Trick Or Cheap Chez Ann

ABOVE: Prof. Althouse tells trick-or-treaters to kiss her ass.

Shorter Annal T. House, Her Non-Partisan Eponymous Blog
Halloween … we just got the tiniest little Spiderman …

  • Even after my husband and I told kids to take only one candy bar from our bowl of 89-cent candy bars, some kids went ahead and took two. Fucking liberals.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 257


“My faith in kid-humanity is shattered. ”

Lady doesn’t spend much time at Wal-Mart, I see.

I’m half-convinced she bought larger bars just so she could be a fascist.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

I told Ann to ONLY take one glass from the box-o-wine, but she went ahead and got stinkin’ shitfaced drunk. Fucking conservative law professors…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’d have thought they wouldn’t have candy bars at all but hand out notes saying that since the youth vote went for Obama, kids must all be supporters of increased taxes so they couldn’t afford candy bars so NYAH.


I told Ann to ONLY take one glass from the box-o-wine, but she went ahead and got stinkin’ shitfaced drunk. Fucking conservative law professors…

Dude, at least she didn’t roll her eyes at you and stick a straw in the top of it like a juice box like she did at my party.


LMFAO! Just when you think they can’t get any pettier…


Does it strike anyone else of socialism that “Meade” (presumably her husband and not her drink of choice yesterday) was insisting on portioning out the candy so that it could be spread as equally as possible? That’s unAmerican!


….tiniest little Spiderman.

Here we had the tiniest large Spiderman.


Shouldn’t Althouse instead be praising the kid’s entrepreneurial spirit? It’s the moochers and parasites that are only able to acquire one candy bar that are a drain on society as opposed to the Randian überkids who have twice the productivity even at such a young age who will lead us out of the darkness of SOJALESIM.


I am sure she is blogging from her home hospital bed with chardonnay IV drip today having to actually exert herself to pass out candy bars.


Shouldn’t Althouse instead be praising the kid’s entrepreneurial spirit?

I made that point at her blog, that it’s first come first serve in America, that I got mine, jack, so you’re on your own, but I suspect I’ll be called a wet blanket or worse.


More art-director kudos to Tintin, who managed to find a daytime Trick or Treat gang to go with the caught-in-daylight-outdoors horrorfest of AA’s photo. It’s that professional attention to detail that keeps bringing me back for more.

Plus the text, comments, links, snark, etc.


Seriously, who the hell buys full-sized candy bars except some kind of control freak who’s trying to one-up all the neighbors?

And kids aren’t dumb…they’ll just spread the word to come back to the drunk lady’s house a couple hours later to get a second candy bar because there’s no way she’ll remember them.


And kids aren’t dumb…they’ll just spread the word to come back to the drunk lady’s house a couple hours later to get a second candy bar because there’s no way she’ll remember them.

T&U, you would forever have my admiration if you went and made that point at her blog…she’d get totally paranoid.


after my husband and I told kids to take only one candy bar from our bowl

Oh, one of those. I’m surprised the kids even bothered to ring her doorbell. When I was a kid, such a house was usually labeled “Where that cheap bitch lives”, and was avoided as though it were haunted.


When I was a kid, such a house was usually labeled “Where that cheap bitch lives”, and was avoided as though it were haunted.

You were kind. We’d “flaming bag” the place.


I am sure she is blogging from her home hospital bed with chardonnay IV drip today having to actually exert herself to pass out candy bars.


If I was that kid and was told to TAKE ONLY ONE! – I’d have told her to stuff her SOCIALESM and RATIONING! Then I’d have burned her house to the ground and made a twenty minute long speech about Objectivism during the trial. Oh, wait – I’m not a Libertarian. I guess as a liberal, I’d have done something very violent and unhinged but totally unspecified – although horrible enought to make Tim Profitt look like a saint.


T&U, you would forever have my admiration if you went and made that point at her blog…she’d get totally paranoid.

Oooh, brb.


Also, her commenters are dicks. What kind of asshole only buys peanut candies?


What kind of asshole only buys peanut candies?

Which part of “Ann Althouse” did you not get?


T&U, somebody beat you to.. Wait, I recognise that machine-gun wielding kitten.


T&U, somebody beat you to..

I didn’t post about double dipping.


She did it!

T&U, you are my heroine! You even called her a drunk!


Perfect, Actor…

Flaming bags for the flaming doucheBag!


So if I’m estimating anywhere near accurately, in total Ann had about 20 kids at her door. Two, count ’em, two tried to take an extra candy bar, and one put it back immediately when it was made clear that “one each” was etched in stone.

Hmmmm, and she’s complaining….why, again?


T&U, you are my heroine! You even called her a drunk!

Just doing my civic duty for the day, as I will not have a chance to vote until tomorrow.


God, those people are miserly, cranky bastards. If you’re going to give out candy, give out candy. Don’t bitch about having contact with kids these days who are rude and offensive and need to get off your lawn.


I’m tempted to leave a comment along the lines of this:

“Dear Ann,

The gang over at Sadly, No! and I are having a bet. We’re wondering if you could be a bigger douchebag.

Me, I’m saying no, anyone who could post a rant deriding kids at Halloween in some Oliver Twistian “Please ma’am, I want some more” sneering Haterade fashion has probably sunk to rock bottom, but many of the folks there, including some of the editors, believe you could go much much lower.

So I was wondering if you could come over and comment and either confirm or deny your douche level? Are you at Massengill, or as I think, have you reached “OMG! I used the colostomy bag!”?

With love and respect…”


Allow me:

Halloween … we just got the tiniest little Spiderman violin …


Halloween … we just got the tiniest little Spiderman violin …

The Win is strong with this one…


I wonder if she handed out Halal-o-ween candy?


It was our second Halloween in the burbs. The temperature was near freezing and that depressed turnout. We had about fifty kids (half as many as last year). Despite the large (for LEAFS SUCK anyways) lot sizes and cold weather, I didn’t see any cars ferrying children from house to house like last year.

