You Gotta Prance With Them That Brung You

ABOVE: Kevin Gotkin in his dorm room

Shorter Master Kevin Gotkin (NYU Class of ’11), Mediaite
Another False Controversy: Mika Brzezinski’s Prop 8 “Prancing” Comment

  • It isn’t derogatory to refer to gay men “prancing” on Castro street because there are many non-derogatory uses of “prance.” Take Santa Claus, for example. Would he have named a reindeer “Prancer” if that were an anti-gay slur? I don’t think so.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 98


The ants in France stay mainly in the prance.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

To prance is to dance with romance in your pants….


The wingnuts (the party of can’ts)
Have irrational fear of the prance.
They think that their hate
Is really just great
They’re a goat-fucking bunch of pissants.

Junkpuncho the Junk-Punching Alpaca

Would he have named a reindeer “Prancer” if that were an anti-gay slur? I don’t think so.

Names should in fact describe what you do, if you’re an animal.

I may be biased that way, though.

The Tragically Flip

We can prance if we want to
we can leave your friends behind
because your friends can’t prance and if they can’t prance well they’re
no friends of mine


I dunno. Santa didn’t have any girl reindeer, now did he?


The best-laid prance of mice and men…


The best-laid prance of mice mince and men…

No problem. Any time.

Secret Agent X-9

The Politics of Prancing, the politics of ØØØ feeling good


Silly me, I actually went ashore and examined the mangoes. Standard issue “privilege, what privilege” and “If I a member of the privileged class can’t see it, it must not exist” claptrap with the standard issue complete ignorance about the history of slurs against a movement he doesn’t belong to.

I’m almost disappointed, a Santa Claus reference should have produced much shittier mangoes.

Though he does get bonus points for the weird wingnut belief that bigotry or discriminatory language can’t at all be subconscious or systemic and can only exist if the bigot really truly meant to be an uber-bigot. And if anyone calls someone out on said systemic and subconscious stuff born of, you know, priivlege, then it reveals that the person who called them out is tout suite reverse racist.

Overall, I suppose we’ve gotten so used to a diet of the nuttiest of wingnuts that this standard-issue privileged horseshit just doesn’t pose the same mango-hunting terror as most posts.

The Tragically Flip

BTW I don’t normally have a big hate on for Ezra, but Paul Krugman deservedly teaches him a thing or three about giving dishonest Republican sleaze bags far more credit than they deserve.

I particularly like Krugman’s litany of things he was right about. Take a few more victory laps Paul, it’s good to see. I can’t believe Ezra had the fucking gall to not just say Ryan wasn’t a liar, but to praise him for the mere act of foisting his prepostrous ideas on all of us.

The Tragically Flip

Standard issue “privilege, what privilege” and “If I a member of the privileged class can’t see it, it must not exist” claptrap

It strikes me that this is an obvious variant of the usual “I don’t see any racism so long as I can find any possible absurd intepretation where it wouldn’t be racist”, only applied to homophobia instead of racism. Much like nothing short of actually lynching (with a rope) a black person is racist to the right, nothing short of beating a gay person to death with metal dildoes while yelling “die faggot” qualifies as offensive to gays.


“Worse than Ezra”

New name for the Washington Poop.


WTF Ezra? I had no idea what he had turned into before reading KThug’s beatdown, knowing him only from the pandagon days. Seriously, if it wasn’t so capitulating, I’d call this Goldbergian:

I don’t think Ryan is a charlatan or a flim-flam artist. More to the point, I think he’s playing an important role, and one I’m happy to try and help him play… Substance is scary. Substance is where you can be made to look bad. And substance has occasionally made Ryan look bad. But the willingness to engage has made him look good. It’s given some people the information they need to decide him a charlatan, and others the information they need to decide him a bright spot. It’s also given Ryan a much deeper understanding of liberal ideas than most conservative politicians have.

Despite the fact that Ryan’s ideas were totally shitty and the “facts” he used to justify them were not strictly or even partially true, at least he tried to flimflam us! It’s more effort than the rest of the Republican party combined have shown so far (ok, maybe he’s got a point there).

Republicans learning that they can get positive press for inventing magical unicorn counter-proposals instead of just saying no to whatever the Democrats propose will only lead to better bipartisan engagement in the future. And also, Ryan learned some valuable lessons — about his body, and himself — from the experience, so it was really a win for all sides.


