From the Tweet Box
Tim Graham, who is Brent Bozell’s butt boy and assistant searcher of “fuck” at, did not like my post on “Fuck You” one bit, so he took a few moments from stuffing his cheeks to send me this tweet defending the honor of his wingnut welfare sugar daddy Brent Bozell:
I mean, what’s up with that, other than being a lame attempt at a homophobic swipe? For the record, Tintin doesn’t wear capri pants. He wears plus fours. But if Tintin did wear capri pants he’d still be butcher in them than Tim Graham in his butchest outfit, which probably consists of — (horrifying image alert) — size forty-six jeans and a pizza-stained wife-beater. And if Tim Graham were a real man and if he had any balls, he’d simply call me a “cocksucking faggot” and dispense with the little school-girl jibe about capri pants.
The real howler in Timmy’s little whiny-ass, titty-baby Tweet is that Bozell was just “asking for a little decency.” Ha! The fucknozzles at Fuckbusters wouldn’t know decency if it walked up to them and whacked them upside the head with a two-by-four. Decency isn’t about who says “fuck” and who doesn’t say “fuck.” No, it’s about unemployment benefits, health care, adequate nutrition for poor kids, equal rigts for all (including the right for us cocksucking faggots to get married), and all the other things that twist up Brent’s and Tim’s titties each time they see a newspaper article that treats any of these things favorably.
So, to paraphrase what I said in my last post: “Fuck You, Tim, and the sugar daddy douchebag you rode in on.”
Naughty word count: fuck(8), butt(2), cocksucking(3), titty(3), ass(2), douchebag(2).
And with that, Tintin has won the internets for all time.
The Rude Pundit himself couldn’t have said it better.
Just cunty, That’s the only word for them. I’m sorry. May I now burn in hell, father?
There’s nothing naughty about ‘titty’, it’s a loverly word.
Quite the catty tweet, Timothy.
Ooooh! When Tim gets finished blowing Dr. Zaius, you’re toast, buddy!
Plus fours? I had to look that up. You mean like these?
Well, Tim, now that I know for a fact that you read this blog, I’d like to take this opportunity to mention that the world will eventually learn about your furry snuff porn collection. It’s only a matter of time.
qixlqatl Monday, August 30th at 8:36PM EDT (link)
That’s a lot more than usual.
What’s the record?
We’re wondering if my “now you’re pi$$ing me of” thread is going to set a record. With the help of sadlynaughts it will be.
Hopefully you all drop in to wish me a happy birthday on the third there will be no doubt, and it will be a sure thing and redstate will have a number for their records.
Don’t forget, open dozens of tabs, write the snarky comments then and post all at once, rapid succession, lest the moderators will be able to keep up.
I think you missed faggot (2) in your dirty word count unless it doesn’t count as a dirty word.
I never you were such a Payne Stewart fan!*
Though I bet you have better taste. I mean, argyle is soooooo late 80s/prep school.
Oh, and gaddamn Chubby McWingnut can fuck his cocksucking cunt self, that motherfucking shit-ass pussy.
BTW I’m a pillar of human decency. So while visiting Redstate, be polite or be banned.
* Yes, I realize it’s on a site with the name “virgin” in it. Fairly appropriate given the inspiration for the post, donchyathink?
Fixed to reflect what would actually happen.
And why the fuck would anyone want to go to RedState?
That’s the mental equivalent of asking some logger to pound your balls with the broad side of an axe.
Plus fours? I had to look that up. You mean like these?
For the record, I do NOT own 4 pair of these.
That’s the mental equivalent of asking some logger to pound your balls with the broad side of an axe.
Let’s grab a couple of axes and head over to RedState. I’ll grab an Alpaca too.
Bozell only likes to hatefuck
Seriously, though. Bozell sent his little fat boy over to whine? So sad….
I’m more of a llama kind of guy.
And besides, if we’re going to RS, all we really need is a half-retarded poodle.* Maybe it could translate Wingnuttian for us.
I’m more of a llama kind of guy.
Didn’t we have a junk-punching Alpaca? You go to war with the army you have, not the one you want.
I figured we would just troll the living shit out of them with Walmart brisket recipes and incoherent exhortations to face facts and, of course, the obligatory demand that they bookmark shit.
Plus-fours are for lip-wristers who can’t handle Fauntleroy suits.
I’ve been to your “values” city; it sucks.
It is pretentious, grossly overpriced, filled with parasites and freaks. No, I’ll stick to flyover country. And that technology world is already running to get away from you parasites. When we restore an adult government and end the subsidies, the green parasites will go away. And Comrade Obama’s “recovery” has the price of wine in the toilet. And nobody’s scared of your gay people though we sometimes find them mildly amusing in their self-absorption. No, it really isn’t all about them.
In Vino Veritas
I figured we would just troll the living shit out of them with Walmart brisket recipes and incoherent exhortations to face facts and, of course, the obligatory demand that they bookmark shit.
Mind-numbed-lefty-robots unite!
Wait. Why don’t we go to RedState again? Gosh Nancy, that’s quite a tempting invitation there. I’m going to have to decline since I find your boilerplate lunacy and reactionary drool offensive and a useless waste of time. I can get the phone number for reality if you like to get in contact with it.
Mind-numbed-lefty-robots unite!
OH NOEZ. Time to bring back the alter ego.
Is AChance ADouchbagTroll? Or ABadParody?
So very, very hard to tell any more …
And lots of decency in that RS thread. (Yes, I got out of the boat. The mangoes are too rotted to be dangerous.)
It included at least one person wishing gays (which, apparently, is all but four people in San Francisco) to drown, and then someone replying that drowning is too nice. Several others talk about other ways to kill consenting adults who don’t have sex like those wholesome RedStaters do.
But at least no one posted the word “fuck” in that thread. Because that would be imprudent and make the site look bad.
It included at least one person wishing gays (which, apparently, is all but four people in San Francisco) to drown, and then someone replying that drowning is too nice. Several others talk about other ways to kill consenting adults who don’t have sex like those wholesome RedStaters do.
I’m just shocked that a bunch of fascist assholes would say such things from the anonymity of the internet. Drowning is too good. We should totally bring back concentration camps. Much more efficient method of exterminating people they don’t like.
From the red state linked to above:
“I went to San Francisco once … A homeless man defecated right in a fountain on a major walkway.”
Because everyone knows how much liberals hate social services for the poor.
Logic, Achance, you don’t know the meaning of the word.
Is AChance ADouchbagTroll? Or ABadParody?
Achance has a very direct, and abrasive way of showing his disagreement. If he every became an attorney, he would probably lose every client he represented, and, would probably be called to a judges conference more often than anyone in history. He would immediately be disqualified when he started calling every one idiots and stupid. I know he can argue his points with intelligence, articulate language, and with alacrity. [ ]
It is helpful that some Redstaters post info on their states and districts candidates, but, more often than not those posters have already chosen their horse in the race, and, in some cases, the opinions posted reflect that personal bias. That is the case with Achance with his fury with anyone not supporting the Murkowski dynasty. He can’t have credibility as he has chosen sides, and has lost all objectivity. Not only has he choosen sides, he is now supporting someone who, in any other state, he would vilify. [ ]
For what ever reason, he chooses to degrade himself with childish name calling, and that escapes me. It isn’t pretty, or necessary.
Now tell me again about the responsible person that can admit his mistakes, and show adultness in their admission of those mistakes. Oh, wait a minute, Achance did do just that with his post saying that the Roman accusations may have some validity.
Coherence: You’re doin’ it wrong.
It is…grossly overpriced….
To say that NYC, or anything else, is “grossly overpriced” is to say that the market is an unreliable arbiter of value; it is to cast a vote of no-confidence in the efficient markets hypothesis.
So SN! does undermine wingnut faith, whether wingnuts recognize it or not. AChance may be out of the closet sooner than we expect.
“AChance may be out of the closet sooner than we expect.”
Well on other threads on Red State he has talked about working for some political campaigns. Not really sure in what capacity, maybe just stuffing envelopes. But I wonder if he ever has dealings in the past with Ken Mehlman?
Is there something you’d like to ah… get off your chest Achance?
AChance said, August 31, 2010 at 7:26, a bunch of stuff that would make most people think he is a Dadaist online performance artist.
DaDa, yes perhaps, with a smidgeon of surrealism, back-pedaling, and copious amounts of genuine bullshit.
Is there something you’d like to ah… get off your chest Achance?
I’m a genuine red-blooded gun totin’ American bigot and homophobiac!
Tim Graham is, at this very moment, thanking his lucky stars that he doesn’t have a real job, because, if he did, he’d be fucking it up bigtime.
I can get the phone number for reality if you like to get in contact with it.
