I Can’t Imagine Him Surfing Either
Posted on October 30th, 2010 by Tintin
Shorter Bryan Fischer, Ruhnoomurka
President Obama diminishes the office daily
- I’m trying to picture someone calling George Washington “dude” and I can’t do it
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Obama would be much more dignified if he called his fellow world leaders things like “Pootie-Poot.”
Funny, I referred to Bush regularly as “Chimp”, yet Bryan Fischer doesn’t think he debased the office with regular actions that forced people like me to draw comparisons with lower primates? I’m pretty sure that being called “dude” is a humorous jab, while being called “chimp” is an insult – in Bush’s case, to chimps.
“I’m trying to picture someone calling George Washington “dude” and I can’t do it”
I believe I hold the key to this dilemma in imagineering. G.W. was a marijuana smoker. That’s the word on the streets and I believe it.
Just imagine him and a favored manservant sharing a blunt. Oh, the cross-cultural jive they could have enjoyed. Now you are just a twist away from “dude.” You’re welcome.
He’s right, you know. The term didn’t come into common use until the 1970s. Washington had been dead for years by then.
Magnets – how do they work?
It’s not that hard. Just imagine a guy calling another guy “dude”, and the second guy is George Washington.
Having Washington surfing on the dollar bill would be very cool. Franklin surfing on the C-note? Can’t picture it.
Oh, and you can go to hell WP. I am not posting to fast you buggy piece of crap.
Well, I definitively killed the last thread, but I guess this one is still too young and vital for me to do it in.
“Dude”, in this instance, was nothing more than a verbal tic. Does the president lose dignity if someone sticks an extra “like” into a sentence? Seriously, I watched that and my initial thought was Jon’d said “Do you?” Then I thought, well, probably “dude”, and man are the pearls gonna get clutched.
Holy shit! I just thought “man” in reference to possibly the president! Impeach him at once! He defames the office!
Possibly Obama heard “do you” as well, but possibly not. What the hell was he supposed to do, whip out a dueling glove and slap Jon with it?
To those of you gathered on the Mall today, I salute you. You send a message that I think the Tea Parties need to hear: “We can gather more silly people with nothing better to do in observance of a big marketing joke than your entire whackjob movement can accumulate in a spittle-flecked tea party rage. Suck on that, conservatives!”
Plus I was watching Washington Journal this morning and the tea partiers are sulking because people aren’t being serious and ignoring “those two comedians, that’s what they are”.
Me, I’ll be attending an applepalooza on the other side of the continent with my partner. Because we like apples.
Also unimaginable, I suppose
“Obama has so lowered himself and his office that Stewart didn’t have to think twice about doing it.”
Because what everyone wants is a godfather figure. Someone so powerful and dangerous that you’re afraid to even look at them. Yeah, that’s what we want in a president.
But wanting to have a beer with a dry drunk is ok…
And his skin tone isn’t helping either!
…I got your dignity right here.
…and what did Sarah call Todd, hmmmm?
So people are now responsible for what other people call them? For a braindead shitfucker, Fischer has an interesting point.
If George Washington had massaged the marquis de Lafayette, it would have been much more dignified.
Shorter wingnuttia: the president should be a folksy regular guy who uses the plain language of the people. Except if he’s black.
So calling POTUS ‘dude’ is disrespectful?
How about calling him Hitler, Stalin, the anticrist? How about portraing him as a witch doctor, a pimp and prostitute, in ‘white face’ makeup? Are those respectful?
Funny, I can’t imagine George Washington doing this either.
Silly. Don’t you know it’s his fault people call him those things? He inspires the lack of respect.
Stew might as well have called Obama “Mah Nigga.” Is that folksy enough?
To VacuumSlayer…
Dooohhh… Of course, I should have known better. That explains everything.
I’m impressed Fister even knows what “dude” means, I had no idea he spoke fluent Jive.
“…and I would submit one of the lowest points in the history of the presidency…”
Lower than ignoring the warnings and allowing a big terrorist attack on NYC?
Lower than lying the country into an illegal war of opportunity?
Bah. What surprises me is that Fischer managed to type several paragraphs without blaming something on teh gheys.
He’s a graduate from the Ted Baxter Famous Broadcasters’ School of Journalism. They have a whole year dedicated just to getting the hair right.
