Haitians Invade! Force Americans To Drink Sewage!!

and after monster burgers
Kenny Solomon, survivalist, monster burger enthusiast, internet troll, witticist par excellence, and one of the smartest guys at Red State, has been given posting rights at Gateway Dumbshit. Solomon is allowed to post there when Hoft is in the basement flagellating himself with barbed wire and a rusty set of rosary beads to save the blastocysts and can’t be bothered to fire up his eMachine eTower and have it dial into NetZero.
Well, Solomon has been surfing the net again and uncovered a terrifying piece of news which he logs into Gateway Dumbshit to share:
Question: Any idea how many flights from Haiti arrive in Miami on a daily basis?
…At least seven. Each day.Question: Do you know why I’m asking the question ?
…Didn’t think so.
Wait, wait, Kenny, ask me! I know the answer!! Is it because the Haitians are coming to rape our white women, practice voodoo in our schools and churches, collect welfare, and overrun our emergency rooms? Amirite or what?
Sadly, no.
Read this from the Sun-Sentinel:
Florida’s health department is asking doctors statewide to be prepared for possible cholera cases here as Haiti grapples with the dual calamities of Tropical Storm Tomas and a waterborne outbreak that has sickened 4,649 and killed 305 on the island.
“We can expect that some travelers returning from Haiti may become symptomatic with cholera en route to, or shortly after arrival in Florida,” the letter warns.
It can take anywhere from five hours to five days after exposure for a person to develop the symptoms.
So how does Kenny propose to handle this potential onslaught of diseased black people? Carpet-bomb the island and kill every man, woman and child on it? No, Kenny, a compassionate conservative if there ever was one, takes a more restrained approach:
Hey, I’ve a novel idea….. Stop me if you’ve heard something like it before. NOTHING… NOTHING comes into Florida from Haiti as of this second until the CHOLERA outbreak is gone.
No returning aid workers. No orphans. No nothing!
Not surprisingly, Kenny saw the word “cholera” and wet his pants because it sounds really, really bad. Like, say, the “Black Death” or “Hydrogen Dioxide Poisoning” or the “African Rhinovirus.”
Courtesy of Sadly, No!’s top secret investigative tool code-named Google, let’s see what the Mayo Clinic has to say about CHOLERA
When humans ingest cholera bacteria, they may not become sick themselves, but they still excrete the bacteria in their stool and can pass cholera disease to others through the fecal-oral route. This mainly occurs when human feces contaminate food or water supplies, both of which can serve as ideal breeding grounds for the cholera bacteria. Because more than a million cholera bacteria – approximately the amount you’d find in a glass of contaminated water – are needed to cause illness, cholera usually isn’t transmitted through casual person-to-person contact.
In other words unless you let a Haitian take a poop in your glass and then you drink it afterwards, you are about as likely to get cholera from a Haitian as Kenny is to figure out finally that you have to unwrap Pop Tarts before you put them in the toaster.
In other words unless you let a Haitian take a poop in your glass and then you drink it afterwards
Well, be honest. I could see Kenny doing that.
Damn, Pere, you’re fast.
“unless you let a Haitian take a poop in your glass and then you drink it afterwards”
Hey, let’s leave Kenny’s sex life out of this.
BTW, cholera isn’t exactly the Black Death. It’s fairly easy to treat if you have access to a supply of clean water – as we presumably have in Florida, unless water processing is one of those useless Big Gummint things that the Teabaggers have decided we don’t need to spend money on.
unless water processing is one of those useless Big Gummint things that the Teabaggers have decided we don’t need to spend money on.
I’m sure we can rely on the same corporations that keep putting poison in children’s toys to keep our water clean…
The stupidity of the wingnuts is one thing, but their nutty hubris in expressing their stupidity is what makes them so, so, so fucking entertaining.
Your references to medical experts mean nothing. Kenny knows that the Haitians invented magical fecalism. They will kill us all with it.
SCAT, you pooping Haitians!
Being the smartest guy at Red State is kind of like being the world’s largest gnat, except even less impressive.
SKREEEE! There are about 6 cases of cholera annually in the US of fuckin A, but the CDC doesn’t tell us WHO they ARE! It could be ANYONE! I say national lockdown NOW!
BTW, cholera isn’t exactly the Black Death. It’s fairly easy to treat if you have access to a supply of clean water
And an ample supply of antibiotics. Unlike the plague, cholera usually doesn’t kill you directly, but rather you die of dehydration and malnurishment from the diarrhea and vomiting.
Oh fer fucks sake. This asshole’s mindset hasn’t changed a bit since Ryan White.
Kenny knows that the Haitians invented magical fecalism.
Haitians are the
JewsNazis of Magical Fecalism.Ha ha, laugh it up libs. But if decades of video game playing has taught me anything, it’s that Cholera is a deadly disease (almost as bad as Dysentry) that can kill even the bravest and stoutest farmer pioneers.
Ha ha, laugh it up libs. But if decades of video game playing has taught me anything, it’s that Cholera is a deadly disease (almost as bad as Dysentry) that can kill even the bravest and stoutest farmer pioneers.
But playing Wolfenstein 3D has shown me that all you need to do is stand on top of a few chicken dinners to get back to perfect health…
It’s fairly easy to treat if you have access to a supply of clean water – as we presumably have in Florida, unless water processing is one of those useless Big Gummint things that the Teabaggers have decided we don’t need to spend money on.
I don’t have time to look this up, but I’m fairly sure I remember a Carl Hiaasen column, from years ago, about how Jeb Bush was going to let untreated sewage spill into Florida wetlands and possibly contaminate drinking water because it would be easier on developers.
Note for Tintin,
You mean dihydrogen monoxide poisioning, right?
Ugh, first dysentry instead of dysentery and now poisioning. Poisioning is what you get when you put an electrical charge on peas in France.
You mean dihydrogen monoxide poisioning, right?
Seems to disproportionately hit the passengers of sinking cruise ships.
Seems to disproportionately hit the passengers of sinking cruise ships.
Most poisons have their lethality measured by their LD50’s. DHMO is different, it has an LD100. For lab mice it’s two inches.
Maybe if he’s so afraid of disease he should move to Madagascar. If they haven’t already shut down their port.
I appreciate that correlation isn’t causation, but consider this – 100% of people with Stage 4 cancer have, at some point in their lives, been exposed to DHMO. That’s not 99.5% rounded up, it’s one hundred fricking per cent! As in ALL OF THEM!!!one!
Silly Tintin; African rhinovirus can be easily cured with an African rhinoplasty.
Cholera makes you shit your brains out. Luckily, Kenny Solomon has none.
