Chuck E.’s In Love

“Who ate all the ham?”

Eerie Von Erickson,1 RedState:
Chuck Efstration: A Personal Favor

  • My endorsement is a rare thing for friends to get that run for office, but my friend Blarf Defenestruction is a candidate worthy of RedState.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

* Title cf.

1 Cf.


Comments: 424


Eh? Chuck Defenestration? He’s got my vote!


It’s “a personal favor?” Then the answer is “fuck off, fat boy.”

Ted the Slacker

Alternative longer shorter:

I’m a political whore, but occasionally I give a free hummer. Only to people I would normally whore, though, in case you lot think I’m some sort of unprincipled whore. So let this free hummer be judged on its merits.


How come he don’t come, with the Tea Party with me yelling at the clouds no more?
How come he turn on the teevee and tune to lie-beral CNN when we know they just want to destroy (America)?
We call and we call “How come?” we say, what could make a boy behave this way?
He learn all of the lines, and every time he don’t stutter when he talk
And it’s true! It’s true! For a Red Stater that’s such a rare thing so don’t balk.
Where’s his jacket and his old blue jeans? If this ain’t healthy is it some kinda clean?

Chuck E’s in love x3

Chuck E’s in love with the little girl who’s sing this song,
Chuck E’s in love with Eric E.

The Tragically Flip

Chuck’s a pretty standard issue wingnut as far as I can see.

ELIMINATE WASTEFUL SPENDING- I will FIGHT to cut spending and NEVER support earmarks or any bill that contains earmarks.

•Gridlock is strangling the economic development of metro Atlanta. We must ensure the tax dollars we send to Washington are spent in our communities to better our quality of life.


* – please reserve some federal dollars for more roads in Atlanta pls k thx, totally different from earmarks because SHUT UP


Gridlock is strangling the economic development of metro Atlanta.

But…but…libertarian theory says that people will choose what they want and capitalists will spring up like mushrooms to service their needs. (Ew. I just squicked myself.) Oh wait, no transportation system anywhere can be run for a profit if it has to pay for all costs? Then GIMME GIMME GIMME!


From the comments:

If Redstate was a bunch of milquetoast lolligagging mealymouths it wouldn’t be very effective.

Heh. Indeed.

Alliteration fail, also.


a bunch of milquetoast lolligagging mealymouths

Candy, breakfast, and horse slash fic?


I love that “Blarf on Golf” guy!


“Not that I intended to, but I have become known as the guy who keeps our side in line.”

Erick Erickson, kingmaker of the conservative movement. Just ask him.


What I want to know is this: Why is Red State supporting Islamofascisterrorism by running a banner ad for Daily Events that features a chick wearing a keffiyeh? Have we learned nothing from Rachel Ray and Dunkin’ Donuts?


Why is Red State supporting Islamofascisterrorism by running a banner ad for Daily Events that features a chick wearing a keffiyeh?

Just a keffiyeh? There’s a way to get more click-throughs.


Why look, the Internet is in need of repair!

One of the toughest things about my job ^sad semblance of a life that it is very hard to make and keep friends in the political arena.

My work here is done. Up, up and away!


Teh Pride of CNN.

(Cheney News Network)


Gridlock is strangling the economic development of metro Atlanta.

Nobody goes there any more because it’s too crowded.

guitarist manqué

When I hear Macon called the ‘heart of Georgia’ I always think they’ve got the wrong organ.


E son of E looks like a young Baron Harkonnen…


When I hear Macon called the ‘heart of Georgia’ I always think they’ve got the wrong organ.



One of the toughest things about my job is that it is very hard to make and keep friends in the political arena….
Most of my friends running for office don’t rise to the level of a RedState caliber candidate.

I’m shocked that he can’t keep friends that meet his stratospheric standards.


Lolligagging? Do there pedophiliac phantasies know no bounds?


Oh, Gavin. Does your knowledge of all things punk and post-punk know no bounds?


know no bounds?

Well, that’s weird.


Uh, I meant “they’re”.


Well, that’s weird.

I blame your mom and the things she does with her no-no bonds.


I blame your mom and the things she does with her no-no bonds.

Well, your mom uses Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder!

That’s right, I said it.


spleen, I think


I can’t believe that we’re making fun of a guy named Chuck Efstration by calling him Chuck E.

Efstration – n. the state of being cock-blocked.


Media Matters claims it’s hard to take Nordlinger seriously. I’m pretty sure Boehlert’s being tongue-in-cheek, here.

Also, too, projection FTW!

The Tragically Flip

Evidently Erick still thinks that if you link to the same site repeatedly, search engines will like it better.


Erk needs a sammich.


“Not that I intended to, but I have become known as the guy who keeps our side in line.”

Feel the wrath of the Red-Faced Trike Force!


The Tragically Flip

The leader of the premier right wing blog makes a personal front page entreaty to his minions to support a conservative candidate and gets 4 comments from 3 people.

Oh he’s a kingmaker all right. Didn’t Redstate used to make a lot of noise about Kos supporting a bunch of primary candidates in 2004 who lost? Kos can post a picture of himself reading microwave instructions under the title “Don’t read this boring post” and get more interest from his readers.


Most of my friends running for office don’t rise to the level of a RedState caliber candidate.

I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane. Does that earn me the title of RedState caliber candidate?


Well, your mom uses Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder!

Whoa–now that’s below the belt, missy.


I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane. Does that earn me the title of RedState caliber candidate?

If you’re anti-choice and have nice legs, it means you should be fuckin’ president.


I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane. Does that earn me the title of RedState caliber candidate?

No. But you get your own tricycle and cape.


Feel the wrath of the Red-Faced Trike Force!

all us fat bastards yell at computer! you will be sorry you tired to think about stuff asshole!


<i.Whoa–now that’s below the belt, missy.

Yes, that’s where she uses it…


Goddamn motherfucking fucking tags always ruining shit.


If you’re anti-choice and have nice legs, it means you should be fuckin’ president.

Really? I got nice legs! Being a male, it’s easy for me to shoot my mouth off about womens’ bodies. I’m so running.

No. But you get your own tricycle and cape.

(Screams like a girl) YES!


Yes, that’s where she uses it…

And she follows with a kick to the groin…Somebody needs to switch to decaf.


Somebody needs to switch to decaf.


You know, you’re the second person in about a week who has said that to me.


(Screams like a girl) YES!

But there are further tests of Red-Facedness before you get your mask, goggles and special handlebar bell.


My stump speech outline:

1) Scare the holy hell out of everyone by saying Obama is just like that movie guy with the knives for fingers who kills you when you sleep–I think his name was Hitler or Stalin.

2) Promise to cut all taxes to zero (for white people) and promise to never spend a penny of tax dollars that aren’t being collected and go to war with Iran.

3) Bemoan the immorality of our society with the gays and the rap music and kids wearing their pants too low and that shady kid that standing on my lawn. Also those kids down the street who are too loud when they play kickball on my part of the street. Getting rid of these people is freedom.

4) Did I mention that Obama is a demon who wants to rape your butt?

5) Show ’em your teef. Count em–9. Promise to make it through a 2 year congressional term with at least 7 of those.

6) Reid and Pelosi, those speaker people, are also demons.

7) Health care is theft. If a nig if someone else gets it, I must be the one paying for it and I don’t want my mom in front of a death panel. Let nature take its course for the poor. Thats freedom.

That oughta just about do it. Thoughts?


motherfucking fucking

If people stopped fucking motherfuckers, they might calm down and stop the mother fucking.


You know, you’re the second person in about a week who has said that to me.

We’re totally not conspiring against you. Don’t let that thought in your head.


“That oughta just about do it. Thoughts?”

You left out the part about rape and incest being God’s will.


If people stopped fucking motherfuckers, they might calm down and stop the mother fucking.

I’m sick of these motherfucking fuckers on my motherfucking plane!

We’re totally not conspiring against you. Don’t let that thought in your head.

Gee, thanks.


Don’t let that thought in your head.

Yeah, really, when we talk about you we barely ever bring up the fact you are over-caffeinated. I mean it almost never comes up.


Most of my friends running for office don’t rise to the level of a RedState caliber candidate

It is a wonder that he can’t get any comments on his blog. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hang out with E “I wouldn’t let most of my friends lick my sweaty sack” E?

