Keep Shoveling, Danno, You’re Just Inches From China Now
In my last post, I mocked Dan Foster for threatening to resume smoking to annoy nanny-state liberals who wanted to put graphic warnings on cigarette packages. Not liking to talk behind anyone’s back, I tweeted Dan to let him know what I was up to and, well …
Citoyens, aux tweets!
Because I didn’t mention Danno’s minty green shirt or his physique, this retort is a bit odd until you realize that Dan is employing the double-reverse fake-out strawman defense. “Since I’m wearing an ugly shirt, you must be mocking me for that even if you don’t say so, which means that your are a shallow liberal who has no other argument to make and that I am, by default, right.” This may well explain why the staff at NRO is so oddly dressed, particularly Jonah in his undersized, sweaty, food-stained shirts. Whatever you say, they have the instant retort: “You’re making fun of my silly clothes, because you don’t have anything else to say,” even if you aren’t and you do.
It probably would have been more fun to tweet back that I hadn’t previously noticed his butt ugly shirt but now that he mentioned the shirt, it seemed likely that the Palin family would ask for it back sooner or later and that he might want to revisit, in any event, the traditional wisdom about vertical stripes. But I decided to take the high road instead.
This prompts Dan the Lepre-con to deliver what can only be be called a coup de gras.*
Hopefully while K-Lo is begging for more money and higher wages during the latest semi-monthly begathon at America’s Shittiest Website™, they’ll keep Danno locked in a closet somewhere because it really is hard to justify giving any money to NRO if they pay Dan much more than bus fare too and from the NRO offices and, frankly, even that seems like overly lavish compensation given his limited talents.
*Since I expect Dan’s French literacy to be limited, this footnote is for him and explains that my use of “gras” above is a pun and not a misspelling of grâce.
It would really bother my if he’d start smoking several dozen packs a day.
It would appear that Danny Boy reads every word of every comment. Someone did remark on his rather exceptional shirt… Minty, I believe it was called…
I will be upset if he fails to follow Rush Limbaugh’s health and diet advice.
Wuzza-wuzzup, Silly Sadlies? Looks like Dominant Dan, the Fabulous Foster, is skillz-skoolin’ you loony libs once again! The funky fact is, you better hope your precious Obummer can get his beloved hatin’ and regulatin’ out of his system now, because ConservoMentum kicked his commie hiney straight back to Chicago! Badoodle-boo-yeah! Time’s up, ya clowns, the Dumbocrap party is el toastarino! Say hello to El Presidente Super Sarah, the Power Palin!
You chumpus dumpuses just got hit with a SPREAD of TRUTH from Da Cool Coach! Urbanator out.
See, what we don’t realize is that kid’s smoking a pipe because he’s a URANIUM MINER and the nanny state government is trying to KILL him by requiring an easily ignored warning about face cancer.
No, you’re wrong because you’re an idiot who is proposing to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Your weight issues and (lack of) taste in clothing are secondary.
This prompts Dan the Lepre-con to deliver what can only be be called a coup de gras.*
Ohno he din’t!
The fat boy has sung, Tintin, better let him be, especially after we handed his ass to him in comments last thread.
That’s a green shirt? I thought he just had a lot of accidents while brushing his teeth.
The fact that there is either someone who really writes like the aforeposted Urban Meyer, or someone is demented enough to try to write like that…
Well, it makes me want to NOM the barrel of a BLUNDERBUSS.
That’s a green shirt? I thought he just had a lot of accidents while brushing his teeth.
It’s not a *real* green shirt – that’s cruel.
He’s in the last thread posting as “mako rojo”. The unusual comment to Tintin was the dead giveaway.
Maybe Dan Foster subscribes to the All. One. Guy. theory of the S,N! comments section and so thinks Tintin A.K.A. Gary Ruppert wrote all those comments himself. Actually, maybe Dan’s real name is crid.
Since he’s so sensitive about that ugly shirt, I’m surprised that he didn’t object to the comment written by the supposed “Another Kiwi” that he was doing a terrible Steve from Blue’s Clue’s impersonation. Musta stung too much to even mention.
It’s not a *real* green shirt – that’s cruel.
*polite golf clap*
NIcely played, sir!
That’s a green shirt? I thought he just had a lot of accidents while brushing his
teethtooth.Fixed for conservative normalization.
Wait. The guy with a fake Fidel (how ironic) get-up as his avatar is offended that you were making fun of his appearance (when you weren’t)?!?!
Maybe Dan is really some sort of deep meta-joke or something. You know, Poe’s Law for conservatives.
Since he’s so sensitive about that ugly shirt, I’m surprised that he didn’t object to the comment written by the supposed “Another Kiwi” that he was doing a terrible Steve from Blue’s Clue’s impersonation. Musta stung too much to even mention.
Boy, it’s a good thing we didn’t make fun of his beard…
Like, I’ve seen better beards at a dyke bar. That sort of thing.
You clowns are jealous. Dan Da Man’s shirt is awesome.
Now I can’t help but wonder whether Dan thought “chu-toro verde” would have been too obvious a troll name.
Seriously, I may be dumb, but you shouldn’t underestimate my ability to understand gras in any language. Look at me fer chrissakes.
There’s been someone commenting here under the name mako rojo for years. I don’t think that’s Dan. If it is him then he’s stolen a long time but occasional commenter’s name. Or he’s been among us all along. Either way we have cause to be very, very frightened.
I used to love that “Haters gonna hate” meme.
He’s in the last thread posting as “mako rojo”.
I don’t think so, unless he’s posted numerous times before.
There’s been someone commenting here under the name mako rojo for years. I don’t think that’s Dan.
LIGuy, go read his first comment last thread.
Ha! I knew it! Foster was one of those squishy kids in high-school who managed to grow facial hair before everyone else, but disappeared off even the nerd radar. Now it’s his turn! After all those years of watching all you “normal” people actually interact, it’s his time to pay you all back by being an annoying little prick. “Neeener-neener-neener, what bounces off me sticks to you!”
I’m pretty sure that comment was tongue-in-cheek.
You know, if the right wants to stop the left from calling them idiots, maybe they should stop doing things that only harm themselves just because they think it will piss off someone on the left.
Problem: The left wants to conserve energy.
