Take Two Shit Moats And Call Me In The Magnet

Like the famous Rodin sculpture that inspires its name, the American Thinker is open to interpretation. Does it represent a loose organization of thoughtful conservatives pondering the issues of the day … or is it just a bunch of whackjobs taking a collective bowel movement on the truth for all eternity?

Roy Edroso has highlighted for us Teh Tihnker’s odd habit of regarding itself as ‘a long-distance psychotherapy practice specializing in Barack Obama’. And lo and behold, here’s American Thinker M. Catherine Evans at it again:

Barack Obama, Adult Child of an Alcoholic

Shirley Sherrod’s hair trigger firing is merely the latest in a long line of dysfunctional responses by the President that may indicate that he’s out of control. How many incidents does it take to make a pattern? How many times does the President have to show his propensity for paranoia, projection, and blaming others before his team arranges for an intervention?

In 12-step recovery programs, Obama would be called an ACoA, an adult child of an alcoholic.

And in other programs, Obama would be called an ALCofMX, an adult love child of Malcolm X — but that’s not important. Pray continue, doctor.

His father, Barack Obama, Sr. was the typical garden-variety chronic alcoholic. But according to a 2008 article in the Boston Globe, as Barack Sr.’s disease progressed, he became a very dangerous man.

He began to drink more heavily and had a series of alcohol-related accidents, one of which resulted in the death of another driver.

Obama Sr. would die in a car accident at just 42, but before that he visited Obama Jr., then 10, in Hawaii for a month. Aside from Obama Jr.’s infancy, that turned out to be the only time spent between father and son in their lives. And if you think a month is a pretty short time for all of Senior’s dysfunction to seep through Junior’s pores and turn him into a monster — well, you’d be wrong, according to M. Catherine Evans:

In a July 23 interview with Good Morning America, correspondent Elisabeth Leamy asked the president about the Sherrod mess. Obama replied:

He [Tom Vilsack] jumped the gun partly because we now live in a media culture where something goes up on Youtube or a blog and everybody scrambles.

A typical response for an ACoA is to blame others. Obama calls everybody else out, but he’s the one that ‘scrambled’.

Obama and his team certainly didn’t acquit themselves well with Sherrod’s ‘hair trigger firing’, as Doc Evans put at the very start of her diagnosis. Rash action and shifting blame is proof positive that the President is ‘out of control’ and in need of an intervention.

So too, amazingly, is Obama’s penchant for moving slowly to act and accepting responsibility:

He waited six weeks after the Deepwater Horizon oil explosion to answer critics’ charges that he wasn’t doing anything. Obama stated:

I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this thing down.

His words drip with the narcissism of adult children of alcoholics. Having been abandoned by both parents, Obama sees himself alone in the world. He doesn’t have to consult the experts; in his grandiose way of thinking, he’s the expert on everything.

Adult children of alcoholics — they just can’t win for losing!

At any rate, there’s more to the diagnosis, including some sobering words about how Obama is a raging ACoA because he noticed that Fox News doesn’t view his presidency favorably. You know, really lurid stuff that we probably ought not to repeat in a family establishment.


Comments: 168


Good thing Bush Jr. never had such a close connection with an alcoholic.


Shirley Sherrod’s hair trigger firing is merely the latest in a long line of dysfunctional responses by the President that may indicate that he’s out of control. How many incidents does it take to make a pattern? How many times does the President have to show his propensity for paranoia, projection, and blaming others before his team arranges for an intervention?

In 12-step recovery programs, Obama would be called an ACoA, an adult child of an alcoholic.

Based on her word usage and the frequency of the letter “e” in her writings, my professional diagnosis for M. Catherine Evans is advanced schizophrenia, paranoid delusions of grandeur and post-traumatic stress disorder from having been raped by her father, uncle, and the ice cream truck driver…altho that last one is rumoured to have been consensual.

Further, her use of “punctuation” cries out for the diagnosis of Munchausen’s Syndrome, with a side diagnosis of nymphomania with corpses.


Funny, too, how never admitting he was wrong was a sign of moral clarity or some such when Bush was president.

Blinking Emoticon

Good thing Bush Jr. never had such a close connection with an alcoholic.

Yes. Post-Katrina: not scrambled. Flightsuit a la codpiece: not grandiose.

And if you’re going to put up the usual American Thinker image, can we have some scented candles and designer towels this time?


Funny, too, how never admitting he was wrong was a sign of moral clarity or some such when Bush was president.

