Nous t’aimons vachement bien, Sher!
ABOVE: Sher Zieve relaxes at home
You’ll be delighted to know that even though it’s Labor Day, the folks over at Renew America are laboring away and that Sher Zieve, a lovely lady near and dear to what passes for our hearts, is laboring away at having a nervous breakdown. No, seriously.
On having one’s name deleted from the internet by Obama & co
I suppose that’s better than being murdered in a park by Hitlery KKKlinton & Co, unless you were, like, a character in a William Gibson novel or something and you actually existed only as an arrangement of electrons coursing through cyberspace. In Sher’s defense, she may actually believe she is such a thing, although I think it more likely that she believes that she is the reincarnation of a the Second Duchess of York’s favorite Pomeranian.
These days, it isn’t difficult to ascertain when you are on the Obama Enemies List. Leftist bloggers will increase and become even more inarticulate (if that’s even possible) in their attacks on you when you begin disseminating too much truth, when your columns hit too close to home for a general comfort.
You know that last sentence is why we love Sher so much — she accuses Leftist bloggers of being inarticulate in sentence that, I think, would only make sense if translated back into the original Croatian.
Okay, now let me get back to the email I got from the White House this morning telling me what I’m supposed to write about Sher in this post. Oh, yes, here we are:
Yikes! One way to deal with the [sic] is to “eliminate” the voices of those who oppose the tyrant. Sadly, such is my case.
Sadly, no! (Sorry, but I had to say that.)
And such strongly seems to be the case of the techniques now utilized by the two major Internet search engines — Google and Yahoo. It appears that when they are told by The Obama to delete an opposer’s name from their files, … my name has now almost been completely deleted from Google and Yahoo is following close behind the leftist leader. Are plans to eradicate other truth-tellers on the way?
Does anyone else think that Pastor Swank is ghost-writing Sher’s columns?
For regular readers, this additional sabotage will come as no surprise. This has been occurring steadily over the past 2-3 years. I have gone from over 1.5 Million entries on each search site to — now — under 8,000 entries on Google and about 22K on Yahoo.
You’d think that the Obamatyrant would just completely excise her from the Internet unless, I suppose, this is the Internet equivalent of “death by a thousand cuts” wherein each day, as Sher googles herself, she suffers the indignity of seeing her search engine entries drop until finally. . .
Speaking of RenewAmerica, S,N! darling Marie Jon´ appears, sans apostrophe, in a NY Times feature about Christwire, to which she was a somewhat unwitting contributor.
Um… she’s the first match when you type in “sher z”–that’s not good enough for her?
I’m surprised she didn’t accuse them of surreptitiously loading Vista onto her computer.
People who don’t understand the internets perhaps shouldn’t use them.
>>This has been occurring steadily over the past 2-3 years.
Wow, that Obama is amazing. He actually started deleting her from the Internets before he was president.
Does The Obama live in the same neighborhood as The Donald? Cause that’s a pretty fancy-schmancy neighborhood.
Maybe the Scientologists are trying to silence her!?
From teh Google:
“From her website — A Little Background on the Author As a child, Sherrie Zieve received personal information regarding her life. This information came in the form of knowing many things (including the death of her husband) which would occur when she was an adult. Although some of the received data could be regarded as “negative”, it also allowed her to save the lives of one of her brothers and a sister. While in seventh grade science class, she saw a map of the Pacific Ocean and told her teacher that the included volcanoes were called the Ring of Fire and that there would be massive and simultaneous eruptions in that area. That same year, Ms. Zieve was “led” to the library book Many Mansions by Dr. Gina Cerminara.”
That’s some industrial-strength crazy, there.
The best way to counter Obama’s web erasure scheme is to,
Let Your Own Web Site Die.
She thinks Obama’s personally telling Google to disappear her?
Um, sorry Sher….he’s just not that into you.
He also stole the strawberries.
Historically, when these totalitarian governments remain unchallenged by any effective means — and are allowed to remain in power — will, in time, begin to use more brutal and perverse tactics; from placing their opposition into prisons and eventual outright mass “exterminations.” One need only look at the relatively recent tactics — toward the overall “elimination of enemies” — of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Idi Amin to understand what is brought about by unrestrained and unstopped tyrannical rulers. After Obama & Co has completed its experiment on me, which of you will be next for speaking up against the planned demise of We-the-People?
I’m the Genius that taught them this stuff! Now that’s Governing!
Gocart, you’ve ruined it.
She sounded like an idiot, now we know she’s mad. Mad people are not funny, just sad.
“That’s some industrial-strength crazy, there.”
Or weapons grade stupid.
my name has now almost been completely deleted from Google
Why, of course. 0=7900, just like it always has.
I bet she has a fun time balancing her checkbook.
I just Googled my own name and come to find out there are 1,740 results, the very first of which informs me that not only am I from Wisconsin, I am a preacher, married with several children, but more importantly that I died the first of June. And here I thought I was doing okay.
What are you angry at me for, Oh Master Hussein?
Yikes! One way to deal with the [sic] is to “eliminate” the voices of those who oppose the tyrant. Sadly, such is my case.
Ah, another person yelling “I am being silenced! I am being silenced! I am being silenced!” to anyone who’ll listen.
And such strongly seems to be the case of the techniques now utilized by the two major Internet search engines — Google and Yahoo. It appears that when they are told by The Obama to delete an opposer’s name from their files, … my name has now almost been completely deleted from Google and Yahoo is following close behind the leftist leader. Are plans to eradicate other truth-tellers on the way?
If I’m reading this right, she’s just discovered that her name rarely if ever comes up in Google and Yahoo searches, and is blaming an Obammunist conspiracy for the fact that the world doesn’t know who she is and couldn’t care less.
I wonder if I could get on wingnut welfare by blaming Obama for the fact that I haven’t been able to find a stable job for over a year?
unless you were, like, a character in a William Gibson novel or something and you actually existed only as an arrangement of electrons coursing through cyberspace
“The Dusky Communistical Usurper done stole my Googles” has to be the lamest excuse for a failed SEO strategy I’ve ever heard.
Ha Hah!
/Nelson Muntz
That explains where all those late ’90s dot com busts went — they got Arkancided by Billery Kkklinton.
What’s the Conservapedia of search engines?
A search for my name comes up with a measly 802 results. Maybe I should contact the Obama and see if he can let me have some of Sher’s orphaned hits?
My god, the woman is ‘inarticulate’ herself. In fact, she’s a numbskull. Paranoid and fearful, she’s the perfect time capsule of a conservative.
