$#*! Bozell Says
Posted on November 12th, 2010 by Tintin
ABOVE: Mullah Al-Bozell
Shorter Mullah Ba-Rent Al-Bozell; Clown Hall
The Vast Child-Fattening Conspiracy
- Verily I say unto thee that it is better in the eyes of God the Merciful that a child should become morbidly obese from sugary sodas, Hostess Ding Dongs and Big Macs than that such child should ever hear the word fuck uttered on television.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Oh, no you don’t. You thought you could get me to leave the safety of the boat and slog around in that swamp looking for mangoes. No. No. NO. I can smell from here that those are some badly rotted mangoes and I don’t have my hip waders and pooper scooper with me.
Don’t like hearing “Fuck” on the telly? Don’t get a television.
Oh, and violence is much more appropriate for the youngun’s than sex. Too also.
Do I leave the boat? Do I stay here and eye those flyblown mangoes onshore?
While I’m deciding about that, I will comment that it’s always puzzled me that our society is OK with graphic depictions of people hitting, shooting and blowing each other up but we jump up on the chair and scream like a little girl with a mouse in the room if sex is depicted.
That’s always struck me as weird to the point of being pathological.
Seeing sexy ladies makes you diabetic. It’s true. It’s how I became a widow. Thrice.
FFS, Illinois is only second to Cali in terms of fiscal insolvency. Curse them bastards for ever thinking that raising money from people’s extravagances could go toward things we all could see fixed. (Go ahead and try to tell me that candy, soda, and sweetened drinks aren’t extravagances. I will make the notable exception of chocolate for women. For them it appears to be an essential nutrient and therefore it should not be taxed.)
I will make the notable exception of chocolate for women. For them it appears to be an essential nutrient and therefore it should not be taxed.
Also, shoes. Ack!
Sex or violence? Sex or violence? Why does it have to be a choice? Why can’t we have both? I think we should be showing naked people beating the hell out of each other in primetime, and on Saturday morning cartoons!
And no, I don’t have a newsletter, website, bittorent, RSS, Flikr photstream, twitter account or facebook page for you.
At least not for free…
And no, I don’t have a newsletter, website, bittorent…
Sounds to me like you have a business plan.
I believe Carlin covered this nearly forty motherfucking years ago.
Okay, Sheriff. We’re gonna fuck ya now. But we’re gonna fuck ya sloooooowwww.
Fuck, Bozell. Isn’t that horse beginning to stink?
And no, I don’t have a newsletter, website, bittorent, RSS, Flikr photstream, twitter account or facebook page for you.
In his defense, Al-Bozo does mention violence. Unfortunately, he lumps it in with sex and profanity.
Because sugar passes, but FUCK gets stuck to your bones for life.
Go ahead and try to tell me that candy, soda, and sweetened drinks aren’t extravagances.
There was an astroturf commercial in the fall over the soft-drink tax, featuring an housewife taking in the groceries, complaining angrily about being taxed for “trying to feed our families” while she was hauling two 2-liter bottles of soda.
I thought, “Yeah, sure, lady, try ‘feeding’ your family with soda. Don’t worry; they won’t tax the glucose IV you guys’ll eventually be living on.”
Maybe what Brent should do is fatten up his own children, just to show us. The satisfaction he’ll feel is worth the type 2 diabetes.
“trying to feed our families” while she was hauling two 2-liter bottles of soda.
yea, that was one of the more interesting commercials this season. She has her son with her, and he’s popping 2Leets into the cart like they’re going out of style…
The only reason leftist pervomaniacs are trying to prevent childhood obesity is that they want the kiddies to grow up to be nimble and energetic participants in all those Soros-sponsored IslamoMarxist sex pentathlons.
(In all seriousness, I must commend Bozell for reviving the excellent phrase ‘sexual libertines’. Thanks, Brent!)
she was “trying to feed our families” to the insatiable god Moloch! H e will not be placated with skinny underfed runts! Only the best marbled man flesh for our firey overlord! All hail Moloch!
They did it for the children (and, allegedly, for roads and bridges).
Let’s have Bozo and Danno from the previous threads have it out about the damn Nanny State telling us what we can and can’t show on tellyubishun.
She has her son with her, and he’s popping 2Leets into the cart like they’re going out of style…
Um, yeah, the kid was thirsty. What else is he supposed to drink?
Let’s be honest here: Wilford Brimley has the beetus, doesn’t say fuck on the television, and he is pretty damn cool.
Um, yeah, the kid was thirsty. What else is he supposed to drink?
Sorry, I had energy drink for breakfast and I’m not used to the caffeine.
Fucking hell, when you’re completely divorced from reason and reality, the utter joy you must feel when you pull shit out of your ass and claim it’s fudge must be exhilarating for nut jobs like Bozell.
Sophistry, thy name is batshit crazy.
Bozell makes an interesting point considering a majority of people whose diet consists of sugary sodas, Hostess Ding Dongs and Big Macs will probably not ever hear the word “fuck,” at least not in a sexual context.
You would think that Bozo would be a “Bread and Water” guy for teh kids to keep them b ig and strong for fighting off the Swarthy Hordes. Old guys can lush it up because they have earned their wingnut welfare fighting in the trenches of the Kuklturkreig against “wee-wee” and “poopy”.
t s t lt lbrls. Rpblcns hv lrd tkn vr th Hs f Rprsnttvs nd wll sn tk th Snt nd th Prsdnc n . Y hv lst m lbrl frnds. LST!
I’ll have what 77 is having.
I got your sex and violence right here.
Yeah. Gotcha. I’ll bookmark that…
“You have lost my liberal friends. LOST!”
Nuh uh. I don’t have seasons 2-5.
We’ll just have more time to devote to sexual deviation.
You have lost my liberal friends. LOST!
If the Repbs control all three branches, the entire country loses.
i hear the word fuck every time bozell is on my teevee.
You have won, my conservative, teabagging, nutjob, wall biting, poop eating friend, WON!
So now, once you’ve cleaned up all the gloatjism you’ve been spraying all over the place, you get to run the place. Here’s the keys, congratulations!
Good luck running a government you don’t believe in. Have fun getting mouth-breathing yokels, bible-thumping fanatics, fat-cat bajillionaires and career political hacks to agree on What Must Be Done. Enjoy conducting 2 wars, starting a few more, and delivering on your promise to create more American jobs while cutting the taxes that might actually pay for some of it.
