One More Bong Hit and You’ll Summon Bong Hitler

Doop-de-doop, mindin’ my own business.

SusanAnne Hiller, RedState Diaries:
Indeed, Fascism Is Happening in America

Nice try, Hitler. As if you wouldn’t disguise your name.

We’ll play along because what if it isn’t Hitler?

I was reading Michael Zak’s article on Big Government and found his observations rather poignant. Moreover, he reminded me of another book that lays out the plan we are seeing unfold in America. The book, written in 1942 by Stuart Chase, is called “The Road We Are Traveling” and outlines the step by step fascist/socialist plan for America.

I have the plan right here. I’ll unfold it on this table.

Step 16,814: Check and see if we have reached fascism/socialism yet.

Checking. Nope. No, it looks like just ordinary America out there still, without the bunting and the gibbets and the starving dogs with empty eyes hanging around and sometimes fighting viciously over an old shoe sole. There are still white people, or at least that one old white lady over there. People seem clean and well-groomed, as if soap were still legal and it weren’t yet fatal to stand out, e.g. with good hair.

Step 16,815: If we have reached reached fascism/socialism, skip to the final step.

Say, what is the final step, anyway? Let’s go look.

Step 21,109: Profit!

I like that. I’m looking forward to that.

But what if, as I see from looking outside, we have not reached fascism/socialism yet?

Step 16,816: If we have not reached reached fascism/socialism yet, outline the step-by-step plan in another book.

That’ll get them. They’ll never catch onto us that way.

With people coming to terms with Barack Obama’s socialism, this book is important to note.

Heh-heh. Not to read, but definitely to note, sure. Heh-heh. Hidden in books, our plan is safe.

Whoah, what’s that diagram she’s got there? Holy crap, that’s just full of explainy stuff, with the showing-you-things and explaining-how, and yeah, look at that yellow thing there, jeez, with the rate of increase.

Above: We definitely need more ‘Q.’

Chases’s book outlines the plan for the centralization of the US government, which has been succinctly categorized by blogger Republicae:

Let’s see.

Step 16,817: Make Chase’s name plural. Decent Americans will fear him if they think he has them outnumbered.


Step 16,818: Switch certain copies of Chases’s book with copies of War and Education by Porter Sargent.

In effect. See above link.

Step 16,819: Pluralize Fabian, the 1950s teen idol. Suppress the Frankie Avalons.

And this is ordered at the very moment the Captains and Tennilles have fallen into open war with the Tonies Orlando and Dawnses?

Step 16,820: You will learn fear, ignorant whelp.

Uh, we hear and obey.

In 1942, Stuart Chase, in his book “The Road We Are Traveling” spelled out the system of planning the Fabians had in mind; the interesting thing is to look at that plan in comparison to 2008 America.

1. Strong, centralized government.

2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.

3. Government controlled banking, credit and securities exchange.

4. Government control over employment.

5. Unemployment insurance, old age pensions.

6. Universal medical care, food and housing programs.

7. Access to unlimited government borrowing.

8. A managed monetary system.

9. Government control over foreign trade.

10. Government control over natural energy sources, transportation and agricultural production.

11. Government regulation of labor.

12. Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.

13. Heavy progressive taxation.

It should be evident that while Socialists no longer use the name that the plan is Socialism at its heart.

Yeah, like your puny 13-step plan can even compete with our 21,109-step one.

You cannot deny that most of these main ideological themes has been achieved by the Left…

We denies it or them.

…as they had 40 years of congressional rule (until 1994) to build the framework for all of this. And now, Obama has, for the most part, completed the list–and the most critical points like the government takeover of health care (which we now know is to control the people).

The question is: will it take another 40 or more years to undo the socialist snookering the Left has played out on the American public?

