Moobzilla vs. Mosquethra: The Battle For Lower Manhattan

ABOVE: The Three Faces of Eew

It was only a matter of time before Hugh Hewitt weighed in on the controversy over Cordoba House, and, boy, was it worth the wait. Pretending that he and he alone has discovered the ultimate arguments to demolish the Muslim-loving liberals, he throws down on the table two deliciously absurd arguments — well, three really, if you count his claim that Ground Zero is “sacred ground” just like the Gettysburg Battlefield and should not be encroached by any development — without realizing, of course, that he’s implicitly calling for razing everything in Manhattan.

The other two arguments are what I would call double flea flicker reverse strawmen. In a normal strawman, the writer demolishes an imaginary argument. In a double flea flicker reverse strawman, the imaginary argument does the demolishing. Serious scholars refer to this rhetorical tactic as an argumentum ad sparkleponium, or an appeal to a mythical race of creatures or a non-existent phenomenon.

To attempt to rebut the notion that those opposing the Cordoba House aren’t religious bigots, Hugh offers up his first example of the argumentum ad sparkleponium.

It is a certainty that many among the overwhelming majorities that oppose GZM would gladly write a check to the building fund of a mosque at a different location in Manhattan, a location not chosen to exploit the fact that an attack on America took place where the mosque was built.

Show me the money, Hugh! Show me the money! And the sparkle ponies.

He follows up with an even more awesome argumentum ad sparkleponium

Those same overwhelming majorities would oppose a Roman Catholic cathedral on the same site.

And Hugh Hewitt will appear in the next Old Spice campaign stripped to the waist and riding a white pony.


Comments: 469


I heard the pony will be riding him, but whatever.


The best part of Hewitt’s column, for me:

Once built, of course, no house of worship may be regulated as to what is said or prayed from within its walls…

Yes, if prayers are said too close to Ground Zero, they could be…what? Too effective?

Rusty Shackleford

What do the battlefields surrounding Manassas, Antietam, Gettysburg and Valley Forge all have in common?

With the exception of Valley Forge, battles were fought there.


Do you think these people ever had any problem with Walmart building stores over sacred Native burial grounds?


Saving America’s sacred spaces from those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been the side of the angels.

So it’s constitutional? Where is that written in the document?

I guess the site is sacred because the Twin towers were temples to the greatest God of all – Money.


Those same overwhelming majorities would oppose a Roman Catholic cathedral on the same site.

But they are ALL FOR a gay bar built there.

Progressive Center-left Grrrl Voice of Truth

I’m too distracted by the moobs to make much of a coherent point. But, to recap, building a community center two blocks away is not allowed because it profanes sacred ground. Presumably the strip club/porkateria that Jo-berg proposed is a more numinous use of the space.

Progressive Center-left Grrrl Voice of Truth

Fucking tigris. Got there first.


Saving America’s sacred spaces from those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been the side of the angels.

Stop logging our old growth forests!


Those same overwhelming majorities would oppose a Roman Catholic cathedral on the same site.

But…But….But…there’s a Greek Orthodox cathedral that is actually AT Ground Zero that’s rebuilding is stuck in red tape! Is Hugetits suggesting they ought to be denied?

Rusty Shackleford

Stop logging our old growth forests!

If we do that, the red-cockaded woodpeckers win.


majorities that oppose GZM would gladly write a check to the building fund of a mosque at a different location

Last I checked they were talking about writing checks to build a gay bar next door to the “mosque”, and they’re not even really going to do that.


That middle picture reminds me that bumbles bounce


BTW, Hugh, three words: Crest. White. Strips.


It is a certainty that many among the overwhelming majorities that oppose GZM would gladly write a check to the building fund of a mosque at a different location in Manhattan, a location not chosen to exploit the fact that an attack on America took place where the mosque was built.

This does not change the fact that we have a First Amendment in our Constitution, that the building to be purchased and demolished is private property and that the imam is not relying on a dime, not one thin dime, of public money for construction, meaning that this is wholly a capitalist venture, so shut the fuck up and let them get on with it.

Plus, “overwhelming majority”? I think not.


Could someone photoshop that guys teeth a little closer to white? that hideous orange color is really freaking me out.


Saving America’s sacred spaces from those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been the side of the angels.

Um, don’t look now, Skippy, but SCOTUS disagrees with you…

By the way, how is a space 600 feet away from the Trade Center “sacred”? That’s like saying the gift shop at Gettysburg is somehow equivalent to the battlefield itself.


Ew. That jogging photo almost made me lose my breakfast. Hugh “Greg Marmelard” Hewitt may posess the least athletic physique in human history.


Could someone photoshop that guys teeth a little closer to white? that hideous orange color is really freaking me out.

The really weird bit about that is, that’s make up. He’s trying to imitate Kent from Real Genius

I guess conservatives really DO believe that dentistry is theft…


So I came back from my high school 25th reunion and now there’s this huge to-do about Cordoba House. I don’t get it. Why all the hating on a Chrylser luxury coupe?


That son of a bitch is full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.

I’ve been reading the right wing blogosphere for days looking at the comments people make about this mosque. EVERY ONE OF THEM objects on the grounds that the mosque is a mosque, belonging to the Islamic religion, which is the religion of terrorists, which is responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers in the first place. No, it’s not an objection to “religion” in general; yes, it’s an objection to Islam. Have the guts to own up to the bigotry of your own people.


That son of a bitch is full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.

Ew. Remind me not to eat Christmas dinner at your house…


Plus, “overwhelming majority”? I think not.

It seems there’s a principle at work – maybe we need another Latin “argumentum ad x” construction for this – that the bigger the majority appealed to, the horseshittier the claim.

e.g. “vast majority” = horseshit
“overwhelming majority” = super-duper horseshit



Why all the hating on a Chrylser luxury coupe?

Explained here.


that the bigger the majority appealed to, the horseshittier the claim.

Isn’t that just the “Big Lie” gambit? Well-worn, used often, and kept at the fore of the Wingnut rhetorical quiver.


EVERY ONE OF THEM objects on the grounds that the mosque is a mosque, belonging to the Islamic religion, which is the religion of terrorists, which is responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers in the first place.

They hate the idea so much, they’re lobbying for the banning of all mosquitoes from Ground Zero.


So, question. Do these people poop their pants every time they see a Muslim?


Isn’t that just the “Big Lie” gambit?

Kind of, but it’s more ham-handed. The Big Lie just involves lying, not necessarily invoking imaginary majorities of people who support the lie.


Another question: Is Glenn Beck doing that 9/12 shit again this year? Because that’s my birthday, and it’s going to suck enough as it is. I don’t need fascists and idiots to fuck it up.

Rusty Shackleford

Do these people poop their pants every time they see a Muslim?

These people never see Muslims.


These people never see Muslims.

Seriously? My friend from high school is Muslim and I’m from a town of 12,000 people. She doesn’t cover her hair, but her mother does.


“Once built, of course, no house of worship may be regulated as to what is said or prayed from within its walls, just as no billboard can be regulated as to its content.”

Probably not an original construction by Hewitt, but watch in the coming days as this meme is used to try to deflect Freedom of Religion arguments. Of course, it fails on many levels. When has that ever kept a good right-wing meme down?


Wait–so a religious structure (to the extent that this project is religious; isn’t it more of a social gathering hall?) two football fields from the site is a desecration, but a big honkin’ OFFICE BUILDING built directly ON the site is an act of defiant patriotism and commemoration?

I keep saying, about Hewitt and the rest of the freak show, “crazy, or stupid?” But why can’t it be both?


Because that’s my birthday

Your 21st birthday must have been a laugh riot.


just as no billboard can be regulated as to its content.

Oh really? Odd. Y’know, I could have sworn that at least four billboards have been banned in the past year alone in NYC alone…

Maybe I was mistaken. I’m sure Hugetits knows more about my city than I, an active and politically aware resident of some 53 years, would know…


Your 21st birthday must have been a laugh riot.

Oh, yes. I had a crazy, wild time sitting in the bar watching footage of planes crashing into the towers over and over again. Believe it or not, nobody was really interested in going out.


I, an active and politically aware resident of some 53 years,

So, were you politically aware in the cradle or are you on Social Security?


They only oppose the Catholic cathedral, because they want to build an Evangelical Glass Cathedral there, like they have in California.


People who worship in glass cathedrals shouldn’t throw stones. But they’re dumb enough that they do.


This was, mind you, four days after Boyfriend T&U had an insane night at the bar where they wouldn’t let me in and then was dropped off at my place for some reason and passed out on my bed snoring, so I had to sleep on the floor.


Saving America’s sacred spaces from those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been the side of the angels.

So it’s constitutional? Where is that written in the document?

He thinks it’s constitutional because of the Endangered Species Act.

Federal laws routinely interfere with the use of private property and the decisions of state and local government –see, for example, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act– and the federal government has every right to closely patrol the purposes to which the Ground Zero area will be put.


He thinks it’s constitutional because of the Endangered Species Act.

You made that up!