Solution: Drive around aimlessly wasting gasoline and turn on every light and appliance in your home.
Result: Rightie wastes money on gas and/or electricity. The lefty, if even aware of the rightie’s actions, just thinks he’s an idiot.
Problem: the left wants to discourage smoking because it’s harmful.
Solution: SMOKE MORE!
Result: Rightie hurts his health and wastes money. The lefty, if even aware of the rightie’s actions, just thinks he’s an idiot.
Does this sound sane to anybody?
I’m pretty sure that comment was tongue-in-cheek.
I really don’t need to know about Danny’s sex life.
No, Dan. It’s because you’re a fat, stupid asshole in a green shirt.
There’s a difference.
No, Dan. It’s because you’re a fat, stupid asshole in a green shirt.
No no no, we think he’s wrong because he’s, you know, WRONG. The rest is just the minty-crisco icing on the nut cake.
I am so totally a fat guy in a green shirt who has so totally been pulled into a tweet argument with someone who made fun of me on the internetz just to show wha a serious guy I am. And who has an avatar of himself dressed as Castro. Totally. The fat part for sure.
Don’t make me tweet sarcastic comeback on yer azz again. also.
Tintin, I really think you need to do a more thorough expose on his Twitterpatings…
Those are just on page one…
In the last thread someone noticed that a number of the books behind Fozzy Bear had library stickers on them.
OMG! A green striped shirt! Fozzy’s in a “green” prisons library with Arpaio like stripes on!
Yeah, actor, I don’t think mako rojo is this guy. In fact, I couldn’t see what you were objecting to in his posts. Pretty sure he’s on our side.
You know, if the right wants to stop the left from calling them idiots, maybe they should stop doing things that only harm themselves just because they think it will piss off someone on the left.
Problem: The left wants to conserve energy.
Solution: Drive around aimlessly wasting gasoline and turn on every light and appliance in your home.
Result: Rightie wastes money on gas and/or electricity. The lefty, if even aware of the rightie’s actions, just thinks he’s an idiot.
And the worst part is the right often actually WANTS the ends our means would achieve: energy efficiency represents the only way we could become more energy independent because we don’t HAVE enough oil, refusing to change guarantees we will continue to rely on and fund oil exporting nations in the Middle East. If these guys had any sense they’d be the ones driving electric cars powered by domestic hydro or solar and demanding we increase efficiency to the highest level possible. Alas, they only have spite.
He’s a fat douche with a green shirt. Definitely. Oh, and totes batshit crazy.
If I live to 90 I want my wake to feature insult comics and a Bruce Springsteen cover band. It’s a celebration!
Look, pal, I’m sure folks will celebrate your death like nobody’s business, but no damn nanny state attitude is going to keep ME from insulting you before then.
I get a big kick out of the stuff we’re doing here a la “it annoys me when people gargle aqua regia” &c., but I think there’s more to it than just spite. The activity that they’re defending also has to be something they’re doing anyway and don’t want to have pointed out is bad for them.
But still – aqua regia. Not for gargling! The nanny state has spoken.
BTW, do we really hate these wingnit dingbats? The comedy gold we mine from the daily pile of piffle they pontificate is priceless. It’s more like we hold them in armpit fart noise awe.
LOL wingnitwit dingbats!
Alas, they only have spittle.
Ficshte for even greater accuracy
Yeah, actor, I don’t think mako rojo is this guy. In fact, I couldn’t see what you were objecting to in his posts. Pretty sure he’s on our side.
Then he’s out of practice in satire. He needs to up his game.
But still – aqua regia. Not for gargling! The nanny state has spoken.
The problem with aqua regia, is historically speaking, nowhere near enough of the regia gargled with it.
I was talking to Al Gore one night at this charity event at the Waldorf Astoria and he said that nothing annoys him more than when people run their cars for no other reason besides to annoy him. So I asked him, “Mr. Vice President, what about when they do it in the garage with the doors closed and barricaded so no nanny stater can stop them?” He didn’t say a word, just looked at me with this disdainful expression on his face and let out the loudest, most sustained and contemptuous sigh you could ever imagine. It was so amazing. I heard that tourists all the way over in Times Square had a sudden, inexplicable feeling of being condescended to.
Energy independence gained through hard work and frugality don’t count; they want to gain energy independence by taking all the oil away from the undeserving heathen who currently control it.
And they don’t believe we can ever run out. I don’t know why, but they absolutely do not.
I’m so sorry about the Steve from Blues Clues comment.
It should have been Mrs Salt from Blues Clues, cause salt is baaaad for you, Liebralss
O maybe this shirt would make us STFU
I really don’t need to know about Danny’s sex life.
He doesn’t have either one.
Not allowing comments from New Zild, eh WP? Curse you and your family
I’m upping my game, so up yours.
(apology to Pat Paulson).
(apology to Pat Paulson)
And the other six billion people who’ve heard that joke enough times to gag.
Does this sound sane to anybody?
Yes. They’re called conservatives.
The only Green Shirt we respect around here
What’s the problem?
Haters gonna hate, fat libertarian fucks gonna eat and whine and eat and shit and whine and never, ever shut the fuck up about how their stupid fucking cossetted lives aren’t cossetted enough.
Bananas Foster to be served in ten minutes on the North Patio.
Bananas Foster to be served in ten minutes on the North Patio.
I like the cut of your jib, son. You can have the afternoon off. Go take a Pilates class.
how their stupid fucking cossetted lives aren’t cossetted enough.
I’m going to go look that up, and if it means something bad, you’re gonna get a taste of the fury!
if it means something bad, you’re gonna get a taste of the fury!
Sharply worded note in the local Pennysaver?
I’m going to go look that up, and if it means something bad, you’re gonna get a taste of the fury!
I got ketchup. Bring it, fool.
BTW, do we really hate these wingnit dingbats? The comedy gold we mine from the daily pile of piffle they pontificate is priceless. It’s more like we hold them in armpit fart noise awe.
Pity, I think, is a more apt term. I feel that between the bouts of cruel mocking.
I feel that between the bouts of cruel mocking.
Is it because they’re pathetic or we’ve been particularly cruel?
Should I end my quest to stop destroying myself with cigarettes? I don’t think I’ve read a Surgeon General’s Warning since they started putting those nanny-state admonishments on my beloved Camels.
