The Kind of Not A Liberal I Am

ABOVE: Matthew Yglesias

Shorter Matthew Yglesias
The Kind of Liberal I Am Not

  • Minimum wage laws interfere with the invisible and benevolent hand of the free market.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

[Thanks, Pinko Punko!]


Comments: 325


OMFG, I didn’t trust the shorter and now my head is all splodey.

That said, this post title makes me v. v. gleeful.


But the idea that what we need is for a bunch of people to get together and say that it would be better to ban this and that and the other capitalist act between consenting adults just strikes me as the wrong way of going about things. Purely economic regulation of this sort doesn’t have a compelling track record, runs into all kinds of Hayek-esque knowledge problems, and is basically an open invitation down the road for regulatory capture and the use of rules to prevent the emergence of competition.

That’s such a load of diseased cowshit. Which reminds me: here’s your burger, Matt. Enjoy.


New York Times, here he comes!


That said, this whole discussion around credit cards does have me thinking that there might be a niche out there for something along the lines of “charitable entrepreneurship.” Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are trying to urge billionaires around the world to give half their money to charity.

Oh well, relying on the kindness of the uber-rich has always worked out well.


This whole day I’ve been longing for an invisible and benevolent hand job.


“Matt Yglesias writes for the blog Think Keep Everything Exactly the Same Way it Fucking has Been in this Country Since I Was Born.”


This whole day I’ve been longing for an invisible and benevolent hand job.

Nice. “Huge” win, so to speak.


Purely economic regulation of this sort doesn’t have a compelling track record

Deal, New.

Longest sustained economic boom in American history, see 1950s.

Ignoramus to end all ignoramuses, see Matthew Yglesias.


Clintonomics. How do they fucking work?


Purely economic regulation of this sort doesn’t have a compelling track record

Conversely, deregulation of everything has a stellar track record. How would we ever have experienced the rolling blackouts as Jesus intended without energy deregulation?


This whole day I’ve been longing for an invisible and benevolent hand job.

Really? I’d think the invisible part could be kind of awkward if it sneaked up on you.


“This whole day I’ve been longing for an invisible and benevolent hand job”

I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.


I’d think the invisible part could be kind of awkward if it sneaked up on you.

I live for danger.

I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.

Were you in the U.S. 1/2001 to 1/2009?


“But the idea that what we need is for a bunch of people to get together and say that it would be better to ban this and that and the other capitalist act between consenting adults just strikes me as the wrong way of going about things.”

Sure but there is a consequence to doing it your way there Matt. It means that you really really have to allow those “capitalist act[s] between consenting adults” fall out without intervention and crash and burn the entire global economy so that those screaming fucktards and learn not to be screaming fucktards. Which they’ll never learn anyway.

I’m beginning to really like the French solution to all this. A nice shiny blade and a basket to catch their heads. Someone has to make those. It’s an economic stimulus!


I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.

Bengay, presumably.


But maybe what we really need some super-rich charitably inclined businessmen to do is finance some new ventures in these quasi-utility markets like charge cards, cell phones, mortgage origination, etc. based on a “don’t screw the customer over” business model.

Ok, this is making me fucking mad. The “don’t screw the customer over” business model used to be called regulation. It was this evil two pronged endeavor that protected consumers while protecting honest businesses who never intended to screw over the customer from those who fully intended to screw over the customer.

Matt; You suck. The fucking scumbag who intends to screw the customer and his/her employees will win that battle every time. No wrestling match with logic required to figure that out, littlebrooks.


But maybe what we really need some super-rich charitably inclined businessmen to do is finance some new ventures in these quasi-utility markets like charge cards, cell phones, mortgage origination, etc. based on a “don’t screw the customer over” business model.

Maybe what we need is for Matt to hold his breath until that happens. Alternatively, we could pass reasonable regulations.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for either outcome, but I know which one could conceivable happen, if the Democrats had spines.


Damn you tsam! Damn you and your better typing skills!


Were you in the U.S. 1/2001 to 1/2009?

Oh, god–did he do Linda Trip too?


Damn you tsam! Damn you and your better typing skills!

There is much to be said for brevity. You said it better, I believe.


“I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.”

Mitt Romney


“I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.”

Mitt Rommney


I’d think the invisible part could be kind of awkward if it sneaked up on you.

I live for danger.

A friend advises me that this sort of activity requires the use of eye protection. I have no idea what she’s talking about.


noen said,
July 27, 2010 at 18:47

“I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.”

Mitt Rommney

Oh. my. god. FTFW x2

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s my brand of liberal economics—take the rich people’s money and use it to pay for stuff, don’t tell them what to do with the companies they run.

I can’t believe he actually wrote this, especially after the BP gulf disaster and the revelations of their “Three Little Pigs” memo.


You said it better, I believe.

I liked your version. Mine lacked “fuck,” which was clearly called for.


Matt’s got a really blinkered view of economic efficiency. He’s also opposed to things like plumbing licenses.


I liked your version. Mine lacked “fuck,” which was clearly called for.

“Fuck” makes everything better. It’s like MSG.


Did I miss it? When did Rommmmmney become a proctologist?


Goddamn, the more I think about this, the more idiotic it gets. Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?

Lurking Canadian

Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?

In a narrow sense, he might. Anybody with training in economics can prove to you, with brightly coloured charts and graphs, that regulations stifle economic growth, minimum wages cause unemployment, rational profit maximizing actors blah blah and so on.

In the larger sense, whether any of this bears any relation to the universe in which we live, and especially to the goal of reducing the misery of the humans living therein, of course not.


I have a feeling Ezra’s going to make an appearance in this thread.


Goddamn, the more I think about this, the more idiotic it gets. Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?

To put it in a nutshell, one of his commenters refers to the post as being his “most McMeganesque” ever. So, no.

Oregon Beer Snob

Goddamn, the more I think about this, the more idiotic it gets. Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?

If only there were some catchphrase to answer this…

“Unfortunately, not.” No, that’s not it…


Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?

He fucking knows exactly what he’s talking about. He’s towing the fucking deregulation line by calling on others, namely super rich people, to voluntarily start businesses for razor thin profit margins in some misguided effort to help out the less fortunate–ie. victims of this same business model.

So here we are back at the old trickle down theory. Rich people are the only people who can be trusted with money, and if you work really hard and don’t get all bitchy about like health care and shit, you can scoop up the crumbs that fall from our table. I believe there was an 18th century French monarch who thought this was a pretty good idea too. I can’t remember what became of her…


“Unfortunately, not.”

Crestfallenly, negative?


Anybody with training in economics access to the Internets can prove to you can find a link authored by someone who will pretend to prove to you, with brightly coloured charts and graphs, that regulations stifle economic growth, minimum wages cause unemployment, rational profit maximizing actors blah blah and so on.



Does he even know what the fuck he’s talking about?


With apologies to Atrios, this has been another edition of “Simple Answers to Simple Questions.”


I have a feeling Ezra’s going to make an appearance in this thread.

I know! I can’t wait!

Look, even if we give him the benefit of the doubt here and assume he’s just talking about interchange fees, he’s still a pro-monopoly douche.


Matt probably “runs into all kinds of Hayek-esque knowledge problems” all the time.


