America’s Worst Bear Cub™

Can there possibly be anything more rife with comic possibility than a Big Hollywood post by America’s Worst Unemployed Lawyer and Film Critic™ Ben Shapiro in which Ben, of all people, laments the disappearance of the manly men’s man from American culture. It’s rather like an article about grooming and hygiene tips written by Jonah Goldberg.
Ben begins his lament with his (rather revealing) epitome of the masculine ideal: the abdominally ripped, pectorally grandiloquent, protruberantly crotched Superman.
I am constantly bemused by the attempt to re-set Superman. The original comics are classic pieces of Americana. The original movie with Christopher Reeve was wonderful in almost every way – the first forty minutes of the original Superman is pure magic.
Pure magic? Ben, buddy, you don’t write an article extolling manliness and then let a purse fall out of your mouth just 40 words in. I mean, you might have well as said that the first forty minutes were “faaaaaabulous”
Superman is sincere in his masculinity. He doesn’t wax his chest.
Our movie stars are now metrosexual rather than men’s men. It’s been a long transition, a transition that began with the androgynous heroes of the 1970s – testosterone-free actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson became pop culture icons, replacing the Errol Flynns and the Marlon Brandos.
Apparently they don’t teach you in law school that Marlon Brando admitted to his fair share of sucking cock and that Flynn, well, if he could hold it down, he fucked it, irrespective of the gender of the naughty bits involved. Can it simply be coincidence that Ben picks these two as his personal icons of masculinity?
More people will still shell out bucks to see Harrison Ford (as long as he stops the metrosexual post-Calista Flockhart crap) and Sean Connery than they will to see Robert Pattinson sans fangs. It’s not because they’re old. It’s because they’re dudes. Men want to be them. Women want to be with them. They kick ass, take names, and don’t shave their chests.
There we go with the chest-shaving issue again. Okay, Ben, we get it. You like bears. Thanks for sharing. (I think.)
Note from our New York law firm: Sadly, No! is not liable for any self-inflicted trauma resulting from efforts by its readers to obliterate from their brain the image of Ben Shapiro making the two-backed beast with John Podhoretz or this. See our terms and conditions.
But the t.a.c. are in French!
I’ll sue anyways, NYLF. If you didn’t want to trick your readers into clicking on the links, then why did you put hypertext there???
Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap.
Yeah, Ben, I agree. Christopher Reeves is the manliest of men. As a gay teen, I never had any fantasy on Superman/ Reeves, no way. His hairy chest was too much for me.
Let’s get back to a time of real men, like Montgomery Clift, James Stewarts or John Travolta.
A quick translation of one line in Article 6 of the TAC:
Toute personne amenée à laisser des commentaires ou à publier en tant qu’auteur devra respecter les présentes conditions d’utilisation.
Any person posting a comment is hereby bound to spend eternity in Hell according to our current TOS.
These French lawyers, I’ll tell ya, they’re all in league with Satan. Well, these French people, actually.
Darn, is it James Stewart or Cary Grant who’s supposed to be gay? I’m confused by their manliness.
If I read one more fucking homoerotic paean to manly men my head will fucking explode.
Hey, here’s an idea, manly men. You like being a manly man? Be one. How about you let other men decide what “manly” is and let them do whatever the fuck they want, because they’re going to anyway. Even if you have a hairy chest.
Oh, and quit talking about kicking ass. I could make you cry in the space of 30 seconds. In fact, you’re probably crying now ‘cuz your fee-fees are hurt.
Hey, and what about Rock Hudson? Now there was a real man’s man, ifya knowwaddamean anIthinkyado
But, but…he had such great chemistry with Doris Day!
He really did, actually.
…testosterone-free actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson…
WTF?!? Jack Nicholson? SRSLY?
WTF?!? Jack Nicholson? SRSLY?
Yeah, I reacted a bit too quickly and missed this one. Anybody trying to pit Errol Flynn against Jack Nicholson in a manliness contest is seriously delusional. Why is it that those who whine against “metrosexuality” are always those who’d get the role of the (necessarily depressive) choreograph -according to their stereotype- in a movie whereas honest gay me has looks that would land him the role of the (possibly nazi) officer?
I gotta hand it to Ben’s movie perspicacity to recognize stuff like this:
Jude Law hasn’t headlined a hit in his entire career (Sherlock Holmes was Robert Downey Jr.’s show, start-to-finish).
See, real movie critics notice the small stuff, like that Downey played the title character.
Jack fucking Nicholson. Testoterone free. I… I… WTF?!?
And specifically in reference to the 70’s. The period in time bracketed by ordering toast at one end and all work and no play at the other. WITH MOTHERFUCKING CHINATOWN IN THE MIDDLE.
See, real movie critics notice the small stuff, like that Downey played the title character.
And that Jude Law rescued Watson from decades of being relegated to fat, bumbling and incompetent sidekick.
Marty Feldman beeeaaaaaaaatches!!!!
Also, Deflowered Ben’s argument, if you can call this opinionated assignment for home-schoolmarm argument, is that box office results prove that Merkin Males such as his manly self want their movies unwaxed. Unfortunately, 2 minutes at box office mojo proves he’s relentlessly full of shit, as usual.
Sylvester Stallone rolls out of bed after making virtually nothing for almost a decade, then churns out Rocky Balboa ($155 million), Rambo ($154 million), and The Expendables ($257 million).
Not withstanding that Rambo grossed $113 mil, not $154 mil, Ben’s using this as a comparison of testesteronic superiority over actors like Johnny Depp:
Four of Depp’s last five films not involving pirates have underperformed at the box office (the lone exception was Alice In Wonderland,
Two of those four:
Public Enemies $264 mil.
Sweeney Todd $152 mil (for a musical no less)
And why do you suppose he left out those Pirate movies?
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Curse of the Black Pearl $654 mil.
Dead Man’s Ghost $423 mil.
At Worlds’ End $309 mil.
Hollywood’s gonna take Ben’s advice any day now.
Hollywood’s gonna take Ben’s advice any day now.
Perusal of the top grossing movis of all time yields James Cameron as responsible as the top dog, with assist from Leo DiCaprio. And a lot of Daniel Radcliffe.
Not to mention the hairy-chested Elijah Wood.