This may sound all too familiar to those of use who still live in the “reality-based community” and must deal with a world convulsed by those who do not. But Frankfurt leaves such political implications to his readers. Instead, he points to one source of bullshit’s unprecedented expansion in recent years, the postmodern skepticism of objective truth in favor of sincerity, or as he defines it, staying true to subjective experience. But what makes us think that anything in our nature is more stable or inherent than what lies outside it? Thus, Frankfurt concludes, with an observation as tiny and perfect as the rest of this exquisite book, “sincerity itself is bullshit.” –Mary Park
Hey, for the dirty word count, you forgot “Tim Graham” (2) and “Fox News” (1). You’re welcome.
And AChance, if you want to talk about parasites, take a gander at which states take in the most federal tax money. It ain’t California.
Plus fours? I had to look that up
Tintin should have called them ++4s.
Is AChance ADouchbagTroll? Or ABadParody?
A cowardly, thuggish, scrawny, thin-skinned chicken-sh8 socoipath is more apropriate as a description. I have trouble when facing the Redstate minions who begin to disagree with me and call me out on my perpetual bullshit.
Hopefully the sadlynaughts will show up on my birthday and bolster my credibility this Friday!
It’s sort of heartwarming that Little Timmy Butthurt and pals go out of their way to read this kind of obscure corner of the intertrons.
Successful Troll is successful!
And in regards to failtrolls, badgers are thick in this thread.
Art needs to go rub one out.
To both Timmy and Art, a hearty Fuck You.
Also, too:
Are you angling for the lead role in Quentin Tarantino’s remake of Tintin in America? Because if you are, you really need to up the F-word count.
Want a little “Decency”? Show some fucking Integrity, shit stain.
Wingnuts pimping for decency … hoo boy … it’s as if Up With People was sponsored by Stormfront.
Ask Valerie Plame, Max Cleland or Cindy Sheehan how “decent” wingnuts are.
Or Graeme Frost. Or John McCain’s black baby. Or Shirley Sherrod.
Or Fred Fisher.
As we have known since 1954, the answer to “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” is “No. No they don’t.”
.. for letting me know of the existence of Cee Lo’s “Fuck You”, which is a pretty good song, much better than Lily Allen’s “Fuck you very much” which has been fucking playing in a fucking loop on our fucking TV on all the fucking teen music channels here in fucking France and is driving me fucking nuts.
The fact is, you liberals are the opposate of decent. You are immoral idiots and love faggots and muzzies.
Paul Wolfowitz has important things to say about US troops staying in Iraq forever just like they do in South Korea because it’s pretty much the same thing…
Who’s Snowy?
The fact is, liberals always resort to insults and fowl language imediately because they think it makes an argument,but theres nothing like facts and logic which you don’t have at all you stupid America haters.
The fact is, Islam is not a religion. It is a death cult and not subject to the First Amendment. That only applies to true religions like CHristian, for this is a Christian nation.
The fact is, America will be greater than ever once we recognize that Jesus Christ is our savior and we get back to the biblicly based laws of the original consitutiuon. Liberals, I suggest you get right with God because here in the Heartland we are and we are the Majority, we are tired of minority telling us what to do.
The fact is, Hitler was a liberal and killed millions. Your ideaology does not work, Liberals. History says you are fools.
fowl language
(Translation: try reading one, Gary.)
As usual, I try to put myself into the mindset of the wingnut, to understand his actions. In this case, I fail. What did he think he was going to accomplish with this tweet? Except to think of all sorts of non-politically-correct analogies of what he’s done here, I am unable even to offer a hypothesis as to his intended goal.
Islam is not a religion. It is a death cult and not subject to the First Amendment.
Hey, I predicted that talking point a few days ago. You totally owe me a share of your wingnut welfare cheque, Gary.
He’s just jealous because you ROCK the capris…and he could never pull those off. Judging from his picture perhaps literally.
I regret to say I’m not a fucking faggot, but I do own two pairs of capri pants and one pair of plus fucking fours. The former are for wearing in France, where there exists no proscription against any form of trousers, even coulottes, which were the source of such troubles; the latter are because fuck you, a man needs knee pants.
“I went to San Francisco once … A homeless man defecated right in a fountain on a major walkway.”
I went to a Republican administration five times in my life. Preachy, selfish grotesqueries defecated right on my country.
Tim Graham?!?! Oh Hell No!!
Naughty word count: fuck(8), butt(2), cocksucking(3), titty(3), ass(2), douchebag(2)
Also, 3 bozells, which is a felony in Utah.
This deep into a capri pants and plus fours thread and no love for jodhpurs and puttees?
Rereading the original Bozell post (you’re welcome), I do not see where he asks for a little decency. It’s just “check out the garbage kids are listening to these days” boilerplate.
This deep into a capri pants and plus fours thread and no love for jodhpurs and puttees?
meh. I will stick to togas, kilts, and on holidays, woad.
meh. I will stick to togas, kilts, and on holidays, woad.
I really thought the nuns overreacted to that on Easter. Did they drop the charges?
I really thought the nuns overreacted to that on Easter. Did they drop the charges?
They were dismissed once it was clear that the nuns were visiting my stone circle on Eostre [sp?] rather than me showing up in their cathedral on Easter. I was pretty surprised charges were filed in the first place. Some of those nuns ended up skyclad before the ceremony was over, and they sure seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Well, just to keep with the theme, fuckity fuck fuck and fuck you, trolls and Timmy-Troll.
Hey, I commented in a thread before it got to 100 comments!
Transcribed from the famous “F” word lesson:
Wow, a decency screed. I guess it was time for that to come around again on the gee-tar.
Happily, I don’t think I’ve seen any wingnuts preening about their “moral clarity” since Abu Ghraib.
Why, did someone use the word ‘FUCK!’ at Abu Graib?
Tintin is vewy mean wibewal wiv a duhty mouf! Dis is why I must sit and cwy all day wong.
– Tim Bozell (nee Graham)
Happily, I don’t think I’ve seen any wingnuts preening about their “moral clarity” since Abu Ghraib.
Hm–In my experience, that hasn’t slowed them down a bit. It has made the task of bending morality to fit their purportedly Christian values a much more taxing enterprise.
Poetic justice alert and major lols.
” MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 28 /Christian Newswire/ — Glenn Beck promotes a false gospel. However, many of his political ideas can help America.
Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Mormonism is not a Christian denomination but a cult of Christianity.”
Strictly fortrel perma-press sans-a-belts for me.
Snowy (in the original, Milou) is the little white dog who, in Tintin comics, sticks almost as close to the Belgian boy reporter as his perpetual plus fours.
Which are not knee pants, btw. The reason they are called “plus fours” is that they are pants which reach down to the ankle, plus four inches, and are kept from dragging on the ground by being cinched at the ankle, producing a “baggy pants” effect which was considered very sexy when Tintin first appeared in 1929.
Also, Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury:
In my experience, that hasn’t slowed them down a bit.
It hasn’t, but I haven’t heard that actual term thrown around as much.
Mormonism is not a Christian denomination but a cult of Christianity.
Woo – does that mean it’s a death cult not deserving of First Amendment protections?
Snowy (in the original, Milou) is the little white dog who, in Tintin comics, sticks almost as close to the Belgian boy reporter as his perpetual plus fours.
The Belgians make the best graphic novels on earth. Too many to list and most of them not available in the U.S, but Tintin’s one of the great classics.
cult of Christianity
They tell you one and one make three
Mormonism is not a Christian denomination but a cult of Christianity.
Woo – does that mean it’s a death cult not deserving of First Amendment protections?
It’s not really a death cult. It’s more of a excruciating bowel-pain movement.
“It’s more of a excruciating bowel-pain movement.”
This explains the need for magic underpants.
They tell you one and one make three
I had high hopes for that band…
I had high hopes for that band…
The clothes did them in.
Tintin, this is awesome.
Why do wingnuts have such delicate fee fees?
Just heard some woman in the waiting room call her son Bristol.
Oh, and I’m not walking for about three months…fucking bones, how do they (not) work?
Sir: Brent Bozell questioned whether an original song critics praise, listeners love and even Bozell had to admit was “catchy and bright” was “art” because it features a perfectly valid, serviceable and in no way obscure English word that happens to put a twist in Bozell’s lacy thong panties. That was so fucking stupid I’m surprised his sorry excuse for a brain didn’t shrivel up like a salted slug. Just because his and your sensibilities are offended doesn’t mean it’s not art; it doesn’t even mean it not good art because you two have proven you have no discernment.
Hugs and kisses,
Motioning him to the washroom to help empty her ostomy bad? “Bristol! Pail! In!”
Ew, I hope not, especially since we’re in Ortho.
Just heard some woman in the waiting room call her son Bristol
there’s a new crop of white names out… turns out my sisters have picked several of the most popular for their kids. I’m sure Palin was following a trend, not setting one.
Oh, sorry T&U. Too busy snarking.
Get a power chair. Walking is for suckers!
Thanks. I haaaaate crutches.
They have this “knee walker” thing, which looks dorky, but useful.
Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.
Is it a pitbull?
Does it wear lipstick?
Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.
I bet it shits all over the house.
I bet it runs away.
