Marie Rules (Flushed Down the Jon’ Part III)

Whenever you’re feeling down, Marie Jon’ can always give you a good laugh. Look at the first sentence of this piece:

The other day Senator Hillary Clinton joined others in supports of Israel who has been under attack by terrorists imbedded in Beiruit.

Nope, I got no idea what it means either. You could probably write a more coherent sentence by tossing a Scrabble box into a salad spinner.

However, that very same day another group, Jews for Peace, in San Francisco, blamed Israel for the war in the Middle East and protested against Jews living in Israel.

That sentence had four commas. And only one of them was used correctly.

Apparently, the very long fifty year road to peace is not long enough for some pompous and arrogant liberals.

It must be extremely difficult being Jewish and criticizing other Jews for taking actions to protect themselves and their loved ones. The Israeli people “cry never again,” and refuse to be slaughtered by those exhibiting signs of insanity as they yell “God (Allah) is great.”

This column reads like something Shakespeare would write if he were to be infested with brain-eating parasites.

Which is a roundabout way of saying, “It’s not very good.”

Unfortunately, a minority of Jews who live here and abroad find fault with Israel and America. These two countries stand firm against the evil cowardice acts of terrorism. This small miniscule wrongly blame Israel and America with retribution.

OK, that does it. Marie cannot possibly be a native English speaker. She has to be some kind of Klingon, or at the very least an Elf Princess.

Jews for Peace and other anti-war groups put all American and the world at risk with their unwise words of pointless stupidity.

Couldn’t have said whatever it was you were trying to say better myself.

When not under attack, the people of Israel live their lives in peace.

Good point. By the same token, when I’m not asleep, I live my life awake.

They do not hold animosity toward others. They do not wish to do anyone harm. Israelis embrace and respect life.

Extremist Islamic terrorists do not hold the same values as the people that God called “His chosen people.” Radial Islam is a religion of death.

Down with Radial Islam! Up with Circumference Islam!


Comments: 87


I bought radial tires in Mexico. Am I going to hell?


Wow. I guess the old saying is true. If you put a single monkey at a single typewriter, in five minutes he’ll have written a Marie Jon column.


And the Richard Mellon Scaife welfare-to-journalism wagon train rolls on….


Is there an IQ limit at Renew America? You know, like the sign in the kiddie section of a theme park where you can’t ride if you’re too tall?


Wow. It’s like she takes random phrases, translates them through Babelfish into Swahili, then runs them back through into English and calls it a column. She’s like the Pablo Picasso of sentence structure.

Marie honey, don’t quit your day job…(and don’t EVAR change!)


As an English t.a. I have to say that, although I agree in general that M.J. is writing a little below a fourth-grade reading level, I disagree with you on her comma use…at least in that one sentence. “However, that very same day another group, Jews for Peace, in San Francisco, blamed Israel for the war in the Middle East and protested against Jews living in Israel” has only one incorrect comma–the one after “Peace.” You need the comma after “However” because it’s a transitional expression, and you need the two surrounding “Jews for Peace in San Francisco” because it’s an appositive.

…Although, if you take out the comma after Peace, it might look like the group was “Jews for Peace in San Francisco” (as opposed to Peace in Oakland), so the best revision would be “San Francisco-based Jews for Peace.” Or does that look like only San Francisco Jews are pro-peace? Damn this language.


My favorite part is where the small miniscule put all American at risk. You need a secret decoder ring to unscamble this woman’s English.

Oooh, if she drops by in the comments: what’s up with the apostrophe, Marie Jon’?


I have to concur with Tomemos. It’s clunky phrasing, but is it incorrect? No. This sentence, has an incorrect comma.

Herr Doktor Bimler

How to turn excess punctuation into architecture:
If life gives you colons, make a colonnade.


I think the group is supposed to be based, “in” San… Fransico. I believe it should read:
“However, that very same day, another group in San Fransisco, Jews for Peace, blamed Israel for the war in the Middle East and protested against Jews living in Israel.”

Is she high? She has to be high. Her arguement is so skewed and flawed,
Without doign any research, it seems to me that the Anti-Israel Jew community is, you know against the creation of the Israeli state. As well, it seems that most of the Anti-Israeli terrorist and government actions are against the creation of the Israeli state.
I assume that their problem isn’t really with the Jewish State, just the location, location, location.
Ergo, If Jews for Peace got their way, Israel would relocate (I’m thinking a small island in the Carribbean. Maybe some sparcely poplated country needs some bread and has high land value?) Wouldn’t the war, you know, stop. Thus no longer put Israel and/or America in danger?
That’s “unwise words of pointless stupidity” (redundent?) ? So what’s Sage Confusion Advice of Smartness Wisdomry? Fifty more years of retaliatory suicide bombings for retaliatory air strikes?

Incidently, I recall a quote I read years ago from someone regarding cowardly terrorists. It goes something like, “Cowardance isn’t straping a bomb to yourself and giving your soul to Allah; cowardance is launching a cruise missle from 200 miles away.”
I dun nessicarily agree with that, but it sticks with me. I can’t stand propoganda-esque belittlement and dumbing down of enemies and threats.


