Best part? Sabean and Bochy can dine on this for a long, long time.
If you believe that it was skill that built this thing, enjoy the next few years. You’ve still got Zito, you’ve still got Rowand, and you’ll probably pay too much for Huff and Burrell.
And it isn’t like Sabean sat on his ass after 2002, is it?
I ain’t got no beef with the Giants, but I’d like to point out that probably 90% of pro sports owners are vile wingnut plutocrats, so kind of a bad standard to use.
The Rangers are, however, in Oily Joe Barton’s district, and I think a big FUCK YOU, JOE BARTON, is appropriate no matter what the occasion.
I was a little boy when the Giants came to San Francisco. Sold hot dogs and peanuts and soda at Candlestick in the Mays, McCovey and Marichal years. Lived long enough to see this day. Mercy me.
Santa – I was going to write a long comment about all the ways this team’s offense ought to be dismantled and rebuilt (because I don’t disagree with you) … but fuck it. We just won the goddamn World Series and I’m not gonna bag on dudes who just gave my City its first baseball championship ever.
Except Burrell. He needs to be shown the door with a hearty thanks for the 2010 regular season.
So even though Armageddon looms tomorrow, we can still say teh gay homo liberal elitist NANCY PELOSI San Franciscans kicked some serious Texas buford ass!
Not sure that will be enough to get me through the next couple of years, but it helps.
I think we can sum this up by saying: When Texas loses, we all win.
And when they write about this in textbooks… (well, when they write about this in textbooks, it’ll say “Texas Wins World Series” because of the Christofascist wingnuts on the Texas Board of Education, but still…)
I dug Lincecum post-game, when the FOX dick asked him what he thought of the trophy & he said: “Shiny.”
One & only trip to the ‘Stick was for a day game, in ’61/’62, before the hideous freezing wind had been adequately publicized. Perfectly nice, warm day down the Peninsula, so eight-yr. old me was sporting only a polo shirt. A woman sitting behind us eventually loaned me her sweater, fearing I was about to get frostbitten or something. Thanks, nice lady!!
Sadly, I have to admit that W throws a better baseball than the big O. I’m not sure the Rangers are the right team for him though. Given his performance at a certain Iraqi press conference, I think he’d be a shoe-in for the Dodgers.
Haven’t been to the stick in a long long time, but I’ve enjoyed TelCo Park a couple of times lately. The arugula salads nicely complement the sweetness of the Napa Valley Zinfandels.
And yes, throughout history, most of the bloodier-minded tyrants have been mystics, going back to the likes of Nero, Caligula, and (even earlier) Plato. (Look up what he got up to on the island of Rhodes sometime.) And let’s not even talk about the Persians under Darius and Xerxes. (Look up “Thermopylae” and “Leonidas of Sparta”- or just watch the movie “300?.)
Should I start with the part where Plato never ruled anything and thus wasn’t a tyrant of any kind, however wrong his philosophy may have been? The fact that the Persians were in fact quite humane by the standards of the time, compared to the other empires around? The fact that he’s criticizing “bloody” tyrants when he’s clearly got a hard-on for Sparta?
Or should I just stick to the fact that he actually considers 300 a history book?
And the purpose of that thread was to prove conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. FAIL. Mark it ZERO.
Gaaah. You are to be commended, Chris. I get the daily email from PJ “media,” & at least a third of the time I haven’t the strength or nerve to open it. And when I do peek, their own shorters are usually enough to keep me very safely in the boat.
Gaaah. You are to be commended, Chris. I get the daily email from PJ “media,” & at least a third of the time I haven’t the strength or nerve to open it. And when I do peek, their own shorters are usually enough to keep me very safely in the boat.
Phew. Don’t blame you – I just check it to have an idea what’s going on in the wingnuts’ own world, but one of their websites is as much as I can handle.
Rangers fans shouldn’t worry. I’ve heard the new Texas state curriculum standards for history will show the Rangers won the 2010 World Series. No word yet if there is enough revisionism in the world to wipe away this year’s Cowboys’ season.
I had to laugh a couple of threads ago when some rightard was carrying on about Bush getting applause when he threw out the first pitch. Uh, the game was in Texas, and the crowd must have been affluent types with access to corporate boxes- hell, Joe Schmo can’t even afford a regular ticket, much less a World Series ticket.
Enough of my yappin’- GO BICOASTAL, BISEXUAL ELITES!!
Meh, I can’t hate on the Rangers too much after they manhandled the Yankees. Still, yet more proof that reality has a liberal bias when you see that after Dubya’s fated visit to the mound, the Rangers scored 1 run in 18 innings.
Five of the last ten World Series have been won by a National League team. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that we can safely add the American League to the totally overrated list that already includes the 1980s Cardinals, the impact steroids had on Barry Bonds’ performance, Derek Jeter, Tom Brady, Don Shula, Mark Messier, Larry Bird, Macs, Lost, The Beatles, da Vinci The Golden Gate Bridge, Jane Hamsher, Howard Dean, Buckminster Fuller, Tom, the idea of the Overton Window, pubic hair, Richard Dawkins, Bob Altemeyer, feminism, math and Gandhi.
And the whole World of Evil is spinning on greased grooves!
No doubt, the list can be debated and expanded, but here, at least is a starting point—the dirty dozen if you will, with a few prime examples included.
1. Old Media (ACB, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR, NY Times)
2. Engorged Public Unions (SEIU, NEA, AFSCME)
3. Global Socialist Elites (Robert McChesney, Andy Stern, George Soros)
4. Liberal “Think” Tanks (Media Matters, Center for American Progress, ThinkProgress)
5. America Hating Academics (Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman )
6. Professional Victims Groups (La Raza, CAIR, NAACP, NOW)
7. Community Disorganizers & Activists (ACORN, Code Pink, ACLU)
8. Environmental Redistributionists (Greenpeace, EDF)
9. Social Justice Preachers (Jeremiah Wright, Reverend Jim Wallis)
10. Progressive Hollywood Elites (Oliver Stone, Sean Penn)
11. Bloated Federal Bureaucracy (DOE, DOA, TSA)
12. Public/Private Colluders (AAPR, Government Motors, Goldman Sachs)
It almost goes without saying (but here I’ll say it anyway)—there are many good people scattered among these institutions.
I think he forgot to add the paperboy who always throws his newspaper in the bushes and that neighbor that lets his dog shit on Brightfart’s lawn.
The part about “professional victims” is probably the most disgusting one, but that shouldn’t stop us from seeing the funny side;
11. Bloated Federal Bureaucracy (DOE, DOA, TSA)
Poor Defense Department! They worked so hard to get on the list, what with spending more money than every other defense department on earth and then prove unable to defeat two fourth-world insurrections, or even one…
I’m not much for WSWS or the Fourth International or Trotskyists in general and even that article had holes in it, but
The 2010 US election campaign, now mercifully concluding, marks a further descent by the American two-party system into political imbecility. None of the major issues confronting the American people—the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, two wars, spreading poverty, hunger and homelessness, the plague of foreclosures, mounting attacks on democratic rights, the worst environmental catastrophe in US history—were seriously discussed. Most were not discussed at all.
that paragraph is very hard to argue with.
When was the last time politics were this fucking retarded and disconnected from anything that mattered? Was it with the Know-Nothings?
“Why Is Jonah Goldberg Still [fill in the blank]?”
He actually admits he may have gone a little over the top.
Sort of.
I think there may be a revelation in this poor man’s future, a moment when his closely cherished beliefs will be revealed for all the ugliness and greed they embody.
Of course, his head will be stuck in a bag of Doritos….
We actually have a Senate Joint Resolution to amend our Constitution to deny bail to “violent” offenders, innocent or not. We’re all about the Constitution out here–W99t.
Frosteetoes on November 1, 2010 at 02:31
The ‘progressive’ women just can’t wait for those clitorectomies when Sharia law becomes the law of the land. But,..will you progressives defend homosexuals when Sharia demands that they be killed?
One more for the endless trope on the right that “why won’t feminists and fag-lovers stand up to Islamic savages?”
As I recall, there was an oil pipeline deal that was supposed to go through Afghanistan during the 1990s that the U.S. government initially supported; that support was skewered by protests from an outraged women’s rights lobby that didn’t think we should be supporting a regime that oppressed women in such fashion.
This was right after the values’ revolution of Newt Gingrich. So, where were all those saintly, humane Christian conservatives so concerned about the victims of Islam back then? Inquiring minds want to know.
This was right after the values’ revolution of Newt Gingrich. So, where were all those saintly, humane Christian conservatives so concerned about the victims of Islam back then? Inquiring minds want to know.
Are you suggesting that conservatives might be using the values of humanism and feminism for tawdry political gain????!
Somehow liberals are both going to corrupt the youth so that they have gay, drug-fueled orgies on every street corner AND ensure that women can’t leave the house without the company of a man and fags will be hanged. I have to say, that takes talent.
Please, stick to the subject! Yonas Goldturd is not baseball!
Where I live, in a small Central American village, where only three families have TVs, a cheer arose last night when El Barbaro threw his final pitch, Ganaron Los Gigantes!, Ganaron los Gigantes! Los jueputas texanos perdieron! La gran puta! Vete a casa Bush lloron!
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye. And pork.
Are you suggesting that conservatives might be using the values of humanism and feminism for tawdry political gain????!
Just like they only started crying crocodile tears over how mean Saddam was to the Kurds in 2002. In 1989, when the gas attack actually happened, the only thing the Bush I administration (e.g. most of the same people) did was try to score media points by blaming it on Iran.
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye.
Um, I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons…
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye.
Um, I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons…
I dunno it it does, but please remember to turn on your webcam while you practice.
And yes, throughout history, most of the bloodier-minded tyrants have been mystics, going back to the likes of Nero, Caligula, and (even earlier) Plato.
Now, I think that’s bullshit for multiple reasons and I bet even this person would argue Pol Pot and Stalin prove ATHEIST LIBERAL FASCISTS OMG GRRR, but if one wanted to support his thesis John Calvin and almost the entire Medieval period provide more recent examples.
When I vote today it will not be for the timid, cringing, weak-sister, Republican sock puppet, Tea Party candidates or their republican cronies. I am going for the gusto, I am writing in Ming the Merciless for every office! What this country needs is a genocidal unrepentant warmonger! And Pat Buchanan is looking pretty sketchy these days, so Ming in 2010! Victory and Death!
So, kiss you clitoris good bye. And pork send a picture. **channeling actor212** Oh, I posted a video of a couple of songs in Suomi yesterday, you crazy Finn.
One more for the endless trope on the right that “why won’t feminists and fag-lovers stand up to Islamic savages?”
It takes a pretty dumb person to think that “mosques” are exempt from the “separation of church and state.”
Okay, people, I haven’t voted yet. But I will. My co-worker is even driving me across town because I never registered with my new address when I moved in August.
My co-worker is even driving me across town because I never registered with my new address when I moved in August.
Yeah, I hate it when I don’t change my registration in time. Luckily for me, my area had early voting stations that have all the ballots in city. That way I could visit any of those polling places and still vote for my district.
Is too early to ask Speaker Boehner where the fucking jobs are?
Up? Why, um, nothing…
Oh really?
then why have you never raised your eyebrows in public? why do you smell of bitter almonds? Why, despite having apparently healthy teeth do you avoid eating peanut brittle? Why is your sock drawer lead lined? Why do you operate a numbers station from the trunk of a rented Volvo? Why do your fingernails have a cyanotic tinge at the base? Where were you on the night Chicago died? Why were you mentioned by name in the liner notes of the single for “Bringing Sexy Back”? Just exactly what are you up to?
Luckily for me, my area had early voting stations that have all the ballots in city.
They did this very near my workplace this year. It kicks ass, especially because the station I went to is on a University campus and might motivate some of the youngsters to vote.
. Marge was once up late watching Bumblebee Man on TV and saw him confessing that he didn’t know any Spanish until he joined Mexican television and that he was actually Belgian[4].
Marge was once up late watching Bumblebee Man on TV and saw him confessing that he didn’t know any Spanish until he joined Mexican television and that he was actually Belgian[4].
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters.
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters.
What about our thug assignments?
Which of us get to be ACORN/Panther Party/SEIU thugs?
