You Can’t Create A Monster And Then Whine When It Stomps On A Few People

Shorter Professor Annal T. House, Her Eponymous Non-Partisan Blog:
Finally Some Good News for Democrats

  • people dressed up in Rand Paul outfits and stomped on their own member’s head to embarrass Rand Paul. UPDATE: Okay, so it was a Rand Paul guy. But he didn’t stomp that hard, he stomped on her shoulder not her head, and she deserved it.

Shorter Professor Annal T. House, Her Eponymous Non-Partisan Blog:
Yes, yes, I know there was that eye-catching “head stomping” to talk about yesterday…

  • But only one person was stomped and she deserved it. She was, after all, wearing a wig and carrying a sign.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 423


Wearing a wig? Next thing you know, they’ll be wearing burqas or similar muslim garb.


Bonus Anal T. House: Squeaky Fromme! Sara Jane Moore!

You never know what some petite female is gonna do, so you may as well preemptively stomp on her head.





Althouse doesn’t have a search function (that I can find anyway) so no word on what she thought about the worst attack in history, still being pimped as such by Col. Mustard.


The right gets creepier and more evil every day.

address my envelope, lips!

What? No Mooslim wig-wearing conspiracy? I’m disappointed*

*Disgusted and appalled and ashamed to be of the same gender as AA.


Next thing you know, they’ll be wearing burqas or similar muslim garb.

Women with such stompable heads should really cover them. And then apologize for being so scary.

address my envelope, lips!

@libhomo: Not just creepy and evil, they are determined to out-creep and out-evil everyone else, so that they are the uber-mensch of evil. I think all of Glenn Beck’s Hitler references are because he has a secret crush on the mustachio’d little feller.

And conspiracy theories? Make perfect sense to them, because it’s exactly what they’d do – they’re just annoyed they didn’t think of it first.


BTW, from last thread:

It would not be the same today. A similar bombing would be initially denounced by Fox News on the assumption that it was done by Teh Dirty Mooslams, but when it became clear that teabaggers were behind it, the network would become a 24/7 excuse train for why it was okay, why the kids in the nursery were asking for it, why it was all a dirty Obama plot, and why it was probably really done by Teh Dirty Mooslams anyway. The rest of the media would soon start following their lead, because they wouldn’t want to anger the Real Americans.

this. ‘Cause the wingnut media is a hundred times more efficient than it was back in ’95, and even the most obvious lies based on whackjob conspiracy theories can now sustain themselves (c.f. Birthers & 9/11 Truthers). Plus there’s infintely more anti-Arab sentiment in the country than back when the “third man” at the OKC bombing was a “Middle-Eastern-looking individual” and people could spin merdre de taureau about how Saddam was linked to McVeigh.


wearing a wig and carrying a sign.

You know who ELSE…


so no word on what she thought about the worst attack in history

Picture from “TwitPic”.

How Freudian.


When fascism comes to America, it will be wearing a wig and carrying a cardboard sign.


Ann Althouse?

Someone give Tim Profitt her address.


I wonder if she’d walk this back if Lauren Valle actually ended up dead?

Nah, who am I kidding?


I think all of Glenn Beck’s Hitler references are because he has a secret crush on the mustachio’d little feller.

He was a snappy dresser.


When fascism comes to America, it will be wearing a wig and carrying a cardboard sign bleaching her hair and drinking from a box-o-wine.



He was a snappy dresser.

Beautiful hair, too.


Wearing a wig? Next thing you know, they’ll be wearing burqas or similar muslim garb.

Ann’s just pissed because the wig was actually better looking and sexier than her bottle-wash. people dressed up in Rand Paul outfits and stomped on their own member’s head to embarrass Rand Paul.

holy crap she actually suggests that.

Bad mangoes! Bad!


holy crap she actually suggests that.

Oh, sweet Jesus. I am going to go lie down now…


Bad mangoes! Bad!


ALWAYS. Trust. The. Shorter.™!


He was a snappy dresser.

Beautiful hair, too.

I must insist, however, as I did on a thread from long-ago, that the mustache looked absolutely ridiculous, and that he’d have been better off shaving it and leaving that to a real pro (Stalin).


He was a great dancer, too.


holy crap she actually suggests that.

Sure! Why not? They’ve already sold the line that any racist signs at their rallies can only be leftists trying to discredit them.


This ought to get T&U’s blood boiling. From the comments:

Salamandyr said…
I still maintain there’s a whiff of sexism to this “horrible man beating on poor woman” insinuation. She was playing with the big boys; we should respect her enough to treat her like one.




Salamandyr said…
I still maintain there’s a whiff of sexism to this “horrible man beating on poor woman” insinuation. She was playing with the big boys; we should respect her enough to treat her like one.

Unlike Ken Gladney, who is a delicate flower.


the mustache looked absolutely ridiculous

Come on! Who among us hasn’t tried to emulate Charlie Chaplin at some point!?


I saw him drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic’s
And his hair was perfect.

Alkonholics Anonymous

Head stomping is the real human hair of liberal wig-wearers.


Unlike Ken Gladney, who is a delicate flower.

Wasn’t he in a wheelchair?


This is why I say they won’t back down anymore. Why feel shame about being a violent, psychotic thug when there are all these people on TV telling you that violence, psychosis, and thuggery are virtues?


I saw him drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic’s
And his hair was perfect.

After the blitzkreig, no less.

Well played, sir! Martini?


You never know what some petite female is gonna do, so you may as well preemptively stomp on her head.

I may be mistaken, but, uh, isn’t Ann herself rather…short?


Good grief…Althouse is 60????

And here I was going to give her credit for finally getting married with one foot in the grave. Alcoholism really does age one, does it not?



A Plan 9 reference? Bra-fucking-vo!


holy crap she actually suggests that.

The fact is, Ann Althouse is making sense. What kind of heartless monster would be cynical about a D video going viral immediately before an election? Well, this kind. Asking a question isn’t buying into a narrative and if you think it’s inappropriate then please feel free to list the questions that it would be appropriate to ask.

If you want to read a piece more critical of Proffitt, I direct you to the incomparable archives of Bob Somerby who says that what he did was dumb and unfortunate but that the real bad actors here are Digby and Ed Schultz.


I still maintain there’s a whiff of sexism to this “horrible man beating on poor woman” insinuation. She was playing with the big boys; we should respect her enough to treat her like one.


Because liberal women who protest are somehow magical, invincible juggernauts who could totes hold their own against men twice their size!


He could paint a whole apartment in an afternoon. Two coats!


We get our strength from our leg hair, you know. Shave it off and we become docile and too feeble to do anything but make sandwiches, much less protest politically.


I read this morning at the salon tube that the stomper was wearing a “Dont Tread on Me” pin. Yep.


Wasn’t he in a wheelchair?

He showed up to interviews after the incident in one. But the video where he was “viciously beaten” opens with him standing over some other guy he’d apparently knocked down.


but that the real bad actors here are Digby and Ed Schultz.



If you want to read a piece more critical of Proffitt, I direct you to the incomparable archives of Bob Somerby who says that what he did was dumb and unfortunate but that the real bad actors here are Digby and Ed Schultz.

He really does say that. Jeebus.


I still maintain there’s a whiff of sexism to this “horrible man beating on poor woman” insinuation. She was playing with the big boys; we should respect her enough to treat her like one.

“He had to stomp her head ’cause she doesn’t have ‘nads!”


He really does say that. Jeebus.

Oh god. I have to get out of the boat now, don’t I?


Also. Do “the big boys” usually go around stomping on each other’s heads as system of political debate? ’cause if they do I’d like to return my masculinity ’cause it’s obviously defective, thank you.


Oh god. I have to get out of the boat now, don’t I?

Bonus defense of Bell Curve author Charles Murray.


Somerby has had an attitude toward Schultz since before Schultz was on MSNBC. I stopped reading him about that time. Apparently, Digby’s sin is that she doesn’t share Bob’s love of Gore sufficiently.


Also. Do “the big boys” usually go around stomping on each other’s heads as system of political debate?

Actually, we big boys exchange head-stompings as a manly form of greeting, like slapping someone on the back or shooting them in the face with a shotgun.


Actually, we big boys exchange head-stompings as a manly form of greeting, like slapping someone on the back or shooting them in the face with a shotgun.

Activities involving other men’s heads and shooting them in the face are totes heterosexual of course.


I always assumed Rand Paul wears a wig — it looks like Hair Club for Men.


Bonus defense of Bell Curve author Charles Murray.

Yeah, no. That water is narsty.


Somerby lost it when Hillary had her presidency stolen by that usurper currently in the White House.

And Ed Schultz is a big fat dooty head, also.


Activities involving other men’s heads and shooting them in the face are totes heterosexual of course.

The Republican Party welcomes diversity. When it comes to shooting stuff in other guys’ faces, they don’t limit their projectile delivery systems to shotguns.

(Heh. I said ‘comes’.)


re: Col. Mustard: “[she] was pulled to the ground by Paul supporters, one of whom needlessly pushed her back to the ground momentarily with his foot.”

I’d love to needlessly push him back to the ground momentarily with my foot. Once upon a time, hitting a woman was, like, a bad thing. But hey, it’s those damn femmy-nists that killed chivalry! This whole incident is basically Gloria Steinem’s fault! Back before we gave women the right to vote, this never would’ve happened. The real scandal is why this woman was at a political rally and not at home making her husband a sandwich.

the left-blogosphere has concocted allegations against Tea Party members for much of the past year in an effort to paint opponents of Democrats as extremist and violent.

