I Suppose Calling Vidal A Queer Was Something Else Admirable About Buckley
Posted on November 8th, 2010 by Tintin
The biggest difference between Pigpen and J-Dough Loadberg is that J-Dough drinks like
a fish and Pigpen doesn’t drink at all.
Shorter J-Dough Loadberg, America’s Shittiest Website™
Race and C-Span Callers
- Opposing the Civil Rights Act was only one of many things that were “admirable” about William F. Buckley.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
We don’t “need” the right to be racist. We need them to not be racist. Unfortunately our needs have no bearing on the fact of right wing (or left wing) racism. Cretin.
Another difference between him and Pigpen is that Pigpen didn’t use “criteria” as if it were a singular noun.
I particularly liked the jerk who seemed to think it was a terrible indictment of my character that William F. Buckley and my mother and father were influences on me because they didn’t march for civil rights in the 1960s. As if I should repudiate my parents for this historic crime. As if there was nothing else admirable about WFB. Indeed, as if this is the single criteria justifying admiration.
First of all, William F. Buckley isn’t your parents. Second of all, not only did he not march for civil rights, he was adamantly opposed to them, as he himself wrote in a 1957 op-ed in the very journal you’re currently writing in. And given your obsession with fascism, you might like to know that he wrote an op-ed that same year gushing over Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s rule.
Funny aside: My mom called me after the interview and chastised me for not mentioning that she did march with King in ’63. She got the afternoon off from the Kennedy White House to do it! So: Nyah-nyah.
Not that it bothered me at all when I thought she hadn’t.
Buckley didn’t just refuse to “march for civil rights in the 1960s.” As Chris points out above, he actively opposed them to the point of cheering on the cops who beat, hosed and sicced dogs on civil rights marchers in the South. According to Buckley, the Birmingham cops were victims who were pushed “beyond the limits of human endurance,” and the Birmingham church bombing that killed four little girls just may have been perpetrated by “a crazed Negro” acting as “an agent provocateur.”
He was every bit as morally corrupt, hateful and, yes, racist as the movement he spawned.
Pigpen, though filthy, was not an utterly incompetent douchecanoe with a low IQ, mommy issues, and a tendency to touch himself in public while giggling.
Did he really just end a column with “nyah-nyah”?
Argh. Jonah – capitalizing on
my one weaknessone of my many many many many many weaknesses. I mean, you’d think I’d be all over this post, but I am powerless to comment about it. Why? Well in the immortal words of Meat Loaf:I would do any mother with love,
But I won’t do Lucianne.
Opposing the Civil Rights Act was only one of many things that were “admirable” about William F. Buckley.
I was thinking about this very issue this morning, for some reason.
The right managed to re-write the narrative of the civil rights movement. It went from lending a hand to giving a hand out.
If you lend a hand to a brother in need (pun unintended), and lift him up to your level, you acknowledge his equality.
If you give a handout to a beggar, then you acknowledge his inferiority. By making welfare and the civil rights movement a movement about “privilege,” the right wing has effectively dehumanized minorities of all stripes, and forced the focus back onto white men.
If you’re trapped at your computer and bored the actual C-Span program is a real gas.
The biggest difference between Pigpen and J-Dough Loadberg is that J-Dough drinks like
a fish and Pigpen doesn’t drink at all.
If PigPen drank, that would be urine-stenched mud all around him
Just like with Fudgie!
Opposing the Civil Rights Act was only one of many things that were “admirable” about William F. Buckley.
For example, he pulled himself up by his
bootstrapstrust-fund to found asuccessfulbarely-afloat magazine ofintellectual rigorpropaganda dedicated to the principles ofliberty and freedomblacks and poor people not being good enough. And that’s pretty admirable.the Birmingham church bombing that killed four little girls just may have been perpetrated by “a crazed Negro” acting as “an agent provocateur.”
Wow, so the Tea Party paranoia about liberal infiltrators really is in the grand movement-conservative tradition. I had no idea.
But I won’t do Lucianne
*tapping manila envelope*
A-hem! *koffkoff*
The right managed to re-write the narrative of the civil rights movement. It went from lending a hand to giving a hand out.
