened if everybody had pulled a gun while shots were still being fired.
Shit, these people are truly delusional.
Obviously freedom requires that people be forced to buy and carry loaded firearms whether they want to or not.
Mandatory firearms safety training however is tyrrany and socialism.
That’s the guy I mean. Funny that the narrative around him somehow centered on him being armed when that fact nearly became a second tragedy. What heroism he displayed was due to not drawing, which is functionally equivalent to not carrying. Odd that the righties tried to use him as an example.
I give him credit for managing to keep it in his pants, as it were. But yeah, if all you have is a hammer, and such as.
Obviously freedom requires that people be forced to buy and carry loaded firearms whether they want to or not.
Or at least have a gun in the house. Which is totally different from requiring people to have health insurance because SHUT UP
Blue t-shirts are the swastika of Liberal Fashionism.
Guess I shouldn’t mention the Teabagger honcho Tweeting about how “cutting those gas lines doesn’t look so bad now, does it?”
LOLTERRORISM = i made u a peipbom, but i gotz busted with it.
jim, have you got a link for that Tweet?
Seriously? Fuck.
I’m pitching a pilot about a multiracial team of big bad bastards, along the lines of Captain Planet’s team, or Fox Force Five.
Hate to say this, but….
Joe Zamudio is the right-wing darling because he “PWNN3D” Ed Schultz. Plus he loves guns.
My read on Zamudio.
Meanwhile, there’s
Shorter Verbatim Jonah Goldberg:I don’t understand the way some people think.
By the way, not that cheering for her would be creepy anyway, if you watch the video of the speech you will see that the cheers for the girl come when Obama mentions that she wanted to play in the MLB was the only girl on her Little League team. What a creepy thing to cheer for.
The Wingnuts really do want to own and exploit every tragedy. Fine. They can have them. That’s what all this shit is about.
They want the rights to the T-shirt, the giant banner, the war, the tax cuts, and everything else they can shove down our throats in the wake of Something Awful That Happened.
Ooooops 🙁
Only the “Shorter” should be struck out.
It’s a good read.
And, BTW, I saw the interview. Nobody was pwned. It was not that sort of heroism. Ed Shultz was clearly not looking to debate the gun issue. He just wanted to thank this guy for the role he played in the shooting.
In Soviet Sadly, No! Twitter link – uh is this the right one?
It was not that sort of heroism.
Um…fingers faster than brain. I meant “interview.”
T+U. Oh yeah, been there done that. These people should not be allowed to write stuff. You know, though, that you will be referenced as “Grateful thanks for technical help”
And, BTW, I saw the interview.
I watched it on YouTube and stupidly started reading the YouTube comment threadle. You’re right, saying someone was “schooled” in that interview is delusional – but that’s what the 2nd amendment activists are saying.
Dude, that stuff is bad for your psyche. I have to like do this “nothing to see here, NOTHING TO SEE HERE” thing whenever I go to a youtube link.
You know, though, that you will be referenced as “Grateful thanks for technical help”
Nah. They’re more likely to thank their wives and dogs than us peons.
You know, though, that you will be referenced as “Grateful thanks for technical help”
I sincerely doubt it.
Anybody know anything about Vancouver style citations? I JUST WANT TO CITE A FUCKING ORAL PRESENTATION GODDAMMIT.
Nah. They’re more likely to thank their wives and dogs than us peons.
Marion knows what I’m talking about.
I’ve been providing administrative assistance at a conference for three years with another woman, and they get our names mixed up even when we’re wearing nametags.
The Arizona congresswoman shouldn’t have attended an event “in full view of the public” if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder
Democrats should give us more opportunities to sneer at their cowardice.
Can you do that? Cite an oral presentation, that is. I would cite the proceedings from whatever conference/event the presentation was given in.
and man, this Mirengoff is hawwwhawwwt! The face might have been a bit of a problem but as always when ‘entertaining’ my conservative ‘guests’, they’re invariably on ‘all fours’ anyways, with the usual admonishment….”no no….you don’t need to talk….I’ll let you know when I’m through.”
For T&U. Not sure this is what you’e looking for but it seems to apply.
Wear any old shit you like and you can go anywhere.
Also FY, Mirengoniff.
T+U you say “Oral presentation given at (name of clusterfuck) :proceedings of said blabfest:: date
For T&U. Not sure this is what you’e looking for but it seems to apply.
Yeah, that doesn’t quite apply, as these weren’t poster sessions and they don’t have papers about them–they were just straight-up Powerpoint presentations.
Can you do that? Cite an oral presentation, that is. I would cite the proceedings from whatever conference/event the presentation was given in.
Probably not. Part of the problem is that a lot of the conferences don’t even have proceedings, so they’re just citing their presentations from their computers or whatever. It’s stupid.
Ah I see your problem
I hate them.
You know what? I’m just going to do the best I can and if it gets kicked back from the editors, it’s not my fault for citing MYSELF.
I’m planning on building a hut on a raft in the middle of that giant mat of plastic particles in the Pacific gyre, and subsisting on plankton and rain water. I think I’d eventually come back to land after a few decades to see what remnants of the country still exist.
Were you Cyril Kornbluth in a previous incarnation?
DKW, the Annie Oakley of links.
A real beauty, eh?
Sigh. I may have said it here before – goodness knows I’ve said it elsewhere (& I suspect I’ll get sick of saying it after long enough) – but I’m saying it right now: when you advocate for things like torture & other war crimes while openly despising science, history & basic reality in favor of full-blown tribalism, atavism & nihilism, terms like “wingnut” or “neocon” really don’t cut it any more. Buckley was a vile asshole, but even he had the common sense to turf the Birchers out of the GOP – now they’re back (& starting to look downright fucking moderate next to some of their new pals). Reagan was fine with fascist death-squads, & even HE would be sick to his stomach at seeing just what his ideological offspring have become.
Barbarism. They aren’t turning back the clock – they’re on the way to having clocks banned as tools of Satan, along with the wheel & fire.
The barbarians are at the gates … & they need to be stopped before they bolt them shut, from the inside.
TandU, make him get EndNote and do his own damn work.
Yeah, that doesn’t quite apply, as these weren’t poster sessions and they don’t have papers about them–they were just straight-up Powerpoint presentations.
Make sure to give slide and bullet-point numbers, or else the cite is invalid for a lack of specificity.
No proceedings? Well fuck. How can you cite something that isn’t publicly available? That’s completely [apologies to Trig] retarded. I have scientific proof(1) of how dumb it is. In fact, it’s widely accepted by all the major authorities on the subject(2 – 5).
1. Wangchuck, Dragon-King : Voices in my Head : just 1 minute ago.
2. ibid.
3. ibid.
4. ibid.
5. ibid.
Oh, man, she is so screwed. There is no way this is getting in by tomorrow, even when I’m done.
TandU, make him get EndNote and do his own damn work.
I just laughed until I damn near choked. Never worked with a doctor, have you?
I just laughed until I damn near choked. Never worked with a doctor, have you?
We’re lucky they don’t ask us to unzip their pants for them when they need to take a shit.
See, this is another difference between me and DKW. My voices tell me about the neighbours been lookin’ at me funny. I’m gonna get surveyance on their arses.
DKW, the Annie Oakley of links.
Anything you can link, I can link bettar,
I can link anything to doing your mom.
Yes I can.
Best recent example: we have an electronic medical records system that allows health care workers to access patient information throughout the system. My physical therapist said, “Well, I’ll need to put together some notes to send over to your doctor,” and I said, “Wait, don’t you just do notes and put them into the system? Why can’t they just look at my records?” She laughed. “Yes, but they want us to type them out for them so they don’t have to worry about accessing them and then send them over electronically and in print form.”
Your health care dollars at work, my friends.
Sorry, didn’t mean to hijack the conversation. (Dirty violent liberal words!) As you were.
We’re lucky they don’t ask us to unzip their pants for them when they need to take a shit.
I have actually transcribed notes that were dictated in the bathroom while the doc in question was in the middle of taking a whiz…
Fer FSM sake T&U, just use the format for the poster session, use the title/topic of the presentation (She DID have at least a topic/title slide?) “oral presentation at name of conference” etc. etc.
Stop fucking worrying about it. If you get any shit you can point out that the offical guide[1] does not specify a format.
but I’m saying it right now: when you advocate for things like torture & other war crimes while openly despising science, history & basic reality in favor of full-blown tribalism, atavism & nihilism, terms like “wingnut” or “neocon” really don’t cut it any more.
Were you Cyril Kornbluth in a previous incarnation?
I rate for J.G.– my scenario is straight from his unpublished sequel, Drowned World 2: Pelagic Boogaloo.
The Arizona congresswoman shouldn’t have attended an event “in full view of the public” if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder
It’s not the shooter’s fault for shooting her, it’s her fault for going out in public where she could be shot.
To get back to the topic. Will you soon all be working for the Yaqui dollar
Hey T&U
I once got an email response from K-Lo…I was feeling all kumbaya right after the 2006 Dem sweep…I then wanted to tell her how grateful I was that she gave up some of her ‘cupcake time’ to respond to me…but I politely left it at just ‘grateful’.
What does it say about us that we have so many J. G. Ballard fans here? We’re fucking elitists, that’s what.
I love fucking elitists, donchew?
What does it say about us that we have so many J. G. Ballard fans here? We’re fucking elitists, that’s what.
Depressive elitists.
Peej, that’s what I did.
Ballard elitists are strictly top-floor.
Off-topic but too schadenfreudelicious to igonre: After years of crowing about how they were so much better than the other states because they had avoided budget defecits, Texas is facing a $15 Billion-with-a-b budget deficit.
Oh Governor Goodhair, whatEVAH will you do?
After years of crowing about how they were so much better than the other states because they had avoided budget defecits, Texas is facing a $15 Billion-with-a-b budget deficit.
Well; everything’s bigger in…hey! Get that hook away from me! *yank*
Is it mean to wish he’ll make good on his threats? Austin can stay.
Ballard elitists are strictly top-floor
Disfigured, back seat elitists.
Um, the comments on that Fux Noose page really fucked me up.
Even despite this tragedy (and the evidence that the right’s violent rhetoric has caused actual violence), Conservatives still cannot help themselves to an Obama-bashing good time via anonymous posting.
They are still going on and on about the “Obamarx” –which I assume is a combo Obama + Marxist. And they are actually mocking this tribute because they can’t understand that it wasn’t a memorial.
As commenter marinerecon77 posts so eloquently:
This country has some stupid motherfuckers in it.
After years of crowing about how they were so much better than the other states because they had avoided budget defecits, Texas is facing a $15 Billion-with-a-b budget deficit.
Yeah, Krugman reported on that a week or two ago. Hmm, fiscal conservatism, GOP style… isn’t that nice? Of course, I’m sure it’s all our fault for infiltrating their state with socialists to destroy them from the inside, or maybe it’s just the Mex’breeds bankrupting them… of one thing I am certain; this will not go down in their newly repoliticized history books as Their Fault. No siree!
I always seem to kill a thread. I’ll stick to lurkin’.
I always seem to kill a thread. I’ll stick to lurkin’.
Esteemed Esteev, it’s good to have you back, you start lurkin’ again, I’ll drive out the Island and force you to post.
My voices tell me about the neighbours been lookin’ at me funny. I’m gonna get surveyance on their arses.
So, your neighbors are checking you out… I see a Kiwi key party in the near future.
Is it mean to wish he’ll make good on his threats? Austin can stay.
We’ll arrange an Austin airlift, sending food, medical supplies, and guitar strings to the beleaguered populace.
Shut up white Christian numpties!
Be champions.
Shanesteev! Shanesteev! Come back, Shanesteev!
Was it you who recommended Driftglass blog the other day? It was news to me, and I like it, I like it.
In these blood libel times, I must coin a new term: Heartland Golem. That’s what the Red State base is.
Quote from Driftglass the other day:
“There is no Big Brother bestriding the Right, because there doesn’t need to be: because the one, genuine innovation of the Right has been to spend 40 years carefully cultivating a dumbed-down Base which at this point are little more than reprogrammable Golem.
Whatever they are told today through the Right’s trusted in-house organs, they will believe.
Whatever those in-house sources tell them tomorrow — even if it is in 180 degree opposition to what they were told today — they will believe.
Because the day-to-day ebb and flow of Conservative lies — no matter how malevolent or jaw-droppingly ridiculous — no longer matters to a Base that knows only two things: that Big Brother loves them and that Emmanuel Goldstein is to blame for all of their problems.”
If you do, drive carefully. Jails round those parts are dangerous to PENIS.
Try being a ghostwriter for corporate execs for seven years who has won half a dozen external awards for your work … all of which have someone else’s name on them.