He learned from the best
Calling that Negro-Islamofacist-Kenyan-usurper “dude” is proof the liberals don’t have respect for The Office. And the fact that the Marxist Hitler-in-Cheif didn’t call Stewart-the-Jew on it demonstrates Obama doesn’t deserve the Presidency.
Am I getting this right? I wouldn’t want to misrepresent the authenticity of the outrage.
Spirula, so beautifully summarised. I could not have done better.
@Jennifer: OK so I had to go look at the previous thread. As a male, admittedly of a certain age, I like a good bush (and larger is not necessarily better for boobs, either). But I do wonder if your transformers were reacting to your post …
I long for the days when the White House reeked of dignity and gravitas as George Bush slapped the asses of female beach volleyball players, danced a little jig on the sidewalk, and searched for WMDs under chair cushions.
The majesty and solemn tone of Barney the dog’s Christmas videos are sorely missed by a needy nation.
I Can’t Imagine Him Surfing Either
“Georgie don’t surf!”
Let’s not forget the prowess and dignity of George Bush’s tumble off a Segway. How far our nation has fallen since!
There may have been a whole bunch of people who called him EVEN WORSE NAMES. And tried to shoot him and so forth.
A warning unheeded.
I suspect Obama’s been called a hell of a lot worse than “dude” by people a lot more powerful than Stewart, & I doubt he lost much sleep over it.
Meh. They said the exact same weak shit when Gerald Ford did a cameo on Rhoda … or when Clinton played a sax on TeeVee. These folks should be ashamed of themselves for wasting valuable porn-bandwidth on trying to sustain this drivel.
I think Obama’s “lowering the office” thing pales in comparison to their “big stick up my ass” thing.
George Washington saw his doody and dude it.
“President Obama diminishes the office daily”
Too late, shit-stain.
Dick, Dick and George already took care of that.
Americans want and need someone who looks and acts presidential. Right now, they don’t have it.
This is like the picture at the end of MAD magazine. You have to fold the paper so the words “and acts” are hidden in the closing statement, to see the true meaning of the piece.
You have to fold the paper so the words “and acts” are hidden in the closing statement, to see the true meaning of the piece.
Bingo. I was just grimacing this morning on remembering the “you could land a 747 on his shoulders!” gush about Romney.
I get gloomy near elections when the Republican triumphalism swells; I hope this one isn’t as big a blowout for the House as people are predicting. Two years of Freedom Fries and impeachment-related investigations would be a major shitpile, so I’ve been prodding people to go vote n stuff.
Along those lines – does anyone have a collection of quotes from two years ago about how important it is for the Congressional majority to let the minority have its way? I remember that and “Democrats hate families because they’re going to make us work more than 3 days a week” were the big Redoublechin themes.
Too late, shit-stain.
See? Dudey.
Americans want and need someone who looks and acts
presidentiallike Henry Fonda in “Fail-safe.”Except for all that “thinking” shit he pretended to do.
Hello Obama, didnt you get the memo that “folksy man of the people” comes with the implied “…who are over 55 and white”?
Yeah, and W. massaging Angela Merkel’s neck, and chest bumping with West Point (or Annapolis?) grads, and spanking female volleyball players and wearing ankle socks with Presidential seals on them with his Crocs, and making a silly face after trying to open a locked door, and….
None of that was any affront to Presidential dignity whatsoever, I suppose.
What a sickening bunch of wankenschotts.
Oh, and those were all things that Bush himself DID, not things that other people did TO him that, according to this guy, were his fault because he supposedly invited them.
According to that formulation, it was Bush’s fault that he had a shoe launched at his head by a disgruntled Iraqi. Now I might personally believe that to be at least partially true in that particular case, but I’m not sure that’s something that Mr. Fischer wants to be saying.
Oh, and those were all things that Bush himself DID, not things that other people did TO him that, according to this guy, were his fault because he supposedly invited them.
Things that other people do are worse, because W, once anointed president with the holy oil of Scalia’s spittle, was inherently dignified, as were all his actions.
The lowest point of the interview — and I would submit one of the lowest points in the history of the presidency — came during an exchange with Stewart over Larry Summers. Despite the criticism he received, the president said Summers “did a heck of a job,” the same phrase President Bush used in praising the hapless head of FEMA during Katrina, Mike Brown (“heck of a job, Brownie”).