Since it’s taken them 16 years to start that countdown, we’d have to go with ‘or more.’ Also, what happened to all the New Deal technocrats named Stuart Chases, with their books from 1942? That’s not even counting the actual New…

Step 16,821: Alert! To advance the plot to drive conservatives loopy, you will now refer to Chairman Roosevelt’s landmark social welfare plan as The Nude Eel. Workers were organized through the W.P.U., whose emblem was a skunk grinning and holding its arms out in an apologetic gesture, with a clothespin on its nose. You will tell people to respect the Tennessee Valley Authori-taaah. You are looking for a Bold Nude Erection, and are fed up with Socialism due to all the Rushin’ and Stallin’. You will prepare to mess with Texas.

Who writes these? The Bold Nude Erection keeps getting reused as if no one will notice.

Is socialist snookering when players get tired of paying a petit-bourgeois bar owner for the use of a table, and organize a players’ collective to purchase one of their own? Can we have some socialist Optima Onlining? I’m tired of paying for that shit, thx. What about poloing? Do you need ponies for that, or just in the water kind? I’m tired of seeing those shirts with the little Ralph Lauren guy on them everywhere, thx. Hi, wait — what even is pinochle, okay? Card game? Is it like bridge, and if so, why do people make fun of it? The name is a little funny, but what’s really funny is ‘golf’ if you say the word ‘golf’ a few times.

No, pinochle: Did people in the ’50s and ’60s just get a kick out of saying ‘peen?’ Is that why it was funny for those people when Don Rickles called someone a ‘hockey puck?’ Was that secret early-’60s rhyming slang for ‘cocky fuck?’

Oh, never mind.

The American voter must beware of the guise of good will that the Democrats push–it’s like a drug and is intoxicating during elections.

Stop pushing that guise, you, uh, pushy guys. Say, you know what’s annoying? Golf, golf, golf, heh-heh. No, it’s trying to fold this socialist plan back up, and it’s accordioning nicely over here, but then the folds there are going in the other direction, and then you get it mostly packed in a rectangle except there’s a section sticking out from the middle, and it’s like, Hell with this, man. What I do with these, I just throw them in the glove compartment.


Comments: 130


If you had told early 20th century fascists that this was all it took to be fascist, they really would have had an easier time of it.


A well written’s posts. You should write a book and calls it’s “The Road we are Traveling By Will Make All the Difference.”


Less QQ, more pew pew!

Galactic Dustbin

Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.

IOKIYAR, though. Also. Too.


” We definitely need more ‘Q.’”

You can’t trust Q, he’s just too flighty and unpredictable. even if he was about the only interesting character they had.


“Bold Nude Erection”

Great band name.

Lurking Canadian

Two thoughts:

1) So the Fabians are fascists now, too? Oh, Jonah, is there anybody you cannot embrace within your loving, poorly argued web?

2) If there’s one thing Republicans really, really hate, it’s a strong executive that acts unconstrained by Congress and the judiciary. Who can forget the principled Republican calls for widespread use of the filibuster during 2001-2009; or the stirring defense of judicial activism given by Newt Gingrich during his 1994 acceptance speech?


Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.

Damn those Boy Scouts!


Shorter SusanAnne Hiller:

Fuck the old, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, or knowing how to calculate the worth of something. It’s so much better to just let anyone not rich rot in the streets while letting states, companies, and other come up with their own money — maybe barter some chickens here and there.

I mean, really, if the gov’t doesn’t control trade, who the fuck does she think will do so? Brian Cashman?

These people are getting dumber by the day.


Oh, and is “snooker” the new Word of the Week now?


The American voter must beware of the guise of good will that the Democrats push–it’s like a drug and is intoxicating during elections.

So smarten up, people, and vote for the guy who verbally abuses you!

Republican Policy Wonk

Why do these stupid, dumbshit voters keep voting for the other guy?


In 1942, Stuart Chase, in his book “The Road We Are Traveling” spelled out the system of planning the Fabians had in mind; the interesting thing is to look at that plan in comparison to 2008 America.

Hey, a lot of the founding Fathers were Fabians!

2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.