They also managed to rewrite the narrative of MLK to turn him into a generic patriotic (and therefore sorta conservative) saint with no political meaning (and hey, didn’t you know he was a Republican?)
Why don’t y’all just photoshop Loadpants’ face in here.
LEAVE PIGPEN ALONE! He’s polite and reasonable an in no way deserves Jonah.
According to about the 20 minute mark of this video, the first line of this book Jonah edited is “Did you ever wonder why the best comedians are blacks, Canadians and Jews?,” presumably because liberals are obsessed with race. It’s also an entry point for Jonah to babble about how conservatives are oppressed outsiders, presumably because liberals like to wallow in their victim status.
K-Lo’s got the bleg up again. Why don’t they just sell it for $3000 an issue?
Because, sir, it is NOT a goatse.
Although commenter Richard Reed is still fair game.
BWWAAAhaHAhhaHAHAHhhaHAHahah. A bunch of old white dudes, Kelly Ayotte and Marco Rubio – a true melting pot indeed.
Hey Richard Reed, I totes did your mom! And your wife, as played by Alba Jessica.
A-hem! *koffkoff*
Geez, I didn’t say that I wouldn’t do your mom while she was wearing a Lucianne mask.
“Because, sir, it is NOT a goatse.”
Jonah’s face is actually a passable goatse substitute in my opinion.
Geez, I didn’t say that I wouldn’t do your mom while she was wearing a Lucianne mask.
Look again. Perhaps you were drunk that night. As usual.
Goldberg is entirely correct here:
I would agree, as Lucianne Goldberg is much more disgusting and loathsome for her roles in getting Linda Tripp to record her conversations with Monica Lewinsky so that Bill Clinton could get impeached due to various activities of his penis.
And also her role as the great nepotizer, getting little Jonah his place as some sort of significant pundit who wrote one of the dimmest books in history blaming liberals for fascism, and helping to contribute to the dumb notion that liberals and progressives are still fascist.
Funny aside: My mom called me after the interview and chastised me for not mentioning that she did march with King in ’63. She got the afternoon off from the Kennedy White House to do it! So: Nyah-nyah.
Why, that’s hilarious! I roll on my floor. Well, hilarious in the way that every one of his columns is hilarious … as in, he can’t get a single thing right, Nyah, nyah, indeedy. Heh also too.
And also her role as the great nepotizer, getting little Jonah his place as some sort of significant pundit who wrote one of the dimmest books in history blaming liberals for fascism, and
helping to contribute toconjuring out of thin air the dumb notion that liberals and progressives are still fascist.Fixed.
From the transcript, excerpts:
I quite like that you can click on the transcript bits and jump to that point in the video.
I particularly liked the jerk who seemed to think it was a terrible indictment of my character that William F. Buckley and my mother and father were influences on me because they didn’t march for civil rights in the 1960s.
He’s right. It’s a terrible indictment of his character that he DOESN’T think they were wrong…
conjuring out of thin airpulling out of his ass the dumb notion that liberals and progressives are still fascist.Fixeder!
Did he really just end a column with “nyah-nyah”?
Yes, but with such detail and with such care.
Shorter Scott Johnson (who woulda kicked ass in Vietnam if he wasn’t brainwashed by DFHs):
Did you ever wonder why the best comedians are blacks, Canadians and Jews?
And the answer Jonah can’t accept is: there is such an overlap between great comedians and liberals because great humor requires empathy. And so does liberalism.
This is also why American conservative ‘humor’ tends to be the worst ever.
And the answer Jonah can’t accept is: there is such an overlap between great comedians and liberals because great humor requires empathy. And so does liberalism.
Or deprivation. Poor comics are usually the funniest, precisely because they grew up in the harshest conditions and learned that a laugh was better than a beer at setting aside the pain for a few minutes.
Hell, I got as funny as I did because my old man was a mean old drunk who hit first and ask questions after you came out of the coma. I had to be funny to keep conscious!
…and learned that a laugh was better than a beer…
This doesn’t explain funny Canadians.
This doesn’t explain funny Canadians.
Like, uh, who?
