A Useful Survival Tip
Posted on December 21st, 2010 by Tintin
ABOVE: Micheal [sic] Flaherty
Shorter Micheal [sic] Flaherty, The White Male Street Journal, aka Murdoch’s Fox News on Paper
On Palin’s Reading List, C.S. Lewis
- Liberals like Joy Behar make fun of Sarah Palin for reading children’s books such as C.S Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles. But, in fact, those books can provide valuable survival tips for Sarah if she should run into a dragon somewhere in Alaska. And Joy Behar? What will happen to her if she’s attacked by a dragon in Times Square? It will eat her the fuck up, that’s what. (The fact that I am the producer of the new Narnia film had no impact whatsoever on this article.)
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Linkee no workee. Maybe it’s just my PC.
Dragons. Eh. I was never really into dragons, but if I was, I’d take Dragonheart over the C. S. Lewis-based movies any day. A dragon played by Sean Connery would whup Sarah Palin’s ass no matter what books she’d read, and not just because she doesn’t actually know how to use a rifle.
Also, we don’t make fun of Palin for liking Lewis. We make fun of her because saying “I read C. S. Lewis” is such an obvious bullshit Christian dog-whistle. Also, if I remember right, the books didn’t have any dragons – those were added for this guy’s movie. Not sure how “reading” the Narnia chronicle’s going to help.
It’s not even a dog-whistle. She flat-out mentioned something about needing a shot of faith or something like that.
FTR, I have no problem with people enjoying books for kids, even when they’re adults. But Sarah would be repulsive no matter what she read.
Eh, I think it’s a little unfair to criticize Palin for reading The Chronicles of Narnia…it’s not like she was reading Berenstein Bears.
For some reason, the second photo of her cracked me up to an embarrassing degree.
I stand corrected on the dog-whistle.
And I have no problem with Lewis either. It was just such an obvious bullshit line in context. Her version of Bush saying that Jesus was his favorite philosopher.
C. S. Lewis stories are all about reaction – Oh no! A dragon! Slice it’s head off!” Which obviously appeals to children and people who don’t like to think too much. Never do you read about how one could prevent dragons from attacking in the first place. That would be the wrong kind of story – for a child, anyways.
“” Which obviously appeals to children and people who don’t like to think too much.”
Do you REALLY think Sarah Palin’s read anything in her miserably stupid fucking life? I don’t.
Yes she has, Otto. She just didn’t understand it.
Micheal Isreal !!!!(bitches)!!!!
That’s George Washington, the first President, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three — three or four books about him last year. Isn’t that interesting?
Also, I read three Shakespeares.
George, you’re so cute. *pats head*
Flaherty Isreal?
Her version of Bush saying that Jesus was his favorite philosopher.
If she said she read the Bible for comfort, people would assume she was nakedly pandering for votes. She tried to dogwhistle it and got slapped down for it. If she had been more clever, she could have mentioned A Knight’s Tale by Chaucer.
It’s weird that Time believes her political staff is so sharp and clever because, unless she overrides them consistently, she has one of the most ham-handed finess modes I’ve ever seen in a politician.
She might have a decent handle on the undercurrent of anger in America, and can speak that eloquently, but dayum! When it comes to saying things to get yourself elected, I’d rather see Biden campaigning than her.
Scott Johnson has read C.S. Lewis’s Wikipedia page and proven that Palin’s critics are stupidheads.
I think the most essential survival tip in all of this is to never read the Wall Street Journal.
I think the most essential survival tip in all of this is to never read the Wall Street Journal.
I read it for the centerfold.
Today? Was Miss Themark.
Via mark f:
Are we to understand from this that doing X evil act is NOT okay if you’re a Republican?
Man, looking at that pic I see the dude has fallen a long way since his lean, mean Riverdance! days.
Also I learned to use variables, which is interesting because I learned them.
“Never listen to Sarah Palin” is up there too, given her apparent inability to handle a rifle in real life.
Never do you read about how one could prevent dragons from attacking in the first place.
If she had been more clever, she could have mentioned A Knight’s Tale by Chaucer.
I think that would be over reaching. Is there an American anywhere who is gullible enough to believe Palin reads Chaucer? I would believe she reads C.S. Lewis as long as she has Trig to help her with the longer words.
Palin makes spitey smores though. Mmm mmm.
I would believe she reads C.S. Lewis as long as she has Trig to help her with the longer words.
Her real problem was in not identifying the book she meant. People naturally associate Narnia with Lewis, even conservatives.
Lewis was quite the prolific writer and like him or not, he has a body of fairly intelligent work to draw from. I doubt she meant “The Screwtape Letters”. I’m more inclined to think it was “The Lion et al”
Her real problem was in not identifying the book she meant. People naturally associate Narnia with Lewis, even conservatives.
It’s too bad that asking her would be such an unconscionable “gotcha.”
It’s too bad that asking her would be such an unconscionable “gotcha.”
I know! With her thin skin about the whole Couric thing, she’d go apeshit.
I think it would be hilarious is someone did a remix of C.S. Lewis with Joseph Conrad: The Lion, The Witch and the Heart of Darkness.
“Governor Palin, what’s your favorite movie?”
“Why are you harassing me? Why can’t you people let me be? I can see Russia from my house, dammit! Isn’t that good enough????”
Dammit *if not is
Sarah Palin:
I think it would be hilarious is someone did a remix of C.S. Lewis with Joseph Conrad: The Lion, The Witch and the Heart of Darkness.
I feel another Internet tradition coming on…
Or Arhur Conan Doyle:
The Lion, The Witch and the Hounds of the Baskervilles.
Palin’s favorite movie: the entire “Faces of Death” series.
It’s quite a racket she’s got going. If someone asks her a reasonable question and she makes herself look like a fool, then it’s a travesty and an insult that the question was asked at all. But if she’s vague, only the best possible interpretation is valid.
One more, with William Golding:
The Lion, the Witch and the Lord of the Flies
Unless, of course, it’s the whole list of books she’s read?
Is that what you’re trying to get Liberals to understand?
The Lion, The Witch and The Mutant: The Chronicles of Riddick.
Elaine compares Kevin (aka Bizarro Jerry) to Jerry: “…They read.”
Jerry: “I read.”
Elaine: “Books, Jerry.”