So, were you politically aware in the cradle or are you on Social Security?

I was precocious. I came out yelling at Robert Wagner.


majorities that oppose GZM would gladly write a check to the building fund of a mosque at a different location

I know – Moobzilla should set up one of those paypal links with the thermometer showing how much he’s raised, get these “GZM” opposers to pony up – a token amount, say $100K.


so I had to sleep on the floor

Candyass liberal….


isn’t it more of a social gathering hall?

Plus swimming pool!


He thinks it’s constitutional because of the Endangered Species Act.

It’s true. Rich white businessmen are an endangered species on FUCKING WALL STREET!


Candyass liberal….

For whining about sleeping on the floor, or not making him sleep on the floor? I had a twin bed and he’s heavy.


I’ve been sitting here wondering how I missed on learning what bugfuck-insane shit “GZM” stands for and then I realized it’s “Ground Zero Mosque” and now my egg-salad sandwich is trying to come back up.


to the extent that this project is religious; isn’t it more of a social gathering hall?

The mosque makes the building as religious as a chapel makes a hospital a house of faith.


Yesterday on Fox, Judge Napolitano was trying to explain to Bill Hemmer that a law cannot usurp the Constitution………..

Another good day for Trig.


Candyass liberal….

For whining about sleeping on the floor, or not making him sleep on the floor? I had a twin bed and he’s heavy.

It’s a compliment. He’s picturing your cushion whilst floor-sleeping.


For whining about sleeping on the floor, or not making him sleep on the floor? I had a twin bed and he’s heavy.

They make a great thud when you roll them off the mattress. I ought to know.


Why all the hating on a Chrylser luxury coupe?

Explained here.

Oh Jeezus, J– at first I thought that was serious.


I’ve been sitting here wondering how I missed on learning what bugfuck-insane shit “GZM” stands for and then I realized it’s “Ground Zero Mosque” and now my egg-salad sandwich is trying to come back up.

If you try to pronounce it like a word, it kind of sounds like “jism.” Heh.


Current headline on Huffpo: “Bush Visits Mango Factory in Haiti.”


Another good day for Trig.

So that’s what its come down to? Every time a wingnut says something stupid, another retard gets a helmet?


he throws down on the table two deliciously absurd arguments

What goes good with deliciously absurd arguments? I believe the correct choice is Sweet Wingnut Tears.


“I had a twin bed and he’s heavy”

Mental note: T&U is a chubby chaser.

Rusty Shackleford

These people never see Muslims.


Well, maybe occasionally out the windows of their Suburbans.


They make a great thud when you roll them off the mattress. I ought to know.

Yes, well, I’m just too nice for my own good.


Mental note: T&U is a chubby chaser.

Uh, not so much…


Current headline on Huffpo: “Bush Visits Mango Factory in Haiti.”

I think I have a clue to Haiti’s troubles…


Yesterday on Fox, Judge Napolitano was trying to explain to Bill Hemmer that a law cannot usurp the Constitution………..

I’m an amendment to be.
Yes, an amendment to be.
And I’m hoping that they’ll ratify me
There’s a lot of flag burners
Who have got too much freedom.
I want to make it legal for policemen to beat ’em.
‘Cause there’s limits to our liberties.
‘Least I hope and pray that there are.
‘Cause those liberal freaks go too far.

Boy: But why can’t we just make a law against flag burning?

Amendment-to-be: Because that law would be unconstitutional. But if we change the Constitution…

Boy: Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!

Amendment-to-be: Now you’re catching on.

Rusty Shackleford

This is why the Japanese didn’t rebuild Nagasaki after the war. Sacred space and all that.

What’s that you say?

The city was rebuilt after the war, albeit dramatically changed. New temples were built, as well as new churches due to an increase in the presence of Christianity.

I wonder what the Japanese translation of the Aramaic word for “dhimmi” is.


at first I thought that was serious

You gotta be on your toes with that Bérubé dude.


“I wonder what the Japanese translation of the Aramaic word for “dhimmi” is.”




Do I have to make that tongue click on the ?s?


Do I have to make that tongue click on the ?s?

Only on the “!” or the dipthonic.



I’m wearing boxer briefs, actually.


If you try to pronounce it like a word, it kind of sounds like “jism.” Heh.

Actually, I keep scanning it as “gasm”, as in “ragegasm”


So that’s what its come down to? Every time a wingnut says something stupid, another retard gets a helmet?
I wish they would just get talk shows on Fox instead. I can visualize it already. This week on Lennie!, special guest George talks about the rabbits.


I believe it’s pronounced: hewittsux


These people never see Muslims.

But there is still a lot of POOP.


So that’s what its come down to? Every time a wingnut says something stupid, another retard gets a helmet?

If that were true, we’d be drowning in helmets.

Disgruntled Lurker

Anyone care to speculate on the nature of the literature in Hugh’s coat pocket?


“I’m wearing boxer briefs, actually”

And a belt AND suspenders?


So that’s what its come down to? Every time a wingnut says something stupid, another retard gets a helmet?

Trig’s got a whole closet full of helmets. His mother is selling ’em on Ebay. Autographed, too.


Anyone care to speculate on the nature of the literature in Hugh’s coat pocket?

A guide to the local petting zoo.


I’m wearing boxer briefs, actually.

Then no Ubangi for you.


But there is still a lot of POOP.

As it says in the bible, the POOP is always with us.


Anyone care to speculate on the nature of the literature in Hugh’s coat pocket?

The July 2008 edition of “Barely Legal.”

(There’s a pun in there, too)

Disgruntled Lurker

The July 2008 edition of “Barely Legal.”

(There’s a pun in there, too)

I dunno. I’m pretty sure I read that one cover to cover. I don’t remember seeing any puns.


I’m sure you told Mrs. Lurker you only get it for the articles.


For whining about sleeping on the floor, or not making him sleep on the floor? I had a twin bed and he’s heavy.

They make a great thud when you roll them off the mattress. I ought to know.

“Yesterday, I caught my girlfriend in bed with another man. I was crushed. I said “Get off me, you two”” – Emo Phillips


So that’s what its come down to? Every time a wingnut says something stupid, another retard gets a helmet?

Those poor retards are going to need neck braces pretty quick.


Athlete. Outdoorsman. Scholar. Hugh Hewitt: The Least Interesting Man in the World.


Athlete. Outdoorsman. Scholar. Hugh Hewitt: The Least Interesting Man in the World.

I don’t often drink beer, but when I do, I drink turpentine. Stay stupid, my friends.


“Athlete. Outdoorsman. Scholar. Hugh Hewitt: The Least Interesting Man in the World”

He doesn’t always drink beer. But when he does, he makes it Ovaltine.


This is obviously a pop culture reference I am not understanding.


No Dos Equis distributor in Missouri?


I aspire to be the most interesting man in the world. Right now I am up to “the most interesting man in a 5′ radius, unless I’m talking to someone more interesting”


No Dos Equis distributor in Missouri?

Nah, I’m just one of those snobby “I don’t watch TV” types. I mean, I do, but not TV with commercials.


Right now I am up to “the most interesting man in a 5? radius

See what not using deodorant can do for you?


Saving America’s sacred spaces from those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been the side of the angels.

Which is why they have prevented all those indian burial mounds from being opened and looted.

Which is why they built a highway through the Petroglyph National Monument.

I know, I know… “Thats not the same because SHUT YOUR STUPID FACE UP”


I’m the most interesting man on Saturn.

Don’t believe me? PROVE ME WRONG!


“Right now I am up to “the most interesting man in a 5? radius, unless I’m talking to someone more interesting”

Aspire to be the most interesting man with a 5” radius. Though I’m not exactly what you would do with it.


Aspire to be the most interesting man with a 5? radius. Though I’m not exactly what you would do with it.

I wrote a book about that…


I wrote a book about that…
a book of etchings perhaps?


I wrote a book about that…
a book of etchings perhaps?



I’m the most interesting man on Saturn.

Don’t believe me? PROVE ME WRONG!

Bah. Big deal. You bought the title from Boring McBoring…


Aspire to be the most interesting man with a 5? radius.

With Dr. Pezzi’s help you could be The Most Interesting Man in a 7″ radius. Money Back Guarantee, too.


With Dr. Pezzi’s help you could be The Most Interesting Man in a 7? radius. Money Back Guarantee, too.


Fuck. I just finished paying off the last keyboard…


Fuck. I just finished paying off the last keyboard…

Good Lord, are you using diamond-encrusted keyboards or something?


Good Lord, are you using diamond-encrusted keyboards or something?

No, I just have a zero interest credit card.


Good Lord, are you using diamond-encrusted keyboards or something?
you have to remember, he’s in finance. So, yes.


Saving America’s sacred spaces for those who would exploit them for gain of any sort is not only constitutional, it has always been on the side of the angels

Fuxxed for veracity’s sake!.


Fuck. I just finished paying off the last keyboard…

Yay, ME!

I’d advise against getting a laptop. Just sayin’.