I’m with Dan. I’ll have plenty of time to look at nanny-state pictures when I’m dead.
I will say, though, that as “Haters gonna hate” macros go, that particular one is definitely the opus obesum.
Dana Milbank gets it rong.
Um, no. You’re assuming he had principles in the first place. Epic. Fail.
That looks rather more like the coup de foie gras to me. I heartily encourage old Danno to really piss off the liberals by jumping off the top of the nearest skyscraper (we are the ones who insisted on putting up guard rails to prevent people from doing that).
Is it because they’re pathetic or we’ve been particularly cruel?
They’re both pathetic and tend to be cruel and mocking. I only pity them because if they truly feel this fear of Islam and Sharia Law and Obama and all this shit, that’s a truly pathetic existence. Constant paranoia really has to be a difficult, trying existence.
But since I’m sure they make most of this shit up for some inexplicable reason, I think cruel mockery is appropriate and consider it my duty.
If Danny were posting here then he should most certainly be using the nym Erenque Rojo.
Now, as far as Dan the Also Ran starting smoking just to show up teh loony libs…
I read this as “I’ve tried to quit many times since college and failed. I am trying to quit right now, but this time I can pretend I didn’t fail but rather resumed smoking to make a noble point.”
the ugly hunchback that washes dishes and rings the dinner bell
Artist’s rendition.
That looks rather more like the coup de foie gras to me. I heartily encourage old Danno to really piss off the liberals by jumping off the top of the nearest skyscraper (we are the ones who insisted on putting up guard rails to prevent people from doing that).
Don’t forget to “work on points for style”, Dan.
Fire up a Marlboro just before you jump. I think I speak for everyone here by saying that would just infuriate us to no end. Double down with a Double Down, if you feel so inclined. We really hate that shit.
Does this sound sane to anybody?
No, but I applaud his, and every other conservative’s, efforts o simultaneously bankrupt and kill himself (have you even looked at the price of cigarettes lately?).
I’ve been an on-and-off smoker since college, but recently quit cold turkey and haven’t had a drag in a month. Now I’m thinking about starting up again.
Anyone who smokes can tell you that “quitting” for a month is not quitting.
When you make it to a year, you can say you quit. When you get to 2 years, you can say you’re no longer a smoker.
A month is nothing.
Artist’s rendition.
Is it wrong of me to have opened that link expecting to see K-Lo or J-Load?
I read this as “I’ve tried to quit many times since college and failed. I am trying to quit right now, but this time I can pretend I didn’t fail but rather resumed smoking to make a noble point.”
This is rationalizing by an addict. Substitute any other drug and the point remains the same–pathetic.
Fire up a Marlboro just before you jump.
And since the Nanny State of Washington has just banned alcoholic energy drinks, just go ahead and down a six-pack of Four Loko in the elevator on the way up. That’ll really tick us off.
Anyone who smokes can tell you that “quitting” for a month is not quitting.
Soft bigotry, low expectations….
tsam said,
Good-bye, thread, we hardly knew ye.
And since the Nanny State of Washington has just banned alcoholic energy drinks, just go ahead and down a six-pack of Four Loko in the elevator on the way up.
Ah yes. Now I have to drive clear to Idaho to get those AND cigarettes. Stupid state and their stupid rules trying to keep me from becoming a burden to stupid society…I HATE THEM SO MUCH>
An “on-and-off smoker” quitting cold turkey? On-and-off smokers aren’t actually addicted, so “cold turkey” means zip. It sounds to me like he’s looking for an excuse to smoke. Addiction does that. My impression is “on-and-off smoker” means he quits between cigarettes.
Good-bye, thread, we hardly knew ye.
Hee hee. Hardly.
Speaking of Four Loko, looks like there are a number of conservatives in training in Washington state.
Whee, hope the Emergency rooms around colleges have staffed up for the rush.
Do not tell us of the up-staffing-please!
When you’re at the point where you’d rather gouge your own eyes out than ever smoke again, then you’ve quit.
Speaking of Four Loko, looks like there are a number of conservatives in training in Washington state.
I’m so angry! How could they do this to us nanny liberals???? I may have to draft a sternly worded letter.
When you’re at the point where you’d rather gouge your own eyes out than ever smoke again, then you’ve quit.
I haven’t smoked in…*taking off shoes*….19 years now. Even today, even with the nanny-state city ordinances banning smoking everywhere except basically the gutter in winter, when get that first whiff of someone’s cigarette, I have to remind myself how wretched quitting made me feel.
Damn, but it smells so good…it calls to us, Precious….
You could tell it was a joke that time. One of us must be making progress.
Damn, but it smells so good…it calls to us, Precious….
I feel the same way about licking toads and huffing industrial solvents.
Damn, but it smells so good…it calls to us, Precious….
I am but a grasshopper, having only quit for 5 years or so. I can say, though, that I’m still tempted by the thought of having a smoke. No longer every day but often enough.
Somebody else’s cigarette smoke? Makes me gag. I’m like a total converted-nonsmoker-nazi.
You could tell it was a joke that time. One of us must be making progress.
I was always good at dumbing myself down to other people’s levels.
Do not tell us of the up-staffing-please!
Then I shan’t bring up the head cold I have.
Oh, staffing. Sorry.
tsam the predictable said,
November 11, 2010 at 23:21
Good-bye, thread, we hardly knew ye.
Hee hee. Hardly.
Wait a sec’, I thought Bananas was lurking as mako rojo. I’m confused.
Speaking of confused, what’s all this talk of coupe de grass?
Speaking of confused, what’s all this talk of coupe de grass?
Hey! A riding mowee.
I have to admit, I did purchase a can of Four Loko when I heard about the ban — had to see what the fuss was about.
The Four Loko thing is such a class issue. They’re not banning Irish coffee or vodka and Red Bull, or no-Doz and fratboy keggers, just the caffeine/alcohol combination people of low social status are fond of.
I mean seriously, a crackdown on caffeinated drinks in Seattle? What fucking alternate universe did I stumble into? Four Loko is not any more dangerous than having a couple of glasses of wine and then an espresso — LIKE WHAT RICH PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY GO TO A FANCY RESTAURANT. Except they then drive home drunk instead of passing out in the park.