Jerry: “Oh… big deal!”
Mutiny on the Dawn Treader!
Why would it be that there is that perception that I don’t read?
Cuz you appear to be woefully uninformed and shockingly incurious.
And saying “C.S. Lewis” didn’t really help much, did it?
I got out of the boat. Those mangoes are sour.
Her real problem was in not identifying the book she meant. People naturally associate Narnia with Lewis, even conservatives.
I was surprised, actually, I was expecting Flaherty to bluster how perhaps that intellectual giant Palin was reading Lewis’s other books, and how dare Behar assume that Palin was merely reading the Narnia books. But no; reading his column you wouldn’t know that Lewis wrote anything but Narnia.
And yes, I agree with whoever said that Palin probably isn’t even reading Lewis, but is using him as a dog-whistle. Plus – isn’t the movie a prominent advertiser on her TeeVee show? The grifter is disciplined at co-marketing.
My wife and I have a big orange tabby and when we saw the first Narnia movie in the theater, one of us made a litter box paw scratching motion at the end of the movie when Aslan walks out on to the beach. We laughed and laughed and people were giving us dirty looks….
My wife and I have a big orange tabby and when we saw the first Narnia movie in the theater, one of us made a litter box paw scratching motion at the end of the movie when Aslan walks out on to the beach.
Fuck! How did I miss this joke?????
I do not necessarily condemn her for reading children’s books, which are and improvement over People Magazine and (select passages that you do not understand from) The Bible, but rather that she chooses such horrendous, awful children’s books. I made it halfway through the first Narnia bookas a child and quick on the grounds that it was a really bad book.
Lewis and Hawthorne:
The Scarlet Screwtape Letters
I think this is the book she actually read, too. Altho you probably won’t find it on her bedstand.
Or maybe you would.
The Lion, The Witch, and the French Lieutenant’s Woman
The Lion, The Witch, and The Tempest
The Lion, The Witch, and Lysistrata
Okay … that last one would make me a damn hippie who likes the idea of women in power, but still …
If you ask Palin what she reads, she can’t tell you whether she reads or not and anyway it’s a mean question. But if she says she reads “books,” then obviously that means she’s got piles of history’s most learned tomes in her library and you’re a fool for thinking she’s actually reading R.L. Stine.
Okay … that last one would make me a damn hippie who likes the idea of women in power, but still …
Your ideas interest me. Is there perhaps a newsletter I might subscribe to, or a website I might visit?
If you ask Palin what she reads, she can’t tell you whether she reads or not and anyway it’s a mean question. But if she says she reads “books,” then obviously that means she’s got piles of history’s most learned tomes in her library and you’re a jerk for thinking she’s probably reading R.L. Stine.
Hmmmm….C. S. Lewis…R. L. Stine…y’know, it’s possible she got them mixed up….
Why would it be that there is that perception that I don’t read?
I dunno. Perhaps it’s because any other avid reader, if asked what they read, would reel off a long list of things they read or have read, rather than claiming to have read “all of ’em” but failing to come up with any specific book, author, magazine, or newspaper. Most, if not all, people who are avid readers love to talk about what they’ve read. But even if they didn’t want to talk about it, they wouldn’t get pissed off because you asked and assume it was some kind of a dig implying that they were too stupid to read. Generally the only people who would have that type of reaction are people who don’t read and are defensive about it.
@actor – we keep waiting for our cat to talk to us in the voice of Liam Neeson… Hasn’t happened yet!
The Lion, The Witch and To Serve Man
Nope. Doesn’t fit the scheme.
“Palin makes spitey smores though. Mmm mmm.”
These are not nearly as tasty as Petty Fours.
we keep waiting for our cat to talk to us in the voice of Liam Neeson… Hasn’t happened yet!
You must not be drinking enough.
These are not nearly as tasty as Petty Fours.
Or canapeedoffs.
“I like great literature like Goosebumps. Er, I mean that gives me goosebumps. Like all that . . . great books do of course in the history of writing. Like that one about that kid in Alaska. Did you see that movie?”
” – we keep waiting for our cat to talk to us in the voice of Liam Neeson… Hasn’t happened yet!”
My first laugh o’ the day.
They’re the kind of lies I used to make up about homework when I was in elementary school.
Maybe she watched the porn version?
The Lion, The Witch and The Co-Ed
Like that one about that kid in Alaska. Did you see that movie?”
I think she should read some Jack London, he wrote about Alaska after all. Perhaps The Iron Heel, since she likes bad literature with heavy handed allegory.
Maybe she watched the porn version?
The Lion, The Witch and The Co-Ed
Oh wait. That was a spin off from the successful Mitchell Brothers film, “The Wizard of Ahhhhs”….
Maybe she watched the porn version?
I think she should watch Debbie Does The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It is a classic, after all.
“The Lyin’ Witch and the 150,000$ Wardrobe”
Oh snap.
Oh snap.
I see the fetus has developed a sense of humour….
Palin can read all kinds of stuff, as long as it’s put up on a teleprompter.
She also needs frequent breaks, otherwise her lips get tired.
Postcard from teh mangoes…
For Lewis, one of the best ways to know a person was to know what they read. He was convinced that books defined us and shaped our character.
Okay then, still working on the theory Palin hasn’t read very much.
She also needs frequent breaks, otherwise her lips get tired.
DKW’s mom can help with that problem.
That’s pretty great.
Palin can read all kinds of stuff, as long as it’s put up on a teleprompter.
Like all those hilarious jokes about Barack Obama’s autobiographies and Greek columns and, um . . . teleprompters.
I believe people should be allowed to be called what they prefer; but if his (sic) name is meant to be in the Irish spelling (and my grasp is tenuous — Nollaig Shona duit) I believe that if you affect to spell it Micheal, you need a “fada”, thus: Micheál. Otherwise it’s like mixing your linguistic metaphors.
Because you were asked what papers you read and couldn’t answer without sounding like a seventh grader trying to bullshit her teacher.
Next question.
Palin can read all kinds of stuff, as long as
it’s put up on a teleprompterfits in her palm.Fixed yer post for ya.
Democrats are mocking Sarah Palin! MOCKING HER!