In a way, i’m glad Obama won the Presidency. Because now, Americans can see just how morally bankrupt and disastorous socialism is first hand. If McCain won the Presidency he would be just another moderate Republican like Bush pushing amnesty and using politically correct rules of engagement that would get our troops killed. Republicans would be even less popular than they were in 2008, and the tea party movements would cease to exist.

But now, with a full fledged socialist for President, Americans are returing in droves to their traditional values of limited government, national sovereingty, strong national defense and traditional morality. The Democrats can no longer hide behind their “moderate” facade or their “third way” propaganda. Americans will no longer buy into it. Republican support is now at an all time high. The tea parties have widespread national support. And the issue of illegal immigration is now finally in the center stage of debate with well over 70% of Americans supporting the Arizona position.

Yes it is a good thing that Obama won the Presidency. Now the American people can finally see the true colors, or more appropriately color of the Democrat party. RED!




Psst, Steve, dude. Google Dr. Pezzi. He could help.


Steve said,
August 11, 2010 at 18:26

That there is some awesome Kool-Aid, my friend.


He thinks it’s constitutional because of the Endangered Species Act.

He should move there and point out the scarcity of pygmy double-breasted abominable snowschmucks.

Lurking Canadian

Shorter Steve: It became necessary to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.

Disgruntled Lurker

But now, with a full fledged socialist for President, Americans are returing in droves to…traditional morality.

So that’s why I can’t get laid. DAMN YOU OBAMA!!


Americans are returing in droves to…traditional morality.

Whipping one’s male slaves before fucking one’s female slaves?


Excuse me, raping not fucking. I accidentally euphemized.


Thanks for the helmet, Steve!

Marion in Savannah

Is it just me or does that middle picture of Hugh look like somebody’s maiden aunt — you know the one. She never married, and had a “roommate” for 50 years…


I accidentally euphemized.

I hate when that happens. So messy!


I need a distraction… Look, T&U, shiny boobs over there!


Look, T&U, shiny boobs over there!



OK, which one of you regular commenters is secretly Ben Quayle?

Arizona Congressional candidate Ben Quayle had previously denied he was a contributor to a website called “Dirty Scottsdale” a few years back. But now he is admitting that he couldn’t even get a blogging job with this site, which he’s said was “satirical,” because he says he “just posted comments to try to drive some traffic.”


I am Ben Quayle Sparticus Spurticus.

Lurking Canadian

he “just posted comments to try to drive some traffic.”

That is clearly the definition of a troll, not a regular. My money’s on Gary, although I’d have to look at the precise grammatical errors at “Dirty” to be sure.


As I recall Rush Limbaugh saying on his radio program in the months leading up to the 2008 Presidential election, “The Democrats are sowing the seed for their own eventual landslide defeat.” Limbaugh admonished us that this landslide defeat may not happen in 2008 but it will happen eventually.

Alas! That time has come! As any farmer will tell you, you reap what you sow. With Obama and the Democrats with their lowest approval ratings yet, and Republicans with the support of registered independents by a margin of more than 2 to 1, I cant help but think that Democrats landslide defeat that the King of Talk Radio predictated during those dark months draweth nigh.


Steve said,
August 11, 2010 at 18:26

Welcome back, Gary/Troofus.


There once was a Conservative Republic. It consisted of 10 states. Each state would vote independently on a piece of clever writing to see who’s writing was the cleverest. Red-in-the-neck Billy wrote a fairly clever piece, only really triumphed by the fact that the only other entry was done by a recent immigrant from eastern Siberia. Immigrant that had almost completed the first tape in the magnificent “learn English is 8 weeks” course.

The votes were tallied, and Billy won 9 of the 10 states with 50.1% majorities in each state.

That night, the Vox Nevs service reported that vast majority of America–90%–voted Billy’s novel superior, further confirming the American Exceptionalism.


Ooooh, does this mean Brandi will be here soon???


Alas! That time has come!

Bookmark this, libs!


Gary, is that you?


I suppose some of you are going to want SparkleHelmets. Ben Quayle has one.


Ooooh, does this mean Brandi will be here soon???

Can’t say but I’m day-dreaming about rummi.

Lurking Canadian

Wow, Steve, your mastery of the -eth conjugation for the third person singular has convinced me that you are truly wise in all things.

I renounce my sinful, lefty past. I will henceforth embrace my inner selfish, racist asshole as the great god Limbaugh commands.

Steve, a few months ago

Bookmark it as many times as you want: either Pelosi will cancel the vote, or it will go down in flames, live on C-SPAN.

And then ObambiCare will be finally, mercifully dead. Much like Rasputin it has taken a long time and a lot of effort to finally kill, but we’re 99% there. Just takes nine votes to block it, liberals: nine votes.


I suppose some of you are going to want SparkleHelmets. Ben Quayle has one.

Can I have a pink one? No, red! No…wait…purple!

Lurking Canadian

Ooooh, does this mean Brandi will be here soon???

Oh, I hope not. She’ll start with the Cheeto stains and I just had lunch.


Wow, Steve, your mastery of the -eth conjugation for the third person singular has convinced me that he lisps.

Speech therapy is his friend.


Can I have a pink one? No, red! No…wait…purple!

Take your pick. Take more than one. It’s not like there’s a shortage or anything…


Speaking of helmets (and Ben Quayle):

Apple, tree, etc.


Speaking of helmets (and Ben Quayle):

I can’t hear it, but he looks dead inside.


What does dead inside sound like? Does ZRM have zombie-cam?


Whoops. Don’t AHEM me Angry Geometer! Please don’t!



This appears to be a textbook case of argumentum ad oogabooga … it’s probably caused by those yellow teeth of his outgassing neurotoxic trace-elements into his brain while he sleeps. A dash of Javex mouthwash in the mornings & all will be well. Really puts the boots to the halitosis, too.

Shorter Steve: I used to be pretty ignorant about politics – but then I discovered that once you do enough meth, you understand EVERYTHING!


Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?

Well, I will risk being labeled a parody troll and tell you about my other idea to supplament the wall on the southern border. If I were President, I would have the Department of the Interior stock the Rio Grande with bull sharks. Bull Sharks are one of the most aggressive predators on the planet and they are capable of surviving equally well in both fresh and saltwater. Any wetbacks attempting to swim across the Rio Grande would make any easy dinner for a voracious bull shark.


Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?

Of course! I bookmarked them!

Marion in Savannah

Little Stevie obviously has no earthly idea how deep the Rio Grande is.


Oh, good Lord. His site is all like, “We hired a graphic designer who didn’t know what the fuck (s)he was doing asked for a site like Obama’s.”



In a way, i’m glad the Second Reich was destroyed. Because now, Germans can see just how morally bankrupt and disastorous democracy is first hand. If the Kaisers had gone on ruling, they would be just another moderate conservative dynasty pushing tolerance for parasites and using politically correct rules of engagement that would get our troops killed.

But now, with a full fledged democratic government, Germans are returing in droves to their traditional values of national sovereignty, strong national defense and traditional morality. The democrats can no longer hide behind their “moderate” facade or their “social democratic” propaganda. Germans will no longer buy into it. NSDAP support is now at an all time high. Book burning rallies have widespread national support. And the issue of Jewish conspiracism is now finally in the center stage of debate with well over 70% of Germans supporting the Final Solution.

Yes it is a good thing that democracy was established in Germany. Now the German people can finally see the true colors, or more appropriately color of the democrat parties. RED!

Disgruntled Lurker

“Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?”

Wait, what? Did you vandalize a wall or something? And then Posted pictures?


Any wetbacks attempting to swim across the Rio Grande would make any easy dinner for a voracious bull shark.

That’ll go over well on the evening news the next time a beautiful white Arizonan American girl tries to go for a swim.

Disgruntled Lurker

Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?

“Thoughts on a wall” makes me think of that SNL digital short “Dick in a box”

Make of that what you will.

Looch, who may have a new obsession...

Oh my.

“As the fourth generation of his family to live and work here in the Valley, Ben is eager to fight for the needs of our community and our country.

Throughout his life, Ben’s family has instilled in him the importance of public service. Ben wants to represent Arizona in Congress to restore fiscal discipline to Washington. As Congressman from the 3rd District, Ben Quayle knows he can make a difference in the lives of the next generation.

Ben is married to Tiffany Crane Quayle, an Arizona State University graduate. Tiffany manages Insight Enterprises (an Arizona based Fortune 500 company) for CA and is very active in the Phoenix Women’s Board of the Steele Children’s Research Center. Ben & Tiffany have a puppy named Louie they rescued from the Wickenburg Humane Society.”

From his FB page.

But wait. Wasn’t his father from Indiana?


Seriously, it’s fucking SHAMELESS. Do Republicans *EVER* have any original ideas of their own?


the next time a beautiful white Arizonan American girl tries to go for a swim.

Some nubile cutie trying to escape JMcC’s clutches as he looks for wife number 3?


Some nubile cutie trying to escape JMcC’s clutches as he looks for wife number 3?

He said “white,” not “orange.”


Before versus after…


“Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?”


And since I can’t read Steve: does he address the salt water fish in fresh water issue?

