Return Of The Man From U.R.K.E.L.
Dear God, Patterico is still at it.
Above: Patterico Suave prying at Capone’s Vault
I have a screenshot of that Sadly, No! online store with the T-shirts advocating the murder of conservatives — the one Glenn Greenwald failed to condemn. But before we get to the screenshot, let’s recap, for humor purposes.
Remember your college roommate’s ‘famous spaghetti,’ where he’d dump a can of Pathmark tomato sauce into a pot and go crazy-bonkers by adding some oregano flakes and garlic salt? That’s ‘humor,’ Patterico-style.
But sure, let’s recap.
Patterico: “As a right-wing blowhard, I am convinced that other people are motivated similarly to myself. That is, other people also habitually lawyer the truth, using reason and argument as a wino uses a lamppost — for support, not illumination.”
Us: I saw a squirrel. Hey Brad, do you want this last piece of pizza? I like cartoons.
You can see the never-sold, voted-down parody (of this right-wing T-shirt) that used to be in our store which hasn’t even opened yet, here.
And definitely don’t miss Confederate Yankee’s parody of our parody.
Of course, we could be dishonestly lying in an untruthful fashion, and our store could have been secretly open all this time in a clever plot to sell $0.00 worth of stuff.
The world may never know!
Sounds like someone’s pissed about getting his ass handed to him.
*Reads link*
Holy shit! You guys have an online DEATH store!? That’s badass! Sign me up for thirteen “Death by Rodent Stampedes”!
I notice everything that would require “effort” on his part is convienently also “unnessicary”.
Wow, he has screenshots and the Google cache. The only thing missing from his “expose” is the origin of the RTC/SAR “joke.” I guess google doesn’t cache the Rope-Tree-Journalist stuff.
Please do not assemble.
Dude totally stole the screenshot idea from me.
So…does this all mean they don’t have a problem with Misha and Malkin and the rest encouraging violent lynchings against journalists? I mean, that’s where this all started, right, the right’s vocal and finanical support of lynchings against journalists who don’t toe the Bush Administration’s line.
Jesus, what a bunch of whiny jackasses. You’re telling me these are actual adults, allowed to vote and buy liquor and everything? That’s depressing.
So…does this all mean they don’t have a problem with Misha and Malkin and the rest encouraging violent lynchings against journalists? I mean, that’s where this all started, right, the right’s vocal and finanical support of lynchings against journalists who don’t toe the Bush Administration’s line.
This Patterico clown is the perfect patsy for the Rope/Tree/Conservative joke. It was obviously intended to call the Rightâ„¢ out on their eliminationist rhetoric, but in the Mobius strip that is Patterico’s brain, it’s proof that *liberals* are violent, not conservatives. He’s a real piece of work, that guy.
Jeez, this patterico dood needs better meds. Come on, big fella, can you maybe let it go? Jeez, what a clown.
Now, lets be just a little reasonable. Try an experiment. Spend an hour reading Right Blogistan. You know, Malkin, Coulter, LGF, Pamela, Insty, just randomly read links. I know, it hurts, get over it. Now spend an hour reading Left Blogistan. I dunno, kos, think progress, atrios, bilmon, Huffpo, whatever. Now, while you’re doing this, make a rough count of how many times the blogger or a fellow-traveler threatens/recomends the beating/torture/murder of some other human beings. Now, if it turns out that there is more eliminationist rhetoric in LB, patterico is right, you proved it yourself. If, however, you were to find that there are much more calls for/threats of violence in RB, well, then patterico and JG and all the rest are dishonest liars. Whatever you find, you find. Ready? Go!
I’d offer this but someone would probably accuse me of being objectively anti-tire.
Remember your college roommate’s ‘famous spaghetti,’ where he’d dump a can of Pathmark tomato sauce into a pot and then go crazy-bonkers and add oregano flakes and garlic salt?