Or the overly testosterone-fueled Tobey Maguire. Ben’s post is a complete fail. Reminds me of the culture fanzine back in high school, in which 15-years old yielded their super serious opinions on movies and music. When it was not just copying articles found in the press, it was, well, just like Ben Shapiro’s brilliant piece. At the same time, it never went over 100 xeroxed copies, which limited the exposure to being ridiculed.
And Tintin, there’s a niche market for a porn endeavor depicting Ben Shapiro and John Podhoretz engaging in sexual activities (of a kinky kind, of course).
Why do these culture critic types always go after comics? Here’s Ben’s problem:
According to the New York Post, the Man of Steel will now be “a conflicted 20-year-old who’s trying to find his way in the world … He wears hoodies, has smoldering eyes and, as a lanky Clark Kent, wears low-cut pants and hipster skinny ties.” Even more disturbingly, according to, the new Superman will be an emissary of the international way which presumably will be more in line with multicultural norms and practices. “I was raised in this country. I believe in this country,” Supermetroman will say. “Does it have its flaws? Yes. Does it have its moments of greatness? Yes. Bottom line is, it’s my home and I’ll always carry those values around with me. But if I do what I can do just for the U.S., it’s going to destabilize the whole world. It could even lead to war.”
Ben suggests (in so many words) that this is because DC is gaying up Superman. I think it’s more likely a bit of Frank Miller-ification. For those not in the know, Miller loathes Superman. Miller actually writes Superman into his comics and graphic novels just to mock him. There was a bit of this in Dark Knight Returns, but the worst of it was in his recent comic series Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder. In that series, Superman was portrayed as a dull-witted, overly cautious super-bureaucrat more interested in following the rules than getting things done. That series was a big hit, albeit not for the reasons Miller or DC intended – it was so atrociously bad that it looped around and became hilarious, so everyone had to own a copy of their own. Nevertheless, a success is a success, and I could certainly see DC going for an absurdly over-the-top edgy version of Supes in an attempt to get brown lightning to strike twice.
Also: I think that conservative culture critics are the only people who’ve used the term “metrosexual” in at least three years. How, exactly, can you mock a trend that’s already passed? It would be like me blaming preppies for all my problems.
Finally, looking at Shapiro’s list of manly vs. fruity actors, it appears that you’re not a real man unless you’ve shot someone and/or punched out someone’s lights in the last ten years (hence Nicholson – sure, he’s played badasses, but what has he done for us lately?). So tell me, Ben, you paragon of masculine virtues, who have you punched lately?
I would pay good money to see Ben tell Jack he is testosterone free. Especially the part where Nicholson’s eyebrows strangle him.
Also 2: Am I the only old fart who thinks of GEORGE ReeveS when he thinks of Superman?
Don’t get too mad a Ben. The only Jack/Hoffman films he’s seen have been Batman and Hook, respectively. I am sure he’s unaware they share five Oscars between them.
So tell me, Ben, you paragon of masculine virtues, who have you punched lately?
Clearly, after writing this, Ben punched the clown.
Thanks Ben.
“there’s a niche market for a porn endeavor depicting Ben Shapiro and John Podhoretz engaging in sexual activities (of a kinky kind, of course).”
No…there isn’t.
“Thanks Ben.”
Coming as this does after their orgasmic rapture over the stunningly homoerotic 300, I think we have identified the source of the rightwing’s virulent homophobia.
androgynous heroes of the 1970s – testosterone-free actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson
Nothing says limp-wristed girly man like slamming a pistol down on the bar and screaming “I AM THE FUCKING SHORE PATROL!”
OTOH, maybe that inspired that guy in the Village People–those are all manly archetypes that Ben would
fap toadmire, right?It’s always good to see New York Law Firm back at the Sadly, No!
Well let’s see –
Big tough John Wayne avoided military service in WWII.
Mild-mannered Jimmy Stewart flew B-24s over Germany.
It’s so difficult to distinguish between art direction, styling, actors, their publicity, roles they play — it’s all mixed up in my head.
Ben Shapiro has obviously not read any early Superman comics. The earliest comics had Superman as a man of the people, even going so far as to torment arms dealers (you know, like President Chimpy’s granddaddy). Besides, Superman didn’t come to this country through legal channels. Why does Ben Shapiro support fictional illegal aliens?
D Johnson says, accurately–
I think that conservative culture critics are the only people who’ve used the term “metrosexual” in at least three years.
Well, not counting when my wife used it yesterday. I was remarking on the fact that one of our Rhodesian Ridgebacks jumps into bed with me every morning and “does his nails,” methodically chewing on and licking his claws. “He’s a metrosexual,” she explained.
But never mind that. Cyril Connolly once took a paragraph by Aldous Huxley and italicized every cliche in it. Half the graf was in italics. You could the same with Ben’s prose in a second. Select, click the Italics button, and you’re done.
Even into the Silver Age in the ’50s and ’60s, some of Superman’s most common plot points revolved around his bumbling nerd identity, his job as a librul-media reporter, his devotion to a woman who had a weird love-hate relationship with him, his sorrow over the loss of his home planet and his foster parents, and his weaknesses — to Kryptonite, to magic, to whatever bizarre schemes his girlfriend and his pal dreamed up. He had one of the weakest Rogues Galleries around, dominated by physical wimps like Lex Luthor and the Toyman and Mr. Mxyzptlk who nevertheless schooled him more often than not.
Anyone who knows shit about fiction knows that it’s a character’s weaknesses that make him or her cool. Ben doesn’t know shit about fiction — all he knows is what kind of man makes him weak in the knees.
SHOW that kid who’s super!
“You’re gonna get raped.” Superman seems to be thinking.
I wonder, does he ever tire of writing the same thing over and over? Lamenting about some lost ideal of manliness is hardly new for the right. Anyway, we should let women decide who’s manly and whose not. A guy doing it is somewhat creepy. That’s right, I said it. Ben Shapiro is creepy!
Why doesn’t Hollywood make icons of masculinity like Rock Hudson any more?
Feh. I take it the subtext to Ben’s requiem for machismo is that TLM {teh librul media} is brainwashing helpless innocent males into queerism with increasingly wimpy stars? Funny, I’ve got a pile of body-counts here that say otherwise.
that Flynn, well, if he could hold it down, he fucked it, irrespective of the gender of the naughty bits involved
… or quite possibly the species either. Dude was a walking talking neurochemistry experiment gone horribly awry.