Lurking Canadian

Steve, it would be best to mount coaxial lasers on the heads of the sharks. Sharks are cool, but sharks with lasers are bitchin’.


And since I can’t read Steve: does he address the salt water fish in fresh water issue?

Apparently, those sharks can swim in both.

I would have advocated crocodiles myself, but AMERICA can’t have that. Too nigger African.


Steve, it would be best to mount coaxial lasers on the heads of the sharks. Sharks are cool, but sharks with lasers are bitchin’.

Well, he’s got sea bass.


I would have advocated crocodiles myself, but AMERICA can’t have that.

We have found a use for crocoducks and/or Octosharks.

Marion in Savannah

I would have advocated crocodiles myself, but AMERICA can’t have that. Too nigger African.

We’ve got an oversupply of good old Amurkan gators we’d be glad to share…

Marion in Savannah

As FSM is my witness, that strikethrough showed up in preview…


We’ve got an oversupply of good old Amurkan gators we’d be glad to share…

And one state south of you, there’s apparently an oversupply of pythons escaping from zoos. That could be fun too.

wtf is it about Arizona that turns the wingnut crazee knob to 11?


And perhaps if we stopped diverting water for irrigation and drinking water, there would be enough water in the Rio Grande for those sharks to live. But oh yeah, the population of southern Colorado and New Mexico and Texas would dry up and blow away. Also the Rio Grande would be too deep to wade. So other than displacing and impoverishing millions of reliable republican voters, there’s no downside! I await all wingut pundits to acknowledge the superiority of my plan.


Remember my thoughts on a wall along the southern border that I posted a few weeks ago, libs?

Dude, we don’t even remember what’s on TV tonight. Please tell me you don’t think you’re that fucking important, you insignificant piece of ant shit.


This appears to be a textbook case of argumentum ad oogabooga …

I’m going to use that one.

you insignificant piece of ant shit

And that one.


Ben Quayle for Congress?

Ben…Quayle? Ben QUAYLE?

Is that some new version of “Ben Dover? Does anyone know Ben Dover”?


So other than displacing and impoverishing millions of reliable republican voters

which will all be the liberals’ fault for allowing the immigrants that caused Stevey to dream up this plan…


If I were President, I would have the Department of the Interior stock the Rio Grande with bull sharks.

Uhhhhh, the only problem is, while bull sharks (which I’ve dived with and they are not that aggressive to humans) can survive short forays into fresh water, they really do require sa


Sometimes when I read my own writing, I cry a little inside. I think I used to be smarter than this, and I wonder why I type things that are so obviously dumb.

But then I go back to Red State, and everyone is agreeing with me and I feel smart and I just whack off until my dick is orange from Cheeto residue. Fuck you guys.


Is that some new version of “Ben Dover? Does anyone know Ben Dover”?

There were five in the bed and the little one said “Ben Dover, Ben Dover.”
And they all bent over and one fell out…


Uhhhhh, the only problem is, while bull sharks (which I’ve dived with and they are not that aggressive to humans) can survive short forays into fresh water, they really do require sa


While they can survive short periods in fresh water, they do require salt water or else they dehydrate.

You read that correct. A bullshark in fresh water urinates more than twenty times as much as a salt water bullshark.


A bullshark in fresh water urinates more than twenty times as much as a salt water bullshark.

And thats why I don’t drink water. More beer, please!


You read that correct. A bullshark in fresh water urinates more than twenty times as much as a salt water bullshark.
And in related news, unopened bottles of Corona Light are up to twenty times more common in freshwater than salt water.


There were five in the bed and the little one said “Ben Dover, Ben Dover.”
And they all bent over and one fell out…

So Hugetits jammed it back in, Ben Dover, Ben Dover.


And in related news, unopened bottles of Corona Light are up to twenty times more common in freshwater than salt water.

And thats why I don’t drink water. More beer, please!

Stay thirsty, my friends.


Well, I will risk being labeled a parody troll and tell you about my other idea to supplament the wall on the southern border. If I were President, I would have the Department of the Interior stock the Rio Grande with bull sharks. Bull Sharks are one of the most aggressive predators on the planet and they are capable of surviving equally well in both fresh and saltwater. Any wetbacks attempting to swim across the Rio Grande would make any easy dinner for a voracious bull shark.

At the risk of being labeled a parody troll, I’ll add to this otherwise great idea: Gay bull sharks, to teach the Mexican’s about good-old American tolerance. Gay bull sharks with lazers, because Americans like lazers. Gay bull sharks with lazers willing to toil in the fields for less money than Mexicans, because then we can hire gay bull sharks, and deny their gay bull shark boyfriends benefits, because we won’t allow gay bull shark marriage to be rammed down our throats, no-siree-bob.

Yep, that’s exactly what I would do.


Yep, that’s exactly what I would do.




Hewitt has bigger boobs than my first wife.


Fucking shark kidneys, how do they work?


This non-mosque that’s not at “ground zero” reminds me a lot of another insufferably stupid RWNM talking point, i.e., not-Joe the not-plumber.


Fucking shark kidneys, how do they work?

Apparently, either pretty good or in desperate need of Vesicare.

Looch, who may have a new obsession...

Ben…Quayle? Ben QUAYLE?

Ayup. Kinda gives ya a tingle, doesn’t it?


Looch, who may have a new obsession… said

Say! Aren’t you that guy…you know…TAFKAL?


oops, forgot to change name back…


“I just whack off until my dick is orange from Cheeto residue. Fuck you guys.”

LULZ. also ewwwwww

The Ghost of Ricardo Montalbán

I am sure that once Mr Hewitt experiences the golden tone of the Cordoba’s AM radio while reclining on the soft Corinthian leather, he will change his mind. Let’s open a hand of friendship and love and brotherhood. That is my dream. I knew I’d never see it complete while I was still alive, but this ghost thing is, as the kids say, totally sweet.


Well, at least we got the jerking off and the Cheeto residue out of the way…on the downside, I just had lunch.


Hugh has access to Google Maps, right? He can see that St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church is located on the very same corner where 4WTC once stood. St. Peter’s is approximately 500 feet closer to the WTC site than the proposed Muslim community center.



Hugh has access to Google Maps, right? He can see that St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church is located on the very same corner where 4WTC once stood. St. Peter’s is approximately 500 feet closer to the WTC site than the proposed Muslim community center.

Facts? HA!


on the downside, I just had lunch.

Hopefully not Cheetos.


Hopefully not Cheetos.

No, I had those yesterday. I actually ate like a normal human being today.


Hugh has access to Google Maps, right? He can see that St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church is located on the very same corner where 4WTC once stood. St. Peter’s is approximately 500 feet closer to the WTC site than the proposed Muslim community center.

St Paul’s Cemetery is even closer.


This is why the Japanese didn’t rebuild Nagasaki after the war. Sacred space and all that.

Also why Dresden is still a smoking hole. Such as.
And why there is no longer a port at Pearl Harbor.


My first thought on finishing the article was “They need to change the headline to ‘A Very Good Day For Trig.'”
Damn you all.


My first thought on finishing the article was “They need to change the headline to ‘A Very Good Day For Trig.’”

“Gettin’ Triggy Widdit”


‘A Very Good Day For Trig.’”

That’s my band’s name. We do Weezer covers.


St. Peter’s is approximately 500 feet closer to the WTC site than the proposed Muslim community center.

St. Peter’s is also the church that has displayed “The” “Miracle” “Cross,” otherwise known as a steel column with two stub beam connections that was found, miraculously, in the wreckage. Of course several thousand identical pieces of steel were found because the WTC 1 and 2 cores were full of those columns, but who am I to laugh hysterically at this?


That’s my band’s name.

“Wave your helmet in the air like you just don’t care!”


FUCK. I should have said that we do Helmet covers. WTF?


That’s a line from “Short Bus Blues,” by the way.


Of course several thousand identical pieces of steel were found because the WTC 1 and 2 cores were full of those columns

Standing straight up?

With the baby Jesus still attached?

HAH! I run rings around your logic!


Of course several thousand identical pieces of steel were found because the WTC 1 and 2 cores were full of those columns, but who am I to laugh hysterically at this?

A person with an IQ over 65?


With the baby Jesus still attached?

The Jews crucified a baby???!

They’re even more evil than I thought!


The Jews crucified a baby???!

Every male baby. One tip at a time.


but who am I to laugh hysterically at this?

A horrible, horrible person who is going to HELL?


The Jews crucified a baby???!

Of course not. Just nailed him there long enough to render the fat.


You know, I can actually believe that the same people who oppose the ‘mosque’ at Ground Zero would oppose a Catholic church. That’s because they’re running around saying the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon and only the 100 members of their particular evangelical subsect are REAL Christians.


I have a gigantic bruise that is slowly fading and starting to look like the Virgin Mary.


A horrible, horrible person who is going to HELL?

Well, duh.


“actor212 said,

August 11, 2010 at 20:03

My first thought on finishing the article was “They need to change the headline to ‘A Very Good Day For Trig.’”