Well, I just had to look this up in the Onion Archives:
I make the BEST Spaghetti
I also like how he makes an aside about Jeff Gannon’s nude photo, as if SN! is to blame for using a nude photo of Jeff Gannon instead of Jeff Gannon taking a photo of a nude Jeff Gannon. Whee, I’m dizzy! Which begs the shirt:
Claim. Logic. Patterico.
Some Dissembly Required.
I had that roomate. She used Jewel brand marinara and Jewel brand pasta (or was it Creamettes?). Then she would invite her friends over to ooh and aah over her flair in the kitchen. They obliged.
push bp
mov es,[prefixSeg]
mov es,es:[2Ch]
xor di,di
mov bp,sp
lds si,ss:[bp+6]
or al,al
jz RetNul
Some Assembler Required…
That’s awesome!
our store could have been secretly open all this time in a clever plot to sell $0.00 worth of stuff
World domination is right around the corner for S,N!, isn’t it? But that was a nice try, no way I’m going to send my debit card info to you pinkofaglovingbabykillerfascists, no siree.
Or, you could go (pardoning my cluelessness) here and have the incomparable denizens fo RightWingSparkle explain how everyone’s use of the rope/tree/bad guy formula is really funny and cool, except of course for Sadly No! They’re kinda crazy, tho.
I can’t take the credit, Phillybits, I pinched that idea from somebody here, I just can’t remember who.
Raw Story needs corrected, “Liberal blog ‘sells’ noose t-shirts.” – idiots
This Patterico clown is the perfect patsy for the Rope/Tree/Conservative joke. It was obviously intended to call the Right™ out on their eliminationist rhetoric, but in the Mobius strip that is Patterico’s brain, it’s proof that *liberals* are violent, not conservatives. He’s a real piece of work, that guy.
See Paterrico is trying to make the point that calling for him to condemn Nicedoggie is stupid because here we have an equivalent thing on the left. He thinks he’s clever and that he’s set a rhetorical trap. Either you condemn Sadlyno! and the left is just as bad the right and Greenwald is a douche or you say that Sadlyno! was making a joke and so was Mischa and Greenwald is a Douche.
This is based on two fundamental misunderstandings.
1. Greenwald was calling for condemnation of the RTJ/SAR joke.
In fact, Greenwald was pointing out what a cheap rhetorical trick it was for right blogosphere to impute Deb Frisch’s actions to the left in general or the left blogosphere. If it is fair to impute her actions to the left if they haven;t condemned them, then it is fair to impute Mischa’s (who, by the way, is actually known in the blogosphere and enjoys links from other blogs as opposed to Frisch) eliminationist rhetoric.
A point which you wankers readily got to making for Greenwald by arguing the exact same things we were arguing in regards to Frisch (and which for you, dear Paterrico made the required condemnations somehow fall short). “I’m not responsible for what he said.” “I don’t keep up with his site how was I even supposed to know. Asking me to condemn it is stupid.”
Indeed, dear wankosphere, indeed,
Only, unlike us, who routinely, repeatedly, caveated everything we said by saying that what frisch said was vile, what Mischa said was a joke. which leads us to fundmanetal mistake number two.
2. That the RTJ/SAR and SN! satire/parody are equivalent.
Even granting that the RTJ/SAR operates as a joke,* the punchline is judges hanging from tree. For the SN! parody, the punchline is that the conservatives own “joke” is used against them (which is surpising in the way that a joke is supposed to be). But part of the point is to point out to conservatives how the whole RTJ/SAC sounds to us. However, as predicted, conservatives are too addlepated to figure this out.
*Seriously, what’s supposed to be funny about it. I don’t get it. Hanging judges by their necks until they are dead (and spare any bullshit about how this isn’t what they are saying.) It’s certainly transgressive. But pure transgression isn’t funny.
what THEY were saying, is what WE were saying. But what WE were saying is what THEY were saying. And by US saying what THEY were saying WE were really highlighting the error in what THEY were saying WE were saying.