Remember, Matt’s support for the Iraq War is all our fault:


Matt probably “runs into all kinds of Hayek-esque knowledge problems” all the time.

How much cleavage to show?


In a narrow sense, he might. Anybody with training in economics can prove to you, with brightly coloured charts and graphs, that regulations stifle economic growth, minimum wages cause unemployment, rational profit maximizing actors blah blah and so on.

On paper, maybe. In reality, not a single one of these allegations has proved to be true. Not once in history did a minimum wage increase directly cause inflation. I’m pretty sure that the last two years make a strong case for the idea that regulation does not, in fact, stifle economic growth.

Any economist who is not a complete phuktardpooplickingbikeseatsniffer will tell you that a vibrant middle class, earning a living wage, is the only sustainable economic model. The middle class produces and consumes, and builds wealth, which goes back into the economy, spurring further sustainable, slow growth. It just means that the rich don’t get to be so filthy fucking rich. Unfortunately, 5% of the population gets to live without this downside.

Lurking Canadian

Any economist who is not a complete phuktardpooplickingbikeseatsniffe

And where do we find this marvel? Near the unicorn, or over by the pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow?

(I keed, I keed.)


And where do we find this marvel? Near the unicorn, or over by the pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow?

Sitting atop a gilded armchair? I don’t know. I suppose you’d have to find one that isn’t being paid by a profit driven newspaper/website/newschannel. They all fucking know it. It’s been demonstrated to be true since the emergence of a middle class around the time of the renaissance. It makes me angry when they lie because way too many people have no clue how a macro economy works. I’m no expert either, but at it’s core, working a job for a living wage and then buying stuff to create other jobs is less complicated than a Monopoly game.


Paul Krugman. Don’t always agree with him, but he’s an honest economist, which as you point out is almost unheard of these days.


What about Krugman?


Ah. Hello, my new Synchronized Posting partner.


If we want to get rid of the minimum wage it is only fair to make killing “snake oil salesmen” and lying thieves legal, right Matt? Competition is good!
That whole “Free Market” at work.

Oh CEO’s who dump toxic waste should also be fair game.
Call that Self-defense…


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

OMG, it’s a race to the bottom between Ezra Klein and Matt Y! WTF????

Where have all the cowboys gone?


I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.

What’s the matter? You don’t like angry sex?


Well played, VS.


Where have all the cowboys gone?

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Girls have not fucked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?


With apologies to Atrios, this has been another edition of “Simple Answers to Simple Questions.”

Don’t apologize to that bean-curd eating fucking elitist douchenozzle up the butthole of the right wing of this nation.

That originated with Mad Magazine and it was SNAPPY answers to stupid questions.


“Where have all the cowboys gone?”
They’re all in Ted Haggard’s closet.


Where have all the cowboys gone?
Long time passing

Wrong song.

Paula Cole. Please do try to keep up.


“In a narrow sense, he might. Anybody with training in economics can prove to you, with brightly coloured charts and graphs, that regulations stifle economic growth”

You’re not looking at this through wingtard eyes:

Here is Cletus P. Fucktard. He wanted to be a plumber. But the regulators insisted that he had to have a license. Cletus didn’t want to study up on getting a license, cause, you know, it involved readin’ an shit, like knowing how to do plumbing shit. So Cletus didn’t get to be a plumber

Proof positive that regulations stifle economic growth!


Where have all the cowboys gone?

Now that song is in my head. Fuck you.


Fuck you.

Yes, please.


But the idea that what we need is for a bunch of people to get together and say that it would be better to ban this and that and the other capitalist act between consenting adults just strikes me as the wrong way of going about things.

Yeah. That worked really well in the Gilded Age, where monopolists and trusts entered into “capitalist acts”* with working people, which resulted in individuals like Andrew Carnegie and masses of people living in tenements, working 12 hours a day, six days a week, including children.

That’s been proven to be a great idea.

*would be illegal in 32 states if both parties were human


It’s clear that Yglesias doesn’t know enough about the economics of credit and debit card processing to be writing a post on the subject but there’s nothing in his post about minimum wage laws. But when has a pundit of any kind ever let a lack of expertise stop him from pundifitizing before? He’s also not a careful enough writer for me to tell whether he’s writing about fees charged to merchants or consumers so I can’t even tell for sure how stupid he really is. Nice trick on his part.


That’s been proven to be a great idea.

it kept the kids out of trouble and off the streets and out of jail!


Where have all the cowboys gone?
Girls have not fucked them every one

Those would be “reverse cowboys.”

Lurking Canadian

Paul Krugman

Oh, they’re out there. Stiglitz is another, and so is Brad de Long. The thing of it is…I’m not even sure about those guys.

Economics fronts like it’s a science. But it’s the kind of “science” in which two Nobel prize winners can look at exactly the same data and come to literally opposing conclusions. It’s like Hawking and Feynman had an argument in which Hawking took the “gravity points down” position and Feynman took the “gravity points up” position, as the rest of the physics establishment soberly nodded their heads.

Around the time of the collapse, I saw the suggestion that we should stop treating economists as scientists and start treating them as lawyers. Trained professionals and brilliant, yes, but always with an axe to grind.


They’re all in Ted Haggard’s closet.

HA! Awesome! Martini?

…nevermind this stuff in it here…


“I do not want to know what a “malevolent” hand job would entail.

What’s the matter? You don’t like angry sex?”

Had it 1 time. In my youth. Like all sex in youth, all I cared about was that I WAS HAVING SEX! WITH A GIRL!!1!!111


Yes, please.

I meant that in a non life-affirming way.


Hey, let’s see how many shitty songs we can put in T&U’s head today.


Hey, let’s see how many shitty songs we can put in T&U’s head today.

Where’s the Eurovision tab on my browser…


“HA! Awesome! Martini?

…nevermind this stuff in it here…”

Yes please. Dirty.




Like all sex in youth, all I cared about was that I WAS HAVING SEX! WITH A GIRL ANOTHER HUMAN!!1!!111

Edited for claims of homophobia.


I saw the suggestion that we should stop treating economists as scientists and start treating them as lawyers. Trained professionals and brilliant, yes, but always with an axe to grind.

You mean treat them like blacksmiths?


I meant that in a non life-affirming way.

Fuck me to death?

Many have tried….


Economics fronts like it’s a science. But it’s the kind of “science”

Even economists agree that it’s science with a small “s”. It’s not unlike psychology, really. It’s hard to quantify data and make conclusions when sometimes “shit happens”.




So I was on the Harlem line RR Sunday, and as we passed Katonah I started thinking:

Oh my little pretty one, pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Katonah…



Sounds like its time for….

The Final Countdown….


Fuck me to death?

Many have tried….

Is that some sort of challenge? Because thank GOD I am not a competitive person.


I wondered why wank futures were going through the roof. I see that someone has tried to corner the market.


Oh my little pretty one, pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Katonah…

I hum that same tune every time I pass the processed meat aisle in the supermarket.

Oooooh, my little pretty one, MY BOLOGNA!


Yglesias is such an ass on economic issues.

It’s always this bullshit about how it just doesn’t matter which economic forces destroy jobs or wages, as long as there’s some spending on social benefits to help people through until such time as imaginary jobs appear.

