Sometime Life Imitates Saturday Night Live

ABOVE: Nancy Pearcey (left), The Church Lady (right)

Shorter Nancy “People Used To Ride on Dinosaurs”1 Pearcey, Human Events
Secular Values No Defense

  • We could solve the mosque problem best by declaring Christianity to be our nation’s official religion and by outlawing worship of false gods such as “Allah.” That way there wouldn’t even be a question as to whether the Muslims could build a mosque in lower Manhattan.

Bonus Shorter Nancy “People Used To Ride on Dinosaurs” Pearcey, Wingnut News Daily
Who respects the human body? Not homosexuals

  • If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

1Pearcey, like all creationists, believes that The Flintstones was a documentary cartoon and that men and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time.


Comments: 564


ALWAYS. Trust. The. Shorter.™

No wonder she’s a creationist. To be in favor of evolution, you’d have to believe people have sex, which clearly she cannot.


Stay in the boat stay in the boat stay in the boatstayintheboatstayintheboat…


She has the kind of face I’d like to slap silly with my cock.

Nothing else. Just slap silly.


“If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas.”

Interest. Newsletter. Website.


She has the kind of face I’d like to slap silly with my cock.

Whatever, Jeff Goldstein.


She has the kind of face I’d like to slap silly with my cock.

Whatever, Jeff Goldstein.

The big difference being, mine would actually hurt because it actually exists.


Why is that creatinist can explain in great detail God’s approved rules on where you can put your pecker but they can’t answer why God ‘hung’ really bright lights in the every direction?


The big difference being, mine would actually hurt because it actually exists.

Good point. Not that I would know. Either way.


A general purpose shorter for The Church Lady:
I have no fucking idea what I am talking about, but you better do what I say!


The first article made me all warm and fuzzy with nostalgia. I haven’t seen the “libs are moral relativists” argument in quite awhile, especially since the torture scandals.


To reply to Miss Pearcy on her own terms: Lady, you need a man.


It alienates people from their own bodies, treating anatomy as having no intrinsic dignity. No dignity is accorded to the unique capabilities inherent in being male or female.

I dunno if I think “dignity” when I think about some waggling wang or squishy vagina, but I’m a filthy Muslamofascist.


Definitely gonna SOTB on this one. What’ll be great fun to watch, if they ever do get their way and declare “Christianity” the official religion of America, will be seeing them all fight it out to determine which particular flavor or Christianity will be sanctioned. Will they accept Catholics? Mormons? Unitarians? If they’re gonna be hardcore and say Protestants Only, which sect? Baptists? (Natch), Methodists? Lutherans, Congregationalists? Episcopalians (Hell, that’s practically Catholic). The purges and inquisitions should be fun to watch–except for the torture and burning of heretics, of course.


“A proper lady leaves her dignity at the door and does her whorish best”.

It would have been fun to lock her in a room with Heinlein and see what happened.


I seem to recall comparing someone to Church Lady a couple threads back. But I’m to lazy “Ahem” link.


Episcopalians (Hell, that’s practically Catholic)

An Episcopalian friend of mine recently described it as “Pedophile Lite”.


Pedophile Lite probably still tastes better than Bud Light.


Link on bonus shorter fixed.


If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas.

Now I’ve got the urge to troll her with the fact that we actually do, that she knows nothing of gay male anatomy.


Pedophile Lite probably still tastes better than Bud Light like chicken.


Bringing back the mangoes (you can tell my current work task reallysucks):

America has always welcomed anyone willing to assimilate to its national character. But radical Islam rejects assimilation and is bent on the conquest of our national character.

Soooo…Islam is the same as radical Islam. OK.

Secularism has crippled America’s ability to respond effectively to such threats, because it reduces morality to the subjective level—to personal feelings or ethnic tradition. These are things that cannot be rationally debated.

…whereas sectarianism is entirely rational and has room for absolute proofs. Like the fact of the flood and that Jeebus rode a dinosaur. You know, facts.

In the words of James Madison, principal author of the U.S. Constitution, the goal of government is not merely to protect individual interests but to secure “the public good.”

The public good is, in turn, grounded in a transcendent source. The seminal insight in the Declaration of Independence is that human rights are secure (“unalienable”) only if they are derived from a transcendent source—“endowed by the Creator.”

Two questions for Church Lady: 1) Which version of the Creator myth ought we to use? Yours? Ancient Greece’s? Egypt’s? China’s? Note: not specified in the founding documents. 2) Even assuming the Abrahamic sky stories, do you realize that your creator is the same one as teh Imam’s?

Sadly, no!


If there were a God, He’d be giving me a dinosaur to ride RIGHT NOW.

I got stuck in the copier room sending a fax.


Pedophile Lite probably still tastes better than Bud Light.

Pee or pee. Take your pick.

Marion in Savannah

She has the kind of face I’d like to slap silly with my cock.

Fergawdsake, make sure you use about 6 condoms. Heaven only knows what you might catch…


God, that hair is a fucking tragedy.


Soooo…Islam is the same as radical Islam. OK.

Look A=STFU, K?


Meanwhile, sane, decent Christians like Phred Phelps totes embrace assimilation, and have no interest in conquering our national character.

Got it.


If god had meant for men to get fucked, he would have put a hole in their ass.


The word tolerance once meant we all have the right to argue rationally for our deepest convictions in the public arena. Now it means those convictions are not even subject to rational debate.

Yes, by all means, let’s shed the light of rational debate upon a holy book in which believers are ordered to murder 3,000 of their friends and families for exercising religious freedom and worshipping an idol; in which they’re at least once ordered to commit wholesale genocide down to the last woman and child; in which rape victims are condemned by law to marry their attackers; in which homosexual acts are punished by murder; and in which the god himself, in what is supposedly his most loving incarnation, commands that “those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

Yes, all that’s in the Bible. And the conservative base believes it should be interpreted literally and never changed. So by all means, let’s have a rational debate about the deepest convictions of half our country. I’m game.


Yes, all that’s in the Bible.

And don’t forget the bears tearing the kids apart for making fun of Elijah’s bald spot.


If god had meant for cars to get fucked, he would have put an exhaust pipe on them.


Yes, all that’s in the Bible. And the conservative base believes it should be interpreted literally and never changed. So by all means, let’s have a rational debate about the deepest convictions of half our country. I’m game.

Yep, and at the same time, let’s shine the light of rationality on the Koran, the Tanakh, and all the rest. Let’s see which stories stand up to it, if any.

A little more rationality would be a welcome change around here.


If god had meant for cars to get fucked, he would have put an exhaust pipe on them.

Well, the same thing could be said for men.

Oh. Wait.


No, “tolerance” means you decide not to argue about your most deeply held irrational beliefs with other people who may not share them.


Tolerance means ME ME ME ME!!!


To protect American freedoms, we must recover the Founders’ vision and fill the moral vacuum in the public square.

Veiled public exposure reference.



Secularism has crippled America’s ability to respond effectively to such threats, because it reduces morality to the subjective level—to personal feelings or ethnic tradition. These are things that cannot be rationally debated.

There’s nothing morally relativistic about secularism. It states in no uncertain terms that religion will stay the fuck out of government and government will stay the fuck out of religion. It’s there to ensure that your personal feelings or ethnic traditions, whoever you are, don’t fuck over the citizen next to you because he/she doesn’t happen to share them.

In other words, the Founding Fathers saw Park51 coming.


A more extended take on “Dr.” Nancy’s Sermon to the Homos, over at World O’ Crap.

No boat disembarking necessary.


Sheesh. Its like these bozos want a religious war in America, or worldwide. Don’t they realize that wars can be lost as well as won?


In Chinese mythology a large primordial deity died and his body became the Earth – veins became rivers, etc. and the fleas living on him jumped off and became the human race.

I’m all for teaching Creationism in the schools if we can also teach the above as a competing hypothesis.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We could solve the mosque problem best by declaring Christianity to be our nation’s official religion and by outlawing worship of false gods such as “Allah.”

Of course, Arabic speaking Eastern Rite Christians would be S.O.L.


Don’t they realize that wars can be lost as well as won?

If it brings on the Rapture, who gives a shit?


Arabic speaking Eastern Rite Christians would be S.O.L

They can Coptic a plea deal


Yep, and at the same time, let’s shine the light of rationality on the Koran, the Tanakh, and all the rest. Let’s see which stories stand up to it, if any.

A little more rationality would be a welcome change around here.

Yeah. Like I said – if you want to have a debate about religion, let’s have a debate about religion. Scapegoating a minority of one to two percent of people for sins common to all Abrahamic religions and quite a few others, while ignoring the elephant in the room as it trumpets “let’s change the constitution to reflect the word of the living God” tends to show their concern for the “inhumanity” of the Koran to be a phony sack of shit.

OTOH, we don’t have to have a public debate about religion. We could just go back to live and let live, practicing the religion privately and spreading it only from person to person and not in the political arena. Which would mean no more blocking access to basic rights for gays, no more running a foreign policy based on 2,000 year old land claims, no more demanding that your religion be taught in public schools when the other guy isn’t even allowed to build a house of worship on private grounds.

I’d be okay with that too. What’d ya say, Nancy?


If it brings on the Rapture, who gives a shit?

Because Jesus is a tough head coach and if we lose, no Rapture for us!


A more extended take on “Dr.” Nancy’s Sermon to the Homos, over at World O’ Crap.

“After a chilly reception from the crowd during a two-night stand in Key West, Abbott and Costello stopped doing this version of their classic Vaudeville routine.”

I lolded.


Because Jesus is a tough head coach and if we lose, no Rapture for us!

Really? He seems pretty nice to me.

(Callback, woot!)

Gary Ruppert Number Two

omfg.. NEVER leaving the boat again.


Really? He seems pretty nice to me.

Good grief! That was six years ago! It’s not like God is some immutable, unforgiving, irresistible force!


Good grief! That was six years ago! It’s not like God is some immutable, unforgiving, irresistible force!

Uh, what the fuck did I do? I meant this. I didn’t even have that post open in a tab!


That would have been a *major* callback if it actually made sense.


The secularization of the public square has created a vacuum that Islamicists are finding ways to exploit.

Nature would exploit it, but you know how Nature feels.


Nature would exploit it, but you know how Nature feels.

Nature is a vacuumist.


Really? He seems pretty nice to me.

Wait…so somehow schtupping that nice young man trying to learn how to play baseball is “being nice”?


Nature is a vacuumist.

Does she do windows too?


Its like these bozos want a religious war in America, or worldwide. Don’t they realize that wars can be lost as well as won?

but but but they can’t lose it – it says so in the Bible!


Wait…so somehow schtupping that nice young man trying to learn how to play baseball is “being nice”?

He’s certainly trying to give him his Rapture.


Secularism has crippled America’s ability to respond effectively to such threats, because it reduces morality to the subjective level… These are things that cannot be rationally debated.

Let us now have a rational debate among the adherents of the various objective moralities.


They can Coptic a plea deal

They shouldn’t have to – the charges will Gnostic.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Secularism has crippled America’s ability to respond effectively to such threats, because it reduces morality to the subjective level—to personal feelings or ethnic tradition.

Ya know, if she’d been born in Lahore, she’d be the Quran Lady.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The secularization of the public square has created a vacuum that Islamicists are finding ways to exploit.

And when they try to exploit it, we secularists will smack them down as well. Sheesh, WTF makes them think we’d prefer fundamentalist Islam to fundamentalist Christianity?


Sheesh, WTF makes them think we’d prefer fundamentalist Islam to fundamentalist Christianity?

Because we hate America so much.

Or something.

Shut up, that’s why.


It alienates people from their own bodies, treating anatomy as having no intrinsic dignity.

This woman obviously has no experience with the penis.


And when they try to exploit it, we secularists will smack them down as well. Sheesh, WTF makes them think we’d prefer fundamentalist Islam to fundamentalist Christianity?
because atheism is a religion too! and there is no such thing as atheism anyway we are all muslims in sleeper cells!


The word tolerance once meant we all have the right to argue rationally for our deepest convictions in the public arena. Now it means those convictions are not even subject to rational debate.

Why, I bet you never even TRIED subjecting your convictions to rational debate, have you, now.

Go for it, girl! I could use the lulz.

At the birth of our nation, the American founders recognized that politics is a profoundly moral enterprise—the pursuit of moral ideals such as justice, fairness, and the common good.

Well, at least they said that sort of stuff in public, that is, AFTER they discarded their original plan, which was to just crown Washington as King Of America & set up a new aristocracy. Even then, they admitted privately that the survival of their new state was at least as dependant on a good sales-pitch as it was on defeating the Loyalists. One suspects that some of their contemporaries who spent a delightful winter season defending Valley Forge clad in paper shoes might’ve had some choice words regarding the Founders’ relationship to justice, fairness or the common good.

