Another Triumphalist Ground Zero Shrine Exposed!!!


The victims of one of history’s most brutal acts of war are surely rolling in their graves! We have discovered evidence that a triumphalist monument has been built by the perpetrators of the atrocity not three blocks, not two blocks, but a mere block-and-a-half from Ground Zero:

H/t: N_B in comments.


Comments: 304


I hereby dub it ‘The Monster Mac’ …

Pupienus Maximus

And that’s Japanese blocks – they’re shorter than CaucasianAmerican blocks.

Self-Indulgent Stomach

And that’s Japanese blocks – they’re shorter than American blocks.

Also smarter and worse drivers. Great food though, amirite?


The Japanese had better watch out — this is just Phase One of the plan to implement Barf-ia Law all across the land.


A McDonald’s shrine near the World Trade Center?

That’ll be my religion. Tremble with fear, Christians!


Nagasaki is the Pentagon of American atomic bombing campaigns.


I feel like they’re shoving their meat down the unwilling throats of the American people.


Ronald be with you.

And also with you.

The Church of the Profit

Self-Indulgent Stomach

Fuckin irony, how does it work?


You’d think the Japanese would protest more loudly over the celebratory “Everyone Fall Down and Weep while Lee Greenwood Plays” explosion reenactment McDonald’s forces the employees to endure every morning at 8:15 AM.

And that is exactly the sort of thing that will happen if America’s defiant true patriot three percenters fail to stop Cordoba House from firing its Ion Sharia Laser at Branson, Missouri.


And that is exactly the sort of thing that will happen if America’s defiant true patriot three percenters fail to stop Cordoba House from firing its Ion Sharia Laser at Branson, Missouri.

Hey, I would get a little misty-eyed if that happened. Silver Dollar City is fucking awesome.


BTW, D., “Barf-ia Law” made me giggle. I would have gone with “McSharia Law,” or “Sharia McLaw,” but yours is clearly better. Which is why you’re the professional and I am not.


The Golden Arches are a traditional Islamic symbol: the ‘M’ stands for ‘Muslim’!!!


I’m waiting for Newt Gingrich to point out that McDonald’s is itself a reference to William Jesse McDonald, bodyguard to Teddy Roosevelt, uncle of FDR, who passed the presidency to Truman, who ORDERED THE VERY BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA.

It’s CLEARLY triumphalist. Also: rich Corinthian hamburger.


That’s just in retaliation for the Bonzai Tatoo parlor at 145 Kamehameha Highwy, scant blocks from Battleship Row.


One would expect a number of Wingnuts to investigate this desecration while chanting the phrase, “Supersize me!”


Clearly, however, this is a completely different situation.

With the Ground Zero Mosque, that’s the Evil Forces of Muslimanity rubbing our noses in our Eternal, Emasculating Defeat.

With the Ground Zero McDonald’s, that’s America rubbing non-honkeys’ noses in their Eternal, Emasculating Defeat.

One is an atrocity. The other is fuckin’ awesome.


Eternal, Emasculating Defeat.

Just get a scrip for viagra already.


I’m still waiting for Pammycakes to notice the crescent on the South Carolina flag. Any truth to the rumor she pickets her local Safeway for selling crescent rolls???


I don’t know about y’all, but I’d much rather have an ammonia-soaked hamburger made from the ground flesh of at least 43 aged dairy cows that has been infused with the delicious taste of high fructose corn syrup and is served with a neon-orange cheeselike substance than FRESH RAW FISH EWWWWWWW.

And that’s another reason why America fucking rules.


neon-orange cheeselike substance

No reason to get personal.


OT, but I just remembered when this woman came into the artisanal bakery where I used to work and asked for non-dairy creamer for her coffee…I told her we didn’t have any and offered her soymilk. She wrinkled up her nose and said, “Ewww, no thanks.”

What the FUCK did she think non-dairy creamer was??? I mean, I guess you don’t have that added tang of HFCS, but what a fucking dumbass.


I object! I am not a cheese like substance. I have no substance!


T&U, everyone knows that soy milk is one of those hippie things. EWW, HIPPIES, IT’S AWFUL.

Actually, maybe she had a soy allergy.


Non-dairy creamer often has soy in it, though.

The Goddamn Batman Has A Secret Weakness For Shamrock Shakes

We really don’t know what ethnicity Ronald really is, do we? And does anyone think that the McRib is really made from real pork?


I’m lovin’ it.


Just you wait til we send this to Honolulu!


They should really rub salt in the wound and start calling Chicken McNuggets “Chicken McTempura.”


Per Sharron, black is evil. No, there’s no bottom to the stupidity.


Per Sharron, black is evil. No, there’s no bottom to the stupidity.

Oh, so *that’s* why my closet has become a whirling, bottomless vortex emanating what sounds to be the cries of people in anguish…


In my defense, I’m at least starting to substitute grey for black…does that mean my closet will only be half-evil? So, like, Purgatory or something?


Oh, so *that’s* why my closet has become a whirling, bottomless vortex emanating what sounds to be the cries of people in anguish…

Wait, your closet is DKW’s mom’s coochie?


‘One would expect a number of Wingnuts to investigate this desecration while chanting the phrase, “Supersize me!”’

Most of the Wingnuts I’ve seen are already supersized.


Wait, your closet is DKW’s mom’s coochie?


Bonus points for using the word “coochie.”


“Oh, so *that’s* why my closet has become a whirling, bottomless vortex emanating what sounds to be the cries of people in anguish…”

As long as there aren’t any fucking clown dolls under the bed. I fucking hate clowns.


What the FUCK did she think non-dairy creamer was???

I once had to explain to a guy I worked with why margarine isn’t a dairy food.

What’s scary is that he was my boss. What’s incredibly scary is that his job was editing a food industry trade magazine.


“Bonus points for using the word “coochie.””

You need to substitute Palin’s cackle for coochie more.

In both cases, Google Maps will say no match. Just click on search maps again and the horror of Donald McDonald (as he is known in Japan) will reveal itself.


You need to substitute Palin’s cackle for coochie more.

Negative points for conflating “Palin” and “coochie.” Bad noen! No cackle for you!


Macjira! Macra!

I would have gone with “McSharia Law,” or “Sharia McLaw,”

Nuh uh. McShake law.


OT or maybe not: New poll shows 18% of Americans are stupid.

That;s an increase of seven percent from 2009. The Teabaggers have had some small effect.

One is near a Seven Ereven.


You mean Sara Palin isn’t a big walkin’ talkin’ vagina? I envision her being like those navigators from Dune. They had talking vaginas for mouths. That’s what happens when you drink too many spiced cappuccinos.


You mean Sara Palin isn’t a big walkin’ talkin’ vagina?

What’s wrong with vaginas?