Did the Republicans stamp and “no-erasie” control of the house or something?
Victory is fleeting.
“We’ll just have more time to devote to sexual deviation.”
Oh, I’m totally gonna do it froggy-style now. Just to spite Brent Bozell.
vn thgh Rpblcns ddn’t qt mng t tk cntrl f th Snt, w stll md sm mprssv gns thr. B fr r grtst vctr f th nght tk plc n th Snt whn fr lft mnbt Rss Fngld ws dftd b T Prt cnsrvtv. N WSCNSN! nd frtn yr Dmcrtc vtrn Blnch Lncln ws dftd b th vr cnsrvtv Jhn Bzmn. lctn d ws qt th nght fr cnsrvtvs. nd t ws shdw f wht s t cm n lctn nght n , whch b ll ndctns wll b n vn mr dcsv Rpblcn vctr.
You have lost my liberal friends.
I don’t believe you had any friends, liberal or otherwise, and we certainly had nothing to do with your losing them.
I’ll have what 77 is having.
It mixes quite well with Red Bull.
Statement 1: We should regulate what children are exposed to in government funded schools they are required to attend
Statement 2: We should not regulate what adults are exposed to on private television stations and movies they pay to see.
For some reason, I have a sneaking suspicion that these two statements differ and can’t necessarily be considered contradictory. Can anybody help me understand?
Don’t worry about me. I’m okay cleaning up the previous thread.
By the way, VS, ontdey eatday the ishfay….. if you catch my meaning.
We’re going to fuck you, Sherriff. We’re going to fuck you slow.
Rss Fngld nvr sw scl xprmnt, dvnt lfstyl, r spndng bll h ddnt lk. H ws sl n f th mst lbrl mmbrs f thr hs f Cngrss. Hs dft ws b fr nd w th grtst vnt f th nght. Lks lk Wscnsn, Pnnsylvn nd Nw Hmpshr wll ll b trnng Rd n lctn nght n bsd pn ths yrs md trm lctns. nd m gld t s trdtnl Rpblcn stts sch s Vrgn, Nrth Crln, ndn nd h rtrn t th cnsrvtv fld. Wht blssng.
Hmm, wait. Let me remember. How do I bookmark again?
Jonah would never fuck a sheriff with so many vegetables on it.
Even though Republicans didn’t quite manage to take control of the Senate
I’ll leave you with this thought; you didn’t manage to take control of the Senate, “quite” or otherwise.
That means your so-called “tsunami” still falls short of the insurgent party’s victory in both 1994 and 2006. And both of those elections turned out to be flashes in the pan. How well do you think your even less impressive “revolution” will fare?
Give me a fucking break already, I’m dead fer chrissake.
Hank Henry, you’re absolutely right about everything. I, for one, stand chastened and corrected. I hang my head, thoroughly educated. My buttocks sting almost unbearably from the brisk thrashing I have received, legs trembling, barely able to hold me up. But they must, for if I fall, the beatings will recommence, and with my hands strapped tightly behind my back, how will I struggle to my feet again? Please do not harm me. I am willing to learn, bathed in tears of humiliation and the reeking jets of your man-spackle that bedizen my flog-swollen flesh. Please do not shackle me again to the iron rings set into the dungeon wall. Please do not scourge me with those cruel knotted cords! Rather, dominate me if you must, harshly squeeze my genitals with your studded gauntlets, but eventually relent and stroke my straining member until I cry out with release and issue forth my thin liberal seed!
Newsletter available on invite-only basis.
Give me a fucking break already, I’m dead fer chrissake.
That’s no excuse for not reading the rest of the thread first.
So we’re gonna be reading S,N in Hell? That seems about right.
For some reason, I have a sneaking suspicion that these two statements differ and can’t necessarily be considered contradictory. Can anybody help me understand?
Statement 1 is invalid ’cause there should ain’t be no gummint-controlled mind control skeewls.
So we’re gonna be reading S,N in Hell? That seems about right.
L’enfer, c’est les autres.
So we’re gonna be reading S,N in Hell? That seems about right.
If I read my Dante aright there’ll be POOP enough for all.
Give me a fucking break already, I’m dead fer chrissake.
yea, but your fucking older brother keeps doing your act.
Vrai. De plus, je tiens à répondre Mark Twain.
If I read my Dante aright there’ll be POOP enough for all.
Diabolical butt-trumpets (aka Hank Henry) for EVERYONE!!!
Vrai. De plus, je tiens à répondre Mark Twain.
Comme les cigares, vous?
One assumes the disemvowler has determined that Henry the Yanker is another alias for Troofie or whoever the racist asshat is who drops by from time to time and shits on a thread.
I hope this is true at least, as Yankin’ Hank wasn’t all that offensive. Yet.
My preferred spelling is “$#¡+”, but what the fuck.
BTW, if my response makes no sense, blame the translator. What? Do I look some fucking faggy Frenchie here?
Do I look some fucking
faggypreggie Frenchie here?FIXED!
My preferred spelling is “$#¡+”, but what the fuck.
Go read your TV listings, please.
Do I look some fucking faggy Frenchie here?
Oh, baby, just put on this beret, and stick this comically large loaf of bread under your arm… Ooh la la!
BTW, if my response makes no sense, blame the translator.
It’s ungrammatical enough that I’m trying to puzzle it out. What was it in the original Klingon?
A pregnant lady with a beret and some bread? There ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. *goes to look for bread or something else to stuff in mouth*
This actually make me chuckle out loud. I was attempting to say at least I’d get to meet Mark Twain in Hell.
goes to look for bread or something else to stuff in mouth
You’re going to say that with actor in the neighborhood?
*getting popcorn*
For Chrissakes somebody get me the keys to these handcuffs. Hank left the building.
I know. I walk right into these things.
The sordid truth is that Bozell seeks sadomasochistic sex with fat children smeared in deserts! Thus our liberal plot would destroy his only sources of pleasure.
What’s the safe word, Monsieur Dampniche?
BTW, picked up your debut novel- congratulations.
The sordid truth is that Bozell seeks sadomasochistic sex with fat children smeared in deserts! Thus our liberal plot would destroy his only sources of pleasure.
Now I want a Brent Bozell as Baron Harkonnen photoshop!
You’re going to say that with actor in the neighborhood?