The seminal insight in the Declaration of Independence is that human rights are secure (“unalienable”) only if they are derived from a transcendent source—“endowed by the Creator.”

Progress in human rights during a secularized age? UNPOSSIBLE!

Secular relativism is sapping our nation’s ability to stand against Islamicist threats and fear-mongering.

Which is why I always drink distilled water & spirits, & nothing BUT distilled water & spirits, Mandrake. The secular relativists will stop at NOTHING to weaken our essence!

To protect American freedoms, we must recover the Founders’ vision and fill the moral vacuum in the public square.

Fillings are always tricky, & a moral vacuum filling is no exception.

For moral vacuums, I recommend you go with a rich sweet filling, such as marzipan or candied coconut. YMMV.


The whining about “moral relativism” tires me more than just about any other kind of whining, probably because it’s what got Benny the Most Recent elected pope and I couldn’t stand him to begin with.

I don’t think there is any such thing as a moral relativist. I think there are what I might call “temporal moral relativists”, who think we shouldn’t judge historical figures by our standards, because they didn’t know any better, so it was OK for Socrates to own slaves, but not Jefferson Davis. But if anybody is saying, with respect to contemporary events, “we should judge that activity in the context of that culture” what they’re really saying is (1) I don’t think the victims are really people or (2) I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with that activity.

And of course, none of that has anything to do with tarring all the adherents of any faith or political idea with the actions of the worst among them, but you already knew that.


For moral vacuums, I recommend you go with a rich sweet filling, such as marzipan or candied coconut.

Don’t forget to floss after eating.


Let’s see how the lie detector likes this statement:

America has always welcomed anyone willing to assimilate to its national character. But radical Islam rejects assimilation and is bent on the conquest of our national character.

Shit, this much stupid overheated it.

Shorter Irish/Chinese/Africans/Japanese/Latinos:

“Say what, bitch?”


For moral vacuums

Yeah, I had a guy at my front door the other day. He took his morals, threw them on the floor like they were dirt, and then insisted I let him clean them up with his Moral2000 canister model.

It didn’t do shit. I didn’t buy the vacuum and I have this pile of of his dirty morals staining my rug.

Don’t you just hate when that happens?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

To protect American freedoms, we must recover the Founders’ vision and fill the moral vacuum in the public square.

I’m totally down with a Temple of Aphrodite in the pubic square.


radical Islam rejects assimilation and is bent on the conquest of our national character.

And evidently private interests building a community center on private ground are proof of that.

I’d love to hear from the “it’s my property I can do what the hell I want” gLibertarians on this matter. They seem rather quiet on the issue.


Don’t you just hate when that happens?

Yes, it totally SUCKS.


“IS proof of that”.



Shit, this much stupid overheated it.

“Mom! tsam broke the bullshit detector!”

“What?! Again!? First threads, now the bullshit detector. What’s wrong with that boy?”


Yes, it totally SUCKS.

I tee ’em up, you knock ’em outta the park.

Got it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’d love to hear from the “it’s my property I can do what the hell I want” gLibertarians on this matter. They seem rather quiet on the issue.

That only counts for white people.


I tee ‘em up, you knock ‘em outta the park.

Got it.

I try not to go for the obvious ones (at least, if they’re not dirty), but I couldn’t help myself.


I try not to go for the obvious ones (at least, if they’re not dirty), but I couldn’t help myself.

That one was sitting there with a blink tag.


The word tolerance once meant we all have the right to argue rationally for our deepest convictions in the public arena. Now it means those convictions are not even subject to rational debate.

Why don’t you cry about it?

Let’s see…rational debate, hmmmm….

You hold up your magic story book and insist that because you say the book says X, then X = true and no further discussion is warranted or allowed. Pwned by the Fables, so to speak, right? I feel it is my duty to inform that this shtick is neither rational nor debate.


I’d love to hear from the “it’s my property I can do what the hell I want” gLibertarians on this matter. They seem rather quiet on the issue.

You can’t get much more gLibertarian than Reason Magazine


“What?! Again!? First threads, now the bullshit detector. What’s wrong with that boy?”

I liketa break stuff. It is perhaps compensation and a nasty inferiority complex. Or maybe I just liketa break stuff.

Besides, I’m not the one who wrote that FAILstring Church Lady might refer to as a sentence. I just stuck it in the machine. Blame the word alchemist.


Star liberal Dana Milbank:

There has been general agreement across the ideological spectrum that Rauf has the constitutional right to build the mosque. I, like many others, have opposed the bigoted speech of some of the mosque’s critics. But Rauf, by exploiting the controversy, has made it worse.


But Rauf, by exploiting the controversy, has made it worse.

Um, what?


He exploited the vacuum, then exploited the controversy that the vacuum exploitation caused.


He exploited the vacuum, then exploited the controversy that the vacuum exploitation caused.

So he felt a need to defend his cultural center from the relentless attacks by the cowardly right, aided and abetted by asshats like Milbank who continue to refer to the Cordoba Center as a “mosque”, and because he’s had to increasingly lobby the public as the uproar grew, he’s somehow exploiting the situation?


So he felt a need to defend his cultural center from the relentless attacks by the cowardly right, aided and abetted by asshats like Milbank who continue to refer to the Cordoba Center as a “mosque”, and because he’s had to increasingly lobby the public as the uproar grew, he’s somehow exploiting the situation?

Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!


I’d love to hear from the “it’s my property I can do what the hell I want” gLibertarians on this matter. They seem rather quiet on the issue.

I would too. But imagine my surprise to find that at “put up or shutup” time, the gLibs shutup like a buncha lil’ bitches.

Property rights, that whole “free practice thereof” business in that one thing…the um…you know…god, what am I looking for?…OH–the Constitution. The same one these toolsheds erroneously use as a shield from taxation but suddenly go limp when it comes time to cite it as a defense for other Americans.


The juiciest comment at the Milbank piece:

As an American I find it very hard to believe anything Rauf says. The muslim world needs to know you earn trust. You just can’t show up one day and say, “you can trust me” espiecally after 9/11 and what the leaders of Islam are saying.

I have yet to come across Islamophobia in my country…


But Rauf Palin, Gingrich, various hopeless NY Republicans, by exploiting the controversy, ha[ve] made it worse.



So he felt a need to defend his cultural center from the relentless attacks by the cowardly right, aided and abetted by asshats like Milbank who continue to refer to the Cordoba Center as a “mosque”, and because he’s had to increasingly lobby the public as the uproar grew, he’s somehow exploiting the situation?



As an American I find it very hard to believe anything Rauf says. The muslim world needs to know you earn trust. You just can’t show up one day and say, “you can trust me” espiecally after 9/11 and what the leaders of Islam are saying.
I have yet to come across Islamophobia in my country…

Oh, man. Sometimes I wish I were *half* that oblivious.


The word tolerance once meant we all have the right to argue rationally for our deepest convictions in the public arena. Now it means those convictions are not even subject to rational debate.

Tolerance doesn’t mean we have to pretend “God said, I believe it, that settles it” or “EEK, HOMOS!” is a “rational debate,” so TRY HARDER.


Tolerance doesn’t mean we have to pretend “God said, I believe it, that settles it” or “EEK, HOMOS!” is a “rational debate,”

Actually, I think that’s precisely what it means, actually. Also.

Tolerance seems to me that you accept what the other person believes is true for them. Further, tolerance is leaving them alone, whether you agree or not, unless of course, they’re shoving their beliefs down your throat.

So yea, I think it means you have to pretend…


Words like “rational” mean things, and my tolerance of her right to believe whatever she wants doesn’t change the meaning.


Words like “rational” mean things

Yes, they do. And for theists like me, God is a rational belief. That makes up about 98% of the world’s population.

Now how we apply that belief, that’s a different story.


All this talk of vacuums is making me feel important. Also, I find penises very dignified. Especially if you put a little tophat on ’em.


treating anatomy as having no intrinsic dignity

“Dignity” is definitely the word I associate with my appendix.


That makes up about 98% of the world’s population.

You’re defining “normal,” not “rational.”


You’re defining “normal,” not “rational.”

Nope. I’m merely pointing out that for 98% of the world’s population, God is a rational concept.


I find penises very dignified. Especially if you put a little tophat on ‘em.

For sufficiently large values of “work”.


I’m not talking about theism in general, I’m talking about her specific beliefs as outlined in the links. You can have a rational debate about theism, but not with someone who thinks her unsupported and assertions circular arguments constitute a rational debate.


Especially if you put a little tophat on ‘em.

“It’s not a cowboy unless it has a hat!”


unsupported assertions and circular arguments. Brain no workee.


I’m not talking about theism in general, I’m talking about her specific beliefs as outlined in the links.

Oh. OK, in that case, I withdraw my exception to your statement.


but not with someone who thinks her unsupported and assertions circular arguments constitute a rational debate.

No debating THE TROOT.


He exploited the vacuum, then exploited the controversy that the vacuum exploitation caused.

Ah yes, that old standby, the vacsploitation flick.

“That Hoover UltraVac is one bad mutha-”


“For VS

Mildly NSFW”

One of your finest etchings! All it’s missing is a gold frame and a place over my mantle.


You can have a rational debate about theism, but not with someone who thinks her unsupported and assertions circular arguments constitute a rational debate.

Are there any arguments for theism other than unsupported assertions and circular arguments? (I mean beyond ‘argument from ignorance’, ‘false dilemma’, and other logical fallacies)

You can describe theism in a lot of ways, but when you boil it down, ‘rational’ isn’t one of them.


All it’s missing is a gold frame and a place over my mantle.

Your “mantle”. Yes.


For sufficiently large values of “work”.”

That penis looks like it solves mysteries in a badass way.


You can describe theism in a lot of ways, but when you boil it down, ‘rational’ isn’t one of them.

Depends on what you ascribe as rational, I suppose. If you mean rigourous scientific proof, then no. It’s not. But then neither is love or any of a myriad non-physical things or states of being that we ascribe as “rational”.

If you mean, is it a system upon which you can live a life, then we’d have to disagree. Billions of people do that every day, and theism helps them do that.


Your “mantle”. Yes.

There’s room on those for a pair of candlesticks and a framed print of The Stag at Bay.


There’s room on those for a pair of candlesticks and a framed print of The Stag at Bay.

I heard the next installation is the Unicorn Tapestries.


You can’t get much more gLibertarian than Reason Magazine

OMFG they’re being reasonable.

They’re going to get their Wingnut License pulled doing that.


This cannot be for reals.

Indeed. A (modern day) Republican wouldn’t be wearing blue.


OMFG they’re being reasonable.

One might even say, rational.


“TruculentandUnreliable said,
September 14, 2010 at 22:00

This cannot be for reals.”



As an American I find it very hard to believe anything Rauf says. The muslim world needs to know you earn trust.

Fortunately, as an American, Rauf can say “Fuck you, Jimmy, and your belief that no-one’s asking for.”


The muslim world needs to know you earn trust.

Which is why our first instinct was to bomb the fuck out of them, in order to free them.


Are there any arguments for theism other than unsupported assertions and circular arguments?

FWIW I do think there are people who have tried to develop philosophies of religion that one would recognize as rational arguments, even if one is not convinced they are correct.


Depends on what you ascribe as rational, I suppose. If you mean rigourous scientific proof, then no. It’s not. But then neither is love or any of a myriad non-physical things or states of being that we ascribe as “rational”.

To be able to make abstractions is not the same as making those abstractions real.


But then neither is love or any of a myriad non-physical things or states of being that we ascribe as “rational”.

I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anybody describe love as rational. In my experience, it’s anything but, and I don’t think I’d have it any other way.

Similarly, faith. Inherently not a rational thing. This is not necessarily bad. Simply not the same milieu.


To be able to make abstractions is not the same as making those abstractions real.

We just had this argument here so I’m not going to go over old ground. Suffice it to say that reality is a matter of personal perspective.


I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anybody describe love as rational. In my experience, it’s anything but, and I don’t think I’d have it any other way.

You wouldn’t insitutuionalize someone because they fell in love. Ergo, we can assume it’s rational. All belief systems make some assumptions that remain unchallenged, and are the basis for an entirely rational, even logical, belief.

Newtonian physics, for example, works perfectly well in day to day life. Yet, it’s been proven wrong. Ergo, operating on that assumption could be construed as irrational, but its not.


You wouldn’t insitutuionalize someone because they fell in love. Ergo, we can assume it’s rational.

As is truck-fucking.


As is truck-fucking.

Well, maybe for you.


Ergo, we can assume it’s rational.

Once again, the word you should be using is “normal.” As in, within the norm, stuff ever’body does, etc.


Once again, the word you should be using is “normal.” As in, within the norm, stuff ever’body does, etc.

The very definition of rational, if you think about it.


Shorter Descartes:

The only thing that is certain is uncertainty…except for the existence of God.