I wish Marie’ would renew her byline photo to show us a fresh new look.


With a little rejigging that sentence can go commaless I think. Tell me if this sentence would need a comma, Tomemos.

But the very same day San Francisco-based activist group Jews for Peace blamed Israel for the war in the Middle East and protested against Israeli Jews.


Since the Old Testament was written by Jews, how do we know that God called them his “chosen people”? I bet the guy just made it up.

Herr Doktor Bimler

This small miniscule wrongly blame Israel and America with retribution.

All serious observers agree that whenever false accusations are being hurled against Israel and America, you will find a majuscule at the heart of it. Yes, the dreaded upper-case, all-capitals sign of derangement. But once again, the harmless lower-case minuscule is held responsible. Will no-one think of the minuscules!


She has to be some kind of Klingon, or at the very least an Elf Princess.

Throngilios pandwesu thalgi …. ooop, must post in English. As a genuine Elf princess, and a miniscule one at that, I must protest this slur against my sister princesses! This Marie Jon’ creature’s abuse of language suggests that she is of Orcean lineage, descended from those vile hoardes who assault others with their dangling participles and think syntax is a fee you pay for having a good time.


Aww cripes, this lady may be as dumb as a sack full of carburetors, but she is hot…


Yeah, she’s the hottest wingnut around. A small miniscule of American agree(s). Kudos, Glamour Shots.

I had no idea that Kaye Grogan was her grandmother!


Radial Islam is a religion of death.

And Bias Ply Islam was even more deadly what with all those rollover accidents.


Well, if one were to be picky, “however” is postpositive and ought not be used to start a sentence.


“However” is a perfectly fine word to start a sentence with. Don’t make me sic Geoff Pullum on you. See also.


Clearly, we’ve already read Marie’s work more closely than she has. Maybe we can all get copyediting jobs at Renew America? There’s certainly enough work to go around.


Marie said:

“However, that very same day another group, Jews for Peace, in San Francisco, blamed Israel for the war in the Middle East and protested against Jews living in Israel.”

So many commas and none after “that very same day”?

Karl the Grouchy Medievalist

Random_guy: looks good to me (and I’ve taught freshman English many times).

Matt Weiner: excellent links. Thanks.

Some_guy: yours doesn’t work, since so far as I know, she hasn’t referenced any other group in SF yet: so you need a comma after ‘group’ (i.e., “another group, in SF, J for P”).


As a copywriter (of evil), I’m gratified to see so many people taking an interest in proper sentence construction. I creamed my jeans when I saw one poster, Tomemos, talk about placing commas on either side of an appositive.

This is the second time I’ve been tempted to contact Marie Jon’ and offer to edit her columns before they appear on the web. There’s no constitutional right to make sense when writing in your own language, however, so I can’t subsidize that activity through federal grants.

Who here will donate to DA’s ‘A Copy Edit for Marie’ fund? Think of the children!


Gah Elfy! Inzult Urcs not! Jon’ kreatur urc not! Urc fien linage! She fien linage, not!


If you think the column itself is unsettling, consider the possibility that someone at Renew America actually edited this thing before slapping it onto the Internet. I can just picture some wingnut editor poring over Marie’s words and saying to himself, “‘This small miniscule wrongly blame Israel and America with retribution’? Pure gold! Why the Pulitzer committee keeps pretending we don’t exist, I’ll never know!”

Actually, it’d probably come out something like, “Purest gold! The Pulzter Comittee keep pretending, we don’t exist! Why is never made clear to me!”


“This small miniscule wrongly blame…”

Okay this collection of words make no sense, but could someone quantify “small miniscule” so I know the difference between that amount and “big miniscule”?

Is Radial Islam practiced by Echinoderms and Cnidaria? How does it differ from Bilateral Islam? Does it have more planes of symmetry?


tommy yum said,
July 19, 2006 at 12:46

I had no idea that Kaye Grogan was her grandmother!

Ach! Ya made Willy go all limp. Damn ya tommy!


Hi-larious. This is so great; I actually came here thinking, “I’m kind of depressed. Maybe there’s a new Marie Jon’ column.” Oh joy!

“I live my life awake.” Chortle!


Another fine point of wingnut grammar: Why can’t Gary include the required “that” after using his favorite “the fact is”? Arrggh.

I like the word “that”. It’s so underutilized these days.

And remember: That that is is not that that is not.


Devil’s Advocate:

“This is the second time I’ve been tempted to contact Marie Jon’ and offer to edit her columns before they appear on the web. ”

I don’t know if this is possible. I understand that copy editors often rewrite passages to clarify the sense intended by the author. What I don’t know, however, is whether there is any sense in anything Marie writes.


She writes like I do when I’m typing up quick comments for blogs. Sometimes I read my posts and say to myself “I should really take more time and think about what I’m going to write before I actually write it.” Like right now….


She has to be some kind of Klingon, or at the very least an Elf Princess.

Her real name is Story and she lives beneath the pool behind the apartment building.


I think she’s a Klingon Elf.

Boy, if you guys ever find a Marie Jon’ video on UTube, I shudder to think of the devastation.

Talk about M.A.D.


