Sweetness and Light
Posted on October 17th, 2010 by Tintin
Shorter Dana “We Did Not Have A Terrorist Attack During Bush’s Term” Perino, America’s Shittiest Website™
Mean Maureen
- To demonstrate that I’m not mean and catty like that irritating bitch Maureen Dowd, let me tell you several mean and catty stories about her.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Putting aside politics, Perino should be careful about starting a fight with someone three times her size.
Oh, Perino’s right about Maureen Dowd. But when Perino says she used to enjoy reading her, she means when Maureen Dowd did pretty much nothing but bitch and moan about Bill Clinton and the whereabouts of his penis.
Bill Clinton and the whereabouts of his penis.
Worst Waldo book ever.
Sounds like we need to send David Petraeus back to Iraq so he can tell them once again how THE SURGE worked and fixed Iraq.
SUBMITADMIT!Who ever could have thought that a strategy based on following the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad by Shi’a and Sunni forces by paying Sunni insurgents not to fight us would fail to be a long-term solution to make Sunni militias enjoy being ruled by a Shi’a government?
You don’t have to look too far back to see mountains of US politicians and pundits discussing The Awakening in Iraq as this unstoppable tide of Iraqis finally seeing things Our Way and fighting Al Qa’ida on its own and proof that soon Iraq would be awesome.
The moment Democrats took over Congress the giant anti-withdrawal propaganda campaign known as THE SURGE was spun into full force and has been the basic narrative followed since. See, we had a NEW STRATEGY of COUNTER-INSURGENCY and we now knew how to MAKE THE LOCALS INTO OUR ALLIES and so on and so forth.
By “new strategy” it really meant not as fucking ridiculously retarded bullshit done under the wackoids of Bush Jr. and Cheney and Insane Rumsfeld. And all things considered, yes, it’s better to be less spectacularly awful. But it wasn’t a “new strategy” as in “some new idea which is really new and means we know how to facilitate a Western occupier’s ability to turn the nation-state they just blew the fuck apart into the country they want it to be.”
By the way, it was that “new strategy” and “COIN” bullshit which was used to suggest that throwing more troops in Afghanistan wouldn’t just help to relieve over-stressed US troops but would actually change things in Afghanistan, such as having an Afghan government which was more than, as Robert Fisk says, “the Mayor of Kabul.”
Our ever-increasing victory in Afghanistan is now seeing approximately 80% of the country controlled by “Taliban” forces.
You do have to give Al Qa’ida in Iraq credit for an innovating corporate recruitment strategy.
I think if we can just be there another 3 to 5 decades, we’ll start to see the formation of a peaceful, thriving, fledgling democracy. And if not, then we probably could stay another few decades to keep trying. Eventually we’ll get it right.
Maybe, but the best Harry Potter book in the series!
Catfight between Dana Perino and Maureen Dowd? I’m not much interested in rooting for either one of them. Is it too much to pray for a meteor strike to destroy them both?
You know failure in Iraq will go down as Obama’s fault, though. And whatever valuable lessons the military did learn from the 2006/07 change in strategy will be lost.
No matter how Iraq turns out, I suspect the military as an institution will have left there with still no real understanding of what went wrong, why it went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Certainly the Pentagon, the politicians, and the cesspool of pundits, think tanks, and contractors that gravitate around them won’t have learned anything. And the obsession with feeling good about ourselves and not hurting the American people’s nationalist feelings will make sure that any meaningful dialogue will be buried under piles and piles of nonsense.
In other words, we won’t learn from history and are condemned to repeat it.
I have no idea why more Afghan villagers aren’t standing by our side and putting their lives on the line to fight the Taliban.
On the plus side, the Afghans are going to be better able to understand the situation of the Palestinians, who also regularly have their groves and farmlands bulldozed over because Israelis said there were terrorists nearby. However, it is different because WE ARE NOT OCCUPYING AFGHANISTAN. If you doubt me, then I’ll just have to say it louder.
If we can just stick it out another few decades there with our New Strategy, they’ll come around.
Before THE SURGE (hallowed be its name) was launched, I assumed that if a withdrawal from Iraq was managed, then the continuing or worsening warlordism would be blamed on traitorous cowardly Democrats.