Remember when the tea parties were meant to be extremist, but non-partisan, drawing both Democrats and Republicans sick of the status quo, etc?

Now even ardent supporters like Col Mustard think the Tea Party should be thought of as non-extreme enemies of whatever Democrats do — in other words, by-the-book Republicans. Stupider and more racist than average, sure! But not any more extreme — none of that tree of liberty, blood of tyrants stuff here!


Proffitt is a hero for saving that lady from the wig that was viciously attacking her head.


And don’t forget, the SS actually did SOME good things


the left-blogosphere has concocted allegations against Tea Party members for much of the past year in an effort to paint opponents of Democrats as extremist and violent.

Our imaginations are so vivid other people can even photograph or film the allegations we concoct.


Our imaginations are so vivid other people can even photograph or film the allegations we concoct.



Oh and here Somerby goes after Rachel Maddow and claims she is no better than Fox, no seriously.


Her post is the perfect example for showing someone how terrible she (and her commentariat) is. The epitome of altmousery.


Seeing them rotten, lawyered-to-death mangoes, there’s a good case for retiring the Cavuto mark and replacing it with, say, a QuestiAnn mark.


Bitch be trippin’.

Marion in Savannah

Somerby lost it when Hillary had her presidency stolen by that usurper currently in the White House.

Is that what drove him over the edge? I used to read him, but then his bonnet filled up with so many bees that I couldn’t sort out what was raving and what was worth reading so I stopped reading him entirely.


Tintin, you are falling down on the job!

You Can’t Create A Monster And Then Whine Wine When It Stomps On A Few People




A Plan 9 reference? Bra-fucking-vo!

Fixed for accuracy


The fact is, Ann Althouse is making sense. What kind of heartless monster would be cynical about a D video going viral immediately before an election? Well, this kind. Asking a question isn’t buying into a narrative and if you think it’s inappropriate then please feel free to list the questions that it would be appropriate to ask.

If you want to read a piece more critical of Proffitt, I direct you to the incomparable archives of Bob Somerby who says that what he did was dumb and unfortunate but that the real bad actors here are Digby and Ed Schultz.

I miss the real Gary Ruppert.


Actually, we big boys exchange head-stompings as a manly form of greeting, like slapping someone on the back or shooting them in the face with a shotgun.



How do you doin’????


If I’m murdered by a neo Nazi-looking gentleman who is coming to finish off a patient he shot last night, please know that it’s been real.


Our imaginations are so vivid other people can even photograph or film the allegations we concoct.

You told me you burned that sex tape!


a QuestiAnn mark

This is not a complete win, but it certainly stole a goal in overtime…


I always assumed Rand Paul wears a wig — it looks like Hair Club for Men.

That’s a given. That rug he’s wearing would be no less convincing if it came equipped with a chinstrap to hold it in place and with the price tag still hanging off it.


If I’m murdered by a neo Nazi-looking gentleman who is coming to finish off a patient he shot last night, please know that it’s been real.

As a former blonde with blue eyes, I resemble this remark and would gladly shoot you in the face.


As a former blonde with blue eyes, I resemble this remark and would gladly shoot you in the face.

I was just saying that he looks like a redneck meth head.

You Aryans are so sensitive!


Fixed for accuracy

I changed it for reference purposes. Y’SEE?

I have an artistic license… it’s right here in my wallet, officer…


You Aryans are so sensitive!

Ja wohl!

Mine mean, yas, we are!


I changed it for reference purposes. Y’SEE?

*raising eyebrow*

Alright, laddie, I’ll let yes get away wit’ it thus time….


Bonus Anal T. House: Squeaky Fromme! Sara Jane Moore!

You never know what some petite female is gonna do, so you may as well preemptively stomp on her head.

I’m ordering heavy boots in case they bite!


Because liberal women who protest are somehow magical, invincible juggernauts who could totes hold their own against men twice their size!

On some level, you should be flatterred that women like you intimidate them so much.


magical, invincible juggernauts

I, for one, welcome our magical invisible jugg overladies….


Damn wishful thinking…


actor212 said,
October 27, 2010 at 19:31

Tintin, you are falling down on the job!

You Can’t Create A Monster And Then Whine Wine When It Stomps On A Few People


Damn you! I was just going to say that! Stoopid, slow iPad…


Damn you! I was just going to say that! Stoopid, slow iPad…

Should have bought the Max iPad.



Just FYI. I’m sure there’s plenty-o-snark to be had here


Alright, laddie, I’ll let yes get away wit’ it thus time….

Ah! Help me, it’s a person who identifies himself as an Irish! IRA! Help! Help!


Should have bought the Max iPad.

I had to read that like 3 times before I got it…well done, you!

hells littlest angel

Floating above that photo of Calamity Ann were the words, “Yes. Significant shrinkage!” How did you know? I don’t have a webcam.


I had to read that like 3 times before I got it…well done, you!

*deep bow*

Thank you.


I bought the Max iPad. Slipped it between the August issue of “Barely Legal” and an extra large bag of beef jerky.


“I’m ordering heavy boots in case they bite!”

Fool! Liberal women have serrated teeth–like steak knives!!


I bought the Max iPad.

I bought the Min iPad, and it still provides all day data protection…


I feel twice as fresh as Ann Althouse after a refreshing box of merlot.


I like how, in Somerby’s (attempted) takedown of Rachel Maddow, his main complaint is that she repeats things over and over again without that proof and therefore must be mentally defective. Let’s sample how he makes that point, shall we:

And during all that time, this famous Rhodes Scholar offered exactly two examples of this alleged conduct by “the Beltway media.”


Are insects eating American brains? This is now the kind of work we get from our Rhodes Scholars—with tribal hacks running as fast as they can to kiss the scholar’s ass.


Have bugs been eating this broadcaster’s brains? Have they been eating the brains of her staff, whose dreck she is simply reading?


Maddow’s argument never passed muster in the first place, except in the foolish mental world originally created by Fox. Was this a Rhodes Scholar’s brain on bugs?

Way to stick it to Maddow for being repetitive there, Bob! And way to not look like a jealous petty misogynist prick in the process. (This hereby clears me of my annual obligation to give Somerby another shot. Shot given.)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You Aryans are so sensitive!

He’s no Aryan, he’s some kind of Finno-Ugric.

If this pisses him off, he can sue me Suomi.


I have experienced no leakage. But, about four days each month, the cat looks at me funny.


he’s some kind of Finno-Ugric

Watch who you’re calling “gric”…


If you want a picture of the libertarian future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Watch who you’re calling “gric”…

I keep forgetting, you’re a champion Ugrico-Roman wrestler.


I keep forgetting, you’re a champion Ugrico-Roman wrestler.

Beats being a Ubangi tribesmen.


New York City is sane

Getting rarer and rarer these days.


Tintin, I won’t link– and someone upthread referenced it already– but it’s nice to know that Althouse (like anyone on the right) when confronted with the facts that totally refudiate her narrative, reliably doubles down on teh stoopid.


Wow, now we’re a trending topic on Twitter.


1. Y’all go buy my zombie novel, hear?

2. I think this may be a sign that I’ve become a wiser, more mellow person. I’m not going to read the piece. I’m going to trust the shorter. I don’t care if the mangoes are offering free blowjobs and piña coladas, I’m staying right here in the relative shelter of our dugout canoe.

But damn, peoples. It’s amazing how swiftly the victim is blamed, and how surely, and how effective it is. I look forward to the Boehner administration’s reign. There will be a lot of this, I trow.


Take a look at Kevin D. Williamson’s evidence for voter fraud.

Twenty whole people convicted of votER fraud? Over four election cycles?

It’s a crisis!


Take a look at Kevin D. Williamson’s evidence for voter fraud.

Guess who else dislikes voter fraud?


“I’m ordering heavy boots in case they bite!”

You fool!! We have serrated teeth–like steak knives!!


big boys-

Exactly that. Not men.


My jaw dropped when I read that Profitt wants an apology from Lauren Valle. “She made me do it.”


Has anyone made the

1) Stomp
2) Blame the victim
3) ???
4) Profitt!

joke yet?


Has anyone made the

1) Stomp
2) Blame the victim
3) ???
4) Profitt!

joke yet?



I’m gonna fucking kill WordPress. It’s doing that thing where it won’t let me post what I want to post. I keep posting and it keeps eating. I’m about to chuck my computer out the window.


It’s doing that thing where it won’t let me post what I want to post.

Check your verbiage. It might be hung up on words like f00l.


Sub–your puny boots won’t stop us. We have serrated teeth–like steak knives.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m gonna fucking kill WordPress.

Let me guess… WordPress rushed your favored candidate’s car to present a satirical award?


More McArdle bashing over at CT. Why it’s a virtual curb-stomp.

What’s great is she really does have it coming.


Let me guess… WordPress rushed your favored candidate’s car to present a satirical award?

WordPress made me curbstomp it!


Did I curbstomp the thread? Sorry, thread. I think you owe me an apology.


WordPress made me curbstomp it!

I demand an apology!


Sub–your puny boots won’t stop us.

Oh they’re not puny.


WordPress ate my Somerby funny. Wish it would’ve eaten him, instead.


You made me stomp you
I didn’t wanna do it
I didn’t wanna do it
You made me stomp you
And all the time you knew it
I guess you always knew it


Some idjit at her place:

Given all of the false-flag ops and shenanigans that these leftists have tried, skepticism was called for here.