Except the Fabians were, you know, BRITISH. I begin to suspect these items were not really part of the Fabian agenda and that those who talk about the terrible threat of Fabian Socialism in the US today are full of poop.

Youth camps devoted to health discipline

“EAT YOUR CARROTS!” “Yes, Mistress.”


Erections don’t matter unless they’re bold and nude.


That list only scratches the surface. Here are some more indications that we’re on the road to fascism:

14. Government regulation of management.
15. Regular government movements.
16. “Laws” that people have to “obey.”
17. The sun rising in the East.
18. Foreign trade over government control.
19. Foreign control over government trade.
20. Control over government foreign trade.
21. Trade control over foreign governments.
22. Control trade foreign governments over.
23. Too many “Law & Order” reruns.
24. George Steinbrenner dies.
25. I have a pain in my foot.
26. It’s the right foot, thanks for asking. Below the big toe.
27. A black man is in the White House.


I’ve been looking for that Bold Nude Erection, and I haven’t found one ye- the internet, you say? Hmmm . . . I’ll be right back.


Perhaps bonghits will fix the Republican Party. ::gurgle blllptth huauguaugh:: Perhaps five boxes of Dwight Yoakum’s Macaroni and Cheese Bites (w/ ranch dip) and a quart of chocolate milk will fix the Republican Party. ::homph::


“26. It’s the right foot, thanks for asking”

The RIGHT foot? Do we even need anymore proof?


White collar conservative bloggers
Flushing down the intertubes
Pointing their cheetoed finger at me
They’re all hoping my kind will up and vote Tea Party
But I’m gonna wave my bold new erection high! High!!


Indeed, Fascism is happening in America.

You know, I’m getting pretty tired of all these predictions of a Tea Party victory.


You know, I’m getting pretty tired of all these predictions of a Tea Party victory.

I hope you have it bookmark’t.


8. A managed monetary system.

SusanAnne do you know what that is. We haven’t had one of those for about forty years, because Nixon killed Bretton Woods.


2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.

LMAO, and I’m really tired of all those mean liberals criticizing Bush, and Reagan, and Nixon! ‘s not fair!


12. Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.

Damn it, now they’re going after the Boy Scouts!


Erections don’t matter unless they’re bold and nude.

Now she tells us.

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, the Fabs were Brits. I like the eerie parallel one can draw that conservatism is essentially all about maintaining the aristocracy.

Sorry, no snark here – I was discussing this yesterday at another site.


It should be evident that while Socialists no longer use the name that the plan is Socialism at its heart.

If they say they are innocent, they are guilty. If they say they are guilty, then obviously they are guilty.

You know, I think William Shatner could talk a 23rd century supercomputer into committing suicide with logic like this.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Too bad they didn’t save Hiller’s brain.


Whoops. Well done G on beating me to the Boy Scouts comment…

Xecky Gilchrist

Breitbart’s getting sued.

Aneurysm Watch will be keeping an eye on this one!


It should be evident that while Socialists no longer use the name that the plan is Socialism at its heart.

Wait, I thought having socialism in the name was really important? Otherwise how would we know fascism and socialism were the same?


“Erections don’t matter unless they’re bold and nude.

Now she tells us.”

Steel erections matter too. That was the main thrust of that one movie I saw with all the naked people.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Fuckin’ NYT:

Some members of the NAACP audience responded approvingly when Sherrod described her reluctance to help the farmer.

Watching the video, my interpretation is that they are making a show of their shared experience, as black people dealing with arrogant whites with a sense of superiority. Fucking Times should stick to the facts, rather than trying to divine motivations.

Hysterical Woman

We have universal health care now? Woooooo! Go CommieFascism!


“Some members of the NAACP audience responded approvingly when Sherrod described her reluctance to help the farmer”

That makes what Blartfart did ok. Don’t you see?


Watching the video, my interpretation is that they are making a show of their shared experience, as black people dealing with arrogant whites with a sense of superiority. Fucking Times should stick to the facts, rather than trying to divine motivations.