I know Ben’s a silly person and all, but he raises a good point. When I was a little kid, there were real icons of masculinity, men with manly jobs: policemen, construction workers, soldiers, cowboys, Indian chiefs, you know, Manly Men, with manly mustaches. Maybe tough guy outlaws in leather chaps riding around on motorcycles . Men who exhorted us to live a life of freedom, to be macho men. What do we have now? Sensitive guys who are in touch with their feelings? That’s great and all, if you’re a THERAPIST, but that’s not the kind of man our society needs. We need men who will stand on a warship in a crotch-enhancing outfit and tell Americans “We want you. We want YOU. We want you as a new recruit. Mission Accomplished”.
Also, Ben Shapiro lacks either the utility or the jocularity of a queef.
His strenuous efforts to convince anyone otherwise are hurting English.
Yes, what could possibly be more butch than a man in a peacock-blue bodystocking with a big red S on the front.
“I’m superrrrrrr, thanks for asking…”
Does he ever notice the irony of questioning Jack Nicholson’s manliness while doing so?
Metrosexuals have always been popular, see Peter O’Toole, David Niven, Rex Harrison, Rudolph Fucking Valentino… And image-google Errol Flynn if you think he wasn’t one. And Ben, just because you prefer your crushes to be more poorly groomed means nothing about the masculinity of men who bathe.
Superman is an anchor baby.
Randle Patrick McMurphy was a queen.
Best wingnut comment EVAR?
“I think the loss of maleness began with ‘Roe v. Wade’. I mean, consider the purpose of a real man: it’s to fight like hell to save a life and enforce a strong moral code. But after 1973 that was at odds with a woman’s ‘right’ to take a life and not feel any guilt about it. So something had to give. Voila! Real men became women – excuse me, metrosexuals.
I know this may not be the real explanation but it’s the only one I can come up with.”
“I think the loss of maleness began with ‘Roe v. Wade’.
I thought the Chinese were aborting girl fetii.
Metrosexuals have always been popular, see Peter O’Toole, David Niven, Rex Harrison, Rudolph Fucking Valentino…
And women were crazy about these guys. Let’s make a bold, thought-provoking assumption: Ben Shapiro has a problem with women.
Ben Shapiro has a problem with women.
That’s only fair, since all evidence suggests that women have a problem with Ben.
You know what else began with Roe v Wade?
Global warming
The cholera outbreak in Haiti
Reality television
And somehow the rise of Hitler
“I think the loss of maleness began with ‘Roe v. Wade’.”
Translation: “I can’t get it up unless you are forced to have my baby.”
+2 to N_B
noen, you may not be surprised to learn that a woman (supposedly) wrote that comment.
+2 to N_B
That and fifteen dollars will get me a coffee at Starbucks.
I mean, consider the purpose of a real man:
I thought that was to crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
“noen, you may not be surprised to learn that a woman (supposedly) wrote that comment.”
That’s hard to imagine. Living as I do in hippy central Minneapolis I don’t think I know any women who are anti-abortion. I guess maybe the Ethiopians or the Somalians.
I’m ok.
The only purpose of a real man is to fix things around the house.
I thought that was to crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
The women lament real loud when manly men sex up their husbands and goats.
“The women lament real loud when manly men sex up their husbands and goats.”
Some lament, some watch.
David Brooks Compares Raising Social Security Retirement Age to Having Wisdom Tooth Removed
David Brooks, now *there’s* a real manly man.
“I think the loss of maleness began with ‘Roe v. Wade’. I mean, consider the purpose of a real man: it’s to fight like hell to save a life and enforce a strong moral code. But after 1973 that was at odds with a woman’s ‘right’ to take a life and not feel any guilt about it. So something had to give. Voila! Real men became women – excuse me, metrosexuals.
So putting all of this new found knowledge together, if women are the killers and manliness is fighting like hell to save lives, why wouldn’t giving Medals of Honor for saving lives be manlinizing it rather than feminizing?
The only purpose of a real man is to fix things around the house.
That is so not true. I also take spiders away.
if women are the killers and manliness is fighting like hell to save lives, why wouldn’t giving Medals of Honor for saving lives be manlinizing it rather than feminizing?
Only if killing women is involved.
“if women are the killers and manliness is fighting like hell to save lives, why wouldn’t giving Medals of Honor for saving lives be manlinizing it rather than feminizing?”
On the topic of evil women: the full, restored “Metropolis” goes on sale Tuesday. I’m salivating already.
” I also take spiders away.”
Spiders I can handle. How are you with cockroaches?
“So something had to give. Voila! Real men became women – excuse me, metrosexuals.”
Apparently all real men secretly want to be women and the only thing preventing them their duty to fight and enforce a strong moral code. But once that responsibility is gone — poof, he can’t wait to sit and gab about Lady Gaga.
I crush cockroaches, drive them before me, and listen to the lamentations of their women.
all real men secretly want to be women
Only for the softer underwear.
Ok, I laughed out loud.
I actually loath cockroaches and the relish the thought of their kind suffering.
How can anyone write or say man’s man unironically? I mean, there are many other words for what a “man’s man” is.
“I mean, there are many other words for what a “man’s man” is.”
A husband?
Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter were manly men, and probably enjoyed looking at other manly men in old Steve Reeves movies rather like Frank-N-Furter did. Whereas in the 80’s all they’d have seen were things like “Scarface”, “Raging Bull”, “Terminator”, a couple of Dirty Harry films as well as those horrible girly men roles Jack Torrance (The Shining) and Darryl van Horne (Witches of Eastwick).
Apparently all real men secretly want to be women
I don’t get their thought that grooming and looking attractive to the ladeez makes one a woman. Especially as they don’t typically consider lesbians the height of femininity.
“I mean, there are many other words for what a “man’s man” is.”
A husband
Valet, silly.
Man’s man.
Major General.
Reese’s Peanut-Butter Cup.
“Valet, silly.”
Yes, John Gielgud truly some man’s man.
Gaaa!, I shouldn’t type so fast, I’m dropping words.
Fork me running… What is it with these conservative closet cases trying to make “manliness” points when it is abundantly clear they have no foundation of their own for doing so in the first place? First it’s ol’ Bryan “Hollywood War-Porn Gives Me the Chubbies” Fischer lamenting the “fact” that “real men doing real damage and killing real people for Christ” aren’t getting Medals of Honor, and now Shapiro with his “How DARE Hollywood not give me more sweaty bear chests?” melodrama.