Is there something I missed? I’m thinking back on politically motivated deceptions and staged events over the last couple of years, and all of the ones I can think of are from the right: the ACORN pimp tapes, O’Keefe’s census fraud, the backwards-B incident…

I’m honestly curious about whether some leftish organization has been involved in the kind of deception that this commenter describes. Anyone know of any?


Substance McGravitas said,

October 27, 2010 at 22:07

*must be sung wearing an A shirt with a mustard stain down the front*


I’m honestly curious about whether some leftish organization has been involved in the kind of deception that this commenter describes. Anyone know of any?

The really racist signholders at Teabagger protests have long been rumoured to be lefty subversives.


SUB!!!!!! I’m in desperate need of your expertise. I axed you this in another thread, but I don’t think you saw it. Or–god forbid–you were having some kind of life outside this blog.

So anyway, all my iTunes album art is FUBAR. And every time I add new music it gets worse. I know I can fix it all manually, but damn… Can you recommend a good program to fix it? I downloaded one, but it axed for money halfway through, and i was like…”yeah…no.”


I’m honestly curious about whether some leftish organization has been involved in the kind of deception that this commenter describes. Anyone know of any?

Well, we routinely impersonate Gary Ruppert over here. That makes us the real haters.


Given all of the false-flag ops

ESADIAF Tom Clancy.



Given all of the false-flag ops and shenanigans that these leftists have tried, skepticism was called for here.

And blatant, willfully-ignorant denial too!


More evidence we’re down the rabbit hole: GOP using Bush’s bank bailouts to oust Dems.

Migod. These people are STYOOOPID.


So anyway, all my iTunes album art is FUBAR.

Nope. I often download programs to expunge album art, and I’ve never wanted the reverse.

There could be something here. Applescript and Automator are sadly underused.

Also I think iTunes gets shittier with every release, but I haven’t switched yet. It’s especially shitty on Windows.


I know I can fix it all manually, but damn…

Y’know, iTunes can do this automatically with an item on the Advanced drop down menu…


Does Somerby ever express a coherent concept other than a raging desire to tear Ed Schultz’ dick out at the root and stuff it in Rachel Maddow’s eye-hole? Because even the Howler posts on his “good” topics (Al Gore, education) are barely coherent sneering and yowling anymore.


Y’know, iTunes can do this automatically with an item on the Advanced drop down menu…

No…it can’t.


No…it can’t.

Did you select all the songs in your library?


If you’ve become perplexed and/or alarmed by Somerby’s writings and have written him off as a crackpot, fake but real Somerby is worth following on Twitter instead.


Did you select all the songs in your library?

Well, fuck me. Can I really be this big of a moron? It appears to have worked. I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or happy, so I’m just gonna be both, mmk?


iTunes will do that automatically, too. If I have a song (aside from Beatles tunes and even then, it works soemtimes) that plays in my ‘Pod that has no cover art, the next time I sync, iTunes will search out the art for me. Not sure if that’s a default setting or if I adjusted some preference


Also, thank you, Subby. You’re always jonny-on-the-spot and you rock also too.


Because even the Howler posts on his “good” topics (Al Gore, education) are barely coherent sneering and yowling anymore.

Websense asserts on my end that The Daily Howler is News/Media.


Alkonholics Anonymous

Tea Partiers are the Uruk-Hai of Republican Fascism.


Edgar Winter should do something about those serious man boobs he’s got.


You know, Rush asks the dumb question, what would happen if a Teabagger did this at a Presidential speech (SecSvce would restrain the guy, cuff him and hand him off to the cops, of course, with minimal injury), but let’s take that one step farther.

Let’s say a Teabagger did this at, say, a Jerry Brown rally in California, and got the same treatment from Brown’s handlers.

Can you imagine the absolutely ballistic call to arms Limbaugh et al would raise?


Edgar Winter should do something about those serious man boobs he’s got.

I’m stunned. This might be the most accurate “Separated At Birth” for a right wing blogger I’ve ever seen…


I know Edgar Winter wasn’t in Sweet, but I feel a “Ballroom Blitzed” joke coming on…


Tea Partiers Fascists are the Uruk-Hai fascists of Republican fascist Fascism.



I feel a “Ballroom Blitzed” joke coming on…

Great album art…


Also I think iTunes gets shittier with every release,

A few updates back, iTunes not only erased all of my playlists – which were substantial – it also erased all of its per-programmed playlists. The next update basically erased all the songs I had on iTunes, forcing me to reload every last one of them, remake my playlists and go through the whole shebang to figure out which songs I wanted on my iPod (which is a massive pain in the ass, as I have an 80 gig iPod and something like 240 gigs of music). Since each update seemed to do little more than offer me new and exciting ways of giving Apple money, I haven’t updated since.


This is what happens when The White Album sneaks onto the neighbor’s lawn and pees on his rosebushes.


I’m honestly curious about whether some leftish organization has been involved in the kind of deception that this commenter describes. Anyone know of any?

Oh, no doubt there’s been some shenanigans like that – you’ll never have an election without a few people like that on both sides messing things up. On the scale they’re suggesting? I doubt it.

But y’see, their news outlets (PJM for instance) have spent over a year, as far as I’ve seen, beating the dead horse of claiming liberals were infiltrating their parties in order to make them look like racists or otherwise look bad. They’ve heard it for so long they’re just talking about it as if it were as natural and obvious a fact as the sun rising in the east, which to them, it is.

One wonders how long they can go on when those kinds of discrepancies between the world they live in and the real one at their doors, but so far it hasn’t hurt their electoral chances any.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But y’see, their news outlets (PJM for instance) have spent over a year, as far as I’ve seen, beating the dead horse of claiming liberals were infiltrating their parties in order to make them look like racists or otherwise look bad.

It’s the “No true Scotsman” fallacy.


For the practice of wearing a kilt without undergarments, see True Scotsman.

Oh my.


OT but for certain truculent, perhaps unreliable people, there’s a way to mess with possibly annoying coworkers.


OK, since I’ve successfully curbstomped this thread into submission, I think it’s safe to post this link to my blog, where you can read my navel-gazing last 2 entries about my pregnancy, but mostly just look at pictures of me where I look decidedly un-Slayerish.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

but mostly just look at pictures of me where I look decidedly un-Slayerish

You’re glowing… did you expose yourself to radiation so your baby will develop superpowers?


“You’re glowing… did you expose yourself to radiation so your baby will develop superpowers?”

I take pre-natal vitamins that are illegal in 48 states.

And–WC…sssshhhhh! That’s supposed to be our little secret!


Is anyone not gonna vote for the pulsating boner?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Is anyone not gonna vote for the pulsating boner?

I don’t live in Ohio.


That’s supposed to be our little secret!

How am I supposed to creep you out when you’re volunteering?


“Is anyone not gonna vote for the pulsating boner?

I don’t live in Ohio.”

I said pulsating, not orange.


I’d describe that Boehner as “throbbing.”


A few updates back, iTunes not only erased all of my playlists – which were substantial – it also erased all of its per-programmed playlists.

What I do is ignore updates unless I’m absolutely certain I want them. This applies not only to iTunes, which seemingly wants to update about every nanosecond, but to software and browsers generally. There is a very simple rule that many people seem to have forgotten: there is absolutely no point in updating software unless that update is a measurable and substantive improvement over the previous version.

Hell, I’d still be perfectly happy with a lot of the programs I was running several years ago if my newer computer was compatible with them. If something tries to update, just ask yourself: is it an improvement? Even if it is an improvement, do I want it? It’s amazing how most people don’t even ask themselves that.

Till Eulenspiegel

there is absolutely no point in updating software unless that update is a measurable and substantive improvement over the previous version.

But it’s new. And possibly shiny.

OK, so I’m the guy who runs Gentoo Linux because he absolutely must have every minor point release of some open-source package that he doesn’t even use. I’ll write the ebuild myself if I have to, dammit. But there’s a very good reason to keep browsers, PDF readers, etc. up to date: security. Old major versions are rarely maintained even with security fixes, so they quickly become risky to use.

Oh look, the dev version of Chrome has a new update…*hopes for bug fixes*


There is a very simple rule that many people software companiesseem to have forgotten: there is absolutely no point in updating software unless that update is a measurable and substantive improvement over the previous version.



…and let’s not even mention The Software Company That Shall Not Be Named as far as bullshit “updates” go…


OT but for certain truculent, perhaps unreliable people, there’s a way to mess with possibly annoying coworkers.

High-Tech Office-Based Prank Device
Pranking device to drive computer users insane
Makes random mouse movements, types gibberish
Works on any computer with a USB portk

I’d like to know how many have been sold, because it may provide an explanation for many, many web-sites.

P.S.: I bet we can rely on someone to be truculent 24/7.


t’s bt tm ths mvn.rg psss gt tst f thr wn mdcn. Rnd Pl s gnn rd t vctr n th wngs f th gl ths lctn d. B prprd lsr lbs fr mjr hs clnng. T Prt cnsrvtvs r gng t tk cntrl f th Hs f Rprsnttvs nd qt pssbl th Snt s wll. t s gng t b lng rds jrn, bt th wll vntll fx th mss y lsr lbs gt r cntr nt, bgnnng ll th w bck t Prsdnt Knnd’s nglct f th Sthrn Brdr nd hs thrd wrld frst mmgrtn plc. Y wnnb s rdcls nd t grw p, ct yr hr nd gt jb! nd thrws st th hll t f th w f Rl mrcns wh r tryng t fx th mss yr nv bldng hrts gt s nt! thrws thr s gng t b hll f lt mr hd stmpngs cmng yr w!