Once THE SURGE began and was hailed as the GREATIST MILTERRY VICKTREE EVER HA SUCK IT DEMO-RATS!, I knew right then and there that as the momentary post-ethnic cleansing stability started to unwind, it would turn out to be under the Democrats’ watch and thus, once again, their fault.
The “lesson to be learned” by “the military” is don’t fucking invade and occupy other nations and think it’s not going to go to complete shit and leave even worse order than before. Jeesus, Saddam was a murderous fucking tyrant, but Iraq is worse than before.
The upside is that as things in Iraq start to look decidedly un-SURGE-y, the myth that we figured out how to properly run an occupation and transition to democracy in a stateless 3rd world nation because of THE SURGE may go away. Or maybe not. It may be reconstructed as THE SURGE fixed everything but then Obama lacked the gigantic penis necessary to keep the victory going.
(Which is a contradiction, because back home all you hear from righties is how Obama is forcing some huge package down their unwilling throats, just ramming these socialist packages deeper and deeper and they just can’t take it any more.)
Now this is a cat fight I can get behind. Two of the most banal and malevolent voices in American political discourse shredding each other over who is meaner and more petty.
That’s really great.
As long as the winner then takes out McMegan, I endorse this fight. Two hacks enter! One hack leaves!
“The “lesson to be learned” by “the military” is don’t fucking invade and occupy other nations and think it’s not going to go to complete shit “
Ahhhh….. I see your problem there El Cid, you think we actually give a fuck about the well being of other nations and their people. We don’t. All we care about is how much money we can make off the stupid American people selling war and then funnel it off to our buddies in private corporations with no bid contracts.
All we care about is how much money we can make off the stupid American people selling war
There is also that whole job security for generals thingee as well. I mean if we weren’t always fighting all of these needless and futile wars, we wouldn’t need such large military. A smaller military means fewer generals, so we absolutely cannot have that.
Perino has some nerve complaining about a woman who did her best to put Bush II in the White House which tragedy gave this dope a job. At which job she wasn’t any good.
Actually, I wasn’t assuming that. I was talking about the way it can be politically unpopular when the countries we’re occupying end up looking like a complete clusterfuck.
On that front, the military knows how to sell “victory” in the short term, hence the national pundit orgasm over David Petraeus and His SURGE.
Problem is it won’t stay so non-calamitous for too long.
“Most conservative women running for office don’t have time to stop and be petty” is a lie on its face — that’s pretty much what running for office is, particularly for the right.
And that non-endorsement from the Chronicle deserved a S,N! post of its own:
What Californians really need is bipartisanship, even if it means voting for what the far right wants, which is what it means.
Once THE SURGE began and was hailed as the GREATIST MILTERRY VICKTREE EVER HA SUCK IT DEMO-RATS!, I knew right then and there that as the momentary post-ethnic cleansing stability started to unwind, it would turn out to be under the Democrats’ watch and thus, once again, their fault.
And never mind the fact that until November 3rd, 2006, every one of those True Believing Wingnuts was reciting by rote the fact that the Bush plan had worked splendidly and that everything was going fine.
Never mind the fact that each and every one of the changes we made that actually helped the situation was done after the 2006 midterms forced Bush to start thinking about doing his job, after they fired neocon darling Don Rumsfeld, after they pulled their fingers out of their ears, stopped listening to the small neocon cabal that had been running everything until then, and started reaching out to people who actually knew what the fuck was going on, almost all of whom were ideologically opposed to them (Odierno’s political adviser was a British peacenik activist, for Christ’s sake).
Pre-SURGE: We don’t need any more troops, you leftists don’t understand the military at all, this talk of too few troops is liberal war-undermining traitorism.
SURGE: We finally have sent in the number of troops needed to help finish the job.
Pre-SURGE: The US invasion of Iraq was the most sublime thing of beauty ever to be unveiled upon this Urf, and we just need to stay the course and not tell the enemy when we’re going to leave.
SURGE: We now have a new counter-insurgency strategy to let us finally deal a killing blow to the terrorist militias we fight.
It’s just a few dead-enders in those 7th-year throes.
Bipartisanship always means liberals doing what conservatives want.