“Gettin’ Triggy Widdit””



Of course not. Just nailed him there long enough to render the fat.

Oh, I thought they only ate Christian babies.


That would be racist.


Oh, I thought they only ate Christian babies.
After you eat the babies, you still need soap to wash the dishes.


That would be racist.

Jews are such liberals that they even practice affirmative action cannibalism!


Oh, I thought they only ate Christian babies.

Well, yea! But like the Germans, they made soap out of the Jews.


Here, Steve, have a helmet. It’s on me. You got a favorite color?





Steve, really…is that the best you got?

Come on, I grew up with mobsters. I’ve been threatened by experts. Even you, Helmetboy, can do better than this!


You got a favorite color?

He doesn’t know. They haven’t done colors at school yet. Give him the red one–maybe he’ll mistake himself for a communist and kick his own ass.

Disgruntled Lurker

Well, I’m a little worse for the wear after reading through the baby jesus bit.


Well, I’m a little worse for the wear after reading through the baby jesus bit.

Yeah, that was a little rough.




Hugh has access to Google Maps, right? He can see that St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church is located on the very same corner where 4WTC once stood. St. Peter’s is approximately 500 feet closer to the WTC site than the proposed Muslim community center.

There you go with your facts again.

I emailed Hugh a few days ago asking if the many strip clubs within a couple blocks of the WTC — particularly the Pussycat Lounge, described by one google reviewer as the place to go “if you don’t have the funds for hi-end places or got killed in the market crash and need to see some girls that work hard for a $1.?” — were a part of “America’s sacred space” or not, but surprisingly, he never responded.

Disgruntled Lurker

Yeah, that was a little rough.

Yeah, but it was funny. Lulz covers a multitude of sins.


fucking strikethrough tags. How do they work?



Now’s it’s a helmet with a gag. I know I’ve seen one around here somewhere. A drool cup would probably be a good idea as well.



Jeez, Steve. You’re sounding like an idiot.

Lurking Canadian

Oh, I thought they only ate Christian babies.

Now, that’s just silly. Think how hungry they would have been between 3000 BC and AD 34, waiting for the first Christian baby to come along.


I am proud to work for the FleetPride corporation. They are a Patriot employer, meaning they only hire American citizens. FleetPride will never in a million years hire an illegal alien


Now, that’s just silly. Think how hungry they would have been between 3000 BC and AD 34, waiting for the first Christian baby to come along.

I didn’t think that Christian babies were a primary part of their diets…I thought they were more like dessert, you know?


Not very well in your case?


Now’s it’s a helmet with a gag. I know I’ve seen one around here somewhere. A drool cup would probably be a good idea as well.

Don’t let him bite you. You don’t know what he carries.


FleetPride will never in a million years hire an illegal alien
Their policy on hiring racist mouthbreathing troglodytes, on the other hand…


Fucking timing a response to an existing comment…how does that work?


I am proud to work for the FleetPride corporation.

Dude, that sounds kinda…gay…


I am proud to work for the FleetPride corporation.

I can almost hear Lee Greenwood singing “I’m proud to be an enemaaaaaaaaaaaa!”


Another Patriot employer I am proud to associate with is Dunkin Donuts. I stop their everyday for a coffee break in between deliveries. I am proud to support any business that refuses to hire illegal aliens.


“I’m proud to be an enemaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

My mind immediately went to enemas, too, but I couldn’t make it work. I’m so ashamed.


Another Patriot employer I am proud to associate with is Dunkin Donuts.

Didn’t they use a subliminal ad to promote Islam? Rachel Ray wearing a kaffiyeh?

Disgruntled Lurker

use instead of

I think that works


Another Patriot employer I am proud to associate with is Dunkin Donuts. I stop their everyday for a coffee break in between deliveries. I am proud to support any business that refuses to hire illegal aliens.

Yeah, but they had Rachel Ray wearing a Moslem scarf in their ads. Does that terrorist coffee taste delicious?


Dude, that sounds kinda…gay…

Remembering a former SF co-worker’s excitement over the Navy’s arrival in the Bay Area:

“Oooo! It’s Fleet Week!”




Use, don’t abuse.

Disgruntled Lurker

Nope, that didn’t work at all


“they use a subliminal ad to promote Islam? Rachel Ray wearing a kaffiyeh?”

I’m it was unintentional. An honest mistake. McDonalds on the other hand hires illegal aliens and should be put out of business for treason.


My mind immediately went to enemas, too, but I couldn’t make it work. I’m so ashamed.

I’ll take the hit on this one…

Fucking enemas…how do they work?


Use, don’t abuse.

Um, me?


I’m it was unintentional. An honest mistake.

Really? Cuz they use Arabia beans, you know, and Kenyan. So they’re sucking up hard to Barack Obama. Maybe you should find a Tim Horton’s you can purchase your hot brown liquids from?


Eh! Steve!


Fucking enemas…how do they work?
I heard you had some instructional etchings that pretty much cleared up that mystery.


Fucking enemas…how do they work?

Uh, you’re on your own with that one, buddy.


I stop their everyday for a coffee break in between deliveries.

While you are trolling here. Got it.

Fucking jobs, how do they work?


Hey looch! You find that out, can ya let me know? I’d like one please.


I stop their everyday

…their everyday what?

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Da Cool Coach is here to check ya before America wrecks ya, cuz the funky fact of the matter is that America don’t want none of your terrorizin and socialist philozophizin around WTC, ya dig? Why don’t you punks zip the lips for just a few seconds and let us Real Patriots rip rap at you how you have no respect for America and Americans, huh? Ding dong dilly, ya sillies!

Da Cool Coach smells ConservoMentum ’10 just around the corner, and you clowns are too busy trying to distract us with your “tolerance” racket. No dice, chumps! You get a SPREAD of TRUTH and you LIKE it, homies. Urban out.


Hey looch! You find that out, can ya let me know? I’d like one please.

Eh, right now I have three of the damn things. I’d let you have one but I kinda need ’em all. Hang in there, been there and slouched through it. One thought, go volunteer at someplace you’d like to work. You never know what could happen.

/job counselor*

*Can’t help it. I don’t want people going through what I did.


…their everyday what?

Fucking homophones. How do they work?

Lurking Canadian

Maybe you should find a Tim Horton’s you can purchase your hot brown liquids from?

Tim Horton’s? You want this teabagger patriot to buy his coffee from a Canadian socialist coffee place, named after a hockey player hockey player?

Why do you hate America, actor? Why?


Fucking homophones. How do they work?

Steve don’t use no homophones. Their (sic) too gay!


Don’t let him bite you. You don’t know what he carries.

Hockey cage. You be amazed how many of the l’il wingnuts are biters. Got a bunch of them pre-installed.


Hockey cage. You be amazed how many of the l’il wingnuts are biters. Got a bunch of them pre-installed.

You’re also prepared for the zombie apocalypse!


Tim Horton’s? You want this “patriot” to buy his coffee from a “socialist” coffee place, named after a “hockey player”?

Hey, he played for the New York Rangers! That’s close enough in our country.


I mean, I’m betting by the end of the year, there will be Thierry Henry French fry shacks all around the nation.


You’re also prepared for the zombie apocalypse!

You try and get one of these on a Zombie. Go ahead, I dare ya.


You try and get one of these on a Zombie. Go ahead, I dare ya.

OMG! The zombie would become immortal!


You try and get one of these on a Zombie. Go ahead, I dare ya.

OMG! The zombie would become immortal!

Of course, you’d be a slam dunk to get the zombie on just about every version of Jackass they’d film from here on in…


Do you think these people ever had any problem with Walmart building stores over sacred Native burial grounds?

Or with the Wiesenthal Center building Tolerance Museums over Muslim burial grounds?


Question from back upthread; what was the reference I missed to Ricardo Montalban? I only know him from Star Trek and Planet of the Apes…


Well, at least we got the jerking off and the Cheeto residue out of the way…on the downside, I just had lunch.

Sorry T&U, but honestly, I thought you knew better than to eat while reading comments 🙁


Sorry T&U, but honestly, I thought you knew better than to eat while reading comments 🙁

I do. I blame no one but myself.


Question from back upthread; what was the reference I missed to Ricardo Montalban?

He was spokesman for the car model, the Chrysler Cordoba. He did this quite unforgettable commercial extolling the virtues of “eets sof Corintheeun levver”


I’ve been threatened by experts

Now that reference, I got (whether it was intentional or not). Harry S. Truman, explaining why he was the only calm one in the room after a failed assassination attempt on his person.


Boy howdy, 275 comments in 5 hours. A guy’s gotta watch this place like a hawk.

Which sure counts me out.


Here. I found one online:

Thanks for the clarification. Am at work, but will watch it later.


Ahh, seeking fine Corinthian leather, are ya?


Does Urban Meyer really sound like Ned Flanders in “Dangerous Minds”?

Also, the Ricardo Montalbán reference is because he was the spokesman for the Chevrolet Córdoba.


Boy howdy, 275 comments in 5 hours. A guy’s gotta watch this place like a hawk.

