Our Racist President Is A Divider Not A Uniter Who Hates White And Black People And Also Mexicans
Everybody knows by now that liberals are the real racists and Barack Obama is the racistest of them all.* But did you know that Obama ‘has divided America’ not just ‘on the basis of race’ — but on ‘class and partisanship’ too?
Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen lay it all out in today’s Wall Street Journal:
Our Divisive President
… Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf.
Messrs. Caddell and Schoen ‘say this with a heavy heart’, but the evidence they present is irrefutable. For example, did you know:
– That this one time, Obama said this one white cop ‘acted stupidly’ for arresting this one black guy for no good reason? And what’s more, that our ‘president’ had the nerve to say that there was a ‘long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately’?
– That this other guy said Obama told him in private that he hoped all the white people in Arizona would have their throats slit by migrant workers or that there should be comprehensive immigration reform or something?
– That Obama’s Justice Department hasn’t prosecuted some big, scary black men for standing near a polling place this one time, which is totally against the law?
– That Obama’s favoritism towards black people has resulted in a whopping 23.2 percent unemployment rate amongst young white people while just 39.9 percent of young black people are unemployed?
What’s more, ‘Mr. Obama has also cynically divided the country on class lines.’ Feast your brains on this smoking gun:
– Wall Street fat cats and insurance bigwigs keep giving Obama money even though he sometimes says bad stuff in public about their industries because the public totally hates those guys, but then doesn’t really do all that much to curb their worst excesses.
Finally, Obama is a partisan.** Horrifyingly, Obama and Democrats are probably going to try to appeal to certain voting constituencies in the run-up to this November’s elections, predict Caddell and Schoen.
We would all be wise to heed their warnings and drum this race-class-and-political hustler out of office before he mildly rebukes someone or something again (and then politely backs down and/or uses said rhetoric to mask the fact he isn’t really doing shit to change much of anything socially, economically or politically).
*It’s actually worse than this — Obama simultaneously picks the cotton, serves mint juleps in the big house and whips the slaves on the Democrat Plantation. Also, he runs a high-tech Underground Railroad on the Internets and is a Grand High Imperial Trouser Snake in the Ku Klux Klan.
**He is also the brains behind the birther movement. Think about it, have you ever seen Obama and Orly Taitz in a room together?
Yup, that’s one scary black man, acting all white, and all. Too. Also.
Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship
The, um, thirty year rape of the American middle and working classes sort of did that. While you morons were lining the pockets of people like me, most of the people in America were barely making ends meet on double incomes and multiple jobs.
And even then, they mortgaged their futures.
This reminds me of a super-rich, yellow dog Republican friend I made in college who started freaking out not long after the election about how outrageous it was that “Obama wants to start a class war!”
As Calvin the Bold so nobly said, “All this was very funny until she did the same thing to me!”
Saying Obama has stonewalled on the Black Panther thing is like saying he didn’t do enough to prevent 9/11. HE WASNT FUCKING PRESIDENT AT THE TIME DIPSHITS.
Liberals are the real conservatives!
He’s the Black Charles Manson.
Women are the real misogynists!
Black people are the real white people!
Magnets are the real atheists!
Snowflakes come in colors!
Wall Street bigwigs are the Jews of liberal classism!
Guys who smear their cocks with food coloring and fingerpaint come in colors!
Obama has still not condemned those around Shirley Sherrod from using the term “lynching” to describe several white guys beating a handcuffed black guy to death.
Ewoks are the real Wookies!
Mexicans are the real Mexi…wait, how does this work again?
Jews are the Jews of liberal Judaism!
Dominicans are the Haitians of Caribo-fascism.
Lynch mobs are the real lynching victims!
Nazis are the Jews of liberalism, man.
Zyklon B is the Jew of liberal pesticide branding!
“Lynch mobs”: I’m tired of people throwing around these slurs. We already know it’s not lynching to beat somebody to death. And three or so people can’t be a mob.
This is why libruls are racist — they don’t even think twice about insulting Confederate-Americans.
Alarm clocks are the real shit moats!
Shit moats are the canals of waterway fascism.
I, for one, would love to have this country completely split along class lines: THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN OF THEM!!!