When a Republican crosses the aisle, it is the most bravest act of politicalist heroism EVAR, which is why President McCain is beloved by all mortals.
That WikiLeaks guy killed a whole bunch of innocent people.
Well, the Right has to lose and to believe (or know) unequivocally that it has lost. The psychology on the Left is different. We tend to be filled with self doubt. We question everything until we arrive at a solution that we think will work.
The Left is internal.
The Right however does not question, they barely even think, they just do. They keep on doing until someone beats them down. Or else the universe does that job for us. That’s why you can’t reason with them, they just don’t operate that way.
The Right is external.
Or maybe I’m full of shit and this is just a strawman I’ve made up, I don’t know.
Bipartisanship always means liberals doing what conservatives want.
Pretty much for the past 30 years. I am old enough to remember when Republicans still routinely compromised to get things done. Even Reagan and Bush Pere compromised more than this crop of rightwing fanatics. It was Gingrich that drove the stake through the heart of effective governance.
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
In fairness to Perino, who couldn’t tell catty stories about Dowd? She’s still miffed about that book Her Hole-iness wrote in 2004.
“Most conservative women running for office don’t have time to stop and be petty”
Stopping and being petty is impossible when your effort is 24/7 total pettiness.
For six months already I’ve been seeing Carly(!) ads about Barbara Boxer’s request to be addressed as “Senator.”
Why do I keep reading her name as “Dana Merino”?
There is no more coherent, disciplined labor and liberal organizations with widespread membership. Labor and socialist organizations used to have such focus in the 1930s, but some of the former became vulnerable to corruption due both to private army forces forcing unions to hire their own private forces of violence to protect themselves and the all-out war against them under the name of ‘anti-Communism’, and socialist organizations were hurt both by the presence of pro-Soviet leadership among Communist organizations (along with being among the only ones standing up against, say, segregation) and by that same anti-Red campaign. (As well of course as over-inclusionism to power, such as backing the Vietnam War due to anti-Communism, such as the “AFL-CIA” foreign work.)
Labor membership is quite comparably tiny, and there are no widespread and disciplined socialist organizations.
Why do I keep reading her name as “Dana Merino”?
I almost typed “Perino wool” in acknowledgement of her sheeple tendencies.
Well, it’s that time of year where women get to dress up on Hallowe’en as any imaginable character or object, as long as it’s “sexy”.
Labor membership is quite comparably tiny, and there are no widespread and disciplined socialist organizations.
The dismantling of unions was less about corporatocracy (altho that was part of it, but you can have unions and corporations. It’s just a matter of co-opting) and more about defeating a political bloc that prevented the right wing from attempting precisely what they attempted in the late 20th Century.
Inspired by the threat of anti-offshoring legislation, the largest corporate-sponsored ‘think tanks’ and lobby organizations in the late 1960’s (i.e. Business Roundtable, the most prestigious group up until recently) designed an open counter-attack to roll back all policies and political forces established by the New Deal. Reagan became their poster boy.
And calling her Dana Peroni is an insult to Italian beer
Why do I keep reading her name as “Dana Merino”?
I don’t know.
And calling her Dana Peroni is an insult to Italian beer
Curiously, calling her Dana Moroni insults no one.
“Curiously, calling her Dana Moroni insults no one.”
Probably the same reason I keep reading about those perky orange-juice-drinking Sunny Awakening Councils in Iraq.
Like many others, Aaron Bonnaure doesn’t blame Obama for the nation’s woes. But he wants Congress to keep the president in check. That’s why this 23-year-old moderate from Pittsburgh who voted for Obama now is looking at Republican candidates.
“He ran as a centrist. I don’t think he’s a centrist at all. … His whole economic platform is the more government spends, the better things are,” Bonnaure said. “We have a far-left government. The answers are in the middle.”
“And calling her Dana Peroni is an insult to Italian beer”
Dana Pepperoni is very bland, not at all spicy and completely white. Goes good on white pizza with white bread and white sauce topped with a white Velveeta cheese.
Serve frozen.
“We have a far-left government. The answers are in the middle.”
Seriously, sometimes I think that Obama really should have let the entire global economy collapse because that is exactly what would have happened if he had done what these “independents” wanted him to do in 2008.
