Shorter Steven Den Beste

The original target of the shorter form — accept no imitations!

Some Wrongly Call It Treason

The US Constitution guarantees the right of free speech.

Shorter concept inspired by busy, busy, busy from an idea by D-Squared.


Comments: 3


My favorite from that link:

“We can’t dismiss the possibility that an administration might well lie to the nation in order to get the nation to go to war. I emphatically do not think that is the case now, but it could happen.”


Here’s a non-four-letter word for the making of a deliberately dishonest film attacking one’s own nation in a time of war for the survival of our civilization: “treason”.

Well here’s a four letter word for a deliberately brilliant film attacking one’s own nation in a time of war … for the survival of our civilization: M*A*S*H.


Wow! Can I invoke Godwin’s Law right off the bat for that final paragraph? The Nazis, NAMBLA, and Michael Moore. And he can manage to detest them all equally?


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