We gave out the mini chocolate bars, gummy sour patch zombies and rolls of Rockets (for traditionalism). I answered the door in costume (Mad Hatter this year).

The kids were polite and adorable. There were very few that had weak costumes and some that were absolutely fantastic. We survived a second year without getting TP’d or egged.

All of this leads me to the conclusion that Liberalism is a Total Failure and only Teh Free Market can save us from doom. And it’s all Obama’s fault.


Ann, here’s a tip, buy the tiny candy bars that come in a bag. Then you can give two candy bars to every kid. And if one of them takes three, no big deal (still not $0.89 of candy). Most of those kids don’t think “oh wow, I got one full-size candy bar;” they think “oh wow, I got two [or three] candy bars instead of one.”


Ann, here’s a tip, buy the tiny candy bars that come in a bag.

The “Fun Size” reminds her of Meade’s penis.


All of this leads me to the conclusion that Liberalism is a Total Failure and only Teh Free Market can save us from doom. And it’s all Obama’s fault.

He’s so bad, he’s infecting Canada.


I wish the mainstream press was as brave as The Economist.

“Unlike his last time out on the town, Carl did not insult any burlesque dancers by asking to “see their p#ssy” or throw around gay epithets. So, he has that going for him, which is nice.”


Give the man credit: he’s about to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter (after forcing perennial whipping boy Rick Lazio out of the race), so he’s not giving a damn about propriety and he’s being himself.

Sometimes I wonder if Cuomo actually recruited him to run…


The “Fun Size” reminds her of Meade’s penis.

Fixxxed for the shrivelage that probably occurs each night at bedtime…unless she passes out first…


FYWP!!! I did SO strike out “fun”!


Liberals?! Those kids were clearly free lunch libertarians!


and kudos to T & U and actor for commenting in the Outhouse…well done, you!


and kudos to T & U and actor for commenting in the Outhouse…well done, you!

Indeed, but I certainly hope that they washed their hands (and everything else) afterward. That is how vile, incurable diseases are spread.


Indeed, but I certainly hope that they washed their hands (and everything else) afterward. That is how vile, incurable diseases are spread.

I have a hazmat suit.


and kudos to T & U and actor for commenting leaving little nuggets in the Outhouse


FWYP! I told to you take only one post!


OT- but i just heard jesse ventura on the radio quoting malcolm x…has anyone seen his ‘conspiracy theories’ show? if high campy drama and riff-raff’s ponytail are your thing, i suggest you tune in…


Ann Outhouse will respond and make a bigger fool of herself in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .


Elementary wingonomics indicates that the best way to pass out the candy for the economy is to give it all to one kid who already has a lot of candy. That one kid will then hire other kids to do his bidding for candy, creating jobs as well as cavities. If you give candy to everybody “fairly”, then they have no incentive to work for it, and it ruins the kid economy and turns them all into little moochers.


That picture or AnAlt has caused me to start drinking earlier than usual. I had to throw in a few Vicodin from my knee operation to help kill the pain, too.

Why’s she bitching? It’s not like they stole any of the wine out of her boxes.


HOLY FUCK. Set your stupid-ass bullshit blockers to max folks, this one’s a humdinger.

Althouse’s latest post is part of one of the batch of next conservative blog putrage. Apparently Obama is practically Nixonian in his keeping of an enemies list. Proof? Check it out.

House Republican Leader John Boehner plans to hammer President Obama during an election-eve rally on Monday night, for his use of the word “enemies” during an interview with Univision radio that got huge play in the conservative blogosphere.


The president said: “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”

Uh- wait, that doesn’t sound so bad.

In remarks prepared for delivery to a rally in Cincinnati with Rob Portman, the GOP nominee for Senate in Ohio, and John Kasich, the GOP nominee for Ohio governor, Boehner says:

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as ‘our enemies.’…Mr. President, there’s a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don’t call them ‘enemies.’ We call them ‘patriots.’”

There you have it. Not voting is PATRIOTIC.


That kis with the crescent on his costume looks suspiciously Muslin.


There you have it. Not voting is PATRIOTIC.

Which is good news for T&U who can show how much she hates America by not forgetting to vote tomorrow.


If I was that kid and was told to TAKE ONLY ONE! – I’d have told her to stuff her SOCIALESM and RATIONING! Then I’d have burned her house to the ground and made a twenty minute long speech about Objectivism during the trial.

I like the cut of your jib.


Which is good news for T&U who can show how much she hates America by not forgetting to vote tomorrow.

And I’m only going to vote for Democrats. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it, America!


ht to commenter Irene at Althouse’s: Obama = Nixon is one of Ann’s fetishes.


Doughberg butthurt update:

Scuse me, I’m not the kind of guy who waterboards his girlfriend.


Shorter mAlthouse: How MY halloween was ruined by a bunch of selfish Children of the Candy-Corn!


Wow. I dunno how Jonah manages it. I would have thought it impossible to have read anything and then imagined himself as the duped and not the duper.

PROTIP for Jonah: UR not teh dickwad what waterboards his girlfriend, you’re the shitbag voice in his head that tells him it’s okay because she deserves it it’s just like a spa treatment – a few minutes well spent – something that Americans think is OK.

Speaking of which, tell us again how it’s okay to assassinate people who make you look bad.


I threw in some full sized candy bars into the pot.

…But I also didn’t get any trick or treaters. Being 500′ up and a mile out from the town center prolly had something to do with that. Who wants to wander around a neighborhood of single lane roads and steep slopes?

I didn’t even see any of the neighbor kids. They’d only have had to climb the three flights of stairs to get here ^-^



Ted the Slacker said,

November 1, 2010 at 19:04

Doughberg butthurt update:

Scuse me, I’m not the kind of guy who waterboards his girlfriend.