Damn, but it smells so good…it calls to us, Precious….
I’ve been off the bedam things for just under two years, and I know what you mean. My dad, who’s been quit for about as long as you have, Actor, says the same.
Happily, I don’t get cravings very often these days, maybe once a month.
The sad result of this sort of mockery is that Daniel Foster will simply get fatter and greener.
Foster clearly thinks that Goldberg is an enormous fat dude, and thus being called “Baby J-Dough Loadberg” is being told “you’re almost as fat as Jonah”.
The Four Loko thing is such a class issue.
I’m not sure I agree completely.
Here in NYC, the debate is over the packaging. It looks like a kid’s drink with the bright colours and the POW! ZAM! MTV style graphics. Oftentimes, stock clerks in markets, instead of putting it with the beer and other alcoholic beverages, stick it in with the sodas and energy drinks.
And if you catch a kid at the register who’s not paying attention closely…
I was always good at dumbing myself down to other people’s levels.
I thank you.
Daniel Foster will simply get fatter and greener
Don’t be insulting the Slimer.
Help help! No more spiting us Daniel!
The Four Loko thing is such a class issue. They’re not banning Irish coffee or vodka and Red Bull, or no-Doz and fratboy keggers, just the caffeine/alcohol combination people of low social status are fond of.
There may be some of that involved, but this (several CWU students ending up in the hospital after downing a few of these drinks) is far from an isolated case. These alcoholic energy drinks are dangerous–they’re not much different from mixing cocaine and whiskey. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but it’s not for the inexperienced user. I’m not trailer trash, and I do enjoy this mix occasionally, but then I realize I’m playing a dangerous game when I do it. Putting both of those things in a can is just asking for it.
Four Loko is not any more dangerous than having a couple of glasses of wine and then an espresso
That’s debatable:
Wait a sec’, I thought Bananas was lurking as mako rojo. I’m confused.
I know nothing of these bananas and mojos of which you speak. I’m just tsam and I kill threads with inane …stuff.
What’s all this “TheSeriousParty” business? Is that like the serious moonlight?
See, Snort? Thread is down.
Crash cart! Stat!
I learned that from Scrubs.
This is encouraging.
Whale Chowder said,
November 12, 2010 at 0:00</em<
Cool. Where the fuck is it 0:00 right now?
From his Tweet stream: “@JonahNRO What if you *really* dig the boobage?”
I just………
I really don’t want to know.
To tsam:
BP: 115/75, HR: 60 resting. And I’m 15 lbs overweight.
Totally. Worth. It.
Aux tweets, et cetera.
Four Loko isn’t the only cheap, caffeinated booze out there. There’s been malt energy drinks around for a while. An uncouth lady friend of mine used to drink something of that sort long before I ever heard of Four Loko.
I’m a pretty consistent libertarian when it comes to this kind of thing — I’d like to see looser booze regulations in Oregon — but I do have sympathy for the argument that Four Loko looks too much like a can of soda. At this point, there’s a fairly large subsection of cheap booze and horrible youth syrups which comes in the same kind of packaging.
If I were making the decisions in NYC, I’d probably just require the packaging to be changed to something that more closely resembles alcoholic beverage packaging. I mean, nobody can look at a tall can of eight hundo and not recognize it as a beer can. The other option is straight up banning caffeinated alcohol sold in packages, for which I think there’s a solid public health argument. (I wouldn’t approve of just banning Four Loko, which strikes me as ineffective.)
Kids are going to drink, but making the caffeine/alcohol thing easy for them is really nasty. Yeah, there are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but if you’re an 18-year-old at a party and someone hands you a can you’re going to drink it. If you want to drink a Red Bull as well as your Hamm’s, then at least you’ve had the chance to make that choice.
One other small point: “a couple of glasses of wine and then an espresso” isn’t a valid comparison if the malt beverage has the equivalent of 1-2 cups of coffee. Espresso has less caffeine than drip.
From his Tweet stream: “@JonahNRO What if you *really* dig the boobage?”
I think he likes Jonah’s moobs and is coming on to him.
Four Loko is 12% ABV?
My alcoholic energy drink of choice was Sparks. Now I feel like a fucking amateur.
I think he likes Jonah’s moobs and is coming on to him.
I just got the most horrifying image of him motorboating Loadpants. Thought I’d share.
a fucking amateur.
I hear Actor is offering lessons.
And while I’m writing that novel a dozen other people make the same few points. I am of suck.
Oh, and one time I drank half a Viso Energy, topped it up with Appleton, and drank that over an evening. I can’t judge.
I hear Actor is offering lessons.
Yes, I understand he has instructional materials in the form of etchings.
Off topic
Representative John Shimkus (R-IL), who said he opposed cap and trade legislation because God would not allow the Earth to be destroyed by global warming, is seeking the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
This guy has Michelle Batshit eyes. Do the people who elected him like the crazy-guy-on-the-bus look? Is it something they look for? It reminds me of the Goons in Popeye cartoons.
I think that’s what my trampy friend drank.
Oh for fuck’s sake.
I understand he has instructional materials in the form of etchings.
I’m sure he could turn you into a pro in no time.
Oh, and one time I drank half a Viso Energy, topped it up with Appleton, and drank that over an evening. I can’t judge.
I have a Red Bull and well vodka on occasion, so I really can’t judge, although I think I’m probably getting too old to drink that shit.
I think that’s what my trampy friend drank.
Joe, is that you???
OK, this may show me as an illiterate child, but what is the origin of the “etchings” bit? I was watching the MST3K of Eegah the other day, and that movie came out in 1962, and they use that line (literally).
Fucking sarcasm – HOW DOES IT WORK?
You now have people elected to national office who seriously think climate change is a non-issue because of God’s promise to Noah … who believe evolution (& possibly also the Theory of Relativity, genetics as a whole, the laws of optics, & cause-&-effect) is a secular humanist plot to serve Satan … who want to spend taxpayer money to search for lurking cabals of
liberalsanti-American infidels in DC … & who seriously advocate tax-cuts for the rich as a way to reduce the deficit.The Stark Raving Loony Party looks pretty “serious” next to that shit.
Not unless you’ve been living a secret double life in Portland as a 24-year-old ginger.