Hm, you know? We really are belittling the ability of a modern day politician who can read palms…
From Substance McG’s link’s comments:
On the one hand, this doesn’t sound totally crazy. If she had whipped it out Lloyd Benson style in a debate or something, it might have had an impact. Not in an kind of substantive sense, but in a theatrically disarming kind of way. Like Reagan. But at this point it would just make her look foolish, and that’s what she’s trying to avoid.
Democrats are mocking Sarah Palin! MOCKING HER!
That photo makes me crack the fuck up. It’s not “unflattering” (I’d like to look that good while making a spazface), it just makes her look like a fucking idiot. Which she is.
More gold from Subby.
No, she only said as Governor of Alaska, she’d commanded nuclear units and participated in nuclear strategy. Again; when liberals misrepresent you, it tends to be in your favor. Being judged by your actual record would be far worse.
“The portrayal of Colin Powell as a republican or conservative is such a lie. The man is more Progressive with a capital P than Teddy Roosevelt. That man is a progressive infiltrator sent to try to peal centrist republicans away from supporting the conservative agenda. When was the last time Colin Powell didn’t side with a progressive goal while pretending to be a moderate republican?”
It’s not “unflattering”. . . it just makes her look like a fucking idiot.
The Lion, the Witch, and Nausea.
Yay me!
When was the last time Colin Powell didn’t side with a progressive goal while pretending to be a moderate republican?
Moderate… I do not think that word means what you want it to mean, senor.
Well, if the comments on Substance’s link are any indication, the current Republican party is about to reject the foreign policy judgment of some 50 years of experience, in favor of some bonehead who posts on Facebook.
Not that I necessarily concur with the judgment of Rice, Powell, et al – but why does that mean that someone who can’t find North Korea on a map is going to be my go-to choice?
Let’s think real hard about that one for a minute. What’s that country we invaded in the Middle East whose name starts with an “I”? I can see it from my house, I just don’t recall…
From the Republictionary:
Moderate – Someone who only wants mild genocide of Muslims.
It’s not “unflattering”. . . it just makes her look like a fucking idiot.
Isn’t that a photo that came from her own governor’s press office?
It’s not “unflattering”. . . it just makes her look like a fucking idiot.
There’s a difference. She doesn’t look ugly. Just stupid.
why does that mean that someone who can’t find North Korea on a map is going to be my go-to choice?
Because maybe she’ll wink at me!
If Lewis were around today cockroaches like Palin and her fan club would be calling him a stupid soshulist wimp.
And crying like babies when he responded.
However, it makes sense that 99% of fReichtard heroes are dead, and so unable to tell them they’re full of shit.
Why the fuck are Republicans such douchebags? I can’t wrap my head around this whole START thing, to be honest.
The Russia quote was “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.” That’s actually true, but she was using it to bolster her foreign policy credentials, which approach zero.
Comment from Palins NRO, uuummm piece.
Carl 2010
12/20/10 19:54
Sarah Palin is RIGHT again….Sarah Palin is the most SMARTER POLITICIAN in America NOW….It seems that Ob@ama and the socilalists and communists buddies are BRAINLESS (too stupid for govern USA)….
I geuss she does channel real Amuricans.
Sarah Palin is RIGHT again….Sarah Palin is the most SMARTER POLITICIAN in America NOW….It seems that Ob@ama and the socilalists and communists buddies are BRAINLESS (too stupid for govern USA)….
I call fake! He spelled “brainless” correctly.
if the comments on Substance’s link are any indication, the current Republican party is about to reject the foreign policy judgment of some 50 years of experience, in favor of some bonehead who posts on Facebook.
Supposedly START’s going to get something like 75+ votes, making Harry Reid’s lame duck strategy look pretty good.
The “base” is pissed because when Putin rears his head we won’t have the missile defense to stop his tanks. And it also makes them want to Tea-primary Scott Brown, which is fine by this Massachusetts voter.
you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska
You can see the moon, too, asshole, so why don’t you stick a rocket up your ass and go already?
*adding “saying that to Sarah Palin” to my bucket list*
She doesn’t look ugly. Just stupid.
If you told me I looked stupid I don’t think I’d be flattered.
The “base” is pissed because when Putin rears his head we won’t have the missile defense to stop his tanks.
Yes. The best way to stop a tank is with an ICBM fired from 5,000 miles away….
“Why the fuck are Republicans such douchebags? I can’t wrap my head around this whole START thing, to be honest.”
it’s simple m’dear. They have examined the treaty closely and the analysis reveals that if Obama is for it they’re against it.
Ah, missile defense, the Holy Grail of thirty years of Republican politics, twenty of them after the end of the Cold War. Have they made it work yet? Against ICBMs, I mean, not tanks. Let’s start with what it’s supposed to do before figuring out if it can do something else…
Let’s start with what it’s supposed to do before figuring out if it can do something else…
It’s made the Carlyle Group rich so….MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Well that’s brilliant! So we don’t need it anymore!
OT – I’ve been trying to figure out how I can work a few of these into a comment. Maybe others are more creative than I.
Maybe others are more creative than I.
You ain’t my bitch, nigga. Buy your own damn fries.
Aha! Don’t you libtards get it? You and your commonist pals in the Senate first repeal DADT, now you’re trying to reduce our ability to destroy the world to only about 4 times with Obambas START Treaty. DON”T YOU SEE???!!! !!! First gays in the foxholes then they want to play with our missles!!! We need a massive deterent of missles thrusting up to show the world our muscular response to any provocation, no matter how provocative. We must always be at attention!!!
we keep waiting for our cat to talk to us in the voice of Liam Neeson… Hasn’t happened yet!
That’s from
Serpent and the Rainbow
it’s simple m’dear. They have examined the treaty closely and the analysis reveals that if Obama is for it they’re against it.
Ah, yes. There I go again, operating under the assumption that Republicans give two shits for the country they’re supposedly helping govern.
OT – I’ve been trying to figure out how I can work a few of these into a comment.
You can’t work “ignorant motherfuckers” into a thread about Republicans???
That guy ain’t shit. Sorry ass motherfucker…
You can play with MY missile any time baby.
Hows about if your doggie talked to you like GWB?
Because of base metal contamination in the annealing and improper forging republicans usually peal with a dull thud instead of a proper ring. And centrist? Paul Revere wouldn’t have made centrist bells.