There’s a superb comment on there (I suspect someone from here may be involved):

As a friend mentioned last week, here’s the typical Goldberg column:

1) state calibrated “outrageous” and/or “counter-intuitve” position

2) insist that liberals are guilty of the same or far worse crimes

3) back-track like mad – “OF COURSE I don’t really mean assassinate…”

4) then sneak in a hateful kicker – “but if the guy dies who cares, right?”

Truly, Goldberg writes hilarious Swiftian satire.

A thing of beauty.


I have a hazmat suit.

I haz havemat soot.


“there” being NRO, incidentally.


actor212 said,

November 1, 2010 at 19:27

I have a hazmat suit.

I haz havemat soot.

Izah matsotev oos.


has anyone seen his ‘conspiracy theories’ show?

I watched a couple of episodes yesterday for shits and giggles.

Well, shits anyway. Which pretty much describes the program. I mean, he takes what could actually be legitimate conspiracies or at least hush-hush programs and turns them into the single most threatening threat to threatened Americans since, well, Vince McMahon hired some idjit name Jesse The Body!


There you have it. Not voting is PATRIOTIC.

That Althouse article is sooper dooper stoopid.


89-cent candy bars. Why not pass out hand-crafted chocolate truffles next year? Because toddlers and sugar-addled children really appreciate that kind of thing.

I’ll bet the parent who said “take one or two” knew who she was.


Izah matsotev oos.



By the way, “lucythewonderdog”? Kudos. Nice comment!


Who wants to wander around a neighborhood of single lane roads and steep slopes?

Any guy with a skateboard, video camera and YouTube account.


Who wants to wander around a neighborhood of single lane roads and steep slopes?

Any guy with a skateboard, video camera and YouTube account.

Or whose replaced his hand with a meat cleaver.


Goldberg is such a douche.

I am, however, a little gratified that he used the same term to describe both my tweet at him the other day and Greenwald’s column. I suppose hissy fits can be both short and extended?


I suppose hissy fits can be both short and extended?

He’s just jealous because his “hissy fits” happen before he can even penetrate.


Fucking High-larious. She’s too lazy to put the candy in the kid’s bag so she gets mad when the kid takes two. Next year, she’ll put the bowl outside with a sign that says “take one, please” and be shocked when some kid takes the whole bowl.


Uh huh, I’m just like someone who waterboards his girlfriend.

Actually, Jonah, you’re worse because you condone it in any way shape or form, yet lack the courage to actually do it yourself.

I’d comment over there, but I can’t be bothered opening an account.


So the new wingnut meme is “kids are brats on Halloween, hence LIEBRALS”? Can’t wait for next years batch.


He’s just jealous because his “hissy fits” happen before he can even penetrate.

I hate you.


I hate you.

Hate the playah, not the lame.


Whoa. People who think this butthurt-enriched non-event merits a web-poll are in serious need of a holiday from the gas-huffing.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it, America!

LIBERAL FASCISM CREDO = imagine a pair of soft warm hands gently massaging a cool soothing healing ointment into a human face … forever.


So the new wingnut meme is “kids are brats on Halloween, hence LIEBRALS”?

As opposed to the other 364 days of the year, when they abide by Republican rules.


I’ll bet the kid who took two candy bars was dressed up like Stalin for Halloween, too.

Marion in Savannah

I’ll bet the kid who took two candy bars was dressed up like Stalin Pelosi for Halloween, too.

Fixed for greater hate.


You know who ELSE took two candy bars on Halloween?

Marion in Savannah

Shit… tagfail.


So, kids, I have a choice between voting for a Republican or a Libertarian for my US representative. Or not voting on that race. I think I’m going to take the third option.

How embarrassing.


There are also some wacky constitutional amendments and statutory measures on the ballot, too–mostly related to taxes.


I’ll bet the kid who took two candy bars was dressed up like Stalin for Halloween, too.

So you’re saying Glenn Beck is still trick or treating?


From that photo, Ann’s face shows the stress and worry of Amerika over having a Muslim from Kenya undo the hard Republican work done since 1980 to destroy the country. She looks so much nicer in her website glamour profile shot.

Predict that she’ll be in the running for a nomination for Attorney General under the Quitter regime.

Marion in Savannah

So, kids, I have a choice between voting for a Republican or a Libertarian for my US representative. Or not voting on that race. I think I’m going to take the third option.

I flat out refuse to vote for the Blue Dog asshole who was deemed sufficiently Republican by the Savannah Daily Disappointment to be endorsed by them (John Barrow). I’m writing in the woman who’s primaried him twice, Regina Thomas.


I’m totes voting for the Libertarian. He manages three McDonald’s!


Thank you, actor212.

I mean, seriously, WTF is wrong with her?


I’m totes voting for the Libertarian. He manages three McDonald’s!

You are so fickle. Frailty, thy name is T&U.


I’m totes voting for the Libertarian. He manages three McDonald’s!

What? He’s not taking that depth of talent and going Galt????


Well, shit — my comment keeps getting sucked into the ether! WTF kind of website is this anyway!


You are so fickle. Frailty, thy name is T&U.

You might even say I’m unreliable?

It’s really because his ears look like they’re on upside-down.


Maybe Sadly, No! doesn’t like Wonder Dogs?


By the way, Mythbusters: Best thing at the Rally Saturday or bestest thing?


I haz havemat soot.

-says actor hopping on one foot while trying to put his leg into the sleeve.


-says actor hopping on one foot while trying to put his leg into the sleeve.

Sheesh. It was a rehearsal. Gimme a break.


I’ve had a sinus headache for about 2 days…and I just took it out on Ann “One Snickers” Outhouse. God, she’s a fucktard.

When trick-or-treaters come to our house, we just grab a handful of candy and stick it in the bags. It’s not difficult. But then I’m not a cheap, drunk bitch. Well, I’m not cheap anyway.


My hippy/libertarian rural neighborhood doesn’t get any trick-or-treaters. We have no streetlights.

We send our kids down to the affluent neighborhoods of Santa Monica to trick or treat. They give out whole Dove Bars at the house at Georgina and 4th.


As opposed to the other 364 days of the year, when they abide by Republican rules

Then puberty hits.