Or, you know, the general experience of anybody from any color dealing with a bitchy customer and going “you know, I could probably help you, but you’re being a douchebag, so, maybe not.”

Hysterical Woman

You know who is trying to make the USA into a socialist country? The Socialist Party USA. The Communist Party is also still around. Not everybody has a hidden agenda.


Step 21,110: Evolution


Chris – that’s been my point all along. Pretty much everyone has had to deal with somene who wanted us to do something for them that they either couldn’t or wouldn’t do for themselves, and who then proceeded to make sure we knew that they considered us stupid and/or incompetent. Most normal people’s reaction to these circumstances is “fuck it, I’m going to get by with doing as little as possible for this fucktard, because no matter what I do, he/she is still going to be an unappreciative asshole.”

Never mind the entire movie plots that have been built around unappreciative assholes getting their comeuppance – the reason those movies exist is because it’s such a universal situation, and because so many of us take vicarious pleasure in seeing an asshole get what he deserves.


Step 21.111: Sharia Law.
Step 21,112: Gay marriage.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Or, you know, the general experience of anybody from any color dealing with a bitchy customer and going “you know, I could probably help you, but you’re being a douchebag, so, maybe not.”

Yeah, Chris, that’s what led me to the conclusion in the first place- I based my narrower focus on the traditional long-term shared narrative that African-Americans have had to deal with since they were dragged to these shores.


Damn it, now they’re going after the Boy Scouts!

Sounded more like Jesus camp to me.


Step 21,112: Forced Gay marriage


Lurking Canadian

Steel erections matter too. That was the main thrust of that one movie I saw with all the naked people.

You mean 2001: A Space Odyssey?


Yes. Good summarizations to Jennifer and BBBB.

Never having been a minority myself, I don’t know to what extent it’s “shared narrative” of the black community plays into it, but it didn’t really occur to me when I watched the video. Point is as you both point out, most people have been there and should be able to empathize with it.


“Damn it, now they’re going after the Boy Scouts!”

Dayum. Priests be busy.


Steel erections matter too. That was the main thrust of that one movie I saw with all the naked people.

You mean 2001: A Space Odyssey?

2010: This Time, It’s Personal


“You mean 2001: A Space Odyssey?”

There was hot man on robot sex in that, right?

Lurking Canadian

There was hot man on robot sex in that, right?

Stop, Dave. I’m afraid.


Dave, I CAN let you do that.

Pupienus Maximus

Step 21,112: Forced sharia Gay marriage


Step 1. FYWP


Davey, Davey
Give me your answer, do
I’m half crazy
All for the love of you


That was the main thrust of that one movie I saw with all the naked people.

Heh-heh, she said thrust.*



*she had it all teed up so nice, it would’ve been rude to ignore it.


Why is WP etten my posts????

You can’t fool me, “Hiller”.

That diagram is actually a cut out for an origami that portrays Mussolini standing on his balcony!


The American voter must beware of the guise of good will that the Democrats push–it’s like a drug and is intoxicating during elections.

Unlike pandering to lowest common denominator of preying on people’s dreams…


Oh right! That comment you take, you miserable WP!


“Some members of the NAACP audience responded approvingly when Sherrod described her reluctance to help the farmer”

Black folks going “Mmmmhmm” = racism. Got it.


I had this really funny comment about that graph, origami, and folding it into a certain National Bocialist figure, and WP won’t let me fucking post it!


Black folks going “Mmmmhmm” = racism. Got it.

It would have been racist if they did the whole “snaps” thing.


as they had 40 years of congressional rule (until 1994) to build the framework for all of this. And now, Obama has, for the most part, completed the list–and the most critical points like the government takeover of health care

Is there a word for this? This phenomenon of conservatives claiming that the liberals have secretly achieved socialist utopia and the liberals dearly wishing it were true?


Also, I’m pretty sure step 21,112 is to hold the red star proudly high in hand. Come on, guys. Get with the program.