Seriously, I think there are more queens in the right wing than we realized. What universe did I wake up in?!?
Spiders I release back into the wild.
But cockroaches deserve death.
Does this make me an arthropod hypocrite?
cockroaches deserve death.
While I agree, my 16-year-old-Venus-on-the-Half-Shell-reading-self says “Uh oh.”
Christopher Reeve’s Superman is Private Benjamin’s masculine ideal? The same Superman who did not kill the crooks and the villains, but *gasp!* turned them over to the police to be prosecuted under the law?
Has Private Benjamin seen Superman IV, wherein our manly superhero attempts to rid the world of nuclear weapons?
“But cockroaches deserve death”
I’m pretty sure this makes you a manly man.
Yet another home-schooler with emasculation issues.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Perfumed soap makes you a manly man.
More people will still shell out bucks to see Harrison Ford (as long as he stops the metrosexual post-Calista Flockhart crap) and Sean Connery than they will to see Robert Pattinson sans fangs.
I can’t be arsed enough to actually do any more than the most superficial research, but is he for real here?
What was the last film Connery did? Did it outgross Twilight?
“League of Extraordinary Gentlement” 2003 – Gross:
$66,465,204 (USA) (16 November 2003)
“Twilight” – 2008 Gross:
$191,465,414 (USA) (2 April 2009)
Also, too:
“Extraordinary Measures” (Ford’s last film with a sales record) 2010 – Gross:
$11,854,694 (USA) (7 February 2010)
This whole fetish for masculinity is something that only under- or un-sexed people could concoct*. Masculinity is the quality of maleness. You can be a super-male queer or a mincing straight (like me). It doesn’t matter. Hemingway is supposed to have been two strikes, one ball, if you follow my meaning, and he was butch as bourbon. My
beardwife thinks I’m as manly as a feller can be, yet I wear spectator shoes in the summer.Why? Because I am a man, and I’m comfortable being a man, and I don’t regard masculinity as some cosmic, some armpit-smelling Rubik’s Cube that has to be solved with each side having only one color or I’m a gay homosexual queer. The main thing is to get laid, or failing that, not to give a shit. This poor suffering refoulé seems to think masculinity is a function of orientation, maybe because he once† was mistaken for a twink and it really offended him. But notional masculinity is nonsense anyway. Who cares? Go restore a Bronco if it matters that much to you.
Oh wait, then you’re a dyke.
†once every few minutes
…when the men were men and the sheep (or goats) were afraid.
If I recall correctly, the original comic book Superman had no visible body hair at all, and even lacked nipples. I’m not sure whether that made him more or less manly.
All I know is…I enjoy being a girl.
You can even get to be a Harvard professor by rattling off things that are manly:
He also does manly things like translating Tocqueville and teaching William Kristol.
All I know is…I enjoy being a girl.
Well so do I but only on occasion.
Oh wait, then you’re a dyke.
Today, we are all Lesbians.
The more or less original Superman®’s hair & beard wouldn’t grow under a yellow sun, Samson style.
I blame it on miswiring my orgone accumulator when I integrated it into the interoctior.
Alas, Nigella Lawson still has that restraining order against me.
even lacked nipples
On the other hand, that is very manly.
The efforts of these closeted men to shake off their gay tendencies by initiating wars, stomping on poor people and dictating what is morally correct is really ruining the country.
Jack Nicholson? Unmanly? This from Ben Shapiro, who I doubt could sit through The Departed without fainting. Holy Shmoses.
Requires music.
I was singing it in my head.
Don’t know. My sweetie seems to think I’m kinda cool, so I guess I am manly enough.
On the other hand, Stallone has sucked farts ever since Death Race 2000.
And little Benji fapped to 21 Jump Street. No exceptions.
And Noen, I got to drive around in the ice storm last night for sweetie. If she wants cockroaches killed, they’ll wait a day until my BP returns to somewheres below infinity/are-you-kidding.
I just love how manly Harrison Ford is in Hollywood Homicide. The constant yabbering about real estate really turns my crank. And who could ever forget how HOTT it was when he stopped in the middle of a sex scene to eat a donut?
Only a real man’s man would do that.
Manly Jack Nicholson.
Just in case I’m not the only person who hasn’t seen this yet.
I think this Benji’s way of telling us that he broke his Buzz Lightyear doll and wants a new one for Christmas.
I’ve got a first edition of Fredric Wertham’s 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent , worth over $1000 (bought it at a St. Vinnie’s thrift store for 50 cents).
According to Wertham, Batman has been turning boys queer since the 1940s, and he’s even got pictures to prove it.
Manly Sean Connery
Manly Manly.
Three thoughts:
1) Col. Nathan R. Jessop, USMC would be pleased to discuss with Ben which of them is the metro. The colonel suspects Mr. Shapiro can’t handle the truth.
2) There is a current pop culture Superman on the TV show Smallville. Clark Kent is a plaid wearing farmboy, chock full of platitudinous American values inherited from his plaid wearing red-stater father. The jewel tone wearing metrosexual is Lex Luthor.
3) Metrosexual appears to be a word used primarily to express butthurt that clean smelling guys with laundered clothes get laid more often.
@Smut Clyde : Darby O’Gill? I haz a curious.
Not to mention the little people.
Also the feminisation of Toy story 3 is an OUTRAGE!!!!111
I think we’ve found the target demographic for the COD: Black Ops special edition Jeep.
A pretend manly man.
Effeminate men scare sexually insecure men; they threaten the assumed dominance and superiority of the male gender and create the need to define oneself with gender-neutral terms: honesty, bravery, loyalty, morality, having an ethical compass, a sense of responsibility and compassion; all of which are hallmarks of an adult, a state not yet achieved by the developmentally-arrested masses of physically mature males who try to pass themselves off as grown-ups.
If you don’t think your penis is big enough, it’s not. You may as well kill yourself now and avoid the humiliations of the locker room and the bed room.
World Without Men
Metrosexual appears to be a word used primarily to express butthurt that clean smelling guys with laundered clothes get laid more often.
This. Among “culture critics,” the term seems to refer to men who shower and shave on a regular basis, or eat vegetables willingly. This is because culture critics have the same perspective on masculinity as your typical ten year-old boy.