American are currently suffering a epidemic plague of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and other ailments related to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. The entire country should be quarentined from the rest of the world until the conditions that cause this have been eliminated.
American are currently suffering a epidemic plague of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and other ailments related to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. The entire country should be quarantined from the rest of the world until the conditions that cause this have been eliminated.
The local conservative blogger writes regular columns praising the crap you eat at McDonald’s. They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls…
In Haiti the richest one percent own more than half the wealth and neoliberal economics is the order of the day.
It should be Exhibit A against teabaggerism and US imperialism but it’s much easier to blame it on the darkies and their stubborn insistence on freeing themselves so early on from the benevolent white man’s guidance.
Kenny probably thinks you can get syphilis from eating bad tacos. At least, that’s what his wife told him.
In Haiti the richest one percent own more than half the wealth and neoliberal economics is the order of the day.
More than that; if I recall, the local insurgencies that helped oust Aristide in 2004 were essentially astroturfed by the U.S. and other powers. It’s what the politically incorrect call “neocolonialism” at its friggin’ finest.
It should be Exhibit A against teabaggerism and US imperialism but it’s much easier to blame it on the darkies and their stubborn insistence on freeing themselves so early on from the benevolent white man’s guidance.
Exhibit A indeed, but there aren’t enough letters in the alphabet for all the exhibits in the third world of why free-market fundamentalism doesn’t work. Lucky that unthinking nationalism provides the explanation they need; those ignorant rubes just aren’t doing it right. “Liberty is only for a moral people,” after all.
(Ironically, that’s exactly the same argument that some patronizing Marxists made after the end of the Cold War – that communism had only failed in Russia, China and elsewhere because the silly people hadn’t done it right).
The local conservative blogger writes regular columns praising the crap you eat at McDonald’s. They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls…
but but but McRIB!!! woot.
personally haven’t eaten anything from McDonald’s for over 13 years; not about to start now. That’s how I ended up working at Wal-Mart, y’know – just stopping in for a bicycle inner tube and next thing I know it’s 5 1/2 years later and I’m all “What the merdre happened?”
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
“The local conservative blogger writes regular columns praising the crap you eat at McDonald’s. They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls…”
Nobody can tell us how much salt to put on our food !!! — I read that somewhere yesterday.
The obvious thing is, if you buy processed food that’s already loaded with salt, where can you go? Nowhere but up. Regulating sodium content would actually make it much easier for wingnuts to choose how much salt to eat. McDonalds already self-regulates: they know exactly how much salt etc. to add in order to sell a few more burgers. The fries are some sort of space-age goo before they’re fried. Some folks would rather die than salt their own food, I guess.
The local conservative blogger writes regular columns praising the crap you eat at McDonald’s. They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls…
Full disclosure; this decadent gringo endorses McDonald’s unreservedly, along with all the crap it serves. I’ve been developing a taste for Burger King too lately, but I think the burgers are still better at McDonald’s. Not sure about the fries yet.
I’m looking forward to Typhoid Kenny’s book Ressentiment in the Time of Cholera.
I’ve learned many things from video games, including that red potions heal you and blue ones give you stamina. Also, courtesy of Mass Effect, that making a female version of the protagonist and then having her make out with a blue chick is really, really hot (something that Mass Effect 2 seems to have forgotten, Kelly notwithstanding).
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
‘V for Vendetta’ reminds me too much of what is happening nowadays. Well, except for the mask-wearing guy who saves the day.
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Have we had any conservatives use that as a rallying cry yet, as they did last year?
Oh, they won the House? Nevermind.
They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls
Is there a website for donations?
I’m thinking this is bad news for the Human Centipede.
Well, luckily, I paid my water purification tax this year so I’ve got nothing to worry about.
Is there a website for donations?
Seems that something tied in with the Double Down would be appropriate. I’d rather not give them money but give them the things they really need.
SCAT, you pooping Haitians!
Redeep de ployjoy – oo bob areebop oo bop shebam!
The Haitians have perfected Pooping Voodoo Dolls. We are well and truly fucked!
Hey, here’s a suggestion for Kenny. ESAD.
Cab Calloway was a Pooping Haitian?
Cab Calloway was a Pooping Haitian?
No, they were his backup band.
I’ve learned many things from video games
Per Bioshock, the ability to shoot bees out of your left hand is amusing, but less useful than a shotgun. Also, Ayn Rand sucks donkey dick.
The Haitians have perfected Pooping Voodoo Dolls. We are well and truly fucked!
Random fact about voodoo dolls; they’re not actually Haitian, or African, or any kind of black originally. The superstition comes from the British Isles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppet), and came here with the colonists. A few slaves, when they found out their masters believe it, decided to be smartasses and leave dolls lying around to scare the bejeezus out of them, and thus the association of voodoo dolls with black religion was born.
“Stupid is as stupid does;” the “E Pluribus Unum” of Christian fundamentalism even then.
You mean to tell me that white supremacist sympathizer Jim Hoft hangs out with…a white supremacist? Wowzers!
The Cholera Survivalist:
Double xtra-large white jump suit with elastic cuffs, pair of latex gloves, and 3 pairs of socks and 2 rolls of duct tape.
I’m thinking $49.99 plus $15 S/H.
The Cholera Survivalist Elan:
The above PLUS a space-age polymer helmet and Anti-UV/glare reducing eye protection.
69.99 plus $15 S/H.
Actuall cost? About 4 bucks each at 1000 units.
Free Market Bitches!!
Per Bioshock, the ability to shoot bees out of your left hand is amusing, but less useful than a shotgun.
How about carryingh a dog with bees in its mouth and when the dog barks it shoots bees?
The only vidoe games I ever learned anything from was the Liesure Suit Larry series.
“They really are dedicated to killing themselves to piss off the libruls…”
Unfortunately they can’t even do that right. It’s taking much too long, I’d like to offer them my services to achieve their goal of their total extinction. I don’t charge much and I would work overtime on the project until it’s completion or your money back!
I have drunk but one cup to-night, and that was
craftily qualified too, and, behold, what innovation
it makes here: I am unfortunate in the infirmity,
and dare not task my weakness with any more.
If I can fasten but one cup upon him,
With that which he hath drunk to-night already,
He’ll be as full of quarrel and offence
As my young mistress’ dog.
Kenny Solomon and Jim Hoft together at Gateway Dumbshit: two quarrels, one coop
I imagine the scenario running through his head as he read that article was something along the lines of 28 Days Later with black zombies.
“Per Bioshock, the ability to shoot bees out of your left hand is amusing, but less useful than a shotgun. Also, Ayn Rand sucks donkey dick.”
Is that an easter egg in Bioshock? ‘Cause I would buy that game just to see it.
Is that an easter egg in Bioshock?