I’ll bet her bark is annoying as hell.
I bet it shits all over the house and then runs away.
It seems to be smarter than Sarah, but not quite as smart as Trig.
Oh, and it barks at random things and does this constantly.
“it’s as if Up With People was sponsored by Stormfront.”
Wait. You mean it isn’t?
“Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.”
Did she shave it’s ass and teach it to walk backwards?
Oh, and I’m not walking for about three months…fucking bones, how do they (not) work?
I had one o’dem knee walker thangs couple years back (after yet another helicopter ride). Couldn’t use crutches ‘cuz of my smashed up shoulder. It worked out pretty damn well – small enough to toss in the back seat so Ithe Ho could take me out to go shopping and such. Be careful though – they are very unstable at anything over 15 m.p.h.
“Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.”
Did she shave it’s ass and teach it to walk backwards?
Too late for the previous thread, dogbutt jesus..
PM, I don’t plan an going faster than 15 miles an hour. I really don’t feel like breaking anything else…
I don’t plan an going faster than 15 miles an hour.
I invite you to the left lane of Mississippi’s lovely four-lane highways, where you will fit right in.
Too late for the previous thread, dogbutt jesus..
“Raise the stone, and there you will find me; cleave the wood, and there I am; lift Fido’s tail, you guessed it.”
The fact is, baaaaaaaw! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!
AAAaaaaahhhhh!!! Boy, reading that was so fucking satisfying. I need a cigarette.
Thanks, Tintin.
Bristol Palin (Sarah Palin’s 19-year old daughter) will be one of the “stars” competing in the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars.
In the decency world, all it takes is banging like a couple pistons, getting knocked up out of wedlock, and you become a ‘star.’
Good thing they aren’t of Southern Babtist decency, she’d have to pass on the lucrative dancin’ gig.
I have been waiting for a CT scan for forty fucking minutes.
Time you could have spent voting.
‘In the decency world, all it takes is banging like a couple pistons’,
er, what I meant to say was ‘fucking like a pair of naughty monkeys.’
Time you could have spent voting.
I know! At least four times!
Time you could have spent voting.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Everybody down! Tintin’s got an f-bomb and he’s not afraid to use it!
Those fucking Kiwis rock. Well done.
As in other places it’s the non-fucking ones who cause the problems.
Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.
I’ll bet it humps fascist leg, nonstop.
The following comment is not indecent because as you can plainly see, he did not say the word ‘Fuck.’
“I will say this, the message is to our special forces, the message is to our CIA, kill them in the field because we can’t find a way to try them at home,” Kilmeade told Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr.
Kilmeade added, “And that might have some good points but the bad points is that we can’t get intelligence out of them if we don’t have them here to interrogate.”
“I will say this, the message is to our special forces, the message is to our CIA, kill them in the field because we can’t find a way to try them at home,” Kilmeade told Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr.
We used to call this a summary execution.
DId you see where Chris Christie was described by his ex-education secretary as “Truculent”?
Also, I figured out where your name came from while reading the wikipedia page on Morrissey yesterday.
Two incidents of “truculent” in two days. I think the word is stalking me.
“I never liked you. You know why? You don’t curse. I don’t trust a man who doesn’t curse. Not a “fuck” or a “shit” in all these years. Real men curse.”
How do you say “don’t mess with the Tintin” in French?
Great article by the sometimes great sometimes not Hitch.
“Glenn Beck’s rally was large, vague, moist, and undirected—the Waterworld of white self-pity.”
By Christopher Hitchens
“Saturday’s rally was quite largely confined to expressions of pathos and insecurity, voiced in a sickly and pious tone. The emotions that underlay it, however, may not be uttered that way indefinitely.”
I looked for those things in my man pages, but couldn’t find them. Who knew cocksucking was in the C library?
Now tell me again about the responsible person that can admit his mistakes, and show adultness in their admission of those mistakes. Oh, wait a minute, Achance did do just that with his post saying that the Roman accusations may have some validity.
It’s cute that that’s what you think you did here. But all you’ve really done is to confirm that even your fellow wingnuts think that you’re an obnxious asshole
From the “But we already knew they were morons” dept.
Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.
That must be one dumb fucking dog, you betcha.
The fact is, liberals always resort to insults and fowl language imediately
Sheesh, what a cluck.
Aw, shit.
That same poll had 2% thinking Sarah Palin was Muslim.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
August 31, 2010 at 18:13
I have been waiting for a CT scan for forty fucking minutes.
Ha! we know that’s a lie. Everyone knows that here in the Capitalist Paradise of America, no one ever has to wait for medical treatment – unlike those socialist hellholes in Europe, where you have to wait in line for two hours just to use the bathroom in the doctor’s office.
Admit it, T&U. You really spent those 40 minutes getting a massage from a Nordic god named Sven
Lady where my wife works named her dog “Palin.” Non-ironically.
I bet it Tweets more coherently.
We used to call this a summary execution.
More proof, as if we needed it, that tsam is objectively pro-terrorist.
Kilmeade added, “And that might have some good points but the bad points is that we can’t get intelligence out of them if we don’t have them here to interrogate.”
Yes, the “bad part” about the cold-blooded murder of prisoners is that you can’t interrogate them afterwards. I wonder what George Washington would say to that?
Huh. I guess I’m objectively pro-terrorist, too.
Huh. I guess I’m objectively pro-terrorist, too.
It’s clear that you all are a bunch of terrorist-coddling, hateful, mean, foul-mouthed heathens.
I can hardly stand to spend hours on this site, following your every word.
DId you see where Chris Christie was described by his ex-education secretary as “Truculent”?
Nope. Ha!
Also, I figured out where your name came from while reading the wikipedia page on Morrissey yesterday.
Sometimes I forget…I left out the “devious,” though, because that’s not me, plus that shit’s already long enough to begin with.
Two incidents of “truculent” in two days. I think the word is stalking me.
Oh, no, that’s me. Implanting little encounters with “truculent” in your life to make you think of me.
That sounded creepier than I meant it to…
That same poll had 2% thinking Sarah Palin was Muslim.
Maybe they misheard and thought they were saying she looks good in muslin.
Admit it, T&U. You really spent those 40 minutes getting a massage from a Nordic god named Sven
That would be better than voting. Or sitting in a wheelchair for obese people with a gimpy, painful ankle. Or, you know, pretty much 98% of the things in the world…
Seriously, it took four hours this morning to do, eh, probably about 1 hour (being generous) of patient contact. The longest time I spent was with Jim, the 6’5″ nurse, who put my cast on and was very sweet about the fact that I was in pain.
I can hardly stand to spend hours on this site, following your every word.
TELL me about it. I hate watching all this gay porn, so I can point out what’s so horrible about it.
Fuck piss shit damn cock cunt fuck cocksucker cunt fuck asshole buttfuck spooge santorum piss blowjob dick asswipe shitlicker fuck.
Just doing my part.
Let’s take up a collection and send Tim and Brent some pet “fuck-you lizards”:
That way they don’t even have to get up from the couch and put on a pair of pants to get their rage boners on.
Fucking pantywhiffing one-balled goathumper pecksniff bastards.
The longest time I spent was with Jim, the 6’5? nurse, who put my cast on and was very sweet about the fact that I was in pain.
Should have been prefaced with “I never thought those letters were true, until…”
Harkening back to a previous thread, solid scientific evidence regarding T&U’s notions of sexuality.
Should have been prefaced with “I never thought those letters were true, until…”
You’re right. I blame the fact that I’ve had too much medication. Or not enough.
The fact is, liberals always resort to insults and fowl language imediately
Sheesh, what a cluck.
I usually chicken out before using fowl language…
Harkening back to a previous thread, solid scientific evidence regarding T&U’s notions of sexuality.
Oh, nononononono. I said that baking cupcakes with their mothers caused boys to turn out gay, not hanging out with too many dudes. Straight dudes hang out in large groups all the time without any women…sometimes naked, even….
….anyway, yes, you should totes keep little girls from holding hands because they’ll totes turn out lesbo.
Given your condition you should probably stop trying to comment. Go vote or something.
It’s cute that that’s what you think you did here. But all you’ve really done is to confirm that even your fellow wingnuts think that you’re an obnxious asshole
Not realy being cute or trying to prove anything. Just hoping enough people show up to wish me a happy birthday so RS just decided I’m too much asshole trouble for them to want to welcome anymore, and tell me to STFU.
It whould be a huge bruising blow to my fragile inner-child asshole.
Ahh. Too late.
“Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty Tuesday ordered all state agencies to not to submit applications to any health care funding from the federal government related to the health care overhaul.”
All over South Dakota you can find tee shirts with an arrow pointing up saying “I’m with stupid.” I wonder if they have them with the arrow pointing to the east?
Ahh. Too late
No really, I’m headed towards the thin ice at Redstate, and need an invasion of sadlynaughts to help put me in the drink. All my efforts to sell Corrupt Bastard Club as something palatable to them, Now they’re calling me out and I have to go backpedal even more.