I’ve not had time to be very active recently, I’m trying to make up for it!


“South America, take it away!”


I meant if “Dangerous Minds” had starred Ned Flanders rather than Michelle Pfeiffer. Don’t bother looking for it because it never happened.


I’m getting a little tired of Robert Gibbs.


Now that reference, I got (whether it was intentional or not).

He may have, probably did, say it first. I picked it up from The Thing in the Fantastic Four comics 🙂



Lurking Canadian

I’m getting a little tired of Robert Gibbs.

What did he say this time?


I’m getting a little tired of Robert Gibbs.

Man, I was tired of the Brothers Gibb just after Saturday Night Fever…


What did he say this time?

He was just pretty much like, “Fuck you guys. I meant what I said.” Whatever.


Man, I was tired of the Brothers Gibb just after Saturday Night Fever…

I’m starting to like them *more* than him. And that’s quite a feat.

Lurking Canadian

He was just pretty much like, “Fuck you guys. I meant what I said.” Whatever.

I just saw the link up in the corner after I asked. So now he’s had a chance to think it over and sleep off the dope and he still thinks whining about Jane Hamsher is a winning political strategy. He should totally post at Balloon Juice.

Rusty Shackleford

I can’t parse the headline to that BigJourno article, so I don’t have much hope for the article itself.


So now he’s had a chance to think it over and sleep off the dope and he still thinks whining about Jane Hamsher is a winning political strategy. He should totally post at Balloon Juice.

I hope he has a couple of pets.

God, my boss is being a bitch today.


I can’t parse the headline to that BigJourno article, so I don’t have much hope for the article itself.

Isn’t having “failed” and “dismantled” in the same sentence a little redundant?


Boy howdy, 275 comments in 5 hours. A guy’s gotta watch this place like a hawk.

I’m watching it like a handsaw.


I’m watching it like a handsaw.

But is the wind southerly?


“Boy howdy, 275 comments in 5 hours. A guy’s gotta watch this place like a hawk.”

300 now. So the naked Spartans should be showing up.


If everyone would just listen to Federico García-Lorca who said “Codoba lejana y sola”. Cordoba – distant and alone. See, the mosque should be built somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. There’s also the part where he talks about “death watching me from the towers of Cordoba.” Damn, I really should be collecting wingnut welfare. This is so easy. There’s also mention of “jaca negra”. Sounds like some dark-skinned something-or -other to me. No wonder this whole Cordoba thing is freaking out the wingnuts.


He should totally post at Balloon Juice.

Why bother? They’ll make his points for him anyways.


300 now. So the naked Spartans should be showing up.



I mean, maybe they’ll help me move…


Isn’t naked and spartan redundant?


Ugh, I tried to get through it, but several sentences in, I realized “Jesus, they are still talking about this ?!?! Who the fuck cares! Teabaggers are racist little schmucks and have proven that over and over, so who the cares if there is video of this one event or not?” That was quickly followed up by “Really? Brightblart is depending on selective video evidence to make a case for anything?!”

But at least they are playing defense on something… we really need more offense from our side.


“If everyone would just listen to Federico García-Lorca…”

I guess Cervantes would be too easy?


“I mean, maybe they’ll help me move…”

Ahh, we know what you meant. Is the fat Mr. T&U still sleeping on the twin bed?


Argh. I’m in the fucking final stages of compiling a two hundred page report, and have to manually type in page numbers on about fifty pages (because my fucking boss is too stingy to send me to an Adobe Acrobat class so I can learn how their fucking software works) and now I find out that the middle third is short ohhhhhhhh a few fucking dozen pages…


Is the fat Mr. T&U still sleeping on the twin bed?

Yeah, you could say that.


Isn’t naked and spartan redundant?

I’ve never been to East Lansing, so I cannot say either way.

Lurking Canadian

Possible solutions for actor:

– Twelve randomly interspersed pages “intentionally left blank”
– Renumbering pages 120 through 131 to 120a through 120k.
– Burn the mother out

Rusty Shackleford

But at least they are playing defense on something… we really need more offense from our side.

I’m doing MY best.


300 now. So the naked Spartans should be showing up.

If they’re looking for the gay bar, it’s right next to the mosque.


Possible solutions for actor:

– Twelve randomly interspersed pages “intentionally left blank”
– Renumbering pages 120 through 131 to 120a through 120k.
– Burn the mother out

First two I’ve employed in the past. It would look unsporting for me to draw from the same well twice.

I mean, it’s not like my stress level was green or anything. No, I don’t mind you fucked my report up, of course not!


I’m in the fucking final stages of compiling a two hundred page report, and have to manually type in page numbers on about fifty pages

You can add headers and footers into a PDF that will automatically number the pages.

I have no solution for the other problem…



use alternate number schemes that no one understands anyway. Roman numerals, hexadecimal or binary should work just fine.


Fucking Wite-Out…how does it work?


You can add headers and footers into a PDF that will automatically number the pages.

yea, that was sort of the point of the “fucking cheap boss” bit…


use alternate number schemes that no one understands anyway. Roman numerals, hexadecimal or binary should work just fine.

Ooooh, Fizzbin numbering! Good idea.


Leave all the pages unnumbered. If they remove the alligator clip it’s their own fucking funeral.


Once built, of course, no house of worship may be regulated as to what is said or prayed from within its walls…

No-one tell him that the building already exists.


yea, that was sort of the point of the “fucking cheap boss” bit…

I’m just letting you know for future reference if you hadn’t figured it out yet. I think it’s under “Document.”


Leave all the pages unnumbered. If they remove the alligator clip it’s their own fucking funeral.

I like this idea.


Possible solutions for actor:

Who the fuck writes “in Acrobat?”

You write in <insert favorite editor here>, then “print” to Acrobat.

So update the primary source and re-generate the doc.

And quitcher whining.

Rusty Shackleford

Yeah, N__B wins this one.


Who the fuck writes “in Acrobat?”

I was wondering that, too, but thought there might be a good reason…?


Who the fuck writes “in Acrobat?”

You write in , then “print” to Acrobat.

I’ve got rotational issues. Long story. I was going to compile in Acrobat so I could, you know, have landscape pages that actually print landscape and not some weird portscape.


The data sources come from various programs, so I need to create an Acrobat document by compiling from the sources.

Trust me, I did a little research on this. On my own time. With my own dime.


– Renumbering pages 120 through 131 to 120a through 120k.
Move them to Appendix A.

use alternate number schemes that no one understands anyway.
Binary Gray Code works for me.


Page 1 should say “page 1” at the bottom. The next page should say “the next page” at the bottom. The page after that should say “the page after that” at the bottom all the rest of the pages should say “and the next page..” at the bottom. So easy, a teapartier could do it.




Shift everything to a smaller typeface. Comic Sans 6-point.

Rusty Shackleford

I think some people understand Roman numerals.



But for the love of Cthulhu, not Comic Sans.


Page 1 should say “page 1? at the bottom. The next page should say “the next page” at the bottom. The page after that should say “the page after that” at the bottom all the rest of the pages should say “and the next page..” at the bottom. So easy, a teapartier could do it.

This would sure save a lot of trouble for the paginating monkeys…


Damn you, Smut Clyde.


Clip art of hamburgers.


But for the love of Cthulhu, not Comic Sans.

You laugh but the standing joke around here is the CEO will only read things in crayon.


Also, don’t forget to tell your boss that the report was better in the original Swedish.


I think some people understand Roman numerals.

Some of us REMEMBER Roman numerals.


You laugh but the standing joke around here is the CEO will only read things in crayon.

Good to know this is not unique to the public sector.


You laugh but the standing joke around here is the CEO will only read things in crayon.

My boss only reads things in flow chart.


Well, no way I’m solving this problem in the next hour, so I officially declare my work day over.


My boss only reads things in bullshit.

Rusty Shackleford

Maybe there’s a way to do it in Venn diagrams.


I say grab a couple beers and hit the slide.


My boss only reads things in flow chart.

Color charts here.


Some of us REMEMBER Roman numerals.

Those were the days, before those damn ragheads came along and invented the zero.


I officially declare my work day over.

Another problem solved with crowd-sourcing!!


Do you have a flip chart and markers? Preferably the sheets that stick to the wall? They looooove those around here.


Maybe there’s a way to do it in Venn diagrams.



Those were the days, before those damn ragheads came along and invented the zero.

Now we have nothing to show for it.

Rusty Shackleford

Those were the days, before those damn ragheads came along and invented the zero.

I know ragheads invented Raghead Numerals, but didn’t some form of Mexican invent the zero?


How about renumbering the pages randomly and adding a footer that says Your quaint notions of ordinal numeracy cramp my style.


“Some form of Mexican” made me snort a little of my drink.


Color charts here.

Unfair to Red-Green-Deficient-Americans.


Preferably the sheets that stick to the wall?

We’re not even allowed Post-its. Green office, you see. We have to use scarps of paper.