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters
And yes, throughout history, most of the bloodier-minded tyrants have been mystics, going back to the likes of Nero, Caligula, and (even earlier) Plato. (Look up what he got up to on the island of Rhodes sometime.)
This quote kind of made my day, I have to say. I can’t even begin to guess who this person has mistaken Plato for, but it was a fun 20 minutes trying to figure it out. Maybe something to do with Atlantis???
I love how all the liberals are whistling past the graveyard before their hammering at the hands of the voters.
What? We’ll keep both houses of Congress, no problem. Why do you think differently? Pennsylvania has already seen more voters today that it normally sees in the entire voting day on any other midterm, and if you look at registered voters, Democrats win hands down.
“As for the Republicans — how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical ‘American heritage’…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.”
Question: can Pelosi actually be fired? She can be voted out, sure, and impeached, but can someone with the proper authority actually walk up to her and say “Sorry, Nancy, it’s just not working out and we need to let you go. We’ll give you a good recommendation, though. Leave your paddle to the Congressional Ping-Pong Table at the door. Good luck, maybe IBM’s hiring.”
I thought the Tea Party was a non-partisan movement, not just a Republican thing.
Eight Democrats have received Teabagger endorsements over Republicans.
One is running against an alleged murderer.
One is from Idaho, which, you know, is like being a Teabagger in its own right.
One in West Virginia signed the Teabagger pledge before his opponent could.
One ran against Joe Sestak in PA. He funded his race with his Social Security checks. He lost.
One lost his House primary in PA, and endorsed the Republican candidate.
Another lost his Florida primary by 85%.
Another ran in New Jersey against an incumbent who had a 97% of retaining his seat even before a primary was announced. He’s now running unopposed. He, too, is a Democrat.
And finally, one more moved to Connecticut from St Croix (he was a hedge fund manager, I think) to run against Dick Blumenthal. He’s making an independent bid in that race now. The Teabaggers refused to endorse Linda McMahon, proving that even insanity has its limits.
Eight Democrats have received Teabagger endorsements over Republicans.
One is running against an alleged murderer.
One is from Idaho, which, you know, is like being a Teabagger in its own right.
One in West Virginia signed the Teabagger pledge before his opponent could.
One ran against Joe Sestak in PA. He funded his race with his Social Security checks. He lost.
One lost his House primary in PA, and endorsed the Republican candidate.
Another lost his Florida primary by 85%.
Another ran in New Jersey against an incumbent who had a 97% of retaining his seat even before a primary was announced. He’s now running unopposed. He, too, is a Democrat.
And finally, one more moved to Connecticut from St Croix (he was a hedge fund manager, I think) to run against Dick Blumenthal. He’s making an independent bid in that race now. The Teabaggers refused to endorse Linda McMahon, proving that even insanity has its limits.
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down? It’s weird how that works!
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down?
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down? It’s weird how that works!
HAHA! Those are cardboard cutouts! I also saw Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley in those pics. Oh and the guy from Saw. He was “signing autographs” with an oddly colored third arm.
OT: (Not Giants penis-whipping the Rump Rangers related, anyway)
Another Washington ballot initiative:
(We don’t have an income tax here) New income tax to be levied against those with an adjusted gross income of 200,000+ or 400,000+ for joint filers, while reducing some of the B&O taxes for small businesses. This initiative was written by a guy who will get smashed by this tax–Mr. Bill Gates himself.
Thanks, Bill. I’m enjoying IE9 and progressive taxation, if you’re still paying attention to that stuff.
HAHA! Those are cardboard cutouts! I also saw Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley in those pics. Oh and the guy from Saw. He was “signing autographs” with an oddly colored third arm.
This made me giggle. I think they should just go all the way with this…they’re always going on and on about the Founding Fathers. I’d love to see a cut-out of James Madison up there. All those people would be like “See? We knew those guys would totally be teabaggers.”
This made me giggle. I think they should just go all the way with this…they’re always going on and on about the Founding Fathers. I’d love to see a cut-out of James Madison up there.
I heard that Madison’s appearance fees are astronomical. Plus I don’t think he likes all those fuckin’ dopes using his name in vain.
They were better when they formed as The Busboys. I loved that band. This “new” direction of theirs, with the world music and the whole Che Guevara dedication, not my cup of coffee…
Why, yes they do. At the last event, I took my riding mower/tractor and had it valet parked by a nice young man. It was returned in pristine condition, for the record.
And all this time, I thought Santa was inspired by ‘shrooms.
There is absolutely no truth to the rumour that Scandahoovians scraped the ergot rot off rye and ingested it. None whatsoever. Nope, we never….what happened to my hands??????
I-1098, the Washington State income tax initiative, was co-authored by Bill Gates Sr., not Junior (of M$ fame), for the record. Junior supports it but his dad has been trying for years to build momentum for an income tax, without much success.
Sadly, the initiative will probably fail, yet another victory for fear over common fucking sense.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh….follow me out the secret door….we’ve trapped all the Teabaggers in a holodeck and programmed the door to lock for eight years. Inside, they’ll believe they won both houses tonight, and this program that Subby and I have been working on will explore the implications of that outcome.
I figure a casualty rate about 80%. Subby isn’t so optimistic.
A Supreme Court case started today about California’s violent video games law. Kotaku excerpted some bits of transcript and it’s interesting reading. It’s got Scalia teaming up with Sotomayor followed by Scalia teaming up with Kagan. Weird.
Given that you’re a lying douchebag and we don’t know what the fuck we were thinking, perhaps it would be best that we run away from you as far and as fast as we can.
Dipshits at ABC Who Thought Any Affiliation With Breitbart Would End Well”
Big liberal ABC (nevermind that it’s owned by Disney) fires poor underfed underappreciated right wing blogger, boycott ABC programs (except ESPN, because then we’d have to miss football and that means sex with our wives on Monday night…)
The article is pretty straightforward hurt-me-I-cry stuff, VS.
The Left nauseatingly pays lip service to the terms “tolerance” and “diversity.” In reality, they are highly intolerant and they hate diversity, particularly diversity of thought. They hate free markets and really loathe free marketplaces of ideas. As such, the stompy foot temper tantrums were in full force when it was announced that Andrew Breitbart and Dana Loesch, would be participating in ABC’s election night coverage. A coordinated effort between the usual suspects immediately, and predictably, sprung up. How dare ABC include people who won’t merely spout the Left’s talking points and somehow blame George W. Bush and people too stupid to understand the “nuance” of Democrats and their policies? Oh, and racists, natch.
It’s always censorship this, and black list that with these fringe ‘journalists’. They can’t understand they got sent back to the minors not as a result of some diabolical plot to silence them, but because their bosses in the mainstream media listened very attentively to them, and decided they were boring.
It totally sucks when a private business hires and fires whoever it wants to.
If only there was an organization for people hired to work for a company that could negotiate for individuals, thus levelling the playing field. A “unification” or something like that….
They can’t understand they got sent back to the minors not as a result of some diabolical plot to silence them, but because their bosses in the mainstream media listened very attentively to them, and decided they were boring.
From the comments: “This situation illustrates what drives people to Fox News. Fox News has the strength to allow commentators from every political leaning to participate. It is a much more interesting news channel. The Liberals on Fox news are sharper because they have to argue their side, instead of reciting talking points. ”
As usual, it’s all D-KW’s fault. He’s the one who brought up the ungodly threesome first and put the image that cannot be unseeen into my mind’s eye. The rest was purely for the sake of therapy.
I’m going to follow the elections by not following the elections at all, staying at home, smoking at least two bowls, drinking Wild Turkey out of the bottle, making eggplant parmesan, and watching Blackadder.
I’m not laughing now. It’s not so funny when intimidation tactics result in actual blacklisting. Which is happening; they are succeeding in their blacklisting attempts due to the utter lack of cojones of so-called media outlets like ABC News.
Indeed. It’s just awful when somebody is hounded from a job simply because of someone throwing baseless accusations at them. Just ask Shirley Sherrod.
And the first comment says so much,
in all honesty why on earth would Andrew give the lying scumbags on ABC an ounce of crediblity by even participating in their charade?
Yah. Blartblart is chock full of credibility. Riiiiiiight.
Between that and the “How to tell stupid” bit further upthread, the projection once again brings me back to the Hoover-Dam-as-drive-in-theater analogy.
The Left nauseatingly pays lip service to the terms “tolerance” and “diversity.” In reality, they are highly intolerant and they hate diversity, particularly diversity of thought.
Bull. The old saying still holds; move the Democrats to Europe and they’ll have turned into five different parties by the end of the week. The very fact that Democrats have been such a fragmented and divided coalition when in power, as opposed to the lockstep obedience of Republicans and their drive to purge all candidates who aren’t conservative enough, is indication enough of who values diversity of thought and who doesn’t.
Like most failed ideologies, Republicans bitch and whine about intolerance when THEIR specific views aren’t part of the debate, but that’s because their views have been weighed, put into practice and found to be a crock of shit (see Gilded Age). When we leave monarchist or communist viewpoints out of the debate, we’re not being intolerant of them either. We’re just limiting ourselves to ideas that might actually work.
Well, I do this sort of thing often enoughdaily: “staying at home, smoking at least two bowls, drinking Wild Turkey out of the bottle” but the gummint check isn’t here yet, so it’s straight edge all the way. Probably should’ve stayed in bed until all the results were in.
Does it strike anyone else as odd that while this is being hyped as the great grandmother of all tsumanis, the conventional wisdom even from Republicans is still just “we’ll take the House and make some gains in the Senate”?
I mean, I have no idea how it’ll turn out tomorrow – maybe they’ll take both chambers, maybe neither, who knows. But it strikes me that if the best they can do is take back the House, that’s a pretty mild and meager accomplishment, especially compared to 1994 and 2006 when the insurgent party actually swept both houses. This is what a tsumani looks like? Please.
In other words, much ado about nothing. But I suppose that’s what the media’s all about…
I mean, I have no idea how it’ll turn out tomorrow – maybe they’ll take both chambers, maybe neither, who knows. But it strikes me that if the best they can do is take back the House, that’s a pretty mild and meager accomplishment, especially compared to 1994 and 2006 when the insurgent party actually swept both houses. This is what a tsumani looks like? Please.
Apparenty the Christine O’Clownell campaign in Delaware is the only thing standing in the way of Obama’s impeachment. The Southern Republican delegation would have been disappointed in the proceedings anyway since impeachment doesn’t involve a whipping post.
Amusingly, there is a Redoublechin campaign flyer going around here in Salt Lake City quoting Einstein re: definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
And it’s a nice tweak on that that two of the candidates are using that identical flyer with only the candidate names changed.
Funny how they never quote Einstein about his contempt for those marching in rank and file.
In other news, the folks over at Jezebel have taken notice of Ms. Amy Alkon’s latest offering, an article published in Psychology Today entitled Looks Matter A Great Deal: “…[W]e need to be very clear about what being beautiful means — being sexually appealing to men….” Presumably she got paid cash money for it.
Hey, it’s not about the election or the Giants, and where’s the new thread anyway? Not that anyone owes me anything, just no one should say non to my sequiter, okay?
“Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”
– someone with a sense of humor. Such quotes are getting me through the day…
I’m not laughing now. It’s not so funny when intimidation tactics result in actual blacklisting. Which is happening; they are succeeding in their blacklisting attempts due to the utter lack of cojones of so-called media outlets like ABC News.
Good god, y’all. Killing irony is a necessary evil for those who work in the wingnut welfare biznass, but do you have to disembowel it and let it watch you eat the sweet sticky guts as it bleeds to death and then take..ahem..”liberties” with the corpse? Really?
Cojones. I wouldn’t call having an hysterical fucking loser such as yourself on the teevee analyzing …well, anything…cojones. I’d call that murdering your own credibility.
Bart–the rest of the world cordially invites you to go eat a bowl of fuck.
Former President George W. Bush says in a memoir scheduled to be released next week that he considered dumping Dick Cheney as vice president ahead of his 2004 re-election campaign, to prove that he, not Cheney, was running the show.
And then he kept Cheney anyway, thus proving that Cheney, not he, was running the show.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
Good times, eh?