You mean Sara Palin isn’t a big walkin’ talkin’ vagina?

Walkin’ talkin’ asshole, next orifice down the hall.


What’s wrong with vaginas?

Walkin’ and talkin’?


What’s wrong with vaginas?

George Allen, for starters.


One is near a Seven Ereven.

You can’t see it, but this is me rolling my eyes at you.

Come on, somebody else post something for me to object to! I DARE YOU.


neon-orange cheeselike substance

John Boner or Charlie Crist?


Come on, somebody else post something for me to object to! I DARE YOU.



“What’s wrong with vaginas?”

Nothing in principle. I just needed a way to connect Palin with the Dune Navigators. Lynch had his talking vaginas and Burroughs had talking assholes (in Naked Lunch). It’s tradition!





One is near a Seven Ereven.

You can’t see it, but this is me rolling my eyes at you.

You can buy a Big Gurp there.


Is that cackled wheat?


You can buy a Big Gurp there.



Is that cackled wheat?

Feathered trouser serpent.


You can buy a Big Gurp there.


I’m not lacist!

I’m part of the radical Leather Underground.


Here’s a whole paper full of stuff

I dunno, it’s hard to get riled up over nuns playing softball for charity.


Turns out it only takes about two little fish to change me from a wimp into a savage. Soon enough I was holding one in my mouth before chewing, feeling it flip and frolic about like a bouncy ball let loose in a racquetball court. Sometimes I swallowed them whole, disappointed when I didn’t feel them wriggling down my throat and swimming around in my stomach. By the end, full from the rest of our meal and still marveling at the amazing oysters, I just wanted to get rid of the last four little suckers. One by one I chopsticked them into my soy sauce, added a little water, and shot the whole thing back. I let them swim around inside my soy mouth aquarium before chewing them up and swallowing them down.



Eating Live Fish 2 (really short video)

I like ’em fresh… and wiggling!



It claims to be only mildly objectionable.



That’s gross? No. THIS is gross!

Turns out it only takes about two Big Macs to change me from a wimp into a savage. Soon enough I was holding one in my mouth before chewing, feeling it flip and frolic about like a bouncy ball let loose in a racquetball court. Sometimes I swallowed them whole, disappointed when I didn’t feel them wriggling down my throat and swimming around in my stomach. By the end, full from the rest of our meal and still marveling at the amazing fries, I just wanted to get rid of the last four little suckers. One by one I dipped them into my catsup, added a little salt, and shot the whole thing back. I let them swim around inside my Coca Cola infused mouth aquarium before chewing them up and swallowing them down.


I like ‘em fresh… and wiggling!

It’s RAW and wriggling!

Golem! Golem!


So many swallowing jokes, so little time…


So many swallowing jokes, so little time…

Nothing wrong with wriggling things in your mouth swimming to your throat…


*notes T&U is evidently a swallower*


*notes T&U is evidently a swallower*

I knew that the moment she agreed to see my etchings.


*notes T&U is evidently a swallower*

Of course! I’m a fucking civilized human being!


I knew that the moment she agreed to see my etchings.

I think you’re using the word “agreed” rather loosely here.


I think you’re using the word “agreed” rather loosely here.

Look, when you were unconscious, the van drove over a bump and your head bobbed up and down. I took that to mean consent.


I knew that the moment she agreed to see my etchings.

I think you’re using the word “agreed” rather loosely here.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.


Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

And absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.


Look, when you were unconscious, the van drove over a bump and your head bobbed up and down.

So I’m going to have to start wearing a neck brace in addition to carrying pepper spray. Awesome.




So I’m going to have to start wearing a neck brace

If you get a push-up bra TO THE MAX it will lock your head in place.


So I’m going to have to start wearing a neck brace in addition to carrying pepper spray. Awesome.

Hey, don’t blame me because you put that roofie in your mouth! I only dissolved it in your beer.


If you get a push-up bra TO THE MAX it will lock your head in place.

Ow. I think my boobs would fall asleep.


I only dissolved it in your beer.

Uhhh, I can’t drink beer…



I like the puckered applique in the back.


I only dissolved it in your beer.

Uhhh, I can’t drink beer…

Well, you should have said something before I forced it down your throat.


Is that what you people do? Spend all day googling for scrotal cackle sac handbags?


Well, you should have said something before I forced it down your throat.

You sneaked up behind me!


Is that what you people do? Spend all day googling for scrotal cackle sac handbags?

Hey, I didn’t Google it. It just came up on my Twitter feed.


Well, you should have said something before I forced it down your throat.

You sneaked up behind me!

I snuck up on you?

Just because I was wearing black head to toe with sneakers that had little pieces of shag carpeting glued to the bottom and a ski mask is no reason to assume I was sneaking.


It just came up on my Twitter feed

And I won’t cum in your mouth….*rolling eyes*


I snuck up on you?

No, sneaked. “Snuck” is not a word.


No, sneaked. “Snuck” is not a word.



—Usage note
First recorded in writing toward the end of the 19th century in the United States, snuck has become in recent decades a standard variant past tense and past participle of the verb sneak : Bored by the lecture, he snuck out the side door. Snuck occurs frequently in fiction and in journalistic writing as well as on radio and television: In the darkness the sloop had snuck around the headland, out of firing range. It is not so common in highly formal or belletristic writing, where sneaked is more likely to occur. Snuck is the only spoken past tense and past participle for many younger and middle-aged persons of all educational levels in the U. S. and Canada. Snuck has occasionally been considered nonstandard, but it is so widely used by professional writers and educated speakers that it can no longer be so regarded.

Snuck that one past ya, huh?



smedley said,

August 19, 2010 at 18:54

‘One would expect a number of Wingnuts to investigate this desecration while chanting the phrase, “Supersize me!”’

Most of the Wingnuts I’ve seen are already supersized.



Hey, at least the E-coli is irradiated.


Snuck that one past ya, huh?

Oh, what a crock of bullshit.


Fine, but sneakded is still wrong.


Oh, what a crock of bullshit.

It sounds problematic for you *giggle*


Fine, but sneakded is still wrong.

I’m going to sidestep the whole issue and start using that instead.


“She Snookied up to the bar.”


It sounds problematic for you *giggle*

Nope. Doesn’t set my teeth on edge AT ALL.

Nobody gives a shit about split infinitives anymore, or even knows what the fuck they are. Soon “library'” will be pronounced “liberry.”


Thomas Jefferson once said “Its a damn poor man that can only think of one way to spell a word.” I agree and take it one step further. Its a damn poor man that can only think of one way to conjugate a verb. I envision a future where all of these examples will be considered perfectly correct english.
I snuck that one past you.
I sneakded that one past you.
I sneakulated that one past you.
I sneakified that one past you.
I done sneakified that one past you.
I ensneakulated that one past you.
I sneakeninged that one past you.