He’s a complete dick on this.


Oddly, I have to hat tip K Drumsky who pulled that Yggy out of the memory hole.


Because thank GOD I am not a competitive person.

I was just checking.

Lurking Canadian

It’s not unlike psychology, really

Actually, these days I find myself having more respect for psychology. I’m skeptical of psychologists making overarching theoretical claims because I don’t think understanding of human nature is that advanced. However, at least the psychologists run experiments, collect data and analyze it, however fuzzy it might be.

But you can’t run macroeconomic experiments, and even when somebody does (New Deal USA, Pinochet’s Chile, etc) economists seem able to cherry-pick the data however they like to support the claim they wanted to make in the first place.


Are there any ‘capitalist’ economies which practices the principles which such types as Yglesias imagine would be the free market advantages?


I hum that same tune every time I pass the processed meat aisle in the supermarket.

Oooooh, my little pretty one, MY BOLOGNA!

At the beach I sing : MY MELANOMA!


“But maybe what we really need some super-rich charitably inclined businessmen to do is finance some new ventures in these quasi-utility markets like charge cards, cell phones, mortgage origination, etc. based on a “don’t screw the customer over” business model.”

What a complete moron. What an absolute complete echo-chamber of privileged morons we have this fascist quasi-democracy this is crushing us to death. They are fools, complete fools.


Yes please. Dirty.

Oh, that got the wheels turning…woohoo!


Ah yes, I had forgotten about the “I had to support the war because hippies smell bad” defense.

The Frito Pundito

I like his phrase “the capitalist act”. Makes it sound kind of dirty, something you want to keep out of sight. Which may be the point.


He’s a complete dick on this.

Dick on rye with extra mustard.


Oooooh, my little pretty one, MY BOLOGNA!

At the beach I sing : MY MELANOMA!

In the parking lot, it’s MY TOYOTA!


I hum that same tune every time I pass the processed meat aisle in the supermarket.

Oooooh, my little pretty one, MY BOLOGNA!



Dick on rye with extra mustard.

No tongue?


I thought I commented, I guess I didn’t.

“But maybe what we really need some super-rich charitably inclined businessmen to do is finance some new ventures in these quasi-utility markets like charge cards, cell phones, mortgage origination, etc. based on a “don’t screw the customer over” business model.”

What we need is someone to get up in the sky and catch that guy sitting on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, like the one on the cereal box and then after that we can catch the pink ponies made out of marshmallow fluff and then mom will let us watch Bugs Bunny and then we’ll get to have pizza for dinner if we’re good.

God. I have work to do.


Are there any ‘capitalist’ economies which practices the principles which such types as Yglesias imagine would be the free market advantages?

Somalia is pretty lacking in governmental regulations.


At the beach I sing : MY MELANOMA!

By the way, as a cancer sufferer?

MY SARCOMA fits the rhyme scheme better.



Did I say it was original????


Hey, T&U: Do you like Cherry Pie?

I’d rather have the Ch-Ch-Cherry Bombe.


I’d rather have Cherry Cola.


Hey, T&U: Do you like Cherry Pie?

On a much, much better and cherry-bombier note, I just added the Runaways first album to my mix.


On a much, much better and cherry-bombier note, I just added the Runaways first album to my mix.

I’m sure your qualification was Warranted


Actually, these days I find myself having more respect for psychology. I’m skeptical of psychologists making overarching theoretical claims because I don’t think understanding of human nature is that advanced. However, at least the psychologists run experiments, collect data and analyze it, however fuzzy it might be.

I respect psychology among reputable psychologists. I feel sorry for them, actually. We now have “psychologists” analyzing body language and choice of words (from speeches written by ghost writers) of presidents on the TV in order to prove that they’re commie fascists. I hated it when they did it to Bush Jr, and I hate it now. People like Dr. Phil really give psychology a bad name.

To be fair, however, I do think that the science of it is relatively solid. Again, though, it’s hard to even duplicate results when the test subject can choose one thing or another. I think that where the real science comes into play is in devising those tests. That takes some real thinking.


Purely economic regulation of this sort doesn’t have a compelling track record

Apparently, Matty decided to ignore the entirety of American history from FDR to Reagan. Guess they don’t teach that kind of stuff at Harvard.

And let’s remember, folks: Matty was all for the invasion of Iraq, joining all the other liberal hawks who: a.) never had the balls to serve in their war of choice, just like the wingnut chickenhawks; b.) has never apologized for being so stupendously wrong.

I just wish I had a job in which I could write poorly; make numerous typos without ever having to correct them; could ignore my customers (in his case, commenters); and be wrong about/screw up tons of stuff yet not only employed, but treated as someone with credibility and a “rising star.”

It’s Matty’s kind of liberalism that has destroyed actual liberalism in this nation.

Ted the Slacker

But the idea that what we need is for a bunch of people to get together and say that it would be better to ban this and that and the other capitalist act between consenting adults just strikes me as the wrong way of going about things.

Earth to Matt: people already do this. Unfortunately for the last 30-some years, pretty much the only “capitalist act between consenting adults” that people have shown any interest in banning is who shtups who and if anyone paid. And drugs.

It’s not a question of the wrong way of going about things, it’s about what to prioritize, and whether incentives or outright bans are likely to work better. I’m an incentives guy first, but fuck it, I think we all admit incentives don’t always work.


vacuumslayer said,

July 27, 2010 at 19:32

Hey, let’s see how many shitty songs we can put in T&U’s head today.

Europe, The Final Countdown!

As for Matt, he must be communing with Neel from earlier this week. Lot of bad economic posts and op-eds out there since the recession got worse.


Yeah. That worked really well in the Gilded Age, where monopolists and trusts entered into “capitalist acts”* with working people, which resulted in individuals like Andrew Carnegie and masses of people living in tenements, working 12 hours a day, six days a week, including children.

Okay, yeah, sure, but this has nothing to do with how we would prefer to imagine our capitalism to be.


Life is just a fantasy
Can you live this fantasy life

Aldo Nova goddamit! woo! FUck yah.


Europe, The Final Countdown!

I can see how this mean little plan of mine is going to backfire on me in the most heinous way. *slaps forehead*


Just because Venezuela has massively cut the amount of those suffering from ‘extreme poverty’, as recognized by the United Nations Development Program, doesn’t mean it’s the sort of intervention anyone should do.

After all, just because they’re starving now doesn’t mean that someday, probably long after they and their children are dead, such people will be better off.



Too slow with the “Europe” blast.
Now I gotta go with “I wanna be a lifeguard” by Blotto.


Life is just a fantasy
Can you live this fantasy life

omg. The 80’s just came rushing back and smacked me the face.


Guess they don’t teach that kind of stuff at Harvard.

…where Obama got his education. No, I think they tend to ignore that sort of thing there.


omg. The 80?s just came rushing back and smacked me the face.



Aldo Nova goddamit! woo! FUck yah.

It’s too nice a day outside to be sitting here commenting. I should be out o/~ Walking on sunshine, yea yea! o/~


“Do you like Cherry Pie?”

Needs more chainsaw. Jackyll anyone?


Too slow with the “Europe” blast.