It is then that you truly learn the meaning of “lack of acknowledgment for a job well done.”
But I’m not bitter or anything …
B^4 wrote:
As the kids would type: FTW!
She got so mad over all the clapping and hopla
yes, clearly it’s the speaker’s fault that all the people in the audience clapped.
Bilo, the Driftglass and Bluegal podcast, “The Professional Left” is highly recommended.
Shit, these people are truly delusional.
Are you new here?
Not to change the subject (again!), but I just wanted to mention that “Super Duper Conservative Diva” Robin of Berkeley is mentioned in a new Vanity Fair column. I posted the link over at World O’Crap, in case you’re mentioned. (Spoiler: Robin is linked with Sideshow Bob.)
Oh sure DKW. Bring up penis and rodents in the same article.
In these blood libel times, I must coin a new term: Heartland Golem. That’s what the Red State base is.
Rove’s Frankenstein
Fuck, why aren’t people shouting this from the rooftops (from the Harper’s article referenced above):
Can we please finally bury¹ Laffer and his fucking curve?
¹ violent rhetoric? Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
I know. Preview can bite my PENIS like the dirty rat it is.
Is that an ampersand#185;?
Don’t any of you WORK?
Heh. Drifty’s been a favorite of mine for ages.
I still love this one from a while back.
Hehe! I got the feeling what shocked the right wing poobahs was how enthusiatic the crowd was. They didn’t realize Tucson is pretty center- left, U of A is a liberal college, with Pima County pretty much throwing Napolitanos first election as governor her way. I think the nut-cons were expecting a Phoenix atmosphere of cookie cutter wingnuts. How dare they cheer in support of a centerist hometown girl who is pulling through miraculouly! They’re not following the script!
Don’t any of you WORK?
And give up the sweet Soros lewt?
¹ ⇒¹.
And WP?
Don’t any of you WORK?
You don’t get a SN paycheck?
Don’t any of you WORK?
Sure. Work limits me to posting only between 9 and 5.
HAHAHA! Back at ya! []%&*-=+ {}!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t any of you WORK?
Finding ways to avoid doing my actual job is HARD WORK! Almos’ as hard as presidentin’.
Don’t any of you WORK?
You think this is FUN???
A comment from Esteev’s link:
I do my best not to.
Does that mean there’s something bigger than God that can restore him?
I’m feeling all doooooooooomed! !!!!!!! 11
Don’t any of you WORK?
I finished a scarf and made fresh bread.
If I look forward to lazing about does that mean I’m into idleotry?
as a person in psychology
Dude, being a study subject totle-y does not qualify you to diagnose others.
as a person in psychology…
Sounds more like a customer than a provider.
DAMMIT. Go bake some bread. Or something.
tigris and WC made me snigger. (Too soon…after the Huck Finn discussion?)
It means you’re a hedonist. Or as my father calls it when he teases my stepmother, a “pleasure piggie.” Me, I’ve got no problem with people being pleasure piggies.
The idea that this tragedy is society’s fault is a gross mischaracterization of reality. This was a mentally ill man much like the unibomber. the problem lies with our mental health system
It relieves me to know our mental health system is not part of society since as TIGRIS FIRST POINTED OUT, he’s obiously in the mental health combine which makes him not mixing with society.
Justme, that is some quality cheese shop adaptation! Thanks.
Oink Oink!
I finished a scarf and made fresh bread.
All of my bread baking attempts have failed- I’ve killed more yeast than Monistat.
Don’t any of you WORK?
Says the architect in a down economy?
Do you have a breadmaker? I find that the less the process depends on, you know, me…actually doing stuff, the better things turn out.
Must go now but will return later with bread tips (bread is the ONE thing I can actually make)
This seems kind of stingy to me. Couldn’t you bring a whole loaf?
Bread doesn’t rely so much on you doing a lot of stuff, but on long periods of it doing it’s own stuff. I have a sourdough starter plus I add a tiny little bit of yeast and make a preferment, let that sit overnight, make the dough, let that sit overnight, then bake the bread on day 3. The first ~10 minutes of baking I spray the dough and oven with water several times, then pretty much let it alone.
ITS, dammit. I also abused apostrophes today, but it doesn’t really pay all that well.
That comment just asploded my Irony-O-Meter.
Mainly because I’m sure this person is: a.) part of the problem with our mental health system, given his/her obvious retardation (and, yes, I’m making fun of Trig); 2.) against any type of government-sponsored-or-ran health care that could ensure every citizen has equal access to treatment options; and lastly, the type who leaves run-on rants about the lack of civility from the left while comparing the left to Nazis.
So, yeah, I need to head to the hardware store and pick up some Gorilla Glue, Cat 5 cable, a few compression fittings, and some hand lotion.
tigris does a poolish!
as a
person in psychologyguy who took a community college psych class, what i saw was a totle demoralization of society.Also, “totle”. Heh.
Whenever I hear the “An armed society is a polite society” line, I say “Heck yes! Look at Ethiopia! And Rwanda! And everyone knows how rude the British are, because they are disarmed.”
I was in a convenience store and a guy was complaining about some case of a guy losing his guns because he was under a restraining order by his ex wife. “they are just trying to take away all our rights, so we’ll be sheep. They want to make us like Europeans!” I said “They better not try to give me 6 weeks of vacation a year. That would suck! And no free health care, either!” He shut up, but his buddy laughed.
And those citizens regularly shut down the roads and trains of their countries in civil disobediance as their governments try to take away their rights and priviledges. Here, the protesting people gather where the police tell them they can, and then go elect people who will take away even more of their rights. The people of Europe strike much more fear in their governments, without guns.
The government will always be able to outgun its populace, even if that means launching a cruise missile at some yahoos’ armed compound.
Of course, thats why Beck and crew keep hyping the idea that the military will lead a coup, or at least stand aside while teapartiers in their armed Hoveround’s storm the Black House (those guys LOVE that joke!)
I’ve been an avid bread maker for many years. I recently tried the artisanal bread in 5 minutes a day (giggle it yaseff) and let me telz ya, I been making bread even more frequently than before. I still do regular recipes (Meisel’s rye bread e.g.) but only occasionally now. Highly recommended.
Don’t any of you WORK?
I have to carefully pace myself to offset how grossly underpaid I am.
404’d, which is probably a blessing.
tig, have you tried the “toss some water in a hot pan” method? Works great for me And is lots easier.
I recently tried the artisanal bread in 5 minutes a day (giggle it yaseff) and let me telz ya, I been making bread even more frequently than before.
I keep intending to get Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, because they have some really pretty-looking gf recipes.
Oh, you don’t think keeping an eye on Bagoas at the poggie dark is work? hafuckingrumph.
Don’t read any negative reviews of Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day on Amazon, by the way. The stupidity will hurt.
Pup, I do both. I don’t find I get enough spring for my liking without actually spraying the loaf, but I think that’s a personal preference rather than any sort of hard rule. So to speak.
And those citizens regularly shut down the roads and trains of their countries in civil disobediance as their governments try to take away their rights and priviledges. Here, the protesting people gather where the police tell them they can, and then go elect people who will take away even more of their rights. The people of Europe strike much more fear in their governments, without guns.
I agree. There’s plenty that I bitch about re Europe too, but Christ, the American people are sheep, especially compared to the French.
totle demoralization of society. Much like we saw of the youth of Nazi Germany.
Who all became merchant bankers? Who won the World Cup? Who set up their healthcare system? Who rebuilt their cities.
Ya know, just fuck up
Says the architect in a down economy?
I am volunteering as a mentor in FIRST.
Six weeks – sorry, 5 weeks and two days- to build a 120 pound robot and ship it. Built by high school students.
In between trying to do the few professional things available, keep the house standing, tend to a fifteen year old zombizzlet, and try not to be murdered by a spouse. O yeah, and sleep.
This seems kind of stingy to me. Couldn’t you bring a whole loaf?
vs, I larfed. or loafed.
But hey, Larry McMurtry in a 300 seat club tonight, just to get one last night of real life in before March…
zombies need sleep. Veeeeeery interesting. Y’all I found a breach!
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
“vs, I larfed. or loafed.”
Woot! its not everyone who can please a zombie architect.
I am volunteering as a mentor in FIRST.
My son did that last year. Very cool; good on ya.
The key to bread is two things they don’t say in the recipies:
1) temperature. The wet ingredients should be right around 110° F when you mix with the flour; that’s a good temp for the yeast to get rolling.
2) kneading. When the dough is dry enough to work with your hands, spend a good ten minutes folding it toward you and mushing it away, adding flour as you go. Under-kneaded bread don’t rise for shit.
Pup, I shoulda knowed you did bread too. Is there anything you don’t know how to do in the kitchen¹, you bastard?
¹ I tee it up, you knock it out of the park
“Woot! its not everyone who can please a zombie architect”
Oh piffle. All you gotta do is give him a brane, although I have no idea what architects do with their branes.
I HAD to! N__B is MIA.
Thanks for the slo-pitch WC but it’s not safe to discuss in public.
Too, what I do in the kitchen I’ve been working at diligently for 30 years.
How about: It’s not that I _can’t_, it’s just uncomfortable, painful even.
This thread is MINE to kill. Too late?
Too late?
Too violent.
WC is the REAL violence monger for saying that!
Oh piffle. All you gotta do is give him a
braneCHECK.Fickst for accurate beggiverisness.
Bold mine. That part seems shitty.
Oh piffle. All you gotta do is give him a brane, although I have no idea what architects do with their branes.
You know, I miss PeeJ.
I regret my poor choice of words, and I have removed the post.
Although it seems he does not understand how the IntarTubas work.
My son did that last year.
What team number, if you don’t mind revealing? Ours is 2830, if you want to know. Young Zombizzle’s team is 1675.
Don’t read any negative reviews
of Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Dayon Amazon, by the way. The stupidity will hurt.fixt.
So, yeah, I need to head to the hardware store and pick up some Gorilla Glue, Cat 5 cable, a few compression fittings, and some hand lotion.
Ahh. Another FIRST Mentor.
OK, tagfail. I blame lack of sleep and George Romero.
In my experience the gorillas get angry when you glue them.
zombies need sleep
Only when we’re building robots.
And especially not the ideology that says cutting funds for mental health is a good idea.
Xecky – I beg to differ.
The Amazon reviews for Liquid Ass are hysterical. Especially the guy who talked about how his cat came into the kitchen and was trying to cover up invisible turds on the tile floor after he sprayed it.
TIL about FIRST. Damn, I wish I’d been born 40 years later than I was, I’m jealous of what kids get to do these days. Sure, trips to the planetarium and shit were cool but dang!
Not mention liquid ass.
Here’s a clue: Bread is available, relatively cheap, in supermarkets & even (for the pretentiously upscale) “bakeries.”
Sheesh, must I explain everything about our brave new world?
I eat Wonder and I get Ful.
M. Bouffant, pass the brane bleach for the Palin breathing YouTube clip. I’m gonna have nightmares. I’ve already developed a sudden allergy to beige lip gloss.
Question for ‘Nauts who know French: Should the spelling be ‘Quel” or ‘Quelle’? I want the award to mean ‘What Cheese.’ I don’t know any languages except American / English. Thanks for you help.
Has La Sarah removed or otherwise altered the previous appearance of her lower lip? She had that under-lipliner thing going on during the campaign but I do not see it now.
Removed the tattoo or whatever it was, that is.
Say, are them there sayings at the top of the page a Seinfeld quoteomatic thingy? I never saw the show so I just now kinda figured it out (maybe).
Did I kill the thread again? Eat yer heart out tsam, wherever you are.
Snidely, google translate says “ce fromage”. Which is more differenter than I thought.
They say “Quelle fromage” means “When cheese” which seems to have limited use. “When cheese?” asked the Countess , knowingly
Also the phrase “jamais l’impression que vous avez été trompé” means “Ever fell that you’ve been cheated” which I had not known
I will repeat:
Palate cleansing is anticipated. As well as crappy-made drinks.
Ooooooh Quel fromage is “What Cheese” as the countess said to the bishop
Google returns lots of results from Englishers, but if you look up something like quelle OR quel fromage bleu you get Frenchies, who go for “quel,” cheese being masculine, men being cheesy. It can mean “which cheese?” or “what a cheese!”
Meant James mcMurtry.
I blame Sarah Palin
And now for something compleatly similar.
Thanks all! Working on a l-o-n-g comment, handing out many medals willy-nilly! This has been a very enjoyable thread to read.
Maybe I’ll break it into chunks, to avoid the perils of WordPress.
pass the brane bleach for the Palin breathing YouTube clip. I’m gonna have nightmares. I’ve already developed a sudden allergy to beige lip gloss
Imagine the horrors (w/ beige lip gloss) to which abusive Substance might lead the innocent, & be thankful.