According to you, those Republicans were all pure as the driven snow apparently and she had no business doing ANYTHING at all except kiss the ring of the AK Republican establishment.
Really, your comments reveal so much about you – without your probably even being aware of it.
Kiss the ring? Yeah, right.
Yeah, Redstaters have all suddenly become idiots anyway, so help me out here.
Is Glenn Beck the anti-Christ? Christian right bitch slap lols!
“Mormonism and Mammonism are contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They offer another Lord Jesus than the One offered in the Scriptures and Christian tradition, and another way to approach him. An embrace of these tragic new vehicles for the old Gnostic heresy is unloving to our Mormon friends and secularist neighbors, and to the rest of the watching world. Any “revival” that is possible without the Lord Jesus Christ is a “revival” of a different kind of spirit than the Spirit of Christ (1 Jn. 4:1-3).
Hmm, you know who else has a different kind of spirit?.
Just hoping enough people show up to wish me a happy birthday so RS just decided I’m too much asshole trouble for them to want to welcome anymore
Here’s the thing, AphonyChance: I can’t tell if you’re a homo loving liberal who wants to ratfuck Artie or you’re a Teabagging Palinista who wants to ratfuck the man.
Either way, I don’t really have a dog in the fight and mostly find you tiresome, boring and repetitive. And repetitive.
Those fucking Kiwis rock. Well done.
Note the embarrassing part:
Harkening back to a previous thread, solid scientific evidence regarding T&U’s notions of sexuality.
Thank you for the reminder that John B. Watson was an absolute douche.
What a douche.
Someone should ask Beck how many of our Founding Fathers were Mormon.
Someone should ask Beck how many of our Founding Fathers were Mormon.
Well of course, Beck would respond that they were Christian (even the ones who weren’t) and he’s a Christian so it’s all good.
It’s from the other direction that things go pear-shaped because every good Christian (of the right sort, if you know what I mean) knows that Mormons are pretend Christians but really fakey-fake cultists because their fairy stories are newer than the other guys’ fairy stories which are totes true because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY!
Either way, I don’t really have a dog in the fight
Both and NOTA. More about being a catalyst for extreme assholery by assholes.
Like a whole new ‘Portrait of an asshole having a nervous breakdown’ thread. Interactive and live.
Everyone knows that fairy stories have to be older than 2000 years to be true. Even the mooslems have to wait another 500 years.
I can’t figure out AChance either. Does he have a split personality disorder and what did the real AChance do to him?
Everyone knows that fairy stories have to be older than 2000 years to be true. Even the mooslems have to wait another 500 years.
It is for this reason ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ is twice as true as the Bible.
Everyone knows that fairy stories have to be older than 2000 years to be true.
If that’s the case, the Xtians still have another 20 years or so to go.
“Zoroastrianism, the One True Religion!”
You Enkidu you.
Fuckus on The Family (Did I really do that?) says:
Whiny-ass titty babies.
You Enkidu you.
Marduking around again are you? I ought to kick your Assurbanipal, except that it’s Tiamat work.
Official numbers finally in,
Those ancient Mythras just never go away.
Fucking plagerism! How does it work?
“Gilgamesh was an historical king of Uruk in Babylonia, on the River Euphrates in modern Iraq; he lived about 2700 B.C.
The Flood. The story of the Flood is a familiar one, as we shall see in Genesis and Popol Vuh (Plato also gives an account of the Flood and the city of Atlantis in the dialogue, Critias ; the Nez Perce of the Palouse also have a flood story in which the only humans that survived did so by climbing the mountain, Yamustus, that is, Steptoe Butte). The earliest surviving reference to the Flood goes back to 1900 B.C.”
Heh heh, he said Steptoe Butte.
Look, I’ve gone over this time and again.
Hooboy, you’re telling me?
the Nez Perce of the Palouse also have a flood story
That’s because the central plain of Washington experienced an incredible flood at the end of the last Ice Age. Their oral history is capturing the Missoula Flood.
There’s a super vid on the Missoula flood I think at PBS (natch). I’ll see if I can find it. I also like how, some long long long time later, the Missoula flood indirectly led to the Bridge of the Gods.
Yep, it was Nova. Go figure.
Better news:
Fundy Xtian head asplodey warning!
Fuck, fuckin’ fucker’s fucking fucked!
In a word:
The Flood.
Well, since settlements tend to abound in rich littoral zones, the post-Ice Age warming would have led to a worldwide increase in sea levels which would have disproportionately affected settled or semi-settled populations, uh, worldwide.
No need to resort to quoting Genesis.
Hell, no need to resort to quoting either Peter Gabriel or Phil Collins.
In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky and they stand there.
Fuck, fuckin’ fucker’s fucking fucked!
Shit. Shitty shithead cookin’ up bullshit and bein’ a shitheel.
Damn you Rusty! Reading that made my head spin and the room too. Just like the last time I listened to it.
My work here is done.
…and on a related note, I just started renting The Wire on my DVR via Amazon (that’s some good shit, right there) and I just watched the episode where McNulty and his partner are going over a murder scene and the entire dialog, for several minutes, is variations on “Fuck.” It’s fucking awesome shit right there.
fucking awesome shit ..
You must be one of them potty mouthed librul terraist lovers!
Someone should ask Beck how many of our Founding Fathers were Mormon.
All of them! Mormons convert the dead, dontchaknow? (really. not making that up)
It would be the creepiest thing about them, if it wasn’t for the other creepy things.
Reading that made my head spin and the room too. Just like the last time I listened to it.
Did that happen to precede a helicopter ride*?
Someone should ask Beck how many of our Founding Fathers were Mormon.
Dumb dumd dumb-dumb dumb
Note the embarrassing part:
The silver lining there is that – at least for now – they don’t consider beating teh ghey out of people as “advancement of religion.”
“There is a strong conservative case to be made in favor of gay marriage,” former McCain campaign manager and fellow same-sex marriage fundraiser Steve Schmidt told the Huffington Post on Tuesday.
“More and more conservatives are saying that opposition to gay marriage would not be a litmus test for membership in the GOP,
Oh in the name of feck. The next time some bipartisan above-it-all pundits complain about the way that seemingly non-political, orthogonal issues became aligned to the democratic / republican division — so that (say) denying the possibility of climate change became a test of Republican doctrinal purity — and go on to blame both sides equally for polarising such issues, then you can point them to dingbat feckheads like Schmidt.
I mean, no-one is making him view everything through a politicised prism and look for a “conservative case” in favour of ignoring gender as a requirement for marriage. He does not have to justify every ethical decision by checking whether it’s compatible with the tenets of the Party. No-one made him or his colleagues like Mehlman look for a “conservative case” for imposing gender requirements in the first place.
If he can’t argue in favour of allowing same-sex marriages as simply ‘the right thing to do” without making it into a platform, then away to feck with him.
gocart mozart said,
August 31, 2010 at 22:13 (kill)
Mrs. __B and I are currently stocking up on weird shit like you can’t imagine…and the people who created the WTFWJD shirts also have baby bibs named after one of my favorite noir novels: I wake up screaming.
Thanks, gocart.
I quite like the now-ubiquitous AB/CD logo.
I mean, no-one is making him view everything through a politicised prism and look for a “conservative case” in favour of ignoring gender as a requirement for marriage.
Freedumb is just another word for nothing left to choose.
If he can’t argue in favour of allowing same-sex marriages as simply ‘the right thing to do” without making it into a platform, then away to feck with him.
Very true.
What struck me about it is the problems this causes Fundy voters who have nowhere else to go (unless they go TeaTard, which piles on bigotry upon bigotry). Which may be why Glenn the Grifter was playing to religious themes at BeckWreck 2010.
As always, this is good news for Republicans.
“We feel more and more that [gay rights] activists are being deceptive in using anti-bullying rhetoric to introduce their viewpoints, while the viewpoint of Christian students and parents are increasingly belittled,”
“Waah waah waah, we can’t bully gay people for Jesus anymore without someone pointing out that we’re whiny hate-filled infants.”
He does not have to justify every ethical decision by checking whether it’s compatible with the tenets of the Party.
Ah, but he does. He’s a conservative.
I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve seen a conservative literally think his/her way to a conclusion only to abandon it upon finding out that it wasn’t “really conservative,” “conservative enough” or what have you.
Two spectacular instances involving the same person;
1) “I agree we needed a stimulus, just not this stimulus.”
“Okay. What would you have done.”
[Proceeds to outline almost exactly the Obama stimulus]
[Is told that it is, in fact, the Obama stimulus]
[Rather than reassessing her opinion of the president she turns out to agree with, pouts and insists that this stimulus was in fact a bad idea]
2) Same person took an extensive web quiz to find out which Republican candidate was closest to her views. It was John McCain. She pouted again because “McCain’s not a real conservative” and went on to vote for Romney (a more real conservative there has never been), obedient to what the people on the op-ed page of the WSJ were telling her to vote for.