Caddell and Schoen have joined together to become the giant white person the winguts need to defeat Obama?
Tea Party!!!!
Oh, they just hacked an op-ed together for the shit paper that is the WSJ?
Tea fail.
Tattoos don’t hurt!
El Cid – it’s also deeply dishonest to say someone has been ‘tarred-and-feathered’ when in fact bitumen was the binding agent used.
People who parrot roundly-debunked bullshit allegations against a Democratic president are the REAL Democrats!
No, wait, that was the point of the column. Never mind.
Yeah, but they have all the money.
I, for one, would love to have this country completely split along class lines: THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN OF THEM!!!
Cont’d –
The funny thing is the person I just mentioned didn’t say it like she was afraid, it was more of a challenge, “You shockingly uppity man, how dare you do this, well okay, if you want a class war, bring it on!!!”
I know a class war isn’t remotely likely, but I was just shaking my head. Yeah, you’re in the top 5% of the population and you want a “class war” because you somehow think you’ll come up ahead? You idiot.
It’s also galling when people say that nerve gases are “weapons of mass destruction” even though the gases have comparatively little mass at all.
“It’s also galling when people say that nerve gases are “weapons of mass destruction” even though the gases have comparatively little mass at all.”
Now, metal tubes, on the other hand….
It’s also recklessly mendacious to reference the ‘Holocaust’ when the costs of it were scarcely hollow at all.
Yeah, but they have all the money.
I am stockpiling Molotov cocktails. A case a day provides enough beer bottles to take out police vehicles. Be sure to stock up on gas before its sale is banned.
A case a day provides enough beer bottles to take out police vehicles.
A case a day and I wouldn’t be able to move come the revolution. Not only because I’d be laying on my face in a pool of vomit but because I’d weigh about 600 lbs.
i was just talking to myself in the other thread. Pretend you didn’t notice.
Plus who are we to say that the cost was hollow anyway?
After a while it gets hard to find something to mock them when they get this crazy. And there are still… what is it.. 14 weeks to go? How much more insane can they possibly get?
The true meaning of Glenn Beck’s “We Surround Them.”
They haven’t even turned it up to 11 yet.
Nononono. When the class war comes, the rich will have more than enough quislings to act as their bodyguards. Also, shit moat manufacturers, too.
Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship.
It’s such a shame how he has brought friction to the point of rupture into the formerly perfect amity between races, economic classes, and political parties.
Also, it is precipitate villainy to refer to Molotov cocktails when they are neither tasty nor conducive to getting one’s drunk on. Also too, rarely if ever attached to rooster butts.
I guess “Yes We Can” turned into “Let’s get the New Black Panther party to kill all the white people on Wall Street.” Wait, forget I said that, there could be a lot of support for that.
i was just talking to myself in the other thread.
Who shall save us from the bitter embarrassment wreaked upon us by the flailing hysterics of the New Stupid?
I think you mean pride there, buddy. And stupid never goes out of style. I’m stupid, my daddy was stupid, my grand-diddy was stupid, and I’ll be god-damned if I’m not gonna make sure’s my kids are stupid too!
Also, shit moat manufacturers, too.
That reminds me…we have not recently heard from the purveyor of fine shit moats who posted here in the Alkyon days of yore. I always enjoyed the patter.
“They haven’t even turned it up to 11 yet.”
I thought things got a little crazy during Obama’s campaign. Then a little more crazy over the health care bill. Now I don’t know what to think. I’m just not creative like that.
A person would think that there is a limit right? There has to be. The universe I live in does not allow for infinite stupid to exist. At some point it either explodes or collapses in on itself only to evaporate slowly over the next 1078 years dues to virtual particles in the quantum flux. (or… something like that, ahhh fergits)
Oh man, I remember that cartoon! But the name of the characters escapes me. Must turn to the Mighty Gazoogle…ah, of course: Quick Draw McGraw. Forgot about Senor Wences, who created the meme.
Quoth Wikipedia:
That would be this Jeff Greene. Media Matters also has a lot of hilarious quotes by Caddell saying that Obama’s nuclear policy will get us attacked, etc. They’re both longtime professional Yoostabees.
tag not workie?