You mean the ones who went thru rehab?
Is there no escape from Jonah?
Over the weekend, I boycotted MSNBC partly because of the Olbermann suspension but mostly due to concerns about the direction of that network.
So I switched over to C-SPAN 2 yesterday only to find out that they gave 3 hours of air time to the Pantload.
Now it’s Monday morning and Sadly, No! has a post about Doughy.
No escape! No escape, I tells ya!
Or deprivation. Poor comics are usually the funniest, precisely because they grew up in the harshest conditions and learned that a laugh was better than a beer at setting aside the pain for a few minutes.
You’re talking about actually deprived people. Conservatives are too preoccupied with their own humiliation and victimhood, too furious that the rest of the world doesn’t take it seriously, and too insecure that someone, somewhere, might be laughing at them. Shitty combination for a comedian.
Hmmm. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, generally a troglodyte, batshit crazy, capable of dressing up pure bullshit in a fancy gold wrapper. Yep, that is many things.
No escape! No escape, I tells ya!
Soon, you will drop into the event horizon that this black hole of dough has created….
Soon, you will drop into the event horizon that this black hole of dough has created….
I scanned the above comment looking for trace elements of exaggeration. Alas, that senario is all too probable.
Alas, that senario is all too probable.
Don’t think of it as death. Think of it as brownification.
Another is that Pigpen didn’t use the indicative as if it were the subjunctive. This is becoming all too common, and if there’s one thing admirable about Buckley, it’s his writing style. It’s a pity he used it in the service of such shitty thoughts, though.
Don’t think of it as death. Think of it as brownification.
Don’t think of it as death. Think of it as
brownificationlonging for the sweet embrace of death.Fix’ed
Hey, Fudgie?
When you lose Lew Rockwell’s support, your days as a conservative nutbag are numbered…
When you lose Lew Rockwell’s support, your days as a conservative nutbag are numbered…
That was a good article.
Kind of summarizes the other half (of Americans) and the other 95% (of the globe)’s incredulousness when they look at what passes for American conservatism and go “what the hell is wrong with these people?”
Another Top 10 Buckley moment… on the learning of Nelson Mandela’s conviction in 1964, this is the NR editorial:
“The South African courts have sentenced a batch of admitted terrorists to life in the penitentiary, and you would think the court had just finished barbecuing St. Joan, to hear the howls from the Liberal press.”
That fucking libruhl press again, thank heavens Buckley was fighting against it.
In fairness, it was written by a lefty dKosian, but there’s been no rebuttal from the other columnists, yet it was a top hit when I Googled Goldberg at Google News.
In fairness, it was written by a lefty dKosian, but there’s been no rebuttal from the other columnists, yet it was a top hit when I Googled Goldberg at Google News.
Kind of said that you have to go to the dKos to find what any rational human being would say when looking at Goldberg and the teabaggers. But that’s American liberalism for you.
Speaking of kos, remember Obama’s Nixonian Enemies List? Enemies were punished.
Winning blockquote:
So many Hispanics turned out that the numbers defied the most optimistic estimates of the Reid folks. Even the Asian-looking ones must have gone to the polls.
But, but, but…GOP Hispanics won a lot of seats in 2010. At least that’s what my local fishwrap tells me courtesy of the latest GOP rah-rah Ruben Navarette column.
From actor’s link: “I’d like to ask a simple question: Does Mr. Goldberg hug his mother with the hands that typed those words?”
I think I can speak for all of us here: No one wants to know what Mr. Goldberg does with those hands.
Well, the Rockwell/Paulites are opposed to the GWOT and the security state. Jonah Goldberg is completely on the other side of the right wing. This is like Code Pink types going after Obama for the war.
Reading the guy’s older articles suggests that he was fully on board with the Rno Pual rEVOLution. There’s always been a bit of a working relationship between the paleos and the antiwar left — antiwar.com being the obvious example — but this has been less stable in the Obama years, since there’s a much smaller pool of lefties willing to attack Obama as consistently as they did Bush.
If this guy’s actually a lefty, I’m surprised he’s still writing for Rockwell. Most of the antiwar libertarians have found that it’s slightly easier for them to support teapers than the Dems.