If you think the column itself is unsettling, consider the possibility that someone at Renew America actually edited this thing before slapping it onto the Internet.

No one edits this stuff, dude. Just trust me.


On a more serious note, most Jews were against Zionism prior to WWII. Of course, this dynamic changed greatly following WWII, for obvious reasons. I would recommend checking out:

Jews Against Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948
by: Thomas A. Kolsky

The basic argument that a ‘Jewish state’ would be anti-democratic by very nature since the state would be based on 1 religious identity. They argued for the creation of a larger state that included all current inhabitants regardless of religion. Then the democratic process with minority rights would be the basis of goverment….

I’m greatly simplifying a very complex subject which most people are not aware of.

pretty crazy stuff;-)


She can blather all she wants – the girl has it going on. Frankly, it beats listening to gossip she heard at the salon, which can be a serious risk with a woman like that.

I wonder if we sent her an elf princess costume if she’d bless us with a photo of her in it? Maybe SN! could take up a collection or something.


“Marie cannot possibly be a native English speaker. She has to be some kind of Klingon, or at the very least an Elf Princess.”

I am increasingly of the opinion that she is in fact an ICQ sexbot that achieved sentience some time in early 2002.


Since Radical Islam takes many of its talking points from the chatter of Europeans and the hard Left in America you guys could do the world a favor by talking about the 72 virgins awaiting each of these fine young men who blow themselves up.

Notorious P.A.T.

“I wish Marie’ would renew her byline photo to show us a fresh new look. ”

No kidding. What’s with the turtleneck? It’s July, for cripe’s sake.


“Since Radical Islam takes many of its talking points from the chatter of Europeans and the hard Left in America”

Ooh, mega iceburn! Take that, snarky blogger culture!


The good people of Lebanon made a pact with the devil and now the devil is taking his due.


I can’t wait for the radical Wahhabi mullahs (supported by the petrodollars of Bushie’s best Saudi pals) to start repeating left-wing talking points like

“Marie cannot possibly be a native English speaker.”

“She’s the hottest wingnut around. A small miniscule of American agree(s). Kudos, Glamour Shots.”

“This column reads like something Shakespeare would write if he were to be infested with brain-eating parasites.”

That will be the best Terror Tape* ever.

* Not available on CD or Podcast.


Oh dear, the Jose Chung script has replicated and spread…


People, People! What if Marie Jon’ comes here, sees the unclosed italic tag, and goes after us the way we go after her? Think of the children, indeed!


Jose Chung is demonstrating an extremely studied and sophisticated understanding of the Middle East. We are lucky to have him around.


Don’t make fun of poor Marie for her difficulties with language. It’s probably not her fault. I would guess that she was “educated” in a Christian school or perhaps home schooled.



It takes no sophistication to understand this: One side wants to be left alone and the other side wants them dead. If Hamas and Hezbollah stopped attacking Israel and recognized Israel’s right to exist, there would be peace tomorrow.


One side wants to be left alone and the other side wants them dead. If Hamas and Hezbollah stopped attacking Israel and recognized Israel’s right to exist, there would be peace tomorrow.

depends on how you define ‘peace’ doesn’t it? I can only guess that the Palestinians do not define it as having all promised funding for their elected leaders cut off. And I can guess that they do not define it as being walled away, and having land that they have inhabited inside their designated areas handed over to Israeli settlers. And I can also guess that they don’t define it as being run over by Israeli tanks.

but again, I clearly lack your sophistication, and fail to see that killing civilians is a solution to a terrorist problem. Guess I should have gone and gotten that PhD in national security like you clearly did.


Re: King Spirula – …but could someone quantify “small minisculeâ€? so I know the difference between that amount and “big minisculeâ€??

Scules may be ranked along a continuum with regard to size; the gradations are at best relative – all you can really assert is that a “small miniscule” must be in some way less magnificent (or possibly, more minificent) than a “large miniscule”, and proceeding thusly on up the sliding scule scale to “small maxiscule”, “big maxiscule”, “super-absorbent maxiscule”….et.seq.

All you can really say for sure is the MJ has to have been homesculed.
Sean Huff


“This small miniscule wrongly blame Israel and America with retribution.”

As distinguished from that other LARGE miniscule.


Ah, foo. You guys beat me to it, as usual.



When Bill Clinton was president the Palistinians were offered everything they could of possibly wished for and they turned it down. Their goal was a one state solution–with no Israel.

Israel vacated Gaza 11 months ago, tearing thousands of settlers kicking and screaming back to Israel proper. The next morning Hamas fired rockets over the wall into Israel and haven’t let up since. (By the way, the wall has been quite effective in stopping suicide bombers).

Hamas, in their charter, vow the destruction of Israel and yet you would fund them? Why don’t you send them a check so they can kill more innocent people?

As Israel left Lebanon six years ago, Hezzbollah’s attack was completely unprovoked. Israel is defending herself, and if you condemn Israel for that then, yes, you are anti-Israel, pure and simple. This is the litmus test.


The good people of Lebanon made a pact with the devil and now the devil is taking his due.

They’re not the only ones. America’s own bill is about to come due, and I suspect you won’t like the size of it.