“She Snookied up to the bar.”

Talk about inappropriate usages….


Oops I forgot:
I sneakled that one past you.


I sneakled that one past you.

You must have been sneakered on that one.


unlurking to tip the hat to you, D. Aristophanes.

Clever. Fiendishly clever.


You must have been sneakered on that one.
I was distracted by daydreams of snorkeling.


I was distracted by daydreams of snorkeling.

Whereas I caught it because I was snookering.


Whereas I caught it because I was snookering.
Watch out for snakes.


Watch out for snakes.

I wouldn’t want to be a snack.


I wouldn’t want to be a snack.
“which is why you must be vigilant, snakes are pretty sneaky” he said, snarkily.


“which is why you must be vigilant, snakes are pretty sneaky” he said, snarkily.

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, he snapped back “Are you sneaping me?”


Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, he snapped back “Are you sneaping me?”
Not at all, I would never send you on a snipe hunt. In addition to being futile, you’d have to beware of snipers.


You’re all snockered, Newt Gingrich, more so:

China calls [the Hong Kong arrangement] “One Country, Two Systems.” It provides a model the U.S. can use to seed new outposts of freedom and prosperity around the world.

The U.S. should negotiate a series of bilateral treaties with receptive governments, carving out undeveloped sites the size of Hong Kong. Then a joint venture between the host government and the U.S. would launch brand new Free Cities in these places, with a complete set of American-style freedoms and responsibilities, guaranteed by treaty for 50 years.


The U.S. should negotiate a series of bilateral treaties with receptive governments, carving out undeveloped sites the size of Hong Kong. Then a joint venture between the host government and the U.S. would launch brand new Free Cities in these places, with a complete set of American-style freedoms and responsibilities, guaranteed by treaty for 50 years.

The fuck?

What is he smoking?


Yeah, cause what the developing world needs is more Yankee imperialism.


No, no, no 77south, these are American Freedom Zones! We’re just bestowing them with all the liberty and justice of the Free Market!


Is Saipan not the Asian tiger? Listen to Newt!


I bet there’s also a store selling Sony electronics near Pearl Harbor!!


No, no, no 77south, these are American Freedom Zones! We’re just bestowing them with all the liberty and justice of the Free Market!
or gated communities from which capitalists can loot their host countries in safety and style. Tomato, Tomahto.


Why doesn’t Newt start at home, say, the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota?


Not at all, I would never send you on a snipe hunt. In addition to being futile, you’d have to beware of snipers.

You must have had a snoot full if you think snipers faze me. I sneer at snipers. How snide of them to be sniffing around.


There is a 3 story tall McDonald’s right across from the Luxor Temple in Egypt.

They should really rub salt in the wound and start calling Chicken McNuggets “Chicken McTempura.”

Tempura is actually western food to begin with. It is a Japanese-ization of the word “temperance” — the Japanese got the dish from early Portuguese Catholic missionaries, who thought fried foods encouraged abstinence or something. (Or so the half-remembered story goes. It’s a bit hard to believe that anybody with access to the raw materials wouldn’t discover the joys of breading things and then frying them on their own.)

Hey, at least the E-coli is irradiated.

Science recently found a new strain of bacteria that only lives on frathouse couches called bro coli.


Newt Gingrich, armchair colonist. Jeeziz.

Per Sharron, black is evil. No, there’s no bottom to the stupidity.

Lie-berry links for T&U.

And I have never split an infinitive, nor typed “snuck,” because I am intellectually & morally superior. (Not saying to whom, mind you.)


China calls [the Hong Kong arrangement] “One Country, Two Systems.” It provides a model the U.S. can use to seed new outposts of freedom and prosperity around the world.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….did he read history or just buy the Golden Comics version?

Cuz, Hong Kong..maybe I’m misremembering, but wasn’t that already an outpost of western yaddayaddayadda?

You know, a colony? Those never turn out well.


Science recently found a new strain of bacteria that only lives on frathouse couches called bro coli.

You can’t fool me! That’s a cruciferous vegetable!


I bet there’s also a store selling Sony electronics near Pearl Harbor!!

There’s a couple Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples there, too.


“By the way, would you convey my compliments to the purist who reads your proofs and tell him or her that I write in a sort of broken-down patois which is something like the way a Swiss-waiter talks, and that when I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will remain split, and when I interrupt the velvety smoothness of my more or less literate syntax with a few sudden words of barroom vernacular, this is done with the eyes wide open and the mind relaxed and attentive. The method may not be perfect, but it is all I have.” — Raymond Chandler


Holy fuck, I WISH librarians made $75,000-$85,000 a year. It’d almost make my student loans worth it.



Also, the writer of that first letter to Sully can go fucking fuck himself. Dumbass.


Holy fuck, I WISH librarians made $75,000-$85,000 a year.

Some of them can, but it involves some extracurricular activities…



The second comment deserves a polite golf clap and martini.


Some of them can, but it involves some extracurricular activities…


For the last time, you’re going to have to find someone else to star in Lesbrarians Vol. 2.


For the last time, you’re going to have to find someone else to star in Lesbrarians Vol. 2.

But you already wear glasses!


It’s a community center. They’re going to have a gym. They’re going to have point guards. Muslim point guards,” Franken said, to laughter and applause.

“They (Republicans) do this every two years. They try to find a wedge issue, and they try to work it.”

Go Al Go


They’re going to have point guards. Muslim point guards

Maybe the reason the right wing is up in arms is that these guys will be really good and start beating white teams.


You must have had a snoot full if you think snipers faze me. I sneer at snipers. How snide of them to be sniffing around.

Fine actor, Too much time playing ‘slap the serbian’ has made you sloppy. You strut your stuff, and snap your fingers in front of snipers and do your celebrated Severus Snape impression, me and my sappers will sneak past in safety to secure some Swiss sluts for some slippery time, while you catch a slug in the sternum.


Church of the Profit

“Church of Mammon Christ” would make a good name for a punk rock album.


“They (Republicans) do this every two years. They try to find a wedge issue, and they try to work it.”

Indeed, and ever so slowly they seem to be figuring out that it’s a dumb idea to demonize Mexicans. Though I could very well be overestimating the Redoublechins’ smarts.


Sometimes I just like to snicker tee hee
Or snub any snob who is snotty to me
And whenever I have a few moments to spend
I can snoop on a neighbour or snitch on a friend


Actually, at first they weren’t going to allow it to be built. But then, flanked by a monk, an imam, and a recently ordained fry guy, Mayor McCheese took to the stage and made a stirring speech about freedom, and everyone was convinced.