But this guy! Ball-licker extraordinaire!


Needs more fire and brimstone……..and cowbell.


Yeah, really, when we talk about you we barely ever bring up the fact you are over-caffeinated. I mean it almost never comes up.

Why are you guys so mean to me? You know I like pot because it makes me *less* paranoid, right?


You left out the part about rape and incest being God’s will.

Ah yes–noted. Thank you.


How many mothers would a motherfuck fuck if a motherfucker could fuck mothers?

Rusty Shackleford

I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane.

How can you be sure that’s what it says?


I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane.

How can you be sure that’s what it says?

How can you be sure that was your doctor?


My stump speech outline:

1) Scare the holy hell out of everyone by saying Obama is just like that movie guy with the knives for fingers who kills you when you sleep–I think his name was Hitler or Stalin.

2) Promise to cut all taxes to zero (for white people) and promise to never spend a penny of tax dollars that aren’t being collected and go to war with Iran.

3) Bemoan the immorality of our society with the gays and the rap music and kids wearing their pants too low and that shady kid that standing on my lawn. Also those kids down the street who are too loud when they play kickball on my part of the street. Getting rid of these people is freedom.

4) Did I mention that Obama is a demon who wants to rape your butt?

5) Show ‘em your teef. Count em–9. Promise to make it through a 2 year congressional term with at least 7 of those.

6) Reid and Pelosi, those speaker people, are also demons.

7) Health care is theft. If a nig if someone else gets it, I must be the one paying for it and I don’t want my mom in front of a death panel. Let nature take its course for the poor. Thats freedom.

That oughta just about do it. Thoughts?

I’m still thinking about nice legs. I confess that’s one feature I really appreciate on a man. Holy crap, I AM a red state voter!


Holy crap, I AM a red state voter!

Or an every-four-years-during-the-world-cup soccer fan.


I’m still thinking about nice legs. I confess that’s one feature I really appreciate on a man. Holy crap, I AM a red state voter!

Or a soccer fan.


mmmmm…….. lolligagging


iHow many mothers would a motherfuck fuck if a motherfucker could fuck mothers?





tsam will consent to a physical with anyone with a white coat and a gumball machine stethoscope. You would not believe all the free feels I’ve gotten with that get-up.


tag fail. I blame democrats.


Or an every-four-years-during-the-world-cup soccer fan.

I haven’t been watching too much soccer, but don’t think that went unnoticed by yours truly.


Bemoan the immorality of our society with the gays and the rap music and kids wearing their pants too low and that shady kid that standing on my lawn.

3)a)(corollary): Simultaneously deregulate the airwaves and free them of all obligations so that the diffusion of said culture of gays and rap music and kids wearing their pants too low and standing on your lawn are can proceed apace.

Also dude, “gays” is not the preferred nomenclature. “Proponents of an alternate lifestyle,” please.


I think I actually need *more* coffee this morning.



I prefer “sumbastard.”


tag fail. I blame democrats.

You get a cape and tricycle AND the mask, goggles and special handlebar bell.


I think I actually need *more* coffee this morning.

Senior year in college, breakfast was Jolt cola. Once you got used to the heart palpitations, it works great.


Senior year in college, breakfast was Jolt cola. Once you got used to the heart palpitations, it works great.

I often have a 20 ounce coffee first thing in the morning, but I just had a short double espresso this morning. NEED MOAR.

I’ll probably go get a Diet Coke in a little bit. Don’t judge.


I’ll probably go get a Diet Coke in a little bit. Don’t judge.

Can’t. I’m becoming an iced-coffee addict.


“Not that I intended to, but I have become known as the guy who keeps our side in line.”

Erk sez- “Roll up, roll up for the Magical Misery Tour; it’s waiting to take you away…take you away!”


tsam, you could get the “Pants on the Ground” guy to warm up the crowd for you.


Can’t. I’m becoming an iced-coffee addict.

At least that’s made with, like, real stuff. We make our coffee with this thing, which I am told makes excellent iced coffee, as well.

The Goddamn Batman Hasn't Endorsed A Candidate Since Harvey Dent; Now He Just... Flips A Coin

The Ham-Faced Boy:

Chuck’s a young guy. The establishment has aligned against him in favor of the Republican who they feel has paid his dues and kissed the right rings.

Buck Frustration:

Every day, I have the wonderful opportunity to serve the people of Gwinnett County as both an assistant district attorney and chairman of the Gwinnett County Republican Party.

Uh, yeah, he’s a rebel who’s really stickin’ it to the Man.


excellent iced coffee

That’s an oxymoron.


That’s an oxymoron.

I’d have to respectfully disagree. Have you ever had cold pressed coffee? Deeee-fucking-licious. And very caffeinated.


You get a cape and tricycle AND the mask, goggles and special handlebar bell.
I was hoping for a couple wetsuits and a box of dildos.


I’d have to respectfully disagree.

I’ll agree to that. Cold coffee in any form sucks.

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

E son of E looks like a young Baron Harkonnen…

You are fortunate that you were not on Giedi Prime when you made that slanderous remark.

Sure our bloodline consists of murderers and psychopaths, We do have some standards, though.


I was hoping for a couple wetsuits and a box of dildos.

That’s the next level. Much harder. After that, candidate endorsement. Ya gotta go through all the steps, tho.


I’ll agree to that. Cold coffee in any form sucks.

Cold press is super-smooth and not bitter, but still retains the basic flavor of the coffee. It’s also expensive as shit, though.


Chuck E. Festration: The ill-conceived branching out of the Chuck E Cheese franchise into neurotoxins.


tsam will consent to a physical with anyone with a white coat and a gumball machine stethoscope. You would not believe all the free feels I’ve gotten with that get-up.

Shit, you don’t even need the costume to get a feel offa me. Leather and a riding crop, however, gets my undivided attention and submission for as long as you can handle it.


“Not that I intended to, but I have become known as the guy who keeps our side in line.”
Protip: When you have to inform people how great you are, you aren’t.


Cold is the operative fail word for me, T&U. Couldn’t get me near that shit cold.


Protip: When you have to inform people how great you are, you aren’t.

Or as Vince Lombardi put it to a player celebrating in the end zone after a touchdown: act like you’ve been there before.


Leather and a riding crop, however, gets my undivided attention and submission for as long as you can handle it.

Tsam, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a bottom.


Protip: When you have to inform people how great you are, you aren’t.



I’ll agree to that. Cold coffee in any form sucks.

I don’t like it either. I drink something like an Americano when I pay too much for coffee. I tried that iced once. YUCK.





I don’t like it either. I drink something like an Americano when I pay too much for coffee. I tried that iced once. YUCK.

That’s because hot espresso gets fucking disgusting when you put it over ice.


I’d think you were a bottom.

Switch hitter, actually. TYVM.


Switch hitter, actually. TYVM.

You’re bi?!


Cold coffee in any form sucks.

You will take my coffee ice cream when you pry it from my cold, living fingers.


You will take my coffee ice cream when you pry it from my cold, living fingers.

You’re a zombie?!



You can have as much ice cold coffee as you wish, won’t bother me at all and I won’t stop you. Ya know, some people like tripe…who am I to stop them?


You’re a zombie?!

Polar bear.


So what if you filter the cold coffee thru Baron Harkonnen’s double wetsuit with built-in dildo after he’s let Irk Irksome run a marathon in it?


Polar bear.

Dude, sorry about your, like, habitat and shit.


I have a doctor’s note saying I’m clinically insane.

How can you be sure that’s what it says?

How can you be sure that was your doctor?

Well, I wasn’t sure when he said he was there to inspect my pipes, but I have to admit he was very thorough.


You can have as much ice cold coffee as you wish, won’t bother me at all and I won’t stop you.

Th-th-thanks. I th-th-think I’ll have another. It’s hot and I’m thrirst-t-ty.

Sh-sh-sh-akes? Wha-wha-wha-t sh-sh-sh-akes?


So what if you filter the cold coffee thru Baron Harkonnen’s double wetsuit with built-in dildo after he’s let Irk Irksome run a marathon in it?

Is it hot?


Well, I wasn’t sure when he said he was there to inspect my pipes, but I have to admit he was very thorough.

A graduate of Actor212 Medical College And Drama School, I see.