Matt Weiner: I am a classicist and will continue to cling tenaciously to the rules that attempt to force English to comply with Latin grammar. Further affiant sayeth naught. 🙂


When Bill Clinton was president the Palistinians were offered everything they could of possibly wished for

Um, no. The Oslo accords was a divide-and-conquer scheme dressed up as a solution in an (ultimately unsuccessful) attempt to de-legitimize all Palestinian greivances in the eyes of the rest of the world. It would have left it impossible to have a viable Palestinian state, which is the only means through which there will ever be a chance at peace.

You, Jose, like most wingnuts, fail to draw any distinction between the public at large and a handful of extremist groups. Which is like saying you simply MUST be a member of the Branch Davidians because, well, you’re American and so are they. Which is precisely like al-Qaeda saying that since Americans vote for the leaders that al-Qaeda has a beef with, Americans are legitimate targets.

So, Jose, why do you hate America?



Oh, please. That’s just nonsense. Arafat was offered everything but the kitchen sink and he turned it down. Arafat didn’t want peace, he never wanted it, and if you believe he did then you are lying to yourself. Although he did make a contribution to the world: the suicide bomber, which we now see in Iraq every other day, thanks to Arafat and the Palestinians.


When Bill Clinton was president the Palistinians were offered everything they could of possibly wished for and they turned it down. Their goal was a one state solution–with no Israel.

Yeah everything is as simple as you make it out to be: The Palestinians (those evil homeless bastards) turned down everything they said wanted because all of them secretly want to destroy Israel and continue the misery that has existed for sixty years. Or it could be that the Palestinians felt that since the PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist (which is a major concession considering that a lot of Palestinians were kicked off their land in the various mid east wars in the 20th century), they should be entitled to the entire West Bank and Gaza strip with Jerusalem as their capital (seeing as the third holiest site in Islam is kinda in that city). Now, I might even agree with you that the Palestinians made a mistake in turning down that offer. Who knows?

Israel vacated Gaza 11 months ago, tearing thousands of settlers kicking and screaming back to Israel proper. The next morning Hamas fired rockets over the wall into Israel and haven’t let up since. (By the way, the wall has been quite effective in stopping suicide bombers).

While the Israelis have increased settlements in the West bank. And yes the wall has reduced suicide attacks. Hence the new emphasis on Rocket Attacks and kidnapping Israeli soldiers… because if “the enemy” does something that conteracts your tactics, you change them to ones that are more effective.

Hamas, in their charter, vow the destruction of Israel and yet you would fund them? Why don’t you send them a check so they can kill more innocent people?

Hamas is an elected government, which I thought George Bush was for… Oh yeah, he’s for elected governments that toe the US line. Great, that’ll definitely sell. Should we send Hamas money? Well, if you don’t send ’em money, the Palestinian people will blame “The West” and “Israel” for their suffering (which given the high unemployment in the west bank is a given). So you increase the potential for terrorism even if you do cut off funding.

As Israel left Lebanon six years ago, Hezzbollah’s attack was completely unprovoked. Israel is defending herself, and if you condemn Israel for that then, yes, you are anti-Israel, pure and simple. This is the litmus test.

Erm, If you say Israel has no right to defend itself, then I agree with you. However nobody is saying that. Most of the condemnation is for the, well, disproportionality of this attack. Namely, that bombing the crap out of Beruit escalates the situation and won’t solve anything. Indeed all Israel’s actions seem to be is to ensure that it is surrounded by failed states, which I thought were the breeding ground for terror and are hense bad.

In any case, what you are claiming is that Israel has a right to do pretty much anything “in the name of self defense.” Would dropping a nuke on Beruit, Damascus and Tehran be acceptable in that metric?


Hamas, in their charter, vow the destruction of Israel and yet you would fund them? Why don’t you send them a check so they can kill more innocent people?

Ignorant fucktard award winning prose! Gee, Gary – er, Jose, I’d love to, but I don’t have the money left over after my tax dollars were used to buy 500 and 1000 pound aerial bombs for israel to drop on families and farms and factories and power stations – not that there’s room in your worldview to consider those people innocent. They are, after all, brown and not christian, so you can’t understand how anyone might consider they have a right to fucking LIVE!!!



Hey Jose:

From Wikipedia

“While [Arafat’s] supporters viewed him as a heroic freedom fighter who symbolized the national aspirations of the Palestinian people, his opponents often described him as an unrepentant terrorist with a long legacy of promoting violence. Still others, on the Palestinian side, accused him of being a deeply corrupt politician or a weak leader who made too many concessions to the Israeli government during the 1993 Oslo Accords. However, Arafat has been widely recognized through-out the world for his leading of the Fatah, which he founded in 1957, to the 1993 recognition of Israel and the signature of the Oslo Accords.”

Arafat signed the Oslo accords. Do you call that “turning down”?

“The accords aroused in the two peoples, the Israeli and the Palestinian, a wave of hope to end the violence, but not everyone participated in this hope.

In Israel, a strong debate over the accords took place; the left wing supported them, while the right wing opposed them. After a two day discussion in the Knesset on the government proclamation in the issue of the accord and the exchange of the letters, on September 23, 1993 a vote of confidence was held in which 61 Knesset members voted for the decision, 50 voted against and 8 abstained.