Too much time playing ‘slap the serbian’ has made you sloppy. You strut your stuff, and snap your fingers in front of snipers and do your celebrated Severus Snape impression, me and my sappers will sneak past in safety to secure some Swiss sluts for some slippery time, while you catch a slug in the sternum.

Your sappy sibilant celebration stows small solace seen set side-by-side with my salient stoic silent sorties slipping safely sidled superior to your slogging soldiers of security sanctioning my swept supremacy.


“Have it compose a poem — a poem about a haircut! But lofty, noble, tragic, timeless, full of love, treachery, retribution, quiet heroism and in the face of certain doom! Six lines, cleverly rhymed, and every word beginning with the letter s!!”

“And why not throw in a full exposition of the general theory of nonlinear automata while you’re at it?” growled Trurl. “You can’t give it such idiotic–”

But he didn’t finish. A melodious voice filled the hall with the following:

Seduced, shaggy Samson snored.
She scissored short. Sorely shorn,
Soon shackled slave, Samson sighed.
Silently scheming,
Sightlessly seeking
Some savage, spectacular suicide.

Meanwhile, back at vaginas...

We all remember the Mobile Female Monument, henghh?


Your sappy sibilant celebration stows small solace seen set side-by-side with my salient stoic silent sorties slipping safely sidled superior to your slogging soldiers of security sanctioning my swept supremacy.

Silence! your substandard susurrus has made me sleepy. Slink shamefully south! Sail silently from these shores!


Silence! your substandard susurrus has made me sleepy. Slink shamefully south! Sail silently from these shores!

Slumber, sycophant, slumber on.


Slumber, sycophant, slumber on.
says the slaphappy sailor as the sloop sails to the sirens.



We can blame popular white American culture for the Park51 mosque site!


Too bad Google Maps hasn’t photographed this place.


So when are we going to move this affront to the sensitivities of the Japanese people? 100,000+ dead in one attack ain’t hay.

Seems that’s what’s good for the goose should be good for he gander…


Seems that’s what’s good for the goose should be good for he gander…

Don’t give McDonald’s any ideas!

I can see it now, McFoie Gras. With its own cute l’il character: a beret wearing goose.


I can see it now, McFoie Gras.

Oh god. I literally felt bile rise in my throat. I am not kidding.


Although a goose in a beret *would* be pretty cute.


I happened to read Fast Food Nation last week, and it mentioned that McDonald’s had opened a store one-third of a mile from the main gate at Dachau. According to the book, when it first opened, employees leafleted cars parked in the lot at Dachau with ads that said “Welcome to Dachau…and welcome to McDonalds.” The owners were finally convinced that such activities were in questionable taste, but still insisted that the placement of that restaurant was not trying to capitalize on the concentration camp tourist trade.


Hee hee! It’s a Christmas goose, too! Yum.

BTW, what would McFoieGras be served with? I like it with berries and other light, sweet stuff, but I have a feeling it would be fried and put on some sort of bun…


Seems that’s what’s good for the goose should be good for he gander

Note to goose: That’s not really sauce.
Actor212 was lying.


Okay, I can’t hear this…but…I can certainly imagine…

Why is it the people who claim to care the most about September 11 show those images over and over again for political gain? Seems a little disrespectful to me…


How ’bout a Goose in a bonnet? Though I’ll admit the product name is not un-enticing,




BTW, what would McFoieGras be served with?



BTW, what would McFoieGras be served with?

You’ve asked just the right guy! If it were my restaurant it would be a seared foie sandwich in toasted brioche, a few blackberries and a sauce of demi glace de veau with just a hint of raspberry. The “fries” would be sticks made from chickpea flour, water, parsley, garlic, a soupçon>/i> of curry, fried in fresh oil to a crisp exterior and soft interior. A fruity Beaujolais villages from the fountain. And I would absolutely supersize it.

I don’t even want to contemplate what horrors would be in the McD version.



Again, bile. Why did I even ask?


Okay, I can’t hear this…but…I can certainly imagine…

Somehow all the Real Merkins, like the redneck singing on that video, think that actual New Yorkers are looking for them to tell us what our city should be. Perhaps they’ve never visited and are therefore not able to imagine the most likely response.


Peej, that sounds delicious.



BTW, what would McFoieGras be served with?


And it wouldn’t so much be goose liver as liverwurst.


If it were my restaurant I’d try to do it without tag fail. Also. And such as.


Perhaps they’ve never visited and are therefore not able to imagine the most likely response.

We really ought to buy commercial time on all the networks and just run that clip from “Midnight Cowboy” when Ratso Rizzo nearly gets clipped by the taxi cab.


You know, someone could have a lot of fun with this thread:

The night James Earl Carter, Jr. stood before God and the American people, dressed in his cardigan, and told us to turn down our thermostats and quit driving. The road to Tarsus became, at that point, a toboggan ride. To actually watch the President of The United States behave in that fashion will, forever, be a shaming moment. It has not been equalled until Mr. Obama came along.

As god is my witness, I will never turn down a thrmostat again!

Mine was at a Geraldine Ferraro rally at Michigan State during the 1980 presidential campaign. A group of pro-life protestors had set up to my right and just to my left were a group of down-syndrome children overseen by 2 women. The pro-lifers held up signs and held a quite vigil while the women overseeing the down children shouted that the mothers of the pro-lifers should have aborted them. WOW…. That’s the day I decided where I stood.

Of course, Ferraro was not running in 1980, but she’d still have aborted those kids!

Mine was when Mark Foley was forced out of Congress.

The shame of those Demoncrats forcing that nice young man who was only trying to bend over a page in the corner! Next thing you know, they’ll require us all to go buy bookmarks!


I bet there’s also a store selling Sony electronics near Pearl Harbor!!
And there are probably quite a few Mitsubishis in the parking lot.


And it wouldn’t so much be goose liver as liverwurst.

Good liverwurst is tasty! Not as tasty as foie gras, but better than anything McDonald’s would serve.

It’d be like Oscar Mayer “liver cheese.”


It’d be like Oscar Mayer “liver cheese.”

We don’t get this.

And even if we do…we DON’T. Get. This.

Get it?


One outrage scenario I had not yet encountered until just now:

Leberwurst. Yum. Braunschweiger. Yumyumyum.


And even if we do…we DON’T. Get. This.

Oh yes you do. And head cheese, especially souse. And scrapple. I KNOW you have to love the scrapple.


Mine was when I trying to donate blood to save orphaned dolphin babies whose parents had been killed by Greenpeace vessels; I naively assumed it was an accident at the time. Well, suddenly a bunch of Black Panthers came into the clinic and threw me out of the office so “they could get their hos some penicillian”. When I tried to calmly explain that I was trying save the dolphin babies, Gloria Steinem overheard me from the waiting room and got a pack of her feminists to beat me up while she made an angry speech about the how adoption wasn’t an option even for unwanted baby dolphins.