So what if you filter the cold coffee thru Baron Harkonnen’s double wetsuit with built-in dildo after he’s let Irk Irksome run a marathon in it?

Um, you will never be capable of digesting food ever again?


Is it hot?

We’re talking Irky here. So no.


So what if you filter the cold coffee thru Baron Harkonnen’s double wetsuit with built-in dildo after he’s let Irk Irksome run a marathon in it?

You light everything on fire and stand upwind.



Is it hot?

For some reason, the idea of it being hot is doubly repulsive to me.


“Ya know, some people like tripe…who am I to stop them?”

Menudo…………its whats for breakfast.


Dude, sorry about your, like, habitat and shit.

I randomly maul people in revenge for the habitat. The shit is no one’s fault, really.


I randomly maul people in revenge for the habitat. The shit is no one’s fault, really.

Remind me story Two Shits Mountain Range got name. Laxative accident with grizzly.


I randomly maul people in revenge for the habitat.

Between hunting fish and posing for Coca Cola, I’m surprised you have the time.


Menudo…………its whats for breakfast.

Menudo’s less tripe than young cock.

What? I meant the rooster!


Between hunting fish and posing for Coca Cola, I’m surprised you have the time.

Once I convinced Coke to pay me in product, two problems were solved and I leave the fish alone.


You’re bi?!

No. Just goofing around–at least as far as you know.


Once I convinced Coke to pay me in product, two problems were solved and I leave the fish alone

Ironically, then, your own methane is causing the destruction of your habitat.


No. Just goofing around–at least as far as you know.

Well, now I’m sad.


“Leather and a riding crop, however, gets my undivided attention and submission for as long as you can handle it.”

Ok.::but white coat nothin’ else and high heels is prolly more my style.

Ok. Last gratuitous flirt o’ the day.


Ironically, then, your own methane is causing the destruction of your habitat.

True, but ti’s still easier to just maul humans.


but white coat nothin’ else and high heels is prolly more my style.

Interest! Wesite, newsletter, pager #.


Caffeine is a crutch!


Website. Sheesh. I wasn’t excited at all.


Ok. Last gratuitous flirt o’ the day.


Damn job and its damned “month end reporting cycle”…


Ok. Last gratuitous flirt o’ the day.

After that ya gotta pay for it.


That oughta just about do it. Thoughts?

Late getting here (as usual–it’s the whole west coast thing), but:

We are a Christian nation AND us Christians are persecuted horribly. (So you can all go to Hell…except Cave 12.)


We are a Christian nation AND us Christians are persecuted horribly.

Perfectly logical if one posits christians persecuting christians.


Looking again at the picture of Erk, he reminds me of a seal begging for food at Fisherman’s Wharf.

N__B, please maul.




N__B, please maul.

Speaking as someone who has had his head inside a walrus’s guts, I find that a little on the icky side. But for you, I’ll try.


Thank you.


Aww…I love it when we work together! *sniff*


That’s what you get for working, actor.


Perfectly logical if one posits christians persecuting christians.

Except on National Brotherhood Week.


That’s what you get for working, actor.

SOMEbody’s gotta keep the polar bears in line…


Well, now I’m sad.

Why? Were you formulating some sort of plan?


Why? Were you formulating some sort of plan?

*backing out door slowly*


Ok.::but white coat nothin’ else and high heels is prolly more my style.

Mental picture is WORKING.

Ok. Last gratuitous flirt o’ the day.



*backing out door slowly*

Where the hell do you think you’re going? This could work out for you too.


SOMEbody’s gotta keep the polar bears in line…

I think Irk has already declared himself the arbiter of keeping shit in line. So tell your boss I said you could have the rest of the day off.


Hey I gotta leave you wanting more. 😉


Where the hell do you think you’re going? This could work out for you too.

Well, maybe, but uhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have an appointment. Yea. That’s the ticket!


Yeah! Earache’s got it covered!


I think Irk has already declared himself the arbiter of keeping shit in line. So tell your boss I said you could have the rest of the day off.

We tried that. Pissed the polar bears off. They started doubling down on the Coke.


someone who has had his head inside a walrus’s guts


Maybe, that’s what they’re calling it now?

I know! Lollygagging necromancer11!1!


Why? Were you formulating some sort of plan?

Do etchings count?



Unveiled maul-and-dinner scenario.


Does this make anyone else want to go home and open a vein? Or is that just me?


Not really. I find it mildly amusing.


Not really. I find it mildly amusing.

Maybe I’ve spent too much time around children’s librarians, who are, like, offended that I haven’t read Twilight, much of Harry Potter, or the Percy Jackson series.


“Does this make anyone else want to go home and open a vein? Or is that just me?”

The confirmation hearing of Elena Kagan is proving what Elena Kagan said confirmation hearings have become.


(PSSST…here’s a little secret: I hate Harry Potter).


Yeah. You couldn’t pay me to read Twilight. I heard it’s thinly-veiled chastity propaganda.


I hate Harry Potter.

But he worked on the Avengers. And I live the Avengers.


I heard it’s thinly-veiled chastity propaganda.

Oh, it is. It. IS.

I mean, the female character is, like, devoured by her own vampire fetus.


I love it, too.


I mean, the female character is, like, devoured by her own vampire fetus.

This is probably as good a time as any to mention that a little __B is expected in October. And your description sounds a lot like what’s going on in my house right now.


And I live the Avengers.

You just blew your cover, dude.


This is probably as good a time as any to mention that a little __B is expected in October. And your description sounds a lot like what’s going on in my house right now.

YAY! Congratulations!

Yeah, I don’t want to incubate one of those little fuckers. I don’t do well with nausea or general discomfort.


I mean, the female character is, like, devoured by her own vampire fetus.

Good Mormon girls don’t mind being devoured by their fetuses. A woman’s job is to be a vehicle for other human beings. They don’t have minds, wishes and dreams of their own.


This is probably as good a time as any to mention that a little __B is expected in October.

*packing suitcase*


Does this make anyone else want to go home and open a vein? Or is that just me?

It’s a thinly disguised anti-Semitic dig at Kagan. Everyone knows that Jews would side with the bloodsuckers.

At least, that’s what Pat Robertson tells me…


Good Mormon girls don’t mind being devoured by their fetuses. A woman’s job is to be a vehicle for other human beings. They don’t have minds, wishes and dreams of their own.

I just don’t know why this chick can’t get a normal human being to be her boyfriend.


I don’t want to incubate one of those little fuckers. I don’t do well with nausea or general discomfort.

Mrs. __B is a little miniature person. Or to put it another way, by October the vampire fetus and attendant temporary machinery is going to be about 1/6 of her weight.

Pupienus Maximus

Cold press coffee is absurdly easy to make at home. Cold press coffee is not necessarily served cold. Fucking heathens – dissing shit you know muffin ’bout.

Don’t MAKE come over there and cut your fingers off.


*packing suitcase*

Well, that was a Diet Coke spit take.


I just don’t know why this chick can’t get a normal human being to be her boyfriend.

It’s cuz she’s played by Kristen Stewart. And if anyone should have been cast to play the undead…


Mrs. __B is a little miniature person. Or to put it another way, by October the vampire fetus and attendant temporary machinery is going to be about 1/6 of her weight.

That’s the sweetest statement from an expecting father I’ve ever seen!

Pupienus Maximus

Harry who?


Cold press coffee is not necessarily served cold.

Yeah, but I didn’t want to confuse them too much.


That’s the sweetest statement from an expecting father I’ve ever seen!

You want sweet, I’ve been using her temporary enlargement as a place to store my popcorn bowl during movies.


You want sweet, I’ve been using her temporary enlargement as a place to store my popcorn bowl during movies.

*snort* Are you still putting your beer on her head? Woman must have the patience of a saint.


You want sweet, I’ve been using her temporary enlargement as a place to store my popcorn bowl during movies.

When she gets further along, you can use it to cast bike helmets, too.


Are you still putting your beer on her head?

Of course not. Who wants hair in their beer?

Woman must have the patience of a saint.



Congratulations, Mr. __B, to you and the missus. Don’t let these other fuckers scare you, kids are a bunch of fun. Especially if you roll ’em up into a ball and wrap ’em in plastic…they’re great for soccer, kickball or as a chew toy for the dog. Or have I said too much?