Main Entry: normal
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: sane, rational
Synonyms: all there, compos mentis, cool*, healthy, in good health, in one’s right mind, lucid, reasonable, right, right-minded, sound, together, well-adjusted, whole, wholesome
Antonyms: abnormal, eccentric, insane, irrational, irregular, odd, unbalanced


The very definition of rational, if you think about it.

Or, if you don’t think about it. Seriously, the argument that you don’t institutionalize someone for X behaviour therefore X behaviour is rational is just dumb.


Seriously, the argument that you don’t institutionalize someone for X behaviour therefore X behaviour is rational is just dumb.

No, it’s shorthand because as I said earlier, I don’t really feel that we need to cover this ground again. If you want this discussion we can have it over at my blog.

But the simple fact is, the dictionary defintion of “normal” is “rational”. Period. End of discussion.


But the simple fact is, the dictionary defintion of “normal” is “rational”. Period. End of discussion.

Was that a link to a dictionary or was it to a thesaurus?


But the simple fact is, the dictionary defintion of “normal” is “rational”. Period. End of discussion.

Yes, but you’re arguing that the standard for what is “rational” is what is considered “normal”, and it’s not. Lots of things are normal that are not rational.

Ten years ago, it was “normal” to bar homosexuals from leadership positions in Boy Scouts.
Fifty years ago it was “normal” to bar interracial marriages.
Voting based on where you hope you will be economically, versus where you actually are economically is normal; it’s how middle-class voters pick Republican positions.

It’s ‘normal’ to say “bless you” or some variation thereof after someone sneezes. Nothing remotely rational there. After banging one’s thumb with a hammer, it’s quite normal to suck on it and swear. Rational?

What you’re claiming is really just ad populum.


Because if you hit the little “Dictionary” link the word “rational” doesn’t appear in the definition for “normal” and the word “normal” doesn’t appear in the oh you know you’re fulla shit again.


Was that a link to a dictionary or was it to a thesaurus?

Either/or, makes no difference. The thesaurus sums up the definition of “normal” as “rational”.


The thesaurus sums up the definition of “normal” as “rational”.

I’m not sure you understand how to operate a thesaurus.


Yes, but you’re arguing that the standard for what is “rational” is what is considered “normal”, and it’s not. Lots of things are normal that are not rational.

Sorry. That’s simply not true. And I’m not going to argue point by point. I’m going to pick two at random and dissect them.

Ten years ago, it was “normal” to bar homosexuals from leadership positions in Boy Scouts.

Why is this irrational? I’d argue it’s rational, but not normal. The Boy Scouts are operating on their own rules. A ban on homosexual Scout leaders on those rules is perfectly rational. You and I may find it odious, but not because it’s insane.

It’s ‘normal’ to say “bless you” or some variation thereof after someone sneezes. Nothing remotely rational there.

Courtesy is irrational? Society runs on courtesy, it’s the lubricant that probably prevents more conflict than anything else besides the law. Someone sneezes, it’s courteous to acknowledge that sneeze, just as its courteous to excuse yourself for sneezing.


I’m not sure you understand how to operate a thesaurus.

And I’m sure you do not understand the meaning of the word “definition”.


Since Subby is being an asshat, let me repost this a little more clearly for him:

Main Entry: normal
Part of Speech: adjective
DEFINITION: sane, rational

But you just go on living your life, all bitter and shit. Makes no difference to me.


And I’m sure you do not understand the meaning of the word “definition”.

Well, see, a word can mean different things. And when you choose the use of “normal” that matches up with what you would like it to mean, you’re engaging in the same nonsense regularly mocked in the posts above. Should we look at the other ways “normal” is defined in your link?

Main Entry: accepted
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: generally agreed upon
Synonyms: accustomed, acknowledged, allowed, approved, arrived at, authorized, card-carrying, chosen, confirmed, conventional, credited, current, customary, endorsed, established, fashionable, in vogue, kosher*, legit, normal, okayed, orthodox, passed, popular, preferred, received, recognized, regular, sanctioned, standard, straight*, time-honored, touted, universal, unopposed, usual, welcomed
Antonyms: irregular, questionable, unconventional, unorthodox

Not the same as rational. But hey, it’s a thesaurus! So now I gather that “rational” must necessarily mean the same as “chosen”.


Should we look at the other ways “normal” is defined in your link?

Main Entry: accepted


Do you even know how to spell “normal”?


Well, see, a word can mean different things. And when you choose the use of “normal” that matches up with what you would like it to mean, you’re engaging in the same nonsense regularly mocked in the posts above.

Shorter Asshat: Words can mean different things, except when I don’t want them to.


Dude, I was only following your link. Go ahead and click the “Dictionary” header instead of the “Thesaurus” header. Unless YOU’RE SCAAAARRED!


Dude, I was only following your link.

And yet you still failed to get the right answer. That’s what we mock here.


Dude, normal’s synonymous with accepted! Means the same thing, right?


Dude, normal’s synonymous with accepted! Means the same thing, right?

The thesaurus uses them interchangeably. Just as it uses rational. So rational is synonymous with accepted, which is really the point I was tryign to make.

Thanks for helping!


So rational is synonymous with accepted

Right! And chosen! And orderly! And together!


Jesus Christ. There better be some make-up fucking soon.


If you follow the trail of synonyms, “make-up” equals “rational”.


So you’re saying…let me see if I get this straight…that “accepted” is identical to “normal”, even tho the thesaurus makes a distinction between the two? And does not accept either as the…let me spell this slowly for you…def-in-ition…of the other?

Interesting. You went to school under the Reagan administration, didntcha?


Jesus Christ. There better be some make-up fucking soon.

Talk to the troll.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Twice in the period of a fortnight?


There better be some make-up fucking soon.

I’ll pull the truck ’round back.


So you’re saying…let me see if I get this straight…that “accepted” is identical to “normal”

No, I’m summarizing your argument. If you see it as stupid, well done!

G’wan, follow the dictionary definition in your link to “normal” instead of the thesaurus one. I double dog dare ya, scaredy-cat!


But since you want to be an asshat, let me make the connection crystal clear:

Definition of NORMAL
4a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b : free from mental disorder : sane

Definition of SANE
: proceeding from a sound mind : rational

See? Definition of “normal”- sane. Definition of “sane”- rational.

Or did you want me to draw you a picture?


G’wan, follow the dictionary definition in your link to “normal” instead of the thesaurus one. I double dog dare ya, scaredy-cat!



So you’re saying…let me see if I get this straight…that “accepted” is identical to “normal”

No, I’m summarizing your argument. If you see it as stupid, well done!

I never claimed that accepted was the same thing as rational.

Only you have, so only an insane person would. That would be…irrational. You know…ABnormal?


Twice in the period of a fortnight?

I tried not to. Subby wanted to mix up and get spnaked again.


4a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b : free from mental disorder : sane

Well, clearly had you specified definition 4a at and then pointed to the definition of sane in the same dictionary to make it clear all this kafuffle could have been avoided and everyone would believe in god.


“Jesus Christ. There better be some make-up fucking soon.”

Maybe they should just start with a little necking.

Girls, girls…you’re both pretty.

*retreats into the shadows*


OK OK OK let’s not squabble. Actor, you are a man of faith–good for you. As a good liberal you would never proselytize, and you respect those who have different world-view.

Substance, you are an athiest–good for you as well. I happen to be one also, and I understand how frustrating it is to have your world-view mocked by fundamentalists. But that’s not what Actor is doing.

You can argue about what is “rational”, versus what is “normal” but your’e not going to change each other’s minds–nor do you really want to, amiright?

Now kiss an make up ya big galoots

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Facchinello, guys, tsam is supposed to be the thread-killer!


OT: Nope, no racism in the Tea Party whatsoever. Nosiree:

Damn. They are tone deaf and optics-challenged.

Unless, of course, they’re not.

OK, I agree. They’re not. They’re saying exactly what they want to.


Hey! Look over there! A shiny thing!

(Looch wants everyone to get along)


There’s no reason to let Actor off the hook for being dumb if he wants to be dumb. Soon he’ll be back to begging for tits like a good Christian.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Uh, Looch, that’s my head.


Uh, Looch, that’s my head.

Huh. From here it looked like VS’s UGH.


Huh. From here it looked like VS’s UGH.

I was wondering where my Bedazzler went…


She quotes Dennett? Daniel Dennett? Really?

Wow. How did she keep her fingers from burning after typing his name?


Subby wanted to mix up and get spnaked again.

The ‘p’ is silent, as in Psmith.


You wouldn’t insitutuionalize someone because they fell in love. Ergo, we can assume it’s rational.

No. You’re wrong. Your rather cherry picked “definition” is wrong as well.

Rational does not mean normal. We might like the norm to be rational, but it’s hardly the definition.

Rational involves the use of reason. If you’d go to the dictionary tab of the link you posted, you’d find…

? ?/?ræ??nl, ?ræ?nl/ Show Spelled[rash-uh-nl, rash-nl] Show IPA
agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator.
being in or characterized by full possession of one’s reason; sane; lucid: The patient appeared perfectly rational.
endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings.
of, pertaining to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty.
proceeding or derived from reason or based on reasoning: a rational explanation.
Mathematics .
capable of being expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers.
(of a function) capable of being expressed exactly by a ratio of two polynomials.
Classical Prosody . capable of measurement in terms of the metrical unit or mora.

While sane and lucid are in there, that is not the definition of the word. Normal is not to be found. Sorry. It has to do with reason, not normalcy. You may be able to define normal with regard to capacity to reason, but that doesn’t mean it works the other way ’round.

One does not fall in love because one reasons it out. One does not find faith by reasoning it out. Those are not rational processes. That does not invalidate them. It simply makes them matters with a different basis.


I feel I am somewhat more substantial than a spnak.


You’re going to get spnuch a spnaking.


jesus rode a thesaurus


Oh…. by the way kids….. you really can’t prove anything by citing dictionary definitions. Just sayin’.


I’ve been reading lots of paranormal romances lately. They speak of everything from vampires to gnomes to sorceri…still I cannot find a “spnak.”. Perhaps I’ll meet one later in the series. I hope they have cool powers!


jesus rode a thesaurus

Did he hab a code in hid node?


“The ‘p’ is silent, as in Psmith.”

Horses, horses, horses
Commin in from all directions
With their manes
he saw
Horses, horses, horses.


Oh…. by the way kids….. you really can’t prove anything by citing dictionary definitions. Just sayin’.

Absolutely. But thesauruseseses are GOSPEL.


You wouldn’t insitutuionalize someone because they fell in love. Ergo, we can assume it’s rational.

“Love” = ‘rational’ because the range of human emotionality enhances our decision-making capacity (as well as improving our chances of survival). I could quote Damasio on this but I am LEAVING IT AS AN EXERCISE FOR THE READER.

This does not, however, make it a reliable basis for mathematical proof.


Normal! Rational! Accepted! Definition!

Zzz zzz zzz.

Semantics is all in the I of the beholder.


jesus rode from the dead. Fucking code in thabt cave



Also known as smut. It’s considered a delicacy in Mexico I think.


Cogito ergot sum.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Also known as smut. It’s considered a delicacy in Mexico I think.



Cogito ergo sum Smut





You know why I was three seconds too late? tags and that


I’m just naturally premature.


It’s considered a delicacy in Mexico I think.

Considered an indelicacy everywhere else in the world.


The reason people don’t get institutionalised for falling in love is that being in love, as we *normally* define the term, isn’t a pathological condition; that is, the accepted experience of what we call “love” doesn’t impair one’s ability to function socially or personally. The same goes for most religion, and there are certainly enough people out there who believe crazy, irrational, and downright *wrong* stuff who somehow manage to stay out of the booby hatch because mostly they function just fine. Jeez.

I also worry about your argument here, Actor, because by claiming that near-synonyms are directly equivalent, you’re basically saying connotation doesn’t exist, and that’s *really* fuckin’ irrational.


Uh, Looch, that’s my head.

I felt I needed to improvise. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Maybe, but it doesn’t seem like it’s much to get all worked up about.

Have a big plate of SMUT

There’s something to…. react to I guess.


I was going to fix myself something

but I just lost my appetite.


Back to the prude du jour:

“Ironically, Christians are often dismissed as prudes and Puritans because of their “repressive” sexual morality – and yet the Christian worldview actually affirms a much higher view of the body than the liberal, utilitarian view.”

Hon, that’s not irony.


Maybe, but it doesn’t seem like it’s much to get all worked up about.

It’s just silly fun.


I felt I needed to improvise.
I hope you treated the glabrous pate in question WITH DIGNITY.

Note to self: people who believe in the dignity of human anatomy should never work in a morgue.

Steve, don’t eat it!:

It’s safe to say this is the first time I’ve ever paid for an infection. I am, of course, not counting the one I got from your mother.

Don’t worry, I checked the ingredients before I tasted it. “Smoker’s lung” was not on there.