They give out whole Dove Bars at the house at Georgina and 4th.

*taking notes*

Now, is that the corner towards San Vicente or Montana?


So, here’s one thing I hate about my Mac: when I open programs, it leaves the whole desktop exposed. It makes using Photoshop a HUGE bummer. Sure you can open the window to hide the desktop, but as soon as I zoom in or out (which I have to do 100 times during each piece) the program window shrinks up so the desktop is exposed. Fucking hate it.

People say Macs are so intuitive Oh yeah? Well, how come I’ve had mine for a year and I’m still looking up how to do shit on it? Meh. I guess i was just too used to Windows. There was pretty much nothing about that OS I didn’t know. When I would call up tech help, I always knew the steps they’d tell me to take (and how to do them) before they’d tell me.


Photoshop has a full-screen option. I don’t use it, so I dunno where it is, but Google does.


when I open programs, it leaves the whole desktop exposed.

If you expand the window to cover the desktop, the Mac should remember it for the next time you open it.


I can’t help it. There’s an evil part of me that wants Republicans to take both House and Senate so the American people can fully enjoy the fruits of their calls for Constitutionalism and no socialism, as well as all the legislation to repeal everything passed in the last 2 years as Democrats give them a 2/3 vote so as to bypass a veto.

And then it can get even more fun when all the investigations are launched to come up with whatever plan to impeach Obama.

And once again, when I hear people whine about how much life sucks and is getting worse and who got sick and can’t afford care and who can’t find a job after 3 or 4 years and who got thrown out of an additional several million homes, I’m going to say, “Oh yeah? Well, it’s what you voted for or by not voting chose, so, you ought to like it!”

And if they’re black or Latino or women who overwhelmingly vote Democrat, I’ll say, “Hey, take it up with your redneck old fart neighbors, and beat the shit out of them, because they’ll do everything they can to kill your asses and throw you out of the country, while everybody with any influence tells you to keep calm and civil while they vote to send your entire future down the drain.”

Mind you, my evil side is not suggesting that once done, a majority of American voters will see the error of their ways and hire another set of feckless Democrats to try and mop up their fucked up mess. I’m saying, fuck it, you launched this 3rd ride to hell to finish the job you started with Reagan followed by the Bush Jr. triumvirate, so, enjoy the fucking way down, people.


I can’t help it. There’s an evil part of me that wants Republicans to take both House and Senate so the American people can fully enjoy the fruits of their calls for Constitutionalism and no socialism, as well as all the legislation to repeal everything passed in the last 2 years as Democrats give them a 2/3 vote so as to bypass a veto.

So, like the Bush administration…yea, that didn’t work so well, long term, now did it?


So, like the Bush administration…yea, that didn’t work so well, long term, now did it?

The sad thing is how well it COULD have worked. Lenin McStalin could have won after Bush.


you launched this 3rd ride to hell to finish the job you started with Reagan followed by the Bush Jr. triumvirate, so, enjoy the fucking way down, people.

Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?


The sad thing is how well it COULD have worked.

Not much of an argument there, but I’m not sure the solution is to try to get a do-over.


I figured it out. I still say it’s a fucking stupid default mode, though.


I figured it out. I still say it’s a fucking stupid default mode, though.

It’s a different attitude. Windows historically did not support drag and drop well (I dunno what the situation is now) and seeing your desktop meant you could drag and drop things in and out of the documents you were working on. That’s something I do a lot.


yeah, being so used to Windows, I never did that. I think I’m just cranky and old. And I want Mac to get off my lawn. AND ONLY TAKE ONE CANDY BAR!!!


And I want Mac to get off my lawn. AND ONLY TAKE ONE CANDY BAR!!!

Needs moar wine


So, like the Bush administration…yea, that didn’t work so well, long term, now did it?

Actually, in terms of these fuckers ruining the country as they’re happily aiming to do, it didn’t go nearly far enough. Why not let everyone enjoy that which the TeaTards and the Supreme Court and the super-rich and the major billion dollar media prefer anyway?


(I dunno what the situation is now)

Pretty good. You can drag and drop items onto desktop shortcuts or straight onto the taskbar and Windows opens them fine. With some applications, dropping multiple items into them cause the application to open multiple instances of itself which is a pain in the ass.

Except Vista. Vista will first give you fifty dialog windows asking you if you really want to do what you’re doing – and then it electrocutes you with a static discharge to the genitals.


Drag and drop is what we do in the Outhouse


She did it!
T&U, you are my heroine! You even called her a drunk!

T&U commented twice at Ann’s blog? Despite her one-comment-per-visitor policy? DOUBLE-DIPPER.


Vista will first give you fifty dialog windows asking you if you really want to do what you’re doing – and then it electrocutes you with a static discharge to the genitals.

Sounds hot. A little the left, please.

But, seriously, that made me giggle.


Please re-route USB line from your genitals to teh Sadly hamsters, plz.


Hey…i don’t get any props for making the “classic-for-a-reason” comment: “God, you’re an idiot.”?


Actually, in terms of these fuckers ruining the country as they’re happily aiming to do, it didn’t go nearly far enough.

Well, see, there’s the problem: The Teabaggers are going to butt straight up¹ against the established Republican leadership.

And history gives us an example of what’s going to happen from 1994: the leadership will co-opt the movement. Fifteen years or so from now, there will be yet another call for an uprising (probably after yet another Democrat has to fix what eight years of __________ (insert asshat here) screws up), and then another two/four/eight years of blame-mongering by the right wing, which both funds the uprising and the co-optation.


Marion in Savannah

Except Vista. Vista will first give you fifty dialog windows asking you if you really want to do what you’re doing – and then it electrocutes you with a static discharge to the genitals.

So they’ve created Son Of Clippy?


Hey…i don’t get any props for making the “classic-for-a-reason” comment: “God, you’re an idiot.”?

Hey, he totally missed that I posted there three times.


Well, see, there’s the problem: The Teabaggers are going to butt straight up¹ against the established Republican leadership.