The Palestinian reactions to the accords were not homogeneous, either. The Fatah accepted the accords, but the Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which were known as the “refusal organizations”, objected to the accords since the groups completely denounce Israel’s right to exist.

On both sides there were fears of the other side’s intentions. ….”

There are plenty of folks on both sides who don’t want peace. There are normal humans on both sides who want peace. Liberals want peace, which puts us in line with the best interests of everyone. You just think we should bomb the hell out the whole place, which puts you with the homicidal bastards in Beirut, Washington, and Tel Aviv.

As usual, the right just wants war, and can’t think in any other terms.


Whoa. Who flooded the bridge at Digby’s place, sending the troll here?


“The good people of Lebanon made a pact with the devil and now the devil is taking his due.”

Mm…well….Israel is bombing Lebanese infrastructure like airports, and highways. Also lobbing bombs into residential neighborhoods.

Hezbollah is not = to the sovereign nation of Lebanon; it’s military wing is a criminal/terrorist element thereof.

Imagine the New Jersey Mafia blowing up a target in Canada. Would the appropriate Canadian response be to blow up Newark Airport? Lob bombs into Rahway?

Imagine, shall we say, something a little more plausible; the IRA bombing targets in London. Should England bomb the Dublin Airport? Bomb residential neighborhoods in Galway?


When Bill Clinton was president the Palistinians were offered everything they could of possibly wished for and they turned it down. Their goal was a one state solution–with no Israel.

Ah yes, I remember clearly how the Palestinian leader was gunned down by a islamic fundamentalist for daring to sign the Oslo Accords. Oh, wait.


This is belated, but: random_guy’s sentence looks good to me. And the best part is, since it’s one of Marie”s few factual statements, it actually isn’t painful to read!


my tax dollars were used to buy 500 and 1000 pound aerial bombs for israel to drop on families and farms and factories and power stations

Ah shit, now we have to add hospitals , dairy farms, and medicine factories to the list.


Hasn’t anyone noticed the photo below the article, above the author blurb? The caption reads: “Israelis cautiously exit a shelter near the site where a rocket fired from Lebanon by Hezbollah terrorists killed a man in Nahariya, Israel.” The photo, though, is of some hooded Arabs with submachineguns burning American and Israeli flags.


Ah, yes, the Oslo accords. Jose, what if I offered you an Oslo accord for your house? You get to keep 95% of the floor plan, and I only get 5%. What could go wrong. Now, you don’t mind if I pick the 5%, do you? Okay, good. Let’s start with the kitchen sink. I’ll take that. Oh, and the area around the toilets and shower and sink in bathrooms. Not much square footage there. Oh, and did I mention the electrical outlets? And the front and back doors, the windows, the interior doors, and the garage door. Okay, that should be about it. Except for the wall I’m going to build around my 5%, with the checkpoints for when you want to go through one of the doors. How do you like them Oslos?


Only one comma was used incorrectly.


I thought it was radian Islam, which would allow me to make comments about degrees of Islam.

It was funnier in my head (no it wasn’t).

P.S. I am informed that Neturei Karta is the Westboro Baptist of Judaism, Developing…


‘Jose’ sounds like he got rejected by RenewAmerica. Oh dear.


I wonder if we sent her an elf princess costume if she’d bless us with a photo of her in it?

I was hoping more for the “French Maid” or “Catholic Girl’s School” look, but I’ll take what I can get.


Since Radical Islam takes many of its talking points from the chatter of Europeans and the hard Left in America you guys could blah fucking blah blah blah…

Dude. Can’t you read? It’s “Radial Islam.” Don’t talk to me about Pi. I knew Pi. And you, sir, are no Pi.


Thanks guys for letting me kow that sentence was okay. I don’t know if it’s the same where you guys live, but here in Australia by the time I’d got to school they’d pretty much stopped teaching grammar (at least explicitly; I think the idea was you’re supposed to learn correct grammar subconsciously). As a result I’m ignorant of a lot of the rules I’m probably supposed to know. And I’ll be going into a job where writing is paramount once I graduate from Uni. Eep.


“I was hoping more for the “French Maidâ€? or “Catholic Girl’s Schoolâ€? look, but I’ll take what I can get. ”

Hawt. Maybe we could take a vote or something.

Guys, stop playing with the troll. We are trying to decide what to get for Marie here.

How about naughty teacher? Oooo, skimpy nazi dominatrix – not so far from the truth!

But I’m guessing it would need to be something pretty. We can hope Marie has a wild side, but somehow I suspect thats a little too optimistic.


“…now the devil is taking his due.â€?

So Israel = the Devil? Oh, dear. While I’m critical of Israel’s targeting of civilians, I’m not prepared to go that far.

Guys, stop playing with the troll.

Awwww! Do I have to?

We are trying to decide what to get for Marie here. How about naughty teacher? Oooo, skimpy nazi dominatrix – not so far from the truth!

I’m seeing Marie as more on the sub than the dom side.