Before I even got the whole can open, I detected a vague aroma of sweet corn, along with what I can only describe as a deep musky funk. Put ’em together and it smells like corn that forgot to wipe.

In just a single serving, you’ll experience a wide array of textures. Without getting too gross, it’s because the disease is more advanced in some kernels than others. One bite might be kinda chewy, while the next might burst in your mouth like a black pus-filled blister. (Whoops, forgot about the not-too-gross thing. Oh well. Nuts to you!)

So, how does Huitlacoche taste? Does it matter?? LOOK AT IT!

I guess it would be fair to say it doesn’t taste as truly horrible as it looks. The flavor is elusive and difficult to describe, but I’ll try: “Kinda yucky.” Hey, that wasn’t so hard after all. (Sometimes I forget I’m a goddamn wordsmith.)

For any connoisseurs, I’m not sure if this stuff would go better with red wine or white. How about with a bottle of Bactine? I’ve always found that goes great with infections.

Huitlacoche also goes by some other names. It’s frequently called Maize Mushroom, Corn Smut, and Mexican Truffle. I’ve even heard it referred to as “Devil Poop”– but that was only after I said it. (For God’s sake, it comes with little bits of corn already in it! Talk about a time-saver.)</blockquote


Did somebody mention a threadkill? It’s a little early for that, dontcha think? Rationa….oh fuck

I don’t think that would be prudent at this juncture.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I guess it would be fair to say it doesn’t taste as truly horrible as it looks.

The same can be said for cicadas.


Escargot-enhanced Kraft Dinner was actually kinda tasty.


Steady on, you just broke the bullshit detector. Didn’t mom (sic) send you to your room?


If you’re having trouble with the pronounciation, it’s: Cuitlacoche (kweet-lah-KOH-chay) or Huitlacoche (dat-sfuckin-NAS-tee).



If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas

Oh sure, but as soon as a guy goes and gets one, they get all upset about that too.


Steady on, you just broke the bullshit detector. Didn’t mom (sic) send you to your room?

Mem (notsic) is not the boss of me. I’m a grown ass man. I drive a Toyota Corolla and have my own XBox Live account.


Whoa, I stand corrected. Man.


You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on the right cheek with his cock, turn to him the other also.


Turn the other cheek and you can have them BOTH spanked.


“Native Americans of the American Southwest, including the Zuni tribe, have used corn smut to induce labor. It has similar medicinal effects to ergot, but weaker, due to the presence of the chemical ustilagine.”

And here I thought it was just cramps.


If someone slaps you on the right cheek with his cock HEZ DOIN IT RONG


“Native Americans of the American Southwest, including the Zuni tribe, have used corn smut to induce labor. It has similar medicinal effects to ergot, but weaker, due to the presence of the chemical ustilagine.”

The important question: Does it get a person high? Otherwise, not interested.


You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on the right cheek with his cock, turn to him the other also.

It is written that a man shall have his 30 pieces of silver for such cockslappery.


If someone slaps you on the right cheek with his cock HEZ DOIN IT RONG

No-one specified the inside or outside of the cheek.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Escargot-enhanced Kraft Dinner was actually kinda tasty.

Now, how much better would huitlacoche-enhanced Kraft Dinner be?


If it’s inside you get a mouth fulla feathers.


Are there any arguments for theism other than unsupported assertions and circular arguments?

No. Unless you count the purely speculative which I do not include in the argument genre.


If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas

If God intended for women to be repulsive, he would give them hair just like yours, you cranky old spinster. Put down the binoculars and invest in a Kong Dong. You might find that your worries scream out to be released!


If someone slaps you on the right cheek …

How do know which cheek is right and which is wrong?


Suffer the cock slappers, and forbid them not to come to me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.


How do know which cheek is right and which is wrong?

Navy motto: There is no wrong hole.

Dickslapper motto: There is no wrong cheek.



Fuckin amateurs. I don’t see boiling water mentioned as a melting technique anywhere in that list.


If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas

Oh sure, but as soon as a guy goes and gets one, they get all upset about that too.

Also, it’s not like they think God is twice as cool with lesbians.

And thinking a bit more about her “we useta could have rational debates until SECULARISM,” of course it’s just as possible as it ever was but now she would have to convince people of things that were formerly taken as givens. Like for instance, she says “[s]ecularism … reduces morality to the subjective level—to personal feelings or ethnic tradition. These are things that cannot be rationally debated.” OF COURSE THEY CAN, but not by simply demanding people believe morality is objective. I think it’s pretty clear that’s what actually galls her, not that rational debate is impossible but that it places requirements on her as well.


I can’t let this one go.

Newtonian physics, for example, works perfectly well in day to day life. Yet, it’s been proven wrong. Ergo, operating on that assumption could be construed as irrational, but its not.

Wrong. Newtonian physics has not been in any way proved wrong. It was incomplete, to be sure just as current physics is incomplete. But it is still perfectly valid, true, applicable etc. in the context of which it was developed, namely the macro, humanly observable world. Ergo, you are full of shit.


Newtonian physics, for example, works perfectly well in day to day life. Yet, it’s been proven wrong.

At the quantum level.


If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all prostates.


Pere Ubu said,

September 15, 2010 at 0:44 (kill)

Newtonian physics, for example, works perfectly well in day to day life. Yet, it’s been proven wrong.

At the quantum level.

Not really – it’s _inapplicable_ at the quantum level, but not _wrong_.


Roy nails K-Lo.



Not really – it’s _inapplicable_ at the quantum level, but not _wrong_.

I was thinking stuff like conservation of momentum not applying to electrons and the like. But you’re right.


If God DIDN’T intend to make gay men HE MUFFED* IT.



If God intended to make gay men, he would have given them all vaginas

If God intended men to fly, he’d have given them wings. If God intended men to swim, he’d have given them gills. I move for the immediate abolition of air travel and swimming on the grounds that AMERICA!!!


Roy nails K-Lo.

As the dogs so elegantly opine after eating various and sundry bugs:



And thinking a bit more about her “we useta could have rational debates until SECULARISM,” of course it’s just as possible as it ever was but now she would have to convince people of things that were formerly taken as givens. Like for instance, she says “[s]ecularism … reduces morality to the subjective level—to personal feelings or ethnic tradition. These are things that cannot be rationally debated.” OF COURSE THEY CAN, but not by simply demanding people believe morality is objective. I think it’s pretty clear that’s what actually galls her, not that rational debate is impossible but that it places requirements on her as well.

Well put.


And, WC, I saw ya there. I couldn’t let it slide by either.

That Thing with the Stuff

Actor, I think the real dispute here doesn’t revolve around the definition of “rational,” but rather around the definition of faith.

There are a couple of dictionary entries at that link; the second definition offered in the first entry is “belief that is not based on proof.” The first definition in the second entry is “strong or unshakable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence.”

The objection to referring to religious faith as “rational” is that it implies that particular spiritual beliefs are derivable through the application of formal logic — are provable, and command the belief of a reasonable person. But viewing faith as rational in this way is contrary to the definition of faith — if a conclusion is logically inescapable, then there is no room for doubt; if there is no room for doubt, there is no room for faith.

As an aside, the offense taken when faith is described in this way arises from the implication that reason leaves no room for doubt with regard to the article of faith; hence doubters must be either applying reason incorrectly (implying stupidity) or not applying reason at all — either unwillfully (implying carelessness) or willfully (implying willful ignorance).


Roy nails K-Lo.

Oh well done Roy, well done indeed. It is a pleasure all too rare to see the word “blackamoor” in print.


Didn’t anyone notice that this total moron incorrectly quoted the Declaration of Independence?

She wrote unalienable rights are “endowed by THE Creator” when in fact it says “endowed by THEIR Creator” purposefully being expansive in the definition of “Creator” and leaving it up to the definition of the individual.

This was no accident. It’s also accident that the God talk was left out of the Constitution itself.


Looch, is that ‘dogs bark and mosquitos bite?’


If God had meant for us to have calculus he would have given us integers.


Or ‘dogs, with bees in their mouths, that when they bark they shoot bees at you’?


This was no accident. It’s also accident that the God talk was left out of the Constitution itself.

There you libruls go again, gettin’ all “quote the actual words of the document” and all. What you don’t unnerstan is that we Wingnutz get to decide what things mean. You all think words have fixed meanings. That’s facism!


Looch, is that ‘dogs bark and mosquitos bite?’

All I know is my dogs fight over who gets to eat that irresistible, noisy and easy-to-catch Junebug. The winner gets the privilege of the subsequent GACK.


I’m totally down with a Temple of Aphrodite in the pubic square.

and a pot cafe.


Just how big is your mom’s pubic square?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Escargot-enhanced Kraft Dinner was actually kinda tasty.

In my old neighborhood we called it Gastropodaroni.


I don’t know what the hell’s going on here, but I am bring out the big thread killing guns here. TWO comments about dog-GACKing and still you people keep commenting. What’s so special about tsam, anyway?



I think it’s pretty clear that’s what actually galls her, not that rational debate is impossible but that it places requirements on her as well.

Right there. That, right there.


or “bringing”.



dragon wang said, In Chinese mythology a large primordial deity died and his body became the Earth – veins became rivers, etc. and the fleas living on him jumped off and became the human race.

I’ll gladly believe in this if you just change it to “the fleas became Republicans.”


The winner gets the privilege of the subsequent GACK.

Whilel the rest of the dogs look on in envy.


You know, the deal with electrons is the electrical charge on a moving object and all that, not momentum. Duh.

I is smart, I am.


I’ll gladly believe in this if you just change it to “the fleas became Republicans.”

That’s really insulting to fleas.


Anybody wanna see my stitches?


Anybody wanna see my stitches?

Is that your present to all of us? (Where’s the link?)

And let’s not let the steam go out of the big argument.


The fact is, O’Donnell will win the nomination and then Senate Domination of you liberal pukes when we take our country back, she is moral well you liberals are terrible pieces of crap.


Is it possible to postulate the

YES YES, a thousand times YES!


Anybody wanna see my stitches?

I didn’t know bedazzlers needed to be sewn on.


WC, I saw ya there. I couldn’t let it slide by either.

‘scool. Plenty of room at the toilet if we take turns.

The Naked Liberal Fascist

The A.P. is calling the Del. Senate GOP Primary for Christian O’Donnell.

The Republicans just got Teabagged, and threw away what should have been a very easy pick up. They abandoned a popular veteran of Delaware state politics for an untried perennial candidate and all-around fuckup.

Unbelievable. Just, wow.

The Naked Liberal Fascist

Uh, I meant Christine.


Is it possible to postulate the “Uncaused Cause” in physics to explain the beginning of the universe, thus proving the existence of a personal God?

Is it possible to prove one thing by just assuming a different thing is true?


Pustulations are a zombie property.


They’re pretty gross.

I have enough dignity not to show my ass bruise pictures, although those bruises were EPIC.


You know, the deal with electrons is the electrical charge on a moving object and all that, not momentum. Duh.

Well, electrons also exhibit quantum behaviour (wave-particle duality) are subject to the Heisenberg principle (and sometimes do the really weird shit) so momentum fits, too.

Newtonian physics also breaks down when things get really fast and/or heavy, too. It turns out to be just a worthwhile approximation at the scale of things that seventeenth century people can observe.


They’re pretty gross.

Guh ROSE. In pic one there seems to be a little metal bit poking out. What’s that?


Oh, great googly moogly. I just laid down a non-ironic “also, too”. I need Norton Anti-Palin stat.


Guh ROSE. In pic one there seems to be a little metal bit poking out. What’s that?

Oh, that’s just my endoskeleton.


But really, it’s just an inflamed bit. I have my eye on it. And antibiotic ointment.

It’s weird–I can kind of feel the plates.


Oh, great googly moogly. I just laid down a non-ironic “also, too”. I need Norton Anti-Palin stat.

I did that the other day. Wrongful.


so, that’s your ankle? The stitches must run a fair bit up you calf?

It looks entirely…unpleasant.


EW EW EW you got a seam THAT IS JUST WRONG.


It looks entirely…unpleasant.

Yeah, it’s no fun.

There are two sets of stitches. One set is on the inside of my ankle, and it’s about an inch and a half. The other set is on the outside of my ankle towards the back of my foot, and it’s about three inches.

I was only going to have to have one incision until I fell two days before surgery and either managed to break another bone or dislodged it well enough that he couldn’t get it through the initial incision.

That fall hurt like a motherfucker, btw. I am not ashamed to say I cried pretty much all night and threw a tantrum in the morning when nobody would get back to me about more pain meds.


EW EW EW you got a seam THAT IS JUST WRONG.

I warned you!

I was pretty much horrified the first time I saw it, but now I think it’s kind of cool. More disturbing to me was that my foot was so swollen that it looked like a giant baby’s fat foot.


OK, guy (in lingerie) poking an exhaust, well, I’ve been desensitized.