Suddenly they’re engaging in situational ethics, DA. When Bush was firm in his convictions, it was about killing brown people and making the rich much richer.

That they approve of, so it’s healthy.

Obama’s stedfastness arises from making the rich just slightly less well off and about maybe reaching out to brown people because we could learn some things from them.


Ted the Slacker

the American Thinker is open to interpretation.

Indeed it is. My very first visit to Sadly No was the time Gav interpreted it thus.


I’m sorry; when I read the phrase, “long line of dysfunctional responses by the President that may indicate that he’s out of control,” I couldn’t stop laughing; as if the right wing would ever let Obama stay another night in the White House if that claim was remotely true.

And we’re calling it the “Deepwater Horizon Oil Explosion” now? Gotcha.


His father, Barack Obama, Sr. was the typical garden-variety chronic alcoholic.

Really? From Kenya, I would have figured him to be an exotic tropical kind of alcoholic, like an orchid in a vat of vodka.


Rash action and shifting blame is proof positive that the President is ‘out of control’ and in need of an intervention.

So too, amazingly, is Obama’s penchant for moving slowly to act and accepting responsibility:

This is merely the latest in a long line of dysfunctional articles by Conservatives that may indicate that they’re out of control. How many incidents does it take to make a pattern? How many times do they have to show their propensity for paranoia, projection, and blaming others before someone arranges for an intervention?

Blinking Emoticon

Bush Sr.’s childhood would been a lot smoother if he hadn’t been an Infant Parent of an Alcoholic.


Obama met his father only one time after he was an infant… for a month….

Obama’s exposure to the destructive effects of alcoholism continued when he accompanied his grandfather on visits to the home of the hard-drinking communist, Frank Davis.

So his dad visited for a month and his grandfather occasionally took him to visit a guy who was known to drink. Even if his father and Davis were drunk whenever Obama saw them that’s not much in the way of “exposure.”


Do. NOT. Go. For. The. Mangoes.

They be rotted.

Seriously. ATTS.

No if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go pour some bleach into my ear canal to get that post out my head.


Even if his father and Davis were drunk whenever Obama saw them that’s not much in the way of “exposure.”

You don’t understand, man! It’s like, they had cooties! Drunk cooties! And anyone who came within a few feet of them without getting a cootie shot first got the cooties!


Mark D said,

July 29, 2010 at 15:29

Do. NOT. Go. For. The. Mangoes.

They be rotted.

Seriously. ATTS.

I’m guessing you didn’t even get to the comments. I never knew there were so many out-of-work psychologists reading teh Stinker.


Later, in high school and beyond, Obama himself had trouble with drinking and drugs.

I never knew that this was considered to be a bad thing. Unless, by trouble, you mean that he trouble getting a hold of enough of either.


You don’t understand, man! It’s like, they had cooties! Drunk cooties! And anyone who came within a few feet of them without getting a cootie shot first got the cooties!

This is the kind of shit that made people think Prohibition was a good idea.

Also the kind of shit nobody could believe unless they were themselves seriously intoxicated.

Lurking Canadian

It’s so strange that of all the bullshit claims they could make about Obama, the one they want to run with is “he’s a narcissist!” Does the general population even know what that word means? Do they really expect large numbers of undecided voters to say to themselves, “You know, I’ve always thought the president should have low self-esteem and no backbone! This guy’s got to go!”

Usually I can put myself pretty well in the wingnut frame of mind, but this particular slander is just beyond my comprehension.

I mean, intellectually, I know it’s just a dogwhistle for “uppity”, but still.


It’s so strange that of all the bullshit claims they could make about Obama, the one they want to run with is “he’s a narcissist!” Does the general population even know what that word means?

This is precisely why they’re running with it.

Think about it. It has all this negative baggage and connotation, yet sounds like a truly clinical diagnosis because they’ve probably heard it on Law & Order; SVU or some other cop drama. It doesn’t matter that most Americans couldn’t define paranoia (“Um, that means he’s a-skeered of something, right?”) if you handed them a dictionary open to the page.

Yet, it makes the pundit seem somehow mystical and attuned to the deeper psychology of President Obama. And therefore authoritative.


Does the general population even know what that word means?

No, but then I don’t think the general population knows what “socialist” or “communist” means, definitely not “fascist,” and probably not even “liberal” and “conservative” or “left” and “right.” Certainly they have little to no clue how any of those words fit into a modern American political context, let alone in those “past times” they look back to so fondly.