In other words, WE are saying that what THEY were saying is wrong because what THEY said WE were saying about THEM was unacceptable, although what THEY were saying WE were saying about THEM saying WE said about THEM supporting those other THEM’s…well…..THAT is totally, 100% unaccepatable!!
Just so long as everyone is clear.
When in doubt, confuse and deflect.
Now, everybody…group hug and Patterico takes us out for ice cream.
Phillybits said,
July 20, 2006 at 0:23
Pretty Much
Remember your college roommate’s ‘famous spaghetti,’
Did he push it or pull it?
So when’s Here’s Patty going to come back in saying his two posts on this subject means he doesn’t give a crap about it and you’re just a bunch of douches for harping on a good conservative so stop saying that.
I think the douche calling will come from Xriq. But it’s been a while and no show so far. Maybe there’s a Klingon convention in town, and he had to go hang out with the other cool kids.
Holy Shit. That Confederate Yankee thing? This whole thing has gone meta in so many layers it’s like some giant, astounding pearl. It’s like a stack of nesting dolls all the way down to an atomic level. It’s like the Ourobos has exploded. It’s just… I mean… I mean…
Guys, can we get some origami experts together with some geometry professors and diagram this thing? Because it’s making my head hurt. I find myself wanting to think that CY is engaged in some exquisitely subtle ultra-parody. It’s… beautiful. Seriously. It’s like…
Well, almost like an Onion, actually.
*sigh* I meant Ouroboros, of course. Pretend I was overwhelmed by the meta.
Ahhh…so it’s yet another Sadly, Obsessed! reference to the penis of an ideological adversary. Thanks for pointing that out.
Comment by Pablo — 7/19/2006 @ 2:55 pm
Pablo, feverish defender of pasty Goldstein, bagging on dick jokes. That’s meta.
Some suspension of disbelief required
Robert McClelland,
Love the Photoshop! Gavin, can you add that to the store? I want one of them pie-in-the-face coffee mugs and one of the paste-eater mugs too.
On your “two fundamental misconceptions” argument:
I’ve addressed this before. I made no such imputation, and indeed noted my disagreement with it. Yet Greenwald linked me prominently in his post.
I don’t think the hanging judges by the necks thing was funny, and I (and many commenters here) didn’t really think the hanging conservatives thing was funny either.
I recognize that the “Rope. Tree. Conservative” thing is a parody, or at least an attempt at such. But the thing is, just because a “joke” is a “joke” doesn’t automatically make it beyond criticism. Ann Coulter reminded us of that just today, with her “joke” about sending the NYT the powdery letter.
See, you don’t read my blog, so you haven’t read the many, many, many, many posts where I have raged against Ann Coulter on my site, complaining bitterly about the stupidity of her “jokes” about assassinating Justice Stevens, President Clinton, etc. etc. Many of my readers love her and have gotten totally fed up with me at times. I am often told to lighten up. It’s a joke! But it’s a bad joke, and I’m not laughing.
I regret to say, that’s how I feel about the “Rope. Tree. Conservative.” shirt. I think Gavin and Co. are often very funny people. But not this time. Problem was, it was more “right back at you” than it was clever.
When Dan Riehl posted Sulzberger’s satellite photos, was that a parody of the NYT’s decision to publish info about Cheney and Rumsfeld’s summer homes? OK, obviously not. But what if he’d done it in parody format? Pretend Dan were to mock up a New York Times page to look like the travel section, and print Sulzberger’s real home address, phone number, names and ages of family members, etc. It would be a “parody” — but it would have a very uncomfortable “right back at you” flavor.
Or pretend Sadly, No! commenter “x” and I are talking about Deb Frisch and “x” says that what she said wasn’t really a threat. So I say:
Now. Would that be a parody of Deb Frisch? Or just a “right back at you” to “x”?
The shirts offered here were attempted parody, but they fell flat with many members of your normally supportive focus group because they weren’t funny. They were just “right back at you.” Sure, some commenters had more explicit suggestions about shirt slogans directing violence towards conservatives, but we’ll ignore those as somewhat out of the mainstream of commentary.