Plenty of other instances, but this person and those two moments are the apex of conservative self-lobotomization. It’s been a year or two and I’m still reeling.
What struck me about it is the problems this causes Fundy voters who have nowhere else to go (unless they go TeaTard, which piles on bigotry upon bigotry). Which may be why Glenn the Grifter was playing to religious themes at BeckWreck 2010.
I think he overplayed his hand with the religious hoo-hah, because he just doesn’t believe in the right Jesus. His rally looked like a play for conversion to the LDS, and the fundies are howling.
and the fundies are howling.
I am unaccustomed to this sound.
Plenty of other instances, but this person and those two moments are the apex of conservative self-lobotomization. It’s been a year or two and I’m still reeling.
It must be pure torture to realize that Barry is as much a conservative as mainstream (read: not completely insane) Repukes. In order to oppose him from the right, you have to go a long way right to be able to draw any contrast. The wiggling, compartmentalizing views and ideas, and humping dead issues until the corpses fall to exquisite little pieces is most entertaining.
AChance said,
August 31, 2010 at 22:40
WTF indeed.
most entertaining.
Most days, anyway.
Oh in the name of feck. The next time some bipartisan above-it-all pundits complain about the way that seemingly non-political, orthogonal issues became aligned to the democratic / republican division — so that (say) denying the possibility of climate change became a test of Republican doctrinal purity — and go on to blame both sides equally for polarising such issues, then you can point them to dingbat feckheads like Schmidt.
So draw the line in the sand, Smitty. See how far that gets you with the closet cases. Just have your brakes checked often.
WTFWJD shirts also have baby bibs named after one of my favorite noir novels: I wake up screaming.
Awwww. Should I ever spawn and/or adopt, Imma gonna be alllll about the Cthulu onesies.
BTW, there should totes be Sadly, No! onesies. Cole has them. Just sayin’…
wherd erbody go?
You must be one of them potty mouthed librul terraist lovers!
I’m just trying to hold up my end. So to speak.
wherd erbody go?
It’s just us Westies left now, tsam.
We OWN the night.
and the fundies are howling.
I am unaccustomed to this sound.
Oh my goodness, I lolded!
You know who else was a Mormon, right?
I’m here! Just up from a five-hour nap!
Y’all, I’m starting to go stir-crazy already, which is weird, because I am the laziest fucking person I know.
Freedumb is just another word for nothing left to choose.
Freedom’s when you don’t have to do nothing or pay for nothing.
We want to be free. Free as the wind.
It’s just us Westies left now, tsam.
It’s only just after 8 PM on the east coast, you know.
Two spectacular instances involving the same person;
It’s a well known syndrome. When an adult makes a mistake, gets caught in a lie, what have you, a mature person can say oh gee, I made a mistake. Mea fucking culpa already. When a child gets caught in a lie, they just keep digging in deeper. The technical term is fractal fail. So called “conservatives” exhibit this trait every goddamn day.
So, they’re all shitfaced already? Fucking lightweights.
My cat just licked my dinner.
I wish that was some sort of euphemism, but it’s not.
So draw the line in the sand, Smitty.
There is a statistical link between drawing lines in the sand and death by soldier, as shown by the case of Pythagoras.
Also the sand grains are not good for my technical pen.
Also what the feck is the point of drawing a line in the sand? The tide comes in or the wind blows and
I wish that was some sort of euphemism.
but it’s not.Sadly, No!c’mon, already! Go easy on the painkillers.
It’s only just after 8 PM on the east coast, you know
Oh, I know. I also know that you people go off and have lives and shit and leave those of us still slogging away in the saltmines (shut up, Smut!) here all alone.
My cat just licked my dinner.
Your cat likes vodka martinis?
c’mon, already! Go easy on the painkillers.
If there was a chunk of bone floating around *your* ankle, you wouldn’t say that.
I still think the SN! onesies are a great idea. They could make literally tens of dollars!
Your cat likes vodka martinis?
Yes, but I’m out of vodka, so she had to settle for crackers and cheese.
she had to settle for crackers and cheese.
If there was a chunk of bone floating around *your* ankle, you wouldn’t say that.
No, I’d probably say “OW OW OW OW fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!”
Then I’d eat painkillers.
But then I’d go vote. Did YOU vote?
It’s just us Westies left now, tsam.
We OWN the night.
And some beer’s about to own me HAHA!
I know, right? When I was a child, we had to make our own crackers, which were paper pulp and water mixed together and dried in the hot sun. Cheese? Pshaw!
I am the laziest fucking person I know.
Not that anyone “knows” me, but I will meet T&U on any field & challenge her for sheer laziness. I mean, I used to have a hospital urinal so I wouldn’t have to get out of bed to piss.
The only question is whether or not the planning & preparation for not moving count for or against the total sloth quotient.
In Illinois, they let you vote by mail this year just because you want to. No more having to make up an excuse like “I’m traveling on Election Day” or whatever. When I was canvassing for my congressman, the first three people I asked signed up for a mail ballot.I f this gets done on a wide scale, it might draw enough people into the election who otherwise wouldn’t vote in a non-Prez year. Maybe enough to take the edge off the grumpy old fart vote.
You know who else was a Mormon, right?
Yeah, plus that fucking freak who kidnapped Amy Smart, right? Wasn’t he one of those uber-fundie Mormon’s (ie-heebie jeebie inducing fucking creep).
Those crazy Mormons can sure crank out some some crazy bastards. It’s like they’re trying.
But then I’d go vote. Did YOU vote?
I almost did, but then decided I didn’t want to take the time to educate myself properly on the candidates for best and worst dressed at the Emmy’s.I also realized I didn’t give a shit.
Voter apathy, man. It’s going to kill our democrazy.
paper pulp and water
Oh, I see.
A bit la di da, aren’t we, now?
or “democracy.” “Democrazy” works pretty well, too, though.
Bobblespeak translates the Prez.
Not that anyone “knows” me, but I will meet T&U on any field & challenge her for sheer laziness. I mean, I used to have a hospital urinal so I wouldn’t have to get out of bed to piss.
I wet my pants a couple of times as a child (okay, I was, like, 13) because I was so intensely into a book and didn’t want to get up. My brother used to tease me about bedsores.
No bedpans, though. I’m impressed!
Yeah, plus that fucking freak who kidnapped Amy Smart, right? Wasn’t he one of those uber-fundie Mormon’s (ie-heebie jeebie inducing fucking creep).
Do you mean Elizabeth Smart? Because that’s the dude.
In Illinois, they let you vote by mail this year just because you want to. No more having to make up an excuse like “I’m traveling on Election Day” or whatever. When I was canvassing for my congressman, the first three people I asked signed up for a mail ballot.I f this gets done on a wide scale, it might draw enough people into the election who otherwise wouldn’t vote in a non-Prez year. Maybe enough to take the edge off the grumpy old fart vote.
I must ashamedly admit that since Spokane County went to all mail in, my voting in non-general elections has gone from [redacted] to 100%. The redacted number is embarrassing. I did need to support Patty Murray in this race, however. I actually have two senators here about whom I can’t find too many reasons to bitch. I do think that widespread mail-in balloting will help. Anything to get away from those fucking criminal Diebold fascism machines suits me just fine.
Do you mean Elizabeth Smart? Because that’s the dude.
Actually I meant to say that I’m a fucking idiot.
And yes, Elizabeth Smart. I’m thinking of the painfully sexy actress, aren’t I?
A bit la di da, aren’t we, now?
It was rainwater in an empty coffee can. With bugs in it.
And yes, Elizabeth Smart. I’m thinking of the painfully sexy actress, aren’t I?
Yeah, she’s cute.
Can I just take a moment to say how much I fucking hate sensible shoes? I’m not judging anyone who wears them (they are much smarter than I, for sure), but uuuugh.
Candi Cushman, an education analyst for the James Dobson-founded group
Candi Cushman sounds like such a porn star name, doesn’t it?
Also what the feck is the point of drawing a line in the sand? The tide comes in or the wind blows and
This comment is fucking awesome.
It makes me all tickly in my private areas to watch Conservatives put each other under the latest, greatest fucking scrutiny troll scrutiny. You know a bloodbath is sure to follow. What bothers me and gives me funnies at the same time is that people like Sarah Palin and Rush always come out on top of these fucking things. Speaks to the weakness of mind that is conservatism.
Candi Cushman sounds like such a porn star name, doesn’t it?
Oh, totes.
Can I just take a moment to say how much I fucking hate sensible shoes? I’m not judging anyone who wears them (they are much smarter than I, for sure), but uuuugh.
Dude, are you sure high heels are a good idea with a broken ankle?
Candi Cushman, an education analyst for the James Dobson-founded group
It does have a pornstar ring (V_R, you fill it in) to it, yes.
What’s a edumacation analist? sum1 who analizes how to get rid of it?
Sara Palin’s rider. Could be worse.
Candi Cushman sounds like such a porn star name, doesn’t it?