But those. Ooooh. And I asked.

BTW, if I mentioned how I broke my arm just before my (eighth) birthday & was disappointed because I couldn’t go in the water at the already scheduled pool party, just forget it. Means nothing (in comparison) & I should get over it, already.

I hope you heal up real quick.


But those. Ooooh. And I asked.

They’re pretty fucking nasty. I tried not to get so close, but I couldn’t get a decent picture that way.

And, re: your arm–that still sucks. I’m still disappointed that I didn’t get to play the angel in the Nativity play in preschool because I had the chicken pox.

I am getting the shite end of the stick in several ways because of this injury, though. It sucks.


Also, thanks. Too. 🙂


EW EW EW you got a seam THAT IS JUST WRONG.

All girls got seams but just try to sew it up and everybody goes all batshit.


The fact is, listen to me. We, the Tea bag party, are WINNING!


Also, it looks like I have a cankle on the right side. That had better be swelling, or I’m going to be PISSED.


We, the Tea bag party, are WINNING WHINING!

Points deducted for poor spelling, Gar.


And T&U, heal fast, you hear?

Um, I think that’s gonna leave a mark.

But now an unsettling asterisk must be added to the legacy of Ernest C. Withers, one of the most celebrated photographers of the civil rights era: He was a paid F.B.I. informer.


And T&U, heal fast, you hear?

Um, I think that’s gonna leave a mark


Ummm…yeah. I really don’t care about the scarring, but seriously, the change to my ankle shape is upsetting me. It was a nice ankle!


But now an unsettling asterisk must be added to the legacy of Ernest C. Withers, one of the most celebrated photographers of the civil rights era: He was a paid F.B.I. informer.



They’re pretty gross.

Those aren’t stitches. Someone has taken the opportunity of your unconsciousness to tattoo you with a picture of a running centipede.


Note to self: disgusting stitches won’t kill the thread, but vain-ass whining will.

And it could have been my face, so I really should just STFU.


Those aren’t stitches. Someone has taken the opportunity of your unconsciousness to tattoo you with a picture of a running centipede.

That would be so much cooler.


The fact is, O’Donnell will win the nomination and then Senate Domination of you liberal pukes when we take our country back, she is moral well you liberals are terrible pieces of crap.

Isn’t it against site policy to plaigarize the offical Tea Party platform? I mean, this is word for word, with no attribution.


It was a nice ankle!

There are tits men (Hmm, who could we be thinking of?).

There are ass men.
Hair, eyes, what have you.

I have always been slayed by a well-turned ankle.


Via the zombie’s site, stupid statistics.

A while ago I was on OKStupid as I was out of my marriage and figured it was free and you could write a decent profile in the box they gave you.

All I can say is, if people got what they said they wanted, the beaches at sunset would be so crowded no one would go there anymore.



tsam: Step back, son. Just step back.


Did someone say K-LO?

Also, too, PENIS.


It’s also amazing the extent to which their list shows a pastoral or rural self-mythology: bonfires, boating, horseback riding, thunderstorms. I remind you that OkCupid’s user base is almost all in large cities, where to one degree or another, if you find yourself doing much of any of these things, civilization has come to an end.

No boating or thunderstorms in Boston or CIVILIZATION ENDS. P.S. We still have horses in Eastern Mass. Also too fire.


They’re pretty gross.

Nice. You should tape one of those photos to the dashboard of your bike.


tsam: Step back, son. Just step back.

Aw hyell no. I got this.


All I can say is, if people got what they said they wanted, the beaches at sunset would be so crowded no one would go there anymore.


Oh yeah. And all women would suddenly love sports enough to not ask 1000 stupid questions during the ga–OW! Who just punched me in the junk?


I mean, this is word for word, with no attribution.

well have are attribution when Odonnel takes office! Wolvereens!


Yeah, it’s no fun.

There are two sets of stitches. One set is on the inside of my ankle, and it’s about an inch and a half. The other set is on the outside of my ankle towards the back of my foot, and it’s about three inches.

You know what would be cool there? A zipper. That way you could stash cool stuff in there while you’re in a bikini and have no pockets.


Yeah, Looch. That’s what I thought.

How about some bad song lyrics heard on the devil box in my dashboard today?


Perhaps a poem written by yours truly?

Nah, I like you people too much.

Well, maybe I should drink another beer? Any objections to that?


Post number six. I’ll bet you guys all get up in the morning and go, “Hm, I wonder what that uber douche tsam left in his patented 20 comment closing last night. Gosh, I’m in such a hurry to find a computer and find out! He’s so witty and wry, that tsam. Wry enough that a guy doesn’t even need mustard with him.”


Should I take the fact that everyone scatters when I show up as some kind of hint? Nah, that would just be displaying my insecurity!


TruculentandUnreliable — Sorry to hear about the stitches and the fall and all that, annnnnd… I’m sure it hurt like hell….

But….. I worked in PM&R for close to 30 years. Let me know when you get more than that scratch. Sorry but that’s about a 1.5 on my scale. Stories…. I could tell you stories…..


Well, tsam, you appear to have the floor…tell your stories. Hold on! Let me get my milk and cookies and a nice rug to sit on.

I love story time!

Spengler Dampniche

I was going to make some incredibly witty joke about assfucking and Christians, and then I got to the OT about the stitches and the foot seam and the spurting blood and whatnot and now I forgot my brilliant gem of humor.

You all SUCK.


A zipper. That way you could stash cool stuff in there

No room for smuggling *large* items through customs, but for any small item there’s someone who’ll find it valuable as DKW’s mum said.


Aaaagh, I couldn’t even watch. Didn’t used to be so acrophobic.


Didn’t want to keep watching but knew if I moved EVEN MY FINGER I was gonna DIE!!!!!


I’m totally down with a Temple of Aphrodite in the pubic square.

Anubis is more in keeping with the national character.


Oh, Hell no



Ok tsam, night shift’s over. I got it.


I have enough dignity not to show my ass bruise pictures

I assume you’re saving those for your star turn in “Saw XI.”


So…is it time for the make-up orgy yet?


So…is it time for the make-up orgy yet?

What did I miss?


Bit of a row yesterday. I think it’s safe to come out now.


Oh, what a wonderful thing to be confronted with first thing in the morning. *gack*

I made about five seconds and my toes still hurt.


I think it’s safe to come out now.

I wasn’t hiding, I was in Albany. Which is sort of like hiding only with better hot dogs.


I wasn’t hiding, I was in Albany.

Good choice! No-one ever goes there.


What were you doing in Albany? Measuring Espada’s office for the next tenant?


Bury My Heart At Wounded Ankle.

There’s a reason for regulations, Teabaggers.

By the way, the juice image from the article? The family and friends dumped the body to its final resting place, then went fishing.


By the way, the juice image from the article? The family and friends dumped the body to its final resting place, then went fishing.
you chum your way, they will chum theirs.


you chum your way, they will chum theirs

“Ma! I caught Uncle Fred! Again!”


“Ma! I caught Uncle Fred! Again!”
“Well, toss him back. We’re over the bag limit already”


“Well, toss him back. We’re over the bag limit already”

“OK, but can I wait until he stops coughing?”


“OK, but can I wait until he stops coughing?”
the proper application of a gaff hook will stop that coughing in a hurry. Of course it cannot be used in catch and release fishing.


“Well, toss him back. We’re over the bag limit already”

“Your Uncle Fred could never take a hint, I tell ya.”


the proper application of a gaff hook will stop that coughing in a hurry. Of course it cannot be used in catch and release fishing.

This has been another episode of Fishing With John Gotti. Tune in next week when we discuss the best fish to leave as a message to your enemies.


“Keep him away from the boat. Ignore him. If you get all chummy with him he’ll want to stay for lunch.”


I have always been slayed by a well-turned ankle.

Well, this one turned quite, quite well.

You know what would be cool there? A zipper. That way you could stash cool stuff in there while you’re in a bikini and have no pockets.

Yessss! I am trying to figure out a way to add storage on my brace for my phone. And lipgloss. I might Bedazzle it, too.


I might Bedazzle it, too.

Two words: Truck Nutz


But….. I worked in PM&R for close to 30 years. Let me know when you get more than that scratch. Sorry but that’s about a 1.5 on my scale. Stories…. I could tell you stories…..

Oh, I’m quite aware this ain’t that bad. But it’s probably the worst trauma I’ve endured besides getting tattooed.

My friend who was with me when this happened has had surgery on various ankles, knees, elbows…her face was bashed in by a mugger and she had to get an entirely new one. Which was actually okay with her in the end, because she’s prettier now.

And *that’s* really not much, either.


“Keep him away from the boat. Ignore him. If you get all chummy with him he’ll want to stay for lunch.”

“He’s asking for a menu!”


This has been another episode of Fishing With John Gotti. Tune in next week when we discuss the best fish to leave as a message to your enemies.
seahorse heads?


Two words: Truck Nutz

Totally. I’m going to put them on the back of my scooter.


Oh, and same friend used to work as an OR manager, and she has stories, too. Once she said, “They’d always ask me to hold the person’s leg while they were amputating, because I’m really strong.” She worked there 4 years…how many amputations were there???


If the gentleman had only know about version 1 from this list of funerals, I think he would have said, “Aw, fuck the boat”!


I’m going to put them on the back of my scooter.

You should get those spinning hubcaps, too.


As a friend of mine puts it, every orifice of the body has at least two functions: Eyes are for vision and conveying expressions; nose is for smelling and breathing, mouth is for eating, talking and breathing; ears are for hearing and balance; genitals are for urination and sex. Why would the rectum alone have but a single fuction? God, in his wisdom, designed it for buggery.


What did they do with the amputated legs?


If the gentleman had only know about version 1 from this list of funerals, I think he would have said, “Aw, fuck the boat”!

Do they lapdance the deceased?


Why would the rectum alone have but a single fuction? God, in his wisdom, designed it for buggery.

It’s a good place to hide money, too.

Happy 7,000th Birthday Earth

The fossiles have the unbeleivers fooled. They have failed the first test of faith.

The rapture will be like the semester finals.


What did they do with the amputated legs?

Sell them to Greek fast food places to roast for gyros.


You should get those spinning hubcaps, too.

Definitely. I’m doing a masculine/feminine look on this thing. Spinning hubcaps and Truck Nutz on the bottom, and a cute little bike basket and Barbie-themed horn on the top.


a cute little bike basket and Barbie-themed horn on the top.

Now, you will be wearing a helmet, right?


This has been another episode of Fishing With John Gotti. Tune in next week when we discuss the best fish to leave as a message to your enemies.
Or is this a Mafia version of the flower code?
where flounders would represent one thing and mackerel would mean another?
Experienced fish ‘encoders’ could of course send a very complicated message through a relatively small number of fish. 3 striped bass, a cod and 18 sardines means: put $500 on the Patriots to beat the spread.


OT–was there a topic?

Seattle Storm (Our WNBA team) leads the finals 2-0 vs. STUPID Atlanta!!!

Can I get a W00t!?


Now, you will be wearing a helmet, right?

The sheer absurdity of it almost makes me want to.


Definitely. I’m doing a masculine/feminine look on this thing. Spinning hubcaps and Truck Nutz on the bottom, and a cute little bike basket and Barbie-themed horn on the top.
Don’t forget the orange paint job and the horn that plays ‘Dixie’


Don’t forget the orange paint job and the horn that plays ‘Dixie’

Too bad I don’t have enough room to pain “Pussy Wagon” on the side.




you just need a bumper sticker that says: Pain is temporary, pride is forever, and chicks dig scars.


Too bad I don’t have enough room to pain “Pussy Wagon” on the side.

You could always install some paneling. Oh man, you could pimp this thang out!


Seattle Storm (Our WNBA team) leads the finals 2-0 vs. STUPID Atlanta!!!

Speaking of things that smell like fish….


Experienced fish ‘encoders’ could of course send a very complicated message through a relatively small number of fish. 3 striped bass, a cod and 18 sardines means: put $500 on the Patriots to beat the spread.

“What’s in the package, Guido?”

“Looks like four herring and a haddock”

“OK, dat means da pier, tonight at midnight, and come alone with the money and a bag a guns in exchange for da merchandise, which we is getting half off since dey likes us”


“Oh, and same friend used to work as an OR manager, and she has stories, too. “

Guy I know….. broke his ankle. It seems that he was running and he stepped into a gopher hole or something. It wasn’t deep but his foot plus a couple inches just stayed right where they were. The rest of his body kept moving though.

Damn you Newton’s laws of bodies in motion.

The long bones in your body…. when they break they get this spiral like fracture. That’s what he has. Nasty shit.


Guy I know….. broke his ankle. It seems that he was running and he stepped into a gopher hole or something. It wasn’t deep but his foot plus a couple inches just stayed right where they were. The rest of his body kept moving though.

My ankle started hurting just reading that.