I guess the author is anticipating Zero History as well. 🙂
Funny, when I was a boy, earnest lefties used to complain about people who were being silenced, well, make that, snuffed out by the tens of thousands, in Latin America, and the teatards (and traditional cons a la Bolton/Kirkpatrick) (and the usual neocons) went,
Yeah, they care so much about the tryanny. Weird how they fap to these outlandish fantasies of being persecuted. Or project an “enemies list” onto libs, when we all know which American prez actually had an enemies list.
Bunch pre-verts, I tells ya!
Yeah, they care so much about the tryanny. Weird how they fap to these outlandish fantasies of being persecuted. Or project an “enemies list” onto libs, when we all know which American prez actually had an enemies list.
Yes, I do love how they can’t even criticize Obama without referencing their own sins. “He’s got an enemies list!” “He’s Bush’s third term!” “He’s even worse than Bush!”
3000+ for me but #1 is some classic rock band that stole my name that I stole from Springsteen. Bastards!
Hey, a second search now shows me with 2,720 Google results! Thanks, The Obama!
Let me guess — an experiment involving your throat, and the forcing of something of a burnt umber color down it?
What a brilliant way to end her column, though — a classic demonstration of the five-paragraph essay structure, just like they teach in 6th grade Winglish class. Introduction, argument 1, argument 2, argument 3, links to pictures of genocide.
Damn! Foiled by a failed tag.
It always gives me a funny feeling in my stomach watching somebody hallucinate in public.
I was of the opinion that the U.S. was a big enabler of Pol Pot’s genocide. Don’t we get partial credit?
She may be right. Marie Jon got 1 million hits and Gary Ruppert 150,000!
Historically, intimidation of the American people has never worked for very long.
Worked pretty well for about five years there recently.
It’s actually worse than she thinks. Initial results counts (eg. “1-10 of about 12,000,000”) on search engines are *always* just wild-ass guesses. Most likely she’s always been a total fucking nobody, and Google has just gotten (slightly) better at calculating on the 1st page of results how much of a nobody she is.
If you want to know the real count, keep raising the “start” param in the URL till Google runs out of results. Google actually only has 441 results for her name. Still, that’s 10x as many results as for “Angry Geometer”, so the Obama administration must hate me even more than her. Is it all the swearing? I can imagine Barry’s not a big fan of my swearing.
Pere Ubu
About 222,000 results (0.11 seconds)
Not bad for an indie band.
when your columns hit too close to home for a general comfort.
Is she telling us that her columns are committing domestic abuse or that she is, using her columns as a weapon? I am so confused, but it is clear from her writing that we must remove her “loved ones” form her domicile immediately for their own protection.
Her name turns up fewer google hits then it did 3 years ago and the first thing that comes to her mind is that Obama is telling Google to silence her?
I guess I have to join the conspiracy of “Lefty Internetecutioners” and tell her Google has been working on their search engine to reduce the number of redundant and useless results. Announced it a few years ago.
Hopefully, soon, they’ll come up with a “Paranoid God blatherer” filter.
My grandfather served under a General Comfort. But that was back in WWII.
People who don’t understand the internets perhaps shouldn’t use them.
I think that based on that metric, she would be doomed to wandering naked in the wilderness, howling incoherently at the sky. In other words, pretty much what she is doing now.
Pere Ubu
About 222,000 results (0.11 seconds)
Not bad for an indie band.
Actually I used my secret True Name with quotes around it, and got about 150 results. I also sell insurance and was born in 2007 in Logan UT (frightening close to my real birthplace, yet!)
She knows it’s the work of The Obama because she knows it’s the work of The Obama.
The fact is, Google is run by leftists who work with Obama on taking over the world for socialism. I use the Fox News approved search engine, FOX FIRE.
I share my not so secret TRUE NAME with a columnist for a major English newspaper. Fucker hogs all the googlehits. Bastard.
Dear Sher Z,
We’ve done some research on your problem, and it turns out you’re in an M. Night Shyamalan movie. Can you guess the twist ending?
Can you guess the twist ending?
(pours water on Sher)
It’s not working!
Heh. Using my super secret full real name I get 477,000 hits in 0.24 seconds and most of them on the first 2-3 pages actually seem to be me. Using my nom d’blog, I get 6,360,000 hit in 0.36 seconds, none of whom seem to be me (unless I have a much more exciting secret life that I am not aware of).
Curiously, google hit count for ‘Nous t’aimons vachement bien, Sher’ is currently 745. Here’s hoping The Obama boosts that up just to annoy her.
50,000$ for the person who finds the glorious vessel that once graced this goddess’ head. I MUST have. For only with the Sacred Bowl of Zieve can you achieve such a stunning bowl cut. *sigh*
I See Stupid People They’re everywhere…they walk around like everyone else…they don’t even know that they are dumb.
For only with the Sacred Bowl of Zieve can you achieve such a stunning bowl cut.
Yet more things about which l’Zieve is unfamiliar and prohibited from using. BTW, are those Australian dollars? The $ seems to be inverted in relation to the amount.
A Google search for my name comes up with about 179,000 matches. Hey! Look! Apparently I have a new CD out.
“TW, are those Australian dollars? The $ seems to be inverted in relation to the amount.”
It’s the dollar symbol the great and powerful iPhone gives me.
Congrats on your cd, Sirius. Hope the lyrics are pleasant and wholesome.
Sirius Lunacy is very interesting electronica with lots of sampled environmental noises as well as whistles and what seem to be improvisational instruments. It is very listenable, ruined only by the total absence of profanity. Fuckers don’t HAVE goddamn cuntlicking cocksucking lyrics.
My actual Real Life Name is unusual and definitely uncommon but there are a handful of people attached to it, apparently. My name only gets a few hits on Google but most of the top ones are me, though one guy I share it with runs what appears to be a very tasteful upscale boutique/gallery in Oregon, so he deserves the hits more than I do.
Hope the lyrics are pleasant and wholesome.
There don’t appear to be any lyrics. There barely seems to be any music. Damn, I was hoping I was far more creative than that. Though I do seem to be productive, Amazon’s Sirius artist’s page show 16 CDs.
For only with the Sacred Bowl of Zieve can you achieve such a stunning bowl cut.
It’s actually a chalice. Or perhaps a flagon.
She thinks SHE has it rough. I just learned that Pastor Swank graduated from my alma mater.
It seems paranoid is her default position. [a random bit of crazy, the rest is >= this batshit]
ObamaGov Establishing Islam as Official USA State Religion?
Posted in: Sher Zieve In contradiction to the US Constitution’s First Amendment referencing the prohibition of the US government’s establishment of a State religion, the Obama has decided to institute Islam’s “religion” Muslimism as the US’ first state-sponsored religion. As Islam is first and foremost a governmental/political system–with the “faithful” following its feudal tenets with Muslim worship of Allah–I suspect that the final overthrow of the US government’s Republic will be very soon. And, STILL no one is stopping the tyrant.