I bet we can rely on someone to be truculent 24/7.

But do they have annoying cow-orkers?

Wait, nevermind.


Works on any computer with a USB portk

Does it come in a vegetarian version, like maybe USB seitatn?


I sincerely hope this is a parody troll as opposed to a sincere troll.

Neither one is particularly funny or interesting but the latter would be highly likely to be a pain in the ass. Okay, so would the former but eventually parody trolls get bored and go away.


Also, I like ardous with my french dip sandwich but it’s not really good for travel. Tends to slop over the rim of the bowl.


Tea Party conservatives are going to take control of the House of Representitives [sic] and quite possibly the Senate as well.

Republicans, the House, maybe. Tea Farty cons, not bloody likely.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

…and let’s not even mention The Software Company That Shall Not Be Named as far as bullshit “updates” go…

Reminds me of an old favorite.


President Kennedy’s neglect of the Southern Border

No shit. Johnson had JFK killed because Kennedy was going to do something about the crackers spilling over the Mason-Dixon line looking for work in civilization.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have never understood the raison d’etre of a parody troll posting on a satirical blog. I mean, WTF, why not just join in the snark?


Hey, this might come in handy for some people, as presented by gmail:

Instant Grammar Checker – – Correct All Grammar Errors And Enhance Your Writing. Try Now!


parody troll posting on a satirical blog

A 14-yr. old who has an unhappy home life, trying to anger us.

OK, could be a 35-yr. old w/ the maturity of a 10-yr. old & the same unhappy in-the-parental-basement-living arrangement.


Otherwise their is going to be a hell of alot more head stompings coming your way!

You know, you’re going to win a lot of converts to your side with such a thoughtful, well-reasoned message.


Could just be D.N. Nation who I believe at some point expressed that he added entertainment value. Which I was prepared to believe in Coach Urban Meyer’s case, but D.N. said that wasn’t him.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Could just be D.N. Nation who I believe at some point expressed that he added entertainment value.

The weird thing is that not all of his comments were total dreck- all he really had to do is re-nym himself, stop being so goddamn thin-skinned, and stop pushing people’s buttons. Either that, or just go gently into that good night.


“Y knw, yr gng t wn lt f cnvrts t yr sd wth sch thghtfl, wll-rsnd mssg.” Lstn msh fr brns! Y lsr lbs r th ns wh brght ths pn yslvs wth yr mvn.rg nd crn nd hst f thr prfssnl prtst rgnztns nd “vctms” grps wh cr lk bnch f lttl grls whn th dn’t gt thr w. Nt t mntn th vtr frd yr sd rtnl brngs t th tbl vr lctn. Yr sd s tryng ths vtr frd crp n Nvd. Shrn ngl ws gng t dps Hrr Rd, tht ws ntl drt Hrr plld t n ld trck frm p hs slv. H knws h cn’t dft ngl n n p nd dwn lctn, s nstd h s hvng hs prx cnddt Sctt shjn stl cnsrvtv vts w frm hr. Sctt shjn s Hrr Rd crn rnnng ndr th msnmd T Prt f Nvd. Th rl Nvd T Prt dd nt ndrs hm, th ndrsd Shrn ngl, nd bth th T Prt nd th Nvd Rpblcn Prt r sng t tr nd gt ths mpstr ff th bllt. n th bllt h s gng t b dntfd s th T Prt cnddt, whch f crs h sn’t, nd wll sbsqntl stl vts frm Shrn ngl. Th mrcn ppl r fd p! W r sck nd trd f prfssnl pltcns nd th lftwng stblshmnt cntrllng r gvrnmnt. nd th wll l, cht nd stl t rmn n pwr. Y scm brght ths pn yrslvs.


The weird thing is that not all of his comments were total dreck- all he really had to do is re-nym himself, stop being so goddamn thin-skinned, and stop pushing people’s buttons.

A strange gentleman to be sure.


You scum brought this upon yourselves.

Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have worn that slutty dress.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Whatever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy?


I call parody troll.


Whatever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy?

One of the many victims of curb-stomping.


“Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have worn that slutty dress.”

Then drop the suit, bitch.


One of the many victims of curb-stomping.

Couldn’t-a happened to a nicer guy.


Clarence, put the pube down and back away from the can slowly.


Lks lk yr nggr Prsdnt pblcl dmttd h wll rfs t nfrc r Ntn’s mmgrtn lws.


Otherwise their is going to be a hell of alot more head stompings coming your way!

Ever notice how few wingnuts can use their, they’re, and there correctly? I blame their anger issues on this.


I’m honestly curious about whether some leftish organization has been involved in the kind of deception that this commenter describes. Anyone know of any?

The only example I can think of was Jason Levin from last spring, but…
(a.) While he claimed to be head of a group called ‘Crash the Tea Party’, I get the impression that he was pretty much the only member. ‘Crash the Tea Party’s website no longer exists.
(b.) The left blogosphere’s response to his scheme was decidedly negative.
(c.) So far as I can tell, he never got around to infiltrating any rallies.

So you have a single individual who attracted virtually no support and evidently never actually did anything (except to give wingnuts an excuse to blame their own extremism on phantom liberal saboteurs).


More McArdle bashing over at CT. Why it’s a virtual curb-stomp.
I think it was more a virtual taking-to-the-woodshed and spanking-so-hard-my-butt-hurts.


I call parody troll.

I call real troll. The n-word is a line most parody trolls won’t cross.


I saw that. It’s real. But tea partiers aren’t racist….


The fact is that Gordon McSweeney is giving me a stiffie.


Don’t you cheat on me, Gary! I own that flabby, pasty ass of yours!


You scum brought this upon yourselves.

Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have worn that slutty dress.

It was the wig. It’s always the wig.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ever notice how few wingnuts can use their, they’re, and there correctly? I blame their anger issues on this.

Nah, I blame pure stupidity.

Interesting choice of nym though.

There was another troll who used a Turtledove nym… Manonmantarakis? I think he was the knucklehead who lied about joining the 10th Mountain Division… DANCE BADGERS!!!!


Interesting choice of nym though.
Just like Paul Mantarakis from last year! And the same style of jerkwaddery! What a coincidence!


I always wear a wig when giving Gary a stiffie.


It was the wig. It’s always the wig.

And the come-curbstomp-me heels.


Nah, I blame pure stupidity.

I’d argue that the inability to distinguish their, there, and they’re is a good tell for stupidity, unless the writer is under the age of eight. Now, maybe Gordon is only seven, in which case I hope his mommy tells him to stop using naughty words on the computer.


Althouse is a law professor? She is a small but certain part of the problem. Is it academic protocol to teach young minds that it is acceptable to be heartless liars as long as they can get away with it? What is the proper amount of pressure to exert when stepping on someone’s head?

The audio portion of the video reveals that a male who watched as the woman was pulled down to the curb advised the cowardly worm who stepped on her head to stop doing it. The witness sounded as if he was offended by the act, and he was there, Ms. Althouse. is a radical group? Haven’t these troglodytes heard about Timothy McVeigh or the Baeder/Meinhoff couple? A very dangerous modern gang was the neocons.

Ben Quayle should not be considered a serious candidate for Congress, not because of his association with; he should not be considered, because his writing reveals how spoiled and immature he is.


Is it academic protocol to teach young minds that it is acceptable to be heartless liars as long as they can get away with it?

Only if you teach corporate law.


Th wrst prt bt ths ntr Nvd dbcl s tht th Nvd crts hv s fr sdd wth tht shjn mpstr. t dsn’t srprs m n bt hwvr, th lftwng Nvd gvrnmnt s n bd wth Rd nywys. M hp nd pryr s tht Nvd cnsrvtvs dct thmslvs n thr cnddts nd rlz tht Sctt shjn s Rd crn nd nt wh h sys h s. Ths s yt nthr xmpl f wh th T Prt (th Rl T Prt) nds t tk cntrl f th gvrnmnt. Crrptn s rmpnt whrvr th lftwng r n chrg.


Buh-bye Gordon


Well, I think the Pseudo-Tea Party needs to take control of the gov’t. Too fucking bad the political system of these United Snakes bears a vague resemblance to democracy.


But…but…but…I was such a civil and rational commenter.

Why are you trampling on my First Amendment rights!


The teabaggers would be really crappy dictators anyway. They’d embark on a week-long prune juice bender to celebrate, declare no more taxes ever, backtrack on that once they realized they needed taxes to pay for their new lifestyles as Infinite Tea Overlords, try to order the Secret Service to guard them for free, then end up dangling from lampposts before the end of the second week — mostly because they were too incompetent to hang up their own Christmas lights.


Tintin is STOMPING on your non-First Amendment non-rights. No mere trampling.


Gordon wants his 2 million dollars from Rupert Murdock now. That was central to his point.


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn


Prank, beating, what’s the real difference? Pfft


You’re all just jealous that AA’s superior intellect saw this phony “attack” for the agitprop political theater that it … what? It was REAL? Oh.

Gee – this means she’s actually a raging bumblefuck with all the political acumen of lint!

Also: Disemvowelled troll FTW!

I particularly enjoy seeing links disemvowelled – it’s as if the Interwebs suddenly turned Polish or something.


I had to add the prayer to the Old Ones because while I really enjoy disemvowelments as much as anyone, they always remind remind me of Lovecraft.




remind remind? aw fuck I better crash.