Guy I know….. broke his ankle. It seems that he was running and he stepped into a gopher hole or something. It wasn’t deep but his foot plus a couple inches just stayed right where they were. The rest of his body kept moving though.

Holy shit. I’ll wager he passed out and/or vomited when that happened.

My injury wasn’t that gruesome, other than how it felt. I was afraid to look down at it until I was in the ER, though. My foot was pretty much where it was supposed to be.


Now, you will be wearing a helmet, right?

With frickin’ LASERS.


I’m going to put them on the back of my scooter.

You should get those spinning hubcaps, too.

I once saw a scooter in metro Atlanta with neon underbody lights.


I once saw a scooter in metro Atlanta with neon underbody lights.

Now THAT’S cool!


Oooh, T&U! You could trick that puppy out with them big ass speakers that drive the bass at decibels that would make a jackhammer cringe!


With frickin’ LASERS.

I snorted.

I once saw a scooter in metro Atlanta with neon underbody lights.

Oooooh…and that would be even more ridiculous on my scooter, as it’s not exactly a scooter anyway.


And fog lights. For safety.


as it’s not exactly a scooter anyway.

Now I know what happened to the tricycle that was stolen from my daughter.


Justme said:
“Oh, Hell no.”

Holy shit. 1700ft in the air and they climb a metal pole with pegs stuck on it.

Why bother with the helmet?


And fog lights. For safety.

She might want to take that sucker off road, you know…


Why bother with the helmet?

They want to make sure you bounce off the tower on the way down.


She might want to take that sucker off road, you know…

Gotta have a winch then.

T&U, you takin’ notes?


The tower video claims there’s no quick way down.


And fog lights. For safety.

Oh, most definitely. Because we get a lot of fog in during the fall in mid-Missouri.

Now I know what happened to the tricycle that was stolen from my daughter.

It’s super-dorky. I felt like an idiot the first few days I had it, but now I’m like, “Fuck you, this is awesome! I can use my hands!”

I really do think I’m going to make a little cushion for it. My knee is all bruised! (Shutup).


Gotta have a winch then.

Might want to hike the suspension up a foot or two, as well, maybe get some struts installed.


T&U, you takin’ notes?

I’m bookmarking this shit.


My knee is all bruised! (Shutup)

*sipping herbal tea quietly*

Define “bruised”…


The tower video claims there’s no quick way down.

Well, alive, anyway.

That video made my palms sweaty.


as it’s not exactly a scooter anyway.

LEG STROLLER! Needs tassels. And big knobby tires.


Define “bruised”…

I am NOT getting into a semantic argument with you this morning.

LEG STROLLER! Needs tassels. And big knobby tires.

And a bumper sticker that reads “My other ride is your mom.”


LEG STROLLER! Needs tassels. And big knobby tires.
Glass pack mufflers! Fuzzy dice! Haulin’ ass mudflaps! Spoilers! Wings! Ground effects! Coffee can sized exhaust! V-tec stickers! Powered by Honda stickers! Metal flake paint job! Superfluous asian characters of doubtful meaning!


“LEG STROLLER! Needs tassels. And big knobby tires.”

And chrome, every inch has to be chromed.


I am NOT getting into a semantic argument with you this morning.

That’s the normal thing to do.


Haulin’ ass mudflaps!

Nah. The naked chick ones.


Jay Nordlinger and weird comparisons:

In Impromptus today, I have an item about Abimael Guzmán, the Shining Path leader — and his longtime lieutenant and lover, Elena Iparraguirre. They’ve gotten married, those two have: in prison. The groom is 75, the bride 62. After a lifetime of murdering and terrorizing, the kids are settling down, apparently.

Isn’t it interesting that these hard-bitten radicals, who did everything they could to bring down the civilization they knew, have entered the “bourgeois” institution of marriage? The fundamentally human will out, it seems.

(I can just hear the gay-marriage advocates now: “If these Shining Path monsters can marry . . .” And that is a good polemical gambit.)


Scott C. said,

September 14, 2010 at 20:27 (kill)

A more extended take on “Dr.” Nancy’s Sermon to the Homos, over at World O’ Crap.

No boat disembarking necessary.

Don’t drink fluids while reading. The line “You see, homosexuals? Your body isn’t gay; it’s just haunted by the ghost of Franklin Pangborn.” made my monitor messy.


I am 12. I just had to stifle giggles when a co-worker was talking about two men jackhammering her basement.


Christine O’Donnell on Politically Incorrect back in ’98.

She knows how to bring the crazy, she’s a real pro.


(I can just hear the gay-marriage advocates now: “If these Shining Path monsters can marry . . .” And that is a good polemical gambit.)

Terrorists = same as gay people who haven’t hurt a fly in their life.

Just like building a YMCA with prayer rooms for people of other religions = burning another religion’s holy books.


And if I had gotten home a little earlier yesterday I could have seen one of Mr. Pangborn’s finest routines as the psychiatrist in the movie adaptation of my favorite play, No Time For Sergeants. (yeah, I’m a simple man with simple tastes).

“I don’t like just any girls”

“I don’t mean any particular girl, I mean girls in general! Women! SEX!”

“Well, do I know one story. There was this traveling salesman and he stopped at a farmer’s house. Now this farmer had fourteen daughters…”

“STOP! Enough”

“You’ve heard it before?”

“No, I *haven’t* heard it before”

“Well why’d ya stop me, it’s a good one. This farmer had these daughters, and they was all studying to be trombone players…”



Jay Nordlinger and weird comparisons:

I guess you can admire his ability to, like, um, contort his brain so well?


By the way, I just finished A Cankle For Leibowitz the other day but I didn’t really understand it.


By the way, I just finished A Cankle For Leibowitz the other day but I didn’t really understand it.

Gout is one heavy disease is the big takeaway.


That’s the normal thing to do.

Yep, rational, too.



By the way, I just finished A Cankle For Leibowitz the other day but I didn’t really understand it.

It’s like the Book Of Eli, only backwards.


My foot looks longer, too. Like my ankle just kind of flows into it. (That’s the swelling, for sure).

What would that be? A cankloot?


It was so weird, when O’Donnell was interviewed on the Today Show this morning. I kept thinking I was watching Sarah Palin’s younger, uglier, fatter sister talking.

If I’m Sarah, I’m thinking “stalker,” like John Hinckley (who’s brother, Scott, had a dinner date with Neil Bush, son of then-VP George Bush the next evening). Todd better watch out, too. He might wake up in bed next to O’Donnell.


What would that be? A cankloot?




“With the battle won by the ultra-right in Delaware, the national conservative pundits who backed Christine O’Donnell in last night’s GOP Senate primary have turned on a man who is presumably one of their own: Karl “The Architect” Rove. After Rove bemoaned O’Donnell’s nomination as the end of the GOP’s chances to take back the Senate in a heated interview with Sean Hannity last night, pundits from Michelle Malkin to the bloggers at Hot Air slammed him as a traitor and even called for Fox News to suspend him as an on-air analyst.

“I just finished watching Karl Rove trashing GOP Senate primary winner Christine O’Donnell. It was on Sean Hannity’s FNC show. Might as well have been Olbermann on MSNBC,” Michelle Malkin wrote on her blog last night.

HotAir blogger Ed Morrissey took his own shot at establishment figures like Rove who he said should get over Mike Castle’s defeat last night and hop aboard the O’Donnell train. Morrissey writes that establishment GOP types should rally around their nominee in Delaware, just as they would expect O’Donnell’s supporters to do if Castle had won.

“Rarely have I seen such childishness from the supposed leaders of a political establishment, who set the very rules and customs they now want to ignore because they just got embarrassed on a national stage,” Morrissey writes. “Grow up, shut up, and get to work.”

Dan Riehl, a conservative who blogs at the site, went the farthest in his attacks on Rove, calling on Fox News to “suspend” him and “investigate” reports that he tried to tip the balance for Castle in behind-the-scenes meetings with tea partiers in Delaware last year.

“Especially given his comments on Fox News tonight, until this is resolved, it seems impossible to trust Rove as an objective analyst,” Riehl wrote. “In terms of the conservative movement, we should not simply ignore him, but proactively work to undermine Rove in whatever ways we can, given his obvious willingness to undermine us.”

Wingnuts: Karl Rove, traitor.

Beeg schmile.


It was so weird, when O’Donnell was interviewed on the Today Show this morning. I kept thinking I was watching Sarah Palin’s younger, uglier, fatter sister talking.

Holy shit, you’re right!

Also, OMFG. Too.


“Gout is one heavy disease is the big takeaway.”

Gout is the smut of medical fascism.



Well, you’re the synonym for mean, whatever that is.

Wingnuts: Karl Rove, traitor.

Pass the popcorn, please?


Glasses picture. Those bangs are tragic.


Holy shit, you’re right!

She was wearing glasses this morning, I think.


I’m back. You can exhale now.


Pass the popcorn, please?

I gotta believe Unca Karl has a fair bit of pull with the heavyweights that are funding a fair bit of the Teabagger Dysentery Tour, et al. Am I a fool to think that the minor lights in the Wingnut-o-sphere might be about to get stomped on, somehow?

I mean these folks overplay their hands as a matter of course. Could this be where they get caught with their various body parts in the propeller blades?

(Hey, I’m in an optimistic mood this AM. Sue me.)


Well, you’re the synonym for mean, whatever that is.

That’s “actor212” in most dictionaries. Thesaurii too.


Could this guy be more gross? Between the racism and bestiality, he’s just a smorgasboard of disgustingness.


Pass the popcorn, please?

I wonder if Unca Karl is going to stomp some of these minor lights feeding at the Wingnut Trough. I mean, he has some pull with people funding this crap.

The Wingnutz bloggers always, always, overplay their hands and never really seem to learn a lesson. I just wonder if there might be real repercussions this time.

(I’m in an optimistic mood this AM. Go ahead, sue me.)


I wonder if Unca Karl is going to stomp some of these minor lights feeding at the Wingnut Trough.

There’s been some talk amongst the pundit set that the RSCC would pull funding out of Delaware to focus on winnable states.



he’s just a smorgasboard of disgustingness.

That’s different from garden variety wingnuts, how?


Could this guy be more gross? Between the racism and bestiality, he’s just a smorgasboard of disgustingness.

I just lurve how “politically incorrect” and “in poor taste” are white sexists’ euphemisms for racism and misogyny.


pundits from Michelle Malkin to the bloggers at Hot Air slammed him as a traitor and even called for Fox News to suspend him as an on-air analyst.

So THAT’S what it takes to get pulled off of FAUX. Huh.


Glasses picture. Those bangs are tragic.

From the article: Two campaign staffers commenting on O’Donnell.

“It just amounted to too much,” she said. “The reason she’s running is so she can pay her rent, pay her electricity bill. If it was popular to be really liberal now, maybe she’d do that,” Murray said.

Murray’s call marks the second time a former O’Donnell campaign staffer has come forward in recent days to publicly rebuke the former television commentator’s candidacy.

David Keegan, a former O’Donnell aide, told The New York Times earlier this month that when he found out about O’Donnell’s personal financial problems, he decided he could no longer work for her.

“We are constantly trying to hold her back from spending. She was financially completely irresponsible,” Keegan told the Times.


Yeah, I saw that as well. And she was kinda pleading for funds. But beside the money, I suspect the establishment Republicans are going to work to destroy her. Every little bit of her past is coming out.


The Wingnutz bloggers always, always, overplay their hands and never really seem to learn a lesson. I just wonder if there might be real repercussions this time.

I hope I hope I hope! The poutrage would be EPIC.


From the article: Two campaign staffers commenting on O’Donnell.

You read the article? Pshaw!

Yeah, she sounds like another huckster to me. Nobody can out-huckster Palin, though.


The reason she’s running is so she can pay her rent, pay her electricity bill.

And how does that work, now?

Sheesh, maybe I should run for office if you can do that.


“I just wonder if there might be real repercussions this time.”

Failure to win back a majority in either the house or the senate would count as real repercussions. I made that prediction a couple weeks ago and I thought I was being overly optimistic at the time. Now I wonder.


I suspect the establishment Republicans are going to work to destroy her. Every little bit of her past is coming out.

Good for them. Seriously. They need to take control of this shit. It’s fucking amateur hour up in thur.


And O’Donnell has said that she is courting Clinton (Hillary) Democrats. No news on how that’s going.

But. But. She said she would love to have Hillary Clinton’s endorsement.

Someone please yootoob the massive Wingnut head asplodey event.



Failure to win back a majority in either the house or the senate would count as real repercussions. I made that prediction a couple weeks ago and I thought I was being overly optimistic at the time. Now I wonder.

I am not quite that optimistic yet. The economy sucks, the Dems are cringing in front of policies that would actually help their numbers and Barack Obama is still a blackity-black Muslin.

But I don’t believe things are as bleak for Dems as all the “backlash” narrative is implying.