Does the general population even know what that word means?


Just a few of the things that the gen pop is very unclear on.


*shakes fist at Chris*


No, but then I don’t think the general population knows what “socialist” or “communist” means, definitely not “fascist,” and probably not even “liberal” and “conservative” or “left” and “right.”

Lemme think fer a minnit….

K, those first two are synonyms for libruls, so’s th’ third one. “Librul” means some Commie Socialist fascist bastard tryin’ to make m e pay fo’ healthcare from the gubbmint.

Conservatives are saint, and right is always right and lef’ is always rong.


*blows raspberry at Willy*

Hey, you got “paranoia” and “projection.”


Lemme think fer a minnit….

K, those first two are synonyms for libruls, so’s th’ third one. “Librul” means some Commie Socialist fascist bastard tryin’ to make m e pay fo’ healthcare from the gubbmint.

Conservatives are saint, and right is always right and lef’ is always rong.

Typical Sheeple Johnson is right!


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…


Good God, there’s some knob on On Point who just chided the other guest for “getting into” Brietbart’s mind. He’s got a suite of websites, you idiot, you don’t have to be a fucking mind-reader.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…

officials said the mile-long slick it created was small compared with the Gulf spill.

Geez, the Environmental Overton window gets moved pretty easily. Now a mile long slick just doesn’t cut it.


“getting into” Brietbart’s mind.

1) Why would you want to?

2) Do you need a visa and inoculations?



Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…
Oh sure you environmentalist nutjobs laugh at this, but in 75 or 100 years when your diabolical plot to convert the world to wind and solar is complete, and a barge hits an offshore wind turbine which starts spewing wind everywhere, the rest of us are going to laugh and laugh.


“getting into” Brietbart’s mind.

Can’t get in, not enough room.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…

You’ll note the repeated mention of the COAST GUARD in the reports of the spill…


You’ll note the repeated mention of the COAST GUARD in the reports of the spill…

They’re always around when some marine disaster happens. Just sayin’.


Oh sure you environmentalist nutjobs laugh at this, but in 75 or 100 years when your diabolical plot to convert the world to wind and solar is complete, and a barge hits an offshore wind turbine which starts spewing wind everywhere, the rest of us are going to laugh and laugh.

That one’s going on facebook.


Oh sure you environmentalist nutjobs laugh at this, but in 75 or 100 years when your diabolical plot to convert the world to wind and solar is complete, and a barge hits an offshore wind turbine which starts spewing wind everywhere, the rest of us are going to laugh and laugh.

And who’s going to clean up all the sunshine spills, huh? HUH? We’re all going to be walking on sunshine!


They’re always around when some marine disaster happens. Just sayin’.

Why doesn’t the president tell us what he doesn’t know about this?


Since Barack Obama lost the election to Sarah Palin, it is very narcissistic for him to say it’s his job to act as president.


So his dad visited for a month and his grandfather occasionally took him to visit a guy who was known to drink.

See, the fact is his dad was all the time beaming mind-waves at him from Kenya. It’s magic.


g, fuck man, we’re trying to keep a LID ON THINGS! Jesus, why don’t you tell them about the orbital mind control platforms while you’re at it?

(h/t Lurking Canadian)

Lurking Canadian

“getting into” Brietbart’s mind.

Can’t get in, not enough room.

What do you mean there isn’t enough room? All the “ideas” crowding you out?

Chief Editor Korir

I have tapes, I’ll be releasing them soon.


We’re all going to be walking on sunshine!

Stop it. Just … stop.

Chief Editor Korir

What do you mean there isn’t enough room? All the “ideas” crowding you out?

Poo, yes. Ideas, no.

Chief Editor Korir

Chief Editor Korir said,

July 29, 2010 at 16:28
ach! Nymfail.


All the “ideas” crowding you out?

Probably more like racism and Teh Stoopid — they tend to take up a lot of room.

Besides, you have to go through his digestive system to get there and … ew. Ew ew ewity ew.


OK, I’ve proven quite convincingly I’m a dummy.


Stop it. Just … stop.

I won’t continue.

….for a small honorarium.


His words drip with the narcissism of adult children of alcoholics. Having been abandoned by both parents, Obama sees himself alone in the world. He doesn’t have to consult the experts; in his grandiose way of thinking, he’s the expert on everything.