But I really like the pie and the paste-eater mugs. Gavin, hook me up, will ya?
I think I just passed the threshold of being able to discern parody from uber-parody from satire from reality. It’s either the thick-headedness of the right’s bloggy goodness or the scotch. Either way I’m tired.
Conservative� thing is a parody, or at least an attempt at such. But the thing is, just because a “joke� is a “joke� doesn’t automatically make it beyond criticism.
Stop whining, you douche.
What part of “never-sold, voted-down parody (of this T-shirt) that used to be in our store which hasn’t even opened yet” did you miss?
Never sold?
Voted down?
Used to be?
Not open?
“Never sold?
Voted down?
Used to be?
Not open?”
The part I don’t understand is the part where the guy making all these claims said: 1) the only way you can get to the page is through a link that says the items are not for sale; and 2) jeez, I get a null page whenever I click on it — yet 3) despite these claims, I got there by simply clicking on “store,” and 4) Google cache, screenshots, and a Sadly, No! commenter all say that the store was open for business.
Sure glad I got the screenshots, or Dorothy would be claiming I never saw the items for sale at all.
Patterico gets an ‘F’ in this class.
If you don’t think that hanging judges is funny, then the jokes not for you. It’s supposed to show the people that do think it’s funny that they’re talking about real people by putting them in the same situation. I.e., “how would you feel if someone said that about you?”
What you fail to grasp is that the S,N! folks are also condemning violent rhetoric. They don’t want to hurt anybody, because they’re too busy watching squirrels and eating pizza.
“If you don’t think that hanging judges is funny, then the jokes not for you. It’s supposed to show the people that do think it’s funny that they’re talking about real people by putting them in the same situation. I.e., “how would you feel if someone said that about you?â€?”
Kinda like Dan Riehl posting satellite photos of Sulzberger’s place.
As I said, it’s not so much funny as “right back at you.” Which is maybe why so many here found it unfunny. The joke wasn’t for them either.
This guy has to be a parody, no one could be that stupid and not drown when it rains.
A lot of humor has a grain, or more, of truth.
Frankly, I don’t buy that either Coulter or Misha are telling “jokes” in the sense that they are being ironic (celebrating journalists through ironic criticism) or facetious (mock-attacking journalists without actually meaning them any harm).
Actually, I think they are trying to normalize and mainstream the naked hatred they are expressing. I think they are trying to move us, if not to a world where wrong-thinkers are killed, a few steps more in that direction.
But that could be just me.
Google cache, screenshots, and a Sadly, No! commenter all say that the store was open for business.
Yeah, about that – I see no screenshots on your page proving that it was open for business. You only use screenshots to prove the existence of the design, which, well, no shit – we knew it existed. Not to tell you how to run your site, but wouldn’t proof that their store was open for business be a far more daming use of that amazing “screenshot” power?
Kinda like Dan Riehl posting satellite photos of Sulzberger’s place.
That was not a joke nor retaliation. That was just vile, mean-spirited and ignorant.
But enough about Goldstein. ba-dum-bum>
And, yes, the “joke” defense is the most transparent of bullshit. I can’t understand who would take that defense seriously. Until Seinfeld gets enough Fox News face time as Coulter, that argument is about as rock-solid as Rush.
I saved a shot of what was still sitting on my screen when I got home. I hadn’t realized that Gavin was going to whisk away the evidence and then claim that the items themselves had never been in the store, or had been behind a link that said they were not for sale. Claims that were not true.
But then, you’re the guy who thinks the items there right now aren’t for sale:
Prompting my commenter FIAR to say further down the thread:
Don’t know about Patterico, but here’s what I missed: the
“Sorry, we’re closed” sign on the front door of this hasn’t-even-been-opened-yet store. That, along with any coherent explanation of how I managed to waltz right into a store that wasn’t open, pop one of those never-sold products into my voted-down shopping cart, and end up in a spittin’ image parody (right down to the same URL, even) of CafePress’s check-out area, where I have bought actual stuff from other stores that weren’t voted down (or, in most cases, on), were open, and didn’t appear to be parodies of anything (along with also not including rope or requiring assembly).