Ia! Ia! Gord’thulu pfftthhh argle blart gn!

Yet Another Racist Troll? I miss all teh fun.


Good night, S. cerevisiae. BTW, when I read your comment, my eyeballs kind of automatically skipped the second “remind”. I guess our brains want things to make sense. But since that no longer makes sense (hi, Ms. Althouse!), I will turn to branes, and order “Rise Again”, and hope that sense will be obtained thereby, or at least some rollicking good scary entertainment.



You’d think that SF over Texas would be a victory for teh ebil leftsist, but in actual fact – this is just a repudiation of Teh Usurper.

THE PRESIDENT: …But I’ve got to say, Lee looks like a pretty tough pitcher.


G’ night Larkspur. This is always one of my first reads everyday, for several years before I commented. Y’all are great, thanks.


She can crawl back into her box now.


That demands athleticism at the least.


She’s already shown she can crawl up her own asshole.


She’s already shown she can crawl up her own asshole.


Is there anything she doesn’t get backwards?


Shouldn’t that be Anal T. House? I’d rather see the back of her head than the front, quite frankly, and suspect most feel that way.


I got out of the boat and God help me! I can’t now un-get out of the boat.


gocart m’s in the vortex!! Someone throw him a line!


I got stuck in the lower holds of the boat, trying to tell the people in there that they could not only free themselves, but that Ann was feeding them rat feces and calling it caviar. Needless to say, I was very popular.

monkey knife fight

Come on guys, there’s nothing funny about an early onset of Alzheimers. I find it tragic.


THE PRESIDENT: …But I’ve got to say, Lee looks like a pretty tough pitcher.

I am terribly disappointed that nobody asked him if he knew what hippie punching means or complained that they felt like they’d been used as a cum bucket behind the bleachers or told him that they were the base. What a bunch of sellouts.


Another oh-so-non-racist Teabagger.

I’m loving the defense – “but the Republican Party asked him to step down! Loony libs!”

Possibly true. The Republican base still selected him, however – and since the teabagger insurgency narrative is that it’s a revolution by the “true” conservative popular base against the liberal Republican elite, I have no choice but to conclude that this racist is on the “right” side of your struggle.

(Of course, by the end of the comments, you finally have one guy going back to “but but but IT’S TRUE!!! Look how many blacks are in college and look how many are in prison!”)


Possibly true. The Republican base still selected him, however

The defense is also predicated on the idea that this is the first time ever that said person has spouted off racism – which is never the case.


More on Republicans and race-related issues –

Apparently a black man in South Carolina is objecting to a white neighbor flying the Reb flag;

I wonder how many liberals who think it insensitive and un-American to oppose the Ground Zero mosque are ready to stand in solidarity with Annie Chambers Caddell. I suspect not very many.

By contrast, I suspect most conservatives would say to her what they say to those who insist that the only location they will accept for their mosque is the very spot where it will antagonize the most people. I know I would, even though I grew up happy in a place and time where most people I knew thought “damnyankee” was one word. Why go out of your way to offend your neighbors?

I can spot at least four fallacies just off the top of my head.

One, the straw-man fallacy; he knows liberals wouldn’t stand with her right to fly the flag because liberals wouldn’t stand with her right to fly the flag. Logical fallacy, which has the additional detriment of being false – flying that flag on private property is her right, and I don’t know any liberals who’d dispute it.

Two, Mrs. Chambers is not and (due to the popularity of her cause) never will be under a media blitz by 70% of the country demanding that she take down her flag – I suspect most liberals (and most conservatives) have never even heard of her, which is why she hasn’t warranted the defense and attention of the ACLU or any prominent liberals.

Three, the fallacy of claiming that flying the flag of a rebel movement bent on preserving race-based slavery is the moral equivalent of opening a YMCA whose secondary purpose includes reconciliation and healing for 9/11 victims, and which will contain prayer rooms for other religions as well. One is celebrating hate, the other fighting it. Are you capable of seeing the difference?

Four, and most blatant – the egregious fallacy of claiming that he (and by association conservatives) are, unlike liberals, sensitive people who would never want to fly a Confederate flag on their soil because it offends people and they’d never do a thing like that. Ever been to the state houses in Louisiana? See that big flag with the stars and bars? Ever watch the 2008 election? The one where Huckabee and various others tripped all over themselves saying that the flag should stay there and people who disagreed could stick it? This is the logical equivalent of Al Capone entering politics as a tough on crime candidate.

JEEZUS, it’s not often I spot that many bits and pieces of bullshit and outright fucking lies in just two paragraphs, even on PJM. The proximity to the election is really driving them to surpass themselves.


those who insist that the only location they will accept for their mosque is the very spot where it will antagonize the most people

Yeah, THAT’S what they’re doing. Not exercising their right to build a building where they want, but to IMPOSE on your tiny-minded bigotries. Yup.

It’s “antagonizing” because YOU WHINY MORONS let it be.


Oh, yes, 5) – further up in the article, he once again repeats the tired trope that “Oh my GOD conservatives never said they didn’t have the RIGHT to build the mosque they only said it wasn’t nice and proper” –

Actually, the teabagger candidate in New York ran on the explicit promise that if elected, he’d use eminent domain to destroy the mosque, while at least one conservative church group has called for an end to all mosque-building in the United States. Those are the only two I can remember right now, but I very much doubt they’re alone. And it wasn’t until after, AFTER the President made that speech about how they had the right to build the mosque, that conservatives suddenly started coming out and saying “well of course they have the right. There was no such clarification before.

I suppose you could add 6) – it’s a bit ridiculous for conservatives to suddenly claim that the mosque is being build “where it will offend people the most,” when less than a year ago Laura Ingraham was on Fox News telling the imam that she thought he was doing a wonderful thing with the peace and reconciliation thing. But there I go thinking again…


I’m remembering the halcyon days of Ought Nine when the right wing thought it was a sign of patriotic virtue to assail politicians by confronting them while dressing up with fake wigs and carrying signs.

When did that become grounds for head stomping in their eyes?


the right wing thought it was a sign of patriotic virtue to assail politicians by confronting them while dressing up with fake wigs and carrying signs guns



It’s “antagonizing” because YOU WHINY MORONS let it be.

Well, that and because they conjured the “antagonism” right out of thin air with the media blitz of “Ground Zero Mosque” crap. Of course, it’s not a mosque, it’s closer to a mosque that was already there than it was to Ground Zero, and the other target of the 9/11 attacks – the Pentagon – had a mosque inside it the entire time, but never mind any of that stuff. Living proof of the saying that a lie can go ten times around the world while the truth is still putting its boots on.

I did enjoy the fact that the closer you got to the actual site of Park51, the less opposition there was, culminating when a plurality in Manhattan and a majority in Lower Manhattan actually supported.


Dennis G. at Balloon Juice has another dissertation on the history of intimidation by white supremacists.


Good stuff, Chris. You are very smart.


culminating when a plurality in Manhattan and a majority in Lower Manhattan actually supported.

You know you can’t let people who live there decide! They’re not Real Americans™!


You know you can’t let people who live there decide! They’re not Real Americans™!

TOOOOOtally unlike supporters of a treasonous secessionist movement.


Good stuff, Chris. You are very smart.

*blushes. Why, thanks.


Smedley, thanks for the Balloon Juice article.

While over there, I also found a post that linked to this post, which is a pretty good summary of teabagger psychology:

It is one of the biggest dividing lines between liberals and conservatives: sensitivity. Liberals are supposed to be the sensitive ones, but even the liberals who worked themselves into a froth over George W. Bush never really cared very much about what he thought of them. But conservatives care what President Obama thinks. They care to the point of imagining what he thinks. […] Worrying about what someone who doesn’t think about you thinks about you: this is the essence of Sore Winnerdom, and it is no accident that it also the essence of the Republican animus. […] The skin on the Republican Party’s “Big Tent” is by definition thin, and under it gathers a volatile throng of people with nothing in common but the fear that outside its environs someone is laughing at them — or simply having a better time.


If you want to read a piece more critical of Proffitt, I direct you to the incomparable archives of Bob Somerby who says that what he did was dumb and unfortunate but that the real bad actors here are Digby and Ed Schultz.

Bob Somerby has lost his goddamned mind. Too much time spent watching cable pundits will do that to a man.

Won’t be long before the men in the white coats come and incomparably put a net over Bob and drag him off to the crazy house.


<i?"You never know what some petite female is gonna do, so you may as well preemptively stomp on her head."

“I may be mistaken, but, uh, isn’t Ann herself rather…short?”

And her hair is somewhat … wiglike.


France to the world: If you are going to do nipplegate, do it right.

It must be cool to live in a civilized country.


Unfortunately I live in the state of my birth, Arkansas.

A remarkably beautiful place with, as Balloon Juice notes, remarkably ugly people.


If you are going to do nipplegate, do it right.

That lady was lucky she didn’t do that in America; she stood a good chance of getting curbstomped. Because that looked like a wig* to me.

*full disclosure: did she have hair?


The Tyranny Of Liberal Wigism.


And the failure to pick up enough data points to look anything like a pattern is glaringly obvious.

I’ll give a million dollars of T. Boone Pickens’ money to anyone who can explain what that means.


Shorter winguts: The President we disrespect was disrespected by Jon Stewart last night when he called Obama “dude.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Unfortunately I live in the state of my birth, Arkansas.

I know the feeling. I live in Utah.


OT but for certain truculent, perhaps unreliable people, there’s a way to mess with possibly annoying coworkers.