See, the flip side of having some Star Trek fans who grow up to conceive high-tech medical beds and fancy cell phones is that there’s some G.I. Joe fans who grow up to be political pundits.


Chief Editor Korir said,

July 29, 2010 at 16:28 (kill)

Chief Editor Korir said,

July 29, 2010 at 16:28



….for a small honorarium.

**checks bank account**

How’s about a small geranium?


How’s about a small geranium?

Where have all the flowers gone? 🙂


Chief Editor Korir said,

July 29, 2010 at 16:28 (kill)

Chief Editor Korir said,

July 29, 2010 at 16:28


The only way it could be better is if it was formatted in Comic Sans.


What is it? The chin tilt? That seems to REALLY upset them. Perhaps they could give him a precise degree for him to shoot for and he can work on looking less uppity I mean narcissistic.


Where have all the flowers gone?

When will [I] ever learn?


Where have all the flowers gone? 🙂

Rumors say it went to some rat named Algernon.

Lurking Canadian

What is it? The chin tilt?

As far as I can tell, it seems to be that he persists in doing what he wants, rather than what they want. That seems to be the extent of their case against him.

Well, that, and the fact that everything he does, he does blackly, I mean.


Great … now I’m humming Joan Baez songs.




My work here is done.


The funny thing is, it is considered quackery and malpractice to try to analyze a patient without an interview or any diagnostic process.

And the clowns at AStinker demonstrate exactly why this is the case.


“Great … now I’m humming Joan Baez songs.”

ALSO too a sign of being an adult child of an alcoholic.


Obama believed that a black man could be elected President, which was obviously the kind of grandiose delusion common to ACoA’s. And then he went and got himself elected, which means he’s the extremely dangerous kind of ACoA who acts on his delusions.


If you’re a adult living child of an alcoholic does that make you an ALCOA?


Shorter American Stinker Armchair Psychologists:

Adult Child of an Alchoholic He Barely Knew = BAD, VERY, VERY BAD

“Adult” Man-Child Dry-Drunk Alchoholic = GOOD, VERY, VERY GOOD


If you’re a adult living child of an alcoholic does that make you an ALCOA?

I wouldn’t put much stock in that.


Tha Swankstah has another disjoint rambling posted.

Fraud Obama’s deficit.

Dust feather.

Just some of the fine word salad that JGS II delivers today.

Pupienus Maximus

Hey! What’s this about a lid? You guys all got a lid – I want one! I haven’t seen a whole lid in many years. How do you not smoke it all right away?


I am the child of a child of Methodists, which I think makes me a chi-com.


You guys all got a lid – I want one!

It’s out back. Here’s the key.

Well, half key…I had to split it with the sound man.

Pupienus Maximus

If you’re a adult living child of an alcoholic does that make you an ALCOA?

That’s so bad I smelt it.


I am the child of a child of Methodists, which I think makes me a chi-com.

That sounds a bit far back in your history, so doesn’t that make you a Chic-ago?


If you’re a adult living child of an alcoholic does that make you an ALCOA?

That’s so bad I smelt it.

Can it.


If you’re a adult living child of an alcoholic does that make you an ALCOA?

That’s so bad I smelt it.

Can it.

Or at least bauxite

Pupienus Maximus

Try to foil me, wouldja?


Try to foil me, wouldja?

You’re incorrugatable

Pupienus Maximus

You can me Al.


Try to foil me, wouldja?

Keep it under your hat.


Keep it under your hat.

There’s that lid again.


Poopy, I do hope you’re not thinking that we can alloy ourselves and fight these puns.


Holy Shit moats. The Iowa GOP wants to repeal the 13th amendment and bring back an earlier version!

Iowa GOP Supports Amendment To Strip Obama’s Citizenship Because He Won The Nobel Peace Prize

We here in Minnesota like to joke about Iowa a lot but I never realized they’d gone that far around the bend.

The amendment states that “if any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor” from a “foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen” and “shall be incapable of holding any office of trust.”

Why? So that “the United States never again suffers the humiliation of having a president win the Nobel Peace Prize” of course. Silly Liberals.

Additionally, passing this revised 13th amendment would also bring back slavery, no…. really:

While chances are indeed remote that such a measure would pass, should the Iowa GOP and “Thirteenthers” successfully push their belief, “every act of federal government since 1819,” including the abolition of slavery, “would be delegitimized.”

The crazy just never ends.


I mean really. It’s the only reason that makes sense to me, else wire you doing this?