Except for the fact that it will be ‘established’ Republicans destroying the last vestiges of an economy which could remain the slightest bit stable and which had any other function than diverting all resources possible into the hands of the ultra-rich so fast that no counter-action can be planned.

Cheered on by the Teahadists.

My evil side says, let’s stop farting around with all these attempts to clean everything up by Democrats for two years or so and just decide to do it in once and for all, so as to eliminate the wasting of time in attempting to save it.


I only just noticed actor’s and your posts. Can’t say I was F5 F5 F5 – ing over at the outhouse. But, nice and concise.

Went over to lucythewonderdog’s blog. I thought I saw POOP but it wasn’t.


I see you’re trying to create genitalia. Can I help?

Would you like to?

a) Electrocute your genitalia?

b) Publish your genitalia to the web?

c) No thanks, I’ll save them and finish later?


Except Vista. Vista will first give you fifty dialog windows asking you if you really want to do what you’re doing – and then it electrocutes you with a static discharge to the genitals.

There was some sort of small program available for free which stopped the ridiculous amount of dialogue windows asking “are you sure” every time you thought about doing anything.


My evil side says, let’s stop farting around with all these attempts to clean everything up by Democrats for two years or so and just decide to do it in once and for all, so as to eliminate the wasting of time in attempting to save it.

So the Cthulhu strategy?


No links? Really? *Hulk smash*

Yeah, um, my last post makes a lot more sense if the link is there…


I see you’re trying to create genitalia. Can I help?

Would you like to?

a) Electrocute your genitalia?

b) Publish your genitalia to the web?

c) No thanks, I’ll save them and finish later?

Tee hee!


So the Cthulhu strategy?

We can call it the Constitutional Anti-Tax Scorched Earth Program for Jesus.


And history gives us an example of what’s going to happen from 1994: the leadership will co-opt the movement. Fifteen years or so from now, there will be yet another call for an uprising (probably after yet another Democrat has to fix what eight years of __________ (insert asshat here) screws up), and then another two/four/eight years of blame-mongering by the right wing, which both funds the uprising and the co-optation.

Considering the degree of astroturf and the fact that the Tea Party Republicans are calling for exactly and rigorously the same things that the Bush clique was, I’d argue they were co-opted before they even began.

It’s ridiculous that the media’s been portraying this as some sort of fight between the grassroots and the elites. The economic elite’s been funding the movement, while the political elite’s either been helping organize it or left office in 2008 and no longer gives a damn. This isn’t a fight (that requires two sides, the other one of which actually fights back), it’s a purge. And a facelift, but barely even that.


b) please


And history gives us an example of what’s going to happen from 1994: the leadership will co-opt the movement.

The already are…i listened to a piece on NPR last night in which a Tea Party campaign manager was ‘relieved’ of his duties for not setting up enough events for his candidate and was then almost immediately called by the republican incumbent to come on over to their side, just so they could make the Tea Party guy look like a total douche.


And yes, you are sure.


Well, anyway, there’s a hilarious blurb about George “Mission Accomplished” Bush throwing a super manly man pitch at some game at Gateway Pundit…and the comments are…whew…something else. These folks hate gays…but could they crushing any harder on this retard?


The already are…i listened to a piece on NPR last night in which a Tea Party campaign manager was ‘relieved’ of his duties for not setting up enough events for his candidate and was then almost immediately called by the republican incumbent to come on over to their side, just so they could make the Tea Party guy look like a total douche.

Yeah, I heard that, too. And then the one about liberals was just Paul Begala throwing a bit fit.


Well, anyway, there’s a hilarious blurb about George “Mission Accomplished” Bush throwing a super manly man pitch at some game at Gateway Pundit…and the comments are…whew…something else. These folks hate gays…but could they crushing any harder on this retard?

It was at the World Series last night, played for the first time in Dallas Texas. Both Bushes came out to wild cheers…by the way, it took the Texas Rangers twelve years to reach the Series since Bush sold them, so we have an idea how long it will take to get out of this recession…and they both threw out first pitches, both reaching the plate and were pretty good too.

Obama’s first pitch (in 2009) was a bit outside.

Clearly, the Bushes have had time to warm up and toss a little on the side. Obama was too busy cleaning up after Junior.


a) Electrocute your genitalia?

Music, not necessarily safe for squares w/ jobs at work.



(Link works though.)


How come my link didn’t work? *pouts adorably*


And, Annie A. Althouse is on a roll lately. Her take on Bush & Bush.


I went to Slate seeing if they had a follow-up to their editorial a few weeks ago saying the Rally to Restore Sanity was going to cost the Democrats the election.

Instead I see an article claiming that if the Republicans get back power, they’re going to “govern from the center”, not what the tea partiers want (*), and not how they behaved the last time they got power. Or the time before that. Or the time before that. Or the time before that.

(*) Of course, Slate has been one of the pushers of the whole “tea partiers aren’t just less coherent and more racist than average Republicans! It’s wrong to call them wingnuts! They’re some nonpartisan new thing!” lines. Their editorial against the rally said that tea party voters would no longer vote Democrat if the rally happened.


And, Annie A. Althouse is on a roll lately.

With cream cheese and dogshit, I hope.


These folks hate gays…but could they crushing any harder on this retard?

Catholic hypocrites*, if it’s Gateway Pundit.

*Veiled Redundancy Repetititon.


“minds, drawing us toward the stability of the past. ”



Waitaminit – isn’t Bush a great big liberal plant installed to make conservatives look bad? Or did this throwing of a baseball undo all that?


Or did this throwing of a baseball undo all that?

He’s NotObama, that’s all that counts. Until you add up his deficits. THen it’s “Who?”


You don’t give kids instructions to take a certain number of candybars out of a bowl — you drop the preferred portion in their fucking bags.

All the kids heard was “mweo-mwah-wo-wah” coming out of Althouse’s mouth. They don’t need a choice among several candies, or whatever.