Mebbe sounds like. Looks? No so much.
Dude, are you sure high heels are a good idea with a broken ankle?
Uh, no. I was just looking at sensible shoes because about 2 pairs (one of which is falling apart) of my somewhat (not ridiculously so, I think) large shoe wardrobe are acceptable to wear in my condition. In fact, it’s probably going to be about a year before I can wear them again. So I was looking at flats. And most of them are boring and about as uncomfortable as heels because they have no arch support.
Sara Palin’s rider
You know, thanks a lot, Smut. The idea that Sarah Palin would be into pony play never crossed my mind until just now. Really. I appreciate it.
Uh, no.
Irony fail on my part.
The missus has all kinds of cute Sketchers, if that helps.
“Sara Palin’s rider”
No fucking way am I clicking on that. Goatse would be preferable to anything and everything that comes to mind. EVERYBODY has to do a sex tape anymore.
Rassen frassen kiwi bastiges
Irony fail on my part.
Nah, dude, it’s cool. I wasn’t being ironic, just complaining about having to give up something pretty for, you know, my health.
just complaining about having to give up something pretty for, you know, my health.
I think it’s okay for you to smoke high heels in your condition.
Also, let me repeat word for word what my father said to me in the emergency room when I dislocated my knee climbing scaffolding when I was 31: Welcome to middle age.
Also, let me repeat word for word what my father said to me in the emergency room when I dislocated my knee climbing scaffolding when I was 31: Welcome to middle age.
We’re dying to know what your response was…
Welcome to middle age.
During which no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Stop giving me the Trig Look.
We’re dying to know what your response was…
He was 67 at the time. My response was “You’re planning on living to 134?”
Welcome to middle age.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw “give up something pretty for, you know, my health.” but I thought I’d go easy on her.
Ah well, fuck that.
The only question is whether or not the planning & preparation for not moving count for or against the total sloth quotient.
An interesting thought. Terry Pratchett wrote a character in one of his Discworld novels who takes a very system-wide view of laziness, doing stuff like staying in great physical condition because the overall effort is less to do that than to drag extra weight around.
I didn’t expect to give up high heels for at least another decade. Motherfucker.
BTW, if I do only live to 60, I’m going to be PISSED and I’m gong to blame the Baby Boomers.
“gong”? Fuck it.
Of course not! Women are never middle-aged.
Certain-aged, sure.
Terry Pratchett wrote a character in one of his Discworld novels who takes a very system-wide view of laziness…
So did Robert Heinlein, in one of his Lazarus Long novels. I thought it was Slipstick Libby but according to GOOG and Wikipedia I’m wrong. It’s an interesting and constructive idea of being lazy.
Too much work for me to follow up on though.
An interesting thought. Terry Pratchett wrote a character in one of his Discworld novels who takes a very system-wide view of laziness, doing stuff like staying in great physical condition because the overall effort is less to do that than to drag extra weight around.
Well, maybe I’m not lazy, then. I just have poor self-discipline and impulse control. Which is something I already knew.
And yes, Elizabeth Smart. I’m thinking of the painfully sexy actress, aren’t I?
Um, don’t you mean Amy Smart? Elizabeth is a famous kidnap victim.
Wait, I just realized you were correcting yourself. Sorry, never mind.
It’s like Abbott and Costello up in here with the two Smarts.
Wait, I just realized you were correcting yourself. Sorry, never mind.
Being corrected yes. Gaffe of the day award to tsam!
Thank you. Thank you. I’d uh, like to thank drug use, and stress, and a general disdain for news concerning the “missing white woman”, oh and a (hopefully) age related loss of short term memory. Thank you all!
It’s like Abbott and Costello up in here with the two Smarts.
Who’s on crack?
It’s an interesting and constructive idea of being lazy.
I seriously think it’s something we should try to sneak into the public education curriculum.
“We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.”
It’s like Abbott and Costello up in here with the two Smarts.
Who’s on crack?
Pamela Smart – Third base/ D block
Lazarus Long was indeed “The Man Who Was Too Lazy To Fail.” The tale was told in Time Enough For Love.
Damn, it’s been a long time since I read that.
Jesus Christ, dude. Third base? With her? Why don’t you just speed-date Lorena Bobbitt?
I seriously think it’s something we should try to sneak into the public education curriculum.
Well I’ve been told that today’s education is dumbing down the kids and they’re all stupid and lazy and thugs and aren’t like we were back before electricity and adult diapers!
I won’t have them on my prrrecious lawn….
I’ve been told that today’s education is dumbing down the kids and they’re all stupid and lazy and thugs…
Exactly! So why not make them productively lazy?
I don’t give a darn shortstop and I don’t know’s third base?
Republican Decency is usually limited to politely discussing ways in which other people will be fucked raw without actually using the word fuck.
I seriously think it’s something we should try to sneak into the public education curriculum.
Smacks of effort.
Perhaps if you just left it laying around.
It’s an interesting and constructive idea of being lazy.
I seem to remember Larry Wall talking about laziness as a virtue in the Programming Perl book, in the form of doing things like making very modular code bits you can use over and over again, and documenting them well so that others can use them (and for that matter, if you have to tweak them much later, it’ll be easier to know what you did).
If you want to know the easy way to do something ask a lazy person.
ask a lazy person
That’s going to cost you. I’m lazy, not stupid.
ask a lazy person
That’s going to cost you. I’m lazy, not stupid.
I didn’t call anyone stupid. But since I know you are lazy, you could be a wealth of information.
While Tintin’s been duking it out with puffcheeks, I’ve been having fun with Dan Gainor, Bozelle’s other shoulder monkey.
Apparently his day job is twittering angry missives at liberals.
Welcome to middle age.
Shit, man, if dislocating your kneecap means you’re “middle aged,” I’d better buy a coffin with the rest of my unemployment. Given that I dislocated my kneecap (for the first time) when I was 17, by that metric, I’ve got about six months left…
Cerebral palsy means never having to say you’re sorry…for being able to bitch like a crotchety old lady about your goddamn arthritis before you’re out of your early thirties.
Apparently his day job is twittering angry missives at liberals.
Dude, no kidding! Between you and Oliver Willis, he must have spent at least three hours coming up with all those witty ripostes.
Cerebral palsy means never having to say you’re sorry…for being able to bitch like a crotchety old lady about your goddamn arthritis before you’re out of your early thirties.
Oh, yeah, I think you’re more than entitled. Not that I ever thought that people with mobility and pain issues were wimps, but I really do have newfound respect for them. I’m fucking cranky as hell, and this is a temporary and not-that-terrible state.
I seem to remember Larry Wall talking about laziness as a virtue in the Programming Perl book
Shit, man, if dislocating your kneecap means you’re “middle aged,” I’d better buy a coffin with the rest of my unemployment. Given that I dislocated my kneecap (for the first time) when I was 17, by that metric, I’ve got about six months left…
Knee, not kneecap. Much more painful, much more difficult to reset.
I seem to remember someone in this thread talking about laziness as a virtue, but I can’t be arsed scrolling upwards.
I heard that there’s some debate about who here is laziest. I’d like to enter this debate, but that would require effort. Would someone like to be my proxy?
t is wierd to me because it seems the left loves things like sex, porn etc. The more corrupt you are the closer in the circle you are. They can’t understand Glen’s rally or millions of Americans that are sick and tired of how base we have become. We have truly lost our soul to money, greed and sex. Not sure if it is in that order? I also think that for so long the left was known for rallys etc, the right and conservatives were too busy working, making the money and paying the taxes. They had no idea what they have awoken. Mosty we are educated, understand the issues and are true blooded Americans! Our nature does not understand this is the best it can be and we are going down, as Obama seems to think. Our natured does not uderstand nor do we want hand out from government. WE have no interest in government giving us anything or taking anything from us! Our nature understands we can make our own way, pray to God who has blessed this country and be free to pursue happiness. They have awoken a Giant and we are not going back to sleep. To much is at stake!
Would someone like to be my proxy?
That’s right. Just shows how hateful and wretched such people can be. History repeats itself. They tried to do the same thing to MLK. They have to destroy anyone that supports American liberty and true equality. They have to destroy any good man or woman even if it means that they must become a criminal to do so. I pray to God that He will send his angels to keep Glenn Beck and his family safe. I worry that thier hate will become so great that they will resort to violence just as they did with MLK. It seems so does Mrs. Beck since she asked his to wear a vest at 8/28. Please Lord God send your angels to keep Glenn Beck safe from the evils of hateful men. We, your people, need his voice. Glory and praise to our God. Who alone gives light to our days. Many are the blessings he bares to those who trust in his ways. In nomine Patris, et Filli, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen
This was all so utterly PREDICTABLE. I don’t believe for one second that he is still hoping for someone ,somewhere to come forward with any kind of damaging evidence they can find. It also shows that they HAVEN’T listened to Glenn over the years- to those of us that have- he ADMITS to being a dirtbag when he was drinking- who knows what he did when drunk. But all of that is swept away when you finally admit that you have a problem and need help. When you have no where else to go- you look up and dedicate yourself to God and he forgives you all. There is not much that Soros and his ilk can dig up or manufacture that would change my mind about Glenn. I believe in redemption and one of the things I truly admire about Glenn is that he is flawed and openly admits it. He doesn’t put on a superior air and hence is one of “US.” I have little patience for pretentious people. god made us all flawed as a human race and we were meant to strive to better ourselves and help others to do the same all throughout our lives- pretending to be superior is to spit in the eye of his task for us. I thank GOD for his gift of those like Glenn,Sarah Palin,Alveda King, and everyone else just like them- these are my role models, I can only hope to face the adversity they have someday and to rise above it to reach the masses. GOD bless them.