(‘Though you didn’t have to click.)
Mr Zombie, I like that “No More Buffalo” song
Liquid Ass is great!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 Just the kind of thing that will spark the economy. Made in the USA!!!
If you like Stink Bombs and Fart Spray, just wait until you try Liquid ASS!,
Oh great. Sentient robots controlled by Zombies! We are so fucked.
It depends on what you mean by “great”.
I got not one, but TWO bottles of Liquid ASS for Christmas, from two separate people. Apparently because I blogged about buying it for OTHER people, they assumed I wanted some of it for myself.
On reflection, I had decided I didn’t trust anyone enough to give them Liquid ASS – and can’t for the life of me figure out how not one, but TWO people who know me trusted ME enough to give it to me.
In any case, the closest approximation I can give you to the smell is to imagine a multi-stall public restroom with non-working plumbing, where people have continued to crap in the toilets until they’re overflowing, and it’s been sitting there like that for a couple of weeks. Truly disgusting stuff.
At some point in the near future, I’m going to make the first trip I’ve made to a Wal-Mart in 15 years…
At some point in the near future, I’m going to make the first trip I’ve made to a Wal-Mart in 15 years…
OMG I think I love you.
See the update to the post, based on mark f’s delicious discovery.
Dint get out of the boat. Especially when I saw the geezer in the day-glo slingshot on the shore.
The name of the Quelle Fromage has been corrected by a panel of Distinguished Linguists. First, however, are some Snidely replies….
Don’t get me started on the draft, man. Bad policy. Unworkable. More expensive. Weakens the military. This topic always gets a rise from me. Let’s not go there and risk a thread-kill!
Anatomically impossible?
I wish T&U had magic powers! She would use them for Good. (I loves me some big omelets and delish hash-browns. I can help by making toast and coffee!)
OTOH, we named sports teams after them and honored them with tomahawk chops, funny mascots, and lovable cartoons. Ungrateful bastards!
Snidely Luddite was confused.
Me too. For setting-off troglodyte relatives, I call myself a Socialist. (To baffle them, I use Anarco-Syndicalist.) I think Das Kapital was really an economics dissertation on Silesian pig iron that got w-a-y out of hand.
I assume you mean Reformed. Orthodox Hedonists unroll prayer rugs and face Vegas, the Holy City at 10 PM (Celine Dion in the Starlight Lounge) and at 11 PM (Wayne Newton in the Tiki Room). Also we have strict dietary laws. Sinatra’s Will Be Done!
Just sprinkle in some commas at random. That’s what reichwing commenters often do. You can also splice sentences together with commas. Feel the Power!
Tintin – I had actually seen that retraction somewhere a little earlier and can’t remember whether it was a blog post or comments…but didn’t connect it to Mirengoff. That truly IS delicious.
Izzit a lecture type thing, some kinda show, what?
By the by, I recently attended a four fucking hour long Leonard Cohen show. In fucking credible.
Missed one:
I’m going to begin using ‘reichwing.’ I saw this earlier in a comment today. (N_B ?) If it is an original formulation, I’m going to steal it! *mustache twirl*
Update: Hah fucking hah! Plenty of biz w/ the original inhabitants, no doubt furthering the gaming industry.
What a gawd-damn hair-colored maroon Mirengoff is. Fucked himself but good. I feel much better now!
If I had his taste in bathing wear, I would apologize also.
Oh, nevermind.
Mirengoniff has made me very happy.
I actually don’t need a supplement like Liquid Ass.
Which, by the way, is L.A. Not that I’m compared the City of Angels to Liquid Ass,….. just sayin….
Come to think of it the movie City of Angels might compete…
N__B is MIA.
Putting aside my need to eat food and drink beer, Mrs. __B joined the ranks of the unemployed on 1/1 when her research grant ran out and is now
trollinglooking for a job. She has a second interview for a semi-promising position tomorrow via Skype conference video and since I am the IT department Chez __B I had to get Skype running on her laptop, test it, and position the fucking thing so that the background behind her will be an intellechuul-looking bookcase rather than, say the bottles of Black Ops lined up on the kitchen counter.Liquid Ass was a memorable movie. “Me and my rhythm POOP.”
“I am the IT department Chez”
Those are part of my womanly duties here at Chez Slayer. I buy and set up our computers (and speaker systems and any other peripherals).
Wow. INCREDIBLY uninteresting. I’m gonna kill this thread.
“I am the IT department Chez”
Those are part of my womanly duties here at Chez Slayer.
You know, it is possible to configure tech while fully clothed.
semi-promising position tomorrow via Skype conference video and since I am the IT department Chez __B I had to get Skype running on her laptop, test it, and position the fucking thing so that the background behind her will be an intellechuul-looking bookcase rather than, say the bottles of Black Ops lined up on the kitchen counter.
Not good. We’ve lost our privacy thanks to technological advances & have no more buffer zone between us & our corporate overlords. Will the HR asshole next ask that we take him or her on a tour of our houses & bunkers, & check for dust or worse?
“Those are part of my womanly duties here at Chez Slayer.
You know, it is possible to configure tech while fully clothed.”
Yeah…crawling around On my tummy in grungy clothes searching for outlets and USB ports is super-sexy.
In case this hasn’t been linked here yet:
Will the HR asshole next ask that we take him or her on a tour of our houses & bunkers, & check for dust or worse?
It’s actually the prospective boss asshole. Not sure if that’s better or worse.
Yeah…crawling around On my tummy in grungy clothes searching for outlets and USB ports is super-sexy.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Did you momentarily forget which blog you were at?
By this time, if I see the letters vs on the ESPN site, I start to tingle….
Lol. Btw…good luck to mrs. _B.!
So, uh. What was intended?
Diversity libruls PC messicans illegals, amirite?
You know, it is possible to configure tech while fully clothed.
Dongles must be easily accessible at all times.
“By this time, if I see the letters vs on the ESPN site, I start to tingle….”
I think the more likely explanation for the tingling is that yer thinking of skinny 20-year-old Vicki’s Secret models.
Quelle Fromage
And for:
Thus earning the Marijuana Leaf Cluster. And pin the QF on:
And to:
And to:
And to:
And to:
And to reply:
And to:
With Marijuana Leaf Cluster for:
yer thinking of skinny 20-year-old Vicki’s Secret models.
“Victoria’s Secret” had a whole different meaning in The Pearl.
Excuse me, I would like to hire a stupid asshole lawyer who will insult me, my family, and all my ancestors.
You want room 204, down the hall. This is arguments.
““Victoria’s Secret” had a whole different meaning in The Pearl.”
I can imagine.
Spoiler: she was actually a DOOD.
Nawt hawt. I thought it was just a reference to the honeypot.
I’m not entirely certain that all of those models wearing the angel wings aren’t DOODS too. Need more evidence.
I’m sure you do. And all other doods.
No, I don’t need any evidence at all about D-KW. I’ll accept his DOODiness on faith.
Not ESPN . Not sure how they do their online ads, but they don’t do much Hot Babes and Sports stuff .
Liquid Ass ads however………….
Take note, DKW. N_B will spurn your advances. No means no.
At some point in the near future, I’m going to make the first trip I’ve made to a Wal-Mart in 15 years…
That description you made of Liquid Ass’ smell? The Wal-Mart restrooms will bring it to mind, so they will.
This is a tough time of year. Spring isn’t really imminent but it’s something in ones mind. I have the urge to make a lam stew printaniere but even though it’s warmer today than it has been of late, I want something hearty, rich, earthy.
Braised lamb shanks – brown ’em, sauté an almost pureed mirepoix until lightly browned, garlic, tomahto paste, cook some more, couple cups red wine, reduce, bay leaves, thyme sprigs, water to almost cover and let the press sure cooker do its magic. Polenta cakes – make polenta, let it cool, cut circles with a glass, fry in olive oyl, grind blak pepper and grated parm regggiano. Steamed peas with butter. Pinot noir. No appy tonight, it’s a fucking weeknight fer chrissake, whattaya want already!?
Quelle Fromage
I’ve done my duty. I’ve been considering whether I should just retreat into Semi-Lurker Mode again, and only hand out idiotic and imaginary and appreciative medals. I’m good at that!
But not so much at fast wit. When people really get on a roll, it sorta intimidates me, I suppose. And I wander into autobiographical digression. And checking the Urban Dictionary slows me down. (BTW, thanks again to the Sadly who gave me the link! I’ve bookmarked it.) Also, Snidely Luddite still can’t figure out text-replacement on links!
I dunno.
PS – I also do the IT. I do not, however clean (much) nor do I have a Fench maid uniform. I do have several nice jockstraps that I enjoy wearing when doing housework….
Peej, that sounds awesome. This is one of my favorite winter meals.
I, um, arrange books?
Quelle Fromage
with ML Cluster for
Time for chow. May not be back. Have fun.
Thank you Snidely!!!!!!!!!!!111
Ya wanna know something else? Just my opinion…..
Oops! Forgot to mention to Snidely, I don’t think it much matters as long as itsbnot “Querelle fromage” cuz that would just be … Wrong not to mention smelly. Um, in a way completely different than stinky cheese smell, y’know?
I’ll eat cheese that smells like dirty feet, but Querelle fromage is just going too far.
Thanks. Low self esteem. I’m viciously self-critical.
You know who else had low self-esteem, right?
You know who else had low self-esteem, right?
I bet HIS mustache didn’t twirl, though.
When people really get on a roll, it sorta intimidates me, I suppose.
Just do what I do: post late! Or rarely! Or both!
Also, since these threads can be very dangerous, you may need one of these.
It’s saved my life here more than once.
Low self esteem. I’m viciously self-critical.
I know the feeling(s). Got over the second part.
Try visiting National Review Online if you don’t already. They have high self-esteem, and may be among the least self-aware/ self-critical bunch on the internet. These are the intellectual elite of the wingers. I’ll bet that you soon find a post that so fucking stupid you will feel a lot better about yourself.
As hilarious as our hosts and our colleagues are, sometimes I think the most difficult part is deciding which of NRO (and many others) is most deserving of our ridicule.
T&U you no I lurves you but I’m serving it with bread (Pugliese) so you caint have none. PHPHPTPTPTPHPPTT
and with a hearty
I bid you all (except vs) drink/drug yourselves into a stupor .
Until we snark again.
Yep relax Snidely, they even lets kiwis in here.
Just Quietly: you seem more than “up to it”.
And thanks for the mention, I appreciate it
We’ll snark again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know
We’ll snark again
Some ‘lection day.
What does it say about us that we have so many J. G. Ballard fans here? We’re fucking elitists, that’s what.
His books are shorter than Tom Clancey’s
I, um, arrange books?
I! W? N?
ZOMG! I almost forgot the gremolata. I DID forget it here but nearly forgot to make it!?!?!!! Orange zest, lemon zest, minced garlic, finely chopped parsley and … Fresh grated horseradish! Jukes, it wouldn’t be the same without it.
Also FY iPad. Juses, not jukes.
Xecky Gilchrist said,
January 14, 2011 at 5:37 (kill)
I, um, arrange books?
I! W? N?
Xecky, I envy your finely-developed fantasy life.
But what books and what arrangements!!
See here is Rosclu and Schmidt “The Incredible Adventures of Sailor X in Cannibal land as told to Adolphus Spriggs through a medium on a train from Liverpool to London and then an Airship across the Atlantic”
And here “Trllsig and the City of Poop” by Wynder K. Treefrog
Jewels, my friends, jewels.
The Jukes of Ipad County. That was a show!
Just the other day I saw a woman wearing a pair of Jaisy Jukes. Yowza!
These are the intellectual elite of the wingers.
Never fails to crack me up.
“Goldberg, Lopez, Keyes, Derbyshire, Hanson.
An elite unit of Footbullet Ninjas, trained at a top-secret Gingrich ad-hominem facility to shovel the FUD wherever & whenever reality threatens to derail their owners’ agenda. Fuelled only by Cheetos & tunnel-vision, they will stop at nothing to make the original Know-Nothing Party look like a Mensa convention. When a job has to be done wrong the first time, the regular pundits turn over their most degrading, ridiculous dirty work to … THE A-TEAM!”
Jaisy Jukes
…cutoff jeggings?
+ you haven’t lived if you haven’t seen an expert librarian arrange books. Rowr.
Don’t know how I missed this, but just wanted to say
And I don’t even consider myself a proper leftist, I’m dead center. I’m where the post-WW2 consensus was; the left agreed to support the free market and the right agreed to support the welfare state. Sure do miss all the prosperity that brought us, eh?