She’s knocked up already. I had nothing, NOTHING, to do with it. We clear?
I know. I walk right into these things.
That’s what SHE said.
Yeah. Why the hell do you think that bastard Sasquatch is so scarce?
Now I want a Brent Bozell as Baron Harkonnen photoshop!
Y’know, this makes so much sense on so many levels, I’m shocked it hasn’t happened already.
This reminds me of one of my favorite short, dumb jokes.
“A guy walks into a bar…and says ‘ow'”. Tee hee! I still love it!
Instead of bleeping cuss words, they should just replace them with the voice of Brent Bozell saying “Jesus Christ, our lord and savior”. Instead of re-editing movies, they should just superimpose a video of Brent Bozell chastising you for your sins against the official state religion on top. Let’s go full-on Tealiban!
Yeah, when I think “libertine behavior”, I think of forcing kids to sell Fiber One bars, Soy Crisps and Ayala’s Herbal Water for their fundraisers.
I know. I walk right into these things.
Repeatedly, is what I’m told.
I think we should be showing naked people beating the hell out of each other
Hack into mikey’s webcam.
Sorry, I had energy drink for breakfast and I’m not used to the caffeine.
But you’re fine with the 12% alcohol content?
Bozell seeks sadomasochistic sex with fat children smeared in deserts!
I am no expert on paraphilias, but you’d think the sand would be a turn-off.
I am no expert on paraphilias, but you’d think the sand would be a turn-off.
The mingling of pain and pleasure should appeal to Mullah Bozell’s martyr complex.
It’s alphabet soup, kid, but like you’d get in Wales.
Gonna be?
Oh, baby, just put on this beret, and stick this comically large loaf of bread under your arm
Why this is hell, nor are we out of it.
And ferchrissake, the ahem was just for fun. I kid. I kid because I love.
Now, THAT’S comedy!
A loaf of bread on my head? Sure. Being topless? No problem. I draw the line at wearing corn on the cob as a scarf, however. That’s just weird.
A loaf of bread on my head? Sure. Being topless? No problem. I draw the line at wearing corn on the cob as a scarf, however. That’s just weird.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
This is an outrage! I will accept no water that isn’t properly encased in plastic!
The first amendment doesn’t guarantee one the right to buy or sell sugary shit on government property.
P.S Fuck you Bozell, you fucking fuck.
It’s alphabet soup, kid, but like you’d get in Wales.
Lunch Lady is dreamy.
Mae’n wyddor cawl, plentyn, ond fel y byddech yn ei gael yng Nghymru.
$#*! Bozell Says
Have you seen my prig around? I feel naked without it.
Mae’n wyddor cawl, plentyn, ond fel y byddech yn ei gael yng Nghymru.
Fuck! Lunch Lady speaks Welsh!
Fuck! Lunch Lady speaks Welsh!
The core question is this: If a troll posting in Welsh is disemvowelled, can anybody tell?
Rss Fngld nvr sw scl xprmnt, dvnt lfstyl, r spndng bll h ddn’t lk. H ws sl n f th mst lbrl mmbrs f thr hs f Cngrss. Hs dft ws b fr nd w th grtst vnt f th nght. Lks lk Wscnsn, Pnnsylvn nd Nw Hmpshr wll ll b trnng Rd n lctn nght n bsd pn ths yrs md trm lctns. nd ‘m gld t s trdtnl Rpblcn stts sch s Vrgn, Nrth Crln, ndn nd h rtrn t th cnsrvtv fld. Wht blssng.
Hank Henry said,
November 12, 2010 at 22:10
Typical conservitard. After being disemvoweled, he re-posts the exact same post, doubling down on the stupid, expecting something new to happen.
Garcon! More popcorn over here!
Hi, Hank! Trig is having a great day.
Dearest Henry, congrats. Now where are the fucking jobs.
The core question is this: If a troll posting in Welsh is disemvowelled, can anybody tell?
I believe the very next post answers your question.
Fuck you, tintin. You queer apologist scum.
Rss Fngld nvr sw scl xprmnt, dvnt lfstyl, r spndng bll h ddn’t lk. H ws sl n f th mst lbrl mmbrs f thr hs f Cngrss. Hs dft ws b fr nd w th grtst vnt f th nght. Lks lk Wscnsn, Pnnsylvn nd Nw Hmpshr wll ll b trnng Rd n lctn nght n bsd pn ths yrs md trm lctns. nd ‘m gld t s trdtnl Rpblcn stts sch s Vrgn, Nrth Crln, ndn nd h rtrn t th cnsrvtv fld. Wht blssng.
Hang on…so there’s a disemvowelling script now?
Heya, Hank, now where are our fucking jobs, bitch?
Oh look, Yankin’ Hankie is back, posting the same crap, now with added hate. Hankie, you know that kind of stress is bad for your heart, don’t you?
Keep up the good work!
Buh-bye Hank. Taste the ban hammer.
Oh. Hank’s a homophobe too. Quelle surprise.
“Oh look, Yankin’ Hankie is back, posting the same crap, now with added hate. Hankie, you know that kind of stress is bad for your heart, don’t you?”
Meh. He was probably eating 5 KFC Double Downs a day…just to spite us.
Mae’n wyddor cawl, plentyn, ond fel y byddech yn ei gael yng Nghymru.
My get rich quick scheme: I’m going export vowels from France where there is a major surplus and import them to Wales where there is very high demand. I figure about 1500% mark-up.
Meh. He was probably eating 5 KFC Double Downs a day…just to spite us.
Hankie, you know running with scissors is bad for your safety, right?
Hankie, you know gargling with Drano is bad for your health, right?
Hankie, you know riding a bike on the freeway with your eyes closed and no helmet is bad for your life, right?
I’m going export vowels from France where there is a major surplus and import them to Wales where there is very high demand
Even better import from from Hawaii (or anywhere else in Polynesia) where there is a serious glut and export to Poland or any other Slavic country, where they are in desperate need of some.
I wonder how disappointed these conservative twerps will be when they finally create their Randian utopia. Will they will look around at the blasted hellscape of sold off, clear cut, strip mined and polluted land that used to be a pretty nice to live, and blame that on liberals too? Will they look at disease ridden beggars starving in the street and blame that on liberals?
Even better import from from Hawaii (or anywhere else in Polynesia) where there is a serious glut and export to Poland or any other Slavic country, where they are in desperate need of some.