Thanks for saving me the throat clear.


omg. The 80?s just came rushing back and smacked me the face.

But it’s okay, because Mommy’s all right, Daddy’s all right, they just seem a little bit weird.


Do they ALWAYS have to come from Long Island????


The 80?s just came rushing back and smacked me the face.

That’s why everyone is working for the weekend … and they’re Shakin’ (snappin’ their fingers!) in the Summer of ’69.

Or something.


Blockquote tag FAILAGE!!


Leave it to actor to hit on one of the top three of my most hated songs of all fucking time…


Here’s the song that always gets stuck in my head. And I blame VS for making me think of it.


But it’s okay, because Mommy’s all right, Daddy’s all right, they just seem a little bit weird.

Shine up my old brown shoes, put on a shirt and tie, get home early from work….


Leave it to actor to hit on one of the top three of my most hated songs of all fucking time…

My Sharona? That wasn’t me.


My Sharona? That wasn’t me.



Or something.

I’m just going to Wang Chung tonight.


Leave it to actor to hit on one of the top three of my most hated songs of all fucking time…

My Sharona? That wasn’t me.

I’m pretty sure it’s the endlessly annoying upbeatness of Walking on Sunshine that she objects to.


I’m pretty sure it’s the endlessly annoying upbeatness of Walking on Sunshine that she objects to.

Aw, I like Katrina and the Waves!

Just not, you know, that song.


Good thing this thread didn’t arise yesterday, on a Manic Monday.


I have the all time worst one.

Takin’ care of business
Every day
Takin’ care of business
And workin’ overtime

That song is proof that there is a Satan and he wants to kill us all.


Manic Monday.

Oh, that lead singer girl…..drooooool.


MY SARCOMA fits the rhyme scheme better.
I was in a hurry, and in a thread filled with wiseasses, I knew there were 10 other people at least whose thoughts were moving in that direction, and I wanted to be first. I apologize to all rhyme schemes that I trampled in my single minded pursuit of lulz.


Plus Walk Like an Egyptian is an AWESOME song. (Not snark, I do love it much).


Oh, that lead singer girl…..drooooool.

We talking ’bout 99 Luft Balloons?


I apologize to all rhyme schemes that I trampled in my single minded pursuit of lulz.

Frankie say “Relax!”


I apologize to all rhyme schemes that I trampled in my single minded pursuit of lulz.

All good. At least it’s not a forced rhyme

You got the peaches I got the cream
Sweet to taste SACHARINE!

Left over from my cover band days. If there was ever a panty dropper song, that was the one.


We talking ’bout 99 Luft Balloons?

That was Nena. This was the Bangles.


Hey, let’s see how many shitty songs we can put in T&U’s head today.

At the beach I sing : MY MELANOMA


That was Nena. This was the Bangles.

I know. I’m discussing droolable lead singers.


We talking ’bout 99 Luft Balloons?

No, that was Nina.

I’m talking about The Bangles. Susanna Hoffs


I have the all time worst one.

I believe science has proven that this is the worst song of all time:


I’m discussing droolable lead singers.

There are only two acceptable answers to that:

Chrissie Hynde and Terri Nunn.


I know. I’m discussing droolable lead singers.

Oh. Well congrats on finding a dumbass to have a conversation with. Yes, Nina was aight.


I’m pretty sure it’s the endlessly annoying upbeatness of Walking on Sunshine that she objects to.

Yes. Although it does remind me of that scene in High Fidelity, which makes me giggle. A little.


I’m discussing droolable lead singers.

There are only two acceptable answers to that:

Chrissie Hynde and Terri Nunn.

PJ Harvey always did it for me.


I believe science has proven that this is the worst song of all time

I believe I hate you.


I believe science has proven that this is the worst song of all time:

Oh, shit–you’re right.

Come to think of it, if some shithead in Dockers and a JC Penney plaid button down uses any song with a Powerpoint, it then becomes a chronic disease of badness.

Let’s be careful with the links. Someone could lose a set of speakers to a gunshot.


I wouldn’t drool over Chrissy Hynde because she could kick my ass. I would doff my hat politely before trying to jump her.




Belinda Carlisle was pretty hot–especially later in her career. The GoGo’s were an awesome band too.


Oh, Belinda Carlisle was gorgeous. Straight-up gorgeous.


Just to tie in the music theme with the financial topic here’s some financial music.


Belinda Carlisle was pretty hot–especially later in her career. The GoGo’s were an awesome band too

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, I had a thing for surf punk…altho I had the hots more for Charlotte Caffey (blonde guitarist) than Belinda Carlisle.


I wouldn’t drool over Chrissy Hynde because she could kick my ass.

You ever listen to their early stuff?

She was totally sub.


She was totally sub.

Bad Boys Get Spanked.


I like his phrase “the capitalist act”. Makes it sound kind of dirty, something you want to keep out of sight.

And have to pay for.


You ever listen to their early stuff?

She was totally sub.

Shit, some of their newer stuff, too.

Xecky Gilchrist

“Fuck” makes everything better. It’s like MSG.

I can’t say I like the idea of “fuck” and “umami” so closely associated.


Bad Boys Get Spanked.

“I shot my mouth off and you showed me what that hole’s for”


Where have all the cowboys gone?

Brokeback Mountain?

Worst song to get excessive radio play in the history of the world is MacArthur Park. At least until Achey Brakey Heart…And Britanny Spears song about how hard and lonely and sad it is to be pretty and rich.

Those neurons responsible for holding those memories are in deep hiding, knowing that I have a power drill waiting for the moment I can locate them.


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, I had a thing for surf punk…altho I had the hots more for Charlotte Caffey (blonde guitarist) than Belinda Carlisle.

At the time, I did too. But Belinda passed her up later–at least IMO.



Oh stop acting like an….

o/~ Uptown Girl, she’s been livin’ in her white bread world….o/~


Ugh. That one hurt, actor.


I like his phrase “the capitalist act”. Makes it sound kind of dirty, something you want to keep out of sight.

And have to pay for.

But craved by “family values” Republicans.


Ugh. That one hurt, actor.

Even if you’re just dancing in the dark?


Even if you’re just dancing in the dark?

Um, that’s a good song.


DAMMIT Mysticdog! I had Achy Breaky buried deep till you came and dug it out again. At least Weird Al gave it all the credit it deserved.


Do they ALWAYS have to come from Long Island????

Man. I never get to work for the right companies.

Oh well. I’m too sexy for my shirt anyway.


Even if you’re just dancing in the dark?

I’m too shy shy to do that.


“I shot my mouth off and you showed me what that hole’s for”

Not from the song I mentioned.

From the song I mentioned:




Oh well. I’m too sexy for my shirt anyway.

Oh lord.


I’m too shy shy to do that.

so are you just dancing with yourself?


From the song I mentioned:

I’m very familiar with their work. The song *I* quoted was Tattooed Love Boys


so are you just dancing with yourself?

At a white wedding.



Damn straight.


I’m very familiar with their work. The song *I* quoted was Tattooed Love Boys

I know. You changed the topic rather than respond, which is what I was pointing out.


I don’t want anybody else
When I think about Jews I touch myself


Um, that’s a good song.