But then I remember that no matter what he could have ever done it still would have been his fault. Imagine that Obama held town hall meetings across the country and then did EXACTLY what these morons were screaming for him to do at the time.
When everything fell apart, which it would have, it STILL would be Obama’s fault.
The answers are in the middle.
Himmler is too extreme. Mr. Bonnaure prefers Goebbels.
On a different note, we will shortly be leaving for mini-__B extraction. I believe a centrifuge and catcher’s mitt will be involved. So (a) wish Mrs. __B luck (beyond what she ordinarily needs being married to me) and (b) let me blogwhore one last time before my expected absence occurs. Sexy pictures of a ruin!
Bon chance, N_B!
Good luck, guys.
Hopefully that catcher’s mitt will not be needed.
Dana Perino really doesn’t get enough credit for reading, even when her job doesn’t depend on it. Can we all just stop for a moment to acknowledge that Dana Perino reads newspapers? On her own, mind you.
Does she read “all of ’em”?
Hmm, & even heh indeed. MoDo versus Dana?
Handcuff them together, give them each a broken bottle & YOUTUBE THAT SHIT … FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
If we can just stick it out another few decades there with our New Strategy, they’ll come around.
THE SPLURGE WORKED! Stay The Curse! Epic clusterfucks will continue indefinitely until morale improves!
Dana Perino really doesn’t get enough credit for reading,
I have to give credit to her as this was a skill I did not think she had. Basic 8th grade literacy would put her light years ahead of most wingnuts and in a different universe fro the teabaggers.
Good luck!
Good luck N_B
It’s true that Maureen is mostly fixated on being the alpha female of the Village pack, but in a contest between her and Dana there’s no question in my mind who’d lose. That crack about “no attacks” during Georgie-pooh’s term pretty much establishes Dana as the prize idiot of all time. Besides, Maureen’s column a week or so ago about how The Social Network is actually a ripoff of Das Rheingold was really good.
Good luck, Mrs. N_B!
All my lesbian friends crush on Dana Perino big time.
All my lesbian friends crush on Dana Perino big time.
Into BDSm, are they? At the very least it sounds like they enjoy pain.
Well, it’s that time of year where women get to dress up on Hallowe’en as any imaginable character or object, as long as it’s “sexy”.
The classics never go out of style.
Catcher’s mitt? Wicket keeper’s gloves! Ultrasound to gauge usefulness
And also shout Howzaaaat?!??!??!! Upon delivery
“Most conservative women running for office don’t have time to stop and be petty”
People make time for what’s really important to them.
Why do I keep reading her name as “Dana Merino”?
You’re really a Kiwi?
Most conservative women running for office don’t have time to stop and be pretty
“He ran as a centrist. I don’t think he’s a centrist at all. … His whole economic platform is the more government spends, the better things are,” Bonnaure said. “We have a far-left government. The answers are in the middle.”
Reality is on the phone, you two REALLY need to talk.
N_B, best wishes to you all, tell mini_B I said O HAI!
Well, it’s that time of year where women get to dress up on Hallowe’en as any imaginable character or object, as long as it’s “sexy”.
I hate to be contrarian, El Cid, but your link goes to what looks like a lingerie store/stag shop. It’s a scandal that the only costumes they sell at places like the grocery store and K-Mart (even for little girls) are Sexy Cop, Sexy Witch, Sexy Nurse, Sexy Mama Grizzly…whatever.
However, I find it difficult to summon outrage that Ye Olde Tarte Shoppe sells tarted up Hallowe’en costumes. It’s kind of their raison d’etre, you know? (On the other hand, the number of “Sexy Native Stereotype” costumes at your link is kind of gross.)
More important, best wishes to Mr., Mrs. and Wee _B!
What the fuck is wrong with all the subs who identify with Republicans as doms? Mean doesn’t have to be cruel.
Problem is it won’t stay so non-calamitous for too long.
It may be that you underestimate the ability of the American people to not care.