I’d like to see you turn this in to a triangle trade and bring some better mangoes here stateside. The ones I’ve been getting are rotten and smell like wingnut.
Even better import from from Hawaii (or anywhere else in Polynesia) where there is a serious glut and export to Poland or any other Slavic country, where they are in desperate need of some.
We’ll call it The Great Vowel Movement
Even better import from from Hawaii (or anywhere else in Polynesia) where there is a serious glut and export to Poland or any other Slavic country, where they are in desperate need of some.
I supported myself for years doing exactly this. The problem is, in the mid ’90s the big trading houses finally implemented computerized vowel arbitrage have sqeezed out the day trader. These days, if you don’t have the resources of the big boys, you had better just stay home.
disease ridden beggars starving in the street
Can’t access the youtube right now, but wasn’t there a recent incident where conservatives were flinging dollar bills at a sickly fella while telling him that they didn’t want his kind around?
So, much shorter answer: yes.
77s, they won’t be able to see that stuff from behind the 15 foot walls they’ll erect around their communities. From where they sit, it’ll all look hunky-dory, right up to the point where the mob overpowers the guards and breaks through the gates.
behind the 15 foot walls
95% or more of these chumps won’t be on the rich side of the wall.
“Can’t access the youtube right now, but wasn’t there a recent incident where conservatives were flinging dollar bills at a sickly fella while telling him that they didn’t want his kind around?”
Yeah. I think it was at a tea tardy rally. It was pretty disgusting. What’s sad is I know those guys only felt bad afterwards cuz they were caught being disgusting…not about the disgusting behavior itself.
The nerve! Who does he think he is, telling the “city-government” (I guess that’s like a city-state?) what to do?
And he said that eating oatmeal is the right thing to do.
95% or more of these chumps won’t be on the rich side of the wall.
You know that and I know that but they can’t seem to figure it out.
Wilford Brimley
More than a little creepy
The Bald Bastard just won a box seat in hell. There’s bottled water and Cheetos, but with a flaming dragon cock down your windpipe I’m not sure they’re going to be much of a comfort. Still, you’ll have something to read.
Speaking of disemvoweling, I have a nearly full carton of silent Es of East German manufacture. Original box. The extant letters have never been used. There’s less than one layer of them missing. I’d say fewer than 60 out of the original 4 gross. I’ll throw in some umlauts and a mixed lot of tharns to make up the total. Email if interested.
Actually, while I’m at it, I have some of those zeros with the line through them, too. Good-sized ones from the mid-1980s, not the spindly ones like Costco carries. I figure around three dozen of those. I’ve also got a huge novelty ampersand that lights up if it gets wet, probably originally for marine use. I’ll bundle them as one lot for $30.
Will they look at disease ridden beggars starving in the street and blame that on liberals?
Of course they will. They already do.
If the libs were to get rid of the minimum wage, all those beggers would have jobs. They would still live in cardboard boxes because the rent is too damn high but at least I wouldn’t have to see them around town during daylight hours.
[I meant the above as parody but after re-reading it I can totally see I conservative saying it.]
If we fatten people up and ban sex on TeeVee, then the only people who will have TeeVees are chubbychasing never-nudes.
[In the darkest recesses of Brent Bozell’s mind, he’s mentally dressing Maggie Gallagher]
And where will we get cut-offs that big?
HAHA! — Thom Hartman attempts to reason with Bryan Fischer about gays in the military. With predictable outcomes.
Hate to ruin your business plans, but my s.o. just consulted with his French cyber-pal and she informed him that France and Wales have the same number of vowels.
The thread has suffered murder most vowel.
France and Wales have the same number of vowels.
Yes, but the Welsh count ‘w’, which smacks of desperation.
Desperation in Wales is common when the Japanese fleet arrives.
And lasts until the Japanese slow leave.
Insert joke here to play on the alternative meaning of “smacks” as “small fishing ships”.
“The thread has suffered murder most vowel.”
I blame tsm.
Insert joke here to play on the alternative meaning of “smacks” as “small fishing ships”.
I believe that if you work at it, you can wrestle this joke to the ground and Another Kiwi can curbstomp it into submission.
Better export them from Hawaii first or they’ll undercut your prices.
Amusing trolling from HuffPo:
Big whoop about that, I think, but it does lead to a funny K-Lo line:
a flaming dragon cock down your windpipe
I never get invited to the cool parties.
Strangely relevant for some reason.
Brimley Baghdad Butterball.
Is Palin going to give a speech again this year while turkey heads are grinded to a pulp behind her because that was the most awesomest thing she has done ever? It should be a new Thanksgiving tradition. It sure beats the Macy’s Parade hands down.
I roasted a chicken last night (basic, classic, perfectly roasted chicken) so of course we’ve got leftover chicken in the fridge. Earlier this week I hauled all the chicken parts out of the freezer (I generally buy whole chix, cut them up and throw the bones, backs, wings, etc into vacuum sealed bags and toss em in the freezer until I’ve got a big batch with which to make stock) and made some insanely good roasted chicken stock – more of a chicken demi, actually.
The Ho took the day off and I made a nice little brunch of homemade chicken-apple sausage, potato gallettes, toast from the previous night’s bread (Artisan bread in 5 minutes a day has changed my life!) and creamy scrambled eggs. And mimosas with fresh squeezed OJ.
So tonight I’m taking the easy way out, making some kind of chicken a la king, blanquette, divan sort of thing. I dunno exactly what I’ll do – it’s always interesting to see what comes out of the cooking process! Savory scones, I think to serve it on, and of course a green salad. There’s yet another bottle of Gruner Veltliner to be demolished. Perhaps an apple fritter with ice cream to finish.
Speaking of walls…
Just a minute now, just askin’, but who’s the “Ho” here?
One of you has a job from which he has to take time off, yet the other is always taking the dog to the dog-park, cooking, or looking for non-cookable wieners on the Internet.
O.T. advise.
I was pulled over by th Po-Leese about four hours ago. Apperently I ran a red light. When he said “You know you ran the light over there.” I said the truth which was “Yes, I tried to make the yellow but it turned red right before I made it thru and I didn’t want to slam on my brakes so I just kept going.” Her gave me a warning and sent me on my way. The moral of this story is don’t bullshit a cop who has heard every excuse in the book and maybe you will get lucky.