Oh, and that’s also what modern American liberalism was from the outset; an effort to harness the best from both sides of the aisle while leaving the bad parts behind. I’m a flaming moderate. It’s the political spectrum that’s gone off the (right) edge.
Shorter Powerline asshole: ” Ah dint no them heathen savages had no religin”.
re: update. As the kids say, OMFG!!!! This makes me feel all tingly.
Sorry. No. Not sorry.
Schadenfreude is right!
On the Quelle Fromage
I thought of something: Instead of using ‘And for’ to separate blockquotes, I’ll simply repeat Quelle Fromage as the placeholder.
Originally my intent was to make the QF a truly rarified honor; think Victoria Cross, Medal of Honor, Hero of the Soviet Union (or–once upon a time–the Presidential Medal of Freedom). But the QF works better as a wider badge of distinction, I think.
I’m entirely capricious, of course. I might hand them out like aspirin in one thread, yet be niggardly in another. I’m not a slave to some consistent standard. (See what I did there?) Mostly depends on my own peculiar sense of humor and politics. Also affected by mood, sweet smoke, and available time.
Another thought: The boldface can serve for scanning the thread. It the QFs are consolidated, they might serve as a Completely Arbitrary Greatest Hits summary (especially for Sadlies on vacation). Or if the QF’s are sprinkled, they could be useful for latecomers to the thread. Also, to consolidate a single strand of rapid-fire wit.
((Oh, shit! I used ‘rapid-fire’. Which means I’m threatening Sarah Palin, even though I don’t own a gun. Or any surveying equipment, either. I am sorely afraid the government will take away my Imaginary Gun Rights!!!))
And thanks to all for the encouragement.
— Snidely
What [FIRST] team number, if you don’t mind revealing?
1646. Young Chowder, Esq, goes to a Major Midwestern University and last year was a mentor. He decided it was more effort than it was worth (on top of 20 credits and Marching Band) and skipped it this year.
I saw that retraction, and was a bit baffled at first. These are people who revel, who wallow, in thier hurting other peoples’ feelings. Bullies. Dicks. He couldn’t have done this because he had been shamed. Or because he had learned something. So, hmmm, what might have made him do this? Oh yes, power. He was forced to.
I heartily endorse this event or product:
In the mountains of West Virginny, in this one valley, they do get some snow. Shitloads of it, by mid-Atlantic/Southern standards. It’s a really laid back and mellow place. Cross-country skiing, it’s as mellow and slow as you want it to be. No lift or tow row, so, uh, excercise involved. But only as much as you feel like. And it’s cheap, compared to downhill ski, really quite afordable.
They’ll be getting snow for a few more months.
Snidely, the thing that is funny is that all the wingnuts want to win the Knight’s Cross.
Oh, and 3/4-vegetarian cafe that some say beats Moosewood’s butt.
Damn. The local Hallmark was all out of the “Sorry you stepped on your dick” cards, too.
“I am the IT department Chez”
Cool, perhaps you could help me with my Blackberry.
VS, I finally caught the Pawlenty inteview on the Daily Show from yesterday. Turned my stomach when the little shit talked about how all the leftist protesters had to be put in special, caged security zones because of SECURITY! DANGER!
As if it wasn’t all a gross violation of free speech and spin control for the TV cameras. And as if it wasn’t all yet another case of authoritarian battered-wife-blaming. See what you made me do? You excercised The Freedom/burned the pot roast!
Typo patrol: tow row = tow rope. Sorry.
I just spent a couple hours hanging out with my blind photographer friends. If they’d seen the tattersall shirt with the horizontally striped tie, they might not have been so friendly. But the point is, if you’re in the LA area, come check the show out. Photo LA, annual event, everything from eternal faves like Bresson all the way through some challenging nutworkery by new photographers. All available, for purchase, I believe.
I shit you not, blind photographers. And their work is often mind-blowing.
Am I off-topic? What?
There are no topics!
Tintin, is there something you’d like to share with us?
Paul Constant at The Stranger:
“But just because Sarah Palin *should* go away, that doesn’t mean she *will* go away. And begging for civility out of teabaggers is like trying to convince a treeful of chimpanzees to stop masturbating.”
I was pondering, “Heartland Golem”, or Frankenstein? Realized I didn’t know much at all about the actual Frankenstein story, just went and peeked, it’s all over the map, and a lot more complicated a tale than I realized. But still pretty much a monster on the loose, and one that never was very useful or obedient in the first place.
Golems, I’m sticking with. Created to do the bidding of their creator, and generally obedient. Problems can arise, however…
From wikipoopia:
“Hubris theme
The existence of a golem is sometimes a mixed blessing. Golems are not intelligent, and if commanded to perform a task, they will perform the instructions literally. In many depictions golems are inherently perfectly obedient. In its earliest known modern form, one story has Rabbi Eliyahu of Che?m creating a golem that became enormous and uncooperative. In one version of this story, the rabbi had to resort to trickery to deactivate it, whereupon it crumbled upon its creator and crushed him.”
Confession: I didn’t really know about golems until Krusty The Klown had one that barged in from offstage with a lever action rifle to shoot hecklers.
Heck, I didn’t know enough about blood libel until the other day. Children’s blood, I had heard about. Jesus-era stuff, hoo-ee, not my bag, baby.
Fuck you, you goatfucking child molester.
Ahhh… it’s good to be back hating WP!
And Bilo,
You are most welcome for driftglass. His Photoshop skillz are sick!
O yeah, and sleep.
Much overrated.
Oh, nevermind.
Coats for Kids fires guy for agreeing with Obama?
Moe Lane at Red State
Shorter: Hey, we can play with the Sadlies. We know exactly what it feels like to be Giffords because some guy might have gotten fired or might not have gotten fired over his Facebook page.
It’s good thing Erick Erickson invented the question mark.
I, um, arrange books?
Can you re-score Beckett’s “Ill seen Ill said” for a string quartet? AFAF.
perhaps you could help me with my Blackberry.
My considered advice: trade it in for a RAZR.
From Balloon-Juice, Politifact is starting to grade pundits on their veracity. They have scored a Malkin claim “False.” They are going to need a bigger boat.
Don’t any of you WORK?
Well, no, not really…I received a generous grant from the Phyllis Schlafly Foudnationation a while back. I, uh, ‘entertained’ Johnny some time ago and the videos turned out to be pretty frickin’ raunchy I tell ya…..uh,.well, okay….saying ‘grant’ is a bit disingenuous of me.
“+ you haven’t lived if you haven’t seen an expert librarian arrange books. Rowr.”
It’s like watching a craftsperson at work. Like a blacksmith, only without the hammer, ingot, anvil, forge, tongs, and constant loud banging noise.
Like a blacksmith, only without the hammer, ingot, anvil, forge, tongs, and constant loud banging noise.
You’ve convinced me. The all-female version of the Village People should have a librarian in the mix.
Like a blacksmith, only without the hammer, ingot, anvil, forge, tongs, and constant loud banging noise.
And with crisp white pressed blouses, tweed skirts, horn rimmed glasses and their hair done up in buns. And as the last of the books are shelved, the glasses come off and the hair comes down and the top two or three buttons on the blouse inexplicably come undone and the skirt magically gets two inches shorter.
their hair done up in buns
I’d prefer this scenario after an ass waxing.
I always wondered what it would take for the people who employ the Powerline loons to take offense to one of their posts. I now know.
Don’t any of you WORK?
Well, of course not! America doesn’t work anymore. Well, we don’t make actual stuff. We make exotic financial instruments and convenient fictions about ourselves and rest of the world.
But we still have the bestest Rube Goldberg system of government on the planet. USA! USA
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.
Nothin’s happenin’ now on the thread. So I’ll let go of a brain fart:
I haven’t gotten out of boat for almost a week now. (I rarely did when I was a lurker, either.) And within the thread, I seldom follow links to politics or reichwing commentary.
Everything I need to know about J-Lo, or Pantsload, or Jim Bob Thurber, or whoever, I get from SadlyNo commentary. I see the choicest bits of their ‘writing’, the wretchedness of which is dissected here with meat cleavers. Let the experts do the job, say I.
Plus I seldom have adequate brain bleach on hand for going to America’s Shittiest Website or Fred Hiatt’s Circus of Midgets or similar destinations ashore.
Plus I’ve got a short fuse attached to an explosive temper when it comes to mendacity, idiocy, and sociopathy. Reading such crap only sets me off and angries-up the blood. (h/t to S. Paige).
I admire the survival skills of those intrepid explorers who travel to the distant shores. But I’m not gettin’ out of the boat.
Always. Thrust. The. Shorter.
ala ‘brain farts’
and not only did Palin’s usage trivialize the phrase, I can imagine many of her devotees, at first truly befuddled after the google….then thinking “OMGZ!!!…give ’em both barrels if those joows try and come after baby Triggs again Sarah!!”
Sorry for the typos: I seem to drop a lot of articles. I’d like to drop Article I and Article II and replace them with a rational form of government.
Snidely, the day will come, you will see something so stupid, so obviously unfairly edited or twisted that you will hear the siren call of mangoes and leap over the gunwale and go sprinting through the shallows into the mangrove swamp.
And there’s a 50/50 chance that what you’ll find there was quoted *verbatim.*
joowsjooz.Fixed for formally-spoken Troglodyte. No slam on you, tontocal: It’s a hard language to master. Not only is pronounciation difficult, but the meanings of words shift from day to day. Weirdest damn lexicon in world.
Confession: I didn’t really know about golems until Krusty The Klown had one that barged in from offstage with a lever action rifle to shoot hecklers.
A truly inspiring moment in American belle lettres.
Also too, the Golem of Prauge.
Bilo: I’s afeered of rotten Terrorist Mangoes ashore.
re: Golem stories
I rate for Feet of Clay.
Philosophy question of the day:
Golems: Free-will or Creator’s control?
Excuse me, I would like to hire a stupid asshole lawyer who will insult me, my family, and all my ancestors.
How much money do you have?
Snidely, before you reproduce your slogan/ meme for Google eternal life, I’ll point out fromage being of the masculine gender, it should be “Quel fromage!“
Theology question of the day:
Are Golems ‘Children of God’?
(Trying to create a Creator / God / Great Spirit controvery. *mustache twirl*)
Re golem stories, Bester is best: Golem100.
Aren’t golems chasing after Frodo and the Ring of Doom?
There is also the classic.
Always. Thrust. The. Shorter.
One of the great typos.
Always. Thrust. The. Shorter.
Parry. The. Longer. ???
Always. Marry. The. Longer.
Happy: That’s what I thought, too! (Even though I put an extra ‘m’ in ‘fromage’.)
However, a panel of Distinguished Linguists advised me that ‘Quelle’ was the proper form. See 1:47 … 2:07 … 2:16 … 2:21
Gender-ish languages confuse the hell out me. What, pray tell, makes ‘cheese’ masculine?
You are right about nailing down the name before I begin my Evil Plot to seize control of Teh Google and infect the Urban Dictionary. So please, can the Distinguished Panel of Linguists sort this out for me? All I want it do is mean ‘What Cheese’ ,,, even if is in the form of a question ‘What Cheese?’ I don’t want to lose ‘Quel’, however. It sounds s-o-o right for a Distinguished Medal.
Always. Thrust. The. Shorter.
One of the great typos.
NOT a typo. This is merely refers to my preference for shorter women as partners.
werd SW
I’d also like to do a totally “my bad” and you can resume re-modeling of the Capitol building in Richmond.
This is merely refers to my preference for shorter women as partners.
I had no idea that was a thing for you.
OK, I just have to get this off my chest. This is my message to the fucking pearl clutchers who had their delicate fee-fees (disingenuously, cuz they really just wanted to bitch about something because they’re so fucking petty and hateful) hurt by the memorial service:
Here’s the deal, dumbfucks–YOU DON’T GET TO TELL PEOPLE HOW TO MOURN. If people at a memorial service want to be rowdy and political (like they were at the Wellstone memorial) that’s their prerogative. If they want to be joyful and hopeful and cheer, that’s their prerogative. If they want to dim the lights, sing Neil Diamond songs, and have sequined unicorns prance about during the proceedings, that’s their prerogative.
Memorials are for the mourners, not the dead. The dead are dead; I assure you they won’t be offended. So, I’ll repeat, so you can dumbfucks can understand: YOU DON’T GET TO TELL PEOPLE HOW TO MOURN. Got it? Get it? Good.
Parry. The. Longer. ???
I think it Perry Riposte. Great name for a character.
Snidely’s tumescence flags at the sight of feminine nostril hair.
Oh, and I noticed there was sexy librarian talk upthread.
I’m hurt, guys. Hurt.