As my mother says, first to commence: Tintin you are wonderful (for a fag and/or a frenchman, I mean.) I’m just wondering why the other Sadlynaughts have left you all alone. You have left the boat so often and brought back the rancid festering things that try to fool one by pretending to be mangos, and none of the others have helped you. I miss the Dash updates, and the hyper-surreal maunderings of the Dash’s parents and I’m growing increasing afraid for your mental safety. You read the Clenis-obsessed Dowd, you read the perky, vapid Perino, not to mention wading into the fetid swamps of Adams and its ilk. Are you okay?
To the stockpile!!
May I just point out how well “electing the GOP as a buffer to an ultra-left President” bullshit worked out in 1994.
*The conservatives decided that there was a “Republican Revolution” at foot, thus sliding the country further to the right as they asserted themselves; meanwhile the “patriot” militias were further empowered up until April ’95
*The government got shut down, at least twice
*The President gave the GOP stuff they had always wanted, like the end of welfare, and they STILL weren’t happy
*The GOP’s vendetta against Clinton increased to the point where we suffered through Monicagate and, ultimately, the attempted impeachment of the President for the stupidest of reasons
*We ended up with W. Bush immediately afterward,
No. I do not want to see any false “bipartisan” Congress. You and I know goddamn well it would be anything but. And with a President ten times more contentious than Clinton was, yet.
As I said in the wee hours of last thread.
That after nearly a decade of driving the country off a cliff, they are touting this election as a “change” election, and getting away with it, simply amazes me. One election cycle, during which they have been historically obstructionist, hasn’t managed to fix everything they spent the last generation fucking up and suddenly they want back in? To what, fuck things up worse? Seriously, there is something horribly wrong with the electorate if two years is too long to be bothered to remember.
I made it to 1:08! Do I win a prize, or do you have to get to the halfway mark to place?
The N__B family, best wishes and hope the kid looks like the more beautiful side of the gene pool. And is heathy, ten toes and fingers, two eyes and ears, etc. The catchers’ mitt may come in handy, if the Li’l Creaturette’s arrival is any clue- kid shot outta there like a .308 round!
The decline of the unions’ influence on the American political, economic and social spheres seemingly coincides with the overall American societal decline. The “War on Terror” is/was a logical conclusion of this with the ‘might makes right’ and ‘fuck you, I gots mine, and I’ll get yours, too- the world tour!’ I’m not that impressed by the current regimes’ pursuit of ‘Hope and Change’, but it is better than an imagined McCain administration. Whatever rotteness occurs next month, we can attribute to nitwits like MoDo and Dana (I lie so GW don’t have to) Perrino, and a host of others. There’s not enough lamposts and rope to change that, yet.
There is no Dana only Zuul.
Oh, on topic…
I’m not one to defend Dowd, but Perino really is an incredibly vapid sack of rotten suet. She was, to me, a perfect indicator of just how little the Bush administration thought of the American people. At least with Ari Fleischer you knew you were getting some professional shit. Horrible, lying, manipulative shit, but it was professional.
After Fleischie cowed a press corps more accustomed to circling chum than toeing the line by stocking the room with shills and shutting out anyone who might dare ask a relevant question, and once 911 changed everything and so much as intimating that the President might not be perfect was tantamount to treason, Ari’s talents were not so necessary. Scottie was the first thumb in our eye. A man so out of his depth as to be comical, but somehow it didn’t matter. The groundwork had been laid. The press corpse would unquestioningly report whatever drivel was sprayed at them as gospel truth. Even Scottie could manage that gig. Tony Snow was just hangin’ with his peeps, and everyone in the room knew the rules of the game.
Perino always bugged me even more. A mendacious shit who wasn’t even smart enough to lie well. They tossed her in without giving a fuck, knowing it made no difference. They could have put GG Allin’s rotting remains behind that lectern and the press still would have sat back and taken dictation. They said, “You want information? Fuck you! You’re not even worth hiring someone with half a brain for.” loud and clear. I suppose at least she’s found her level “writing” for The Corner.
Anyway, congrats to the __Bs. Hope you get the timing right with the centrifuge. That can be tricky.
from the comments
I stopped reading Dowd the day her column blamed Wolfowitz, Feith, and Perle for the Iraq war.
I stopped reading The Mail when they blamed Herr Hitler for WW2
if the Li’l Creaturette’s arrival is any clue- kid shot outta there like a .308 round!
I am not a medical professional, but I believe a rifled birth canal would be of interest to the biologists.