No. No mas. Worst Springsteen song ever.


I don’t want anybody else
When I think about Jews I touch myself

Now THAT was a good song. Not Pammybitch’s version but the original.


You changed the topic rather than respond, which is what I was pointing out.

I was rebutting your gambit.


When I think about Jews I touch myself


There’s a bathroom on the right.


No. No mas. Worst Springsteen song ever.

I disagree, but it may be nostalgia talking.


Changing the topic is not a rebuttal. Whatever.


Now THAT was a good song. Not Pammybitch’s version but the original.

Great song. Fun to sing. Was just singin’ along with it in the car the other day.


Oh well. I’m too sexy for my shirt anyway.

If I’m loaded in a karaoke bar, I shred this song. It makes me laugh despite the utter humiliation of knowing that I remember it exists and that I was stupid enough to select it.


I was rebutting your gambit.

I see your gambit, and raise you a “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”


I disagree, but it may be nostalgia talking.

Listen to that one and then listen to Cover Me. I heard Cover Me on the radio the other day and I forgot what a fucking masterpiece that one is.


I see your gambit, and raise you a “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”

I can never hear that song and not think of this.

Which actually makes more sense than the original.


Eat it, (eat it)
Eat it, (eat it)
Get yourself an egg and beat it.


Listen to that one and then listen to Cover Me. I heard Cover Me on the radio the other day and I forgot what a fucking masterpiece that one is.

Oh, that’s definitely a far superior song. But I love that entire record for nostalgic reasons.


I can never hear that song and not think of this.

That’s kind of one of my favorite things ever.


I can’t say I like the idea of “fuck” and “umami” so closely associated.

My head just exploded, too many conflicting naughty responses possible.

Also: makes me think of this


“Eat it, (eat it)
Eat it, (eat it)
Get yourself an egg and beat it.”

I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.


Oh, that’s definitely a far superior song. But I love that entire record for nostalgic reasons.

I do too. I really love Born in the USA–I began to blindly (well, not exactly blindly) hate Repukes when I heard that song blaring at their convention. Fucking idiot scumbag motherfuckers.


I think I’m turning Japanese

I really think so


I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.

Prayin’ for the end of time
Prayin’ for the end of time

I still love Meatloaf. The band. Well and the dinner entree. entre? fucking whatever.


I still love Meatloaf.

When “Won’t Do That” came out (that was Bat3, right?), I realized he’s lived off the same four notes and same bass line for thirty years. I wrote him off my list at that point.


I think I’m turning Japanese

Second best tribute to jack.

First best:

When I’m a-walkin’ I strut my stuff, man I’m so strung out.
I’m high as a kite, I just might stop to check you out.
Let me go wild, like a Blister in the Sun
Let me go wild, big hands that know you’re the one

(used to sing that one in the band too–great song)


That’s kind of one of my favorite things ever.

It was, literally, the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on the Innertubes.


I do too. I really love Born in the USA–I began to blindly (well, not exactly blindly) hate Repukes when I heard that song blaring at their convention.

And completely missing the point of the song…you think they might be out of touch? It cannot be!


I think I’m turning Japanese

Second best tribute to jack.

What’s wrong with She Bop?


When “Won’t Do That” came out (that was Bat3, right?), I realized he’s lived off the same four notes and same bass line for thirty years. I wrote him off my list at that point.

As long as AC/DC exists, this accusation is meaningless against any other band.

Musician perspective: Who gives a shit? It works.


I really love Born in the USA–I began to blindly (well, not exactly blindly) hate Repukes when I heard that song blaring at their convention.

I do, too. It’s not the best Springsteen album, I think, but it always thinks of my little brother, who freaking LOVED THAT RECORD. I also remember asking my mom what “Downbound Train” was about, and when she told me, I started crying. I was a weird kid.


Every thread ends up being a pop music thread.


What’s wrong with She Bop?

Female version–and likely the firstest best in that category. I touch myself is a very close second.


It was, literally, the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on the Innertubes.

Yeah, I’m having a hard time coming up with anything funnier.

Musician perspective: Who gives a shit? It works.

Fucking musician perspective, how does it work?


As long as AC/DC exists, this accusation is meaningless against any other band.

Point taken. I concede.


I think it sounds better when you capitalize the title nouns n verbs though, no?


Fucking musician perspective, how does it work?

Take off your shirt and bra and I’ll show you.


Female version–and likely the firstest best in that category. I touch myself is a very close second.

Dancing with Myself is in the running for second. Can’t dispute She Bop as #1.


Take off your shirt and bra and I’ll show you.

Ohhhh, no, I’m not falling for that.

Again. For the thirteenth time since high school.


I also remember asking my mom what “Downbound Train” was about, and when she told me, I started crying. I was a weird kid.

He did that mood so well. I’m on Fire was a great one like that, though not a song about loss like this one. I don’t know why you’d think you were weird for connecting with sadness. There is much in this world that makes us want to cry. Oh shit…


Every thread ends up being a pop music thread.

I’m pretty it’s my fault. Can’t do anything about it now. I’ve released the Kraken.


Ohhhh, no, I’m not falling for that.


Say, could you help a fellow American who’s down on his luck?



Man, I have retardfingers today.


Dancing with Myself is in the running for second.

Dammit! I can’t believe I forgot that one–especially considering that Billy Idol was THE GUY I wanted to be when I grew up. I worshiped him–from GenX all the way through.

Good point.


I don’t know why you’d think you were weird for connecting with sadness.

My Hometown and You’re Missing get me every time.

Hell, the entire Rising album can do that if I’m drunk enough.


He did that mood so well. I’m on Fire was a great one like that, though not a song about loss like this one. I don’t know why you’d think you were weird for connecting with sadness. There is much in this world that makes us want to cry. Oh shit…

*sniff* Yeah, I’m On Fire is great, too.

I don’t know. I think most five-year-olds would be like, “Wev. Let’s listen to my Rainbow Brite tape.”


I’m pretty it’s my fault.

Freudian much?


I’m pretty it’s my fault.


Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.


I’ve released the Kraken.

Damned good name for a song about having fun alone.


Every thread ends up being a pop music thread.

If I could swing the piano, we could talk about the Clean Coal Trio.


I don’t know. I think most five-year-olds would be like, “Wev. Let’s listen to my Rainbow Brite tape.”

Take a look around at most of the people your age. They likely wouldn’t be aware of a fork jammed in their temple, let alone what’s going on in the world. You weren’t a normal kid. It’s a curse and a blessing.


Damned good name for a song about having fun alone.

No kidding! I immediately wanted to make a joke about tsam’s penis.


If I could swing the piano, we could talk about the Clean Coal Trio.

If we could swing the heartache, we could talk about Bauhaus. (The band, not the furniture collection from Ikea)


I’ve released the Kraken.

Damned good name for a song about having fun alone.

I went out for the night, but no one was there.
I stopped by a house, and brought the crack in
I may be alone, but I won’t care
I’ve released…the Kraken.



tsam said,

July 27, 2010 at 20:59

I’m pretty it’s my fault.

Freudian much?

actor212 said,

July 27, 2010 at 20:59

I’m pretty it’s my fault.


Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

Just retardfingers, I swear!