Djur. “Come and see my etchings” was a famous line from the way back when movies that playboys used to use to lure gorgeous young innocent girls to their pads. We are lead to believe that actor has a etchings gallery that converts to a rumpty- pumpty room at the flick of a switch or jingle of a harness.
Hey, as a mostly-lurker (though faithful reader) at this joint, I have no business making suggestions to our esteemed hosts, but what the hell, I will anyway: I got the idea from a bit on the J-Walk Blog . Instead of the oddball Seinfeld quote-generator at the top of each S,N! page, replace it with a randomly-selected quote from a recent thread. You’ve got a gold mine here, with some of the wittiest, most loyal and snarkalicious postes on the ‘toobz–use it!
Just a passing think
A termite infestation has destroyed the “wr”.
So how does Rep. Shamkus reconcile this:
with this:
Because doesn’t that second statement imply regret, a mistake, perhaps?
Subby, I think he has a separate vomitorium.
I haz a confuzed.
Kiwi, I know about the line itself, and also about the sentient penis and testicles that posts on here as ‘actor212’.
I’m just wondering where it first appeared, and I thought folks here might know.
Because doesn’t that second statement imply regret, a mistake, perhaps?
Does that explain God’s change of mind concerning Nineveh?
Book of Jonah (not that Jonah!), Chapter 4:
“9And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death.
10Then said the LORD, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night:
11And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?”
Because doesn’t that second statement imply regret, a mistake, perhaps?
Like they used to say about the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he’s never wrong. He just changes his mind a lot.
“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.”
At least until the Rapture, when all the GOP shall ascend into the heavens.
,i>11And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?”
Mmmmm, cattle!
Not to mention many camels.
I only drink cheap caffeinated alcohol-delivery drinks made from civet-poop coffee beans.
But since I’m sure they make most of this shit up for some inexplicable reason, I think cruel mockery is appropriate and consider it my duty.”
Ha! Silly Tin-Tin! Joke’s on you!
No need to pay for his bus fare! Buses are socialist! No he drives a 1970 AMC Matador that burns a quart of oil a day and gets 7 mpg- to you know REALLY piss off LIEbrals!
And it had the added bonus of being able to live in it when his folks have to use their basement as a guest room.
Ooh, that reminds me, must stop by the Liquor store on the way home.
I don’t know how reliable Wikipedia should be considered in this case, but here’s their take on the “etchings” pickup line.
VS is allowed to drink in tiny and unsatisfying amounts. Glug.
“I just got the most horrifying image of him motorboating Loadpants. Thought I’d share.”
Now that I’m pregnant I’m hopping to finally get a bigger bra than Jonah’s.
Ooh, that reminds me, I can go and drink real ale at Hashigo Zaki and use their wifi to keep commenting.
Is there any particularly favoured alcoholic drink which we should take special care not to mention?
Martinis, whiskey on da rocks…
Sub, those amounts don’t sound that unsatisfying to me, actually.
Kevin Federline’s Nog
1 teaspoon feral troll semen
1 ounce Frangelico
Add the feral troll semen to the since it’s heavier. Serve in a small old-fashioned glass. Phone the authorities.
Hopping or hoping. Both work, I guess.
I’m thinking I’ll fix me a whiskey on the rocks martini tonight.
With a twist.
Ok, is that troll as in evil elf-type creature or troofie-type creature? And does it HAVE
to be feral?
Keep hopping and you’ll need to wear you bra around your knees.
“I’m thinking I’ll fix me a whiskey on the rocks martini tonight.
With a twist.”
Yer mean.
Akvavit martinis.
VS will get sour by this talk of booze or maybe wry.
She might mash your face.
But then, Vodka you gonna do?
And don’t try to gin up any excuses, either.
Ceaseless whining!
Try to beer with us.
I’m ready to scotch this whole thread.
Give it a second or two, or maybe a triple sec.
it’s alementary, really
I was away for awhile, but I’m Bacardi now.
It was an unavoidable absinthe. Did I Canadian Mist anything important?
“Holmes, you pompous prat, you can stuff this citrus fruit up your butt, if there’s room there beside the stick.”
“A lemon entry, my dear Watson.”
Arguments for sobriety.
Should I end my quest to stop destroying myself with cigarettes? I don’t think I’ve read a Surgeon General’s Warning since they started putting those nanny-state admonishments on my beloved Camels.
mine are usually in a foreign language, so no problem
Liberal bias media so full of it,you fags can likc my nuts I am a patirot!
I was the one who pointed out the minty freshness of Danny’s couture.
Spearmint or wintergreen? I’m guessing wintergreen.
I don’t know what’s worse to contemplate:
Jonah’s moobs
Daniels moobs
Trolly’s patty rot. (WTF *is* patty rot? Wait, scotch that. I don’t wanna know.)
A thing of Funyuns, a jug of Four Loko and thou.
The fact is, most conservative patriots are right, hence we are right wing. Left wing is all about taking not producing value, the hippys.
On the contrary, mice everywhere sigh a tiny squeaky sigh of relief.
I foresee an Ignobel Award in that man’s future, for innovative research into computer interfacing.
I foresee an Ignobel Award in that man’s future, for innovative research into computer interfacing.
And thus the Borg is born.
Something Swedish?
That seems a bit harsh. Dickish he is, but then everyone has a sort of constructive negativism role to play. After all, it’s not called Sadly, Maybe, is it?
This thread needs The Goddamn Batman. Where’s he been?
A thing of Funyuns, a jug of Four Loko and thou.
Poetry. Far beyond this rum bunch.
Linnaeus, are we chopped liver you talk like we’re not here?
There are strange things done by conservative sons
As they scrabble and scrape for gold;
The blogosphere’s links are full-up with dinks
Who’ll worry their mother’s not sold;
The NRO’s Corner has liberal scorners,
But the dumbest they have on their roster
Is the tubby green fright who smokes just for spite
The knee-jerker Daniel Foster.
(I don’t really think Daniel’s dumber than Jonah, so take consolation, guy!)
Oh, dear…didn’t think it would come across that way. Never mind, y’all are awesome.
That’s what happens when I hit the bourbon on an empty stomach.
I kid, man, I wish TGB would drop by more often myself.
Substance +1 on the poem dude.
(I don’t really think Daniel’s dumber than Jonah, so take consolation, guy!)