This of course does not apply to real crimes like D.U.I. (never say I only had one or two beers because that qualifies as reasonable suspicion and count on saying the alphabet backwards on the sidewalk with one leg in the air) and also don’t admit to having cocaine or a dead body in the trunk. The less they know the better. Word to the wise.
always […] looking for non-cookable wieners on the Internet.
Not _always_.
Our roles have changed over the years. And such as.
Watching “The Walking Dead” on AMC right now, and it occurred to me: Haven’t seen ZRM around lately. Did his fingers finally rot off or what?
Buttered Executioners with Sugared Poops
3 pounds conscientious executioners
7 ounces executioners
7 jiggers poop
7 jiggers female ice
4 portions Lucia Lenora’s Lacy Gooney bird fin, fresh
1 bag cocoa
2 bunches mustard
The second thing you are going to want to do is let the executioners soften. I recommend cutting it into fucking squares to let it soften quicker. Then you are going to roll the ice with the poop out onto a 4 X 11 (roughly) cookie sheet. Bake the dough at 293 Farenheit. YOU MUST LET THIS SETTLE BEFORE PUTTING ANYTHING ON TOP OF IT. Let it cool for at least 1/2 hour. You can chop up whatever frustrates you while waiting for it to cool and make the executioners center. For the center, mix the gooney bird and the executioners. You can use Tenisha-Magaret Antisemitic’s vampire bat tail but gooney bird is better for this recipe as you want more of a taste. Mix it with a blender until it is very creamy and there are no lumps. Then add in the cocoa to the executioners mix. Spread the executioners mix over the cooled ice bottom. I recommend putting it in dollups over the dough, so you can spread it around easier. Try not to touch the ice bottom as you are spreading it. The reason why the ice bottom has to be very cool is because otherwise it will start to lift up as you are spreading the ice. Make sure to get all spots where the ice shows. After this is done, sprinkle the cocoa on top. Don’t try cutting it until you have let it cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Before putting it in the refrigerator though, run a knife over the outside of the whole thing, so it is easier to get out later. If you try cutting it into slices before it is cool, the ice and the executioners will run along the knife with you.
Buttered Executioners with Sugared Poops
I see neither butter nor sugar being involved in this.
Also too – Tenisha-Magaret Antisemitic’s vampire bat tail, do they happen to sell that at Food Lion if you know offhand?
You WOULD go the bland route.
Do not eat:
Hey, what if I can’t afford proper Gooney Bird fin, eh?
Well are you a liberal elitist or what? I’m drinking a Gooney Bird latte right now.
Liberal elitist or not, if it’s between the rent and gooney bird fin the fin’s goin’ down.
That RightNetwork is really rolling along.
Looks like a boxcar fucked a dead goat.
PRESSESSERVERS!!!21st century, & alliterative!
I’m betting the boxcar was filled w/ POOP, too.
Speaking of recipes, the Gooney bird fin reminded me of this old family favorite:
Roasted Franchise Opportunity
Take a medium-sized franchise opportunity (the facility, not the franchise itself — you want as common a brand as possible, so the franchise itself is relatively bland), dredge it in egg yolk, then flour, and put aside. While the coating is setting, make a half-cup mince of olives, reconstituted or oil-cured sun-dried tomatoes, black pepper, olive oil, crushed garlic, and salt (proportions are typical of a tapenade). Arrange the franchise in a baking pan and spoon the mince over the top, holding back about four tablespoons of the mixture. I can’t remember what came next, but it was damn good. My favorite was Subway sandwich franchises, but oddly enough Radio Shack was good, too. It definitely doesn’t have to be a food franchise. Sunglass Hut isn’t good, though. Way too crunchy.
A right-wing crank like fuckin’ Hank
Sounds dumb when he hoots and he hollers.
He lies like a dog whilst trolling this blog
And dreaming of Mellon-Scaife dollars.
This poe is just so perfect. The tone. The word choice. The perfect use of shibboleths. Amazingly well done!
I was pulled over by th Po-Leese about four hours ago. Apperently I ran a red light. When he said “You know you ran the light over there.” I said the truth which was “Yes, I tried to make the yellow but it turned red right before I made it thru and I didn’t want to slam on my brakes so I just kept going.”
You’ve got to look up J. Fred Watts’ Kinematics and the Yellow Light– you were clearly in the dilemma zone.
I hate to lawyer this quote, but he does say “wasteful earmark spending” and not “wasteful, earmark spending”. (Assuming the quote is correct.) In the former case he’s only against wasteful earmarks, not the awesome kind of un-wasteful socialist spending that makes his constituents happy, like roads and shit. That doesn’t seem like a “pledge to end earmarks”. On the update when they think they are gotchaing Rand he says this, “But I do tell people within Kentucky is I say, look, I will argue within the committee process for things that are good for Kentucky that they want and also within the context of a balanced budget.” You know again, I’ll get those earmarks my constituents want like mine-safety inspections and other communist shit like that.
If the news is IOKIYAR, well stop the fucking presses, ThinkProgress!!
Oh awesome! Am I the thread killer tonight?
I’m just saying: I find Paul repulsive but it’s not weird to answer questions like “have you stopped beating your wife?” with No. No. Explanation.
Nah, it’s time that’s killing the thread, baby. It’s almost 2:30 AM, Eastern Standard Time.
You don’t have to tell me… I’m at work right now at 2:35 AM, Eastern Standard Time. Yay.
I’m in the same boat- one of my trademark yerba mate fueled all-nighters.
Sheesh said,
November 13, 2010 at 8:27
For every libertarian noob out there, pay attention. This is the reason you can’t cut down the size or spending of the federal government; because every politician will always insist on holding onto those special, vital earmarks that happen to be in their districts.
That, in turn, happens because their voters want it that way. I very seriously doubt if any of the red staters who dress in Revolutionary era drag to bitch about states’ rights and the size of government are willing to put their farm or highway subsidies on the chopping block to prove me wrong.
Now, we could just drop the pretense and ask the politicians to work together – you know, I fund your highway in Kansas, you fund my schools in Harlem, everyone’s happy. But that’s socialism.
Do not eat:
I never thought I would see that advice from Substance.