Speaking of babies, and probably not new to many of you, but I found this hilarious.


Don’t let these other fuckers scare you, kids are a bunch of fun.

Trained properly, a parent never has to do another day of housework in his life.

Not sure about the wife, tho.


I suppose now would be a bad time to link to my new favorite tumblr blog?



What? Trust me, at the very least, she probably *thinks* she does.


And don’t forget the great eatin’!


This is probably as good a time as any to mention that a little __B is expected in October. And your description sounds a lot like what’s going on in my house right now.

Wonderful. Just put a lock on the beer cooler. Just sayin’.


Trust me, at the very least, she probably *thinks* she does.

Yes, she does. And I say the elephant is more like a tree.


And don’t forget the great eatin’!

You have to be careful how you cook them, tho. The low fat content and generally small size make timing it difficult.

I find filleting them and then dropping the meat into lemon juice, like in a cerviche, followed by a quick breading and a dip into boiling oil.


Pop the head off and squeeze them from the bottom, like italian ices.


Yes, she does. And I say the elephant is more like a tree.

Mr. T&U thinks I’m impatient. I’m not. I just want what I want when I want it.


Damn, as a baby-eating feminazi, I still find that gross.


I suppose now would be a bad time to link to my new favorite tumblr blog?

Since we’re pointing out goodies, this has kept me entertained for weeks now. For starters, I have learned stuff like ‘SOCMOB’ and ‘some guy’.

SOCMOB=’Standing on a corner minding my own business’ This is usually how the story begins when told to an ER physician.

‘some guy’=in that story, “some guy” always has an important role in bringing about the situation that sends the patient to the ER.

Stuff up the butt? Check.
Things that you cannot imagine happening but do, multiple times? Check.

Worth a visit.


I find filleting them…

Trust Actor to cry “Line? What line?” as he leaps across it.


…and then N__B to top it.


Worth a visit.

I love reading that site. The ER attending who comments on there a lot cracks me up.


…and then N__B to top it.

With a white wine reduction sauce?


…and then N__B to top it.

I am not Actor’s bottom.


…and then N__B to top it.

With a white wine reduction sauce?

…and a lime-mango chutney.


I am not Actor’s bottom.

Huh. He says you’re his bitch all the time.

Let’s you and him fight.


Methinks that there’s a lot of salad tossing going on around here.


Congrats to the __B’s. I’ve been told that this isn’t a proper time to be wondering aloud about pipe stress and modulus of elasticity, no matter how fascinating the opportunity may seem.


I see that this thread has run its course. Let me know if anyone wants to hear about my Sid Caesar-Imogene Coca skit day yesterday. And I know the reference is alien to the young whippersnappers here (except actor212 and DKW’s mom), but there hasn’t been anything like it on TV since “Your Show of Shows, except maybe Lucy and Ricky. And no, I’m really not that old (58!). I know of these things from reruns and retrospectives.

Alternatively, I could tell you about how I have the smartest cat in the world.


Alternatively, I could tell you about how I have the smartest cat in the world.

Owner: Cat, who was the glorious leader of the Peoples Republic of China?
*yanks cat’s tail*
Cat: Mao!

h/t Fabulous Furry Freak Bros.


’ve been told that this isn’t a proper time to be wondering aloud about pipe stress and modulus of elasticity

Fluid mechanics. I want to get drunk but no one will drink me.


h/t Fabulous Furry Freak Bros.

Phineas, Franklin, and Fat Freddie – now those were role models!

Fat Freddie Scat, also.


Fluid mechanics.

I want to know how they get the wrench on.


Fluid mechanics.

Some of the grease monkeys are really smooth.

But SRSLY, what’s the Reynolds number of water breaking? Boundary conditions for momentum transfer at those surfaces (albeit usually in non-pregnant state) occupies my thoughts all of the time.


Owner: Dog, what goes on top of the house?
Dog: Roof.

Owner: Dog, is sandpaper smooth or rough?
Dog: Rough.

Owner: Dog, who was the greatest baseball player of all time?
Dog: Ruth.

Observer walks away dismissively.
Dog turns to camera and asks “Maybe I should have said DiMaggio?”


Fat Freddie Scat, also.
The issue where the mouse gets into Freddie’s stash is a fav:

“I have hands. Why aren’t I running this ship?”

Pupienus Maximus

OT QOTD: David Boies, on the Prop 8 trial. (Boies, along with Ted Olsen, are counsel for plaintiffs) Boies masterfully shredded each of the three witnesses, especially the “star” witness whose testimony will probably be dismissed entirely.

Q: Were you at all disappointed that George Rekers, the anti-gay-marriage “expert” who was recently caught with a male escort from, wasn’t a defense witness?

A: I would have enjoyed cross-examining him. Let me put it that way.



“Who left this little fur coat with razor blades here?”


Not that I intended to, but I have become known as the guy who keeps our side in line.

O RLY? Well then, let’s look at the results. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory on healthcare reform, Birchers at CPAC, batshit-insane candidates like Sharron Angle, public tongue-baths for BP & trips to lesbian S&M bars on the party dime … wow, heckuva job, Erky!

white coat nothin’ else and high heels is prolly more my style

Throw in glasses & a clipboard & you’ve got me. [ /nerdophile ]

Does this make anyone else want to go home and open a vein? Or is that just me?

Yes – with a RotoTiller … but not mine.

Team Edward versus Team Jacob?

The solution is obvious: flamethrowers at 20 5 paces … at twilight!


Pupienus Maximus said,

You may be amused by the rhetorical stylings of Eugene Delgaudio.


Wow, long hair and earrings? I honestly can’t imagine a stereotypical gay man liking that. Do these people have a completely different idea of what being gay is? Like, it’s not gay if you have sex with random other men in bathrooms, as long as you have a Gil Thorp-style haircut? Does the obvious gayface not count if they’re butch and pretend they don’t like it up ’em?


I am not Actor’s bottom.

God knows the Preparation H didn’t work on you.


Fluid mechanics.

Fapping For Dummies.

Pupienus Maximus

Delgaudio is precious. Thank god I can’t hear him. (from the Latin, del – delete, and audio – I hear; “I can’t hear you”)


One stormy night I drove to a mailshop hidden deep in a nearly deserted stand of warehouses. I’d heard something was up and wanted to see for myself. As I rounded the final turn my eyes nearly popped. Tractor-trailers pulled up to loading docks, cars and vans everywhere and long-haired, earring-pierced men scurrying around running forklifts, inserters and huge printing presses. Trembling with worry I went inside. It was worse than I ever imagined. Row after row of boxes bulging with pro-homosexual petitions lined the walls, stacked to the ceiling. My mind reeled as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already loaded on the tractor-trailers. And still more petitions were flying off the press. Suddenly a dark-haired man screeched, “Delgaudio what are you doing here?” Dozens of men began moving toward me. I’d been recognized. As I retreated to my car, the man chortled, “This time Delgaudio we can’t lose.”

Then, just as I was about to reach the driver’s side door, I twisted my ankle.

Pupienus Maximus

Dear Q Magazine,

I never thought it could happen to me. Then one stromy night, I drove to a maleshop…


Then, just as I was about to reach the driver’s side door, I twisted my ankle.

Really bad out of tune violins began to play one screeching note as I fumbled for the door handle. Too late, I realized I had locked my keys inside.

The gays came. The stumbled. They shambled. Some even crept along the ground. All of them drooling, drooling, drooling, groping for my feet.

I pulled myself using the doorhandle, and snapped off the car antenna. They’d never take me alive!


What the hell is a “mailshop”?

Row after row of boxes bulging with pro-homosexual petitions

I think “bulging” is an interesting choice of words here, don’t you?


I think “bulging” is an interesting choice of words here, don’t you?

You’d prefer “throbbing”?


You’d prefer “throbbing”?

Well, now, that’s just pathetically obvious instead of a little Freudian.

Pupienus Maximus

T&U, it’s the subtext. You know what subtext is? It’s what’s left when you take out 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th letters. In that vein, allow me to extrract the subtext:

maileshop … deep in … something was up … popped. loading docks… men … inserters and huge … presses. … inside. boxes bulging … stacked … loaded …dark-haired man… men began moving toward me….