Oh happy day, a New Trollâ„¢!!1!!
I just lurve the way each New Trollâ„¢ has its own idioms and personality, For instance, if this Chung fella was Gary Ruppert, he would have done that whole Oslo bit, but he would have used his “fact is”s to claim that Israel bombing the living crap out of Lebanon, and in his mind hopefully Iran and Syria, too, would cause Dumbya’s popularity rating to skyrocket to one-hundred and eleven percent!!one1!
I just demonstrated that Gary Ruppert has *loads* more personality than Jose Chung. That is so… incredibly sad. And yet “bwah-ha-ha”-worthy, somehow.

Humbert Dinglepencker

Wholly Crap! No one can be this stupid and still breathe.


I am not an expert on commas, but I think that the culprit sentence is written in wrong order. It was rather irrelevant that the protest of Jews for Peace took place in San Francisco, so you do not want to mention it in the middle of long sentence. So perhaps

“However, on the very same day in San Francisco another group, Jews for Peace, …”
and after the last comma the relevant facts can be put together. The name of the organization is much more relevant here (I presume) than the name of the city. Unless the name of the city was central to her point, which could be expressed thusly:

“While New York, the Gomorrah of the latter days, witnessed a rare moment of sanity, the bussiness was as usual in our own Sodom (San Francisco) where Jews for Peace…” (thats my inner monkey typing).

By following the links, I could see that Jon’ is a “founder” of an “sister website” (for ChWN) that promotes the good news that the end is near. The current multitude of wars is one of their arguments — I guess that organizations “for Peace” are really unwelcome in that case.

To me, another part of the article was revealing: a lenghy passage about Iranian Hezbollah. Marie seems to imply that Iranian Hezbollah talk a lot about being ready for martyrdom but they do not do anything. This passage seems to imply, perhaps correctly, that there is no need to worry about Iran. Soo?

Marie perhaps suffers from ADT or something like that and thus she cannot repeat wingnut talking points without getting distracted several times. In that, she resembles Peggy Noonan who in the middle of commentary about the sad state of the minds of American liberals launches an explanation that “media is”, because the language evolves and now media is not a plural form of medium anymore. (Or was it a subtle dig at liberal for whom “media are”?) Of course, Peggy at her most inane moments puts commas correctly in place.


You’re full of shit dude. The four commas were used correctly. Take some remedial English.


Hello guys,

Let’s get things straight in this blog. No one on any on any website are paid professionals. Some though are brilliant thinkers as well as excellent op-ed writers. We are just people across America with an opinion. People read our work and agree or disagree.

You really miss the point with your grammar police in here. I personally do not give a fig about total constant perfection. I’m to busy painting my gorgeous finger nails to worry about meeting Sadly No’s standards.
However, I do care getting my simple points across. I do that very well. When I want to write perfectly I can. What do any of you people in here contribute to society ?

Pick this op-ed apart! You see, when I’m good , I am very very good.

Marines Always Keep Their Promises

By Marie Jon’

On April 24, 20-year old Marine Lance Cpl. Aaron W. Simons of Modesto, California, died while serving his country.

Simons died while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in the Al Anbar province in Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twenty-nine Palms, California.

In May of this year, I wrote about the death of Marine Aaron W. Simons, and the heart wrenching effect it had on Aaron’s mother on Mother’s Day. Since then, something else regarding Aaron has come to light that I previously had not heard about. Recently, I learned from the Simons family of a life-saving promise that Aaron made before he died.

Could it be possible that the providence of a loving, Almighty God is falling into place as this ongoing true-life story unfolds concerning Aaron’s promise? In my eyes, the answer is yes.

While Aaron Simons was stationed in Iraq, he heard about a little girl who helped the troops speak the Iraqi language. Before I continue, a bit about Aaron, who was by all accounts extremely dedicated to the mission of helping Iraq become a Democracy.

The Iraqi people were of great interest and passion to Aaron. He longed to talk with each and everyone of them that–he felt–God sent his way. Working with the Iraqi people on a personal level was very important to Aaron. Showing people, even strangers, love came easy for Aaron. Besides the burly and hardcore reputation that graces that of a U.S. Marine, Aaron showed how a Marine can also be outgoing, charming, and vibrant.

Winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people was not hard for Aaron. His heart overflowed with love for his Savior, Jesus Christ. Aaron was the genuine article who reflected “a great and faithful servant.”

When Aaron met the little Iraqi girl, he was over taken by her unfortunate illness. Many children of Iraq suffer from a parasite found in the Iraqi soil. The parasite enters the body through the feet, and can attack the kidney, liver, and other organs of small children. Sandals and vitamins can help protect children from the parasite, but not always.

Unfortunately for little twelve year old Hamade Hadeal, the dangerous parasite had already done its damage. Tragically, this innocent child had already fallen victim to the parasite. Her small, frail body, ravaged as it was by this disease, was starting to fail.

Enter the hero.

Marine Aaron Simons told little Hamade that if it took every penny he made as a soldier, she would receive the very best of care. Aaron prayed for the day that she would no longer be sick. Somehow, Aaron’s promise will be kept.

Personally, I believe in miracles. Many are recorded throughout the Old and New Testaments.