You liberals are not us. You are vermin. You know what we must do with vermin.
I just want to say that NuTroll is A-DORABLE.
HI! Hi there!! Aren’t you a cutie? Want a sugarcube?
“You liberals are not us. You are vermin. You know what we must do with vermin.”
Sounds kinda kinky to me, but us liberals try not to judge.
I just want to say that NuTroll is A-DORABLE.
HI! Hi there!! Aren’t you a cutie? Want a sugarcube?
If you feed him, he’s just going to follow you home and crap on your carpet.
Oh crap.
You liberals are not us. You are vermin. You know what we must do with vermin.
Eliminationist Rhetoric?
Eliminationist Rhetoric?
Personally, I avoid speechifying while sitting on the can.
But that’s just me.
It followed the “Oh crap” comment from VS nicely.
Elimininationist is what liberals say when we say common sense and practical ways to keep America free.
Wow. The cut and paste crowd is in da house. I’ve seen that screed before. It wasn’t readable the first time, either.
Asshole-iness: 1
Intelligence: 0
“pretending to be superior is to spit in the eye of his task for us”
You mean, like, saying that you’ve read “all the newspapers”?
You liberals are not us. You are vermin. You know what we must do with vermin.
Too bad for you I’m not the gun control kind of liberal.
These Beckian Ubermensch sure like to channel their inner Hobbes. Their lives should be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
War of all against all! Sounds like fun, if I weren’t so fucking lazy.
When you have no where else to go- you look up and dedicate yourself to God and he forgives you all. There is not much that Soros and his ilk can dig up or manufacture that would change my mind about Glenn. I believe in redemption and one of the things I truly admire about Glenn is that he is flawed and openly admits it. He doesn’t put on a superior air and hence is one of “US.” I have little patience for pretentious people.
Oddly enough, the latest Troofus incarnation is exactly the kind of person who squeals like a stuck pig when Obama or anyone else apologizes for inexcusable conduct by the United States in the past (the deaths of 1,000,000+ Iraqis, for example), because “America has nothing to apologize for, we are the greatest freest country in the world,” etc.
I also have little patience for pretentious people, especially when their pretentiousness is based on something they did nothing to earn or achieve (e.g. the nationality they were born into). That’s why there’s a D on my voter card.
Elimininationist is what Juden rats say when we say common sense and practical ways to keep Germany free.
“They’re trying to make [Ground Zero] their new Mecca.”
‘Freedumb is just another word for nothing left to choose.’
This is big win for big bad bald bastard. Two golf claps for you sir.
is wierd to me because it seems the left loves things like sex, porn etc.
Aww…. does someone have a tiny penis? Poor little guy, hating sex because it just leads to more humiliation. There there, little wingnut. There there…
Since we’re on the topic of lady smarts (heh) we should include Jean Smart, the actress of “Designing Women” and “24” and the movie version of “The Brady Bunch”. In it, as I remember, she wants to help Papa Brady (Gary Cole) prepare for christmas by offering to wrap his package.
Tim Graham in his butchest outfit, which probably consists of — (horrifying image alert) — size forty-six jeans and a pizza-stained wife-beater.
See, I have to disagree with you, Tintin. While I can’t argue with the jeans, I think the pizza stained wife beater is probably a little over the top.
What you mean is his moob-binding t shirt.
Naughty word count: fuck(8), butt(2), cocksucking(3), titty(3), ass(2), douchebag(2), balls(1).
Fixed for accuracy.
Well, Tim, now that I know for a fact that you read this blog, I’d like to take this opportunity to mention that the world will eventually learn about your furry snuff porn collection. It’s only a matter of time.
I forsee an upcoming arrest for “indecent behavior with roadkill” in Tammy’s future.
For the record, I do NOT own 4 pair of these.
Rumour has it, however, that you own several pairs of knickers.
And I don’t mean the American kind, I mean the British kind.
I’ll grab an Alpaca too.
Alpaca lunch for you.
What you mean is his moob-binding t shirt.
I’m just going to pretend those are made for hot tomboys with big boobs.
Llama grabbing it when I leave for work.
Llama grabbing it when I leave for work.
Do you work with plastics? Do you llamanate?
Do you work with plastics? Do you llamanate?
He makes decor, like camelabras.
He makes decor, like camelabras.
I thought perhaps he ran a small milk farm, a dromedary.
I thought perhaps he ran a small milk farm, a dromedary.
Sounds like difficult work. Lucky for him, it’s hump day.
Sounds like difficult work. Lucky for him, it’s hump day.
The work ebbs and flows. The weeks’ ungulate.
He makes decor, like camelabras.
These punsters are ruminating this thread. Wake up, Sheeple!
Good grief, lllama puns. I’ll have to find my silk pajamas.
Good grief, lllama puns. I’ll have to find my silk
pajamaspyllamas.Fixed for the spirit of the thing.
Wake up, Sheeple!
Cud you keep it down, please?
Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
Benjamin: Just how do you mean that, sir?
This thread reminds me of that big hit song by the Burros “Living in the Plastic Age“
Cud you keep it down, please?
Why? You feeling like something the cat drug in?
Drudge has Word Salad $arah’s visit to Iowa highlighted as thought it was some big deal. You can almost sense the starbursts flowing from Rick Lowry’s panties.
Cud you keep it down, please?
Why? You feeling like something the cat drug in?
All that grass last night…
She’s talking about a dead mouse! Don’t be an idiot Actor!
wrong gender, mate.
She’s talking about a dead mouse! Don’t be an idiot Actor!
Obviously, you’ve never owned a cat you let outside…they chew grass then come back in, find the most expensive piece of rug or fabric lying horizontal (usually the really nice silk tie I left on the bed while getting undressed) and vomit it back up on that.
OMFG. That satire? Is pretty much exactly what some dumbass dude said in the video from the Glenn Beck soiree I linked to earlier.
Wingnuts are going to put The Onion out of business. On the upside, it does give the SN! guys more material.
Obviously, you’ve never owned a cat you let outside…they chew grass then come back in, find the most expensive piece of rug or fabric lying horizontal (usually the really nice silk tie I left on the bed while getting undressed) and vomit it back up on that.
Have you ever had a cat that made a sound like she was possessed and then vomited up the most GIGANTIC FUCKING BUG YOU HAVE EVER SEEN? How the hell did she even swallow it in the first place???
This happened at least three times.
Oh, and mine don’t go outside, but boycat sure likes to puke in high-traffic areas, ensuring that someone will step in it barefoot.
Have you ever had a cat that made a sound like she was possessed and then vomited up the most GIGANTIC FUCKING BUG YOU HAVE EVER SEEN?
Oh yes! My family had a cat when I was growing up that we used to let roam the alleys and backstreets of NYC. He was very clever. I’d watch him from the window pick up these really big waterbugs, hold them in his mouth then come up to present them like trophies to my mom.
The fact is, I’m afraid the new troll is better at cutting and pasting then I am – AND IT’S ALL AL GORE’S FAULT!
Cats? The thread has become a cat vomi forum?
Blow me!
Wait…you might take me seriously…
Tea Party PROUD
Hm. Who else is so proud, they hold pride parades….? I can’t seem to recall.
Hm. Who else is so proud, they hold pride parades….? I can’t seem to recall.
The only place you’ll find a rainbow with just one color.
hold them in his mouth then come up to present them like trophies to my mom.
I had a cat who was, um, not clever, and although she went outside all the time, the only trophy she ever brought to me was a pair of my grey socks.(Which I still have 13 years on, not because I wear them, but because I’m a sentimental bastard).
Hm. Who else is so proud, they hold pride parades….? I can’t seem to recall.
The only place you’ll find a rainbow with just one color.
White? You mean a combination of the entire rainbow, closeted in just one colour?
Only if you show us your tits.
Only if you show us your tits.
Seeing that it was Peej’s request, I don’t think so.
I pray to God that He will send his angels to keep Glenn Beck and his family safe.
If only MLK had the power of wingnut prayers to keep him safe.
Seeing that it was Peej’s request, I don’t think so.
God-fucking-dammit, what the fuck does a fucking guy gotta fucking do around fucking here to see a fucking pair of fucking tits?
Fuck me!