This phenomenon of conservatives claiming that the liberals have secretly achieved socialist utopia and the liberals dearly wishing it were true?

It’s just a fantasy (whoa oh oh)


Off to Chicago for a wedding. Improperly spelled and punctuated snark will be delivered by random others during my absence.


Improperly spelled and punctuated snark will be delivered by random others during my absence.

How will we know the difference, then?

Don’t galvanize any aluminium.


The NSM, America’s National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist political party in America.

They totally have the biggest picture of Obamba on their websi… wait, what?

defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation.

Party Membership is open to non-Semitic heterosexuals’ of European Descent.,

awww fuck.


awww fuck.
No kidding. What kind of world do we live in when even the National Socialists can’t even use an apostrophe correctly?


defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation.

Just another buncha fucken liberals.


The NSM, America’s National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist political party in America.

What happened to the National Socialist White People’s Party? The organization of decent, law-abiding Illinois Nazis?

Is this one of those Judean People’s Front – People’s Front of Judea things?

Lurking Canadian

What happened to the National Socialist White People’s Party?

They’re just splitters. The real enemy is the National Socialist Aryan White People’s Party.


Off to Chicago for a wedding.

A shotgun wedding with community organizers in attendance and Rev. Wright officiating?

Pupienus Maximus

Ruh roh. 4chan has hacked Glenn Beck’s site. I better pop up a double batch. With butter.

Pupienus Maximus

Off to Chicago for a wedding.

But you and Alinsky are both married already!


eh-heh, she said thrust.*



*she had it all teed up so nice, it would’ve been rude to ignore it.

There are no accidents.


Party Membership is open to non-Semitic heterosexuals’ of European Descent.

What part of Europe? We Greeks get mistaken for Jews and Latinos all the time.


What part of Europe? We Greeks get mistaken for Jews and Latinos all the time.

At least they don’t call themselves Aryan anymore.

Kind of a stupid thing to call yourself when the only “pure” Aryans left in Europe (the Gypsies) are the people you’re putting in concentration camps because of their racial heritage.


The real enemy is the National Socialist Aryan White People’s Party.

Oh bullshit, you poser! Everyone knows the REAL real enemy is the Socialist National White Aryan Party’s People!


Ruh roh. 4chan has hacked Glenn Beck’s site. I better pop up a double batch. With butter.

You didn’t read all the way down. They got honeypotted.


What is “honeypotted”? It sounds dirty.


Ruh roh. 4chan has hacked Glenn Beck’s site. I better pop up a double batch. With butter.

I’m glad they decided to quit bullying 11 year old girls and pick on somebody more at their level of maturity.

Xecky Gilchrist

One More Bong Hit and You’ll Summon Bong Hitler

This is brilliant, but I think Roy Edroso will win the day with this beauty:

Family Scholars is still standing athwart the tidal wave of donor jism, crying “Glub!”


Chases’s book outlines the plan for the centralization of the US government

Once we exterminate enough Real Americans the government will have to be centralized because it’ll be, like, us in the Weather Underground and Obama. That’s like, 50 people not counting Journolist members.


Once Sarah Failin’ is finished with the Muslim temple near Ground Zero, perhaps she’ll start her campaign to remove this abomination from Pearl Harbor.


Too bad they didn’t save Hiller’s brain.

Dunno if BBBB’s playing straight man for me, but will this do?


Reason #35 why Teabaggers will bite the dust.


I would just like to point out that the spiffy chart above implies that it would be possible for tax rates to be too low. Even Ms. Hiller has obviously been infiltrated by Communists, as no conservative believes this any more.


I would just like to point out that the spiffy chart above implies that it would be possible for tax rates to be too low.

It also implies that when taxes are low, suppliers make more profit for doing nothing.


spiffy chart

Economics, how does it work?

Xecky Gilchrist

Reason #35 why Teabaggers will bite the dust.