I think I can speak for all of us here: No one wants to know what Mr. Goldberg does with those hands.
If I may elaborate on that statement, no one wants to know anything about the Goldberg kinfolk.
I think that as a differentiator from Jonah Of Goldbrickshire, Pigpen’s overall good-natured decency trumps his lack of dipsomania.
If you’re trapped at your computer and bored the actual C-Span program is a real gas
It’s twoo! It’s twoo! Plus it smells like it’s lulzing-gas to boot!
Progressivism & Fabianism are both “totalitarianisms” … yuh HUH. Oooh, & Mussolini was originally a titan of socialist philosophy before he started swinging the whole evil-bundle-of-rods gig too! I CAN HAZ CITAITION PLZ?
Yet at circa 01:25:40 he says if you only get your information from conventional sources, you’re not getting enough news … GREAT MOTHER OF HOLY FLUCK, HE’S SECRETLY HAVING NOAM CHOMSKY’S LOVE-CHILD!
“Politics is about persuasion.” Yeah, sorry Jonah – you have it mixed up with advertising. Also he’s calling some bitches at National Review out for cold harshing on his Randian homies too hard, yo. Surely J-Lo & the lads will rib him for that the next time they all gather around the lotion-dispenser.
“The beauty of capitalism, of free-market capitalism, is that it’s the most co-operative thing ever imagined!” So says the same yut who earlier directly equated all the icky ideologies that are polluted by non-rightist thought with fascism. Competition & acquisition define capitalism. Having an unstoppable sophomore-caliber crush on every single smarmy noise that pops out of his fuzz-fringed sammich-hole defines Goldberg.
***BONUS LULZ*** ………. Herr Pantload gets politely huffy at the (not made by anyone at the time) suggestion that he or his fellow CornerBorg get any marching-orders from anybody! This prompted by the subject of the Koch brothers coming up – a minute later he’s shrugging & saying well yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if we also got some baksheesh from them along with everyone else we whore it up for, yeah, so what? Their having mentally devolved into a monolithic chorus that is miles beyond the point of ever requiring specific marching-orders is surely a source of no small comfort & pride to them.
If irony is dead, today its Zombie surely walks the earth howling “AAAASS! AAAAAAAASS!”
Yes, look at all the hardships that profile in courage Buckley suffered for his beliefs. Did you know he had only one yacht?
Clearly, this man has never met Mr. Goldberg.
I’d bet good money that should one meet Mr. Goldberg he’d seem a reasonable, polite man who chews with his mouth closed.
helping to contribute to conjuring out of thin air the dumb notion that liberals and progressives are still fascist.
That’s just wrong, and gives Goldberg too much credit for inventiveness and creativity. What you meant to say is that he ripped off the idea from USENET trolls of the early 1990s, then passed it off as his own.
Clearly, this man has never met Mr. Goldberg.
I think they meant that the guy who meets Mr. Goldberg is a reasonable, polite man who chews with his mouth closed – not the Load himself.
But, but, but…GOP Hispanics won a lot of seats in 2010. At least that’s what my local fishwrap tells me courtesy of the latest GOP rah-rah Ruben Navarette column.
You know, when I read his columns, I almost feel bad for the guy. Trying so hard to be a Hispanic and a PJM commenter, even though his audience hates his friggin guts and tells him so every chance they get.
It’s amazing how many liberals simply need me to be a racist. It’s like they can’t understand how I can believe in the systematic oppression of one type of people without being a racist. I mean, jeez. I simply happen to hate all black people (except for Thomas Sowell and Colin Powell when he’s not being uppity) for personal reasons.
Florida town full of shit, won’t make citizens clean it up.
With bonus Teabagging goodness.
Reposting the link to yesterday’s Colonel Mustard post, because there’s now a Namless Cynic bitch-slap at the bottom of the comments section that I thought was well worth it.
You know, when I read his columns, I almost feel bad for the guy. Trying so hard to be a Hispanic and a PJM commenter, even though his audience hates his friggin guts and tells him so every chance they get.