It’s depressing on some level to know I’ll pretty much be a single-party yellow-dog voter for the rest of my life. Democracies should provide more options, IMHO. But the Republicans simply aren’t an option, and I don’t foresee a time when they ever will be.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
1994 and 2006 = both much more definitive than this, if only because they took both houses – and yet both ultimately were flashes in the pan. One house is supposed to be a curb-stomp?
Hey, you may be right… like the Zen master said, we’ll see.
Well, Nate Silver says there’s a 97% chance of Republican takeover of the House. I don’t know if it’s exactly cool to call it completely now, but it’s pretty clear we’re going to have *hork* Speaker Boehner.
On the bright side, I can now look forward to watching Rick Perry have to deal with the awful Texas economy, complete with a $25 billion budget shortfall, that he helped create.
On the not-so-bright side, he’s gonna deal with it by laying off all the state employees he can, closing all the universities but A&M, and running for president.
Almost everyone surveyed — more than 80 percent — expressed worry about the direction the economy will take over the next year. Still, a majority said their own family’s financial situation was the same or better than two years ago, when a recession-plagued nation swept Obama into office and strengthened the Democrats’ congressional majorities.
The United States is the only major Western nation to practice the death penalty but has said in response to Ashtiani’s case that it does not believe adultery should be a capital offense.
You gotta save state-sanctioned murder for the good stuff.
You gotta save state-sanctioned murder for the good stuff.
Yeah, like living in a country which the powers that be have proclaimed to be endowed with certain inalienable (even if you get rid of them we’ll still say you have them) weapons of mass destruction.
An amusing digression: George Takei calls Clint McCance a douchebag as only he can.
Anonymous, that’s probably cheered me up more than anything else I’ve seen all evening. ‘Specially since I’m watching the latest Star Trek movie right now.
CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP! Bachman won in MN…one of our stations keeps talking about how she has said she is so happy this race is over because of all the negative ads. Then she also mentions the huge prayer group her campaign had. So my question(s) 1. If she is such a good Christian, why did she go with the negative ads? 2. If she believes in the power of prayer, why did she go with the negative ads?
also, if they call her a ‘rockstar’ one more time, i will shoot my tv…
I’m curious what all these people were praying for.
I watched the sermon by the African fundamentalist that came to Palin’s church, where he prayed that God would help her win, help her turn the country around and help others come around to her side. The thing I remember most is that, oddly, not once did he pray that God would give her guidance or wisdom. It’s a navel-gazing conceit I see in a lot of fundies, and somehow I suspect Bachman’s peeps were no different.
Chris, good observation…i think they honestly don’t feel that they need ‘guidance’ or ‘wisdom’ because god already speaks to them and they are on a holy mission. scary, that.
Bachmann Boehner Overdrive
that cheered me up a little 🙂
On a side note, I was listening to NPR (I know, I know) and Marketplace was shoveling their usual line of shit and guess who made a fabulous appearance? Megz McArdle–none other. She provided some brilliant insight into the GM bailout and the impending IPO.
I do have to admit that Megz admitted that the whole program “wasn’t as bad as she initially thought it would be”. I find this sexy–her playing fast and loose with her wingnut welfare career.
FIFTY ONE!!! FIFTY ONE IN THE SENATE!!! Clean majority even without Biden.
Sorry. I never would have thought it, but I’m actually enjoying the end of the evening.
On the flip side, we just lost the House; 220 Republicans (majority needed 218).
All good things must come to an end. Still, I’m enjoying the fact that they failed to match the 1994 and 2006 revolutions. And since those revolutions both turned out to be largely flashes in the pan… you get the picture.
Aight, turning in. Looking forward to all the “YES!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!” moments from conservative outlets tomorrow.
The bullshit stops at the California border. And just maybe at the Washington & Oregon borders too.
Still too early to tell up here in WA.
If we get rid of Patty Murray (one of very few senators with whom I really don’t have any complaints), I’m going to be LIVID. I might even kick something. Hard.
Man. On my ballot, every candidate I voted for won. (oh, wait, I haven’t heard about the AG race). But other than that, all national candidates I voted for won.
For the ballot measures, 6 out of 8 that I voted for prevailed.
g, I voted not to retain any of the appellate or whatever judges, on general principle. Does look like state-sanctioned murder candidate Cooley won AG, however.
ABC News sends over the letter that Andrew Morse, the chief of their digital division, has sent to Andrew Breitbart, pulling the plug on their much-discussed, widely-parsed-over invitation for him to join in their election night coverage:
Dear Mr. Breitbart,
We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on and Facebook. The post on your blog last Friday created a widespread impression that you would be analyzing the election on ABC News. We made it as clear as possible as quickly as possible that you had been invited along with numerous others to participate in our digital town hall. Instead of clarifying your role, you posted a blog on Sunday evening in which you continued to claim a bigger role in our coverage. As we are still unable to agree on your role, we feel it best for you not to participate.
Reid/Boxer/Brown helps me feel decent about the world tonight, but I hate how close Murray vs. Rossi is. Rossi is opportunistic slime, and Murray is good people. I will feel shitty on a personal level, completely distinct from any national concerns, if Murray loses. Plus, I will tell all of my friends and family in Washington that their state is now officially worse than Oregon. Here’s hoping for good news tomorrow.
My favorite comment about Breitbart not being on ABC: “Oh, and as a stockholder in ABC’s parent company, Disney, I will be contacting Investor Relations today, and letting my opinion be known there. ”
And then the invisible hand of the market will give you the finger and bitch slap you….
My favorite comment about Breitbart not being on ABC: “Oh, and as a stockholder in ABC’s parent company, Disney, I will be contacting Investor Relations today, and letting my opinion be known there. ”
Wow, that shit is comedy GOLD. Talk about not ready for prime time.
Man. On my ballot, every candidate I voted for won. (oh, wait, I haven’t heard about the AG race). But other than that, all national candidates I voted for won.
Now we know who to blame for everything that happens in the next two years.
They got: 1. Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker and 2. Rand Paul.
They didn’t get: Witch-tine, Meg Whitman, Joe Miller (who lost to a write-in campaign), Paladino. Ken Buck is in a squeaker that still hasn’t been called. Sharron Angle lost to the Senate Majority Leader.
Looks like the only group that lost worse than the Democrats last night was the Tea Party.
Sou’ Calina now has a Teabagger for a Governor. And, cash-strapped as we are, our county rejected a 1% increase in the sales tax to fun useless things like public transportation.
The thing I’m pissed about is Rick Perry winning the Texas governorship again. Dude is gonna lay me off again sometime next year.
I don’t know anyone who likes him, and I’ve got hardline Republican family members who hate him as much as I do. Don’t know how he won unless he has someone cooking the books for him in the Secretary of State office.
Congressional douchebags aren’t worrying me too much — they won’t be able to push any agenda past the veto pen, and they’re looking at two years of epic fail before they get voted out of office again.
Sou’ Calina now has a Teabagger for a Governor. And, cash-strapped as we are, our county rejected a 1% increase in the sales tax to fun useless things like public transportation.
Meanwhile, Yahoo is trumpeting the teabaggers’ commitment to restoring fiscal sanity.
I don’t want to minimize the Democratic and progressive losses – a 60 to 70 seat swing is a big swing. You don’t find that sort of swing on any old regular playground. Also Krystal Ball lost by a huge margin. That sucks. And Prop 19 went down.
The mitigating factors are – something like a third of the defeated Democrats are Blue Dogs. Although the House itself shifted rightwards, the Democratic caucus shifted left. And with a couple dozen races still being counted, they have more seats now than the Republicans did yesterday.
But it was Palin who seemed to have the Bill Kristol touch last night. How do you lose to a write-in candidate? And one with such an easy to spele name like Moarcowskee. In Palin’s home state even. That’s almost as sad as blowing fifty million of your own dollars to lose an election.
how much longer I can hold off on New Vegas.
Give up and quit reading the news for a few weeks. New Vegas needs you. The world will still be here when you get back. It’s what I plan on doing when cataclysm comes out.
Used to be “independent” meant “agrees with one party on some things and the other on some other things.” Now, it means “wants the goodies offered by both parties (Republican tax cuts and deregulation with Democratic welfare and economic security) without paying the price for either (a risky economy in the first case, high taxes in the second).
Which more than anything explains why the political system’s been stuck in cement for the last twenty years.
That certainly bodes well for her political future…
Her high profile picks in the general were rather…intriguing. She campaigned for O’Donnell (until Maher released the withcraft clip) and Miller extensively.
Her other endorsements were all somewhat successful, I give her a 6 out of 10 for effectiveness, and even that’s weighted to account for Rubio (who had an enormous bankroll), Toomey (who held an early lead after forcing Specter out of the party) and Rand Paul (who was pretty much her first and best pick).
She threw Tom Tancredo a pity reach-around yesterday, and blew it.
I voted for her too. Her proposed “lifetime ban on lobbying by members of Congress” was enough to get my vote, even though she starts each day with a meal of roasted puppies*
* I have no actual evidence that she eats roasted puppies, but my co-worker seems to think so, so it must be true
I imagine the next time Palin and Kristol are in the same room, it’ll be all “The circle is now complete. When I left you I was the learner but now I am the master.”
That was a curious endorsement. She waited until Election Day to formally announce it. He lost by fourteen points, which means if it made a difference at all, it was too little too late. The Republican drew 12% of the vote. I’m not sure if it would have helped anyway.
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the lilly ledbetter fair pay act and a few tentative stabs towards health care and almost repealing DADT, because that’s it for two years.
Is there any upside to Nancy Pelosi not being Speaker? Does that free her up to go all SMASH behind the scenes? Just because she doesn’t have The Gavel doesn’t mean she can’t carry a gavel. And use it.
The gay loving socialist muslim terrorists beat the real Americans? In baseball? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU…
ahem…in all seriousness, I love watching the Freak just absolutely deal from the mound. He is something else to watch.
When you’re caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, go swimming in McCovey Cove.
Thank you Giants for not adding World Series Ring (you KKKNOW they would have given him one) to GWB’s extensive list of unearned accomplishments.
TimotHy linCecum.
Delta-9 represent!
Sure, Timmy THC was cruisin’ on the Chronic.
Let’s see him try and spin that shit on an ice cold dose like The Dock when I no-hit the Pads.
Mom, baseball, apple pie and a shitpot full of drugs.
The American Way.
Timmy was totally rocking the farmer tan in the post-game interview … and you know what the crop is! Wooooohooooo!
Wait – they left New York?
Once again, the schaden freudes itself.
Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy
And when I see how sad you are
It sort of makes me…
Sorry, Ranger Fan, human nature-
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I’m not you.
I didn’t say it was nice! But everybody does it!
D’ja ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses?
And ain’t it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?
And don’tcha feel all warm and cozy,
Watching people out in the rain!
People taking pleasure in your pain!
The George W. Rangers can eat a bag of bearded dicks.
Texas Toast! It’s not just for breakfast any more.
The team of misfits, beards and tokers from the land of DFHs, married fags and Nancy Pelosi just annihilated the all-Amurkin George W. Rangers.
(Though I almost wish it had been the Yankees.)
Best part? Sabean and Bochy can dine on this for a long, long time.
If you believe that it was skill that built this thing, enjoy the next few years. You’ve still got Zito, you’ve still got Rowand, and you’ll probably pay too much for Huff and Burrell.
And it isn’t like Sabean sat on his ass after 2002, is it?
I ain’t got no beef with the Giants, but I’d like to point out that probably 90% of pro sports owners are vile wingnut plutocrats, so kind of a bad standard to use.
The Rangers are, however, in Oily Joe Barton’s district, and I think a big FUCK YOU, JOE BARTON, is appropriate no matter what the occasion.
Somewhere, Dock Ellis is smiling.
Not because of Lincecum, mind you. Just kind of a perpetually blissed-out sort of thing.
That home run was a thing of beauty. With this pitching staff there was no repeat of 2002 game 6.
And apparently he’s upthread and I didn’t see him! Hi, Dock!
So sweet. So very, very sweet.
I was a little boy when the Giants came to San Francisco. Sold hot dogs and peanuts and soda at Candlestick in the Mays, McCovey and Marichal years. Lived long enough to see this day. Mercy me.