Nevermind that the a/c is stuck on 66, the CEO flies a corporate jet everywhere including New fucking Zealand, and the Green committee, co-chaired by yours truly, was forced to rewrite its preliminary energy audit to exclude the fact the CEO commutes by SUV from Connecticut, but was forced to include double-sided Xeroxing and BPA-laden reusable water bottles…

Rusty Shackleford


Color charts =/= Venn diagrams


How about renumbering the pages randomly and adding a footer that says Your quaint notions of ordinal numeracy cramp my style.

Or “Let that be a challenge to you”

Rusty Shackleford

Nevermind that the a/c is stuck on 66, the CEO flies a corporate jet everywhere including New fucking Zealand, and the Green committee, co-chaired by yours truly, was forced to rewrite its preliminary energy audit to exclude the fact the CEO commutes by SUV from Connecticut, but was forced to include double-sided Xeroxing and BPA-laden reusable water bottles…

Let me guess – the CEO is also fat and has a big house.


Color charts =/= Venn diagrams

We have those as part of the charts. I have to show the intersices of various investment objectives as pertains to the hermenuetics of the region invested in.

I swear. He said that to me once. He wanted a chart showing how much money was invested in which continent. I wasn’t going to correct him.


We’re not even allowed Post-its. Green office, you see. We have to use scarps of paper.

There would be a revolt here. My boss makes me keep everything in electronic AND print form. I have 5 paper boxes of shredding of agendas and shit that are at least 3 years old. She does not know that I’m getting rid of them, but I am.


Page 1 should say “page 1? at the bottom. The next page should say “the next page” at the bottom. The page after that should say “the page after that” at the bottom

If you’re going to use a Peano axiomatic system, you need to start with Page 0.


Actor works for algore!


Let me guess – the CEO is also fat and has a big house.


He’s so rich he pays someone to be fat for him.


Let me guess – the CEO is also fat and has a big house.

His boss is Al Gore???




Ouch. Sorry, T&U, too slow.


How about renumbering the pages randomly and adding a footer that says Your quaint notions of ordinal numeracy cramp my style.

a selection of digits of Pi starting at the 17 billionth digit?
a sequence of your favorite irrational numbers in ascending order?




a selection of digits of Pi starting at the 17 billionth digit?
a sequence of your favorite irrational numbers in ascending order?

Unform numbers of FC Barcelona.


Cray cray pharmacology professor who talks for 20 minutes is here and she’s coming for me! I already dealt with her yesterday!


What happened, T&U?


Cray cray pharmacology professor

Is that a superDUPER computer professor?


Okay, somebody just called her. Maybe she’ll forget and wander away…

Why didn’t my boss answer her email??? WHYYYY???


We have to use scarps of paper.

“No, really, we have to rope ourselves together for the next stage of the ascent.”


You could always use the Dewey decimal system to number pages. That way the reader would know if the information on the current page was fiction or non-fiction.


“No, really, we have to rope ourselves together for the next stage of the ascent.”

A guy as rich as Croesus uses his calendar from 2004 to send notes.


Is that a superDUPER computer professor?

No, that’s just me using a stupid saying.

She’s nuts. She likes to send bizarre emails and cc the chancellor on them. I don’t know how it is that she still works here.

Fucking tenure, how does it work?


Chinese numbers, written down phonetically in Hebrew!


That way the reader would know if the information on the current page was fiction or non-fiction.

It’s financial reporting. There’s no getting around the fact it’s total fiction.


Print it out on various different colors of paper, implying that there are “sections.”

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

You know, I can actually believe that the same people who oppose the ‘mosque’ at Ground Zero would oppose a Catholic church. That’s because they’re running around saying the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon and only the 100 members of their particular evangelical subsect are REAL Christians.

Goddammit, beaten to my own joke.


She’s still gone…maybe I dodged the bullet?

One year I had to listen to her complain for twenty minutes about how she wasn’t allowed to drink her warm broth in the auditorium.


Color code each individual letter in order from most to least favorite.




I opened the book actor212’s report at random. The script was strange to me. The pages, which were worn and typographically poor, were laid out in double columns, as in a Bible. The text was closely printed, and it was ordered in versicles. In the upper corners of the pages were Arabic numbers. I noticed that one left-hand page bore the number (let us say) 40,514 and the facing right-hand page 999.

I turned the leaf; it was numbered with eight digits. It also bore a small illustration, like the kind used in dictionaries–an anchor drawn with pen and ink, as if by a schoolboy’s clumsy hand.

It was at this point that the stranger said, “Look at the illustration closely. You’ll never see it again.”


*snapping fingers*

I’ve got it!

I’ve just declared that China and parts of Colorado no longer exist.

Of course, magically after the report is published, they’ll spontaneously reappear.


My boss only reads things in flow chart.

In this office, if it isn’t powerpoint, it is going to take too long.


Don’t forget to number your chapters and verses. End each chapter with “So it is prophesied so it shall come to pass.” In fact, do this for everything you write for the rest of your life.



I have 4 reams of that shit in my desk.

Nice reference, Smut Clyde.


End each chapter with “So it is prophesied so it shall come to pass.”

Hey, that’s my email signature!


Don’t forget to number your chapters and verses. End each chapter with “So it is prophesied so it shall come to pass.” In fact, do this for everything you write for the rest of your life.

Yul Brynner rendered it better: “So shall it be written, so shall it…be done.”


In this office, if it isn’t powerpoint, it is going to take too long.

My boss doesn’t speak powerpoint. so when he has to communicate with other people’s bosses who do, I have to translate for him.


My boss doesn’t speak powerpoint.

My does, but usually with a cattle prod.


Rusty Shackleford

You don’t get to be rich as Croesus by buying a lotta notepads.


Dammit. Didn’t escape her. It was less painful than usual, though.


So it is posted to YouTube, so shall it… be done!


You don’t get to be rich as Croesus by buying a lotta notepads.

Oooh, good advice! I’ll write that down…I think I have a notepad somewhere around here…

Rusty Shackleford

Good algore reference, T&U. Hey, did you vote yet?


Hey, did you vote yet?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Oooh, good advice! I’ll write that down

It was better in the original Swedish.


Det var bättre i den ursprungliga svenskan


Nej, jag menar det anteckningsblock skämt


This iS AMeRICA. WE SpeAK eNGLiSh.


Bork! Bork! Bork!


I mean, get a brain, morans.


This iS AMeRICA. WE SpeAK eNGLiSh.

Behöver mer “Moran”


Det är Amerika. Vi talar engelska.

See, still better in the original Swedish.


BTW, what is with the redneck habits of random capitalization/inappropriate use of lowercase letters and overuse of quotation marks? Especially use of quotation marks for “emphasis”? I don’t get it.

Rusty Shackleford

BTW, what is with the redneck habits of random capitalization/inappropriate use of lowercase letters and overuse of quotation marks? Especially use of quotation marks for “emphasis”? I don’t get it.

They’re hicks, Rita.


BTW, what is with the redneck habits of random capitalization/inappropriate use of lowercase letters and overuse of quotation marks? Especially use of quotation marks for “emphasis”? I don’t get it.

I’ts “OBviouS” to me THaT yoU are nOt a “REal” aMEriCan. Yoo ArE juSt a “MOran”.


And they all have the same cramped, bizarre way of writing. I can tell an old redneck’s handwriting from a mile away, even if everything is spelled correctly. Sad, really.


And they all have the same cramped, bizarre way of writing.

Comes from grabbing hold on goat horns.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

the CEO flies a corporate jet everywhere including New fucking Zealand

Hey, I wanted to meet Kiwi and Smut for a drink at the Old Entomologist… now GET BACK TO WORK!!!


Hey, I wanted to meet Kiwi and Smut for a drink at the Old Entomologist… now GET BACK TO WORK!!!

*grabs two beers and deploys emergency slide*

So lonnnnnnnnng suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssss…


I wish we had an emergency slide here.

I could jump out the window, though. We’re on the ground floor.


I mean, I could jump out the window if we weren’t on the ground floor, but that might hurt.


So lonnnnnnnnng suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssss…

That would have made it absolutely perfect.


Unfair to Red-Green-Deficient-Americans.

No deficiency in my America.


“No, really, we have to rope ourselves together for the next stage of the ascent.”

I see what you do here.


And they all have the same cramped, bizarre way of writing.

Any studies ever done of handwriting as a cultural whatever?

I’ve seen what T&U was talking about; 30+ yrs. ago I had a temp gig involving index cards filled out by members of the Laborers Union (ditchdiggers & schleppers) mostly Spanish-surnamed, & there were specific commonalities in their handwriting. (A lot of it cramped & weird, too. Physiological trouble w/ the whole readin’ &writin’ thing?) I s’pose it all stems from the cursive writing workbooks, whether in Mexico or Neckistan.


Any studies ever done of handwriting as a cultural whatever?

That’s interesting. I’ll have to look into it. I think physiological trouble is a good explanation, as well as lack of education…


ABOVE: The Three Faces of Eew Heave.


I’ve noticed the white-trash capitalization thing before too, but I never connected it with a trend. But they were all white trash. I have no idea what it means.