The possibly annoying co-worker I have may or may not be sick with some mysterious illness and is out of the office anyway, so I’m going to hold off on the pranks. For a while.


“the creation of a class of baby-boom retirees who have been deprived of meaningful work but given personal computers as Christmas presents….”



The possibly annoying co-worker I have may or may not be sick with some mysterious illness and is out of the office anyway, so I’m going to hold off on the pranks. For a while.
So how did she catch Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever anyways?


Shorter winguts: The President we disrespect was disrespected by Jon Stewart last night when he called Obama “dude.”



Just an observation:

If you claim the young lady was part of a plot to make Rand Paul look bad you are tacitly admitting that Tea Party activists commit predictably stupid mistakes.



that Tea Party activists commit predictably stupid mistakes

lord knows we wouldn’t want to suggest THAT.


Yes, folks, I voted for Mr. Obama.
and now our chicken have come home to roost


Yes folks,

I defend Billionaires to bolster my ego.


now our chicken have come home to roost

There’s only one thing to do…choke it!

Keep fuckin’ that chicken, boyo.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

you are tacitly admitting that Tea Party activists commit predictably stupid mistakes.

Absolutely not! The Paul campaign worker who did the stomping was also a liberal plant, and always has been.


Shelby Steele, the “thinking man’s Thomas Sowell at the Hoover Institute,” has erected a plethora of strawmen in his desire for a reacharound from the Tea Partiers.


Absolutely not! The Paul campaign worker who did the stomping was also a liberal plant, and always has been.

So you admit they are easy to fool?
And for long periods of time?


I voted for Mr. Obama.

Well, you didn’t reflexively refer to him as “that Halfrican Kenyan BOY Obongo”, so it’s possible that you’re not a Republican.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So you admit they are easy to fool?
And for long periods of time?

Absolutely not! Those who are fooled are liberal plants.


and now our chicken have come home to roost

An inappropriate, puzzling metaphor (I would hope), mixed with grammar and sentence structure that would constitute failure of the third grade is what I see here. I’m going to call this one a Republican, Chris.


From Smedley’s link;

I’ll have what this dude is smokin’!

But there is a limit to bad faith as power, and Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party may have now reached that limit. The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power. It puts Mr. Obama and the Democrats in the position of forever redeeming a fallen nation, rather than leading a great nation. They bet on America’s characterological evil and not on her sense of fairness, generosity or ingenuity.

When bad faith is your framework (Michelle Obama never being proud of her country until it supported her husband), then you become more a national scold than a real leader.


Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan

They bet on America’s characterological evil and not on her sense of fairness, generosity or ingenuity.



Ok, goddammit. There is NO WAY I broke this thread in the middle of the fucking day.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…in the position of forever redeeming a fallen nation, rather than leading a great nation.

Of course, Republicans talking about how the liberals have messed everything up are never doing this exact same thing.


Uncharacteristic blogh00r before going off to work an 11 hour endurance test:

Tea Tea Macoutes


The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power.



Of course, Republicans talking about how the liberals have messed everything up are never doing this exact same thing.

The fact that the GOP (girls on pavement) always fucks up the country is central to their point.


You rarely see such naked appeals to imperialism. Too.


Steele, like Sowell, rarely appears in a forum where his assertions will be challenged. Considering that George Will and David Brooks are regulars on the Sunday talk shows, and never have their assertions challenged, I don’t understand why the Hooverites stay home in Palo Alto.


The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power.

I love the OBSESSION with how manifestly unfair it is that Obama won’t recognize the supremacy of America over all other nations. How thoroughly and personally affronted, demeaned and humiliated they feel because their president doesn’t have the good grace to begin, end and middle every speech by telling them that they’re better than everyone else. Confirmation of the above link about their fixation on what Obama thinks about them.

I wonder, was Lincoln also a national scold when he accurately made speeches pointing out the moral failings of America’s slavery-supporting past?


I wonder, was Lincoln also a national scold when he accurately made speeches pointing out the moral failings of America’s slavery-supporting past?

No, he wasn’t a national scold, he was a foreign invader.


Uncharacteristic blogh00r before going off to work an 11 hour endurance test:

Tea Tea Macoutes

I didn’t know you had a blog. How is this? Oh, that’s right. My suffocating self-absorption. ANYWAY…like a good liberal, I bookmarked it.


The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power.

Not getting out of the boat, but I just love this. America is better, more fair, generous and democratic than everyone else, therefore we have the right to kill people and break their shit.

Because, dontcha know, we’re doing it for the best reasons.

Wow. My mind, she is blown.


I’m sure most people have seen this by now, but the guy who stomped on the woman’s head is demanding that SHE apologize to HIM.

Honestly, I begin to think we really are doomed as a society.


I didn’t know you had a blog.

He has three! Teh foodie one and teh other one what teases panthers.


Wow. My mind, she is blown.

Yeah. That’s probably the single thing that blows my mind most about wingnuts. When it comes to race or religion, at least they have the good grace to pretend (convince themselves) that they’re the victims, they’ve been unjustly persecuted, they just want equality…

When it comes to nationality, though, it’s explicit supremacism. America is better than every other country on earth, is entitled to act in ways that no other country does, can never be questioned or challenged – and those aren’t things that you infer from the nature of their speeches, those are things they say loud, clear and in the open over and over, with no one ever calling them out on it.


He has three! Teh foodie one

That’s hot.


“I wonder, was Lincoln also a national scold when he accurately made speeches pointing out the moral failings of America’s slavery-supporting past?”

Maybe Obama needs a big hat.


I’m sure most people have seen this by now, but the guy who stomped on the woman’s head is demanding that SHE apologize to HIM.

He didn’t stomp on her head, he was Rolfing her with his foot. Maybe he should send her a bill for services rendered.


The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power.

“We’re the best therefore we should be world’s boss” is as bad as bad faith arguments get. As is “America as virtue itself,” ludicrous and proved false by even the most cursory look at reality.


Teh foodie one
That’s hot.

Semi-foodie blog from a Bimler who is not a Herr Doktor.


As is “America as virtue itself,” ludicrous and proved false by even the most cursory look at reality.

These people’s problem is, their understanding of history begins and ends with World War II. Maybe they should ask themselves how the Spanish-American or Mexican-American wars demonstrated “exceptionalism.”


These people’s problem is, their understanding of history begins and ends with World War II. Maybe they should ask themselves how the Spanish-American or Mexican-American wars demonstrated “exceptionalism.”

And like so many other things they remember being great about America, the war was a liberal accomplishment… one that had to be shoved down their throats, to coin a term, over their furious protests and arguments (“Leave Hitler alone! He’s smashing the communists!”)


“These people’s problem is, their understanding of history begins and ends with World War II”

Except the part where the Rooskies were our allies and absorbed massive casualties while forcing Hitler to fight a two-front war.


These people’s problem is, their understanding of history begins and ends with World War II.

I don’t know. They seem to have an enormous capacity for butthurt over the Civil War, which happened right before WWII.

Oh. You said understanding. Never mind. I doubt most of them even have much of a grasp of WWII.


I Had a One-Night Stand with Christine O’Donnell

Twice as douchey and half as titillating as I expected. Fuck you, Gawker. Totally not fucking worth it at all.


Chris, smedley, justme: You’re right. I should have said, “…begins and ends with John Wayne movies set in World War II.”


Chris, smedley, justme: You’re right. I should have said, “…begins and ends with John Wayne movies set in World War II.”

And there’s your answer, because their understanding of the Mexican War begins and ends with one John Wayne movie set at the Alamo.

Well… okay. Maybe Fess Parket as well.

I find the Davy Crockett fixation some conservatives have unbelievably ironic considering how much he, even more than the Founding Fathers, stood against what they believe in.


Also, that dude’s comments about her bush were totally mean and unwarranted. I actually feel bad for her now, and that PISSES ME OFF.


Twice as douchey and half as titillating as I expected. Fuck you, Gawker. Totally not fucking worth it at all.

Yeah, that guy wasn’t much of a gentleman. I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that he was turned off because “the waxing trend had passed her by.”


Also, I hate to say it, but Christine’s “cokehead” improvisation wasn’t bad at all.




Yeah, that guy wasn’t much of a gentleman. I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that he was turned off because “the waxing trend had passed her by.”

Yeah, me too. And if by “wasn’t much of a gentleman,” you mean “flaming misogynist sleazeball,” then yeah.

Seriously, fuck. I want to punch this guy in the face for forcing me to be on the same side as Teabaggers on something.


Oh, thanks for the heads-up, everyone. Since I do not want to have to agree with the teabaggers, I will avoid that link like the plague.




George Will, Journalist

His hackery just found a sixth gear.


It’s not just the “OMG GUYZ, I HAD TEH SEXXORZ” element — it’s just, for lack of a better word, gauche. Like beating up a kid in the wheelchair. O’Donnell’s already a laughingstock who’s going to lose her election — why pile on?

Gawker should pick on someone who’s not already getting completely skunked. Let’s see ’em track down some of Rick Perry’s former boytoys and then we’ll see how ruff-n-tuff they are…



I couldn’t help it! It was like The Ring! The only way I won’t die is to spread the knowledge!

I knew I should have stayed off Twitter today.





Dammit, I HATE unclicked links, even if I know they’ll only lead to PTSD and possible arrest.


Yeah, me too. And if by “wasn’t much of a gentleman,” you mean “flaming misogynist sleazeball,” then yeah.

He also has no reason to exaggerate or even outright lie, does he? Dudes never do that.