I get 81,800 hits for my real name (but it’s unfortunately the same as someone I find really despicable, and worse yet, he looks a little like me), 104 results for my full name (but most are for my paternal grandfather, after whom I was named), 3,090 for “doctorpsycho1960”, and 459 hits for my former alias, “misterniceguy1960”, which I haven’t used in a couple of years.
Pere Ubu said,
Why, of course. 0=7900, just like it always has.
To be fair, perhaps she spent too much time with Powerpoint. Edward Tufte must be so happy.
Check out my cover version of “Long Time” by Boston and “Misty Mountain Hop” by Led Zep and best of all you can listen to it for free. On the downside I do kinda suck big time.
Without any sharp objects, of course, since she doesn’t get the point.
You can find plenty of results on google images for her, though:
Maybe she needs to do some drunk vlogging to push those numbers up.
Pic caption:
“Sir, have you just farted?”
ObamaGov Establishing Islam as Official USA State Religion?
Will no one think of the children????
Sher Zieve In contradiction to the US Constitution’s First Amendment referencing the prohibition of the US government’s establishment of a State religion, the Obama has decided to institute Islam’s “religion” Muslimism as the US’ first state-sponsored religion. As Islam is first and foremost a governmental/political system–with the “faithful” following its feudal tenets with Muslim worship of Allah–I suspect that the final overthrow of the US government’s Republic will be very soon. And, STILL no one is stopping the tyrant.
Jesus Christ, this is terrible!
Things are done in contradiction “of” the Constitution’s First Amendment, not in contradicion “to.” It’s “U.S.” with periods, not “US” the first person plural in capital letters. The First Amendment does not “reference” the prohibition of the establishment of a state religion, it creates that prohibition. “Obama” is a proper noun and the word “the” is therefore not meant to precede it. The name of Islam’s religion is “Islam,” not “Muslimism” which is a word you just made up, and saying “Islam’s religion” makes as much sense as saying “America’s country” or “Kansas City’s city.”
This is truly, truly, truly bad. Aaron Sorkin had these people pegged when he said the people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.
Not very many bloodthirsty totalitarian regimes acquire massive amounts of power, only to then sit on the means to wipe out their hated enemies for years on end & let them breed dust-bunnies … & by “not very many” I mean “absolutely none whatthefucksoever throughout all of recorded history.”
This person requires therapy &/or medication.
If this pearl-clutching fluff is indicative of the calibre of FUD Goopers have on tap for November, they might want to change their initials from GOP to FML.
“He’s going to reduce your hit-count on Google! FASCISM!” is sure as hell no secret childhood terrorism-madrassa in Indonesia … nor even so much as a Grandma-devouring secret death-panel, is what I’m saying.
Could RealAmerica be on the verge of Paranoia Fatigue?
the Obama has decided to institute Islam’s “religion” Muslimism as the US’ first state-sponsored religion.
I know she’s batshit insane, but I’m curious what shred of fact she’s basing this on. I mean, why write about it now, unless there’s some wee factoid she can use to erect a huge teetering edifice of Crazy on? Did he perhaps eat at a felafel stand for lunch? Did he maybe shake a Muslim’s hand? Did he maybe utter a phrase that shared key words (“and” and “the”) with some phrase in the Koran?
Digging the redundancy, too – Islam’s “religion” Muslimism – I think she and Swank should do a duel.
what shred of fact she’s basing this on
Has to be this.
Feh. A search on “commie atheist” gives me 9,460 results, but the first one is a link to a TPM blog I set up last year which never me allowed to post anything, and the second is a link to a comment I made ON THIS VERY BLOG!!! in…June of 2009. No sign of my own awesomely fabulous blog which has had literally dozens of visitors since its inception in late July! I AM BEING ELIMINATED BY OBAMA’S CHICAGO THUGOCRACY!!!
Hey,if it’s good enough for MeganMcArdle, it’s surely good enough for Sher (Don’t call me Cher) (mind like a) Zieve.
This Swankerific!
As The Obama and his ObamaCourts ratchet up their fight against the US States and We-the-People, the beasts in the White House (aka Obama & Co) continue their fight against America and all humans. In his latest anti-US comments, Obama first supports the Islamist Victory Mosque (and probable terrorist training center), then slightly alters it when the hue and cry from We-the-People becomes too loud for his Marxist minions. Then, The Obama changes his stance–once again–and returns to his original support. When Islam wishes to claim dominance over a people, it builds an elaborate mosque to its god Allah. In his article “Ground Zero Mosque Represents Conquest for Islamic Jihadists,” Justin Quinn correctly writes: “As far back as the Ottoman Empire, Islamic rulers made a habit of converting Christian churches, monasteries and chapels into mosques” and “the proponents of the Ground Zero mosque won’t tell you that the erection of mosques traditionally symbolizes victory over the enemies of Islam.” Note: Obama won’t tell you that, either.
Sher Zieve: stark raving paranoid nutjob with an ugly bottlecap haircut.
Bleah. Half a million Yahoo and almost four million Google. There are a lot of lazy and uncreative people out there.
I share my Sooper Sekrit Reil Naym with a baseball player, so, lotsa hits there.
There too, I mean. The big numbers are for teh nym.
In his article “Ground Zero Mosque Represents Conquest for Islamic Jihadists,” Justin Quinn correctly writes: “As far back as the Ottoman Empire, Islamic rulers made a habit of converting Christian churches, monasteries and chapels into mosques”
Which would be a point if it were actually a mosque, which it isn’t. And it it weren’t several blocks away, which it is.
As far back as the Ottoman Empire, Islamic rulers made a habit of converting Christian churches, monasteries and chapels into mosques”
Yes, but what about retail clothing outlets?
“ugly bottlecap haircut”
I think technically its called a “Moe Howard”
As far back as the Ottoman Empire, Islamic rulers made a habit of converting Christian churches, monasteries and chapels into mosques”
Which is entirely not what’s happening here, which is central to his point!!!
“Yes, but what about retail clothing outlets?”
Until the muslims allow the good people at the Burlington Coat Factory Corp. to build a retail outlet in Mecca, they shouldn’t be allowed to convert ours to Allah!
Love the photoshop, BTW. Sher may not be a hoarder in real life, but I’m sure the inside of her brain closely resembles the picture.
“First they came for our Burlington Coat Factory Outlets. Then they came for our GAPs….”
Wow. I googled my very unusual name, and five hits down is a link to a letter to the editor I had published in the Seattle Times years ago. How weird.