[Of course he did make lots of centrist bells, still pealing in many centrist protestant churches in New England]
April Winchell revealed that she and Kevin Spacey dated for a while after high school, during the run of the Gypsy musical, and went to New York together
I call utter bullshit. KSpace is gay. I mean, “pick up a gaffer on set with the offer of a blow job” gay.
Not that, you know, I have any personal experience with him. And that’s mayonaise on my chin. And I still didn’t get the role…
Everything Lewis wrote on religion, including Screwtape, was standard issue evangelical pap dressed up as musty erudition in order to give it credibility among people who think ontology is something taught in medical school..
Because of base metal contamination in the annealing
Heh heh…you said “anneal”….heh heh…
Everything Lewis wrote on religion, including Screwtape, was standard issue evangelical pap dressed up as musty erudition in order to give it credibility among people who think ontology is something taught in medical school..
I was thinking along the lines of the format more than the content in this case.
Besides, you know, theist here!
And that’s mayonaise on my chin. And I still didn’t get the role…
Actor is channeling Anna Nicole Smith!
Even so, I’m not sure how he would’ve felt about the religious right, or how they would’ve felt about him if he were real, live, in their country and era and actually saying what he thought, instead of a dead person whose name they can invoke for lack of an argument.
Actor is channeling Anna Nicole Smith!
If you mean by channeling, plowing a huge ditch….guilty as charged.
(well, in a dream somewhere…)
The Iron Heel was published in 1907. I think the words you’re looking for is ‘prescience’, not ‘allegory’.
I just has a session with my ontologist, getting deeper into my being. I really like her, but our relationship is strictly Platonic.
I just has a session with my ontologist, getting deeper into my being. I really like her, but our relationship is strictly Platonic.
Being of sound mind, of course. Tell me, what did your ontologist discover? Was it a basal cell carcinoma or socratinoma?
I had my ontonsils removed when I was a kid…
Well. That’s a bit of fecking allright, innit? Good on yuh mate.
why does that mean that someone who can’t find North Korea on a map is going to be my go-to choice?
Because the only real wingnut solution to the Korea problem is to make it so that no one can find North Korea on a map. So to Parah Salin’ fans this isn’t a sign of a lack of knowledge, it’s sound foriegn policy.
I had my ontonsils removed when I was a kid…
My barber went to otonsorial college.
…or an obviously stupid fan of any of his books. I was once playing in a band which had a decent amount of non-players making a racket. Having someone tell us we were like Coltrane was depressing.
My Dad used to drive a ’56 Voltaire.
My Dad used to drive a ’56 Voltaire.
Ah! An eclectic car!
I was once playing in a band which had a decent amount of non-players making a racket.
Is this redundant or merely a tautology?
Is this redundant or merely a tautology?
Presumably it was jazz.
I’m taking Chrome for a spin and it doesn’t remember my nym. Some have anonymity thrust upon them.
a band which had a decent amount of non-players making a racket
Haha! All jazz sounds like that (to me at least.)
Well, you can have ’em play a string pad on a synthesizer and they can’t do much harm. We had ’em playing guitars.
Also. Too. I must take issue with the fawning embrace of Lewis’ hammering on the point of “the wrong books”. There are no “wrong books”, other than Harlequin romances and Regnery publications. I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi, mystery/detective or romances, but I’ve read plenty of stuff that features elements of each – as well as a lot of non-fiction. If Lewis is trying to say that you can sometimes learn deeper truths from a work of fiction than from a technical manual, well, duh. But even then, we’re not talking C.S. Lewis – we’re talking Gunter Grass and Salman Rushdie, at least if we’re adults. I mean, Charlotte’s Web had a pretty good message, as did Horton Hears a Who, but by the time you’re in your forties you should have moved beyond that.
Having someone tell us we were like Coltrane was depressing.
Maybe they meant coal train?
The Lion, the Witch, and the Joy of Cooking
OK, I can’t keep up. Honestly, over 300 comments in yesterday’s post? WTF, don’t you people have lives?
PupMax, thanks for the tip on the jacket. Won’t buy but appreciate it.
If Sarah has her eyes on the Republican nomination she should be reading The Lion the Witch and My Pet Goat.
WTF, don’t you people have lives?
We play jazz. We don’t need to rehearse.
I mean, Charlotte’s Web had a pretty good message, as did Horton Hears a Who, but by the time you’re in your forties you should have moved beyond that.
Hey, I’m still working my way through “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Don’t judge me!
Hey, I’m still working my way through “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Don’t judge me!
I’d pat you on the head condescendingly, but I might hurt my hand on the helmet.
Having someone tell us we were like Coltrane was depressing.
Maybe they meant coal train?
Or Coal Chamber?
I actually have no problem with romance novels, even while recognizing they are complete and utter crap, mostly. But if someone asked if I read them, yeah, I’d cop to it.
Sub, what kind of music did you play?
vacuum – we all have our own guilty pleasures. Me, I sometimes break out Duran Duran’s Greatest Hits.
If Lewis is trying to say that you can sometimes learn deeper truths from a work of fiction than from a technical manual, well, duh
I consider the Bible a historical work more than anything else. While that helps understanding some of the the more dated ideas, it does make the Xians use of it as a primer for modern society seem rather primitive if not barbaric.
Hell, I wouldn’t even feel guilty about that.
Either very very very loud electric guitar music or improvised weird music. The former was the one that got the undeserving Coltrane nod.
My guilty pleasures are the Die Hard movies and DKW’s mom.
Fifth Element
Why feel guilty about liking something? I don’t really get that. Contributing money to it is something different, but still…
Why feel guilty about liking something? I don’t really get that. Contributing money to it is something different, but still…
Let’s put it in terms a Kiwi can understand. What if you liked Wallabies rugby and Victoria Bitter beer? you enjoy it, but you wouldn’t tell your friends.
Mr Mom
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying trashy escapist novels from time to time–our own Spengler having recently produced a fine specimen of the genre. And I mean “trashy” in the same loving way we all use it to describe Actor’s and DKW’s moms, Spengler, so don’t be offended. I think mature grownups can also benefit from rereading their kids’ Dr. Suess Books every once in a whlie. The problem is when these are the only thing one reads. You need some mental protein and vitamins, not just brain candy.