No, it’s one of the gene-splicing upgrades you can buy. Most people go for the ability to shoot flames out of your hand, or levitate items, but I saw the bees in the vending machine and just had to buy them.
The reasons to play the game are (a) it’s absolutely beautiful and (b) the entire plot revolves around how ugly life would be if a Randian paradise actually existed.
One of Olbermann’s writers may be getting ideas from the Sadlynauts. He signed off last night with “it’s two days since the Republicans gained control of the house. Mr Boehner where are the jobs?”
Oh wait…you meant is Ayn fallating a donkey an easter egg…Sadly, No.
one of the smartest guys at Red State
Talk about damning with faint praise…
What I learned from video games is that it is all to easy to be killed by a Grue.
“too”, too.
In other words unless you let a Haitian take a poop in your glass and then you drink it afterwards
Tintin, you’re being grossly unfair.
Well, gross, at any rate. See, this is how the Red Staters persuaded Gateway Pundit to let l’il Kenny post over there!
OT, but I have to say that this week has been refreshingly free of gloating trolls.
Oh sure, Troofus showed his ass briefly, but where’s the fake Coach Urban Meyer badoodle-doodling about Super Sarah, the Power Palin? Where’s Iris? Where’s non-fake Gary Ruppert?
Ok, even if I jinxed all of you with this post, that still won’t discount a mostly troll-free week.
Does the Administration even have the legal authority to halt commercial flights from a country because of Cholera?
Cholera isn’t in the Constitution!
Cholera is theft.
Cholera isn’t in the Constitution!
The wingnuts sure seem to think their right to spew their diarhea all over the blogosphere is protected by the Constitution.
Gastroenteric infections are theft!
Damn You T&U.
Does the Administration even have the legal authority to halt commercial flights from a country because of Cholera?
I don’t think the government can ban flights, per se, but it can ban Americans from flying there, which would limit the number of flights to effectively zero (take Cuba. You and I can’t fly there, but a limited number of charter flights are permitted into and out of Miami to accomodate foreign tourists).
Hey, let’s leave Kenny’s sex life out of this.
Two Haitians, one glass?
“Question: Do you know why I’m asking the question ?
…Didn’t think so.”
Man knows his audience.
Cholera isn’t in the Constitution!
Ok, serious question: What goes through a teabagger’s mind when he or she
readsencounters the words “Promote the general welfare” in the Constitution’s preamble? How do teabaggers interpret those words?How do teabaggers interpret those words?
“Give Mr. John Welfare a second star. He’s been a brigadier long enough”
Ok, serious question: What goes through a teabagger’s mind when he or she reads encounters the words “Promote the general welfare” in the Constitution’s preamble? How do teabaggers interpret those words?
“Support the free market in all particulars, because the free market knows best for everyone’s welfare.”
Ok, serious question: What goes through a teabagger’s mind when he or she reads encounters the words “Promote the general welfare” in the Constitution’s preamble? How do teabaggers interpret those words?
C’mon Nym! This is SO obvious. An absolute no brainer. (Perfect for teabaggers.) This is without a doubt a Constitutional mandate to spend a gazillion dollars on defense to promote the welfare of our generals. DUH!!!
DAMN U, T&U!!!
What goes through a teabagger’s mind when he or she reads encounters the words “Promote the general welfare” in the Constitution’s preamble? How do teabaggers interpret those words?
You really do not want to know
I suggest bringing a circle in, because that’s what you’ll need to interpret the logic.
DAMN U, T&U!!!
I figured “DO NOT WANT” was warning enough. In fact, I was worried that no one would click the link and share in my misery.
“Promote the general welfare” clearly means “cut taxes for the wealthy.” Handy Tea Party Constitution translator:
form a more perfect union means “cut taxes for the wealthy.”
provide for the common defense means “cut taxes for the wealthy.”
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity means “no messicans or coloreds.”
When I heard that Haiti was suffering from an epidemic of cholera, a trivially preventable, trivially treatable disease–literally the first fucking thing Western medicine learned how to fix–I felt an overwhelming sense of shame and disgrace on behalf of the entire human race, because how could we let this happen?
But, as I should have learned by now, Hell has no bottom floor, because this guy Solomon just made it worse.
I don’t think the government can ban flights, per se, but it can ban Americans from flying there, which would limit the number of flights to effectively zero (take Cuba. You and I can’t fly there, but a limited number of charter flights are permitted into and out of Miami to accomodate foreign tourists).
I’m glad you brought that up, because it was on my mind. Why do wingnuts accept the BIG FEDERAL BAD GOVERNMENT WOLF telling them where they can go when they leave the country?
As a Canuckistani, I’ve been to Cuba twice, and I kind of like having a country in the Caribbean where I’m nearly guaranteed not to have to deal with obnoxious American tourists but really, the whole premise of the government of a free society banning its citizens from going to another country is amazing.
Ok, serious question: What goes through a teabagger’s mind when he or she reads encounters the words “Promote the general welfare” in the Constitution’s preamble? How do teabaggers interpret those words?
Tax breaks for the wealthy!
I. Hate. You.
When I heard that Haiti was suffering from an epidemic of cholera, a trivially preventable, trivially treatable disease–literally the first fucking thing Western medicine learned how to fix–I felt an overwhelming sense of shame and disgrace on behalf of the entire human race, because how could we let this happen?
Look, I’m willing to give the West a break on this one: Haiti is such a poor nation to begin with, and while we are mainly responsible for this, to expect us to fix the infrastructure within 8 months in time to prevent cholera is a bit optimistic.
That said, Solomon really lacks the wisdom of, um, Solomon.
As a Canuckistani, I’ve been to Cuba twice, and I kind of like having a country in the Caribbean where I’m nearly guaranteed not to have to deal with obnoxious American tourists but really, the whole premise of the government of a free society banning its citizens from going to another country is amazing.
Iran, Libya (formerly), & Somalia would probably disagree, except for the ransom’s sake.
I figured “DO NOT WANT” was warning enough. In fact, I was worried that no one would click the link and share in my misery.
DO NOT WANT means your own individual choice is being exercised. DO NOT CLICK is the warning you should have posted.
Actor, I’ve heard that one before.
If the Federal government MUST do certain things, and something is NOT EXPRESSLY STATED in the constitution as a duty of Federal Government
The problem is that by this logic, any government department that wasn’t expressly authorized by the Constitution is unconstitutional. The Constitution allows for a Navy and Army, but says nothing about an Air Force, therefore the Air Force is unconstitutional. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about intelligence agencies, certainly not on the bloated scale we have now, therefore the CIA is unconstitutional. The Constitution doesn’t say anything about a nationwide investigative service, therefore the FBI is unconstitutional.