Its like the ghetto trash thing of putting multiple letters into words used for nicknames. I don’t get it. Don’t really want to.


Random capitalisatioN was Good Enough for the Founding FatheRs.


Tea Party signs : Scare quotes :: Glenn Greenwald : Initial caps


I don’t get it. Don’t really want to.

Message received. Will not be anywhere near your lawn.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Sirius Lunacy said,
August 11, 2010 at 22:20

You could always use the Dewey decimal system to number pages. That way the reader would know if the information on the current page was fiction or non-fiction.

No, not Dewey Decimal. They might have some chance of figuring that out. Library of Congress—you know: alphabetical by the author’s dog’s vet’s orthodontist’s mother’s maiden name.


Will not be anywhere near your lawn.

If you change your mind, watch out for the shit moat.


“Steve said,
Another Patriot employer … is Dunkin Donuts. I…any business that refuses to hire illegal aliens…”

You know Stevie, looking behind the racism and jingoism you wrote something halfway bright.

if we stopped and/or seriously penalized the people who hired illegal Mexicans, the flow across the border would seriously slow down, maybe stop.

It’s a MUCH better solution than electric sharks or ‘gators or whatever in the river.


if we stopped and/or seriously penalized the people who hired illegal Mexicans, the flow across the border would seriously slow down, maybe stop.

The truly funny thing is, the Obama administration has done a much better job of this than the Boosh admin ever did. Raids on businesses hiring illegal immigrants are up, as are deportations. See here:

So, again…Steve FAIL.


So, again…Steve FAIL.

The h*ck you say!


Damn, I’m late in the game. you all have been playing while I’ve been working.

GZM? What’s that supposed to mean/ Sounds like the name of a gossip website.


Oh, and I have a colleague who actually KNOWS the flight attendant that slid down the chute!

Lurking Canadian

Especially use of quotation marks for “emphasis”?

The other day, I parked near a van at the mall, emblazoned as follows:

Smith Plumbing
Call [phone number] for “professional” services.

Not really inspiring me to pick up my phone here, dude.


if we stopped and/or seriously penalized the people who hired illegal Mexicans, the flow across the border would seriously slow down, maybe stop.

Class warfare!


Yes, as a tender hearted Lib, I feel sorry for the illegal Mexican man or woman who really is willing to “work for food”, and work DAMM hard, too.


McCarthy at NRO:

There is no good reason for our government to be doing “Muslim outreach.” The State Department’s chosen emissaries — folks like Rauf and Abdurrahman Alamoudi (now serving a 23-year prison sentence) — are not representative of American opinion (there are already plenty of people in the Gulf happy to trash the United States, we don’t need to add to their number). If we’re looking to cut useless spending, “Muslim outreach” would be an excellent place to start.

Sadly, the “Muslim outreach” he mentions is not the “Death From Above” variety the United Snakes have been practicing the last nine yrs. Don’t expect Andy to push for “defense” cuts. His real interest in better gov’t. & foreign policy is investigations of “this government.”

That aside, though, someone in Congress needs to get to the bottom of whether this government is also underwriting Islamic religious institutions, and doing so in violation of U.S. law. And wholly apart from questions of legality and utility, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states Rauf is visiting are swimming in petro-dollars — why can’t they fund icons of Islamic supremacism on their own . . . maybe using the money they’d otherwise spend on the hate literature they produce for American Islamic centers?

They are coming to get you, Andrew. You’ll be buried in hate lit.


Message received. Will not be anywhere near your lawn.

I’m sorry, are white trash and ghetto trash off limit words now?

Lurking Canadian

someone in Congress needs to get to the bottom of whether this government is also underwriting Islamic religious institutions

Is this the new wingnut meme? President Obama is building mosques?

And Congress should investigate it. Forget investigating torture, let’s get to the bottom of this federally funded mosque issue.

Somebody needs to tell the wingnuts that when the voices tell them to do something, they should call the doctor immediately.


Rubber sheets, ya’ll. And try to abstain from liquids at bedtime.


There is no good reason for our government to be doing “Muslim outreach.”

Really, none? PEE ESS Rauf did the same thing for Bush in 2007, did Angry Andy write diatribes agin it then?

That aside, though, someone in Congress needs to get to the bottom of whether this government is also underwriting Islamic religious institutions, and doing so in violation of U.S. law.

The WashTimes article didn’t provide any evidence for this claim(all those links are just to subject categories), so we can’t tell what actually was funded, why, or by whom. Interestingly, they spelled the Cairo mosque wrong, so if you Google it you get about a million repetitions of the tale with nary a scrap of evidence. If you look up the real spelling in wikipedia, the latest restoration listed was in the 80s. Kizimkazi restoration funding was in 2008. You know, I could keep looking this shit up, since it’s obviously beneath these lying motherfuckers who actually get PAID for this, but FUCK THEM.


That aside, though, someone in Congress needs to get to the bottom of whether this government is also underwriting Islamic religious institutions, and doing so in violation of U.S. law. And wholly apart from questions of legality and utility, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states Rauf is visiting are swimming in petro-dollars — why can’t they fund icons of Islamic supremacism on their own . . . maybe using the money they’d otherwise spend on the hate literature they produce for American Islamic centers?

There’s actually something intelligent here for the adults who aren’t into the whole hate thing.

We know Saudi Arabia’s been financing the spread of their militant, intolerant form of Islam, swamping local (and often more tolerant) forms of the religion under piles and piles of oil money (very much like American fundamentalists, but that’s another story). The problem is as much financial as anything – if we want the more tolerant versions of Islam to survive, thrive and eventually win out, they’re going to need money to counter the Salafi gospel, and the U.S. is in a good position to provide that money. (I don’t know if they’re already doing it; if they are, so much the better).


Late to the party, but:

Do you think these people ever had any problem with Walmart building stores over sacred Native burial grounds?


Americans not only steal sacred lands, they carve huge heads of the conquerors just to remind them uppity Lakota who’s boss.



That’s got some cliff-like properties, now, doesn’t it?

I got a good feeling about this.


I got a good feeling about this.

It’s all fun and games until someone gets decapitated.


BTW, what is with the redneck habits of random capitalization/inappropriate use of lowercase letters and overuse of quotation marks? Especially use of quotation marks for “emphasis”? I don’t get it.

You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know … morons.


N_B, thanks for the link. I love the comment “God is rolling over in his grave.”


I love the comment “God is rolling over in his grave.”

The hyperbole is ridiculous, of course, God is omnipotent, so he’s equally comfortable on his left or right sides.


If you look up the real spelling in wikipedia, the latest restoration listed was in the 80s. Kizimkazi restoration funding was in 2008. You know, I could keep looking this shit up, since it’s obviously beneath these lying motherfuckers who actually get PAID for this, but FUCK THEM.

Good lookin’ out! Had a sneaking suspicion that this would go back to Bush (as so many of these alleged Obama activities do) but could I be arsed? Certainly not.

I’m sorry, are white trash and ghetto trash off limit words now?
‘Course not; I’m just an old grump pretending to be a young jerk.


he’s equally comfortable on his left or right side

Slept on his stomach; SIDS victim. Didn’t start rolling until he was entombed; by then it was too late.


We know Saudi Arabia’s been financing the spread of their militant, intolerant form of Islam…..

as well as owning a fairly big chunk of Fox…..


g, you see this?

Thanks, M!! Way cool. Don’t out me!!

But if you want to visit the place, just let me know. I’ll give you the tour. There’s people that think Marion’s ghost is around…. I’m not totally convinced, but it’s a damn good idea that she’d want to hang around and have a good time.


On topic, for once:

There was some drivel about the NotGZNotM on NicePoliteRepublicans today. I rhetorically asked a coworker exactly how far from the Trade Center site these people would deem acceptable. Now I have my answer. As if it hasn’t always been obvious.

I also liked the comment,

I am about ready to chuck everything and just travel across the country and show up at these events with a “Shut the Fuck Up” sign.
I really don’t know what else to do.

which reminded me of this guy.


That’s got some cliff-like properties, now, doesn’t it?

It’s not a scarp of paper, though.


Smith Plumbing
Call [phone number] for “professional” services.

He’ll “ream your pipes” and “blow out your drains”.


It’s not a scarp of paper, though.

Fucking keyboards, how do they work?


It’s not a scarp of paper, though.

Shakespeare made up words, too! Scarp…you know, its like a scrap or a scarf!


Do you think these people ever had any problem with Walmart building stores over sacred Native burial grounds? – T&U

I’m sure according to those people “Injuns ain’t real ‘Murkins”.


The problem is as much financial as anything – if we want the more tolerant versions of Islam to survive, thrive and eventually win out – Chris

We would also need more mosques so people who are upset about the intolerance of their local mosque can just go to another one.


“You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know … morons.”

Nothing like a Blazing Saddles quote to put a smile on my face


Nothing like hemlock water dropwort to put a smile on your face.


Does Hugh Hewitt remind anyone in that middle photo of the dead clown in the Red Meat comic strip? Cause he does. Creeeeeepy…


(comments are closed)