My only regret is qutting before checkout rather than actually buying one of these products that never existed from a store that was never open. Opportunities like that don’t come around every day.
But they were voted down, Xrlq! What part of that don’t you understand?
I saved a shot of what was still sitting on my screen when I got home. I hadn’t realized that Gavin was going to whisk away the evidence and then claim that the items themselves had never been in the store, or had been behind a link that said they were not for sale. Claims that were not true.
Oh, I said directly to you that I was going to remove that design from the store. Then when I did exactly as I said, you acted all shocked and made a lot of noise about ‘hiding evidence.’
As I also said earlier, some people can get to CafePress from the ‘store’ tab, while some can’t. We can’t, and instead get a blank page that says ‘file not found.’ The only other link to the store that was ever posted is on a recent post that says, in plain English, that the design in question wouldn’t be offered for sale.
Either that, or the multi-armed conspiracy continues unabated.
“Oh, I said directly to you that I was going to remove that design from the store. Then when I did exactly as I said, you acted all shocked and made a lot of noise about ‘hiding evidence.’”
Shorter Gavin: “I said I was going to hide the evidence and then I did.”
Click the T-shirt, stupid and it will ask you to add to your cart/how many.
There was a day not long ago – when children were nicer and gas was cheaper – when I couldn’t even get that far on the store page. Apparently, I wasn’t alone, though I would get “problem” pages rather than “null” pages – maybe it’s a Firefox thing. I ass-umed (and we know what happens when we do that) that it was still the case. So pardon the liberal hate outta me.
Gavin, looking at the prospective clientele, I think you’re going about this marketing thing all wrong. You obviously need to sell shirts and stickers involving rottweilers and cocks.
“As I also said earlier, some people can get to CafePress from the ’store’ tab, while some can’t. We can’t, and instead get a blank page that says ‘file not found.’ The only other link to the store that was ever posted is on a recent post that says, in plain English, that the design in question wouldn’t be offered for sale.”
Yeah, it’s just kind of weird that you voted down the design, decided not to sell it, and then put it IN AN ONLINE STORE.
Hey, are you gonna make a mug out of that paste-eater Photoshop?
Gavin M., to Patterico:
Brilliant response! There’s only one problem. The guy who jumped up and down about hiding evidence wasn’t Patterico, but some other commenter whose name escapes me. Could it be ….Satan?
Let’s check that link, Xrlq.
Do you still wear that bad toupee?
Oh Christ…
I don’t have the energy to get deeply into this but…
Patterico- Gavin is telling you the truth. He had put those designs up as a dummy site. We agreed that while the design was a clever parody of Misha’s handywork, we’d feel yucky actually making money off it.
Also, I cannot access the store via this site either. I have zero idea why that is- maybe an IE-FireFox quirk, or something. I have no idea.
At any rate, we are telling you the 100% truth. If you choose not to believe us, fine. But that’s what it is, amigo.
I have a feeling Patterico spends a lot of time launching into incoherent rants. Like he’s at the grocery store and he can’t find the right brand of peanut butter, so he grabs some poor clerk and starts accusing him/her of hiding it, or being part of a grand peanut butter conspiracy, and everybody else nods and smiles until the crazy man goes away.
Like he’s at the grocery store and he can’t find the right brand of peanut butter, so he grabs some poor clerk and starts accusing him/her of hiding it, or being part of a grand peanut butter conspiracy, and everybody else nods and smiles until the crazy man goes away.
Not only that, but he obsessively follows the clerk into the back room to ensure that he hasn’t kept a secret stash of the peanut butter all to himself. When that fails, he impersonates someone from corporate headquarters and asks to inspect the entire inventory just to make sure that there is in fact none of his special peanut butter that he loves so much.