I can’t believe you don’t think a woman sitting on her ass in jeans or yoga pants for hours, developing back issues and carpal tunnel, isn’t sexy. That’s just kooky, yo.
Clearly there needs to be moar digital artist pr0n. Hello! Niche market, anyone! Maybe even Dampniche market!
What makes fromage masculine? Good question. There is no logic in assigning genders to objects, so the answer is “because, that’s why!”
The only reason is that there is no neutral gender. In Dutch they have TWO neutral genders for objects (which trigger two different determiners, “het” and “de”).
Other trivia to impress people at cocktail parties: genitals are either feminine or masculine (male genitalia: une bite, un pénis; female genitalia: une chatte, un vagin).
Le fromage est masculin. Aussi, l'idiome populaire est Quel Dommage, ainsi Quel Frommage - ceci est la meilleure formule.
Quel Dommage
means “What a shame”, so by extension Quel Frommage [with extra m] means “What a[n unfortunate] cheese” which is what I believe you’re going for. But this is all based on my understanding of the language which is best described as “High School French”.Quel Fromage
mucho werd vs
and as opposed to someone like Ann Coulter, who has a cold lump of completely depleted uranium in her chest cavity where one’s beating heart usually resides, for me, there’s just something about Glen Beck….I still hold the belief that he’ll be making a road trip to Damascus sometime in the near future.
Heh. Martha Stewart’s dog kicked her ass.
I can’t believe you don’t think a woman sitting on her ass in jeans or yoga pants for hours, developing back issues and carpal tunnel, isn’t sexy.
Hell, that’s pretty much what a lot of librarians do, although they might be required to dress *slightly* nicer.
VS, you’ll want to see last night’s Daily Show. Jon Stewart made similar comments/yells along the theme of, IT WAS NOT A SHOW!!
I can’t believe you don’t think a woman sitting on her ass in jeans or yoga pants for hours, developing back issues and carpal tunnel, isn’t sexy.
Remedy on it’s way.
Back issues? You should lie down. Take some pressure off your lumbar region. Here, let me check that lumbar region for you.
Carpal Tunnel? You need to do more hand and wrist exercises. I’ll just put this* in your hand and you just gently squeeze repeatedly.
*Possibly a reference to something.
They know that – it’s what pisses them off, because it’s a special case of “you don’t get to tell people how to do everything.”
And there is that obligation to pretend that anything a liberal does is not only bad but THE WORST THING EVAR, even if it’s what Republicans were suggesting a few minutes ago (cf. health care reform.)
I saw that! Hee! Good stuff.
BTW, glad you saw Pawlenty on there, too. Man, that guy’s a douche.
DKW: I like that very much! ‘Unfortunate’ adds a nice texture of even greater incomprehensibility. So I need the extra M?
Based on the readings of Dragon and Happy, I’m strongly inclined to use the masculine ‘Quel’ rather than the feminine ‘Quelle’. Other linguists?
Thread kill!
Snidely wrote:
“Gender-ish languages confuse the hell out me. What, pray tell, makes ‘cheese’ masculine?”
Uh, smegma?
*high school humor module reset to “off”*
Quel Dommage means “What a shame”, so by extension Quel Frommage [with extra m] means “What a[n unfortunate] cheese” which is what I believe you’re going for. But this is all based on my understanding of the language which is best described as “High School French”.
I see the intent for the joke, but I never got the meaning/ reference with the mix between “dommage” and “fromage”. The phonetic difference of the first consonant will thwart the effect, and it would fail on French ears/ eyes, I think.
Shorter Glibertarian X:
Banning guns is just like banning drugs because it criminalizes people who break the law. I work at Hahvahd and I write books.
Dr. Wangchuck…you always have the cure for what ails me. *swoons onto exam table*
On why “fromage” is masculine: most nouns ending in “-age” are masculine with the exception of some one syllable nouns such as la cage or la page.
and as for Monsieur Le Bonne Heure, saw Chris Matthews yesterday issuing a tepid defense of him….like his not joining President Engels on airforceone wasn’t a deliberate snub or nothin’ like that.
Maybe the Orange Boner was afraid to have Teahadists find out he flew on the same airplane as a black man? Without having demanded that the Indonesian Kenyan Muslin Usurper sat in the back?
.like his not joining President Engels on airforceone wasn’t a deliberate snub or nothin’ like that.
Yeah, the story is that Obama knew he couldn’t go, but extended the invitation as a courtesy, so it wasn’t a snub. I have no idea about that, but I do think holding a fundraising meeting during the service was taaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaackyyyyyyy.
Re: Orange Boner’s crying:
We kinda have to let the most recent one slide, right? A fellow member of the House being shot, that’s rare & skeery.
But it’s going to stop at some point, right? He’s not going to be crying next summer over a cloture vote, is he?
T&U, we all have our different ways of mourning.
For Republicans, they go and get more money. In fact, that’s their response to most things, unless there’s a kewl new country to go bomb.
Cahoots link at 18:05:
So much pain in America.
Poor Martha, That must have been EXACTLY LIKE Xians getting thrown to the lions.
Loverly “Red Dawn” p-shop:
*high school humor module reset to “off”*
Hi, are you new here?
“I looked pretty good for being in terrible agony!” she wrote.
For someone who’s been in federal prison, Martha Stewart’s a pussy.
T&U: From your Footnote Fury posts yesterday, and the librarian clothes comment today, I’m guessing you are a librarian living in Missouri.
My sister is a cataloger at the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum in KC. She did some of her specialized MLS coursework at Jeff City (I think)–a nasty commute! Before that she was an RN, and has much the same opinions of doctors’ writing skills.
Nelson-Atkins is an excellent museum, btw. Super architecture on the new addition. (Example: There is a large reflective pool…which doubles as part of the roof of the underground parking garage. The floors and walls have rippling light coming throught the water.
My favorites–Old Masters, Impressionist, and Post-Impressionist–are nothing special. But Nelson-Atkins has a terrific collection of Japanese and Chinese art. The carved jades are abolutely incredible! And it has a suit of equestrian armor, the finest I’ve ever seen. I saw nothing as fine in Europe.
I mean, nine stitches on the lip has to suck, but I’m sure she had drugs.
It’s not like they were cauterizing the wound with a hot iron from the coals of her bean-cooking campfire.
T&U: From your Footnote Fury posts yesterday, and the librarian clothes comment today, I’m guessing you are a librarian living in Missouri.
I’m actually currently a secretary working at a medical school, but I finished up my MLS this summer.
I fucking love the Nelson-Atkins. The new addition is beautiful, and their modern art collection is pretty damned good.
And you’re right–the Japanese and Chinese collections are amazing. They’re among the best in the country (certainly west of the Mississippi).
The best thing about it, though, are the giant shuttlecocks.
I should say, “I finished up my MLS this *past* summer.” But there are no jerbs!
Also, I lllluuuurv the Kemper Museum. They’ve had some AMAZING stuff come through there.
But, if it isn’t apparent, I’m a big modern art fan.
I really do owe a huge debt of thanks to Representative Mark Foley, really I do…. for some time now, the best selling cheese churning out from my once struggling fromagerie has been my own unique creation, “fromage de la page” It’s selling like hot tamales!!
nine stitches on the lip has to suck
Srsly? Her “dog” did it? So one of the skills she honed in the big house was the ability to pick a completely preposterous cover story and stick to it, no matter how stupid or ridiculous?
I’m thinking left hook from one of her butch attendants. She’s nearly 70 ferchristsake, I’m sure the wolves are circling.
Gender applications are necessary to romance languages because otherwise they would not be romantic. Example: La Mesa (the table) now that seems asexual right? But allow the notion of legs to expand in your mind for a moment or two and the feminine message will appear. Another: El Piso (the floor), pretty self explanatory isn’t it? To make sure both sides are seen guiltily: El problema, masculine article with feminine ending; easy, right?
Okay, back to the French thread-kill: Here are the permutations, based on comments from the Distinguished Panel:
Quel Fromage
Quel Frommage
Quelle Fromage
Quelle Frommage.
So the questions are: Quel or Quelle? One ‘m’ or two in ‘fromage’?
Please weigh in! I’ll make my Magisterial Decision after carefully weighing all the advice.
you’re making me hard, rod…(heh)
It’s selling like hot tamales!!
well…more like warm, creme-filled petit crepes actually.
Queer Freepers?
Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts?
And the hottest librarians are usually found here.
rodertrudis: I thought the romance languages where so called because they were influenced by Latin during the centuries of the Roman Empire’s domination of Europe. But German also is gender-ish, and it’s not a romance language. But at least none of them are inflected languages, like Chinese (which I also failed at).
I’m looking forward to the “how to kill your dog” advice.
Queer Freepers?
T&U: Bilo is wrong! But he correctly refers to an earlier thread about shorter and taller women. If I remember correctly, you said that shorter woman made you uncomfortable because they could see your nostril hairs. (You being a a taller woman.) Somewhere, in the thread I mentioned my preference for shorter women, even though I’m a tall guy. I couldn’t even see your nostril hairs if we were both standing up.
And its only a preference. I also likes the tall, leggy women! Especially front-line volleyball players. Also Gisele Bunchen. Attraction is attraction.
Thread breaks the 500 comment barrier! We’ve got Joe-mentum!
Okay, thinking about women athletes, sparked this question for Teh Gays and Teh Wimmin: Sexist male athlete?
Shit. Sexiest athletes. (Plenty of sexist athletes.) I’m Mr. Fumblefingers today…
Sexist male athlete?
Almost all of them.
I dont watch sports but am struck by how many handsome dudes there are in soccer and tennis.
And the hottest librarians are usually found here.
Yes, yes we are.
Sexist male athlete?
I am killer at Beer Pong.
Soccer players are usually quite hot.
I kinda dig some rugby players. Preferably the ones without cauliflower ears.
I notice a lot of male athletes have
Please weigh in! I’ll make my Magisterial Decision after carefully weighing all the advice.
I don’t speak French, not even a high school French class in my past. So I’m thinking the only wat to go is:
Quell From Age.
Really, too many to choose a favorite. Tom Zbikowski looks quite tasty
I always wondered what it would take for the people who employ the Powerline loons to take offense to one of their posts. I now know.
(flashback-style blurry focus kicks in as trippy harp plays …)
“So yeah, Paul, just checkin’ in. What’s that? Oh, the post about SEIU organizers secretly raping Baptists’ babies & then eating them alive? Yeah, wicked hot stuff, brah … & that bit from November about Michelle Obama programming her kids to become Satanist diesel-dykes? Sweet – no, really … made the guys at the office fap like wildfire … but I need to know – whaddaya got up for us right NOW? Huh? Say what? It’s about the Native elder giving a traditional blessing at the Tuscon memorial? Seriously? Paul … please tell me you didn’t flame him. Okay, let me just pull it up & have a boo. Oh. Jesus. Oh, fuckity fuck-fuck-FUCK … Paul, have you by any chance taken a look at our client list? Like, as in, EVER? Okay, here’s the deal, you fucking two-bit whore: spike this stupid piece of shit today & you still have a source of income here tomorrow. What did you say?! Negotiate? You’re using the “N” word with ME? Bwahahahahaha! Oh lordy, I think I just peed a little! Yeah, fuck you, Paul. Do it. TODAY.” (*click*)
BTW, glad you saw Pawlenty on there, too. Man, that guy’s a douche.
I wanted him to whip out a serious wad of cash & say, “See this? Well, sir, it’s all yours if you’ll stop doing the rhetorical hoochie-koochie & just give me a straight answer to the question I’ve been asking you for the last three minutes.” The inner turmoil of having to choose between blatantly showing himself to be just another pandering soulless dickhead (which I think he aced by default anyway) versus losing all that easy money may (in a best-case scenario) have made T-Paw spontaneously combust.
Quel Fromage
I dont watch sports but am struck by how many handsome dudes there are in soccer and tennis.
The lads that play soccer drink beer
But I think they might be a bit queer,
For they give their alls
When chasing balls.
What you really want is an engineer.
Tennis players are pretty enough,
But they constantly avoid being in Love.
And just what can you get
When between you’s a net?
But engineers are all sexy and stuff.
That was a cheesy thing you did there, Snidely.
I can’t believe you don’t think a woman sitting on her ass in jeans or yoga pants for hours, developing back issues and carpal tunnel, isn’t sexy.
Interest. Newsletter? Website?
Snidely, I’m just biding my time, waiting for the Ultimate, Killer Wave to swallow up Laird Hamilton, so I can get a chance to look up Gabrielle Reece’s nostrils.
Sexiest Male Athlete?
Don’t forget the Japanese.
made the guys at the office fap like wildfire
Interest. Newsletter? Website?What were you saying?