The really shitty thing is that I don’t even follow RSMcCain. Some Media Matters dude re-tweeted that shit. Soros-funded motherfuckers.
Re: Promote the general welfare. It’s akin to how wingnuts hate the Declaration of Independence and just never think about it. Didn’t happen.
The Constitution doesn’t say anything about intelligence agencies…
If the Culper Ring was good enough for General Washington, it’s good enough for us.
Does the Administration even have the legal authority to halt commercial flights from a country because of Cholera?
Of course, if it DID, it’d just be further proof of Obama’s dictatorship which he’ll get around to imposing any day now, just you watch!
Iran, Libya (formerly), & Somalia would probably disagree, except for the ransom’s sake.
Not sure I follow. Was the concern that Cuba would just imprison any American who stepped ashore? Pretty sure that’s not a concern today, yet wingnuts wanted Michael Moore prosecuted for going to Cuba in his movie.
Re: Promote the general welfare. It’s akin to how wingnuts hate the Declaration of Independence and just never think about it. Didn’t happen.
Not sure I follow. Wingnuts hate the DOI? Why?
Artist’s rendition
form a more perfect union means “cut taxes for the wealthy.”
provide for the common defense means
“cut taxes for the wealthy.”“moar guns and bombs and sssshkeeew BOOM!”secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity means “no messicans or coloreds and cut taxes for the wealthy.”
That whole bit about “all men are created equal” plus about half the charges against King George would apply to George Bush. And things like this:
the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Which implies We the People can tax the motherfucking rich as much as we want and they can thank us and ask for seconds.
Mostly I think it’s the equality thing that bugs them.
Not. Fast. Enough.
I’m barely mildly annoyed, guys. Step it up a few notches.
To be fair, they didn’t do it right. Not that it necessarily would have worked if they had, but hey. It’s interesting that the backers of failed ideologies seem to resort to the same sort of excuses regardless of the ideological bent. “Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed.” and whatnot.
Yeah, but that’s different. That’s the private sector mandating your existence, which is always good, as opposed to the government trying to keep companies from preying on people. When the government does that, it’s always bad, see?
It just occurred to me that Gape Hatriot’s (thx whoever that was) “pigs against PETA” mindset is actually standard Republican fare. He’s no more absurd and vile for supporting the right and being gay than, say, anybody with children who doesn’t want them to die young of cancer or war. I mean, at this point, any coal miner, industrial worker or resident of an area where they’re fracking for gas has a much more immediate and real existential threat from Republicans than Mr. Carroll. Yet still, they vote for them, and clap louder every time a new sausage recipe is announced even though they’re the damned sausage.
One of Olbermann’s writers may be getting ideas from the Sadlynauts.
Teh mighty Sadlynaut Network is on the air!
You really do not want to know
By that logic, the Louisiana Purchase was Unconstitushul, as was the rest of the Westward land-grab. Give it back!
That’s quite an assumption you’re making there.
By that logic, the Louisiana Purchase was Unconstitushul, as was the rest of the Westward land-grab. Give it back!
At the time, I think, Jefferson actually wasn’t sure if that was constitutional or not, since the Constitution didn’t say anything about annexing land. The rationale for why it was OK was that the Constitution did give him the power to make treaties, so signing a treaty with Napoleon about the land purchase was constitutional.
Even back then, the Founders themselves were looking through loopholes in their own text in order to do things they thought would be good for the country. “Living document…”
Well now I’m convinced. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXFKmEw-eqQ
Will the teabaggers get all up in arms over this firing of a journalist for expressing his free speech?
Will the teabaggers get all up in arms over this firing of a journalist for expressing his free speech?
Dammit, I was just going to post that.
Will the teabaggers get all up in arms over this firing of a journalist for expressing his free speech?
Was the concern that Cuba would just imprison any American who stepped ashore? Pretty sure that’s not a concern today, yet wingnuts wanted Michael Moore prosecuted for going to Cuba in his movie.
The fact is, lots of Amellicans go to Cuba for fun. I don’t know if it’s still going on but some years ago several American friends informed me that they were going to go have fun in Havana. Again. I had hoped to join them but other duties prevailed. They flew to Toronto and boarded a flight for Cuba. Cuban immigration looked at their passports and said “woops, better not stamp these! Enjoy your stay!”
I think Olbermann is smiling about this. Looks like a set-up to show the difference between MSNBC and FoxRNC.
If only that tweet had been by Meghan McCain instead of RS McCain.
Iran, Libya (formerly), & Somalia would probably disagree, except for the ransom’s sake.
Not sure I follow.
I’m saying they would have agreed with the ban.
You really do not want to know
The government can’t build roads? Building roads for the purpose of mail delivery is one of the fucking enumerated powers, numbnuts.
They flew to Toronto and boarded a flight for Cuba. Cuban immigration looked at their passports and said “woops, better not stamp these! Enjoy your stay!”
They can no longer do this, however. It used to be Americans could charter flights out of Canada or Mexico and go to Cuba (some of those were allowed out of Miami, but generally, you had to fly to Mexico). They’d have to hand their cash (yes, cash) over to the tour operator in advance.
Now, unless it’s a humanitarian effort (or you have some bizarre family connection, if I recall) Americans are barred from Cuba, full stop.
I’m going in the next few years, but I have to do it on a European passport and basically have to fly to Canada and then back down to Cuba.
Actually the Cubans don’t stamp Canadian passports either, they stamp a tourist visa thingy. They play the game smartly.
Still, in principle it’s illegal for American citizens to travel to cuba under normal circumstances, and I’m just surprised that this is so rarely remarked on.
I totally see T&U doing this
I! W? N?
Well now I’m convinced.
Please say that’s a humourous parody.
That’s a good analysis but this morning while listening to NPR I had a different impression. The whingnutz _want_ to be afraid. They’ll ignore any and all reality that would violate their deep seated need to be afraid of something.
Rick “Great Hair!” Perry, while complaining about government interference with the usual litany of GOVERNMENT TYRANNY! said Washington wants to tell us how much salt we can put on our food. That’s the way they see it when in fact, that whole bruha has nothing to do with how much salt YOU put on your food. I rather appreciate the effort to prevent someone from selling me addictive poison and calling it food. I much prefer the FREEDOM to salt my food THE WAY I WANT IT.
Didn’t you read the article? Just because they said “general welfare” doesn’t mean they meant general welfare. Geez. You act like words have actual meanings. *snort*
Please say that’s a humourous parody.
Sadly, no. Though I wish it was, I don’t think it is.
I much prefer the FREEDOM to salt my food THE WAY I WANT IT.
You miss the essential point: if Government does it, it’s BAD. If industry does it, it’s GOOD.