Trust us.


He also has no reason to exaggerate or even outright lie, does he? Dudes never do that.

Are you implying that dudes aren’t always completely truthful about alleged hook-ups??? I am shocked, tsam, SHOCKED!


Trust us.

Now I’m *definitely* not clicking them.

They caught the murderer dude. Now he won’t come in and kill all of us.


And he was in an entirely different county. And apparently has killed, like, 6 people. Glad the maintenance men were checking IDs!


Okay, this is probably totes late, but WTH. Anyways, numbered lists like the one Our Lady of teh Swirling Glass has posted need numbered responses.

1. One data point proves nothing about a large group (unless you follow the thinking style of bigotry).

How about two in as many weeks. Bonus points – also a 23-year-old woman victim.

2. The “violent Tea Party” meme has been pushed since the very beginning of the Tea Party movement, so it’s nothing new. And the failure to pick up enough data points to look anything like a pattern is glaringly obvious.

I suppose the signs promising to water the tree of liberty might have had something to do with it. Or possibly some leftover impressions from the summer of Obamacare Town Hall protests. Odd that we rarely saw any lectures about civility in August ’09.

3. The woman came to the event to create an incident and caused the Ron Paul’s supporters to worry about his safety, so that violent incident was prompted by the urge to defend, in which case even that one incident isn’t a data point that fits the gapingly empty template.

Oh wow. I don’t know what video Althouse watched. The urge to defend? She was prone. In the fetal position. Being held down by at least two others at the time of the stomping. Whilst surrounded by Paultards. I know that conservative guys are scared of teh womens, what with their fanged vaginers and mysterious time-of-the-month super bitchiness, but claiming that they were motivated by fear of physical harm being visited on the Rand? Uh, no.

4. “A person in a disguise, carrying a sign from a radical organization, tries to push through the crowd to hand a political opponent an unknown object. What would the Secret Service have done to her?”

I suppose they would have wrestled her to the ground until she was totally subdued and then stomped on her head. Either that or just flashed their badges and questioned the individual. Possibly with a very aggressive tone. SRSLY, Ann – what do you think would have happened?

Hey remember that time those armed folks showed up outside venues Obama was speaking at. With their Tree of Liberty signs. Those guys totes got curb stomped too! Metaphorically speaking.

5. I bet some of you, reading #4, thought of saying: “Person”?! It was a woman. How threatening could a woman be? But:

A: That’s sexist. You think women cannot be dangerous?

B: Squeaky Fromme, Sara Jane Moore. It happens.

Sara Jane is one of my favourites of The Doctor’s Companions. ONOES, I’m starting to see things from Althouse’s perspective! (It’s the box-wine. Mmm mmm good!)

6. Are we really going to elevate every prank and beating to a political event deserving analysis? That “stomping” had nothing do with anything worth thinking about in deciding who to vote for. If that counted as substance, it’s evidence of the extreme dearth of substance this week.

Yeah! Totally! Not every political prank that ends with a beating needs to be considered news. Geez, when Althouse was a wee lass, political pranks ended in beatings all teh time and none of them ever made it to teh front page of an aggregator site. Talk about SLOW NEWS DAY. Sure there’s some pretty shocking video – but you’ll notice that Lauren Valle doesn’t bleed and as teh saying goes, it only leads if it bleeds.

7. And let me say one more thing to those who delighted in what they imagined was the political usefulness of the “stomping” incident…

Bookmark it libs! All you crazee lefties are inherently ebil violent thuggish no-goodniks. This weekend is going to be a pure bloodbath of martyred conservative counter-protestors because leftsist are ebil and violent and thuggish and no-good. And then where will your smug moral high ground be? Not under Tim Profitt’s soles no more! Liberals. Hrmf.



Uh… I’m glad no one reads my blog.


Uh… I’m glad no one reads my blog.



Uh… I’m glad no one reads my blog.

I do, but I don’t sit on my RSS feeds and wait for updates on your blog all day, every day. I’m a busy woman and I have lots of things to do. Like your mom.


Sara Jane is one of my favourites of The Doctor’s Companions.

Yep. Except it is Sarah Jane.


So I’m sitting here filling out my ballot (hooray for all mail voting!) and snurfing teh webz. Dang, I wish *I* could vote for Pete DeFazio Alas I’m in the 5th district.

PS to T&U – get off yer ass and vote.


Smut, the S,N hamsters shat on my response to you. But I bookmarked the HELL out of that link.


Shorter Jonah’s back weighing in seriously on philosophy:

A new book claims Obama’s a pragmatist and a thinker who doesn’t like talking points. That’s so hilarious because Greek columns! Arugula! Tire guages! clinging to our Bibles! he called us emenies!


I feel like tsam and mark f are deliberately trying to make me angry. My fingers will click almost as if independent of the rest of my body!


As others may have pointed out, we don’t have to wonder what the Secret Service would have done in a similar situation. It happened just a few weeks ago when that guy threw his book at Obama. Or did the damned liberal media “disappear” the footage of the subsequent curb-stomping?


OK, one down. Whew. When do I get my chance to punch Jonah in his fat fucking face?

Do I have to George Will? (Although, in fairness, I usually just find him to be like an incredibly boring, impotent, irrelevant version of David Broder these days).


PS to T&U – get off yer ass and vote.

Oh, damn. Somebody’s going to have to drive me.

Why can’t we vote online? It’s the motherfucking 21st century, y’all!


Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane are just the tip of the iceberg, people. Tha woman could have been another Lizzie Borden, Typhoid Mary or Xena the warrior princess! That hero saved not just Rand Paul’s life, but maybe the life of everyone who was there.


Yep. Except it is Sarah Jane.

wev. I just watched it on the teevees, I ain’t one of them die-hard fans what reads New Adventures and then ended up getting hooked on Bernie and in a constant struggle over whether or not to get teh Big Finish audio plays – because that would be really nerdy.

Plus my spelenigs aren’t always teh greetast.


Oops, that last anonymous was me.


incredibly boring, impotent, irrelevant version of David Broder

Redundant VS is redundant.


“My fingers will click almost as if independent of the rest of my body!”

You shore talk purty, ma’am.


Why can’t we vote online? It’s the motherfucking 21st century, y’all!

I agree with this. I fucking hat unassing my ass to do shit. The whole world should come to me. OK, that was sarcastic, but I really do like the idea of online voting. I’m sure there are things that make it highly susceptible to fraud and stuff though.


I feel like tsam and mark f are deliberately trying to make me angry.

One of Jonah’s commenters points out that George W. Bush was the real pragmatist because of his response to 9/11. I can’t tell if it’s a troll or not. Which is central to my point.


Redundant VS is redundant.

Well, yeah.


Ah, yes. Barack Obama has been so supple-minded, so open to “continuing debate,” so skeptical of certainty, and so humble.

Thus Spake The Son of Lucianne.


“My fingers will click almost as if independent of the rest of my body!”
If you lose a hand in an accident and the surgeons offer to graft on a replacement, check the donor carefully. It might be the hand of a murderer, or worse, an internet addict.


It might be the hand of a murderer, or worse, an internet addict
or a compulsive onanist!.
or is that what you meant by “internet addict”?


Waaaay-hay-hay O teh T: a place where you can go find out which consumer products don’t fuck up the planet or yourself is objectively good.


or a compulsive onanist!.*

That might not be that much of a change. This isn’t Christine O’Donnell we’re talking about here.

*interesting punctuation you’ve got there.!


*interesting punctuation you’ve got there.!
?I blame my [complete lack of an] editor.!..$….&,,,,§..¶,,°..¿


As others may have pointed out, we don’t have to wonder what the Secret Service would have done in a similar situation. It happened just a few weeks ago when that guy threw his book at Obama. Or did the damned liberal media “disappear” the footage of the subsequent curb-stomping?

Obama will have that person disappeared, as has happened with so many others who have spoken out against him. Viva El Presidente!


If you lose a hand in an accident and the surgeons offer to graft on a replacement, check the donor carefully. It might be the hand of a murderer, or worse, an internet addict.

Very dangerous, yes, as you have already advised us that such a hand might be more than half keyboard but it’s good to be cautioned anew from time to time. Of course there are other things connected with ladies and ladies’ seat cushions that I will mention to you separately some time. You might also remind Sadly, No! readers that the man-charged keyboard is a phenomenon of great charm and intensity and a very dangerous article.


Paul Mirengoff also pre-criticizes the Obama-as-pragmatist book. Shorter:

This book says Obama is a pragmatist. Ayers! Alinsky! Cornel West! QqqqqqqqqqED


I feel like tsam and mark f are deliberately trying to make me angry. My fingers will click almost as if independent of the rest of my body!

No woman can resist the power of the tsam/mark f link, especially when we lay down that razoo html shit. Da laideez cum a’ runnin! WOOt


Oh, shit. Also ACORN ACORN ACORN!!!!!!!


So I’m sitting here filling out my ballot (hooray for all mail voting!) and snurfing teh webz.

What took you so long?


Also: Walla Walla 99362. Lived there for several semesters. No surprise at all.


No woman can resist the power of the tsam



No woman can resist the power of the tsam[/mark f]




Oops, that came out wrong. I was flirting shamelessly and clumsily with tsam (as usual).

I’m sure mark f has mad game. 😀


What took you so long?

I couldn’t find a pen*.

*Not a VPR, I just had to come with something other than the honest answer which would admit to the world and everybody that I’m lazier than M. Bouffant. Even.