Santa – I was going to write a long comment about all the ways this team’s offense ought to be dismantled and rebuilt (because I don’t disagree with you) … but fuck it. We just won the goddamn World Series and I’m not gonna bag on dudes who just gave my City its first baseball championship ever.
Except Burrell. He needs to be shown the door with a hearty thanks for the 2010 regular season.
peter ramus – awesome, man! I started going to the Stick in the mid-70s as a wee lad. It’s such a great day for us native Giants fans!
“And apparently he’s upthread and I didn’t see him! Hi, Dock!”
Zero. Hits.
Thanx for the shout out.
So even though Armageddon looms tomorrow, we can still say teh gay homo liberal elitist NANCY PELOSI San Franciscans kicked some serious Texas buford ass!
Not sure that will be enough to get me through the next couple of years, but it helps.
D. A. – I’m sitting here staring at my Croix(s) de Candlestick, letting it all sink in.
They really did just win the World Series, didn’t they?
As a former Bay Area resident, Giants fan and owner of a Croix de Candlestick, I say “Congratulations, Giants!”
…er, Texas!
Giants Isreal!!!!!!
I think we can sum this up by saying: When Texas loses, we all win.
I’ve been waiting 27 years for this…
I knew we’d win when Dubya threw out the first pitch yesterday, since everything he touches goes to shit…
Viva Los Gigantes!
Well OK, but if the Rangers had let W start Game 5, it woulda been all over for the Giants, you know? ‘Cause of him bein’ all manly an shit.
I think we can sum this up by saying: When Texas loses, we all win.
And when they write about this in textbooks… (well, when they write about this in textbooks, it’ll say “Texas Wins World Series” because of the Christofascist wingnuts on the Texas Board of Education, but still…)
I dug Lincecum post-game, when the FOX dick asked him what he thought of the trophy & he said: “Shiny.”
One & only trip to the ‘Stick was for a day game, in ’61/’62, before the hideous freezing wind had been adequately publicized. Perfectly nice, warm day down the Peninsula, so eight-yr. old me was sporting only a polo shirt. A woman sitting behind us eventually loaned me her sweater, fearing I was about to get frostbitten or something. Thanks, nice lady!!
Any Seals Stadium stories from anyone?
FTFY. Fucking Texas, Fuck You!
Sadly, I have to admit that W throws a better baseball than the big O. I’m not sure the Rangers are the right team for him though. Given his performance at a certain Iraqi press conference, I think he’d be a shoe-in for the Dodgers.
Haven’t been to the stick in a long long time, but I’ve enjoyed TelCo Park a couple of times lately. The arugula salads nicely complement the sweetness of the Napa Valley Zinfandels.
Well, I’m just glad it’s over and nobody lost an eye.
Fuck yeah.
Lots of drunken enthusiasm in the streets, and I’m out in the hinterlands. I can only imagine what it’s been like in the more central parts of town.
OT, my new favorite sign/flag from the rally.
That is a good sign.
And on that topic, check this for a pile of crap worthy of Fudge-Bob Whale-Pants.
I’d like to see a little one-on-one hoops between Obama & Worst. Heh.
me so
hornyhappyCongrats Giants and Giants fans. Party on dudes!
Looking at the OMG! Snake! sign… Is that John Oliver carrying it?
The fact is, Giants illigitimite win means The Heartland will push back against the effrontery of Pelosi Gay Hippy Values.
This is awesome in its lack of subtlety.
WOW, this is awesome (from the comments section);
Should I start with the part where Plato never ruled anything and thus wasn’t a tyrant of any kind, however wrong his philosophy may have been? The fact that the Persians were in fact quite humane by the standards of the time, compared to the other empires around? The fact that he’s criticizing “bloody” tyrants when he’s clearly got a hard-on for Sparta?
Or should I just stick to the fact that he actually considers 300 a history book?
And the purpose of that thread was to prove conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. FAIL. Mark it ZERO.
Gaaah. You are to be commended, Chris. I get the daily email from PJ “media,” & at least a third of the time I haven’t the strength or nerve to open it. And when I do peek, their own shorters are usually enough to keep me very safely in the boat.
And the purpose of that thread was to prove conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. FAIL. Mark it ZERO.
Okay, but what does that have to do with my Giants going all midieval on the Rangers and stomping the living shit out of the fucking Texas Rangers?
Yeah!! 5 – 2, baby — still the best team in the NFC!!
It’s gonna be a All-NY Superbowl in Dallas. And the Cowboys can suck it. Suck. It.
Gaaah. You are to be commended, Chris. I get the daily email from PJ “media,” & at least a third of the time I haven’t the strength or nerve to open it. And when I do peek, their own shorters are usually enough to keep me very safely in the boat.
Phew. Don’t blame you – I just check it to have an idea what’s going on in the wingnuts’ own world, but one of their websites is as much as I can handle.
How’d you get on their email list?
Okay, but what does that have to do with my Giants going all midieval on the Rangers and stomping the living shit out of the fucking Texas Rangers?
Well, there isn’t a literal connection, Dude…
This one’s for Johnnie LeMaster.
Croix de Candlestick
Fuck yeah, I still have mine. Long live baseball at the Stick.
How long before some rightwinger starts whining about how the Giants didn’t *really* win because of voter fraud and ACORN?
Rangers fans shouldn’t worry. I’ve heard the new Texas state curriculum standards for history will show the Rangers won the 2010 World Series. No word yet if there is enough revisionism in the world to wipe away this year’s Cowboys’ season.
I had to laugh a couple of threads ago when some rightard was carrying on about Bush getting applause when he threw out the first pitch. Uh, the game was in Texas, and the crowd must have been affluent types with access to corporate boxes- hell, Joe Schmo can’t even afford a regular ticket, much less a World Series ticket.
Enough of my yappin’- GO BICOASTAL, BISEXUAL ELITES!!
The fact is, Pelosi and gays and hippyes will rue the day they biased with Real America
Meh, I can’t hate on the Rangers too much after they manhandled the Yankees. Still, yet more proof that reality has a liberal bias when you see that after Dubya’s fated visit to the mound, the Rangers scored 1 run in 18 innings.
W put the Scobie Touch™ on the Rangers.
They should have known better. As noted above, everything he touches turns to shit.
Now, DA, will you get back to work and feed us????
Five of the last ten World Series have been won by a National League team. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that we can safely add the American League to the totally overrated list that already includes the 1980s Cardinals, the impact steroids had on Barry Bonds’ performance, Derek Jeter, Tom Brady, Don Shula, Mark Messier, Larry Bird, Macs, Lost, The Beatles, da Vinci The Golden Gate Bridge, Jane Hamsher, Howard Dean, Buckminster Fuller, Tom, the idea of the Overton Window, pubic hair, Richard Dawkins, Bob Altemeyer, feminism, math and Gandhi.
Mark Messier
Careful, son…
Hey, I just voted for that Krystal Ball chick. I hope someone reminded T&U to vote…
I hope someone reminded T&U to vote…
All over that like an ant on a picnic basket.
Hey, I just voted for that Krystal Ball chick.
Bringing sexy back- TO CONGRESS!
Bringing sexy back- TO CONGRESS!
The only way they could do that would be to open a Hooters in the cafeteria…
We have a new Axis of Evil!
Newt Gingrich didn’t do that?
I knew we’d win when Dubya threw out the first pitch yesterday, since everything he touches goes to shit…
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I was never concerned as the game wore on, because the merde,/i> touch never fails…
We have a new Axis of Evil!
That’s such a tired phraseology…can’t we have a Dreidel of Discomfort?
A Sofa Of Soft Expectations.
Axes of Evil
Christine O’Donnell still has a chance!
We have a new Axis of Evil!
Man, it’s so awesome that ABC is letting Breitbart do election-day commentary.
Man, it’s so awesome that ABC is letting Breitbart do election-day commentary.
What kind of mangoes is he bringing to the network?
Hey, and props to Buster
Cherryum, Posey. Hot shit rookie catcher, slugger and future Hall of Famer, IMHOWhat kind of mangoes is he bringing to the network?
I assume they’ll be authority-worshiping, eliminationist mangoes that hate black people.
Wednesday’s Hell’s Kitchen won’t be pre-empted by a Game 6!
We have a new Axis of Evil!
And the whole World of Evil is spinning on greased grooves!
I think he forgot to add the paperboy who always throws his newspaper in the bushes and that neighbor that lets his dog shit on Brightfart’s lawn.
Old Media (ACB, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR, NY Times)
I’m assuming the first item should be “ABC”. Yeah, he calls them evil, then takes their thirty pieces of silver.
Consistency is hard work.
Fudgie butthurt, Day 5:
Allow me to wrap myself in the flag. See? Who look like a douchebag now? Huh? Huh?
Close study of Toy Story 3 reveals why Obama is a loser.
Engorged Public Unions
forcing down throats, etc. etc.
Sub, that has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read…and I just read this.
But are they tingling?
Sadly, I have to admit that W throws a better baseball than the big O
Definitely, but I think O could drain a 3 in W’s eye*.
<a href=,18376/Christine O’Donnell still has a chance!
Now I can partake in two of my favorite national pastimes–at the same time!
Ugh, I’ve been gone for too long. F’n tags, how do they work?
11. Bloated Federal Bureaucracy (DOE, DOA, TSA)
I sense a body cavity search in this man’s future…
Only reason to vote Democratic:
They don’t have an influential part of their support that thinks the earth is six thousand years old.
The title of Fudgie’s piece is “Why Is Jonah Goldberg Still [fill in the blank]?”
a) a douchebag
b) living at home with mommy
c) fat as all get out
Enquiring minds want to know!
“Why Is Jonah Goldberg Still [fill in the blank]?”
-fucking that chicken
-doing that trick of talking with his anus
-getting paid
-someone who can be defined by [fill in the blank]
The part about “professional victims” is probably the most disgusting one, but that shouldn’t stop us from seeing the funny side;
Poor Defense Department! They worked so hard to get on the list, what with spending more money than every other defense department on earth and then prove unable to defeat two fourth-world insurrections, or even one…
Poor Defense Department!
Psst…Dept of Energy. Defense is DoD…
This place is hilarious
I’m not much for WSWS or the Fourth International or Trotskyists in general and even that article had holes in it, but
that paragraph is very hard to argue with.
When was the last time politics were this fucking retarded and disconnected from anything that mattered? Was it with the Know-Nothings?
“Why Is Jonah Goldberg Still [fill in the blank]?”
He actually admits he may have gone a little over the top.
Sort of.
I think there may be a revelation in this poor man’s future, a moment when his closely cherished beliefs will be revealed for all the ugliness and greed they embody.
Of course, his head will be stuck in a bag of Doritos….
Conservative Madlibs?! We could make BILLIONS.
that paragraph is very hard to argue with.
Come on! My tax cut is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the fact you’re about to lose your house!
Of course, his head will be stuck in a bag of Doritos….
Story of his life…
Come on! My tax cut is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the fact you’re about to lose your house!
Hey, I love tax cuts too! That’s why I’m voting for the party that cut mine and 95% of the country’s after sweeping into power.
Or is that not what you meant?
Of course, his head will be stuck in a bag of
DoritosDicks….Fiqst, no charge.
Sheesh–voting in Washington state. Much fun.
We actually have a Senate Joint Resolution to amend our Constitution to deny bail to “violent” offenders, innocent or not. We’re all about the Constitution out here–W99t.
Fuck tax cuts, i want my clitorectomies!!
Frosteetoes on November 1, 2010 at 02:31
The ‘progressive’ women just can’t wait for those clitorectomies when Sharia law becomes the law of the land. But,..will you progressives defend homosexuals when Sharia demands that they be killed?
Liberals = Hypocrites
From here.
The ‘progressive’ women just can’t wait for those clitorectomies
I thought progressives were all about the sexing and the freedom and the libertine fucking at the drop of a hat.
Did I join the wrong party??? Aw fuck!
But,..will you progressives defend homosexuals when Sharia demands that they be killed?
Next question?
Now they’ll never move back to New York where they belong.
Fuck tax cuts, i want my clitorectomies!!
So Shania Twain is missing a clit. Who knew?
Chris, but Shania demands it!
One more for the endless trope on the right that “why won’t feminists and fag-lovers stand up to Islamic savages?”