I hope you are proven justified in your optimism.


As every savvy female politician knows you have to wear the Power Red Suit™ so you can signal to the People that are someone to be taken seriously.


And she was kinda pleading for funds.

According to O’Donnell, Delaware is a small state and so she’d only really need about a million dollars to win.


Coons will raise that just from New Jersey.


They need to take control of this shit. It’s fucking amateur hour up in thur.

But who? And control to what end? The reason Teabaggers are getting traction is the Republican Party doesn’t have plans or strategies. There’s a vacuum.

It’s kinda like a Three Stooges skit where Moe tells Curly to let him steer and Curly detaches the steering wheel and hands it to him.


The reason she’s running is so she can pay her rent, pay her electricity bill.

And how does that work, now?

According to her two top former campaign aides, rather nicely.


Paladino’s short political career has been marred with scandal, including the revelation that he fathered a 10-year-old child out of wedlock.

Wow. Fathering a child out of wedlock is bad enough but this one came out ten years old. I can’t decide if that’s disgusting or fuckin’ awesome.


But. But. She said she would love to have Hillary Clinton’s endorsement.

She should do it. It would be hilarious. Make it full of backhanded compliments and insults to the replublican establishment.

Except it would also send a ragegasm through the left blogosphere too.


Fathering a child out of wedlock is bad enough but this one came out ten years old. I can’t decide if that’s disgusting or fuckin’ awesome

The state sport for Republicans is banging women and knocking them up. I’m shocked John Edwards hasn’t moved here.


I am not quite that optimistic yet. The economy sucks, the Dems are cringing in front of policies that would actually help their numbers and Barack Obama is still a blackity-black Muslin.


Actor, I read your blog post this morning and agree with you on the way people in the North normally vote. Thing is, as you yourself said, you have to give them a reason to vote – and Obama is perceived by too many as not having done that. Adopting half-measures on everything from the stimulus to health care alienated lefties and, by failing to fix the economy, alienated centrists too.

How many, I don’t know. But the point is that enough people might stay home for the teabaggers to win seats even in the Northeast. Toss in the fact that in hard economic times, the tendency tends to be “throw the bums out” no matter who they are.


I hope you are proven justified in your optimism.

The Senate will stay Democrat. That’s almost a given. The House…eh. That one’s tight. It’s doable to remain Democratic, but I think right now the GOP has a 16 seat lead.

Still, it’s early yet and money to be spent.


“I am not quite that optimistic yet.”

Well, I don’t really believe it either. I’m just pulling that out of my ass in the desperate hope that if I clap loud enough the TinkerBell Obama admin. will come back to life.


According to her two top former campaign aides, rather nicely.

Dayum. Maybe I should get into this Tea Party stuff. I got bills to pay.

Of course, there’s the whole aiding and abetting the further destruction of American politics thing as a drawback. And that I probably couldn’t mouth Teabaggerisms without laughing.


Wow. Fathering a child out of wedlock is bad enough but this one came out ten years old. I can’t decide if that’s disgusting or fuckin’ awesome.

I snarfled Diet Coke.


Thing is, as you yourself said, you have to give them a reason to vote – and Obama is perceived by too many as not having done that.

That’s why I ended my piece with a suggestion that they do SOMEthing before November. I agree, it’s been a little too little, and the things they have done, they haven’t persuaded moderates and independents that these are good things (even if many of them are not).

The Teabaggers will likely fail in the northeast. I just don’t see that many people getting enthused about them enough to put them in power. Anger wins primaries, not elections.


But who? And control to what end? The reason Teabaggers are getting traction is the Republican Party doesn’t have plans or strategies. There’s a vacuum.

The teabaggers are essentially a Koch scam, the point of which is to give the GOP a makeover; allow a fresh face to emerge, disassociate itself from the Bush disasters, and start putting the very same policies back into practice. Thanks to the media, it’s been largely successful.


Of course, there’s the whole aiding and abetting the further destruction of American politics thing as a drawback. And that I probably couldn’t mouth Teabaggerisms without laughing.

If what her aides are saying, then Christine O’Donnell can do it with a straight face.

It would make for some marvelous performance art if it turns out that she and Scott Brown end up being RINOs…


BTW – we just sold a pack of condoms to a guy with a young kid with him.

I’m hoping it was a father and his son, which is creepy in its own unique way but better than the alternative.


But I don’t believe things are as bleak for Dems as all the “backlash” narrative is implying.

I don’t, either. It’s a fun story to hang onto.

We’ll be okay. Not great, but okay.

Well, I don’t really believe it either. I’m just pulling that out of my ass in the desperate hope that if I clap loud enough the TinkerBell Obama admin. will come back to life.

Just you wait! Obama is playing eleventy dimensional chess!


We’ll be okay. Not great, but okay.

What kills me is the thought that Obama has been sold (successfully) as the president of hardcore left wing change – which is going to make it far, far harder for Democrats in the future to sell change without conservatives yelling back “we already tried that and it failed!”


Failure to win back a majority in either the house or the senate would count as real repercussions. I made that prediction a couple weeks ago and I thought I was being overly optimistic at the time. Now I wonder.

I think there is an undercurrent running through the populace that recognizes the nation can’t take another republican led anything, especially since their major new stars are all batshit crazy. We need a leader who will bring it to the surface, every day until the election.

Unfortunately we don’t one, unless you count people like Maddow and Olberman who mostly just preach to the choir.


BTW – we just sold a pack of condoms to a guy with a young kid with him.

Maybe the store was just out of ballons?




Wow. Fathering a child out of wedlock is bad enough but this one came out ten years old. I can’t decide if that’s disgusting or fuckin’ awesome.

The kid’s first words were “The toast is burned.”


What kills me is the thought that Obama has been sold (successfully) as the president of hardcore left wing change – which is going to make it far, far harder for Democrats in the future to sell change without conservatives yelling back “we already tried that and it failed!”

Indeed. Which is another reason why I get so pissy when people insist that we need to be moderate and try to appeal to the middle and all that crap. It moves us further to the right in policy in the short-term, and ALSO decreases the likelihood of liberal policies passing in the future.


What kills me is the thought that Obama has been sold (successfully) as the president of hardcore left wing change

Ironic, innit? Hillary was the establishment candidate so in order to topple her, a candidate had to be picked who would be perceived as left wing-ish. Obama was sold so successfully as anti-establishment that we now have what we have: a minority of very vocal Americans who believed the hype.


Indeed. Which is another reason why I get so pissy when people insist that we need to be moderate and try to appeal to the middle and all that crap. It moves us further to the right in policy in the short-term, and ALSO decreases the likelihood of liberal policies passing in the future.

Plus, that’s what we’re doing right now. And it ain’t working. Too bad the media’s making sure no one notices.

Health care’s the big one. It’s not fixed, we’re going to need a public option, but I don’t see any point in the rest of my lifetime when that’ll be politically possible.


It moves us further to the right in policy in the short-term, and ALSO decreases the likelihood of liberal policies passing in the future.

Being nice polite willing-to-compromise liberals is how we got from the Sixties to where we are now.


I think there is an undercurrent running through the populace that recognizes the nation can’t take another republican led anything, especially since their major new stars are all batshit crazy. We need a leader who will bring it to the surface, every day until the election.

Maybe? I don’t know. I’ve stopped trying to decipher what the fuck the average American voter thinks.


Maybe the store was just out of balloons?

Oh, man, dropping water bombs is the best outcome I can see there.


Health care’s the big one. It’s not fixed, we’re going to need a public option, but I don’t see any point in the rest of my lifetime when that’ll be politically possible.

Well, global warming might wipe a lot of us out by the time you’re fifty, so, you know, what’s the point of health care but to make it more difficult for the roving gangs of cannibals to catch you?

At least she is not a wanker. The lol’s start one minute in.


Oh, I”m going to have to watch that one when I get home.


Being nice polite willing-to-compromise liberals is how we got from the Sixties to where we are now.

I think it goes beyond nice and polite to outright collusion at this point.


Me too.


I mean, I’m going to watch the video when I get home. With pr0n playing at the same time.


The Case for Chastity
by Christine O’Donnell, special to the Cultural Dissident, November 9, 1998

“Adolph Hitler once said that to engineer a society you must first engineer its language. Starting with the youth, he set in motion a design to erode the power of words, to steal the significance and beauty of a single word.
We can see the unfolding of that plan in our society. Society’s ” sexual liberation” has un More..leashed an entirely new lexicon. For example, “gay” has always meant joyful and gleeful. Yet, today, when we say that Ellen is gay, we’re certainly not talking about her emotional well being.”

Godwin right out of the gate. I also think the sex ads at the bottom of the article are a nice touch.



As a recovering southerner, i assure you that this can INDEED be true…

for more:


Oh, Christine O’Donnell…please tell me you’re real….

In 2003, O’Donnell moved to Delaware to work for the conservative publisher Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) in Hockessin, and bought a house in Wilmington.[10][5] She registered a gender discrimination complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, after which she was terminated by ISI in 2004.[5] She then sued the institute for $6.9 million for wrongful termination in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware in 2005, stating that she had endured mental anguish due to being demoted and fired by ISI due to what she saw as their conservative philosophy that women must be subordinate to men.[5][11] ISI defended its action by accusing her of having conducted a for-profit public-relations business while on their time.[5] O’Donnell dropped the suit in 2008, stating she lacked the funds to continue.[5][10][12]

And if you go to her campaign site, all you get is a link to donate! No issues, no positions, not even a frikkin’ biography!


As a recovering southerner, i assure you that this can INDEED be true…

Oh, but it’s just part of southern culture, right? (Why the fuck do I always get that from [some] Southerners who seem to be perfectly decent people otherwise when I call this kind of shit out? Oh. Right. Latent racism).


And if you go to her campaign site, all you get is a link to donate! No issues, no positions, not even a frikkin’ biography!

Oooooooh, she’s a Woman Of Mystery!


stating that she had endured mental anguish due to being demoted and fired by ISI due to what she saw as their conservative philosophy that women must be subordinate to men.

That is awesome.


Oooooooh, she’s a Woman Of Mystery!

She’s a fucking grifter.


Oooooooh, she’s a Woman Of Mystery!

She’s the Teabagger Alvin Greene!


I’m also interested in how she uses the word “battle,” like, eight times on a site that’s mostly there for you to input your credit card number.


“Crusade” in there?

No. 🙁

Fighting is, though!


The reason Teabaggers are getting traction is the Republican Party doesn’t have plans or strategies. There’s a vacuum.

I would argue that they’re taking control because they have guts enough to publicly express what their scumbag followers really believe. This is just another wave of their bullshit getting out of control–like the McCarthy era, for example.


A woman here has bought me lunch every day this week. And a smoothie!


A woman here has bought me lunch every day this week. And a smoothie!



She’s awesome. She gave me a TON of books about a year ago because she had so many that her floor was starting to bow.


I’m basically addicted to the web site ‘texts form last night’. I keep imagining people from here sending the featured texts. for example: you were chalanging people to drink the “worlds biggest jager bomb” – a VASE of Redbull and a PINT of Jager… is it no wonder you dont remember anything?


My foot looks longer, too. Like my ankle just kind of flows into it. (That’s the swelling, for sure).

What would that be? A cankloot?

Pod foot.

It was so weird, when O’Donnell was interviewed on the Today Show this morning. I kept thinking I was watching Sarah Palin’s younger, uglier, fatter sister talking.

I’ve only heard her on the radio, but even then I thought of Palin; O’Donnell’s got that same kind of dumb-ass in way over her head feel.


“The reason Teabaggers are getting traction is the Republican Party doesn’t have plans or strategies. There’s a vacuum.”

Lemme at it.


I’m basically addicted to the web site ‘texts form last night’.

I love that site. Kids these days!


77-I’m intrigued.


“he bit the head off a dead goose for 5 beers. this is my future boyfriend.”

You have excellent taste in men, sir and/or madam!


Murray’s call marks the second time a former O’Donnell campaign staffer has come forward in recent days to publicly rebuke the former television commentator’s candidacy.

Good God, then there is NO EXCUSE for what a shitty speaker she is.

Wow. Fathering a child out of wedlock is bad enough but this one came out ten years old. I can’t decide if that’s disgusting or fuckin’ awesome.

WC is clearly not a woman.


This one made me snicker: “(229): Come over and help me clean up your so-called “winter wonderland” that you made with the fire extinguisher in the kitchen last night.”


WC is clearly not a woman.

Tell me you wouldn’t be awe-struck to see a woman give birth to a ten year old.

Or wait, was it me talking about my balls and my belly button yesterday that clued you in?


“nutella sex= disaster”

Well, that’s disappointing.


WC may not be a woman…but he’s still my muse!


““nutella sex= disaster””

Clearly missing the Nigella!


Also, too: “i love how cold weather makes identifying sluts easier. is it below freezing? is she wearing a tube top? she’s easy.”