God’s workings come from many different directions. God can move and cause miracles to happen through the hands and actions of different people.

Physicians with proper procedures and medications can be a part of the Almighty’s perfect plan. People from all over the world are working together to fulfill God’s will for Hamade.

Since late April, the Simons family with the help of Aaron’s friends in Iraq is working 24/7 to keep hope alive for the little girl. Roadblocks will not deter these people–chosen by God, I believe–to make Aaron’s promise come true for this unfortunate little girl.

While Iraqi doctors in Baghdad refused to treat Hamade, others are pushing through and ignoring the odds against her recovery. From her very beginnings America embraced their Judeo-Christian beliefs that choose life. People who serve a living Lord simply won’t give up the fight to save Hamade.

And yes, miracles are happening. An Indian man offered $5,000 towards the cost of having a leading specialist in his home country treat Hamade.

As one who knows her heavenly Father, I am making a personal plea. Let’s all pray for Hamade. This is your opportunity to be part of God’s miracle.

In God’s eyes, “all things are possible” to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, including a Marine’s promise

Here is the full article as run by The Modesto Bee that shows the progress that Hamade is making, and the snags that she will encounter along the way:

“On Wednesday, it looked like the Marines, a congressman and the Blue Star Mothers had moved enough medical mountains to keep a fallen Modesto Marine’s promise to save a dying Iraqi girl.

On Thursday, an adult dose of reality had hundreds, if not thousands, holding their breath for the fate of 12-year-old Hamade Hadeal.

Military physicians are consulting with doctors worldwide, trying to decide whether the child can stand up to travel and the ordeal of the liver-kidney transplants that likely are needed to save her life.

Marine Lt. Col. Larry White, who along with Navy Cmdr. Tara Zieber, is treating Hamade, wrote an e-mail explaining the extenuating circumstances of the case. The letter was sent to Debbie Katsounakis, president of the Central Valley Chapter of Blue Star Mothers and Families.

Katsounakis was leading a full-court press to help the girl on Tuesday and Wednesday. She sent fellow mothers, hospitals and lawmakers word of the girl’s plight and her connection to Marine Lance Cpl. Aaron W. Simons of Modesto. Simons had promised fellow Marines he would save the girl, even if he had to pay for her care himself.

White’s update on Hamade said: ‘The outpouring of goodwill in this case is heartening, because it reflects the generosity and caring spirit of the American people. We should be very cautious in how we represent this case, however. Raising some funds through donations is one thing, but her long-term care will likely require significant, sustained provision of resources (we’re talking hundreds of thousands, if not in the millions here) and in all likelihood, her prognosis may still be poor.â€?

Expensive drugs a sticking point:

White and doctors from Jordan, India and the United States are deciding what to do and where it can be done. One of the sticking points is the expense of anti-rejection drugs Hamade will need for the rest of her life. White indicated they might cost $15,000 a month.

Katsounakis said she still believes the miracle will happen. She said she is motivated by Simons, the young Marine who died in an April 24 rocket attack on his base in northern Iraq.

We owe it to Aaron and his sacrifice and his family, she said.

In two days, Katsounakis received hundreds of replies to her appeal. A Tracy doctor offered to help bring the child to Stanford. An Indian immigrant offered to pay $5,000 toward getting Hamade to a leading specialist in his home country.

With the help of Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Merced, Hamade almost was on her way to Children’s Hospital Central California in Madera. Cardoza had been alerted by Chip Langman, a staffer in his Merced office. Langman’s mother received the Blue Stars Mothers’ appeal and sent it to her son.

The e-mail tree went from California to India and Iraq and back. Katsounakis said she has received more than 150 responses and the number is growing.
It has been a rocky road for Hamade and those who want to help her.

Since late April, Marines trying to make good on Simons’ pledge to help the girl have met one roadblock after another. Iraqi doctors in Baghdad refused to treat Hamade and sent her home to die.

On Wednesday, the Blue Star Mothers, Cardoza and Children’s Hospital Central California tried to come to the rescue. Cardoza gave credit to his staff and said it is always a privilege to help, whether someone is in trouble overseas or needs an assist like this.â€? When we hear about cases like this, you have to have compassion.

Congressman lends a hand:

We have a mom who lost her son and a girl with horrific problems,’ he said. ‘A lot of people are going out of the way to fulfill the dying wish of this soldier. Far be it from me to get in the way. ‘

Cardoza noted he was lucky enough to live in a country where he could get the kidney surgery he needed when he was 6 years old. The reality is there is a sick girl in the Middle East and she’s going to die unless we bring her to America,’ he said.’ If I can help her or some other child, I will.’

John Bray, Cardoza’s aide in Washington, said Thursday that everyone now is taking a step back to let the doctors decide what’s best. Even if Cardoza hadn’t received word through Langman, he certainly would have heard about it from Aaron Simons’ family.

Charlotte Simons said she and her husband forwarded the Iraqi girl’s story to everyone they knew, including Washington lawmakers. When Aaron died, all these officials sent us nice plaques and said they wanted us to call if we ever wanted anything,” said Aaron’s mother. “We told them, ‘This is what we want.’