Anyone trying to coax a comprehensive immigration policy of that gaggle of nativists, theocrats and neoconfederate sympathizers formerly known as the Republican party gets no pity for me.
ere’s always been a bit of a working relationship between the paleos and the antiwar left — antiwar.com being the obvious example
Yeah, my mom’s a big fan of Lew Rockwell, sad to say.
Namless Cynic bitch-slap at the bottom of the comments
Nameless Cynic is our winner of today’s intertr0nz!
Nameless Cynic is our winner of today’s intertr0nz!
My winning streak was stopped at two….*sigh*
What you meant to say is that he ripped off the idea from USENET trolls of the early 1990s, then passed it off as his own.
But Pantload was able to get an entire book out of it.
A worthless book, admittedly.
I blame the Jews.
But Rick Tepker, a law professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Law believes the “Save Our State” constitutional amendment may have the unwanted side effect of preventing judges from referencing the Ten Commandments. Tepker called the measure “a mess.”
“Many of us who understand the law are scratching our heads this morning, laughing so we don’t cry,” he told CNN. “I would like to see Oklahoma politicians explain if this means that the courts can no longer consider the Ten Commandments. Isn’t that a precept of another culture and another nation? The result of this is that judges aren’t going to know when and how they can look at sources of American law that were international law in origin.”
Colonel Mustard, you’d best leave a tip, because you got served.
The slapdash politics of hysterical morons have unintended consequences. Who could’ve predicted?
Remember how TARP was going to bail out the banksters and put the Amurrican banking system back on its feet?
Yea, BofA forgot, too….
The result of this is that judges aren’t going to know when and how they can look at sources of American law that were international law in origin.”
Won’t we have to scrap the entire Constitution?
You can’t hold a whole legislative fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole legislative system? And if the whole legislative system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our financial institutions in general? I put it to you, isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!
The ban on looking at international legal precedents is an obvious problem, but can somebody explain why it’s a problem that they can’t look at the Ten Commandments? Are judges currently allowed to cite the Ten Commandments when writing their opinions? Isn’t that rather pointedly a First Amendment violation?
I mean, yeah, it’s obviously hoisting the theocracy-is-great-but-only-when-we-do-it idiots who wrote the law on their own petard, but why is that grounds for a judge to stay the process?
State law and legal decisions are often based on the Decalogue as is pointed out here
This doesn’t explain funny Canadians.
Hence my good comedy = good empathy theory.
There is definitely something to the deprivation bit too, though.
Perhaps the link between the deprivation/empathy theories is: when you come from a deprived background, you look at those around you and those economically above you, and you realize that those above aren’t necessarily any better or smarter.
The result of this is that judges aren’t going to know when and how they can look at sources of American law that were international law in origin.
Guess that leaves William Blackstone out.
I thought the way the law was written, American courts could cite British ones as precedent (because that’s what we were before we were Yanks) and that’s about it. Unless you’re in Louisiana, in which case I think Frence laws apply too.
Why you’d want to cite Biblical or Koranic law is beyond me. Not only are church and state separate in this country, but those things are over a thousand bloody years old… are we supposed to be citing Hammurabi as well?
I would like to see Oklahoma politicians explain if this means that the courts can no longer consider the Ten Commandments. Isn’t that a precept of another culture and another nation?
Whaddaya mean another culture and nation? Ain’t my Bible written in English?
Why you’d want to cite Biblical or Koranic law is beyond me.
It’s not that there’s a danger of Shania law suddenly popping up in decisions all over the place, but I think it was Sotomayor who spoke about looking to international law when domestic law was unclear, and that probably trigged the whole mess.
Why you’d want to cite Biblical or Koranic law is beyond me
I don’t know. The weeping and wailing from Wall Street that would result from declaring a Jubilee Year might be fun, for a few days before the food riots started.
Uh-huh. Like the investment banks cooperate with the ratings companies and insurance companies and with government and K Street. And corporations cooperate with each other to fix prices. And cooperate with the media, think tanks and the political parties. If they could only get rid of those pesky unions totally, we’d have full cooperation!
“The beauty of capitalism, of free-market capitalism, is that it’s the most co-operative thing ever imagined!”