Is there anything that Obama cannot do?
Since bringing us nearer the apocalypse is the necessary stage for the Rapture, isn’t Obama doing the right thing?
Since bringing us nearer the apocalypse is the necessary stage for the Rapture
I used to love watching the discarded stages burn up as they fell back into the atmosphere.
The problem is that birds and dolphins choke to death over discarded stages. They don’t know how to deal with the 4th wall.
neither tasty nor conducive to getting one’s drunk on
Gasoline & alcohol don’t mix, but gasoline straight isn’t bad.
“Yeah, but they have all the money”
But we have all the guillotines.
Gasoline should be free to relate with any petrochemicals it chooses.
noen, I hope you’re not waiting for Peak Wingnut. I don’t think it exists.
Hopefully Cadell will work to get some conciliators and healers like Ginrich and Palin into the White House. If it is still called that at the end of the Obama reign.
I hope you’re not waiting for Peak Wingnut. I don’t think it exists.
Indeed. If we have learned anything since the 2008 primary season and onward, it is that no matter how stupid and angry the Redoublechins get, they can always get stupider and angrier.
Soon we should be able to derive the Moore’s Law equivalent for how often the stupid/angry doublings occur.
“noen, I hope you’re not waiting for Peak Wingnut. I don’t think it exists.”
In my building we have a couple of wingnuts with whom I sort of get along. But they both have a real diagnosis. One was discharged from the military for his paranoia. The other patrols the park trying to kick out “vagrants”.
I mean…. that just *can’t* be your whole demographic can it GOP?
Obama is
blaaaaaaaaaackuppityRACIST!!!Man, what utter fishwrap the WSJ has become – & then they boo-hoo about collapsing newspaper sales. The Intertubes proved that almost anyone can outwrite the current pack of hyenas that infest “The Fourth Estate” (all without an editor telling them what to cover), & usually the content is absolutely free = print media is SO boned.
Looks like you linked to that “Junto Society” thing just in time:
We will continue to have our stories on the Holidays available but we are purging our Guest Commentary and possibly the news link as well.
You know who ELSE conducted purges of their website?!
that just *can’t* be your whole demographic can it GOP?
Not yet, but soon enough.
Fucking LaHaye has made an enormous living heralding the apocalypse, now he’s warning us that we are headed for it?
Make up your fucking mind Rapture Boy.
I now imagine N__B as looking like Quinch.
When we were very young children, a hill behind the house seemed like an enormous peak. Perhaps that could represent peak wingnut.
But if you took the largest mountain in the entire solar system, Mars’ Olympus Mons, and stacked 1,000 more Olympus Mons’ on top of them, you would only begin to see the sorts of heights that peak wingnut could easily achieve.
But we have all the guillotines.
Oh ah do declare, if ah see any more of these extremist threats, ah’m gonna collapse on this here fainting couch – and ban your ass.
Speaking of Peak Wingnut, this might not be their craziest attempt, but it’s probably their most idiotically contrived.
I just get an image of Steve King firing up a Cohiba he found in Rush Limbaugh’s ass and going “I love it when a plan comes together.”
Let’s get the New Black Panther party to kill all the white people on Wall Street.
Racist. Why single out the white stockbrokers on Wall Street?
[Yes, I know that would 99.9999% of them, but still: principles, people!]
He is also the brains behind the birther movement.
That explains why their brains are in their behinds, I guess.
I now imagine N__B as looking like Quinch.
There are no handprints on my ass.
Class lines. Hah. The top 5% or 2% have to call for help to unjam the copy machine. “Hey waitress! I can’t seem to get my torch to stay lit.” “Where do we keep the kerosene?” “The elevators aren’t working. How do we get downstairs so we can fight?” “Hey, how about if I promote you to office manager and make you an Independent Contractor, because that’s totally cool, and you’d make so much in profit-sharing that you could easily afford the medical care you might possibly need after I assign you to go do that barricade thing for me, kthx.”
We really have to get the quislings.
The guy was elected President, and he’s BLACK! If that isn’t a blatant, naked appeal to the race card, I don’t know what is.