Plz do not overthink this. You’ll sprain your thinker.
Though I wish it was, I don’t think it is
Y’know, there’s a Porky Puig cartoon from the 60s that predicted 9/11.
I can’t post a link, because Carnivore has been sicced on my system, man, but Google it!
The Perry rant about “telling me how much salt to put in my food” was one of the more intriguing parts of that speech.
Think about it: these people are so easily led and so sheepish that, rather than pick up a salt shaker and salt to taste (and if you think about it, why does McDonald’s have to add any salt at all?), they want the corporation to tell them how much salt to eat.
But not the government.
Weird, man.
I totally see T&U doing this
Only if he deserved it. And/or wanted it. And/or I was paid to do it.
I’ll help, Actor
Two Kens, One Cup.
NOTHING comes into Florida from Haiti as of this second until the CHOLERA outbreak is gone.
Why stop there? Cholera drenched people might land in another state and come into Florida. Better wrap the entire state in heavy plastic sheeting and ductape. JUST IN CASE!
Nope, not a parody. The guy’s web site is amusing tin an unintentional way. Looove the Obama pic on the left.
PEOPLESHEEPLE!Do it right, wouldja?
I’ll help, Actor
They’re coming to kill us all!
Do it right, wouldja?
Sorry, man, I’m off my game today.
November 6?
No WONDER the LIRR is cancelling service!
Sorry, man, I’m off my
gamemeds today.This is fun.
Sorry, man, I’m off my meds today.
This is fun
That’s simply not true. If anything, I’ve had more beer.
Cholera drenched people might land in another state and come into Florida.
That’s really no way to talk about Georgians.
Y’all’re all Georgians now.
Y’all’re all Georgians now.
And a person of cholera.
Someone tell Pammy that violent threats aren’t generally considered protected speech under the 1st Amendment.
Juice quote from Pammytits:
Um, Tits?
I think Gen. Perez was referring to America. I suspect those Coptics et al don’t live here, right?
Re: Obama’s trip, when the WSJ calls bullshit on your idiocy, it’s bullshit.
Of course, Drudge will still run with it in bold until they run the nevermind in small print.
Obama’s spin team issued a non-denial denial that the facts we mentioned are “just not true”.
Sounds like a denial denial to me. Where’s the non part?
Of course, Drudge will still run with it in bold until they run the nevermind in small print.
Rachel had some interesting insights on this last night
OT but I finally finished reading the transcript of that Supreme Court violent video game thing. You know, the one I brought up earlier because of the Sotomayor-Scalia-Kagan threesome? Well I’ve got news – apparently the thing is a facial challenge.
Sounds like a denial denial to me. Where’s the non part?
When they left off “you fucking loon, now lose my phone number, you psycho!”
Silly libs, “promote the General welfare” means providing sinecures for military brass at defense contractors.
Well I’ve got news – apparently the thing is a facial challenge.
No. Must not.
DKW sells smelly mangoes by the sea shore…
Oh, sure Actor. Like the mangoes over at that Pammy link weren’t harboring hidden razor blades!
You think when Christine O’Donnell lost Tuesday that she went up to her lonely hotel room and rubbed a couple of good ones off?
Like the mangoes over at that Pammy link weren’t harboring hidden razor blades!
Yes, but they were so overinflated that I could safely eat around them….
Like the mangoes over at that Pammy link weren’t harboring hidden razor blades!
Yes, but they were so overinflated that I could safely eat around them….
How do you stand the taste of all that silicone?
How do you stand the taste of all that silicone?
I’d not been to Druge’s site for some time. It reads like the freakin’ Weekly World News anymore. He really should advertise that he’ll print anything that may or may not be true, so long as it sounds sensationalist.
Less brain bleachy OT. Remember that thing on Tuesday? And the whole silver lining being that Democratic losses were so disproportionately Blue Dog. And how, despite a rightwards realignment of the House, the Democratic caucus has gone lefty-left-left?
Steny’s getting squeezed. This is really weird. It’s kinda counter-intuitive. I mean, midterms are kinda like primaries in that it’s the base that turns out. Prepping for 2012 by shifting away from the centre is not what I expected from the Democrats.
But that’s a good thing. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m actually surprised in the positive direction by this. Granted, the Dems still have plenty of time to capitulate on all sorts of stuff – but it looks like House Dems haven’t given up the game.
And, strangely for me, on the original topic, do you suppose that our pal Solomon would like to block flights from Nigeria as well? There was an outbreak of cholera there as well, if memory serves, of roughly the same numbers.
I think Gen. Perez was referring to America. I suspect those Coptics et al don’t live here, right?
There are minorities who get hurt in Muslim countries, therefore it’s OK to hurt our Muslim minority cause they deserve it. Of course, by that logic, Ayn Rand, Goddamn Russkie by birth, should have been locked up for life to make her pay for the crimes of the communists.
And I love the inevitable list of Islam’s evil commandments. Do they really want to compare notes? And yes, Jesus the savior did in fact command that those who didn’t believe in him should be brought before him and slain. In fact, there’s not a single one of the Koran’s sins that doesn’t also figure in the Bible – often worse, if memory serves.
do you suppose that our pal Solomon would like to block flights from Nigeria as well?
More than that, he’d like to send all the Nigers back there.
You know, just in case.
Oh, yes;
Their concern for Christian minorities living in the Middle East is touching. One wonders, then, why their only reaction to the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the parts of it they control – e.g. Iraq – was never met with any response other than sitting on their asses and twiddling their thumbs (under Bush as well, yes).
Of course,
by that logic,Ayn Rand,Goddamn Russkie by birth,should have been locked up for life to make her pay fortheher crimesof the communists.against reason and good taste.Just thought I’d turn your hypothetical into something I could support.
Just thought I’d turn your hypothetical into something I could support.
In that case…
Of course, by that logic, Ayn Rand,
Goddamn Russkie by birth,should have been locked up for lifeto make her pay for the crimes of the communistsfor being batshit insane.When the republicans have finished building a thirteen foot high fence on the northern and southern borders, and have mined all the major waterways into the U.S. they might begin to feel safe. The U.S. can then declare itself the world’s largest open air prison. There is a cost for perfect safety.
Did not know that – that she was a Russkie.
That explains a lot. Maybe it even changes my view of her a little in the direction of pity – living under commies is never fun. What a shame she turned that resentment into something ugly.
Well, it’s a good start, but have you seen how many of THOSE PEOPLE there are in prison? The walls are at best a necessary condition, but clearly not sufficient.
Did not know that – that she was a Russkie.
That explains a lot.
I suppose if you’re exposed to communism in it’s bastardized Soviet form, and you see what a tragic failure it was, the only possible answer is the exact and total opposite, in every possible way.