Religious Right types tend to claim that maturity is a large part of masculinity. Ironic, that.
Just in case I’m not the only person who hasn’t seen this yet.
Hah! I voted for that!
I think we’ve found the target demographic for the COD: Black Ops special edition Jeep.
Good Lord, you’re not kidding. Why couldn’t you have been kidding?
Effeminate men scare sexually insecure men; they threaten the assumed dominance and superiority of the male gender and create the need to define oneself with gender-neutral terms: honesty, bravery, loyalty, morality, having an ethical compass, a sense of responsibility and compassion; all of which are hallmarks of an adult, a state not yet achieved by the developmentally-arrested masses of physically mature males who try to pass themselves off as grown-ups.
That. And effeminate men provide sexually insecure men with an opportunity to criticize or ridicule someone else’s sexuality (or try at any rate) to draw attention away from their own perceived insecurities.
Superman? Pfah. Just another Gay Nigger From Outer Space.
I also find it humorous that one of those “testosterone-free” actors has basically fucked half of Hollywood.
That girly-man Brad Pitt keeps shoving his gayness down Angelina Jolie’s throat, thus preventing her from finding a true manly man with a hairy chest.
Manly political leadership.
And – as a counterbalance – Manly commies.
Shapiro things Jack Fucking Nicholson is “testosterone-free”?
Are you kidding me? Did he even see The Last Detail or A Few Good Men? Maybe Shapiro thought it was a remake of “On the Town” or something.
Plus, there are probably several dozen children ranging from 3 to 35 running around the West Coast who bear a striking resemblance to Nicholson and could attest to the efficacy of his glandular system.
Man, Ben Shapiro is a card. You think he realizes how funny he his? And I mean “funny” in every sense of the word.
Everybody needs to click on Snorghagen’s commie link. It’s the Potemkin Village People.
Gayniggers from Outer Space is available on youtube
It’s the Potemkin Village People.
I was expecting them to be careering down a giant stairway, in a baby carriage. Shenanigans!
Good Lord, you’re not kidding.
To borrow a phrase, Sadly, No! I seen it while I was sitting around all manly watching some manly football. I’d’a been wearing BVDs and a wife beater to complete my manly image but it’s friggin’ cold here.
Thankfully, having actually bred, I’m secure in my manhood and thus can huddle in my fleece and complain about the cold.
Sorry, off-topic, but this is hot. McAddled refuses to fly if it requires being groped by TSA screeners. Usually McMegan flatters herself *intellectually*.
I apologize in advance.
I mean, consider the purpose of a real man: it’s to fight like hell to save a life
Wow, no wonder guys are having confidence issues these days, given that life-saving fights are so few and far between in everyday life.
If you haven’t saved somebody from a knifing by slamming a broken bottle against their assailant’s head with your bare hands, you best get crackin, fella, or YOU ARE NOT FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE AS A MAN.
I suggest the local biker bar as good place to start. Better take a potential knifing victim with you, though. So few of those just show up whenever you need them.
and enforce a strong moral code.
That is a purely masculine function?
Good to know!
Now where did I put that knife…..?
To echo many commenters above – Jack Fucking Nicholson???
This dooshbag thinks he’s more macho than Jack Fucking Nicholson????
God almighty that boy has some issues.
And yeah, he didn’t actually compare himself to anyone, but if you write a column criticizing movie machismo you had better have a leg to stand on (so to speak).
Also2: Actors spend hours getting their hair and makeup done before they go to work. If that ain’t “Metrosexual” I don’t know what is.
Maybe Ben just wants an excuse to wear a little eyeliner. Which is fine by me. Provided he plucks those fucking eyebrows while he’s at it.
“there’s a niche market for a porn endeavor depicting Ben Shapiro and John Podhoretz engaging in sexual activities (of a kinky kind, of course).”
No…there isn’t.
Yes there is; it’s called The Daily Telegraph
Maybe Ben just wants an excuse to wear a little eyeliner. Which is fine by me. Provided he plucks those fucking eyebrows while he’s at it.
He can’t do that. People will stop mistaking him for Brooke Shields.
You know what makes a manly man manly?
Rum, buggery and the lash.
Marty Feldman beeeaaaaaaaatches!!!!
Ugly Hunchback etc: I always thought Marty Feldman was sexy. Way back in the 1960s, he did a sketch in which he played a super-smitten soccer player who chased Queen Elizabeth II down the field, trapped her in the goal netting, and jumped her.
It was absolutely Lawrentian in its intensity!
Shit, I forgot to give props to the Marty Feldman comment. That was good stuff. *pats hump* good job, Hunchy.
What hump?
I’m never gonna not appreciate a Mel Brooks movie quote.
Hey HappyCamper,
whereas honest gay me has looks that would land him the role of the (possibly nazi) officer?
There are certain Republican reenacters (reenactors?) that are interested in meeting you. Might I pass along your number?
I’ve been giving it some thought, and all these cracks about Ben and porn have gotten me thinking.
Is it possible that right-wing discourse has the same basic categorizations as pr0n? Think about it; you got your barely legal (Ben Shapiro), interracial (Clarence and Ginny Thomas), lesbian (Liz Cheney, Tammy Bruce), gay (Dan Blatt), humiliation/gonzo (James O’Keefe), etc…
I gotta get out more.
You’re the man now, dawg.
He also does manly things like translating Tocqueville and teaching William Kristol.
Is there anything as manly as a neoconservative? I would submit that there is, in fact, not.
teaching William Kristol
That is unpossible. He learns nothing.
Teaching William Kristol? As long as his goal was to teach Kristol to be condescending whil being wrong, he did a great job.
I misunderstood. I thought there was a class in Bill Kristol. I would not take that. Not even for extra credit.
a purely masculine function
I prefer programming in strongly-typed languages, but this is getting ridiculous.
lesbian (Liz Cheney, Tammy Bruce)
Just so we don”t get any visits from Liz’s shotgun, Mary’s the Cheney daughter who’s lesbian. Liz has five children. Maybe she’s trying to prove something.
A little buckshot to the face makes you manly.
Perhaps this clown?
Smut, I’m reading on my iPhone,so I can’t easily quote, but from one nerd to another:Well played. Martini?
Hey Smut,
Real Programmers don’t write in strongly typed pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories.
The young Donald Rumsfeld, preparing to reach out and firmly grasp another man in a very manly and entirely heterosexual way.