No kidding! I immediately wanted to make a joke about tsam’s penis.

That’s no laughing matter, missy.


If I could swing the piano, we could talk about the Clean Coal Trio.

If we could swing the heartache, we could talk about Bauhaus.

If we could swing the rigging, we could spin the ladies.


Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

Just retardfingers, I swear!

It’s cool. When you’re hot, you’re hot.


I think most five-year-olds would be like, “Wev. Let’s listen to my Rainbow Brite tape.”

My four-year-old listens mainly to They Might Be Giants. I highly recommend their kids’ CD/DVD combos to any parents.


That’s no laughing matter, missy.

Hey, I think referring to your penis as a Kraken is pretty freakin’ complimentary. 😀


If we could swing the rigging, we could spin the ladies.

Basket JOBS!

**high five only without touching cuz, well, you know.**


That’s no laughing matter, missy.

Comedy is not pretty.


That’s no laughing matter, missy.

Why does everyone point and laugh, then?


Comedy is not pretty.

Neither is my penis.


Why does everyone point and laugh, then?

I don’t know. It’s like there’s always a clown right behind me or something.


My four-year-old listens mainly to They Might Be Giants. I highly recommend their kids’ CD/DVD combos to any parents.

Yes. Much better than the crap I have to listen to at the library.


Hey, I think referring to your penis as a Kraken is pretty freakin’ complimentary. 😀

Isn’t the Kraken scary and mean and eats people and stuff? My peepee doesn’t do that. It’s actually very friendly, especially when you pet it.


Much better than the crap I have to listen to at the library.

I love you
You love me
Will you touch
My purple peepee


“Minimum wage laws interfere with the invisible and benevolent hand of the free market.”

You say that as if it’s a bad thing.


Kraken = Duck Penis.


There is a song so vile, so HIDEOUS, that until just a moment ago, I had repressed the memory of it, in order to avoid having my intestines leap out of my ass and slither up to my throat to strangle me.

It is SO hideous and SO vile that I wrote a letter to a local DJ and threatened to organize a boycott of her biggest advertiser if she ever dared play it again.

Needless to say, she played it the next night after reading my note on the air.

The name of that song….I’m not sure I want to ruin everyone’s century…The name of that hideous vile creation of Cthulhu is…

Toy Soldiers


I believe science has proven that this is the worst song of all time:

Sadly, no.


My peepee doesn’t do that. It’s actually very friendly, especially when you pet it.

I heard it spits goo


WP eated my comment. Anyway, I love the idea of wee ones listening to TMBG.

My peepee doesn’t do that. It’s actually very friendly, especially when you pet it.

I heard that if you pet it enough, it spits up on you. Yes, I went there.


Need I bother?


The new Katy Perry song makes me want to put a crowbar in her skull. Also, “I Kissed a Girl.” A couple of her songs, I actually don’t mind. But those two she should probably get murdered for.


I am blissfully in my indie rock bubble and never listen to the radio. Unless it’s NPR.

Yes, I still hate myself.


I am blissfully in my indie rock bubble and never listen to the radio. Unless it’s NPR

*examining nails*

You know, the Spin Doctors were once an indie band….


Children of the sun

Don’t make me go all Gary Wright on your ass…


You know, the Spin Doctors were once an indie band….

I didn’t say it was foolproof.


You know, the Spin Doctors were once an indie band….

And Satan was once an angel.


And Satan was once an angel.

True story: The Spin Doctors used to play regular weekly gigs down in Greenwich Village, so me and a few buddies would see them from time to time. Great bar band, decent party sound, could keep the crowd drinking and occasionally dancing.

The first album gets released, and of course, we run out and buy the CD. First listen thru, we all looked at each other and said “Damn, these are the same songs they’ve been doing for ten years,” and realized pfft, that was the career done and gone.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, that lead singer girl…..drooooool.

Walk With an Erection


actor212 said,

July 27, 2010 at 20:54 (kill)

Point taken. I concede.

I call fake actor.


Needless to say, she played it the next night after reading my note on the air.

How did it get delivered so fast? Did you attach it to a rock and throw it through the radio station window? (That song is audio vandalism I must admit.)


Children of the sun

Awesome song. I like to listen to it here in my car.


How did it get delivered so fast?


Marion in Savannah

Worst song to get excessive radio play in the history of the world is MacArthur Park. At least until Achey Brakey Heart…

Achey Breaky Heart sucked in the high 90s, but I’ll see that suckiness and raise you one Macarena.


The Spin Doctors were on Sesame Street circa 1994. Fond memory of watching with my son as Telly joined them in “Two Princes.”


Ah. I’m dating myself by equating “writing a letter” with snail mail.


Ah. I’m dating myself

I’m not familiar with that wanking song.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, I had a thing for surf punk…altho I had the hots more for Charlotte Caffey (blonde guitarist) than Belinda Carlisle.



Reminds me of… uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Jane Wiedlin.


I’m dating myself by equating “writing a letter” with snail mail.

It’s not just you. I haven’t gotten used to this internet-thing lingo either. So I type this letter on this “computing box” and it prints it to paper and sends it along a pneumatic tube to my recipient. Something like that.


Reminds me of… uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Jane Wiedlin.

Cock-blocked by Websense. 🙁


I’m not familiar with that wanking song.

Why, that would be this song.


I win.


You know it’s time to go when when the jukebox starts Strokin!


You know it’s time to go when when the jukebox starts Strokin!

Three words:




Oregon Beer Snob

Are we only doing (heh) hot ’70s/’80s singers, ’cause I thought Shirley Manson was (and still is) hot, but Garbage was big in the ’90s…

And I have no idea why, but that made me think of this song by The Cardigans, which may or may not get as firmly stuck in your head as it does in mine. Nina Persson is hot. Also. Too.


and realized pfft, that was the career done and gone.

Hence what is known in the industry as the “sophomore curse.” The second record is either an attempt to write and record a whole new album’s worth of material in a year or so, while touring, when the first effort was a distillation of a decade’s work; or a bunch of crap that couldn’t make it past A&R for the first record.

Sometimes, a band has plenty of great material, even in the beginning. See: The Police.
Sometimes, A&R was happy just to get the one hit on the one record.

Lurking Canadian

Achey Breaky Heart sucked in the high 90s, but I’ll see that suckiness and raise you one Macarena.

The worst song ever recorded is More Than Words by Those Guys With Long Hair. That song is simply a crime against humanity. It’s a toss up whether the tune or the lyrics is worse, but I will set either against your “worst song” and win.

But those two she should probably get murdered for.

For some reason, I though this was really funny. Probably because you said “murdered” instead of “killed”. Murder is a funny word. Apparently.


And I have no idea why, but that made me think of this song by The Cardigans

Swedes are preternaturally gorgeous, so we sort of retired that trophy to them, and are discussing second place.


The second record is either an attempt to write and record a whole new album’s worth of material in a year or so, while touring, when the first effort was a distillation of a decade’s work

Prescisely. There are a half dozen bands I can think of that this applies to, including Blues Traveller, Spin Doctors, and Katrina and the Waves. All had decent local careers at some point, and at some point, some A&R guy caught their act and figured that like most bands, they were one-offs who could make him a fast buck and perhaps a second album.