Why wouldn’t I tell my friends? Upcoming playlist:
I think it would be hilarious is someone did a remix of C.S. Lewis with Joseph Conrad: The Lion, The Witch and the Heart of Darkness.
“Mistah Tumnus, he dead.”
Also, the best argument against “Lewis, didn’t he write children’s books?” is not to talk about how great the children’s book he wrote(and you just helped turn into a children’s movie) is, it’s to talk about his books for adults, both fiction and non. And yes, there is a dragon in Dawn Treader, its head is not cut off, and the scenario is thought-provoking if a bit ham-handed.
You need some mental protein and vitamins, not just brain candy.
Mostly I find I need mental alkaloids and solvents.
Subby – well, not guilty, really…it’s just that I know better.
I’ll tell you what does make me feel guilty, though: any time I fail to stay in the boat on the Comcast homepage, which is always loaded with the latest celebuscandal news. Every time I click one of those links, whatever it takes me to always makes me feel dirty.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
December 21, 2010 at 19:05
My guilty pleasures are the Die Hard movies and DKW’s mom.
Contributing money to it is something different, but still…
“Contributing” to DKWs mom? Does that qualify as charity work?
Right now I’m listening to the Jethro Tull Christmas album with The Moody Blues’ December album cued up next. Don’t feel guilty about it at all.
“Contributing” to DKWs mom? Does that qualify as charity work?
Depends on what you’re contributing.
Don’t feel guilty about it at all.
Next up, a Christmas movie on the Betamax.
(i keed)
Why feel guilty about liking something?
To improve one’s enjoyment thereof. Example, I feel guilty about enjoying sex with T&U’s mom, not only because it is so very degrading and shameful, but also because it makes us come so hard we cramp. SRSLY, T&U’s mom rates our encounters by minutes of blindness after orgasm.
First gays in the foxholes then they want to play with our missles!!!
As long as the fox is consenting that is HOT.
My go to War on Christmas album is The Carpenters Chirstmas Portrait.
Yeah, but, Sub, even some of your less “cool” songs are kind of cool in a quirky way.
That being said, I refuse to be cowed into ditching stuff I get enjoyment from. And,yes, feeling guilty does seem a bit like a waste.
Gotcha 77 south . Something that you find out about a relative on their deathbed and you swear everyone in the room to secrecy. Me, I like Queen music, so sue me.
Inquiring minds would like to see the copy of “the lion etc” that Queen Moosilini (ITTDGY 2010) read to see iffen it is the Graphic novel version.
Next up, a Christmas movie on the Betamax.
Now I wish I’d typed:
Right now I’m listening to the Jethro Tull Christmas
albumcassette with The Moody Blues’ Decemberalbum8 track cued up next.Sub, what kind of music did you play?
Slightly distorted electric guitar? Tubular bells?
/speaking of guilty pleasures
Also I’ve got the Vince Guaraldi Peanuts CD on continuous loop.
I’ve got a penny taped to the arm on my turntable.
OT, but Yahoo News’ polls on the deficits would tend to endorse the Democrats; sharply cutting entitlements and subsidies was poorly received by most polled, and so was privatizing government services. Know what was well received? Cutting defense.
Oddly, that’s also the one part of the budget where Dems and Repubs seem to be in lockstep Keynesian agreement – against the voters, that is.
The loud band was of a piece with the Seattle scene, and I played guitar bass and keyboards depending on the need. The weirder band I could sometimes break out the Casio sax for.
Ok, now I have to confess i totally want to know if Sub looked all long-haired and Dethkloky in his band days…
Oddly, that’s also the one part of the budget where Dems and Repubs seem to be in lockstep Keynesian agreement – against the voters, that is.
That’s what Ike was so afraid of. The military/industrial complex taking on a life of its own. No real need for more massive weapons, but nobody willing to say no. It has become almost a seperate branch of government, wanting more and more funding.
The former was the one that got the undeserving Coltrane nod.
Coltrane comparisons are general non-jazz-fan shorthand for “I really like you guys as people but the… ‘music’ you’re making is strange, confusing and not all that good. However, I do not wish to hurt your feelings and I’ve heard this ‘John Coltrane’ guy impresses the hell out of musicians even though he sounds like he’s having a fit.”
Shoulda told ’em, “No, we’ve got more an Art Blakey/Glenn Miller thing going”, they wouldn’t have known the difference.
Casio sax
Caught in the act?
WC, linky say no-no.
Thelonius Davis? Miles Monk?
Ok, now I have to confess i totally want to know if Sub looked all long-haired and Dethkloky in his band days…
We used to do a parody version of the CSNY song “Deja Vu” that included the harmony chorus;
“We all had big hair before…”
Image trick is to drag it up to the URL bar and it’ll work. I wish I owned all that shit they have, but I think I only owned three of those Casio pieces. Wanted the guitar, never owned it.
That little piece in the New Yorker about the “boathouse papers” was really interesting. Turns out old Ike was really onto this and revised that speech twenty something times to try and get it right. Makes him look pretty good.
I must be having a Trig day; I just saw that and thought, “Haw haw, funny pitcher!” and linked it.
What’s all this? What about the hot, steamy, hypothetical sex we had last night? What about the part when I had both my legs resting on your shoulders and you were thrusting away as if your life depended on it? Did that mean NOTHING to you? What about my moans of pleasure? You made my body quiver…and now I come to find out I’m just another MILF on your bedpost?! I’m devastated! DEVASTATED! HYPOTHETICALLY! *sob*
Rockin’ the Casio guitar– BOOM!
I’m confused more still. Does phone sax mean you’re horny?
Does phone sax mean you’re horny?
Saxophone isn’t considered a horn. I think it means you’re reedy
Yes. But Pickles or Toki is the question.
I feel guilty about enjoying sex with T&U’s mom, not only because it is so very degrading and shameful, but also because it makes us come so hard we cramp.
*shrug* This doesn’t surprise me. She does have a thing for younger dudes…
And I mean “trashy” in the same loving way we all use it to describe Actor’s and DKW’s moms, Spengler, so don’t be offended.
How dare you!? Hmph!