To borrow a phrase, Sadly, No!
Scary but true. It’s really hard to talk about video games “growing up” when the industry is infantilizing its consumers, and that Jeep just screams “hyperactive 5th grader’s idea of manliness.” At this rate, Modern Warfare 4 is going to ship with adult-size diapers.
On the topic of evil women: the full, restored “Metropolis” goes on sale Tuesday. I’m salivating already.
Ooo, do you know if the Alloy Orchestra’s alternate soundtrack will be on it?
Other Rumsfeld grasping.
Mary Cheney. My bad.
I try not to think about any of the Cheney clan more than absolutely necessary.
Ooo, do you know if the Alloy Orchestra’s alternate soundtrack will be on it?
I believe it’s just the original score performed by a full orchestra, but I’ll find out when I buy it.
“McAddled refuses to fly if it requires being groped by TSA screeners.”
The TSA would need a step ladder.
nym fail!!
In the 1930s, anti-Semites like Father Coughlin used euphemisms like “Oriental” and “cosmopolitan” as a supposedly sophisticated substitute for “kike.”
Now, punks like this Shapiro kid say “metrosexual” instead of “faggot.”
Same shit, different bigot.
Same shit, different bigot.
Ahhh, for a world when people are actually tolerant, instead of simply chucking out old prejudices only to bring in new ones…
Are these new ones?
I don’t think of George Reeves when somebody says Superman, but as a wee lad, yeah, my afternoon B&W tee vee reruns were pre-Christopher Reeves Reeves.
I think what Ben’s trying to say in his roundabout way is he’s a bottom.
Jimmy Olsen?
Not so veiled Batman penis reference.
Somewhat veiled batman penis reference.
It’s not what you think! They’re still not gay!
Not that there isn’t something wrong with that.
Don’t get me started on Archie!
There are certain Republican reenacters (reenactors?) that are interested in meeting you. Might I pass along your number?
Not sure, though putting on a costume for a high fee … I’ve tended to steer away from the “I’d love to suck your cock. Or have buttsekx. By the way, I’m not gay.” crowd.
Oh yes, I didn’t mean to imply anything untoward! But that does seem to be a rather large contingent among Ben Shapiro’s crowd… No?
The Batman & The Goat.
But that does seem to be a rather large contingent among Ben Shapiro’s crowd…
As has been amply showed with numerous examples above.
Love the Batman/ Goat pic. What could possible be the context of such a panel?
Peter Parker was sexually assaulted as a child?!
There’s always this classic.
Or, ummm…
I think of this as Shapiro’s veiled plea for someone to, ahem, fulfill his unmet needs.
Maybe I should dig up the corpse of Roy Cohn and put it in his bed.
> And that Jude Law rescued Watson from decades of being relegated to fat, bumbling and incompetent sidekick.
Nigel Bruce last played Watson in 1946, but I’m sure Andre Morell, David Burke, Edward Hardwicke, and all the other much more svelte and intelligent Watsons of the intervening decades will be delighted to hear that they’ve made no impression whatsoever.
Oh, and I know it’s been said, but… Jack feckin Nicholson? Seriously?
more svelte and intelligent Watsons
That’s hot.
That superdickery site is horrifyingly hilarious. Or hilariously horrifying. I can’t decide.
Not surprising that your photo-composite makes Ben look like more like the Harry Potter guy than “Robert Pattinson sans fangs.” Perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on Ben. After all, Roy Cohn was adamant that he was heterosexual. Sure, he had tons and tons of sex with hot guys (many of whom he infected with HIV), but he was truly a man among men. Like J. Edgar Hoover. If you’re conservative it is impossible to be “gay,” no matter how much gay sex you have.
Like Arky said way up-comment: George Reeves is Superman, not Christopher Reeve, at least for those of us who grew up with a 6-inch TV.
Funny, Superman sure looks waxed here…
Our movie stars are now metrosexual rather than men’s men.
Hm. So, um, Russell Crowe? I wonder how closely he shaves…Will Smith? I’m sure he worries about his man purse. Same thing with Denzel Washington. And I know Samuel L Jackson, the baddest ass muthafucka of all badass mutha fuckahs, gets manicures.
Project much there, Benny?
It seems I am obligated to post this.
“According to the New York Post, the Man of Steel will now be ‘a conflicted 20-year-old who’s trying to find his way in the world … He wears hoodies, has smoldering eyes and, as a lanky Clark Kent, wears low-cut pants and hipster skinny ties.'”
I dunno, he sounds pretty hot to me. Then again, I’m a little queer.
Has anyone mentioned Zardoz yet? Because Zardoz. His hair is in a *braid*, for fuck’s sake.
Also, Superdickery has provided me hours of entertainment. HOURS.
I’m not getting out of the boat for those mangos, but did the Virgin Ben comment on Viggo Mortensen’s naked grappling in a bathhouse in Eastern Promises ?
He wears hoodies, has smoldering eyes and, as a lanky Clark Kent, wears low-cut pants and hipster skinny ties.
He’ll also sport those ironic square glasses and have a mock Mohawk
Viggo Mortensen’s naked grappling in a bathhouse in Eastern Promises ?
Was he naked? It looked like he was hiding behind a boa constrictor.
If you’re conservative it is impossible to be “gay,” no matter how much gay sex you have.
Or drunk, no matter how many wineboxes Althouse opens. Or fat, no matter how many HoHos Fudgie stuffs down his maw.
*left softball out over the plate*
It looked like he was hiding behind a boa constrictor.
*koffkoff* stuntpenis *koffkoff*
Warning, long and rambling road ahead. For those uninterested in me going off at length (heh) about nothing in particular, here’s a diversion:
With that out of the way – more preamble.
Even though Shapiro’s cite of motherfucking Jack Nicholson as “testoterone-free” is pretty much untoppable as EPIC FAIL, let’s take a look at his other example, 70’s Dustin Hoffman*.
I strongly suspect that Embarassing Wedding Night Ben was referring to Tootsie, which was a stupid fucking movie. Also, it’s from the early 80’s so it shouldn’t count**. Kramer vs. Kramer is 1979, so maybe this is what he’s referring to. Here Hoffman starts the movie as a very testoterone-y A-type personality typical workaholic dude and ends up being all hugs and in-touch with his emotions and touchy-feely and looking like a big sissy comapred to Meryl Streep. Wotta WUSS!