Thx, actor – I learned two things from that: support for healthcare reform has always had an overall plurality (if I read it right), and that the Post is willing to come right out and say that the “death panel” bullshit was a lie concocted by the opponents of reform (though still lacking the huevos to say exactly who came up with it.)


Seems that Stuart Chase became a target for attacking Roosevelt by proxy when Nick Gillespie interviewed Amity Shaels in Reason.

Roosevelt’s and Chase’s enthusiasm for defeating Fascism in Europe was obviously a COVER for the real Fascism they planned to impose on the USA.


Economics, how does it work?

Turns tricks on the docks.


Turns tricks on the docks.

Is that where Ayn Rand works?


Turns tricks on the docks.
That sounds entirely too respectable, useful, and productive to describe the economics of today.


That sounds entirely too respectable, useful, and productive to describe the economics of today.

It makes $1.25 a night. And the dollar is tips.

Pupienus Maximus

It makes $1.25 a night. And the dollar is tips.

Aw, c’mon – do it right.

DKW’s mom: I made $80.25
DKW: What? Who gave you 25 cents?
DKW’s mom: Everybody


Aw, c’mon – do it right.

Mine makes more sense: Economics rates are so low that she got overtipped.


What more can I say when I say Moranbong Carbonated Fruit Juice Joint Venture?

Shrimp? Plate? Plate of shrimp?



When you say “MoranBong,” you’ve said it all.


Opposition to the landmark health care overhaul declined over the past month, to 35 percent from 41 percent, according to the latest results of a tracking poll, reported Thursday.

The problem with ginning up opposition with bullshit like “death panels” is that the smarter opponents will eventually recognize the lies for what they are.

Among Republicans, opposition to the law remained steady at 69 percent, but the intensity of that opposition ticked upward. Fifty-three percent of Republicans said they had a “very unfavorable” opinion of the law this month, up from 50 percent in June.

Of course, the stupids will double down.


“acid effete matters”

DAMMIT that was going to be the name of my new band!


Of course, the stupids will double down.

You just gave me a brilliant way to solve the deficit.

Texas Hold ‘Em poker with a roomful of wingnuts.


Dance music for tripping frame-shop employees, you know.


Mine makes more sense: Economics rates are so low that she got overtipped.

I suppose it could be a pity tip, because you know it’s not for satisfaction with service.


#5: Coolpis Kimchi drink Heh, have a cold one.


The Communist Party is also still around

Sadly, CPUSA isn’t what it used to be. They released a lot of hilarious hopey-changey material when Obama was elected. They’re basically leftish Democrats who think they’re radical. They make the Greens look like bomb-throwers. SPUSA is significantly more radical than them. The CPUSA wants to make America a socialist country in much the same way that the Labour Party wants to make the UK socialist.


Sadly, CPUSA isn’t what it used to be. They released a lot of hilarious hopey-changey material when Obama was elected. They’re basically leftish Democrats who think they’re radical.


What about the Socialist Equality Party (American branch of the Fourth International)? I hear they’re Trotskyists.


Dance music for tripping frame-shop employees, you know.

The Mexican Hat Dance? I mean, I figured with all that foot stomping, someone’s going to trip up eventually.


The CPUSA wants to make America a socialist country in much the same way that the Labour Party wants to make the UK socialist.

Hee hee, it’s funny because wikipedia says “[t]he [Fabian] society laid many of the foundations of the Labour Party …. Today, the society is a vanguard “think tank” of the New Labour movement.”

OK, it’s not really funny.


Chases’s book outlines the plan for the centralization of the US government, which has been succinctly categorized by blogger Republicae:


quemadmodum fututiones?


“Moranbong Carbonated Fruit Juice Joint Venture…proved efficacious among workers of such industrial establishments as thermal power station and smeltery and at medical institutions”

I guess that’s closer to what I do all day than what Michael Jordan does all day, so perhaps I’ve found my drink.


which has been succinctly categorized by blogger Republicae

A new form of amoebæ has been discovered.