As soon as the phrase was out of the president’s mouth, the audience began to laugh, and Stewart began to cackle. He interrupted the president of the United States, and called him “Dude” in the process. “You don’t want to use that phrase, Dude.”
It’s telling that Stewart saw nothing inappropriate in calling Obama “Dude” to his face.
You know why? Because there IS nothing inappropriate about calling Obama “Dude” to his face, anymore than Sarah Palin calling her husband “First Dude” or Bush fondling bald guy heads. No, wait, one of those is inappropriate… must be the one involving the black dude!
I’ve run out of commas. Can anybody spare a cup?
Try ellipses, they’re low-carb…
And while I was reading the bit I excerpted, I’d thought what Fischer was calling the low point was the inadvertent association by Obama of his administration with Bush’s, which would have been surprisingly astute for Fischer. Nope!
Silly. Don’t you know it’s his fault people call him those things? He inspires the lack of respect.
It’s what he gets for being uppity.
“Fuck you asshole” should be a default response to a president.
I can’t picture President Obama in a big powdered wig, so there…
According to that formulation, it was Bush’s fault that he had a shoe launched at his head by a disgruntled Iraqi.
Unlike pernicious public duding, shoe tossing is a sign of respect for the office and its holder.
The president of the United States on a comedy show
I’m not going to read the thread until after I post, but in case it hasn’t been mentioned yet… Nixon… sock it to me… etc.
The office needed to be “diminished”. Bush stated on national television television that “all options are on the table if Iran has the knowledge to build a nuclear weapon”. In other words, a man with the power to launch a nuclear strike with a nuclear arsenal sufficient to destroy us all (eventually) said, a preventive nuclear strike (the uber-ultimate war crime of all time) is an option if Iran has an undergraduate program in physics. Who the fuck did he think he was?
A president who doesn’t bat an eye when someone says “dude” to him—not drunk on his power and prestige—is refreshing by comparison. The president is not supposed to be the king of U.S., much less the whole world.
Besides, “dude” is an exclamation, it’s not like Stewart called him over by addressing him as “dude”.
I’m trying to imagine Obama fighting a duel, like Jackson. Now that’s dignified. I’m also trying to imagine our nation electing a toothless man with skin that makes Edward James Olmos look like a baby, and that’s not working either.
The office needed to be “diminished”.
our nation electing a toothless man with skin that makes Edward James Olmos look like a baby
If McCain were president, he would just shamelessly talk about how pretty over-tanned reality show stars are and sing songs about bombing Iran.
If McCain were president, he would just shamelessly talk about how pretty over-tanned reality show stars are
McC watched Rock of Love?
Franklin surfing on the C-note? Can’t picture it.
Oddly enough, I can imagine Franklin considering trying surfing if he visited what were then called the Sandwich Islands. Especially if it got him the attention of some cute wahinis.
Franklin surfing on the C-note? Can’t picture it.
Try LSD.
Another apocalyptic horseman sighted.
I’m trying to picture George Washington getting mad at giving people affordable health care and I can’t do it.
The office needed to be “diminished”.
Donny, you’re out of your element.
I’m trying to picture George Washington getting mad at giving people affordable health care and I can’t do it.
I’m trying to picture George Washington getting mad at people who want to torture prisoners. It’s surprisingly easy to conceive.
Tricyclists of the Apocalypse.
Tricyclists of the Apocalypse.
i’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free
And I can get my ass sued, if I’m over the age of three…
“I’m trying to picture someone calling George Washington “dude” and I can’t do it”
People like this are the reason why Fox News creates photoshops of monkeys holding guns.
“Diapers” Vitter: Tax cuts are much more important than a balanced budget.
I’m glad we’re past the era of having dignified presidents who fucking OWNED SLAVES.
Forcing people to work for free under threat of violence and death, that’s a mite rude.
Obama just exuded calm dignity and intelligence during his appearance with Stewart. I can’t imagine Bush or any other prominent Republican coming close.
The page Pere Ubu linked to had a link to this; http://www.truth-out.org/eight-false-things-public-knows-prior-election-day64486
Eight pretty friggin elementary things the public doesn’t seem aware of.
I’m not going to read the thread until after I post, but in case it hasn’t been mentioned yet… Nixon… sock it to me… etc.
I came back here to post about that very incident. Laugh-In, 1968, people! On the same program with a body-painted Goldie Hawn dancing in a bikini!