Also, congrats and good luck to the N__B fambly.
Good luck and great happiness to the __B family unit.
My own personal recollections of the process have dimmed with the passage of time, but apparently there is in fact a spiral twist involved, on account of the baby being rifled (head narrow one way and then shoulders narrow another way).
Having written that, I have a sudden image of a baby combining the half-twist with a triple pike and a back somersault, while the obstetricians hold out score cards.
We will all continue to be under threat of terrorist attack until we close our borders to the third world and become fortress America, which is what Our Founder’s intended Our Nation’s foreign policy to be. Our borders need to be secured and all illegal aliens deported. In addition, Our Nation needs to ban all non-White immigration to Our Nation.
Our overseas military bases need to be closed and our troops stationed within Our Nation and along our borders. Only then will Our Nation become fully protected and prepared for any foreign threat.
Steve can’t wait until Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is repealed. Then he’ll finally be able to join the 10th Mountain Division & kill non-whites across the nation.
Fingers crossed, Butch!
Playing catch-up;
The dismantling of unions was less about corporatocracy (altho that was part of it, but you can have unions and corporations. It’s just a matter of co-opting) and more about defeating a political bloc that prevented the right wing from attempting precisely what they attempted in the late 20th Century.
People talk a lot about ideological trends and all that when looking at the history of politics, and in so doing, many of them miss the blunt, structural conditions underneath all the noise. In today’s politics, the weakness of American liberalism is due in no small part to the fact that 1980s union busting, by successfully destroying or intimidating organized labor, deprived the left wing of its biggest asset in organizing voters (not to mention the money).
Indeed. There was an article I read recently mentioning that most voters preceive the Democrats as more extreme and more in tow to extremists than the Republicans.
Sorry, but yes, I agree – idiots it is. Obama’s governed to the right of the vast majority of presidents in the last hundred years, including at least four Republicans. If you think that makes you a “left wing extremist,” with respect, you really don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
Of course, this is what happens when news channels like Fox get the blind devotion of so many voters. No one bothers to fact check shit anymore; Beck said it, I believe it, that settles it.
Hmm. Can’t find the article. Did find an OSC column that says basically the same thing http://www.hatrack.com/osc/reviews/everything/2010-08-01.shtml;
At the risk of Godwining this young and innocent thread, it’s worth mentioning that one of the biggest reasons many ordinary Germans supported the Nazis was not the Jews or World War One or the fact that they’d like to have a beer with Hitler – but a hysterical, unreasoning, all-consuming terror of the Left and any changes they might bring that might weaken the privileges of business and clergy leaders, or even the comforts of the middle class. Thus, conservative and many moderate Germans thought anything was acceptable, even Nazism, as long as it promised to stomp hard on the Left and the disenfranchised constituences it represented.
It goes without saying that the thousands of moderates who’ve let themselves be coopted by the teabaggers in the name of “balance” are walking down the same road. Hippie-punching prejudices against a nonexistent “far left” (or even “left”) have become so deeply ingrained in our political culture that literally any group can win the admiration of the heartland by signing up for it, no matter how much damage they may do to the country and the constitutional values the heartland claims to love.
Best of luck, N_B!
We’re not going to start talking about duck penises again, are we?
Maureen Dowd is a bum. She deserves whatever gets dished out to here.
We’re not going to start talking about duck penises again, are we?
Okay, more articles, both from Europe;
Hello, fascism. You’d think the Germans, of all people, would have more circumspection when it comes to making blanket statements against minorities and about the threat they pose by not being like us – in my experience, most of the Germans I’ve met feel the weight of their past in a way that I wish Americans did. But apparently the far right wave’s coming back in Germany too.
This is one weird article. I agree with the basic premise, actually – First Amendment rights should be absolute or as close to it as possible. Restrictions against hate speech originally passed to prevent a resurgence of Nazism exist in many European countries; while I applaud the sentiment behind the laws, I do believe they’re wrong.
As usual, however, PJM finds a way to be full of shit. First, the concern-trolling about Wilders’ desire to ban the Koran and associate with militant Christian antisecularists begs the question – how is it that the American right wing invariably finds itself on the same side as these people, including right here in America where their own party has made their contempt for secularism abundantly clear?