What I love about these people is that if there really WERE fascism in America, they’d be rotting in some Gulag, or face down in a ditch with a bullet in their brain, rather than running around babbling about how there’s “fascism in America.”

Hmmm…maybe we need to send them to Myanmar or some other similar fun place, so they can get a real taste of what fascism is like.


Damn. I need a bold nude erection real, real bad!! Hell, I’ll even settle for that nude eel thingie — that is, if this SusanAnne at RedState doesn’t ruin it for everybody. What the hell’s wrong with her??


M.Bouffant’s blog had a quote from Mussolini on it that said that fascism was the collusion between Industrial elites and the Military. So no, there is no fascism in America, no way
Of course the article is batshit crazy but she may have a kernel of unintended truth there.


Oh yeah… How do I get in touch with those W peeyew guys? I’ve been looking for odds job.


What I love about these people is that if there really WERE fascism in America, they’d be rotting in some Gulag, or face down in a ditch with a bullet in their brain

Or some petty functionary silently cheering it on.


Or loudly cheering it on, or throwing rocks through windows, or some such.


a quote from Mussolini on it that said that fascism was the collusion between Industrial elites and the Military.

I have no idea why you’re treating Mussolini as some sort of expert on fascism.


I have no idea why you’re treating Mussolini as some sort of expert on fascism.
As opposed to Sue Anne Hiller? No it’s just a comment from someone who was involved in the field..


Love the “bong Hitler,” btw. Just read a quote from Rand Paul—“People say, ‘Oh those Tea Party people, they’re angry.’ I say: ‘No, they’re concerned and they’re worried.’ They’re worried that we could destroy the currency by adding such a massive debt. In Germany it led to Hitler.”

And I thought ‘bong Hitler’. At this point, you could destroy democracy with a funny mustache.

Hysterical Woman

Yeah, I know the CPUSA is lame. A while back I saw the leader on Bill O’Reilly and it wasn’t as amusing as it should have been. Here was a guy Bill could call a Commie and it would be a simple statement instead of an insult.


From Quattrain MCVXXII:

…..and from the bubbling that fills the masses and clouds the vision of leaders will come the one who this vague bullshit will be applied to…..

and the sound of crashing metal will shew; know your rights the future is unwritten

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

No mention at all of Dr. Bong? For shame!


I think I get the overall gist of the spiffy chart, but I’m not clear on the “societal loss” portions. Is the loss due to 1) people paying more even though the domestic supply is higher and 2) demand loss because cheaper imports are less available?


Here was a guy Bill could call a Commie and it would be a simple statement instead of an insult.

That’s the echo of an old Mort Sahl joke: When Nixon visited Moscow, it was the one place where he could call someone a Communist and not wreck their career.

I have to go gum my creamed corn now.


Now that right wingers have decided to turn the word fascism into meaningless mush, I’m no longer able to use my favorite line about right wing authoritarians, “Why is everyone worried about creeping socialism but no one is worried about creeping fascism?”

Well, they are worried about it now. Completely off their rockers and full of crap but they are least nominally worried about fascism. But apparently concerned about FINO’s, Fascists in Name Only (named by other people that is, but as any actual fascist, not a fascist in name only will tell you, whatever they label someone as is what they are, not how they describe themselves, except in the case of actual fascists, who are not fascists by virtue of not labeling themselves as such.)

Not only is Obama a fascist but he’s the worst kind of fascist. An Illinois Nazi that wasn’t even born in the USA (a great patriotic song by Bruce Springsteen, lamenting what liberals have done to the USA).

Just occurred to me, apparently the memos have not been fully distributed or there are still unread emails sitting in people’s spam boxes. (Spam filters are an instrument of fascism.) These guys are still referring to the liberal media. Shouldn’t they be calling them the fascist media or referring to CNN as Al-CNN or something?


Aha!! It comes to me!! New term for those who’ve been unfairly labeled a fascist: Swift U Boated (disclaimer: Pat Buchanan may not use this term and use of this term will result in a lawsuit.)


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