Well, I don’t like the term “mincing” either, while we’re talking about it.


HAHA, I just FUCKED up a keg of Blue Moon. What the fuck is a goin on up in this joint tonight?


The ants in France stay mainly in the prance.

OMG–hilarious. Nice, N_B. Like always.


The best-laid prance of mice and men…

Going back to the gender discussion–I’m a male. And you guys are making me feel small and inferior with your superior comedy skills. I feel as if I should do something passive-aggressive and childish.


Hey–I’m all buzzed. You guys get your asses back here and entertain me.


stupid east coast people with your fucked up clocks and your going to bed before i do and your Yankees. GRRRR


Another tsam victim. I pronounce you dead, thread.


Let’s see, 1, 2, 3, 6 comments with you interjection from someone ignoring me because I’m a phuktard! Woot!


In a similar vein, referring to blacks as “coloreds” isn’t derogatory because lots of things can be colored, like Easter eggs or balloons.


We’re here, tsam. We’re always watching.


Goddamnit, Rich, I try to be creepy and then you show up.


This reminds me of when William F. Buckley Jr. sneered about the “epicene resentment” of Vietnam protesters and said that “men who have seen the gore in Vietnam” should be “parachuted into [their] mincing ranks.” Buckley was running at the time against John Lindsey for New York mayor, in a race pretty much intended to do nothing but let Bill run his mouth and write a book. When Lindsey called Buckley on his fag-bashing, Buckley got all huffy and indignant.


I feel as if I should do something passive-aggressive and childish.


Ok, look. All I need to know is: do goats prance? If they do, does that make it gay?

Wyatt Watts III

Would he have named a reindeer “Prancer” if that were an anti-gay slur? I don’t think so.

Of course he would. Haven’t you ever seen Rankin-Bass’ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer? That Santa’s a bastard.


That Santa’s a bastard.

Don’t forget Rudolph’s father. What a dick. No wonder Rudolph was gay.

Captain Industry

Thank you, Kevin Gotkin, of implanting the image of Maggie Gallagher prancing. I think I need to go bleach my brain.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Was it Dick Cavett who said the “midi-” in midiskirt was an acronym for “Mincing Idiot’s Dowdy Invention?


All we are saying,
Is give cheese a prance…



If Rich Lowry talking about colored people isn’t creepy to you, I don’t know what to say.


pretty much any celebration rally includes prancing

That’s totally to overlook the contribution made by traipsing.


Oh, come one, you know, “Prancing in the Street.” It’s a Martha and the Vandellas song.


Prancibald over here


Weird timing… I had a childhood friend over last night, who’s gay; we were talking about my neighbor lady and I said something about her prancing around in her bedroom. He didn’t seem bothered by my choice of words.

That said, I didn’t realize “prance” was a word with undertones of sexual orientation. I’d always considered it to mean skipping about in an affected “look at me! look at me!” kind of manner, and not necessarily a synonym for effeminate or offensive to our gay brothers. I guess I knew that “mincing” was a word that’s used in a derogatory sense.

That said, again, I’m going to ask my friend if he found my comment offensive and I’ll be sure to watch my tongue in the future. I hope I’ve never used the word and offended anyone – if so, I’ll be making some apologies. (Maybe this post is a sign for me.)


That’s totally to overlook the contribution made by traipsing.

Flouncing has always been the Jew of the Liberal Fasists.

Ivy League elitists, all of you!


Maybe he didn’t mean it and it was just happenprance.


Weird timing… I had a childhood friend over last night, who’s gay; we were talking about my neighbor lady and I said something about her prancing around in her bedroom. He didn’t seem bothered by my choice of words.

I don’t really think it’s a problem unless you use it to refer to men. I mean, obviously, I can’t speak for gay men, but I don’t think the term “prancing” itself is the problem, just the context in which it’s used.


I don’t believe that’s Kevin’s dorm room. There are pictures of, like, friends or something in the background. Actually, maybe it’s just a flow chart of all the women he’s stalking, like they do with murder investigations on police dramas.