Iowa GOP Supports Amendment To Strip Obama’s Citizenship Because He Won The Nobel Peace Prize

If it’s not here already, Peak Wingnut is fast a-coming.


So I said Aluminum? I hardly know em!

Pupienus Maximus

Poopy, I do hope you’re not thinking that we can alloy ourselves and fight these puns.

Let’s keep it under wraps.


So I said Aluminum? I hardly know em!

That joke is galvanizing.


Iowa GOP Supports Amendment To Strip Obama’s Citizenship Because He Won The Nobel Peace Prize

That makes sense. Who’d want Nobel Prize winners among their citizenry?


ALSO too [humming Joan Baez songs is] a sign of being an adult child of an alcoholic peacenik potheads.

Fixytied for greater accuracy.

And how the hell can Iowa go and allow Teh Gays to get married, yet turn around and want to repeal the 13th Amendment?

My guess? The pigshit fumes must be rotting their brains, or they’re smoking all that corn.


That joke is galvanizing.


No one galvanizes aluminum. Since aluminum rusts in a self-restrictive, protective manner, there’s no reason to coat it with zinc.

You may now resume your puns.


“if any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor” from a “foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen”

Uh oh. I better check my patents.


We need to iron out all these puns.


Since aluminum rusts in a self-restrictive, protective manner, there’s no reason to coat it with zinc.

Yea, and Negroes can’t be elected President.


Keep it under your hat.

That’s one of our best tips!

Lurking Canadian

You know what the best way is to incentivize (take THAT, Megan McArdle!) innovation in the sciences and attract top scholars to the US?

1) Kick Nobel Prize winners out of the country.

2) ????

3) PROFIT!!!


Holy Hell, trying again:

That sounds a bit far back in your history, so doesn’t that make you a Chic-ago?

Careful or I’ll wallop the fool out of you with my cane, sonny.

The amendment states that “if any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor” from a “foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen” and “shall be incapable of holding any office of trust.”

“Hi! I don’t know what the word “title” means!”

And fuck you very much, WordPress.


Since aluminum rusts

The pedantic chemist in me wants to object, the stoner in me says ‘meh’.


This thread is very elemental


Jesus, WordPress just ate my post TWICE. Feed the damn hamsters, somebody, and don’t spare the puppy uppers.


“ALSO too [humming Joan Baez songs is] a sign of being an adult child of an alcoholic peacenik potheads.”

That’s worse!! [/wingnut]


This thread is very elemental

I see your “Professor”…

and raise you an Animaniac

Lurking Canadian

tigris, you are clearly posting too quickly. Slow down.


It didn’t say that, it gave me a URL with the comment # each time, just no comment.


“you are clearly posting too quickly”

That’s called “post-haste” but if you mention ham then it’s “post-hoc”.


Oh…and N__B?

Coat this

People patent all sorts of useless shit. It doesn’t mean anyone uses the idea.

The pedantic chemist in me wants to object

Fair cop, gov’nor.


It’s so strange that of all the bullshit claims they could make about Obama, the one they want to run with is “he’s a narcissist!”

Hey, since Political Correctness Gone Mad prevents them from using their n-word of choice…


That’s called “post-haste” but if you mention ham then it’s “post-hoc”.


Maybe she needs a post-doc


and raise you an Animaniac



People patent all sorts of useless shit. It doesn’t mean anyone uses the idea.


Are you somehow suggesting people patent useless things?

Did you just insult my iPad??????


You’ll never get me, copper.


So if “post-hoc” means talking about ham then “ergo propter hoc” means talking about ham while flying a helicopter.

That’s Logic!


Well, that, and the fact that everything he does, he does blackly, I mean.

Law enforcement refers to it as “existing while Black.” It’s a very serious offense…in some states.


Fair cop, gov’nor.

But if yer talkin’ Brit-like then all yer Aluminums need an ‘i’.


So if “post-hoc” means talking about ham then “ergo propter hoc” means talking about ham while flying a helicopter.

Does this mean spam is “ad hoc”?


Does this mean spam is “ad hoc”?

Well done, sir. Martini?


But if yer talkin’ Brit-like then all yer Aluminums need an ‘i’.

There is no aluminum in “team,” especially in Pittsburgh.


“People patent all sorts of useless shit. It doesn’t mean anyone uses the idea.”



Actually I think spam is ham hoc.


Well done, sir. Martini?

With extra hoc, yes.