Y’know, even on the merits of the face of that argument, that argument is extremely silly.
Define free-market capitalism: “According to the theory of the free market, rational economic actors acting in their own self interest deal with information and price goods and services the most efficiently.” (emphasis added)
So co-operation between competitors would serve to blunt the free-market ideal, thus negating that entire sentence and sending it hurtling over the event horizon of Jonah Goldberg.
You know what’s really co-operative? Ramadan.
If they could only get rid of those pesky unions totally, we’d have full cooperation!
Surprisingly to some, the economy was at its best when the wealthy actually “cooperated” with the unions and more generally with their employees. However, efficiency takes second place to the size of a rich man’s paycheck.
The skits on rap albums get a lot funnier when you have your music on shuffle and they pop up between songs by The Fall and Neil Young.
VERY worth it.
I opined therein that Western hypocrisy over responding to Sudan, Burma, Somalia, et al with crickets was a mite more pungent than the bogus case he cites, with a hint that being equal parts emo & smug over retail terrorist violence doesn’t compare well with serious shit-disturbing over large-scale state violence … but what the smeg: let’s all just pretend that I also said “fuck” & called him a Nazi pedophile, A LOT, thus justifying its invisibility.
are we supposed to be citing Hammurabi as well?
yes, & Jayavarman II
The current American right considers that Vidal confrontation Buckley’s finest hour. LOL HE CALLED THE FAGGOT A QUEER!!!!!!!!
The current American right considers that Vidal confrontation Buckley’s finest hour.
And yet, Buckley/Vidal pales in comparison to this
Just goes to show you how pussified the entire conservative wing of the nation is.
the Birmingham church bombing that killed four little girls just may have been perpetrated by “a crazed Negro” acting as “an agent provocateur.”
Some things never change.
I couldn’t see Doughbob marching for anything… not even with a bayonet poking his back.
I couldn’t see Doughbob marching for anything… not even with a bayonet poking his back.
What if you promised him Chocolate Chip Pancake On A Stick?
What if you promised him Chocolate Chip Pancake On A Stick?
Wrapped around a Jimmy Dean snausage. The snausage is the important part.
Deepfried choc-chip pancake onna stick? A friend wants to know
It can be, yes
Wrapped around a Jimmy Dean snausage. The snausage is the important part.
Our Dunkin’ Donuts on the east coast is now serving Dunkin Munchkin-like breakfast treats made of pancakes wrapped around little balls of sausage.
I call it The Jonah, which is why I refuse to eat it.
I could see Jonah marching if he’s got a donut on a stick to follow.
Just looking at Actor’s picture made my arteries start clogging
are we supposed to be citing Hammurabi as well?
Only if Hammurabi was for tax cuts.
Well, shit. This is what happens when you don’t refresh the page.
“It can be, yes”
ugh. That’s to food pr0n as snuff films are to cinema.
No way. That donuts got vegetables on it!
I’m not so sure about this conservatives not being funny because Stephen Colbert is really funny. Maybe Mr Goldberg could start a comedy show and call it something like Goldberg’s Barrel of Monkeys, or Jonah’s Just Jokes, or Conservatives Laugh Louder, or Republican’s Hilarious Home Videos….something like that.
Though they originate from vegetatio, choco chips are not vegetables.
Hammurabi was a liberal:
Though they originate from vegetatio, choco chips are not vegetables.
You’ve JUST ruined President Palin’s new food groups!
I’m not so sure about this conservatives not being funny because Stephen Colbert is really funny.
Colbert is satire.
Donuts are veggies? *crams 5 in mouth*
Hammurabi also needed tax revenues to maintain the irrigation canals that sustained all life in Babylonia.
OMFG someone tell Grover Norquist!
He’d have shrunk that government and drowned it in the Euphrates!
Dayum, Xecky made my point better than I did, early in the thread.
Irrigation canals are theft. Also.
In his lesser known adventure, Gilgamesh swore to stop the chariot wheel of the world and raped Enkidu on a camel track.
In his lesser known adventure, Gilgamesh swore to stop the chariot wheel of the world and raped Enkidu on a camel track.