Only the family values first victim of a crazy woman and prejudiced man-hating court is pretty much every conservative dude complaining about lie-beral anti-man bias.
What about the rest of the 70’s Hoffman oeuvre***? I haven’t seen all of it****, but I do have this notion that Dustin Hoffman’s film persona at that time was characterized by meek and milquetoast*** characters that find themselves in seriously fucked-up situations where they are forced to man-up.
Papillon. Sure Hoffman’s Louis Dega is conniving little shit and he certainly seems testoterone-free next to Steve McQueen, but then again, who wouldn’t look testoterone-free next to Steve McQueen? And he still does more manly shit in that movie than Shapiro has in his patriotical explosion filled wet dreams.
And then there’s Marathon Man. I suppose this sentence could be the TL;DR version.
And in closing, I totally did Ben Shapiro’s mom.
*I am not defending early Dustin Hoffman just because of his role as Anne Bancroft boinking Benjamin Braddock. Maybe.
**Although let me say that it takes some balls to take a leading role in a movie involving that much cross-dressing.
***oeuvre? milquetoast? Rilly Wangchuck? In an essay about masculinity and dude-ness? The most manly thing you can do with milquetoast and oeuvre is French toast, and (being French) that’s still pretty faggy.
****But probably a lot more than Shapiro has.
…that’s still pretty faggy.
But faggy in the good “slathered in butter and maple syrup” kinda way.
Nothing is more manly than jamming gold up your ass. Just ask Glenn Beck.
Dustin Hoffman took “thinky” roles as his career matured past Midnight Cowboy (Kramer, for example, or “Who Is Harry Kellerman…” or Carl Bernstein in All the President’s Men). It really wasn’t until the mid-90s that he took roles for the sake of a paycheck (like Outbreak or Sphere).
But really….the man played Capt Hook. I’m sure he terrified Ben enough into wetting his bed!
Ben could have Midnight Cowboy in mind when referring to Dustin Hoffman. His character has TB to start with, and doesn’t man up much.
His character has TB to start with, and doesn’t man up much.
He walks in front of a NYC cab, and then argues with the driver.
Can’t get much more manly than that, I don’t care how many wolves you kill from a helicopter.
Can’t get much more many than that, I don’t care how manly wolves you kill from a helicopter.
Shifting an “l” makes a bit of a difference.
Okay, one more time WP.
re:Midnight Cowboy
It could be that this is what Ben was referring to. Midnight Cowboy is from ’69 and Ben probably spends a lot of time thinking about cowboys and 69.
Ahhh, for a world when people are actually tolerant
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So
Gee, should the Mission Accomplished banner go up at the Bush library?
Gee, should the Mission Accomplished banner go up at the Bush library?
Yes, in the “Fucked America Up Worse Than My Dad?” wing.
You know who else didn’t wax his chest?
His character has TB to start with, and doesn’t man up much.
He walks in front of a NYC cab, and then argues with the driver.
Can’t get much more manly than that, I don’t care how many wolves you kill from a helicopter.
And that was unscripted, too. The cab wasn’t supposed to do that, and Hoffman stayed in character…
Oh, and quit talking about kicking ass. I could make you cry in the space of 30 seconds
Ooo, make me say “Mommy”!
Scott, jury’s still out on that one:
I think what you all are trying to say here is that comic books are not the least bit homoerotic. That is the message I’m getting.
“Mistress” perhaps.
I think what you all are trying to say here is that comic books are not the least bit homoerotic.
Especially “Reid Fleming, World’s Toughest Milkman“.
I think what you all are trying to say here is that comic books are not the least bit homoerotic.
Man/man, no. I dare anyone to tell me that Poison Ivy and Catwoman haven’t experimented.
I dare anyone to tell me that Poison Ivy and Catwoman haven’t experimented.
And you can’t tell me Betty and Veronica are angry with each other because of perpetual PMS.
I dare anyone to tell me that Poison Ivy and Catwoman haven’t experimented.
I’ll be in my bunk. Back in about 10 minutes.
Back in about 10 minutes.
Back in about 10 minutes.
It takes that long for the blue pill to work.
Or, uhhhhhh, so I’m told.
Back in about 10 minutes.
Altho that could include the cuddling afterwards, too. Also.
It just takes me that long to find it…
Can you cuddle with your hand?
Can you cuddle with your hand?
It’s as easy as cuddling with a woman afterwards.
Can you cuddle with your hand?
Right, yes. My left is a cold, heartless bastard.
My left is a cold, heartless bastard.
I wouldn’t go that far.
Um, I mean, so I’ve heard.
It’s as easy as cuddling with a woman afterwards.”
But it can’t be nearly as much fun.
“Right, yes. My left is a cold, heartless bastard.”
The love ‘Em and leave ‘Em type, huh?
Nothing like cuddling with “Spanky”.
The love ‘Em and leave ‘Em type, huh?
He can’t stray far… geometry’s a bitch.
But it can’t be nearly as much fun.
He never yells at me because I hog the blanket.
Thank you Mistress May I have another one?
“Thank you Mistress May I have another one?”
What? A beating? Tongue-lashing? Cookie? Help me help you.
Oooo-ooo! I’ve never had my tongue lashed! What is it lashed too?
Oh sure. Story of my life…..
Makes a comment…..gets nuthin….. has to leave to do the Sunday dishes…..THEN it’s all:
Oh. Marty! Oh hunchbacks are HOT HOT HOT HOT sexy time ….
“Snort said,
November 22, 2010 at 19:09
Oooo-ooo! I’ve never had my tongue lashed! What is it lashed too?”
Omg…can that thing possibly be as good as a hand?
My god, where is this thread going?
Oh. Marty! Oh hunchbacks are HOT HOT HOT HOT sexy time ….
Time to raise the rates again.
My god, where is this thread going?
To hell in a hand-
basketjob.“Makes a comment…..gets nuthin….. has to leave to do the Sunday dishes…..THEN it’s all:
Oh. Marty! Oh hunchbacks are HOT HOT HOT HOT sexy time …”
That’s what you get for having a life outside S,N!
Thread! Tongue lashing! I get it! Kinkaaaay!!!
Superman is an illegal immigrant.
Someone contact the Austin Powers franchise.