As I recall, there was an oil pipeline deal that was supposed to go through Afghanistan during the 1990s that the U.S. government initially supported; that support was skewered by protests from an outraged women’s rights lobby that didn’t think we should be supporting a regime that oppressed women in such fashion.
This was right after the values’ revolution of Newt Gingrich. So, where were all those saintly, humane Christian conservatives so concerned about the victims of Islam back then? Inquiring minds want to know.
Damn, actor has gotten quick!
when Sharia law becomes the law of the land
Yeah, ’cause it’s just SO INEVTIABLE.
Chris, but Shania demands it!
Objection withdrawn.
This was right after the values’ revolution of Newt Gingrich. So, where were all those saintly, humane Christian conservatives so concerned about the victims of Islam back then? Inquiring minds want to know.
Are you suggesting that conservatives might be using the values of humanism and feminism for tawdry political gain????!
VS! Althouse AND her husband called you out on the Halloween post!
So, where were all those saintly, humane Christian conservatives so concerned about the victims of Islam back then? Inquiring minds want to know.
Durr, 9/11 changed everything!
Somehow liberals are both going to corrupt the youth so that they have gay, drug-fueled orgies on every street corner AND ensure that women can’t leave the house without the company of a man and fags will be hanged. I have to say, that takes talent.
Please, stick to the subject! Yonas Goldturd is not baseball!
Where I live, in a small Central American village, where only three families have TVs, a cheer arose last night when El Barbaro threw his final pitch, Ganaron Los Gigantes!, Ganaron los Gigantes! Los jueputas texanos perdieron! La gran puta! Vete a casa Bush lloron!
Fuck tax cuts, i want my clitorectomies!!
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye. And pork.
Are you suggesting that conservatives might be using the values of humanism and feminism for tawdry political gain????!
Just like they only started crying crocodile tears over how mean Saddam was to the Kurds in 2002. In 1989, when the gas attack actually happened, the only thing the Bush I administration (e.g. most of the same people) did was try to score media points by blaming it on Iran.
Objection withdrawn.
I hope you got it out before the premature espostulation…
VS! Althouse AND her husband called you out on the Halloween post!
Awww, she’s the Bad Beth!
Please, stick to the subject!
[peruses Koran]
Yeah, there’s nothing in there about baseball so… BANNED.
Where I live, in a small Central American village, where only three families have TVs, a cheer arose last night when El Barbaro threw his final pitch
Do you dress in a bumblebee costume?
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye.
Um, I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons…
So, kiss you clitoris good bye.
Um, I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons…
I gallantly offer my services to your cervix…
I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons
Hang on, Soros is calling me. I’ll ask him.
Oh, T&U, you didn’t hear? Well, Sharia/Shania Law is really close to happening here in the US because terrusts sent us a toner bomb. So, kiss you clitoris good bye.
Um, I hope the liberal cabal pays for yoga lessons…
I dunno it it does, but please remember to turn on your webcam while you practice.
And don’t forget to vote.
And don’t forget to vote.
FReep The Poll!
And yes, throughout history, most of the bloodier-minded tyrants have been mystics, going back to the likes of Nero, Caligula, and (even earlier) Plato.
Now, I think that’s bullshit for multiple reasons and I bet even this person would argue Pol Pot and Stalin prove ATHEIST LIBERAL FASCISTS OMG GRRR, but if one wanted to support his thesis John Calvin and almost the entire Medieval period provide more recent examples.
I gallantly offer my services to your cervix…
I appreciate your generous liberal spirit.
Damn, Althouse is a moron.
When I vote today it will not be for the timid, cringing, weak-sister, Republican sock puppet, Tea Party candidates or their republican cronies. I am going for the gusto, I am writing in Ming the Merciless for every office! What this country needs is a genocidal unrepentant warmonger! And Pat Buchanan is looking pretty sketchy these days, so Ming in 2010! Victory and Death!
So, kiss you clitoris good bye. And
porksend a picture. **channeling actor212** Oh, I posted a video of a couple of songs in Suomi yesterday, you crazy Finn.One more for the endless trope on the right that “why won’t feminists and fag-lovers stand up to Islamic savages?”
It takes a pretty dumb person to think that “mosques” are exempt from the “separation of church and state.”
I appreciate your generous liberal spirit.
I’m a giver.
12 axes of evil? That must be quite the polyhedron.
Why did I not get this memo?
Why did I not get this memo?
You did, but it was written in Suomi.
Damn, B^4! That’s some weird admixture of Finnish, Norwegian and Estonian/Latvian (I think…I need Smut Clyde to verify)
Ah, you have to love a band that features Yoik music…
My one regret:
That the Rangers beat the Yankees and it woulda been the Giants stompin the piss outta the Best Team Money Could Buy….
“VS! Althouse AND her husband called you out on the Halloween post!”
Oh goody. Can’t be arsed to care.
You did, but it was written in Suomi.
I thought that was the home eye chart I ordered.
FReep The Poll!
Wow. Are those commenters real?
Ah, you have to love a band that features Yoik music…
It’s the Sami old song…
So has anybody here stashed away a vintage bottle of my favorite election beverage?
It’s the Sami old song…
Just a different viritää…
It takes a pretty dumb person to think that
“mosques”all religions are exempt from the “separation of church and state.”It’s November 2nd. T&U, have you voted yet?
It’s the Sami old song…
It’s pretty easy for you to be critical, sitting there in the Lapp of luxury.
It’s November 2nd. T&U, have you voted yet?
Is it your shift yet, Bilo?
Oh. Why look, it’s past noon! Yes it is!
It’s November 2nd. T&U, have you voted yet?
Okay, people, I haven’t voted yet. But I will. My co-worker is even driving me across town because I never registered with my new address when I moved in August.
It’s pretty easy for you to be critical, sitting there in the Lapp of luxury.
I know, Pori, Pori pitiful Finns…
My co-worker is even driving me across town
The hated co-worker of evil?
Hey, I figured you’d like a little Sampo of the music.
The hated co-worker of evil?
No, the nice one who has been transporting my gimp ass everywhere.
Hated co-worker is out with a mysterious illness.
Hey, I figured you’d like a little Sampo of the music.
Me Lieksa!
I’m still waiting for their version of Louhi Louhi.
Hated co-worker is out with a mysterious illness.
Would that be some mysterious digestive ailment that resembles closely arsenic absorbed thru her underwear?
I’m still waiting for their version of Louhi Louhi.
actor212 asks, “Do you dress in a bumblebee costume?”
No, costume not necessary! La verdad es que no intiendo la pregunta. Favor de explicarme lo que quiere decir con bumblebee. Amo Obama!
Favor de explicarme lo que quiere decir con bumblebee.
El placer es mio!
Would that be some mysterious digestive ailment that resembles closely arsenic absorbed thru her underwear?
I don’t even want to know what you’ve been up to.
I don’t even want to know what you’ve been up to.
Up? Why, um, nothing…
My co-worker is even driving me across town because I never registered with my new address when I moved in August.
Yeah, I hate it when I don’t change my registration in time. Luckily for me, my area had early voting stations that have all the ballots in city. That way I could visit any of those polling places and still vote for my district.
Is too early to ask Speaker Boehner where the fucking jobs are?
Up? Why, um, nothing…
Oh really?
then why have you never raised your eyebrows in public? why do you smell of bitter almonds? Why, despite having apparently healthy teeth do you avoid eating peanut brittle? Why is your sock drawer lead lined? Why do you operate a numbers station from the trunk of a rented Volvo? Why do your fingernails have a cyanotic tinge at the base? Where were you on the night Chicago died? Why were you mentioned by name in the liner notes of the single for “Bringing Sexy Back”? Just exactly what are you up to?
Luckily for me, my area had early voting stations that have all the ballots in city.
They did this very near my workplace this year. It kicks ass, especially because the station I went to is on a University campus and might motivate some of the youngsters to vote.
Muchisimas gracias, actor212, ya intiendo!
. Marge was once up late watching Bumblebee Man on TV and saw him confessing that he didn’t know any Spanish until he joined Mexican television and that he was actually Belgian[4].
Marge was once up late watching Bumblebee Man on TV and saw him confessing that he didn’t know any Spanish until he joined Mexican television and that he was actually Belgian[4].
Tintin is Bumblebee Man?!?!?!?
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters.
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters.
What about our thug assignments?
Which of us get to be ACORN/Panther Party/SEIU thugs?
Given my looks, I’ll have to settle for “false flag authoritarian thug” and drive Teabaggers to the South Bronx instead of the polls.
Which of us get to be ACORN/Panther Party/SEIU thugs?
Oooh, I’m going to put spikes on my wheels!
Is that the abbreviated form of “SorosSack(TMI)”
“OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today?”
I didn’t. And I’m pretty pissed about it.
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today? All right, go stuff those ballot boxes and then we’ll have a 360, smoke some bowls, and maybe a light orgy afters
I went to the wrong polling palace.
“OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today?”
I kept dipping my SorosSack in some poor GOPer’ mouth.
Uh, all those S’s in SorosSack made me omit the “s” after GOPer. S’s are a finite good.
“I kept dipping my SorosSack in some poor GOPer’ mouth.”
As long as you didn’t shove it down his throat. They hate that.
I kept dipping my SorosSack in some poor GOPer’ mouth
That’s not sanitary.
I kept dipping my SorosSack in some poor GOPer’ mouth
That’s not sanitary.
Just wipe the GOPer’s mouth with a SorosSaniNap(TM).
OK, did everyone receive their SorosSack(TM) of fake ballots today?
I’m still waiting for my SorosSack(TM) of cash, thank you.
I’m still waiting for my SorosSack(TM) of cash, thank you.
I get mine every Monday; with a list of jobs I just ignore because I like government teat.
I kept dipping my SorosSack in some poor GOPer’ mouth.
Bet that made your sack mighty Soros….
We had a Soros-ass-trian at our polling place.
Yeah, but now it’s basketball season.
Suck on that.
All we had was a little necking and some Pez at my polling place. Fucking Bible Belt.
And yes, throughout history, most of the bloodier-minded tyrants have been mystics, going back to the likes of Nero, Caligula, and (even earlier) Plato. (Look up what he got up to on the island of Rhodes sometime.)
This quote kind of made my day, I have to say. I can’t even begin to guess who this person has mistaken Plato for, but it was a fun 20 minutes trying to figure it out. Maybe something to do with Atlantis???
Did T&U vote yet?
This year I say the Arkham Freakish Monsters are going ALL THE WAY.
This year I say the Arkham Freakish Monsters are going ALL THE WAY.
The Kilkenny Wildcats look strong in the paint, but they really are more of a mixed media team….
I love how all the liberals are whistling past the graveyard before their hammering at the hands of the voters.
What? We’ll keep both houses of Congress, no problem. Why do you think differently? Pennsylvania has already seen more voters today that it normally sees in the entire voting day on any other midterm, and if you look at registered voters, Democrats win hands down.
Troofie, you really need an enema.
“As for the Republicans — how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical ‘American heritage’…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.”
Yet another “BOOKMARK THIS” moment- suddenly I feel a lot more comfortable.
Yet another “BOOKMARK THIS” moment- suddenly I feel a lot more comfortable.
Me, too. What’s Bill Kristol saying today, anyway?
“Troofie, you really need an enema.”
If I may differ with your diagnosis…
The subject’s cranium has clearly been inserted into the rectum.
A craniorectalectomy is indicated here.
An enema would just complicate things.
What’s Bill Kristol saying today, anyway?
Michael Steele had him bound and gagged until tomorrow.
Do you need me to buy you a beer to cry in tonight?
Don’t accept a beer from Troofie.
He’ll try to slip you a roofie.
The 1994 elections also saw massive turnout
1994 Registered 130,292,822 Turnout 75,105,860 38.8%
Not really, no it didn’t…
A craniorectalectomy is indicated here.
An enema would just complicate things.
I was hoping for projectile diarrhea…
“I was hoping for projectile diarrhea…”
Understood, but then who cleans up the mess?
It’s all about managing risk vs. reward.
Understood, but then who cleans up the mess?
His mom, as usual.
I love how all the liberals are whistling past the graveyard before their hammering at the hands of the voters.