I went to Slate seeing if they had a follow-up to their editorial a few weeks ago saying the Rally to Restore Sanity was going to cost the Democrats the election.

I had the opposite reaction at my blog today. I thought Stewart and Colbert did signal service to the moderate Democratic voter (and the young voter) and may have saved a few seats for the Dems.


All the kids heard was “mweo-mwah-wo-wah” coming out of Althouse’s mouth.

Channeling a Peanuts cartoon….


(*) Of course, Slate has been one of the pushers of the whole “tea partiers aren’t just less coherent and more racist than average Republicans! It’s wrong to call them wingnuts! They’re some nonpartisan new thing!” lines. Their editorial against the rally said that tea party voters would no longer vote Democrat if the rally happened.

That’s really gonna cost the Democrats in the election…


drawing us toward the stability of the past.

I commented there on this particular clause…


Their editorial against the rally said that tea party voters would no longer vote Democrat if the rally happened.

Y’know, considering there was a grand total of eight, count ’em eight, Democrat endorsed by the Teabaggers, somehow I doubt this was an issue…


drawing us toward the stability of the past.

Things were pretty stable pre-Big Bang.


Things were pretty stable pre-Big Bang.

She is old enough to remember.


I sincerely hope that this woman doesn’t have children. Giving candy to trick-or-treaters isn’t a left wing/right wing thing, so much as an adult/child thing.


I sincerely hope that this woman doesn’t have children.

I don’t think she’s ever mentioned any, and she’s not about to start.


I thought I saw some pictures of a son when somebody posted her Flickr stream the other day…


drawing us toward the stability of the past.

After the Permian-Triassic extinction, it’s estimated that for some several million years 95% of land vertebrates were herbivorous therapsids known now as as Lystrosaurs.

For some wonderful millions of years you finally had true family values not threatened by PC values of ‘diversity’.


Not having of children… Hubby having ‘fun-sized candy’.. Do I have to?


Not having of children… Hubby having ‘fun-sized candy’.. Do I have to?

He’s a new one. One of her fans.

How do I know this much about Althouse’s personal life?


For some wonderful millions of years you finally had true family values not threatened by PC values of ‘diversity’.

THAT’S the country Teabaggers want to take back!


I believe I have discovered the black hole singularity of stupidity.

Donalde Dubmass comments on Althouse’s nipples

No, seriously.


Donalde Dubmass comments on Althouse’s nipples

Why did I follow that link? I KNEW that nothing good could come of it.


Post-presidency, W has really been a class act. A model of discretion.

Even as president, he always maintained an extraordinary level of presidential decorum, almost freakishly so.

This is what one of outhouse’s posters has to say…she also goes on to weep over W’s being excoriated with the utmost vitriol by the press…

did she just move to bizzaro world or what?


Sez DD:

(Ann’s not at all dogmatically conservative as her detracters allege)

How true. She is, however dogmatically stupid/ignorant, & would appear to have some emotional issues.

Didn’t even notice “detracters[sic].” Gee-Zuz!!


Too right, actor. A commenter called ‘cracker’ (!) lightly chides Dee Dee for that shit while he tells his daughter and her classmates that ‘American Power’ is a good take on conservatism.

Is there such a thing as S! ‘stupid factorial’?


According to TMZ, Rosie O’Donnell gave away king size candy from her home for Halloween and allowed kids to take as much as they liked. Feel free to draw your own conclusions.


Is there such a thing as S! ‘stupid factorial’?

You mean like how the Richter Scale is multiplicative for each increase in figure (e.g. 6.5 is ten times more powerful than 6.4)?

The problem with creating that scale is somehow figuring out how to normalize it so the entire right wing doesn’t end up between 9.8 and 10.0.


Why did I follow that link?

Because you’ve never seen a Daguerrotype before.


Post-presidency, W has really been a class act. A model of discretion.

I will give him this much credit: he has kept his mouth shut about his successor.

Just like every other President in history. Including Jimmy Carter.


Yeah, I heard that, too. And then the one about liberals was just Paul Begala throwing a bit fit.

Really? That was This American Life and during the Democrat segment I was ready to chew through a wall because Jack Hitt was asking exactly the questions I have and getting the most annoying answers possible. Fuck, no wonder they’re beating us. We’re fucking hopeless.


She is, however dogmatically stupid/ignorant, & would appear to have some emotional issues.

She has more issues than a newsletter published by a conspiracy theory group with a spastic mimeograph machine.


The second one caught my eye, not just for Ann’s beautiful hair and bangs, but also for her left nipple straining to poke through her chemise

You know, I think Donalde might just have a secret career as a romance novelist…any thoughts on his nom de plume?

Also, you stupid tool, ‘straining’? Really?! And it’s a tee shirt not a chemise…


Really? That was This American Life and during the Democrat segment I was ready to chew through a wall because Jack Hitt was asking exactly the questions I have and getting the most annoying answers possible. Fuck, no wonder they’re beating us. We’re fucking hopeless.

Actually, I did think it was pretty good. Paul Begala just annoys the shit out of me.


You know, I think Donalde might just have a secret career as a romance novelist…any thoughts on his nom de plume?

Dick Swinger

Farley N. Cohairint




TruculentandUnreliable said,
November 1, 2010 at 22:35


I wish I’d thought of that.


Indeed. These cumulative and reciprocal incidents of st00pid demand frequent recalibration of measuring instruments.



I wish I’d thought of that.

me, too!


These cumulative and reciprocal incidents of st00pid demand frequent recalibration of measuring instruments.

Precisely. I was trying to work out a fractal recursive calculation, but the more I measured, the more I re-cursed it.



Prolly not in Le Donalde’s world. I can’t help speculate that he is still waiting for his first actual breast-touching experience.

Blow-ups don’t count.



I wish I’d thought of that.

me, too!

Aw, shucks. It’s better than SASQUATCH TITTIES!, for sure.


It’s better than SASQUATCH TITTIES!

Well, fortunately, K-Lo doesn’t flash them often.