In this time, he could have gone to another store. But he doesn’t. He seems to have a tough time letting things go.
There’s a crime wave sweeping Los Angeles this week as Patterico focuses solely on the Great T-Shirt Caper.
Okay okay, I’ll come clean. It was Bugs Meany that did it. He threatened to beat us up if we squealed.
Ssssh! Gavin! Don’t let Patterico know that California’s top organized crime families are paying us off to distract Patterico while they go on a rampage. If we blow our cover, Skinny Legs Mancini will totally beat our asses.
See, Patterico thinks this is only about never-sold t-shirts. But he is just. Scratching. The. Surface.
Dude. Vinnie “The Crusher” Spaghetti says to pipe down, or else [psstps-ps-psstpst] with a Genoa salami.
And you know how Vinnie gets! He’s not one of your pushovers, like Nicky “The Pushover” Calzone.
Yeah. And we don’t want to end up like that rat Ratty “The Rat” Ratzini.
Or Squealy “Tight Lips” Squealetti. That guy disappointed a lot of people.
Did you ever see what they did to Beanie “I Spilled the Beans to the Fuckin’ Cops” Beanspiller? Not. Pretty.
No no, you’re thinking of Coppy “I Spilled Fuckin’ Beans All Over the Cops” Coplowitz. He’s up the river for assaulting a police officer.
Patty’s gotcha guys. This:
was just a pre-emptive elaborate ruse so you could continue selling the shirts while claiming the high road by pretending that, upon reflection, you decided it wasn’t such a good idea. You fucking devious bastards would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling wingnuts!
Oh, go away. We did that already.
Sorry, Big Worm — I forgot my head and thought you were a troll…
You might recall I invited Gavin to explain all this before writing a post about it. But the only response I remember getting was a buncha stuff on Xrlq’s site suggesting I was making it all up, that I was “pretending” not to know the stuff wasn’t really for sale, etc.
But pal of mine, having been through a recent glitch that looked suspicious to a lot of people myself, I’m willing to give Gavin the benefit of the doubt. All I can say is: I accessed it through the “store” link, managed a screenshot, found a Google cache, and found some other people who were able to pull it up just fine as well. I still don’t get the bit about the designs being voted down and nevertheless put in an online store accessible by a button labeled “store.”
So you see how a fella could be confused.
Careful, guys. They call him “Patterico” ’cause he’s got the RICO patter down pat.
Ya know, I feel bad takin’ you guys away from your important satirical duties just so’s you can make fun of me . . .
Wait — those *are* your important satirical duties!
All I can say is: I accessed it through the “store� link, managed a screenshot, found a Google cache, and found some other people who were able to pull it up just fine as well. I still don’t get the bit about the designs being voted down and nevertheless put in an online store accessible by a button labeled “store.�
Frankly, we don’t get that either. Gavin had sent me a link to it as a prototype design for the “Sad Cafe,” which I was never able to access through the main site. We were genuinely surprised to find that it could be accessed.
At any rate, that’s that. (“Skinny Legs” Mancini had better pay us extra for dealing with all this…)
Ya know, I feel bad takin’ you guys away from your important satirical duties just so’s you can make fun of me . . .
Oh dude. The pleasure is entirely ours.
Patterico you’re a full-time job, buddy.
For about eight of us.
Not to be ungrateful for all the comedy, but seriously, about finding another hobby?
(Confidential to Bravin: ‘Stool. Pigeon. Some &c.” Eh? Eh? OK forget it.)
One irony here among several is that the original replacement design was ‘Keep Blogging; I’m Reloading.’
We just can’t do anything right around here!
Vinnie “The Crusher� Spaghetti is the single best mafia name ever.
Al “Spaghetti puller” Dente
goddamn, pattycakes is a fucking 13 year old girl. jesus christ, pattycakes, go to bed.