Nah. They need to either kill or deport all the swarthy folks, too.
And probably the Catholics.
And the socialist Swedes.
Can’t have any Jews hanging around either.
The Italians are a bit shifty as well.
Did I mention the Portugese?
HUAC testimony:
Oh, how many times have you heard that one before?
Did I mention the Portugese?
And the miserable fat Belgian bastards.
That explains a lot. Maybe it even changes my view of her a little in the direction of pity – living under commies is never fun.
Ayn Rand’s “father was educated as a chemist and became a successful pharmacist, eventually owning his own pharmacy and the building in which it was located. His success allowed the family to employ a cook, maid, nurse, and governess.”
Which all went away with the revolution. Didn’t those dirty Reds know that having servants is a right?
“On one occasion, when a school assignment called for her to write about the joys of childhood, she instead wrote what she later recalled as “a scathing denunciation” of childhood as inferior to the intellectual capacity of adults.”
Childhood is theft!!
“I suppose if you’re exposed to communism in it’s bastardized Soviet form, and you see what a tragic failure it was”
Communism can never fail, it can only be failed. Where have I heard that before?
Did not know that – that she was a Russkie.
That explains a lot.
I suppose if you’re exposed to communism in it’s bastardized Soviet form, and you see what a tragic failure it was, the only possible answer is the exact and total opposite, in every possible way.
Same basic principle as people circa World War Two – Russian and other – getting raped by Nazism and embracing Soviet communism, even under Stalin, as a result.
I feel some pity for people like her – but very little. Solzhenitsyn came from the same background as her, that didn’t turn him into a sociopath.
“On one occasion, when a school assignment called for her to write about the joys of childhood, she instead wrote what she later recalled as “a scathing denunciation” of childhood as inferior to the intellectual capacity of adults.”
Miserable bastard children…boy, you know, you baby them when they’re infants and what do you get?
And speaking of Rand…
“On one occasion, when a school assignment called for her to write about the joys of childhood, she instead wrote what she later recalled as “a scathing denunciation” of childhood as inferior to the intellectual capacity of adults.”
Jesus. I’ll bet her birthday parties were fun.
Jesus. I’ll bet her birthday parties were fun.
The clowns really WERE scary. Probably economics professors.
William Worthy isn’t worthy of entering our shores
He went to Cuba, he’s not American anymore
Still it’s odd to hear the State Department say
“You are living in the Free World; in the Free World you must stay”
The clowns really WERE scary. Probably economics professors.
You had to pay for your slice of cake or she called you a parasite.
The pinata was in the shape of Karl Marx’s head.
You had to pay for your slice of cake or she called you a parasite.
No gifts! Gifts are for Moochers.
They played Pin The Tail on the Dominique
The clowns made balloon supply curves
They had an accountant come in and juggle the books.
When she blew out the candles, she wished for a sociopathic genius to sweep her away and fuck her on some railroad tracks.
When her parents found out she wanted gifts, then went Galt.
Hm, that one sucked. I’ll try harder.
Gr, theY went Galt….argh.
In fairness, this asshole is probably stupid enough to let a Haitian take a dump in his glass of water, then drink it, so he probably has a right to be concerned.
But you really have to be fucking stupid to think that cholera is transmitted by anything other than contaminated drinking water and poor sanitation.
Hm, that one sucked. I’ll try harder.
That’s what he said.
Instead of singing “Happy Birthday,” they had a three-hour lecture extolling the virtues of capitalism.
The silverware was all made of Rearden Metal
The cake was money-flavored.
But you really have to be fucking stupid to think that cholera is transmitted by anything other than contaminated drinking water and poor sanitation.
That’s what the crooked allopathic doctors tell you to keep you from discovering the magic of colloidal silver!
She set her toys on fire because they were too good to let anyone else play with them.
Instead of party games, they built Cortland Homes, then when they weren’t looking, the bitch blew it up.
There were cigarettes on the cake instead of candles.
Her 12th birthday, she hired William Edward Hickman as a magician.
That did not work out well.
cholera usually doesn’t kill you directly, but rather you die of dehydration and malnurishment from the diarrhea and vomiting.
You need Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes.
People who attended rapidly tired of her prediliction for three-hour monologues on the meaning of freedom.
The cake was money-flavored.
With amphetamine icing.
Afghanistan has had numerous outbreaks of cholera since we started “helping out,” should the soldiers be kept from coming home? Another way to extend their service beyond what they originally signed up for…
… When the republicans have finished building a thirteen foot high fence on the northern and southern borders …
They will never finish the job; they may never start. See, they don’t do working-type-work, and they wo’t pay fair wages to Americans to build anything; they hire illegals.
But nowadays they won’t hire illegals, so -who will do the work?
The party hats were made from subpoenas that were later served on the guests.
I knew there was a reason why I couldn’t get too worked up about Olbermann’s suspension.
act.boldprogressives.org has a petition to get KO back on the air.
Instead of singing “Happy Birthday” they recited “A = A” over and over.
That link should have been:
A=A to you
A=A to you
A=A to you!
Christine O’Donnell won the white vote in Delaware by 6 points.
I think I have a deep-seated hatred of white people, of white culture.
Well, he despised democracy, was a tsar nostalgist if not an outright tsarist, was pretty clearly an antisemite and Russian chauvinist, and blamed the wrongdoings and failings of the USSR on atheism.
I think I have a deep-seated hatred of white people, of white culture.
I can’t. Some of my best friends are white.
I think I have a deep-seated hatred of white people, of white culture.
I wear SPF 3005, and I certainly do.
“I think I have a deep-seated hatred of white people, of white culture.”
I love white culture, it’s white people I can’t stand.
Payback to T & U for “Do not want”
almost as bad as Dysentry
“Dysentry” is what they say at the US Customs when you arrive back from Haiti and they refuse to allow you in.
And still lost? How can this be? Delaware is 73.9% white
Well, he despised democracy, was a tsar nostalgist if not an outright tsarist, was pretty clearly an antisemite and Russian chauvinist, and blamed the wrongdoings and failings of the USSR on atheism.
Aside from that, though, pretty cool guy. Great little dancer.
They played Pin The Tail on the Dominique
Zombies read this as Pin The Tail On The Dominatrix.
What goes through a teabagger’s mind …?
A lobotomy knife.
Zombies read this as Pin The Tail On The Dominatrix.
This sounds like a most rewarding game. I believe I’ll plan a dinner party.
When fecesism comes to the U.S., it’ll come wrapped in T.P. and pooping its brains out.
something funny
Is it me, or does non-makeup Marylin Manson look like Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg?