OK, I need brain bleach now…


I can’t help speculate that he is still waiting for his first actual breast-touching experience.

If only he had stuck thru the initiation of his made up fraternity, Honka Honka Boobie.


Looking at that picture, Althouse was actually kind of cute when she was a teenager.

You know, before the Civil War…


Couldn’t help myself. TITTIES ISREAL is awaiting moderation.


Couldn’t help myself. TITTIES ISREAL is awaiting moderation.

At Dubmass?

He’ll never clear it, especially if he realizes (which he will if he hasn’t already) that it came from here.


errrrrr………..ummmmmm…….gang…….couldja…….maybe not uhhhhh………

oh, never mind


Poking a mirrored shard into the chaos spew that is Dee Dee’s blog


You know, before the Civil War…

Was she a Parliamentarian or a Royalist?


Just like every other President in history. Including Jimmy Carter.

Indeed. I saw Carter speak in 1988, and the worst he had to say about Reagan was a few sort of wistful remarks about how things had been “for the last eight years.” I admired his restraint.


Ha, ha! A poster at Riehl World:
noticed Donald Douglas(commenting tick) use the word ‘chemise’. I don’t know a straight guy who would even attempt the word


Nothing on that nipple page for me anymore. Maybe the flying monkeys got to Donalde? Mofo?


To be fair, I’m using elinks here. I’m at work, and I can think of nothing worse to be caught looking at than Ann Althouse on a chilly day.


Looking at that picture, Althouse was actually kind of cute when she was a teenager.

I saw Ms Althouse first. Of course, her mother really saw her first, but there’s no point in bringing the Civil War into this.


Of course, her mother really saw her first…

Ann Althouse’s mom is a very nice lady. In the sack! HAH HA Ann Athouse! I totes did yer mom!


I hear it’s more like Ann’s mom DUZ U!!!


*fervently recalibrating fuck-o-meter squick factors to attempt st00pid factorial chaos model based on zero-point of D-KW’s mom’s son’s partner’s daughter’s nipple admirer’s blog commenter*



Apologies if anyone else has made this point allready, but I have just scrolled to the end like the liberal traitor I am……….

But how sad is it to live your wholelife through the lens of your dumb arsed politics; get cut up on the motorway, ‘liberal education policies’, music on the radio sucks, ‘liberal broadcast conspiracy’,sex shop doesn’t offer you 2 for 1on extra large dildos, ‘statist bogeymen’…..

its really sad….


and us Canadian-Euro liberal abortionists gave all the kids 10 candies each last night….take than teabaggers….


I left a bowl out while I was elsewhere. It was half-full once the night was done. Good work monsters!


I’m with El-Cid… make the bed, you sleep in it; you poopoo in the bed you sleep in it. You vote repuke, you sleep in it. When you wake up, and the whole frikkin world says you smell like poopoo and puke, well, you voted for it.


Even as president, he always maintained an extraordinary level of presidential decorum, almost freakishly so.

Huh, my memory is that he was a major league asshole.


Oooh, subtle:

I left a bowl out while I was elsewhere.

OK, you have a life, we’re all impressed. And bitterly envious. Hope you didn’t have fun, too!


Hope you didn’t have fun, too!



I hear it’s more like Ann’s mom DUZ U!!!

Ann’s mom does more than just me. She does EVERYBODY!! LOL!

Anywho, I’m trying to troll one of Ann’s commenters – I’ve replaced his usual brand of LIEBERALS ARE ALWAYS WRONG BECAUSE YOU ARE A DUMB ASS with some Folgers instant coffee crystals. Let’s see if he notices.


Yeah, me too. Except without the bowl thing. I burned various items of furniture with a mate on a farm in Horsted. He’s moving back to Brighton, you see, and wanted to ease the transportation quota.

Geez, kid! you think with a recycling bin out the front full of Stella bottles we’re gonna be around to dish out candy sweets?


Fuck me, I’m more Althouse than Althouse.


My eyes glazed over after actor212’s fifteenth or sixteenth comment.


89 cent candy bars? Stupid professor payin’ retail for candy is like believing Boehner has a plan.


My eyes glazed over after actor212?s fifteenth or sixteenth comment.

You should see his eyes. They’re like dough-nuts.

I am worried that his employers will see what he’s up to all day & block S,N!, at which time Actor (Carl? Carl Paladino?) will enter a psychotic fugue.


Even as president, he always maintained an extraordinary level of presidential decorum, almost freakishly so.

who are we talking about? This guy?


Sometimes I wonder if Cuomo actually recruited him to run…

When I lived in NO and witnessed the Edwin Edwards – David Duke election, that was precisely my thought. Edwards just had to be behind Duke’s campaign. Duke was probably the only white man in Louisiana that could have lost to him.

I think Cuomo just lucked out. He would be beating anyone they put up.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio apparently kept two sets of books.

It was necessary to protect information from Mexican spies.


You gotta admit that having him on the lookout got voter fraud makes sense, his being an expert on fraud and all.


lookout for. lookout got? ugh. I blame Obama and his pressure on the left to move to the centre.


Do they make blog software with ignition interlocks? Authouse could sure use something like that.


I left a bowl out while I was elsewhere. It was half-full once the night was done. Good work monsters!

I thought you meant weed for a second.

The only thing better than candy, really. Well, besides vodka.


I thought you meant weed for a second.

Sadly, even while living in North America’s weed-friendliest city I just don’t like the stuff. The smell is icky and what it does to me isn’t so great for me or the people around me. I have lately had more opportunities to be annoyed by pot smoke than by cigarette smoke. ENOUGH ALREADY HIPPIES! I KNOW YOU’RE MELLOW!


We spent most of the month working on a bathroom and decided rather than half-ass Halloween at our place (srsly, we had no decorations or really anything) we went and helped our friends give out stuff at their place, which was fun.