Turn A Square | The Shins
I Just Want to Celebrate | Rare Earth
The History Of The World | Gang Of Four
Joe Dimaggio Done It Again | Billy Bragg & Wilco
N-Sub Ulysses | Nation of Ulysses
Bennie And The Jets | Elton John
Carrie-Anne | The Hollies
Anything You Can Do | Ethel Merman
Witch Doctor | Ross Bagdasarian Jr.
Pump Up the Volume | M/A/R/R/S
All Around The World | Little Richard
Bennie and the Jets? LOL!
“Contributing” to DKWs mom? Does that qualify as charity work?
No, it’s just a stupid business decision.
For some reason this fish brings to mind actor212.
Example, I feel guilty about enjoying sex with T&U’s mom, not only because it is so very degrading and shameful, but also because it makes us come so hard we cramp.
Dude, you cramp breathing hard…
“Yes. But Pickles or Toki is the question.”
So NOT the Swedish dude?
It’s not weird to crush on a cartoon character, right? I mean, who among us hasn’t given Drag Bugs Bunny a second glance?
For some reason this fish brings to mind actor212.
They are rather handsome
/ Troy McClure
I mean, who among us hasn’t given Drag Bugs Bunny a second glance?
…that you can prove…
Actor sweetie don’t sit so close to the TV. Oh, and after Bugs Bunny is over make sure you wipe the screen off.
“The Lyin’ Witch and the 150,000$ Wardrobe”
Oh, and after Bugs Bunny is over make sure you wipe the screen off.
Sharight! Mom! I already wear glasses!
What do I get? *grabby hands*
*grabby hands*
Sheesh…earn it first, will ya?
Sharight! Mom! I already wear glasses!
Keep it up and you’ll need a seeing eye dog.
Keep it up and you’ll need a seeing eye dog.
Yea, like you’ll mind me groping about in the dark…
KWillow said I won. I demand my prize. No raisins.
Vacuum honey, your Father and I have already spoken to you about how we’re worried about how much you use your rocking horse while watching cartoons. The constant squeaking of the springs is rather annoying.
Yea, like you’ll mind me groping about in the dark…
I do! I couldn’t get out that stain from between the couch cushions for weeks.
Boobs in comic books: there for a reason?
Oh vs, I’m so sorry baby. I don’t know what came over me. It’s so not like me to hypothetically have sex with any random mothers that get mentioned in thread. It’ll never happen again (at least until the next time). You know you’re the only one for me. Well, and your mom.
Actor is the only kid I know who needs a flashlight in the dark so he can grope around by himself.
Rise Again: The story of going in for seconds with Actor’s Mom
Actor is the only kid I know who needs a flashlight in the dark so he can grope around by himself.
Listen, when the tip is outside the room, a light is a definite necessity….
I couldn’t get out that stain from between the couch cushions for weeks.
That shit was made from the best naughahyde my money could buy! Do you know how many naughas died just so you could have a honey-tan couch?????
Oh, brother. Waters both cold and deep, eh actor?
” You know you’re the only one for me”
I’m sooooooo hypothetically relieved.
Oh, brother. Waters both cold and deep, eh actor?
The bottom dwellers tickle!
That shit was made from the best naughahyde my money could buy! Do you know how many naughas died just so you could have a honey-tan couch?????
So, what you’re telling me is that you have a dead nauga fetish?
PROTIP: shoot the dragon until it is dead.
Rarely read books any more (LOL INTERNETS) but am now slowly re-digesting The Complete Plays Of Aristophanes & The Birth Of Tragedy.
I agree with whoever said that Palin probably isn’t even reading Lewis, but is using him as a dog-whistle. Plus – isn’t the movie a prominent advertiser on her TeeVee show? The grifter is disciplined at co-marketing.
Ever since she decided to become a full-time camwhore, Palin won’t wipe her arse without wrangling a sponsorship first (so if you go to one of her events, DO NOT SHAKE HER HAND). Seems to me Massengill is a natural tie-in – & it’d be a joy to see her work the benefits of hosing down one’s quiff into a discussion of START or immigration.
Let me go on record right now as saying that there is no way that actor should be allowed to have a seeing eye dog. Or any kind of dog for that matter. Cats, hamsters, fish, iguanas, rabbits, farm animals, &c. also right out.
PROTIP: shoot the dragon until it is dead.
That shit was made from the best naughahyde my money could buy! Do you know how many naughas died just so you could have a honey-tan couch?????
He’s been poaching, skinning and tanning nagas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C4%81ga Which is a serious offense in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Let me go on record right now as saying that there is no way that actor should be allowed to have a seeing eye dog.
Look, it’s not my fault the last one got loose and did your mom. You should have kept the bitch on a leash.
So, what you’re telling me is that you have a dead nauga fetish?
Their flesh. It calls to us.
“Um, sir? I don’t think the trunk of your seeing eye elephant was meant to be used that way.”
You should have kept the bitch on a leash.
I thought his mom _was_ on a leash.
PROTIP: shoot the dragon until it is dead.
Here’s some even better advice: if you’re seeing imaginary animals leave your guns in the safe. Or the truck, whichever. Shooting at hallucinations never works out well. Believe me.
It is a pity that the money wasted on our War Machine couldn’t be transferred to the Space Program. There are just as many possibilities for massive, hard-to-trace graft, corruption and waste, with fewer deaths resulting; and there are clear, obvious benefits to society as well as a decent $$$ return on Government’s investment… which is probably why they’re working to privatize it, huh? Once the really hard expensive research & development has been paid for, Wall Street wants the profits. Eh.
And no dragons for actor, either. Even dead ones.
“Shooting at hallucinations never works out well.”
But my aim is AWESOME!
Their flesh. It calls to us.
Yeah, but couldn’t you have bought a bean bag chair or something?
I thought his mom _was_ on a leash.
That’s twenty bucks more.
Yeah, but couldn’t you have bought a bean bag chair or something?
Oh sure! And get hit with a disabilities lawsuit, exploiting poor boneless naugas????
And no dragons for actor, either. Even dead ones.
I wouldn’t dream of setting foot on your turf.
But my aim is AWESOME!
There’s even video.
Something for Sarah’s reading list.
St George and the Dragonet
Look, it’s not my fault the last one got loose…
That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Missing for a couple days only to turn up the minute the conversation turns to interspecies sex. Your barnyard buddies can’t actually give consent.