Second, the overall theme that “Europe needs a First Amendment” would be a lot more credible if he was equally concerned with Muslims’ religious rights under such an amendment, something he ignores in favor of more concern-trolling about how “soft jihadists” (e.g. Muslims who don’t want to kill you but should be hated anyway) are “taking advantage” of the weakness of free speech laws.
Like my buddy Gary said, DrDickhead is cruising for a bruising. DrDick if you don’t quit running your lip and badmouthing America, Christians and White people, then I’m gonna hunt you down and break you legs!
I’m gonna punch you in your fat soft underbelly and you’ll be on the ground crying like the weak effeminite wuss that you are!
Conversation from a relative of mine from Facebook. Names changed because I’m not an asshole.
Kill me now.
Hmm. Can’t find the article. Did find an OSC column that says basically the same thing
The thing is, Card is completely bug-shagging insane, so I wouldn’t worry too much about what he thinks.
Although, I suppose it is a reliable guage on what the bug-shagging insane demographic thinks, and therefore valuable.
“The thing is, Card is completely bug-shagging insane,”
As I recall, Ender’s Game is modeled after Hitler’s life story, or something like that, and wasn’t even written by Card. There was a thread about that here long ago.
Tickets to the Perino v. Dowd Jell-O(TM) wrestling fight start at $25.
The thing is, Card is completely bug-shagging insane, so I wouldn’t worry too much about what he thinks.
Yes, but
Although, I suppose it is a reliable guage on what the bug-shagging insane demographic thinks, and therefore valuable.
Basically, yep. Crazies would be so much easier to ignore if so many people didn’t agree with them.
The German people are right in their opposition to multiculturalism. It is my hope and prayer that they elect a rightwing populist government that will carry out the wishes of the German people in reversing the current tide of multiculturalism.
As has been proposed by numerous European rightwing political parties, a ban on non-Western immigration, a deportation of illegal aliens and reparations for relocating settled immigrants back to their original homelands seems to be the best way to accomplish these ends.
By condemning the German people, this website is advocating the destruction of an entire nation and culture. The German people will not stand for this, nor will the patriotic people of any Western nation.
Is there another fake Steve? This one is boring. And stupid. Also.
a rightwing populist government that will carry out the wishes of the German people in reversing the current tide of multiculturalism
And if they don’t want to be relocated, you have some nice camps for them where they can work off their debt to the noble & superior German society, right?
I hear you man, but if it’s not the for the Turks to clean us up, it may get quite interesting for the German people’s noses, is what we are saying…
Steve, you need to try harder. They’re just not going to give you that kicky death’s head cap or dagger until you work something in about living space and being stabbed in the back by the vermin.
Didn’t he already say Hitler was right, just got a little carried away, or was just partially wrong about a few things, or persecuted the wrong people or something? I seem to recall a Steve/Hitler connection not so long ago…
Pajamas media is yet another example of pseudoconservatism along with the “freerepublic” and other neocon sites. Their condemnation of the Belgian Vaalms Belang for being anti-gay goes to show the true colors of the neocons.
The neocons are not conservative in any meaningful sense of the word. They are merely militant internationalists with a decidely secular worldview. Being pro-military, while indeed noble, doesn’t necessarily make one a conservative. The neocons contempt for tradition and culture places them in the leftwing camp.
The Republican Party needs to either be purged of these neocon internationalists, or be dumped entirely in favor of a true Christian, White Nationalist, and Conservative political party.
Yeah, it was that Hitler had basically good ideas and really wasn’t such a bad guy if you overlooked the six million murdered Jews. (The other victims, apparently, aren’t anything to worry about.) He is most likely a parody troll–a quite gifted one, actually. Some of his anti-Mexican screeds come so close to sounding like something from Mein Kampf that the resemblance can’t be an accident.
As has been proposed by numerous European rightwing political parties, a ban on non-Western immigration, a deportation of illegal aliens and reparations for relocating settled immigrants back to their original homelands seems to be the best way to accomplish these ends.
You need to look up “Harki,” old man.