What the hell is a “mailshop”?

Where you get your chain-link armor repaired.


Why were they groping for your feet? I know I am sometimes euphemistically challenged, but, um, feet?


See, I was thinking that maybe he was a little gay himself, but he has short hair and unpierced ears.


That Delgaudio is fantastic, but for an alternative to huffing a lotta paint, you should read the whole thing.


Well, now, that’s just pathetically obvious honest instead of a little Freudian.


Row after row of boxes bulging with pro-homosexual petitions lined the walls, stacked to the ceiling. My mind reeled as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already loaded on the tractor-trailers.

B+. Good but could be better:

“Row on row of boxes bulging with petitions they wanted to cram down our throats. I swallowed as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already being packed into the rear of the thrumming tractor-trailers…”


Incidentally, the American Morality Survey he babbles on and on about.


He has also appeared on Fox News,[3] opposing the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers, suggesting Ann Coulter instead.

HAHAHA! Super Genius. I don’t want an unqualified lackey, I want an unqualified, loud-mouthed fucking snatch instead!


Why were they groping for your feet?

I dunno, ask Delgaudio.


Row after row of boxes bulging with pro-homosexual petitions plant-like alien pods lined the walls, stacked to the ceiling. Then Donald Sutherland pointed and screamed.


I swallowed as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already being packed into the rear of the thrumming tractor-trailers…”


Here’s A+:

I swallowed as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already being packed into the rear of the thrumming trembling tractor-trailers…”


loud-mouthed fucking snatch

This might be the only time you’ll ever see the words “snatch” and “Ann Coulter” in the same thought.


Whale Chowder, where you been, dude? Don’t try the whole “working” excuse–I know you’re a liberal and get millions of dollars from real hard working Americans.


This might be the only time you’ll ever see the words “snatch” and “Ann Coulter” in the same thought.

At least in a form other than a deliberately offensive epithet.


if gay rights advance, “You’ll see men hand-in-hand skipping down to adoption centers to ‘pick out’ a little boy for themselves.

I’m not ashamed to say that I would totally kick the living shit out of motherfucker who said something like this to my face.


Throw in glasses & a clipboard & you’ve got me. [ /nerdophile ]

Safety glasses and clear acrylic…

You may be amused by the rhetorical stylings of Eugene Delgaudio.

Holy crap, Subs, I thought that was a joke when you posted it at your place.


Homosexual activists mock me in the halls of Congress

I don’t think this “mocking” means what you think it does.


I don’t think this “mocking” means what you think it does.

Why do all these Radical Homosexuals keep mocking my suck?


Holy crap, Subs, I thought that was a joke when you posted it at your place.



Safety glasses and clear acrylic…

And nothing else


Safety glasses and clear acrylic…

Say, you were my date in Key West last Friday?


Why do all these Radical Homosexuals keep mocking my suck?

It’s only because they want you. I feel your pain, dude. I can’t go anywhere without being attacked by teh gays trying to get at my butthole.


I can’t go anywhere without being attacked by teh gays trying to get at my butthole.

So you’re Eugene Delgaudio?


please note that the baby-eating ideas are coming from the commenters who proclaim to be breathers, but are generally the most zombie-oppressive.

In fact, I see a certain resemblance to Republicans who are the most ardent anti-gay bigots….

You will take my coffee ice cream when you pry it from my cold, living fingers.

You’re a zombie?!

protesting too much, etc.

But hey! Congrats to Ned and fambly anyway!! Good to see SOMEONE still holds out hope for the future of the species.


This was Eugene’s latest email:

What do you see? Cindy and Meghan McCain. Mother and daughter. Stalwarts of the Republican Party. Wife and daughter of Senator and past Republican presidential nominee, John McCain. Duct tape? Elephant?


I would totally do Meghan.


Wait, there was a study where PENIS tumescence was measured while watching hawt ghey and lesbo pr0ns? Why wasn’t I told?


I think “bulging” is an interesting choice of words here, don’t you?

I’m interested in hearing more about his encounter with mail inserters. Did he also go to the docks for an encounter with seamen?

Actually, as hokey as all the “long hair, pierced ears” jazz was, the “Delgaudio what are you doing here?” was the capper, like they all have posters of him on their walls that they abuse themselves to until they’re sore.


For SCIENCE, of course.


Men in both groups were aroused by about the same degree by the video depicting heterosexual sexual behavior and by the video showing two women engaged in sexual behavior. The only significant difference in degree of arousal between the two groups occurred when they viewed the video depicting male homosexual sex: ‘The homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference to the male homosexual video, but the control [nonhomophobic] men did not.’

What’s the old Ron White bit about every man being gay?

I said “We’re all gay, buddy. It’s just to what degree are you gay.”

And he goes, “That’s bullshit, man. I ain’t gay at all.”

And I go “Yeah, you are. And I can prove it.”

He goes “Fine. Prove it.”

I go, “All right. Do you like porn?”

He says “Yeah, I love porn. You know that.”

I said, “Oh, and do you only watch scenes with two women?”

And he goes, “No, I’ll watch a man and a woman makin’ love.”

And I say “Oh, and do you like the guy to have a flabby, half-flaccid penis?”

And he goes “No, I like big, hard, throbbing cock…” [he trails off] “I did not know that about myself.”


if gay rights advance, “You’ll see men hand-in-hand skipping down to adoption centers to ‘pick out’ a little boy for themselves.

I’m not ashamed to say that I would totally kick the living shit out of motherfucker who said something like this to my face.

Yeah, me too. I notice they always go straight from gay rights to things like bestiality and child molestation. Sadly, I think it’s still more projection. They project what they know.


please note that the baby-eating ideas are coming from the commenters who proclaim to be breathers, but are generally the most zombie-oppressive.

I am not oppressing zombies. In fact, I admire and love my breath-challenged brethren.


Congrats to Ned and fambly anyway!! Good to see SOMEONE still holds out hope for the future of the species.

Need more polar-bear/human hybrids.


I would totally do Meghan.

Especially with duct tape.


It’s only because they want you. I feel your pain, dude. I can’t go anywhere without being attacked by teh gays trying to get at my butthole.

Why do all these guys keep sucking my cock?!!!!!!!!!!!

guitarist manqué

Throw in glasses & a clipboard & you’ve got me. [ /nerdophile ]

Safety glasses and clear acrylic…

OK now you’ve got me too. Also.


Safety glasses and clear acrylic…

And nothing else

Unsafe lab attire.

Say, you were my date in Key West last Friday?

Not last Friday, no.


Not last Friday, no.

Damn. Cuz I have this cold sore now…


Throw in glasses & a clipboard & you’ve got me. [ /nerdophile ]

Well, I don’t know how the clipboard will help, but whatever makes your manroot tumescent.


… like they all have posters of him on their walls that they abuse themselves to until they’re sore.

To be fair, d00d is so hideous that it’d be hard to forget him no matter how much you drank. Plus with all the stalking and driving around peering into gay mail insertions at the first word that “something is up” – well it’s no wonder they recognized him.


Good to see SOMEONE still holds out hope for the future of the species.

Yeah, but WHICH species?

Whale Chowder, where you been, dude?

Living rich off that sweet sweet Soros moolah Workin’ my ass off, man. Well, that and fantasizing about what motorsickle I might get. My time is, in fact, limited and bike fantasies briefly crowded out the snark. Revoke my librul card if you must.


I notice they always go straight from gay rights to things like bestiality and child molestation. Sadly, I think it’s still more projection. They project what they know.

No kidding, those assholes are probably wiping the corners of their mouths and shifting their stiffies whenever they say shit like that. NOBODY immediately thinks of sex with kids or animals except for pedophiles or zoophiles.


Cuz I have this cold sore now…

Try warming the bandaid before you put it on…


No kidding, those assholes are probably wiping the corners of their mouths and shifting their stiffies whenever they say shit like that. NOBODY immediately thinks of sex with kids or animals except for pedophiles or zoophiles.

Disgusting thought, but, like I said, sadly I think it’s true.


NOBODY immediately thinks of sex with kids or animals except for pedophiles or zoophiles.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, SIMBA!



To be fair, d00d is so hideous that it’d be hard to forget him no matter how much you drank.