Linkee for a212:
Now, dear, you’ll confuse him and then he’ll go and ask “What’s a metaphor?” and that will force me to dredge up some old Victorian vaudeville joke…
I’m just shocked that Nostradumbass used the correct form of “their”.
I’m well aware that turnout was up in 1994 over 1990 or 1986.
However, it was not “huge”, particularly compared to 2006.
The Tea Party will win a massive victory, and be a thorn in the side of liberals for years to come.
I thought the Tea Party was a non-partisan movement, not just a Republican thing.
Don’t accept a beer from Troofie.
He’ll try to slip you a roofie.
We should address the posts of Troofus,
Because he’s such a doofus.
I love his obsession with Nancy Pelosi- the fact that he thinks that “FIRE PELOSI” will resonate with people outside his echo chamber is hilarious.
There’s a link on that page to an Excel workbook with voter turnout since 1980 – broken down by state.
Is it time now?
Question: can Pelosi actually be fired? She can be voted out, sure, and impeached, but can someone with the proper authority actually walk up to her and say “Sorry, Nancy, it’s just not working out and we need to let you go. We’ll give you a good recommendation, though. Leave your paddle to the Congressional Ping-Pong Table at the door. Good luck, maybe IBM’s hiring.”
Is it time now?
Soon, my little Smurfling, soon.
“We should address the posts of Troofus,
Because he’s such a doofus.”
The rhyme is fine but your meter does not agree.
The iambic tetrameter(ish) of the first line demands an extra foot in the second.
To wit:
We should address the posts of Troofus,
Because he’s such a FUCKING doofus.
Metric bliss.
I thought the Tea Party was a non-partisan movement, not just a Republican thing.
Eight Democrats have received Teabagger endorsements over Republicans.
One is running against an alleged murderer.
One is from Idaho, which, you know, is like being a Teabagger in its own right.
One in West Virginia signed the Teabagger pledge before his opponent could.
One ran against Joe Sestak in PA. He funded his race with his Social Security checks. He lost.
One lost his House primary in PA, and endorsed the Republican candidate.
Another lost his Florida primary by 85%.
Another ran in New Jersey against an incumbent who had a 97% of retaining his seat even before a primary was announced. He’s now running unopposed. He, too, is a Democrat.
And finally, one more moved to Connecticut from St Croix (he was a hedge fund manager, I think) to run against Dick Blumenthal. He’s making an independent bid in that race now. The Teabaggers refused to endorse Linda McMahon, proving that even insanity has its limits.
Fucking foot fetishists.
Scansion is the Gleichschaltung of poetic fascism.
Metric bliss.
Leave it to a loony lib to press for adopting the metric system!
The Great Liberal Freakout said,
November 2, 2010 at 20:03
Is it time now?
Depends.You, uh… you holding anything? I got two days off, I’ve already voted, and I got nothing to do but squeegee my third eye.
Also too, “Metric bliss” refers to Emily Haines in kinky underwear – and while that may be poetic…um… what was I talking about again? brb.
I’m guessing the Motel 6 caught Troofie again, this time in the parking lot.
Either that, or he found another paper hat and the boss told him the fries were burning.
Also too, “Metric bliss” refers to Emily Haines in kinky underwear – and while that may be poetic…um… what was I talking about again? brb.
Heh heh… beating like a hammer.
Troofie, you really need an enema.
You’d end up burying him in a matchbox.
Heh heh… beating like a hammer
Coming in your pants for the off chance…
I’m just shocked that Nostradumbass used the correct form of “their”.
That reminds me. I gotta change my nym soon.
So….what are you trying to say?
That reminds me. I gotta change my nym soon.
Theirs a good idea.
Heh heh… beating like a hammer
Coming in your pants for the off chance…
Spider versus bat
Tiger versus rat
Owl versus dove
Wait, what?
So….what are you trying to say?
That, um, Teabaggers aren’t particularly…inclusive.
I love how all the liberals are whistling past the graveyard before their hammering at the hands of the voters.
Thus saith Alice In Chains:
“You’d be well advised not to plan my funeral ‘fore the body dies, yeah…”
How’s THAT for a metaphor, muthafucka?
That, um, Teabaggers aren’t particularly…inclusive.
ya done forgot about Token
More Suomalaiset stuff: Where Santa Comes From.
Soon to be a major motion picture!
I can’t forget The Tokens. The smell of self-loathing coming off them is too strong to ignore.
ya done forgot about Token
Shucks, Missa Tsam, dey ain’ racess! I done woke foah far moah racess people! Kin I have mah Kool Aid now?
Aw, Missa Actor, you done forgot to ask for grape soda…
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down? It’s weird how that works!
The smell of self-loathing coming off them is too strong to ignore.
It smells like burning garbage. Gross.
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down?
It’s this Zelig thing…
BTW, have you ever noticed that even though conservatives and teabaggers have comically low Black support, somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down? It’s weird how that works!
HAHA! Those are cardboard cutouts! I also saw Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley in those pics. Oh and the guy from Saw. He was “signing autographs” with an oddly colored third arm.
somehow there always seem to be one or two Black dudes standing in the background for whatever photo op is going down?
OT: (Not Giants penis-whipping the Rump Rangers related, anyway)
Another Washington ballot initiative:
(We don’t have an income tax here) New income tax to be levied against those with an adjusted gross income of 200,000+ or 400,000+ for joint filers, while reducing some of the B&O taxes for small businesses. This initiative was written by a guy who will get smashed by this tax–Mr. Bill Gates himself.
Thanks, Bill. I’m enjoying IE9 and progressive taxation, if you’re still paying attention to that stuff.
This made me giggle. I think they should just go all the way with this…they’re always going on and on about the Founding Fathers. I’d love to see a cut-out of James Madison up there. All those people would be like “See? We knew those guys would totally be teabaggers.”
Most definitely not New Black Panthers! Those guys are scawey!
Do you think anyone ever tries to give them keys or anything? Do teabagger events have valet parking?
This made me giggle. I think they should just go all the way with this…they’re always going on and on about the Founding Fathers. I’d love to see a cut-out of James Madison up there.
I heard that Madison’s appearance fees are astronomical. Plus I don’t think he likes all those fuckin’ dopes using his name in vain.
Most definitely not New Black Panthers!
They were better when they formed as The Busboys. I loved that band. This “new” direction of theirs, with the world music and the whole Che Guevara dedication, not my cup of coffee…
No, you’re confusing him with that dick Alexander Hamilton.
Do teabagger events have valet parking?
Why, yes they do. At the last event, I took my riding mower/tractor and had it valet parked by a nice young man. It was returned in pristine condition, for the record.
Do teabagger events have valet parking?
Can you park a Hoveround?
That’s hot. There room for two on that thing?
No, you’re confusing him with that dick Alexander Hamilton.
If I were Madison, I’d demand to be paid the most. He was really the brains behind that whole operation.
There room for two on that thing?
Um, and a webcam?
That’s hot. There room for two on that thing?
Wait til ya see the trailer I superhightechredneck modified fer it. Plush, baby. Plush.
Erm, you wanna watch me and tsam make out on a riding mower? That’s kinky…and specific.
Sold! I hope you have a sticker on it that says “White Chocolate” and you’ve messed with the shocks. And that’s it a lowrider.
Soooo… you’re saying it would be waterboarding him?
Erm, you wanna watch me and tsam make out on a riding mower? That’s kinky…and specific.
That Lovecraft quote is awesome! is there a link? I want to share that one.
Turns out, if you want to catch a Bigfoot on tape, you have to think like a pedophile.
That’s amateurish. If you wanna get serious, you need a windowless van and a puppy. Sasquatches love puppies.
Stay classy, Mama Grizzly!
More Suomalaiset stuff: Where Santa Comes From.
And all this time, I thought Santa was inspired by ‘shrooms.
That is pretty perfect.
It might be apocryphal, so take it with a grain of salt:
Allegedly, it comes from a letter to C.L. Moore, August 1936 quoted in “H.P. Lovecraft, a Life” by S.T. Joshi, p. 574.
And all this time, I thought Santa was inspired by ‘shrooms.
There is absolutely no truth to the rumour that Scandahoovians scraped the ergot rot off rye and ingested it. None whatsoever. Nope, we never….what happened to my hands??????
“Soooo… you’re saying it would be waterboarding him?”
In a manner of speaking…
I love how all the liberals are whistling past the graveyard before their hammering at the hands of the voters.
You know, we may end up losing the House but at the end of the day, you’ll still be a no-friend-having, comedy-blog-trolling, useless bag of fuck.
So there’s that.
Oh, and we’ll still have the veto.
I-1098, the Washington State income tax initiative, was co-authored by Bill Gates Sr., not Junior (of M$ fame), for the record. Junior supports it but his dad has been trying for years to build momentum for an income tax, without much success.
Sadly, the initiative will probably fail, yet another victory for fear over common fucking sense.
Hey! Hey guyz! Where’d you all go?
Hey! Hey guyz! Where’d you all go?
Shhhhhhhhhhhh….follow me out the secret door….we’ve trapped all the Teabaggers in a holodeck and programmed the door to lock for eight years. Inside, they’ll believe they won both houses tonight, and this program that Subby and I have been working on will explore the implications of that outcome.
I figure a casualty rate about 80%. Subby isn’t so optimistic.
A Supreme Court case started today about California’s violent video games law. Kotaku excerpted some bits of transcript and it’s interesting reading. It’s got Scalia teaming up with Sotomayor followed by Scalia teaming up with Kagan. Weird.
A Scalia / Sotomayor / Kagan three-way does not bear thinking about.
Supreme Court slashfic?
He approached her slowly and lifted the edge of her constitutional protections, revealing her abundant amendments….
Is anybody else hot?
He approached her slowly and lifted the edge of her constitutional protections, revealing her abundant amendments….
His gavel quivered in his hands as he knelt before her per curiam…
He approached her slowly and lifted the edge of her constitutional protections, revealing her abundant amendments….
In return, she gazed adoringly at his legal briefs.
In return, she gazed adoringly at his legal briefs.
“You have such enormous arguments,” she hissed. “Give me your oral testimony, dammit!”
Ew. I wasn’t serious.
Ew. I wasn’t serious.
But we haven’t even gotten to chambers yet!
Heheheheheheh. ABC dumps Breitfart.
I love the letter to him.
Dear Mr. Breitbart,
Given that you’re a lying douchebag and we don’t know what the fuck we were thinking, perhaps it would be best that we run away from you as far and as fast as we can.
Dipshits at ABC Who Thought Any Affiliation With Breitbart Would End Well”
“You have such enormous arguments,” she hissed. “Give me your oral testimony, dammit!”
“I could be a friend of the court.”, he said, “a real good friend of the court, if you know what I mean.”
Given that you’re a lying douchebag…
Being a lying douchebag has never barred anyone from gainful employment at the ABC news division. Ask George Will.
“I could be a friend of the court.”, he said, “a real good friend of the court, if you know what I mean.”
“My colleague and I,” she said, unbuttoning the robe of the other justice, “would like to see your sidebar. Your manly, pulsating sidebar.”
Also, I think our temp is stoned, too.
That Breitbart, always bragging about the size of his role.
I look forward to the butthurt!
“My colleague and I,” she said, unbuttoning the robe of the other justice, “would like to see your sidebar. Your manly, pulsating sidebar.”
I’ll need to invoke a prophylactic rule. Why don’t you and her begin cross-examinations?
I look forward to the butthurt!
This is on the menu, tho.
Big liberal ABC (nevermind that it’s owned by Disney) fires poor underfed underappreciated right wing blogger, boycott ABC programs (except ESPN, because then we’d have to miss football and that means sex with our wives on Monday night…)
Oops, butthurt posted already!
How’d you get on their email list?
I’m pretty sure there’s a box you can check on the site’s sidebar. Can’t actually remember at this point.
Man, I’m not strong enough to visit BigButthurt. Somebody else bring back mangoes.
It totally sucks when a private business hires and fires whoever it wants to.
The article is pretty straightforward hurt-me-I-cry stuff, VS.
And so on…
The comments, tho….woooooooooooooooooooo!
It’s always censorship this, and black list that with these fringe ‘journalists’. They can’t understand they got sent back to the minors not as a result of some diabolical plot to silence them, but because their bosses in the mainstream media listened very attentively to them, and decided they were boring.