God dammit. I spent all morning trying to remember the name of one of the original manly men of Hollywood. And now that I have Elmo Lincoln’s name, I can’t think of anything funny to say about him or Ben Shapiro.
teaching William Kristol
From Slashfic Of The Damned … to a cinematic rom-com smash!
(“Rosanne Barr is the chunky-yet-spunky Tea Party Patriot from Delaware who signs on as tutor for the hapless neocon mountebank Chevy Chase … pouting, bonding, an epic scooter chase scene & wacky misunderstandings ensue!”)
‘Teaching William Kristol’
Probably too late. Story of my life. I’m right there with ya’ hunchie.
ANYway, My left is a cold, heartless bastard.
Mine always falls asleep right after.
That’s what you get for having a life outside S,N!
This is my alter-ego…..disguised as mild mannered hunched dishwasher for Sadly,No!….
Rosanne Barr is the chunky-yet-spunky Tea Party Patriot
Heeey. I think we’ve found the actess who could play K-Lo. If there were ever a reason to put her into a movie.
I know at this point I’m beating a greasy spot on the ground that used to be a horse, but where exactly do Little Big Man and emm-effing Straw Dogs fall on Benny’s Manly/Not Manly scale?
Also, it’s Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Catwoman’s all about the S&M.
Right, yes. My left is a cold, heartless bastard.
This thread sure is getting stranger.
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
Brando would have been a good K-Lo.
Also, it’s Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.
Earth 1 elitist.
Catwoman’s all about the S&M.
So’s poisoning men and controlling their minds.
I want to play me in my biopic. The biopic that will never be made because I don’t think people are clamoring to see a movie about one woman’s triumph over Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So
Holy crap, I thought that was you editorializing a Shorter, not the actual title and content…
I want to play me in my biopic.
The third-reel highlight will be you singing “I’ve got to be me,” right?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Left or right?
“N__B said,
November 22, 2010 at 19:45
I want to play me in my biopic.
The third-reel highlight will be you singing “I’ve got to be me,” right?”
It will not be a musical. It will be a VERY SERIOUS Movie of the Week. Or soft core porn.
Right left whatever. I ambidextrous.
Or soft core porn.
I don’t think there’s a big market for movies of you sleeping.
…outside of Actor.
“I don’t think there’s a big market for movies of you sleeping.”
No, no, not that. I never said how I got my Carpal Tunnel…
Yeah well, I got dishpan hands.
Since Marty is no longer with us, i guess Dustin would have to play TUHTWDARTDB
I never said how I got my Carpal Tunnel…
Hm. This could make your biopic much more interesting to a certain segment (heh) of the population.
The biopic that will never be made because I don’t think people are clamoring to see a movie about one woman’s triumph over Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Now THAT’S comedy!
I don’t think there’s a big market for movies of you sleeping.
…outside of Actor.
with, dammit!
And…and..I’ll have you know that I’ve updated my blog with pictures of me where I’m actually awake. So there. Well…you can’t see me, but I’m sticking out my tongue.
“Marlon Brando said,
November 22, 2010 at 19:52
Right left whatever. I ambidextrous.”
I am Spartacus.
Dustin would have to play TUHTWDARTDB
“You askin’ me to ring the dinner bell?
You askin’ me?”
Can you get carpal tunnel in other parts of your body?
Can you get carpal tunnel in other parts of your body?
Chris Christie got it in his P.A.
Can you get carpal tunnel in other parts of your body?
Only if Chris Christie doesn’t pull your funding.
Can you get carpal tunnel in other parts of your body?
Carpal tunnel is tendinitis of the wrist and hands, so, no. But you could get tendinitis on other tendons, Tennis elbow for instance.
I know, just a yolk.
Ben Shapiro knees?
Ben Shapiro knees?
Marty Feldman eyes.
More like ….
Judge Wapner….Wapner comes on at 4
… Or soft core porn.
“Carpal Tunnel 2: Fingers of Fury”
“Carpal Tunnel 2: Fingers of Fury”
Marty Feldman eyes.
She’s got Kirstie Alley big fat thighs
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
This made me giggle. *approves*
I guess “Fists of Fury” would be the hardcore version…but that ain’t my scene…and…ouch.
You mean “The gun is good. The penis is bad.” Zardoz?
Nothing could be more manly to li’l Benji than that.
Metrosexual appears to be a word used primarily to express butthurt that clean smelling guys with laundered clothes get laid more often.
I always thought it meant that guys who ride the Metro get laid more often
Also, Seymour’s my man’s man.
Yeah well, I got dishpan hands.
Beats athlete’s hump.
At this rate, Modern Warfare 4 is going to ship with adult-size diapers.
Beats poopsocking.
I just don’t get this weird obsession with what could be considered, at best, quaternatery sexual characteristics. Lacking any real “macho” qualities, they obsess over red meat, cigars, and crap like that.
Hell, I enjoy cooking and sew my own buttons, but that makes me competent, not feminized.
Uh, I meant to write “quaternary”.
quaternatery sexual characteristics
I bet 400 quaternateries!
Came on strong in this article, but I enjoyed it. Well written & opens up a lot of conversation as I can see. After raising my 2 children I was well experienced in ironing clothes, cleaning the house (toilets) & cooking meals daily.
Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman are “testosterone-free“? What the fuck? I mean, what the fuck? Here’s hoping Mr Nicholson conducts a Shining re-enactment outside an unsuspecting Shapiro’s bedroom door.
400 quaternaries on the newcomer!
Hell, I enjoy cooking and sew my own buttons, but that makes me competent, not feminized.
Yes, but they’re manly buttons.
I always thought it meant that guys who ride the Metro get laid more often
I remember a soldier sleeping next to me.
guys who ride the Metro get laid more often
Riding the underground is risky, and therefore manly.
The heat from below can burn your eyes out.
Hadn’t taken in commentary from the Sadlynauts in a day or three and wanted to catch up…..and regardless of your assurances from your bigcitynewyorkelitistintellectuallawyers, THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. That image of the Virgin Ben and JPod, well, it’s either plunge icepicks into my own eyes or resort to pharmaceuticals in order to sleep without hideous dream images. That was just….totally…..wrong on so many levels I can’t even count them.
The really funny part is Spankin’ Jack has probably gotten more pussy than Shapiro is.
I remember a soldier sleeping next to me.
*polite golf clap*
Nunn better.
This was funny. Thank you for the laugh.