My brain is apparently protecting itself with selective memory deletion, so every time I see him I’m surprised at how homely he is. Bless his heart.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“Ya know, some people like tripe…who am I to stop them?”

Menudo…………its whats for breakfast.

Especially when you’re hung over.

Pupienus Maximus

Well, that and fantasizing about what motorsickle I might get.

I dun tole ya, go for the GSF.


Say, you were my date in Key West last Friday?

Dewey? Is that you?


Dewey? Is that you?

Never heard of the guy….

(dude! I told it, it’s Rodrigo!)


Wow, lots of gems on that site.

Windex, Hairspray, Acetone, Ajax are not as delicious as they sound.

Truer words were never spoken.

Pupienus Maximus

My brain is apparently protecting itself with selective memory deletion, so every time I see him I’m surprised at how homely he is. Bless his heart.

Wait – are you talking about Delgaudio or actor?


Wait – are you talking about Delgaudio or actor?

I can totally understand how someone might mix us up.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is probably as good a time as any to mention that a little __B is expected in October

Congratulations! Give my regards to the missus.


…occupies my thoughts all of the time.

Just to clarify, I meant those surfaces in general and not Mrs. __B’s surfaces in specific. Unless we’re talking about N__B’s mom.



That’s one reason why the secret science club has been problematic.


That’s one reason why the secret science club has been problematic.

Oh please! I got it right the first time. What did you need, an instruction manual????


‘The homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference to the male homosexual video, but the control [nonhomophobic] men did not.’

Well, that’s straight from the no shit files.

And I think shows that the more you try and suppress thoughts you have, the more they’re going to, um, pop up when you don’t want them to.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s one reason why the secret science club has been problematic.

Yeah, can’t be drinking with a wee one inside.


Well, I don’t know how the clipboard will help, but whatever makes your manroot tumescent

Clearly you’ve never heard the exhilerating smack sound a clipboard makes on a bare ass. The pinchy thingy can be very useful as well, provided you have an imagination and a bit of depravity.

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, can’t be drinking with a wee one inside.

Odd, I’m usually drinking when that happens.



Workin’ my ass off, man. Well, that and fantasizing about what motorsickle I might get. My time is, in fact, limited and bike fantasies briefly crowded out the snark. Revoke my librul card if you must.

Just saying we missed you, that’s all. You can keep the card.


Clearly you’ve never heard the exhilerating smack sound a clipboard makes on a bare ass. The pinchy thingy can be very useful as well, provided you have an imagination and a bit of depravity.

*taking notes*

Just when I believed I had thought of all office supply-related perversities…


You’d be amazed what you can do with just a phone cord and a scanner.


Oh, and binder clips, of course.


Oh, and binder clips, of course.

In a pinch, they make great nipple clamps.


Did I kill the thread?

The front desk guy and the courier have been talking about X-Men for at least ten minutes now.


You’d be amazed what you can do with just a phone cord and a scanner.

Needs further explanation.


In a pinch, they make great nipple clamps.

I was trying to be demure.


The front desk guy and the courier have been talking about X-Men for at least ten minutes now.

HA! Today I saw a sticker in the back window of a car–it resembled one of those college stickers that goes across the top of the rear window glass:

“Jedi Council Member”

I shit you not.


…imagination and a bit of depravity.

I do believe I’m getting the vapors.


Needs further explanation.

You’re going to have use your imagination.

And, really, I was kind of lying about the scanner. Unless you like, um, smashing things.


I was trying to be demure.

Difficult, when typing with one hand.


Unless you like, um, smashing things

No, but digital imaging of …stuff… would be way cool.


“Jedi Council Member”

I shit you not.

Ha! Mr. T&U told me this morning that there was a dude in the coffee shop who had a t-shirt that read “I’d Rather Be Matchmoving.” That was pretty awesomely nerdy.


The front desk guy and the courier have been talking about X-Men for at least ten minutes now.

Comic books or movies? Books = geeks. Movies = guys talking about Rebecca Romijn in nothing but body paint and feathers.


Comic books or movies? Books = geeks. Movies = guys talking about Rebecca Romijn in nothing but body paint and feathers.

Both. Including the difference between the books and the movies.

I ain’t judging, because Front Desk Guy and I had about the same conversation a month or so ago…


And, really, I was kind of lying about the scanner.

Glass surfaces are usually pretty cold, and then the light shoots past so intense that you can feel the change in temperature. uh… or so I’m told.


Hey thanks for the link in!



Big Bad Bald Bastard

The front desk guy and the courier have been talking about X-Men for at least ten minutes now.


HA! Today I saw a sticker in the back window of a car–it resembled one of those college stickers that goes across the top of the rear window glass:

Reminds me of this.


I was trying to be demure.

And I was deghost. You know, De Ghost and Mrs Demure?


No, but digital imaging of …stuff… would be way cool.

Sharight, like YOU’VE never done it on the platen of a Xerox machine!


Poor Patrick in Detroit. So horny for hits he linked back to the wrong thread…


Reminds me of this.

Fuck. I would totally have that on my car. I hate myself.

<i.And I was deghost. You know, De Ghost and Mrs Demure?

Sorry, I don’t watch movies I have to read.




ELIMINATE WASTEFUL SPENDING- I will FIGHT to cut spending and NEVER support earmarks or any bill that contains earmarks.

•Gridlock is strangling the economic development of metro Atlanta. We must ensure the tax dollars we send to Washington are spent in our communities to better our quality of life.


* – please reserve some federal dollars for more roads in Atlanta pls k thx, totally different from earmarks because SHUT UP

OMG, this is too funny for words. I want to meet some friends from Atlanta, but refuse to ride the Hound or rent a felching car to get there, so we’re going to meet in Savannah. I can get there on Amtrak.

There should be a long-distance route from Chicago to Louisville to Atlanta to JAX, but there isn’t. Go South.

Savannah’s more fun than Hotlanta anyway, unless you’re into rich chicks in nightclubs or really want Louis Farrakhan’s autograph or don’t want to go through life without being mugged in the daytime at least once.

PS: Atlanta… gridlock…b/c they built only roads… the gridlock… now they’ll cure with more roads… the gridlock…hahahahahahah, pikers


Oh wait, no transportation system anywhere can be run for a profit if it has to pay for all costs? Then GIMME GIMME GIMME!

Well, the NEC was doing okay using tax breaks and government bonds to build RR and toll roads, but then Eisenhower came up with that free Autobahn deal and that was the end of that shit.

Transportation is one of those classic problems in economics that libertardians can’t seem to grasp even the basics of. Not that we’d expect them to.

Of course, these are the same galoots who thought that deregulating utilities would be a great idea.


correction: a great idea–if you’re a thief

a sociopathic thief


Transportation is one of those classic problems in economics that libertardians can’t seem to grasp even the basics of. Not that we’d expect them to.

Which is why they always include the interstate highway system when they say “Hey, it’s ok for government to do SOMEthings for its people!”


Glass surfaces are usually pretty cold, and then the light shoots past so intense that you can feel the change in temperature. uh… or so I’m told.

I had a dream like that. Professor, in the lab. Sometimes I really love being a vivid dreamer.

Savannah’s more fun than Hotlanta anyway

Pfft, every place is better than Atlanta.


Pfft, every place is better than Atlanta.

Obviously, you’ve never been to Paducah.


Or Knoxville.



Suddenly, all this talk of office equipment has me oddly aroused.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Yeah, OK, I exaggerated. I admit there are places worse than Atlanta. Macon, for example.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Suddenly, all this talk of office equipment has me oddly aroused.

Just stay away from the shredder!


Just stay away from the shredder!

I don’t have a peen and that made even me shudder.


Just stay away from the shredder!

I’m not scared. I’ve been married.


Just stay away from the shredder!

I’d add the stapler to that list. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’d add the stapler to that list. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Just ask Karl Rove’s father!


AAAH! Now they’re talking about D&D!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

AAAH! Now they’re talking about D&D!

Just cast a “silence” spell on them.


“I’d Rather Be Matchmoving.”

Um…will you google that for me? I don’t know what that is.


Yeah, can’t be drinking with a wee one inside.

As Free Hot Lunch band sometimes sings, “She’s eating for two now, now I’m drinking for three”


Teh funny.

I have brought some.


Um…will you google that for me? I don’t know what that is.