I’ve actually never gazoogled myself before. Feels kinda tingly . . .
Until the muslims allow the good people at the Burlington Coat Factory Corp. to build a retail outlet in Mecca, they shouldn’t be allowed to convert ours to Allah!
Because, you see, coats don’t have a religion.
[stands back and smiles smugly with arms crossed, confident the argument has been won]
I’ve actually never gazoogled myself before. Feels kinda tingly . . .
Just don’t do it too often or hair will grow on your palms.
When I Google my full real name, the first hit I get is from the NYT archives from 1880. Apparently I was murdered in New Orleans by two brothers of a young ladie because they suspected me of being overly flirtation. Of course I had only the noblest of intents and those cocksuckers shot me in the back.
Google can be fun.
coats don’t have a religion.
What about a shirt made from muslin?
“coats don’t have a religion.”
What if it has a muslin lining?
[better joke I think]
Apparently I was murdered in New Orleans by two brothers of a young ladie because they suspected me of being overly flirtation. Of course I had only the noblest of intents and those cocksuckers shot me in the back.
My “legal” name was killed in a robbery in 1920.
Google can be fun.
These days, it isn’t difficult to ascertain when you are on the Obama Enemies List. Leftist bloggers will increase and become even more inarticulate (if that’s even possible) in their attacks on you when you begin disseminating too much truth, when your columns hit too close to home for a general comfort.
Google is so nefarious that most of the leftist attacks returned have had her name changed to another person’s name entirely.
Oh Noez! A seekrit Muzlin!
Sher Zieve’s internal dialog.
Keep handy for the next youtube war.
Which would be a point if it were actually a mosque, which it isn’t. And it it weren’t several blocks away, which it is.
But what if Obama were building the not-mosque in the not-church? Then you would have:
(not-Muslim turning not-church into not-mosque)
Now you may say that Obama ISN’T building it, but that is central to my point.
not-(not-Muslim turning not-church into not-mosque)
The negatives cancel out and we have….
“coats don’t have a religion”
Aren’t Members Only jackets Calvinist?
Goulter can bring the crazy too:
Here’s my favorite bit of laughable projection:
What a whore.
Even worse projection/hypocrisy/stupidassed fucking bullshit from a stupid whore:
“coats don’t have a religion”
Blessed is the fruit of thy looms.
Isn’t auto-Googlization some kind of mortal sin anyway?
Even stepping inside Wright’s church for a moment to get out of the rain is borderline racist.
Shorter Goulter: Black people should just shut up and go to proper white churches.
If the Saudis let Burlington Coat Factory set up an outlet in Mecca, do you think any of those pilgrims would buy a coat? I bet they wouldn’t buy any of those so-called “Crusader” coats. A-rabs don’t buy coats! Because it never gets cold in the desert!
And you know the Burlington Coat factory was founded by Russian Jews? Immigrants to America, probably illegal. They were later bought out by Bain Capital — an investment group founded in 1984 by Mitt Romney! And there’s nothing in Bain Capital’s history mentioning bland Canadian infiltrator Conrad Bain, but he retired from acting in 1996, to keep a low profile, obviously, and now Gary Coleman is dead, struck down in the prime of life, a perfectly healthy man dying at age 42?! Do the math, people!!!
The Saudis have every reason to ban the Burlington Coat Factory at Mecca. It’s in the Bible – thou shalt not take moochers into thy hut!
Attending Wright’s church is the conscious, calculated decision to immerse yourself in hate-filled demagoguery and call it “Christianity.”
Welcome to your own brand of American Christianity, bitch.
The Ghoulish Coulter is the high priestess of our Golden Age of Sophistry. D’ya think her newfound tolerance of some fags, or her dislike of piety for public consumption, is part of a new awareness on her part, that will be consistently applied? Of course not.
Okay, gotta go, lots to do today, keeping busy denying Dr. Laura her First Amendment rights.
You know what this thread needs? Moar buttsehks
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 6.1
Man, all those people with the stickers on their cars about how they are going to be raptured away are going to be really disapointed.
You know what this thread needs? Moar buttsehks
This thread, or…?
Man, all those people with the stickers on their cars about how they are going to be raptured away are going to be really disapointed.
Their crying will be epic! “But Jesus, I put a sticker on my minivan and everything!”
Sticker I saw recently:
“Real families pray together”.
I don’t know exactly where this ranks in the top ten things that make me want to bash teeth out, but this one lands in the upper five.
Oh, how I love that “we’re a family, and you’re not” attitude. Or the idea that The Family is being persecuted. How on earth did they turn “family” into a tribe/special interest?
Joan Walsh recently said:
“It was Nixon’s great insight that you could pull a coalition together not about what we want, but what we don’t want … not “I have a dream,” but “I have a grudge.””
I think technically its called a “Moe Howard”
You know you could be right. But consider this:
Why does this post contain a picture of a humanoid turtle, longing for sex with the only other humanoid turtle in captivity?
Why does this post contain a picture of a humanoid turtle, longing for sex with the only other humanoid turtle in captivity?
I heard that sort of business can lead to birth defects, as demonstrated by European ruling families.
“It was Nixon’s great insight that you could pull a coalition together not about what we want, but what we don’t want … not “I have a dream,” but “I have a grudge.””
Yeah, it’s a great insight. It seems about as intelligent as capturing your own pet cobra. It’s cool and all, but eventually you’ll come to regret having it in your house.
when your columns hit too close to home for a general comfort.
Clearly, the answer is to find this General Comfort and fire him. Or put him in the Phantom Zone with General Zod.
I believe General Comfort is a Southerner.
I don’t know exactly where this ranks in the top ten things that make me want to bash teeth out, but this one lands in the upper five.
I recently saw a sticker that I had not seen before. On an SUV next to the faded Bush/Chenney sticker was a new Give War a Chance sticker. That one really bothered me.
Give War a Chance
Was this person under 10 years old? We gave war a chance for just about all of the 20th Century.
The good thing about bumper stickers like that is you already know everything you need to know about that person. No need to bother getting to know him/her.
I have gone from over 1.5 Million entries on each search site to — now — under 8,000 entries on Google and about 22K on Yahoo.
Sher, it could be, and this is just a guess, that we’ve taken pity on you and stopped mocking you when we realized you’re a fucking retard.
I believe General Comfort is a Southerner.
Fine. We’ll put him in the southern half of the Phantom Zone. Under Zod’s ass.
I believe General Comfort is a Southerner.
Didn’t he write “The Joy of Sex?”
“You know what this thread needs? Moar buttsehks
This thread, or…?”
This thread…but in my defense the thread was asking for it.