“Interest. Newsletter. Website.”
Dang, I shoulda tried that!
Martin Fourcade is a pretty tasty morsel.
Snidely, I thank you for the cheese.
DKW–it goes without saying a poetry-writing engineer always beats a jock.*
Yeah. Pretty much anything is better than texting pics of yourself fapping in Crocs. Stay classy, drama queen!
Brett Favre said,
January 14, 2011 at 20:01
Can you suggests a good meth?
And its only a preference. I also likes the tall, leggy women! Especially front-line volleyball players. Also Gisele Bunchen.
That’s cool. I ain’t judging.
Even though if don’t dig us tall hourglassy-types.
Pretty much anything is better than texting pics of yourself fapping in Crocs
So that may explain why the last few women I’ve asked out via text message all said they had “lots of dental work scheduled.” Interesting.
Oh, and WP, FY.
Nick Riewoldt. Getting older, but still in pretty good shape.
T&U: The shuttlecock is s-o-o wonderfully goofy and unexpected! I love it.
I strongly agree with you about the excellence and range of N-A’s Japanese and Chinese collections! IMO, the great museum in SF (vic Golden Gate Park?) is better, but Nelson-Atkins is a close second. One of the premier collections in the nation. And to think it’s in flippin’ KC! Who woulda thunk?
To my loss, I’ve never been able to appreciate modern or abstract art. I like representational work. My sister enjoys it.
I also owe much of my sensitivity to homosexuality and Gay Rights to her. See came out in 1977 (which took courage in Kansas); she’s been with her life-partner 30 years. She also saved my life.
Gettin’ all autobiographical again.
So that may explain why the last few women I’ve asked out via text message all said they had “lots of dental work scheduled.” Interesting.
What color were the Crocs? That may be part of the problem, too.
See came out in 1977 (which took courage in Kansas); she’s been with her life-partner 30 years. She also saved my life.
That’s awesome.
Where in Kansas are you from?
What color were the Crocs?
Any color you wan….err, they’re red.
Even though if don’t dig us tall hourglassy-types.
I could sure set aside some time for you.
Esteev (yes, you may want to try a different tack!) and T&U made me larf.
But it’s going to stop at some point, right? He’s not going to be crying next summer over a cloture vote, is he?
John “The Emo Tangerine” Boehner rejects your reality, & replaces it with his
owntear-ducts!Esteev (yes, you may want to try a different tack!
Jibe hoooo!
Brett Favre
A would-be lahv-er.
He sent by phone,
Pics of himself engaged yet alone.
Any color you wan….err, they’re red.
I don’t get it! You should be swimming in pussy!
(The second time today I used the term “pussy.” I’m following my New Year’s resolution *quite* nicely!)
Jibe hoooo!
It’s during a jibe that you’re most likely to learn why they call it a boom.
Esteev, he wears Crocs that are red,
When he lounges undressed on his bed.
He’ll send you the pic,
Of him fondling his dick
Ladies, text him now before he is wed.
Where in Kansas are you from?
High School in Lawrence; traveled much of the state during HS debate tournaments. While in college, the family moved to Independence (SE corner); I went home and began doing radio work at a little Ma-and-Pa station. Returned there after Army stint. Between BA & MFA, also did radio work in nearby Coffeyville. I go back every few years to visit family.
I love the drama of the Kansas sky, especially out west. Nothin’ even remotely like it on the East Coast.
You should be swimming in pussy!
Tell me about it. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.
Esteev, he wears Crocs that are red,
When he lounges undressed on his bed.
He’ll send you the pic,
Of him fondling his dick
Ladies, text him now before he is wed.
That is *sniffle* beautiful.
I heard that Barbara Billingsly speaks jibe.
That IS beautiful. I’m deeply touched. DKW, watch those hands!
Gotta bail. Have fun.
Need definitive recommendations from Distinguished French Linguists!
So the questions are: Quel or Quelle? One ‘m’ or two in ‘fromage’?
Quel, obviously, since both dommage and fromage are masculine. For the number of ms, your pick. As stated before, the joke won’t be obvious to a French speaker anyway. And, I don’t know if this was said before, but I would translate “Quel dommage!” by “What a pity!” or “That’s too bad!” rather than by “What a shame!”
Now wondering how I’d translate “Sadly, no!” in French. Damn those idioms.
Damn those idioms.
Idioms are the commonly used expressions of adage fascism.
You should be swimming in pussy!
Filling a pool with cats is just mean.
If they want to dim the lights, sing Neil Diamond songs, and have sequined unicorns prance about during the proceedings, that’s their prerogative.
Aren’t you a little young to be specifying your own memorial?
You know who else would support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Yes, him, that’s right!
You should be swimming in pussy!
Damn, how small are you?
Filling a pool with cats is just mean.
But, when observed from a distance, quite amusing.
You know that old saying: youre never too young to plan your own memorial. Also: Neil’s gotta go, the unicorns can stay!
Well, I WAS swimming in pussy. ‘Til word got around that I’m a douche. Now, the visuals are getting icky.
Also: Neil’s gotta go, the unicorns can stay!
Don’t break my heart by telling me you don’t like Neil Diamond.
I am.
Filling a pool with cats
About to break the 600-comment barrier!
Don’t break my heart by telling me you don’t like Neil Diamond.”
Oh, I have nothing against old Neil. But having the POWA to break your heart makes me hot.
High School in Lawrence; traveled much of the state during HS debate tournaments. While in college, the family moved to Independence (SE corner); I went home and began doing radio work at a little Ma-and-Pa station. Returned there after Army stint. Between BA & MFA, also did radio work in nearby Coffeyville. I go back every few years to visit family.
I grew up in Parsons and went to KU.
I miss Lawrence like a motherfucker.
Dammit. I can’t see the pictures! Fukkin blockpage! I feel like I’m in The Polar Express and I can’t hear the bell. Have to wait til I get home to see the cute kittehs.
I am deeply ashamed that I just spent the past several minutes writing this. My only defense is that once you start on the poetry-about-unwanted-sexting road, there aren’t any shame-free places you can end up.
Hey baby, give me your number,
I’ll send you pics of my lumber,
Saying No would be the meanest
So, Sweetheart show me you’re keenest
To tease the panther from slumber.
Girl, don’t act like you are dumber
You know which pipe needs this plumber
Just send me a text and the scene,
Sexily set.
So Sweetcheeks, I need your number.
My pants I will unencumber.
And soon what you’ll be seeing is,
Hi res photos of my PENIS
My thick and juicy cucumber.
Yours Truly, Brett.
My thick and juicy cucumber.
LOL and by “LOL” I mean “D’oh!”
Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts?
Hot fucking damn!
Of course, he’s still a dirty liberal, so he’ll be attacked and/or not taken seriously.
I wonder what his countertops are made out of…
It’s time to start a new game: “What would MLK have done/ said?”
Can yield tons of crazy.
MLKW make sweet cyber love to ladies in comment threads.
What would MLK have done/ said?
MLK would have been packing heat at the super market in Tuscon and would have shot the gun out of the hand of that moronic shooter.
Argh. Line 8 wrnog.
Girl, don’t act like you are dumber
You know which pipe needs this plumber
Send me a text and the scene is
Sexily set.
Fucking rondeaus. Or at least masturbatory rondeaus. How do they work?
Need definitive recommendations from Distinguished French Linguists!
If I had one to give out, I would call my “Oh, I Say, Right Bloody Smashing Snark There, Old Tit” award for Sadlynauts this:
Um, I took a year of linguistics back in 1988, does that count?
It has the benefits of being both paronomasia & vulgar, because it is the name of a famous Dadaist readymade from 1919.
I get pulled away for a few months and the whole site is crazy… no Actor, VS no longer talks about her breasts, and DKW is no longer a source of mom jokes and is now the SN! poet-laureate? Madness!
How’s gestation, VS? Make sure Spawn of VS knows I’m still checking to make sure it doesn’t turn you fundamentalist.
ML–KW make sweet cyber love to ladies in comment threads.
And their moms. You forgot the hyphen.
MLKW totally fuck you up for complaining about hyphens.
MLKW totally fuck you up for complaining about hyphens.
At least he didn’t call it a dash.
Since nobody bothers reading my links, I’ll bring this back over here:
AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to one of the survivors of the Arizona shooting, Eric Fuller. He’s a 63-year-old disabled vet who had campaigned for Gabrielle Giffords. He was at the supermarket in Tucson Saturday to meet with Giffords. He was shot in the leg, wounded in the back. We spoke with him at his home in Tucson, and he described what happened.
“And the first thing that I wrote down and what my reaction was to it was: “How many other people? How many other demented people are out there?’It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target. Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled—senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even nine-year-old girls.’ There was a little girl named Christina Green, nine years old, who is one of the deceased.”
MLK would trip the light fantastic in his spaceship-sedan.
Okay, I know I post a lot of links. I was just pouting.
Anyway, here’s another one:
This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers. The last two years have seen a proliferation of similar baseless charges of racism, sexism, bigotry, Islamophobia and inciting violence against those on the right who have presented ideas at odds with the establishment’s liberal orthodoxy.
MLK spoke strongly about personal responsibility, and would have wanted stronger penalties for those not paying their mortgages.
MLK believed in equal opportunity for all, and would have wanted a flat taxation structure so as to not reduce the opportunities for those who acquired more wealth.
If ML-KW is doing moms he’s not too interested in intact hyphens.
Since nobody bothers reading my links
T&U, Eric Fuller is nothing but a hate-mongering liberal who probably deserved what he got for trying to take away guns from law abiding citizens who don’t need them. Furthermore, Palin, Beck and Angle are the victims here, not those who actually got shot – like Fuller.
Just because there have been a documented up-tick in cases of right-wing violence, the left uses hateful, violent rhetoric too.
As a right-wing friend of mine said just yesterday: “There is no false-equivalency mainly because you say there is.”
I saw that WTimes thing. How much more awesome could that get?
Fucking rondeaus. Or at least masturbatory rondeaus. How do they work?
Think rondeaus are harsh? Don’t even DREAM about whipping out a villanelle.
Villanelles will fuck your shit up hard & make you cry.
MLK would trust me no matter what I might do.
MLK would smoke Marlboros, the cigarettes of social justice!
MLK would definitely want you to do this, baby. Just have another drink.
I’ll pay attention to you.
This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers. The last two years have seen a proliferation of similar baseless charges of racism, sexism, bigotry, Islamophobia and inciting violence against those on the right who have presented ideas at odds with the establishment’s liberal orthodoxy.
Seeee! The RIGHT is the victim because they say so in a newspaper.
When did the establishment become liberal? Did I wake up in some alternate universe?!
It’s not too bad. I’m mostly happy and excited (when I’m not achy and tired). Thanks for asking, dahling! Oh, and if anything I’m more of a DFH than EVAR.
“How much more awesome could that get?”
Well, it could have been signed: “John Palinpantysniffer”
Is it hot in here or is Brett Favre just a really good poet?
I also love their use of “pogrom”… as if “blood libel” wasn’t enough.
Soon you’ll hear Michelle Malkin talk about how this shooting will become the right’s “Darfur”. Or something.
MLK loves war and HATES social justice.
Oh damn. Don’t make a pregnant woman get off the boat. Can someone bring me back some mango smoothies with grain alcohol mixed in?
Let’s just cut to the chase: MLK would kill whitey.
“Um, TWAT?”
I think you’re missing your hyphen.
mango smoothies with grain alcohol mixed in
MLK loved grain alcohol, and bombing poor people because.
Neil Diamond said,
January 14, 2011 at 20:49 (kill)
I am.
Sorry, I didn’t hear you.
Shorter Sarah Palin: “I’ll say anything for attention, and do anything for cash. Yes, DKW, even that.”
How fucking predictable. NOM plays the victim.
By the way, Maggie Gallagher grew up in Lake Oswego (my Portland “suburb”) and was recently on the Oregon Public Broadcasting local issues radio show. She got her clock cleaned by a guy from Oregon State (or maybe it was U of O). It was the only time I have ever enjoyed listening to that gawdawful program. Fuck you Maggie, fuck you with a 36″ ion powered ice auger.
Keeping it classy.
I’ll pay attention to you.
Thanks! Now the hole in my soul isn’t quite so large…
Keeping it classy
Wow. Just. Wow. don’t know what to say.
This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers. The last two years have seen a proliferation of similar baseless charges of racism, sexism, bigotry, Islamophobia and inciting violence against those on the right who have presented ideas at odds with the establishment’s liberal orthodoxy.