A) No, Google it yourself.

B) Neither did I. Husband only knew because he’s a film nerd.


Need more polar-bear/human hybrids.
Here you go:


Sharight, like YOU’VE never done it on the platen of a Xerox machine!

I have, but only on a monochrome. A color scanner 1) saves a step in uploading to my fav amateur site, and 2) scanners are more portable, thus allowing for some seriously acrobatic imaging. Good call, T&U.

This could negate the need for etchings one day.


I have brought some.

Aw, you shouldn’t have! And I didn’t get you anything!

Wait…is it OK if I regift?


This could negate the need for etchings one day.



Just stay away from the shredder!

This is the punchline of a Willy Rushton cartoon which I cannot be arsed scanning. Also scanner broken during an attempt to digitise TEH BUTTOCKS.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Sliwa’s such a tool.

How could any decent human being kvetch about anything that caused people to pack the bars at 10AM?


Now they’re talking about D&D!

We’re going away for a short break prior to the July 4 weekend, leaving our now-adult son home (he’s home from Big Midwestern College for the summer). Is he planning drinking and debauchery while we’re away? Why, no…he’s hosting a big D&D session with his nerdy pals.

He and my daughter were talking through the dungeon and the storyboard last night ‘way past when I went to bed.

Shorter me: D&D isn’t the worst possible option.


Um…will you google that for me? I don’t know what that is.

Okay, I’ll take the low hanging froot.


My scanner is at least 5 years old (probably more like 6-7) and takes so long that by the time it would be done, a guy would probably lose his, um, interest.



You see, the Radical Homosexuals are storming through Washington demanding passage of their agenda.

And with the passage of Thought Control last year, they say NOW is the time to push their perverse “life-style” on every man, women and child in America.

And they insist YOU actually support them.

How’d I miss the passage of “Thought Control” last yr.?


Shorter me: D&D isn’t the worst possible option.

Hey, I ain’t judging. I just think it’s hilarious.


How could any decent human being kvetch about anything that caused people to pack the bars at 10AM?

Oh, that’s easy.

His show ends at nine. He’d have to catch up.


How’d I miss the passage of “Thought Control” last yr.?

If you wear a tinfoil hat, the passage didn’t effect you. But it had to be heavy-duty.


How’d I miss the passage of “Thought Control” last yr.?

What makes you think you did?

*puts sunglasses on, hits flashy thing*

Now, you think the Thought Control bill was just an appropriations extension for the Iraq War.

And you’ll ignore the strange man now sharing your bed.


How’d I miss the passage of “Thought Control” last yr.?

I don’t even know what that is! How embarrassing.


My scanner is at least 5 years old (probably more like 6-7) and takes so long that by the time it would be done, a guy would probably lose his, um, interest.

What’s wrong with slow??????????? Did I miss the memo?????

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Shorter me: D&D isn’t the worst possible option.

Just make sure they don’t start LARPing.


by the time it would be done, a guy would probably lose his, um, interest.

That really depends on you.


What’s wrong with slow??????????? Did I miss the memo?????

I’m sorry, what????? I can’t hear you over all those question marks!!!!!!!


Oh wait, no transportation system anywhere can be run for a profit if it has to pay for all costs? Then GIMME GIMME GIMME!

Well, the NEC was doing okay using tax breaks and government bonds to build RR and toll roads, but then Eisenhower came up with that free Autobahn deal and that was the end of that shit.

Yeah, but that’s my point – tax breaks and bonds are not part of the libertarian fantasy of capitalistic self-reliance. Transportation doesn’t pay for itself, but it enables everything else. A society not run by morons will therefore pay out of general funds for a balanced (road and rail) and thorough system.

Anti-disclaimer: My work as an engineer is entirely in buildings, so I get no money by promoting this.


If you wear a tinfoil hat

I was wearing mine on the wrong head…


I’m sorry, what????? I can’t hear you over all those question marks!!!!!!!

No, it’s OK. I just found the confirming memo re: slowly.


Memos. How quaint!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Transportation doesn’t pay for itself, but it enables everything else.

I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well… there’s a metaeconomy which makes the “economy” possible, but the glibertarians just think that the economy is based on sparkly magic Milton Freidman dust.


I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well

Broadband and wireless should probably be in the mix as well.


I was wearing mine on the wrong head…

Silly! Aluminum makes bad condoms!


but the glibertarians just think that the economy is based on sparkly magic Milton Freidman dust.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure his dandruff isn’t worth much.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Broadband and wireless should probably be in the mix as well.



A society not run by morons will therefore pay out of general funds for a balanced (road and rail) and thorough system.

Out here in REAL America, we decided that road construction and even maintenance should all be on bond levies. Guess what kind of shape our roads are in, 10 years on. If you said “awesome”, you would be glibertarian and should drink bleach. The idea of funding necessary services (like schools for fucking instance) with voter approved bonds is fucking stupid. Tax rebels didn’t pay attention to whatever amount of education they got, so why would they support anyone else’s right to a decent education?

My disclaimer, not the same. I do much work with schools.


This could negate the need for etchings one day.

Scanners can be integrated into the etching process.


Silly! Aluminum makes bad condoms!

Oh, so now it’s a bad idea? That’s not what you said before.


Silly! Aluminum makes bad condoms!

I’d imagine they’re even worse as dental dams.


Oh, bullshit, torrential downpour. Now I can’t ride my bike to work (since I don’t have that fancy bike poncho from England).

This is really pissing me off for some reason.


Huh, I would have thought that Al0 would be easy to sterilize and provide a pretty impermeable barrier. Plus it’s rust-resistant.

Er, what’s that noise about sensation?


The idea of funding necessary services (like schools for fucking instance) with voter approved bonds is fucking stupid.

There’s something sort of whorish about that. I can’t picture Wasilla, AK without the poorly-applied bright redpink whore lipstick.


I’d imagine they’re even worse as dental dams.

Especially if you had metal fillings.


Milton Friedman’s theories were vindicated in Russia. I mean if you delete all the data that doesn’t support his theories.

Pupienus Maximus

Helvetica is an oddly fascinating flick. Watch it.


Or did I just make your joke ridiculously obvious there? Sorry if I ruined it.


Transportation doesn’t pay for itself, but it enables everything else.

Fie! Economic development is for other countries! And Texas! But only with OPM. We’re Number One! We’re Number One!


I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well…

And health care (healthy people make better workers) and education (educated people make smarter workers).


Helvetica is an oddly fascinating flick. Watch it.

I think it’s pretty awesome, too. Then again, I’m a dork.


Interestingly, thanks to Bush-era largesse, the tejano economy is booming and they are now a net donor (gack, nearly wrote “donator”) to the Federal till.

The significance of this will whizz right by the heads of every Chamber of Commerce & Republican glee club member and liberteapartybirchian in every foxhole in the countryside, and you can bookmark that.


I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well…

And health care (healthy people make better workers) and education (educated people make smarter workers).

We can’t use Germany as a model for the US. For one thing: Nazis. For another: decent beer. Case closed.


Er, what’s that noise about sensation?

Under the right pH conditions, aluminum can react electrochemically and cause tiny electric shocks.


I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well

I wouldn’t. People actually pay electric bills. Highways are funded thru dedicated taxes as well as general revenues.


Silly! Aluminum makes bad condoms!

I keep telling that husband of mine that, but nooooooooooooooooooooo!


Yeah, but that’s my point – tax breaks and bonds are not part of the libertarian fantasy of capitalistic self-reliance. Transportation doesn’t pay for itself, but it enables everything else. A society not run by morons will therefore pay out of general funds for a balanced (road and rail) and thorough system.

Anti-disclaimer: My work as an engineer is entirely in buildings, so I get no money by promoting this.

My point was to add nuance to your point, which is to say, there were ways for the government to spur economic development without just paying out free cash to all comers, although certainly this did not build a road system as quickly as the gas tax/interstate method. Of course, the quick method had a lot of unintended consequences and since it was the quick method an immense amount of damage was done before it was stopped. (Ironically, if they had paid more attention to the German model instead of going all Mussolini on America’s cities, the IHS might not have had such a detrimental effect on the American landscape, but I digress.)