Oh sure! And get hit with a disabilities lawsuit, exploiting poor boneless naugas????
Whatever. You know you can settle out of court like last time.
Your barnyard buddies can’t actually give consent.
If you can’t tell the difference between sex with a dog and sex with a dead duck…welll, ask your mom, because I know she knows!
You know you can settle out of court like last time.
But I got the bonus punch on the card last time, which entitles me to a free trial this time!
I cannot stay awake today. Who wants to stand behind me and poke me every time I start to drift off?
But I got the bonus punch on the card last time, which entitles me to a free trial this time!
Oh, let me get my barrister’s wig, then.
Oh, let me get my barrister’s wig, then.
Don’t forget the garter belt! You know how the judge likes those…closed sessions.
If you can’t tell the difference between sex with a dog and sex with a dead duck…
You’re not seriously trying to claim that you’ve never had sex with a dog before. Despite the reams (ewww) of video evidence.
Who wants to stand behind me and poke me every time I start to drift off?
You’re not seriously trying to claim that you’ve never had sex with a dog before.
I freely admit to fucking your mom
Who wants to stand behind me and poke me every time I start to drift off?
You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.
Too easy.
Damn…I can’t tell who’s winning this round of S,N Dozens.
I was once playing in a band which had a decent amount of non-players making a racket.
You were in the Mekons?
Micheal [sic]
Who is like AL?
…S,N Dozens
It’s not just a game of Dozens, it’s like Dozens Squared. It’s Gross.
You’re welcome.
Too easy.
Since when has that stopped you?
It’s not just a game of Dozens, it’s like Dozens Squared. It’s Gross.
Hey, that’s your mom’s record. I was just number 98
I’m gonna have to agree with that.
Ok, is it over? Can I put down my pom-poms?
Since when has that stopped you?
I didn’t say it was beneath me.
Well, not the whole time.
Can I put down my pom-poms?
I speak for the entirety of your webcam audience. No.
“I speak for the entirety of your webcam audience. No.”
Oh dear. All this bouncing is making my tits sore.
All this bouncing is making my tits sore.
Yea. And…?
“Yea. And…?”
I’m tired and I need to sit down. DKW, can I use your lap?
All this bouncing is making my tits sore.
Oh dear, perhaps a bit of massage might help them BOOBIES!
Was this covered yesterday? Or the day before or whenever the fuck it was.
Pup, is that real? It’s beautiful in a weird way.
Was this covered yesterday? Or the day before or whenever the fuck it was.
No one said anything about quizzes on the material!
Was this covered yesterday? Or the day before or whenever the fuck it was.
Dammit, Peej, now IT is going to think I’m some sort of weird perv. And not in a good way.
Pup, is that real? It’s beautiful in a weird way.
No. It’s not.
DKW, can I use your lap?
Oh dear, if you’re getting tired then you must sit down. You may want to shift around a bit until you’re comfortable. Don’t worry, it’s no problem at all…Am I distressed? Why am I breathing so hard? Uh… I’m fine, it’s just that I’m… uh… also tired! Yeah, I’m also tired.
Pup, is that real? It’s beautiful in a weird way.
To which do you refer?
I’d be shocked if every message you sent here wasn’t readable by IT.
I’d be shocked if every message you sent here wasn’t read
ableby IT.Fixed yer post for ya.
“Why am I breathing so hard? Uh… I’m fine, it’s just that I’m… uh… also tired! Yeah, I’m also tired.”
*squirm*. Ok…you may now begin massaging. But only for medicinal purposes.
I’d be shocked if IT didn’t already think T&U was a perv, what with that weird fetish footwear.
I’d be shocked if every message you sent here wasn’t readable by IT.
Yeah, but they don’t make me look like a weird perv.
“Pupienus Maximus said,
December 21, 2010 at 21:55
Pup, is that real? It’s beautiful in a weird way.
To which do you refer?”
Rofl–the APPLE!
I’d be shocked if IT didn’t already think T&U was a perv, what with that weird fetish footwear.
Look, your mom wanted me to wear these froggy slippers, okay?
Yeah, but they don’t make me look like a weird perv.
That’s why they broke the budget on Kleenex. Right.
*squirm*. Ok…
You sure your comfortable there? Why don’t you check how it feel sitting a little further back? uhn. Maybe further forward was better. huhhhh hhhhuuuuhh. Wait, sit further back – it’ll be better for the massage. ungghghghh.
It’s weird. I think this rocking motion is making me feel better. But what’s that hard thing poking me down there?
But what’s that hard thing poking me down there?
Nothing much.
That’s why they broke the budget on Kleenex. Right.
Oh, I thought that was simply because my mere presence is tittilating.
Oh, I thought that was simply because my mere presence is tittilating.
It don’t hurt, but…
But what’s that hard thing poking me down there?
Maybe you should find out. You know, go and investigate. Take a closer look.
Uh, also, you may need these safety glasses.
His gimp suit isn’t as sexy.
Uh, also, you may need these safety glasses.
I wondered where my bifocals got off to!
Also, if I remember right, the books didn’t have any dragons
[Seriously late here– also, I wonder who the other Anonymous was.]
In Voyage of the Dawn Treader, one of the kids turns into a dragon from sleeping on a dragon’s hoard and thinking greedy, sinful thoughts. He gets better.
As for CS Lewis and modern evangelicals, in The Last Battle he lets one of the Muslim-esque Calormenes into Narnia/Heaven because he was a good man behaving in accordance with the teachings of Aslan/Christ, even if he was doing so in the name of the false god Tash.
Do you really think modern evangelicals would have even that much forgiveness?
Uh, also, you may need these safety glasses.
Those are binoculars.
YOU are naughty.
This concludes today’s episode of “VS Maybe Gives DKW a Throbbing Erection”
Tune in for more of this riveting drama tonight!
She IS the ONLY person EVAR on the face of this earth to be asked the question, “What are you reading?”
i honestly don’t know why people WON’T LEAVE HER ALONE ABOUT THIS!!!
actually, i don’t know why people won’t just leave her alone…thereby keeping my blood pressure at a reasonable rate.
also, too, i get CS Lewis mixed up with Lewis Carroll all the time…
Those are binoculars
What are the tweezers for?