“Does this mean spam is “ad hoc”?”

HA! You can’t fool me, there’s no meat in spam.


NM…I should have read upthread more.


If anyone hocs in my Martini, I’m sending it back


Would you care for some snotchos with your martini, sir?


Breaking: Sherrod to sue Breitbart. Woo fucking hoo.


Would you care for some snotchos with your martini, sir?

Yes. Heavy on the Velveeta, please.


Sherrod to sue Breitbart.

Quick! Someone get me into law school on a fast track to a judgeship!

Aw fuck, it’ll probably be cheaper and easier to send Obama a $100,000 contribution honorarium.

Honorarium: that’s where you display what’s left of your honor.

Ted the Slacker

Breaking: Sherrod to sue Breitbart.

Heh, BigLegalProblems.

Pupienus Maximus

Bah. Nymfail.

And that’s it – I’m off to downgrade to ios3. DO NOT “up”grade you iPhone 3G to the new OS. It adds no useful features and makes the thing all but unusable.


Heh, BigLegalProblems.

Followed by BigBigHouse.


Honorarium: that’s where you display what’s left of your honor.

I thought an honorarium was a place where you could build up your honor until it’s cut. “Check out the honor on that guy,” they’ll all say.


Heh, BigLegalProblems.

Followed by BigBigHouse.

And then BigShowerToy


Yo name is Andrea now, b!itch.


I thought an honorarium was a place where you could build up your honor until it’s cut. “Check out the honor on that guy,” they’ll all say.

Honor Blackman did that for me.


“A lot of people overreacted, including people in my administration.”

Yeah, Vil-sack-O-Shit should get the sack. But I sure hope Shirley sues the pants off of Brieblartfart.


I offered my honor and she honored my offer, and it was honor and offer all night long.


You should grab those domains Actor, they’re gold!

Pupienus Maximus

Sorry to rain on the parade but defamation is civil suit – don’t think there’s gaol at risk. Well Shirley have to be satisfied with the big-ass damage award for malicious libel.

Ted the Slacker

Heh, BigLegalProblems.

Followed by BigBigHouse.

There’s also going to be BigContemptofCourt… for refusing to disclose the source who sent Beerfart the tape.

And there’s certain to be a continuous BigVictimOfUppityNegro narrative.


Sorry to rain on the parade but defamation is civil suit – don’t think there’s gaol at risk. Well Shirley have to be satisfied with the big-ass damage award for malicious libel.

She might win, and get awarded big money for damages, but collecting from a deadbeat like Breitbart seems …unlikely.


Sorry to rain on the parade but defamation is civil suit – don’t think there’s gaol at risk.


Andy can’t afford to pay and has to declare bankruptcy, which under the new climate in America means he’s liable to end up in debtors BigPrison.

Lurking Canadian

And there’s certain to be a continuous BigVictimOfUppityNegro narrative.

Took the words right out of my mouth. This will play as just one more piece of evidence of how The Man be keepin’ a white brother down.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

He doesn’t have to consult the experts; in his grandiose way of thinking, he’s the expert on everything

And yet, when he does consult experts, the sheer eggheadism is an affront to Heartlanders.


The smell of desperation from the right wing is strangely comforting. Perhaps Alinsky was right. Perhaps the only way to compromise with them is to stomp a mudhole into them first, and that may be happening, only in a far more subtle way than we imagine.

Ted the Slacker

She might win, and get awarded big money for damages, but collecting from a deadbeat like Breitbart seems …unlikely.

BigChapter11 then.


Don’t be silly, of course there’s no gaol at risk they were all defeated by the combined Earth and Jaffa forces.


Took the words right out of my mouth. This will play as just one more piece of evidence of how The Man be keepin’ a white brother down.

Today, we are all Undercover Brothers!


Today, we are all Undercover Brothers!

Aw, jeez, is DKWs mom around?


You sat that like it’s a bad thing…


Breaking: Sherrod to sue Breitbart. Woo fucking hoo.

The wingnut tears will be delicious when she wins the case.

Xecky Gilchrist

they were all defeated by the combined Earth and Jaffa forces

hee hee

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We here in Minnesota like to joke about Iowa a lot but I never realized they’d gone that far around the bend.

Idiots Out Wandering Around

Iowa GOP Supports Amendment To Strip Obama’s Citizenship Because He Won The Nobel Peace Prize

They’re going for a twofer- Al Gore will be next.