Bumper sticker I saw at the Wal-Markt’s last night:
I recently saw a sticker that I had not seen before. On an SUV next to the faded Bush/Chenney sticker was a new Give War a Chance sticker. That one really bothered me.
I’m sure he only put it there to piss off liberals. Mission Accomplished.
“I believe General Comfort is a Southerner.
Didn’t he write “The Joy of Sex?””
I believe that was Colonel Angus.
I believe that was Colonel Anus.
Fixt for stickin’ with a theme.
Oh–unintentional V_R. Good catch, Analady69.
My “legal” name was killed in a robbery in 1920.
Damn! All I get, other than me and adds for name search sites, is German business men.
LOL! I ASSure, you, kind sir, that that truly is my final frontier. Or backtier. Whatever. Jesus. The jokes, they write themselves.
I was going to say it was his cousin Biltfor, but “Colonel Angus” is too full of win.
I ASSure, you, kind sir, that that truly is my final frontier.
Well, at least you got that one licked.
LOL! I ASSure, you, kind sir, that that truly is my final frontier. Or backtier. Whatever. Jesus. The jokes, they write themselves.
Asses are naturally occurring joke factories.
I think you meant reartier.
Teh Great Gazoogle reports about 9,820 results for “Colonel Ingus”, who has a larger web profile than Sher Zieve.
a picture of a humanoid turtle, longing for sex with the only other humanoid turtle in captivity?
Turtles that suck, turtles that blow.
That’s about 94 SZUs.
I trusted Ahmed Chalabi and all I got was this lousy 3 Trillion dollar war.
I say DISTRUST HIM and launch a war on IRAN.
I say DISTRUST HIM and launch a war on IRAN.
That’ll show those lousy neocons.
“You know what this thread needs? Moar buttsehks”
Mission Accomplished.
I recently saw a sticker that I had not seen before. On an SUV next to the faded Bush/Chenney sticker was a new Give War a Chance sticker. That one really bothered me.
I’m usually not one for vandalism, but that car would have me keying it in a heartbeat.
Good catch tee hee!, Analady69.
Fucking anal-69, how does it work?
I’m serious, I can’t figure that out at all.
I ASSure, you, kind sir, that that truly is my final frontier.
Previously unknown dialogue from Gone With The Wind.
Frankly my dear, I don’t dental dam.
Fucking anal-69, how does it work?
You need to be VERY agile.
I should certainly hope so. Have you any idea what one has to go through to wear these birds?
Frankly my dear
Don’t call me ‘Frank’.
Frankly my dear, I don’t dental dam.
I’ll go home to Tara. After all, tomorrow is another lay.
I know the thread has moved on, but I *must* speak. When I google my full legal all-the-bells&whistles name I get about 93 hits, mostly recipes.
But when I google my “work name,” I get tens of thousands of hits that all mean me…because I used to work in a university placement office circulatin job listings, and apparently there are hundreds of idiotic websites out there that NEVER EXPIRE THEIR JOB LISTINGS. They pulled em right from the university listings – six years worth have my name on ’em, that’s a lot of listings – and have left them there for lo these almost ten fucking years. They must have server space out the wazoo…
Aaaaaand, right back to teh buttsehks.
this thread is cracking me up
“Out the wazoo” and “buttsecks” may not be happy together.
Did she maybe just spell her own name wrong when she searched?
g! I made a pie! It’s cooling right now. Peach, in a tart tin, with a crumb topping.
Just thought you should know, since it’s all your fault.
I thought of going to her website once, but the doorbell rang and their was nobody there. Hmmmm.
Actually, the Google has ben excising old or duplicate stuff from their database. Which means sometimes it is hard to find specific things.
…Especially if they’re old, and unpopular, but not old enough to be in an archive.
I just want to say one thing to you all: you’re welcome.
“g! I made a pie! It’s cooling right now. Peach, in a tart tin, with a crumb topping.”
Another show off. People who can bake are my sworn enemies.
I find preparing food to be as dull as making one’s bed, & almost as pointless.
No, wait, I find everything pointless & irksome. Never mind.
I made myself a sandwich. It wasn’t pointless ’cause I eated it.
Yeah, but I’ve licked my bed and it didn’t taste nearly as good as pie.
g! I made a pie!
Not while we’re discussing buttsehks, please.
Sher moans all about when your columns hit too close to home for a general comfort.
Wheeee! I am having A COMFORT!
You prolly need to use them there new fangled flavored gells VS.
Sweet. Chocolate bedding. Yum.
I just want to say one thing to you all: you’re welcome.
ALL of us?
I find preparing food to be as dull as making one’s bed, & almost as pointless.
So do I–well, not the pointless part. I get hungry after a day or two.
“…People who can bake are my sworn enemies.”
Huh? What? People who can bake are my bestest most beloved friends, for they are good at baking, and I excel at eating baked goods, and saying, “Mmmm, so good, you are a genius, thank you ever so much, please sir and/or madam, may I have more?”
Then: more pie. There is nothing bad here.
Then: more pie. There is nothing bad here.
Pie is an inherent good.
Pie, plus a ritual sacrifice to commemorate an historical event = Thanksgiving! Turkeys may object. Indigenous peoples totally have the right to say mean things while accepting their slice of pie.
So yes, inherent good.
I miss Anya.
First, I must meditate…armor my mind against the madness of Western thinking. And now…I BAKE!
The battle is a short one. I weave a lethal net of baked goods that few can escape.
Another reason to keep matches out of the hands of stupid people.
Comment from Alicublog regarding Johan Goldbergs latest:
“Eats farts and leaves”
No I can die happy. Or, better yet, live happy.
I find preparing food to be as dull as making one’s bed, & almost as pointless.
Oh, come on, M.B. You’d accept it if I made you a peach pie.
MB *is* a peach pie.
Are we still talking about assholes?
Crack, crack’d cheeks
And break, winds, break!
I wonder if this outcome is what that Quran-burning idiot in Florida really wants?
Immanentizing the eschaton and all that.
Surely “Burn a Quran Day” won’t hurt the troops as much as making fun of Sarah Palin does.
Another reason to keep matches out of the hands of stupid people.
Huh. I wonder if that kind of talk is going to cause a bunch of teatards to discover that Petraeus is a big fat liberal and has been all along.
Ah, crap. I just had a really sad, disturbing conversation with a friend of mine – actually, a young kid who’s my kid’s friend. He’s got mental problems, and did something that really hurt his parents, who are decent people. It makes me sad.
You know who else burned books?
That’s not a joke.
Ah, crap. I just had a really sad, disturbing conversation with a friend of mine – actually, a young kid who’s my kid’s friend. He’s got mental problems, and did something that really hurt his parents, who are decent people. It makes me sad.
Hurt as in…?