Well Jonah is the baseline, the absolute zero, one can approach his level of stupid but one can never surpass it.
(I don’t really think Daniel’s dumber than Jonah, so take consolation, guy!)
Aww, so sweet of you to give Daniel something to aspire to.
USA is AWSOME said,
“Liberal bias media so full of it,you fags can likc my nuts I am a patirot!”
Meh. Your effort comes across as a bit forced and half assed. I give it a D. A proper spoof troll should get into the minset of wingnut thought processes and just let the stupid flow naturally. Practice your technique at another blog, I would suggest Balloon Juice, and come back here only when you have a better understanding of the spoofery sciences.
Don’t forget sloth & immaturity. It’s not merely the stupid that makes Jonah special-er than his Corner play-mates.
Ironic as it may be for me or any other middle schooler to mention someone else’s maturity.
…on a snark blog.
They use their immaturity in the furtherance of evil whereas we sadlies focus our immaturity on promoting all that is just and right in the world.
Poop and penis also.
Substance McGravitas said,
November 12, 2010 at 4:20
Internet porn. You’re doing it wrong
America would still be the greatest country in the world if it wasn’t for all the niggers, spics, faggots and liberals living here.
Upon reading this post I was overcome with a fit of the chortles, a fit of the chortles, I say, that resulted in the sudden evacuation of my bowels. So while this is all very amusing, I need someone to go get me a roll of paper towels and a bowl of sudsy water.
Also too,
That there is a goddamn good idear. Then if our quotes come up we’ll be all “come look, Ma, I’m on the teevy!” and it will promote strong bones and an easy-going disposition.
the minset of wingnut thought processes
A minset is like a twinset but there’s only one.
You have it wrong Smut. Can I call you Smut? A minset is any number of mins > than 1. Moran!
It was
RememberanceVeterans Day as we made our way over the Intar-tubesWords from the dumb, they seem to come like sweat off of hairy moobs.
If the links we click, it would make us sick, with idjits screaming
Woleverines“No Quarter!”So I made a note, stay in the boat and Always Trust The Shorter™
Good ol’ Dan was a ranting man, he rants at NRO
About nanny states, his lack of dates and a prez named Barry O
And Muslims and Gays and all the ways society Accepts the Other
Daniel son, it sure was fun, last night when I fucked your mother.
I’m with Dan. I’ll have plenty of time to look at nanny-state pictures when I’m dead.”
The wit is strong in this one.
The Shrill One is shrill:
It’s no mystery what has happened on the deficit commission: as so often happens in modern Washington, a process meant to deal with real problems has been hijacked on behalf of an ideological agenda. Under the guise of facing our fiscal problems, Mr. Bowles and Mr. Simpson are trying to smuggle in the same old, same old — tax cuts for the rich and erosion of the social safety net.
Yes, he hits the nail right on the head, as usual.
Although I think you’d have to go back to the seventies for a time when official Washington’s processes were meant to deal with real problems. Today, they’re designed precisely to sweep them under the carpet.
I’m just wondering where it first appeared, and I thought folks here might know.
Since I resurrected it for this site, I will cop to having heard it associated with Porfirio Rubirosa and thought it encapsulated his philosophy on life. Too, he’s likely an inspiration for “The Most Interesting Man In The World”.
You’re on your own Googling that, chump.
Although I think you’d have to go back to the seventies for a time when official Washington’s processes were meant to deal with real problems.
I’ve often argued that the entire last 40 years of the 20th Century was an attempt to light backfires to stop the spread of liberalism. The Great Society, never given a chance to succeed, was slowly dismantled starting with the Nixon administration…and he’s considered a liberal now, which is ironic…until the welfare reform package under Clinton/Gingrich.
I had hopes we’d begin to go the other way, and the passage of HCR is a nice step in the right direction, but a) it’s only a step, but b) it is in the right direction.
Missed this on the teevee, but saw it thanks to Charles Johnson.
Some of it is good, but Maddow missed badly the gaping hole in Stewart’s argument.
Around 4:30 on the vid, this debate should have turned into a rout. Bush, technically, is a war criminal. At least by Nuremburg standards. He committed a bunch of other crimes too, torture and warrantless wire-tapping that we so far know about.
At a certain point, anyone with a functioning conscience will expect the tone of the debate to the change. And if war criminality is not the point at which Jon Stewart thinks the tone can be raised from mildly dissenting to actually rather pissed off, where would he expect that point to be? What sort of crime should a government be committing? Genocide?
Here’s the thing about the tea-baggers and why I have no fucking time for anyone wanting to draw an equivalence between their activism and that of those of us who were anti-war back in 02/03. Healthcare reform, especially the modest sort of reform passed this year, is a legitimate topic for debate. Starting illegal wars is not. The idea that we could have a civilized discussion about the pros and cons of a war crime is almost as repugnant as the war crime itself.
Jon Stewart wants the rhetoric toned down? Sorry fella… you ain’t getting even a half-assed slacktivist like me to apologize for going apeshit about the Iraq War. And nothing is going to be toned down until the people that started this war are held to account.
It’s that’s the sort of corruption that gets me way more pissed off than anything else the gubmint does. Even handing out free money to bankers doesn’t boil the blood quite like Shock and Awe.
Ted, maybe Jon, like you, got pissed about it, but then realized the Dems were caving and figured he needed to get over it and deal with things as they are now.
I’m not defending him, altho I can certainly see at this point keeping the war crimes as a hole card if Issa and the Baggers get all rowdy about impeachment and investigation, but he doesn’t strike me as the sort who’d let that fact go by the boards without considering it.
It’s no mystery what has happened on the deficit commission: as so often happens in modern Washington, a process meant to deal with real problems has been hijacked on behalf of
an ideological agenda.lying, thieving Banksters.Try that instead, Dr. K.
I can’t watch the video, but I have to say that it pisses me off when there are calls for civility and rhetoric that implies that the “other side” actually has legitimate disagreements with us. They don’t. They’re batshit crazy motherfuckers who will do whatever the fuck it takes to have their fucking warped values guide every facet of the government and our society. There’s no negotiating with people who want to take away my rights and oppress people I love. I’ll tone it down as soon as they start treating us like goddamn human beings.
Today: 40th anniversary of the exploding whale incident.