Although . . . there’s just one more thing I’d like to say about our Good Friend Mr. Constitutional Scholar Glenn Greenwald.
It has to do with the amazing defenses that people are posting . . . from his IP address.
And I say that here.
“We just can’t do anything right around here!”
Why Gavin, I think you’re making progress!
Get One
Although . . . there’s just one more thing I’d like to say about our Good Friend Mr. Constitutional Scholar Glenn Greenwald.
It has to do with the amazing defenses that people are posting . . . from his IP address.
And I say that here.
I posted this at Patterico’s site:
Didn’t Deb Frisch state that some of the comments attributed to her at Goldstein’s site weren’t hers? And didn’t Goldstein say that he had the IP addresses to prove it?
It seems to me to be a little too convenient that right blogistan goes batshit crazy about a lefty, then suddenly comments that support the right’s position and make the lefty look weird appear bearing that lefty’s IP address. And this is only happening at certain maturity-deficient rightwing blogs.
File it under things that make you go …hmmmmm.
Back in 8th grade, the proper response would be, “Hey, Patterico, I got yer evidence right here!” Accompanied by a gesture indicating that “here” was in the region of Goldsteinville, Goldsteinvania.
I think that Patterico is saying the equivalent of:
“Because I found in the trash-can the crumpled-up hand-written piece of yellow paper where you wrote the draft version of a really bad idea for a by-law that was voted down unanimously by the committee and failed to make it to the floor for a vote, I am accusing you of proposing oppressive laws.”
No problem.
“At any rate, we are telling you the 100% truth. If you choose not to believe us, fine. But that’s what it is, amigo.”
Doesn’t matter, because you guys are all smelly libruls who hate Murika and are objectivly pro-hanging neoconservitards.
But ya know what?
Patty still eats paste…
So, we can’t buy those shirts then?
Vinnie “The Crusher� Spaghetti is the single best mafia name ever.
Coach Dave told me his real moniker is Vinnie “The Pusher” Spaghetti, and he’s definitely unqualified to be principal…
So how do you set up a “closed” cafepress store with images?
I was under the impression that once you uploaded images and had the store page linkable, people could order that stuff and cafepress would make it and send it to them…
but maybe I don’t understand what you mean by “not open” if the images were in fact linked with cafepress already.
You hadn’t put out the “open” sign out front maybe? Of the cafepress link from google is a photoshop and Patterico and Goolge are both in on it?
Or you’re backpedaling now realizing the wrong image got uploaded to cafepress (which seems most likely really…).
Can I make a suggestion?
How about “Rope. Lamppost. Conservative. Some assembly required.”
$80 for a t-shirt?!!! Get real!!!!
In patterico’s mindwarped little world, the Rope+Tree+Intended Victim=TEH FUNNY is only wrong when one side of the political spectrum resorts to it,
I mean where was his well rehearsed outrage when the Liberal Hunting License placards went up for sale on one of those ever-so-civil wingnut blogs?
wa that not an explicit enough call for violence to merit Patterico’s consternation?
Sadly, No!
it took this site’s parody of the type of genuinely unhinged psycho bullshit commonly found amongst the swag for sale on the right-wing blogs before Patsy got his knickers in such an indignant twist.
Fuck that guy, fuck him right in his ear.
Conservative civility
last king
last priest
Some assembly…
Une certaine assemblée requise
Keira Knightley.
Bed Post.
… but enough fantasizing. What’s all this about again?
Can we please get back to the YouTube video war now? This shit is way more annoying than that Hasslehoff thing.
How about this:
No assembly required.
Sev, I am printing that on a t-shirt. Thank you for dragging the discussion back into the gutter where it belongs.
If you put a circle slash through the cobag it would ward them off perhaps. I don’t actually know what a cobag is, but I’m fairly confident that they should be warded off. I like the
some assembly
[…] Gavin and I were interviewed by T-Rex over at Firedoglake regarding last week’s hilarious S,N!/Patterico smackdown. […]