And now they’re stuck: they’re too big to book their old stomping grounds, but too dead to book a bigger venue.

Commander Coriander Salamander

Since this thread has devolved into one about music, I have a musical hypothesis that I’ve been working on for a while. I feel that bands are only good on their way up. Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.


Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.

Yea, the Beatles really did nothing interesting after 1965.


I feel that bands are only good on their way up. Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.

I can’t disagree with this much in general. I think what makes a great band last a long time (as justme points out, like The Police) is having really talented songwriters and musicians.

I’ll add a corollary: you know a band has hit its peak the moment it announces a “greatest hits” album.


Are we only doing (heh) hot ’70s/’80s singers, ’cause I thought Shirley Manson was (and still is) hot, but Garbage was big in the ’90s…

One of my all time favorite bands (Version 2.0-fave album), and yeah, she’s very attractive in a dirty/scary sort of way.


“Swedes are preternaturally gorgeous, so we sort of retired that trophy to them, and are discussing second place.”

Oh yeah. Their lead singer was a doll.


Matt’s been blowing up E$’s iPhone ever since this post went up all crying like a little buster about how the internet is being mean to him. Now I gotta get my digits changed again which is the 2nd time this month because Meggerz wouldn’t quit calling after we hooked up a few times. Wouldn’t be so bad but Chuckles Rose has a hard time memorizing my new digits every time I have to change them and E$ hates to deprive his ProgGirl Pussy Posse of the chance to see his face on PBS.


Ah, economics – the dismal science.

Since the 1980s, deregulation has left small investors to fend for themselves in THE WILD WILD WEST. It’s been shown that you can get relatively reliable economic forecasts with a dartboard & save a small fortune on broker’s fees, because IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER. Yglesias’ hand-wringing over the ramifications of regulating “economic acts” between “consenting adults” fails to take into account the abysmal tendency of high-finance to turn into organized crime, after all, BLACK CARS LOOK BETTER IN THE SHADE. Worst of all, his contrarian idiocy on subjects like Iraq serve only to discourage progressives to the point that, when it comes to a rational approach to policy, I THINK WE’RE ALONE NOW.

PS – referencing Escape Club, Platinum Blonde, Gino Vanelli & Tiffany respectively, for any of you young gits who didn’t get it. I wanted to include a reference to The Most Evil & Loathsome Thing That Mankind Has Ever Wrought (“The Rose” by Bette Midler) but immediately smelled sulphur & experienced chest-pains as my fingers began to touch the keys … many would call me a brave man, but even I know better than to awaken anything that utterly fucking vile from the pit of firy slime in which it slumbers.


“new digits every time I have to change them and E$ hates to deprive his ProgGirl Pussy Posse of the chance to see his face on PBS.”



Since this thread has devolved into one about music, I have a musical hypothesis that I’ve been working on for a while. I feel that bands are only good on their way up. Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.

I’ve struggled with this for a long time. In many cases this is true, but as Mataclypse pointed out, The Beatles started getting good after they hit the top. Too many factors–cultural context, the music scene at the time, the demands of a band’s fan base, all of that influences where they go. Some of it depends on what you like. Led Zeppelin went from nearly formulaic blues (stealing it from black people), to some very progressive and goddamned awesome music (In My Time of Dying). If you’re talking about the vast majority of bands, however, their best stuff is from early on. I will always love Pearl Jam’s first album more than any other, but that has more to do with me then it does with them. Green Day, American Idiot–cannot and will not be topped, and they’ve been around forever. Metallica–everything beyond Master of Puppets, not that great. It’s confusing, and I don’t think any specific rule applies fairly.


The Most Evil & Loathsome Thing That Mankind Has Ever Wrought (“The Rose” by Bette Midler)

I fully expected “Wind Beneath My Wings”.



This is going into a poem, if you don’t mind.


Oh. Never mind. I just figured out what you were doing there. You’re the fuckin’ bomb, jim. This is brilliant.


If I ever got famous, my spoofer had better be as good as E$’s. That’s all I gotta say. I’ll start working on my moral ambiguity and pandering now.



I have very fond memories of listening to and singing along to TMBG’s kids’ CDs with my son but a few months back he told me they were too babyish for him which broke my heart. Now all of a sudden he’s requesting that I download music for him that I can’t believe he likes. It sucks when they develop minds of their own.


The Beatles started getting good after they hit the top. Too many factors–cultural context, the music scene at the time, the demands of a band’s fan base, all of that influences where they go.

The Beatles were that enormous that they could drag the entire music business into new directions (they were not pioneers of much of the new sound, but they were pretty close to cutting edge).

I’d argue that the Beatles were always good, but that their evolution coincided neatly with the evolution of western culture, almost in lockstep, and that as that generation (including my own) matured, and our tastes matured, so did they and theirs.

I mean, really, while they did a lot of covers on their first three albums, “I Want To Hold Your Hand” or “Seventeen” hold up as well as many of their later more artistic music.


The Beatles started getting good after they hit the top.

Free time’s a big deal. The Beatles quit touring early and could afford to fuck around in a studio forever. Plus they were awfully talented. Working bands getting screwed by a record company often don’t have the time to relax and make a good record out of record #2.


these quasi-utility markets like charge cards, cell phones, mortgage origination, etc. based on a “don’t screw the customer over” business model.

The “Screw the customer over” business model for quasi-utility markets is a natural outcome of an economy with high income inequality:

If, for example, potential business class customers will pay a large price differential only if economy class seats are uncomfortable while economy class customers are more sensitive to price than comfort, airlines may have substantial incentives to purposely make economy seating uncomfortable. In the example of coffee, a restaurant may gain more economic profit by making poor quality regular coffee—more profit is gained from up-selling to premium customers than is lost from customers who refuse to purchase inexpensive but poor quality coffee.

So rather than rely on philanthropist billionaires willing to accept the opportunity costs and follow a non-customer-screwing business model, perhaps it would be faster to REDUCE THE FECKIN’ INCOME INEQUALITY.

Crap ear-worm music? “A good heart is hard to find”. DO NOT visit karaoke bars during a cardiology conference.



Hey ladies, speaking of liberal pundits going off the deep end, Ta-Nehisi Coates questions affirmative action for white women because they’re just going to marry white men anyway.


I fully expected “Wind Beneath My Wings”.

Or “Evergreen.”

‘Scuse me, must go purge now.


Having recently revisited the Beatles’ catalog (why yes, I *do* have the box set), I can tell you that they were pretty raw for their first few records. They (as mentioned for Zeppelin above) stole shamelessly from American Blues and Soul…and weren’t nearly as good as the originals.

What they did was take that early songwriting talent, add an incredible musical development over a couple of years and then top it off with a delicious drizzle of taste and class.

They really were pretty unique.


The worst song ever is “Muskrat Love”. I want to punch myself in the face for having just checked to make sure that it’s as hideous as I remembered it to be.


What they did was take that early songwriting talent, add an incredible musical development over a couple of years and then top it off with a delicious drizzle of taste and class.

I was listening to some of their later albums (why, yes, I do have the collection, only I did it the honest way, buying every fucking CD I could get my hands on!) and hadn’t realized how old songs like “One After 909” actually were.