John Simons said the first time that he and his wife learned of Hamade’s story and Aaron’s desire to help her was at his son’s funeral.

His son’s battalion commander, Lt. Col. Nick Marano, wrote on the unit’s Web site that the young Marine had vowed to help the girl. Marano’s pledge to fulfill Aaron’s promise was relayed to the family at the funeral. The elder Simons said he and his wife learned more when his son’s best friend, Lance Cpl. Ian Kutner, wrote them a letter.

When we were deployed, Aaron wanted to speak Arabic,’ Kutner wrote.’we went to the Arabic side of (our) camp. We heard about a young girl (who was dying) but none of the other Marines had done anything (but talk about it). Aaron and me, we made a pact. Whatever happened to us, even if we had to pay for it ourselves, we would save this little girl.’ The two Marines made almost daily visits to help Hamade and her family.

Many children suffering in Iraq:

Navy physician Lt. Mark Rasmussen tried to help the Marines and Hamade by seeking help in the Central Valley. He was raised in Visalia. In subsequent e-mails and phone interviews, he talked about problems beyond Hamade.

There’s another little girl with heart failure who needs surgery. A doctor at another base is working with the Mayo Brothers Clinic,’ he reported. ‘She’ll die within a year without corrective heart surgery.’ He also said many children suffer from malnutrition because they walk barefoot and pick up parasites. He said for a pair of sandals and pennies worth of vitamins, the malnutrition problem could be solved.

There’s a lot of tragedy here and no way to handle it all,’ Rasmussen said.

For those who want to help Hamade Hadeal or other Iraqi children with sandals or vitamins, contact Debbie Katsounakis at 209-410-2467 or the Simons family by e-mail at
This is just one of many stories that comes out of Iraq that the mainstream media willingly turns a blind eye to. It seems that the media would rather busy themselves reporting on the death of American soldiers as opposed to what these same soldiers did while alive. It is why the media is no longer an entity of truth or even straight, unvarnished news, but rather a political party unto themselves, and in service to the Democratic Party.
Cpl. Aaron W. Simons died a hero–not once, but twice. He served his country admirably, and he served Christ by showing us all what it means to give oneself over to God’s love, and feel Him work through you. Hamade Hadeal knows this love, as God’s servant Aaron exemplifies the spirit that lives in all of us, yearning to burst forth, and help those who cannot help themselves.
It is the Cpl. Aaron W. Simons’ and the many like him that defines the greatness of America, and just what it is America is doing in Iraq. Tragically, it is the story that the liberal and agenda-driven media care the least of.
Related Links:

Related Readings links:

A reflection on Mother’s Day — Lance Cpl. Aaron William Simons killed in Iraq A searchable online Bible in over 50 versions. It provides translations in English and other languages. The website includes the NIV, theNIV-UK.

The Hope Movie

The God Story Movie

Bio: Marie Jon’ is a political and religious-based writer, and is the founder— a sister website to Marie is a featured as a columnist on, The Daley Times Post, and, News Bull, Radio free West Hartford, Spero News, Christian Worldview Network and The Conservative Voice.

Marie Jon’ is part of the fast growing new media. Rie Jon ‘is a guest writer for the New Media Journal, the, and the Assyrian International News Agency, and many others prestigious websites. Marie Jon’ has been a guest on radio WBAL radio. Marie is a refreshing new voice. She is real, open and honest without the bite of a Coulter attitude. Talk radio, is a new forum for this attractive young conservative. She welcomes a conversation/debate on any issue she writes about. “She is just a refreshing breath of air.” Bruce Elliot WBAL radio host


Wow, that’s actually nearly coherent.

Wait a minute……

Oh, that explains it.

Marie, has anyone ever taking the time to explain the word “plagiarism” to you? Do you realize that passing another person’s words off as yours is stealing? Do you know you’ve been caught doing this before? Are you aware that in academic communities, plagiarism is considered about the worst crime a human being can commit?

Or are you just so fricking stupid that you don’t get it?

And how is the “mainstream media” turning a blind eye to this story when you PLAGIARISED IT FROM A MAINSTREAM MEDIA NEWS ARTICLE?


Um… Jill, I hate to interfere with some good olefashioned MJ’-bashing, but to be fair, when prefacing your borrowing with “Here is the full article as run by The Modesto Bee…“, it hardly counts as plagiarising.


Point, Bistroist…..but it does undermine her claim that

1.) *She* is actually capable of writing something coherent, and
2.) The “mainstream media” ignores stories like this.

The way she set it up, she did make it sound like she was giving us a sample of her own writing. My bad for assuming she’d even pretend to write something. Bad me. Bad, bad me.


True, true.

Here’s a useful rule of thumb: if less than 30% of the communique in question is made up of invocations of various deities and professions of unquavering belief in the same, there’s a reasonable chance it doesn’t carry the official MJ’ stamp of approval.

Oh, and why did Aaron Simons hate our freedoms?

He had been cautious in talking about his service in Iraq, though he told his family that he disagreed with some of the decisions he saw being made there.


“What do any of you people in here contribute to society ?”

Well, none of us are schtupping you…so we’re helping save humanity from complete collapse.


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