That is really stunning. The in your face inflammatory language and baseless charges in a piece complaining about the other side’s language and charges, the claiming of the persecuted victim mantle while real shooting victims remain in critical condition, the implicit demands that liberal speech be censured and have consequences while rejecting all censure and consequences for conservative speech, that really does hit so many of their high notes.
Also too BOTH SIDES DO IT!!!!
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in your mom.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold your mom’s sluttiness to be self-evident: that all men are created to do her. Repeatedly.”
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to DP your mom together and come all over her face.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an orgy of PENISes everywhere and just your mom to service them.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their genitals which they will spurt all over your mom.
Via Esteev:
MLKW would have changed his mind about the Vietnam war, if he’d could be here to see what kind of body counts we’re racking up against the NVA and VC in the months after his death! Why, we’ve been mauling ’em all summer long! Got ’em on the ropes! Their only way out will be to draft more boys up north and train them and march them down, and this is Asia! How many more could they send? 300,000? 500,000 more? Nothing a little judicious use of strategic air couldn’t take care of! Why we could get this thing cleaned up in another six months!
Police say they’ve found photographs of Jared Loughner posing with his Glock 9mm while wearing a red g-string.
The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee’s speech is expected to touch on “her past hunting experiences and how politics affects the current state of hunting and fishing.”
Oh, really? Like having her Dad load her gun for her? Like missing the caribou six times?
Meanwhile, sounds like it’s going to be aheckuva circus:
Others expected to appear at the convention are comedian Larry the Cable Guy, musical acts Marshall Tucker Band and Pure Prairie League, an Elvis impersonator, NASCAR team owner Richard Childress and conservative commentator Michael Reagan.
the clown will fit right in.
P-Krug is right! This is the week for this Tom Lehrer song!
Dang, this is almost 50 years old. And in related news, Teahadists are shutting down a 10-yr attempt to desegregate/social-class-integrate-too the Raleigh, NC, school system. Some using the facetious reasoning that, hey, if you get all those minorities in one or two schools, you can really assess how much extra funding they need, and you know, like, maybe somebody will want to do something about that someday?
T&U, that there is a link I WILL NOT FOLLOW.
Oh, fuck yes! Where can I get tickets?!!!!!
MLK and George Wallace would overlook their pasts, their diabetes and their heart disease, and everybody else’s, and do a Burger King commercial together.
For the $$$.
And Michael Reagan? Now they’re just spoiling us.
Police say they’ve found photographs,,,
FFS. Bad poetry about delusional d00ds with PENIS issues and cameras/cameraphones ain’t easy to write. It’s not like I can just crank ’em out like Stephen King novels.
Hey, I’m just afraid you’ll get sick of my groupie-esque fawning.
It was supposed to say “Sarah Palin” ABOVE the Elvis impersonator.
It’s safe.
Okay – maybe not quite safe, since they do describe the photos in detail, but safe-ish.
Also too BOTH SIDES DO IT!!!!
Everybody’s doing it, doing it, doing it.
Sounds like it should be sexy…but it ain’t.
Loughner, Jared Lee
Held his gun beside his wee.
And took photos of his Glock
Next to his naked buttock.
BTW, glad you saw Pawlenty on there, too. Man, that guy’s a douche.
thank god he is done…i had paw-lenty of his smirky sneer and total tooldom waaaaaaay before he was elected the first time…but i fear for 2012…
There once was a crazy assassin
Who went through a crowd a blastin’
A nine mil Glock,
His surrogate cock.
In photos, G-strings were his fashion.
“Pogrom.” You have GOT to be KIDDING me.
Loughner, Jared Lee
Can we start calling Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill OReally, Michelle Malkin, etc. by their full names; middle names included?
When we look into the face of the unvarnished and seething meanness focused on Ms. Palin, we are looking into the face of evil. We are looking into the face of Satan himself, who is the ultimate source of this vitriol and toxic hate.
Satan said DANCE!
This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers.
The only problem is: All studies and surveys show that “conservative thinkers” just don’ exist. The species is either extint or in fact never existed at all.
but i fear for 2012
In a cosmically, end of humanity kind of sense? Or fearful of the pending presidential election?
Villanelles will fuck your shit up hard & make you cry.
Is this a gauntlet I see before me, straitjacket-like rhyming scheme towards my hand?
You are on jim. But I got a date tonight (with your mom) so the Villanelle for a Villain (featuring red G-strings) is going to have to wait until tomorrow.
In a cosmically, end of humanity kind of sense? Or fearful of the pending presidential election?
All of the above, with just a soupçon of creeping dread mixed in….
Via T&U’s link:
Am I losing it or is Fischer’s title calling himself the face of evil? If that is the case, this is the most accurate article he’s ever penned.
Or fearful of the pending presidential election?
All of the above, with just a soupçon of creeping dread mixed in….
MLK would continue to follow the master plan laid down by Progressive Hitler Woodrow Wilson using George Soros money! ARGLE BARGLE!
And just what was Tom Lehrer’s day job I ask you. Hmmm? Anyone? Bueller?
When we look into the face of the unvarnished and seething meanness
focused onof Ms. Palin, we are looking into the face of evil. We are looking into the face of Satan himself, who is the ultimate source of this vitriol and toxic hate.So close, so close.
Tom Lehrer hung around them Commies at Hahvad, teachin’ about numbers and stuff, amirite?
And just what was Tom Lehrer’s day job I ask you. Hmmm? Anyone? Bueller?
Anchor on the McNeil/Lehrer Newshour?
He was an exterminator. But he could never kill himself.
Am I losing it or is Fischer’s title calling himself the face of evil?
Yes, yes it is.
Er, math perfesser?
Anyhoo, Fischer’s vicious attack on my delicate sensibilities is a blood libel pogrom.
The ultimate brain bleach in times like these
Anyhoo, Fischer’s vicious attack on my delicate sensibilities is a blood libel pogrom.
I see what you did there.
Because it seems actor has better things to do now, I’ll offer the martini.
Whadda you know – turns out I can crank ’em out liek Stephen King novels.
Villanelle for a Villain
His was a tiny thing,
So he used his Glock,
In the photo with the red G-string.
He thought he was The King,
With his surrogate cock,
In the photo with the red G-string.
And he’d fap that ding-a-ling,
Into an ankle sock.
His was a tiny thing.
And while he caused suffering,
All his thoughts
Were with the photo of the red G-string.
What if words have no meaning?
His world was rocked,
His was a tiny thing.
So he went on a killing,
Over meaningless talk.
His was a tiny thing
In the photo with the red G-string.
Because it seems actor has better things to do now, I’ll offer the martini.
He’s on vacation, so you can use the good stuff–it’s under the bar.
I just realized, if the do-good & well-meaning liberals bend over backwards to accomodate…
and you know they will…
and appease, and try to find common ground, and not inflame passions, and try to be reaaaasonable and non-threatening, and from this point forward eschew all use of mundane military figures of speech when talking about political campaigns,
… and talk more and more about “dialogue” and use touchy feely psychobabble like… “dialoguing”…
What will the red meat resenty right then do?
Why, start yelling FAAAAAAAG!!! WUSSS!!!!! and caricature them all as Hippie Teacher Van Driesen.
The path of action is clear. Tintin and Driftglass need to keep it up with the mean photoshops and Sen. Jim Webb needs to start running around and punching people in the nose. And Howard Dean yelling URRAAGH! at them as they go down.
You know who else used Arabic numerals?
You know who else used Arabic numerals?
What entertainment is there in Tucson?
Put on a bikini and grab a gun
Then take a few pics
Then you’ll hear some clicks
And you know your Glock will be much more fun
More good brain bleach, a piece ive been obsessing about lately.
an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers
I want in on this!!
Why didn’t anyone tell me?
Riding badass horses, waving around my cutlass, wearing a sweet hat, burning down the shtetls of Macon GA….
It’ll be just like old times.
waving around my cutlass
Go on……
Brain bleach for the shoe fetishist like me. OMFG. I want them all.
This sad young man in arizona
Had a penis that stayed in a coma
He’d fondle his glock
Right next to his cock
And dream he was as big as bologna.
When we look into the face of the unvarnished and seething meanness focused on Ms. Palin, we are looking into the face of evil. We are looking into the face of Satan himself, who is the ultimate source of this vitriol and toxic hate.
Puh-leeeze. Like I’ve got nothing better to do than to pick on a half term governor.
OMG, vs, I want these.
I think it’s going to be a while before I can walk in a 4.75 inch heel though….
“You know who else used Arabic numerals?”
Uh, liberal immigrant Jew professor ALBERT EINSTEIN? With his moral relativist theory of physics? A member of the credentialed Ivy League elite, keeping the workin’ man’s voice from being heard on matters of physics?
Vicious threat from Mark Levin:
Sweet blood of Jeziz, he will personally depose you!
Quake in fear, liberal media mofos!
Wait, Joe Scarborough is the “liberal media”????
And Chris Matthews?
Mark Levin is such an enormous asshole I’d bet seeing him makes the goatse guy wince.
From T&U’s link:
Shorter Bryan Fischer:
If I pretend Sarah is the real victim here and pretend to be her protector, maybe she’ll notice me!! Ohihopeihopeihope…
I’m all about the clunky platforms…but if I went in the direction of sexy, I’d probably opt for these. Trying to walk in them would be…amusing.
Joe Scarborough, liberal
rofl. I don’t get it. These guys get all starbursty over the first batshit crazy clinically retarded politico who isn’t barf-inducing ugly. Relax, conservative dudes. She AINT that hot. Plus, she’s just a horrible human being.
Plus, she’s just a horrible human being
That’s part of the appeal.
Sarah Palin’s New Campaign Slogan
I’m all about the clunky platforms…but if I went in the direction of sexy, I’d probably opt for these. Trying to walk in them would be…amusing.
Those are nice. I think the bow-thingy would bother me. And that’s a damn high heel, although the platform mitigates it a little.
Kilt the thread.
Kilt the thread.
It doesn’t have the legs for a kilt.
Right-wingerdom in one panel:
It doesn’t have the legs for a kilt.
It’s true, this thread is not a soccer player.
Reince Priebus?
Plus, she’s just a horrible human being
Moqtada al-Sarah
ReincePriebus? tweets: Feeling good – in God’s hands …
So there is an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers, though involving mean allegations rather than knout- and sabre-wielding cossacks, yet Mark Levin cannot find a specific allegation directed at him.
You people need to organise. A pogrom is not just something you throw together in a hurry, you know.
This is completely beyond the pale.
DK-W has whipped out his villanelle. This will not end well.
An RNC Chairman named Steele
Hit a bondage bar with party wheels
His multiple gaffes
Gave us plenty of laughs
Surely Rince Priebus will make us reel.
Alternate ending:
No Rince Priebus, he had lots of zeal
His pronouncements made our heads pinwheel.
Oh, OK, one more:
His tenure just seemed so surreal
Everyone said “what a heel!”
I had to get Skype running on her laptop, test it, and position the fucking thing so that the background behind her will be an intellechuul-looking bookcase rather than, say the bottles of Black Ops lined up on the kitchen counter.
A fake fireplace and a huge flag make an excellent backdrop.
Mayor Tommy Shanks has the proper formula.
If he was jooish he be called schlemiel
And lost out in DADT repeal
then Reince Priebus said God’s a good feel.
But the ‘pugs thought he had no appeal
“DK-W has whipped out his villanelle.”
He’s been dying to show it to me for awhile now.
But he couldn’t save Bob Owens’ greeeyul
Wait, is villanelle some kinda furrin word for “etchings?”
Everytime I refresh this page and see that photo I die a little inside.
Nice tally on the comment count.
As I’m late to this party, I don’t know if anyone’s commented on this or not, but…seem’s to me that if Palin has anyone gunnin for her it’s her “own side.” As someone commented already, her real threat to society is her image not her actual pretty self. If she ever gained real position of power, the puppet masters could play her like they did George the Younger, but the better outcome for them is to use her as a martyr and put one of their own in charge.
Missus P would be better off watching her new friends than worrying about imaginary violent liberals.
WTF, I just got spam from the lulu shoe place? I’ve never even heard of them before.
Missus P would be better off watching her new friends than worrying about imaginary violent liberals.
As a point in favor of this notion, the hate mail received by the Arizona Republican who resigned specifically mentioned his McCain campaign efforts as a cause for the hate.
No more ryhming!!!
Apollo called Phoebus?
No, sadly, it’s Priebus.
Whee, get ready for the outburst from the Howler Monkeys:
First, we drop development of the high-tech border fence.
Next, we ease Cuban travel restrictions.
Finally, we just go ahead and allow women in combat.
You should be able to hear wingnut heads asplode all over the country. The Obama administration is pretty slick, dumping these at the end of the week’s news cycle but I promise the nutbars will be out jumping up and down and throwing feces for the next week over this.