That’s a very long-standing precedent.
The president of the United States on a comedy show
simply disgusting. Now if he’d appeared on camera with turkeys being slaughtered in the background, THAT would be more presidential!
It’s like some communist stunt.
Haven’t checked for mangoes. Does Fischer give examples of the kind of respectful address that an office-enhancing American public servant should inspire from members of the public?
“Sir”? “Master”? “Daddy”?
The Dude abides. I don’t know about you but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ he’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners. I sure hope he makes the finals.
Shorter Bryan Fischer: How can that Kenyan, muslim, socialist, terror-enabling usurper just sit there and take being called “dude” by Jon Stewart?
I’m trying to picture someone calling George Washington “dude” and I can’t do it
Says the asshat who calls him The One
Haven’t checked for mangoes. Does Fischer give examples of the kind of respectful address that an office-enhancing American public servant should inspire from members of the public?
“Sir”? “Master”? “Daddy”?
“O mighty King” might be in character…
Americans want and need someone who looks and acts presidential.
Wasn’t Obama preceded as President by a fellow who supposedly graduated from Yale, earned a Harvard MBA, and yet COULDN’T_FUCKING_PRONOUNCE_THE_WORD_”NUCLEAR”_CORRECTLY?
Hello, wingnuts, are you fucking kidding me?
“Sir”? “Master”? “Daddy”?
Sire or M’lord.
Haven’t checked for mangoes. Does Fischer give examples of the kind of respectful address that an office-enhancing American public servant should inspire from members of the public?
“Sir”? “Master”? “Daddy”?
Depends. If a Republican is in office, “Our Savior” is probably the most appropriate form of address for POTUS. If a Democrat is in office, then it’s “That One,” “Not My President” or “that nigger/niggerlover” (depending on skin color).
Speaking of “our savior,” that fundie church close to my college that I went to a few times… the pastor was making a sermon on Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem and trying to find a real-world example that would convey the sheer-joy and awesomeness, so he started “What it always reminds me of is Reagan’s first inauguration here in DC…”
That was in, like, 2006 or 2007. I always remembered that sermon later on when they complained about liberals treating Obama like the Messiah.
I’m having a hard time picturing our Barry being president in George Washington’s time.
Just saying.
On Fisher: I notice always how the wingnuts have an absolute fetish for authoritarianism. Which leaves me wondering if we should all just come to the next tea bagger rally with whips and chains.
I think they want to beg us to stop it.
This indicates Stewart’s lack of respect for the office and for Obama personally (I’m trying to picture someone calling George Washington “dude” and I can’t do it), and worse, is evidence that Obama has so lowered himself and his office that Stewart didn’t have to think twice about doing it.
This indicates that shoe-throwing guy’s lack of respect for the office and for Bush personally (I’m trying to picture someone throwing a shoe at George Washington and I can’t do it), and worse, is evidence that Bush has so lowered himself and his office that the shoe throwing guy didn’t have to think twice about doing it.
This indicates that dead Nazi’s lack of respect for the office and for Reagan personally (I’m trying to picture George Washington putting flowers on a dead Nazi’s grave and I can’t do it), and worse, is evidence that Reagan has so lowered himself and his office that the dead Nazi didn’t have to think twice about having Reagan’s flowers be put on his grave.
This indicates Cambodia’s lack of respect for the office and for Nixon personally (I’m trying to picture George Washington feeling the need to secretly bomb the shit out of some Southeast Asian country and I can’t do it), and worse, is evidence that Nixon has so lowered himself and his office that Cambodia didn’t have to think twice about existing right next to Vietnam.
I’m trying to picture someone calling Bryan Fischer “twunt” and I can’t do it.
Wait. Yes I can.
Also, somebody has obviously not seen Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
“Diminishes”: Kinda a codeword for “filthy darkie” or extremely very a codeword for “filthy darkie”?
Blaco’s right, perhaps FIscher would be happier with His Dudeness or Duder or El Duderino…if he’s not into the whole brevity thing…
OK, who’s responsible for this flame-bait?
I’ve taken to calling people ‘twathes.’ In writing, it’s dynamite. The problem is, when I say it aloud it invariably ends up just being ‘twats’ because my CPU was built in 1966 and doesn’t do very well at near-invective. It just wants to respell everything to the nearest dirty word, like a reverse iphone.