If only MLK had the power of wingnut prayers to keep him safe.
But don’t you see? They did! The safest place for MLK was in heaven, next to Jesus, Gandhi and God, so they ensured he was safe!
God-fucking-dammit, what the fuck does a fucking guy gotta fucking do around fucking here to see a fucking pair of fucking tits?
Enter your credit card number.
Enter your credit card number.
God-fucking-dammit, what the fuck does a fucking guy gotta fucking do around fucking here to see a fucking pair of fucking tits?
Have you tried paying your cable bill?
Damn you and your quick, presumably drug-free wit, tsam!
But don’t you see? They did! The safest place for MLK was in heaven, next to Jesus, Gandhi and God, so they ensured he was safe!
Gives the phrase “I will pray for you” a whole different meaning. Leaving out the “to get shot” is part of the Nice Christian thing. God knows what they’re thinking anyway.
Gives the phrase “I will pray for you” a whole different meaning. Leaving out the “to get shot” is part of the Nice Christian thing.
My aunt told me last Sunday that she would pray for god to bestow blessings on me during the following week. Seeing that last week was one of the worst of my life, I think “blessings” actually meant “Shit that will frustrate and piss you off to no end.”
My aunt told me last Sunday that she would pray for god to bestow blessings on me during the following week. Seeing that last week was one of the worst of my life, I think “blessings” actually meant “Shit that will frustrate and piss you off to no end.”
No no! This period of tribulation is a gift from God to help you appreciate when things are going well!
You know, that shit used to make sense to me when the pastor said it…
This period of tribulation is a gift from God to help you appreciate when things are going well!
You know, that shit used to make sense to me when the pastor said it…
The same saying also makes sense when he’s got his dick up your ass.
No no! This period of tribulation is a gift from God to help you appreciate when things are going well!
Ugh. That’s almost as bad as “Things can get any worse!” Um, yes, yes they can. Please don’t say that.
She said, “I don’t know what you consider a blessing, but just be on the look out for lots of them this week!”
The thing is, I actually WAS. I suppose if “lessons from life you really do need to take seriously this time around” are considered “blessings,” then I haz them.
BTW, she sounds much more obnoxious than she was. She basically prefaced it by saying that she knew I was an unbeliever, but if it would be okay with me, she was going to pray for things to get better. Which is nice. But I’m going to ask her never to do it again.
“Fuck me!”
Umm, stats? Pic?
She said, “I don’t know what you consider a blessing, but just be on the look out for lots of them this week!”
The thing is, I actually WAS. I suppose if “lessons from life you really do need to take seriously this time around” are considered “blessings,” then I haz them.
Well, let’s count what little good did come out of the week.
For one thing, you got away from that annoying co-worker. You’ve been forced to sit home and meditate on things going on in your life. You’ve been given at least one valuable lesson, if you pay attention to it. You’ve devoted attention to yourself.
Small consolations, I know, but it sometimes help to realize that out of tribulation comes opportunity.
Tell your aunt that god answered her prayers, as he does all prayers. nd that the answer was, as almost always, NO
Umm, stats? Pic?
53 SWM, erstwhile bi-curious, ten uncut, athletic.
The llama is a quadruped which lives in big rivers like the Amazon. It has two ears, a heart, a forehead, and a beak for eating honey. But it is provided with fins for swimming. Llamas are larger than frogs. Llamas are dangerous, so if you see one where people are swimming, you shout:
Look out, there are llamas!
When I was knocking on doors for my congressman I noticed a stuffed llama in one guy’s hallway. He said his wife is from Peru. Should I be worried?
You’ve been given at least one valuable lesson, if you pay attention to it.
Take your bike in for regular tuneups? Don’t ride drunk, unless you’re going to be hurt badly, then DO ride drunk for all the painkilling properties of alcohol? Buy a fucking helmet already? 🙂
Small consolations, I know, but it sometimes help to realize that out of tribulation comes opportunity.
Nah, I know. And it could be a lot worse. Plus, my arms are already getting all buff from dragging my ass around and walking on crutches.
Tell your aunt that god answered her prayers, as he does all prayers. nd that the answer was, as almost always, NO
It’s the thought that counts, though.
And she’s a geologist, so at least she doesn’t believe that the earth is 6,000 years old or any of that kind of shit.
No no! This period of tribulation is a gift from God to help you appreciate when things are going well!
I like Terry Pratchett’s assertion that “it is God’s will” is just the grown up version of “because, that’s why”.
Plus, I only have to shave about 3/4 of my legs right now and paint, like, three toenails on my right foot, so that’s nice.
I go away for a couple hours and the thread turns to…
The llama is a quadruped which lives in big rivers like the Amazon. It has two ears, a heart, a forehead, and a beak for eating honey. But it is provided with fins for swimming. Llamas are larger than frogs. Llamas are dangerous, so if you see one where people are swimming, you shout:
Look out, there are llamas!
Damn you vile Lunacy! That was totally going to be my contribution.
Llamas son mas grandes que las ranas
I only have to shave about 3/4 of my legs right now and paint, like, three toenails on my right foot, so that’s nice.
That quote is right next to the dictionary entry for the phrase “grasping at straws.”
Llama 3D
I smell a blockbuster!
Well, let’s count what little good did come out of the week.
Nice sentiments but it’s just the fallacy of the broken window all over again. That which is seen, yes all well and good. Aside from the escape from the annoying coworker, T&U could have done those things without painfully fucking up her ankle. And at far lest cost, both materially and emotionally.
Nice sentiments but it’s just the fallacy of the broken window all over again. That which is seen, yes all well and good. Aside from the escape from the annoying coworker, T&U could have done those things without painfully fucking up her ankle. And at far lest cost, both materially and emotionally.
Could have, but didn’t. Forced to, now.
Llamas son muuuuuuuyyyyy perigroso!
That quote is right next to the dictionary entry for the phrase “grasping at straws.”
I am a lazy femme, so that’s actually a lot better than it might sound.
Oh, and be sure to keep up on the important news with the Daily Llama.
Could have, but didn’t. Forced to, now.
But I was getting there anyyyywaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. That’s why I pay someone to listen to me whine. It didn’t have to be so sudden!
Llamas son muuuuuuuyyyyy perigroso!
Siga el llama no entra en la estación, no salga afuera! Escuche las instrucciones de la tripulación del tren o de la policía.
Although escaping annoying co-worker is nice. Even if she keeps sending me stupid-ass emails about stuff because she’s not smart enough to figure it out according to context.
“God-fucking-dammit, what the fuck does a fucking guy gotta fucking do around fucking here to see a fucking pair of fucking tits?”
You’re on the INTERTUBES right now, aren’t you?
You’re on the INTERTUBES right now, aren’t you?
You’re saying there’s porn?
On the internet?
I heard a rumor…
I heard a rumor…
Um, I’ll be right back.
Better give me an hour. At least.
Homer Simpson’s stupider cousin, the former Senator from Wyoming, said:
“The system that automatically awards disability benefits to some veterans because of concerns about Agent Orange seems contrary to efforts to control federal spending”
Simpson further observed that when he shits his pants, it begins to stink almost immediately.
Oh! I also just learned that I’m taller than I thought I was. I just moved my crutches up an inch and they’re much better. Unless my head and my neck are extraordinarily small compared to the rest of my body.
<a href= is for Actor.
Sorta NSFW, if the ghosts from Pacman describing doing Mrs. Pacman is, you know, NSFW.
Try that again.
Runny versus Lumpy: the debate rages on!
Stain Removal Tips
The “Glurk-Glurk-Glurk” Alert = Countdown To Pukageddon
Old thread is old.
Also, it just struck me: this whole “Islamofascists Hate Us For Our Freedoms” thing is verging on terminally stale, so why hasn’t Regnery/AEI/Liberty U come out with The Protocols Of The Elders Of Islam yet?
Talk about being asleep at the wheel!
Goebbels Wept.
What’s a edumacation analist?
Candy Cushman’s next movie?
Have you ever had a cat that made a sound like she was possessed and then vomited up the most GIGANTIC FUCKING BUG YOU HAVE EVER SEEN?
They hatch and feed in there, you know.
Llama con Machete 3D:
They soon realized they just fucked with the wrong camelid.
Oh, and retired Sen. Simpson can be a butthole, in fact, I don’t think he can help it, it’s just his nature, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t wrong about Agent Orange. We are, as a nation, as a gov’t, and as taxpayers, about to haul off and do some mighty expensive and dubious stuff re. what the VA grants to veterans who were exp… er, who may or may not have been exposed but did serve in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975.
Or, that doesn’t mean he is wrong. Negatives that are not double, how do they not work if they shall not have achieved the age of 35 before not running for president of the United States?
guitarist manqué said,
September 1, 2010 at 1:49
Freedumb is just another word for nothing left to choose.
Freedom’s when you don’t have to do nothing or pay for nothing.
We want to be free. Free as the wind.
Frank Zappa quote, tyvm