Hey Chris,
And it’s always exactly that case. Even the most sociopathic Republicans, and the most hypocritical ones, will insist that they have to get in their earmarks because they would be insane not to. You know? The ‘everybody does it’ defense: “I’m not going to make my constituents sacrifice all that sweet, sweet federal socialism just to make a point! That would be suicidal! I have to play the game!”
God I hate them. Let’s just agree that having society is good and that taxes pay for good societies and argue about the details like rational humans. I think reducing human suffering and death is a worthy goal for the state, present your counterargument or offer a competing strategy for accomplishing the former goal. That’s stuff we can measure. Less screaming and obstructionism please.
At least we can spend the next two years going, “where are the jobs, Rand?”
Do not eat:
I never thought I would see that advice from Substance.
JanusNode must’ve done him wrong.
Even the most sociopathic Republicans, and the most hypocritical ones, will insist that they have to get in their earmarks because they would be insane not to. You know? The ‘everybody does it’ defense: “I’m not going to make my constituents sacrifice all that sweet, sweet federal socialism just to make a point! That would be suicidal! I have to play the game!”
Meanwhile, the Blue States end up subsidizing “Real ‘Murka” with their federal tax dollars.
making some kind of chicken a la king, blanquette, divan sort of thing
Zees would maik you ze king of ze divan, n’est ce pas?
For every libertarian noob out there, pay attention. This is the reason you can’t cut down the size or spending of the federal government; because every politician will always insist on holding onto those special, vital earmarks that happen to be in their districts.
I’m reminded of how Newtie and his boys came in guns a-blazing about deficit control and taxes and how we had to cut spending.
Until Clinton said, y’know, with the Cold War over and this honking big Peace Dividend out there, why not cut some bases? Let’s start with….yours!
Whoa nellie!
I hate to lawyer this quote, but he does say “wasteful earmark spending” and not “wasteful, earmark spending”.
He also, the day before making his *enhanced* statement about earmarks, told Christiane Amanpour “No. No more earmarks.”
Which kind negates your point.
Zees would maik you ze king of ze divan, n’est ce pas?
Well played!
Ca plane, c’est moi.
Until Clinton said, y’know, with the Cold War over and this honking big Peace Dividend out there
And then the next guy comes along and all of a sudden we’re spending just as much (if not more) than we did at the height of the Cold War to fight an abstract concept embodied in guys with boxcutters and shoe bombs.
This is the reason you can’t cut down the size or spending of the federal government; because every politician will always insist on holding onto those special, vital earmarks that happen to be in their districts.
Of course, even if they cut earmarks down to zero it’s such a tiny percentage of the budget it wouldn’t even make a dent in the deficit. Nor would the foreign aid spending or anti-poverty spending the ‘nuts point to, nor is there enough “wasteful spending” in areas they’d be willing to cut. They want to stop donating the occasional can of generic soup to the food pantry while they keep maxing out the credit card to clean out gun shows.
At least we can spend the next two years going, “where are the jobs, Rand?”
Right, but we won’t. We’re Democrats, we have to play nice and all…
Meanwhile, the Blue States end up subsidizing “Real ‘Murka” with their federal tax dollars.
Yeah, I wonder what would happen if we tried to adapt Reagan’s welfare queen rhetoric to the coastal states and targeted the red states. Maybe get a movement started that demands they pay for their own friggin roads so we can keep the money and put it into, you know, our inner cities and the things that matter to us.
And then the next guy comes along and all of a sudden we’re spending just as much (if not more) than we did at the height of the Cold War to fight an abstract concept embodied in guys with boxcutters and shoe bombs.
And spending it all in the wrong place… because the Pentagon’s got all that clout and public support, we’re giving them the money to fight a war they’re not the ones qualified to fight.
“You’ve got to look up J. Fred Watts’ Kinematics and the Yellow Light- you were clearly in the dilemma zone.”
There were no pedestrians andI had more than enough time to make it thru the intersection safely. Having commited, I took the most responsible course of action which was to break the law. Suck on that moral absolutists.
“Meanwhile, the Blue States end up subsidizing “Real ‘Murka” with their federal tax dollars.”
If I were in congress, I would introduce a bill prohibiting states from getting more federal dollars than they give to Washington. It wouldn’t pass and I don’t necessarily thing it would be good policy but it sure would be fun watching all the conservatives get whiplash and grey matter on their suits from their 180 degree reversals and head explosions.
Having commited, I took the most responsible course of action which was to break the law.
In Memphis you would have looked in your rear-view mirror and seen three cars and a school bus follow you through.
If you’re naked in the library and knocked a book off the shelf, you might as well just keep going. [Warning: Partial nudity. Watch naked man wreck D.H. Hill bookshelves]
Shorter Beck; you can’t trust the Jews. They turn each other in during Holocausts.
“Meanwhile, the Blue States end up subsidizing “Real ‘Murka” with their federal tax dollars.”
Righties were for wealth redistribution before they were against it.
I am the greatest cookerman evah! Gawddam that was tasty.
Also. What shall we call the take back our money from the R welfare queens movement? We need a catchy name.
Also. What shall we call the take back our money from the R welfare queens movement? We need a catchy name.
The payback’s a bitch movement?
Something involving parasites, perhaps. The great delousing?
We need a catchy name.
Not In My Back Pocket?
No Handout Left Behind?
Twilight Of The Teabags?
Why is Brent Bozell wearing his daily supply of Dependz on his head?
Brane incontinence?
Teabag Shrugged
It’s not the government’s money, it’s your money. (*)
(*) offer void in blue states.
Just call it welfare reform, they’ll demand it be passed.
Yeah Jim that made me really happy too. I was there in 96 and saw her speak from that same gate and she totally won me over. That she’s been in there ever since is just plain wrong. Now there’s the 2100 other political prisoners, the slave labor gangs and all the rest but I am so glad she’s out at last.
Leftover nymfail. Best served cold.
The General has a new Amazon review.
here is a taste:
“I was also very moved by His recounting of His childhood encounter with the Bush family fetus jar. It was very vividly written. I can almost see Barbara Bush standing there in her blue gown, arms outstretched as she presents the fetus jar to young W. “Hold him, W,” she screeches, her pearls rattling angrily, “kiss your little dead fetus brother; kiss him now, you little mistake!”
Leftover nymfail. Best served cold.
Best served cold duck.
How to make your own Bush family fetus jar.
Mebbe we oughta scuse his bad side and look to the good one, shirley it’s his genes:
What’s sad is I know those guys only felt bad afterwards cuz they were caught being disgusting…not about the disgusting behavior itself.