Luckily, some nice people doing community outreach for the John Birch Society heard the commotion and rescued me.


I KNOW you have to love the scrapple.

Parks actually tried to sell that here.

Didn’t go over well.


Get it?


Does Oscar Mayer even make that shit anymore? Nasty.


. And head cheese, especially souse. And scrapple. I KNOW you have to love the scrapple.

I can’t do head cheese. It’s the…chunks…I’ve never had scrapple.


Ugh, the worst part of the OM liver cheese was that weird thing of fat on the outside of the pressed square slices…groooooooooooossss.


Fucking Finns. No, really.


Fucking Finns. No, really.

Not surprising, I scored “Finn”.


The U.S. should negotiate a series of bilateral treaties with receptive governments, carving out undeveloped sites the size of Hong Kong. Then a joint venture between the host government and the U.S. would launch brand new Free Cities in these places

Of course, you all took Newt to mean that these undeveloped sites and Free Cities will be in the other countries, and that the US will be the investor. Hah!


Of course, you all took Newt to mean that these undeveloped sites and Free Cities will be in the other countries, and that the US will be the investor. Hah!

Listen, I’d be happy if they built them HERE on a trial basis.


Finland 50.5
New Zealand 47.69

Only #2, but we try harder.


Only #2, but we try harder.
you have to try harder, in finland there is snow to slow down the reindeer. you have to catch the sheep without that advantage.


Fucking Finns. No, really.

Ah yes, Finland…The place where I want to be.


” overseeing the down children shouted that the mothers of the pro-lifers should have aborted them. WOW…. That’s the day I decided where I stood.”

Ah yes. I’m sure that really happened.


Speaking in support of the project, one man held up his American passport to prove his citizenship. Zead Ramadan, a Muslim who said his wife and brother were first responders after Sept. 11, said a lot of the rhetoric was simply Islam-phobia. He was shouted down.

Let’s show our support for the brave first responders!!! (But only if they’re Christians.) Also, all the muslims that were killed in the WTC attack were obviously in on the plan.


Finland 50.5
New Zealand 47.69

Only #2, but we try harder.

That .69 works in your favor though.


Of course! I’m a fucking civilized human being!

Such a Virgo.


” overseeing the down children shouted that the mothers of the pro-lifers should have aborted them. WOW…. That’s the day I decided where I stood.”

Ah yes. I’m sure that really happened.

When I first read this comment it registered that that those caring for the down children were saying the down children should have been aborted. But it really says they were saying the anti-abortionits (I refuse to us the term pro-life for a group who generally support wars and death penalties.) should have been aborted. And after hearing one of the anti abortionists shout something really stupid or hateful I can believe that someone would have resonded with something like “the world would be better off if you had been aborted.” So, yeah, it might have really happened.


One outrage scenario I had not yet encountered until just now:

Leberwurst. Yum. Braunschweiger. Yumyumyum.


Wouldn’t matter anyway. I’m pretty sure that if they built it, she and her supergenius horde of superdouches would burn all of the books immediately.


Such a Virgo.

Well, it is less messy.


Fucking Missouri Democrats, how do they work?

The problem is that most of our congress critters, be the Nope-a-GOPes or Dimmycrats, are wealthy. So when it comes to making a decision on tax cuts for the wealthy… well, there you go.


Fucking Missouri Democrats, how do they work?

Like most other fucking scumbag opportunistic politicians.

They don’t care about anything other than their own selfish interests and future fundraising opportunities. So it’s to be expected that they would support more stimulus for fucking Wall Street than for actual people losing their jobs, do fucking nothing for people losing their homes, and climb on to the anti-regulation bandwagon with the fucking Repukes.


OT–found in the free section of Craig’s List while trying to get rid of some of my own clutter:

Free couch;

Somebody was supposed to come get it but never showed up. His loss is your gain! Free couch with out of this world romantic powers! If this couch can’t get you in the zone you are a eunuch. No rips, no strange animal smells. I got a new couch so it has to go. It was just put in my driveway for easy pick up. If you see this ad it is still available.


The road to Tarsus became, at that point, a toboggan ride.

I read that as “Taurus” and wondered why the commenter was concerned about his Ford sedan.


Free couch with out of this world romantic powers! If this couch can’t get you in the zone you are a eunuch.

Please tell me it is zebra-striped and heart shaped. Please please please [crosses fingers]


Please tell me it is zebra-striped and heart shaped.

Even better: blood-red and zebra-shaped.


The road to Tarsus became, at that point, a toboggan ride.

Thereby confusing the hell out of Saul, who had never in his life seen snow.


The road to Tarsus became, at that point, a toboggan ride.

What does that even mean? I assume he’s alluding to Saul of Tarsus’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus, but it still makes no sense.


Please tell me it is zebra-striped and heart shaped. Please please please [crosses fingers]

Not quite, but still pretty awesome

All it needs is a disco ball hookup.


Tarsus was a city of great importance as a learning center of the ancient world

Which means it is highly unlikely that any of those folks would ever get on the road to Tarsus. Although, if they did I can believe they would try to use a tobaggan on it.


Tarsus was a city of great importance as a learning center of the ancient world

Yeah, I’m shaking in my shoes.


I’m just shaking


Pompei, buddy: you’re shaking, rattling, and rolling.


Pompei, buddy: you’re shaking, rattling, and rolling.

Don’t forget…Smokin’ hot!


Dude, tsam, I totally need a couch! Will you pleeeeeease pick it up for me and ship it here?


Dude, tsam, I totally need a couch! Will you pleeeeeease pick it up for me and ship it here?

You’re running the risk of being called a eunuch.


You’re running the risk of being called a eunuch.

I’ve been called worse.


Oh, and slip some weed in between the cushions while you’re at it, okay?


Dude, tsam, I totally need a couch! Will you pleeeeeease pick it up for me and ship it here?

I will drive from Florida, pick it up and deliver it. Then we can test out it’s alleged “out of this world romantic powers!” All in the name of science, of course.


I will drive from Florida, pick it up and deliver it. Then we can test out it’s alleged “out of this world romantic powers!” All in the name of science, of course.

Damn, you’re really dedicated to science!


The road to Tarsiers I think.

Those on a toboggan would be AWESOME.


Those on a toboggan would be AWESOME.

Oh, fuck, I laughed really, really hard. That image is amazeballs.

“The moon’s not going to disappear and its shrinkage won’t affect the Earth in any way, Watters stressed.”



Damn, you’re really dedicated to science!

Perhaps not dedicated enough. Google Maps drew a blank when I searched for “free couch in upper South Hill” and when I searched for “T&U’s House” I got “Did you mean T&U’s House near North Africa?” So, I’m afraid even if I can track down the couch I just don’t have enough gas to drive anywhre near North Africa. 🙁


Ha! You really did!