Holy crap, when Bill Kristol is advocating Olbermann should be reinstated my world is turned upside down!
Solzhenitsyn was a profoundly courageous man, a hell of a writer and a truly historic figure in that he played an important role in exposing the shame of Stalinism. But after he was exiled, I got pretty tired of hearing how I and my fellow decadent countrymen were doomed to destruction at the hands of the rapacious USSR. When he went back to Russia after Communism fell, I wasn’t sorry to see him go.
vacuumslayer said, November 6, 2010 at 0:33
something funny
I laffed.
Holy crap, when Bill Kristol is advocating Olbermann should be reinstated my world is turned upside down!
Crap, he’ll never get his show back now!
It’s pretty obvious to me that Mr. Solomon likes to hang out in airport mens’ rooms and give rimjobs, and he just wants the US Gov’ts trade and tourism regulations to work around this kink for his safety.
I have for some time hoped a serious journal or show would emerge, titled “Fecal Matters.” People are producing relevant scholarship and opinion, but they must take themselves too seriously. Get over it. If engineers who build skyscrapers can call themselves “erection specialists,” you can call your journal “Fecal Matters.”
“Zombies read this as Pin The Tail On The Dominatrix.”
Shouldn’t that be the other way around, with a bigger pin?
something funny
I laffed.
Something deeply ironic and very funny.
One commenter responding five times.
I’m not a Pacifica listener, but this is interesting:
Subby!! Noooooooooo!
If you push the Meta button, we’ll never escaaaaaaaaaaa…
Say, you don’t think that source in India, “$200M/day” for the Obama junket, might have been paid by Karl Rove or some other under-rock denizen of the GOP? That could be achieved for just a few thousand $, I’m sure.
Suspect the worst, keep an eye peeled for facts to confirm in coming years.
I would have joined the thread sooner, but some skinny black dude took a dump in my thermos.
By the way, I used to write for Counterpunch. I love those guys. If it’s there, it’s honest. They need funds, so if anybody wants to get their paypal on….
Lame attempt at humor and relevance using ‘Is real’.
Mr. Solomon likes to hang out in airport mens’ rooms and give rimjobs
The man’s performing a public service and you just run him down.
conspiracists who believe that Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!, Pacifica’s premier program, is taking CIA money to suppress “the truth about 9/11?
Fucking 9/11 Truthers – how do they work?
Inside joke including an ‘*’ and, below, “Veiled_____Reference”.
Late to the thread video game reference addressed with hey.
disjointed nonsequitur
JanusNode™ reference
‘Joint’ joke.
JanusNode output shortly after JanusNode reference.
One commenter responding five times.
Five commenters saying there are too many vegetables.
Ominous ellipsis…
Trollage followed by a post from Brandi criticizing response to same
OK, since I can only declare you all dead to me once a year, and I used it up two months ago…
Egregious cut-and-paste trollery.
Drive-by comment by former lurker bitching about in-jokes.
Comment consisting solely of “POOP/PENIS/BLART.”
Foodie porn by PeeJ/Pupienus Maximus.
Bitching about brussels sprouts.
God, we’re so predictable.
Disturbingly random observation, prefaced (and brought to you by) the letters O and T.
God, we’re so predictable.
V-before PENIS-R
Disturbingly earnest response to obvious half-ass fake troll
tsam killing thread.
Inside joke including an ‘*’ and, below, “Veiled_____Reference”.
Fake Gary post
Heeeyyyyy! I didn’t kill it this time.
Oh, and: Two Haitians, One Glass;
tsam posting quickly enough to alert the WP goblins.
Oh, and: Two Haitians, One Glass;
Same comment posted twice with a “FYWP” postscript.
Real Gary post
tsam, I have no idea what you’re aheming me for. Especially since the post you’re pointing to is below mine. But hey, it’s all good. Go ahead and kill the thread now.
Invitation to a local event.
DKW joke about actor212’s/Whale Chowder’s mom
Followed by myriad jokes about DKW’s mom
Uh, anybody still here?
Return salvo from Actor/me that is much funnier.
We’re all at weird science night in fuckin’ Brooklyn.
Long, highly charged and on-topic rant eviscerating the subject of the original post by Chris or Jim that makes you feel like a total piker.
I had no idea the place was that much fun. I just GOTTA get to NYC…
Equally adept rhetorical swordsmanship by El Cid. You realise that there are far bigger guns at this game that you could *ever* be.
No, that VPR was not accidental.
tsam, I have no idea what you’re aheming me for. Especially since the post you’re pointing to is below mine. But hey, it’s all good. Go ahead and kill the thread now.
I thought you would find that hilarious. Hmmph!
1000 comment religious argument.
tsam exaggerates- they usually only go to 500.
NSFW image.
I thought you would find that hilarious. Hmmph!
Whoah. You’re way too deep for me, maaaan.
Visit from a butthurt conservablogger.
Jaded nihilist makes stupid, hateful remark, then decides,”Oh, why bother, or let on, even,” deletes it & goes away.
“<?i>” (or worse) screwing everything up.
A commenter’s log de web is pimped for all to click.
Drunk incoherent rant indistiguishable from usual comment.
Wondering if indistiguishable is spelled correctly.
Passes out while googling.
The nickname ‘squatch makes me wonder what sort of context involves so much Sasquatch talk that you’ve gotta shorten it
God, we’re so predictable.
There’s a joke this reminds me of. It’s not very good, but I feel obligated to repeat it.
Guy goes to prison. First week there, late during lights-out, he hears random guys hollering “Number 12!” and every time the entire cellblock would explode in laughter. “Number 8”, more laughter. After a while, the new fish asks his cellmate, “Hey, man, what’s with the numbers and laughing?”
“Well,” says the cellmate, “We’ve all been in here so long, we already know all of each other’s jokes. So, whenever one of us feels like telling a joke, we just yell out it’s number.” And to prove his point, the cellmate hollers, “Number 7!” and the entire cellblock just roars. The new fish ponders this.
About a week later, the new fish feels confident enough to tell a joke. So he hikes up his drawers, walks to the cell door and hollers “Number 7!” Stone silence. He yells “Number 12!” and again, nothing but silence.
He asks his cellmate what’s the deal. “Well, son, some people just can’t tell a joke.”
Y’all remind me of that joke.
Unless Kennyboy is going to be tossing some salad, he should have nothing to worry about.
we just yell out it’s number.
Seemingly random comment apropos another thread, on another blog, expressed with great earnestness.
flagellating himself with barbed wire and a rusty set of rosary beads
1. That is no rosary, sir.
2. That’s not rust.
Long off topic rant about something nobody cares about.
COPY/PASTA !eleventy!
T & U voting reminder!!!11!