Enki Shrugged
And yet, Buckley/Vidal pales in comparison to this
“Perhaps you’d like two more chairs to contain your giant intellect”
Now that’s entertainment!
Heh. Shorter NRO reader:
Gilgamesh swore to stop the chariot wheel of the world
By standing athwart it, shouting “STOP!”?
The post about being promoted from angry 2 year old to petulant teenager did it for me.
So basically, you were upgraded and you didn’t like it?
Just like fucking PBS at NRO.
Is no one going to comment on K-Lo’s (photographic, at least) make-over? I fear that’s she’s going for more tee vee visibility. Didn’t she announce last yr. she was leaving her NRO editrix gig for … something undefined? It must’ve taken a yr. to clean her up to where they think she can cut it on CNN.
By the way, don’t forget that we’re two days past due date, according to the Simpsons.
It must’ve taken a yr. to clean her up to where they think she can cut it on CNN.
They should just put her in a darkened room, witness protection style.
Is no one going to comment on K-Lo’s (photographic, at least) make-over?
Dude, you could Bedazzle those mangoes with real fucking diamonds from DeBeers, ain’t no fucking way I’m going to NRO’s porn gallery…
By standing athwart it, shouting “STOP!”?
*grimaces, leans over to protect area*
Never stand athwart a chariot wheel.
Dude, you could Vajazzle those mangoes
Vajazzle? K-LO???!?!?!?!?
*races down the hall*
My work is done here.
OK, wimps, scroll down to Current Events. Same shot as NRO. Note that eyebrows are controlled, & a smile has somehow been applied.
Also, I’m not the Prez, but don’t “Dude” me, Jon Stewart.
OK, wimps, scroll down to Current Events. Same shot as NRO. Note that eyebrows are controlled, & a smile has somehow been applied.
What the heck look is she going for there? Betty Crocker? June Cleaver?
a smile has somehow been applied
They offered her a grilled cheese sandwich with an image of Jesus.
What the heck look is she going for there? Betty Crocker? June Cleaver?
Cow with a wig.
OK, that was mean. Still…
By the way, don’t forget that we’re two days past due date, according to the Simpsons.
Hey, I see she’s not wearing a wedding ring and after watching the video I believe she just might be crazy enough to go out with me. I’m gonna give her a call. Thanks for the link Actor.
OK, that was mean. Still…
Hey, man, lay off the cows!
I’m gonna give her a call.
Good luck with that.
One suggestion: find something to stuff into her mouth.
Fall webathon blocks my search for mangoes – no way out
He was complimenting the photog/shopper, assuming that must have been what they were going for and they succeeded perfectly.
Moo. Also.
What the heck look is she going for there? Betty Crocker? June Cleaver?
Oh, no – she actually looks quite a bit like a younger version of my boss, who is a very nice woman that K.Lo has no right to look like.
I have not yet tried this, nor have I found any corroboration.
It has been reported that you can force the credit card swiper/keypad thingy at the checkout to reboot by pressing the four corner buttons simultaneously. It takes some time (so “they” say) to reboot, the idea being to piss off the annoying person in line behind you.
If verified, I would like to recruit people for the jump in line ahead of Amy Alkon, listen to her rage then say “oh yeah? take this, bitch” club. And WTF are you planning to do with those salamis, you perv?
μ μ μ
Okay, so, OT, but a great example of wingnut psychosis going not only farther than we conceive but farther than we can conceive;
Evidently, the President praised and lauded India and endorsed their bid for a seat on the Security Council.
From the comments section, one can learn that 1) BAWWWW, Obama likes them more than he likes us! 2) not only is Obama a Muslim but India is a Muslim country and Obama should be tougher to “these countries,” 3) free trade with India fucks over American workers (probably true, but in a way not only consistent with but required by conservative ideology), 4) that in the zero-sum game of life, anything good for India is bad for America and if we help India rise we’re making ourselves fall…
It goes on. They’re just really, fucking, furious.