This took place six months or so ago – a family conflict where the kid physically assaulted the father, and the family had to call the cops, but there’s a lot more there, and, frankly, the father is one of the nicest and most non-aggressive men I’ve ever known, so clearly there must have been some horrible stuff going on. The kid is someone we’ve known since he was six years old and he’s always had a terrible temper. I think he has mild Asperger’s syndrome, actually – really smart, but hard to deal with emotionally.
This was a hard conversation, because he was being open and honest with me but everything he was saying made me just feel so sorry for his parents whom he was talking against. They have tried so hard with him all his life.
He’s a smart, funny kid, but has very little empathy. This was a tough conversation to be in.
“Where one burns books, it is only a prelude; in the end one also burns people.”
To put it another way, you can’t have your mains until you’ve finished the entree.
this dizzy dame is a phenom. like the box wino channeling stephen jesse bernstein.
This took place six months or so ago – a family conflict where the kid physically assaulted the father, and the family had to call the cops, but there’s a lot more there, and, frankly, the father is one of the nicest and most non-aggressive men I’ve ever known, so clearly there must have been some horrible stuff going on. The kid is someone we’ve known since he was six years old and he’s always had a terrible temper. I think he has mild Asperger’s syndrome, actually – really smart, but hard to deal with emotionally.
I have a boss with that SAME kid. He has mild Asperger’s. I got to witness one of his meltdowns and try to restrain him without breaking his arm, to stop him from strangling his father. He’s been that way all his life. It is profoundly saddening–there’s really not much anyone can do. Adulthood will not be kind to this kid.
And this kid is nearly a genius–or may be a genius. A supreme hacker, does absolutely stunning origami with no instructions, just a brilliant kid.
“Where one burns books, it is only a prelude; in the end one also burns people.”
One of the big lessons I took from history class in–you know, JUNIOR FUCKING HIGH.
Mine, too. Actually, I shouldn’t be calling him “kid.” He’s 22. He dropped out of Columbia with only 5 credits left to go. He makes money playing online poker – he does really well, as one can imagine. he lives at home, except for when he wants to travel, as he did this week, visiting us in LA on the spur of the moment.
He said he “slapped” his father because his father didn’t serve him dinner when he asked. He told us that his parents were being “passive aggressive.”
He’s a smart kid. His mom is a special ed teacher – i think partly because she wants to know how to work with her son, but also because her own brother is a down syndrome adult (he’s 52 years old now). They have better resources than other families might have – the dad works for a municipal agency and so has great benefits including mental health coverage for the kid. Still, what a sad, sad tale.
He dropped out of Columbia with only 5 credits left to go
Self destructive–wow. This all sounds VERY familiar.
“Where one burns books, it is only a prelude; in the end one also burns people.”
One of the big lessons I took from history class in–you know, JUNIOR FUCKING HIGH.
The book-burners understand the progression as well as you. They may not particularly enjoy burning books, but they know it’s expected as a build-up to the main event.
As someone else said about this recently, “Krisallnacht is a couple of months early this year.”
The book-burners understand the progression as well as you
Anyone who understands this and desires it should be killed.
Ok, the mouse pointer repelling the dots that make up the word Google on the home page is pretty cool.
You know who else burned books?
That’s not a joke.
The 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Laws is 4 days after Burn a Koran Day. But you know, what’s one particular day? It’s really about keeping the spirit of Burn a Koran Day alive in your heart 365 days a year.
I can’t sleep and what I get here is Disco Inferno? There’s no justice.
He said he “slapped” his father because his father didn’t serve him dinner when he asked.
That would have happened exactly once when I was growing up.
Well no, not even once. Even I wouldn’t have been that stupid.
You say it is a “sentence that, I think, would only make sense if translated back into the original Croatian.” All righty.
Nije teško naslutiti ovih dana da ste na Obaminom spisku neprijatelja. Levi?arski blogeri ?e se pove?ati I postat ?e još neartikulisaniji (ako je tako nešto uop?e mogu?e) u svojim napadima na vas ako po?nete proširiti previše istine, kada vaše kolumne udaraju neugodno blisko domu.
Nope, sorry, doesn’t help.
Nope, sorry, doesn’t help.
Sigh… amateur. You have to translate it back to English.
You’re welcome.
Peach, in a tart Tintin, with a crumb topping
Ok, the mouse pointer repelling the dots that make up the word Google on the home page is pretty cool.
After the PacMan episode, Google must have had to suck up to the business community. I get the stock logo.
Fucking anal-69, how does it work?
You must wear the strap-on on your head, but bacwards like all the gangstas wear ’em. Or so I’m told.
You must wear the strap-on on your head, but bacwards like all the gangstas wear ‘em. Or so I’m told.
So THAT’S why Tupac looked like he was Teabaggin’?
Dove World Outreach. Dove. World. Outreach. I could pick random words out of a hat and get a name that fit these belligerent assholes better.
I could pick random words out of a hat and get a name that fit these belligerent assholes better
I’m thinking they Janus Noded.
After the PacMan episode, Google must have had to suck up to the business community. I get the stock logo.
I don’t get it. What is this?
I have gone from over 1.5 Million entries on each search site to — now — under 8,000 entries on Google and about 22K on Yahoo.
And she’s bounced back to 18,000 entries on teh Google.
Of course, what she probably missed is that Google archives an awful lot of results, which appear “eliminated” but can be found doing a more extensive search…
I don’t get it. What is this?
Earlier this year, Google turned their logo into a playable game of PacMan to celebrate the anniversary of the original video game.
Needless to say, no company in their right mind would block Google. It’s too necessary. So an entire day was lost in manhours spent playing the logo.
Needless to say, many hackles were raised (we even got an emergency e-mail in my office warning about the game). Many complaints were filed. Google “Google PacMan productivity” for more info. Something on the order of a hundred millon dollars was lost.
My suspicion is, this time around, Google has an alternate logo that pops up when a business identifies itself. There’s supposed to be a playable game where the logo is made up of balls that move around as you mouse over them.
Speaking of the productivity flap, I noticed that there is no stat kept on those who work through lunch, stay late, come in early, at no charge to the company. Fuck you, business community. You have had it way too good for way too long, you bunch of spoiled brat assholes.
Speaking of the productivity flap, I noticed that there is no stat kept on those who work through lunch, stay late, come in early, at no charge to the company.
We’re on our own to do so.
Actually, it gets inferred from productivity statistics. If hirinig remains flat or drops, but productivity rises, you can bet that a large part of it is from people overdoing their jobs.
“Hirinig.” It’s a location in the new Narnia movie…
My suspicion is, this time around, Google has an alternate logo that pops up when a business identifies itself. There’s supposed to be a playable game where the logo is made up of balls that move around as you mouse over them.