They don’t have a formal transcript of the entire interview up, but if you watch at, you can pop out a transcript of each segment and read along
Today: 40th anniversary of the exploding whale incident.
Gross. The seventies were weird.
To go totally off thread by getting sort of back on thread, I thought I recognized Danny Foster from somewhere.
Thanks, actor.
Today: 40th anniversary of the exploding whale incident.
I remembered the Taiwanese one from a few years back, with the spontaneously exploding whale, but had forgotten how Oregon had to blow one up.
I don’t much like the Stewart argument but consigning half the country to the loony bin is counterproductive in the way Stewart thinks it is. Obviously individual politicians and activists are out of their minds or actively evil…and thus are the source of many mean jokes on the show, which completely undercuts his argument.
Sully but greener.
Today: 40th anniversary of the exploding whale incident
Is this when Rush Limbaugh first blew a gasket over something someone somewhere said that threatened his corporate teet?
Amazing photo of the day
Today: 40th anniversary of the exploding whale incident
Johan Goldbergs birthday?
Jonah, eesh.
I don’t much like the Stewart argument but consigning half the country to the loony bin is counterproductive in the way Stewart thinks it is.
I don’t think half of the country is crazy. Just a quarter of them.
And actually, I don’t think they’re “crazy,” per se. I think they’re ignorant, selfish authoritarians.
So I was being hyperbolic. Which I suppose is what Stewart is arguing against.
But it’s so fucking condescending and shows so much privilege to tell people to watch their “tone” when we’re talking about the murder of thousands of people.
Obviously individual politicians and activists are out of their minds or actively evil…and thus are the source of many mean jokes on the show, which completely undercuts his argument.
Many, if not most, of his jokes are simply playing the video of them using their own words or doing their own shtick, and then reacting to the actual bit, not the person involved. He seems to take great pains not to judge the person in totality based on the one clip but to illustrate the extreme example.
I’m not sure that undercuts his argument, any more than America’s Funniest Home Videos undercuts Christmas presents or skateboarding or clever children.
But it’s so fucking condescending and shows so much privilege to tell people to watch their “tone” when we’re talking about the murder of thousands of people.
He went into his feelings on that, Bush as a war criminal, during the interview, actually.
He’d sure have an easier time talking about civility if important people got prosecuted for crimes.
He went into his feelings on that, Bush as a war criminal, during the interview, actually.
From my understanding reading the transcript, he was kind of engaging in some hand-waving about it, and he literally said that he didn’t like the “tone” of the Code Pink protester.
Here’s the thing…if Code Pink had as loud a voice as the Tea Party, I would be a little more sympathetic to the whole “tone” argument. But they’re not, and I feel like it’s necessary to have people stand up as moral voices in this country, even if people might think they’re crazy.
Also, um, Code Pink is right and the Tea Partiers are wrong. Too. I’m not going to pretend to believe otherwise just to appear civil and accepting.
My point is not about the x% of the country that seem batshit crazy, but instead that some questions can be sensibly debated, and others should not.
I agree that in principle, we should try to treat all people respectfully, even Beckerheads, and that’s fine. But not all topics are equal, I think Stewart’s meta-point about civility rather depends on a fiction that they are.
Right and wrong are a matter of viewpoint, to be sure. I’m sure he’d agree with their causes, but I think he takes issue with the tactics.
Still, the leap from monstrous argument to monstrous person is not too far, and just from a comedic angle calling someone horrible is not all that funny in itself.
Still, the leap from monstrous argument to monstrous person is not too far, and just from a comedic angle calling someone horrible is not all that funny in itself.
Specifically, whom has he called horrible?
I’m not saying he calls anyone horrible literally if that’s what you mean. A lot of the bits regarding war and terror, though, lead to inescapable conclusions.
Right and wrong are a matter of viewpoint, to be sure. I’m sure he’d agree with their causes, but I think he takes issue with the tactics.
I understand that. I guess what I’m saying is that being loud and obnoxious about Bush being a war criminal is an appropriate response to what he did. Yeah, I mean, screaming at someone who has stabbed me may not be “productive,” but it’s not uncalled for and I would hope that nobody would lecture me about being civil.
And I think we need loud, obnoxious voices on the left right now. Everybody’s so afraid of looking extreme and radical on the left that loud, radical right wing voices are practically treated as normal.
Still, the leap from monstrous argument to monstrous person is not too far, and just from a comedic angle calling someone horrible is not all that funny in itself.
I dunno. We kind of do it every day here, don’t we?
The only way for me to more forcefully agree with T&U would be to lasciviously hit on her. In lieu of that, I’m just make this power fist and say “righton”. Go on, girl.
Stewarts “technically that may be true” qualification is pretty maddening.
It’s the icing on the cake. For the cake, see the post at the top of this thread.
I understand that. I guess what I’m saying is that being loud and obnoxious about Bush being a war criminal is an appropriate response to what he did.
Fair enough. But does that justify, for example, disrupting Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail? I know she voted for the war and all, I get that, but to serially create a disturbance?
The only way for me to more forcefully agree with T&U would be to lasciviously hit on her.
This, please.
Anyway, I don’t think I’m being too clear and I’m only saying two things:
1. Half the country is not nuts or evil – although a substantial proportion of political activists are.
2. Stewart’s show can and does present people doing and saying monstrous things, and while actor’s right that he doesn’t go for personal attacks as a rule, he’s being kind of silly in insisting people don’t make the conclusions his show forces people to make.
And I think we need loud, obnoxious voices on the left right now. Everybody’s so afraid of looking extreme and radical on the left that loud, radical right wing voices are practically treated as normal.
I agree, but with the codicil that we stick to the issues, and leave the hatemongering to the right.
The “political activists” I’m writing about are mainly on the right…just to add to the confusion.
I watched the video last night, “live.” (TiVo’d)
What struck me was Stewart’s failure to get why people got so upset about waterboarding, and his arguing against the strawman that people said Bush approved waterboarding because he was evil, which I never heard any talking head say, but completely ignoring the fact that his approval of waterboarding made Bush evil, was in fact one of the things that made that administration evil, and thus a target to be called evil.
How the fuck could such a smart guy screw that up?