What are the tweezers for?
oh, i think you know…
No, but that was awesome.
Tune in for more of this riveting drama tonight!
Only if there aren’t actually rivets cooling off to watch on TLC….
So awesome it made me tag fail. Or maybe that had something to do with the pregnant woman grinding on my lap.
What are the tweezers for?
His mom’s mustache?
Wow. I wonder how big they get when they grow up.
Wow. I wonder how big they get when they grow up.
Caption: Reason why Shinzo women only breed once.
It’s just for therapeutic purposes! Ever heard of sports medicine?
Ever heard of sports medicine?
I really want to be the first judge in the Olympic Lap Dance competition.
OT – Bad news for big powerful gleaming missiles, good news for sanity.
Oh please. You know you wanna see me and DKW have hot sweaty sex.
Oh please. You know you wanna see me and DKW have hot sweaty sex.
I expect BOTH people to be hot and sweaty, and not have to split those terms between the participants.
I knew it. You think DKW is hot. I knew there was something underneath all those heated exchanges about moms.
see me and DKW have hot sweaty sex
*raises hand*
Can I leave the table now please?
In actor’s defense, I am pretty damn hot.
In actor’s defense, I am pretty damn hot.
I see the roofies mom gave you still haven’t worn off.
Can I leave the table now please?
Me too! Wanna go play Jenga?
TO: Self
Never eat soft caramels with a cavity ever again…
Awesome! I was kinda hoping you weren’t 400 lbs and covered in boils.
BTW, sometimes I think S,N needs a PM system. I think we’ve made poor Pup ill.
I see the roofies mom gave you still haven’t worn off.
I actually started waking up during and had to take another hit to limit the mental scarring.
I really want to be the first judge in the Olympic Lap Dance competition.
Be my guest. I forecast you will get important bits chafed clean off by the steroid abusing German men’s team.
In actor’s defense, I am pretty damn hot.
Awesome! I was kinda hoping you weren’t 400 lbs and covered in boils.
Um, you oughta know I have a Baron Harkonnen fetish…
Sarah Palin: Liar, Lunatic, or Lipstick-wearing cognitively challenged snowbilly?
I forecast you will get important bits chafed clean off by the steroid abusing German men’s team.
I refuse to do the mixed singles competition.
Sarah Palin: Liar, Lunatic, or Lipstick-wearing cognitively challenged snowbilly?
I actually started waking up during and had to take another hit to limit the mental scarring.
I have your signed release right here.
Well. Ain’t that a peach.
Looking forward to all that hot and sweaty sex tonight, but right now I’ve got a train to catch. I am totes not going to look for books or instruction manuals explaining which parts go where. I am very experienced in the sexualatings and have sexualated many, many women especially and including actor’s mom. Also not making any emergency appointments with Erectile Dysfunction or Premature Ejaculation counsellors. The fact is that I am extremely capable and knowledgeable about the whole sex thing.
Looking forward to all that hot and sweaty sex tonight, but right now I’ve got a train to catch.
Not TOO Freudian.
Will you smoke a cigar on it? Stick a hot dog in a donut?
Wow. I wonder how big they get when they grow up.
So that’s where Glenn Beck came from.
Will you smoke a cigar on it? Stick a hot dog in a donut?
No, he’s going to slide his knife in and out of a warm pie.
No, he’s going to slide his knife in and out of a warm pie.
But he only has a spork!
But he only has a spork!
It’s not the utensil, it’s how you use it.
Actually…on topic!
sounds like a german pr0n name…
Sarah Palin: Liar, Lunatic, or Lipstick-wearing cognitively challenged snowbilly?
Hee hee, I think that’s from Mère Griftianity.
But he only has a spork!
Who doesn’t like runcible spooning?
Damned illegal immigrant Terrapins…
Well, the world may not be your oyster, but…
blackwell is a gigantic ass…i could not read past the third paragraph without wanting to rip my eyeballs out.
good god, liam! what were you thinking?! that as an ‘actor’ you could ‘interpret’ something?
here’s what i find the most annoying about this swill:
the same area from which C.S. Lewis, the beloved Christian author of The Chronicles of Narnia hailed.
But actor Neeson is facing hail of a different kind — a hail of criticism
(see what i did there? wink, wink! i’m a journalistic genius!!!
Aslan might also be seen, Neeson said, as representing other religious leaders, such as Mohammed or Buddha.
(MIGHT! he said MIGHT! you freaking dumbass!)
Late, but … The Divine Mr. M.
Clive Sinclair Women Should Be Killed For Using Birth Control Lewis is my favoritest writer eva!
Damn, now the image of a dragon eating Joy Behar is turning me on….
Of course it’s a cookbook! Has no one read The Silver Chair?
“Then she climbed up on the bench beside the table to look at the book. She read:
MALLARD. This delicious bird can be cooked in a variety of ways.
“It’s a cookery book,” thought Jill. … It was arranged alphabetically: and at the very next entry her heart seemed to stop beating. It ran—
MAN. This elegant little biped has long been valued as a delicacy. …”
The Silver Chair, copyright C. S. Lewis, 1953. The famous Twilight Zone episode: 1962. (Ah, but the Damon Knight story is from 1950, so Lewis might have cribbed the gag from him.) Anyway, kids who read the Narnia series know this joke already.
It’s a good story too. A ripping yarn, I’d say; unless, you know, it isn’t to your taste, in which case it’s awful. Puddleglum’s argument that he’s going to act like a Narnian even if there isn’t a Narnia (read: I’ll do it though there’s really no honking great Lion to send me to Hell) is worth reading.
“As for CS Lewis and modern evangelicals, in The Last Battle he lets one of the Muslim-esque Calormenes into Narnia/Heaven because he was a good man behaving in accordance with the teachings of Aslan/Christ, even if he was doing so in the name of the false god Tash.
Do you really think modern evangelicals would have even that much forgiveness?”
As to the first: exactly so.
The second: Some evangelicals definitely do. Others reading this passage are seriously bothered by it, because Lewis is supposed to be a Good Guy, and this goes against all they’ve been taught. I’ve encountered both in earnest discussions in Internet groups.
Then again, there are those who knew all along that Lewis was working for the Devil, what with his witches and talking animals and all. In some of these cases the Devil in question lives in Rome; not in others.