I cannot chase the little balls around my screen with my mouse here at work. So I will spend the time much more productively by talking about it (and teh buttsecks) here at Sadly, No!
The conspiracy goes even deeper! If you google “Eveiz”, that’s Zieve backwards, you get 625 results. I’m sure this means Obama is evil!
“Dove World Outreach. Dove. World. Outreach. I could pick random words out of a hat and get a name that fit these belligerent assholes better.”
The Great Orange Satan himself recently compared these assholes to the Taliban. Where in the world did he get that idea?
Dove World Outreach motto: Turn the other cheek my ass!
If you google “Eveiz”, that’s Zieve backwards, you get 625 results. I’m sure this means Obama is evil!
To be truly evil, it would have to be 666 results.
Pic caption:
“Sir, have you just farted?”
I laughed far too heartily at this joke than an adult really should.
Also, too, people! Penis haircut, OBVIOUSLY.
I cannot chase the little balls around my screen with my mouse here at work.
I, too, have to play with myself.
I can see dozens of responses to the Koran burning.
One is to be at the site, and burn a bible at the same time. Another is throwing water balloons filled with gasoline at the guy before h lights the book.
Or simply read the local laws to check if one can ask police on scene to give him sitation about the the fire if the fire itself breaks some rules.
Spreading gasoline in the church might also be sort of persuasive. No need to light it though.
Actually, it gets inferred from productivity statistics. If hirinig remains flat or drops, but productivity rises, you can bet that a large part of it is from people overdoing their jobs.
Yeah, I’m sure there’s a direct correlation between unemployment and “productivity”. It’s been the norm for a long time to get rid of everyone and work your best producers to death. They just find the conscientious knuckleheads who are willing to take the whole company on their shoulders, like me.
It irritates me that they act like an increase in productivity is a good thing for anyone besides the top end of the company.
Something on the order of a hundred millon dollars was lost.
Which is some number a bureaucrat pulled from his nether regions. I really despise the ‘theoretical dollar loss’ stat, because it presumes waaaay too much to be anything other than noise, not to mention not reporting the money lost because some mid-level nepotism hire loses because his head is so firmly wedged up his ass.
That number is strictly noise. I’m sure Avon selling at work ate up a lost more time, time which may or may not have been productive.
They just find the conscientious knuckleheads who are willing to take the whole company on their shoulders, like me.
You wouldn’t do it if the choice was available not to. You do it because they threaten, whether outwardly or by implication, to force you out of your job.
And increases in productivity with increases in employment are good things. It means the economy (at least for that company) is humming along and the new workers were necessary.
Dove World Outreach motto: Turn the other cheek my ass!
Turn the other ass cheek?
That number is strictly noise.
Not really. At least not in this case. You can infer how many people were at work by the number and location of hits and legnth of visit, and guesstimate an average wage.
It’s not a perfect number, no, but I’d lend it credence.
Take 2:
not to mention not reporting the money
lost becausesome mid-level nepotism hire has lost because his head is so firmly wedged up his assI wonder if that kind of talk is going to cause a bunch of teatards to discover that Petraeus is a big fat liberal and has been all along.
I expect the pushback has already begun on the lower (Hoffian) levels of the blargosphere, will be openly said on Fox by mid-day, and Politico will win the afternoon with it.
So THAT’S why Tupac looked like he was Teabaggin’?
It’s been the norm for a long time to get rid of everyone and work your best producers to death. They just find the conscientious knuckleheads who are willing to take the whole company on their shoulders, like me.
(Plz to forgive if I am repeating a point).
Yeah, and this economy is the perfect opportunity to cut payroll to the bone and keep it that way, even if things improve.
Tangentially related–I often wonder why big business isn’t more supportive of government-sponsored universal healthcare. Their payroll expenditures would decrease DRAMATICALLY if employees received health insurance from the public sector.
Tangentially related–I often wonder why big business isn’t more supportive of government-sponsored universal healthcare.
They are.
It’s not a perfect number, no, but I’d lend it credence.
And we know those folks would have been productive otherwise exactly how?
It’s good for comparing other timed activities (Hello, Avon!) but if you think it has anything to do with real world money you’re living in theoretical economist cloud cuckoo land. Work does not proceed that linearly.
And we know those folks would have been productive otherwise exactly how?
We don’t, and if you added up all the losses in productivity as projected, you’d find negative work getting done.
So if you think about it, your point is already accounted for on a macro basis.
They are.
Yep. All that “anger” is mostly a media phenomenon. In these days of tabloid news, the loudest screamers get all the airtime – even though they are a distinct minority.
I, too, have to play with myself.
Now I need to look for that ancient fake IBM document “Replacing Mouse Balls”. Not Ragu-the-gerbil funny, but funny none the less.
They are.
Yeah, but their support doesn’t seem to be as enthusiastic or intense as I would think it would be, given how much money businesses spend on health insurance for employees. If large businesses saw this as a priority, they’d be lobbying the fuck out of it.
Maybe they’re afraid of giving the peasants anything for free, lest we demand more.
I wonder if that kind of talk is going to cause a bunch of teatards to discover that Petraeus is a big fat liberal and has been all along.
Sadly, some of our imperial types never seem to understand the need to get along with the natives.
Even a conservative business owner should be able to figure out that getting health insurance off the balance sheet (assuming they provide it in the first place) is a big win for a business, small or large. It becomes especially helpful when they are competing with a business that doesn’t provide it, or a foreign company that has nationalized health care.
I’m pretty sure most actual business owners really thought it would be helpful. I think actual business owners really didn’t have time to get out there and teabag with the kids, and thus had their message usurped by stupid conservative assholes.
Sadly, some of our imperial types never seem to understand the need to get along with the natives.
That’s how wars actually end. Killing is better for business.
“….It’s been the norm for a long time to get rid of everyone and work your best producers to death. They just find the conscientious knuckleheads who are willing to take the whole company on their shoulders, like me….”
Oh yes. I didn’t actually die, as in being ded, but I got broke into tiny pieces. I wish that when I got broke, I had also got some tragically belated superpowers, because I would have swirled all the sharp fragments of what used to be me into a whirlwind, and just let it go. They’d still be cleaning executive out of the carpets.
Employees used to be assets. Now they are liabilities. Seeing that health insurance gets cut loose from employment makes all kinds of sense, but to pursue that means that companies have to acknowledge that they still intend to employ American workers. Until great swathes of this country devolve into actual Third Worldiness, why should they bother.
I wonder if that kind of talk is going to cause a bunch of teatards to discover that Petraeus is a big fat liberal and has been all along.