One thing that has been completely overlooked in all this discussion is the actual existence of a shirt of that style and color. If TinTin didn’t photoshop the color, then someone out there is manufacturing them.
Presumably in the thousands…
he’s being kind of silly in insisting people don’t make the conclusions his show forces people to make.
I’d argue most of his viewership holds those conclusions walking in. It would be hard to prove this, tho.
Here’s the contrast: Keith Olbermann. There’s a show where, yes, you’re led to a conclusion based on a story, and Keith makes no bones about his opinions about people he disagrees with.
I don’t see that kind of reaction from The Daily Show, but like you, I’m biased. You see one conclusion, and I see another, which is pretty interesting.
Specifically, whom has he called horrible?
He has, without naming names (but usually after showing a clip of some incredible dumbass), said members of Congress are fucking retarded. I’m paraphrasing so settle down, Trig.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg:
He has, without naming names (but usually after showing a clip of some incredible dumbass), said members of Congress are fucking retarded.
OK, I don’t recall a specific situation and my sense is if he’s said that, it’s usually after a bipartisan reaming of both parties.
I’m just make this power fist and say “righton”. Go on, girl.
High five, my radical sister!
Fair enough. But does that justify, for example, disrupting Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail? I know she voted for the war and all, I get that, but to serially create a disturbance?
*shrug* I feel like somebody has to be the conscience of this nation. If that means disrupting events for people who are on “our side,” so be it. Thousands of people are dead, and she had something to do with it.
I agree, but with the codicil that we stick to the issues, and leave the hatemongering to the right.
I don’t think calling Bush a “war criminal” is hatemongering, though.
I guess I have no problem “demonizing” people who do *evil things*. If other people do, that’s fine, and I think there’s definitely room for that. I just want us to remember that a lot of us have the space to discuss these things “rationally” because they don’t affect us directly.
Hey people.
There are used condoms (I’m guessing here….can’t claim to have conducted a thorough investigation) mixed in with the dirty dishes from last night. While I applaud your use of them, I’m thinking that maybe wrapped in a tissue and put in the trash basket is a better way to dispose of them.
I don’t think calling Bush a “war criminal” is hatemongering, though.
Can we take it as a given that I agree with this part? 🙂
I’m just thinking about going forward and trying to promote a liberal agenda.
“Hey people.
There are used condoms (I’m guessing here….can’t claim to have conducted a thorough investigation) mixed in with the dirty dishes from last night. While I applaud your use of them, I’m thinking that maybe wrapped in a tissue and put in the trash basket is a better way to dispose of them.”
I never get invited to the good parties.
Can we take it as a given that I agree with this part? 🙂
Of course! I’m just thinking about Stewart’s example, specifically.
I’m just thinking about going forward and trying to promote a liberal agenda.
Sure. And you know, on a one-on-one basis, I’m willing to discuss this stuff with people I disagree with and try to emphasize that we’re all human beings and we all have things in common. In other words, I try to foster empathy in people who are either lacking it or haven’t employed it due to ideology.
BUT. I think accommodating other people’s bullshit and pretending that it’s legitimate because we’re afraid of looking too radical is stupid and is probably part of the reason why we’ve been losing. There are just some things I refuse to be nice about.
I think accommodating other people’s bullshit and pretending that it’s legitimate because we’re afraid of looking too radical is stupid and is probably part of the reason why we’ve been losing.
I think the reason we’re losing, and it plays into this too, is that we play to legislate while they play to win elections.
I never get invited to the good parties
Not any more. Have to watch from the sidelines.
I think the reason we’re losing, and it plays into this too, is that we play to legislate while they play to win elections.
The reason we are losing is that there is still fantastic money to be made by pretending that everything is fine. Every vested interest from Oil companies to insurance and finance is doing their damndest to make sure that no reform of any sort happens that could influence their bottom line, no matter how many people they impoverish or kill. They will not hesitate to support the looniest of flat earthers as long as they repeat the party line that everything is fine and anyone who says different is a socialist. The only way we will ever get reform of any sort is when things get so bad, it is a choice between reform and revolution, or when there is more money to be made fixing problems than there is in making them worse. (fat chance)
I think the reason we’re losing, and it plays into this too, is that we play to legislate while they play to win elections.
Yeah, I think (and I’ve said this before) that Democrats play the short game, and Republicans are playing the long game. They’ve managed to bring the political environment of this country far to the right, despite the fact that most Americans believe in a lot of liberal ideals. I just think it’s harmful to shout down the few leftwing voices that are coming through.
I think Hillary has to own her vote on a war crime. That’s politics. Making her own it is valuable, and yes, disrupting a Hillary rally is fine.
I think we need loud, obnoxious voices on the left right now.
I think we need irresistably hot sexy ones.
Loud & obnoxious sure is plenty fun. If you opt for results over fun, you will wind up getting to have both.
Democrats play the short game, and Republicans are playing the long game
Democrats play the shame-game, and Republicans are playing the con-game.
{ i.e., Richard Simmons versus Jimmy The Greek }
I think Hillary has to own her vote on a war crime. That’s politics. Making her own it is valuable, and yes, disrupting a Hillary rally is fine.
I’ll believe that anally-retentive line of shit when Code Pink starts hassling Obama.
Yea, and so what happened?
*crickets chirp*
Like I said…
Like you said this:
So now you can believe that anally-retentive line of shit.
The Democrats are standing up waving Robert’s Rules, yelling, “Point of order!!” While the Republicans are pissing on their necks and putting the videos up on yutube.
It’s like sitting a family dinner, watching Uncle Rebecca fill his pants pockets with mashed potatoes, and your parents insist that you shut up about it, “Because he’s an adult, and you’re just a kid.”
So now you can believe that anally-retentive line of shit
Lemme see, a bunch of thugs interrupt a candidate on the stump several times, but hold some signs outside a President elect’s hotel…on the street, no less…and yet you somehow find these equivalent?
Try again. Harder this time.
That was result #1 for “code pink” obama protest. Should I investigate the list more? I see you have the goalpost-moving equipment rented.
Poor Subby. You can’t handle the fact that you want so desperately to be right but are wrong.
Keep pedaling that Big Wheel, Sally. One day you’ll make the big girl X Games.
Even if he changed ths shirt, he’s still be stuck with the bucket-of-smashed-assholes face.