Kinda like Bush feeling that the worst moment of his presidency wasn’t seeing the deaths of all those people in the flooded filth of New Orleans, it was AFTERWARD when Kanye West insulted him.
If that doesn’t sum up George Bush and conservatives in general…
There are several TV programs portraying the world of Republican success. They’re presented as “reality” shows about hoarders who are ruled by incurable compulsions that ruin the lives of themselves and those around them, and what they have to show for their effort is 99% junk.
That rewashed and refolded tin foil? I’ll be using that about the time I can use the millionaire tax cut.
That closet full of old sox that can be cut up for…something? Perhaps to wrap the spare F136 jet engines that the Boehnert loves.
And just like earmarks, they may be willing to give up the empty jockstrap box (but don’t burn it! just put it in the garbage can to await pick-up in 4 or 5 days).
Hey Actor,
No. I disagree. That was even in bold, bold type in the comment to which you are responding. And in the video. Amanpour asks him, “Are you still beating your wife?” To which he responds, no, no, no. Look, I’m going to get the pork my constituents want. Yes, I’m going to earmark, dummies.
Of course Obama said no earmarks too, so we’ll see how that goes. Since being contra-obama is the primary motivating factor in the country we can expect status quo: all the earmarks we can get away with. (As noted above:) Earmarks don’t matter, except as the President noted in his radio address, it’s how it looks to be saying “We need to cut the government spending” while at the same time feeding poor people. We need to stop feeding poor people and repairing bridges and inspecting mines because it looks bad when the deficit is so big! Stopping wars: not on the table!
President Cooks Source?
God, if only Bush got a fraction of THAT rage…
A pretty amazing blog entry that I discovered today. Hadn’t heard of this “Democratic Individuality” blog before.
Wikileaks and Elite War Crimes
For those in search of a perfect peaceful president;
Clinton clusterbombed Serbia.
Jimmy Carter publicly supported William Calley of the My Lai massacre.
Lyndon Johnson got us actively into that war.
JFK – “Now we have a problem making our power credible and Vietnam looks like the place”.
Harry S Tuman dropped the atomic bomb on civilians.
FDR put Americans in prison camps because of their ethnicity.
The troll, it’s speaking Welsh again!
Harry S Tuman dropped the atomic bomb on civilians.
NUH HUH they were military bases they said so!
If you’re looking for Clinton’s crimes, you can do far worse than Serbia. NAFTA did far more harm.
Got that right, Skippy.
Jimmy Carter publicly supported William Calley of the My Lai massacre.
Got a cite for that?
If you’re looking for Clinton’s crimes, you can do far worse than Serbia
Continuation of “no-fly/no-drive” zones in Iraq, bombing of Sudanese medical factory, TANF, DADT, DOMA, attempts to privatize Social Security, the Telecommunications bill…
Geez. What a mess.
Were people eating off these plates or ……wait…..is this a …..foot?
There’s a foot.
Fillet of sole?
wait…..is this a …..foot?
Don’t mind that, that’s prolly just a little “tip” from ZRM.
It’s like I kicked over an anthill here. Jeez guys, if you want to post, just post!
fillet of sole
from the golden arches?
(Is this a bad time to ask for more money?)
I do not want to post…
C’eci ne pas un post.
By the way, what is a URI?
Google suggests that it may involve a urinary tract infection….I’m hoping that it does not. Should I get one?
You’re a URI.
from the golden arches?
I don’t think you want toe go there.
I don’t think you want toe go there
Just trying to keep in step.
Just trying to keep in step.
Trying to get a foot in the door?
I can see you march to a different drummer.
Trying to get a foot in the door?
Nailed it.
Torture has far more entertainment value than drinking those DFH 100% fruit and vegetable juices. “Give me the right to torture and consume foods and beverages, with no nutritional value, or give me death.” ~famous Confederate politician
I can see you march to a different drummer.
ahhhhhhhh shit………got nuthin………….
ahhhhhhhh shit………got nuthin………….
I can see I’ve found your Achilles’ heel.
By the way, what is a URI?
Got a cite for that?
My point being that no American president was ever a perfect progressive saint.
I couldn’t find a cite for this, but I think I’ve read that Carter’s government was also favorably inclined towards the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia – back when they were having a little tiff with the Vietnamese, who were were still angry with.
There’s also the fact that he continued to support the El Salvadoran regime, and several other of our not-so-pretty allies.
For all that, Carter’s still as close as we’ve ever gotten to a good guy. Human rights were not defended perfectly or universally, but they took a higher ground than they ever had before. I’d like to think it could have led somewhere if it had been a sustained effort, instead of being cut off at the knees by Reagan and never returned to.
I’ll thank you toe keep your nail clippings to yourself.
“Jimmy Carter publicly supported William Calley of the My Lai massacre.”
Oh he committed far worse crimes than that. He got on the TV wearing a sweater and politely asked Real ‘Murikka to give up their god given right to crank the thermostat as high as they pleased.
Annnnnd… he gave away US SOIL in Panama instead of annexing everything between them and Texas like god intended. I think the right still can’t forgive him of that.
If you want to read great writing, read this post.
What Chris said.
Fuckin’ A that was good.
Jess Sane, I was sincere in asking for a citation for the Calley / Carter claim because I had never heard it before and yes, all presidents are flawed.
I could not find any mention of Carter in your first two links and the third one is Carter’s wiki page with no mention of Calley. The link to counterpunch makes a blanket statement with no source that Carter supported Calley’s release while Governor of Georgia. I did my own Googling and I think this is a better source and the claim appears to be true. http://dissidentvoice.org/Articles/Nevins_Carter.htm
If you look look for perfection in any politician you will be disappointed. I am disappointed to learn that Carter gave ‘moral’ support to a war criminal (perhaps it was political expediency) but I still give him props for being the only president since Hoover (I think) to have never dropped a bomb on another country. Low standards I know.
Gocart, thanks for the link re. the Springsteen stuff.
As for Smilin’ Jimmy not having dropped any bombs, well, we made an attempt to put snipers into a belltower on a campus Tehran, but using light machine guns instead, oh wait, that was part of the plans to rescue hostages, and things didn’t pan out. (If they had, he would be been re-elected, perhaps.)