Seems to me that from a teatard’s POV, the military’s been “liberal” for years if not decades.
Certainly in politics, all the veterans seem to be either Democrats (Cleland, Gore, Kerry) or “RINOs” (McCain, Powell, Armitage). And the relationship between the Bushies and their military was rocky to say the least, especially with all the generals and ex-generals telling him what a horse’s ass he was for trying to invade Iraq the way he did.
There WAS speculation that businesses rather like the idea of health care being an anchor for employees–meaning that national health care makes it much easier for employees to change jobs or quit working to raise kids (OMFG-the HORROR). So there was a bit of a downside–it takes that bargaining chip off the table, one they never should have had in the first place.
Certainly in politics, all the veterans seem to be either Democrats (Cleland, Gore, Kerry) or “RINOs” (McCain, Powell, Armitage). And the relationship between the Bushies and their military was rocky to say the least, especially with all the generals and ex-generals telling him what a horse’s ass he was for trying to invade Iraq the way he did.
Shinseki…They’re not exactly Democrats, by and large, but the ones who are still attached to reality actually speak of reality and teabaggers and neocons hate them for it. Funny how teabaggers and neocons think their views are more informed than someone who actually put on the uniform and fought. Idiots.
*Scurries around trying to find local offices of HRW for a job*
Shinseki…They’re not exactly Democrats, by and large, but the ones who are still attached to reality actually speak of reality and teabaggers and neocons hate them for it. Funny how teabaggers and neocons think their views are more informed than someone who actually put on the uniform and fought. Idiots.
Yeah, that’s what I mean. They’re not ideological liberals, but in today’s binary spectrum of “Teabaggers – Everyone Else,” they often fit into the “Everyone Else” category.
Yeah, that’s what I mean. They’re not ideological liberals, but in today’s binary spectrum of “Teabaggers – Everyone Else,” they often fit into the “Everyone Else” category.
It still bothers me that Powell went along with that (despite stories of internal resistance). I guess he knew all along that what the UN said didn’t mean jack shit to anyone other than the UN, but his performance was disgusting.
So all you can do with the google logo balls is make ’em fly around. Pshaw. I see balls, I wants to smash ’em. Pulverize ’em.
There are some industry groups that supported the passage of HCR but I think most did not. The US Chamber of Commerce definitely opposed it fiercely and continues to. Their member companies already have the ability to move health insurance costs off their balance sheets by eliminating the types of jobs that qualify for coverage. When someone leaves or gets the boot you just replace that person with a part-timer or two and you save thousands of dollars a year on health insurance. Problem solved. HCR mandates employer coverage which has never been the case before and if you’re some CEO type why would you want that? Freedom, wolverines and such as. And a truly nationalized system would not remove health care costs from their balance sheets either. Their current costs would just shift to a tax to support the system and the next thing you know we’re all speaking Sovietese.
I see balls, I wants to smash ‘em. Pulverize ‘em.
*crossing legs tightly*
And a truly nationalized system would not remove health care costs from their balance sheets either. Their current costs would just shift to a tax to support the system and the next thing you know we’re all speaking Sovietese.
No, it wouldn’t remove them, but it would sure reduce them for those who actually provide health insurance. It would certainly force equal payment out of equal sized businesses, leveling the competition field.
The Chamber of Commerce is just a Repuke propaganda organization. They oppose everything that helps anyone besides big business.
HCR mandates employer coverage which has never been the case before and if you’re some CEO type why would you want that?
It forces healthy people to take insurance which lowers your risk pool, lowering your premiums and allowing you to take credit for cutting costs.
Don’t forget Hagel, who’s now campaigning for Sestak in PA.
Don’t forget Hagel, who’s now campaigning for Sestak in PA.
Um, what? Chuck? Hagel? Chuck Hagel?
I just played with some balls.
The very same.
It forces healthy people to take insurance which lowers your risk pool, lowering your premiums and allowing you to take credit for cutting costs.
But but what about the socialism?! And the… wait, you said “lower premiums”?
I think I like socialism.
If you’re paying for more employees to have health insurance your overall costs are not going to go down just by having more young people participating. Those creaky old fucks are still part of the risk pool and now you’re insuring a bunch more people so there’s no way a lower average premium is going to mean lower overall costs. Otherwise why not do it absent the mandate? The geezers themselves could see a reduction in premiums but that’s not going to help the balance sheet of their employers. At least not directly.
Pie in backward 1337? 314. Duzzat blow yer fucking mind or what?
Duzzat blow yer fucking mind or what?
A little early to be stoned, no?
A little early to be stoned, no?
Well after I caught all that flak for drinking at 8:30 am, I figured I had no choice.
Heartbreaking tale for you cat lovers.
Heartbreaking tail
lefor you cat lovers.Fixed for punary.
FYWP it looked fine in preview.
Heartbreaking etc.
Heartbreaking tail le for you cat lovers.
As you see, a more appropriate ficks than you knew!
Oh look. Electoral fraud already.
Although at least this time they’re doing it by adding rather than substracting voters.
Oh look. Electoral fraud already.
Who cares? Didn’t the Republicans take back the House and Senate already? Or are they just rubbing the lamp*.
Oh look. Electoral fraud already.
But wouldn’t it be great if these folks win.
The Chamber of Commerce is just a Repuke propaganda organization. They oppose everything that helps anyone besides big business.
It’s worse than that. They oppose anything that goes against their ideological approach to economics. Epecially those things that would be, in actual fact, good for business but which carry the taint of whatever heresy of the day.
If you’re paying for more employees to have health insurance your overall costs are not going to go down just by having more young people participating.
Sure they are. The major flaw in most private insurance plans is lack of participation by the people who don’t need it.
The major flaw in most private insurance plans is lack of participation by the people who don’t need it.
But but but forcing freedom USA Americans to get insurance is anti-Constushunl and socilesm and the worst evar!
Why do you hate America?
But but but forcing freedom USA Americans to get insurance is anti-Constushunl and socilesm and the worst evar!
I know! Sucks to be dogmatic, don’t it?
Real Word or not, my internets are strong and Viril.
I am not the only one, I see, who did a google self-comparison. I’m a poor blogger and my vanity domain lies in the vast 404, and I still get 3,000 hits to her 8,000. Maybe someone is after her. Or maybe she rarely says anything anyone gives a damn about? reckon?
Hey! Somebody drank all the milk and put the empty carton back in Sher’s fridge!
// And such strongly seems to be the case of the techniques now utilized by the two major Internet search engines — Google and Yahoo. It appears that when they are told by The Obama to delete an opposer’s name from their files, //
Here’s someone who would dearly love to reduce his google hits. Perhaps they could get together & average things out.