I’m lazier than M. Bouffant. Even.

Nope. You cook stuff, I’m a heater.


My concern about having a stranger’s hand grafted onto my severed stump is the idea that this new hand spent years whacking off a strange cock, wiping somebody else’s ass, and picking an unknown nose. I think I’d rather have a hook I can run through the dishwasher.

That’s odd, I have an erection.


That’s odd, I have an erection.



If you want a picture of the libertarian future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

As long as the stormtrooper to which this boot is attached is from the private sector, working as a contractor to a company that’s working for the federal government through three layers of subcontractors.


Trust us.

Now I’m *definitely* not clicking them.

The two I checked were safe and funny. Click Smut’s first; Sub’s is the real thing but you can’t tell, you just know.


If you want a picture of the libertarian future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

No, in the Libertarian future it’s a human face thrusting itself relentlessly against a boot. Only the native pluck and courage of the boot keeps it from collapsing altogether in the face, if I may, of this onslaught.

Pulling oneself up by one’s boot heel, and so forth.


Smut’s link does appear to be waxed, or at least waxy.


Smut’s link does appear to be waxed, or at least waxy.

Borg says “No, you may not look”, so I couldn’t say.


What I do to my link is my own business.


What I do to my link is my own business.

Not after you share it on the innertubes.


This is what happens when Highlights For Kids crashes its car on Van Dyck Boulevard.


No, in the Libertarian future it’s a human face thrusting itself relentlessly against a boot. Only the native pluck and courage of the boot keeps it from collapsing altogether in the face, if I may, of this onslaught.

Why does this face keep oppressing my boot? Why? WHAT DO YOU WANT?


My concern about having a stranger’s hand grafted onto my severed stump is the idea that this new hand spent years whacking off a strange cock, wiping somebody else’s ass, and picking an unknown nose. I think I’d rather have a hook I can run through the dishwasher

They say the worst thing about having a lung transplant is coughing up somebody elses phlegm…


The worst thing about having a double leg transplant is again and again and again you’re jumping someone else’s train.


What, really? A little upfront talk about body parts is enough to kill this thread?!?


The worst thing about having a corneal transplant is infection.

Wait, that’s not funny.

Till Eulenspiegel

I really do like the idea of online voting. I’m sure there are things that make it highly susceptible to fraud and stuff though.

It’s entirely possible to have secure, anonymous, verifiable online voting if you do it right. For details, see Bruce Schneier’s Applied Cryptography, which has a lot of scary math that’s over my head, but also some interesting discussion about stuff you can do with cryptography. IIRC, you’d need to mail each voter a unique token (like banks send out TAN lists), but it’s not much more complicated than that.

But considering the utter disaster of Diebold’s attempt to build machines to accomplish the unprecedented task of storing a few numbers and occasionally increasing some of those numbers, I don’t think I’d trust them to get it right.


Okay, this weirds me out… I just posted this on a Yahoo News article about Keith Ellison

“I am not going to apologize because I’m bothered by a religion that says kill the infidel, especially when I am the infidel. … I learned everything I needed to know about tolerance on September 11th.”

Exactly how are the one-fifth of us who aren’t Christian supposed to feel about that statement in the Bible when Jesus – not the Old Testament God but the New Testament, nice, peaceful, “not spread by the sword” God – commands people to bring the unbelievers before him and slay him?

Most Christians may have found ways to rationalize that statement or explain it “in context” so that they don’t actually have to kill me, but most American Muslims have found ways to do the same to their own “kill the infidels” statement.

… and so far (14 minutes) I’ve gotten 12 thumbs up and only 3 thumbs down. What the hell? My experience with these boards is they’re filled to the brim with teabagger fascists (the “enthusiasm gap” at work). Maybe there really is cause for hope.


I’ve gotten 12 thumbs up and only 3 thumbs down. What the hell?



Seriously, fuck. I want to punch this guy in the face for forcing me to be on the same side as Teabaggers on something.

Well, just in case you found yourself feeling unduly sorry for Ms. O’Donnell…


What, really? A little upfront talk about body parts is enough to kill this thread?!?

Some body parts are more upfront than others.


My concern about having a stranger’s hand grafted onto my severed stump is the idea that this new hand spent years whacking off a strange cock, wiping somebody else’s ass, and picking an unknown nose.

Try looking on the bright side – maybe they never wiped their ass.


I’ve gotten 12 thumbs up and only 3 thumbs down.

That many body-part transplants would be enough for most people.


My concern about having strangers’ thumbs grafted onto my hands is the idea that these new thumbs spent years being stuck into Christmas pies and pulling out plums.


For Pere Ubu

Were loosin cuz to many of this.


My linking skills match my spelling skills.

Teabaggers, with a whole bunch of help from the “news” channels out there. 9.5% (reported) unemployment, Obama letting the Refucks control the dialog and debate, etc…

A near perfect storm.


Giants. I mean, Giants!


When do I get my chance to punch Jonah in his fat fucking face?

I can’t even do so rhetorically: despite having registered over there, NRO won’t let me log in OR request a (new?) password. I’d say my e-mail is getting around as an indicator of oncoming Liberal Fascist snark – but probably it’s just another case of wingnut ineptitude.

A near perfect storm.

Selective memory deficit & sheer spite are much if not most of the problem.

Much as I like Obama, he surely fucked the pooch badly when he let the huge organization that got him into the White House fade away instead of mobilizing it to “be the change you want to see” (a triumph that would’ve dwarfed HCR as an epic accomplishment in American politics) – & when he had the GOP on its knees & helped it right back on its feet with a futile “bipartisanship” spree that made him look indecisive & weak.

Also, the 60-seat majority was a canard (Dems are just too diverse for a razor-thin majority to have any real clout) but the electoral potential he could’ve exploited by busting the BushCo crime-syndicate was a golden opportunity that won’t likely ever recur.



Even the goddamn military itself is okay with allowing gays to serve openly, and Congress still can’t even pass this law?

Let the bad times roll.


The worst thing about having a double leg transplant is again and again and again you’re jumping someone else’s train.

There’s a cure for that.


“Squeeky” of OC Weekly fame?


Guess so. You are to be congratulated for subtle pimping of your web log.


PJM finally offers a definition of what they mean by Marxist – in essence, “not a Republican.”


Cont’d; in the first paragraph, he explains Marxism “isn’t so much a doctrine as an attitude.” It’s kind of a ridiculous statement – Marxism is a doctrine, an excruciatingly specific and developed one which has nothing to do with the “attitudes” of its adherents. Course, saying that it’s “an attitude” essentially allows them to proclaim that anyone they don’t like has “a Marxist attitude,” which I’m sure was the point –

But it’s interesting because that’s also what they say about the Tea Party Movement, that it’s not a party or a doctrine or an ideology so much as a general attitude. It’s basically proclaiming “we don’t care what you want to actually do – all we care about is whether we like you enough to let you join the gang.”


That comment about severed hands/masturbation/nosepicking above… was me. I would never post something that disgusting anonymously on purpose. I hope you can forgive me.


I would never post something that disgusting anonymously on purpose. I hope you can forgive me.

It’s Sadly, No!, where we proudly stand by our vulgarity!


Oh, and Obama=golf=Kenyan veldt – but she’s not a racist, nohow nu-huh.

(BTW, second thought: Parody blog? I. Cannot. Tell.)


It’s Sadly, No!, where we proudly stand by our vulgarity!



okay, so Shelby Steele refers to Obama and his ‘otherness’ and this Squeeky twit, talks about his ‘longing to return to the veldt.’ juan wets himself when he sees dark people. holy frick! this is the rhetoric from the greatest nation on earth? or did i fall asleep and wake up in teh 1860s?


holy frick! this is the rhetoric from the greatest nation on earth?

We’re not in Finland!


*stomping feet rock-arena-style*



holy frick! this is the rhetoric from the greatest nation on earth?

To quote my new blog masthead: “We’ve secretly replaced America’s democracy with Tea Bag crystals. Let’s watch!”


The fact is the worst part of a nym transplant is you traitorous liberals who want to deface the Constitution with your false foreign-born president.



Needs moar typos


Shorter Doughbob:

Jon Stewart should ream everyone the way he reamed me.

Ps. Me and Ace of Spades agree Obama sucks.


Was Squeeky satire? Cuz it was kinda funny to me. South AfricanKenyan veldts authenticated by quoting reviews from “Mogambo” – I dunno. Too smart to be that stupid.


Jon Stewart should ream everyone the way he reamed me.

Did Jonah actually comment on the President’s self-image?

Boy, there’s the fat ugly rosacea-covered drunk teapot calling the shiny kettle “Nigra”…


Problem with playing chicken with the Teabaggers is that one is working under the assumption that they won’t happily crash and burn and then blame the wreck on the Dems…


Problem with playing chicken with the Teabaggers is that one is working under the assumption that they won’t happily crash and burn and then blame the wreck on the Dems…

The way I see it, the House might turn Republican, but the Senate won’t. This will force the Teabaggers to reveal their agenda with absolutely no chance of it passing the Senate.

They promised to cut $100 billion in spending from the budget in the first year (remember the Pledge To America?). Let them show their hand, let the country see that they will either have to cut defense and SocSec or fail in their promise.

I’m cool with that.


Berlusconi’s wang in consultation with lawyers AGAIN.

Wang chunk.


Sheesh, there’s no pleaseing you folks. First is spelenigs pour plus grammer less goodly then average and now I need MOAR TYPOS?


(comments are closed)