Yes, King Ronnie and the usual 28% That Hold America Hostage went lulu over the canal deal. American Exceptionalism means never having to stop punching people in the face.
Carter was a conservative Southern Democrat. For those of you keeping score at home, in recent decades, we’ve had two of those, and now, an Eisenhower Republican kind of Democrat. That’s as good as it gets. Accept the one-lump shit sandwich, because there’s a lunatic chef in the kitchen who is stirring up a 5 gallon pot of shit & rotten mango soup for dinner. He’s even got his own TV show. And AM radio show.
As for Smilin’ Jimmy not having dropped any bombs, well, we made an attempt to put snipers into a belltower on a campus Tehran, but using light machine guns instead, oh wait, that was part of the plans to rescue hostages, and things didn’t pan out. (If they had, he would be been re-elected, perhaps.)
Failed though the attempt was, I like it a whole lot better than what his successor did. At least Carter didn’t try bribing terrorists with weapons that could then be turned back against us.
Reagan had cake! That’s just swell.
Oh, dear, apparently whatever it is, it runs in the family.
Bozell III’s daddy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bozell%26Buckley,1954.jpg
I’ve often thought Jimmy’s do-gooder stuff (Habitat for Humanity, MidEast peace stuff) as a way to make amends for not getting a second term to do some good stuff. Maybe not. At least he has been engaging in positive public discourse.
Nixon just crawled back under a rock ’til he died, kept his mouth shut. All the ex-presidents at his funeral looked like schoolboys in detention hall. Ronnie was a great doddering ol’ fussler ’til he clocked out. Harmless. Ford stayed low, too. Good riddance to his lucky ass, too. Big George and Bill have been respectfully sidestaged (except for campaign stuff, pretty much), and that’s good. Little George has to go and fuck it all up with a Grim Fairy Tale tome. Fifth Amendment, muthafukkah- do you read it? Oh, yeah, look forward- not backward. Fucking meatheads, how do they work?
Bozell III’s daddy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bozell%26Buckley,1954.jpg
I can’t even start w/ that picture. It looks like Buckley’s just been caught inside Skull & Bones trying to feel up the wasted/retarded jug-eared* blob next to him, while covering the action w/ the book.
*You better believe that was a VBJR. Too bad senior Bozell’s head isn’t flatter. Heh heh.
Reagan had cake! That’s just swell.
The cake is a lie!
Sorry… someone had to write that.
Oi, this idea of starting a “get out what you put in” state-by-state movement is brilliant. The baggers will get behind it because they all think they’re giving the most; if a couple of Repukes pick it up, the thing will amplify and wash up to the steps of the capitol. Of course it would never pass, because shut up, that’s why. But it might make a lot of coastal folks realize they’re getting screwed by the so-called heartland.
I suggest we call this movement No Free Lunch. Are you with me? Hey, gang! New idear to make all those WELFARE
COONSQUEENS in teh blue state urban centars SUFFER FOR BEING LAZY!!!!! NO FREE LUNCH! Your state can’t take out more than it puts in!!! I think Idaho would be first in line, or Texas.After me: a conservative is someone who believes if anybody but himself can win the game, the game is rigged.
Bastard, shouldn’t you be reading my book?
Of course it would never pass, because shut up, that’s why. But it might make a lot of coastal folks realize they’re getting screwed by the so-called heartland.
Yeah, that’s why it’d be awesome. I mean… I know we on the coasts don’t care nearly as much what the heartland thinks of us, as they care what we think of them. But after thirty or forty years of Palin-type “unreal America” snark you’d think there’d be some kind of backlash. Like, dude, where’s the pride?
… shouldn’t you be reading my book?
Is it in the peoples libraries yet?
AFAF, of course.
Bastard, shouldn’t you be reading my book?
It’s dark, and I
am likely to be eaten by a gruedo not wish to be scared.…Buckley’s just been caught inside Skull & Bones trying to feel up the wasted/retarded jug-eared* blob…
Oh, M. Bouffant, he wasn’t felling up…his bruther-in-law. Amazingly enough, Bozell married Patricia, Williams sister.
Perhaps not oddly at all, the Bozell’s lasting contribution to world culture is probably not Bozell III but the National Pork Board’s slogan: Pork. The Other White Meat!
Perhaps not oddly at all, the Bozell’s lasting contribution to world culture is probably not Bozell III but the National Pork Board’s slogan: Pork. The Other White Meat!
The runner-up suggestion was: Pork, because your body can take it!
Long pork, because we can take your body!
Long pork, because we can take your body!
Cheney’s got dibs on yer organs.
And me w/ no bacon in the bunker! Bastards!!
(NOT singling anyone out, but it’s dinner time, & you know …)
Oh, M. Bouffant, he wasn’t felling up…his bruther-in-law. Amazingly enough, Bozell married Patricia, Williams sister.
Central to my point, & I type that un-ironically.
And me w/ no bacon in the bunker! Bastards!!
A baconless bunker’s got no pork inside.
A baconless bunker is no place to hide.
completely o/t,a pammycakes article generator:
now im off to sleep off this port & cider hangover
OOH! OOH! You know who’d be hit hardest by a “get out what you put in” tax system?
Those rugged frontiersmen and individualists in Alaska!
Mwu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…
Ah, but Clinton, being prez at the time, not only went to that funeral, but had to speak. Here’s the full text of all the flowery nonsense he uttered that day:
Now, to wash that bad taste out of your mouth, here’s Hunter S. Thompson:
“If the right people had been in charge of Nixon’s funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.”
And here’s Harry S. Truman:
“Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he’d lie just to keep his hand in.”
More at:
That quote at the end about how his inner core of insecurity drove him to succeed, explains a lot of what the man was about. It’s that same insecurity that united millions of “real Americans” around him and turned the GOP into something broader than just a PAC for the Wall Street and country club elites.
No Free Lunch. I’m telling you. They’ll remember it: It started here at Sadly, No. Swept the nation. Alaska, most of the South, the core of the heartland, and some crackpot border states jumped hardest into the fray, demanding those freeloaders like California and New York get back only as much as they put in… only to discover the tit in their state was attached to the cow in another.
By jingo, I’m going to see about seeding this idea in Red State blogs.
Chris, have you read Perlstein’s “Nixonland”? I heartily endorse this event or product.
If you start now, you could finish by, say, Easter. Very thorough trip through those times.