I have drunkenly yelled at sorority girls to put on a fucking coat once or twice in my life. I know it’s, like, a thing, and that shivering helps you lose weight, but come on. Hypothermia is not sexy.


Tell me you wouldn’t be awe-struck to see a woman give birth to a ten year old.



Hypothermia is not sexy.

Maybe not, but hypothermia treatment can be.


Maybe not, but hypothermia treatment can be.

I guess if tauntaun guts are your thing…


I just made a Star Wars joke. I hate myself.


Tell me you wouldn’t be awe-struck to see a woman give birth to a ten year old.


Not quite the same thing, but Mrs. __B is a little miniature person, our 36-week thingamagig is male and I wear a 7-3/4 hat. Much hilarity is to be had comparing the size of her belly relative to the size of everything else and contemplating what’s going to be happening in the near future.


Much hilarity is to be had comparing the size of her belly relative to the size of everything else and contemplating what’s going to be happening in the near future.

For you, maybe.


For you, maybe.

You’ve grasped what’s important in life.


Why doesn’t Marie Jon run for president in 2012? That would be awesome.


Its all about the sex with this girl.

“Check out this passage from a 2003 Washington Times article on the scourge of coedization in colleges. At the time O’Donnell worked for the conservative Intercollegiate Studies Institute (which she later sued for discrimination).

Dorm life has evolved into a blending of the sexes, from coed buildings to coed floors, coed bathrooms and now even coed rooms.

“What’s next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?” asked Christine O’Donnell, spokeswoman for the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Wilmington, Del., which publishes a college guide.

All this coedness is outside normal life, said Miss O’Donnell. “Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.” Coedness “is like a radical agenda forced on college students,” she said.


You’ve grasped what’s important in life.

It’s supposed to be the lamentation of the other guy’s woman.


It’s supposed to be the lamentation of the other guy’s woman.

Don’t T&U’s lamentations count?


You’ve grasped what’s important in life.

Just to clarify: anything that you, personally, find hilarious, or hilarious things in general?


Just to clarify: anything that you, personally, find hilarious, or hilarious things in general?

Anything pertaining to me, generally.


“What’s next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?”

*wondering if I can still pass for 22*


“Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.”

One wonders if she’s bothered to do any research on the subject.

I’m guessing not.


Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.


Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.

It depends on the current values of the variables “you” and “I.”

Marion in Savannah

“Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.”

I guess she’d just have to pee herself here. All the public restrooms in the hospital are unisex. Heh heh… I said sex…


Anything pertaining to me, generally.

Okay. Good to know.


It depends on the current values of the variables “you” and “I.”

I myself find that these don’t change. For me.


“What’s next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?”

*wondering if I can still pass for 22*
Don’t bother. As non-traditional students, we are eligible for more financial assistance and scholarships.


It depends on the current values of the variables “you” and “I.”

I myself find that these don’t change. For me.

Of course they don’t change for me, but how do I know whether or not they change for you?


Don’t bother. As non-traditional students, we are eligible for more financial assistance and scholarships.

Oh, so we could just hire hookers with the extra money? Good idea.


Aaaahhh – front page of

Newsweek analysis: Tea party wins on Tuesday show Americans are angry, & ready to do something about it.

Yeah, vote back in the same creeps who put us in this situation in the first place.

Christ, we are the dumbest country on the face of God’s grey Earth.


She actually claims to be a 40 year old virgin. I bet her tits feel like bags of sand also.

How long before an ex-boyfreind comes forward and claims she was a sex freak in the sack?


Failure to win back a majority in either the house or the senate would count as real repercussions. I made that prediction a couple weeks ago and I thought I was being overly optimistic at the time. Now I wonder.

I’ve been thinking the same thing ever since Michael Steele’s orgy of gaffes around the start of the year … & I’ve yet to see anything to convince me otherwise, as long as Dems can reactivate the awesome GOTV program that worked so well in 2008, & have the common sense to run on their successes & put the blame for the lousy economy where it belongs.

They made history in 2008 – now I want to see them make it again in November by subjecting the GOP to some well-deserved attrition.

The Republicans now have an appallingly nauseating track-record after two years of “Just Say No” & seem to be getting ready to fight the midterms as a policy-debate &/or a choice between parties, & not as a straight-up referendum on Obama: that’s exactly how you play to lose to incumbents.

The upset in Delaware last night may have cost the GOP the Senate – if the Teabaggers cost them both Houses, there’s going to be a Night Of The Long Knives for them, & not even the Koch’s billions will do much to soften the blows. Wingnuts shooting from the lip, implying that Karl Rove is a traitor or a crybaby for stating the obvious – after he “won” them two “elections” in a row? A very foolhardy move – the crowd he runs with does not take slights lightly, their pockets are deep & their grudges are vicious, they like to collect dirt on friends as well as foes – & they are ruthless in the extreme.

if you go to her campaign site, all you get is a link to donate! No issues, no positions, not even a frikkin’ biography!

Other than her long-running stint with the Holy-Roller Anti-Fap Brigade, she doesn’t HAVE much of a biography – a major tell that she’s a scammer.

“I tried to sue my former employer to cover my ass/make champagne from lemons when I was about to get busted for working side-deals on company time” doesn’t exactly look heroic to voters … & there’s likely a whole (more deeply buried) string of such failed cons where that one came from (otherwise she’d probably be huffing rails & rotating rent-boys in St. Kitts right now, not running for office in Delaware).


How long before an ex-boyfreind comes forward and claims she was a sex freak in the sack?

“That was when she suggested bringing a chicken into the bed with us.”


Oh, so we could just hire hookers with the extra money? Good idea.
You get the hookers, I’ll get the drugs and we will meet at the *library* for a weekend long study session.


As long as nobody chokes the chicken because that would be wrong.


“She actually claims to be a 40 year old virgin”

And yet has no problem telling actual parents how to raise their kids.


“What’s next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?”

This! I’d return to college and start a whole new academic career!


“She actually claims to be a 40 year old virgin”
is this where we recruit actor212 to take one for the team?


How long before an ex-boyfreind comes forward and claims she was a sex freak in the sack?

My money’s on closeted lesbian. Assuming the entire thing isn’t a hoax, and I’m seeing more and more evidence she might be.


is this where we recruit actor212 to take one for the team?

Only if I can ball gag her first.

N__B, you busy Saturday night?


“Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.”

I’d choose it. I’m not sure anyone else would want to be in one with me, however.


Only if I can ball gag her first.

And here I thought you to be a fine, moral, upstanding young man, to be talking about such things.


I’m holding out for a Christine O’Donnell / Marie Jon threesome.


OK last TFLN reference for the day but “i have some very unhappy turtles in my backseat” is freaking epic.


You get the hookers, I’ll get the drugs and we will meet at the *library* for a weekend long study session.

Libraries are sexy.


Libraries are sexy.

My university library had these little unlocked carrels that you could “study” in…


I’m not fond of co-ed bathrooms, not because of some weird sex thing, but because men are gross.


However, I am pro-unisex option for anyone who wants it.


My university library had these little unlocked carrels that you could “study” in…

We had couches in some of the stacks. Couches!



That’s probably Christine O’Donnell’s shtick.


That’s probably Christine O’Donnell’s shtick.

Where there’s pee, there’s fire.


And here I thought you to be a fine, moral, upstanding young man, to be talking about such things.

I am. I worry about her polluting my ears.


We had couches in some of the stacks. Couches!

We just had really uncomfortable tables. About waist high.


We just had really uncomfortable tables. About waist high.
I was just thinking that college should be like it is in the movies with tons of partying drugs and gratuitous sex. And then I realized it already is. And I missed it because I went to a tiny state university in west nowhere. And that’s why I drink my lunch.


I was just thinking that college should be like it is in the movies with tons of partying drugs and gratuitous sex. And then I realized it already is. And I missed it because I went to a tiny state university in west nowhere. And that’s why I drink my lunch.

I went to the world’s largest private college (at the time). I partied four nights a week, had drunken orgies in Washington Square Park, hot and cold running drugs in the dorms, and I still drink my lunch.

Force of habit, I guess.


I was just thinking that college should be like it is in the movies with tons of partying drugs and gratuitous sex. And then I realized it already is. And I missed it because I went to a tiny state university in west nowhere. And that’s why I drink my lunch.

*sigh* Me, too. Well, the university wasn’t tiny, but if there were orgies, I was never invited.


Wingnuts: Karl Rove, traitor.

The very definition of “Overton Defenestration.”

Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms

Soooo… Most folks have sex-specific bathrooms in their houses? Who knew?


if there were orgies, I was never invited.

I could really depress you and remember that we never used condoms because the women were all on the Pill and no one had heard of herpes, much less AIDS.


*sigh* Me, too. Well, the university wasn’t tiny, but if there were orgies, I was never invited.
If there were orgies, at my engineering / agriculture university where the male/female ratio was 75%/25% I was not invited, but somehow I don’t mind.


“I tried to sue my former employer to cover my ass/make champagne from lemons when I was about to get busted for working side-deals on company time” doesn’t exactly look heroic to voters …

I don’t know, the crazy (I’m worried about how the gov handles my tax money) tea partiers got a guy through the primaries who stole billions of tax-payer dollars when he was the head of Columbia Health Care.


If you’ve ever been on an airliner you’ve used a coed bathroom.


I could really depress you and remember that we never used condoms because the women were all on the Pill and no one had heard of herpes, much less AIDS.

Well, I knew that. It’s also why the number of cases of chlamydia among women over 45 has shot up 95% in the last nine years.


billions of tax-payer dollars when he was the head of Columbia Health Care.
We’ve all been there though, its part of the great American experience, just like the 4th of July, apple pie and family road trips to mount Rushmore. Seriously though, is there anyone here who hasn’t fraudulently charged billions from the government as head of a major HMO?


Seriously though, is there anyone here who hasn’t fraudulently charged billions from the government as head of a major HMO?

Probably not, but to have the taxed enough already crowd back one of these frauds seems incredibly oxy even for these morans.


Me, too. Well, the university wasn’t tiny, but if there were orgies, I was never invited.

Their loss 🙂


Well, I knew that. It’s also why the number of cases of chlamydia among women over 45 has shot up 95% in the last nine years.

Thank god I only date younger women…


You could trick that puppy out with them big ass speakers that drive the bass at decibels

Is there a playlist yet? Allow me to suggest “A Cankle in the Wind”.


So…is it time for the make-up orgy yet?

The Lord did not intend mascara and lip-gloss to be used that way.


I don’t know, the crazy (I’m worried about how the gov handles my tax money) tea partiers got a guy through the primaries who stole billions of tax-payer dollars when he was the head of Columbia Health Care.

It’s a poll & I think polls are often bunk, but … a recent one says that more than 40% of the Goopers in Delaware are planning on either voting “D” or staying home in November.

The reason Rove is so pissed is that Castle was a slam-dunk for the GOP, & now with Little Miss Saltpeter hanging around their necks like a noose, the Dems could win in Delaware with fucking Caligula on the ticket. Not to mention that, like Sharron “Kill The Poor For Jeebus Like The Founding Fathers Intended” Angle, her crazy also rubs off on the entire party by association – & by political momentum. The more fresh chum these “patriotic” headcases throw in the water, the greater the pressure on the old-guard Republitards to start sounding more & more like they copied their platform verbatim off of a Stormfront forum, knowing that they’re damned if they do & damned if they don’t.

Now that the Teabagger Gambit burned them on HCR, it’s going to be a political millstone for them for who knows how long to come. Dim the lights & chill the ham if they ever go off the Astroturf Reservation & go third-party – that shit will be nothing less than EPIC.

Primaries where you get to preach to the choir & throw red meat with impunity aren’t anything like elections, where you have to take off the straight-jacket & stop weaving baskets with your toes long enough to appear as if you don’t need help clothing, feeding & wiping yourself.

Harry “Crypt-Keeper” Reid was dead in the water a few months back & now it’s his election to lose, even with state unemployment around 15-20% – & that’s sure as hell not due to his amazing political ninja-skillz.


And a smoothie!

Man, that Mencken really gets around…


All this coedness is outside normal life, said Miss O’Donnell. “Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.” Coedness “is like a radical agenda forced on college students,” she said.

Um, I don’t think they had to force them all that much.


It didn’t do shit. I didn’t buy the vacuum and I have this pile of of his dirty morals staining my rug.

Damn. That rug really tied the room together.

She registered a gender discrimination complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, after which she was terminated by ISI in 2004.

Christine O’Donnell used to work for Pakistani intelligence? Huh. Explains a lot.


Christine O’Donnell used to work for Pakistani intelligence? Huh. Explains a lot.

Yes, and her leaving raised its intelligence level.


I love these old hags who say two men “don’t fit” together.

I have a stack of videos I could send them to prove otherwise.

Talk about needing sex ed.


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