“Oh ah do declare, if ah see any more of these extremist threats, ah’m gonna collapse on this here fainting couch – and ban your ass.”
I’m sorry. That was not meant as a threat. It seemed too over-the-top to be construed as one. My only intention was to be a smartass, nothing more.
The way I see it, there are five peak-wingnut scenarios:
1) heart attack
2) stroke
3) being shot up with thorazine and stuffed into a straight-jacket
4) being so ostracized socially and politically that you have to put a cork in it to avoid the skids
5) becoming the Hitler or Stalin you invoke and meeting a similar fate (eventually)
I’m sorry. That was not meant as a threat. It seemed too over-the-top to be construed as one. My only intention was to be a smartass, nothing more.
Yeah, I know – it was obviously a joke, and generally threats are expressed as directed towards specific targets.
Which is why this continues to be a long-running joke for me. The doucheitude inherent in banning someone from commenting for saying something like, oh, I dunno, “Ah, the guillotine – an idea whose time has come again” by claiming that it constituted a “threat” just never stops being funny to me.
I just remember Obama, that first night in Grant Park, leading the crowd of thousands in the old spiritual:
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
Good times.
Not “Long live the New Flesh”?
I’m sorry, did someone say trouser snake?
Man, what utter fishwrap the WSJ has become
Their op-eds have ALWAYS been that bad.
did someone say trouser snake?
No, just tee-shirt cockroach.
The incredibly racist ‘Tea Party Comix’
Is there no bottom to their scumbucket?
Plenty crazy. I just hope it doesn’t involve nudity.
Oh, and boycott Target, please.
I was never a divisive president. I governed with equanimity towards both major groups of Americans: the Haves and the Have Mores.
Since bringing us nearer the apocalypse is the necessary stage for the Rapture, isn’t Obama doing the right thing?
Judas Iscariot doesn’t get a free pass for his role in getting the whole Savior thing off the ground in the first place.
Just because you’re necessary for the plan to work doesn’t mean you’re appreciated.
George W. Bush said,
July 29, 2010 at 2:30 (kill)
I was never a divisive president.
Because you’re not smart enough to perform basic arithmetic.
I call fake Dubya. He would never misspell equaniminess.
Oh, and boycott Target, please.
Not an idle threat. Burn it!
More blog-pimpin’. Have you seen this guy?
Basil Marceaux. Basil Marceaux?
How do you say that in American?
The incredibly racist ‘Tea Party Comix’
Good Lord, I hope those thinking parody are right.
Note gold-fringe flag that Marceaux references.
Aw, Basil’s cute, bless his heart. Pull all the permits for guns so people don’t get murdered, plant more grass…why is he running in the Republican primary again? Someone must have lied to him about what kind of Tea Party they’re running.
And oh yeah, JESUS CHRIST, can anyone to the right of center ever open their mouths without PROJECTING into the next COUNTY?? Yah the centrist is the divisive one, suuure.
Obama also has ensured that artists only make proper, wholesome art that uplifts the pride of the American race.
“e a long-running joke for me. The doucheitude inherent in banning someone from commenting for saying something like, oh, I dunno, “Ah, the guillotine – an idea whose time has come again” by claiming that it constituted a “threat” just never stops being funny to me”
Just a tweak there …
Otherwise, I refuse to get out o’ the boat. I will instead just trust that it’s about, oh, 800ish words about how the massive, disgusting, repulsive, should-get-them-banned-from-polite-company racism
we’re now seeing frombeing exposed on the right is all President Blacky McSpook’s fault.Or as it’s usually called: “Wednesdays on the Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Page.”
proper, wholesome art
Glorious. Simply glorious.
Man, what utter fishwrap the WSJ has become – & then they boo-hoo about collapsing newspaper sales.
Their sales are collapsing? I didn’t know that.
I haz teh happiness.
Man, what utter fishwrap the WSJ has become – & then they boo-hoo about collapsing newspaper sales.
News Corp. has always been about leveraging the moron mentality into profit.
Unfortunately, with the Wall Street Journal, they’re not dealing with morons. Mostly. It’s also why Fox Business Network is a failure and had to dig up Don Imus’ undead corpse to try to get ANY ratings.