As your new TeaGOP Plenipotentiary Chairman, I would first like to ask for your contributions. Secondly, I’d like to thank all the little people. Also too in the spirit of comity, I am announcing the rebranding of the Job-Killing Socialist Usurper Death Panel Pogrom Act as the Get Well Soon You’re On Your Own Act.
I expect the war crimes of ladies will be more stylish.
Or Mark Levin sliming?
Is absence of malice even a defense in a suit brought by Mark Levin? Who wouldn’t write something about him with malice?
(I hardly even know who he is, but from the above, I have a suspicion. Some form of neocon WATB.)
WHO THE FUCK IS MARK LEVIN?????????????????
Wait, I get it…..
You think I’m kidding? Try me! Because I’m not kidding.
Mark Levin is riffing on George Constanza, just for our benefit.
Opposite George or whatever it was in the theatre.
Oooooh, dear. Reading the comments under the women combat article, one thing is very clear: some men are feeling very small in the penis area. What a shame!
I had a 30W light bulb moment tonight, driving around.
I said the other night that to the Broderians, that there is *ideology* on both sides is skeery enough to them that all else is equivalent. But, as we’ve lamented here in recent days, the definition of “left” vs. “conservative” or “right” has kept shifting, as the right stampedes further and further to the point that Actual Reagan doesn’t meet St. Ronnie standards in their eyes.
So when radicalism shows up and wants to privatize Social Security, that radical move is being presented as “conservative”, and all sorts of normal people yelling, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? become, to the on-the-one-hand-on-the-other MSM, “leftists” or “liberals.”, when in fact, all sorts of normal people don’t want SS fucked with.
If an arsonist showed up at your house tonight and started screaming, THERE ARE TOO MANY HOUSES! I BELIEVE IN BURNING HOUSES! And then started waving around a torch and a jug of gasoline,
you just might be angry: DON’T BURN DOWN MY HOUSE, YOU FUCKING MANIAC!
and you just might have an ideology: Don’t burn down houses.
But doesn’t mean you’re just some equivalent person for having an ideology and angrily yelling at the arsonist/maniac.
On the other hand, neighbor sources confirm that the anti-fire group had a *barbeque* in their back yard last summer, so they’re not as anti-fire as they claim, and both sides do it, why oh why can’t everybody be civil? Why don’t you just let him burn down half your house?
Some say there are too many houses and that real estate is too low. Others fear asphyxiation from carbon monoxide in their sleep. Teach the controversy!
Now late to the party TBogg is on Mark Levin too, w/ audio!
(Note to self: Stop dropping your pearls here where others will pick them up; keep ’em for you!)
Clearly Palin has suffered more than Christ. At least Jesus had some help. Do you know how hard it is to crucify yourself? Getting that last nail in must be a bitch.
Chris Matthews, liberal; Tom Delay, WATB/loony self-styled cowboy.
It’s SHRINKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, we just go ahead and allow women in combat.
If they allow women fighter pilots, they’ll have stop calling it the cockpit.. I suggest ‘box office’.
Pupienus owes me about 3 oz. of beer.
I know for a fact that Mark Levin caused the anthrax attacks.
Come and get me, baby. Depose THIS.
BTW, that dinner last night? Fanfuckingtasicredible.
If they allow women fighter pilots, they’ll have stop calling it the cockpit.. I suggest ‘box office’.
Oddly, ‘fox hole’ does not need to be changed.
Oddly, ‘fox holes’ wil now be called ‘cock pits’.
GD you lack of preview.
“Blood libel” Mark Levin for everything but inciting the Tucson shooting?
“Oddly, ‘fox holes’ wil now be called ‘cock pits’.”
Hee! Well-played.
BTW, that dinner last night? Fanfuckingtasicredible.
Horseradish in the gremolata? Kinky!
Imagine if someone had accused Palin of “pallin around with terrorists” or “creating death panels.” That would be worse than Auschwitz!
Damn you, PeeJ, I’m starving!
How could America have sunk so low? FEED YOUR CITIZENS UNCLE SAM.
Just like MLK would have wanted!
“e. Test me. David Frum, you little weasel, test me. All of you.”
Sound like this guy wants kinky sex.
Possibly relevant.
If I don’t get too likkerd up I’ll make a very simple dinner this evening. Sauteed pr0k chops (I finish them in the oven so they stay juicy) with probably some apple in there and whatever spices/herbs I spy that make my socks go up and down. Creamed spinach (I know, isn’t it maybe the best thing EVAH?). Homemade egg noodles (Thank you Ho for the pasta roller attachment for the Kitchen Aid.)
Again, if I’m up for it, dessert will be exceedingly simple, some Haagen Dasz with crumbled cookies on top.
“Blood libel” Mark Levin for everything but inciting the Tucson shooting?
tontocal may be onto something here. What if we blood libel Levin for blood libeling Palin?
Sounds delicious, as usual.
I ruined some swiss chard tonight by over-salting it. Made a great potato-celery root purée, though.
vs, I always manage to oversalt greens. It’s an art form.
T&U: You’ve chosen a noble profession. I especially honor librarians for their courage and unified professional resistance to the National Security Letter abuses in the ‘Patriot’ Act, back when the nation was in the feverish grip of war hysteria. Not just press releases, either; librarians took cases to court. An oasis of sanity in the Wasteland. My sis also experienced the tight jerbs market for librarians. She started in the KC Public Library working with maps. Be strong: You’re adding to resume with your present work. There are Medical Libraries everywhere, and you’re building a specialized knowledge.
I remember Parsons! I used to drive through it about every weekend. (I did scenario design for a wargaming club over in Pittsburg, and crashed there on the weekend. Sandtable, tactical WWII armor). If I remember there was good-size bridge on the west side of Parsons, with a lovely park–with real bandstand–nearby. I even stayed in an old downtown hotel there once. (No vacancies in Independence.) Also once made a detour to see Big Brutus. The most impressive piece of mining equipment I’ve ever seen. You could see that sucker from miles away!
I’ll bet we’ve both flown in and out of the Tri-City Airport. And driven the same roads to Lawrence. And you’re right: Lawrence Roolz! I also did one semester at KU, but transfered to U. of Iowa. (Having gone to HS in Lawrence, I felt a big urge to be on my own Out In The World.)
Where in Missouri are you? (Don’t know MO as well. Except for Fort Leonard Wood, where I did Basic.) This is very cool to discover someone else at S,N! who knows the landscapes of SE Kansas!
Things would certainly flow more smoothly.
Quel Fromage has been approved as the definative name of the award, as determined by the Ministry of Fancy Medals. (Snidely’s Evil Plot to seize control of Teh Google and infiltrate the Urban Dictionary will now commence!) Many thanks to the Panel of Distinguished French Linguists for their help and recommendations!
W-a-y behind on getting caught up with the Monster Thread. It’s about to break the 800-comments barrier…
If you must know, chez Bouffant it was Betty Crocker® Hamburger Helper® CLASSIC Stroganoff Pasta & Naturally Flavored Creamy Sauce Mix Add Hamburger. Added some 80/20 hamburg & in a burst of madness chopped up some cilantro & threw it in. Not bad.
Later: Cereal.
Also: “CLASSIC.” Hah.
Feed us better or else, Uncle Scam!
Thanks General Description. Why that could be ANYTHING, from the delicious Cap’n Crunch to a bowl of ditch weeds like some Kashi ancient grains bullshit.
Made a great potato-celery root purée, though.
Funny, I just bought a celery root a couple of days ago. For the next couple of days though, I’ll be working on a perpetual stew loosely modeled on bigos. I’ve already used two heads of cabbage, along with onions, carrots, garlicm and pork neckbones (both fresh and smoked). I’ll be throwing in kielbasa as soon as I can get my ass to the Ukrainian butcher shop.
Simple dinner of whole wheat spaghetti and this stuff chez Gilchrist.
Much later: cereal killers.
Snidely, thanks for piquing my curiousity re. Big Brutus. If I had ever known that KS had coal strip mining in its past, I’d forgotten it!
Quel Fromage
Quel Fromage
Quel Fromage [addendum]
Malt-o-Meal pseudo-Frosted Mini-Wheats, so, sugar & crunchy fiber.
Found on twitter:
Reince Priebus minus the vowels= RNC PR BS
VS: I liked yer link at 21:51. I’m not a true fetishist, but I love costuming! Boots, especially. Some of these would work great in a steampunk ensemble.
Quel Fromage
Quel Fromage
Substance: Great link at 0:33 ! The Golden Age of SCTV. Damn, I miss it! After I get caught up on the Monster Thread, I’m going back to wander around some more.
Quel Fromage
You are on jim.
Don’t do it, man. It never ends well.
Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
January 14, 2011 at 22:31
Yeah, see, that’s what I mean. If you’re going to use that form you have to be wearing your Emo panties before you write the first line & not take ’em off until you’re done. When it comes to The Big Bad V, the Muse is not only a bitch, she’s also got Asperger’s PLUS a broken heart PLUS a bad case of PMS. Funny WIN = villanelle FAIL. A funny villanelle is like a ten-line haiku. No tone of wistful sadness there unless I squint real hard. “We can’t leave a villanelle here – this is Snark Country!”
But I LOLed, so it was still way hella kewl. Just pray Dylan Thomas never reads this thread.
Quel Fromage
Bouffant: Now that’s my kind of cooking! Actually, yours is more exotic. My cooking skills are pretty much limited to bologna sandwiches.
Ooh, SCTV clip? I shall go back and consume.
Snidely and others, I’ve been having a hoot tonight, wasting time, reading the wikip. entry for Peter Sellers. Great stuff on his childhood, probably accounts for 90% of it right there.
And because youtube is now our global jukebox, looky, it’s Peter Sellars, in the voice of Dr. Strangelove, covering the Beatles’ “She Loves You.”
Quel Fromage
I just put up comment 775. Closing in on the 800 barrier. Are we heading into Joe DiMaggio territory? Who is charge of Sadly,No! stats?
I’ve been having a hoot tonight
Me too! Truly an Epic Thread. Now that I’m caught up, I’m to get some chow, and wander around for a while in the SCTV links. Back eventually. Have fun, all. It’s been such a blast to read!
It’s weird having highlights of the comments above. It’s like sports TV in restaurants.
Toning down the rhetoric? Yeah, that’ll happen.
So calling for assassination is temporarily out of fashion. Whatcha gonna do?
I know! Call for more war, in the stupidest way possible!
Waiting for the intrepid explorers to come back with views of the Tunisian situation by the wingnuts.
I know! Call for more war, in the stupidest way possible!
Careful, Sean, you can’t let the mask slip. We invaded Iraq so that a “freedom flower” could bloom in the desert, remember? *nudge*
Ladies and gentlemen, be the first in your bunker to own the commemerative Congressman Joe “You Lie” Wilson AR-15 lower receiver!
Uh, another problem with that idea, Hannity, you fatheaded Irish fuck, is that the last two times we went into Iraq, they weren’t good at fighting us.
THAT’S been fixed. There’s a learning curve, and we’ve learned and adapted, and so have they. Oh, yeah, and Iran’s just gonna sit back and not provide intel or equipment… oh wait, let me guess, you have a simple plan for that, too.
SAY, isn’t this just fucking supply and demand? Aren’t we supposed to worship the magic hand? Folks, if you think the Heartland Golem is angry now, just wait until our economy recovers…
You know, wait. Eight more years oughta do it…
And us, India, and China are all trying to buy the same oil. If you think the yahoos are mad about gun confiscations they think are happening that aren’t, just wait until they have drive emasculating small cars again! The horror! The horror!
I remember the last time that happened. It wasn’t pretty. And I still swear that’s 45% of why Jimmy Carter & Dems of the 70’s are hated: CAFE law. They terk urr Buck Electras!
For a mighty and powerful nation, we sure have a bunch of small-penised folks running around.
Oh, and if we were worried that the GWOT might end some decade, imposing more humiliation on the Arab world, that’ll guarantee some more terror attacks. Assholes make the world go ’round.
Good thing we didn’t conclude in October 2001 to go whole hog on wind, solar, and wave power. That would have been all pompous and faggy.
This is stupid, but apolitical.
And I still swear that’s 45% of why Jimmy Carter & Dems of the 70?s are hated: CAFE law.
And another big chunk was the 55 mph national speed limit.
The sweater speech was the last straw. And the tantrum hasn’t ended since.
…I didn’t realize the 55 mph law predated Carter, for all the pissing and moaning I heard about it connected to him in the old days.
Then again, TARP preceded Obama, &c.
It was probably that nice young man Mr. Gump that made him issue the apology. He may not be smart Jenny, but he knows what civility is.