Oh, and on the E$ thing…I actually enjoyed witnessing a Krugman beatdown. I really hate it when Dems try to argue that Republicans are reasonable and can bring workable ideas to the table…um, no. We have a center-right party in this country, and a far-right party full of whackjobs and liars and racists. I’m not giving those motherfuckers *any* benefit of the doubt.

I also find it interesting that the only people who do give them the benefit of the doubt are in the privileged position of doing so. It’s pretty easy to say, “Well, they’re just trying to propose honest alternatives!” when you aren’t suffering in this economy and it’s not your rights that are being taken away or your ass that’s being bombed.


party full of whackjobs

The official term is “circle jerk.”


It’s a party full of bigots, thieves, and fucktards.


Garlic said,

August 7, 2010 at 6:55

Well, I don’t like the term “mincing” either, while we’re talking about it.

You’re only saying that because you’ve been pressed for a reply.


It isn’t the use of “prancing” in the first instance that irks me, it’s the cutesy bullshit they pull after where everybody snickers and points and says “Oh me oh my how could you ever think I meant that? I didn’t mean [tee hee hee] that at all.” If you’re going to hang high to the heavens the spite you feel by carefully looking up, sounding out, and then writing down and memorizing the most contemptuous synonym for a verb you can find in your thesaurus, then have the goddamn audacity and integrity to stand behind your choice of words. Be like Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club, proudly waving his fist at heaven as Simple Minds plays him into the horizon. I could say something about Nietzsche and how pale criminals are seldom worthy in hindsight of the transgressions they commit, but Moz really said it best,

Coyness is nice
But coyness can stop you
From saying all the things in life that you’d like to


It’s also given Ryan a much deeper understanding of liberal ideas than most conservative politicians have.

this is like being the tastiest Chocolate Skittle.

EK can pound sand, the gritty black kind used to sandblast steel. Living in Wisconsin, I can say (speaking from AUTHORITAY, of course) that his understanding of ANYTHING, let alone liberal ideas, is as shallow as as his hair is poofy.

Pupienus Maximus

“The official term is “circle jerk””

The circle jerk is the motion one makes when stirring risotto.


I realize is too easy and not sporting, but how come you guys are not commenting on the photoshop talents of Breitbart’s new BFF, Kevin Pezzi ?


Good news; the Republicans are now in favor of anchor babies.

The background story is that a court in Ohio ruled that a Muslim convert to Christianity didn’t have to go back to her abusive family. Apparently, all of them are illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka, and,

I can hear some Lefty saying .. “where’s the rage over illegal immigration here?” However, she is underage and did not break the law herself. Her situation does require asylum statues. Its an exceptional case.

… Yes.


So Ygleasias calls, all blubbery and shit, just as E$ has finished up with a dizzy Dartmouth blonde. At first, I assume he’s just in a snit because the maitre d’ at Sibling Rivalry looked at him mean again but then he starts telling me about how Kruggy laid down a stone cold diss against E$, the best blogger alive. So I casually kick the Dartmouth deb out and give Kruggy a call, coz when you got the kind of reach E$ got you don’t waste your time reading a fucking post when you can just call the author and go right to the source.

Kruggy is like “Fuck you, read the article. I said what I meant,” and I’m like “The fuck? Homes? You know who you’re talking to? This is fucking E$.” So we go back and forth a little and Kruggy is a straight up chump the whole time.

Let me just say this: It’s fine for Krugman to witness all this shit from his ivory tower but E$ is down there in the game with a hustler’s spirit day in and day out. This ain’t theoretical, homeboys, I look the guys in the face and I shake their hands and E$ reports on the real shit. I don’t know how this shit all look to some egghead with the luxury of clutching a handful of enervated principles and grey thinning hair but E$ got sharp eyes, great hair, and rocks a pair of yellow Wallabees. Also as I was kicking out the Dartmouth girl I mentioned Krugman and she was like “Who the fuck is that?” And I’m like “Fucking exactly. You gotta leave anyway though.”

Oh and to people saying I sold out, people saying I changed, E$ says “Fuck y’all, y’all ain’t understand the game. You like my old positions? Then read my old columns, dunnies.” Every day E$ is getting bigger and better and stronger. When you flow this futuristic you can’t worry about shit you said when you was comin’ up. E$ is the future of neo-liberal progressivism, cronies, and I suggest everybody get on board or get the fuck outta the way.