Just to pile nuance on top of nuance, IHS was paid for with tax dollars, but the maintenance ain’t, and that’s the issue we’re having today. Roman roads they’re not. (Well, there are some exceptions… go to Penna… the human race has never built anything like it on this continent before or since.)

But yeah. What you said. Free roads ain’t free… and goods don’t magically get to market w/o roads (or navigable waterways), and anyone who says otherwise is a dirty fucking liar.


Silly! Aluminum makes bad condoms!
And yet it works far better than a Lithium or a Sodium one would.


And yet it works far better than a Lithium or a Sodium one would.

A whole new wing devoted to pain just opened up in my brain.


Mrs Roboto

And he just sings back, “do itashimashita, Mrs Roboto…”


(Well, there are some exceptions… go to Penna… the human race has never built anything like it on this continent before or since.)

Um, that’s mostly because of Bud Shuster. Google him sometime. The man has the second shortest interstate highway named after him in eastern Pennsylvania.

Why? Because he could!


I would consider utilities (gas, electric, water) to fall under this category as well

I wouldn’t. People actually pay electric bills. Highways are funded thru dedicated taxes as well as general revenues.

However you pay the bills they all fall under infrastructure. They are also best allocated with… wait for it… wait for it… CENTRAL PLANNING. To prevent wasteful duplication of services! A monopoly is chartered (or it’s just run by the gov’t) and its budget and profits are regulated.

This system worked swimmingly for fifty years or more until some fucknuts known as Reaganites tore it all down in pursuit of short-term profits.

It turns out–funny story, actually–that treating housing the same way that you treat telephones, roads, sewers, fresh water, electricity, public transit, radio, railroads, cable TV, etc, doesn’t really work out that well. This put egg on the government’s face that, well, still hasn’t been wiped off. It also turns out that leaving housing (mostly) to the free market but controlling interest rates through a central bank (a la England for about four centuries) works beautifully to create economic stability. This worked swimmingly until some fucknuts known as Greenspan and the Greedclan tore it all down in pursuit of short-term profits.


We can’t use Germany as a model for the US. For one thing: Nazis. For another: decent beer. Case closed.

It’s worth noting that the Krauts were the number three economy in the world (behind us and Japan) last time I looked. This despite quite a few economic woes of their own.


Actor, I’m thinking of the stretches in West PA in the mountains which AFAIK were built in the 60’s.

East PA is notable for having one of the first really modern toll roads. IIRC.


Penna. Tpike?

It was a model for the IHS, IIRC.


Wait, we already have Nazis and decent beer, and you don’t have to look all that hard to find either.


Ja, weh, Sturm u. Drang, za vurkers gott big pay in-creeeses on account uv zee inflashone raets.

Zeyr suckink us drai!


Wait, we already have Nazis and decent beer, and you don’t have to look all that hard to find either.

Our sausages could really use some work, though.


tigris, the difference is that in Germany it’s illegal to sell shitty beer.


Well, Shuster started in 1972. I suspect he’s the culprit.


tigris, the difference is that in Germany it’s illegal to sell shitty beer.

And that’s also true! /tenacious_d_voice


Our sausages could really use some work, though.

*sipping herbal tea quietly*

Pupienus Maximus

Um, that’s mostly because of Bud Shuster. Google him sometime. The man has the second shortest interstate highway named after him in eastern Pennsylvania.

Central Pa, innit? I was one of Bud’s constituents for many years. He was the known as the Prince of Pork. Then John Murtha in the next district over took the title.

Fun fact: Bud often ran unopposed. Nancy Kulp (Miss Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies) was one of the few challengers he faced. Bud hired Buddy Ebsen to do ads calling Kulp “too liberal.”


Ja, weh, Sturm u. Drang, za vurkers gott big pay in-creeeses on account uv zee inflashone raets.

Goddamn vurkers. We don’t need their scum!


Nancy Kulp (Miss Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies) was one of the few challengers he faced.

IIRC, Kulp was the only contender to give him a serious challenge. That was 1984, right?


Helvetica is an oddly fascinating flick. Watch it.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, which should come as a surprise to exactly no one.


Helvetica is an oddly fascinating flick. Watch it.

Do NOT give away the ending!

Pupienus Maximus

A few more (not very) interesting tidbits:

Eisenhower got the idea to have the IHS after seeing how useful the autobahns were in moving armaments and troops. The Pa. Turnpike served as the model for here.

What is now I-80 was originally intended to be another Pa. Turnpike.

The very last section of Interstate 80 – a.k.a. The Keystone Shortway – to be completed was in western Pennsylvania. That was in 1970, long after the rest was done.

I-80 in Pa. serves no major cities. This fact lead to this suggestion (by some wag) for a Pennsylvania slogan contest: “Pennsylvania – Gateway to Ohio”

Pupienus Maximus

IIRC, Kulp was the only contender to give him a serious challenge. That was 1984, right?

Sounds about right.


I-80 in Pa. serves no major cities.

Makes a nice shortcut to Binghamton, tho.

And just because it doesn’t hit a major city doesn’t mean there’s no traffic. You must have tried to get to the Poconos on it a time or two!


*sipping herbal tea quietly*

What? The Germans have delicious sausage.


What? The Germans have delicious sausage.

I believe you might be correct. But clearly you’ve never been to upstate New York, where the brats are thick and juicy.


Our sausages could really use some work, though.

Veiled…oh, nevermind.


Veiled…oh, nevermind.

Yeah, I think we’re beyond that at this point, darlin’.


Our sausages could really use some work, though.

Hey, that’s getting a little personal, there, missy.

Pupienus Maximus

And just because it doesn’t hit a major city doesn’t mean there’s no traffic. You must have tried to get to the Poconos on it a time or two!

Actually, I rarely stopped in the Poconos. I usually kept going to some big city east of there, the name of which escapes me at the moment.

Fun non-fact: the orange traffic cone as seen throughout the summer months on I-80 is the official symbol of Pennsylvania.


WC: Never one to let the obvious pass.


Yeah, I think we’re beyond that at this point, darlin’.

Of course, no one tells me when the rules change.


Of course, no one tells me when the rules change.

Oh, not in general. Just this particular instance.

Pupienus Maximus

I guess it was only a matter of time: toast on a stick.


I wouldn’t. People actually pay electric bills.

Let’s see if the million or so people who just lost their unemployment will actually pay their electric bills. These are among things that nobody needs to do without. We also don’t need the expansion of their infrastructure dependent on a black balance sheet.


I guess it was only a matter of time: toast on a stick.

Is it just me, or are those unnecessarily phallic?


Electricity is theft!

No plates, no utensils. Why the bitching?

And how is a lib going to shove it down your throat if it isn’t shaped for easy insertion?


“actor212 said,
June 30, 2010 at 22:51

Helvetica is an oddly fascinating flick. Watch it.

Do NOT give away the endin”



Christopher Hitchens has esophageal cancer.

(Trying SO HARD not to make jokes about his drinking).


C’mon, joke about Hitch smoking then! [Heaves up lung, laughs!]

And from Toronto, Israel, captured terror weapons!


And from Toronto, Israel, captured terror weapons!

HAHA! Another deadly plot to be a creepy nerd foiled!

From the comments:

The Chief must have known he was telling porkies.

Telling porkies–that’s a new one for me–hilarious.


Canucks talk funny, what can you say?


Telling porkies–that’s a new one for me–hilarious.
Porkie pies. Rhyming slang, innit.
We use different fillings for pies in NZ, but it is awkward to accuse someone of telling “mechanically-recovered meat and ground-up donkeys’ arseholes”.

Pupienus Maximus

We use different fillings for pies in NZ, but it is awkward to accuse someone of telling “mechanically-recovered meat and ground-up donkeys’ arseholes”.

Awkward perhaps but much more appetizing.


My point was to add nuance to your point,

Your first mistake was assuming I’d understand nuance after being awake for more than three hours.


Actually, looking over what you’ve quoted, I’m not sure I was quite all there at that point either.


Has Palin announced her endorsement of this guy yet?


Electricity is theft!

No plates, no utensils. Why the bitching?

And how is a lib going to shove it down your throat if it isn’t shaped for easy insertion?


Christopher Hitchens has esophageal cancer.

Um, Chris?

Looks like there IS a God and he’s finally gotten around to karma-ing your atheist ass.




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