I’m really losing faith in the great Gazoogle. When I asked Google images for Tarsiers on a toboggan I got 13 pages of images. But only two had tarsiers, and they were both stuffed toys, and there was not even one image of a toboggan. I find it hard to believe that there’s not someone somewhere in this big, crazy world that has taken a picture of a tarsier on a toboggan and posted it online.


The road to tartar sauce would be delicious.


Tarsus on a toboggan. OK, a sledge runner.


I find it hard to believe that there’s not someone somewhere in this big, crazy world that has taken a picture of a tarsier on a toboggan and posted it online.

If a picture of a tarsier in a toboggan doesn’t exist in this world, I’m not sure I want to live in it…


Also, I don’t really understand a road to ankle bones.


Dammit, I hate it when a joke FAILS


Dude, tsam, I totally need a couch! Will you pleeeeeease pick it up for me and ship it here?

If you’d like. Is the action a little slow these days?


Perhaps not dedicated enough. Google Maps drew a blank when I searched for “free couch in upper South Hill” and when I searched for “T&U’s House” I got “Did you mean T&U’s House near North Africa?” So, I’m afraid even if I can track down the couch I just don’t have enough gas to drive anywhre near North Africa. 🙁

Search S. Perry Street, Spokane, Wa. That’s where my house is. Somewhere near where the couch is, according to the ad…


But Bill McKay, a leading member of the right-wing Teapot movement, said: “Sarah Palin is a hallowed place for Americans who can’t read.

“How is she going to feel knowing that every day there are people going inside a building to find things out for themselves and have thoughts, right in the very shadow of her amazing nipples.”

He added: “Our founding fathers intended for every building in this country to be a church containing one book, written by Jesus, that would be read out in a strange voice by an orange man in a shiny suit who would also tell you who you were allowed to kill.

“Building a library next to Mrs Palin is like Pearl Harbour. Or 9/11.”

And Wayne Hayes, a pig masseur from Coontree, Virginia, said: “I is so angry right now.


I will drive from Florida, pick it up and deliver it. Then we can test out it’s alleged “out of this world romantic powers!” All in the name of science, of course.

Don’t fuhget the wizzle, m’nizzle


What is the deal with “non-dairy creamer” anyway? Its main ingredient is casein, which is the most abundant protein in milk. The casein *in* non-dairy creamer is actually derived from milk. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NON-DAIRY?


“Sarah Palin is a hallowed place for Americans who can’t read.

Seems to me that SuperSarah Failin would love to have all those books right next door. She wouldn’t even have to drive to pick up some books to burn.


If you’d like. Is the action a little slow these days?

Nah. Well, maybe.

I really just wanted to see if you would agree to do it…



I feel so used! All this time I was believing what food labels tell me! The HORROR.


“Building a library next to Mrs Palin is like Pearl Harbour. Or 9/11.”


What is the deal with “non-dairy creamer” anyway? Its main ingredient is casein, which is the most abundant protein in milk. The casein *in* non-dairy creamer is actually derived from milk. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NON-DAIRY?

Dude, I know. I don’t get it.


I really just wanted to see if you would agree to do it…

I would, but I’m pretty sure it won’t fit in my Corolla. How hilarious would it be if I showed up in 3 days with the goddamned couch?

Hilarious or extremely creepy? I threaten, you decide.


Search S. Perry Street, Spokane, Wa. That’s where my house is. Somewhere near where the couch is, according to the ad…

That still doesn’t solve the North Africa problem. Perhaps for the sake of expediency (still in the name of science) I should just pick up the couch and take it to the nearest Hooters for testing.


Also margarine generally contains milk, being up to 3% milk fat.


I should just pick up the couch and take it to the nearest Hooters for testing.

Brilliant. Just plain brilliant.

One martini coming up!


Hilarious or extremely creepy? I threaten, you decide.

Extremely creepy, unless I gave you my address. And then it would be moderately creepy/hilarious/slightly perplexing.


Seems to me that SuperSarah Failin would love to have all those books right next door. She wouldn’t even have to drive to pick up some books to burn.

No, really, if the books were right next door she would be able to read, you know, all of them.


That still doesn’t solve the North Africa problem.

I wish I did live in North Africa. At least it’s a fucking dry heat there.


Also margarine generally contains milk, being up to 3% milk fat.

I learned this when I was being tested for food allergies and I had to eliminate dairy completely. Vegan margarine is expensive, too! WTF?


Vegan margarine is expensive, too! WTF?

You know, it’s not easy to milk a broccoli.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I thought non-dairy creamer was corn syrup solids, finely ground.

But we now know, thanks to Mythbusters, that it’s a WMD, so don’t get caught stockpiling it.


You know, it’s not easy to milk a broccoli.

You have a point.



Cuz ‘dairy’ in this case means lactose, the offending molecule.


The fact is, you liberals should stop making fun of Our Next President, Sarah Palin. She is Real and from The People, unlike The Usurper who is from Hell and Hitler, and also black.


You know, it’s not easy to milk a broccoli.

Try cowliflower.


The fact is, you liberals should stop making fun of Our Next President, Sarah Palin.

Quit tryin’ 2silence my 1st Amend. rights!


“My conversion from the liberal daughter of a peace activist to a conservative was sparked after happening upon the televised Ruby Ridge hearings. Learning the reasons a mom was shot to death while holding her child in her arms drove home the point that the gov’t was not my friend and giving it more power was a bad idea”

This bitch pisses gocart off. First of all asshole, It happened when Bush I was president so Republicans did it.
Second, Randy Weaver’s nephew had just killed an FBI agent in cold blood.
Third, Randy Weaver was armed and sure, the police “may have acted stupidly” in justifiably trying to kill him and accidently missing and hitting his stupid wife who was standing in the doorway holding their infant but somehow I can’t help thinking that there would be less outrage on the right if the same thing happened to an unarmed pot growing hippie, prominant black historian, or ACORN employee who was behind on her taxes instead of a white Christian Nazi (No hyperbole intended, Google “Christian Identity Movement”.)
Fourth, liberal peace activists are big on the Police Industrial Complex!! Shut up you Kantian Nihilist Twat.
(Rant Off)
Don’t get gocart started on Elian or Schiavo or I may blow a gasket.


My conversion from the liberal daughter of a peace activist to a conservative was sparked after happening upon the televised Ruby Ridge hearings.

Yeah, because peace activists have never been the targets of police brutality.


“You know, it’s not easy to milk a broccoli.”

I always wondered how they are able to squeese the teets of the soy beans to make soy milk. Must be awfully difficult. Maybe they have a machine that does that.