Pupienus Maximus

It isn’t the use of “prancing” in the first instance that irks me, it’s the cutesy bullshit they pull after where everybody snickers and points and says “Oh me oh my how could you ever think I meant that

Carnival proprietor when accused of making Obama the alien in “shoot the alien” merely by giving the alien dark skin, a face resembling Obama’s, a Presidential belt buckle and holding a scrall labeled “health care reform”: “How could anyone think we meant it to be Obama? That’s ridiculous.”

Coca Cola company when defending itself against charges of mislabeliing/fraud: “There’s no reason that a consumer would think Vitaminwater is a healthy [sic] product.”


It isn’t the use of “prancing” in the first instance that irks me, it’s the cutesy bullshit they pull after where everybody snickers and points and says “Oh me oh my how could you ever think I meant that? I didn’t mean [tee hee hee] that at all.”

Kinda like all the racially coded bullshit around Obama? Karl Rove calling him “lazy,” saying he was “trash talking” and mentioning playing pickup basketball all in the same article. Bill Whittle signing off with a brave warning to “this president and his street thug advisers.” That letter to Lincoln in which Mark Williams had the NAACP saying “we don’t want to be free because that means we’d actually have to work.”

I think I actually liked them better when they were burning crosses out in the open.

Pupienus Maximus

Scroll too. And such as.


That’s totally to overlook the contribution made by traipsing.

Not to mention those of us who gambol. Problem gambolers, unite!

Pupienus Maximus

And just to clear things up, _real_ queers neither prance nor mince. We sashay dears, sashay sashay .sashay with cachet.

Wyatt Watts III

The circle jerk is the motion one makes when stirring risotto.

I rented the film Stirring Risotto thinking it was a sequel to Finding Nemo. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Pupienus Maximus

Alright, fine. Occasionally we will flounce.

Flounce THIS, WP!


I realize is too easy and not sporting, but how come you guys are not commenting on the photoshop talents of Breitbart’s new BFF, Kevin Pezzi ?

WTF? What did he do to their faces?

[mysterious old woman] They have their father’s face [/mysterious old woman]


Kinda like all the racially coded bullshit around Obama? Karl Rove calling him “lazy,” saying he was “trash talking” and mentioning playing pickup basketball all in the same article. Bill Whittle signing off with a brave warning to “this president and his street thug advisers.” That letter to Lincoln in which Mark Williams had the NAACP saying “we don’t want to be free because that means we’d actually have to work.”

Carnival proprietor when accused of making Obama the alien in “shoot the alien” merely by giving the alien dark skin, a face resembling Obama’s, a Presidential belt buckle and holding a scrall labeled “health care reform”: “How could anyone think we meant it to be Obama? That’s ridiculous.”

Yes, exactly. Someone above mentioned Buckley, who used to pull this kind of shit like clockwork. The difference is for all his carefully cultivated reputation for sangfroid, aloofness, and aristocratically icy veins, Buckley could generally be goaded and poked into an embarrassing outburst, after which he’d develop a case of the vapours (New Clear Days was a great album, btw) and disappear for a little while. Buckley was at his best when he couldn’t be held accountable–writing his grandson out of his will, for instance.

The average bubbleheaded bleach blonde neo-Fascist floozy has colder blood and more media awareness than Billy Boy ever dreamed of having.

Pupienus Maximus

No he didn’t! via TPM,

But he got so wrapped up in the moment that he tossed off what will have to end up as one of Steele’s more memorable lines, declaring that he and his supporters were going to send Nancy Pelosi to “back of the bus.”


Re the coded language: they’re cowards. It’s that simple.


Buckley could generally be goaded and poked into an embarrassing outburst,

Tell me about it.


I realize is too easy and not sporting, but how come you guys are not commenting on the photoshop talents of Breitbart’s new BFF, Kevin Pezzi ?

Since Breitbart has fired Kevin Pezzi, he will now presumably sink back into obscurity. It’s a great loss to America and to the world.

But before Dr. Pezzi trudges off into oblivion, allow him to share some of his wisdom one last time:
Why are some vaginas better than others? Tightness is just one of the many factors. Learn how to make your vagina more gratifying.


Ezra K said,

Fucking awesome! Keep it real, E$!


Learn how to make your vagina more gratifying.