In France, the original Algerian immigrant community were people who’d supported (or “supported”) France in the 1954-1962 war for independence (policemen and other people who’d have been employed by the colonial administration). They worked faithfully for the French and were given slums, menial labor and the general contempt of the public as thanks – no wonder their children grew up bitter and resentful. (Clinging to their guns and religion, as it were).
So, what kind of “reparations” exactly did you have in mind for these guys, and how do you expect to send them “back” to their original homelands without them being slaughtered?
Or was getting them slaughtered the point all along? Jeesh, what a bunch of chickenshits. At least the Nazis did their own dirty work.
He is most likely a parody troll–a quite gifted one, actually. Some of his anti-Mexican screeds come so close to sounding like something from Mein Kampf that the resemblance can’t be an accident.
A parody troll more honest than the people he’s parodying. The average teabagger could repeat Hitler’s Nuremberg laws without flinching but still furiously deny that he was doing anything Nazi-like. Fake Steve is what the teabaggers would be if they weren’t also friggin hypocrites.
Fake Steve is what the teabaggers would be if they weren’t also friggin hypocrites.
Well, Beck and Golderg have convinced most of them that the real sins of the Nazis were the German pension program, national health care and regulation of department stores.
You say “hypocrites”, I say “ignorami”. But I suppose we can compromise and say “Why not both?”
Not being a hypocrite requires a degree of self awareness that is just not available to the Right. I mean, you have to be able to put yourself into other people’s shoes and look at yourself from their eyes.
Oh boy, leftwing camp! There ain’t nothing more fun than gathering round the fire and roasting duck weenies with my anarcho-Maoist buddies.
You say “hypocrites”, I say “ignorami”. But I suppose we can compromise and say “Why not both?”
I accept your bipartisan solution, fellow American.
I’ve heard he’s got wonderful plans for Minehead…
“Oh boy, leftwing camp! “
We learned to identify ten different types of trees, how to make a proper Molotov cocktail and where to put the C-4 under a cop car to get the most bang out of it (pro-tip, right under the gas tank). Saul Alinsky was our camp leader and we sang The Internaionale every night after supper.
Good times.
We learned to identify ten different types of trees, how to make a proper Molotov cocktail and where to put the C-4 under a cop car to get the most bang out of it (pro-tip, right under the gas tank). Saul Alinsky was our camp leader and we sang The Internaionale every night after supper.
If the Boy Scouts were like that, I’d have stayed.
The German people are right in their opposition to multiculturalism
Don’t tell them that the Danish minority in Schleswig-Holstein maintain their own schools, where they are taught in Danish. Also a Danish library network, a newspaper, cultural associations, etc. Not a lot of assimilation going on.
[waves “South Slesvig” independence flag]
I seem to recall hearing that the Germans were quite efficient in their intolerance. Can’t remember what that was about now.
The neocons contempt for tradition and culture places them in the leftwing camp.
Fuck that, we won’t take ’em either. You’re stuck with them, Fascism-boy.
Hello, fascism.
hel said,
October 17, 2010 at 19:18
All my lesbian friends crush on Dana Perino big time.
So they want Ms. Purina, chowed?
Hello, fascism. Seriously.
The German people are right in their opposition to multiculturalism.
Steve’s right. Multiculturalism has never worked well for Germany. They really should try to get things down to one true race…
You say “hypocrites”, I say “ignorami”.
Ignorami…is that where you forget to fold the paper?
The neocons contempt for tradition and culture places them in the leftwing camp.
How can you say leftwingers hate tradition just as War on Christmas season begins?!! And culture! Why, I’m putting a naked Piss Santa on my cards this year, kind of a Serrano/Mapplethorpe mashup.
Why, I’m putting a naked Piss Santa on my cards this year, kind of a Serrano/Mapplethorpe mashup.
My Santa’s in Fanta.
Dr. Dick: if you want any help holding off that “Steve” marshmallow, give me a buzz. I feel sure that between us we could have him weeping and sniveling for mercy within about 8 seconds, just by taking away his Cheetos.
My own fault for not checking back on threads I missed.
Congrats __B’s.
Mine were kinda like that.* You must have missed out.
*Well, there wasn’t any C-4. But we had fireworks and rifle training and thermite. Plus lots of running around the forest at night without adult supervision, which I think was the most important part.
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