What? Too late???//?/??//?
Say, you don’t think that source in India, “$200M/day” for the Obama junket, might have been paid by Karl Rove or some other under-rock denizen of the GOP? That could be achieved for just a few thousand $, I’m sure.
Great. Now we’re outsourcing out dirty politics to India because it’s cheaper?
Return salvo from Actor/me that is much funnier
I dunno what WC’s smoking, but it’s some pretty strong shit.
Anyways, pretentious music snobbery.
Followed by myriad jokes about DKW’s mom
Followed by grammar Nazi applauding appropriate use of “myriad”
Y’all lead un-healthy lives.
I’m going to sleep. Please leave something amusing for breakfast. Cheers!
Intertubez Trend Watch 2010 never saw this coming. So much power I wield in these swift little fingers.
Want to get the scoop on the Next Big Thing? I’ve got two words for you: CAKE and BALLS. Yes, the new go-to, all purpose exclamation is CAKEBALLS!
Go ahead and try it out:
“CAKEBALLS! I should have backed up my iPhone!”
“CAKEBALLS! I should never sent that picture of me in the wetsuit with the dildo to that guy on Craigslist!”
You’re welcome.
(awkward reply to OT comment posted 10 or so hours ago, using a brand new nym)
If you bake you cakeballs at too high a temperature, your icing sperm will lie dormant.
Pope complains about the treatment of Catholicism in Spain. But even better, the man actually criticizes it as a trend that goes back to the 1930s.
I suspect that if the last “just war” the Church had endorsed hadn’t been Franco’s fascist revolution, which led to a dictatorship lasting all the way through the 1970s and every bit as brutal as the commie dictatorships in the east, the Church’s image would be a lot better.
I suspect that if the last “just war” the Church had endorsed hadn’t been Franco’s fascist revolution, which led to a dictatorship lasting all the way through the 1970s and every bit as brutal as the commie dictatorships in the east, the Church’s image would be a lot better.
Policing their child-rapers would help their image, too.
Policing their child-rapers would help their image, too.
Well, I just meant in Spain. (Shockingly, in today’s Latin America, how popular the Church is in each country is directly related to what their relations with the old regimes were – whether they stood up for the people or sucked up to the power).
But yes, the child-raper thing couldn’t have helped either.
The nickname ‘squatch makes me wonder what sort of context involves so much Sasquatch talk that you’ve gotta shorten it
It’s v slayer’s sexytime nickname for me.
I thought Cakeballs was a town in Ohio.
Also wondering whether to shorten nym to ‘squat’.
Anyways, pretentious music snobbery.
Clutches copy of Moon Colony Bloodbath and cries.
Tsam makes a wistful half-joke about VS topping him in a humiliating manner.
Has fantasy about VS topping him in a humiliating manner.
POOP. Also.
“Franco’s fascist revolution”
After seeing him in Milk and as Ginsburg I can’t picture that. He’s a great actor but I don’t think he could pull it off.
This is not a comment.
Borderline sexual harassment comment aimed at one of the flirty girls.
One of the flirty girls educing more borderline harrassment comments.
Wistfully lamenting Gav’s absence.
Complaint about the server’s clock.
Hello? Is this thing on? Is anybody out there?
Full on sexual harassment
I blame tsam.
A Scrabble champion.
I’ll take that as a sign.
Joke about Belgium/ belgian homosexuals
Brilliant strategy! Her opponent could not possibly mentate well with her pink hair and dress across the table. Perhaps she got the idea from the Hawkeyes whose visitors locker room is pink. Whatever, you go gurl!
(insert anything here): How do they fucking work?
Smut linking to a disturbing image.
BELGIAAAAAAAANS!!!!! *shakes fist angrily*
I think I may just go back to sleep.
I have nothing tp say.
and yet I still misspelled a word.
Josh St. Whatshisnym discourses at length about cryptozoology.
Blilliant comment that wins me the internet! woot!
OT – link to something that really isn’t that interesting.
We’ll make great pets.
a bread-related pun
Complaint about length of thread and apologies for repeating something someone already said.
Comment that has already been stated previously.
DKW’s link is teh funny.
Comment that has already been stated previously.
Read a belated pun.
Anagrams of the topic subject’s name.
Link to stupid shit that Cornfed Wanker said today.
a bread-related pun
Comment that no one kneads to hear in an attempt to get a rise out of other commenters.
Obligatory Pantload joke.
[awesome band name also]
wordpress sucks!
Reference to a shit moat.
Dammit. someone beat me to the Donalde reference.
That’s the yeast you could do DKW.
Cankle pr0n.
I support the interestingization of Scrabble.
DKW’s being a pain. He would do better to reel off a few fish puns.
C’mon, trout them out.
Don’t carp on DKW. If he gefilte like it, he would do it..
This comment is false.
Takes the bait. Something about being careful not to get bones stuck in your throat.
Ite my bass.
Joke that’s unfunny to read, but moderately humourous on herring.
Complaint that the last pun smelt.
Wonderment at why WP hasn’t told me I’m posting too fast.
Fretting about the big gay hamsters that power the site
Are rainbow fish gay?
Worries about link fucking up the thread.
Firesign Theatre reference only Actor gets
Badoodle-boo-bookmark this loony libs! Gary out!
Stuffie Prawn!
Claim to have gotten it as well.
Teabaggers show their koncern for the Konstitution.
@Pere Ubu
What in the nym of all that is holy – where how why did you find that?
Fuck, until I found the ‘Nauts, I was always the weirdest kid in the room. Here I am like a CPA who owns a lion-taming hat. Fuck.
“With a weighted ass so it stands up! Prawnish in color! Perfect friend for your child who can’t keep sea monkeys alive!”
I mean, Christ.
Obligatory “long time no see” comment.
I missed out on the fish puns? Roe is me!
There is a Dow Jones Islamic Index. Islamic banks, insurance companies and mortgage companies are springing up across the country.
Fucking whoop, the Christers have theirs, why not the Muslims?
What in the nym of all that is holy – where how why did you find that?
Blame gocart mozart.
Fourth image link from top.
I didn’t kill the thread. You know how I know I didn’t kill the thread? Because I didn’t kill the thread.
I did.
Late post by Bilo.
CRA wrote:
“The nickname ‘squatch makes me wonder what sort of context involves so much Sasquatch talk that you’ve gotta shorten it.”
That context would be cryptozoology, bigfootery, the search for the ape man.
Not that I would know anything about that.
* cough cough *
Quotes Opus from an early Bloom County strip.
Reminds the kids of today how lucky they are, and in our day we had to make our own internet humour using burnt sticks and bark from a tree.
*golf clap*
Well played, everyone!
Interest! Website? Newsletter???