[I had a smoke and counted to ten. I think my blood pressure is back to normal]


To be clear, I think the FBI did “act stupidly” because a mother and child were in the vicinity and I feel sorry for the child and even the mother despite the fact that she hated blacks and jews.


“despite the fact that she hated blacks and jews.”

To clarify my clarification: I followed the hearings at the time and there was a lot of dancing around randy weavers relegious beleifs and “Cristian Identity” I did a little research and the debate on their official website was about slavery. Some thought it should be re-instated; the pragmatists thought that was not politically viable. Also, Jews are evil Christ killers and negros are subhuman. Also, also, I found it amusing that the Republicans were taking civil liberty and police procedure positions that were to the left of the ACLU!


Back on topic

National Penis Day
In New Zealand, September 4th is national penis day. Heaps of guys in each of the main cities go to a public place (like The Square in Christchurch), get naked and stand in a formation so as to form a giant penis. Lots of chicks and dirty old men go.


I killed the thread. I is sorry 🙁


To be clear, I think the FBI did “act stupidly” because a mother and child were in the vicinity and I feel sorry for the child and even the mother despite the fact that she hated blacks and jews.

I suspect the mother put herself and her baby in harms way intentionally to try to protect her husband. She gambled that the feds would not shoot with the baby there and lost that bet. I feel sorry for the child but not so much for the mother. This also brings us to the point that the people who point to this incident with such outrage have no problem at all with the government killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani mothers and children.

Cardinal Richilieu

I knew wingnuts at the time they were freaking out about Randy Weaver. (Clinton was prez during the time they freaked out, no?) And I kept hearing them euphemize and dissemble re. Weaver’s attitudes towards race. The more sophisticated among them would hint that he was just a racialist — wanted all the races to stick to themselves, didn’t want to go out and burn crosses. The more simple of them would say, He just had to get away from Those People. If you knew anything about survivalist mentality, you know they’re always jabbering on about how THEY are going to riot in those evil cities and you have to get away from THEM, end of the world, arrgle bargle, yadda yadda.

It’s racism. Duh her. Our standards in America are so lenient. If we don’t yank a klan hood off you or can’t smell coal on you from last night’s cross burning, then you must not be a racist! At least to hear a lot of Republicans say it.

We’re seeing it once again. Far right and hard conservatives in this country discover civil liberties and police abuses, hmm, when is it? When a Democrat is president? How conVENient!

I just skimmed the R. Weaver entry at wikipedia (and it looks a little drooly fan clubby) and was happy to see MOVE listed in the “See also” section.


Cardinal Richileu is right!

I mean, dammit! I was supposed to have posted that as “Bilo.” I’m only Cardinal R. when I sure deed that theeng.



The Wall Street Urinal Op-ed Page: “Victory in Iraq”

“The classic lament about the war in Iraq is that it achieved little at a huge cost in American lives, treasure and reputation. That view rests on a kind of amnesia about the nature of Saddam Hussein’s regime, his 12-year defiance of binding U.N. resolutions, the threat he posed to its neighbors, the belief—shared by the Clinton and Bush Administrations and intelligence services world-wide—that he was armed with weapons of mass destruction, the complete corruption of the U.N. sanctions regime designed to contain him, and the fact that he intended to restart his WMD programs once the sanctions had collapsed.

This admirable American effort has now given Iraqis the opportunity to govern themselves democratically. We supported the Iraq invasion primarily for reasons of U.S. national security. But a successful war also held the promise that it could create, in a major Arab state, a model for governance that would result in something better than the secular or religious dictatorships that have so often bred brutality and radicalism—which has increasingly reached our own shores. The fact that Iraq has a functioning judiciary, and that Iraqi voters have rejected their most sectarian parties at the polls, is cause for hope that the country is moving in that direction.”

The reality-based community has a different take: From the LA Times report entitled “No rejoicing in Iraq as U.S. combat mission ends”

“Instead, a mood of deep apprehension tinged with bitterness is taking hold as Iraqis digest the reality that the American invaders whom they once feared would stay forever are in fact going home, when their country is in the throes of a deep political crisis that many think could turn increasingly violent.

On the ground, there has been no dramatic deterioration in security, at least not yet. But many Iraqis are concerned about the recent uptick in the number of shootings and assassinations across Baghdad and in the still troubled provinces.

A rash of assassinations of judges, traffic policemen, senior civil servants and members of the Iraqi security forces has stirred fear that insurgents are more ubiquitous than had been thought. A suicide bombing Tuesday in Baghdad targeting army recruits, in which 63 people died, called into question the Iraqi security forces’ ability to take care of its own, let alone the safety of civilians.

A group of Iraqi soldiers standing guard beside their U.S.-supplied Humvee on a major Baghdad street didn’t seem so sure.

One of the soldiers, when asked whether he thought security would deteriorate without U.S. combat forces, replied, “Of course, because we have no government.” The soldier, who refused to give his name because he was not authorized to talk to reporters, made it clear he wasn’t happy to see the Americans go.

“I wish they had taken me with them,” he said. “I don’t want to be here.”

Sparkleponies and purple fingers. Groovy.

Lurking Canadian

have no problem at all with the government killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani mothers and children.

Actually, it goes farther than that. If a similar situation had taken place in Baghdad or Fallujah, the unanimous opinion of the wingnuts would be that the wife and child were “human shields”, and therefore their deaths are the responsibility of the husband, not the people who shot them. (As I understand it, the Geneva Convention would see it the same way, but I am not a lawyer so I could have that wrong.)


Mayor McCheese:
“Now I am become Ptomaine, Destroyer Of Intestines.”


“The flash of the Golden Arches there was uglier than a million Goatses.”


“What hath Roy Kroc wrought?”


have no problem at all with the government killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani mothers and children.

But they were using smart bombs. Those don’t make mistakes.

Especially the thousand-pounders.


Especially the thousand-pounders.

Or the conjoined 2000 double-quarter-pounders.


“I suspect the mother put herself and her baby in harms way intentionally to try to protect her husband. She gambled that the feds would not shoot with the baby there and lost that bet.”

Sirius: I was unemployed at the time and spent my afternoons drinking beer and watching CSPAN (Ah good times) I remember it as, she was watching from behind the screen door and her husband was walking around in the front of the house like a dumbass. They may not even have seen her. I don’t know. I would have said “honey, take the baby and hide in the celler or something. Of course, if he had only dropped his weapon and surrendered, none of this would have happened. He was only guilty of FTA on an unregistered gun charge.

Bilo: I think of all the dozens and dozens of cases of unarmed black people killed by the police and how the right ALWAYS takes the side of the cops and can’t help wondering if there is, I don’t know, perhaps a racial element to it. They never get a congressional hearing. This is what pisses me off so much.