Ted the Slacker


she would likely make it past initial motions to dismiss and could secure embarrassing discovery in the case, including possible internal emails and communications on the purpose of the editing and release of the video.

Seeing as Beerfart allegedly first got this video I think in March, discovery will be epic… unless BigShredder is on the case.


“getting into” Brietbart’s mind.

1) Why would you want to?

2) Do you need a visa and inoculations?


because the other is *getting into* his pants?


other alternative, that is…


Iowa GOP Supports Amendment To Strip Obama’s Citizenship Because He Won The Nobel Peace Prize

The two posts that got et pointed out that a Nobel Prize is not a title of nobility*, and that THEM’S SUM DUMN PEEPLES, so I suspect WordPress of being an Iowa conservative. If this makes it through it’s because I distracted WP by placing corn in my cleavage.

*we have already lost them at this point: “of course it’s a title of nobelity, it’s got NOBEL right there in the title?!!”


Other parts of the Iowa GOP platform call for “clarification on the definition of manure.” Of which there is considerable expertise in the GOP.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

M. Night Evans

One of these days, she’ll surprise us with a twist ending.


Obama met his father only one time after he was an infant… for a month….

Alcoholism has a strong genetic component. Maybe she’s arguing that Obama is by definition an adult child of an alcoholic? I dunno, I’m not getting out of the boat this time but there are plenty in the mental health community who act like genetics are destiny rather than risk factor. They sell services to crazy people, after all. That they think you’re crazy is about as surprising as a vacuum cleaner salesman who thinks your rug is dirty.

Whatever baggage Obama inherited in the genetic department, he’s clearly overcome it — if you’re not a racist asshole, he seems to be about the sanest person in our whole government. If these people weren’t so blinded by racial animus, they’d hold him up as an example of the American Dream, and the fact that Racism Is Dead, and all those other black people who aren’t president are just Lazy Shits. Or maybe the Real Heroes are Obama’s white grandparents who managed to save Obama from ending up Too Negro, or Occidental/Columbia/Harvard for taking a savage in and teaching him some manners.

There are a lot of ways they could still be race-baiters and try to kill social programs, but they wouldn’t have to claim Obama is an unhinged crazy person when he’s quite clearly cooler than a polar bear’s toenails.

guitarist manqué

because I distracted WP by placing corn in my cleavage.

I bet you get some interest in your newsletter from that.


Alcoholism has a strong genetic component. Maybe she’s arguing that Obama is by definition an adult child of an alcoholic?

Maybe, but she shouldn’t couch it in the 12-step program language, then, because they specifically talk about growing up in the presence of/raised by an alcoholic parent.


The amendment states that “if any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor” from a “foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen” and “shall be incapable of holding any office of trust.”

OH BOY, let’s do play this game!

The Saudis gave Bush Jr. the “Order of Merit”. (Obama too, and probably other US Presidents.)

Ronald Reagan was given honorary knighthood (“Knights Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath” — kinda gay in addition to kinda foreign) by the queen of England.

Lurking Canadian

There’s no way Reagan deserved to be more than Knight Commander of the Bath.

Horatio Hornblower was a Knight Grand Cross. Reagan wasn’t fit to carry Hornblower’s jock strap, even considering that Hornblower had been dead for 130 years and was fictional.

To address your actual point, though, I’m sure Reagan’s knighthood (and the knighthoods of people like Eisenhower) was approved by special act of Congress (they can do that) and only valid in the UK. It doesn’t really affect the case of Obama’s (or anybody’s) Nobel Prize, which is best refuted by the fact that the Nobel is not a title.


I’m holding my breath til the Stinker crew applies exactly the same techniques to the Snowbilly.

It was nice knowing y’all.


I don’t think honorary knighthoods count, since the title itself confers no benefit to the holder. It’s like claiming you’re a doctor because some university conferred an honorary PhD on you.

Similarly, the Nobel Prize is bestowed by a private foundation and as such is not a “title” and while it is an honor, it’s not from a foreign government.


I never knew there were so many out-of-work psychologists

The thought cheers me up immensely.


I thought an honorarium was a place where you could build up your honor until it’s cut.

That’s my Suppository.


How many incidents does it take to make a pattern? How many times does the President have to show his propensity for paranoia, projection, and blaming others before his team arranges for an intervention?

I prefered Bob Dylan’s version.


now THAT’s psychobabble.


Oh, SmutClyde, I covet your mental acuity. All those extra words are so hard to sing.


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