Altho it’s on the Let It Be sessions, it was written by Paul as one of the Quarrymen in the late 50s. One can only imagine the evolution that song took after Paul dusted off the original version’s arrangements and ran them thru the band.

Carribbean Walrus

“muskrat love” was written/first performed by one-album wonder Willis Alan Ramsey. He would play guitar and sing and to keep the beat, sideways kick the microphone stand. Don’t know whatever happened to him. Other songs included “Spider John” and “Northeast Texas Women”. Shit on the seventies, mon.

The Tragically Flip

Sorry I’m late to the party but I finally get what all the Yglesias hatred I’ve seen here and there over the years is about.

He has his moments of decency, like when he goes after Marc Theissen over torture (really quite awesome at times), but god damn does he deserve the lambasting you’ve all given him in the top 1/3 of this thread.

Even with him limiting this to “purely economic” transactions he’s still wrong. We’ve already exposed a crapton of shady credit card tricks these scumbags use to prey on the public, particularly the poor. Just today you have ex-Republican John Cole noting the outrage that credit cards function as a program to have the poor subsidize cards for the rich, and Matt thinks it would be oh so gauche to regulate it.

I won’t look it up, but the trick that one credit card company had where they made their bills look like junk mail so people would throw them out and be late was similarly despicable. Then there’s the ones that wait to mail the bill and set the deadline for payment so a cheque mailed the day the bill arrives might not even make it on time.

The Tragically Flip

Also, too, don’t forget Duncan Black (Atrios) in the list of decent (ivy league) economists. Yglesias was complaining over twitter the other day that Atrios writes too much about the failed HAMP thing. I’m now prepared to add this fact to the evidence that Atrios is on the right track and needs to get more shrill about it.

Matt is probably worried someone will bring up cramdown again and silly liberal bankruptcy judges might interfere with the perfect markets by making banks take moderate hair cuts on houses so people can still live in them and make the damn payments.


I love pop music night at Sadly, No!


Bless you, Stryx. I had that entire album arc in my head as folks were talking about sophomore albums, etc etc. I shall not babble on about how most every paper I ever wrote in college involved the first album (sniff… import version) being played again and again and again.

Are you taking over?
Or are you taking orders?
Are you goin’ backwards?
Or are are you goin’ forwards?

Fuck you, Yglesias. Like Barack, you’re accepting Reaganism as normal. To the barricades against Zombie Reagan! 32% APR IS NOT NORMAL, YOU FUCKERS!!

80’s song I was remembering today:

John Wayne Was a Nazi

That’s because some film nerd was on the NP&R discussing “The Searchers” today.

Also, speaking of “MacArthur Park”, the songwriter who wrote that and many other giant hits was on Fresh Air the other day and it was durned fascinating. And yes, Richard Harris was drunk, and yes, he always sang it as “MacArthur’s Park”, and yes, you pretty much have to be stoned to think the song means a goddamned thing.

Now, back to the fried cinders of the wreckage of The Clash, what about “Cut the Crap”? HOW ‘BOUT THEM CINDERS? Alas, that’s the only Clash I saw live, Joe, Paul, and some new kids, no Mick.


Oh, and Yglesias? The secret woid is PREDATORY.

I don’t expect the duck to be falling for you any time soon, at this rate.


Now, back to the fried cinders of the wreckage of The Clash, what about “Cut the Crap”? HOW ‘BOUT THEM CINDERS? Alas, that’s the only Clash I saw live, Joe, Paul, and some new kids, no Mick.

To quote @Discographies: “The Clash: 1 thesis; 2 antithesis; 3 synthesis; 4 elephantiasis; 5 arteriosclerosis; 6 paralysis.”


Worst song to get excessive radio play in the history of the world is MacArthur Park.”

Nope–that would be “American Pie.” Blech.


“Hence what is known in the industry as the “sophomore curse.” The second record is either an attempt to write and record a whole new album’s worth of material in a year or so, while touring, when the first effort was a distillation of a decade’s work; or a bunch of crap that couldn’t make it past A&R for the first record.”

Change some of the details, and this describes any number of one-shot “NYT #1” bestselling authors as well…


“The Clash: 1 thesis; 2 antithesis; 3 synthesis; 4 elephantiasis; 5 arteriosclerosis; 6 paralysis.”

He forgets:

7. Big Audio Dynamite (which actually had a couple of decent tunes)


Also, speaking of “MacArthur Park”, the songwriter who wrote that and many other giant hits was on Fresh Air the other day and it was durned fascinating. And yes, Richard Harris was drunk, and yes, he always sang it as “MacArthur’s Park”, and yes, you pretty much have to be stoned to think the song means a goddamned thing.

“MacArthur Park” is good for one thing and one thing only: falsetto men trying to hit that last note that Harris manages after a really fucking bender.

That was an endless source of amusement in my college days. We made the pledges sing it en masse and when they failed on the last few notes (and they always did), we doused them with beer.


I feel that bands are only good on their way up. Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.

There’s probably a lot of factors here. Once you’re big enough to go out on tour you might learn that life on the road can make bitter enemies out of the best of friends. Also, if your first album is a big hit you now have the record company wanting you to put out the same album over again rather than risk doing anything more creative. My favorite story on this effect resulted in this song. The Turtles just had a big hit with Happy Together and had the songs for their second album all planned. The record executives said “no,no, we need another Happy Together”. So the band sat down and wrote a self-parody of thier big hit and presented it to the record company as a joke – the execs were crazy for it and put it on the album and even though it has since been voted as the worst lyrics ever, it did become a fairly big hit.


That Flo and Eddie…


Walking on sunshine, yea yea!

I always felt bad for Katrina & The Waves. There they were a few years ago, all poised to do a triumphant reunion tour, and then…well, you know…


I feel that bands are only good on their way up. Once they find any kind of commercial success they cease to create good music.

If that’s the formula, the way things are going I’ll be making good music for the rest of my life! Hooray! (I think)


I always felt bad for Katrina & The Waves. There they were a few years ago, all poised to do a triumphant reunion tour, and then…well, you know…

That tsunami sure did a number.


That tsunami sure did a number.

Oh duh! Wrong catastrophe.


Now, back to the fried cinders of the wreckage of The Clash, what about “Cut the Crap”? HOW ‘BOUT THEM CINDERS? Alas, that’s the only Clash I saw live, Joe, Paul, and some new kids, no Mick.

There’s a great bit of footage in the Joe Strummer documentary, “The Future Is Unwritten”, where the Clash Mk. II are being interviewed in a van, and Joe is snarling and defensive, trying so hard to show what an authentic punk he is, while the new guys look earnest and don’t say much and Paul just stares at his feet and refuses to even look at the camera. It’s incredibly uncomfortable to watch.


Matt is at it again:

Won’t someone think of the profits of monopolies?


Ok, Yglesias occasionally says some stupid shit, but he’s really not that bad. Especially compared to the kind of “thinkers” normally highlighted here.


Boy, looking at Big Media Matt gobbling that pizza is making me hungry like the wolf!


Fat, ugly, slovenly, cheap, four-eyed, neo-liberal chickenhawk. Horndogs of the blogosphere – that’s your ydiot boy!


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