Or the conjoined 2000 double-quarter-pounders.

With cheeeez


can’t help wondering if there is, I don’t know, perhaps a racial element to it.

I am assuming you are understating this for ironic (sardonic?) emphasis.


That’s for me to know and you to assume Looch.


I’ll take that as a “yes.”


Check how many crazy wingnuts are sure that Clinton was responsible for Ruby Ridge, but are sure Obama is to blame for TARP, and he should just stop blaming Bush already.


That’s for me to know and you to assume Looch.

You know what they say about “assume,” don’t you? It makes an ass out of an ume, which is a type of plum. Or something like that.


I’m surprised that Obama didn’t use “Presume!” as his electoral slogan.


But then we’d have made a plum president, and that’s just crazy talk.


Wasn’t that basically Palin’s platform? “A nice pear for vice-president”?


If’n y’all are going to talk tarsiers…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

D. Aristophanes said,
August 19, 2010 at 17:35
“I hereby dub it ‘The Monster Mac’”

Heh, I just got the joke. A Bobby “Boris” Pickett & the Cryptkickers reference. Well played sir.

It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash


—Usage note
First recorded in writing toward the end of the 19th century in the United States, snuck has become in recent decades a standard variant past tense and past participle of the verb sneak : Bored by the lecture, he snuck out the side door. Snuck occurs frequently in fiction and in journalistic writing as well as on radio and television: In the darkness the sloop had snuck around the headland, out of firing range. It is not so common in highly formal or belletristic writing, where sneaked is more likely to occur. Snuck is the only spoken past tense and past participle for many younger and middle-aged persons of all educational levels in the U. S. and Canada. Snuck has occasionally been considered nonstandard, but it is so widely used by professional writers and educated speakers that it can no longer be so regarded.

Smited feels vindicated.

I think I can bring home the McDonald’s near the real ground zero thingy a bit more: for years, I’ve had the idea for a painting; the only reason I haven’t made it is a general lack of talent. Anyhoo, this painting would be called The Last Happy Meal, and in it, Ronald and his disciples – Mayor McCheese, the Grimace, those weird fry creatures, et al, are all seated on the banquette side of a row of those chintzy McDonald’s two-tops with the swivel captain’s chairs on the other side. Over Ronald’s head are the golden arches – glowing, of course. And seated on the opposite side of the table is the Hamburglar, Ronald’s Judas. In his hand he clutches…a Burger King sack. He has just sold out Ronald for 30 Whopper Jr’s. And…well, that’s pretty much all there is to it.


Speaking of McDonald’s Jennifer, I have been to one in Bali where you get to bring your own beer and a waitress serves you, one in dowtown Rome that sells beer and wine, and one in Madrid where the chicken wings are real chicken and delicious.


Yeah, and I couldn’t help but think of Fred Hampton.


Oh, and how they didn’t know and wouldn’t care about the Fred Hampton deal.

I’ve had a vaguely similar idea. An excercise class in which everybody wears flowing robes of linen, and leather sandals. Lots of arms-out stretching. After class is over, everybody pays the instructor with a gold piece, all 30 students. I call it Pontius Pilates.


I’ve had the idea for a painting; the only reason I haven’t made it is a general lack of talent. Anyhoo, this painting would be called The Last Happy Meal, and in it, Ronald and his disciples – Mayor McCheese, the Grimace, those weird fry creatures, et al, are all seated on the banquette side of a row of those chintzy McDonald’s two-tops with the swivel captain’s chairs on the other side.

This guy I know has Ronald McDonald on a crucifix with the Hamburgler looking up and him and those weird fry things skanking below tattooed on his upper leg. Which was somewhat funny, except that when he showed it to us, I got a full-on view of his balls, which was traumatizing, because he was not the type of person whose balls most people would want to see.


Why the fry dudes are skanking, I do not know. Seems rather blasphemous to me.


Bilo, I had to look up Fred Hampton and yes he aint no Randy Weaver. I mean that as a compliment to Mr Hampton and no I’m not being sardonic.


From my first link, I shouldn’t be critical of a guy whose second language is English, reporting on a tragedy but . . . I don’t think “disingenuous” was the word he was looking for.

The SC doesn’t exist no more.
It became a massgrave for hundreds of fun seeking tourists on a paradise island.
We are shocked, suffer and mourn with the victims and their relatives.
It’s to early to have a complete overview on this disingenuous and horrible terrorist attack.
here an article from

Tim Johnston The Times, London


Pointed out to me yesterday by my brother: the holocaust memorial in Berlin is about a quarter of a mile from the Reichstag.


You know, someone co

oh, oh, can i play:

Early in 2003, a friend emailed me saying “You need to read Instapundit”. Watching the contrast in reporting on the Iraq war via Insty and my then steady diet of WaPo/NYT/NPR lifted the scales from my eyes.




“You know, someone could have a lot of fun with this thread:”


in finland there is snow to slow down the reindeer

First, reindeer run faster in the snow than we do. Why do you think so many of history’s great distance runners were Finns?

Second, we don’t fuck the reindeer. We make them watch while we fuck the moose.



actor212 said,

August 20, 2010 at 15:06

in finland there is snow to slow down the reindeer

First, reindeer run faster in the snow than we do. Why do you think so many of history’s great distance runners were Finns?

Second, we don’t fuck the reindeer. We make them watch while we fuck the moose.

Voyeurism?? That’s just nasty.
/snark off


I was in a McDonalds in Japan only yesterday. I ordered a large strawberry shake. The girl said that they don’t sell large size. They only have small and medium sizes on the menu. I love this country.

Oh, and they sell hotdogs at Japanese McDonalds – but only on the breakfast menu.


Voyeurism?? That’s just nasty.

How the hell you think we train them to fly for Santa? We show them what we do to the moose so anytime a human gets behind them, they’re off.


Did anyone see the PBS documentary on McShit going into the parts of China where no fast food has gone before?

They were looking at the vailable local fare in the market, to make frog burgers, etc…


Yeah,’Vailable” is a new word, like ‘repufiate’ but it’s what you eat while on a ski vacation, especially you are Chinese.

No typonese here!.

Did I ever tel you about the Christmas cards I received form Governor Palin?


Look at Detroit in 1945. Look at Hiroshima in 1945.

Look at Detroit today, look at Hiroshima today.

Seems UNIONS and DEMOCRATS and PROGRESSIVES and LIBERALS are far more destructive than even atomic bombs.


I’d laugh at the joke/sarcasm… if it was funny. It’s rather stupid. So I won’t.


You can buy a Big Gurp there.

Sadly, no. 7-11s in Japan do not offer self-serve fountain drinks, nor fresh coffee. But they do sell hard liquor and porn comics, so there’s that.


(comments are closed)