Always tip your vagina, folks!


vagina more gratifying

The unheralded sequel to Allegro Non Tropo.


Who can forget Wes Clark’s description of Bush “prancing around the deck of an aircraft carrier in a flight suit”?

Given that Bush was in drag, that was a completely appropriate use of “prancing”.


1) “Prancing in the streets” is not offensive. It might be if gay people were the only people to prance in streets, but pretty much any celebration rally includes prancing. Besides the fact that the phrase is common and widely used, there was no indication that Brzezinski meant it in the way it was received.

Dancing in the Streets is the usual term but does this video support or refute the boy’s assertion? I’m confused.


Well, I don’t like the term “mincing” either, while we’re talking about it.

Works for garlic and onions, but that’s about it.

John Sidney McCain III

one of Steele’s more memorable lines, declaring that he and his supporters were going to send Nancy Pelosi to “back of the bus.”

Now THAT’s leadership America can believe in, my friends!

Besides, at least he doesn’t plaster on policy wins like that trollop Obama … the cunt.


E$ is the future of neo-liberal progressivism, cronies, and I suggest everybody get on board or get the fuck outta the way.

Yeah, sure, whatever – pimpin’ ain’t easy, haters gonna hate, ketamine is for closers, yadda yadda yadda … but can you please please PLEASE do something about that fucking incipient lisp? Objectively I know I’m staying dry, but I’m still kind of wishing my glasses had wiper-blades over here.

Not to mention that it’s like hearing Porky Pig doing a postmodernist critique of Chomsky’s linguistic theories: it’s kind of tough to analyze your position (or for that matter be able to tell if you actually have one) based on history & logic while I choke back laughter at the same time.


will no one defend shambling? Or Lurching?


will no one defend shambling?

Mother of mercy, can this be the end of Zombie Rico?


this is like being the tastiest Chocolate Skittle.

Candy metaphors FTW.


Why are some vaginas better than others?

Another bit of wisdom from Moz: “Some girls are bigger than others. Some girls’ mothers are bigger than other girls’ mothers…”

Pupienus Maximus

Storm Large sez “My vagina’s eight miles wide.”

sorry no linky – iPhone pita


Dancing in the Streets is the usual term but does this video support or refute the boy’s assertion?

And since “Dancing in the Streets” was a favorite song of the civil rights movement, criticizing this lady for saying “prancing in the streets” is racist.

Another bit of wisdom from Moz

Uh, yeah. I think I’ll take my female anatomy lessons from somebody with a bit more firsthand experience.


Seriously, prancing in the streets is a “common and widely used” expression?

I wish everybody would drop the polite fiction that wingers speak a language that can fairly be called English.


I always thought that The Gayz sashayed.

That’s what Captain Ned did on the Raging Queen. Amirite?


Goodnight Sweet Prance.


Far too much dancing, not nearly enough prancing!


Seriously, prancing in the streets is a “common and widely used” expression?

Only when discussing dressage parades.


Do pony riders complete in mini-dressage?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I think I’ll take my female anatomy lessons from somebody with a bit more firsthand experience.

I wonder if Pezzi is that “up on the backstroke” fuckknuckle we used to get in here.

tony in san diego

he is so cute. can I fuck him?


, ketamine is for closers


Stag Party Palin

The word is ‘pronking’. Pronking is to prancing as intercontinental nuclear warfare is to badminton.


Or stotting.


As an alum of NYU, I want to take this opportunity to disavow this dick and remind people of the wonderful folks who have graduated from my alma mater.

Woody Allen…ok, he attended, but never graduated from it. Spike Lee…ok, HE attended, but never graduated….



The protagonist of American Werewolf in London was an NYU grad.


Storm Large sez “My vagina’s eight miles wide.”

LOL. I hadn’t seen that one.

She’s a kick, she is. I did some stuff with her years ago. Lots of fun. I’ll have to dig it out. Never really did finish it. Alas.


Bigots, thieves and fucktards?

Sounds like we need to call Cher up and ask her to remake that old song of hers.


I prance, therefore I am. Sadly, poor Mika is a prancer not (one suspects on account of the stick up her north pole), and so she just plain ain’t.

Alkonholics Anonymous

More alkon, please.


Chanté, you stay, Kevin.

Now get on your trampoline and bounce for mamma.


(comments are closed)