It totally sucks when a private business hires and fires whoever it wants to.
If only there was an organization for people hired to work for a company that could negotiate for individuals, thus levelling the playing field. A “unification” or something like that….
There are no mangoes. Just some chick with a thesaurus and impotent rage.
They can’t understand they got sent back to the minors not as a result of some diabolical plot to silence them, but because their bosses in the mainstream media listened very attentively to them, and decided they were boring.
I know precisely what got Breitbart fired.
This picture
Just some chick with a thesaurus and impotent rage.
Thesauri are an endangered species. She ought to be arrested!
This picture
Payback for Kagan/Scalia/Sotomayor
From the comments: “This situation illustrates what drives people to Fox News. Fox News has the strength to allow commentators from every political leaning to participate. It is a much more interesting news channel. The Liberals on Fox news are sharper because they have to argue their side, instead of reciting talking points. ”
Comedy. Gold.
The Liberals on Fox news are sharper because they have to argue their side, instead of reciting talking points.
Also, non-existent. Also.
Payback for Kagan/Scalia/Sotomayor
Hey, Whale Chowder started it, and I didn’t have anything to do with actually writing it, so again, I ask WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
I know, but Whale Chowder mentioned a three-way first!
*gently nudging T&U*
What’s really funny is you commented on it at the time.
As usual, it’s all D-KW’s fault. He’s the one who brought up the ungodly threesome first and put the image that cannot be unseeen into my mind’s eye. The rest was purely for the sake of therapy.
What’s really funny is you commented on it at the time.
No, I didn’t.
(Admittedly, I had to search to ensure that I wasn’t losing my mind before I posted this. Maybe I should have had lunch).
No, I didn’t.
I stand corrected. It was VS. You two look so much alike, especially naked.
I stand corrected. It was VS. You two look so much alike, especially naked.
Hey, I’m not pregnant!
You two look so much alike, especially
nakedin text.Fixz’d for fewer prurience.
Hey, I’m not pregnant!
What’s that swelling on your ankle, then?
OK, I voted. I know that’s very important, in the contentious swing state that is Oregon this year.
We didn’t even get a particularly exciting ballot measure this time around.
Supreme Court slashfic?
Ahem. Should be “virgule-fic”. [/typographypedant]
‘Better to be passionate about girls than be gay’: Berlusconi faces down his opponents over latest scandal
Read more. Or don’t, it’s not as if I give a damn.
I’m going to follow the elections by not following the elections at all, staying at home, smoking at least two bowls, drinking Wild Turkey out of the bottle, making eggplant parmesan, and watching Blackadder.
What about all you all?
Oh, God. Fucking priceless.
Indeed. It’s just awful when somebody is hounded from a job simply because of someone throwing baseless accusations at them. Just ask Shirley Sherrod.
And the first comment says so much,
Yah. Blartblart is chock full of credibility. Riiiiiiight.
Between that and the “How to tell stupid” bit further upthread, the projection once again brings me back to the Hoover-Dam-as-drive-in-theater analogy.
Ahem. Should be “virgule-fic”. [/typographypedant]
Audible amusement the second time around, also.
The Left nauseatingly pays lip service to the terms “tolerance” and “diversity.” In reality, they are highly intolerant and they hate diversity, particularly diversity of thought.
Bull. The old saying still holds; move the Democrats to Europe and they’ll have turned into five different parties by the end of the week. The very fact that Democrats have been such a fragmented and divided coalition when in power, as opposed to the lockstep obedience of Republicans and their drive to purge all candidates who aren’t conservative enough, is indication enough of who values diversity of thought and who doesn’t.
Like most failed ideologies, Republicans bitch and whine about intolerance when THEIR specific views aren’t part of the debate, but that’s because their views have been weighed, put into practice and found to be a crock of shit (see Gilded Age). When we leave monarchist or communist viewpoints out of the debate, we’re not being intolerant of them either. We’re just limiting ourselves to ideas that might actually work.
What about all you all?
Well, I do this sort of thing
often enoughdaily: “staying at home, smoking at least two bowls, drinking Wild Turkey out of the bottle” but the gummint check isn’t here yet, so it’s straight edge all the way. Probably should’ve stayed in bed until all the results were in.Actually, you’re better off sloshing the WT on some rocks rather than going the directly from the bottle route.
By the way, about this election;
Does it strike anyone else as odd that while this is being hyped as the great grandmother of all tsumanis, the conventional wisdom even from Republicans is still just “we’ll take the House and make some gains in the Senate”?
I mean, I have no idea how it’ll turn out tomorrow – maybe they’ll take both chambers, maybe neither, who knows. But it strikes me that if the best they can do is take back the House, that’s a pretty mild and meager accomplishment, especially compared to 1994 and 2006 when the insurgent party actually swept both houses. This is what a tsumani looks like? Please.
In other words, much ado about nothing. But I suppose that’s what the media’s all about…
I mean, I have no idea how it’ll turn out tomorrow – maybe they’ll take both chambers, maybe neither, who knows. But it strikes me that if the best they can do is take back the House, that’s a pretty mild and meager accomplishment, especially compared to 1994 and 2006 when the insurgent party actually swept both houses. This is what a tsumani looks like? Please.
Apparenty the Christine O’Clownell campaign in Delaware is the only thing standing in the way of Obama’s impeachment. The Southern Republican delegation would have been disappointed in the proceedings anyway since impeachment doesn’t involve a whipping post.
Ah, thank you. I was about to offer penance for killing a young and innocent thread…
Impeachment, eh? Worked out so well for them last time!
Impeachment, eh? Worked out so well for them last time!
Shorter GOP: Fucking learning curve. How does it work?
Worked out so well for them last time!
Hee hee
Amusingly, there is a Redoublechin campaign flyer going around here in Salt Lake City quoting Einstein re: definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
And it’s a nice tweak on that that two of the candidates are using that identical flyer with only the candidate names changed.
Funny how they never quote Einstein about his contempt for those marching in rank and file.
“He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice.”
Certain zombies might disagree.
In other news, the folks over at Jezebel have taken notice of Ms. Amy Alkon’s latest offering, an article published in Psychology Today entitled Looks Matter A Great Deal: “…[W]e need to be very clear about what being beautiful means — being sexually appealing to men….” Presumably she got paid cash money for it.
Hey, it’s not about the election or the Giants, and where’s the new thread anyway? Not that anyone owes me anything, just no one should say non to my sequiter, okay?
And Rand Paul wins Kentucky. Though it’s not unexpected, I may still vomit.
Rand Paul wins Kentucky
…and Kintuck gets the government they deserve.
…and Kintuck gets the government they deserve.
“Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”
– someone with a sense of humor. Such quotes are getting me through the day…
…and Kintuck gets the government they deserve.
The rest of us don’t need a voting pattern straight out of the segregation era, however. I don’t like it. Not even a little bit.
I’m not laughing now. It’s not so funny when intimidation tactics result in actual blacklisting. Which is happening; they are succeeding in their blacklisting attempts due to the utter lack of cojones of so-called media outlets like ABC News.
Good god, y’all. Killing irony is a necessary evil for those who work in the wingnut welfare biznass, but do you have to disembowel it and let it watch you eat the sweet sticky guts as it bleeds to death and then take..ahem..”liberties” with the corpse? Really?
Cojones. I wouldn’t call having an hysterical fucking loser such as yourself on the teevee analyzing …well, anything…cojones. I’d call that murdering your own credibility.
Bart–the rest of the world cordially invites you to go eat a bowl of fuck.
BTW, good to see you posting more, tsam.
Some of us just aren’t pulling our weight.
I agee with this. There aren’t enough invitations to fuck-eating without him around.
Some of us just aren’t pulling our weight.
I’m pulling something, but it doesn’t weigh that much.
Oh, this is gold!
And then he kept Cheney anyway, thus proving that Cheney, not he, was running the show.
No Senator Ladybug: Coons (& his “goons”) beat O’D.
It’s a sad day for big fat meanies.
“No Senator Ladybug: Coons (& his “goons”) beat O’D.”
Rand Paul won.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
Dear God, what has become of this country?
O’Donnell lost.
Mah heart, it done bleed.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
Dear God, what has become of this country?
Have you BEEN to Kentucky?
Okay… according to Yahoo News, Republicans just took the House of Representatives.
O’Donnell lost.
La commedia è finita
RE: above; “CNN, Fox and MSNBC all projecting GOP will take the House.” Only 84 Republican seats and 41 Democratic ones are in so far, however.
The only piece of good news I’ve seen: MSNBC called for Cuomo with zero votes counted.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
Good times, eh?
It’s depressing on some level to know I’ll pretty much be a single-party yellow-dog voter for the rest of my life. Democracies should provide more options, IMHO. But the Republicans simply aren’t an option, and I don’t foresee a time when they ever will be.
We now have a United States Senator who, now, today, in 2010, isn’t sure whether black people should be guaranteed access to public accommodations as a matter of law.
Proof that extinction is reversible.
The fact is, freedom is rising and spreading.
USA is moving back towards The Heartland and God and the Free Market after disasterus flirt with black socialism.
We will throw all of you bums out.
Curb stomping and water boarding all of you leftists is so sweet.
Gary Ruppert said,
November 3, 2010 at 3:09
See above.
1994 and 2006 = both much more definitive than this, if only because they took both houses – and yet both ultimately were flashes in the pan. One house is supposed to be a curb-stomp?
Hey, you may be right… like the Zen master said, we’ll see.
like the Zen master said, we’ll see.
Snatch these pebbles from my palm.
BREAKING NEWS: NBC News projects that Republicans will win control of the House.
With HOW many results in?
Thank gob and jebus my medical credentials are reciprocal in Canada.
So long, suckers!
Curb stomping and water boarding all of you leftists is so sweet.
Ladies and gentlemen, the party of Constitutional Values (minus the 8th Amendment)
Gonna work on the baby seal problem from the inside.
I mean, no society’s perfect…but…clubbing baby seals?
Indefensible by any rationale.
With HOW many results in?
Yeah, I never really understand how they do that.
The fact that twice as many Republican seats as Democrats have been called so far might be all there is to it.
Well, Nate Silver says there’s a 97% chance of Republican takeover of the House. I don’t know if it’s exactly cool to call it completely now, but it’s pretty clear we’re going to have *hork* Speaker Boehner.
On the bright side, I can now look forward to watching Rick Perry have to deal with the awful Texas economy, complete with a $25 billion budget shortfall, that he helped create.
On the not-so-bright side, he’s gonna deal with it by laying off all the state employees he can, closing all the universities but A&M, and running for president.
The photos shop themselves.
I almost wrote *gag* Speaker Boehner. Then I realized I knew better than that.
This is an awesome line (;
Ladies and gentlemen, the electorate.
The fact is, SHUT UP.
Speaker Boener is in charge now. Speaker Pelosi has been purged.
On with tax and spending cuts.
You hate it, libs. Real America loves it.
Also, I am escited that Kathleen McGervey will get on the Ohio School Board and stop the anti-creation and anti-life bias.
I almost wrote *gag* Speaker Boehner.
Thrusting himself down the throats of the American people!
Yeah, we’re 99.6% certain to be fucked, according to Nate Silver.
Down from 100%!
They’re going to shove Boehner down our throats, aren’t they?
Election timing.
Lend me your cream.
Make me the orangist that they’ve ever seen!
Make it a hue that makes them scream.
Mr. Tan man, lend me yooouur Creeam!
The United States is the only major Western nation to practice the death penalty but has said in response to Ashtiani’s case that it does not believe adultery should be a capital offense.
You gotta save state-sanctioned murder for the good stuff.
You gotta save state-sanctioned murder for the good stuff.
Yeah, like living in a country which the powers that be have proclaimed to be endowed with certain inalienable (even if you get rid of them we’ll still say you have them) weapons of mass destruction.
The US didn’t kill Omar Khadr, but did make him “the first child to be prosecuted by a Western nation for war crimes since the Second World War.” That’s gotta count for something.
An amusing digression: George Takei calls Clint McCance a douchebag as only he can.
An amusing digression: George Takei calls Clint McCance a douchebag as only he can.
Anonymous, that’s probably cheered me up more than anything else I’ve seen all evening. ‘Specially since I’m watching the latest Star Trek movie right now.