Which is beyond madness, because India isn’t just the world’s largest democracy; it’s also a country that shares our immediate enemies (the islamists) and our long-term rival (China), and is powerful enough to be a serious opponent to both of them. Supporting them is as much of a no-fucking-brainer as supporting Britain during World War Two.
And they want us to spit in the face of one of our best hopes for the future just because India’s not American enough for them? They’re not just insane. It’s like they’re actually trying to ensure America goes down the drain in every conceivable way.
The defendant’s name was Musselman!?
Eponysterics abound.
Second runner up:
First runner up:
And top of the list, surprise surprise surprise,
It’s like they’re actually trying to ensure America goes down the drain in every conceivable way.
You just now getting this? Have you not been paying attention?
A commenter from the AP link above:
1) You’d think after he schooled the Republicans in that little debate session they had a few months ago, these idiots would give up on this meme.
2) “a dumb you know what” … hm, whatever could the poster mean?!
Stay classy, wingers!
You just now getting this? Have you not been paying attention?
It’s just yet another way their ideology’s bringing the country down. On national security grounds, even from their point of view, hating India makes not even a shred of sense. It’s like hating Israel.
1) You’d think after he schooled the Republicans in that little debate session they had a few months ago, these idiots would give up on this meme.
If something happens that proves them wrong, it didn’t happen. Fox News helps a lot with that.
I just want to thank Pupienus Maximus for the link to the OooooooooooKlahoma Sharia Law ruling.
A beautiful thing that is.
(not PM, the article)
Holy crap, I forgot I foresaw Teabaggerism.
A political Sherman’s March is exactly what they’re aiming for.
India is a Muslim country
I’m sure some folks in Gujarat might take issue with that assertion.
Remember that Iraqi kid without arms? Strangely, he kinda wishes Saddam was back.
Radio documentary here:
The comments at Yahoo are a true fever swamp of teabaggery. Sometimes I just can’t help myself and wade through them to see how deluded these people really are. Articles on climate change really bring out the wingnuts as well.
China is our long-term rival? What’d they do to deserve that? If we really have to have a long-term rival, why can’t it be Kyrgyzstan or Uruguay? Or better yet, why can’t we just make up an imaginary country and declare them to be our long -term rival? It’d be a lot cheaper.
Remember that Iraqi kid without arms? Strangely, he kinda wishes Saddam was back.
Doesn’t the ungrateful little bastard realize the SACRIFICES we’ve made?
Or better yet, why can’t we just make up an imaginary country and declare them to be our long -term rival? It’d be a lot cheaper.
I deplore the expansionist militarism of Eastern Bumfuzzlestan!
China is our long-term rival? What’d they do to deserve that? If we really have to have a long-term rival, why can’t it be Kyrgyzstan or Uruguay? Or better yet, why can’t we just make up an imaginary country and declare them to be our long -term rival? It’d be a lot cheaper.
Well, we could also do United States of America vs Confederate States of America again. I’d be game for that.
Our enemy has always been Strawmanistan. Our weapons have always been rationalization, justification, denial, and projection weaponry.
3) free trade with India fucks over American workers (probably true, but in a way not only consistent with but required by conservative ideology)
Actually, it likely recaptures much of the wages that was outsourced there…
NR did not oppose civil rights simply as a matter of principle, it was blatantly white supremest.
November 8, 2010 at 19:57
Called K-Lo “J-Lo” again, didn’t I?
Let’s just hope Jennifer Lopez isn’t a narcissistic Google freak. If I’m found dead with hundreds of stiletto-heel punctures covering my corpse, know that I deserved every last one of them.
The only nice things you can say about WFB are that he tried to end anti-Semitism in the conservative ranks* and that he realized in the early 1990s that the drug war is an utter failure. Everything else is the drunken snobbery of a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
* Because of this, the Jew haters were shunted off into the ghettos of the American Nazi Party and other doomed natavist groups.
Let’s just hope Jennifer Lopez isn’t a narcissistic Google freak. If I’m found dead with hundreds of stiletto-heel punctures covering my corpse, know that I
deservedenjoyed every last one of them.FTFY
Pantsloader has dirty orange-yellow teeth; Pigpen has dirty orange-yellow skin.
Also, too.