For the record, younger kids are as happy to get mini cans of Play-Doh as they are candy (both, of course, is BEST, but we were trying to pace the goodies out), and apparently bubble-fog machines (they blow fog-filled bubbles) are absolutely mesmerizing.


Sending a puff of Camel®™ (smoke) northerly. As soon as I stop coughing.


The fact is, when we take back are country tomorrow, you liberals will just have to shut up and eat it as Pelosi is refudiated with logic and facts and votes, also stop hating America and raising taxes I want to pay less taxes here in the heartland you liberals in the coastal enclaves take it all for yourselves and give it to the Blacks who vote for you in exchange for free drugs


The fact is, not only are hipys stupid, they smell and are like Hitler. There should have been a thousin Kent States then we would won Vietnam and USA would not have been eaten by leftists and infiltirated by the facist socialests.


The fact is, why arent you liberals engagging me in rational reasoned debate, instead you just call names and lie, you stupid dummys?


Engagging for Dummys

Get it from Amazon now.


The fact is, why arent you liberals engagging me
heh…gary said ‘engagging’


This guy?
i was looking for that one! someone has to tell me how to re-name a link…

World's Last Pirate Fan

Stoners 1-0 Georgie Boy’s Team





Sending a puff of Camel®™ (smoke) northerly.

It’s hard to respect people who don’t use the whole of the camel.

World's Last Pirate Fan

When you’re caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, go swimming.

Thank you Giants for not adding World Series Ring (you KKKNOW they would have given him one) to GWB’s extensive list of unearned accomplishments.

TimotHy linCecum.

Delta-9 represent!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The San Francisco Values Giants winning the Series means, of course, that the Republicans will win the midterms.

If the Rangers had won, on the other hand, it would have meant that the Republicans would win even more winningly.

Bookmark it, libs!


(Whaddaya know, it’s Gary Ruppert of old, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. I must have been hanging out in all the right places, sans Gary.)

But anyway, I thought more about Althouse’s Unmanageable Halloween, and as I did, her position became even less tenable.

On a kid’s first halloween, a parent provides some context and instructions. “I will be back here if you need me. Ring the doorbell or knock. When someone answers, say “Trick or Treat!” Somebody will put candy in your bag.”

Then they’re off. At the first few houses, everything goes fine. Then the poor kid arrives at the Althouse. The Althouses have their own plan, a slight variant, but disruptive.

So they issue instructions to the kids: “choose one candybar.” Then the husband pipes up: “only one. Take just one.”

The kids are confused. Mom said people would put candy in my bag. I am not supposed to take instructions from strangers. And the man telling me to take one: does he want me to take another? There– he said it again! I had better take one more, like he says. (None of the kids know who Tweague, or whatever his name is, is talking to.)

Meanwhile the parent 15 feet back cannot hear the Althouses clearly. “Just take one or two and come on,” says a parent. Clearly the parent has more authority over the child than Althouse. If the kid’s well-raised, and smart, he or she will take two bars and leave the vicinity of the Althouse.

Let’s hope at the next house, there’s a family that just follows social mores without innovating. No little life-lesson for the kids, no new-improved way of giving out candy, just straight up trick or treat. It’s the conservative thing to do.


So, Meade updates with something about their faith in humanity being restored, thanks Obama! Funny ha-ha or funny strange?


Bookmark it, libs!

Great news for John McCain.


Well, sonofabitch. I’ve caught up on my S,N. May I never fall behind again… oh wait, I’ve been having a life lately… dammit! Gets in the way of my intartubez.


Oh, sigh.


El Cid, lystrosaurs as an example of family values? Really? I heard they lived in pairs in their burrows — and some of them same-sex pairs.

Apparently the South African government didn’t let this be published or something? I’m fuzzy on the details. Paleontology gossip is fun, but it invariably start at least three beers in, and that’s not counting the whiskey.


I bet she kept the wine gums for herself.


I’m surprised she just didn’t avoid the whole socialist candy redistribution scheme in the first place. On a related note, I heard that Ayn Rand was the first person to give out raisins for Halloween, to disincentivise candy welfare children from begging. When that didn’t work, she invented the razor blade apple.


Was she a Parliamentarian or a Royalist?

I meant Phoenicia.


I am worried that his employers will see what he’s up to all day & block S,N!

I’m sorta surprised they haven’t, frankly. But then again, it’s possible they own stock here in WordPress. I’d have to check the holdings.


It’s funny because if someone was writing this shit about althouse, it couldn’t be funnier. And yet it’s althouse writing about herself and her experiences that only go to show what a petty, shallow and not all that bright human she is.

Another reason to always trust the shorter and NEVER get off the boat.


AA and her minions have finally noticed the influx of comments.


“The fact is, not only are hipys stupid, they smell and are like Hitler. There should have been a thousin Kent States then we would won Vietnam and USA would not have been eaten by leftists and infiltirated by the facist socialests.”

I don’t think someone who is unable to spell “hippies” or “thousand” has much latitude in calling anyone else stupid. On the other hand, it’s clear that Gary and stupid are on intimate terms, so perhaps he knows more about the subject than we’re giving him credit for.

Seriously, dickweed, you need to sue the elementary school that purported to teach you…

Till Eulenspiegel

What kind of asshole only buys peanut candies?

Presumably the same person who insists on buying incandescent lightbulbs BECAUSE TAKE THAT ALGORE. Or maybe the dude just likes his peanuts and wasn’t thinking.

I’ve recently been seeing anecdotes about conservatives pooh-poohing deadly food allergies which strikes me as bizarre, yet consistent with their general fuck-you world view. I’d fully expect them to sneer and accuse me of faking as I go into anaphylactic shock.


Anonymous, Gary is our pet parody troll. We think, anyway; one can’t always tell the difference between parody and “oh my god just how many times DID your drug-addled mother-substitute drop you on your head?”


Jeezus, how does anyone even deserve a blog who doesn’t know how to buy Hallowe’en candy? What, she never heard of the jumbo bag of bite size minis for $9.99? Or is she just bein’ ornery?


(comments are closed)