“the first child to be prosecuted by a Western nation for war crimes since the Second World War.”
So ‘war crimes’ have been redefined as “shooting back at invading Americans”? I guess that lets Bush off the hook.
It’s a funny definition of war-crimes that says you’re not a soldier.
Here’s a good interview with the prosecutor.
Substitute a meaningful sentence in English for what I just wrote.
CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP! Bachman won in MN…one of our stations keeps talking about how she has said she is so happy this race is over because of all the negative ads. Then she also mentions the huge prayer group her campaign had. So my question(s) 1. If she is such a good Christian, why did she go with the negative ads? 2. If she believes in the power of prayer, why did she go with the negative ads?
also, if they call her a ‘rockstar’ one more time, i will shoot my tv…
Bachmann Boehner Overdrive.
I’m curious what all these people were praying for.
I watched the sermon by the African fundamentalist that came to Palin’s church, where he prayed that God would help her win, help her turn the country around and help others come around to her side. The thing I remember most is that, oddly, not once did he pray that God would give her guidance or wisdom. It’s a navel-gazing conceit I see in a lot of fundies, and somehow I suspect Bachman’s peeps were no different.
Chris, good observation…i think they honestly don’t feel that they need ‘guidance’ or ‘wisdom’ because god already speaks to them and they are on a holy mission. scary, that.
Bachmann Boehner Overdrive
that cheered me up a little 🙂
YES!!! 50 point mark in the Senate was just reached – which means even if Repubs win all five seats left, we still own the next two years.
Tsunami, my shiny metal ass.
Fox News called Nevada for Harry Reid? Teh AWESOME. I thought that was supposed to be one of the high points and exemplary examples of the tsumani?
Moonbeam is BACK, motherfuckers! WOOHOO.
Later, Megs.
On a side note, I was listening to NPR (I know, I know) and Marketplace was shoveling their usual line of shit and guess who made a fabulous appearance? Megz McArdle–none other. She provided some brilliant insight into the GM bailout and the impending IPO.
Fox News called Nevada for Harry Reid?
They gotta be questioning their Hispanic voter suppression tactics. Just telling them to stay home to punish the Dems is apparently not effective.
I do have to admit that Megz admitted that the whole program “wasn’t as bad as she initially thought it would be”. I find this sexy–her playing fast and loose with her wingnut welfare career.
They gotta be questioning their Hispanic voter suppression tactics. Just telling them to stay home to punish the Dems is apparently not effective.
Hmm. I wonder if that ad actually prodded Hispanic voters to go out and stick it to the GOP, in annoyance at their transparent bullshit?
To borrow from South Park, “we hate liberals, but we really fucking hate conservatives.”
Hey–that was comment 400. Looking for a prize here…It can be a return gift after my hiatus. I’m waiting…
I see that threadkilling is easy as ever.
Hmm. I wonder if that ad actually prodded Hispanic voters to go out and stick it to the GOP, in annoyance at their transparent bullshit?
Sure would seem like it. It would make me very happy if Hispanics everywhere went out and showed the haterz what’s what by voting their asses out.
This will bring the epic butthurt. I’m going to enjoy that small victory in all of this pukified nonsense.
The bullshit stops at the California border. And just maybe at the Washington & Oregon borders too.
FIFTY ONE!!! FIFTY ONE IN THE SENATE!!! Clean majority even without Biden.
Sorry. I never would have thought it, but I’m actually enjoying the end of the evening.
On the flip side, we just lost the House; 220 Republicans (majority needed 218).
All good things must come to an end. Still, I’m enjoying the fact that they failed to match the 1994 and 2006 revolutions. And since those revolutions both turned out to be largely flashes in the pan… you get the picture.
Aight, turning in. Looking forward to all the “YES!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!” moments from conservative outlets tomorrow.
I can’t wait for the photographs of the ilegal mexicans bused in from mexeco to vote for reed. britebart, wear you at fool?
The bullshit stops at the California border. And just maybe at the Washington & Oregon borders too.
Still too early to tell up here in WA.
If we get rid of Patty Murray (one of very few senators with whom I really don’t have any complaints), I’m going to be LIVID. I might even kick something. Hard.
Yeah, it’d be a shame to lose Patty. She actually seems to, y’know, care about doing a good job. Must be time to toss her out on her ass.
Man. On my ballot, every candidate I voted for won. (oh, wait, I haven’t heard about the AG race). But other than that, all national candidates I voted for won.
For the ballot measures, 6 out of 8 that I voted for prevailed.
No, don’t ask me about the goddamn judges.
g, I voted not to retain any of the appellate or whatever judges, on general principle. Does look like state-sanctioned murder candidate Cooley won AG, however.
Something to smile about on a dark night. .
ABC News sends over the letter that Andrew Morse, the chief of their digital division, has sent to Andrew Breitbart, pulling the plug on their much-discussed, widely-parsed-over invitation for him to join in their election night coverage:
Dear Mr. Breitbart,
We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on and Facebook. The post on your blog last Friday created a widespread impression that you would be analyzing the election on ABC News. We made it as clear as possible as quickly as possible that you had been invited along with numerous others to participate in our digital town hall. Instead of clarifying your role, you posted a blog on Sunday evening in which you continued to claim a bigger role in our coverage. As we are still unable to agree on your role, we feel it best for you not to participate.
Andrew Morse
Reid/Boxer/Brown helps me feel decent about the world tonight, but I hate how close Murray vs. Rossi is. Rossi is opportunistic slime, and Murray is good people. I will feel shitty on a personal level, completely distinct from any national concerns, if Murray loses. Plus, I will tell all of my friends and family in Washington that their state is now officially worse than Oregon. Here’s hoping for good news tomorrow.
My favorite comment about Breitbart not being on ABC: “Oh, and as a stockholder in ABC’s parent company, Disney, I will be contacting Investor Relations today, and letting my opinion be known there. ”
And then the invisible hand of the market will give you the finger and bitch slap you….
My favorite comment about Breitbart not being on ABC: “Oh, and as a stockholder in ABC’s parent company, Disney, I will be contacting Investor Relations today, and letting my opinion be known there. ”
Wow, that shit is comedy GOLD. Talk about not ready for prime time.
Man. On my ballot, every candidate I voted for won. (oh, wait, I haven’t heard about the AG race). But other than that, all national candidates I voted for won.
Now we know who to blame for everything that happens in the next two years.
Ok Conservatives, any failures of government are now your fault.
Every single one of them since 1789…
So really, nothing has changed.
So really, nothing has changed.
The teabaggers feel validated and Boehner’s going to ram himself down our throats…no nothing’s new.
The teabaggers feel validated…
They got: 1. Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker and 2. Rand Paul.
They didn’t get: Witch-tine, Meg Whitman, Joe Miller (who lost to a write-in campaign), Paladino. Ken Buck is in a squeaker that still hasn’t been called. Sharron Angle lost to the Senate Majority Leader.
Looks like the only group that lost worse than the Democrats last night was the Tea Party.
D-KW –
I may be the first person to ever say this to you, but your problem is that you’re living in reality. The teabaggers aren’t.
Sou’ Calina now has a Teabagger for a Governor. And, cash-strapped as we are, our county rejected a 1% increase in the sales tax to fun useless things like public transportation.
Can I go back to bed now?
The thing I’m pissed about is Rick Perry winning the Texas governorship again. Dude is gonna lay me off again sometime next year.
I don’t know anyone who likes him, and I’ve got hardline Republican family members who hate him as much as I do. Don’t know how he won unless he has someone cooking the books for him in the Secretary of State office.
Congressional douchebags aren’t worrying me too much — they won’t be able to push any agenda past the veto pen, and they’re looking at two years of epic fail before they get voted out of office again.
Joe Miller (who lost to a write-in campaign)
Did he really? Palin’s endorsement couldn’t put a teabagger over the top in her own state?
That certainly bodes well for her political future…
Sou’ Calina now has a Teabagger for a Governor. And, cash-strapped as we are, our county rejected a 1% increase in the sales tax to fun useless things like public transportation.
Meanwhile, Yahoo is trumpeting the teabaggers’ commitment to restoring fiscal sanity.
I don’t want to minimize the Democratic and progressive losses – a 60 to 70 seat swing is a big swing. You don’t find that sort of swing on any old regular playground. Also Krystal Ball lost by a huge margin. That sucks. And Prop 19 went down.
The mitigating factors are – something like a third of the defeated Democrats are Blue Dogs. Although the House itself shifted rightwards, the Democratic caucus shifted left. And with a couple dozen races still being counted, they have more seats now than the Republicans did yesterday.
But it was Palin who seemed to have the Bill Kristol touch last night. How do you lose to a write-in candidate? And one with such an easy to spele name like Moarcowskee. In Palin’s home state even. That’s almost as sad as blowing fifty million of your own dollars to lose an election.
“Krystal Ball lost by a huge margin. ”
I had a feeling she would. *sigh*. Civic duty and all…
Link for the upcoming denouement of the Joe Miller story:
“Independent” voters are retards. (Sorry, Trig).
And not independent also too…which was probably the point of the quotation marks.
I may be the first person to ever say this to you, but your problem is that you’re living in reality.
Well, I try and visit reality from time to time. Plus, I don’t know how much longer I can hold off on New Vegas.
how much longer I can hold off on New Vegas.
Give up and quit reading the news for a few weeks. New Vegas needs you. The world will still be here when you get back. It’s what I plan on doing when cataclysm comes out.
Yes, they really are.
Used to be “independent” meant “agrees with one party on some things and the other on some other things.” Now, it means “wants the goodies offered by both parties (Republican tax cuts and deregulation with Democratic welfare and economic security) without paying the price for either (a risky economy in the first case, high taxes in the second).
Which more than anything explains why the political system’s been stuck in cement for the last twenty years.
That certainly bodes well for her political future…
Her high profile picks in the general were rather…intriguing. She campaigned for O’Donnell (until Maher released the withcraft clip) and Miller extensively.
Her other endorsements were all somewhat successful, I give her a 6 out of 10 for effectiveness, and even that’s weighted to account for Rubio (who had an enormous bankroll), Toomey (who held an early lead after forcing Specter out of the party) and Rand Paul (who was pretty much her first and best pick).
She threw Tom Tancredo a pity reach-around yesterday, and blew it.
Well, I try and visit reality from time to time.
I’m renewing my Second Life membership today. I dropped it when Obama won. I thought reality finally caught up.
I don’t want to minimize the Democratic and progressive losses – a 60 to 70 seat swing is a big swing.
Progressives did quite nicely, actually¹. The Blue Dogs went down in flames.
¹Except Tom Perriello, but I suspect there’s a Cabinet post in his future.
“Krystal Ball lost by a huge margin. ”
I voted for her too. Her proposed “lifetime ban on lobbying by members of Congress” was enough to get my vote, even though she starts each day with a meal of roasted puppies*
* I have no actual evidence that she eats roasted puppies, but my co-worker seems to think so, so it must be true
I’m renewing my Second Life membership today. I dropped it when Obama won. I thought reality finally caught up.
Do cats play ’10th life’ on line?
Hey, remember when Sarah finally found someone who made her views look moderate? Well apparently he lost.
I imagine the next time Palin and Kristol are in the same room, it’ll be all “The circle is now complete. When I left you I was the learner but now I am the master.”
Do cats play ’10th life’ on line?
That would explain why my laptop keeps moving when I’m not home.
Well apparently he lost.
That was a curious endorsement. She waited until Election Day to formally announce it. He lost by fourteen points, which means if it made a difference at all, it was too little too late. The Republican drew 12% of the vote. I’m not sure if it would have helped anyway.
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the lilly ledbetter fair pay act and a few tentative stabs towards health care and almost repealing DADT, because that’s it for two years.
M. Bouffant notes that it includes “paid for” wording.
I’m not saying Tancredo lost because Palin endorsed him, I’m just saying that Palin sure does know how to pick marks… uh I mean winners.
Is there any upside to Nancy Pelosi not being Speaker? Does that free her up to go all SMASH behind the scenes? Just because she doesn’t have The Gavel doesn’t mean she can’t carry a gavel. And use it.
Yes, I am grasping at teh straws.
Spur, talk was that she would quit the House if she lost her gavel.