Also, we need a standard spelling for vag or vadge.
OT in a way, but the Sanity rally today was at once a chaos of very poorly rehearsed bits, a genuine clarion call for the American media to get its head out of its ass, and delightfully entertaining in the way of a Superbowl halftime show: what the hell, it’s free.
I’m expecting 3 responses for ye olde media, in order of magnitude:
1. crickets
2. poorly rehearsed
3. because shut up, that’s why
I look forward to seeing how the media fail to respond.
I wonder if Fisher thinks that Colbert and Stewart disrespected the Tea Baggers today.
That would be just awful.
All three “train” songs they performed are among my favorite songs of all time, so what’s been stuck in my head ever since I left? That goddamn infectious “There’s No One More American Than Me” song.
Touchdown Penn State!
Evan Royster now all-time leading rusher for PSU!
That’s right, a gay football fan. Much butcher than all you baseball wussies.
“a gay football fan”
Hrmph! “Soccer,” as everyone knows, is “football” only to effete English wussies.
I thought we were supposed to meet at the rally today, PM.
(You’d get it if you were there, n00bs.)
Also too, Evan Royster is a hottie!
You know who else let people call him dude? Mussolini!
Airing Two Fat Ladies opposite the PennState Michigan game?!?!?!
OK, who’s responsible for this flame-bait?
I call poe on scrandy. Come on, nobody really thinks every plural needs an apostrophe, do they?
You know, if it were just the wackadoodles at Renew America getting their panties in a twist over the “dude” thing I could handle it. Sadly, no! Our illustrious mainstream media were also disturbed by the exchange.
Dude-gate, anyone?
The President should never be spoken to, or even looked upon, by mere mortals.
No doubt.
Though it does look like CBS bothered to do a count for this one.
Sorry Beck fans. Our clowns are better than your clowns.
Are we going to have a week of endless media fawning over what a bold political force the Restore Sanity movement is?
Sadly, no.
Sadly, sadly no.
I just looked this up — absolutely true fact: George Washington’s Prussian Inspector General, Friedrich Wilhelm Augustin Ludolf Gerhard von Steuben, on two occasions of considerable gravity referred to Washington as “Mr. Danga-dang-jangles,” apparently a colloquial endearment of the era. In addition, during the first Continental Congress, on September 5, 1774, William Floyd of New York called Edward Rutledge of South Carolina “my main nigga.” This was considered too casual as a form of address, and the exchange was struck from the minutes but survived as a clerk’s marginalia.
justme said,
October 31, 2010 at 5:27
I didn’t go to the rally (don’t hate). However, I rode the metro down to Union Station between five and six (couple hours after it was over) and the other side of the tracks was friggin packed. One of my (amusingly, Republican) friends in Virginia supposedly couldn’t get into the city this morning because there were so many people on the metro; four trains went by that were so full she couldn’t get into any of them and just went home.
Yeah, I’d say we won that round. I was expecting conservatives to double down on the “ours WAS bigger!” train. So far, no such claims…
Oh, this is just too rich; PJM screeches about a guy at the rally being a former Salman Rushdie killer wannabe, calls the rally “a despicable, offensive embarassment” and reprimands Colbert and Stewart for going on the stage with the same kind of Muslim who made death threats towards the South Park producers, their fellow Comedy Central friends.
That’s funny, because I remember the South Park controversy and I distinctly remember Stewart, of all people, standing up for South Park and telling the crazed Muslims in question “Go fuck yourselves!” Don’t seem to remember any conservative commenters ever painting that kind of target on their backs…
I’m also loving the number of signs from the rally they’re holding up as “proof” that people are “extremists.” I’m guessing irony isn’t a widely understood concept on the right…
I went to the Seattle satellite rally with a friend. It was also poorly planned (in the 60 minute space before the 10:00 (local) time appearance of Mssrs. Stewbeef and Colbert, there was 40 minutes of planned entertainment plus the hokey-pokey. I kid you not) but it felt good to be with several thousand other people who also think the rhetoric has gotten out of hand.
It was also cold and rainy so we left by 11:00.
In watching the DC rally (thanks, TiVo!), I was surprised to see the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens on the stage. I have no plans to leave the boat but I expect the Wing Blogosphere to be all a-twitter about that soon.
I’d just like to point out that it was mostly dead when I got here.
At 215,000,000 attendees the Rally to Restore Sanity is the largest gathering of humanity in the history of the planet.
In the history of the U-N-I-V-E-R-S-E!!
Best sign IMO
Our signs also kick their signs’ ass.
Mmmph. Refresh before post.
My favs are #s 3, 36, 49 & 60
Top of PJM at the moment.
Oh! Teh butthurt!
Or, y’know, triple.
Huffbussing accounted for about 10k, apparently. So, okay, let’s just say 205k.
Also, in another article there* (damn, these are some stinky, rotten mangos),
So, a bunch of big draws that nobody knew were going to be there vs. the #1 newsfotainment channel screeching 24/7 for months and Saint Sarah of the Bag? The winnah is… the rally that won’t get pointed to as an indication of “Real America’s” political leanings even though it was thrice as big.
Also, I love the choice of Cat Stevens. Pretty obviously a thumb in the eye to the baggers.
*More butthurt.
Our signs also kick their signs’ ass.
TPM missed this terrific one.
Happy Halloween
Much butcher
You’ve been to Gaga’s haberdasher?
In watching the DC rally (thanks, TiVo!), I was surprised to see the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens on the stage. I have no plans to leave the boat but I expect the Wing Blogosphere to be all a-twitter about that soon.
They are. That was the PJM article that was up last night.
Here’s the one that incontovertibly proves that theirs was bigger, with numbers and equations and all. Just in case someone wants to leave the boat. http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/so-how-much-sanity-was-there-in-d-c-yesterday/?singlepage=true
Belay that – my link was the exact same as justme’s. Once again, I really should read all the way to the bottom…
I really have to laugh at the reference to Beck’s rally as a “church service,” by the way. It was pure political phoniness. Most of the people there don’t even think his religion is Christian; none of them would have been there if it wasn’t to see the guy who tells them how to think every evening on Fox.
Stewart’s biggest sin, of course, is not accepting millions of dollars in donations from foreign agents in order to pay for TV ads telling Americans they should hate their neighbors.
Loser Lib!!
The networks think he’s a dick too.
Oh and look!
Actual evidence that the threat was real…
So Stewart reminds us of one of Bush’s most blatantly pathetic moments and that means Obama is diminishing the office. Right.
Also, I can’t imagine GW calling a reporter a “major league asshole” into an open microphone (or any kind of microphone because they hadn’t been invented, etc.).
That’s funny, because I remember the South Park controversy and I distinctly remember Stewart, of all people, standing up for South Park and telling the crazed Muslims in question “Go fuck yourselves!”
I thought that was the whole idea of having Yusuf on the stage.
Also, I notice Yusuf dropped his last name, Islam. I wonder if that has anything to do with him being put in the no-fly list?
one of Bush’s most blatantly pathetic moments
What you liberals are all forgetting is that Bush’s career of embarrassment and stupidity — like a prolonged and particularly cringe-inducing episode of Fawlty Towers — only diminished him personally… but as long as he insisted that people called him “sir” while he was rubbing their scalps or patting their butts or dreaming up demeaning nicknames for them, he was still upholding the good repute of the office. See the distinction?
I volunteered at my community garden until about 10am on Saturday. I drove down to the nearest metro – no parking and hundreds of people on line to get into the metro station. I decided to go home and live stream. Friends of mine bit the bullet and drove downtown and found a space about 15minutes away. I really wanted to go. If there is a next time, I’m going to go around 7am and hang around Union station or something.
They had it on a weekend! Of course people are going to travel to DC on the WEEKEND! It’s not really a big deal that a lot of people went.
Now, if they’d had it on a work day, it would show that the audience is a bunch of unemployed smokers of marihuana cigarettes.
The intent was to tell the media that people are fed up with being misled, manipulated, and pumped full of propaganda by arrogant fools who cannot see the destructiveness involved in causing an uninformed public, but want so badly to be on the inside and watch their career shoot skyward that they would prefer to betray their audience than fulfill their responsibility to it. If members of the media were capable of feeling shame or embarrassment there might be hope, but there are few indications of sensitivity in those areas. A psychology professor told his class that if a person cannot be embarrassed he or she should not be trusted.
I’m not “man,” I’m not “dude,” I am OFFICER RIVIERI.
Obama lowered the Presidency, W did not. Repugs are so f-ing juvenile I can hardly bear it.